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Re: Clearing yeast while on steroids

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Steve is this what Prednisolone does, if so include osteoporosis.

When will Doctors learn that they cause more than they cure.



> Does anybody know if it would be possible to clear yeast while being on

steroids (hc/florinef) as one of the side affects of them is known to increase

yeast and contribute to the growth.


> Steve


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Prednisolone is like HC so im guessing it would have the same affect on yeast as

HC unless anybody knows anything different ?

You say when will doctors learn, what do you mean as i dont think

hc/Prednisolone as designed to cure?



> Steve is this what Prednisolone does, if so include osteoporosis.

> When will Doctors learn that they cause more than they cure.

> Kathleen


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No they do not appear to be a cure, as the pain they were used for on me has

returned, so I have to wonder if the risk of them causing Osteoporosis and from

what you say with the risk of yeast build up, is it worth having steroids to end

up with decaying bones and the problems of yeast infections.

I take the side effects into serious consideration now as to whether to take a

drug or not.

Had I known that Pimozide was going to cause me to end upon many drugs and in

turn cause cancer I would have told the Doctor to take it himself.


> >

> > Steve is this what Prednisolone does, if so include osteoporosis.

> > When will Doctors learn that they cause more than they cure.

> > Kathleen

> >


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Does anybody know if it would be possible to clear yeast while being on steroids (hc/florinef) as one of the side affects of them is known to increase yeast and contribute to the growth.Steve, a steroid like Prednisolone or HC or Florinef will lower a person's immunity and thereby increase the risk for yeast infections. Steroids lower/suppress the body's defence system and this opens the flood gates for yeast infections to flourish. It is, however, a question of amounts; the higher the dose of steroids, the greater the risk for the yeast to take over.

Strictly speaking yeast overgrowth is not a side effect of steroids (it is not caused by steroids). It is the effect that steroids have on the body when lowering (and at higher dosages immobilizing) the body's immune system that allows the bad bacteria (Candida albicans) to take over.

To get rid of yeast overgrowth whilst taking steroids is possible, but very difficult – a bit like extinguishing a fire whilst pouring fuel on it. If you want to kill yeast overgrowth, look at everything you put into your mouth through a magnifying glass – if it contains refined sugar in any shape or form, don't put it in your mouth.... and don't live under the illusion that killing off Candida is a `once only' exercise – the moment you start eating sugar again, it will come back with a vengeance.... trust me, I've had a life time of it, and if there were any quick fix, I would have found it by now.

With best wishes,

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Ah yes i know what you mean, i also check side affects and interactions before

taking a drug now as doctors do seem to just give drugs for anything these days.

I had to go on hc and that was my choice not a doctors(its since been okayed by


But the side affects are not too great and the side affects are practiually

never discussed by a doctor, or in my case a doctor has never told me of

possible side affects without me asking.




> No they do not appear to be a cure, as the pain they were used for on me has


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Would natural honey be classed in the same way as sugar and increase yeast.

If Thyroid Patients do not limit their sugar intake, is this the reason why some

go on to get Sugar Diabetes.

One day on a bus and the fact that a child had spots I had to ask the Mother if

the child had anything that was catching like Chicken Pox as the instructions on

Prednisolone are to seek help if in contact with anyone with this type of

infection. As I do not know if I have had this illness, but once I explained

why, the Mother was OK about it and informed me that it was not contagious.

I also think a GP will prescribe the cheapest drug first with the most side

effects, and when you start to suffer badly from side effects they will then

offer a safer but I presume dearer drug, but this comes after damage has been


If they had to prescribe a drug to one of their family which would they choose a

cheap drug with nasty side effects or a dearer drug without nasty side effects.

Would they give a family member a drug that in turn causes cancer?.




If you want to kill yeast overgrowth, look at everything you put

> into your mouth through a magnifying glass – if it contains refined

> sugar in any shape or form, don't put it in your mouth.... and

> don't live under the illusion that killing off Candida is a

> `once only' exercise – the moment you start eating sugar

> again, it will come back with a vengeance.... trust me, I've had a

> life time of it, and if there were any quick fix, I would have found it

> by now.


> With best wishes,




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Thanks for the explenation , it is nice to know that it may well be

possible, but as you say its a tricky one.

I understand that steroids are not a cause of yeast infection, but if one has a

yeast infection and needs to take steroids then :(

Having optimal T3 helps clear candida, but at the minute when im not on adrenal

support im actually getting less T3 into the cells (i feel worse and the yeast

on the skin gets worse) than if i was on adrenal support. So it seems like i may

well have to try and clear candida whilst on adrenal support as that allows more

T3 into the cells but at the same time lowers the immune system. I have the diet

down to a t as my yeast is so bad if i eat anything that feeds the yeast im in

stomach pain, the only downfall for me is packets of crisps which are a very

nice snack for me, but the carbs grrrrr.





> Steve, a steroid like Prednisolone or HC or Florinef will lower a

> person's immunity and thereby increase the risk for yeast

> infections. Steroids lower/suppress the body's defence system and

> this opens the flood gates for yeast infections to flourish. It is,

> however, a question of amounts; the higher the dose of steroids, the

> greater the risk for the yeast to take over.

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> Having optimal T3 helps clear candida, but at the minute when im not on

adrenal support im actually getting less T3 into the cells (i feel worse and the

yeast on the skin gets worse) than if i was on adrenal support. So it seems like

i may well have to try and clear candida whilst on adrenal support as that

allows more T3 into the cells but at the same time lowers the immune system. I

have the diet down to a t as my yeast is so bad if i eat anything that feeds the

yeast im in stomach pain, the only downfall for me is packets of crisps which

are a very nice snack for me, but the carbs grrrrr.


> thanks

> Steve


Hi Steve,

have you tried the treatment that Dr.Myhill has suggested for Candida?



I am getting some myself (go through the link on the page) in the New Year and

using that a week before starting the Flucanazole for 3 more weeks.


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I'd be interested to know how you get on with Lufenuron; i've considered taking

it myself, but bit concerned about die off and taking something that'll takea a

few weeks to leave my body.


> Hi Steve,

> have you tried the treatment that Dr.Myhill has suggested for Candida?





> I am getting some myself (go through the link on the page) in the New Year and

using that a week before starting the Flucanazole for 3 more weeks.


> 2


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If you are working towards ridding your body of systemic

candidiasis, then you must expect to suffer with die-off symptoms Chris. This

is something you may well have to go through as this is getting rid of all the

toxins the candida is causing.

Luv - Sheila

I'd be interested to know how you get on with Lufenuron; i've considered taking

it myself, but bit concerned about die off and taking something that'll takea a

few weeks to leave my body.


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Hi i have never heard of that before. But i have heard of the work of dr

myril so i respect and trust there information.

I am going to order some myself and hopefully i will come intime for the new


My action plan for the new year will be

Terbinafine Anti fungal

Nystatin (if my endo will prescribe)



Then miltk thistle and pro bioics and following a low carb/low sugar/ yeast free


If that does not work then i think nothing will lol




> Hi Steve,

> have you tried the treatment that Dr.Myhill has suggested for Candida?





> I am getting some myself (go through the link on the page) in the New Year and

using that a week before starting the Flucanazole for 3 more weeks.


> 2


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I told you about it last month! :-)

thyroid treatment/message/93405

> > > What anti fungal is he going to prescribe? There are many different

candida protocols,and supplements, you can't have tried them all (or for long

enough) – not only that, you say you've tried every single one (!) , but how

about if you combined them? And have you tried this one?






> are you going to bear this in mind? - Yes i will bear it in mind but i do not

have the money at the moment to try some " cure " from the internet, ive wasted

alot in the past doing that.


> Hi i have never heard of that before. But i have heard of the work of dr

myril so i respect and trust there information.

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Well you know i wasnt having a good month at the time of that thread, im

gona blame the brain fog lol.

I've ordered it and im going to take it in the new year, ill let you know how i

get on.



> I told you about it last month! :-)

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> Then miltk thistle and pro bioics and following a low carb/low sugar/ yeast

free diet.


> If that does not work then i think nothing will lol


> Steve

None of the treatments will work unless you go low carb/low sugar/ yeast free

first, or all you will be doing is feeding the candida. You need to weaken it,

starve it and poison it and push it off its long held ground all at once. So low

acrb/sugar/yeast to starve it, anti-fungal to poison it and probiotics to

replace the bad bugs with good bugs.

I can say that before I went low 'all of the above', if I ate 2oz of jelly

sweets, I would get a head rush near enough like drinking a shot of vodka. Since

being on this forum and learning about Candida, I do wonder if the mental fog is

because we are all pissed! Or at least slightly tipsy most of the time.


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, and everyone....there is a fix and it is very effective and natural.

You need to take a daily dose of " good bacteria " . You will see a lot of products

containing " good bacteria " advertised on TV, things like Yakult and Activa.

These do contain live bacteria but only one or two types and it is an expensive

and somewhat weak way to combat the yeast invasion but there is another way. The

stuff you want is called " Kefir " it is a " live " organism producing at least 30

different " cultures " (bacteria) and you can keep it live and productive (by

feeding it) in your own home. As it grows you can break pieces of it off and

give it to your friends and your pets and whoever else may benefit. There is

much too much information about this organism to put on here but if you go to

www.seedsofhealth.co.uk/fermenting/kefir.shtml you will find a lot of simple to

understand information. Also on this site on the menu on the left hand side

under " Links " you will find " Doms Kefir Site " which is about the largest and

most comprehensive amount of information you will ever get or need about Kefir

if you want to become a real enthusiast. I keep my " pet " Kefir in the fridge and

" feed " it every couple of days, it sits there happily until I need it. I hope

you enjoy reading about it and hopefully it will help..

By the way I wrote and sent this on 9th December but it never appeared!

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Hi Phobes im afraid kefir didnt work for me :( The reason? I honestly think that

its because kefir contains quite some carbs and my blood sugars were all over

the place when on hc/florinef. So each time i was drinking kefir it was just

raising my blood sugar and feeding the yeast.

The drink is really nice to taste and i do reccommend it for anyone that has

candida but does not have blood sugar issue's.

My lufenuron has just arrived, but i dont want to take it yet incase it causes

die-off over christmas. So im going to wait till the new year i think.



> , and everyone....there is a fix and it is very effective and

natural. You need to take a daily dose of " good bacteria "

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Yes, I agree, Kefir is absolutely brilliant for keeping the good bacteria balanced.... but it is not enough to kill off bad yeast overgrowth that has been `brewing' over years.

I have had a Candida antibody count of > 150.... the ref range is 0-10. Doctors kept me alive on a cocktail of antibiotics and glucose drip for 6 weeks when I was a baby of 3 months... nobody thought of probiotics. Subsequently I was (unbeknown to me) set up nicely for systemic Candida all my life. My immune system broke down at the age of 42 and ever since I have been battling the beast more or less in earnest.

Kefir would be a brilliant way to keep the system balanced and to heal the gut (I take ThreeLac and Biocare Acidophilus religiously every day), but first of all you need to kill off the overgrowth – which means absolutely NO refined sugar for between 3 months (for mild cases) and about a year for more serious infections... or, as in my case – a life sentence.

Rule of thumb – it takes as many months to get on top of the overgrowth as you've had it.... in my case, I started fighting it `in earnest' (one full miserable year of Candida diet) at the age of 57.... well, work it out – 57 years = x months.... L

But in principle I agree with you – Kefir is cheaper than all the probiotics I am swallowing and will do the same job. I just can't abide the taste.... <g>

With warm wishes,

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Yes , the taste is, well, definately not the most amazing thing. Some

advice for those who don't know Kefir, it tastes like sour milk but not as bad,

but if you take a small amount which is all you need and drink it quickly then

it's not too bad, you can add fruit juice to help.

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Would natural honey be classed in the same way as sugar and increase yeast.

I am afraid so – yes

If you really can't live without sugar, there are two options... Agave and Stevia. Stevia is perfectly ok to use for Candida sufferers and has no side effects; the taste takes a bit of getting used to though. Agave nectar is another option. As it is not a sugar, it won't feed the yeast – but that does not mean that Agave is good for you... at least that's what this article says.... http://www.foodrenegade.com/agave-nectar-good-or-bad/

Best wishes

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