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TSH 5.31 and Dr. wants to put me on Levothyroxine

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I just found out that my thyroid test from Monday was elevated and my

Dr. wants to put me on thyroid hormones. I also had a Tg level of 85 in

May with a nodule on the isthmuz of my thyroid confirm by MRI and

ultrasound. Biopsy was inconclusive. Anyone have any suggestions as to

alternative approaches for this problem and scientific medical evidence

to back up those suggestions.

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I had a similar diagnosis. I had a multinodular goiter with a larger nodule that was near the isthmus of my thyroid. I was on too low a dose of thyroid hormone, a fact that I didn't realize at the time. I also had an inconclusive biopsy, but ended up having the surgery and going through RAI and the whole nine yards. I have been on synthroid and it is a substandard medicine compared to armour thyroid. If I had it to do over again, I wouldn't have automatically done the surgery. I would have demanded a suppressing dose of armour and started on iodine. Many times a suppressing dose of armour will shrink nodules. Have they tested your antibodies? It's possible that you have hashimotos and it needs to be treated properly rather than ignored. Mine was ignored until my thyroid was a disgusting glob of goo. Unfortunately, it is VERY difficult to get proper treatment for your thyroid. You must educate yourself and find a doctor who is willing to do the right thing, not just the TSH test and standard synthroid. It just doesn't work---one thyroid later, I'm living proof!

PS--check out www.stopthethyroidmadness.com I didn't read it until AFTER my thyroid was gone.

I just found out that my thyroid test from Monday was elevated and my Dr. wants to put me on thyroid hormones. I also had a Tg level of 85 in May with a nodule on the isthmuz of my thyroid confirm by MRI and ultrasound. Biopsy was inconclusive. Anyone have any suggestions as to alternative approaches for this problem and scientific medical evidence to back up those suggestions.

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