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Re: The Truth About Flaxseed Oil & Dr. Johanna Budwig

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Thank you for posting this Dr L.....interesting to note that the Gerson Therapy incorporates Dr Budwigs discovery of flaxseed oil and quark. Dr Gerson read her work on it and added it to the therapy. But is important to stress, flaxseed oil without an organic, toxic free diet and methods of detoxification, wont most likely cure cancer on its own. Kathleen

The Truth About Flaxseed Oil & Dr. Johanna Budwig

Flax seed oil taken by itself is not what Dr. Budwig recommended in her protocol. Dr. Meyer's comments are misleading and have nothing to do with Dr. Budwig's formula of FO (flaxseed oil) blended with CC (cottage cheese) and its healing benefits. His comments are based on the use of Flaxseed Oil without the sulfur based proteins and even Dr. Budwig herself said that is dangerous and not to use FO without the cottage cheese or other source of amino acids with the sulfur bond.

What makes flax oil so useful to the body is that it is eaten after it is bonded to a sulfur protein in organic cottage cheese. This allows it to become water soluble, easily digestible and assimilated into the cells of the body. That was Dr. Budwig's extraordinary discovery. As a chemist and physicist, she analyzed fats and oils, identified essential fatty acids, and realized the benefit of highly unsaturated electron-active flax oil. She discovered that when she blended the flax oil with a sulfurated protein, quark or cottage cheese, the oil adhered to the protein components and was changed so the it could easily be carried to cells where it can repair and revitalize the cell's function. You can see how important the cottage cheese is to the equation and also how it acts in the body. There are many men who have used to Budwig protocol for prostate cancer with very good success.

Please read the following article about the ALA studies, written by one of the world's top experts on fats and oils, Udo Erasmus, author of the book, Fats That Heal, Fats that Kill.FLAXSEED OIL (ALA) & PROSTATE CANCER - Witch Hunt or Cause for Concern? For the full article: http://www.annieappleseedproject.org/flaxoilcaner.htmlThe information in this article indicates that the studies cited were not about flaxseed oil. They were about ALA in animal fats and vegetable oils. Dr. Myers doesn't bother to make that clear.Jon Barron also has some interesting things to say about flaxseed: http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/learning/prostate-cancer-flax-seed.html Information about Dr. Budwig and includes her complete protocol: http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/health-articles/2009/02/the-health-promoting-benefits-of-flax-seed-oil.html Real Truth. The real truth is that there is absolutely no magic bullet for cancer either in conventional medicine or natural medicine. Dr. Budwig's protocol seems to have one of the best success rates, but even then not every one gets well. We are all different - different health histories, different stressors (very important in cancer treatment), different emotions, different diets, different ideas about being compliant to a protocol, different exposure to chemicals and toxins as well as how much conventional cancer treatment has been done before one decides on a natural protocol (those with the less amount of convnetional treatment almost always do better than those who have been chemoed/radiated to an inch of their life). We must always do our research and educate ourselves and then proceed with what we think we help our body to repair and heal. It must be a whole-body approach and not only focused on one particular organ (this is the thinking of conventional medicine which has failed miserably with most cancers). Many times patients find the best success in combining several programs - however, I do caution to make sure that the programs being combined are actually compatible.The cancer patient who realizes that what they have done in the past, healthwise, has obviously not worked and then decides to completely change their thinking as well as their lifestyle is the one who usually will get the success that is desired. Be WellDr.L

-----Original Message-----

>The confusing thing about all these "protocols"...iodine,

>budwig...etc...is they all say they are the cure who is right? Or is it

>a case of one thing works better for some people than others.


>Consider this interesting issue: Dr. Snuffy Myers....a well-known

>prostate cancer expert who deals very much with nutrition and diet for

>fighting prostate cancer...He says FLAX SEED and FLAX SEED OIL are a

>definite NO NO for a man fighting prostate cancer. It fuels prostate

>cancer...my husband took flax seed oil for several years for arthritis.

>About a 2 1/2 years ago, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer...I would

>NEVER give him any type of flaxseed...


>My point is...what is the real truth...I think we can only do what we feel

>is the real truth..and I am not criticizing whatsoever the budwig protocol

>or the iodine protocol ...I feel that they have helped people.

>It's just confusing.......stressful.....I don't know how exactly to

>explain it.

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Can anyone tell me if kefir is a suitable substitute for cottage cheese? I've not been able to source any organic cottage cheese so have been using kefir along with some MSM and fruit etc in my smoothies. The thoughts that flaxseed/oil if not correctly mixed with sulphur based proteins can actually fuel cancer is somewhat alarming.Cheers, BNZOn 7/02/2010, at 2:38 PM, Dr. Loretta Lanphier wrote: Flax seed oil taken by itself is not what Dr. Budwig recommended in her protocol. Dr. Meyer’s comments are misleading and have nothing to do with Dr. Budwig's formula of FO (flaxseed oil) blended with CC (cottage cheese) and its healing benefits. His comments are based on the use of Flaxseed Oil without the sulfur based proteins and even Dr. Budwig herself said that is dangerous and not to use FO without the cottage cheese or other source of amino acids with the sulfur bond. What makes flax oil so useful to the body is that it is eaten after it is bonded to a sulfur protein in organic cottage cheese. This allows it to become water soluble, easily digestible and assimilated into the cells of the body. That was Dr. Budwig's extraordinary discovery. As a chemist and physicist, she analyzed fats and oils, identified essential fatty acids, and realized the benefit of highly unsaturated electron-active flax oil. She discovered that when she blended the flax oil with a sulfurated protein, quark or cottage cheese, the oil adhered to the protein components and was changed so the it could easily be carried to cells where it can repair and revitalize the cell's function. You can see how important the cottage cheese is to the equation and also how it acts in the body. There are many men who have used to Budwig protocol for prostate cancer with very good success.>Consider this interesting issue: Dr. Snuffy Myers....a well-known>prostate cancer expert who deals very much with nutrition and diet for>fighting prostate cancer...He says FLAX SEED and FLAX SEED OIL are a>definite NO NO for a man fighting prostate cancer. It fuels prostate>cancer...my husband took flax seed oil for several years for arthritis.>About a 2 1/2 years ago, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer...I would>NEVER give him any type of flaxseed...

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Absolutely, Kathleen, which is why I posted a

link to Dr. Budwig’s entire protocol and why I mentioned a

whole-body approach. Dr. B’s

entire protocol is as important as the FO/CC mixture if a person wants to get

well and stay well. J

Be Well


Thank you for posting this Dr L.....interesting to note that the Gerson Therapy

incorporates Dr Budwigs discovery of flaxseed oil and quark. Dr Gerson read her

work on it and added it to the therapy. But is important to stress, flaxseed

oil without an organic, toxic free diet and methods of detoxification,

wont most likely cure cancer on its own. Kathleen

----- Original Message -----


seed oil taken by itself is not

what Dr. Budwig recommended in her protocol. Dr. Meyer's comments are misleading and have nothing to do with

Dr. Budwig's formula of FO (flaxseed oil) blended with CC (cottage cheese) and

its healing benefits. His comments are based on the use of Flaxseed Oil

without the sulfur based proteins and even Dr. Budwig herself said that is

dangerous and not to use FO without the cottage cheese or other source of amino

acids with the sulfur bond.


makes flax oil so useful to the body is that it is eaten after it is

bonded to a sulfur protein in organic cottage cheese. This allows it to

become water soluble, easily digestible and assimilated into the cells of the

body. That was Dr. Budwig's extraordinary discovery. As a chemist and

physicist, she analyzed fats and oils, identified essential fatty acids, and

realized the benefit of highly unsaturated electron-active flax oil. She

discovered that when she blended the flax oil with a sulfurated protein, quark

or cottage cheese, the oil adhered to the protein components and was changed so

the it could easily be carried to cells where it can repair and revitalize the

cell's function. You can see how important the cottage cheese is to the

equation and also how it acts in the body. There are many men who have used to Budwig protocol for

prostate cancer with very good success.


read the following article about the ALA studies, written by one of the world's

top experts on fats and oils, Udo Erasmus, author of the book, Fats That Heal, Fats that Kill.


OIL (ALA) & PROSTATE CANCER - Witch Hunt or Cause for

Concern? For the full article: http://www.annieappleseedproject.org/flaxoilcaner.html

The information in this article indicates that the studies cited were not about

flaxseed oil. They were about ALA in animal fats and vegetable oils. Dr. Myers

doesn't bother to make that clear.

Jon Barron also has some interesting things to say about flaxseed: http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/learning/prostate-cancer-flax-seed.html

Information about Dr. Budwig and includes her complete protocol: http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/health-articles/2009/02/the-health-promoting-benefits-of-flax-seed-oil.html

Real Truth. The real truth

is that there is absolutely no magic bullet for cancer either in conventional

medicine or natural medicine. Dr. Budwig's protocol seems to have one of

the best success rates, but even then not every one gets well. We are all

different - different health histories, different stressors (very important in

cancer treatment), different emotions, different diets, different ideas about

being compliant to a protocol, different exposure to chemicals and toxins as

well as how much conventional cancer treatment has been done before one decides

on a natural protocol (those with the less amount of convnetional treatment

almost always do better than those who have been chemoed/radiated to an inch of

their life). We must always do our research and educate ourselves and

then proceed with what we think we help our body to repair and heal. It

must be a whole-body approach and not only focused on one particular organ

(this is the thinking of conventional medicine which has failed miserably with

most cancers). Many times patients find the best success in combining

several programs - however, I do caution to make sure that the programs being

combined are actually compatible.

The cancer patient who realizes that what they have done in the past,

healthwise, has obviously not worked and then decides to completely change

their thinking as well as their lifestyle is the one who usually will get the success

that is desired.

Be Well




>The confusing thing about all these " protocols " ...iodine, budwig...etc...is

they all say they are the cure who is right? Or is it a case of one

thing works better for some people than others.


this interesting issue: Dr. Snuffy Myers....a well-known prostate cancer

expert who deals very much with nutrition and diet for fighting prostate

cancer...He says FLAX SEED and FLAX SEED OIL are a definite NO NO for a

man fighting prostate cancer. It fuels prostate


husband took flax seed oil for several years for arthritis.


a 2 1/2 years ago, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer...I would NEVER give

him any type of flaxseed...


point is...what is the real truth...I think we can only do what we feel is the

real truth..and I am not criticizing whatsoever the budwig protocol or the

iodine protocol ...I feel that they have helped people. >t's just confusing.......stressful.....I

don't know how exactly to explain it.

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The following is from the FO/CC Group

files about making the FO/CC. Dr. Budwig called it Quark.  #5 addresses Kefir.  Reading Dr. Budwig’s books is very

necessary (they are inexpensive) as well as joining the FO/CC Group FlaxSeedOil2/

  You will begin to understand more about

the necessity of getting the mixture correct and it is not difficult.  Actually Dr. Budwig said that the body can

handle 2 tablespoons of FO daily without any problem.  But it is the FO/CC mixture that is most

important. There is a lot of misinformation on the Internet about how to do the

Budwig Protocol correctly, so to be safe, if anyone is considering this

protocol, please join the FO/CC Group.

Different Methods of Making Quark:


The homemade quark cheeses listed below are to

be used in the same ratio as store bought quark or cottage cheese (which was pre-strained

before purchase).


*If obtainable, raw milk (unpasteurized)is

preferable,  otherwise, organic

pasteurized is fine.  As a last resort

non-organic will suffice.  Either cow or

goat's milk is OK to use.


1. Quark from Buttermilk - Recipe #1 (like

Quark in Germany)

(Easy, reliable, good tasting, a bit less bitter

than yogurt quark)

*Make or buy cultured low fat (1%) buttermilk,

pour it into a Pyrex pot**, cover with a lid, place it in the oven at 150º F

for up to 8 hours. Strain it (1 hour or more) until you end up with about 66%

(2/3) of the total in whey. The taste and consistency is like the Quark in



**Or you can go to this site and buy their

quark maker: http://www.germancorner.com/recipes/hints/quark.html


2. Easy Quark/CC recipe from Jansen Van

Renburg, Nov. 7, 2007

This is how I make my quark/cottage cheese for

now. I buy bottles of 2 pints = 1 liter of raw certified organic skim milk

1) I switch the oven light on, not the oven.

2) I empty the full bottle of milk in a

ceramic pot which has a lid

3) I put the lid on the pot. The milk is now


4) Put the pot in the oven and leave it there

from 6pm at night till the next evening 6pm. One hour here or there did never

make any difference

5) Take it out the oven.

6) Pour it into a strainer which has a cheese

or cotton cloth inside and let it drain for quite a while. Put it in the fridge


There you are, I have fresh cottage cheese. I

do not know what to do with all that whey which I am left with.

This is simple. it works every time, I add



3. Quark from homemade buttermilk - from

php_pounder - Nov. 6, 2007


4 x 1 litre mason jars

Tabletop crock pot with 3 heat settings (warm,

low, high)

1 litre buttermilk (organic if possible)

4 litre 2% milk (organic if possible)

In my neck of the woods, buttermilk costs

twice as much as 2% milk, so I make my own buttermilk.

1. Put 1 cup of buttermilk into each mason jar

and fill it with milk until you have enough room to give it a shake ... with

the lid on of course.

2. Give each jar a good shake and let it sit

at room temperature for 24 to 36 hours. I put mine near my baseboard heater.

3. After the allotted time, the milk/

buttermilk should have " clabbered " into a full litre of buttermilk.

4. Place the buttermilk into your crock pot or

oven. I set mine to the warm setting which has a minimum temperature of about 120F,

but you can probably get away with something a little warmer-[150].

5. Let it warm away for 8 to 10 hours. The

curd and whey should have separated at this point. Just pour it through a few

layers of cheese cloth and put it in the fridge to drain the rest of the whey


This makes a great " quark " with the

helpful bacteria still present.


4a. Quark from Yogurt, aka Yogurt Cheese/Quark

- From Janice

(Reliable and Easy. Wonderful in Flax Oil

muesli, dessert, and ice cream Recipes found in the Oil/Protein Cookbook)


UNSTRAINED YOGURT is NOT a suitable for this diet. The yogurt must

be made into quark, also called yogurt cheese.

You'll Need:

a.)Organic skim or lowfat PLAIN yogurt, often

available in 32 ounce containers.

b.)Cheesecloth OR you can purchase a ready

made, elastic top, cheesecloth bag:   " Yogurt Cheese Maker " $4.00 USD at: http://www.stoneyfieldfarms.com/GiftShop/DisplayItem.cfm?gs_id=33

c.)Rubber bands or string

Using a bowl or an empty 32 oz yogurt

container, hang the cheesecloth about 1/3 of the way into the receptacle,

secure cloth on rim with string or rubber band. This will leave 2/3 of the

container's space

to catch the excess liquid (whey). Fill the

cheesecloth with yogurt, cover, and let drain in refrigerator for 6-8 hours,

overnight or longer is fine.

Because the resulting quark is quite thick,

you should first mix the Flax Oil with 1 1/2 to 2 Tblsps lowfat milk before

adding the quark to finish.

The leftover whey, which should be about

2/3rds(66%)of the original amount, will be slightly slimy and fairly acid, but

is nutritious and can be used in cooking or you can feed some to your pets!


This method is very easy to accomplish, best

if you strain it fresh every one to two days due to post-acidification, i.e.

the longer you store it the more acidic it will taste.


4b. Make Your Own Yogurt, Then Strain for


(If you like, you can make yogurt from scratch

before straining)

You'll need:

a) Yogurt Starter- this can be a purchased

Skim or Lowfat Plain yogurt,  or you can

purchase yogurt cultures in powder form.

B)*Skim or Lowfat milk.

c) A yogurt/quark maker to culture the mixture

is by far the easiest  method.

One of our members, Lee , posted this

message about making yogurt:

I'm allergic to dairy and lactose intolerant.

I make my own yogurt cheese from organic milk. The lactose gets converted into

lactic acid and when it's blended with the oil somehow it changes the composition

enough that I don't react to the dairy. Making yogurt is really simple.

Prewarm a cooler with hot water. Prewarm jars for yogurt. Fill a jar with hot water.

Heat the milk to 180 degrees F stirring and

heating slowly so as not to burn it.

Cool milk to 110 degrees F.

Add 1 Tbs of yogurt with active cultures to

each quart of the warm milk.

I started out using Stonyfield Farms plain

organic yogurt.

Stir until blended.

Place the jars into the prewarmed cooler and wrap

the jar of warm water in a towel and place it in the cooler.

Place the whole thing is a warm spot where it

won't be disturbed for 8 to 12 hours. I do this overnight. Check after 8 to 12


Your milk should be thick and creamy yogurt.

---Now, to make the yogurt into cheese:

Cover a strainer with cheese cloth and place

the strainer securely in a bowl making sure the bowl is deep enough to hold the

whey that will drain from the yogurt without coming up past the bottom of the


Cover and place in the refrigerator for 24


Empty whey from the bottom of the bowl as


In 24 hours you will have delicious yogurt

cheese with active cultures.

This is much cheaper than buying the quantity

of yogurt I've been using.

There's something very satisfying about making

it myself.

Remember to save enough yogurt to thin your

cheese and oil once you blend it and to make your next batch of yogurt.


Also, you can go to this site and buy their

quark maker: http://www.germancorner.com/recipes/hints/quark.html


5. Quark from Kefir - A bit more involved than

making Yogurt Quark

To start, get kefir grains from someone or

purchase a kefir starter.

Buy organic skim milk or goat's milk, add

kefir grains or purchased kefir starter.

Let it ferment a day or two at room


Strain to get the kefir grains out (save them

for the next batch).

Now strain kefir through a cheese cloth until

you end up with about 60% to 65% of the total in whey. What's left is kefir



URL's for helpful tools:

Quark/Yogurt maker:  http://www.germancorner.com/recipes/hints/quark.html

Elastic Top Cheesecloth Bag: http://www.stoneyfieldfarms.com/GiftShop/DisplayItem.cfm?gs_id=33

Be Well


From: iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of Barker

Sent: Saturday, February 06, 2010

9:59 PM


Subject: Re: The Truth

About Flaxseed Oil & Dr. Johanna Budwig

Can anyone tell me if kefir is a suitable substitute for cottage cheese? I've

not been able to source any organic cottage cheese so have been using kefir

along with some MSM and fruit etc in my smoothies. The thoughts that

flaxseed/oil if not correctly mixed with sulphur based proteins can actually

fuel cancer is somewhat alarming.

Cheers, B


On 7/02/2010, at 2:38 PM, Dr.

Loretta Lanphier wrote:

Flax seed oil taken by itself

is not what Dr. Budwig recommended in her protocol. Dr. Meyer’s comments are

misleading and have nothing to do with Dr. Budwig's formula of FO (flaxseed

oil) blended with CC (cottage cheese) and its healing benefits. His

comments are based on the use of Flaxseed Oil without the sulfur based proteins

and even Dr. Budwig herself said that is dangerous and not to use FO without

the cottage cheese or other source of amino acids with the sulfur bond.


makes flax oil so useful to the body is that it is eaten after it is

bonded to a sulfur protein in organic cottage cheese. This allows it to

become water soluble, easily digestible and assimilated into the cells of the

body. That was Dr. Budwig's extraordinary discovery. As a chemist and

physicist, she analyzed fats and oils, identified essential fatty acids, and

realized the benefit of highly unsaturated electron-active flax oil. She

discovered that when she blended the flax oil with a sulfurated protein, quark

or cottage cheese, the oil adhered to the protein components and was changed so

the it could easily be carried to cells where it can repair and revitalize the

cell's function. You can see how important the cottage cheese is to the

equation and also how it acts in the body. There are many men who have used to Budwig protocol for

prostate cancer with very good success.

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Many have their favorite " protocol " claiming its the/an answer.

I agree with Udo completely on this flax oil issue.

" Consumers, retailers, and health care practitioners, have been told that

flax oil, an excellent source of n-3 essential fats, can promote prostate

cancer. Based on my 20 years of experience researching fats and health, I

believe the 'research' is questionable and the conclusions wrong.

Studies have also shown a protective effect of essential fatty acids against

prostate and other cancers. What's more, there are other, more likely causes

of prostate cancer, including lack of balance between n-3 and n-6 essential

fats, damage done to n-3 during harsh processing, toxins from synthetic

packages, and lack of protective antioxidants and dietary phytosterols

(plant compounds). "


The source as above is vital. Manufacturing of oils is profit, not health

based. They are damaging to the body. Yes, all of them in those nice looking

clear bottles. Am keeping this short.

" ...damage done to n-3 during harsh processing, toxins from synthetic

packages, and lack of protective antioxidants and dietary phytosterols

(plant compounds). "

especially and exactly. Add that the flax cannot be gmo and has to be

organic. In too many cases instead of returing to nature as we should we

chase multiple fads and " answers "

Animal and saturated fats are very healthy, the " no fat " fad is doing more

harm than good.

What Isn't taken into consideration is that cows, fowl, and other animals

have a natural diet. Feed them grain, soya, corn, and worse like in feed

lots and we have the consequences. Bad fats is one.


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My understanding is that you can substitute yogurt, but you have to use twice as much to get enough of the sulfurated proteins. In Germany, Budwig used quark.AnneOn Feb 6, 2010, at 7:58 PM, Barker wrote: Can anyone tell me if kefir is a suitable substitute for cottage cheese? I've not been able to source any organic cottage cheese so have been using kefir along with some MSM and fruit etc in my smoothies. The thoughts that flaxseed/oil if not correctly mixed with sulphur based proteins can actually fuel cancer is somewhat alarming.Cheers, BNZOn 7/02/2010, at 2:38 PM, Dr. Loretta Lanphier wrote: Flax seed oil taken by itself is not what Dr. Budwig recommended in her protocol. Dr. Meyer’s comments are misleading and have nothing to do with Dr. Budwig's formula of FO (flaxseed oil) blended with CC (cottage cheese) and its healing benefits. His comments are based on the use of Flaxseed Oil without the sulfur based proteins and even Dr. Budwig herself said that is dangerous and not to use FO without the cottage cheese or other source of amino acids with the sulfur bond. What makes flax oil so useful to the body is that it is eaten after it is bonded to a sulfur protein in organic cottage cheese. This allows it to become water soluble, easily digestible and assimilated into the cells of the body. That was Dr. Budwig's extraordinary discovery. As a chemist and physicist, she analyzed fats and oils, identified essential fatty acids, and realized the benefit of highly unsaturated electron-active flax oil. She discovered that when she blended the flax oil with a sulfurated protein, quark or cottage cheese, the oil adhered to the protein components and was changed so the it could easily be carried to cells where it can repair and revitalize the cell's function. You can see how important the cottage cheese is to the equation and also how it acts in the body. There are many men who have used to Budwig protocol for prostate cancer with very good success.>Consider this interesting issue: Dr. Snuffy Myers....a well-known>prostate cancer expert who deals very much with nutrition and diet for>fighting prostate cancer...He says FLAX SEED and FLAX SEED OIL are a>definite NO NO for a man fighting prostate cancer. It fuels prostate>cancer...my husband took flax seed oil for several years for arthritis.>About a 2 1/2 years ago, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer...I would>NEVER give him any type of flaxseed...

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I think that this of " essential fatty acids " is a very complex

and not yet definitely solved subject, to me at least.

You can read interesting things on both sides of the coin. Udo Erasmus

and Peskin swears about their essentiality but Ray Peat makes some

very interesting points against the use of them. I admit that after all

these years reading about them I still have not completely made my mind,

even though in last years I am a bit closer to Peat than to Erasmus and


In the past (several years ago) I was very interested in Budwig protocol.

I went to Germany to meet her and spent with her an entire day. I also

referred to her a few (3-4) cancer patients but unfortunately all of them

died in a few months, but they were all advanced cases.

But my experience with her was not positive, mainly because she was very

fond for money, she asked high fees to see patients, and made them come

often to germany (also when it was clearly useless) just to apply her

high fees. I frankly was disgusted about this way of handling patients

and money as I think that it is immoral to behave in his way with people

in that tragic situation. Of course we all must be paid for our work but

I think there is always a decency limit.

Well, I know this doesn't have nothing to do with the " good fats-bad

fats " discussion but I just wanted to share my experience with

Dr.Johanna Budwig.

Back to the subject, even though these oils are good for us, we must

remember how easily they can turn rancid and so became very dangerous.

Flaxseed oil, once the can is open, must be consumed within 20 days and

must always be kept refrigerated. The flaxseed oil that Dr.Budwig used

was made in stainless cans (no glass bottles). To cook she used coconut

fat (it was very white, solid, and looked like big chocolate tablets).


Vergini, MD



At 02.38 07/02/2010, you wrote:

Flax seed oil taken by itself

is not what Dr. Budwig recommended in her protocol.

Dr. Meyer’s comments are misleading and have nothing to do with

Dr. Budwig's formula of FO (flaxseed oil) blended with CC (cottage

cheese) and its healing benefits. His comments are based on the use

of Flaxseed Oil without the sulfur based proteins and even Dr. Budwig

herself said that is dangerous and not to use FO without the cottage

cheese or other source of amino acids with the sulfur bond.

What makes flax oil so useful to the

body is that it is eaten after it is bonded to a sulfur protein in

organic cottage cheese. This allows it to become water soluble,

easily digestible and assimilated into the cells of the body. That was

Dr. Budwig's extraordinary discovery. As a chemist and physicist, she

analyzed fats and oils, identified essential fatty acids, and realized

the benefit of highly unsaturated electron-active flax oil. She

discovered that when she blended the flax oil with a sulfurated protein,

quark or cottage cheese, the oil adhered to the protein components and

was changed so the it could easily be carried to cells where it can

repair and revitalize the cell's function. You can see how

important the cottage cheese is to the equation and also how it acts in

the body. There are many men who have used to Budwig protocol for

prostate cancer with very good success.

Please read the following article

about the ALA studies, written by one of the world's top experts on fats

and oils, Udo Erasmus, author of the book, Fats That Heal, Fats that



Cause for Concern? For the full article:


The information in this article indicates that the studies cited were not

about flaxseed oil. They were about ALA in animal fats and vegetable

oils. Dr. Myers doesn't bother to make that


Jon Barron also has some interesting things to say about flaxseed:


Information about Dr. Budwig and includes her complete protocol:


Real Truth. The real truth is that there is absolutely no

magic bullet for cancer either in conventional medicine or natural

medicine. Dr. Budwig’s protocol seems to have one of the best

success rates, but even then not every one gets well. We are all

different – different health histories, different stressors (very

important in cancer treatment), different emotions, different diets,

different ideas about being compliant to a protocol, different exposure

to chemicals and toxins as well as how much conventional cancer treatment

has been done before one decides on a natural protocol (those with the

less amount of convnetional treatment almost always do better than those

who have been chemoed/radiated to an inch of their life). We must

always do our research and educate ourselves and then proceed with what

we think we help our body to repair and heal. It must be a

whole-body approach and not only focused on one particular organ (this is

the thinking of conventional medicine which has failed miserably with

most cancers). Many times patients find the best success in

combining several programs – however, I do caution to make sure that the

programs being combined are actually compatible.

The cancer patient who realizes that what they have done in the past,

healthwise, has obviously not worked and then decides to completely

change their thinking as well as their lifestyle is the one who usually

will get the success that is desired.

Be Well


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when it comes to cancer you have in italy the best.dr simoncini.my wife was treated by him she is very good and spared a lot of terrible treatments.

On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 11:51 AM, <dr.raul@...> wrote:


I think that this of " essential fatty acids " is a very complex and not yet definitely solved subject, to me at least.You can read interesting things on both sides of the coin. Udo Erasmus and Peskin swears about their essentiality but Ray Peat makes some very interesting points against the use of them. I admit that after all these years reading about them I still have not completely made my mind, even though in last years I am a bit closer to Peat than to Erasmus and Peskin.

In the past (several years ago) I was very interested in Budwig protocol. I went to Germany to meet her and spent with her an entire day. I also referred to her a few (3-4) cancer patients but unfortunately all of them died in a few months, but they were all advanced cases.

But my experience with her was not positive, mainly because she was very fond for money, she asked high fees to see patients, and made them come often to germany (also when it was clearly useless) just to apply her high fees. I frankly was disgusted about this way of handling patients and money as I think that it is immoral to behave in his way with people in that tragic situation. Of course we all must be paid for our work but I think there is always a decency limit.

Well, I know this doesn't have nothing to do with the " good fats-bad fats " discussion but I just wanted to share my experience with Dr.Johanna Budwig.Back to the subject, even though these oils are good for us, we must remember how easily they can turn rancid and so became very dangerous. Flaxseed oil, once the can is open, must be consumed within 20 days and must always be kept refrigerated. The flaxseed oil that Dr.Budwig used was made in stainless cans (no glass bottles). To cook she used coconut fat (it was very white, solid, and looked like big chocolate tablets).

------------------------- Vergini, MDItaly------------------------- At 02.38 07/02/2010, you wrote:

Flax seed oil taken by itself is not what Dr. Budwig recommended in her protocol.  Dr. Meyer’s comments are misleading and have nothing to do with Dr. Budwig's formula of FO (flaxseed oil) blended with CC (cottage cheese) and its healing benefits.  His comments are based on the use of Flaxseed Oil without the sulfur based proteins and even Dr. Budwig herself said that is dangerous and not to use FO without the cottage cheese or other source of amino acids with the sulfur bond.

What makes flax oil so useful to the body is that it is eaten after it is bonded to a sulfur protein in organic cottage cheese.  This allows it to become water soluble, easily digestible and assimilated into the cells of the body. That was Dr. Budwig's extraordinary discovery. As a chemist and physicist, she analyzed fats and oils, identified essential fatty acids, and realized the benefit of highly unsaturated electron-active flax oil. She discovered that when she blended the flax oil with a sulfurated protein, quark or cottage cheese, the oil adhered to the protein components and was changed so the it could easily be carried to cells where it can repair and revitalize the cell's function.  You can see how important the cottage cheese is to the equation and also how it acts in the body. There are many men who have used to Budwig protocol for prostate cancer with very good success.

  Please read the following article about the ALA studies, written by one of the world's top experts on fats and oils, Udo Erasmus, author of the book, Fats That Heal, Fats that Kill.

FLAXSEED OIL (ALA) & PROSTATE CANCER - Witch Hunt or Cause for Concern?  For the full article: http://www.annieappleseedproject.org/flaxoilcaner.html

The information in this article indicates that the studies cited were not about flaxseed oil. They were about ALA in animal fats and vegetable oils. Dr. Myers doesn't bother to make that clear.

Jon Barron also has some interesting things to say about flaxseed: http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/learning/prostate-cancer-flax-seed.html

Information about Dr. Budwig and includes her complete protocol: http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/health-articles/2009/02/the-health-promoting-benefits-of-flax-seed-oil.html

Real Truth.  The real truth is that there is absolutely no magic bullet for cancer either in conventional medicine or natural medicine.  Dr. Budwig’s protocol seems to have one of the best success rates, but even then not every one gets well.  We are all different – different health histories, different stressors (very important in cancer treatment), different emotions, different diets, different ideas about being compliant to a protocol, different exposure to chemicals and toxins as well as how much conventional cancer treatment has been done before one decides on a natural protocol (those with the less amount of convnetional treatment almost always do better than those who have been chemoed/radiated to an inch of their life).  We must always do our research and educate ourselves and then proceed with what we think we help our body to repair and heal.  It must be a whole-body approach and not only focused on one particular organ (this is the thinking of conventional medicine which has failed miserably with most cancers).  Many times patients find the best success in combining several programs – however, I do caution to make sure that the programs being combined are actually compatible.

The cancer patient who realizes that what they have done in the past, healthwise, has obviously not worked and then decides to completely change their thinking as well as their lifestyle is the one who usually will get the success that is desired. 

Be WellDr.L

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by the way because it is a iodine group,he diagnosed her with skin cancer on the breast while here in the netherlands the diagnose was breast cancer,and after few injections of baking soda he treated her with iodine 7% and later on she continued the iodine alone.

On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 1:11 PM, ido zahavi <zahavi100@...> wrote:

when it comes to cancer you have in italy the best.dr simoncini.my wife was treated by him she is very good and spared a lot of terrible treatments.

On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 11:51 AM, <dr.raul@...> wrote:


I think that this of " essential fatty acids " is a very complex and not yet definitely solved subject, to me at least.You can read interesting things on both sides of the coin. Udo Erasmus and Peskin swears about their essentiality but Ray Peat makes some very interesting points against the use of them. I admit that after all these years reading about them I still have not completely made my mind, even though in last years I am a bit closer to Peat than to Erasmus and Peskin.

In the past (several years ago) I was very interested in Budwig protocol. I went to Germany to meet her and spent with her an entire day. I also referred to her a few (3-4) cancer patients but unfortunately all of them died in a few months, but they were all advanced cases.

But my experience with her was not positive, mainly because she was very fond for money, she asked high fees to see patients, and made them come often to germany (also when it was clearly useless) just to apply her high fees. I frankly was disgusted about this way of handling patients and money as I think that it is immoral to behave in his way with people in that tragic situation. Of course we all must be paid for our work but I think there is always a decency limit.

Well, I know this doesn't have nothing to do with the " good fats-bad fats " discussion but I just wanted to share my experience with Dr.Johanna Budwig.Back to the subject, even though these oils are good for us, we must remember how easily they can turn rancid and so became very dangerous. Flaxseed oil, once the can is open, must be consumed within 20 days and must always be kept refrigerated. The flaxseed oil that Dr.Budwig used was made in stainless cans (no glass bottles). To cook she used coconut fat (it was very white, solid, and looked like big chocolate tablets).

------------------------- Vergini, MDItaly------------------------- At 02.38 07/02/2010, you wrote:

Flax seed oil taken by itself is not what Dr. Budwig recommended in her protocol.  Dr. Meyer’s comments are misleading and have nothing to do with Dr. Budwig's formula of FO (flaxseed oil) blended with CC (cottage cheese) and its healing benefits.  His comments are based on the use of Flaxseed Oil without the sulfur based proteins and even Dr. Budwig herself said that is dangerous and not to use FO without the cottage cheese or other source of amino acids with the sulfur bond.

What makes flax oil so useful to the body is that it is eaten after it is bonded to a sulfur protein in organic cottage cheese.  This allows it to become water soluble, easily digestible and assimilated into the cells of the body. That was Dr. Budwig's extraordinary discovery. As a chemist and physicist, she analyzed fats and oils, identified essential fatty acids, and realized the benefit of highly unsaturated electron-active flax oil. She discovered that when she blended the flax oil with a sulfurated protein, quark or cottage cheese, the oil adhered to the protein components and was changed so the it could easily be carried to cells where it can repair and revitalize the cell's function.  You can see how important the cottage cheese is to the equation and also how it acts in the body. There are many men who have used to Budwig protocol for prostate cancer with very good success.

  Please read the following article about the ALA studies, written by one of the world's top experts on fats and oils, Udo Erasmus, author of the book, Fats That Heal, Fats that Kill.

FLAXSEED OIL (ALA) & PROSTATE CANCER - Witch Hunt or Cause for Concern?  For the full article: http://www.annieappleseedproject.org/flaxoilcaner.html

The information in this article indicates that the studies cited were not about flaxseed oil. They were about ALA in animal fats and vegetable oils. Dr. Myers doesn't bother to make that clear.

Jon Barron also has some interesting things to say about flaxseed: http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/learning/prostate-cancer-flax-seed.html

Information about Dr. Budwig and includes her complete protocol: http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/health-articles/2009/02/the-health-promoting-benefits-of-flax-seed-oil.html

Real Truth.  The real truth is that there is absolutely no magic bullet for cancer either in conventional medicine or natural medicine.  Dr. Budwig’s protocol seems to have one of the best success rates, but even then not every one gets well.  We are all different – different health histories, different stressors (very important in cancer treatment), different emotions, different diets, different ideas about being compliant to a protocol, different exposure to chemicals and toxins as well as how much conventional cancer treatment has been done before one decides on a natural protocol (those with the less amount of convnetional treatment almost always do better than those who have been chemoed/radiated to an inch of their life).  We must always do our research and educate ourselves and then proceed with what we think we help our body to repair and heal.  It must be a whole-body approach and not only focused on one particular organ (this is the thinking of conventional medicine which has failed miserably with most cancers).  Many times patients find the best success in combining several programs – however, I do caution to make sure that the programs being combined are actually compatible.

The cancer patient who realizes that what they have done in the past, healthwise, has obviously not worked and then decides to completely change their thinking as well as their lifestyle is the one who usually will get the success that is desired. 

Be WellDr.L

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On Peskin, not all is as it seems. I have found Udo in agreement with

the WPF and common sense.

" We have received numerous inquiries about a recent article published in

Nexus Magazine (January-February 2007) entitled " EFAs, Oxygenation and

Cancer Prevention " by Peskin. ...

Portions of the Nexus article are in line with WAPF principles, indeed seem

to be taken from our own website (although WAPF is never mentioned or

referenced), but then fluffed up with a high-bravado writing style. The

article contains a baffling mixture of strange errors and obvious truths. "


by Enig,


----- Original Message -----


I think that this of " essential fatty acids " is a very complex and not yet

definitely solved subject, to me at least.

You can read interesting things on both sides of the coin. Udo Erasmus and

Peskin swears about their essentiality but Ray Peat makes some very

interesting points against the use of them. I admit that after all these

years reading about them I still have not completely made my mind, even

though in last years I am a bit closer to Peat than to Erasmus and Peskin.

In the past (several years ago) I was very interested in Budwig protocol. I

went to Germany to meet her and spent with her an entire day. I also

referred to her a few (3-4) cancer patients but unfortunately all of them

died in a few months, but they were all advanced cases.

But my experience with her was not positive, mainly because she was very

fond for money, she asked high fees to see patients, and made them come

often to germany (also when it was clearly useless) just to apply her high

fees. I frankly was disgusted about this way of handling patients and money

as I think that it is immoral to behave in his way with people in that

tragic situation. Of course we all must be paid for our work but I think

there is always a decency limit.

Well, I know this doesn't have nothing to do with the " good fats-bad fats "

discussion but I just wanted to share my experience with Dr.Johanna Budwig.

Back to the subject, even though these oils are good for us, we must

remember how easily they can turn rancid and so became very dangerous.

Flaxseed oil, once the can is open, must be consumed within 20 days and must

always be kept refrigerated. The flaxseed oil that Dr.Budwig used was made

in stainless cans (no glass bottles). To cook she used coconut fat (it was

very white, solid, and looked like big chocolate tablets).


Vergini, MD



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Hi Dr.

Of course there are always two sides to a coin. There will always be clients that a practitioner

resonates with and some that they do not.

While Ray Peat basically provides good information, I find that some of

his “points” are very “conventionally” minded and, of

course, this is most likely because he is conventionally-trained. I also find that some of his opinions

are just not what I see clinically. I don’t know if he actually sees

patients anymore, but I do know that some docs who go the entrepreneur path

stop seeing patients and thus get out of touch with reality. How one is trained will always rear its

head if you talk to someone long enough – especially those trained

conventionally, but yet practice more of a natural medicine. It’s always never a good to throw

everything out because of “how” one is trained – we take what

resonates with us and then move on….never throw the baby out with the

bath water. I believe all

information/research that comes across one’s path happens for a reason. Good idea to keep eyes and mind

completely open.

While I didn’t use the Budwig Protocol to heal from stage 3 colon cancer,

I did use 2-4 tablespoons of Udo’s (which contains flaxseed oil) every

day in freshly made vegetable juice and I didn’t use any other oils

except for healthy oils. My diet

was 70-80% raw and 20-30% cooked. Healthy

oils (essential fatty acids) are essential for health & healing and right

now in America the oils used in commercial cooking & food packaging are

rancid, harmful and most likely a main cause of disease.

Advanced cases of cancer are always difficult. Most cancer patients seek out natural

medicine AFTER they have been sent home by conventional medicine to get their

affairs in order. In other words

they have been used as lab rats, chemo/radiated within an inch of their life,

yet they hope natural medicine will literally perform miracles. As resilient as

the body is, it can only take so much.

To say that Dr. Budwig lost patients but not include the number that she

helped, in my opinion, is not being fair. Spending an “entire” day

with someone does not mean that one will “know” that person. J I believe that only

people who were actual friends with Dr. B or those who have spent a lot of time

with her would be qualified to critique her personality, ethics or her work. In fact, I have emailed with a family in

Germany who did know Dr. B very well and what they have said about her is opposite

from what you have said. They also

indicated that she did a lot of “free” work….most

practitioner’s do and it is something that never gets publicized. Bottom line is that pricing (low or

high) does not make or even determine a good practitioner. When I was healing from cancer using

natural medicine we paid on average (sometimes more) $2500 per month. This included an hour weekly visit and

supplements. Insurance did pay for lab testing, MRIs, etc. We paid that amount

for the 7 months it took for me to get well (Before the natural medicine route,

I did have surgery to remove the tumor and then one month of chemo). Most people would cringe at paying that

amount. However, the one month of

chemo that I did was $18,000.00 (not to mention lab work, surgery and ending up

in the hospital with severe dehydration) AND the oncologist wanted me to do six

months of this “preventative” chemo. $2500 vs $18,000 per month. I

only mention these amounts because those who depend upon insurance for their

medical expenses usually have no idea of what conventional medicine actually


I certainly agree with you about the packaging of fragile oils. There is a lot of discussion about this in

natural medicine circles. People in

the USA consume what people overseas would call rancid and definitely unhealthy

oils. Europe is definitely miles

ahead of America in this area. Most

of our oils have been adulterated.

However, there are people who have and are healing using flaxseed oil

such as Barlean’s, who packages in dark plastic bottles. I do wish the healthy oil distributors

would package in dark glass and I see nothing wrong with a dark glass bottle

even though stainless cans are used overseas. The thing about stainless is that it can

be tainted also – especially with nickel. Nothing wrong with coconut oil and in

fact it is one of the better oils for people to consume – if packaged


I have been on the FO/CC group for 4 years and have seen people get well,

people who get better, some who move on to other things and some who do not

make it. There is just so much that

enters into healing and while diet is always foundational, it is just a “part”

of the Budwig protocol. Budwig is a

whole-body protocol that takes time to work (the body didn’t get sick

overnight, nor will it heal overnight) and in many instances there is usually

growth of the tumor before it begins to shrink. This usually freaks people out, all the

while their conventional docs are screaming about tumor growth and how the

person MUST do chemo/radiation or else they will die. The emotional “rape”

is something that can certainly inhibit healing.

Like, I said previously, those with any type of health concerns should research

and then decide what will be the best way “for them” to get their

body supported and on the path to healing. In my opinion, the Budwig protocol

is a very viable protocol that gets as much or better results as other natural

methods or modalities. The concern

that I see on the Internet is that some decide to add their “flavor”

to the Budwig diet or to twist it or turn it into something it is not; and then

people wonder why they don’t get results. Budwig will not resonate with

everyone, just as other protocols may not resonate, but that does not make it a

bad or even questionable protocol.

I highly suggest that people read Dr. Budwig’s books: Cancer The Problem and the

Solution; Flax Oil as a True Aid

Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer and Other Diseases and The Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook. I just received the monthly testimonial

email from the FO/CC group. It

includes 38 testimonies from 2007 through 2010 with the majority of them being

from 2009-2010. These are not all

cures but they are positive results being experienced while on the Budwig

Protocol. Many of the testimonies

from 2007-2008 include up-dates on how well the person is doing. To me, that says a lot.

By the way, for those in the USA…..GEAUX SAINTS!! J

Be Well


I think that this of " essential fatty acids " is a very complex and

not yet definitely solved subject, to me at least.

You can read interesting things on both sides of the coin. Udo Erasmus and

Peskin swears about their essentiality but Ray Peat makes some very

interesting points against the use of them. I admit that after all these years

reading about them I still have not completely made my mind, even though in

last years I am a bit closer to Peat than to Erasmus and Peskin.

In the past (several years ago) I was very interested in Budwig protocol. I

went to Germany to meet her and spent with her an entire day. I also referred

to her a few (3-4) cancer patients but unfortunately all of them died in a few

months, but they were all advanced cases.

But my experience with her was not positive, mainly because she was very fond

for money, she asked high fees to see patients, and made them come often to

germany (also when it was clearly useless) just to apply her high fees. I

frankly was disgusted about this way of handling patients and money as I think

that it is immoral to behave in his way with people in that tragic situation.

Of course we all must be paid for our work but I think there is always a

decency limit.

Well, I know this doesn't have nothing to do with the " good fats-bad

fats " discussion but I just wanted to share my experience with Dr.Johanna


Back to the subject, even though these oils are good for us, we must remember

how easily they can turn rancid and so became very dangerous. Flaxseed oil,

once the can is open, must be consumed within 20 days and must always be kept

refrigerated. The flaxseed oil that Dr.Budwig used was made in stainless cans

(no glass bottles). To cook she used coconut fat (it was very white, solid, and

looked like big chocolate tablets).


Vergini, MD



At 02.38 07/02/2010, you wrote:

Flax seed oil taken by itself is not what Dr. Budwig recommended in

her protocol. Dr.

Meyer’s comments are misleading and have nothing to do with Dr. Budwig's

formula of FO (flaxseed oil) blended with CC (cottage cheese) and its healing

benefits. His comments are based on the use of Flaxseed Oil without the

sulfur based proteins and even Dr. Budwig herself said that is dangerous and

not to use FO without the cottage cheese or other source of amino acids with

the sulfur bond.

What makes flax oil so useful

to the body is that it is eaten after it is bonded to a sulfur protein

in organic cottage cheese. This allows it to become water soluble, easily

digestible and assimilated into the cells of the body. That was Dr. Budwig's

extraordinary discovery. As a chemist and physicist, she analyzed fats and

oils, identified essential fatty acids, and realized the benefit of highly

unsaturated electron-active flax oil. She discovered that when she blended the

flax oil with a sulfurated protein, quark or cottage cheese, the oil adhered to

the protein components and was changed so the it could easily be carried to

cells where it can repair and revitalize the cell's function. You can see

how important the cottage cheese is to the equation and also how it acts in the

body. There are many men who have used to Budwig protocol for

prostate cancer with very good success.

Please read the following

article about the ALA studies, written by one of the world's top experts on

fats and oils, Udo Erasmus, author of the book, Fats That Heal, Fats that Kill.


PROSTATE CANCER - Witch Hunt or Cause

for Concern? For the full article: http://www.annieappleseedproject.org/flaxoilcaner.html

The information in this article indicates that the studies cited were not about

flaxseed oil. They were about ALA in animal fats and vegetable oils. Dr. Myers

doesn't bother to make that clear.

Jon Barron also has some interesting things to say about flaxseed: http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/learning/prostate-cancer-flax-seed.html

Information about Dr. Budwig and includes her complete protocol: http://www.oasisadvancedwellness.com/health-articles/2009/02/the-health-promoting-benefits-of-flax-seed-oil.html

Real Truth. The real truth

is that there is absolutely no magic bullet for cancer either in conventional

medicine or natural medicine. Dr. Budwig’s protocol seems to have

one of the best success rates, but even then not every one gets well. We

are all different – different health histories, different stressors (very

important in cancer treatment), different emotions, different diets, different

ideas about being compliant to a protocol, different exposure to chemicals and

toxins as well as how much conventional cancer treatment has been done before

one decides on a natural protocol (those with the less amount of convnetional

treatment almost always do better than those who have been chemoed/radiated to

an inch of their life). We must always do our research and educate

ourselves and then proceed with what we think we help our body to repair and

heal. It must be a whole-body approach and not only focused on one

particular organ (this is the thinking of conventional medicine which has

failed miserably with most cancers). Many times patients find the best

success in combining several programs – however, I do caution to make

sure that the programs being combined are actually compatible.

The cancer patient who realizes that what they have done in the past,

healthwise, has obviously not worked and then decides to completely change

their thinking as well as their lifestyle is the one who usually will get the

success that is desired.

Be Well


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Not sure why I couldn't tolerate FOCC. Do you think trying Udo's is worthwhile? I eat some plain ground flax seeds daily without difficulty.

What does someone do if there's no possible way to pay for several months of treatment?

That's the boat I'm in and I'm sure I'm not alone.

I learned about the iodine on breastcancerchoices.org. then I found this site. Following it exactly as suggests has worked perfectly for me. My daughter is following it as well and doing great. When I read some of the horrid detox stories I'm grateful. We got by without anything too severe. It seems to have turned out for the best that we jumped right into the whole protocol.

A heartfelt thanks to and all who contribute suggestions and research here.


From: Dr. Loretta Lanphier <drlanphier@...>iodine Sent: Sun, February 7, 2010 10:42:53 AMSubject: RE: The Truth About Flaxseed Oil & Dr. Johanna Budwig

Hi Dr. Of course there are always two sides to a coin. There will always be clients that a practitioner resonates with and some that they do not. While Ray Peat basically provides good information, I find that some of his “points†are very “conventionally†minded and, of course, this is most likely because he is conventionally- trained. I also find that some of his opinions are just not what I see clinically. I don’t know if he actually sees patients anymore, but I do know that some docs who go the entrepreneur path stop seeing patients and thus get out of touch with reality. How one is trained will always rear its head if you talk to someone long enough – especially those trained conventionally, but yet practice more of a natural medicine.

It’s always never a good to throw everything out because of “how†one is trained – we take what resonates with us and then move on….never throw the baby out with the bath water. I believe all information/ research that comes across one’s path happens for a reason. Good idea to keep eyes and mind completely open.While I didn’t use the Budwig Protocol to heal from stage 3 colon cancer, I did use 2-4 tablespoons of Udo’s (which contains flaxseed oil) every day in freshly made vegetable juice and I didn’t use any other oils except for healthy oils. My diet was 70-80% raw and 20-30% cooked. Healthy oils (essential fatty acids) are essential for health & healing and right now in America the oils used in commercial cooking & food packaging are rancid, harmful and most likely a main cause of disease.Advanced cases of cancer are always

difficult. Most cancer patients seek out natural medicine AFTER they have been sent home by conventional medicine to get their affairs in order. In other words they have been used as lab rats, chemo/radiated within an inch of their life, yet they hope natural medicine will literally perform miracles. As resilient as the body is, it can only take so much. To say that Dr. Budwig lost patients but not include the number that she helped, in my opinion, is not being fair. Spending an “entire†day with someone does not mean that one will “know†that person. J I believe that only people who were actual friends with Dr. B or those who have spent a lot of time with her would be qualified to critique her

personality, ethics or her work. In fact, I have emailed with a family in Germany who did know Dr. B very well and what they have said about her is opposite from what you have said. They also indicated that she did a lot of “free†work….most practitioner’s do and it is something that never gets publicized. Bottom line is that pricing (low or high) does not make or even determine a good practitioner. When I was healing from cancer using natural medicine we paid on average (sometimes more) $2500 per month. This included an hour weekly visit and supplements. Insurance did pay for lab testing, MRIs, etc. We paid that amount for the 7 months it took for me to get well (Before the natural medicine route, I did have surgery to remove the tumor and then one month of chemo). Most people would cringe at paying that amount.

However, the one month of chemo that I did was $18,000.00 (not to mention lab work, surgery and ending up in the hospital with severe dehydration) AND the oncologist wanted me to do six months of this “preventative†chemo. $2500 vs $18,000 per month. I only mention these amounts because those who depend upon insurance for their medical expenses usually have no idea of what conventional medicine actually costs.I certainly agree with you about the packaging of fragile oils. There is a lot of discussion about this in natural medicine circles. People in the USA consume what people overseas would call rancid and definitely unhealthy oils. Europe is definitely miles ahead of America in this area. Most of our oils have been adulterated. However, there are people who have and are healing using flaxseed oil such as Barlean’s, who packages in dark

plastic bottles. I do wish the healthy oil distributors would package in dark glass and I see nothing wrong with a dark glass bottle even though stainless cans are used overseas. The thing about stainless is that it can be tainted also – especially with nickel. Nothing wrong with coconut oil and in fact it is one of the better oils for people to consume – if packaged correctly.I have been on the FO/CC group for 4 years and have seen people get well, people who get better, some who move on to other things and some who do not make it. There is just so much that enters into healing and while diet is always foundational, it is just a “part†of the Budwig protocol. Budwig is a whole-body protocol that takes time to work (the body didn’t get sick overnight, nor will it heal overnight) and in many instances there is usually growth of the tumor

before it begins to shrink. This usually freaks people out, all the while their conventional docs are screaming about tumor growth and how the person MUST do chemo/radiation or else they will die. The emotional “rape†is something that can certainly inhibit healing.Like, I said previously, those with any type of health concerns should research and then decide what will be the best way “for them†to get their body supported and on the path to healing. In my opinion, the Budwig protocol is a very viable protocol that gets as much or better results as other natural methods or modalities. The concern that I see on the Internet is that some decide to add their “flavor†to the Budwig diet or to twist it or turn it into something it is not; and then people wonder why they don’t get results. Budwig will not resonate with everyone, just as other protocols may not resonate, but that does not make it a

bad or even questionable protocol. I highly suggest that people read Dr. Budwig’s books: Cancer The Problem and the Solution; Flax Oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer and Other Diseases and The Oil-Protein Diet Cookbook. I just received the monthly testimonial email from the FO/CC group. It includes 38 testimonies from 2007 through 2010 with the majority of them being from 2009-2010. These are not all cures but they are positive results being experienced while on the Budwig Protocol. Many of the testimonies from 2007-2008 include up-dates on how well the person is doing. To me, that says a lot.By the way, for those in the USA…..GEAUX


I think that this of "essential fatty acids" is a very complex and not yet definitely solved subject, to me at least.You can read interesting things on both sides of the coin. Udo Erasmus and Peskin swears about their essentiality but Ray Peat makes some very interesting points against the use of them. I admit that after all these years reading about them I still have not completely made my mind, even though in last years I am a bit closer to Peat than to Erasmus and Peskin. In the past (several years ago) I was very interested in Budwig protocol. I went to Germany to meet her and spent with her an entire day. I also referred to her a few (3-4) cancer patients but unfortunately all of them died in a few months, but they were all advanced cases.But my experience with her was not positive, mainly because she was very fond for money, she asked high

fees to see patients, and made them come often to germany (also when it was clearly useless) just to apply her high fees. I frankly was disgusted about this way of handling patients and money as I think that it is immoral to behave in his way with people in that tragic situation. Of course we all must be paid for our work but I think there is always a decency limit. Well, I know this doesn't have nothing to do with the "good fats-bad fats" discussion but I just wanted to share my experience with Dr.Johanna Budwig.Back to the subject, even though these oils are good for us, we must remember how easily they can turn rancid and so became very dangerous. Flaxseed oil, once the can is open, must be consumed within 20 days and must always be kept refrigerated. The flaxseed oil that Dr.Budwig used was made in stainless cans (no glass bottles). To cook she used coconut fat (it was very white, solid, and looked like big chocolate tablets).

------------ --------- ---- Vergini, MDItaly------------ --------- ---- At 02.38 07/02/2010, you wrote:

Flax seed oil taken by itself is not what Dr. Budwig recommended in her protocol. Dr. Meyer’s comments are misleading and have nothing to do with Dr. Budwig's formula of FO (flaxseed oil) blended with CC (cottage cheese) and its healing benefits. His comments are based on the use of Flaxseed Oil without the sulfur based proteins and even Dr. Budwig herself said that is dangerous and not to use FO without the cottage cheese or other source of amino acids with the sulfur bond.What makes flax oil so useful to the body is that it is eaten after it is bonded to a sulfur protein in organic cottage cheese. This allows it to become water soluble, easily digestible and assimilated into

the cells of the body. That was Dr. Budwig's extraordinary discovery. As a chemist and physicist, she analyzed fats and oils, identified essential fatty acids, and realized the benefit of highly unsaturated electron-active flax oil. She discovered that when she blended the flax oil with a sulfurated protein, quark or cottage cheese, the oil adhered to the protein components and was changed so the it could easily be carried to cells where it can repair and revitalize the cell's function. You can see how important the cottage cheese is to the equation and also how it acts in the body. There are many men who have used to Budwig protocol for prostate cancer with very good success.Please read the following article about the ALA studies, written by one of the world's top experts on fats and oils, Udo Erasmus, author of the book, Fats That Heal,

Fats that Kill.FLAXSEED OIL (ALA) & PROSTATE CANCER - Witch Hunt or Cause for Concern? For the full article: http://www.annieapp leseedproject. org/flaxoilcaner .htmlThe information in this article indicates that the studies cited were not about flaxseed oil. They were about ALA in animal fats and vegetable oils. Dr. Myers doesn't bother to make that clear.Jon Barron also has some interesting things to say about flaxseed: http://www.oasisadv ancedwellness. com/learning/ prostate- cancer-flax- seed.html Information about Dr. Budwig and includes

her complete protocol: http://www.oasisadv ancedwellness. com/health- articles/ 2009/02/the- health-promoting -benefits- of-flax-seed- oil.html Real Truth. The real truth is that there is absolutely no magic bullet for cancer either in conventional medicine or natural medicine. Dr. Budwig’s protocol seems to have one of the best success rates, but even then not every one gets well. We are all different – different health histories, different stressors (very important in cancer treatment), different emotions, different diets, different ideas about being compliant to a protocol, different exposure to chemicals and toxins as well as how much conventional cancer treatment has been done before one decides on a natural protocol

(those with the less amount of convnetional treatment almost always do better than those who have been chemoed/radiated to an inch of their life). We must always do our research and educate ourselves and then proceed with what we think we help our body to repair and heal. It must be a whole-body approach and not only focused on one particular organ (this is the thinking of conventional medicine which has failed miserably with most cancers). Many times patients find the best success in combining several programs – however, I do caution to make sure that the programs being combined are actually compatible.The cancer patient who realizes that what they have done in the past, healthwise, has obviously not worked and then decides to completely change their thinking as well as their lifestyle is the one who usually will get the success that is desired. Be WellDr.L

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I am lactose intolerant,can I use Coconut Milk Kefir? Pat

iodine From: drlanphier@...Date: Sat, 6 Feb 2010 22:29:37 -0600Subject: RE: The Truth About Flaxseed Oil & Dr. Johanna Budwig


The following is from the FO/CC Group files about making the FO/CC. Dr. Budwig called it Quark. #5 addresses Kefir. Reading Dr. Budwig’s books is very necessary (they are inexpensive) as well as joining the FO/CC Group FlaxSeedOil2/ You will begin to understand more about the necessity of getting the mixture correct and it is not difficult. Actually Dr. Budwig said that the body can handle 2 tablespoons of FO daily without any problem. But it is the FO/CC mixture that is most important. There is a lot of misinformation on the Internet about how to do the Budwig Protocol correctly, so to be safe, if anyone is considering this protocol, please join the FO/CC Group.

Different Methods of Making Quark:


The homemade quark cheeses listed below are to be used in the same ratio as store bought quark or cottage cheese (which was pre-strained before purchase).

*If obtainable, raw milk (unpasteurized)is preferable, otherwise, organic pasteurized is fine. As a last resort non-organic will suffice. Either cow or goat's milk is OK to use.


1. Quark from Buttermilk - Recipe #1 (like Quark in Germany)

(Easy, reliable, good tasting, a bit less bitter than yogurt quark)

*Make or buy cultured low fat (1%) buttermilk, pour it into a Pyrex pot**, cover with a lid, place it in the oven at 150º F for up to 8 hours. Strain it (1 hour or more) until you end up with about 66% (2/3) of the total in whey. The taste and consistency is like the Quark in Germany.

**Or you can go to this site and buy their quark maker: http://www.germancorner.com/recipes/hints/quark.html


2. Easy Quark/CC recipe from Jansen Van Renburg, Nov. 7, 2007

This is how I make my quark/cottage cheese for now. I buy bottles of 2 pints = 1 liter of raw certified organic skim milk

1) I switch the oven light on, not the oven.

2) I empty the full bottle of milk in a ceramic pot which has a lid

3) I put the lid on the pot. The milk is now inside

4) Put the pot in the oven and leave it there from 6pm at night till the next evening 6pm. One hour here or there did never make any difference

5) Take it out the oven.

6) Pour it into a strainer which has a cheese or cotton cloth inside and let it drain for quite a while. Put it in the fridge overnight.

There you are, I have fresh cottage cheese. I do not know what to do with all that whey which I am left with.

This is simple. it works every time, I add nothing


3. Quark from homemade buttermilk - from php_pounder - Nov. 6, 2007


4 x 1 litre mason jars

Tabletop crock pot with 3 heat settings (warm, low, high)

1 litre buttermilk (organic if possible)

4 litre 2% milk (organic if possible)

In my neck of the woods, buttermilk costs twice as much as 2% milk, so I make my own buttermilk.

1. Put 1 cup of buttermilk into each mason jar and fill it with milk until you have enough room to give it a shake ... with the lid on of course.

2. Give each jar a good shake and let it sit at room temperature for 24 to 36 hours. I put mine near my baseboard heater.

3. After the allotted time, the milk/ buttermilk should have "clabbered" into a full litre of buttermilk.

4. Place the buttermilk into your crock pot or oven. I set mine to the warm setting which has a minimum temperature of about 120F, but you can probably get away with something a little warmer-[150].

5. Let it warm away for 8 to 10 hours. The curd and whey should have separated at this point. Just pour it through a few layers of cheese cloth and put it in the fridge to drain the rest of the whey away.

This makes a great "quark" with the helpful bacteria still present.


4a. Quark from Yogurt, aka Yogurt Cheese/Quark - From Janice

(Reliable and Easy. Wonderful in Flax Oil muesli, dessert, and ice cream Recipes found in the Oil/Protein Cookbook)

IMPORTANT Note: REGULAR, UNSTRAINED YOGURT is NOT a suitable for this diet. The yogurt must be made into quark, also called yogurt cheese.

You'll Need:

a.)Organic skim or lowfat PLAIN yogurt, often available in 32 ounce containers.

b.)Cheesecloth OR you can purchase a ready made, elastic top, cheesecloth bag: "Yogurt Cheese Maker" $4.00 USD at: http://www.stoneyfieldfarms.com/GiftShop/DisplayItem.cfm?gs_id=33

c.)Rubber bands or string

Using a bowl or an empty 32 oz yogurt container, hang the cheesecloth about 1/3 of the way into the receptacle, secure cloth on rim with string or rubber band. This will leave 2/3 of the container's space

to catch the excess liquid (whey). Fill the cheesecloth with yogurt, cover, and let drain in refrigerator for 6-8 hours, overnight or longer is fine.

Because the resulting quark is quite thick, you should first mix the Flax Oil with 1 1/2 to 2 Tblsps lowfat milk before adding the quark to finish.

The leftover whey, which should be about 2/3rds(66%)of the original amount, will be slightly slimy and fairly acid, but is nutritious and can be used in cooking or you can feed some to your pets!

This method is very easy to accomplish, best if you strain it fresh every one to two days due to post-acidification, i.e. the longer you store it the more acidic it will taste.


4b. Make Your Own Yogurt, Then Strain for Quark.

(If you like, you can make yogurt from scratch before straining)

You'll need:

a) Yogurt Starter- this can be a purchased Skim or Lowfat Plain yogurt, or you can purchase yogurt cultures in powder form.

B)*Skim or Lowfat milk.

c) A yogurt/quark maker to culture the mixture is by far the easiest method.

One of our members, Lee , posted this message about making yogurt:

I'm allergic to dairy and lactose intolerant. I make my own yogurt cheese from organic milk. The lactose gets converted into lactic acid and when it's blended with the oil somehow it changes the composition enough that I don't react to the dairy. Making yogurt is really simple.

Prewarm a cooler with hot water. Prewarm jars for yogurt. Fill a jar with hot water.

Heat the milk to 180 degrees F stirring and heating slowly so as not to burn it.

Cool milk to 110 degrees F.

Add 1 Tbs of yogurt with active cultures to each quart of the warm milk.

I started out using Stonyfield Farms plain organic yogurt.

Stir until blended.

Place the jars into the prewarmed cooler and wrap the jar of warm water in a towel and place it in the cooler.

Place the whole thing is a warm spot where it won't be disturbed for 8 to 12 hours. I do this overnight. Check after 8 to 12 hours.

Your milk should be thick and creamy yogurt.

---Now, to make the yogurt into cheese:

Cover a strainer with cheese cloth and place the strainer securely in a bowl making sure the bowl is deep enough to hold the whey that will drain from the yogurt without coming up past the bottom of the strainer.

Cover and place in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Empty whey from the bottom of the bowl as needed.

In 24 hours you will have delicious yogurt cheese with active cultures.

This is much cheaper than buying the quantity of yogurt I've been using.

There's something very satisfying about making it myself.

Remember to save enough yogurt to thin your cheese and oil once you blend it and to make your next batch of yogurt.


Also, you can go to this site and buy their quark maker: http://www.germancorner.com/recipes/hints/quark.html


5. Quark from Kefir - A bit more involved than making Yogurt Quark

To start, get kefir grains from someone or purchase a kefir starter.

Buy organic skim milk or goat's milk, add kefir grains or purchased kefir starter.

Let it ferment a day or two at room temperature.

Strain to get the kefir grains out (save them for the next batch).

Now strain kefir through a cheese cloth until you end up with about 60% to 65% of the total in whey. What's left is kefir quark.


URL's for helpful tools:

Quark/Yogurt maker: http://www.germancorner.com/recipes/hints/quark.html

Elastic Top Cheesecloth Bag: http://www.stoneyfieldfarms.com/GiftShop/DisplayItem.cfm?gs_id=33

Be WellDr.L

From: iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of BarkerSent: Saturday, February 06, 2010 9:59 PMiodine Subject: Re: The Truth About Flaxseed Oil & Dr. Johanna Budwig

Can anyone tell me if kefir is a suitable substitute for cottage cheese? I've not been able to source any organic cottage cheese so have been using kefir along with some MSM and fruit etc in my smoothies. The thoughts that flaxseed/oil if not correctly mixed with sulphur based proteins can actually fuel cancer is somewhat alarming.

Cheers, B


On 7/02/2010, at 2:38 PM, Dr. Loretta Lanphier wrote:

Flax seed oil taken by itself is not what Dr. Budwig recommended in her protocol. Dr. Meyer’s comments are misleading and have nothing to do with Dr. Budwig's formula of FO (flaxseed oil) blended with CC (cottage cheese) and its healing benefits. His comments are based on the use of Flaxseed Oil without the sulfur based proteins and even Dr. Budwig herself said that is dangerous and not to use FO without the cottage cheese or other source of amino acids with the sulfur bond.

What makes flax oil so useful to the body is that it is eaten after it is bonded to a sulfur protein in organic cottage cheese. This allows it to become water soluble, easily digestible and assimilated into the cells of the body. That was Dr. Budwig's extraordinary discovery. As a chemist and physicist, she analyzed fats and oils, identified essential fatty acids, and realized the benefit of highly unsaturated electron-active flax oil. She discovered that when she blended the flax oil with a sulfurated protein, quark or cottage cheese, the oil adhered to the protein components and was changed so the it could easily be carried to cells where it can repair and revitalize the cell's function. You can see how important the cottage cheese is to the equation and also how it acts in the body. There are many men who have used to Budwig protocol for prostate cancer with very good success.

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Hi Lee

Were you able to try some of the other recipes

to make the FO/CC that I posted yesterday? 

Some have found that using kefir or yogurt is much better tolerated. Also

LINOMEL may be something you can use rather than just ground flax seeds.  It is a brand name and originally created and

patented by Dr. Budwig.  It is a cereal

made from cracked Flax Seed, a small amount of honey and a little milk

powder.  In Fischer’s book “How

to Fight Cancer and Win†he outlines a simple substitute for LINOMEL.  Using a small food processor (or coffee

grinder) he recommends grinding flax seed and adding a small amount of honey at

a 6:1 ratio.  I would suggest using

organic honey.

If you absolutely cannot do the FO/CC then Udo’s in a blend of healing/detoxing

freshly juiced vegetable juice would be absolutely better than nothing.

There is a person on CureZone that advocates using only freshly ground flax

seeds and no oil because of the way oils are made in the US.  I really don’t see how one could get enough benefit

from only the seeds and I have not heard of or read about anyone getting good

results by only using the seeds.

As far as paying for natural treatment, I have seen people who take second

jobs, barter with the doc if they have useable skills, borrow from family, use

credit cards, get loans, sell off possessions, etc.  I totally understand that the financial end

is the most difficult.  It was very

difficult for us.  I have also seen

people find a family practitioner that will agree to monitor them with the

necessary labs, MRIs, etc. while they do a certain natural protocol, like

Budwig, at home.  Personally, I think

that every cancer patient needs a “coach†and I see the best results from those

who can have constant contact with someone who is positive, supportive but yet keeps

the person “on track†– in other words someone other than family to be

accountable to.  I find that one of the

major reasons that some protocols don’t work for a higher percentage of people

is because people are not militant about the program.  Programs must be done 24/7 – cancer doesn’t

take any days off.

I have also found that those with active cancer tend not to have as much

difficulty with the usual iodine detox symptoms.  Possibly because their body is so depleted

that it is craving the iodine.  Just a

theory.  One of the cancer clients that I

am working with is taking 200mg of Iodoral/day and has had absolutely no detox

symptoms.  They also take Armour and the

companion nutrients as well as other cancer-fighting supplements, etc.

I do hope that you are taking the time to detox your liver/gallbladder as well

as digestive tract cleansing, parasite cleansing and Candida cleansing.  These are all very important for those with


I wish you much success!

Be Well


From: iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of Lee

Sent: Sunday, February 07, 2010

2:07 PM


Subject: Re: The Truth

About Flaxseed Oil & Dr. Johanna Budwig


sure why I couldn't tolerate FOCC. Do you think trying Udo's is

worthwhile? I eat some plain ground flax seeds daily without difficulty.


does someone do if there's no possible way to pay for several months of



the boat I'm in and I'm sure I'm not alone.


learned about the iodine on breastcancerchoices.org. then I found this site.

Following it exactly as suggests has worked perfectly for me. My

daughter is following it as well and doing great. When I read some of the

horrid detox stories I'm grateful. We got by without anything too severe. It

seems to have turned out for the best that we jumped right into the whole



heartfelt thanks to and all who contribute suggestions and research



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Non-dairy products do not have the sulphurated proteins or

the electrical charge that is required for the bonding with flax oil. CC and quark have sulphurated proteins,

the main one is cysteine. Those sulphur-containing compounds make all the

difference as to whether the FO/CC recipe will be metabolized to the cells of

the body and help to heal them.

In " Flax Oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis,

Heart Infarction, Cancer and Other Diseases " Dr. Budwig

explains on page 31 that when you blend quark or cottage cheese with flaxseed

oil, the oil becomes water soluble and that is what affects the healing in the

body. She states, " Those highly unsaturated fats [in flax

oil] are essentially rich in electrons. This is clearly measurable, physically.

These electrons enable fats to be surface active at capillary level. Capillary

activity is, quite simply, enormously important. " On page 32,

she writes, " the surface active fats with their wealth of

electrons, start reactivating the vital functions and the patient immediately

begins to feel better. "

Be sure that you understand that FO must be blended and bonded with CC or quark

before ingesting the amounts needed to heal. Some who have allergies or dislike CC

have been successful using goat's milk, yogurt cheese or kefir cheese. However, many who are lactose intolerant

have found that they can use FO/CC (when blended correctly) without any


For those interested in using the Budwig protocol please join the FO/CC group

at: FlaxSeedOil2/message/75651 There is a wealth of factual

information and there are several who are providing some very tasty recipes

that can be used with the Budwig Protocol.

Be Well


From: iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of KENNETH GENTILE

Sent: Sunday, February 07, 2010

3:40 PM


Subject: RE: The Truth

About Flaxseed Oil & Dr. Johanna Budwig


am lactose intolerant,can I use Coconut Milk Kefir? Pat

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Charlotte Gerson has said it is not good to use the flaxseeds as the seed itself contains enzyme inhibitors, unlike the oil which is good for us.

RE: The Truth About Flaxseed Oil & Dr. Johanna Budwig

Hi Lee

Were you able to try some of the other recipes to make the FO/CC that I posted yesterday? Some have found that using kefir or yogurt is much better tolerated. Also LINOMEL may be something you can use rather than just ground flax seeds. It is a brand name and originally created and patented by Dr. Budwig. It is a cereal made from cracked Flax Seed, a small amount of honey and a little milk powder. In Fischer’s book “How to Fight Cancer and Win†he outlines a simple substitute for LINOMEL. Using a small food processor (or coffee grinder) he recommends grinding flax seed and adding a small amount of honey at a 6:1 ratio. I would suggest using organic honey.If you absolutely cannot do the FO/CC then Udo’s in a blend of healing/detoxing freshly juiced vegetable juice would be absolutely better than nothing.There is a person on CureZone that advocates using only freshly ground flax seeds and no oil because of the way oils are made in the US. I really don’t see how one could get enough benefit from only the seeds and I have not heard of or read about anyone getting good results by only using the seeds.As far as paying for natural treatment, I have seen people who take second jobs, barter with the doc if they have useable skills, borrow from family, use credit cards, get loans, sell off possessions, etc. I totally understand that the financial end is the most difficult. It was very difficult for us. I have also seen people find a family practitioner that will agree to monitor them with the necessary labs, MRIs, etc. while they do a certain natural protocol, like Budwig, at home. Personally, I think that every cancer patient needs a “coach†and I see the best results from those who can have constant contact with someone who is positive, supportive but yet keeps the person “on track†– in other words someone other than family to be accountable to. I find that one of the major reasons that some protocols don’t work for a higher percentage of people is because people are not militant about the program. Programs must be done 24/7 – cancer doesn’t take any days off.I have also found that those with active cancer tend not to have as much difficulty with the usual iodine detox symptoms. Possibly because their body is so depleted that it is craving the iodine. Just a theory. One of the cancer clients that I am working with is taking 200mg of Iodoral/day and has had absolutely no detox symptoms. They also take Armour and the companion nutrients as well as other cancer-fighting supplements, etc.I do hope that you are taking the time to detox your liver/gallbladder as well as digestive tract cleansing, parasite cleansing and Candida cleansing. These are all very important for those with cancer.I wish you much success!Be WellDr.L

From: iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of Lee Sent: Sunday, February 07, 2010 2:07 PMiodine Subject: Re: The Truth About Flaxseed Oil & Dr. Johanna Budwig

Not sure why I couldn't tolerate FOCC. Do you think trying Udo's is worthwhile? I eat some plain ground flax seeds daily without difficulty.

What does someone do if there's no possible way to pay for several months of treatment?

That's the boat I'm in and I'm sure I'm not alone.

I learned about the iodine on breastcancerchoices.org. then I found this site. Following it exactly as suggests has worked perfectly for me. My daughter is following it as well and doing great. When I read some of the horrid detox stories I'm grateful. We got by without anything too severe. It seems to have turned out for the best that we jumped right into the whole protocol.

A heartfelt thanks to and all who contribute suggestions and research here.


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Dr. Budwig would disagree since part of her

program includes freshly ground flaxseed. 

People who are doing her program correctly are getting results.  I do encourage clients to use a good

pancreatic enzyme formula in therapeutic dosages.  Everyone past the age of 35 needs extra

enzymes especially if most of their diet is cooked foods.

Be Well


From: iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of Kathleen Blake

Sent: Sunday, February 07, 2010

5:24 PM


Subject: Re: The Truth

About Flaxseed Oil & Dr. Johanna Budwig

Charlotte Gerson has said it is not good to use

the flaxseeds as the seed itself contains enzyme inhibitors, unlike the oil

which is good for us.

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Hi Dr. Loretta, Just wondering...I have an allergy to casein and so even goat milk is a problem for me. I have very high levels of IGE antibodies. Is there anything else to substitute for CC that does not have casein? Thanks for your many informative posts. AnnOn 7-Feb-10, at 4:57 PM, Dr. Loretta Lanphier wrote:Non-dairy products do not have the sulphurated proteins or the electrical charge that is required for the bonding with flax oil. CC and quark have sulphurated proteins, the main one is cysteine. Those sulphur-containing compounds make all the difference as to whether the FO/CC recipe will be metabolized to the cells of the body and help to heal them.In "Flax Oil as a True Aid Against Arthritis, Heart Infarction, Cancer and Other Diseases" Dr. Budwig explains on page 31 that when you blend quark or cottage cheese with flaxseed oil, the oil becomes water soluble and that is what affects the healing in the body. She states, "Those highly unsaturated fats [in flax oil] are essentially rich in electrons. This is clearly measurable, physically. These electrons enable fats to be surface active at capillary level. Capillary activity is, quite simply, enormously important." On page 32, she writes, "the surface active fats with their wealth of electrons, start reactivating the vital functions and the patient immediately begins to feel better."Be sure that you understand that FO must be blended and bonded with CC or quark before ingesting the amounts needed to heal. Some who have allergies or dislike CC have been successful using goat's milk, yogurt cheese or kefir cheese. However, many who are lactose intolerant have found that they can use FO/CC (when blended correctly) without any concerns.For those interested in using the Budwig protocol please join the FO/CC group at: FlaxSeedOil2/message/75651 There is a wealth of factual information and there are several who are providing some very tasty recipes that can be used with the Budwig Protocol. Be WellDr.LFrom: iodine [mailto:iodine ] On Behalf Of KENNETH GENTILESent: Sunday, February 07, 2010 3:40 PMiodine Subject: RE: The Truth About Flaxseed Oil & Dr. Johanna Budwig I am lactose intolerant,can I use Coconut Milk Kefir? Pat

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From: Kathleen Blake <kathleenblake@...>iodine Sent: Sun, February 7, 2010 3:23:56 PMSubject: Re: The Truth About Flaxseed Oil & Dr. Johanna Budwig

Charlotte Gerson has said it is not good to use the flaxseeds as the seed itself contains enzyme inhibitors, unlike the oil which is good for us.

Re: The Truth About Flaxseed Oil & Dr. Johanna Budwig

Not sure why I couldn't tolerate FOCC. Do you think trying Udo's is worthwhile? I eat some plain ground flax seeds daily without difficulty.

What does someone do if there's no possible way to pay for several months of treatment?

That's the boat I'm in and I'm sure I'm not alone.

I learned about the iodine on breastcancerchoices .org. then I found this site. Following it exactly as suggests has worked perfectly for me. My daughter is following it as well and doing great. When I read some of the horrid detox stories I'm grateful. We got by without anything too severe. It seems to have turned out for the best that we jumped right into the whole protocol.

A heartfelt thanks to and all who contribute suggestions and research here.


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I'm taking wobenzyme. My Chiropractor suggested it for multiple herniated discs and epidural adhesions. The muscle spasms from the injuries are causing scoliosis among other things.

FOCC makes me ill. I feel much better since I've stopped trying to eat it.

I have a mitochondrial D/O which causes intermittent lactic acidosis. Q10 and other antioxidants clean up some of the extra oxidation that is created by malfunctioning mitochondria. It could be that my body requires the opposite of Budwig.

This would not pertain to most people.

I tolerate iodine without most of the detox symptoms that so many others have.

Thank you for the input...it's a long road winding!


From: Dr. Loretta Lanphier <drlanphier@...>iodine Sent: Sun, February 7, 2010 3:29:48 PMSubject: RE: The Truth About Flaxseed Oil & Dr. Johanna Budwig

Dr. Budwig would disagree since part of her program includes freshly ground flaxseed. People who are doing her program correctly are getting results. I do encourage clients to use a good pancreatic enzyme formula in therapeutic dosages. Everyone past the age of 35 needs extra enzymes especially if most of their diet is cooked foods.Be WellDr.L

From: iodinegroups (DOT) com [mailto:iodine] On Behalf Of Kathleen BlakeSent: Sunday, February 07, 2010 5:24 PMiodinegroups (DOT) comSubject: Re: The Truth About Flaxseed Oil & Dr. Johanna Budwig

Charlotte Gerson has said it is not good to use the flaxseeds as the seed itself contains enzyme inhibitors, unlike the oil which is good for us.

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Thank you!

I did a liver/gallbladder and parasite cleanse prior to starting iodine. I'm still using some herbs to support my liver.

A few months ago I tried every recipe suggested for FOCC including yogurt and kefir. The people on that site were extremely helpful. The weight loss became worrisome. I'll try Udo's and making linomel. My juicer gets a lot of use.

My strength and energy level isn't what I would like it to be, but I definitely feel better.

2 years ago I suffered a serious injury. For the time being, it's left me unable to work. This became a major source of stress Stress and allopathic pain management treatments likely contributed to my other health problems. Two of my (adult) children have a mitochondrial disease and are disabled. The supplements that treat their disease aren't covered by insurance.

I'm pretty diligent. People who've healed themselves are an awesome source of inspiration. I believe that I can do this.

You're correct about the need for encouragement. I found myself avoiding naysayers.

My family isn't aware of exactly what's going on. Keeping some things from them might seem counter-productive in terms of receiving their support. For me it means less stress. Most of them couldn't be truly helpful.


From: Kathleen Blake <kathleenblake@...>iodine Sent: Sun, February 7, 2010 3:23:56 PMSubject: Re: The Truth About Flaxseed Oil & Dr. Johanna Budwig

Charlotte Gerson has said it is not good to use the flaxseeds as the seed itself contains enzyme inhibitors, unlike the oil which is good for us.

Re: The Truth About Flaxseed Oil & Dr. Johanna Budwig

Not sure why I couldn't tolerate FOCC. Do you think trying Udo's is worthwhile? I eat some plain ground flax seeds daily without difficulty.

What does someone do if there's no possible way to pay for several months of treatment?

That's the boat I'm in and I'm sure I'm not alone.

I learned about the iodine on breastcancerchoices .org. then I found this site. Following it exactly as suggests has worked perfectly for me. My daughter is following it as well and doing great. When I read some of the horrid detox stories I'm grateful. We got by without anything too severe. It seems to have turned out for the best that we jumped right into the whole protocol.

A heartfelt thanks to and all who contribute suggestions and research here.


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