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Melaleuca and Veganism

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My mom swears by Melaleuca (both the company and the oil). At her

goading, I now use their laundry detergent. She uses a LOT of their

products (from hand soap to dishwasher detergent). They smell nice. ;)

The baby you refer to got rickets (her bones are permanently deformed)

as a result of her parents' negligence. Vegan activists piss me off.

We need to remember that for many of them it is a religion. One of my

good friends is a vegan, and he has admitted to me that for him the

lifestyle has a definite faith component. Better to think of them as

religious fanatics than maleducated nutritionists. I have explained the

health benefits of fish and eggs (He is Type A.) to my friend, and

although he sees the merit in what I say, he would rather suffer health

problems than eat an egg. That is how far it goes. His girlfriend is a

Type O vegetarian, and although he recognizes that she needs meat, he

will not encourage her to eat it for ethical reasons. For the

childrens' sake, of course we must do something. The courts have held

that Christian Scientist parents cannot withhold standard medical

treatment from their children (like transfusions). Perhaps dangerous

diets could be subject to a similar exception to parents' general right

to raise their children as they please.


On Friday, May 3, 2002, at 05:43 AM, Schaffner wrote:

> Hi all!  Just wondering if any of you have heard of the company

> Melaleuca?  If so, I'd like to know any thoughts or experiences with

> these products?


> Also, just to share what I heard yesterday (it was so awful especially

> since I work at a Children's Aid).  A couple of a newborn child were

> charged (I think they live in the US) for the neglect of their baby as

> they were forcing their baby into a vegetarian lifestyle.  They were

> only feeding the child vegetable broths, homemade juices, flax, herbal

> teas and foods alike.  That poor child!  No protein!  Can you believe

> the ignorance.  I think they said that the child only weighed about

> 10lbs after a few months.  I could be wrong on some of the details as I

> only heard it on the radio but thought I would share this with the

> group. 


> Anyways, we know how important proper eating is and I just hope the

> rest of the world can be educated one day too : )



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