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I DELETE without reading, every single thing that is posted by this

delusional ego-manical cancer obcessed poster.

I never want to see another email addressed to me privately by this person.

I consider a DANGEROUS person, neither knowledgeable about

medicine or natural healing. His error of EXPERIMENTING with people's

health, and preying on their desparation is deplorable, irresponsible, and


These are the kindest things that I can say.

I consider to be as dangerous as medicos who prescribe

medications (chemo) that are toxic, yet would never use those therapies


There are plenty of well-established natural therapies and products of

natural available to cure any cancer we know of. Cancer is not just about

your " one cure for cancer " , , it's about the lives of people who are

awakened by it, both the patient and their family.

IMHO, cancer studies are nothing more than human experiments, which I find

to be a BARBARIC EXPLOITATION of a fear/profit based industry, whose demise

would collapse our economy as we know it.

I would prefer, that our society gradually evolve and awaken one person at

a time, to the strengths and inherent healing potential that we are

incarnated with.

The first rule of healing is FIRST DO NO HARM.

The second rule of healing is that the body is SELF-HEALING.

To deny each of these rules, is to deny the power and pressence of GOD in

our lives.

Definition of power:

1. Ability to act or do

2. Possession of control or command over others

3. Work done, or energy transfered per unit of time

4. Energy, force, or momentum

5. Capacity of exerting force or overcoming strong resistence

Hanna Kroger often taught that the remarkable provision of God was to place

within 350 feet of each and every person the remedy that they need.

We aren't in need of a cure, dear , we are in need of SIGHT to

see the power of God in our lives to heal us.

We are in need of moderation in our diet, attitudes, and lifestyles.

We have forgotten what we are made for, and that's for HIS GOOD PLEASURE.

We are too stressed out to even plan a family vacation or our next week's

grocery list.

All organization, moderation, and order is missing in our lives. That's

why we are becoming ill. Cancer is not an individual problem of how to

cure a PERSON. Cancer is our curse for denying our CORPORATE

responsibilities to each other.

We have forgotten how to honor ourselves and each other.

The key to healing is restoring the power of God in our lives, it's not the

magic Immunocal, magic fungus, or latest detox program. Those are all

foils and " devices " brought to us by GOD to demonstrate his POWER to heal


It's entirely possible to spontaneously heal, happens all the time.

'nuff said.

Be well,

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