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Dotto Ring

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The Dotto Ring is said to untwist the body DNA and suspend aging. Aging can

be halted and reversed by as much as 30 years.

Here is more information from Keeleynet:

The Dotto Ring is a device developed at Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute

for the treatment of cancer. It used a peltier junction, two dissimilar

metals, connected together in a ring...one metal is heated, the other is

refrigerated...this produces a near perfect current which in the Dotto

Ring was estimated at 30,000 amperes.

The ring was about 3 foot in diameter and supported on an elevator arm.

The patient stood on a platform and this ring was very slowly moved up

and down over their body. Dotto indicated use of this ring for 15

minutes every 3 days would halt aging.

Think of DNA as a long flight of stairs. Now twist it so that it has a

number of turns. You can only fit so many stairs in each turn. When the

child is born, it has a large number of stairs (base pairs) in each turn.

As the person ages, the DNA twists, adding more turns and reducing the

number of stairs (base pairs) per turn. This is analogous to a

transformer, reducing the number of turns on the secondary which reduces

the amount of voltage. When the number of stairs per turn reaches a

certain number, the person is ripe for death.

The Dotto ring claims to UNTWIST the body DNA, causing the number of

windings to decrease and thereby adding more stairs to each turn....

That is Dottos' theory...I think Hudson is correct, that the aura

of the body is an artefact of superconducting tissues, that this aura

weakens with age and that the Dotto ring inductively recharges the aura

to produce healing and rejuvenation.....I was told at the meeting this

week that some whiz-bang engineer (special degrees...<g>..) had

contracted to build a modern Dotto ring, had done so and they were curing

all kinds of diseases...no details on who, what, where, when, how about

this project but will pass it on if more comes out about it.

-- Jerry W. Decker /

Rex Research

Box 1258

Berkeley, CA 94701

It will cost $4.00 and the order # is: 071-DOT DOTTO Dr. Giovani:

Thermionic Couple.

It is about 25pp.

The Dotto Ring


One of the most amazing documents I have ever been privileged to study is by

a Dr. Gianni Dotto. He did cancer research for the Sloan-Kettering Institute

in Kalamazoo. His research showed an astounding comprehension of electronics,

chemistry, physics, physiology, biology and other sciences as well as how

they all correlated to life, health and creation. An acquaintance from New

York claims to have visited Dr. Dotto at his private lab in France in 1993.

At that time, Dotto was in process of moving to an island location to avoid

disruption by people seeking to contact him.

The electronic machine Dotto developed not only was claimed to cure cancer

and other diseases, but also to suspend aging. When the 'Ring' was energized,

it also levitated off the floor.

Without going into too much detail, Dotto claims that a very high current

(30,000 amperes) can be produced with almost no voltage. This is in effect a

Meissner Field. When living tissues are exposed to this field, it energizes

and corrects the body by what I now believe is an intensification of the

aura. Kind of like an inductive EEMAN screen where the weakened and faded

aura is recharged. Since the aura forms and sustains the physical body,

anything you can do to increase its energy will improve health.

The following is from the file DNAMAST1 on KeelyNet:

" Aging and the reproduction of defective DNA is caused by a lack of cellular

vitality which is brought about by a twisting of the DNA helix as the

organism ages. Since the DNA molecule only has a given number of base pairs

(stair steps) due to its fixed length, this twisting adds more turns which

consequently reduces the number of base pairs in each turn. Effectively, the

# YEARS / # TURNS = # BASE PAIRS available per turn. As the organism goes

through the birth, maturation and death cycle, the DNA helix twists to

" squeeze " out the number of base pairs (stair steps) per turn, this can be

shown by the following :

The DNA of the embryo cell in a mothers womb contains 46 base pairs per turn.

In the 6th week of pregnancy, the DNA in the embryo cell has 34 base pairs

per turn. In the 10th lunar month, a single DNA (half from the mother, half

from the father) has reproduced itself more than 6 trillion times. When the

baby is born, the process of reproduction decreases due to the rapid twisting

of the DNA helix.

At the age of 2 years, the DNA has twisted to reduce the number of base pairs

to 22 per turn. At the age of 21, the base pairs are 14 per turn. From the

age of 35 to about 55, the base pairs stabilize somewhat at 10 per turn. At

around 55 years of age and beyond, the 10 base pairs per turn reduce to 6 and

continue to decrease until the organism achieves death.

The kinetic energy of the electrons in the Hydrogen bonds coupled with the

reduced energy of the charged ions from the nervous system are so weak that

the DNA stops reproducing itself and the aging process begins to wreak havoc

with the body. In addition, the steadily reducing number of base pairs as

life progresses acts to slowly reduce the vitality of the system on a

cellular level. This makes the " scanning " of the RNA by the DNA increasingly

sensitive to outside sources of interference.

If these outside sources of interference are applied while the " scanning "

process is occurring, the resulting pattern will be more or less distorted

from the original. If this occurs en masse, cancer and a host of other

diseases can occur. Indications are that there are two beneficial effects

which result from application of these concepts.

1) Disease can be halted and the body restored to optimum health by the

restoration of the DNA to the maximum vitality. The DNA pattern is no longer

subject to outside distortion and therefore becomes self- optimizing.

2) Aging can be halted and reversed by as much as 30 years (Dotto's original

estimation) dependent on the desired cellular vitality based on the number of

base pairs per turn. Hair darkens, skin tightens, digestion improves,

hormones and enzymes resurge, etc..

The technique involves the application of an inductive field to irradiate the

body for a short time. The longer the body is within the field, the more

optimized DNA replications will occur due to the intensified field.

(Just as microwaved food continues to 'heat' after being removed from the

oven, just as lightning bugs shine brightly and fade before the next 'kick',

just as a tuning fork will vibrate for minutes after being struck, just as

cells exposed to Ultraviolet light will re-radiate that light when removed

from the source, so too can the aura be stimulated...>>> JWD)

Each replication will create a DNA strand which possesses successively higher

vitalities. Ever increasing cellular energy slowly " untwists " the DNA which

increases the number of base pairs per turn. The result is reversal of aging

and restoration of the DNA to an optimum pattern. This restoration also

dissipates the patterns which allow disease to exist in the body.

During the time of the exposure, the natural replication of DNA under the

influence of an inductive energy field would cause the " new " DNA to be copied

with the desired number of base pairs. This is brought about by an

artifically induced lengthening of the Tesla coil secondary which increases

the amount of electrical potential.

This increased electrical potential on a cellular level " untwists " the DNA

helix which allows more base pairs (stair steps) PER TURN to be copied for

each duplication. This gradual increase in cellular vitality automatically

gives the DNA/RNA scanning process more energy to both record and update the

old pattern with a fresh, 'aura perfect' duplicate. This in turn, increases

the rate of duplication for the removal of dead and dying tissues in the

body. Thus wrinkles, toxins and various other problems which degrade the

efficiency of the organism are removed. Youth and maximum health is restored

and maintained through periodic application of the inductive field.

Thinking in Tesla coil terms, a primary coil with a winding of 10 turns is

inductively coupled to a secondary winding of 100 turns. If a current of 1

ampere at 10 volts is applied to the primary, a voltage of (10:100 or 1:10)

100 volts at 100 milliamps will be developed at the secondary.

(Note...as of 04/95, in light of this new set of correlations, I don't know

that a Tesla coil secondary analogy still applies. This is because of the

inverse nature of a transformer (Tesla coil) where voltage and current are

reciprocal to each other. If we wanted to excite the Meissner (aura) field,

by its very nature of being nearly pure magnetic energy, it follows that a

transformer secondary should have LESS WINDINGS to INCREASE the magnetic

current and DECREASE the voltage.

If the DNA is thought of as being a secondary and the number of base pairs

(stair steps) per turn is equivalent to the windings in a secondary, we can

see how a reduction in windings or stair steps would result in less

electrical potential (cellular vitality). This in turn making the DNA

progressively sensitive to outside stimuli for an eventual mix-up and

distortion in the DNA pattern. These DNA distortions directly affect the

formation of the enzyme-controlling genes which control all cellular

functions. Without intelligent control of the duplication process, aging,

disease and or death are inevitable.

All this is intended to show that the Meissner field can exist at all sorts

of densities and thus can be USED in a practical sense to expand the energy

density of the aura to induce healing and rejuvenation. Not to mention its

ability to create mass from seemingly nothing and with a velocity dependent

on the aura density. It should also affect transmutation and energy




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