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Re: Eating Rules

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Wednesday, September 1, 2004, 9:09:29 AM, you wrote:

RN> I have a question regarding the " eating rules " . I've often heard it

RN> said that if you revisit (throw up) during the course of the meal

RN> for whatever reason, you should stop eating. I'm having a little bit

RN> of an issue with this and am looking for some scientific/medical

RN> reinforcement of why we should stop after this event.

First, you win the award for euphemism for " barf " . " Revisit " is one

I've not heard before.

I think that if you barf you're done, or should be....if the reason is

that you've eaten too much. If you've simply gotten a chunk stuck and

it comes up, then I'm more flexible on that. To me it also depends on

whether it is just an easy " up it comes " with no hassle or serious

vomiting....in that case I'd say go on. If on the other hand, you've

gotten something seriously stuck, then I think you're done. Your poor

stomach, stoma, and esophagus need some rest. I'd even try to do just

liquids for at least another meal, or maybe soft things....otherwise

it is like rubbing a wound.

Now a couple other thoughts. The idea of " throwing away half your

breakfast " is NOT a bad thing. If you're like most of us,

particularly early on, the breakfast you made or bought is too much,

and you SHOULD throw away half of it. I still have that problem on

occasion. My old brain still says I'm " wasting it " , but that's ok. It

is much better than " waisting it " , which is what I did for 60 years.

Yeah, I was brought up on the " clean your plate, they're starving in

China " stuff, and look where that got me.

As you're seeing, most of the " head stuff " is a bigger problem for us

than the " stomach stuff " . After 16 months I still struggle with it.

You're sure not alone with these issues.


Dan Lester, Boise, ID honu@... www.mylapband.tk

Dr. Ortiz, Tijuana, 4/28/03

323/209/199 Age 61

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Whenever you barf, you are causing irritation and swelling to your

stoma and band. It's important to stop eating so there is no more

irritation, and then have liquids only for the next regular meal, so

the stoma can heal. It's also important to stop so that you can think

about and find out WHY you barfed, so you don't repeat whatever goof

it was.

To me, it is just common sense, as well as basic medical knowledge,

to stop something that is causing trouble. If you fall and break your

ankle, stop running on it. If you have a allergic rasction to a food

you are eating, stop eating it. If your child throws up something you

just fed him, stop feeding it to him.

You need to take care to hurt your stoma as little as possible. The

band will only be able to remain safely inside you for a lifetime, if

you manage it well and avoid things that can harm it. Always totally

up to you, though - Sandy R

> Hello out there!


> I have a question regarding the " eating rules " . I've often heard it

> said that if you revisit (throw up) during the course of the meal

> for whatever reason, you should stop eating. I'm having a little


> of an issue with this and am looking for some scientific/medical

> reinforcement of why we should stop after this event.


> Anyone and everyone, please feel free to respond. This is a head

> problem I know and I'm working through it. Your response is greatly

> appreciated. I often can be programmed through scare tactics. :)


> I just hate to throw half my breakfast away because I ate too fast

> in the first few bites.


> Take care,

> Mona

> Dr. Kuri

> July 17, 2004

> 226/205.5/135

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HI Dan,

I am quite fond of the term " refunding "


dr. ortiz


> First, you win the award for euphemism for " barf " . " Revisit " is


> I've not heard before.


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That's another new one to me. I suppose it sort of fits in the band

context, since you're " refunding " the calories.

No, I'm not starting a thread on euphemisms for vomiting.....but

remember plenty of others, like " technicolor yawn " and " bowing down to

the porcelain goddess " and a zillion others. Imagine I could get a

book in the library to give me a bunch more, but I won't. I promise.


Wednesday, September 1, 2004, 7:11:07 PM, you wrote:

m> HI Dan,

m> I am quite fond of the term " refunding "

Dan Lester, Boise, ID honu@... www.mylapband.tk

Dr. Ortiz, Tijuana, 4/28/03

323/209/199 Age 61

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  • 6 years later...
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Well for one, me being a bit of a rebellious personality; I know not to call

them rules lol. I'll break every one of them if I use that word. I just use

smaller vessels to eat out and off of, and only eat when truly hungry. If I

want something thats a 'naughty' food, I have a small portion. I've learned

that a gas station here sells single ghiradelli squares for that nagging

chocolate craving that can be easily silenced. I'm not perfect at eating simply

b/c I don't live alone and other people in the house eat some junk. I try to

remember not to use negative speak to keep myself out of the stuff I know my

body won't be happy about. I'm still learning :).


From: " tania_khalil@... " <tania_khalil@...>


Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 6:25 AM

Subject: Eating " Rules "

We are all aware of what and when the world tells us to eat. Generally

speaking, we should be eating small portions of lean protein coupled with

veggies and fruits (disregarding copious amounts of carbs) every 2-3 hours.

This isn't an option for me. I just don't have the time or energy to live this

way. In my younger years, I ate one large meal a day. It was enough. I know

mentions that the Naturally Slender Eating Method means you eat when you

are hungry in the earlier episodes. What are your thoughts? Do you have any

rules of the table that you follow or used to follow?


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Copyright 2005-2007. A. s. All worldwide rights reserved.

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Well for one, me being a bit of a rebellious personality; I know not to call

them rules lol. I'll break every one of them if I use that word. I just use

smaller vessels to eat out and off of, and only eat when truly hungry. If I

want something thats a 'naughty' food, I have a small portion. I've learned

that a gas station here sells single ghiradelli squares for that nagging

chocolate craving that can be easily silenced. I'm not perfect at eating simply

b/c I don't live alone and other people in the house eat some junk. I try to

remember not to use negative speak to keep myself out of the stuff I know my

body won't be happy about. I'm still learning :).


From: " tania_khalil@... " <tania_khalil@...>


Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 6:25 AM

Subject: Eating " Rules "

We are all aware of what and when the world tells us to eat. Generally

speaking, we should be eating small portions of lean protein coupled with

veggies and fruits (disregarding copious amounts of carbs) every 2-3 hours.

This isn't an option for me. I just don't have the time or energy to live this

way. In my younger years, I ate one large meal a day. It was enough. I know

mentions that the Naturally Slender Eating Method means you eat when you

are hungry in the earlier episodes. What are your thoughts? Do you have any

rules of the table that you follow or used to follow?


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(On a side note, hi everyone! I'm Elisha. I have posted here before, but not

regularly. I am hoping to get more active in the group.)

I think is absolutely right--eat when you are hungry. For me, at

least, I have the habit of eating whenever I feel like it, which means NOT

when my body feels like it, but when my head feels like it, like, " Oh, it's

noon, it must be time for lunch, " or " Oh, it's been two whole hours since

I've eaten, I think I'll have a snack. " That habit is what got me 100 pounds


For a long time I've been saying, " Listen to your body; it knows what it

needs. " That means listening to my hunger cues, eating when I'm *physically

*hungry, and not eating when I'm not physically hungry. It also means

stopping when I'm satisfied. I've found that, if I slow down and pay

attention, there is a point where my body will tell me when I've had enough

(even though I have patently ignored that voice in the past, it's still

there, still trying).

I've tried diets that say to eat every 2-3 hours and just eat smaller

portions, but I'm never, ever hungry that way. I suppose for some people

that's good, but for me it just feels like more preventative eating, which

always leads to overeating for me.

So I guess, after all that talking, what I'm trying to say is, my only rule

is " eat when you're hungry, don't eat when you're not hungry. "

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(On a side note, hi everyone! I'm Elisha. I have posted here before, but not

regularly. I am hoping to get more active in the group.)

I think is absolutely right--eat when you are hungry. For me, at

least, I have the habit of eating whenever I feel like it, which means NOT

when my body feels like it, but when my head feels like it, like, " Oh, it's

noon, it must be time for lunch, " or " Oh, it's been two whole hours since

I've eaten, I think I'll have a snack. " That habit is what got me 100 pounds


For a long time I've been saying, " Listen to your body; it knows what it

needs. " That means listening to my hunger cues, eating when I'm *physically

*hungry, and not eating when I'm not physically hungry. It also means

stopping when I'm satisfied. I've found that, if I slow down and pay

attention, there is a point where my body will tell me when I've had enough

(even though I have patently ignored that voice in the past, it's still

there, still trying).

I've tried diets that say to eat every 2-3 hours and just eat smaller

portions, but I'm never, ever hungry that way. I suppose for some people

that's good, but for me it just feels like more preventative eating, which

always leads to overeating for me.

So I guess, after all that talking, what I'm trying to say is, my only rule

is " eat when you're hungry, don't eat when you're not hungry. "

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" The World " comes up with something different every other week, it seems!

I can tell you what happened for me when I was totally obsessive about eating

every 2-3 hours and measuring macro-nutrients to the milligram--I ended up with

such a small margin of error that if I went to 3 hours, 2 minutes, I'd get

hypoglycemic. Total blood sugar crash. Unfortunately, I didn't feel it as

hunger--I'd feel mood swings, confusion, dizziness.... These days, I generally

eat three meals with two snacks. I make sure I get enough fats each time to

sustain me. I don't get the blood sugar crash unless I go more like 5 hours. I

feel much less insane, because I'm no longer so worried about what Elisha calls

preventative eating.... Not feeling insane is a big plus. :-)

I know other people along this journey decide to only eat three meals. By

eliminating all snacking, they drop the whole " am I really hungry or do I just

want to eat " internal debate.

I feel better if I don't eat a lot of meat. I feel better if I don't cut it out

entirely--twice a week is about right. I feel better if I eat a fair amount of

healthy fats. Natural peanut butter, sesame paste, olive oil. I feel better if I

limit bread/wheat based carbs, but I don't cut out rice (preferably brown) and


I guess that's the good thing about being on this journey a while--I've found a

lot about what makes me feel better, and what doesn't.... What makes you feel

really good?


From: " tania_khalil@... " <tania_khalil@...>


Sent: Mon, March 14, 2011 1:25:46 PM

Subject: Eating " Rules "

We are all aware of what and when the world tells us to eat. Generally

speaking, we should be eating small portions of lean protein coupled with

veggies and fruits (disregarding copious amounts of carbs) every 2-3 hours.

This isn't an option for me. I just don't have the time or energy to live this

way. In my younger years, I ate one large meal a day. It was enough. I know

mentions that the Naturally Slender Eating Method means you eat when you

are hungry in the earlier episodes. What are your thoughts? Do you have any

rules of the table that you follow or used to follow?


Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®


Copyright 2005-2007. A. s. All worldwide rights reserved.

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Thanks, , for your thoughtful response. What makes me feel better? My Dew.

Well, I know that is only a temporary fix.

What makes me happy?

I have no idea. I guess I will have to see about that.


Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

Eating " Rules "

We are all aware of what and when the world tells us to eat. Generally

speaking, we should be eating small portions of lean protein coupled with

veggies and fruits (disregarding copious amounts of carbs) every 2-3 hours.

This isn't an option for me. I just don't have the time or energy to live this

way. In my younger years, I ate one large meal a day. It was enough. I know

mentions that the Naturally Slender Eating Method means you eat when you

are hungry in the earlier episodes. What are your thoughts? Do you have any

rules of the table that you follow or used to follow?


Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®


Copyright 2005-2007. A. s. All worldwide rights reserved.

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What if instead of trying to cut out your Dew, you tried to add 32oz. of water

into your day? or a cup of green tea? or some other healthful thing?

For me, I find that it is easier to add good things into my diet than it is to

take not-so-good things out of my diet. But eventually, as the good things

become habits the bad things just kind of start fading into the background. I

know that I can have them if I want them, but over time I just forget to want

them. Coffee with lots of real cream and sugar is my " thing, " but I find that

the more healthfully I eat the less I want of it.

My " rule " that I am following right now is to eat 3 meals a day. I am one of

those people who doesn't really want to eat anything all day and then goes hog

wild in the evening. Eating breakfast and lunch really seems to temper that for

me. If I eat all 3 meals, I may want a little something after dinner, but I

don't feel the need to go crazy with it.

I know that says to eat when you are hungry. When I don't eat regularly I

never seem to feel hungry, but when I eat regularly I get hungry regularly (go





From: " tania_khalil@... " <tania_khalil@...>


Sent: Mon, March 14, 2011 4:07:45 PM

Subject: Re: Eating " Rules "

Thanks, , for your thoughtful response. What makes me feel better? My Dew.

Well, I know that is only a temporary fix.

What makes me happy?

I have no idea. I guess I will have to see about that.


Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

-----Original Message-----

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You are completely right, Annie. I have done this before, but as always, when I

find something that works, my brain refuses to continue it. Secondly, it is

like my inner brat sees the ruse that I try to forge and it holds ever tighter

to the noose around my neck. Weird. It is like a battle within myself. It

isn't that I don't like water, but there is some magnet in me for things that I

shouldn't have which pushes me to forgo the things I should do in order to

justify having the second Dew or the two chocolate bars. I will try again to

revert to my old days of subbing in the good...hopefully I can hold on to the




Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

Re: Eating " Rules "

Thanks, , for your thoughtful response. What makes me feel better? My Dew.

Well, I know that is only a temporary fix.

What makes me happy?

I have no idea. I guess I will have to see about that.


Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

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I am sure you have asked yourself this question but I wonder if you could do a

bit of work on it by either doing free flow journaling about it or possibly a

guided journey kind of thing but where you put yourself into a quiet, peaceful

safe place and allow yourself to really delve deep - without any self editing --

maybe you could have a conversation with this part of you and try to figure out

what it is trying to let you know...what the gift is.  In truth to me this part

of you feels like a sad, fearful teenager -- maybe there is some part of you

that needs to be understood and loved rather than snuffed out.  Just thinkin....

Here is the question:

What is the inner Brat trying to protect you from?  Why does she feel

that your truth feels like a lie and why does that lie feel like death (noose)? 

Who in your life has made it hard for you to accept that your inner truth is

legitimate.  Why does your inner brat want to act out in defiance?  What does

she need?

Good Luck,



From: " tania_khalil@... " <tania_khalil@...>


Sent: Mon, March 14, 2011 6:02:57 PM

Subject: Re: Eating " Rules "

You are completely right, Annie.  I have done this before, but as always, when I

find something that works, my brain refuses to continue it.  Secondly, it is

like my inner brat sees the ruse that I try to forge and it holds ever tighter

to the noose around my neck.  Weird. It is like a battle within myself.  It

isn't that I don't like water, but there is some magnet in me for things that I

shouldn't have which pushes me to forgo the things I should do in order to

justify having the second Dew or the two chocolate bars.  I will try again to

revert to my old days of subbing in the good...hopefully I can hold on to the




Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

Re: Eating " Rules "

Thanks, , for your thoughtful response.  What makes me feel better? My Dew. 

Well, I know that is only a temporary fix. 

What makes me happy?

I have no idea.  I guess I will have to see about that.


Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

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Good question.

I think that my process about what feels good is still very mental...I don't

know how my body feels.

If I eat vegetables, fresh fruits, fish and other items that are " good " for me I

feel good...but I think that it is mostly that I feel good about myself.

When I eat highly processed foods, deep fried foods and the many foods on my

" bad " list of foods I feel really rotten....

Some foods I truly dont like and have nothing to do with how they make me feel

either in my body or in my head.  Steak, chicken, brussel sprouts, trout, and a

other yucky foods! 

Some food I just like - I have more of a sense about how they make me feel, but

again it is a more of an emotional thing than a body thing.  These are some of

my favorites; ripe melons, pears, peaches, apricots, sweet oranges, tomatoes,

potatoes, greek salads, ice cream, nuts, donuts, bread, cheese, yogurt, peanut

butter, cookies, pasta. 

I suppose what makes me an emotional eater is the fact that food induces

emotions in me or help me deal with emotions.  I have a hard time making a

connection with what my body feels and thinks.  It is only when I practice

extreme behaviors do I feel my body....starving or overeating to when my stomach

feels uncomfortable or naseous.



From: <lsageev@...>


Sent: Mon, March 14, 2011 3:04:46 PM

Subject: Re: Eating " Rules "


" The World " comes up with something different every other week, it seems!

I can tell you what happened for me when I was totally obsessive about eating

every 2-3 hours and measuring macro-nutrients to the milligram--I ended up with

such a small margin of error that if I went to 3 hours, 2 minutes, I'd get

hypoglycemic. Total blood sugar crash. Unfortunately, I didn't feel it as

hunger--I'd feel mood swings, confusion, dizziness.... These days, I generally

eat three meals with two snacks. I make sure I get enough fats each time to

sustain me. I don't get the blood sugar crash unless I go more like 5 hours. I

feel much less insane, because I'm no longer so worried about what Elisha calls

preventative eating.... Not feeling insane is a big plus. :-)

I know other people along this journey decide to only eat three meals. By

eliminating all snacking, they drop the whole " am I really hungry or do I just

want to eat " internal debate.

I feel better if I don't eat a lot of meat. I feel better if I don't cut it out

entirely--twice a week is about right. I feel better if I eat a fair amount of

healthy fats. Natural peanut butter, sesame paste, olive oil. I feel better if I

limit bread/wheat based carbs, but I don't cut out rice (preferably brown) and


I guess that's the good thing about being on this journey a while--I've found a

lot about what makes me feel better, and what doesn't.... What makes you feel

really good?


From: " tania_khalil@... " <tania_khalil@...>


Sent: Mon, March 14, 2011 1:25:46 PM

Subject: Eating " Rules "

We are all aware of what and when the world tells us to eat. Generally

speaking, we should be eating small portions of lean protein coupled with

veggies and fruits (disregarding copious amounts of carbs) every 2-3 hours.

This isn't an option for me. I just don't have the time or energy to live this

way. In my younger years, I ate one large meal a day. It was enough. I know

mentions that the Naturally Slender Eating Method means you eat when you

are hungry in the earlier episodes. What are your thoughts? Do you have any

rules of the table that you follow or used to follow?


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Good question.

I think that my process about what feels good is still very mental...I don't

know how my body feels.

If I eat vegetables, fresh fruits, fish and other items that are " good " for me I

feel good...but I think that it is mostly that I feel good about myself.

When I eat highly processed foods, deep fried foods and the many foods on my

" bad " list of foods I feel really rotten....

Some foods I truly dont like and have nothing to do with how they make me feel

either in my body or in my head.  Steak, chicken, brussel sprouts, trout, and a

other yucky foods! 

Some food I just like - I have more of a sense about how they make me feel, but

again it is a more of an emotional thing than a body thing.  These are some of

my favorites; ripe melons, pears, peaches, apricots, sweet oranges, tomatoes,

potatoes, greek salads, ice cream, nuts, donuts, bread, cheese, yogurt, peanut

butter, cookies, pasta. 

I suppose what makes me an emotional eater is the fact that food induces

emotions in me or help me deal with emotions.  I have a hard time making a

connection with what my body feels and thinks.  It is only when I practice

extreme behaviors do I feel my body....starving or overeating to when my stomach

feels uncomfortable or naseous.



From: <lsageev@...>


Sent: Mon, March 14, 2011 3:04:46 PM

Subject: Re: Eating " Rules "


" The World " comes up with something different every other week, it seems!

I can tell you what happened for me when I was totally obsessive about eating

every 2-3 hours and measuring macro-nutrients to the milligram--I ended up with

such a small margin of error that if I went to 3 hours, 2 minutes, I'd get

hypoglycemic. Total blood sugar crash. Unfortunately, I didn't feel it as

hunger--I'd feel mood swings, confusion, dizziness.... These days, I generally

eat three meals with two snacks. I make sure I get enough fats each time to

sustain me. I don't get the blood sugar crash unless I go more like 5 hours. I

feel much less insane, because I'm no longer so worried about what Elisha calls

preventative eating.... Not feeling insane is a big plus. :-)

I know other people along this journey decide to only eat three meals. By

eliminating all snacking, they drop the whole " am I really hungry or do I just

want to eat " internal debate.

I feel better if I don't eat a lot of meat. I feel better if I don't cut it out

entirely--twice a week is about right. I feel better if I eat a fair amount of

healthy fats. Natural peanut butter, sesame paste, olive oil. I feel better if I

limit bread/wheat based carbs, but I don't cut out rice (preferably brown) and


I guess that's the good thing about being on this journey a while--I've found a

lot about what makes me feel better, and what doesn't.... What makes you feel

really good?


From: " tania_khalil@... " <tania_khalil@...>


Sent: Mon, March 14, 2011 1:25:46 PM

Subject: Eating " Rules "

We are all aware of what and when the world tells us to eat. Generally

speaking, we should be eating small portions of lean protein coupled with

veggies and fruits (disregarding copious amounts of carbs) every 2-3 hours.

This isn't an option for me. I just don't have the time or energy to live this

way. In my younger years, I ate one large meal a day. It was enough. I know

mentions that the Naturally Slender Eating Method means you eat when you

are hungry in the earlier episodes. What are your thoughts? Do you have any

rules of the table that you follow or used to follow?


Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®


Copyright 2005-2007. A. s. All worldwide rights reserved.

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I like the journaling idea...looong time since I tried free flow. I like your

questions. Thank you for them. Your sad, fearful teenager comment is on

target. It seems that when I remember my days of youth, I envision a smiling

pretty young girl, but that was rarely who I was. I am sorry for rambling, but

you struck a cord in me with your comments. Hopefully, I can investigate this

more tonight...hopefully. Thank you for your insight:).


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Re: Eating " Rules "

Thanks, , for your thoughtful response.  What makes me feel better? My Dew. 

Well, I know that is only a temporary fix. 

What makes me happy?

I have no idea.  I guess I will have to see about that.


Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

-----Original Message-----


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I like the journaling idea...looong time since I tried free flow. I like your

questions. Thank you for them. Your sad, fearful teenager comment is on

target. It seems that when I remember my days of youth, I envision a smiling

pretty young girl, but that was rarely who I was. I am sorry for rambling, but

you struck a cord in me with your comments. Hopefully, I can investigate this

more tonight...hopefully. Thank you for your insight:).


Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

Re: Eating " Rules "

Thanks, , for your thoughtful response.  What makes me feel better? My Dew. 

Well, I know that is only a temporary fix. 

What makes me happy?

I have no idea.  I guess I will have to see about that.


Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

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Tania, you are keeping in mind that Mountain Dew has a fair amount of caffeine,

right? So there's a physical addiction factor unrelated to your emotional state.

Annie's suggestion of substituting green tea might work well if you don't want

to go cold turkey, since you'd still be getting the caffeine, but in a healthier

way. (According to this week's medical advice, anyway! LOL!)


From: " tania_khalil@... " <tania_khalil@...>


Sent: Tue, March 15, 2011 1:02:57 AM

Subject: Re: Eating " Rules "

You are completely right, Annie. I have done this before, but as always, when I

find something that works, my brain refuses to continue it. Secondly, it is

like my inner brat sees the ruse that I try to forge and it holds ever tighter

to the noose around my neck. Weird. It is like a battle within myself. It

isn't that I don't like water, but there is some magnet in me for things that I

shouldn't have which pushes me to forgo the things I should do in order to

justify having the second Dew or the two chocolate bars. I will try again to

revert to my old days of subbing in the good...hopefully I can hold on to the




Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

Re: Eating " Rules "

Thanks, , for your thoughtful response. What makes me feel better? My Dew.

Well, I know that is only a temporary fix.

What makes me happy?

I have no idea. I guess I will have to see about that.


Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

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Tania, you are keeping in mind that Mountain Dew has a fair amount of caffeine,

right? So there's a physical addiction factor unrelated to your emotional state.

Annie's suggestion of substituting green tea might work well if you don't want

to go cold turkey, since you'd still be getting the caffeine, but in a healthier

way. (According to this week's medical advice, anyway! LOL!)


From: " tania_khalil@... " <tania_khalil@...>


Sent: Tue, March 15, 2011 1:02:57 AM

Subject: Re: Eating " Rules "

You are completely right, Annie. I have done this before, but as always, when I

find something that works, my brain refuses to continue it. Secondly, it is

like my inner brat sees the ruse that I try to forge and it holds ever tighter

to the noose around my neck. Weird. It is like a battle within myself. It

isn't that I don't like water, but there is some magnet in me for things that I

shouldn't have which pushes me to forgo the things I should do in order to

justify having the second Dew or the two chocolate bars. I will try again to

revert to my old days of subbing in the good...hopefully I can hold on to the




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Re: Eating " Rules "

Thanks, , for your thoughtful response. What makes me feel better? My Dew.

Well, I know that is only a temporary fix.

What makes me happy?

I have no idea. I guess I will have to see about that.


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Yes, you are right, . I can manage a day with a couple cups of Turkish

coffee and maybe an iced tea. I just need to break the mental and emotional

attachment:). Thanks!


Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

Re: Eating " Rules "

Thanks, , for your thoughtful response. What makes me feel better? My Dew.

Well, I know that is only a temporary fix.

What makes me happy?

I have no idea. I guess I will have to see about that.


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Yes, you are right, . I can manage a day with a couple cups of Turkish

coffee and maybe an iced tea. I just need to break the mental and emotional

attachment:). Thanks!


Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

Re: Eating " Rules "

Thanks, , for your thoughtful response. What makes me feel better? My Dew.

Well, I know that is only a temporary fix.

What makes me happy?

I have no idea. I guess I will have to see about that.


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Hi Tania!

 After reading this message and your expression of you believing that you are

not a good person, maybe you could try relistening to the episodes about

assumptions that are the bases of the IOWL program.  Those are episodes

134-141.  I remember talking about how every action at some level is good,

and that we all are good, no matter what our size and shape are.  Maybe try

meditating or doing some EFT on letting go of your feelings of guilt and " not

being good enough. "   Just a few suggestions!  I hope they help!


- :)

From: tania_khalil@... <tania_khalil@...>

Subject: Re: Eating " Rules "


Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2011, 5:59 AM

After pondering these questions for a couple of days, this is what I came up


Here is the question:

What is the inner Brat trying to protect you from? 

This, I am not sure of. Loneliness?  Insecurity? Hm...

Why does she feel that your truth feels like a lie and why does that lie feel

like death (noose)? 

My truth, in all sincerity, is that I do not deserve happiness and success.  I

am not a " good " person.  Guilt is a burden that I carried from the time I was

old enough to know the difference between right and wrong.  That being said,

these are my innermost FEELINGS, however, people in my life will tell you the

polar opposite.  I work hard to try to educate my children, to play with them,

to maintain a decent household, to feed my children healthy home cooked meals

daily, and (last, but certainly not least) to be what I am supposed to be to the

God.  In my own opinion, I never do things " good " enough.  There is always room

for so much improvement.  My inner brat knows these things about me and doesn't

want me to fool myself by " pretending " that I want to add good things to my diet

in order to get rid the bad.

Who in your life has made it hard for you to accept that your inner truth is


My parents and hubby have always tried to make me feel good, but it isn't

something that I believe.  It is just my wiring.  My aunt committed suicide when

I was very young because her husband had an affair.  Some said it was because

her " perfect " life was no longer " perfect " .  I have often heard that I am a lot

like her.  She was an uber-perfectionist, but I am not that extreme.

Why does your inner brat want to act out in defiance? 

This is my very nature.  I have always been on the rebellious (but safe) side of


What does she need?

I think like most, she needs to learn to love and accept herself in all her


Thank you, Jen, for asking these questions.  I just would like to figure out how

to change me (well, my perception of myself).  Thanks again.


Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

Re: Eating " Rules "

Thanks, , for your thoughtful response.  What makes me feel better? My Dew. 

Well, I know that is only a temporary fix. 

What makes me happy?

I have no idea.  I guess I will have to see about that.


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Thanks, :). I will definitely go back and give them another listen. The

meditation doesn't sound like it would hurt either. Sue's and ev's posts on the

Laws of Attraction might help.

Thank you:)


Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

Re: Eating " Rules "

Thanks, , for your thoughtful response.  What makes me feel better? My Dew. 

Well, I know that is only a temporary fix. 

What makes me happy?

I have no idea.  I guess I will have to see about that.


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I know that sometimes people talk of their inner child throwing a tantrum and

needing a time out (or a spanking). Or like you, they talk about their inner


I don't find it helpful to use such negative images for whatever part of my

Inner Committee (Inner Child, Inner Toddler, Inner Teenager, Inner Mother) is

trying to run the Meeting at the moment.

In your case, I'm guessing at Inner Teenager here. But she doesn't sound like a

brat to me--she sounds like someone who is striving to create the best possible

You she can.

The problem with letting teenagers run the committee, though, is that they lack

perspective. They still have that black and white thinking--that something is

either perfect or it's a failure. So she's so busy seeing all the work that

still has to be done, that she can't see what's already been accomplished.

You're probably right that she has to learn to love and accept herself in all

her inadequacies--but maybe she also needs to learn to love herself in all her

adequacies?? And maybe even to accept the areas where you excel?

You say " My parents and hubby have always tried to make me feel good, but it

isn't something that I believe. " I'm reminded of one of my daughters. When she

was in elementary school, I could never say that anything she did was wonderful.

" You're just saying that because you're my mom. " So I had to learn to be very

specific. " I like the way you sang that song, because you put a lot of emotion

into the chorus. I like the way you built up the tension in this story you

wrote. " " Yes, I understand you're frustrated by the way this part came out. But

that part came out fine because.... " Over time, she's learned to accept

compliments a little more easily. But it's because she trusts me to answer

honestly. (OK, with a *little* " you're my daughter, you're perfect " shading....)

I wonder if you could find a way to work on this? Maybe by having an inner

dialog with your inner teenager, explaining *why* you're good because... (Even

if you also have to say " I know I can improve a, b, and c, but I really got d

exactly they way I wanted.) I like the way described her recent

dialog--actually setting up chairs for the participants. Maybe something like

that would work?

And of course, the IOWL approach--have you listened to the series on limiting

beliefs lately?


From: " tania_khalil@... " <tania_khalil@...>


Sent: Wed, March 16, 2011 2:59:22 PM

Subject: Re: Eating " Rules "

After pondering these questions for a couple of days, this is what I came up


Here is the question:

What is the inner Brat trying to protect you from?

This, I am not sure of. Loneliness? Insecurity? Hm...

Why does she feel that your truth feels like a lie and why does that lie feel

like death (noose)?

My truth, in all sincerity, is that I do not deserve happiness and success. I

am not a " good " person. Guilt is a burden that I carried from the time I was

old enough to know the difference between right and wrong. That being said,

these are my innermost FEELINGS, however, people in my life will tell you the

polar opposite. I work hard to try to educate my children, to play with them,

to maintain a decent household, to feed my children healthy home cooked meals

daily, and (last, but certainly not least) to be what I am supposed to be to the

God. In my own opinion, I never do things " good " enough. There is always room

for so much improvement. My inner brat knows these things about me and doesn't

want me to fool myself by " pretending " that I want to add good things to my diet

in order to get rid the bad.

Who in your life has made it hard for you to accept that your inner truth is


My parents and hubby have always tried to make me feel good, but it isn't

something that I believe. It is just my wiring. My aunt committed suicide when

I was very young because her husband had an affair. Some said it was because

her " perfect " life was no longer " perfect " . I have often heard that I am a lot

like her. She was an uber-perfectionist, but I am not that extreme.

Why does your inner brat want to act out in defiance?

This is my very nature. I have always been on the rebellious (but safe) side of


What does she need?

I think like most, she needs to learn to love and accept herself in all her


Thank you, Jen, for asking these questions. I just would like to figure out how

to change me (well, my perception of myself). Thanks again.


Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

Re: Eating " Rules "

Thanks, , for your thoughtful response. What makes me feel better? My Dew.

Well, I know that is only a temporary fix.

What makes me happy?

I have no idea. I guess I will have to see about that.


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I found myself listening to the " Assumptions " series, as some(I think Sue?)

suggested. It has been a help. I will go back and listen again to the limiting

beliefs sets, as well.

I thank you for your perspective. As always, your guidance from a psychological

standpoint is highly beneficial. While I felt like a scolded child :), I saw

your words to be true. I see things from black and white and I need to be proud

of what I have done. All-in-all, if I should improve anything it is self love

and appreciation, as well as patience. The rest, I have got it covered lol.

My hat is off to you and I would love to know how you are such a master at this.

Thanks for your time and your sincerity.


Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

Re: Eating " Rules "

Thanks, , for your thoughtful response. What makes me feel better? My Dew.

Well, I know that is only a temporary fix.

What makes me happy?

I have no idea. I guess I will have to see about that.


Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

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