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> I also have had low cholestral and did end up with some

> cardio-vascular irregularities, but did have an extremely

> high homocystine

> level for some reason -could be genetic. But in the meantime

In Denver (and some other cities) there are " heart imaging "

centers. This technology takes a " picture " of the heart and

can tell exactly how much plaque has built up around your heart.

I listened to a radio program on it a few days ago. The

frightening thing is that the cholesterol count is proving to

have little to do with how much blockage there is of the heart.

I learned that a treadmill test won't detect blockage unless

there is at least 60% blockage!! There were people on this

radio show who had great HDL/LDL ratios, cholesterol count,

blood pressure and who ran marathons, but who had 90% blockage

when they went in for heart imaging. There were others who

didn't exercise, smoked, had high cholesterol, and had absolutely

clear arteries, no blockage at all. Must be genetics, or some

as yet unidentified factor.

Several people on this radio show told how this saved their

lives, because they had no idea thay had such severe blockage

and they were able to take action to avoid a heart attack.

I've read for years that the cholesterol thing is almost completely

bogus. It may indicate trends, but I don't think this is

enough info to make life-style choices over.

They also talked on this show about how most of the common

heart disease indicators (HDL/LDL ratio, cholesterol count etc)

are even less predictive for females than for males. They

said the #1 killer of women is heart disease (NOT breast cancer).

Previously I've read about women reporting heart pain and

being evaluated in an emergency room. EKG etc all normal.

They were released and promptly died of a heart attack.

I think females especially should be suspicious of " risk

factors " . If you have low risk factors, you could still

be right around the corner from a heart attack.

The radio show host and 2 of his friends went in for imaging.

The host is a vegetarian, exercises, takes vitamins, has low

cholesterol, good HDL/LDL ratio and has virtually no risk

factors. His heart image showed plaque more advanced than

the average for his age. One of his friends is a marathon

runner, low cholesterol, good HDL/LDL etc, and had very advanced

plaque formation for his age. Their other friend who they

have been after to change his life style because he smokes

and leads an " unhealthy " life style had absolutely clean


I would love to have one of these tests myself. Maybe I can

talk a doc into ordering this for me.

I think their web site is heartscan.com



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  • 7 months later...
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Hi Melisa,

Wish I knew what to tell you, but I don't. I will however be sure to say a prayer for you ;-)

{{{HUGS}}} & God bless, Bonnie

*****************************With God, ALL things are possible.*****************************

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Hi Melisa,

I'm sure it was unexpected, hon. I'm also sure, like TexasMom said, you have really changed you eating habits and lifestyle, so I'm pretty certain the test will show a big improvement. Not to mention we'll trust God :-)

{{{HUGS}}} & God bless, Bonnie

*****************************With God, ALL things are possible.*****************************

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  • 2 weeks later...
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I have a problem with low cholesterol too. The reason it is a problem is

because good cholesterol levels are essential for your body to produce

hormones. Some ways I've brought it up are by eating " good " fats, like olive

oil, flaxseed oil, and butter instead of margerine. Other good things to eat

are fish and eggs; but avoid frying. Margerine is pretty bad; it lowers good

cholesterol (which helps produce hormones) and raises bad cholesterol (which

clogs arteries).

>>>a friend of mine (PWC) has just came back from an app. with her dr. He

told her she had high level of calcium and low level of cholesterol - he also

said it wasn't good. He didn't explain why and what to do about it so she's a

bit scared. Please, if you find anything, let us know. thanks


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  • 2 years later...

Hey , your doc is right about the connection of inflammation and heart

disease, but he wants your cholesterol under 100? Maybe he meant 200. IN

fact they say now over 200 is okay as long as your CHD risk is good, your

good cholesterol needs to be above 50, that happens with excercise. I cant

remember which is which, HDL vs LDL.


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, your rhuemy isnt seriously considering giving you cholesterol meds to

get you below 100 is she? If you are 150 or even 175 you dont need to take

those meds, first of all they are very hard on the liver, I dont know if you

are taking mtx or not, but you shouldnt take them both. that's just crazy.

Doesnt she understand that she needs to go by your HDL and LDL levels and

not worry so much about the total number?? Now if your total was 3 or 400

then I could see her wanting to use meds IF diet and excercise didnt work

first. I would talk to another doctor about this if I were you.

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  • 1 month later...

> I was wondering if anyone had tracked their cholesterol during a

> challenge.

Hi ,

I meant to reply to your post yesterday but didn't get a chance to.

I have heard that EAS is sponsoring a research study at Skidmore

College in Saratoga Springs, NY that sets up the BFL program against

the American Heart Association's recommended diet/workout plan to

lower cholesterol. I imagine that EAS is paying for this study

because they theorize that BFL will lower cholesterol levels more

than the AHA's plan.

I would imagine that BFL will probably come out on top. The benefits

of the program and its influence on elevated cholesterol levels is

pretty straightforward, as I've been trying to prove to my mom for

over a year now (my mom has super-high cholesterol and would rather

live with that than eat 6x day). Anyway, it's been suggested through

research studies that three sessions of lifting weights per week will

lower your overall cholesterol levels 10-15% without any change in

diet, and once processed foods with trans-fatty acids are removed

from the diet (free day is okay), the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL)

can be expected to go down as well. Adding good fats like flax oil

and nuts (within reason) are good ways to raise good cholesterol

(HDL). Also, I don't know if it's been proven, but I think it's been

studied that eating multiple small meals per day and keeping blood

sugar/insulin levels in check is beneficial for lowering cholesterol.

If I was using BFL as a way to lower cholesterol levels, I would keep

my carbohydrates on the low end of the glycemic scale (oatmeal is

excellent--the Quaker commercials are right) and also get as much

fiber as you can (that means do not cut out fruit). Eating whole

foods is one way to increase your fiber consumption--choose an apple

and cottage cheese over a meal replacement shake. Try to lower your

consumption of breads and pasta, tortillas and pitas, and make sure

you're eating very lean cuts of meat (90% or lower ground beef, no

pork chops (pork tenderloin is okay), lean chicken).

I would recommend making sure that the weight lifting exercises are

performed correctly and safely, using proper breathing technique and

form. People with elevated cholesterol are at greater risk for a

heart attack and need to take care when beginning an exercise program.


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This is not an official study or anything, but after my mother lost

50 pounds on BFL (in 3 challenges, three years ago), her cholesterol

went down from 210 to 170! Her dr. was amazed; she was going to put

my mom on medication and didn't have to. Since then, my mom's gained

back about 12 pounds but has maintained that weight; her cholesterol

is still at 170.

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  • 2 years later...
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Hi Myrna,

Ari, (Ariana Estelle), used to say that Kombucha tea made with Pu-erh tea

cuts cholesterol. You might want to give it a try.

Have you had your thyroid hormone level checked, low thyroid can cause high

cholesterol too. As I understand it the measurement of C-Reactive Protein is

more indicative of problems than cholesterol.

Wishing you the best of health and happiness.

Peace, Love and Harmony,


Manna International: Kombucha Information and Resources

Kombucha Drops - Convenient, Safe, Effective, Easy to use.


Manna Green Tea Extract - Liquid Green Tea Extract


100% Certified Organic ingredients: made and packaged in Glass!

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Hey all,

and just to add. Cholesterol can always be fought with Omega 3 fatty acids,

like that found in Salmon and pink fish. But of course, if your a

vegetarian, this won't do you any good. :)

Re: Cholesterol

Hi Myrna,

Ari, (Ariana Estelle), used to say that Kombucha tea made with Pu-erh tea

cuts cholesterol. You might want to give it a try.

Have you had your thyroid hormone level checked, low thyroid can cause


cholesterol too. As I understand it the measurement of C-Reactive Protein


more indicative of problems than cholesterol.

Wishing you the best of health and happiness.

Peace, Love and Harmony,


Manna International: Kombucha Information and Resources

Kombucha Drops - Convenient, Safe, Effective, Easy to use.


Manna Green Tea Extract - Liquid Green Tea Extract


100% Certified Organic ingredients: made and packaged in Glass!

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Hello sweet Bev,

I make all of my KT with a cross of Oolong, Imperial White and a good English

black tea. All are of high quality. I have not found a good source of Pu-erh

around here. I really don't like to order on the Internet so am still looking.

It is not the high Cholesterol that concerns me. It is the plaque in my Aorta

that concerns me most. I had a chest x-ray because I was coughing a lot and

they discovered that most of the artery is white. Looks really strange. The

heart doctor they sent me to says it has nothing to do with my diet but instead

it is hereditary. I know that Cholesterol levels are overrated. I have been

thinking about asking for the C-Reactive Protein test so guess that is my next

move. Thanks for your kind advice. Also I am looking into Cayenne pepper also

like suggested. You are all so wonderful!

Sell a Country?

Why not sell the Air, The Clouds, and the great Sea? Did not the Great Spirit

make them All for the use of his Children?

Tecumse, ee General

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I have been taking 200 ml of Salmon oil everyday for over two years. So far

no help but thanks for the advise.

Sell a Country?

Why not sell the Air, The Clouds, and the great Sea? Did not the Great Spirit

make them All for the use of his Children?

Tecumse, ee General

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Hi...when you get the chance watch the movie " Lorenzo's Oil " w/Nick Nolte

who plays the father that researched and made history regarding the

importance of essential oils. It's a true story and truly motivated me as I

went through the drk years with pain from M.S. ......we can chat more on

the, Kombucha off-topic list, by Mark-nSuze. Dolores

Re: Re: Cholesterol


> I have been taking 200 ml of Salmon oil everyday for over two years. So

> far

> no help but thanks for the advise.



> Sell a Country?

> Why not sell the Air, The Clouds, and the great Sea? Did not the Great

> Spirit

> make them All for the use of his Children?

> Tecumse, ee General




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I too have MS. Are you on any meds? Do you find that kombucha helps with

your MS? I don't know if it helps with mine, but i have been very lucky the

pas several years to be free of major MS related episodes. If you would

like to swap life style coping mechanisms please contact me off the list.

Take care,

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Hi ,

If you haven't already done so...sign up on the -kombucha-off topic

list by mark-n-suze, it's fun and very informative. In the message section

you will be able to locate the mail I sent off to Marge this a.m. and it

pretty well sums up most of what I'm doing right now for maintence besides

kombucha. (foremost importance...I " experienced " episodes of MS...I no

longer lay claim to it or have it...and have the outdoor pics to verify).

Sure, let's do that... we can also chat off line as well...for privacy

needs. Warm regards !!!.........Dolores

Re: Re: Cholesterol


> Dolores,


> I too have MS. Are you on any meds? Do you find that kombucha helps with

> your MS? I don't know if it helps with mine, but i have been very lucky

> the

> pas several years to be free of major MS related episodes. If you would

> like to swap life style coping mechanisms please contact me off the list.

> Take care,








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I couldn't find that list Dolores, do you know its exact name?



Re: Re: Cholesterol


> Hi ,

> If you haven't already done so...sign up on the -kombucha-off topic

> list by mark-n-suze, it's fun and very informative.

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Hi Terry,...I just did a cut and paste from Mark's message...hope it works

if not give us a shout...Dolores

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Re: Re: Cholesterol




>> Hi ,

>> If you haven't already done so...sign up on the -kombucha-off topic

>> list by mark-n-suze, it's fun and very informative.





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Consider Pu-erh tea

French researchers at St. Antoine Hospital in Paris found

that three cups of pu-erh a day for a month brought lipids

down 25 % in 20 hyperlipidemia patients, while those on

other teas showed no change. These tests showed pu-erh

performed at least as well as clofibrate, the most advanced

medicine for the purpose, without the drug's side effects.

It has since been shown to help reduce body weight. The

Chinese claim that pu-erh also can lower blood alcohol after

drinking, relieves any overstuffed feelings and aids

digestion by stimulating secretions of the digestive organs.


Even better news is that the test was conducted with Pu-erh

Mini Tuocha these are small inexpensive one year mushrooms.

There are at least ten grades of pu-erh as well as shapes

and sizes and the age is an important factor. More great

news is that it makes a great kombucha tea. A favorite of

Bob and Colleen.

Although there is no research supporting that pu-erh tea

fermented in kombucha would prove as affective as 3 simple

cups of plain tea it is a valid theory. and either way a

great cup of tea.

Ed Kasper LAc. Licensed Acupuncturist & Herbalist

Acupuncture is a jab well done

www.HappyHerbalist.com Santa Cruz, CA.

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  • 6 months later...

Hey coming from a family that has high chlostrol issues as well as heart disease it is a scary issue. At 21 I was put on lipator. Very expensive if your insurance does not cover it. What was your number? I only stayed on it for about 1 yr. After that I am tested yearly and am happy to say my numbers are better now than they were when I was 130 lbs. So I have been able to control mine by diet. I maybe overweight BUT I eat better than I did when I was skinny. Go figure. If you are borderline I would suggest asking the dr if you could try a 3 month diet plan. More chicken. More fish. More lean cuts of meat. More veggies. I know my dr says 200 is the mark to hit to be under. Then you have to look at both the good and bad. Right now my bad is up about 10 points from last year so it is something I am working on. AND mind you I am no where close to being considered high. BUT I take it seriously.

NH... Mom to Abby Liz 10/94 Anne 7/99

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>My cholesterol is very high and I have to start on

> Lipitor.


> Does anyone here take this? Are there any side effects to beware of?

Every drug has side effects.

What I *will* suggest, though, is to seriously consider switching to a vegan

diet - no meat or dairy. Dr. Dean Ornish pioneered the field in reversing

heart disease (high cholesterol included) with a very low fat vegetarian

diet (non-fat dairy & egg whites are allowed on his plan, with the eventual

adding back of low fat meats, like lean chicken & fish) and Dr.

McDougall takes it one step further by eliminating all dairy - strict

vegetarian - for a permanent food plan. These veg plans are practically

guaranteed to bring cholesterol levels down. Ornish's plan is easiest to

stick with long-term, I think, especially if you're not a vegetarian


Dr. Ornish is now working with Mc's to develop a more heart-healthy

menu. We have him to thank for all those salads and healthier kids' meals.

He also mentions things like stress relief - mostly yoga and meditation -

and how important they are to a healthy lifestyle.

Check your library for Dr. Ornish's book:

Dr. Dean Ornish's Program for Reversing Heart Disease: The Only System

Scientifically Proven to Reverse Heart Disease Without Drugs or Surgery

(Paperback edition in Amazon is $7.99 new)

or Dr. McDougall's heart book:

The McDougall Program for a Healthy Heart : A Life-Saving Approach to

Preventing and Treating Heart Disease

($10.95 new in Amazon, but I bought this from half.com for under $1)

You can also check out their websites:





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  • 4 months later...

In a message dated 2/8/06 2:08:06 PM Eastern Standard Time,

johnmagal@... writes:

> fibers, oats instead of bread, policonasol


I no longer eat grains because of their inflamatory properties. What makes

policonasol better than nattokinese? Have you actually tried it or do you know

anyone that has?

As for fiber, I do eat beans, which I love.

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In a message dated 2/8/06 2:49:56 PM Eastern Standard Time,

johnmagal@... writes:

> I know three people who reduced their cholesterol by about 15% taking

> policonasol


Thank you..I will look into it...is that from Life Extension?

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