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Re: UTI- help, please

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Check out d-Ribose and drink plenty of water to keep the bladder flushed out. The herb, Uva ursi is a long time remedy for UTI's too.

mjh"The Basil Book"http://foxhillfarm.us/FireBasil/

Posted by: " Z" perennialgardener2003@... perennialgardener2003

Sat Sep 16, 2006 1:11 pm (PST)

Hi Jane, I dont know of a natural way to kill the bacteria that cause a UTI. If left untreated, the bacteria will travel up to your kidneys and you will have a kidney infection. It is much easier to treat now.Also, your cranberry juice should be all juice..no sugar. It is good for helping PREVENT a UTI because it helps keep the bacteria from growing. As far as helping it be alleviated, I dont think it will.I have a friend who was just Dx with leukemia. Are you doing anything special for your Dx? Wishing you strength and peace. Michigan

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D-Mannose. Do an internet search as

there are several products that are effective.

Drink lots of pure, clean water.


Jane Rowland

<classicalwriter@...> wrote:

Hello all,/ connection?>

Well, I'd like to help my body cure this thing without

antibiotics. Im just unfamiliar with this ailment.

I have cranberry juice, pure, but no idea how much to drink.

I've started using those AZO yellow tabs and they work amazingly well for

symptoms. But I want a cure.

Can anyone help me with serious nutritional support

accompanied by an explanantion of *why* a particular thing works if you know.

Im kind of suffering here and am in no position to be ill.

How long should I give it to get better, or what signs

should send me to the doc?

I hold no one responsible for sharing their nutritional

opinions as medical advice. I appreciate your help.


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Below from Alternative Medicine Forum. I know people who cured

urinary ifections with cranberry juice. Not the sweet stugff but

cranberry juice with no sugar, grape juice or other sweeners. They

generally drak a full glass of juice many times a day for a week or



Compounds In Cranberry Juice Show Promise As Alternatives To

Antibiotics For Treating A Host Of Human IllnessesMain Category:

Nutrition/Agriculture News

http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medicalnews.php?newsid=51584 & nfid=29520

Compounds in cranberry juice have the ability to change E. coli

bacteria, a class of microorganisms responsible for a host of human

illnesses (everything from kidney infections to gastroenteritis to

tooth decay), in ways that render them unable to initiate an

infection. The results of this new research by scientists at Worcester

Polytechnic Institute (WPI) suggest that the cranberry may provide an

alternative to antibiotics, particularly for combating E. coli

bacteria that have become resistant to conventional treatment.

On 9/16/06, Z <perennialgardener2003@...> wrote:




> Hi Jane,

> I dont know of a natural way to kill the bacteria that cause a UTI. If left

untreated, the bacteria will travel up to your kidneys and you will have a

kidney infection. It is much easier to treat now.


> Also, your cranberry juice should be all juice..no sugar. It is good for

helping PREVENT a UTI because it helps keep the bacteria from growing. As far

as helping it be alleviated, I dont think it will.


> I have a friend who was just Dx with leukemia. Are you doing anything special

for your Dx? Wishing you strength and peace.


> Michigan


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Hi Jane,

Since this is an iodine group...how about iodine! Seriously, I do

recall but can't remember which doctor said this but he always

traveled with SSKI and would give it to his wife or other women who

developed UTIs on their trips. I don't remember the dose but it

seemed to be a lot, used throughout the day. I don't know but

imagine other iodine formulations besides SSKI would do the trick.

Also, the following is from Dr. 's website:

Flushing out a UTI

Q: I was hospitalized twice last year with severe UTIs. Is there

anything I can do to help stop this problem before it starts?

JVW: The natural, simple sugar D-mannose can be a valuable aid in

preventing urinary tract infections (UTIs). D-mannose clings to the

E. coli, the bacteria responsible for 90 percent of all urinary

tract infections. By coating the bacteria, it prevents them from

clinging to the walls of the bladder and urinary tract. The normal

flow of urine rinses the bacteria out of your system, thus

preventing infection. D-mannose instructions state to take 1/2 to 1

tsp. every four to six hours, but it's safe to use more and to take

it more often in order to clear the urinary tract of infection as

quickly as possible.

But even though D-mannose can prevent the majority of UTIs, it will

not work on the 10 percent that are caused by something other than

E. coli bacteria. For this reason, if you have symptoms of an

infection that last longer than 24 hours, it is important to talk to

your doctor about whether you might need some other form of


What is...D-mannose?

D-mannose is a natural, entirely safe simple sugar that is present

in small amounts in some fruits, such as cranberry and pineapple.

Although it has the ability to latch on to the bacteria that cause

most urinary tract infections, it does not harm the good bacteria

lining the digestive tract, which makes it safe for long-term

preventative treatment. Our bodies have the ability to metabolize

only small amounts of D-mannose, so most is excreted in the urine



Best wishes,


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Hi again Jane,

Also saw this on the doctoryourself.com website:


" I wanted to share a testimonial about the benefits of using


high dose vitamin C. Last week, I began to feel very " dragged down "


noticed that my urine was tinged red. Upon closer examination of it,


saw blood flecks in it. I referred to my American Medical


Symptom Guide (that is the full extent of my use of the American


Association!) and found that bladder infection was a possibility. I


never had such an infection before.

" Next, I went to your site and found a reference to bladder

infection, and

saw, as is often the case, that there was a reference to successful

treatment with high doses vitamin C. Since IV administration of it


an option, I began to take 2000 mg orally each hour. After 2 hours I


noticeably better. After 4 hours my urine returned to a normal

appearance. The next morning I felt 90% normal, and continued to

take it

that next day, but at a lesser dose.



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I am prone to UTI's with Medullary Sponge Kidney. I found with the last one that I finally had to resort to an antibiotic; all the natural methods we tried didn't work and it worked it's way to the kidney and became very very painful. What helps is Lemonade, using fresh lemons with stevia and not sugar; the acid in the lemons and the bioflavenoids and the enzymes in lemons are good for the kidneys, as is the cranberry juice; I drink the blends because straight c-juice is just too strong for me flavor wise. Be careful with the UTI, if it gets to the kidney it becomes very painful! I tried using colloidal silver, plus the juices, and I just got sicker, but when I had the first one 2 months previously, it was caught early and the doc said that we only needed a mild antibiotic for it, whereas this last time it had really gotten very bad and the kidney was involved, so we did need something more powerful as I got pretty sick with that one. Just cautioning you to be careful

because left unchecked it gets nasty. I generally don't like the antibiotics because I always get a nasty yeast infection, so eat lots of yogurt and drink kefir to replace your friendly flora if you use an antibiotic.

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Thanks everyone. I have researched the antibiotics and settled on

Bactrim, a 3 day course(as opposed to Augmentin or Cipro). I think

since I have no neutrophils, I better just deal with antibiotics.

My fever is climbing pretty fast - it's kind of awesome to watch.

Well, I'll put a pot of kefir on and pray for the best.



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>From: " Jane Rowland " <classicalwriter@...>


>Thanks everyone. I have researched the antibiotics and settled on

>Bactrim, a 3 day course(as opposed to Augmentin or Cipro). I think

>since I have no neutrophils, I better just deal with antibiotics.


>My fever is climbing pretty fast - it's kind of awesome to watch.

>Well, I'll put a pot of kefir on and pray for the best.

I'm a little surprised someone taking iodine would get a UTI.



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You probably know that anyone with CLL doesn't have time to wait and see if an infection gets better, because without normal immunity things can get out of hand very quickly. The advice I've read on CLL Topics is that anyone with CLL should get themselves to a doctor pronto at the first signs of an infection.

As for natural remedies short of antibiotics, some people swear by colloidal silver. Garlic or oil of oregano are supposed to be antibacterial. Cranberry juice without sugar prevents bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall, and you need to drink it throughout the day. But I think it works only as a preventive, not a cure for UTIs. Dr. says D-Mannose works 200 times better than cranberry juice, see his website for his Tahoma Clinic. It's not a cure either, but you might want to take it periodically after your UTI clears up. I don't know if iodine can play a role in treating a UTI, nor am I familiar with fulvic acid or AZO.

You may well need antibiotics to clear up the infection you have now, and then use the above measures to keep it from recurring.


Hello all,

As some of you know, I'm in a struggle with this stupid leukemia.

Well, Out of nowhere (as thesethings happen) I have a urinary tract infection. Havne't had one of those since 1983!

All I know is I started Fulvic Acid liquid minerals - called Master Detox - three days ago and hello, falling apart. Though i felt great the first two days. I kind of overdrank the stuff I guess. Anyone aware of a connection?

Well, I'd like to help my body cure this thing without antibiotics. Im just unfamiliar with this ailment.

I have cranberry juice, pure, but no idea how much to drink. I've started using those AZO yellow tabs and they work amazingly well for symptoms. But I want a cure.

Can anyone help me with serious nutritional support accompanied by an explanantion of *why* a particular thing works if you know. Im kind of suffering here and am in no position to be ill.

How long should I give it to get better, or what signs should send me to the doc?

I hold no one responsible for sharing their nutritional opinions as medical advice. I appreciate your help.


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Maybe a sign that it is not being absorbed?

--- Skipper Beers <lsb149@...> wrote:

> >From: " Jane Rowland " <classicalwriter@...>


> >

> >Thanks everyone. I have researched the antibiotics and settled on

> >Bactrim, a 3 day course(as opposed to Augmentin or Cipro). I think

> >since I have no neutrophils, I better just deal with antibiotics.

> >

> >My fever is climbing pretty fast - it's kind of awesome to watch.

> >Well, I'll put a pot of kefir on and pray for the best.


> I'm a little surprised someone taking iodine would get a UTI.


> Skipper


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>From: <kennio@...>

>Maybe a sign that it is not being absorbed?

Except it leaves through the urinary tract.



>--- Skipper Beers <lsb149@...> wrote:


> > >From: " Jane Rowland " <classicalwriter@...>

> >

> > >

> > >Thanks everyone. I have researched the antibiotics and settled on

> > >Bactrim, a 3 day course(as opposed to Augmentin or Cipro). I think

> > >since I have no neutrophils, I better just deal with antibiotics.

> > >

> > >My fever is climbing pretty fast - it's kind of awesome to watch.

> > >Well, I'll put a pot of kefir on and pray for the best.

> >

> > I'm a little surprised someone taking iodine would get a UTI.

> >

> > Skipper

> >

> > _________________________________________________________________

> > Get real-time traffic reports with Windows Live Local Search

> >

>http://local.live.com/default.aspx?v=2 & cp=42.336065~-109.392273 & style=r & lvl=4 & s\

cene=3712634 & trfc=1

> >

> >





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ya couldn't pay me to take a quinolone antibotic again...horrible experience with Levaquin...and probably because i have autoimmune disease. http://www.drugvictims.org/reports.html cindi <kennio@...> wrote:--- > > >> >Thanks everyone. I have researched the antibiotics and settled on> >Bactrim, a 3 day course(as opposed to Augmentin or Cipro).

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Mannose is one of the 8 essential sugars in Ambrotose.

RE: UTI- help, please

D-Mannose. Do an internet search as there are several products that are effective. Drink lots of pure, clean water.


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Aargh...I looked up D-Mannose right as I was swilling back my first Bactrim. I wish I could bring it back up. Rats. Never panic. NEVER PANIC.

That's what I was loooking for(D mannose) and it does work, most of the time. I've heard of it. Thank you.

Well, in my readings I found that in mild cases of UTI, a sinlge day dose of Bactrim is often enough to kick it out. So Ill try to find DMannose on a SUNDAY in GEORGIA and continue with that. I think it will work. I'm starting now with the VSL#3 450 Billion probies to stave off a yeast attack.

Im really up for whatever ideas you all have to AVOID a yeast infection. Should I (why am I shouting???) should I (more softly now) use OTC girly yeast products as a preventative, or cold kefir?

I need a valium and a cabernet.


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Yes, but it is better to use it by itself

as you get more concentration and better results. There are several good

products out there that just contain D-Mannose.

Much, much cheaper than



Mannose is one of the 8 essential sugars in Ambrotose.


help, please

D-Mannose. Do an internet search as there are several products that are

effective. Drink lots of pure, clean water.


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>From: " Jane Rowland " <classicalwriter@...>

>Im really up for whatever ideas you all have to AVOID a yeast infection.

>Should I (why am I shouting???) should I (more softly now) use OTC girly

>yeast products as a preventative, or cold kefir?

The old remedy for yeast infection was 6 drops of Lugol's Solution 4 times

per day. If you search yeast and Hulda , I'm sure you can find it.



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>From: Cindi <cindi22595@...>

>ya couldn't pay me to take a quinolone antibotic again...horrible

>experience with Levaquin...and probably because i have autoimmune disease.

That's because those medications are fluorinated. Cipro especially affects

the thyroid. Those drugs give you fluoride poisoning.



> http://www.drugvictims.org/reports.html


> cindi


> <kennio@...> wrote:--- >

> > >

> > >Thanks everyone. I have researched the antibiotics and settled on

> > >Bactrim, a 3 day course(as opposed to Augmentin or Cipro).







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I used to have a chronic UTI, to include kidney

infection. The Urologist wanted to put me on an

antibiotic permanently.

I thought that would not be best as overdoing

antibiotics can cause problems. I have gotten rid of

my UTIs by drinking a glass of lemonade every morning.

I also drink ginger tea in the day and never get colds

either. I don't know which one helps me the most but I

intend to keep doing both as it is working.

I have read there are dangers to grapefruit seed

extract so I don't try that.

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Jane you are on 50mg Iodoral?


Thanks everyone. I have researched the antibiotics and settled on Bactrim, a 3 day course(as opposed to Augmentin or Cipro). I think since I have no neutrophils, I better just deal with antibiotics.My fever is climbing pretty fast - it's kind of awesome to watch. Well, I'll put a pot of kefir on and pray for the best.Dangit.Jane

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I think I was thrown off of this forum :) The head guy didn't like me.


Below from Alternative Medicine Forum. I know people who curedurinary ifections with cranberry juice. Not the sweet stugff butcranberry juice with no sugar, grape juice or other sweeners. Theygenerally drak a full glass of juice many times a day for a week orlonger.Alobar


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i know...but i'm not sure all the varied damage is due to flouride....still researching how it damages cartilage...and affects enzyme pathways in the liver. can't believe folks are being given these drugs for sinus infections. cindi Skipper Beers <lsb149@...> wrote: >From: Cindi >ya couldn't pay me to take a quinolone antibotic again...horrible >experience with Levaquin...and probably because i have autoimmune disease.That's because those medications are fluorinated. Cipro especially affects the thyroid. Those drugs give you fluoride poisoning.

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Seriously Gracia, why?LinnOn Sep 17, 2006, at 8:12 AM, Gracia wrote:   I think I was thrown off of this forum :)  The head guy didn't like me.   gracia Below from Alternative Medicine Forum. I know people who curedurinary ifections with cranberry juice. Not the sweet stugff butcranberry juice with no sugar, grape juice or other sweeners. Theygenerally drak a full glass of juice many times a day for a week orlonger.Alobar

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I've always taken Bactrim for my UTI's, and it has always worked for me,

with no side-effects. Good luck, UTI's suck.


Handcrafted Jewelry ~ http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

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~If you can stay calm, while all around you is chaos...then

you probably haven't completely understood the situation.~

~Flashlights are tubular metal containers for the

purpose of storing dead batteries.~

> Thanks everyone. I have researched the antibiotics and settled on

> Bactrim, a 3 day course(as opposed to Augmentin or Cipro). I think

> since I have no neutrophils, I better just deal with antibiotics.


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I've gotten a UTI while on Iodine. The last one wsa just a couple of months

ago, and I've been on Iodine for about 6 months. I did get rid of it with

cranberry, lots of water, and homeopathic cantharis.


Handcrafted Jewelry ~ http://www.ChestnutHillDesigns.com

Curly Horse Rescue ~ http://www.CurlyRescue.com

~If you can stay calm, while all around you is chaos...then

you probably haven't completely understood the situation.~

~Flashlights are tubular metal containers for the

purpose of storing dead batteries.~


> I'm a little surprised someone taking iodine would get a UTI.


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