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prostate cancer

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You certainly ask some good questions. All

of these were asked by me to the one who

came up w/all this, S , at jsrl936@... or his

website at www.jsrl936.com, where you should read and scan where all

this came from. You can also

call him at home: (he's retired) 219-763-1933.

But I do suggest you look over the above first

so that he'll feel you're somewhat familiar when

you talk to him. You can eat whatever you want

but during this 12 days you're so full of liquid

you can't hold much more. I'm really not brave... I just checked out

the above information very well. I'm 65 and 18 months ago had a PSA

of over 11 and was diagnosed

with prostate cancer. I had 5 weeks of radiation

followed by radioactive seed implant. My PSA

soon went down to .2.....for 14 months. Then

it went up in 2-3 months to 5.9. A definate sign

that it was back (it is an aggressive cancer ...

I had a Gleason score of 8..very dangerous.

I started taking cantron for the last 3 months

and m PSA came down some and is around

5.1. My doctor said ordinarilly the PSA woulad

be going up each month. But cantron is forever, but better than

nothing, so when I became familiar with this I started it with hopes

of a cure and not having to take cantron 5x a

day for rest of my life. Of course I could get

on hormone therapy (hot flashes, no sex, enlarged breasts)

and get an immediate lowering of PSA but

after 2-3 years it wears off and you go to

chemo... I'd rather take a calculated risk for

something better. In my last email to the

group I told about Mike Fernandez' experience

and " cure " with what I'm taking. His number

is 956-722-4733. Best, JR

Hi Jerry!

I have been following your updates on the Cancer Cure website. You are

indeed a brave soul! My husband has prostate cancer with metastases to several

bones. His PSA recently reached a high of 14.5. He is now back on hormone

therapy after being off for about 10 months. Are there any testimonials with

respect to the use of Thiazolidine, particularly in advanced cases? What is

your situation with the prostate cancer? During the course of these 12 days,

are you allowed to eat anything or does it interfere with the treatment? Are

you permitted to take any other vitamins or supplements? Are there any possible

side effects? Are there certain people who should not try this? Thank you so

much for the updates. I am most interested in the results as it sounds almost

too good to be true. If it works, it certainly becomes another option for my

husband- as drastic as it seems. Please keep me informed of your progress.

Take care,

Audrey Iwaszko

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Thanks Larry Clapp for your suggestions. One

of your recommendation states: " visit the only

site for prostate alternatives " . Well I did.. I read

it three times and can't find anything on prostate

replacement (alternative prostate). I wish I could, it would certainly

enhance my sexlife. But thanks for trying anyway, Best, JR

Jerry and Audrey--

You may want to check out proven alternatives on http://www.prostate90.com,

including pc-spes, which usually rolls back metastacies. See also

www.pc-spes.com. There are excellent support groups on both sites.


Larry Clapp, Ph.D., J.D.


Author, " Prostate Health in 90 Days, Without Drugs or Surgery " , Hayhouse

9/97, currently the best selling prostate book, in 11th printing. Visit the

only site for prostate alternatives, www.prostate90.com and join the only

online, alternative, prostate support group.

Re: Prostate Cancer

You certainly ask some good questions. All

of these were asked by me to the one who

came up w/all this, S , at jsrl936@... or his

website at www.jsrl936.com, where you should read and scan where all

this came from. You can also

call him at home: (he's retired) 219-763-1933.

But I do suggest you look over the above first

so that he'll feel you're somewhat familiar when

you talk to him. You can eat whatever you want

but during this 12 days you're so full of liquid

you can't hold much more. I'm really not brave... I just checked out

the above information very well. I'm 65 and 18 months ago had a PSA

of over 11 and was diagnosed

with prostate cancer. I had 5 weeks of radiation

followed by radioactive seed implant. My PSA

soon went down to .2.....for 14 months. Then

it went up in 2-3 months to 5.9. A definate sign

that it was back (it is an aggressive cancer ...

I had a Gleason score of 8..very dangerous.

I started taking cantron for the last 3 months

and m PSA came down some and is around

5.1. My doctor said ordinarilly the PSA woulad

be going up each month. But cantron is forever, but better than

nothing, so when I became familiar with this I started it with hopes

of a cure and not having to take cantron 5x a

day for rest of my life. Of course I could get

on hormone therapy (hot flashes, no sex, enlarged breasts)

and get an immediate lowering of PSA but

after 2-3 years it wears off and you go to

chemo... I'd rather take a calculated risk for

something better. In my last email to the

group I told about Mike Fernandez' experience

and " cure " with what I'm taking. His number

is 956-722-4733. Best, JR


eGroups.com home: cures for cancer

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eGroups.com home: cures for cancer

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  • 1 month later...


I am interested in your mention of progesterone cream for men. Is is

formulated differently from progesterone cream for women (as used in

menopausal hormone replacement therapy)?

How would a man with prostrate cancer use it? I assume it's used an an

anti-estrogen. Would a man use a daily dose, about the size of a quarter, on

the skin, the same as a woman would for HRT?

I much appreciate your many informative postings.


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It has different ingredients specific to males. Go to

http://www.health-world.com/health-world/proscreamfor.html to see

ingredients or to purchase. Or, if you want to ask questions of the

manufacturer, go to http://www.1kokoro.com/home.htm



Cancer Cure Foundation

Re: Prostate cancer


>I am interested in your mention of progesterone cream for men. Is is

>formulated differently from progesterone cream for women (as used in

>menopausal hormone replacement therapy)?

>How would a man with prostrate cancer use it? I assume it's used an an

>anti-estrogen. Would a man use a daily dose, about the size of a quarter,


>the skin, the same as a woman would for HRT?

>I much appreciate your many informative postings.




>Visit http://cures for cancer.evangelist.net for cancer info or to unsubscribe




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  • 2 months later...


We must have heard the same infomercial. I've been

taking " Beta Prostate " 1/2 tablet / day for several months,

for prostate maintenance, not CA.

I bought two and got one free. They have a bland but

pleasant taste.


On Sat, 11 Dec 1999 07:27:38 -0800 " ph Peppe, N.D. "

<drpeppe@...> writes:

>Anybody have a learned opinion of a product called " Beta Prostate " ? It

>is made out of Beta Cita Sterol from sugar cane and they claim each

>capsule (here we go) equals 3 pounds of Saw Palmetto's action against

>BHT(not sure if I remember these being correct initials) the active

>culprit of not only prostate cancer but baldness. Two capsules per


>Here's the phone # if we have any health net detectives with ability


>ascertain if something is real or fictitious scam to get $$$.

>800-335-9013. They said buy 2 and get one free and pennies a day but

>never said a price on the half hour radio advertisement. Thanks, Love

>and Godspeed, drpeppe@...

>P.S. It was also reiterated Japanese men don't have prostate cancer

>because they are not red meat/high fatty acids eaters. Carnivores and

>chicken fried snake eaters, you supposed to sing now: " Say It Ain't

>So " .




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  • 4 weeks later...

There is a lot on the internet about the prostate, and

about the PSA test. What you must look out for is a

sudden change of PSA, more than 1 point in one year...

If there is that change, you are still in plenty of

time to find out what it is... it might be irritated,

or it might be the start of a tumor...

Prostate cancer grows very slowly, and one of the

options when they confirm it is there is to do

nothing, and just take frequent ultrasound readings or

whatever else the doctors do, just to make sure it is

confined to interior of the prostate. It is as if it

is inside a walnut. If the prostate tumor is confined

inside the nut, it is under control... If it starts to

grow out, before it breaks out, then is the time to

take another decision: treatment with radiation, or

surgery, etc.

Also, when the prostate is " small " it has a reading of

less than 1 and 1.something... but when it suddenly

blows up to its " large " size, then you can have a

sudden increase in PSA to less than 4... which doesn't

mean it is cancerous, but at that point you have to

find out the exact reason.

The bad news is that prostate cancer is the biggest

cancer killer of men. The good news is that it is

entirely detectable with a PSA test, which is

inexpensive and accurate, and can give you a long lead

time to have it treated successfully.

My latest PSA test was about 1.3, so I have a green

light until the next test. I am not a doctor, however,

and I am merely restating what I have read on the


You will find especially good pages on the site of

the M.D. Hospital of Houston, Texas, which is

also where I would want to go for treatment if I had



--- gts <gts@...> wrote:

> Welcome back Dale.


> Concerning your PSA, I wouldn't worry too much about

> it yet as 1.6 is still

> well within the healthy range (as I understand it

> anything under 4 is

> normal) and I suspect there are a lot of random

> factors and natural

> variation in PSA test results.


> Even so, if I were you and being the cautious person

> that I am, I

> would not start any kind of of testosterone

> replacement therapy until

> after a second PSA test, which I would take in about

> 3 months along

> with digital rectal exam. I would want to know if my

> PSA was trending

> sharply higher.


> -gts










> -----------------------


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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

I had a gleason of 8 and a PSA of 11 when I

had radiation and seed implant. That was over

2 and one half years ago. My PSA immediately went down to .2 but

started back

up 14 months later. (one year ago). Now its

at 20. Recent bone and cat scans can find

no metastasis yet. I have tried numerous treatments and " cures " too

numerous to go

into here. Right now I'm in anexperimental

treatment through Cell Pathways that my

family doc spent 6 months helping me to get

into. After one month my PSA didn't go up

for the first time ...a hopeful sign. Anyway tell

your chiroprater he's full of it an take everything

the experts tell you with a grain of salt. PCspec

will bring your PSA down (which is pretty low

as it is) but it covers up symptoms and is

only effective 2-3 years at the most anyway.

RESEARCH the web ...Research for experimental programs you are

probably elligible for...don't count on others to do what

I'm doing..taking the time to tell you all this..Your best treatment

will probably

come from what you yourself dig up. I'm

convinced cancer can be controlled and cured..

and will keep searching, listening, and be

grateful for what this site can offer..but most

of all be self reliant...Best, JR

I need help please. Please advise me on what to do. I have prostate cancer

(PSA was 4.3, down to 3.6 now, Gleason Scale 6 to 9 ). My Homeopathic doctor

got me on MGN3; he says if he were me, he wouldn't have surgery. He would

have Beam radiation and keep taking MGN3 and herbs and vitamins. My

chiropractor says he would do neither but take PC-SPES, which you can look up

on the internet at <A HREF= " www.pc-spes.com/pubs/dosing-rwall.html-ssi " >www.pc

-spes.com/pubs/dosing-rwall.html-ssi</A> .

It is made of Chinese herbs that is supposed to be 83% effective in curing

cancer, but are very expensive. The medical doctor said if I do not do

anything soon My time will run out. Please send your response and your

credentials on what you would do if it were you.

Thank you

Major Adair


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Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

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visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv

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Well-known nutritional specialist Bonnie Liebman writes about " Death,

taxes... and prostate cancer..., " a poignant comment on the prevalence of

prostate cancer in our population. When researchers include in their

statistics individuals with pre-cancerous cells, they claim that more than

three-quarters of men over the age of 80 show evidence of cnacer in their

prostate glands. Some scientists are of the opinion that if a man lives long

enough, he will eventually get prostate cancer. By this definition, prostate

cancer would certainly be a disease of aging.

Nevertheless the vast majority of men easily outlive prostate cancer. Many

may not even suffer significant symptoms. Although the average age at which

men are diagnosed is 72, it is usually with a slow-growing tumor that may

even begun thirty or forty years earlier. It is by far the most common type

of cancer to occur in men, but death by prostate cancer is less freaquent

than death by either lung cancer or cancer of the colon, the two most

frequent cancer killers.

Screeing for prostate cancer is pursued aggressively, usually by digital

rectal exam or a blood test called a PSA(prostate specific antigen). Rectal

exams are a simple way to check for swelling and sensitivity. PSA levels

rise in the prescence of prostate cancer and are a good screening tool for

this cancer. They may also indicate the effectiveness of anti-cancer


Traditional treatments include surgical removal, heat therapy, laser

therapy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and benign neglect.

Alternative therapy focuses more on slowing down the process than on curing

it. Diet is important since prostatic cancer has been linked with high-fat,

low-fiber diets. The use of antioxidants such as Vitamin A or selenium is

popular for reasons we describe below. Recently, a carotenoid called

lycopene that gives certain fruits and vegetables their rich color has been

linked to prevention of prostate cancer. It seems that men who eat

lycopene-rich foods(tomato sauces, dark grapes)have lower rates of prostatic

disease. This theory is still under investigation.

One of the more significant series of papers to be published on glutathione

and prostate cancer comes from the University of Wisconsi. Researchers there

describe male hormones (androgens) as a source of oxidative stress,

particularly in cancerous prostate cells, An article in the Journal of the

National Cancer Insitute claims that androgens stimulate free radical damage

and also deplete glutathione. Given the natural decline of glutathione

levels in males as they age, the article suggests that " unopposed androgen

pro-oxidant stress " contributes to prostate cancer. Natural defense against

oxidative stress is weakened by the decline of Glutathione enzymes. This is

an interesting model for the development of prostate cancer.

Anoter finding links the loss of glutathione activity to prostate cancer.

The function of a particular glutathone enzyme -

glutathione-S-transferase-pi-1(GSTP1)- is almsot universally lost in both

cancerous and pre-cancerous prostate cells. The inactivation of this

glutathione enzyme is an early event in the development of prostate cancer.

Many studies have linked the loss of GSTP1 to malignant transformation of

prostatic tissuses.

Medical discoveries are often a matter of chance. A very large study was

undertaken by the National Cancer Institute (USA) to determine whether

selenium could bring down the rate of skin cancer, notoriously caused by

strong exposure to sunlight. Researchers L.C. e and G.F. Combs form

Cornell University and the University of Arizona already knew of selenium's

ability to raise glutathione levels(see chapter 4) and to oppose

cancer-causing free radical damage from ultraviolet light. As it turned out,

selenium supplementation did not affect the incidence of skin cancer, but

did surprisingly and dramatically diminish the incidence of prostate cancer

in the selenium supplementation group.

A more recent study from Harvard University confirms that higher selenium

levls go hand-in-hand with a decreased risk of prostate cancer. It measured

selenium levels in the toenail clippings of over 51,000 male health

professionals between 40 to 75 years of age. Those with the highest selenium

levels had the lwest chance of developing advanced prostate cancer. Note

that selenium is only biologically active- and only has health benefits-

when it is part of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, through which selenium

expresses its positive health benefits.

Studies using whey protein isolates such as Immunocal to raise glutathione

levels are underway at several research centers including McGill and Harvard

Universities, where its usefulness in the treatment of prostate cancer is

being weighed.

Case Study

lin was a semi-retired general practitioner who at age 68 scored a PSA

reading of over 8 micorgrams/liter on a routine screening exam, suggesting a

high possibility of prostate cancer. In continued tests, a urologist took

cystoscopic biopsy and confirmed the diagnosis. Four out of lin's six

biopsy sites tested positive for high-grade tumor. For personal and

practical reasons, lin delayed aggressive treatment and opted to take

30 grams/day of Immunocal, a protein isolate that raises glutathione levels.

Bimonthly PSA levels showed a gradual decline, his latest reading being

3.8u/L. He is still being closely followed by his urologist, and his

decision to undergo chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery will be deferred

unless his PSA levels rise again.


Prostate Cancer

> I need help please. Please advise me on what to do. I have prostate


> (PSA was 4.3, down to 3.6 now, Gleason Scale 6 to 9 ). My Homeopathic


> got me on MGN3; he says if he were me, he wouldn't have surgery. He would

> have Beam radiation and keep taking MGN3 and herbs and vitamins. My

> chiropractor says he would do neither but take PC-SPES, which you can look


> on the internet at <A

HREF= " www.pc-spes.com/pubs/dosing-rwall.html-ssi " >www.pc

> -spes.com/pubs/dosing-rwall.html-ssi</A> .

> It is made of Chinese herbs that is supposed to be 83% effective in


> cancer, but are very expensive. The medical doctor said if I do not do

> anything soon My time will run out. Please send your response and your

> credentials on what you would do if it were you.


> Thank you

> Major Adair


> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

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Dear Major,

I don't know exactly where to start but here goes:

In Jan '99, I was dx'd with PCa with major bone mets, from my skull

to my feet. For any

PCa patients here, my PSA was 1,720 and Gleason score was 7. In fact,

the only area of

the bone scan that was clear was a small area in might right

shoulder...every where else

was shades of grey up to black. My only choice, insofar as

traditional treatment was

concerned, was combined hormonal therapy, a Zoladex shot every 3

months and a

Casodex pill every day. This worked fine for about 9 months, bringing

my PSA down to

below 3 and I experienced only minor pain off and on. Looking for an


treatment, I ran across Cancell in Nov '99, and after talking to

several people, began taking

Cantron in Dec '99, along with other supplements recommended by Dr.

Bell, Bromelain,

Megazyme Forte, Ge-132, primarily. Everything was going well, so I

thought (playing

golf, working in the yard, etc.), as I was continuing to enjoy a

normal life until April

'2000. At this time I began having severe pain in my right hip, so

severe in fact that I was

taking Demoral every 3-4 hours and had to use a crutch just to get

about. About this time,

I ran across ellagic acid and, thanks to Viverito and n

Chung, added it to my

protocol, at least 9 caps per day. On the 11th day after adding

ellagic, the crutch went

back in the closet (where it belongs). I stopped the Demoral and took

only one Vioxx and

one Lortab per day. Also, I might add that I could not walk up

stairs/steps, but had to go

up one step at at time. Today, I am not only walking up stairs

normally without any

disconfort, but take ONLY one Vioxx per day...nothing else. I had

also given up the idea

of ever playing golf again but, as Dr.Chung said, don't be so sure. I

may play again next

week. I still periodically experience some pain, but at this point, I

may take an Advil if it

gets too bad. <big grin> I, of course have no idea what tomorrow will

bring, but my point

in all this rhetoric is that am opposed to ever giving up hope,

whether for now or in the

age to come. Also, the 1st of June, I ran out of my 6 month supply of

Cantron and began

Protocel. This is NOT to say that I think one is better than the

other, but rather, just to lay

out the facts/circumstances of my situation.

God bless,

> I need help please. Please advise me on what to do. I have

prostate cancer

> (PSA was 4.3, down to 3.6 now, Gleason Scale 6 to 9 ). My

Homeopathic doctor

> got me on MGN3; he says if he were me, he wouldn't have surgery.

He would

> have Beam radiation and keep taking MGN3 and herbs and vitamins.


> chiropractor says he would do neither but take PC-SPES, which you

can look up

> on the internet at <A HREF= " www.pc-spes.com/pubs

/dosing-rwall.html-ssi " >www.pc

> -spes.com/pubs/dosing-rwall.html-ssi</A> .

> It is made of Chinese herbs that is supposed to be 83% effective

in curing

> cancer, but are very expensive. The medical doctor said if I do

not do

> anything soon My time will run out. Please send your response and


> credentials on what you would do if it were you.


> Thank you

> Major Adair

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Just a short note further to my 7/16 post.

I get a blood test every 90 days. I just got the results of my latest

one last Friday. In April

my PSA was 105.My PSA last week had dropped to 20.5. Still quite high

but moving in

the right direction. This after 8 weeks after adding Ellagic Acid to

my protocol.

> > I need help please. Please advise me on what to do. I have

> prostate cancer

> > (PSA was 4.3, down to 3.6 now, Gleason Scale 6 to 9 ). My

> Homeopathic doctor

> > got me on MGN3; he says if he were me, he wouldn't have surgery.

> He would

> > have Beam radiation and keep taking MGN3 and herbs and vitamins.

> My

> > chiropractor says he would do neither but take PC-SPES, which you

> can look up

> > on the internet at <A HREF= " www.pc-spes.com/pubs

> /dosing-rwall.html-ssi " >www.pc

> > -spes.com/pubs/dosing-rwall.html-ssi</A> .

> > It is made of Chinese herbs that is supposed to be 83% effective

> in curing

> > cancer, but are very expensive. The medical doctor said if I do

> not do

> > anything soon My time will run out. Please send your response and

> your

> > credentials on what you would do if it were you.

> >

> > Thank you

> > Major Adair

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  • 3 weeks later...

> PROSTATE CANCER by Dr. Jimmy Gutman from the book GLUTATHONE GSH YOUR




> Well-known nutritional specialist Bonnie Liebman writes about " Death,

> taxes... and prostate cancer..., " a poignant comment on the prevalence of

> prostate cancer in our population. When researchers include in their

> statistics individuals with pre-cancerous cells, they claim that more than

> three-quarters of men over the age of 80 show evidence of cnacer in their

> prostate glands. Some scientists are of the opinion that if a man lives


> enough, he will eventually get prostate cancer. By this definition,


> cancer would certainly be a disease of aging.


> Nevertheless the vast majority of men easily outlive prostate cancer. Many

> may not even suffer significant symptoms. Although the average age at


> men are diagnosed is 72, it is usually with a slow-growing tumor that may

> even begun thirty or forty years earlier. It is by far the most common


> of cancer to occur in men, but death by prostate cancer is less freaquent

> than death by either lung cancer or cancer of the colon, the two most

> frequent cancer killers.


> Screeing for prostate cancer is pursued aggressively, usually by digital

> rectal exam or a blood test called a PSA(prostate specific antigen).


> exams are a simple way to check for swelling and sensitivity. PSA levels

> rise in the prescence of prostate cancer and are a good screening tool for

> this cancer. They may also indicate the effectiveness of anti-cancer

> treatment.


> Traditional treatments include surgical removal, heat therapy, laser

> therapy, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and benign neglect.


> Alternative therapy focuses more on slowing down the process than on


> it. Diet is important since prostatic cancer has been linked with


> low-fiber diets. The use of antioxidants such as Vitamin A or selenium is

> popular for reasons we describe below. Recently, a carotenoid called

> lycopene that gives certain fruits and vegetables their rich color has


> linked to prevention of prostate cancer. It seems that men who eat

> lycopene-rich foods(tomato sauces, dark grapes)have lower rates of


> disease. This theory is still under investigation.


> One of the more significant series of papers to be published on


> and prostate cancer comes from the University of Wisconsi. Researchers


> describe male hormones (androgens) as a source of oxidative stress,

> particularly in cancerous prostate cells, An article in the Journal of the

> National Cancer Insitute claims that androgens stimulate free radical


> and also deplete glutathione. Given the natural decline of glutathione

> levels in males as they age, the article suggests that " unopposed androgen

> pro-oxidant stress " contributes to prostate cancer. Natural defense


> oxidative stress is weakened by the decline of Glutathione enzymes. This


> an interesting model for the development of prostate cancer.


> Anoter finding links the loss of glutathione activity to prostate cancer.

> The function of a particular glutathone enzyme -

> glutathione-S-transferase-pi-1(GSTP1)- is almsot universally lost in both

> cancerous and pre-cancerous prostate cells. The inactivation of this

> glutathione enzyme is an early event in the development of prostate


> Many studies have linked the loss of GSTP1 to malignant transformation of

> prostatic tissuses.


> Medical discoveries are often a matter of chance. A very large study was

> undertaken by the National Cancer Institute (USA) to determine whether

> selenium could bring down the rate of skin cancer, notoriously caused by

> strong exposure to sunlight. Researchers L.C. e and G.F. Combs form

> Cornell University and the University of Arizona already knew of


> ability to raise glutathione levels(see chapter 4) and to oppose

> cancer-causing free radical damage from ultraviolet light. As it turned


> selenium supplementation did not affect the incidence of skin cancer, but

> did surprisingly and dramatically diminish the incidence of prostate


> in the selenium supplementation group.


> A more recent study from Harvard University confirms that higher selenium

> levls go hand-in-hand with a decreased risk of prostate cancer. It


> selenium levels in the toenail clippings of over 51,000 male health

> professionals between 40 to 75 years of age. Those with the highest


> levels had the lwest chance of developing advanced prostate cancer. Note

> that selenium is only biologically active- and only has health benefits-

> when it is part of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, through which


> expresses its positive health benefits.


> Studies using whey protein isolates such as Immunocal to raise glutathione

> levels are underway at several research centers including McGill and


> Universities, where its usefulness in the treatment of prostate cancer is

> being weighed.


> Case Study

> lin was a semi-retired general practitioner who at age 68 scored a


> reading of over 8 micorgrams/liter on a routine screening exam, suggesting


> high possibility of prostate cancer. In continued tests, a urologist took

> cystoscopic biopsy and confirmed the diagnosis. Four out of lin's six

> biopsy sites tested positive for high-grade tumor. For personal and

> practical reasons, lin delayed aggressive treatment and opted to take

> 30 grams/day of Immunocal, a protein isolate that raises glutathione


> Bimonthly PSA levels showed a gradual decline, his latest reading being

> 3.8u/L. He is still being closely followed by his urologist, and his

> decision to undergo chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery will be deferred

> unless his PSA levels rise again.

> .

> Prostate Cancer



> > I need help please. Please advise me on what to do. I have prostate

> cancer

> > (PSA was 4.3, down to 3.6 now, Gleason Scale 6 to 9 ). My Homeopathic

> doctor

> > got me on MGN3; he says if he were me, he wouldn't have surgery. He


> > have Beam radiation and keep taking MGN3 and herbs and vitamins. My

> > chiropractor says he would do neither but take PC-SPES, which you can


> up

> > on the internet at <A

> HREF= " www.pc-spes.com/pubs/dosing-rwall.html-ssi " >www.pc

> > -spes.com/pubs/dosing-rwall.html-ssi</A> .

> > It is made of Chinese herbs that is supposed to be 83% effective in

> curing

> > cancer, but are very expensive. The medical doctor said if I do not do

> > anything soon My time will run out. Please send your response and your

> > credentials on what you would do if it were you.

> >

> > Thank you

> > Major Adair

> >

> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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> > Free, unlimited calls anywhere in the world.

> > Free voice chat on hundreds of topics.

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> Unsubscribe by sending email to cures for cancer-unsubscribeegroups or by

> visiting http://www.bobhurt.com/subunsub.mv

> >



> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Failed tests, classes skipped, forgotten locker combinations.

> Remember the good 'ol days

> 1/5531/13/_/378/_/963167431/

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

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  • 2 months later...

Dear Saul,

We have had four out of four patients tumor markers for prostate cancer

return to normal though 15 treatments of ozone sauna together with

electrotherapeutic treatment where they sit on a copper plate electrode and

hold the other electrode on the pubic bone.



! Please mark Emails addressed to me through 'Options' as of High Importance

& request acknowledgement that I have read the Email.

Professor Noel

89 Royal Parade Parkville VIC 3052 Australia Phone 03 9347 8444

International 613 9347 8444 Fax 03 9347 8850 International 613 9347 8850

Email noelc@... Web www.smile.org.au

Sapere Aude: Dare to be wise.

All truth goes through three stages: first it is ridiculed: then it is

violently opposed: finally it is accepted as self evident. Schopenhauer.

Re: Prostate cancer

Dear Edith,

The easiest way is to sit on the end of the tubing with it trapped between

the legs, and have the ozone diffuse upward through the perineum region. It

is easiest to do this in the sauna, but it can be done sitting on a chair as

well. It probably could be done in the bath tub as well, if done carefully.

The water would be good for aiding transdermal entry of the ozone.

The other alternative is penile insufflation, which doesn't get a lot of

cheering, understandably.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh

Prostate cancer

> Saul,


> If I bought a ozone generator, how would my dad use that for prostate



> Edith



> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

other alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here

are for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.


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the message! :


> oxyplus-unsubscribeegroups


> oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.



OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

alternative self-help subjects.


This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are

for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.

You can unsubscribe via e-mail by sending A NEW e-mail to the following



message! :


oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.

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" Prof. Noel " wrote:


> Dear Saul,


> We have had four out of four patients tumor markers for prostate cancer

> return to normal though 15 treatments of ozone sauna together with

> electrotherapeutic treatment where they sit on a copper plate electrode and

> hold the other electrode on the pubic bone.


> Regards

> Noel

What voltage and frequencies are you using? Or are you using the EMEM



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What type of current is used in the electrotherapy? I'm interested in

all forms of electrotherapy.

jim :)

" Prof. Noel " wrote:


> Dear Saul,


> We have had four out of four patients tumor markers for prostate cancer

> return to normal though 15 treatments of ozone sauna together with

> electrotherapeutic treatment where they sit on a copper plate electrode and

> hold the other electrode on the pubic bone.


> Regards

> Noel


> ! Please mark Emails addressed to me through 'Options' as of High Importance

> & request acknowledgement that I have read the Email.


> Professor Noel

> 89 Royal Parade Parkville VIC 3052 Australia Phone 03 9347 8444

> International 613 9347 8444 Fax 03 9347 8850 International 613 9347 8850

> Email noelc@... Web www.smile.org.au


> Sapere Aude: Dare to be wise.

> All truth goes through three stages: first it is ridiculed: then it is

> violently opposed: finally it is accepted as self evident. Schopenhauer.



carpe diem, carpe pucunia, carpe femina. -- Jim Lambert

jlambert@... http://www.entrance.to/madscience


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Dear Edith,

The easiest way is to sit on the end of the tubing with it trapped between

the legs, and have the ozone diffuse upward through the perineum region. It

is easiest to do this in the sauna, but it can be done sitting on a chair as

well. It probably could be done in the bath tub as well, if done carefully.

The water would be good for aiding transdermal entry of the ozone.

The other alternative is penile insufflation, which doesn't get a lot of

cheering, understandably.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh

Prostate cancer

> Saul,


> If I bought a ozone generator, how would my dad use that for prostate



> Edith



> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

other alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here

are for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.


> You can unsubscribe via e-mail by sending A NEW e-mail to the following



the message! :


> oxyplus-unsubscribeegroups


> oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.



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Dear Prof,

That is EXCELLENT news!

Can you send me information on the device?

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh

Prostate cancer



> > Saul,

> >

> > If I bought a ozone generator, how would my dad use that for prostate

> cancer?

> >

> > Edith

> >

> >

> > OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

> other alternative self-help subjects.

> >


> >

> > This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here

> are for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

> information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at


> own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability


> take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

> hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

> here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a


> or health care provider.

> >

> > You can unsubscribe via e-mail by sending A NEW e-mail to the following

> address - NOT TO THE OXYPLUS LIST! -


> the message! :

> >

> > oxyplus-unsubscribeegroups

> >

> > oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal


> >

> >




> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and


> alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here


> for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

> information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at


> own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability


> take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

> hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

> here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a


> or health care provider.


> You can unsubscribe via e-mail by sending A NEW e-mail to the following

> address - NOT TO THE OXYPLUS LIST! -



> message! :


> oxyplus-unsubscribeegroups


> oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.




> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

other alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here

are for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.


> You can unsubscribe via e-mail by sending A NEW e-mail to the following



the message! :


> oxyplus-unsubscribeegroups


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Saul Pressman wrote:


> Dear Edith,


> The easiest way is to sit on the end of the tubing with it trapped between

> the legs, and have the ozone diffuse upward through the perineum region. It

> is easiest to do this in the sauna, but it can be done sitting on a chair as

> well. It probably could be done in the bath tub as well, if done carefully.

> The water would be good for aiding transdermal entry of the ozone.

Sounds like you should invent a special funnel for this Saul. Maybe one

that could

cover the entire public area as well.


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> Sounds like you should invent a special funnel for this Saul. Maybe one

> that could

> cover the entire public area as well.


> Dick

I think Saul's idea is the best. I cannot visualize what

he could design that would be better than getting the funnel

off and putting the hose down there where the cracks would

hold it well. Those would be some strange shaped funnels,

I imagine, and would probably have to come in a variety of

sizes. I've done the hose. It works real good. I do, however,

prefer the ear attachment to jamming the hose in my ear.


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Dick wrote:

Sounds like you should invent a special funnel for this Saul. Maybe one

that could

cover the entire public area as well.



Entire PUBLIC area -- love it! ;-))


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Here is a device for women that maybe able to be retrofitted.

http://www.freshette.com/ Size maybe a problem.

There are also fecal incontinent pouches that could be used also that are

made out of plastic and have an integral adhesive


Really the proximity of the prostate is closer to the perineum, than the

pubis. In lay terms the " taint " . That is.... it ain't the anus and it

ain't the scrotum, it's in-between the two ;~)

Also, as most of us men over 40 know... the prostate is palpable via the

rectum. So, wouldn't a shallow rectal insuffaltion be advisable?


Re: Prostate cancer

> > Sounds like you should invent a special funnel for this Saul. Maybe one

> > that could

> > cover the entire public area as well.

> >

> > Dick


> I think Saul's idea is the best. I cannot visualize what

> he could design that would be better than getting the funnel

> off and putting the hose down there where the cracks would

> hold it well. Those would be some strange shaped funnels,

> I imagine, and would probably have to come in a variety of

> sizes. I've done the hose. It works real good. I do, however,

> prefer the ear attachment to jamming the hose in my ear.

> JP

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Dear Dick,

I assume that was a typo !

>one that could cover the entire public area as well <

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh

Re: Prostate cancer



> Saul Pressman wrote:

> >

> > Dear Edith,

> >

> > The easiest way is to sit on the end of the tubing with it trapped


> > the legs, and have the ozone diffuse upward through the perineum region.


> > is easiest to do this in the sauna, but it can be done sitting on a

chair as

> > well. It probably could be done in the bath tub as well, if done


> > The water would be good for aiding transdermal entry of the ozone.


> Sounds like you should invent a special funnel for this Saul. Maybe one

> that could

> cover the entire public area as well.


> Dick

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Saul Pressman wrote:

> Dear Dick,


> I assume that was a typo !


> >one that could cover the entire public area as well <


> Best of Health!

> Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh

Well, this is the era of Clinton you know.


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Dear ,

Actually rectal insufflation doesn't seem to work as well as a protocol for

prostate problems.

I think that it is the requirement of doing an enema beforehand which

provides the stumbling block. I have had men tell me they would rather die.

Since we are mostly dealing with self-treatment, compliance with the


is a self-responsibility area. It has been my experience that compliance is

directly related to the difficulty of the procedure. The tougher to do, the

less it is done.

Since good results depend on repeated self-treatment, poor compliance

results in an

ineffective therapy.

This was a major reason for developing the steam sauna.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh

Re: Prostate cancer



> > > Sounds like you should invent a special funnel for this Saul. Maybe


> > > that could

> > > cover the entire public area as well.

> > >

> > > Dick

> >

> > I think Saul's idea is the best. I cannot visualize what

> > he could design that would be better than getting the funnel

> > off and putting the hose down there where the cracks would

> > hold it well. Those would be some strange shaped funnels,

> > I imagine, and would probably have to come in a variety of

> > sizes. I've done the hose. It works real good. I do, however,

> > prefer the ear attachment to jamming the hose in my ear.

> > JP





> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

other alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here

are for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.


> You can unsubscribe via e-mail by sending A NEW e-mail to the following



the message! :


> oxyplus-unsubscribeegroups


> oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.



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Saul that is sobering and sad. Probably, the same reason rectal hyperthermic

transducers are not used either.


Re: Prostate cancer


> Dear ,


> Actually rectal insufflation doesn't seem to work as well as a protocol


> prostate problems.

> I think that it is the requirement of doing an enema beforehand which

> provides the stumbling block. I have had men tell me they would rather



> Since we are mostly dealing with self-treatment, compliance with the

> protocol

> is a self-responsibility area. It has been my experience that compliance


> directly related to the difficulty of the procedure. The tougher to do,


> less it is done.

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Dear Saul,

I agree with what you say about simple treatments.

We had two further results this week with both prostate patients having

their tumor markers return to normal after 15 ozone saunas with concurrent

electrotherapeutic treatment.



! Please mark Emails addressed to me through 'Options' as of High Importance

& request acknowledgement that I have read the Email.

Professor Noel

89 Royal Parade Parkville VIC 3052 Australia Phone 03 9347 8444

International 613 9347 8444 Fax 03 9347 8850 International 613 9347 8850

Email noelc@... Web www.smile.org.au

Sapere Aude: Dare to be wise.

All truth goes through three stages: first it is ridiculed: then it is

violently opposed: finally it is accepted as self evident. Schopenhauer.

Re: Prostate cancer

Dear ,

Actually rectal insufflation doesn't seem to work as well as a protocol for

prostate problems.

I think that it is the requirement of doing an enema beforehand which

provides the stumbling block. I have had men tell me they would rather die.

Since we are mostly dealing with self-treatment, compliance with the


is a self-responsibility area. It has been my experience that compliance is

directly related to the difficulty of the procedure. The tougher to do, the

less it is done.

Since good results depend on repeated self-treatment, poor compliance

results in an

ineffective therapy.

This was a major reason for developing the steam sauna.

Best of Health!

Dr. Saul Pressman, DCh

Re: Prostate cancer



> > > Sounds like you should invent a special funnel for this Saul. Maybe


> > > that could

> > > cover the entire public area as well.

> > >

> > > Dick

> >

> > I think Saul's idea is the best. I cannot visualize what

> > he could design that would be better than getting the funnel

> > off and putting the hose down there where the cracks would

> > hold it well. Those would be some strange shaped funnels,

> > I imagine, and would probably have to come in a variety of

> > sizes. I've done the hose. It works real good. I do, however,

> > prefer the ear attachment to jamming the hose in my ear.

> > JP





> OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and

other alternative self-help subjects.




> This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here

are for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.


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the message! :


> oxyplus-unsubscribeegroups


> oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.



OxyPLUS is an unmoderated e-ring dealing with oxidative therapies, and other

alternative self-help subjects.


This list is the 1st Amendment in action. The things you will find here are

for information and research purposes only. We are people sharing

information we believe in. If you act on ideas found here, you do so at your

own risk. Self-help requires intelligence, common sense, and the ability to

take responsibility for your own actions. By joining the list you agree to

hold yourself FULLY responsible FOR yourself. Do not use any ideas found

here without consulting a medical professional, unless you are a researcher

or health care provider.

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message! :


oxyplus-normalonelist - switch your subscription to normal mode.

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