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Saw Dr. Flechas yesterday and his comments on iodine

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I took my mother to

Dr. Flechas in ville MC yesterday. Flechas is one of the original

iodine doctors working with Abraham's Iodoral and protocols.

My mother has a small goiter that he told her should disappear with a few months on increased iodine.


We spent about 1 ½ hours with him and he had a number of

interesting things to say about using iodine. I'm going to bullet some of them

below and will get the rest later when I get home and re-listen to the tape.


Cancer: Nurse that did the intake

on my mom said she started working for Flechas after seeing him for her

cancer. She had cancer tumors in her uterus and breasts. She had a

hysterectomy and was scheduled for a mastectomy when she decided to see

him. He put her on 100mg of Iodoral/day and within 2 weeks her tumors were

shrinking. She canceled her mastectomy.

She did say she had horrible detox reactions in the beginning

including acne and a horrible smell. That eventually went away.Cancer: Flechas told us about one

young woman whose breast cancer had metastasized to her rib cage and left kidney. He started her

on 100mgs of Iodoral and 21 days later her PET scan showed no cancerThyroid hormone and breast cancer He

said the studies are indicating that taking any type of thyroid (natural

or not) will increase the risk of cancer as it blocks iodine absorption.

He has had patients come to him with fibrocystic breasts and use iodine to

take care of the problem. Then their primary physician will put them on

thyroid hormone and the breasts will get painful again. He gradually takes

all patients off thyroid as they become loaded with iodine.Mammogram vs thermograms. Said the

breasts stay hot for a few days after a mammogram. He believes in

thermograms but only if you can consistently use the same place and the

person knows how to read them. (My question- A lot of people are

experiencing constipation with Iodoral and use lugols instead…what's

causing that?) Flechas – Lugols gives 20% of the

people using it stomach problems and acidity and Iodoral absorbs better. The

constipation problem is because iodine makes the cell membrane far more

permeable to Mg causing it to be used up and not available to the colon cells.

These cells need Mg to operate correctly. The solution is to use between

500-1500mgs of magnesium oxide.

(My question – Does iodine block

estrogen receptors? Flechas – No not block it reduces

the number of receptors BUT it increases the receptivity of ALL hormone receptors

on the cells. So estrogen is still available to the cell.(My question – Does it reduce or block the receptors for progesterone?) Flechas – Progesterone makes iodine

more available to the cell.Testing for bromine and fluorine this

will soon be available at his office and can be ordered just like the

iodine loading test is. Of the two he feels bromine is far more


Cogimax - a silica based

supplement from Optimax ( Abrahams company that produces Iodoral) that

he uses with Alziehmers and ADD patients. He said silica

loading is extremely effective for brain problems.

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