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Re: Re: Cod Liver Oil - Pyroluria

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(Has anyone else experienced iodine-like symptoms with cod liver oil?)"I have several relatives who do, and people with the disorder pyroluria (google for description) generally have problems with cod liver oil, fish oil, kelp, and flax. It's blamed on the n3's, and it may be to some extent, but I think iodine is responsible because fish oils bring symptoms on much stronger than flax (which only has trace amounts of iodine), and kelp which has little n3." -- Cara

I looked up Pyroluria and found the following: "Pyroluria is a genetically determined chemical imbalance involving an abnormality in hemoglobin synthesis. Hemoglobin is the protein that holds iron in the red blood cell. Individuals with this disorder produce too much of a byproduct of hemoglobin synthesis called "kryptopyrrole" (KP) or "hemepyrrole." Kryptopyrrole has no known function in the body, and is excreted in urine.

Kryptopyrrole has binds to pyridoxine (vitamin B6) and zinc and makes them unavailable for their important roles of co-factors in enzymes and metabolism. These essential nutrients when bound to kryptopyrrole are removed from the bloodstream and excreted into the urine as pyrroles. Arachidonic acid (an omega-6 fatty acid) is also deficient....

Most individuals show symptoms of zinc and/or B6 deficiencies, which include poor stress control, nervousness, anxiety, mood swings, severe inner tension, episodic anger (an explosive temper), poor short-term memory and depression. Most pyrolurics exhibit at least two of these problems. These individuals cannot efficiently create serotonin (a neurotransmitter that reduces anxiety and depression) since vitamin B6 is an important factor in the last step of its synthesis....

Pyroluria is detected by chemical analysis of the abnormal pyroles in urine detectable as a purple (on testing paper) metabolite in called "the mauve factor." ...

People with mild-moderate pyroluria usually have a fairly rapid response to treatment if no other chemical imbalances are present. People with severe pyroluria usually require several weeks before progress is seen and improvement may be gradual over 3 - 12 months....

Pyroluria is managed in part by restoring vitamin B6 and zinc....Other nutrients may assist in pyroluria include niacinamide, pantothenic acid, manganese, vitamins C and E, omega-6 fatty acids and cysteine. Food sources and nutritional supplements containing copper and red/yellow food dyes should be avoided.

Because pyrolurics are stress intolerant, they seem to be especially vulnerable to cumulative stress over many days.


Beneficial supplements: Vitamin B6, zinc, manganese, evening primrose oil

Potentially harmful supplements: Histidine, copper, omega-3 fatty acids


May have methylation/histamine imbalances.


If present, the condition is usually then treated by supplementing appropriate levels of vitamin B6, zinc, manganese and Evening Primrose Oil. Antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E may also be supplemented as oxidative stresses are believed to influence the severity of the condition. In addition, vitamin B3 supplementation may be considered because the synthesis of niacin (vitamin B3) from the amino acid tryptophan is dependent upon the availability of vitamin B6, so a deficiency in B3 could arise from vitamin B6 deficiency.


Treatment for Pyroluria: (Must have daily supplement!!!!!)

B6, B6, B6, B6 – (more than 200 mg a day from all combined sources-ask DR.)

Zinc -seek advice from DR but generally at least 30 mg/day- more watch copper

Arachadonic Acid (Cod Liver oil is contra-indicated w/o adding animal fat first)


So, this is what I got when I googled "Pyroluria". Sounds like you have learned to live with an interesting health challenge. And what I'm hearing is that you think that the iodine in the cod liver oil is the critical factor, not the omega 3's. Am I correct in assuming you have been diagnosed with Pyroluria?


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In a message dated 03/03/2006 09:03:02 GMT Standard Time, atr1601@... writes:

pyroluria. I have ALL the symptoms.

Hi Many

I am interested in pyroluria and wonder if you could say more about the symptoms. B6and zinc are the central treatments are they not?


HEPACTION Counselling & Healing Serviceshttp://www.hepactionuk.blogspot.com/

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Had the same problems with CLO making me wired and irritable, only it didn't take two days for it to take effect. Since homeopathy and taking SAM-E I have no more problem. Hope you can find something to help so that you can benefit from it also. I don't take it all the time, but usually when I do not take it I take flax oil and cottage cheese so I can have Omega 3 benefits. By the way, I am now having problems with the Iodine making me a bit restless, take it only twice a week now or less

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