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Re: [HeidiLiane] Re: re:PAIN Heidi-Carlene

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Thank you so much for your suggestions and kind words. Every fiber of my being hurts so bad that I can't get out of bed. Hugs Carlene. HSent from my BlackBerry® smartphone with SprintSpeedFrom: "carlene.grimshaw" Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 05:54:28 -0000<HeidiLiane >Subject: [HeidiLiane] Re: re:PAIN Heidi - I'm sorry you're in so much pain. Glad your daughter's okay after the accident. Not good about the Mono. though. I remember you saying you were going to have surgery. So, good luck next Tuesday! By the way...maybe you could lease a single story residence. And rent your home out. We're in a similar position inluding very boisterous neighbours. Within 6-months we'll be looking for a single story place on maybe 1 - 2 acres. But, in a quiet area. Food for thought! Cheers & Hugs - Carlene. > > Heidi, like you my hair even hurts when I'm in a horrific flare. Even the bottoms of my feet hurt and throb. I've been very bad today and you know how bad I've been and where I'm trying to get in to in Miami. I'm gonna pay dearly tomorrow and probably the rest of the week. I have stairs in my house and naturally I have to go up and down so slowly that it's just so

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