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On 2/10/2006 at 10:47:53 A.M. Central Standard Time wrote:

.. Great thanks to Maggie in Alabama who put me in touch with and who in turn linked me with Dr. Reardon. Woods was my angel in need. Special thanks for all her assistance and care.

You are most welcome. I don't know if is reading the

boards now or not but I am sure she was glad to help. She

is a great gal.

Glad you are doing well and hope you will keep in touch.

We often need success stories to encourage new members.



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-Wonderful news . Keep in touch with your recovery.

-- In achalasia , " uquak " <uquak@...> wrote:


> All,


> I wrote the mail below, when I embarked on a search for the right

> doctor to treat my achalasia.


> Happy to inform you all that I had my esophageal myotomy +

> fundoplication done by Dr. Reardon at the Methodist


> in Houston, on Jan 5th, 2006. It was a laparoscopic procedure.


> The ops was a huge success and there has been no post ops

> complications. I am eating well and I am back in Muscat.


> Thanks to you all, because without this group, it would not have

> been possible to get the right surgeon. Great thanks to Maggie in

> Alabama who put me in touch with and who in turn linked me

> with Dr. Reardon. Woods was my angel in need. Special thanks

> for all her assistance and care.


> Will keep you all posted on my progress.


> Regards,




> xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

> From: achalasia [mailto:achalasia ]

> On Behalf Of uquak

> Sent: September 23, 2005 2:19 AM

> achalasia

> Subject: New Member




> Hi,


> I just signed up a couple of days back.


> I have been suffering from Achalasia for close on to 20 years now,

> although I only got to know the name of the condition last year!!!

> How? through a barium xray test.


> I intend to come to the US before the end of the year to do the

> required surgery. I will be staying in the Atlanta area, but will

> also be visiting Houston.


> Going through the list of practitioners who can handle this type of

> surgery, I came across Dr. Reardon. Is he still available

> and does anyone know his current email address/ telephone number?


> 2ndly, will appreciate any other referrals.


> I am presently living/working in the middle east but originally


> from Africa.




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  • 4 months later...
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In a message dated 6/15/2006 4:10:50 AM Pacific Standard Time, tazzbabygirl@... writes:

I will not buy any thing to eat on the way home.

Did you do it? Keep up the great job - that's hard for me too, passing up a drive thru restaurant when on the fly.

Need to remember I was only eating right for 3 or 4 days

It's a great start!! Make sure you are making choices that you can stick with long-term. Like Bonnie (?) said - it's forever, this *diet* we are eating, drinking, etc... not short-term.

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  • 6 months later...

Notan, I am playing catch-up. I want to add my prayers and best wishes to you as well.


From: achalasia [mailto:achalasia ] On Behalf Of notan ostrichSent: Sunday, January 07, 2007 11:52 AMachalasia Subject: Thanks

Thank-you, all you who have written to comfort and wish me well and those who silently do so. Your messages, thoughts and prayers are appreciated. I wish you all good health, peace and joy.notan

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  • 2 years later...

Hi ,

Thanks for your very welcome message.

Join the club about things wrong! You wouldn't believe some of the things that

have happened to me over the last 18 months its been a real comedy of errors.

They were pretty serious at the time but now when I look back on them I can see

the funny side (just as well!).

You certainly seem to have everything covered with regard to your recovery and

I'm so glad that you have such a good rep. Good ones are invaluable.

Unfortunately because of where I am I can't meet up with my rep but if I have

any queries or worries I can just pick up the phone and if I need to tweek the

stimulator he'll go through the process over the phone. When he initially

programmed it after my last op he left me with 5 different programmes to choose

from and they all work perfectly but subtly different. I'm also very pleased

that your hubby is going to be with you Its so important to have your loved ones

with you especially when you are faced with such a long journey home.

Unfortunately I was on my own coming back, I had two planes to catch and the

whole journey was a bit of a nightmare.

I know exactly what you mean about good days and doing too much. I am gulity of

doing that after my op. Because I don't have the amount of pain in my leg any

more I tend to forget about my back and the fact that its been operated on.

Because I live alone I don't have anyone to help me with regards to the basic

household chores, shopping and stuff like that. I'm fiercely independent too

which doesn't help too much either and a few times I've overdone things and I

really knew about it afterwards! lol I keep on having to remind myself that its

been just over four weeks since I had the surgery and to take things easy.

Good idea of yours to take your laptop with you and plenty of dvds, hospital can

be very boring, I relied on good books and my ipod.

My son is 19 and has been a great help, he comes to see me most days and often

stops over on a Friday and Saturday night (my flat is very conveniently placed

to the main town pubs and clubs!) but unfortunately its going to be short lived

as he is only here for the summer holidays and will be going back to university

in September and I probably won't see him again until Christmas.

Its been great meeting up with you too and please keep in touch and let me know

how you are getting on. One of my dearest friends is an Aussie, she's been an

incredible source of comfort and support. To be honest I don't know how she's

put up with me over the last two years. When you are in constant pain you tend

to get very down and bitter and angry and it always seems to be those that you

are closest to that bear the brunt of it, and I must confess that I have pushed

our frienship to the limit a few times, which is so unfair. Mind you she hasn't

spoken to me since Aus lost the Ashes! :)

Warmest wishes


From: velria <radiant.salubrity@...>


Sent: Wednesday, 26 August, 2009 2:21:49

Subject: Thanks


Hey ,

You poor guy, you do sound like you have a run of the mill round to get to where

you are now. I live 500 km's from Perth on a farm. I'm going up to Perth by

myself next week. Will be in hospital for 3 - 5 days then I have to stay in

Perth for about 5 - 10 days after that. (my rep) will be working with me

for the whole time I'm there. Then I have to go back to Perth 8 weeks after

everything has settled down to

go through another round of re programming.

Hubby is going to come to Perth once I get out of hospital. Not sure how he is

going to cope. He's not a city boy - lol. I had a pretty bad night with my back

last night, and all I could think of just another few weeks to go and I'll be


I have been one of those people that if something has a slight chance that

something could go wrong with a procedure - it's like pick me!! My hubby jokes

all the time with me, he says now and again when I've gone off to have something

done " Could you please be a normal person this time " .

I did have to laugh though when said that this would probably be one of

the few operations where they love people who have a bit of fat on their bum,

she said it's so much easier to do the implant and hide it comfortably. Yay ....

someone loves me for my extra kilo's being on my butt!!

My Eon will be implanted on my spine about L2. My Dr said that way he is hoping

to cover everything from L3 down and he thinks that this will give me the best

pain relief.

I know where your coming from being away from your family when you really want

their support. Especially since we live so far away, the only comforatble way to

go is to stay in a motel. I don't like putting people out, so I always stay by

myself when I go to Perth. I've always been so fiercely independant. It does get

hard to ask people for help. My immediate family are great though. My son who is

nearly 25 gave me a huge lecture a few days ago about what I'm not going to do

when I get home from Perth this time. Which I thought was beautiful.

How do you go when you are having a good day> Are you tempted to do more than

you should? I know what I'm like at the moment when I have a good day. I do

heaps of stuff then pay for it the next day.

I'll be taking my laptop to Perth with me, so I'll be able to keep you up to

date at how I'm going. I've already bought a heap of dvd's to watch. I seem to

spend a bit of time on the computer these days. Most days it hurts to do much of

anything else. I knit and crochet for the grandkids. I also do some for charity

as well. At least it makes you feel like your doing something worth while.

It's been great meeting you. I look forward to the " talks " . I'm so glad I

stumbled upon this group. It has already made me feel alot more confident about

my procedure.

Warm Cheers

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Ashes? What ashes? Did someone die ....... lmao

I'm sure it wasn't the ashes we were watching late at night for a few weeks,

more like a Commonwealth Nightmare!!

I'm thinking about barracking for something international that we're good at now

- mmmmmmm.

I think our local Under 12's cricket team could have put up more fight against



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No offence taken, I think I'm the only English person on this site so you are


I thought it was a brilliant series up and down all the way through. I must

admit that I thought it was all over after the fourth Test. Aus were superb and

took England apart but we came back in the last one but I still thought that Aus

could bat it out.

The one day games are going to be interesting as both sides have made changes to

their line-ups. I was hoping to be able to take my son to see one of the games

as they are playing near to where he goes to university but unfortunately the

tickets were sold out as soon as they became available and I can't afford the

prices that the touts are asking for them on line.

How are you today, feeling ok I hope?

Warmest wishes



From: velria <radiant.salubrity@...>


Sent: Friday, 28 August, 2009 0:34:14

Subject: Re: Thanks


Ashes? What ashes? Did someone die ....... lmao

I'm sure it wasn't the ashes we were watching late at night for a few weeks,

more like a Commonwealth Nightmare!!

I'm thinking about barracking for something international that we're good at now

- mmmmmmm.

I think our local Under 12's cricket team could have put up more fight against



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I like ur new philosophy!!!


Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 30, 2009, at 5:48 AM, " velria " <radiant.salubrity@...> wrote:

Thank you Deanne & Sue. I must say it did overwhelm me slightly ....

or should I say alot!!

But I do feel better now. Must be a build of those crying hormones.

" Better to have cried and recovered, than to have stayed bottled up and ended up

broken " .

A new philosphy - lol.



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  • 1 year later...
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No your not alone!! For me, and everyone is different, I lived on mac and cheese

with ground beef mixed in, mashed peas, quiche, eggs and many glasses of water

to get it down. At the end stages of A I could just got down Pastina, infant

size noodles, cream of wheat and rice in the am. and many many blended fruit

drinks and ice cream. Very limited, but it help mantain my weight. I know

everyone is different in their ability of what they can eat and can't. I never

was able to eat anything really big, like a hambuger, unless it was ground up or

even chicken.

Once you start with the process of having either dilations or surgery, life will

get better. I promise. After 30 yrs, I had my E removed in dec. and have never

felt better. I'm 47 yrs and I'm finally living with no reflux and spasms. Life

is good. Small amounts of food more often during the day. Just a few

suggestions. Good luck we are all here for you and are happy to help

in SoCal


From: kimellenbailey <kimellenbailey@...>


Sent: Sun, May 22, 2011 8:04:23 AM

Subject: thanks

thanks so much for the encouragement about eating and the tiredness. i just

turned 54 and started with strong symptoms of this last summer.when it hit me,

it was like a brick wall... i have since lost a good 30 pounds. (needed to loose

it anyhow. i am 5'10 and half) but wasnt obese to begin with. i feel nice about

my size but not the way i would have chosen to do it! i am going to try some

different things to eat . does anyone eat meat? i was living on chicken strips,

(fried ones) and they seem to have stopped working for me. i was able to eat

some very lightly coated with batter Grouper and some baked potato last night

and kept some down. i guess i get tired of throwing up so sometimes i just dont

even try to eat anything. i just go on without and i am going to have to stop

doing that. thanks so very much to all of yall for just being there. it really

helps my feelings knowing i am not alone.

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Eventually I gave up too, even water. I understand. Seemed like the hunger

pangs even stopped. I resorted to peanut butter, because it has a lot of

nutrition, but mostly because the regurging of peanut butter is less

painful/gross than other things. Probably too much info, but water splashes

back, other things come back in chunks. Peanut butter comes back the same as it

goes in. The smell is a turn off, but my thought was that if even a little went

in, at least it was protein.

If it is any consolation, my gi once said it seemed like those with the worst

symptoms had the best results after treatment.

I had a dialation first, and it was night a day difference. The sips of water

in the recovery room went down immediately and I regained weight like crazy

starting the first day home. Probably a lot of water at first, but I think my

body had learned to survive on just a few hundred calories a day, and I was

losing a couple of pounds each week for several months.

I didn't wait as long when the symptoms returned, before I had surgery, but I

was losing about a pound a week before the HM.



> thanks so much for the encouragement about eating and the tiredness. i just

turned 54 and started with strong symptoms of this last summer.when it hit me,

it was like a brick wall... i have since lost a good 30 pounds. (needed to loose

it anyhow. i am 5'10 and half) but wasnt obese to begin with. i feel nice about

my size but not the way i would have chosen to do it! i am going to try some

different things to eat . does anyone eat meat? i was living on chicken strips,

(fried ones) and they seem to have stopped working for me. i was able to eat

some very lightly coated with batter Grouper and some baked potato last night

and kept some down. i guess i get tired of throwing up so sometimes i just dont

even try to eat anything. i just go on without and i am going to have to stop

doing that. thanks so very much to all of yall for just being there. it really

helps my feelings knowing i am not alone.


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To Kim, I am 54 also soon to be 55 and some of the tiredness is also due to

harmone levels.  That will definitely affect your feelings in lots of ways.  I

also take harmones, since there is no history of breast cancer in the family. 

As for fried foods, they tend to aggrevate the achalasia.  Ground meats or

fish, that are baked or pan fried are the best.  I also struggle with weight

and sometimes, we just don't eat cause we know it is not going down anyway so

why bother.  I do that also.  Not a good habit. Work on getting your e back

in shape and then change the diet.  Good luck.

Sharon Cline 

From: kimellenbailey <kimellenbailey@...>

Subject: thanks


Date: Sunday, May 22, 2011, 10:04 AM


thanks so much for the encouragement about eating and the tiredness. i just

turned 54 and started with strong symptoms of this last summer.when it hit me,

it was like a brick wall... i have since lost a good 30 pounds. (needed to loose

it anyhow. i am 5'10 and half) but wasnt obese to begin with. i feel nice about

my size but not the way i would have chosen to do it! i am going to try some

different things to eat . does anyone eat meat? i was living on chicken strips,

(fried ones) and they seem to have stopped working for me. i was able to eat

some very lightly coated with batter Grouper and some baked potato last night

and kept some down. i guess i get tired of throwing up so sometimes i just dont

even try to eat anything. i just go on without and i am going to have to stop

doing that. thanks so very much to all of yall for just being there. it really

helps my feelings knowing i am not alone.

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  • 6 months later...

Hi Sheila thanks for all the information on alternatives to statins. I am

ordering some syntrol after xmas. Sorry to be so long replying. My Hubby got

rushed away with to hospital with of all things Gall stones he has inflamation

so he is on anti biotics they origanally thought it was appendix. I spent all

night in hospital i came home at 4pm and went to my g.p. and asked for an

appointment as i had a water infection and the receptionist would not give me

one that night or the next day. there was no one in the surgery at all i

explained i have to have medication straight away as i end up so ill (in bed 10

days or more)and i only have 1 kidney and am prone to kidney infections. She

said she would get Doc to phone me after surgery. He phoned me at 5 15p.m. his

surgery was finished that early. I was told to bring a sample (urine)mid stream

the next morning and he would leave a prescription for me. I got a taxi down

after another night with no sleep and he had not left the prescription. His wife

wanted to know why i was annoyed so i gave her a piece of my mind and ended

going in to town to a walk in centre and have been told i have a kidney

infection and am now on anti biotics and pain killers. I am going to look for a

new g.p.in the new year. so all that remains is for me to wish every one a happy

christmas and New year. p.s.we were go to Portugal for New year we will have to

cancel now.

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