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My fibro doctor (Dr. Dantini in Florida) recommends 5-10 mg per night of

melatonin to his patients. It took me six months at 9 mg (three 3 mg capsules)

before I got rested enough to lower the dose to 6 mg for three months, now at a

maintenance dose of 3 mg EVERY night without fail about 30 minutes before I want

to go to sleep. And I get very sleepy, drop off right away, usually wake after

1-1/2 to 2 hours to use the bathroom, then sleep for 6 hours more before I get a

slight hot flush, flip the covers, then sleep several more hours. When I added

Ultra-Cal Night by Source Naturals I found I was dreaming again, remembering my

dreams in the morning, which means I'm getting REM sleep that I must not have

been getting before since I couldn't remember dreaming. My husband doesn't take

melatonin every night and then wonders why he can't sleep, puts off taking it,

then sleeps later cuz he takes it so late. The best way is to take it EVERY

night, 20-30 minutes before bedtime. I buy Natrol brand that also has B6 and

Calcium in the formula with 3 mg melatonin, and that seems to work well for me.

I must have been pretty exhausted from years of not sleeping well (around 1996

when I started perimenopause and hot flashes, really bad food allergies,

overdoing my body's limitations of working too much and doing too much). I

really crashed in 2001 but didn't find help til 2003 with Dr. Dantini through

the internet. I started Recup in 2005 and that helped my energy levels, I

started having shorter naps (20-30 minutes instead of the 2-1/2 hours

previously) and I wake one hour or more earlier in the morning refreshed. So

melatonin does work for some people. I have read about others needed to combine

it with 5HTP and/or Tryptophan. A friend eats turkey before bedtime (natural

tryptophan) and he gets 4-6 hours of sleep where before it was about 2-4 hours

(melatonin didn't work for him).

in La Selva Beach CA

Re: GABA and 5-HTP for help sleeping--Adrienne

I have a lot of difficulty falling asleep. Do you know anything that helps

that? I already take extra Magnesium. It's combined with Calcium and Zinc.

I'm curious, when do you take the Tryptophan and Magnesium? How long before


Thanks again! :)

Sue B.

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Remember that Melatonin is made from Serotonin and that it takes enough

l-Tryptophan to make the serotonin. Niacin is required to help the


I think that brightlight is also required and/or vitamin D.


" The Basil Book "

_http://foxhillfarm.us/FireBasil/_ (http://foxhillfarm.us/FireBasil/)

So melatonin does work for some people. I have read about others needed to

combine it with 5HTP and/or Tryptophan. A friend eats turkey before bedtime

(natural tryptophan) and he gets 4-6 hours of sleep where before it was about

2-4 hours (melatonin didn't work for him).

in La Selva Beach CA

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