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Re: letter to SAMHSA

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agree nancyi would question also if the are taking the wurst data on only 75% specific at a cutoff of 500ng/ml ask them to have their toxicologist to rule on the science of ruining lives with a test that will misidentify 25% of the kids as alcoholics and can't tell a beer from hand cleanser.. regards,r nautiques5 <nautiques5@...> wrote: I wrote this letter to SAMHSA....I'll let you know any response I get from it. Maybe it would help if others would send thier concerns

also!I have seen several recent articles about the use of Etg in schools with the hope of picking up Friday night drinking on Monday morning. I have several concerns about this in the area of education on this test. I see the Etg testing will recieve federal funding and with that I would hope that these schools recieve the proper education on the use of this test. Some of my concerns are as follow:1. They are mentioning the '80 hour window' which would mean a low cut-off and the increased chance of incidental use. The are wanting to pick up those who drank 1 - 2 drinks on Friday on a Monday morning....in order to do this they are running the risk of using a cut-off which overlaps with incidental use. 2. WHO will be able to interpret these results? Currently even MRO's and monitoring agencies cannot interpret results adequately....because the information to interpret is just not available....now we

have school counselors trying to interpret test results???3. The NMS mouthwash study showed a positive result in 1 out of 9 using mouthwash. The statement was made that the person that was positive was 'a petite woman'. What affect is the body weights of high school students (esp. those skinny little girls) going to have on Etg....we don't know. How about the affects of hormones....we don't know. How about the average diet of a high school student (I know because I have a 17 YO son)....chinese buffets, pizza and red bull energy drink (all containing alcohol) Certainly these students cannot be made to become neurotic about what they put into their bodies as we have been made to over this test.4. They state that no disciplinary action will be taken...parents will be notified and counseling given. I think many of us who have been through this Etg nightmare can tell you what damage allegations alone have caused.

To be 'labeled' innocently can cause irreputable damage to a student.I believe MAJOR education needs to be provided to these schools and assurance that NO student be falsely accused. I can't believe in light of the SAHMSA advisory and need for research on this test that so many are willing to take this chance...will the benefits outweigh the possible damage this may cause? I ask that some measures be taken to assure what has happened to so many others over false accusations NOT happen to our students also! Thanks, 1010 WINS - On-Air, Online, On Demand - New Jersey School to Test for Students' Weekend Drinking

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great letter, . well stated. am going to write one myself....Jessrobin murray <remurraymd@...> wrote: agree nancyi would question also if the are taking the wurst data on only 75% specific at a cutoff of 500ng/ml ask them to have their toxicologist to rule on the science of ruining lives with a test that will misidentify 25% of the kids as alcoholics and can't tell a beer from hand cleanser.. regards,r nautiques5 <nautiques5 >

wrote: I wrote this letter to SAMHSA....I'll let you know any response I get from it. Maybe it would help if others would send thier concerns also!I have seen several recent articles about the use of Etg in schools with the hope of picking up Friday night drinking on Monday morning. I have several concerns about this in the area of education on this test. I see the Etg testing will recieve federal funding and with that I would hope that these schools recieve the proper education on the use of this test. Some of my concerns are as follow:1. They are mentioning the '80 hour window' which would mean a low cut-off and the increased chance of incidental use. The are wanting to pick up those who drank 1 - 2 drinks on Friday on a Monday morning....in order to do this they are running the risk of using a

cut-off which overlaps with incidental use. 2. WHO will be able to interpret these results? Currently even MRO's and monitoring agencies cannot interpret results adequately....because the information to interpret is just not available....now we have school counselors trying to interpret test results???3. The NMS mouthwash study showed a positive result in 1 out of 9 using mouthwash. The statement was made that the person that was positive was 'a petite woman'. What affect is the body weights of high school students (esp. those skinny little girls) going to have on Etg....we don't know. How about the affects of hormones....we don't know. How about the average diet of a high school student (I know because I have a 17 YO son)....chinese buffets, pizza and red bull energy drink (all containing alcohol) Certainly these students cannot be made to become neurotic about what they put into their bodies

as we have been made to over this test.4. They state that no disciplinary action will be taken...parents will be notified and counseling given. I think many of us who have been through this Etg nightmare can tell you what damage allegations alone have caused. To be 'labeled' innocently can cause irreputable damage to a student.I believe MAJOR education needs to be provided to these schools and assurance that NO student be falsely accused. I can't believe in light of the SAHMSA advisory and need for research on this test that so many are willing to take this chance...will the benefits outweigh the possible damage this may cause? I ask that some measures be taken to assure what has happened to so many others over false accusations NOT happen to our students also! Thanks, 1010 WINS - On-Air, Online, On Demand - New Jersey School to Test for Students' Weekend Drinking

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