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August 20, 2000

To Gammill, Sc.D.

, this letter does not mean to imply that I am going to refrain from referring this matter to the F.B.I. for them to determine if you should or should not be investigated. I feel I would be Derelict in my Duty if I did not pursue this course of action.

However, believe it or not, , I feel a sense of concern for you because in some strange way I feel indebted to you.

, your criticisms of me and my research brought out the best in me. This has proved to be my most invaluable experience while being a member of cures for canceregroups.

, it all has something to do with a quality known as The Truth.

I wish for everyone to know this - If you are telling The Truth, have no fear, even if the World stands against you.

The Truth is a limitless source of sweet, enduring strength.

, I trust by now that you are aware of my philosophy, Socrates said it best:

" The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance. "

, your actions were evil when you tried to maintain a veil of ignorance over the anti-Cancer effectiveness of Thioproline.

However, , there is still time to prove yourself a valuable member of society, and your own words reveal the way; in your August 18, 2000 posting, 'Re: Is Dr. Gammill a criminal?', you stated:

" ,

Your are right. You win. Thioproline is the most wonderful invention in all of creation. You deserve the Nobel Prize. Thank you, thank you, . Please leave me out of all future thioproline discussions. "

, the time has arrived when you need to tell The Truth, The Whole Truth, and nothing but The Truth about Thioproline.

, if the F.B.I. does decide to pursue this matter, and if you are consequently brought before the Bar of Justice and found guilty, I am sure that your revelation of the details about Thioproline at this time in this public forum would greatly help to reduce the severity of any sentence which might be imposed upon you.

Throughout the World, those suffering from Cancer could immediately derive benefit from your knowledge about Thioproline, .

you will be Derelict in your Duty, and you will continue to be acting in an evil manner if you prefer that the World remains in ignorance of the details of the Cancer curing power of Thioproline; consequently, I cannot comply with your request:

" .....Please leave me out of all future thioproline discussions. "

, rather than rancor, I feel a sense of sadness, a sadness in seeing how your wonderful talents have been corrupted in promoting this evil enterprise, namely - The willful attempt to suppress the knowledge of the cure for Cancer.

, jsr1936@...

The Cure for Cancer?, www.datadepo.com/cures for cancer/tac-cure.htm

Post Script -

, tomorrow I will begin my countdown. j.s.r.

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