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And so very good to hear from you Tom !! I hope and it sounds as if your as

ornery as ever? I bet your garden is going to be looking very pretty and

hope you can do more pictures on your site as I love them. And the

menagerie sounds like it's still growing and well I hope. I'm with you

about the exercise, but don't forget that light has yellow on it also, lol.

Till soon, Heady >:)

Good news

> Good morning everyone and Bob. I can first mention that my doctor

> Goldberg said that there were no brochures on still's disease and was

> very happy to see that we made one. He wants to order at least 100 AND

> WANTS TO PAY FOR THEM. I don't know how much we should charge, but you

> all know what hospitals charge us. Bob, maybe you can write me back

> door so we can start figuring this out. I'm happy about charging a

> hospital and have no nervousness about making it the maximum. :-)




> All so, I had to appointments right in a roll, -I'm using dictation and

> am feeling too lazy to make corrections.- and both were great uppers.

> Doctor Goldberg suggested that I might begin walking and Dr. Freeman

> noted that my sedimentation rate is 2. I really have been feeling the

> best ever.




> Now the tough thing to decide is how hard to push it. The definite best

> feeling is not at all, but I'm wondering if I'm strong enough to give it

> a little more. Yesterday I went to a pigeon fair on my feet rather than

> scooter, then worked in the garden hard. I paid enough for it to think

> that was too much. I still think I could rather easily make myself

> sick, and doing just the right amount of red light green might will be

> as big a challenge as it has been. That doesn't stop me from being

> happy, though.




> I haven't written for a long time, it that Disney and excuse/gives me an

> excuse to ramble. Cardinals, Orioles, indigo Buntings, Goldfinches,

> --lots of color right now at the bird feeder. I also added crested

> geckos to my lizard collection and brought a very pretty pigeon

> yesterday. Let's hope for bull snake eggs




> Love you all,




> Tom Kufahl, made with the Dragon dictation program.


> Tom


> Darn, it's that mad hen again. Web Site

> http://webpages.charter.net/tkufahl/tkufahl/publish2/index.html







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Hi there Tom Tom,

What an impressive doctor you have!! Ordering 100 brochures is just

fantastic! Offering to pay for them yet..is ..well..Super fantastic!!

So your sed rate is within normal range? That is also " good news! "

Sounds as if you are enjoying the outdoors up there in Wausau. How

come we are getting all of this cold rainy crap just a couple hours South??

Well shut my mouth anyway, because today was beautiful!!

We don't have as many birds here this Spring, because of the " cats. " We

put up a sign " go to the neighbor's..the food is better! " No kidding, we

decided to not feed the birds, and have slowly stopped, as it made them

much easier game for the " cats. " We still see them up in the trees, and hear

them singing their songs, as they stop here on their way down to the


We wake up to beautiful bird song every morning, and soon the fragrance of


Lilacs will be filling the air. The beauty of Spring is once again making us


lighter at heart.

What kind of snakes hatched last year?? Was it Bull snakes? When are those

Chamelion eggs supposed to hatch? October? November? I'd love to see those

little ones! Maybe you could send pictures.(not of the snakes..the


Well my friend, enjoy life as much as possible, but don't forget...there is


tht " yellow " light besides the red and the green.

Your fellow Wisconsinite, and Stilligan, tricia

-- Good news

Good morning everyone and Bob. I can first mention that my doctor

Goldberg said that there were no brochures on still's disease and was

very happy to see that we made one. He wants to order at least 100 AND

WANTS TO PAY FOR THEM. I don't know how much we should charge, but you

all know what hospitals charge us. Bob, maybe you can write me back

door so we can start figuring this out. I'm happy about charging a

hospital and have no nervousness about making it the maximum. :-)

All so, I had to appointments right in a roll, -I'm using dictation and

am feeling too lazy to make corrections.- and both were great uppers.

Doctor Goldberg suggested that I might begin walking and Dr. Freeman

noted that my sedimentation rate is 2. I really have been feeling the

best ever.

Now the tough thing to decide is how hard to push it. The definite best

feeling is not at all, but I'm wondering if I'm strong enough to give it

a little more. Yesterday I went to a pigeon fair on my feet rather than

scooter, then worked in the garden hard. I paid enough for it to think

that was too much. I still think I could rather easily make myself

sick, and doing just the right amount of red light green might will be

as big a challenge as it has been. That doesn't stop me from being

happy, though.

I haven't written for a long time, it that Disney and excuse/gives me an

excuse to ramble. Cardinals, Orioles, indigo Buntings, Goldfinches,

--lots of color right now at the bird feeder. I also added crested

geckos to my lizard collection and brought a very pretty pigeon

yesterday. Let's hope for bull snake eggs

Love you all,

Tom Kufahl, made with the Dragon dictation program.


Darn, it's that mad hen again. Web Site


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Dear Tom,

it is truly wonderful to hear from you and I always get a kick out of your

pets. You sound great and I can hear you smiling in your words. Thank you

for sharing the good news and kindness. Be well friend and don't tire too


Love. Sue #2

-- Good news

Good morning everyone and Bob. I can first mention that my doctor

Goldberg said that there were no brochures on still's disease and was

very happy to see that we made one. He wants to order at least 100 AND

WANTS TO PAY FOR THEM. I don't know how much we should charge, but you

all know what hospitals charge us. Bob, maybe you can write me back

door so we can start figuring this out. I'm happy about charging a

hospital and have no nervousness about making it the maximum. :-)

All so, I had to appointments right in a roll, -I'm using dictation and

am feeling too lazy to make corrections.- and both were great uppers.

Doctor Goldberg suggested that I might begin walking and Dr. Freeman

noted that my sedimentation rate is 2. I really have been feeling the

best ever.

Now the tough thing to decide is how hard to push it. The definite best

feeling is not at all, but I'm wondering if I'm strong enough to give it

a little more. Yesterday I went to a pigeon fair on my feet rather than

scooter, then worked in the garden hard. I paid enough for it to think

that was too much. I still think I could rather easily make myself

sick, and doing just the right amount of red light green might will be

as big a challenge as it has been. That doesn't stop me from being

happy, though.

I haven't written for a long time, it that Disney and excuse/gives me an

excuse to ramble. Cardinals, Orioles, indigo Buntings, Goldfinches,

--lots of color right now at the bird feeder. I also added crested

geckos to my lizard collection and brought a very pretty pigeon

yesterday. Let's hope for bull snake eggs

Love you all,

Tom Kufahl, made with the Dragon dictation program.


Darn, it's that mad hen again. Web Site


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  • 3 months later...

In a message dated 9/10/02 1:21:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

fitnessfriends@... writes:

> I just weighed myself and I'm at 245 instead of 250 now.

> YIPEEEEEEE!!! And that's without trying too hard!!! That makes me

> want to go exercise!!!!


Weight to go ...that is awesome!



If it is to be...it is up to me.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Sandy. I just wanted to thank you and everyone on your list again

for all your help regarding my son B's vaccine exemption. We submitted

the religious exemption on November 14th and as of yet, have had no

response (negative or otherwise). Thank you!


Mom to B - 10 years old

Sandy Mintz



" Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. " - Wendell

(1811-1884), paraphrasing Philpot Curran (1808)













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  • 2 months later...

In a message dated 2/21/03 5:24:20 PM Eastern Standard Time, kmh@...


> His previous

> doctor we saw last May 2 weeks after his autism diagnosis and when I

> asked how he could be sure that Tim could see with so little input

> from Tim, he responded with he " didn't know what my expectations were

> for him but his vision was the least of my worries " . So after not

> being completely settled with Tim's vision and wondering if this MD

> had just given up on him, I finally took him to someone else who

> seems to think that Tim is seeing quite well except for some

> astigmatism.

This happened to me too ! I can't remember exactly but he said the

glasses were not to important because she wouldn't be learning to read very

soon. Something like that. I changed doctors and happy that I did.

Diane :)

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In a message dated 2/21/03 5:24:20 PM Eastern Standard Time, kmh@...


> His previous

> doctor we saw last May 2 weeks after his autism diagnosis and when I

> asked how he could be sure that Tim could see with so little input

> from Tim, he responded with he " didn't know what my expectations were

> for him but his vision was the least of my worries " . So after not

> being completely settled with Tim's vision and wondering if this MD

> had just given up on him, I finally took him to someone else who

> seems to think that Tim is seeing quite well except for some

> astigmatism.

This happened to me too ! I can't remember exactly but he said the

glasses were not to important because she wouldn't be learning to read very

soon. Something like that. I changed doctors and happy that I did.

Diane :)

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In a message dated 2/21/2003 5:24:36 PM Eastern Standard Time, kmh@...


> think that Tim is seeing quite well except for some

> astigmatism. I am thrilled that we left a visit with some good news

> for once as well as seeing a doctor that was very professional with

> us.


That is INDEED good news !!!!!! I'm happy for Tim and for his Mom!!



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Hi Diane,

Thanks for the words of encouragement on the potty training thing. It has

been a very long five years with 3 boys five and under trying to " get

everyone OUT of diapers " !!!!:) I am hopeful thought that it will

happen. School is as dedicated to it as I am...that is one very big plus

that I have going for me right now. As far as the diagnosis on his

eyes.....What ARE these doctors thinking????? Hard to believe that some of

them are out there for our children!!!!! The one that told me his vision

was the least of my worries has 3 very young children himself and had I not

been in such shock I would have told him it is all " luck of the draw " when

it comes to the things I have been dealing with......thanks again!!

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That's great news. I know it makes a huge difference to have good

doctors. Brook's ped opthmalogist is really great. He has been known to give

him an exam on the floor outside the exam room in the hall. Last time we

went, a few months ago, Brook sat very nicely in the room and let the Dr.

look in his eyes. I attribute his improved behavior to Risperdal.


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  • 4 months later...
Guest guest

Great news about david! Glad you dont have to move- too bad its not further

east, LOL.

To forward something- highlight the text, go to edit, select copy, open a new

email, go to edit (make sure the cursor is in the body of the letter), select

paste, put our addy on top and send away!

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Elaine, WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for your family. I'm glad you

can take a breather and not be bothered by the stress bug. I know things

will be just fine so congratulations and keep us posted on how he and his

students are doing.

>From: " Tubafour " <dbonorato4@...>

>< >

>Subject: Good News

>Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 19:41:04 -0400


> (dh) has a JOB!! He will be teaching special education to kids

>labeled moderately intellectually disabled at 's high school.

> is so tickled about this. We were very worried that he wouldn't

>get hired by anyone and we'd have to move again. We are probably going to

>move some time in the future to get the best adult services for but

>right now is not a good time. has to go back to school to get his

>degree in sped but because he already has a graduate degree, he has to get

>a master's in it. I think this is bogus but....It will make him a little

>expensive to hire though. Oh well, good with the bad. After his

>retirement from the Army in Feb. of this year, this is a welcome relief.

> How do you forward things to the list? I have some other good news

>that I'd like to share.





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Congratulations ! I know this has taken a load off of your mind

Elaine. Can't wait to hear the other good news.

Sharon H.

Mom to , (11, DS) and , (7)

South Carolina

Good News

> (dh) has a JOB!! He will be teaching special education to kids

labeled moderately intellectually disabled at 's high school.

is so tickled about this. We were very worried that he wouldn't get

hired by anyone and we'd have to move again. We are probably going to move

some time in the future to get the best adult services for but right

now is not a good time. has to go back to school to get his degree in

sped but because he already has a graduate degree, he has to get a master's

in it. I think this is bogus but....It will make him a little expensive to

hire though. Oh well, good with the bad. After his retirement from the

Army in Feb. of this year, this is a welcome relief.

> How do you forward things to the list? I have some other good news

that I'd like to share.

> Elaine




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  • 2 months later...

Hi Lynn,

Isn't it *great* to get some *good* news for a change? This is something

that can tide you over until the disabilty comes through.

Also I was very, very happy to read that today is mostly painfree for you!

Take care my friend,

Hugs, tricia



-- Good News

Hi friends,

Found out there is no welfare so to speak in Wisconsin but I do qualify for

the " foodstamp " program. The woman that helped me was very nice and said it

was awful that single sick people just fall thru the cracks. If I were

pregnant or had kids I could get medicaid also!! What an incentive, huh?

Anyway, they referred me to a program run by the Marshfield Clinic

physicians. I contacted them today and for $16.50 a month they will take

care of all my medical needs and medications, mental health and preventative

dental. The only thing they don't cover is inpatient hospital, but I would

qualify for charity if that were to happen. Best thing is all my doctors

are covered, except my neurosurgeon, and I hope and pray I won't need him in

the near future anyway. If I don't like the rheumy they have I can continue

to go the MPS to as they will treat me without insurance also.

So anyway, while I wait for Social Security I have a bit more peace of mind

and that on the most painfree day I have ever had!!

Lynn Dudenhoefer



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I am just ecstatic for you Lyn. There are services available and I couldn't

be happier that you have found some that will work for you!!!! It does help

the pain doesn't it? Smiles, Melt

----- Original Message -----

From: " Lynn D " <ldudette@...>

> Hi friends,

> Found out there is no welfare so to speak in Wisconsin but I do qualify

for the " foodstamp " program. Anyway, they referred me to a program run by

the Marshfield Clinic physicians. I contacted them today and for $16.50 a

month they will take care of all my medical needs and medications, mental

health and preventative dental.

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I am just ecstatic for you Lyn. There are services available and I couldn't

be happier that you have found some that will work for you!!!! It does help

the pain doesn't it? Smiles, Melt

----- Original Message -----

From: " Lynn D " <ldudette@...>

> Hi friends,

> Found out there is no welfare so to speak in Wisconsin but I do qualify

for the " foodstamp " program. Anyway, they referred me to a program run by

the Marshfield Clinic physicians. I contacted them today and for $16.50 a

month they will take care of all my medical needs and medications, mental

health and preventative dental.

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that's good news friend. Thanks for sharing with us. Have a wonderful day

friend, and keep smiling.

Love. Sue #2

-- Good News

Hi friends,

Found out there is no welfare so to speak in Wisconsin but I do qualify for

the " foodstamp " program. The woman that helped me was very nice and said it

was awful that single sick people just fall thru the cracks. If I were

pregnant or had kids I could get medicaid also!! What an incentive, huh?

Anyway, they referred me to a program run by the Marshfield Clinic

physicians. I contacted them today and for $16.50 a month they will take

care of all my medical needs and medications, mental health and preventative

dental. The only thing they don't cover is inpatient hospital, but I would

qualify for charity if that were to happen. Best thing is all my doctors

are covered, except my neurosurgeon, and I hope and pray I won't need him in

the near future anyway. If I don't like the rheumy they have I can continue

to go the MPS to as they will treat me without insurance also.

So anyway, while I wait for Social Security I have a bit more peace of mind

and that on the most painfree day I have ever had!!

Lynn Dudenhoefer



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Lynn, I am so happy for you! This trying to have a life with AOSD is

challenge enough without having to worry about money and whether you can

afford to see the doctor or even afford to eat a healthy diet. I hope

this relieves a bunch of that stress you have had with moving, not

feeling well, not working, etc. Take care, Louise.

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Thats awesome Lynn this group that covers ur medical exspenses for 16.50 a month

sounds like a great thing wow.Take care hopfully ur aprroval for disabilty will

turn out too. d.Canada

Good News

Hi friends,

Found out there is no welfare so to speak in Wisconsin but I do qualify for

the " foodstamp " program. The woman that helped me was very nice and said it was

awful that single sick people just fall thru the cracks. If I were pregnant or

had kids I could get medicaid also!! What an incentive, huh? Anyway, they

referred me to a program run by the Marshfield Clinic physicians. I contacted

them today and for $16.50 a month they will take care of all my medical needs

and medications, mental health and preventative dental. The only thing they

don't cover is inpatient hospital, but I would qualify for charity if that were

to happen. Best thing is all my doctors are covered, except my neurosurgeon,

and I hope and pray I won't need him in the near future anyway. If I don't like

the rheumy they have I can continue to go the MPS to as they will

treat me without insurance also.

So anyway, while I wait for Social Security I have a bit more peace of mind

and that on the most painfree day I have ever had!!

Lynn Dudenhoefer



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Marshfield Clinic has very good docs! They are equal, if not better, than

Mayo. Good luck! Yes, I know about Wisconsin being a big waste hole for

single people! Sorry you had to join me. Just speak up and fight for your

rights or they'll just walk all over you, and you won't be feeling better

for a long time.

(((((Hugs and kisses to my sisters and brothers in Wisconsin!)))))



Stoughton, WI 53589

-- Good News

Hi friends,

Found out there is no welfare so to speak in Wisconsin but I do qualify for

the " foodstamp " program. The woman that helped me was very nice and said it

was awful that single sick people just fall thru the cracks. If I were

pregnant or had kids I could get medicaid also!! What an incentive, huh?

Anyway, they referred me to a program run by the Marshfield Clinic

physicians. I contacted them today and for $16.50 a month they will take

care of all my medical needs and medications, mental health and preventative

dental. The only thing they don't cover is inpatient hospital, but I would

qualify for charity if that were to happen. Best thing is all my doctors

are covered, except my neurosurgeon, and I hope and pray I won't need him in

the near future anyway. If I don't like the rheumy they have I can continue

to go the MPS to as they will treat me without insurance also.

So anyway, while I wait for Social Security I have a bit more peace of mind

and that on the most painfree day I have ever had!!

Lynn Dudenhoefer



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Version: 6.0.515 / Virus Database: 313 - Release Date: 9/1/2003

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Yes I am so happy. And if I get income they will charge me on a sliding scale.

I just can't believe I will get everything for 16 bucks a month, I am paying

hundreds now. I also signed up for a free membership at the YMCA so I can do my

pool therapy again. Dropped to 10 on the pred from 12.5 and the pain is back

today. This is the lowest dose I have ever been on. should be interesting.

Saw my OB today and he is pretty sure my " female problems " are vestibulitis,

which he said is very common in people with auto immune disorders. Such fun.

Only real fix is surgery. Yikes.

Luv ya

Good News

Hi friends,

Found out there is no welfare so to speak in Wisconsin but I do qualify for

the " foodstamp " program. The woman that helped me was very nice and said it

was awful that single sick people just fall thru the cracks. If I were

pregnant or had kids I could get medicaid also!! What an incentive, huh?

Anyway, they referred me to a program run by the Marshfield Clinic

physicians. I contacted them today and for $16.50 a month they will take

care of all my medical needs and medications, mental health and preventative

dental. The only thing they don't cover is inpatient hospital, but I would

qualify for charity if that were to happen. Best thing is all my doctors

are covered, except my neurosurgeon, and I hope and pray I won't need him in

the near future anyway. If I don't like the rheumy they have I can continue

to go the MPS to as they will treat me without insurance also.

So anyway, while I wait for Social Security I have a bit more peace of mind

and that on the most painfree day I have ever had!!

Lynn Dudenhoefer



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Hey Jules,

did you get a chance to check out any of the sites that I sent you? I hope it

does help. Yeah, most of my docs here are with marshfield. Saw my ob/gyn today

and he finally told me what my female problems are. vestibulitis. very common

in those with immune disorders. I was so relieved. I have been going nuts and

feel like I have to pee constantly. The only real effective cure is surgery

though. I will keep you posted.

Luv ya

Good News

Hi friends,

Found out there is no welfare so to speak in Wisconsin but I do qualify for

the " foodstamp " program. The woman that helped me was very nice and said it

was awful that single sick people just fall thru the cracks. If I were

pregnant or had kids I could get medicaid also!! What an incentive, huh?

Anyway, they referred me to a program run by the Marshfield Clinic

physicians. I contacted them today and for $16.50 a month they will take

care of all my medical needs and medications, mental health and preventative

dental. The only thing they don't cover is inpatient hospital, but I would

qualify for charity if that were to happen. Best thing is all my doctors

are covered, except my neurosurgeon, and I hope and pray I won't need him in

the near future anyway. If I don't like the rheumy they have I can continue

to go the MPS to as they will treat me without insurance also.

So anyway, while I wait for Social Security I have a bit more peace of mind

and that on the most painfree day I have ever had!!

Lynn Dudenhoefer



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Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).

Version: 6.0.515 / Virus Database: 313 - Release Date: 9/1/2003

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Hi Caroline,

I want you to check Southwest Airlines and see what kind of a deal they'll

give you. I know that Vegas is one of their hubs but I don't know where you are

in Oregon that would be close to a large airport.

I so much want to meet you also. I forgot already....who am I supposed to

hold hostage?

Please try to be with us.......



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Hi Caroline,

I want you to check Southwest Airlines and see what kind of a deal they'll

give you. I know that Vegas is one of their hubs but I don't know where you are

in Oregon that would be close to a large airport.

I so much want to meet you also. I forgot already....who am I supposed to

hold hostage?

Please try to be with us.......



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