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ms question

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has he had an MRI? Spinal tap looking for certain things also rules it out.

Macey was worked up for MS in 2000 because she showed demylenization on her MRI.

The spinal tap did not show what ever the certain thing was it was supposed to

so they eventually related it to a myenteric plexus problem and the DI. They

also looked into spina bifida.

Ursula - mom to (13) and Macey (11, CVID)




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I feel that it certainly cannot hurt to ask the dr. about it. I had

loads of blood work done just about a year ago, and one was to rule

out MS. I am no expert, but there are indicators that may show

specific autoimmune diseases, or at least help decide if further

testing is needed.

Good luck!

Meg, mom to

, 15, allergies, asthma, growth hormone def

, 10, asthma, allergies, gut issues

Annie, 8, asthma, allergies, reflux, and hoping she still has those

pneumo antibodies!


> This may be a long shot-but I was wondering about MS. J's

> Great-grandmother has MS and has the bladder symptoms he has. I


> looking up some of his symptoms up together (tingling legs/funny


> legs/legs feel weird so he says he can't run & the urinary

incontinence) and

> MS keeps popping up. I know that the risk is fairly low since it

is his

> great-grandmother who has it, and with him being so young it seems


> I just wanted to ask if you thought this might be something to ask

the neuro

> or am I WAY off? I also have MS in my family-- my great-uncle

died for MS

> complications. It is pretty far removed, but it is on both sides

of the

> family.




> Don't be afraid to tell me if you think I am crazy for even

thinking about

> MS.. I can take it! :-) I'm not thinking it is MS.


> I just want to figure it out! Every day his poor little underwear


> stained with urine because he leaks all day long. Sigh. I

wanted to

> think it was sort of normal, but the other two have stark white

underwear in

> the dirty laundry every day- no urine stains AT ALL. What are we

> missing????




> Look at the list of MS symptoms below. J has eyeball pain-of

course we

> always associate it with his sinus issues. but it makes me wonder


> he has had eye pain since he was little. I don't know that the


> drops really help...We saw Dr. W at WFU when he was two because of

the pain.

> but the day we went he was having a lot of pain and rubbing his


> scratched his cornea from rubbing so hard, so Dr. Weaver assumed

that was

> the cause of the pain.but he'd had the pain for MONTHS and

continues to have

> frequent eye pain. He often says his " eyeball " hurts-or both


> AND.. He does say he feels dizzy quite a bit. (M & S never say

this) I

> wouldn't say daily or weekly-but at least once a moth J will say

he feels

> dizzy for no apparent reason..not running around or anything.

Again, when

> he says this in passing and then it disappears, I don't think much

of it.




> He describes pins and needles now-and then often says his legs

have weird

> feelings in them. If I ask if they are like pins and needles, he

says now,

> but cannot describe them. He'll say they just feel weird and he

can't run

> or walk because of it. Prior to seeing stuff on the tight filum


> we just thought it was normal-- even though M & S do not complain

of this.





> Early symptoms



> The most common early symptoms of MS include:




> bib;_ylt=Au0w383YXh2IEQb3mJEhu2vbNs4F> 2


> * Muscle or motor symptoms, such as weakness, leg dragging,


> a tendency to drop things, a feeling of heaviness, clumsiness, or

a lack of

> coordination (




> 26601;_ylt=Ag8j8j9kbrBxEwLNWh6SR0bbNs4F> ataxia).

> * Visual symptoms, such as blurred, foggy, or hazy vision,


> pain (especially with movement), blindness, or double vision. Optic

> neuritis-a sudden loss of vision and eye pain-is a fairly common


> symptom, occurring in up to 23% of those who develop MS.




> bib;_ylt=AlzV0oMAglyS1AygtUjMnGHbNs4F> 2

> * Sensory symptoms, such as tingling, a pins-and-needles


> numbness, a bandlike tightness around the trunk or legs, or


> sensations moving down the back and legs.


> Less common early symptoms include:




> bib;_ylt=Avz68us_NRELeUBdJM0wLkPbNs4F> 2


> * Balance symptoms, such as lightheadedness or dizziness, and a

> spinning feeling (




> 5384;_ylt=AlmX6pwSxHhqDGUEZduRkTjbNs4F> vertigo).

> * Bladder symptoms, such as an inability to hold urine (




> 3076;_ylt=Amq.JUx4cyiDD4XkEj7mQGzbNs4F> urinary incontinence) or to

> completely empty the bladder, or a loss of bladder sensation-an

inability to

> sense that the bladder becoming full until there is a sudden,

urgent need to

> urinate.


> If I had to describe is urinary symptoms, I would describe them as


> above. I know I have told you many times that he doesn't seem to

sense his

> bladder is full until the last minute... we know that he doesn't


> empty his bladder and that he can't hold urine (he leaks). When I


> under neurogenic bladder causes, MS also pops up.




> Now that you think I am completely crazy, I'll say goodnight :-

) Do you

> think this is something to bring up to the neurosurgeon when we go





> Pattie C





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