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Re: Depression in pregnancy and after also on thyroid Meds

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All I can say is my heart totally goes out to you, as I had very difficult

postnatal depression after my daughter was born. I wish I had known about

thyroid hormones then because everything I have read on here indicates that my

thyroid was out of wack. I lost a lot of weight from being too anxious to eat,

and my hair just seem to fall out a lot but then stabelised after about 7

months. I wish I knew then what I know now but this was before the internet and

learning so much from websites like this. I would have tried the natural

thyroid hormones first and tried to get on some form of natural progesterone,

cause I have read that also gets depleted after baby is born and can have a

calming effect if you you take it. Now I am in menopause and can look back and

see that really this thyroid story is even more relevant to me now. What a long

journey to take to find this site and I have been looking and reading and

learning for the past 7 years. Be patient you will get help here and learn to

help yourself too.



> Hi all


> Ive always bewn strugling with the ups and downs of depression but I've really

suffered through pregnancy which I know is all part of the ups and down of

pregnancy but I am

> struggling severely.

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Many thanks For your reply I Appreciate it. May I ask what does pogestorne cream

do sorry I'm not clued up on the hormones side, I have been vitamin deficient

for I'm bot to sure how long for I've been having iron tablets and vitamin b12

injections which has helped a little. Can I ask did you ever take

antidepressants to get you through ?

P. S how long did you use he cream for and dis it help ?


> >

> > Hi all

> >

> > Ive always bewn strugling with the ups and downs of depression but I've

really suffered through pregnancy which I know is all part of the ups and down

of pregnancy but I am

> > struggling severely.


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Have you had your baby now? has your doctor tested any of your hormone levels?

There's a book on bio identical hormones by Dr Platt - he writes about

progesterone amongst other things:


/dp/0977668320/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8 & qid=1320258512 & sr=8-1

Dr Platt says:

" I believe the only cause for postpartum depression is low progesterone. In the

second and third trimesters the placenta pours out progesterone, which is why

women feel so good during this time of their pregnancy. But after the baby is

delivered progesterone levels go down.

For most women, once they start ovulating again, their bodies begin producing

progesterone and their moods lift. But was low in progesterone to begin

with, and she was in her 40s, when hormone levels are on the decline anyway. So

she had no source of progesterone. "



> Hi


> Many thanks For your reply I Appreciate it. May I ask what does pogestorne

cream do sorry I'm not clued up on the hormones side, I have been vitamin

deficient for I'm bot to sure how long for I've been having iron tablets and

vitamin b12 injections which has helped a little. Can I ask did you ever take

antidepressants to get you through ?

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Hi there, my recommendation is not anti-depressants as they are very difficult

to stop taking even when drs say they are not addictive. If you type

progesterone cream into the search on this website, you will find lots of

information on progesterone cream and some discussion on where to buy some. You

start off on a low dose and see how your body responds. I would recommend

reading anything by dr lee, here is a link on amazon for one of his books,

really worth reading:


1?s=books & ie=UTF8 & qid=1320264331 & sr=1-1

Hope this helps. The thing that got me through was getting into a support group

with mum's with depression and finding out I was not alone and many women

experience this from all walks of life.

I also reminded myself constantly that this would pass and though it feels

terrible when you are in it, it does pass, and you do get to the other side.

I am sure there are many women on this site who can offer more help and advice.

Be patient with your situation, you will find a way through.



> Hi


> Many thanks For your reply I Appreciate it. May I ask what does pogestorne

cream do sorry I'm not clued up on the hormones side, I have been vitamin

deficient for I'm bot to sure how long for I've been having iron tablets and

vitamin b12 injections which has helped a little.

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> Hi all


> Ive always bewn strugling with the ups and downs of depression but  The

doctor has agreed for me to

> try citalopram


> Thanks


Hi, I took citalopram in my second pregnancy for depression whilst on

levothyroxine and as far as I know my bloods were ok.I took sertraline in my 3rd

pregnancy and it suited me much better. So sorry you're feeling so bad, it's

rotten. My 3rd child is 14 months now and my bloods are abnormal but who knows

why? Accupuncture really helped me also. take care,


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Hi there , I would not take either of these while pregnant. they do indeed stop the body from working properly. so my take on this is to support the thyroid and also the adrenals. which get stressed while pregnant. you will be using a lot of thyroid hormone which will impact on the adrenals they work closely with the thyroid. have you increased your dose of thyroid medicines,? this is important as you may need about 50% more . are you taking selenium.? this is very important as the antibodies in hashi`s will be working against the body and you need to be aware of this, also go to our files and read their about the thyroid and pregnancy. another good site is Shoman, about.com/thyroid. and www.thyroidmanager.org have some good info in general, and about pregnancy. i no that depression is not a nice feeling but as you are pregnant would it be so bad to put up with it at least till after the birth. all the best. angel.

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One more thing I would like to add, which I didn't know after my baby was born,

that drinking coffee and toast, as a quick pick me up breakfast and having

coffee throughout the day, would just makes things worse and make anxiety worse.

If I had known more about nutrition I would have cut back to tea in the day, cut

back on sugar where I can, and tried to have more protein with my meals,

scrambled or boiled eggs, etc, which provide more stable blood sugar at a time

when there are so many demands on you physically and emotionally. I hope this

helps. That first meal in the morning can set you up for a rollercoaster

sugar-wise, or it can start you with a stable blood sugar from good protein/fat,

to keep your energy level. If you are drinking lots of fruit juice, this can

also create sugar cravings, rather have the fruit as a whole. Its a tough time,

if you do get desperate ask for help where you can. We have all been there and

know that it feels like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, but there

is. Be patient with all your questions and fears, life has a way of working out

if we hang in there and keep looking for solutions.


> Hi there , I would not take either of these while pregnant. they do indeed

stop the body from working properly. so my take on this is to support the

thyroid and also the adrenals. which get stressed while pregnant. you will be

using a lot of thyroid hormone which will impact on the adrenals they work

closely with the thyroid.

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That's interesting, as Dr Hertoghe says about progesterone:



" [...]. Some improvement in the diet is a plus point. The intake of foods that

reduce progesterone production such as sugar, sweets, bread, pastas, soft drinks

and alcohol, should be minimized or simply avoided. These drinks or foods

reduce the endocrine secretions of the adrenal cortex that produces

progesterone. In addition, foods that tend to increase the levels of estradiol

such as caffeinated beverages and alcohol should too become a rare part of the

diet. On the other hand, the intake of foods that increase the adrenal's

production of progesterone such as food rich in protein or healthy saturated

fat, deserve to be recommended. "


> One more thing I would like to add, which I didn't know after my baby was

born, that drinking coffee and toast, as a quick pick me up breakfast and having

coffee throughout the day, would just makes things worse and make anxiety worse.

If I had known more about nutrition I would have cut back to tea in the day, cut

back on sugar

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