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live vaccines

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At 03:16 PM 10/29/2001 -0500, you wrote:

>I am going to be doing child care in my home starting in late November. I

will be writing my policies and procedures and I want links/info. on which

vaccines are live and how long they remain potentially hazardous to other

children who may not be immune.



Oral Polio (if that is used - mainly injectable now, but sometimes OPV if

they are going to be traveling out of the country)

The length of time is not really known - some think it would be similar to

the incubation period of the disease. I have no idea as they are getting

these things in a non-normal way. Wish I could tell you more.



Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & UK

$$ Donations to help in the work - accepted by Paypal account


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PO Box 1563 Nevada City CA 95959 530-740-0561 Voicemail in US




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Any pediatrician worth his/her salt will tell you

that. Of course, they won't KNOW it, they'll have to

look at the inserts. I remember my oldest child being

given a polio vaccine and my husband couldn't change

him for 30 days because there was the possibility of

live virus transmission and he hadn't been vaccinated

as a child. Of course, that was OPV and almost

everyone now uses IPV which is inactivated viruses

(not live) but the pharmaceutical companies told the

doctor's offices to just use up what they have on the

shelves, so some may still have OPV! I'll look for

some websites for you but I'm sure you'll get a lot

from this group. My list has mostly sites about the

diseases that can be caused by vaccination, like sites

about autism and the like. Good luck!

--- Jana Butera <janazb@...> wrote:

> I am going to be doing child care in my home

> starting in late November. I will be writing my

> policies and procedures and I want links/info. on

> which vaccines are live and how long they remain

> potentially hazardous to other children who may not

> be immune.


> Thanks,

> Jana

> Florida



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]




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  • 8 months later...
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We've been told that it's because they're on IVIG that they don't need

immunizations of any type. Because the

antibodies are contained in it from all the donors that gave plasma.

PID patients should not receive live vaccines at any point in time. Or at least

that's what we've been told.

Ursula Holleman

Macey's mom (7 yr. old with CVID, asthma, sinus disease, GERD, Sensory

Integration Disorder, Diabetes Insipidus, colonic




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Belinda Rose,

That is a great question! I have always been told not to worry about

vaccines since is on IVIG. I had always wondered what if she comes

off. My doctor said she would not be coming off not to worry about it. I

still do worry however because we have missed treatments due to various

things but I always wondered how long are they covered. Is it a month w/o

treatment or a long time. I would love some feed back if anyone knows.

Lorri * 12 yrs CVID

live vaccines

I know our children who are on IVIG should not receive live vaccines while


the medication. Does anyone know exactly how long they should be off IVIG

before receiving any live vaccines?

Belinda Rose,

Mom to Allyssa and Cassie, igg immunodeficient, asthma, sinusitis, IVIG

for 5

years (off for retesting)

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So our PID kiddos can never receive live vaccines even if they mount a

response to that particular vaccine (MMR/Varivax)? I don't know if I was

dreaming this last night, but I fell asleep watching some news magazine show

(CNN) and they mentioned that they might start mass vaccinating the public

for smallpox fearing another attack but of a different nature. I could have

dreamt this all, and if I did, please correct me. I know Cassie could not

receive the shot while on IVIG a few months ago, but now that she has been

off a while (3 months), I was wondering the guidelines for her. We go see

the immunologist on the 22nd to find out if we are going to continue with

IVIG based on her response to the pneumovax and I thought I might find out

how we would handle that particular situation. Hope everyone has a great


Diane: Good luck with the surgery. Our prayers are with Kody.

Belinda Rose,

Mom to Allyssa (10) and Cassie (7), igg immunodeficient, asthma, sinusitis,

IVIG for 5 years (off for retesting)

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Belinda Rose,

As far as the smallpox vaccine is concerned: in the paper today, they said

they were going to only vaccinate health care workers. I don't think that's

an issue that we will have to worry about in the near future.

Sandi, 's Mom

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Routine vaccination against Smallpox ended in 1972 and Smallpox was considered

to be eliminated world wide in 1977. The

clinical illness associated with Smallpox consisted of high fevers, fatigue,

muscle aches and a characteristic rash. Up

to a third of those infected died. Because the Smallpox vaccine is a live virus

vaccine, certain forms of immune

deficiency can predispose individuals to complications of vaccination or

potentially to a more serious case of the


If public health authorities determine that Smallpox vaccination programs are

needed, people with primary immune

deficiencies should consult their physician for guidance. As a general rule,

immune deficient individuals should not be

vaccinated. IDF is working with government officials to identify alternative

measures to protect our community should it

become necessary to do so.


The above statement is from the IDF's site (see link).

Ursula Holleman

Macey's mom (7 yr. old with CVID, asthma, sinus disease, GERD, Sensory

Integration Disorder, Diabetes Insipidus, colonic




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  • 5 years later...

It's almost 2 years since I started a six month round of chemo (RF)

which was very successful (knock wood!). I feel great and have not had

any health issues since. I am around my grandchildren (5,3 and 18

months) daily. Since I'm feeling well, do I have to worry about

staying away from them when they get their routine immunizations?

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  • 4 years later...
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, in my opinion, DON'T get the shingles vaccine....it contains a live virus

that you can transmit for 2-6 weeks, perhaps not, but perhaps you can....not

worth the risk, in my opinion (I'm an RN with a child who has Combined Immune

Deficiency and Severe Chronic Neutropenia)

When my son was exposed to a kid at school who had recently received the Chicken

pox vaccine (same virus), the immunologist put my kid on oral Acyclovir for a

month and he had to stay away from the school for 2 weeks.

Last summer, I got shingles! I was so upset, I had high fever and back pain and

then the shingles lesions appeared a few days later! I freaked when the dr said

" You have shingles " ....UGH!....I knew it would get better but was so worried

about my son....the Immunologist put him on Acyclovir again and he got his IVIG

a few days early....usual dose was every 2 weeks.

He didn't get it thankfully........the hematologist did labs on him, in spite of

the IVIG, and despite the fact that he had had Varivax vaccine before we knew he

had CIVD, and then he had shingles himself and chicken pox after that vaccine,

....... he still didn't have any antibodies to varicella!........

If our kids get that virus, it can be VERY serious. I saw how sick my boy was

when he had shingles with no immunity to it....he was VERY ill for weeks. 

Skip the vaccine, that's my advice, chances are you won't get shingles. 


From: toobzy <nancyb315@...>

Subject: live vaccines

Date: Saturday, July 21, 2012, 12:22 AM


I am coming to all of you with a question again as I know many of you

surely know the answer. I am considering the Shingles vaccine and think while

is at came might be a good time because it is a live vaccine but does

anyone have any idea how long our kids need to be kept away from someone who has

had a live vaccine?

Also, just wanted to update that saw her new immuno this week and we were

pleased. Not only has he been a top SoCal doc 8 yrs running, but he was

straightforward and very thorough. He did say if she has another infection like

this last one, she will need to stop sub-Q and return to IV on at least a

bi-weekly basis. Some of what he said was sobering, to be sure, but I feel

confident she is finally in good hands medically again.

Thank you again for your advice and support,

mom to amanda (cvid, jra)

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I got shingles this summer. It hurt like hell. Then I developed cellulitis from

it. That also hurt like crazy. Im 37! It freaked me out bc I have 3 PID kids,

and actually, bc it was on my back, I attributed the pain to a muscle problem

and by the time we realized what was going on, the blisters had broken and I had

cellulitis and the shingles was no longer contagious.

Thanksfully, none of my kids got sick!


mom to 3 w/cvid



> What I learned this week is that if you are under 60 that the vaccine is not

helpful. I asked and was told that my chances of getting Shingles before that

age was very unlikely and that it may not last to help me so I would probably

need to get it again to be protective. Not sure how old you are but just a

thought. I think it depends on the particular vaccine to how long it sheds and

is a problem for out kids. Glad you ended up with a better Immunologist. It

makes all the difference to have someone you can trust. BArbie


> From: nancyb315@...

> Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2012 00:22:05 +0000

> Subject: live vaccines



























> I am coming to all of you with a question again as I know many of you

surely know the answer. I am considering the Shingles vaccine and think while

is at came might be a good time because it is a live vaccine but does

anyone have any idea how long our kids need to be kept away from someone who has

had a live vaccine?




> Also, just wanted to update that saw her new immuno this week and we

were pleased. Not only has he been a top SoCal doc 8 yrs running, but he was

straightforward and very thorough. He did say if she has another infection like

this last one, she will need to stop sub-Q and return to IV on at least a

bi-weekly basis. Some of what he said was sobering, to be sure, but I feel

confident she is finally in good hands medically again.




> Thank you again for your advice and support,






> mom to amanda (cvid, jra)




















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Valarie, I know what you mean about the pain...OMG, when I got shingles last

summer I thought I had a blood clot in my lung or something else awful, bad

kidney stone etc!! and I had high fever...I was so glad when the lesions broke

out because I knew what it was then...

My CVID kid had it a few months after he got the chicken pox vaccine...this was

before we knew he had the immune deficiency and how serious his bone marrow

disorder was.....he was terribly ill with it.

I called Merck, she said the lab-created viruses (Varicella) are in chicken pox

vaccine....grossed me out....of course, now he would never get any vaccine...I

wish I knew then what I know today......sue

From: osdbmom <osdbmom@...>

Subject: Re: live vaccines

Date: Sunday, July 22, 2012, 2:49 PM


I got shingles this summer. It hurt like hell. Then I developed cellulitis from

it. That also hurt like crazy. Im 37! It freaked me out bc I have 3 PID kids,

and actually, bc it was on my back, I attributed the pain to a muscle problem

and by the time we realized what was going on, the blisters had broken and I had

cellulitis and the shingles was no longer contagious.

Thanksfully, none of my kids got sick!


mom to 3 w/cvid



> What I learned this week is that if you are under 60 that the vaccine is not

helpful. I asked and was told that my chances of getting Shingles before that

age was very unlikely and that it may not last to help me so I would probably

need to get it again to be protective. Not sure how old you are but just a

thought. I think it depends on the particular vaccine to how long it sheds and

is a problem for out kids. Glad you ended up with a better Immunologist. It

makes all the difference to have someone you can trust. BArbie


> From: nancyb315@...

> Date: Sat, 21 Jul 2012 00:22:05 +0000

> Subject: live vaccines



























> I am coming to all of you with a question again as I know many of you

surely know the answer. I am considering the Shingles vaccine and think while

is at came might be a good time because it is a live vaccine but does

anyone have any idea how long our kids need to be kept away from someone who has

had a live vaccine?




> Also, just wanted to update that saw her new immuno this week and we

were pleased. Not only has he been a top SoCal doc 8 yrs running, but he was

straightforward and very thorough. He did say if she has another infection like

this last one, she will need to stop sub-Q and return to IV on at least a

bi-weekly basis. Some of what he said was sobering, to be sure, but I feel

confident she is finally in good hands medically again.




> Thank you again for your advice and support,






> mom to amanda (cvid, jra)




















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It sounds awful any way you look at it!  I know 's dad was miserable and

it takes a good deal for him to complain.  Barbie, you are correct, I do have

lowered immunity due to the RA meds I have to take, but nothing like our

children. Between cvid, RA meds and pred, 's pretty vulnerable if I catch

anything. I have to skip my meds for oral surgery and will be gone, but

if the vaccine won't do me any  good...hmm.. guess I have a decision to make

pretty quick here.



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