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Thank God for

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Pardon the intrusion but I can't help responding to this thread. That is, the

idea of the rush towards so called current conventions not the least of which is

an aspect of the medical community culture.

Quick story. Two years ago was asked to pick my nephew up from a little league

baseball game. I was shocked by what I saw. The little boy, then 12, was

struggling to pitch in the game. He could barely run to the mound. He was

pulled after 2 innings. Hadn't seen him in several months but I was mortified

by what I saw. Something twanged my head and when I saw my brother and

sis-in-law later that eve on returning the boy home, I said there is something

really physically wrong here. I would get his thyroid checked for starters. He

looks like he also has bromine poisoning. I was essentially brushed off. For

several years the father has been very, very hard on the two boys and accused

this one of just being out of shape, lazy.

A week later familes went to a Rockies baseball game. My sister noted the poor

condition of the young boy. Sitting directly behind me, she turned to our

brother and said " You should get his thyroid checked out. " I thought he was

going to lop my head off in accusing me of being a smart ass, which I wasn't,

because my sis and I had never said a word about this. The parents are so

wrapped up in the minutia of life things, they were not observing what others

were seeing.

2 days later I learned the mother did take the boy in for a checkup. The next

day panic spread through the family. The boy was diagnosed with thyroid cancer.

I sensed and later confirmed that the doctors pumped up the volume. So much so,

the little boy was in surgery to remove the thyroid a couple days later.

The family is all about turning to modern medical science to solve, everything.

Besides, brother refuses to listen to even the slightest idea and will in fact

do the opposite just to prove points. Yes, it is that sad. I risked life and

limb by suggesting they try to slow things down a tad. Response: F-U.

That's why I was compelled to respond to this thread because of the wisdom of

someone who said that it takes time for these conditions to spiral up, and

doctors are prone to amping it into a crisis situation which it can be, but I

find it imperative to Slow Time Down if possible.

Sadly, because of the complete lack of awareness towards the physical condition

of their own son for months while others were increasingly worried, then the

knee jerk reaction to get thee into surgery instead of slowing things down, even

a little, to listen, to learn... the boy has now paid a very heavy price. I

heard the high hopes that are put forward when things like this happen. " One of

the best in the country " , " top doc in the west " , blah blah blah. It was more a

commercial pitch than a run up to education about what was about to ensue. I

did not like any of what I was hearing.

The surgery did not go well. The surgeon botched things by cutting into and

insulting the parathyroid, and vocal chords. This so called single surgery

required additional surgeries to try and repair the damage. Making more

damage. I am guesstimating that what was to be a single surgery has turned

into, 5 or 6 now. The boy now has a Trac tube, and subsequent surgeries created

further damage and the current prognosis is the boy may have to wear this Trac

for the rest of his life. The father and mother are under great strain because

there is a great difference in opinion (cultural) on how to proceed. In the

meantime, it was discovered this first team of doctors were not communicating

very well, or not at all... what a surprise.

The family decided to transfer the boy to the Mayo Clinic in Minn. for different

opinions. Shocker... the first team missed 40+ cancerous nodules in the lymph

system. The boy has had I believe 2 or 3 additional surgeries to deal what was

missed, including a 7 hour surgery to deal with the missed cancer. And he has

now had several rounds of chemo, and now they are headed back to see if there is

anything to be done about the Trac.

Am not saying any of this could have been prevented. But just slowing time

down, if possible, and vesting in deep education, good lord... the opposite

happened here. It went from virtual lack of attention to an obvious health

situation that my sister and I independently of each other observed, so much so

we had the same response: thyroid. Then things went into hypermode and, well...

it has been a very sad situation.

Finally, when I suggested the idea of slowing things down a tad and got shown

the door for it, I also floated... because that is all one can do with attitudes

that refuse to listen... floated the idea of iodine. This was before the

diagnosis of thyroid cancer. I was told that iodine is poison, that it doesn't

work, it is worthless, I have no idea what I am talking about, etc. Links and

printouts to names like Brownstein, Flechas, Derry, Starr and Broda , and

on and on, had 0 impact.

Sad, because my wife and I have maintained a deep investment in the iodine

protocols. Have written far too much in this missive, but as a tidbit, my

Missus was diagnosed with a goiter, and subsequent scans showed several nodules.

Later tests revealed non cancerous, but a couple of the nodules are in that cm

size threshold where the endo docs start talking about slash and burn. We got

busy. 6 months later, repeat tests. Sat down with the endocrine doc as she

read the results of the second tests. She stumbled, muttered, fumbled, and

finally could not avoid reading verbatim to us the analysis of the second

ultrasound. The word 'shrinking' was repeated several times. The doc was non

plussed, mystified, certain my missus was headed for surgery in the near future.

The doc literally had no script to read from her medical training about the

status of 'shrinking nodules'.

Will leave it at that, other than to say we have several additional 'things'

that have happened, very cool upside things, since engaging in an iodine regime

3 years ago. So it is with much saddness to be thrown to the curb when we have

direct experience, direct measurable results... and this little boy has become a

product of stubborn-ness, modern medical solves all influence, and so on.

Moral of this way too long missive... I soooooooooooo agree with the other

poster who said, slow down. Yes. Slooooow down.

This is a terrific forum. The warmth, the spirit, the kindness... is a most

welcome place. Much more beneficent than some other message boards that

devolve into minutia and confusion, well, forget that. I read everything here.

A most wonderful community this is...

Off soapbox...

> >

> > I do not know how does it.I have enough trouble just keeping

> > up with the reading on this forum; but I am so thankful that her own

> > negative experience compelled her to start her website and this forum.

> > This information has been invaluable for me and to other breast cancer

> > survivors I have steered to the iodine protocol.

> > It took me a long time of reading to be convinced that the iodine

> > protocol was legit. After all, if it was so great, why don't we hear

> > about it from our doctors? (we all know the answer to that now).

> > I finally jumped on board 2 years ago and have never felt better in my

> > life. Once I got through the detox stage, I could not believe the

> > energy I have. I still have some issues, but I am so thankful that I

> > can often learn about the solutions by coming here. It gives me so

> > much peace of mind to know that taking iodine is probably one of the

> > most important things I am doing to prevent a recurrance.

> > As great as this forum is, and the large number of members who are

> > being helped here, it has been so frustrating to me that I am

> > surrounded by so many people with thyroid and breast issues here in

> > the midwest, and so few doctors who " get it " . I have been trying to no

> > avail to find doctors who believe in the iodine protocol so that I can

> > recommend them to my friends and I have not had any luck. If it is

> > this difficult for someone like me, who lives in a large metro area,

> > where can those in the middle of no where turn? Luckily, we have this

> > forum! I am sure you are all as thankful as I am that and

> > her assistants have been willing to work tirelessly to help us all.

> > Just this morning I had a phone consult with a local doctor who said

> > he is holistic and who treats the thyroid. Sadly, he said he will not

> > treat the thyroid with iodine because it causes people to go hyper.

> > URRGH! When I tried to explain that this was often temporary and that

> > people like me who were severely iodine deficient might have this

> > reaction because the thyroid is starving for iodine so it sucks it up,

> > he totally blew me off (how dare I tell a doctor anything!). Chalk up

> > another loser!

> > This has happened to me more that a few times. I keep interviewing

> > doctors in my area so that I can send people to them because I do not

> > want to be " doctoring " people on the iodine protocol. I am constantly

> > speaking with other cancer patients and women with thyroid issues, and

> > I cannot find doctors to help them. It is making me crazy that doctors

> > still believe iodine is dangerous when there are thousands of us

> > walking around who take high amounts. Do they think we aren't real, or

> > just zombies?

> > It is great that and her mods are doing this for all of us,

> > but we need to clone her. I am thrilled to announce that

> > will be coming to the Chicago area and speaking at a women's wellness

> > program I am putting together in October where she can explain how

> > important iodine is. I live in a county with the second highest rate

> > of breast cancer in the US and I truly believe that the iodine

> > protocol would end this notorious ranking. I am also arranging for

> > to speak to a group of doctors in the hopes that she can

> > open their minds so that I will finally have doctors I can send people

> > to in my area.

> > As wonderful as this forum is, we still need to reach more people so

> > that iodine will become a standard of care and we can once again buy

> > it at any local pharmacy. I hope that when comes to speak

> > for me it will be the beginning of a career for her to get out and

> > spread the word. We need to have easy access to iodine and doctors who

> > understand how to use it. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of

> > 's career to spread the word even more than she already has.

> > Maybe we can end this epidemic of breast and thyroid cancers!

> > So if anyone wants to hear and meet our dear in person, save

> > the date of Oct 21-23 to come to Chicago for my " Think Beyond the

> > Pink " weekend. Dr. Hal Huggins will be speaking too and he is going to

> > be announcing for the first time the results of his latest research on

> > the links to breast cancer and toxic teeth. All profits from the event

> > will be going to programs from young adults with autism. If you do

> > facebook, you can " like " the Think Beyond the Pink page that we have

> > just started and keep up with our updates on the event. I will also be

> > posting the event on my website.

> > I am so thrilled and honored that has committed to coming in

> > lieu of all of her job and family responsibilities. I am hoping that

> > this weekend will help to further her career and to help spread the

> > word about the miracles of iodine.

> > Hope to see many of you there!

> > More details to come.

> > Memmesheimer

> > www.preventcanswers.org

> >


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Feel free to share. My goal is to spread the word. I tell everyone I know about

iodine and it is helping so many. I know how you feel about women who won't

think outside the box. My dear aunt is doing only what her docs are telling her

for breast cancer. Lots of chemo, rads to come. I am just praying she survives

it. Her problem is that she is obese and will not eat anything healthy. She

thinks having a glass of milk is her daily health regime! And she will not even

consider iodine. She says she is allergic to it because of the reactions she had

to the dye from a test. I tried to explain it was probably the dye,not the

iodine, but she won't listen.

. Thanks for the clarification about starting the group. I have only

been hangin out here for about 2 years. I am so excited for what you are doing

and that you will soon be spreading the word. I think if women take the four

issues we will be presenting at the ThinkBeyondThePink weekend to heart:

thermography, iodine, rootcanals, and nutrition, we would have very little

breast and thyroid cancer. Let's hope that we can spread the word and prevent

these damn diseases to begin with!


> >

> > I do not know how does it.I have enough trouble just keeping

> > up with the reading on this forum; but I am so thankful that her own

> > negative experience compelled her to start her website and this forum.

> > This information has been invaluable for me and to other breast cancer

> > survivors I have steered to the iodine protocol.

> > It took me a long time of reading to be convinced that the iodine

> > protocol was legit. After all, if it was so great, why don't we hear

> > about it from our doctors? (we all know the answer to that now).

> > I finally jumped on board 2 years ago and have never felt better in my

> > life. Once I got through the detox stage, I could not believe the

> > energy I have. I still have some issues, but I am so thankful that I

> > can often learn about the solutions by coming here. It gives me so

> > much peace of mind to know that taking iodine is probably one of the

> > most important things I am doing to prevent a recurrance.

> > As great as this forum is, and the large number of members who are

> > being helped here, it has been so frustrating to me that I am

> > surrounded by so many people with thyroid and breast issues here in

> > the midwest, and so few doctors who " get it " . I have been trying to no

> > avail to find doctors who believe in the iodine protocol so that I can

> > recommend them to my friends and I have not had any luck. If it is

> > this difficult for someone like me, who lives in a large metro area,

> > where can those in the middle of no where turn? Luckily, we have this

> > forum! I am sure you are all as thankful as I am that and

> > her assistants have been willing to work tirelessly to help us all.

> > Just this morning I had a phone consult with a local doctor who said

> > he is holistic and who treats the thyroid. Sadly, he said he will not

> > treat the thyroid with iodine because it causes people to go hyper.

> > URRGH! When I tried to explain that this was often temporary and that

> > people like me who were severely iodine deficient might have this

> > reaction because the thyroid is starving for iodine so it sucks it up,

> > he totally blew me off (how dare I tell a doctor anything!). Chalk up

> > another loser!

> > This has happened to me more that a few times. I keep interviewing

> > doctors in my area so that I can send people to them because I do not

> > want to be " doctoring " people on the iodine protocol. I am constantly

> > speaking with other cancer patients and women with thyroid issues, and

> > I cannot find doctors to help them. It is making me crazy that doctors

> > still believe iodine is dangerous when there are thousands of us

> > walking around who take high amounts. Do they think we aren't real, or

> > just zombies?

> > It is great that and her mods are doing this for all of us,

> > but we need to clone her. I am thrilled to announce that

> > will be coming to the Chicago area and speaking at a women's wellness

> > program I am putting together in October where she can explain how

> > important iodine is. I live in a county with the second highest rate

> > of breast cancer in the US and I truly believe that the iodine

> > protocol would end this notorious ranking. I am also arranging for

> > to speak to a group of doctors in the hopes that she can

> > open their minds so that I will finally have doctors I can send people

> > to in my area.

> > As wonderful as this forum is, we still need to reach more people so

> > that iodine will become a standard of care and we can once again buy

> > it at any local pharmacy. I hope that when comes to speak

> > for me it will be the beginning of a career for her to get out and

> > spread the word. We need to have easy access to iodine and doctors who

> > understand how to use it. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of

> > 's career to spread the word even more than she already has.

> > Maybe we can end this epidemic of breast and thyroid cancers!

> > So if anyone wants to hear and meet our dear in person, save

> > the date of Oct 21-23 to come to Chicago for my " Think Beyond the

> > Pink " weekend. Dr. Hal Huggins will be speaking too and he is going to

> > be announcing for the first time the results of his latest research on

> > the links to breast cancer and toxic teeth. All profits from the event

> > will be going to programs from young adults with autism. If you do

> > facebook, you can " like " the Think Beyond the Pink page that we have

> > just started and keep up with our updates on the event. I will also be

> > posting the event on my website.

> > I am so thrilled and honored that has committed to coming in

> > lieu of all of her job and family responsibilities. I am hoping that

> > this weekend will help to further her career and to help spread the

> > word about the miracles of iodine.

> > Hope to see many of you there!

> > More details to come.

> > Memmesheimer

> > www.preventcanswers.org

> >


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and ,Thank you so much for your work in educating women about these important options. - the root canal link is intriguing, yet another reason to avoid them but I have so many at this point (age 57). Can you tell me more about this or where I can find out more?Thanks,janet iodine From: jlegm@...Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2011 12:48:19 +0000Subject: Re: Thank God For


Feel free to share. My goal is to spread the word. I tell everyone I know about iodine and it is helping so many. I know how you feel about women who won't think outside the box. My dear aunt is doing only what her docs are telling her for breast cancer. Lots of chemo, rads to come. I am just praying she survives it. Her problem is that she is obese and will not eat anything healthy. She thinks having a glass of milk is her daily health regime! And she will not even consider iodine. She says she is allergic to it because of the reactions she had to the dye from a test. I tried to explain it was probably the dye,not the iodine, but she won't listen.

. Thanks for the clarification about starting the group. I have only been hangin out here for about 2 years. I am so excited for what you are doing and that you will soon be spreading the word. I think if women take the four issues we will be presenting at the ThinkBeyondThePink weekend to heart: thermography, iodine, rootcanals, and nutrition, we would have very little breast and thyroid cancer. Let's hope that we can spread the word and prevent these damn diseases to begin with!


> >

> > I do not know how does it.I have enough trouble just keeping

> > up with the reading on this forum; but I am so thankful that her own

> > negative experience compelled her to start her website and this forum.

> > This information has been invaluable for me and to other breast cancer

> > survivors I have steered to the iodine protocol.

> > It took me a long time of reading to be convinced that the iodine

> > protocol was legit. After all, if it was so great, why don't we hear

> > about it from our doctors? (we all know the answer to that now).

> > I finally jumped on board 2 years ago and have never felt better in my

> > life. Once I got through the detox stage, I could not believe the

> > energy I have. I still have some issues, but I am so thankful that I

> > can often learn about the solutions by coming here. It gives me so

> > much peace of mind to know that taking iodine is probably one of the

> > most important things I am doing to prevent a recurrance.

> > As great as this forum is, and the large number of members who are

> > being helped here, it has been so frustrating to me that I am

> > surrounded by so many people with thyroid and breast issues here in

> > the midwest, and so few doctors who "get it". I have been trying to no

> > avail to find doctors who believe in the iodine protocol so that I can

> > recommend them to my friends and I have not had any luck. If it is

> > this difficult for someone like me, who lives in a large metro area,

> > where can those in the middle of no where turn? Luckily, we have this

> > forum! I am sure you are all as thankful as I am that and

> > her assistants have been willing to work tirelessly to help us all.

> > Just this morning I had a phone consult with a local doctor who said

> > he is holistic and who treats the thyroid. Sadly, he said he will not

> > treat the thyroid with iodine because it causes people to go hyper.

> > URRGH! When I tried to explain that this was often temporary and that

> > people like me who were severely iodine deficient might have this

> > reaction because the thyroid is starving for iodine so it sucks it up,

> > he totally blew me off (how dare I tell a doctor anything!). Chalk up

> > another loser!

> > This has happened to me more that a few times. I keep interviewing

> > doctors in my area so that I can send people to them because I do not

> > want to be "doctoring" people on the iodine protocol. I am constantly

> > speaking with other cancer patients and women with thyroid issues, and

> > I cannot find doctors to help them. It is making me crazy that doctors

> > still believe iodine is dangerous when there are thousands of us

> > walking around who take high amounts. Do they think we aren't real, or

> > just zombies?

> > It is great that and her mods are doing this for all of us,

> > but we need to clone her. I am thrilled to announce that

> > will be coming to the Chicago area and speaking at a women's wellness

> > program I am putting together in October where she can explain how

> > important iodine is. I live in a county with the second highest rate

> > of breast cancer in the US and I truly believe that the iodine

> > protocol would end this notorious ranking. I am also arranging for

> > to speak to a group of doctors in the hopes that she can

> > open their minds so that I will finally have doctors I can send people

> > to in my area.

> > As wonderful as this forum is, we still need to reach more people so

> > that iodine will become a standard of care and we can once again buy

> > it at any local pharmacy. I hope that when comes to speak

> > for me it will be the beginning of a career for her to get out and

> > spread the word. We need to have easy access to iodine and doctors who

> > understand how to use it. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of

> > 's career to spread the word even more than she already has.

> > Maybe we can end this epidemic of breast and thyroid cancers!

> > So if anyone wants to hear and meet our dear in person, save

> > the date of Oct 21-23 to come to Chicago for my "Think Beyond the

> > Pink" weekend. Dr. Hal Huggins will be speaking too and he is going to

> > be announcing for the first time the results of his latest research on

> > the links to breast cancer and toxic teeth. All profits from the event

> > will be going to programs from young adults with autism. If you do

> > facebook, you can "like" the Think Beyond the Pink page that we have

> > just started and keep up with our updates on the event. I will also be

> > posting the event on my website.

> > I am so thrilled and honored that has committed to coming in

> > lieu of all of her job and family responsibilities. I am hoping that

> > this weekend will help to further her career and to help spread the

> > word about the miracles of iodine.

> > Hope to see many of you there!

> > More details to come.

> > Memmesheimer

> > www.preventcanswers.org

> >


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What a tragic story. I have been following a little boy who was dx'd with thyroid cancer. He is the son of a friend of mine's friend (got that?). :) My friend asked if it was OK that I contact them since I had been through it and had two hypo children. The family agreed and I introduced myself and shared my story. I was told "thank you but we have a friend who does Shaklee and we are getting our supplements from them". Wow that was a slap in the face. Being trained as an ND and having saved my own life from 3 rounds of thyroid cancer diagnosis's to be outdone by an MLM off the street person. I was shocked that parents would be this way. If it were me I would listen to anyone that had been there and lived to tell about it even after the doctors tried to kill them. :) So now for several years I watch the care pages as this child is poked and prodded. Was radiated and put on Synthroid. He has gone from a slim child to a lethargic puffy overweight child and yet they sing the praises of how well he is doing. I look at him and see a very sick child. Yes it is painfully difficult to see children be the victims of their parents inability to see the forest through the trees.

I am so happy to hear about your wife's success and the doctor being stumped. I cannot wait to send my completed book to my old endo who told me that if I took Armour thyroid I could expect my thyroid cancer to return and probably die. What a warm supportive doctor. NOT!

I am glad you find this group supportive and welcoming. It has been my goal to have a group that would be a good resting place for people that need healing. I know how hard this journey can be.

Buist, ND HC

Re: Thank God For

Pardon the intrusion but I can't help responding to this thread. That is, the idea of the rush towards so called current conventions not the least of which is an aspect of the medical community culture.Quick story. Two years ago was asked to pick my nephew up from a little league baseball game. I was shocked by what I saw. The little boy, then 12, was struggling to pitch in the game. He could barely run to the mound. He was pulled after 2 innings. Hadn't seen him in several months but I was mortified by what I saw. Something twanged my head and when I saw my brother and sis-in-law later that eve on returning the boy home, I said there is something really physically wrong here. I would get his thyroid checked for starters. He looks like he also has bromine poisoning. I was essentially brushed off. For several years the father has been very, very hard on the two boys and accused this one of just being out of shape, lazy. A week later familes went to a Rockies baseball game. My sister noted the poor condition of the young boy. Sitting directly behind me, she turned to our brother and said "You should get his thyroid checked out." I thought he was going to lop my head off in accusing me of being a smart ass, which I wasn't, because my sis and I had never said a word about this. The parents are so wrapped up in the minutia of life things, they were not observing what others were seeing.2 days later I learned the mother did take the boy in for a checkup. The next day panic spread through the family. The boy was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. I sensed and later confirmed that the doctors pumped up the volume. So much so, the little boy was in surgery to remove the thyroid a couple days later. The family is all about turning to modern medical science to solve, everything. Besides, brother refuses to listen to even the slightest idea and will in fact do the opposite just to prove points. Yes, it is that sad. I risked life and limb by suggesting they try to slow things down a tad. Response: F-U. That's why I was compelled to respond to this thread because of the wisdom of someone who said that it takes time for these conditions to spiral up, and doctors are prone to amping it into a crisis situation which it can be, but I find it imperative to Slow Time Down if possible.Sadly, because of the complete lack of awareness towards the physical condition of their own son for months while others were increasingly worried, then the knee jerk reaction to get thee into surgery instead of slowing things down, even a little, to listen, to learn... the boy has now paid a very heavy price. I heard the high hopes that are put forward when things like this happen. "One of the best in the country", "top doc in the west", blah blah blah. It was more a commercial pitch than a run up to education about what was about to ensue. I did not like any of what I was hearing.The surgery did not go well. The surgeon botched things by cutting into and insulting the parathyroid, and vocal chords. This so called single surgery required additional surgeries to try and repair the damage. Making more damage. I am guesstimating that what was to be a single surgery has turned into, 5 or 6 now. The boy now has a Trac tube, and subsequent surgeries created further damage and the current prognosis is the boy may have to wear this Trac for the rest of his life. The father and mother are under great strain because there is a great difference in opinion (cultural) on how to proceed. In the meantime, it was discovered this first team of doctors were not communicating very well, or not at all... what a surprise. The family decided to transfer the boy to the Mayo Clinic in Minn. for different opinions. Shocker... the first team missed 40+ cancerous nodules in the lymph system. The boy has had I believe 2 or 3 additional surgeries to deal what was missed, including a 7 hour surgery to deal with the missed cancer. And he has now had several rounds of chemo, and now they are headed back to see if there is anything to be done about the Trac.Am not saying any of this could have been prevented. But just slowing time down, if possible, and vesting in deep education, good lord... the opposite happened here. It went from virtual lack of attention to an obvious health situation that my sister and I independently of each other observed, so much so we had the same response: thyroid. Then things went into hypermode and, well... it has been a very sad situation. Finally, when I suggested the idea of slowing things down a tad and got shown the door for it, I also floated... because that is all one can do with attitudes that refuse to listen... floated the idea of iodine. This was before the diagnosis of thyroid cancer. I was told that iodine is poison, that it doesn't work, it is worthless, I have no idea what I am talking about, etc. Links and printouts to names like Brownstein, Flechas, Derry, Starr and Broda , and on and on, had 0 impact. Sad, because my wife and I have maintained a deep investment in the iodine protocols. Have written far too much in this missive, but as a tidbit, my Missus was diagnosed with a goiter, and subsequent scans showed several nodules. Later tests revealed non cancerous, but a couple of the nodules are in that cm size threshold where the endo docs start talking about slash and burn. We got busy. 6 months later, repeat tests. Sat down with the endocrine doc as she read the results of the second tests. She stumbled, muttered, fumbled, and finally could not avoid reading verbatim to us the analysis of the second ultrasound. The word 'shrinking' was repeated several times. The doc was non plussed, mystified, certain my missus was headed for surgery in the near future. The doc literally had no script to read from her medical training about the status of 'shrinking nodules'. Will leave it at that, other than to say we have several additional 'things' that have happened, very cool upside things, since engaging in an iodine regime 3 years ago. So it is with much saddness to be thrown to the curb when we have direct experience, direct measurable results... and this little boy has become a product of stubborn-ness, modern medical solves all influence, and so on. Moral of this way too long missive... I soooooooooooo agree with the other poster who said, slow down. Yes. Slooooow down. This is a terrific forum. The warmth, the spirit, the kindness... is a most welcome place. Much more beneficent than some other message boards that devolve into minutia and confusion, well, forget that. I read everything here. A most wonderful community this is...Off soapbox... > >> > I do not know how does it.I have enough trouble just keeping > > up with the reading on this forum; but I am so thankful that her own > > negative experience compelled her to start her website and this forum. > > This information has been invaluable for me and to other breast cancer > > survivors I have steered to the iodine protocol.> > It took me a long time of reading to be convinced that the iodine > > protocol was legit. After all, if it was so great, why don't we hear > > about it from our doctors? (we all know the answer to that now).> > I finally jumped on board 2 years ago and have never felt better in my > > life. Once I got through the detox stage, I could not believe the > > energy I have. I still have some issues, but I am so thankful that I > > can often learn about the solutions by coming here. It gives me so > > much peace of mind to know that taking iodine is probably one of the > > most important things I am doing to prevent a recurrance.> > As great as this forum is, and the large number of members who are > > being helped here, it has been so frustrating to me that I am > > surrounded by so many people with thyroid and breast issues here in > > the midwest, and so few doctors who "get it". I have been trying to no > > avail to find doctors who believe in the iodine protocol so that I can > > recommend them to my friends and I have not had any luck. If it is > > this difficult for someone like me, who lives in a large metro area, > > where can those in the middle of no where turn? Luckily, we have this > > forum! I am sure you are all as thankful as I am that and > > her assistants have been willing to work tirelessly to help us all.> > Just this morning I had a phone consult with a local doctor who said > > he is holistic and who treats the thyroid. Sadly, he said he will not > > treat the thyroid with iodine because it causes people to go hyper. > > URRGH! When I tried to explain that this was often temporary and that > > people like me who were severely iodine deficient might have this > > reaction because the thyroid is starving for iodine so it sucks it up, > > he totally blew me off (how dare I tell a doctor anything!). Chalk up > > another loser!> > This has happened to me more that a few times. I keep interviewing > > doctors in my area so that I can send people to them because I do not > > want to be "doctoring" people on the iodine protocol. I am constantly > > speaking with other cancer patients and women with thyroid issues, and > > I cannot find doctors to help them. It is making me crazy that doctors > > still believe iodine is dangerous when there are thousands of us > > walking around who take high amounts. Do they think we aren't real, or > > just zombies?> > It is great that and her mods are doing this for all of us, > > but we need to clone her. I am thrilled to announce that > > will be coming to the Chicago area and speaking at a women's wellness > > program I am putting together in October where she can explain how > > important iodine is. I live in a county with the second highest rate > > of breast cancer in the US and I truly believe that the iodine > > protocol would end this notorious ranking. I am also arranging for > > to speak to a group of doctors in the hopes that she can > > open their minds so that I will finally have doctors I can send people > > to in my area.> > As wonderful as this forum is, we still need to reach more people so > > that iodine will become a standard of care and we can once again buy > > it at any local pharmacy. I hope that when comes to speak > > for me it will be the beginning of a career for her to get out and > > spread the word. We need to have easy access to iodine and doctors who > > understand how to use it. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of > > 's career to spread the word even more than she already has. > > Maybe we can end this epidemic of breast and thyroid cancers!> > So if anyone wants to hear and meet our dear in person, save > > the date of Oct 21-23 to come to Chicago for my "Think Beyond the > > Pink" weekend. Dr. Hal Huggins will be speaking too and he is going to > > be announcing for the first time the results of his latest research on > > the links to breast cancer and toxic teeth. All profits from the event > > will be going to programs from young adults with autism. If you do > > facebook, you can "like" the Think Beyond the Pink page that we have > > just started and keep up with our updates on the event. I will also be > > posting the event on my website.> > I am so thrilled and honored that has committed to coming in > > lieu of all of her job and family responsibilities. I am hoping that > > this weekend will help to further her career and to help spread the > > word about the miracles of iodine.> > Hope to see many of you there!> > More details to come.> > Memmesheimer> > www.preventcanswers.org> >>

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I had a root canal tooth. Oddly (not really though) it flared up at the time I had my thyroid cancer diagnosis. I had to have it redone. When I had it removed in 2006 (dx'd with cancer in 2000) there was black sludge under the tooth and necrosis of the jaw. There is a great book called "The Root Canal Cover-up" that gives a lot of information about the health dangers they can create. I had a mouth full of mercury too. Once it was all gone and chelated I felt so much better. I am saddened that we still have these "treatments" as part of mainstream dentistry.

Buist, ND HC

Re: Thank God For

CarolFeel free to share. My goal is to spread the word. I tell everyone I know about iodine and it is helping so many. I know how you feel about women who won't think outside the box. My dear aunt is doing only what her docs are telling her for breast cancer. Lots of chemo, rads to come. I am just praying she survives it. Her problem is that she is obese and will not eat anything healthy. She thinks having a glass of milk is her daily health regime! And she will not even consider iodine. She says she is allergic to it because of the reactions she had to the dye from a test. I tried to explain it was probably the dye,not the iodine, but she won't listen. . Thanks for the clarification about starting the group. I have only been hangin out here for about 2 years. I am so excited for what you are doing and that you will soon be spreading the word. I think if women take the four issues we will be presenting at the ThinkBeyondThePink weekend to heart: thermography, iodine, rootcanals, and nutrition, we would have very little breast and thyroid cancer. Let's hope that we can spread the word and prevent these damn diseases to begin with!www.preventcanswers.org> >> > I do not know how does it.I have enough trouble just keeping > > up with the reading on this forum; but I am so thankful that her own > > negative experience compelled her to start her website and this forum. > > This information has been invaluable for me and to other breast cancer > > survivors I have steered to the iodine protocol.> > It took me a long time of reading to be convinced that the iodine > > protocol was legit. After all, if it was so great, why don't we hear > > about it from our doctors? (we all know the answer to that now).> > I finally jumped on board 2 years ago and have never felt better in my > > life. Once I got through the detox stage, I could not believe the > > energy I have. I still have some issues, but I am so thankful that I > > can often learn about the solutions by coming here. It gives me so > > much peace of mind to know that taking iodine is probably one of the > > most important things I am doing to prevent a recurrance.> > As great as this forum is, and the large number of members who are > > being helped here, it has been so frustrating to me that I am > > surrounded by so many people with thyroid and breast issues here in > > the midwest, and so few doctors who "get it". I have been trying to no > > avail to find doctors who believe in the iodine protocol so that I can > > recommend them to my friends and I have not had any luck. If it is > > this difficult for someone like me, who lives in a large metro area, > > where can those in the middle of no where turn? Luckily, we have this > > forum! I am sure you are all as thankful as I am that and > > her assistants have been willing to work tirelessly to help us all.> > Just this morning I had a phone consult with a local doctor who said > > he is holistic and who treats the thyroid. Sadly, he said he will not > > treat the thyroid with iodine because it causes people to go hyper. > > URRGH! When I tried to explain that this was often temporary and that > > people like me who were severely iodine deficient might have this > > reaction because the thyroid is starving for iodine so it sucks it up, > > he totally blew me off (how dare I tell a doctor anything!). Chalk up > > another loser!> > This has happened to me more that a few times. I keep interviewing > > doctors in my area so that I can send people to them because I do not > > want to be "doctoring" people on the iodine protocol. I am constantly > > speaking with other cancer patients and women with thyroid issues, and > > I cannot find doctors to help them. It is making me crazy that doctors > > still believe iodine is dangerous when there are thousands of us > > walking around who take high amounts. Do they think we aren't real, or > > just zombies?> > It is great that and her mods are doing this for all of us, > > but we need to clone her. I am thrilled to announce that > > will be coming to the Chicago area and speaking at a women's wellness > > program I am putting together in October where she can explain how > > important iodine is. I live in a county with the second highest rate > > of breast cancer in the US and I truly believe that the iodine > > protocol would end this notorious ranking. I am also arranging for > > to speak to a group of doctors in the hopes that she can > > open their minds so that I will finally have doctors I can send people > > to in my area.> > As wonderful as this forum is, we still need to reach more people so > > that iodine will become a standard of care and we can once again buy > > it at any local pharmacy. I hope that when comes to speak > > for me it will be the beginning of a career for her to get out and > > spread the word. We need to have easy access to iodine and doctors who > > understand how to use it. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of > > 's career to spread the word even more than she already has. > > Maybe we can end this epidemic of breast and thyroid cancers!> > So if anyone wants to hear and meet our dear in person, save > > the date of Oct 21-23 to come to Chicago for my "Think Beyond the > > Pink" weekend. Dr. Hal Huggins will be speaking too and he is going to > > be announcing for the first time the results of his latest research on > > the links to breast cancer and toxic teeth. All profits from the event > > will be going to programs from young adults with autism. If you do > > facebook, you can "like" the Think Beyond the Pink page that we have > > just started and keep up with our updates on the event. I will also be > > posting the event on my website.> > I am so thrilled and honored that has committed to coming in > > lieu of all of her job and family responsibilities. I am hoping that > > this weekend will help to further her career and to help spread the > > word about the miracles of iodine.> > Hope to see many of you there!> > More details to come.> > Memmesheimer> > www.preventcanswers.org> >>

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Here's some info on the book referred to: 


On 7/29/2011 7:02 PM, ladybugsandbees wrote:


I had a root canal tooth.  Oddly (not really

though) it flared up at the time I had my thyroid cancer

diagnosis.  I had to have it redone.  When I had it

removed in 2006 (dx'd with cancer in 2000) there was

black sludge under the tooth and necrosis of the

jaw.  There is a great book called "The Root Canal

Cover-up" that gives a lot of information about

the health dangers they can create.  I had a mouth full

of mercury too.  Once it was all gone and chelated I

felt so much better.  I am saddened that we still have

these "treatments" as part of mainstream dentistry.  


Buist, ND HC  



Re: Thank God For



Feel free to share. My goal is to spread the

word. I tell everyone I know about iodine and

it is helping so many. I know how you feel

about women who won't think outside the box.

My dear aunt is doing only what her docs are

telling her for breast cancer. Lots of chemo,

rads to come. I am just praying she survives

it. Her problem is that she is obese and will

not eat anything healthy. She thinks having a

glass of milk is her daily health regime! And

she will not even consider iodine. She says

she is allergic to it because of the reactions

she had to the dye from a test. I tried to

explain it was probably the dye,not the

iodine, but she won't listen.

. Thanks for the clarification about

starting the group. I have only been hangin

out here for about 2 years. I am so excited

for what you are doing and that you will soon

be spreading the word. I think if women take

the four issues we will be presenting at the

ThinkBeyondThePink weekend to heart:

thermography, iodine, rootcanals, and

nutrition, we would have very little breast

and thyroid cancer. Let's hope that we can

spread the word and prevent these damn

diseases to begin with!


> >

> > I do not know how does

it.I have enough trouble just keeping

> > up with the reading on this forum;

but I am so thankful that her own

> > negative experience compelled her to

start her website and this forum.

> > This information has been invaluable

for me and to other breast cancer

> > survivors I have steered to the

iodine protocol.

> > It took me a long time of reading to

be convinced that the iodine

> > protocol was legit. After all, if it

was so great, why don't we hear

> > about it from our doctors? (we all

know the answer to that now).

> > I finally jumped on board 2 years

ago and have never felt better in my

> > life. Once I got through the detox

stage, I could not believe the

> > energy I have. I still have some

issues, but I am so thankful that I

> > can often learn about the solutions

by coming here. It gives me so

> > much peace of mind to know that

taking iodine is probably one of the

> > most important things I am doing to

prevent a recurrance.

> > As great as this forum is, and the

large number of members who are

> > being helped here, it has been so

frustrating to me that I am

> > surrounded by so many people with

thyroid and breast issues here in

> > the midwest, and so few doctors who

"get it". I have been trying to no

> > avail to find doctors who believe in

the iodine protocol so that I can

> > recommend them to my friends and I

have not had any luck. If it is

> > this difficult for someone like me,

who lives in a large metro area,

> > where can those in the middle of no

where turn? Luckily, we have this

> > forum! I am sure you are all as

thankful as I am that and

> > her assistants have been willing to

work tirelessly to help us all.

> > Just this morning I had a phone

consult with a local doctor who said

> > he is holistic and who treats the

thyroid. Sadly, he said he will not

> > treat the thyroid with iodine

because it causes people to go hyper.

> > URRGH! When I tried to explain that

this was often temporary and that

> > people like me who were severely

iodine deficient might have this

> > reaction because the thyroid is

starving for iodine so it sucks it up,

> > he totally blew me off (how dare I

tell a doctor anything!). Chalk up

> > another loser!

> > This has happened to me more that a

few times. I keep interviewing

> > doctors in my area so that I can

send people to them because I do not

> > want to be "doctoring" people on the

iodine protocol. I am constantly

> > speaking with other cancer patients

and women with thyroid issues, and

> > I cannot find doctors to help them.

It is making me crazy that doctors

> > still believe iodine is dangerous

when there are thousands of us

> > walking around who take high

amounts. Do they think we aren't real, or

> > just zombies?

> > It is great that and her

mods are doing this for all of us,

> > but we need to clone her. I am

thrilled to announce that

> > will be coming to the Chicago area

and speaking at a women's wellness

> > program I am putting together in

October where she can explain how

> > important iodine is. I live in a

county with the second highest rate

> > of breast cancer in the US and I

truly believe that the iodine

> > protocol would end this notorious

ranking. I am also arranging for

> > to speak to a group of

doctors in the hopes that she can

> > open their minds so that I will

finally have doctors I can send people

> > to in my area.

> > As wonderful as this forum is, we

still need to reach more people so

> > that iodine will become a standard

of care and we can once again buy

> > it at any local pharmacy. I hope

that when comes to speak

> > for me it will be the beginning of a

career for her to get out and

> > spread the word. We need to have

easy access to iodine and doctors who

> > understand how to use it. Hopefully,

this will be the beginning of

> > 's career to spread the

word even more than she already has.

> > Maybe we can end this epidemic of

breast and thyroid cancers!

> > So if anyone wants to hear and meet

our dear in person, save

> > the date of Oct 21-23 to come to

Chicago for my "Think Beyond the

> > Pink" weekend. Dr. Hal Huggins will

be speaking too and he is going to

> > be announcing for the first time the

results of his latest research on

> > the links to breast cancer and toxic

teeth. All profits from the event

> > will be going to programs from young

adults with autism. If you do

> > facebook, you can "like" the Think

Beyond the Pink page that we have

> > just started and keep up with our

updates on the event. I will also be

> > posting the event on my website.

> > I am so thrilled and honored that

has committed to coming in

> > lieu of all of her job and family

responsibilities. I am hoping that

> > this weekend will help to further

her career and to help spread the

> > word about the miracles of iodine.

> > Hope to see many of you there!

> > More details to come.

> > Memmesheimer

> > www.preventcanswers.org

> >


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Thank you so much for sharing your story and experiences. We can only do

what we can do. Gandhi taught that the secret to peace in life is to work

to make the change that needs to be made, but not be attached to particular

outcomes. We can't control everyone else, so we HAVE to let it go or go

mad. Easier said than done, but nonetheless essential to our own good


This truth has been so hard for me to accept in life but I have been so

much happier since I " got it " . It's especially hard when a child is

involved, but hard cases are where philosophies are really trialed, and

it's still true, even with a child in the clutches of foolish adults. We

can't fix what isn't ours.

We can, however, live as an example of what is possible, and be ready to

share our information when the opening is there. I feel like I've been

MORE effective with my information sharing since I stepped back and

detached from outcomes.


> Re: Thank God For




>Pardon the intrusion but I can't help responding to this thread. That is,

>the idea of the rush towards so called current conventions not the least

>of which is an aspect of the medical community culture.


>Quick story. Two years ago was asked to pick my nephew up from a little

>league baseball game. I was shocked by what I saw. The little boy, then

>12, was struggling to pitch in the game. He could barely run to the mound.

>He was pulled after 2 innings. Hadn't seen him in several months but I was

>mortified by what I saw. Something twanged my head and when I saw my

>brother and sis-in-law later that eve on returning the boy home, I said

>there is something really physically wrong here. I would get his thyroid

>checked for starters. He looks like he also has bromine poisoning. I was

>essentially brushed off. For several years the father has been very, very

>hard on the two boys and accused this one of just being out of shape, lazy.


>A week later familes went to a Rockies baseball game. My sister noted the

>poor condition of the young boy. Sitting directly behind me, she turned to

>our brother and said " You should get his thyroid checked out. " I thought

>he was going to lop my head off in accusing me of being a smart ass, which

>I wasn't, because my sis and I had never said a word about this. The

>parents are so wrapped up in the minutia of life things, they were not

>observing what others were seeing.


>2 days later I learned the mother did take the boy in for a checkup. The

>next day panic spread through the family. The boy was diagnosed with

>thyroid cancer. I sensed and later confirmed that the doctors pumped up

>the volume. So much so, the little boy was in surgery to remove the

>thyroid a couple days later.


>The family is all about turning to modern medical science to solve,

>everything. Besides, brother refuses to listen to even the slightest idea

>and will in fact do the opposite just to prove points. Yes, it is that

>sad. I risked life and limb by suggesting they try to slow things down a

>tad. Response: F-U.


>That's why I was compelled to respond to this thread because of the wisdom

>of someone who said that it takes time for these conditions to spiral up,

>and doctors are prone to amping it into a crisis situation which it can

>be, but I find it imperative to Slow Time Down if possible.


>Sadly, because of the complete lack of awareness towards the physical

>condition of their own son for months while others were increasingly

>worried, then the knee jerk reaction to get thee into surgery instead of

>slowing things down, even a little, to listen, to learn... the boy has now

>paid a very heavy price. I heard the high hopes that are put forward when

>things like this happen. " One of the best in the country " , " top doc in the

>west " , blah blah blah. It was more a commercial pitch than a run up to

>education about what was about to ensue. I did not like any of what I was



>The surgery did not go well. The surgeon botched things by cutting into

>and insulting the parathyroid, and vocal chords. This so called single

>surgery required additional surgeries to try and repair the damage. Making

>more damage. I am guesstimating that what was to be a single surgery has

>turned into, 5 or 6 now. The boy now has a Trac tube, and subsequent

>surgeries created further damage and the current prognosis is the boy may

>have to wear this Trac for the rest of his life. The father and mother are

>under great strain because there is a great difference in opinion

>(cultural) on how to proceed. In the meantime, it was discovered this

>first team of doctors were not communicating very well, or not at all...

>what a surprise.


>The family decided to transfer the boy to the Mayo Clinic in Minn. for

>different opinions. Shocker... the first team missed 40+ cancerous nodules

>in the lymph system. The boy has had I believe 2 or 3 additional surgeries

>to deal what was missed, including a 7 hour surgery to deal with the

>missed cancer. And he has now had several rounds of chemo, and now they

>are headed back to see if there is anything to be done about the Trac.


>Am not saying any of this could have been prevented. But just slowing time

>down, if possible, and vesting in deep education, good lord... the

>opposite happened here. It went from virtual lack of attention to an

>obvious health situation that my sister and I independently of each other

>observed, so much so we had the same response: thyroid. Then things went

>into hypermode and, well... it has been a very sad situation.


>Finally, when I suggested the idea of slowing things down a tad and got

>shown the door for it, I also floated... because that is all one can do

>with attitudes that refuse to listen... floated the idea of iodine. This

>was before the diagnosis of thyroid cancer. I was told that iodine is

>poison, that it doesn't work, it is worthless, I have no idea what I am

>talking about, etc. Links and printouts to names like Brownstein, Flechas,

>Derry, Starr and Broda , and on and on, had 0 impact.


>Sad, because my wife and I have maintained a deep investment in the iodine

>protocols. Have written far too much in this missive, but as a tidbit, my

>Missus was diagnosed with a goiter, and subsequent scans showed several

>nodules. Later tests revealed non cancerous, but a couple of the nodules

>are in that cm size threshold where the endo docs start talking about

>slash and burn. We got busy. 6 months later, repeat tests. Sat down with

>the endocrine doc as she read the results of the second tests. She

>stumbled, muttered, fumbled, and finally could not avoid reading verbatim

>to us the analysis of the second ultrasound. The word 'shrinking' was

>repeated several times. The doc was non plussed, mystified, certain my

>missus was headed for surgery in the near future. The doc literally had no

>script to read from her medical training about the status of 'shrinking



>Will leave it at that, other than to say we have several additional

>'things' that have happened, very cool upside things, since engaging in an

>iodine regime 3 years ago. So it is with much saddness to be thrown to the

>curb when we have direct experience, direct measurable results... and this

>little boy has become a product of stubborn-ness, modern medical solves

>all influence, and so on.


>Moral of this way too long missive... I soooooooooooo agree with the other

>poster who said, slow down. Yes. Slooooow down.


>This is a terrific forum. The warmth, the spirit, the kindness... is a

>most welcome place. Much more beneficent than some other message boards

>that devolve into minutia and confusion, well, forget that. I read

>everything here. A most wonderful community this is...


>Off soapbox...

~~~ There is no way to peace; peace is the way ~~~~

--A.J. Muste

~~~ Why do men fight for their servitude as stubbornly as though it were

their salvation? ~~~~

--Gilles Deleuze

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Yes ma'am. We can only do what we can. I agree. Has taken awhile to get

there. But you are also so right, what a child is involved...

arrrrrrggggghhhhhh. It is near impossible to stay silent.

More long sighs.....


> Thank you so much for sharing your story and experiences. We can only do

> what we can do. Gandhi taught that the secret to peace in life is to work

> to make the change that needs to be made, but not be attached to particular

> outcomes. We can't control everyone else, so we HAVE to let it go or go

> mad. Easier said than done, but nonetheless essential to our own good

> health.


> This truth has been so hard for me to accept in life but I have been so

> much happier since I " got it " . It's especially hard when a child is

> involved, but hard cases are where philosophies are really trialed, and

> it's still true, even with a child in the clutches of foolish adults. We

> can't fix what isn't ours.


> We can, however, live as an example of what is possible, and be ready to

> share our information when the opening is there. I feel like I've been

> MORE effective with my information sharing since I stepped back and

> detached from outcomes.


> --

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20 years ago, when I was newly married, my husband had a different dentist than I. Every time he came home from a visit, he had something wrong with his mouth. I took unkindly to this and so the next time he attended an appointment, I went with him. I sat the whole time in the waiting room and just observed. Soon the doctor came out to the desk with a patient, slapped him on the shoulder and said, "Yeah, we'll get you all fixed up with a root canal." The patient had an awkward look about him and I wanted to tell him to get a second opinion. But I kept my mouth shut. I hate myself for doing that. For keeping quiet. I'm sure he would have met with ease to my admonition. I wanted to tell everyone in that waiting room about this quack. Especially moms with kids. Soon my husband came out. I asked him how it went as we walked out and

he told me he needed a root canal! My husband never saw that dentist again! Needless to say, 20 years later, he still does not need a root canal.My advice is, be careful people. If you don't think you are having trouble, don't take a dentist's word. Take care of your mouth. Use an electric toothbrush. Don't use toothpaste with fluoride and sodium lauryl sulfate. Tooth powders are good. You can use any number of natural powders like baking soda, activated charcoal, salt, calcium bentonite clay, sweeten it with a little xylitol to kill bacteria. I would even blend up mint leaves to add a little mint if I had a good blender, which I don't. But anyone who does can try this.Eat good bone broth. Boil organic chickens and grass fed beef with their bones to make your soups. The bones contain nutrition that our bodies need. Take care of

yourselves.LynFrom: ladybugsandbees <ladybugsandbees@...>I had a root canal tooth. Oddly (not really though) it flared up at the time I had my thyroid cancer diagnosis. I had to have it redone. When I had it removed in 2006 (dx'd with cancer in 2000) there was black sludge under the tooth and necrosis of the jaw. There is a great book called "The Root Canal Cover-up" that gives a lot of information about the health dangers they can create. I had a mouth full of mercury too. Once it was all gone and chelated I felt so much better. I am saddened that we still have these "treatments" as part of mainstream dentistry.

Buist, ND HC

Re: Thank God For

CarolFeel free to share. My goal is to spread the word. I tell everyone I know about iodine and it is helping so many. I know how you feel about women who won't think outside the box. My dear aunt is doing only what her docs are telling her for breast cancer. Lots of chemo, rads to come. I am just praying she survives it. Her problem is that she is obese and will not eat anything healthy. She thinks having a glass of milk is her daily health regime! And she will not even consider iodine. She says she is allergic to it because of the reactions she had to the dye from a test. I tried to explain it was probably the dye,not the iodine, but she won't listen. . Thanks for the clarification about starting the group. I have only been hangin out here for about 2 years. I am so excited for what you are doing and that you will soon be spreading the word. I think if women take the four issues we will be presenting at the ThinkBeyondThePink weekend to heart: thermography, iodine, rootcanals, and nutrition, we would have very little breast and thyroid cancer. Let's hope that we can spread the word and prevent these damn diseases to begin with!www.preventcanswers.org> >> > I do not know how does it.I have enough trouble just keeping > > up with the reading on this forum; but I am so thankful that her own > > negative experience compelled her to start her website and this forum. > > This information has been invaluable for me and to other breast cancer > > survivors I have steered to the iodine protocol.> > It took me a long time of reading to be convinced that the iodine > > protocol was legit. After all, if it was so great, why don't we hear > > about it from our doctors? (we all know the answer to that now).> > I finally jumped on board 2 years ago and have never felt better in my > > life. Once I got through the detox stage, I could not believe the > > energy I have. I still have some issues, but I am so thankful that I > > can often learn about the solutions by coming here. It gives me so > > much peace of mind to know that taking iodine is probably one of the > > most important things I am doing to prevent a recurrance.> > As great as this forum is, and the large number of members who are > > being helped here, it has been so frustrating to me that I am > > surrounded by so many people with thyroid and breast issues here in > > the midwest, and so few doctors who "get it". I have been trying to no > > avail to find doctors who believe in the iodine protocol so that I can > > recommend them to my friends and I have not had any luck. If it is > > this difficult for someone like me, who lives in a large metro area, > > where can those in the middle of no where turn? Luckily, we have this > > forum! I am sure you are all as thankful as I am that and > > her assistants have been willing to work tirelessly to help us all.> > Just this morning I had a phone consult with a local doctor who said > > he is holistic and who treats the thyroid. Sadly, he said he will not > > treat the thyroid with iodine because it causes people to go hyper. > > URRGH! When I tried to explain that this was often temporary and that > > people like me who were severely iodine deficient might have this > > reaction because the thyroid is starving for iodine so it sucks it up, > > he totally blew me off (how dare I tell a doctor anything!). Chalk up > > another loser!> > This has happened to me more that a few times. I keep interviewing > > doctors in my area so that I can send people to them because I do not > > want to be "doctoring" people on the iodine protocol. I am constantly > > speaking with other cancer patients and women with thyroid issues, and > > I cannot find doctors to help them. It is making me crazy that doctors > > still believe iodine is dangerous when there are thousands of us > > walking around who take high amounts. Do they think we aren't real, or > > just zombies?> > It is great that and her mods are doing this for all of us, > > but we need to clone her. I am thrilled to announce that > > will be coming to the Chicago area and speaking at a women's wellness > > program I am putting together in October where she can explain how > > important iodine is. I live in a county with the second highest rate > > of breast cancer in the US and I truly believe that the iodine > > protocol would end this notorious ranking. I am also arranging for > > to speak to a group of doctors in the hopes that she can > > open their minds so that I will finally have doctors I can send people > > to in my area.> > As wonderful as this forum is, we still need to reach more people so > > that iodine will become a standard of care and we can once again buy > > it at any local pharmacy. I hope that when comes to speak > > for me it will be the beginning of a career for her to get out and > > spread the word. We need to have easy access to iodine and doctors who > > understand how to use it. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of > > 's career to spread the word even more than she already has. > > Maybe we can end this epidemic of breast and thyroid cancers!> > So if anyone wants to hear and meet our dear in person, save > > the date of Oct 21-23 to come to Chicago for my "Think Beyond the > > Pink" weekend. Dr. Hal Huggins will be speaking too and he is going to > > be announcing for the first time the results of his latest research on > > the links to breast cancer and toxic teeth. All profits from the event > > will be going to programs from young adults with autism. If you do > > facebook, you can "like" the Think Beyond the Pink page that we have > > just started and keep up with our updates on the event. I will also be > > posting the event on my website.> > I am so thrilled and honored that has committed to coming in > > lieu of all of her job and family responsibilities. I am hoping that > > this weekend will help to further her career and to help spread the > > word about the miracles of iodine.> > Hope to see many of you there!> > More details to come.> > Memmesheimer> > www.preventcanswers.org> >>

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