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prostate cancer

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In a message dated 11/01/2000 8:05:04 PM Central Standard Time,

dmam@... writes:

<< I think that it is the requirement of doing an enema beforehand which

> provides the stumbling block. I have had men tell me they would rather



> Since we are mostly dealing with self-treatment, compliance with the

> protocol

> is a self-responsibility area. It has been my experience that compliance


> directly related to the difficulty of the procedure. The tougher to do,


> less it is done.



But if they would do the enema first, it would be a good procedure

and then also, maybe setting on the tube, as you say?


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Dear Edith,

Actually, they don't need the enema to sit on the tube.

Homozon would be a good alternative, but some won't take it (my mom) because

of the taste. For those people, there is flax oil.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh

Re: Prostate cancer

> In a message dated 11/01/2000 8:05:04 PM Central Standard Time,

> dmam@... writes:


> << I think that it is the requirement of doing an enema beforehand which

> > provides the stumbling block. I have had men tell me they would rather

> die.

> >

> > Since we are mostly dealing with self-treatment, compliance with the

> > protocol

> > is a self-responsibility area. It has been my experience that


> is

> > directly related to the difficulty of the procedure. The tougher to do,

> the

> > less it is done.

> ________________________


> Saul,

> But if they would do the enema first, it would be a good procedure


> and then also, maybe setting on the tube, as you say?


> Edith






> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

other alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here

are for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.


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I understand sitting on the tube will work for the prostate, but if one

were doing rectal insufflation, whouldn't that take care of the prostate

just out of proximity?

jim :)

Saul Pressman wrote:


> Dear Edith,


> Actually, they don't need the enema to sit on the tube.

> Homozon would be a good alternative, but some won't take it (my mom) because

> of the taste. For those people, there is flax oil.


> Best of Health!

> Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh

> Re: Prostate cancer


carpe diem, carpe pucunia, carpe femina. -- Jim Lambert

jlambert@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience


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Dear Jim,

Theoretically, yes.

In practice, we have been disappointed for the reasons I listed.

In Germany, where the doctor (nurse) does the enema and the insufflation,

they have good results.

The difference is the compliance to the protocol.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh

Re: Prostate cancer


> -----

> carpe diem, carpe pucunia, carpe femina. -- Jim Lambert


> jlambert@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience

> http://www.entrance.to/poetry



> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

other alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here

are for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.


> You can unsubscribe via e-mail by sending A NEW e-mail to the following



the message! :


> oxyplus-unsubscribeegroups


> oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.



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  • 1 month later...

Christel wrote:

>Wishing you all happiness and health for 2001.

>My sister just called to tell me that her husband was diagnosed

with prostate cancer. Someone on this list had a post about it but

I can't find it in the archives. Any information on the subject and

suggestions for treatment would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in

advance for any info, Christel

-------- Forwarded message --------

From: jgarciamd@...


Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2000

Subj: Re: [Rejuvenation] LH and other testicular stimulators

LH and other testicular stimulators are inhibited by high

levels of both estrogens and testosterone. The hypothalamus

reacts to both high test and estrogen equally by suppressing

releasing hormone release.

PC-SPES is a very strong inhibitor, so strong that men will

get osteoporosis, which in men is controlled by the estrogen

which they convert from testosterone. That is why men need a

little estrogen to maintain good bone health and mental


Prostate tumors are affected by DHT, but only in the presence

of estrogens.

You need SHBG for the estrogens to cross the cell membrane

and cause their effects also. Testosterone and estrogens

both bind to SHBG, as men get older there is less test, more

estrogen, more SHBG bound estrogen allowing cell entry, and

progression of tumor growth. There is also some preliminary

evidence that PSA is somehow a signal of the bodies' attempt

to react against the prostate cancer, i.e., when the cancer

is growing the body produces PSA to inhibit the growth, and

when the tumor is under control the PSA stays low.

A similar thought process as cholesterol being a used to

repair damaged blood vessels, rather than the cause of them.

When you look at the data in men treated with castration

after discovery of prostate cancer, they do not live any

longer than controls, and PC-SPES is as effective as

castration or Lupron, which is a strong LH suppressor.


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Christel wrote:

>Wishing you all happiness and health for 2001.

>My sister just called to tell me that her husband was diagnosed

with prostate cancer. Someone on this list had a post about it but

I can't find it in the archives. Any information on the subject and

suggestions for treatment would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in

advance for any info, Christel

from: http://www.lineone.net/express/00/09/20/news/n1520-d.html

Aspirin hope to halt cancer


20 September, 2000

© Express Newspapers, 2000

Aspirin could help save the lives of thousands of men

with prostate cancer, doctors claimed yesterday.

Experts have found that the common drug can suppress a

protein called cox2, which causes the spread of the


Prostate cancer kills 10,000 men in Britain each year.

Dr Abel, a neurologist at Imperial College, London,

who carried out the study, said: " It is the most common

cancer in men, and the second commonest cause of cancer

death in the world.

" Aspirin and aspirin-like drugs can inhibit the action

of cox2 and may be of value in treating cancer. "

However, Dr Abel warned men not to start taking aspirin

regularly as it can cause stomach ulcers to develop.

[so, take it with food....]

The prostate gland -- found only in men -- is located

close to the bladder and produces some components of

semen. More than 16,000 men are diagnosed with the

illness every year and only four in 10 are alive five

years later.

The research, published yesterday in the British Journal

of Urology, builds on studies that have shown that

aspirin can prevent the spread of bowel cancer.

Scientists found that the specific protein, cox2, which

is known to cause cancers to spread, is overactive in

prostate cancer cells.

These cells produce more than four times the cox2 found

in normal prostate cells. Regular use of non-steroidal

anti-inflammatory drugs, such as aspirin, slows down or

stops the work of the protein, thereby slowing down or

stopping the disease developing.

Trials using cox2 inhibitors in prostate cancer patients

are expected to start within a few months. However, it

could be 10 to 15 years before scientists know whether

the drugs could prevent cancer developing in the first

place. El-Nasir Lalani, of the Prostate Biology Group,

said: " If this is successful, aspirin-like drugs could

provide real benefits and new hope to patients with this

very common disease. "


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Christel wrote:

>Wishing you all happiness and health for 2001.

>My sister just called to tell me that her husband was diagnosed

with prostate cancer. Someone on this list had a post about it but

I can't find it in the archives. Any information on the subject and

suggestions for treatment would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in

advance for any info, Christel





PC Spes

At the recent annual meeting of the American Institute for

Cancer Research, it was announced that the herbal combination

in PC Spes has prostate tumor preventing effects in laboratory

animals, as well as the ability to lower PSA in men. In

another trial involving rats injected with prostate cancer

cells, an extract of PC-SPES stopped 90% of tumor growth.

For thousands of years herbs have been used in combination.

This formula was discovered and developed by the integration of

modern science and ancient wisdom. This product is the result

of nine years of research by numerous MD and PhD scientists.

Ingredients: chrysanthemum, isatis, licorice, lucid ganoderma,

pseudo-ginseng, rubescens, saw palmetto, scute.




4.085257 & time=15:02+Pacific+Time & year=2000 & public=1

Commonly Used Herbal Product Lowers PSA Level in Men with

Advanced Prostate Cancer, UCSF Study Finds

ATTENTION: Medical, Health editors

SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 27, 2000 (AScribe News) -- A popular herbal

supplement used by prostate cancer patients has been found to

significantly reduce prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels --

a protein in the blood that often indicates prostate cancer --

in men with advanced disease, according to a University of

California, San Francisco study.

The study, one of the first of its kind to subject the herb

PC-SPES to rigorous scientific scrutiny, will be published

November 1 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. PC-SPES ( " PC "

stands for prostate cancer, " SPES " is Latin for hope) consists

of extracts from eight different Chinese herbs. It is sold

commercially at some health food stores.

" My belief is people approach complementary medicine in two

ways. They either accept it without critical thought simply

because it's alternative, or they reject it without critical

thought because it's alternative, " said Small, MD, study

lead author and UCSF associate clinical professor of medicine.

" Either way, it's all opinion. We wanted to study PC-SPES and

hold it to the same standard as we would any other new drug.

This is the first attempt to study this herb in a

scientifically methodical way. "

The phase II study evaluated 70 men divided into two groups:

those with hormone dependent disease (33 patients) and those

with hormone independent disease (37 patients). Hormone

dependent disease is defined by its responsiveness to

withdrawal of the male hormone testosterone. This can be

accomplished by the use of several hormonal medications,

including the female hormone, estrogen. Testosterone fuels

prostate cancer growth. Lowering testosterone levels can cause

tumors to shrink or slow their growth. As a result, PSA levels

fall. However, tumors can become resistant to hormonal

therapy. Hormone independent disease is defined by cancer

progression despite low testosterone levels.

All of the men in the hormone dependent arm of the study had a

PSA decline of greater than 80 percent, with a median duration

of that decline lasting 57 or more weeks. Only one patient had

disease progression while taking the herb. About 97 percent of

these patients had steep declines in their testosterone also,

causing researchers to theorize PC-SPES may work like standard

hormonal therapy, Small said. " We think PC-SPES is estrogen-

like, " he said.

In the men with hormone independent disease, 19 men, or about

50 percent, had PSA declines of greater than 50 percent.

Median time before PSA increased was 16 weeks. But several men

in this group have not had any disease progression in more than

a year of taking the herb.

The finding that PC-SPES can lower PSA levels in men with

hormone independent disease is significant, Small said, because

it represents another line of defense for patients when

standard hormonal therapy fails to slow the disease.

" In this group of patients we can use another hormone, but

beyond that, short of chemotherapy, there is not much more we

can do, " Small said. " PC-SPES can be used as a second or

third line hormone. We don't know what kind of impact it will

have on survival, but it clearly offers a clinical benefit.

It provides us with another treatment we can use before

chemotherapy. "

In addition, some men in both groups saw shrinkage of their

tumors. Side effects included impotency, lowered sex drive and

breast tenderness. Overall, PC-SPES was well tolerated. The

men were enrolled in the trial for two years and were given a

dose of nine capsules daily.

While PC-SPES appears to be mimicking estrogen in men with

hormone dependent disease, Small and colleagues believe there

may be other active anti-cancer ingredients in the supplement

because it lowered PSA levels in men with hormone independent

disease whose testosterone was already low.

" We have proven that this has some activity, " Small said.

" The next step is to sort out if this is any different from

estrogen, " he said.

To that end, Small and colleagues at Dana Farber Cancer

Institute in Boston, Mass. are enrolling 100 men with hormone

independent disease for a trial to test which agent, estrogen

or PC-SPES, works better to slow the disease. Once one therapy

stops producing PSA declines, the patient will be switched to

the other agent. Patients will be enrolled for a year.

" The importance of that study is it will help us get to the

mechanism of PC-SPES, " Small said.

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer, excluding

nonmelanoma skin cancers, in American men, according to the

American Cancer Society. The organization estimates that

180,400 new cases of prostate cancer will be diagnosed in the

U.S. this year. Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of

cancer death in men, exceeded only by lung cancer. About

31,900 men in the United States will die of this disease during

2000, according to the American Cancer Society.

Other authors on the paper include Mark Frohlich, M.D., UCSF

assistant professor of medicine; Bok, M.D., Ph.D., UCSF

assistant clinical professor of medicine; Katsuto Shinohara,

M.D., UCSF assistant professor of urology; Grossfeld,

M.D., UCSF assistant professor of urology; Zinovi Rozenblat,

UCSF clinical research associate; , D.O.,

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; Michele Corry, N.P.,

UCSF; Reese, M.D., UCSF assistant clinical professor of


The study was supported by the Association for the Cure of

Cancer of the Prostate (CaP CURE).


AScribe - The Public Interest Newswire / 510-645-4600


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Hello Christel;

Prof Noel of Australia recently had 4 for 4 advanced prostate

cancers regress using ozone infused directly through the skin at the

perineum, with the client sitting on a plate zapper (Hulda s?).

He posts on the symphonichealth egroup.



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To everyone who responded to my request on this subject.

I thank you . Unfortunately my brother in law went under the knife today.

My sister just called me from Germany.

I was really sorry to hear that decision. But it is his to make and not mine.

I appreciate all your kindness,

Thanks again, Christel

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Christel and list

At my clinic here in London I have not treated much PC since I started using

ozone, but I did have one pretty remarkable result a few years back using

electro-crystal therapy with one guy. It did not on its own cure him, but

there again he was not doing much to help himself (crap diet, smoking,

negative attitude, and regrettably no money with which to pursue the range

of therapies that would have been ideal - as an aside I treated him for £3

per session twice a week for a year). But it did reduce his PSA in half

after about 6 sessions and reduce his toilet visits from 3-5 times per night

to once per night, and then after 3 months he stopped visiting completely at

night. He was given 6 months to live. Last I heard, he's still alive and

kicking and that was several years after he was supposed to have been dead.

You can find out more about this therapy by visiting my web site at

www.thefinchleyclinic.co.uk but please note the following, as on the rare

occasions I place an email on this and other lists about this therapy I

always get flooded by the same questions 1) I do not teach this therapy,

though I will refer people on who are genuinley interested in training 2)

The healing machines are not available for general purchase, they are only

available to electro-crystal therapy practitioners 3) There are a handful of

practioners in Canada, virtually none in the US, and Australia and the

majority are in the UK, predominantly in the southern part of the country.

Mark in London

Re: Prostate cancer

> Hello Christel;


> Prof Noel of Australia recently had 4 for 4 advanced prostate

> cancers regress using ozone infused directly through the skin at the

> perineum, with the client sitting on a plate zapper (Hulda s?).


> He posts on the symphonichealth egroup.


> ciao


> Duncan



> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

other alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here

are for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.


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  • 4 weeks later...

At 01:52 PM 1/25/01 -0600, you wrote:

>Name: Anne

>Email: anne.russell@...

>Comments: Do you have any information about a cure for prostate and

>lymphnodes Cancer?

go to cures for cancer.ws and look in the drugs section for a treatment for

prostate cancer. You might also look for an over-the-counter product


For any kind of cancer, including prostate or lymph node cancer, do this:

Start now on a daily workout that includes walking and full body motion

exercises, and burn all your restrictive clothing such as tight

underwear. Do not wear a bra anymore, ever. That will allow your lymph

systems to drain into the gastro-intestinal tract.

Do cleanses to remove the parasites and impacted fecal matter from your

intestines, followed by liver, kidney, and blood cleanses. This will

relieve toxin buildup in your body. Make sure you are having a bowel

movement within 2 hours after every meal, preferably within 1/2 to 3/4 of

an hour afterward. See the cleanses page at cures for cancer.ws for

information. Also, download the paper at

http://www.cures for cancer.ws/cures for cancer/cleansing.pdf and read it.

Ingest 5 fat cloves of fresh crushed garlic, a teaspoon or two of ground

cayenne pepper (or equivalent fresh habanero pepper), and a handful of

cooked agaricus blazei murril, maitake, or shitake mushrooms daily. Try

packing all that on a buttered bun with a handful of fresh chopped parsley

and a teaspoon each of ground fresh ginger and ground fresh

horseradish. Follow the sandwich up with a teaspoon of vitamin C, a

teaspoon of MSM powder, a teaspoon of cat's claw, and 3 or 4 enzyme

capsules. For dessert eat a cup of blended yogurt with a tablespoon or

two of cold pressed unrefined flax oil, two tablespoons of honey, an ounce

or two of chopped nuts (walnuts, pecans, almonds, etc - no peanuts), and a

handful of chopped fresh fruit of the season. Drink a quart of fresh

vegetable juice daily, comprised of one apple, 2 pounds of carrots, two or

three stalks of celery, a tomato, half a beet, and few pieces of green /

leafy plant like spinach, broccoli, kale, or cabbage, and two ounces of

liquid colloidal minerals. For protein, minimize animal sources, and go

to them ONLY if vegetable sources are not available AND you are taking

double enzyme supplements. Rice and Beans are not a latin American

supplement for nothing, but they are not the only vegetable sources.

If you have diabetes too, knock out all raw sugar from your diet (but honey

is not the same as raw sugar), immediately start on chromium and vanadium

supplements, and monitor your blood sugar several times a day. If you

have heart problems, immediately start on copper, zinc, and selenium


This food/supplement plan will load you up on calories (about a thousand)

without making you too fat, give you fresh natural vitamins and minerals,

improve your blood circulation, vigorously oxygenate your cells, facilitate

the removal of toxins, and boost the immune function. It will fight

cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Daily massage the top of the feet from the ankles down to the toes, looking

for and rubbing on crystals or kernels between the tendons. That will

stimulate lymph node healing and drainage, and reduce swelling and pain.

I personally recommend that people with cancer treat it like the deadly

disease it is and declare all-out war against it. Just reading the above

list will convince you that much time will be spent gathering and preparing

your food. Get someone who loves you to help you with it. If nobody loves

you, hang a sign outside your door that says " I love you. I need somebody

to love me too. Knock NOW. "

Bob Hurt

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

In a message dated 05/31/2001 5:44:55 PM Central Daylight Time,

Christelti@... writes:

> My sister and I are really concerned about her husband.

> I have a question for all you experts. My brother in law recently had

> surgery

> for removal of his prostate. Now instead of chemo they are given him

> injections. According to my sister these injections are supposed to

> eliminate

> the hormones in his body. Here is a man that went from vital, active to a

> totally depressed couchpotatoe and we don't know how to help him. I have to

> admit, I don't know much about this condition but feel that there has to be

> something in the alternative field that would help this man. Can anyone

> give

> me some suggestions? He is 60 years old and lives in Germany.

> I am going over in September and could take along whatever is not available

> there.

> Thank you very much for listening.

> Hoping to hear from you.

> Love and Light

> Christel

> _______________________________________________________


My dad is 78 and has prostate cancer. The doctor said they did not like to

do surgery on a man his age. He told the doc he was very active splitting

wood etc. My step-mom wanted him to take the injections to zap

the hormones but the doctor said if you take those you will not get off the

couch and will lay there and watch TV all day.

He chose none of those things but is taking 3 herbs and completely

changed his diet and his PSA has dropped by 2/3.


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Guest guest

Dear Christel,

You would bringing coal to Newcastle.

They have ozone therapy in Germany, 8,000 doctors worth.

Get him to see Dr. Horst Kief, and get him off the female

hormones. Yuck.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LOH

Prostate Cancer

> My sister and I are really concerned about her husband.

> I have a question for all you experts. My brother in law recently had


> for removal of his prostate. Now instead of chemo they are given him

> injections. According to my sister these injections are supposed to


> the hormones in his body. Here is a man that went from vital, active to a

> totally depressed couchpotatoe and we don't know how to help him. I have


> admit, I don't know much about this condition but feel that there has to


> something in the alternative field that would help this man. Can anyone


> me some suggestions? He is 60 years old and lives in Germany.

> I am going over in September and could take along whatever is not


> there.

> Thank you very much for listening.

> Hoping to hear from you.

> Love and Light

> Christel



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Whenever YOU mention this, it might be a good idea for you to define again what

you mean by antioxidant. As I recall, your definition seems different than what

most folk call " antioxident " . Vitamins C,E,A, and melatonin etc. are common

antioxidents and are GOOD for you.


Take my advice--I'm not using it!

On Fri, 1 Jun 2001 09:45:04 -0700, " Saul Pressman " <saul@...> wrote:

>Good information, for the most part. The only incorrect part

>was the advice about taking antioxidants. It is oxidants that

>you need to take to prevent and suppress cancer. Cancer

>cells have no defense against oxidants.

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Guest guest

Dear Duncan,

Good information, for the most part. The only incorrect part

was the advice about taking antioxidants. It is oxidants that

you need to take to prevent and suppress cancer. Cancer

cells have no defense against oxidants.

Progesterone production can be increased by taking flax oil.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LOH

Prostate Cancer

> <<Now instead of chemo they are given him

> injections. According to my sister these injections are supposed to

> eliminate

> the hormones in his body. >>


> Hi Christel;


> I'm sorry to hear that the medical orthodoxy is still so embarrasingly

> bassackwards in delivering this therapy. How long do they propose to

> control his natural estrogen production with drugs, ...forever?


> A testosterone and progesterone cream will control hormone levels without

> drugs. Both of these hormones control the breakdown of estrogen to

> estradiol, which promotes accelerated breast and prostate cancer growth.

> Only the progesterone is required for women of course.


> Do a Search on Dr. Lee, noted expert in this field.


> Enough details follow: (from Dr. Lee's site)


> **************************


> A recent (8 Oct 1998 NEJM) study reported that, in patients with


> prostate cancer, the combination of orchiectomy (castration) plus


> conferred no survival advantage over orchiectomy alone. In fact, the only

> observed effect of flutamide was a reduction in quality of life,

> particularly more diarrhea and worse emotional functioning. Brain cells,


> we know need some testosterone. Orchiectomy removes not only testicular

> testosterone production but also its production of estradiol. Why chose

> testosterone as the cause of prostate cancer? Testosterone supplementation

> prevents survival of prostate cancer cells transplanted to test mammals.

> Testosterone given to test mammals after transplantation of prostate


> tissue will slow tumor growth. In prostate cancer cell culture,


> kills the cancer cells.


> Consider three changes in testicular hormone production as men age.

> Progesterone production falls and since progesterone is a potent inhibitor

> of 5 alpha-reductase, the enzyme that converts testosterone to

> dihydrotestosterone (DHT), this decline of progesterone causes increased

> testosterone conversion to DHT. Since testosterone is a direct antagonist


> estradiol (and DHT isn't), relative estradiol effect increases.


> It is time to revamp the prostate cancer hypothesis. Orchiectomy provided


> prostate cancer benefit not because it removed testicular testosterone but

> it lowered estradiol levels. The course of prostate cancer growth is due


> the continued presence of an underlying metabolic imbalance. The most


> underlying metabolic imbalance in all hormone dependent cancers is


> dominance (too much estrogen). Prevent the estrogen dominance and you will

> prevent the cancer. If the cancer is already underway, correcting the

> estrogen dominance will slow the cancer growth and prolong life.


> The prostate is the male equivalent of the female uterus. They


> from the same embryonic cells and they share many of the same genes such


> the oncogene, Bcl-2, and the cancer protector gene, p53. It is, therefore,

> no surprise that the hormonal relationships in endometrial cancer will be

> the SAME in prostate cancer. Researchers TS Wiley and Prof. Bent Formby,

> using prostate cancer cell cultures, have clarified much of the

> relationships between hormones, gene effects, and prostate cancer cell

> growth. Their in vitro test show the following: A).. Estradiol increases

> Bcl-2 product that leads to cell proliferation and delay in apoptosis,


> of which increase cancer risk. B).. Progesterone suppresses Bcl-2 action


> increases p53 product that slows cell proliferation and restores proper

> apoptosis, both of which decrease cancer risk. C).. Testosterone (but not

> the DHT) stops cancer cell growth. D).. Insulin increases cancer cell

> growth.


> Adult males' estradiol levels are equivalent to or greater than that of

> postmenopausal females. Estradiol's effects, however, are suppressed

> (antagonized) by the male's greater production of testosterone.


> is a potent inhibitor of 5 alpha-reductase and, as males age, the decline


> progesterone increases the conversion rate of testosterone to DHT. Thus,


> aging males, testosterone levels fall not only because of less production


> but also by its increased conversion to DHT. In this situation, estradiol

> effect rises. Just as estradiol is a known endometrial carcinogen, so also

> is estradiol a likely prostate cancer carcinogen in aging males.


> In the case of prostate cancer, the new treatment plan would include the

> following: 1).. Diet should avoid sugar, refined starches, and other

> glycemic (insulin-raising) foods as well as high estrogen foods such as

> feedlot meat and milk. 2).. Maintain a good intake of anti-oxidants. 3)..

> Monitor saliva hormone levels of progesterone and testosterone in males


> 50. 4).. Supplement progesterone and testosterone by transdermal cream to

> maintain saliva levels consistent with that of healthy mature males. When

> supplemented in this manner, the doses required are quite small: I suspect

> that appropriate doses will be in the range of 8-10 mg/day of progesterone

> and 2-3 mg/day of testosterone.


> There you have it, from Dr. Lee M.D. Given the choice, I would choose

> testosterone and progesterone supplementation over castration. If this


> and cheap in-home treatment became common, our health care system could


> many millions of dollars every year and prostate cancer could be


> Clip this, guys, and show it to your doctor.




> ciao




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Women need both testosterone and progesterone, just as men do. We get

them in different ratios, though.

As a matter of fact, on the longevity & growth hormone lists I was on,

many menopausal & peri-menopausal women reported that the single thing

that made them feel and look better is the testosterone they take to

complement hGH injections.

jim :)

Duncan Crow wrote:


> A testosterone and progesterone cream will control hormone levels without

> drugs. Both of these hormones control the breakdown of estrogen to

> estradiol, which promotes accelerated breast and prostate cancer growth.

> Only the progesterone is required for women of course.


The TRUTH in 11 words:

Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what happened!

-- anon

jlambert@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience


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<<He had the surgery already and these

injections are supposedly eliminating all hormones. He is supposed to do


for 3 years..That is the part we don't understand.

Are you saying he should not do the injections and do the above mentioned?

Please excuse my ignorance.

Is the name of DR Lee's book

>> What your doctor does not tell you about menopause< ?

Thanks again Duncan.

Love and Light>>

Hi Christel;

I'm not sure but it sems he is getting a form of chemical castration. If it

is, it's supposed to stop production of testosterone. Testosterone and

progesterone is what's required to stop estrogen, made everywhere in a man's

and woman's body, from converting into estradiols, which aggravate

hormone-dependant cancer.

That information I sent is specific to men, from Dr's website, not his book

on menopause.




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Dear Chuck,

Yes they are called antioxidants but they are really reductants.

People can see my post in the archives for the lowdown.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh, LOH

Re: Prostate Cancer

> Saul,

> Whenever YOU mention this, it might be a good idea for you to define again


> you mean by antioxidant. As I recall, your definition seems different than


> most folk call " antioxident " . Vitamins C,E,A, and melatonin etc. are


> antioxidents and are GOOD for you.

> Chuck

> Take my advice--I'm not using it!



> On Fri, 1 Jun 2001 09:45:04 -0700, " Saul Pressman " <saul@...>



> >Good information, for the most part. The only incorrect part

> >was the advice about taking antioxidants. It is oxidants that

> >you need to take to prevent and suppress cancer. Cancer

> >cells have no defense against oxidants.




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What is good to take for prostate cancer. My dad has it. He is planning on

27 radiation treatment which will of course end his sex life and he is still

active there I have heard. He is 79 years old. Please respond ASAP what

exactly he should take and do for this disease. Thanks.

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In a message dated 06/05/2001 6:26:38 AM Central Daylight Time,

ELSOL102@... writes:

> What is good to take for prostate cancer. My dad has it. He is planning on

> 27 radiation treatment which will of course end his sex life and he is

> still

> active there I have heard. He is 79 years old. Please respond ASAP what

> exactly he should take and do for this disease. Thanks.

> _____________________________

I have told this story several times. My dad is 79 and was diagnosed with


last Nov when he was 78. I ordered Eydie Mae's book " how I conquered

cancer naturally " he is doing her simple outline except for the wheat grass

which he may do later. He refused all treatments. He sees a Prostate

Specialist that is so taken with dad's results. 3 months into this diet

his bald spot filled in and his PSA dropped by 2/3. He also takes

echinacea, dandalion, devil caw tincture....4 days on 3 days off.


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Here are research findings of substances/ foods/ activities that hinder/ stop/

reverse Prostate Cancer:

Any of the following, the prostate cancer victim would benefit from taking or

eating or is already deficient in.


Modified Citrus Pectin

Beta Carotene










Vitamin A

Vitamin C

Vitamin D

Vitamin E

Bovine Cartilege




Saw Palmetto



Green Tea





PC Spes ( a specific formula)


Wearing Pink sunglasses is good. Wearing regular sunglasses is bad. (I just

report the research, folks.)

These are bad and should be avoided:



Red meat

Saturated fats.

Make a copy of this list and refer to it often. This information is from

Hyperhealth research.


Re: Prostate Cancer

What is good to take for prostate cancer. My dad has it. He is planning on

27 radiation treatment which will of course end his sex life and he is still

active there I have heard. He is 79 years old. Please respond ASAP what

exactly he should take and do for this disease. Thanks.


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Note: Testerone should read Testosterone. My wife was talking to me while I was

typing. I can't do two things at once.

Re: Prostate Cancer

What is good to take for prostate cancer. My dad has it. He is planning on

27 radiation treatment which will of course end his sex life and he is still

active there I have heard. He is 79 years old. Please respond ASAP what

exactly he should take and do for this disease. Thanks.


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I ordered Eydie Mae's book " how I conquered

    cancer naturally "   he is doing her simple outline except for the wheat


    which he may do later. 

In a message dated 06/05/2001 2:15:24 PM Central Daylight Time,

ruthful@... writes:

> Edith, What is the simple outline?



I tried to tell my dad about the book and make him understand....he couldn't.

SO I drove 2 hrs and picked him up and kept him 2 weeks to let him

read the book. She goes into when the breast cancer was found

and each step from then on. It made no sense or impression until

he read it then we went to work om mapping out his food and day.

You have to read the book for the big picture. One can hardly put

it down. I had read it twice but he insisted on reading to me the parts that

impressed him.


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If it was me, I would do mgn-3. I am certain others will recommend various

ozone options, of course.


-----Original Message-----

What is good to take for prostate cancer. My dad has it. He is planning on

27 radiation treatment which will of course end his sex life and he is still

active there I have heard. He is 79 years old. Please respond ASAP what

exactly he should take and do for this disease. Thanks.

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