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Annie, I have a friend who has Hepatitis C. Can you elaborate on the Milk

Thistle thing. I'll pass the infomation on to her.


In a message dated 1/2/1999 3:57:04 PM !!!First Boot!!!, Daytona-

Harley@... writes:


OH, had Hepitias about 18 years ago, so I'm doing the Milk Thistle

thing. I'm 63 and in pretty darn good shape, would like to keep it

that way for a while longer.

Thanks for being here.

Annie C.



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hi there,

Reading from Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Healing herbs and spices, it


" Natural treatment for Cirrhosis, Hepatitis, Chemical Poisoning, and

other liver related problems "

In the early 19th century a famous German Physician by the name of

Rademacher developed for his liver patients a tincture made from the

seeds of milk thistle. The product bears his name, and still shows up

in some European pharmacopeias today. In more recent years, however

the active principle has been isolated and it's chemical constitution

well established, it is a new kind of flavonol called

silymarin.........it has been proven safe even in large doses, and with

virtually no side effects. Currently the literature on silymarin and

milk thistle seed in general as already reached incredible proportions.

It is the preferred liver medicine througout much of Europe today.

It comes in Caps and tinture forms, I prefer the tinture, but just

recently I found a cap that only had to be taken once a day. It is

time released............... Have been taking it for at least 6 or 7

years. Just started on a homeoplath Detoxifer which you take 6 drops at

night. Hope that helps, just go to a good size Health Food Store, it's

easy to find.

Annie C.


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  • 2 months later...
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At 21:14 04.03.99 -0800, you wrote:

>Appreciated the opportunity to scan the discussion group as the

>description describes just what I sought;

" a group discussing alternative treatment for prostate cancer " .

>Turns out, it requires something I didn't catch on to, in order to follow

>the thread but that the " thread " was heavy to commercials.

>To bad, such a site is really needed.



Hello Bob,

I think that you have got a wrong impression about this group.

Only my opinion.

Group discuses natural approach in curing any cancer, not only prostate


Members are alowed to say about things ( " cures " ) that they or their friens

or anybody else have been using to cure cancer, no matter if what they say

about it is positive or negative.

If I cured my cancer, and one of the things that I have been using is bowel

cleanse designed by company called " Bowel-Clean-Up " and if I say that I

have use this product, that still does not mean that this thread is " heavy

to commercials " .

It is up to any member of the group to value if his post sounds commercial

or not.

I have posted many posts that may sound commercial, but my intention was

only to share information.

The purpose of this group is to share information !

You have also right for your opinion, and I am not trying to pursuate you

to change your opinion.

I am only trying to present something what I think are facts about this group.

My opinion!

This group have over 100 members, and more then 80% of them have cancer,

have had cancer, or have relatives or friends with cancer.

Many people have found informatin of value on this group.

Information that can save life.

From time to time It happen that someone send some message that sounds

" heavy to commercials " , but products that those people are discussing

usualy cost under $100.

(I have seen very few exceptions, less then 1% of messages are talking

about something more expensive, if we exclude discussion abou dental work,

which cost only if person have previously spend money for bad dental work! )

Compare it with the price of one Surgery !?

How many products should you buy, that are discussed on this group that

have some treads that are " heavy to commercials " in order to spend the same

amount of money that you will spend for one avarage Cancer syrgery, or

radiation therapy, or chemo ?

I expect your answer.

Dusan Stojkovic, One of the administrators of cures for canceregroups



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  • 3 months later...
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I found this interesting, if they found some with mold (MOULD) and

improperly sealed, I wonder how many we used and never checked that closely?

And another one,


And this one says we've been using it for over 25 years? More stories? or

more lies?



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  • 1 month later...


You are welcome, no problem. Yes, I can see that things are getting

a bit ugly there. Isn't it interesting that the pro DoD posts have

no new or useful info to offer? About time they realized that the

veterinarians aren't running around with Anthrax vaccine cruising

through their blood stream too.

I wonder if DoD has considered what it would be like with the draft.

What would they do with the gang members in the baggy pants. When I was

growing up, we didn't have armed guards at school, here in Dallas, my

kids all took that for granted. I wonder how many of these kids with

rings in their tongues wearing colors you would have to draft to get

just one you could actually use? And would they still bother to ask

them if they used drugs if the answer was usually yes? I seriously

doubt if even the most adventurous of them would think the Anthrax

vaccine was worth a try....all risk and no high.


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anna nim wrote:


> From: anna nim <anna_nim@...>


> Bill,


> You are welcome, no problem. Yes, I can see that things are getting

> a bit ugly there. Isn't it interesting that the pro DoD posts have

> no new or useful info to offer? About time they realized that the

> veterinarians aren't running around with Anthrax vaccine cruising

> through their blood stream too.


> I wonder if DoD has considered what it would be like with the draft.

> What would they do with the gang members in the baggy pants. When I was

> growing up, we didn't have armed guards at school, here in Dallas, my

> kids all took that for granted. I wonder how many of these kids with

> rings in their tongues wearing colors you would have to draft to get

> just one you could actually use? And would they still bother to ask

> them if they used drugs if the answer was usually yes? I seriously

> doubt if even the most adventurous of them would think the Anthrax

> vaccine was worth a try....all risk and no high.


> Gretchen


I dont' think that's the real problem. In basic we had lots of those

gangbanger types but they usually were whipped into submission very

quickly. Drill Sergeants are masters at their jobs and really there are

very few " trouble makers " that a Drill Sergeant can't handle. However

those recruits *wanted* to be there. If a draft was enforced, you'd get

ALOT of people who would be doing anything possible to get out even if

it meant time in the brig. It just wouldn't work especially if they

were forced to recieve experimental vaccines and other experimental

drugs. There just simply is no way in hell that you would get an

effective fighting force. You'd basically end up with a brutal

prison-like system if the DoD tried to impose mandatory conscription.

Sure many countries do it, but those countries are also either careful

to treat conscripts well or they have an extremely brutal and corrupt

military system with low morale and poor training. Look at the Russian


They had their butt whipped hard in Chechnya by guerillas who had vastly

inferior weaponry but who were determined and had extremely high morale.

That conflict whas knick-named " the meat grinder " by Russian soldiers.

Their army used to be better trained and better equipped but due to

their terrible economy and resulting military budget cuts they lost alot

of critical training funds. Ok now look at this country...we are

downsizing our military like there is no tommorow with massive budget

cuts, and treating our military and veterans very dishonorably.

Considering that our economy is booming, this is rather insane.

Certainly we need to have a leaner and meaner military but what we have

left needs to be well trained and well equipped.

If things get bad enough and the DoD begins mandatory conscription, we

would cease to be a superpower and could even face worse if young people

in this country revolted against conscription. Back in the '60's and

70's, for a lot of young people it was *mostly* about Peace, Freedom,

Civil Rights, ect.. but today there is very little of that sentiment but

plenty of violent attitudes waiting to be ignited. God help us if that

ever happened. History shows that every empire and superpower collapses

or fades away. Hopefully this vaccine issue will not be the start of

our country's demise. Pray for those in the DoD, and for our

politicians, that they choose to do the right thing. I would personally

give anything to sit one on one with Secratary of Defense Cohen with all

the facts in front me to see if I could change his mind. But if we

can't do that hopefully God will change his heart. If you don't believe

in God, well that's one of the rights that those of us in the armed

forces fight to defend, but if you do, remember prayer is free and its

effect can never to be underestimated. So before you go to bed try to

remember to say a prayer for Mr. Cohen that he will look at all the

facts, and then look into his heart to make the right choice.


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I dont' think that's the real problem. In basic we had lots of those

gangbanger types but they usually were whipped into submission very

quickly. Drill Sergeants are masters at their jobs and really there are

very few " trouble makers " that a Drill Sergeant can't handle. However

those recruits *wanted* to be there.


I agree a gangbanger who joined the military could be handled, as it

is now, the individual would be there by choice, and had probably made

a positive decision to turn his/her life around. Let's hope and pray

that Cohen stops the AVIP or someone else stops it (wide ranging prayer)

so that we don't end up with an inferior military consisting of people

who have zero interest in being there.


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  • 1 month later...

I would recommend either calling or informing Mark Zaid, a lawyer in

Washington D.C. who helps out servicemembers who refuse the anthrax vaccine.

His e-mail address is Zaidms@...

I would also tell your brother(right??) to contact on of the lawyers

advertised in the back of an Air Force Times, Navy Times, Marine Corps Times,

or Army Times.

I would recommend getting a lawyer who is advertised to have prior lawyer

experience in the military, so that he/she knows the inner workings of the

military better than a lawyer with non-military experience.

I would also recommend notifying your Senator or Congressman, especially a

strong Republican Conservative who likes the military...for example,

McCain from Arizona or Dick Armey from Texas or Kay Baily Hutchinson from


Also, I would suggest contacting the DAV, the VFW, or the American Legion.

Maybe they can help.


From: " Lehnanne DeiziaLoup " <sisternet@...>

So it still looks as if he will be penalized for standing up for his rights,

and refusing to have some foriegn body administered into his system.

I think this is so sad, these men and women put their families, lives, free

time and sometimes careers on hold to serve their country and protect the

freedoms of people worldwide and the Government can do no better but to make

them guinea pigs.

He is going to refuse the next set ... so does anyone have the name of a

good lawyer ...


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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

>Thank you , Your posts always inspire me to keep

>this body alkaline, well supplied and unhindered by

>inflexible beliefs.


>Deeply appreciated



> [snip of another enlivening post]


>> The body is made out of food. More accurately put, it is

>made out of what

>> we ingest and to the extent we give it substandard raw

>material from which

>> to build and repair itself and also put in things that are


>> (including harmful beliefs)....guess what?



>> Warm regards,


>> J Bentley


Thank you Skye. Your kind words have a healing effect and I am most

grateful to you for sharing.

Joe Bentley

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Thank you , Your posts always inspire me to keep

this body alkaline, well supplied and unhindered by

inflexible beliefs.

Deeply appreciated


[snip of another enlivening post]

> The body is made out of food. More accurately put, it is

made out of what

> we ingest and to the extent we give it substandard raw

material from which

> to build and repair itself and also put in things that are


> (including harmful beliefs)....guess what?



> Warm regards,


> J Bentley

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  • 3 months later...
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Judy my e-mail address is lovebon@... send me yours if you don't mind.Love and Light Bonnie ThanksThanks Bonnie Hunter, for your time. It was worth the effort you took to put some people straight. I too am one that cured my own melanoma from the old-time remedies. And have been staying healthy-by watching what I eat and don't eat, and by taking alternative's, for what they are worth to me. And like you I've chosen for myself what I wanted to do, that I knew was best for me. True some debates are only great, if they serve a purpose..but arguing about cures, or what helps us to ease our pains, is only causing some of us to wonder .. to whom to believe on this list anymore. Like you I came to this list, because I was asked to come on, to search and to write of things that I knew had helped me, and others that I've known that has had some kind of cancer. I've seen many good people leave, because of the confusion. I keep wondering lately whom really is in charge here of this site? And why the owner don't step in and voice opinion, of the laws and rules for having this site to use. It certainly gives this site a bad reputation when we are not seeing results, but debates. And for you that have asked me about Jarrett, whom has not cared to eat food..Well God again is undertaking. This morning he decided to eat the raisins, and drank his milk. Later he took from the table a tuna-sandwich and nibbled a bite. Laid it down and went back to the raisins. Our daughter said, the last couple of nights, he prefers dry cereal, and than milk. But at least he is sleeping better through the night. Tonight they are out to dinner. They will put food on his plate, if he wants it fine, and if not just as fine. The doctor's report said there is thousand of children like this. They have to find in their own way as to what they like and don't like to eat. That children's taste buds are all different. But usually changes as the child matures. Again the cells in ones body is another important issue as are our genes. And most likely from Jarrett's, fathers side of the family, since a grandfather wouldn't touch many foods place in front of him and he was a grown man. Then on my side, was my own father. He wouldn't hardly ever eat fruit. When he did it was maybe a bite. And water was his dislike. But he would drink lemon and lime water..or spring water when he hauled it home. He preferred coffee..blacker than the ace of spade. And he lived to be 81 , and the only thing he had wrong was his lungs that gave out from the working in coal, steel mills during the World War 2. Not for the lack of water, or the lack of fruits, ( but I wished we'd known then, all about cell protection )..to often we learn about some cures to late in life. My father had learned to late about curing his lungs, and that Grape-juice was good for him, or that he could eat all the watermelon he wanted, and that the 8 glasses of water would have helped clean out his inners..but he was very sure.. that parasites had to be washed out of his inners, at least monthly, from his body. Looking back I now wonder why he knew that some things were good for him and others things, like many of us still neglect, because .. we're not so sure. As for myself, I shall continue to research for myself. And I'd advise others to do the same. Take the time to search for ways to help yourself in healing. And then don't argue with someone else, as to what they have found to work for them..who are we to judge? I never agree with everything that comes across this site, but I don't write back opening to get my answers. I go directly to the horse-mouth. It is however hard to write to some of you a personal letter, when you don't send a private email to do so. So then I ignore, and delete, as soon as I see from whom is posting. To the other kind lady that wrote recently..I and my husband, are not all veggie people..We grew up on farms that raised our own cattle, and food. We tried to stay organic. And canned most of what we grew. But after we stopped farming some ten years ago..our habit of eating changed somewhat. Sorry to say, because we started to buy from the markets foods, that were not in our opinion.. fit to feed to a dog. After I had cancer, I begin to search to find again farmers that sold organic food..no such luck much in Holmes County. So I went back to Amish that had their own organic crops and gardens. In fact tonight soon as I send this letter. We're having green beans, and another dish of creamed cauliflower, carrots, peppers, zucchini. And yes one piece of Bar-B-Cued spar-rib..and a glass of water. Last night we had macaroni and cheese..night before it was a rice dish, with squash, and flavored with a ham-hock, broth..that came from a cousin that raises cattle organically. Sincerely, one of your Best Friends, Judy My Web site is http://my.treeway.com/WeCare4_U , This was written in remembrance of our Son Aulston..Based on his "Wild Flowers" and the way God is still healing us in mind,soul and body.Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there. Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv

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Oh what a sexy email address bonnie. By all

means sent me yours and i'll send you mine,

(whatever that is). (this is how dirty old

men flirt on the web). Best, JR

Judy my e-mail address is lovebon@... send me yours if you don't mind.

Love and Light Bonnie


Thanks Bonnie Hunter, for your time. It was worth the effort you took to put some people straight.

I too am one that cured my own melanoma from the old-time remedies. And have been staying healthy-by watching what I eat and don't eat, and by taking alternative's, for what they are worth to me. And like you I've chosen for myself what I wanted to do, that I knew was best for me.

True some debates are only great, if they serve a purpose..but arguing about cures, or what helps us to ease our pains, is only causing some of us to wonder .. to whom to believe on this list anymore. Like you I came to this list, because I was asked to come on, to search and to write of things that I knew had helped me, and others that I've known that has had some kind of cancer. I've seen many good people leave, because of the confusion. I keep wondering lately whom really is in charge here of this site? And why the owner don't step in and voice opinion, of the laws and rules for having this site to use. It certainly gives this site a bad reputation when we are not seeing results, but debates.

And for you that have asked me about Jarrett, whom has not cared to eat food..Well God again is undertaking. This morning he decided to eat the raisins, and drank his milk. Later he took from the table a tuna-sandwich and nibbled a bite. Laid it down and went back to the raisins. Our daughter said, the last couple of nights, he prefers dry cereal, and than milk. But at least he is sleeping better through the night. Tonight they are out to dinner. They will put food on his plate, if he wants it fine, and if not just as fine. The doctor's report said there is thousand of children like this. They have to find in their own way as to what they like and don't like to eat. That children's taste buds are all different. But usually changes as the child matures.

Again the cells in ones body is another important issue as are our genes. And most likely from Jarrett's, fathers side of the family, since a grandfather wouldn't touch many foods place in front of him and he was a grown man. Then on my side, was my own father. He wouldn't hardly ever eat fruit. When he did it was maybe a bite. And water was his dislike. But he would drink lemon and lime water..or spring water when he hauled it home. He preferred coffee..blacker than the ace of spade. And he lived to be 81 , and the only thing he had wrong was his lungs that gave out from the working in coal, steel mills during the World War 2. Not for the lack of water, or the lack of fruits, ( but I wished we'd known then, all about cell protection )..to often we learn about some cures to late in life. My father had learned to late about curing his lungs, and that Grape-juice was good for him, or that he could eat all the watermelon he wanted, and that the 8 glasses of water would have helped clean out his inners..but he was very sure.. that parasites had to be washed out of his inners, at least monthly, from his body. Looking back I now wonder why he knew that some things were good for him and others things, like many of us still neglect, because .. we're not so sure. As for myself, I shall continue to research for myself. And I'd advise others to do the same. Take the time to search for ways to help yourself in healing. And then don't argue with someone else, as to what they have found to work for them..who are we to judge?

I never agree with everything that comes across this site, but I don't write back opening to get my answers. I go directly to the horse-mouth. It is however hard to write to some of you a personal letter, when you don't send a private email to do so. So then I ignore, and delete, as soon as I see from whom is posting.

To the other kind lady that wrote recently..I and my husband, are not all veggie people..We grew up on farms that raised our own cattle, and food. We tried to stay organic. And canned most of what we grew. But after we stopped farming some ten years ago..our habit of eating changed somewhat. Sorry to say, because we started to buy from the markets foods, that were not in our opinion.. fit to feed to a dog. After I had cancer, I begin to search to find again farmers that sold organic food..no such luck much in Holmes County. So I went back to Amish that had their own organic crops and gardens. In fact tonight soon as I send this letter. We're having green beans, and another dish of creamed cauliflower, carrots, peppers, zucchini. And yes one piece of Bar-B-Cued spar-rib..and a glass of water. Last night we had macaroni and cheese..night before it was a rice dish, with squash, and flavored with a ham-hock, broth..that came from a cousin that raises cattle organically.

Sincerely, one of your Best Friends, Judy

My Web site is http://my.treeway.com/WeCare4_U , This was written in remembrance of our Son Aulston..Based on his "Wild Flowers" and the way God is still healing us in mind,soul and body.Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there. Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv

Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there. Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv

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  • 6 months later...

Dear Jess,

I live in England as well! My consultant is based in Oxford but to my knowledge does not have experience of the laparoscopic procedure, so if you could post your consultants name that would be appreciated. If you take the statistic that 1 in every 100,000 people of the population are diagnosed per year then about 500 people in the UK discover achalasia each 12 months - that's quite a small number. I did try some 'back-of-an-envelope' calculations based on likely age to be diagnosed (18 - 40?) and life expectancy but tied myself up in knots. By any method there must be at least a few thousand of us.

Red meat certainly takes longer to digest but whether it takes longer to move through our malfunctioning LES I don't know. Bread and cakes are my particular bete noires.

I would be more than willing to participate in a survey. Is ownership of cats a common feature?........

With best regards

Wemyss -----Original Message-----

Just wanted to say thanks for the replies and I think i'll have a look back over previous messages to help make up my mind. Hello to Jane in the UK, I was begining to think I was the only one with achalasia in the UK. I live in Shropshire but my consultant is based in Stafford hospital. It sounds as though everything has gone well for you, which is encouraging. I too don't eat meat. I have heard that eating lots of red meat causes more problems for achalasia sufferers as it takes a long time to digest. As for now I think i'll have a look round for some other consultants, just to hear what they say.Thanks for the encouraging words to everyoneJess

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> Dear Jess,


> I live in England as well! My consultant is based in Oxford but to


> knowledge does not have experience of the laparoscopic procedure,

so if you

> could post your consultants name that would be appreciated. If you

take the

> statistic that 1 in every 100,000 people of the population are

diagnosed per

> year then about 500 people in the UK discover achalasia each 12

months -

> that's quite a small number. I did try some 'back-of-an-envelope'

> calculations based on likely age to be diagnosed (18 - 40?) and life

> expectancy but tied myself up in knots. By any method there must

be at

> least a few thousand of us.


> Red meat certainly takes longer to digest but whether it takes

longer to

> move through our malfunctioning LES I don't know. Bread and cakes

are my

> particular bete noires.


> I would be more than willing to participate in a survey. Is

ownership of

> cats a common feature?........

> With best regards


> Wemyss


Well it's nice to hear from someone who is close by and thanks for

the stats. I knew there were others its just hard to find out

where. My consultant, Mr Crisp, says that he treats myself and 2

other people, if my memory serves me correctly, and that there are

only 6 cases he knows of in the midlands area. As I have said he is

based at Stafford District General hospital and is a very nice, easy

to talk to man who actually seems really interested with my case.

I've not eaten bread and cakes for sometime now as they cause immense

amounts of pain. I also seem to get through roughly about 6 litres

of water per day and I tend to eat small amounts as often as I can.

Funny you should mention but I also have 2 cats!!!

How long have you had achalasia and are you in the same boat as me,

trying to decide whether or not to have the surgery? Hope to hear


Best wishes


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On the subject of cats - I have two that I have had for 5 years.

When I was living at home we had a cat and several dogs. So I guess

I've been around cats for most of my life.

Has anyone read about any correlations in this area?

> >

> > Dear Jess,

> >

> > I live in England as well! My consultant is based in Oxford but


> my

> > knowledge does not have experience of the laparoscopic procedure,

> so if you

> > could post your consultants name that would be appreciated. If


> take the

> > statistic that 1 in every 100,000 people of the population are

> diagnosed per

> > year then about 500 people in the UK discover achalasia each 12

> months -

> > that's quite a small number. I did try some 'back-of-an-envelope'

> > calculations based on likely age to be diagnosed (18 - 40?) and


> > expectancy but tied myself up in knots. By any method there must

> be at

> > least a few thousand of us.

> >

> > Red meat certainly takes longer to digest but whether it takes

> longer to

> > move through our malfunctioning LES I don't know. Bread and


> are my

> > particular bete noires.

> >

> > I would be more than willing to participate in a survey. Is

> ownership of

> > cats a common feature?........

> > With best regards

> >

> > Wemyss



> Dear

> Well it's nice to hear from someone who is close by and thanks for

> the stats. I knew there were others its just hard to find out

> where. My consultant, Mr Crisp, says that he treats myself and 2

> other people, if my memory serves me correctly, and that there are

> only 6 cases he knows of in the midlands area. As I have said he


> based at Stafford District General hospital and is a very nice,


> to talk to man who actually seems really interested with my case.


> I've not eaten bread and cakes for sometime now as they cause


> amounts of pain. I also seem to get through roughly about 6 litres

> of water per day and I tend to eat small amounts as often as I


> Funny you should mention but I also have 2 cats!!!


> How long have you had achalasia and are you in the same boat as me,

> trying to decide whether or not to have the surgery? Hope to hear

> soon

> Best wishes

> Jess

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Hi Everyone--

Seems like half the world has cats--hard to believe that there wouldn't be

more folks with achalasia if there is some cause and effect relationship


Hope you're all have a good day,


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> I've not eaten bread and cakes for sometime now as they cause


> amounts of pain. I also seem to get through roughly about 6 litres

> of water per day and I tend to eat small amounts as often as I


Jess, these things were very bad for me as well, meat also, but bread

no for sure. I also drink at least that amount of water. Since my

balloon dilatation on last tuesday the 13th, things have been much

better. I'm able to once again eat many things with only small drinks

of water!! bread is still sticky, but I am eating it again!! I now

have my GERD back under control, and if this is what it is like to

have the myotomy done, I will for sure do it!! Of course my hope and

prayer is that this procedure " sticks " and my esophogus does not

close up again like the last 4 times, and I won't need the operation

at all!! But I know if it does, I will get the myotomy done. My

husband and I were watching a program last night about people with

migrain headaches and he said something about living with that

constant pain and how cranky you would be, I just gave him a look and

he said " oh, right " I find I get cranky periodically, not all the

time, but sometimes it just gets to be a bit much. Take care, Janet

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> I had two cats for 19 years. I HOPE there is no correlation - I

just love

> animals! Warmest regards, Elena

I have had a cat or two all my life!! I know there is a disease you

can get from cleaning their litter box, and it is very bad for

pregnant women. Interesting idea, but I hope it's not correct!! But

if it was, we are already " infected " and so can keep our cats!! ;o)


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The cats may just be like the observation that all people who died of

cancer drank water before getting the cancer. On the other hand, there are

diseases people get from drinking water. There may be something only a few

cats carry. Something that is hard to get from a cat but possible if

conditions are right. Just as lot of people are around domestic animals but

very few get rabies from them.

One thing that could help rule the cats out is if there are enough people

that can say they had little or no contact with cats yet they have

achalasia. But, as for me we had a lot of cats around when I was a child.


Vicki Roth wrote:

>Seems like half the world has cats--hard to believe that there wouldn't be

>more folks with achalasia if there is some cause and effect relationship


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Dear Jess,

Thanks for your message. The link below should point to my symptoms etc for last July.

achalasia/message/135 . If it doesn't work then message 135 in the archive is the same. It's pretty boring either way.

Although my symptoms are as bad as they've ever been they are not severe by any means. After reading all the messages and understanding the way it affects me I am happy to continue with no further treatment. I believe that the balloon dilatations have stopped the muscles tightening more and although it is tighter than straight after the op at least it (the condition) is stable.

The cat correlation is spurious, I'm sure. After all we have 9 cats; is this a record?

With best regards

[ Wemyss]

-----Original Message-----Dear Well it's nice to hear from someone who is close by and thanks for the stats. I knew there were others its just hard to find out where. My consultant, Mr Crisp, says that he treats myself and 2 other people, if my memory serves me correctly, and that there are only 6 cases he knows of in the midlands area. As I have said he is based at Stafford District General hospital and is a very nice, easy to talk to man who actually seems really interested with my case.I've not eaten bread and cakes for sometime now as they cause immense amounts of pain. I also seem to get through roughly about 6 litres of water per day and I tend to eat small amounts as often as I can. Funny you should mention but I also have 2 cats!!! How long have you had achalasia and are you in the same boat as me, trying to decide whether or not to have the surgery? Hope to hear soonBest wishes Jess

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