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Re: Sick one year old possible weaning????

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It may be that your milk is coming out too fast, and making him gag, because

you are engorged. I had this problem when my milk first came in when my son

was born...the problem was easily solved by pumping (by hand or machine)

until the volume had been reduced to a level where it wasn't gushing out so


Sick one year old possible weaning????

> Hi all. Hope you all had a great holiday. Ours was nice but our 13 month

> old came down with what appears to be a stomach flu on Saturday. He had

> been acting sluggish all day and so I kept him close and nursed him more

> than usual but he seemed comforted by it. Saturday night he began

> vomiting and then came the diarreha. He slept most of Sunday. Waking to

> nurse and takes sips of juice as well. He had a fever on Sunday up to

> 102.7 so I decided not give him anything and let this run it's course. I

> camped out in bed with him all day nursing on demand and cleaning up

> when he would vomit.


> He slept most of that night and by Monday morning was doing better. He

> got out of our bed and played with some toys and smiled and giggled. He

> looked better but tired and worn out from being sick. By the afternoon

> I noticed he was not nursing much but was taking some fluids from a cup.

> I was concerned as he was not eating still. No interest when offered

> anything.


> Anytime I put him to the breast he gags and appears like he is going to

> vomit. He did nurse late last night while half asleep. I am not sure

> honestly how long as I was rather sleepy myself. I would think it was a

> good 5 mins and then he made this horrible gagging noise pulled off and

> rolled over to sleep.


> This morning he woke up to eat some dry cereal and have some juice. His

> coloring looks good and he appears stronger than yesterday. Still a bit

> clingy but he looks good. No fever and when he drinks his juice or eats

> some cereal or crackers he doesnt gag. He fell down and I picked him up

> and went to nurse him like I normally do when he has a boo boo. He went

> to nurse than gaged.


> I am engorged , in pain and feeling like this kid hates me at the

> moment. ( I know that is not true but...) I did notice he has a new

> molar comming in and wonder if that might be the trouble. You would

> think after 5 kids I would have this down but I have never had one of my

> kids suddenly stop nursing like this. I am not sure if he is weaning or

> if he thinks if he drinks his " ni ni " he will vomit again or if the

> teething is causing this.


> Anybody had this happen to them?? Ideas???


> Thanks,






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>Anybody had this happen to them?? Ideas???

You know, it is VERY possible that because of the mechanics involved in

nursing that his gag reflexes could be off from being sick. When a baby

takes the breast in, the nipple hits the back of the palette, put your

tongue as far back as you can in your mouth, now imagine if you have been

throwing up for a few days... would you want anything back that far? Give

him some time, keep offering. Pump so you aren't engorged and to keep up

your supply when he would normally be eating.

Don't stress about him weaning, in my experience most babies do not chose a

time of being sick to wean. Snuggle him and give him plenty of other fluids

in place of nursing if he still refuses.



Did you hear? Breast is Best!

Certified Lactation Counselor

IBCLC Exam Candidate

Homeopathic Counselor in training


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Hi ,

I'm glad he's starting to feel better... I have no idea why he might be

gagging- but if he is teething, maybe there is something to that. My

suggestion from the sidelines would be to express and give him your milk

from a sippy cup. The breastmilk is so good for them, especially when sick-

and engorgement is not comfortable either!

My little one was all stuffed up over the holidays and we didn't have an

easy time of nursing either- so I know what you're going through. I don't

think I would assume that he is weaning- if he was perfectly healthy and

something like this was going on, I might wonder- but if he has been nursing

normally up until now- I sort of doubt the weaning would happen so abruptly.

Hang in there :)


> Anybody had this happen to them?? Ideas???


> Thanks,



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You know I never once thought about his gag reflex being off. He was so

gaggy when we started solids. Then he just suddenly got over it. You

know that just might be it.

I did notice that warm fluids are making him gag as well. I made some

chicken broth for him for lunch and let it cool down and he had a few

sips and gagged all over his poor daddy who has stayed home in worry.

I was able to nurse him mid-day. He took a nap at his regular time but

wanted to just snuggle on my tummy. He woke up fussy doing what I call

his little baby bird impression (mouth open looking for ni ni) and so I

nursed him for a while. (aahhh relief) He did good and then a few

minutes after he finished he tossed it all up. *sniff sniff* He held

down his lunch and his juice (which was cold) so I wonder if warm

fluids are causing it as well as maybe the gag reflect.

Sure hope he isn't weaning. I am not ready!! *L*

Thanks for all the advice everyone.

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It could be allergies. My brother's son used to throw up a lot (although I

don't know if he ever had problems with breast milk, but there could be

allergies in your child's case to something in your milk). It was all cured

using NAET. You can even be allergic to things like " hot " and/or " cold " , or

something in combination with either or both of those. So you may be on the

right track.


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