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Not knowing your particulars such as age, cardio vascular health etc it's hard

to give you all the advice you need here but I can tell you COUPLE OF THINGS...



AFTER 3 DAYS because of the rapid escalation of my side effects...do no take the



if you have very high cholesterol (above 350) then the first thing to try is

6-10 grams of vitamin C (spread out thru the day) see the following :



get on a proper diet...NOT a low fat /low cholesterol diet!!! if you need to

loose weight try this:


anf finally visit the spacedoc site home page and read all the diet pages...at

least...then visit the forums there for more help...then if your doctor still

pushes the cholesterol myth--find a new doctor

> >

> > I agree with Lee it aint the cholesterol causing heart attacks.

> > �

> > I have a friend who has model perfect cholesterol numbers. Total, LDL, HDL,

and ratios are perfect and on " target. "

> >

> > Yet this did not stop his carotid artery from developing plaque.

> > �

> > For anyone who still believes cholesterol causes artery plaque, I have a

bridge in New York I would like to sell them.

> > �

> > Bobby

> > �

> > �

> >

> > http://geocities.com/flyinresorts/blog.html

> >


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  • 4 weeks later...
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My mom had her checkup yesterday with her gp, and I went along cause I'm worried

about her. He was saying how wonderful her numbers were. Her triglycerides were

very high last time, over 400, and are about half that now. But, her total

cholesterol was 157. I think that is way too low. No wonder she has pain all

over and her memory is really bad. She got a printed copy of the labs, and I am

going to make a copy cause I don't remember the HDL, but I think the LDL was 82.

She asked about getting a CPK check, but he didn't give her a script for it. I

guess he thinks it's unnecessary.

Years ago, she went to a rheumatologist for the widespread pain and a CPK was

ordered. It turned out it was elevated, that is when she was on 40 mg of

Lipitor. She went off, and did get some relief. But, she has many physical

problems and I think that's why it is so hard to pinpoint statins in her case. I

think statins have accelerated aging and she is also very depressed and

irritable and her personality while on statins is horrendous. She will be 77 in

2 weeks and is always saying she probably won't live much longer, and she seems

glad of that. It's hard to hear your mother talk that way.


> >

> > I agree with Lee it aint the cholesterol causing heart attacks.

> > �

> > I have a friend who has model perfect cholesterol numbers. Total, LDL, HDL,

and ratios are perfect and on " target. "

> >

> > Yet this did not stop his carotid artery from developing plaque.

> > �

> > For anyone who still believes cholesterol causes artery plaque, I have a

bridge in New York I would like to sell them.

> > �

> > Bobby

> > �

> > �

> >

> > http://geocities.com/flyinresorts/blog.html

> >


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Go the the Vitamin C Foundation forum site and post your question there too so

that Owen Fonorow (the moderator) can respond.

I would NEVER allow myself to take all the drugs you are taking for fear that

they will DESTROY my health. All of them have side effects. Hopefully you will

learn that drugs are not the answer to your problems but its what you are eating

and taking as supplements that will help.



> I am takeing a statin, and am sore for it BUT I am also takeing

> beta blockers , ace inhibitors, calcium channel blockers. ezatrol, plavix,

asa, diovan, norvasc. does anyone know where I can grt info on the side

effects of these.....I know there there I am not myself..?


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Go the the Vitamin C Foundation forum site and post your question there too so

that Owen Fonorow (the moderator) can respond.

I would NEVER allow myself to take all the drugs you are taking for fear that

they will DESTROY my health. All of them have side effects. Hopefully you will

learn that drugs are not the answer to your problems but its what you are eating

and taking as supplements that will help.



> I am takeing a statin, and am sore for it BUT I am also takeing

> beta blockers , ace inhibitors, calcium channel blockers. ezatrol, plavix,

asa, diovan, norvasc. does anyone know where I can grt info on the side

effects of these.....I know there there I am not myself..?


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> I am takeing a statin, and am sore for it BUT I am also takeing

> beta blockers , ace inhibitors, calcium channel blockers. ezatrol, plavix,

asa, diovan, norvasc. does anyone know where I can grt info on the side

effects of these.....I know there there I am not myself..?


http://www.askapatient.com/index.asp a good place to start. The VA has stopped

using Plavix except for new stents, it was killing people.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest


Your child has multiple handicaps and much of her behavior is simply

communicating frustration and discomfort. Medication will not help that. Until

she learns better ways of communicating, expect to see the yelling and acting

out. If the child's nervous system is really " out of wack " , meaning very

nervous, anxious, hyper, etc. then medication can sometimes help calm and

organize it. However, if the child is good for the most part, but acts out when

something frustrates them, then medication is not usually the answer. When

trying medication you are looking for a " WOW " effect; meaning that you see a

significant positive change in the child. If not, it is not worth putting

chemicals in her.

Have you tried and OT for a sensory integration evaluation. Your child has

tactile defensiveness, and probably a generalized sensory defensiveness, that

can cause anxiety and irritability. This can be treated effectively.



> Hi my 8 yr old daughter is on celexa it works for awhile after we increase the

dose and by the 3 rd refill it seems to be not working very good we have been on

it since Dec I think. We are now at 1 ml a day small dose. However my daughter

went to a Childrens Hospital for a feeding eval for the summer program and they

said she needed to be seen by a pyschartist and put on some medicine for her

behavior before she could come into there program. I had a problem with this

but it was resolved within a day. She qualified for the program starting in

June. However, I didn't have a problem with the seeing the phychartrist for

her. Seems like they won't go forward with the celexa at a faster pace. So I

am nervous and anxious about what is in the future for her this Friday while we

see the phychartrist at our valley communtiy service board. The nurse

practioner that put faith on the celexa said they will put her on some other

medicine for behavior like rispidel. So my question for you all is What

medicine has work for your child is your child a boy or girl and what age is

your child. What are some bad experiance and good experiance that you have with

the medicines. My child is not one that is head bangs and has behavior all the

time she is just like us once in a while gets a bad day and does alot of head

banging, kicking, screaming but she is deaf and can't hear so her screaming is

much louder. That is what happened that day at the childrens hospital she was

constipated because she ran out of her soy pediatric drink.

> So please any thoughts or comments are appreciated to this anxious mother

> Faith has mild cerbal palsey she is very active and running and hopping some

the dr. claims to have misdiagnosed her.


> Totally deaf without cochlear implant which seems to never work and is always



> Feeding failure to thrive looks good now.

> Still on a baby bottle

> timed potty trained

> Autism

> oral aversions along with just aversion to touch

> Thanks so much

> Twilla


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Citeren Bill Nason <nasonbill@...>:


> Twilla,Citeren Bill Nason <nasonbill@...>:


> Twilla,


> Your child has multiple handicaps and much of her behavior is simply

> communicating frustration and discomfort. Medication will not help

> that. Until she learns better ways of communicating, expect to see

> the yelling and acting out. If the child's nervous system is

> really " out of wack " , meaning very nervous, anxious, hyper, etc.

> then medication can sometimes help calm and organize it. However,

> if the child is good for the most part, but acts out when something

> frustrates them, then medication is not usually the answer. When

> trying medication you are looking for a " WOW " effect; meaning that

> you see a significant positive change in the child. If not, it is

> not worth putting chemicals in her.

I agree. I have no experience with Celexa or any other antidepressant,

but my experience might be relevant. The first time I went on

medication, my irritability was obviously situational. Everyone knew,

but, since there was nothing we could do about the situation that was

making me irritable, we were desparate and looked to medication. It

didn't work, and I sometimes felt that they were trying to silence me

by medicating me (not that it worked, but when I communicated my

distress, I was often told to take my meds). This was several years

ago, and I was reluctant to try medication again for this reason.

However, last winter I was badly irritable again, and it was

non-situational this time. That was when my psychologist suggested I

see the ward psychiatrist (I reside in an institution) for medication.

I did and now take a different drug from the one I took a few years

ago, this time with good results. I am still of course somewhat

irritable and still react when I can't communicate frustration, but I

am not " on the edge " all the time. However, if that is not what you

rdaughter's problem is, I would say medication is not for her.

> Have you tried and OT for a sensory integration evaluation. Your

> child has tactile defensiveness, and probably a generalized sensory

> defensiveness, that can cause anxiety and irritability. This can be

> treated effectively.

Good point. Also, maybe have a speech/language therapist evaluate her

for alternative communication. There are many systems of communication

that can work with people with multiple disabilities.






> Your child has multiple handicaps and much of her behavior is simply

> communicating frustration and discomfort. Medication will not help

> that. Until she learns better ways of communicating, expect to see

> the yelling and acting out. If the child's nervous system is

> really " out of wack " , meaning very nervous, anxious, hyper, etc.

> then medication can sometimes help calm and organize it. However,

> if the child is good for the most part, but acts out when something

> frustrates them, then medication is not usually the answer. When

> trying medication you are looking for a " WOW " effect; meaning that

> you see a significant positive change in the child. If not, it is

> not worth putting chemicals in her.


> Have you tried and OT for a sensory integration evaluation. Your

> child has tactile defensiveness, and probably a generalized sensory

> defensiveness, that can cause anxiety and irritability. This can be

> treated effectively.


> Bill



>> Hi my 8 yr old daughter is on celexa it works for awhile after we

>> increase the dose and by the 3 rd refill it seems to be not working

>> very good we have been on it since Dec I think. We are now at 1

>> ml a day small dose. However my daughter went to a Childrens

>> Hospital for a feeding eval for the summer program and they said

>> she needed to be seen by a pyschartist and put on some medicine

>> for her behavior before she could come into there program. I had

>> a problem with this but it was resolved within a day. She

>> qualified for the program starting in June. However, I didn't

>> have a problem with the seeing the phychartrist for her. Seems

>> like they won't go forward with the celexa at a faster pace. So I

>> am nervous and anxious about what is in the future for her this

>> Friday while we see the phychartrist at our valley communtiy

>> service board. The nurse practioner that put faith on the celexa

>> said they will put her on some other medicine for behavior like

>> rispidel. So my question for you all is What medicine has work

>> for your child is your child a boy or girl and what age is your

>> child. What are some bad experiance and good experiance that you

>> have with the medicines. My child is not one that is head bangs

>> and has behavior all the time she is just like us once in a while

>> gets a bad day and does alot of head banging, kicking, screaming

>> but she is deaf and can't hear so her screaming is much louder.

>> That is what happened that day at the childrens hospital she was

>> constipated because she ran out of her soy pediatric drink.

>> So please any thoughts or comments are appreciated to this anxious mother

>> Faith has mild cerbal palsey she is very active and running and

>> hopping some the dr. claims to have misdiagnosed her.


>> Totally deaf without cochlear implant which seems to never work and

>> is always breaking


>> Feeding failure to thrive looks good now.

>> Still on a baby bottle

>> timed potty trained

>> Autism

>> oral aversions along with just aversion to touch

>> Thanks so much

>> Twilla










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  • 3 months later...

Hi All,

I don't often post, but I have a question about meds. 

Right now I have a 30 degree S curve which has progressed over time and seems to

be getting worse.  I have been suffering from pain for 10 years, and that is

getting worse as well.  So far no doctor wants to do surgery.  I am 62.

I have tried many, many meds and physical therapy etc.  Right now I use tramadol

in combo with advil and tylenol if need be.  I have a pain specialist.  I tend

to want to avoid the codeins because of their side effects.  I will be seeing

pain doc in a couple of weeks to review, and I was wondering if anyone has used

anything non-codein that has been helpful?  I have also used lyrica

and neurontin in the past.

I guess I am looking for a special magic pill that is not codein based.


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Hi Barbara...

You said that you've tried neurontin, and you want to stay away from codone

based medications (I'm assuming you'll referring to such medications as Vicodin

(acetaminophen and hydrocodone), and Vicoprofen (hydrocodone and ibuprofen).

Other pain medications that come to mind are Ultram (tramadol) and Duragesic

(Fentanyl). I'm not sure if Ultram contains codone, or not. Fentanyl is one of

the strongest, if not the strongest narcotic pain medication available. It comes

in both patches and lollipops, and has it's own side effects (especially after

long term use). The patches are worn for 72 hours, and come in 12.5, 25, 50, 75,

and 100 mcg. strengths.

I used Fentanyl Patches beginning in December 2001 through April 2008. I began

with the 25mcg strength, and had to increase the strength to get the same

relief. Over time I found the " cure " worse than the " disease " due to the side

effects; but, it did help relieve the pain through mid 2007. Fentanyl is

extremely difficult to get off of on your own. I went through the Cleveland

Clinic's Chronic Pain Rehabilitation Program during the month of May 2008, and

currently on Neurontin, Sinequan, and Remeron.

Hope this helps!!



Hi All,

I don't often post, but I have a question about meds.

Right now I have a 30 degree S curve which has progressed over time and seems to

be getting worse. I have been suffering from pain for 10 years, and that is

getting worse as well. So far no doctor wants to do surgery. I am 62.

I have tried many, many meds and physical therapy etc. Right now I use tramadol

in combo with advil and tylenol if need be. I have a pain specialist. I tend

to want to avoid the codeins because of their side effects. I will be seeing

pain doc in a couple of weeks to review, and I was wondering if anyone has used

anything non-codein that has been helpful? I have also used lyrica

and neurontin in the past.

I guess I am looking for a special magic pill that is not codein based.


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I couldn't get by without my TENS unit. Best pain relief I've ever found. I take

pain meds too, but I went 9 years without any. I put on my TENS unit and I have

relief. The other thing I've found that helps is getting into water. A pool

and/or hot tub. It's temporary, but the way I see it is any time without pain

helps my outlook on life.


From: Barbara Aronovich <lumiere0@...>

Scoliosis Treatment

Sent: Thu, August 12, 2010 10:04:10 AM

Subject: Medications


Hi All,

I don't often post, but I have a question about meds. 

Right now I have a 30 degree S curve which has progressed over time and seems to

be getting worse.  I have been suffering from pain for 10 years, and that is

getting worse as well.  So far no doctor wants to do surgery.  I am 62.

I have tried many, many meds and physical therapy etc.  Right now I use


in combo with advil and tylenol if need be.  I have a pain specialist.  I tend

to want to avoid the codeins because of their side effects.  I will be seeing

pain doc in a couple of weeks to review, and I was wondering if anyone has used

anything non-codein that has been helpful?  I have also used lyrica

and neurontin in the past.

I guess I am looking for a special magic pill that is not codein based.


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No problem with tramadol at all.  What I like is that it doesn't seem to be

addictive at all, and I can use it in conjunction with other medications i.e.

advil and tylenol.  Codein does make me feel sick, and I am uncertain as to the

long time side affects. 

Have used a tens machine, all kinds of pt, yoga, water therapy, etc., etc. 

Most of the time I can keep the pain at around a 4, but sometimes nothing

helps.  Have had to change lifestyle dramatically over the last 10 years. 

Worked part-time and even that was a chore, as sitting is very hard for me.  Am

now retired, but living on a very little budget, as much money has gone to

doctors over the past 10 years.  I do not think they will consider surgery

before a 40 degree curve.

From: Buttonjo@... <Buttonjo@...>

Subject: Re:Medications

Scoliosis Treatment

Date: Friday, August 13, 2010, 2:52 PM



Just wondering was your reason for non-codeine ideas because you are

allergic to it? I am and was wondering if you also have a reaction to


Jolene Morell

Shop online at _www.InheritedButtons.com_


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I couldn't agree more.  I do swim three times a week and tens really helps, but

I still need pills.  I was hoping there was a magic one.

From: Randie Meyer <taknitlite@...>

Subject: Re: Medications

Scoliosis Treatment

Date: Thursday, August 12, 2010, 4:59 PM


I couldn't get by without my TENS unit. Best pain relief I've ever found.

I take

pain meds too, but I went 9 years without any. I put on my TENS unit and I have

relief. The other thing I've found that helps is getting into water. A pool

and/or hot tub. It's temporary, but the way I see it is any time without pain

helps my outlook on life.


From: Barbara Aronovich <lumiere0@...>

Scoliosis Treatment

Sent: Thu, August 12, 2010 10:04:10 AM

Subject: Medications


Hi All,

I don't often post, but I have a question about meds. 

Right now I have a 30 degree S curve which has progressed over time and seems to

be getting worse.  I have been suffering from pain for 10 years, and that is

getting worse as well.  So far no doctor wants to do surgery.  I am 62.

I have tried many, many meds and physical therapy etc.  Right now I use


in combo with advil and tylenol if need be.  I have a pain specialist.  I tend

to want to avoid the codeins because of their side effects.  I will be seeing

pain doc in a couple of weeks to review, and I was wondering if anyone has used

anything non-codein that has been helpful?  I have also used lyrica

and neurontin in the past.

I guess I am looking for a special magic pill that is not codein based.


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Thanks.  I will revisit them.


From: Buttonjo@... <Buttonjo@...>

Subject: Re: Medications

Scoliosis Treatment

Date: Saturday, August 14, 2010, 12:59 PM


If the pain is nerve related I found neurontin a wonder drug. I wonder


Lyrica might help you.

Jolene Morell

Shop online at _www.InheritedButtons.com_


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I am on 900 mg 4 x's a day & have been for a year.  And Lyrica makes me gain

weight terribly.  I''m on 10 mg of Valium & took myself down 1 Soma as it is

not muscle pain & I've been told that.  Thanks for your help.  Are you on

higher gapaentin (neurotin)?



From: Buttonjo@... <Buttonjo@...>

Subject: Re: Medications

Scoliosis Treatment

Date: Saturday, August 14, 2010, 5:59 PM


If the pain is nerve related I found neurontin a wonder drug. I wonder if

Lyrica might help you.

Jolene Morell

Shop online at _www.InheritedButtons.com_


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I take 600 mg 3 times a day. I have heard Lyrica makes you gain weight

but in some cases deals well with (some) pain issues. All the muscle

relaxers I've tried just put me to sleep because they affect the brain. I wake

with the same muscle issues. I do use Lidoderm for moderate pain. It is not

narcotic, but it linocaine based. It doesn't help with severe pain.

Jolene Morell

Shop online at _www.InheritedButtons.com_


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All,

Has anyone used a new drug called Embeda?


From: Barbara Aronovich <lumiere0@...>

Subject: Medications

Scoliosis Treatment

Date: Thursday, August 12, 2010, 11:04 AM


Hi All,

I don't often post, but I have a question about meds. 

Right now I have a 30 degree S curve which has progressed over time and seems to

be getting worse.  I have been suffering from pain for 10 years, and that is

getting worse as well.  So far no doctor wants to do surgery.  I am 62.

I have tried many, many meds and physical therapy etc.  Right now I use

tramadol in combo with advil and tylenol if need be.  I have a pain

specialist.  I tend to want to avoid the codeins because of their side

effects.  I will be seeing pain doc in a couple of weeks to review, and I was

wondering if anyone has used anything non-codein that has been helpful?  I have

also used lyrica

and neurontin in the past.

I guess I am looking for a special magic pill that is not codein based.


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Have you ever used a TENS unit? I couldn't live without mine. I've used it

before and after my surgeries. I even used it in the hospital for much needed

pain relief. Medicare paid for it, my PT had prescribed it and helped me learn

to use it.


From: Barbara Aronovich <lumiere0@...>

Scoliosis Treatment

Sent: Sat, August 28, 2010 7:24:22 AM

Subject: Re: Medications


Hi All,

Has anyone used a new drug called Embeda?


From: Barbara Aronovich <lumiere0@...>

Subject: Medications

Scoliosis Treatment

Date: Thursday, August 12, 2010, 11:04 AM


Hi All,

I don't often post, but I have a question about meds. 

Right now I have a 30 degree S curve which has progressed over time and seems to

be getting worse.  I have been suffering from pain for 10 years, and that is

getting worse as well.  So far no doctor wants to do surgery.  I am 62.

I have tried many, many meds and physical therapy etc.  Right now I use


in combo with advil and tylenol if need be.  I have a pain specialist.  I tend

to want to avoid the codeins because of their side effects.  I will be seeing

pain doc in a couple of weeks to review, and I was wondering if anyone has used

anything non-codein that has been helpful?  I have also used lyrica

and neurontin in the past.

I guess I am looking for a special magic pill that is not codein based.


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Yes.  I have one too.  It does help, but can be a bit cumbersome.



From: Barbara Aronovich <lumiere0@...>

Subject: Medications

Scoliosis Treatment

Date: Thursday, August 12, 2010, 11:04 AM


Hi All,

I don't often post, but I have a question about meds. 

Right now I have a 30 degree S curve which has progressed over time and seems to

be getting worse.  I have been suffering from pain for 10 years, and that is

getting worse as well.  So far no doctor wants to do surgery.  I am 62.

I have tried many, many meds and physical therapy etc.  Right now I use


in combo with advil and tylenol if need be.  I have a pain specialist.  I tend

to want to avoid the codeins because of their side effects.  I will be seeing

pain doc in a couple of weeks to review, and I was wondering if anyone has used

anything non-codein that has been helpful?  I have also used lyrica

and neurontin in the past.

I guess I am looking for a special magic pill that is not codein based.


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