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<<Hi Jessi, I am so weak and tired. I wish I knew what is causing me to feel this way. I guess I will have to do more resting. Sometimes I feel like I need to try harder to keep my strength up, but it is so hard to do anything. Now I am so scared that I will fall again, so I'm moving very slowly and carefully. How can you take care of so many animals? Don't some of them cause your breathing problems? Take care<<

hi Carolyn :'o( I'm sorry to hear you are so weak!! Please be careful you sure don't need any more falls!!!!!! I'm not always able to take care of the animals but I try my hardest! Nana helps out a lot when I'm sick if I need it lol but I'm pretty stubborn and I like to do things for myself!! lol animals are the ones that keep me going a lot of the time! To me there is nothing better then watching ducks play in the water (don't have any right now but us to) or going on a walk around the pasture with my dog or waking up to my cat sleeping beside me :o) When I don't have animals I find myself in bed more and I also find that I don't try to do things around the house and yard that need to be done, like keeping the lawn mowed (without animals out there and me unable to spend a lot of time out there what's the point) or the fence mended, both things I can't do a lot BUT I am capable of doing. Also since I'm unable to attend school they keep me busy, I know I have to get up every morning before 8 to let the animals out to go potty things like that. :o) I'm actually REALLY lucky I don't have many allergies so I'm not allergic to any of the animals but the bird, she's the only one that gives me trouble with my breathing so she just doesn't live in my room like the others do. I'm still real careful, like the dog isn't allowed on my couch or bed and I make sure the rabbit cage is always clean and that the floors are always swept. I also have a hepa filter running at all times in my room.


Re: Re:Marsha

Hi Jessi, I am so weak and tired. I wish I knew what is causing me to feel this way. I guess I will have to do more resting. Sometimes I feel like I need to try harder to keep my strength up, but it is so hard to do anything. Now I am so scared that I will fall again, so I'm moving very slowly and carefully. How can you take care of so many animals? Don't some of them cause your breathing problems? Take careHugsCarolyn ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~ The Being Sick CommunityMessage Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-/messagesChat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at /chatBookmarks:-Add a website URL you have found useful./linksPersonal Complaints or problems:-Please contact a moderator email: -owner Subscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into groups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit:- /joinTo subscribe or unsubscribe please email:--subscribe -unsubscribe ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~When nothing is sure, everything is possible.--- Margaret Drabble~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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Yea, it was a lazy Sunday... I crossed stitched all day... Trying to do a german shepard, but the pattern we made just isn't right... i'd hate to have to trash the entire thing now after all that work in it, but I have got to get the face better than it is, or I won't send it to the quilt for the WTC... I've already torn the face out twice, looks like it is going to be a thrid time :o(

Sorry the girls are ill... I sent a card on for April... You have a young lady and a little girl... I didn't realize Amber was 16, and I know you have Told me... Takes a brick sometimes to hit me in the head to keep me thinking straight... :o)( I was married at 16) over 34 years ago :o)

Both of us still hurting bad :o( the pain index is still high... We're getting your rain in the morning and all day into Tuesday, then it is to get NICE here :o) We are to be near 75* by Friday :o) I hope no humidity :o) We have flood warnings up all around here on the river, so the new rain will make it worse... A 22 year old man, is missing ( a boy ) his family is frantic... His car went off the road in a swollen ditch over here and it looks like he had a head injury... Tracks indicate he did get out of the car and that is all they know... Their fear now is that he was swept down stream :o( I feal for the family... Living in small towns makes everyone know everyone by somebody... They still have not found him, they have now called in the FBI...They have search teams everywhere by land and air...Got down in the 20's the last two nights, so it doesn't look good ;o(

Keep us posted about your young un's...

((( Healthy Hugs )))



Being an earth angel doesn’t always involve something major, such as saving a life.

Sometimes we’re just needed to hold a hand, whisper a word of comfort or even provide food or drink.

As one writer put it,

“If People were more like Angels, Earth would be more like Heaven.â€

Think about it during this very special week..


"Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer has kept people on their feet."



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Helen-maybe you told me where you live once but i forget-our weather pattern is the same as yours and I live very near the missouri river. sure hope they find that 22 year old man and will prayfor him and for guidance as the authorities search for him. Hope your pain lessens too so you can rest. carol

On Mon, 8 Apr 2002 02:01:42 EDT angelbear1129@... writes:

Yea, it was a lazy Sunday... I crossed stitched all day... Trying to do a german shepard, but the pattern we made just isn't right... i'd hate to have to trash the entire thing now after all that work in it, but I have got to get the face better than it is, or I won't send it to the quilt for the WTC... I've already torn the face out twice, looks like it is going to be a thrid time :o( Sorry the girls are ill... I sent a card on for April... You have a young lady and a little girl... I didn't realize Amber was 16, and I know you have Told me... Takes a brick sometimes to hit me in the head to keep me thinking straight... :o)( I was married at 16) over 34 years ago :o) Both of us still hurting bad :o( the pain index is still high... We're getting your rain in the morning and all day into Tuesday, then it is to get NICE here :o) We are to be near 75* by Friday :o) I hope no humidity :o) We have flood warnings up all around here on the river, so the new rain will make it worse... A 22 year old man, is missing ( a boy ) his family is frantic... His car went off the road in a swollen ditch over here and it looks like he had a head injury... Tracks indicate he did get out of the car and that is all they know... Their fear now is that he was swept down stream :o( I feal for the family... Living in small towns makes everyone know everyone by somebody... They still have not found him, they have now called in the FBI...They have search teams everywhere by land and air...Got down in the 20's the last two nights, so it doesn't look good ;o( Keep us posted about your young un's... ((( Healthy Hugs ))) Helen

***************************************Being an earth angel doesn’t always involve something major, such as saving a life. Sometimes we’re just needed to hold a hand, whisper a word of comfort or even provide food or drink. As one writer put it, “If People were more like Angels, Earth would be more like Heaven.†Think about it during this very special week..***************************************"Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer has kept people on their feet." Swindoll***************************************

~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~ The Being Sick CommunityMessage Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-/messagesChat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at /chatBookmarks:-Add a website URL you have found useful./linksPersonal Complaints or problems:-Please contact a moderator email: -owner Subscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into groups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit:- /joinTo subscribe or unsubscribe please email:--subscribe -unsubscribe ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~When nothing is sure, everything is possible.--- Margaret Drabble~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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carolyn-am so sorry you feel so weak and tired-do be careful and don't over do during those times. carolm

On Sun, 7 Apr 2002 19:59:36 EDT Faulkncs@... writes:

Hi Jessi, I am so weak and tired. I wish I knew what is causing me to feel this way. I guess I will have to do more resting. Sometimes I feel like I need to try harder to keep my strength up, but it is so hard to do anything. Now I am so scared that I will fall again, so I'm moving very slowly and carefully. How can you take care of so many animals? Don't some of them cause your breathing problems? Take careHugsCarolyn ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~ The Being Sick CommunityMessage Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-/messagesChat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at /chatBookmarks:-Add a website URL you have found useful./linksPersonal Complaints or problems:-Please contact a moderator email: -owner Subscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into groups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit:- /joinTo subscribe or unsubscribe please email:--subscribe -unsubscribe ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~When nothing is sure, everything is possible.--- Margaret Drabble~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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grass would hurt her :o( It gets me going and I don't have asthma... Summer

is almost here... Hopefully that will help a lot :o)

Thought I would chime in here. I don't have

asthma, but when anyone within 100+ yards or so of my house mows the grass,

I go instantly into a major allergic reaction. Mine is because of

the mold that is kicked up when the grass is mowed. I actually have

even worse reactions when the grass has been cut after being sprayed with

the "Chemlawn" type chemicals. I HATE chemlawn & the other chemical

companies that come spray people's lawns.

This is just one more reason that I want to move

to a new home. We are currently living in a manufactured home (mobile

home) in a park that unfortunately has Koch Refinery plants both the south

of us and to the northeast of us. Does just lovely things to my allergies!!

I hate where we live, but we are stuck here for awhile longer until we

can save up enough money for a down payment on a house.

As for Summer making things better... I don't

know about having asthma but my allergies get worse & the heat &

humidity makes breathing really difficult!!

Love Always,


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Helen, I am sorry that you and Ross are still hurting, seems as if there could be something to help.

Too bad about the young man missing, have they found him yet?? That is how it is around here, we, also live in a small town and everyone seems to know everyone else, especially the HS kids, when one gets hurt or killed it just effects everyone.

I am feeling some better, at least I have not coughed off my toe nails today.LOL.

Amber is sniffing and snorting, so help me God!!! The oak and grass are really high right now and it always gets her even with Zyrtec and Rhinocort. I tell her to check her PFM, to keep tabs on her asthma, you would think I was asking her to do brain surgery, it justs takes a sec, come on. Yep, she will be 17 in Oct.

April noticed your card last night and she said she will look at it today after school, last night she was so worn out from the drive and all. Helen, her trachea is inflammed go figure, leave it to my two to get the wierd stuff, well anyway, said that in a few days it will be better, it is sort of common after a bad URI and asthma flare, go figure. So, continue Biaxin for duration, increased the days on Prelone, 1 tst for 4 days the 1 tsp every other day for four days, and also to start using a PFM and keeping her own log, well last year he said he does not use PFM in young kids, but I am assuming now that she is going on 10, he is giving her more responsibility. Then in three weeks, for her routine visit, he will go over with her her data and revise her asthma action control plan.

Take care,, Friends, Marsha

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Ross is doing better :o) The warmer weather is helping him tremendously :o) No, :o( They haven't found the young man yet :o( His family is beside themselves :o( All the creeks around here have been over their banks, plus you are talking about a lot of farm land and woods that the creek goes through... The FBI has been out here and the diving team they brought in from Toledo... Search dogs... Nothing has turned up...

Around the corner from us they have two new foals :o) They are SO beautiful :o) Coal black with white marking on the face of one and only white feet on the other...

Give the Girls Big Hugs from Me... Tell them I am so sorry that they are so sick all the time :o( It just isn't fair to youngun's...

Glad you are doing better :o) Now Stay that way :o) Keep sending us your warm weather :o) But NOT the tornadoes...

((( Sunny Hugs )))


Helen, I am sorry that you and Ross are still hurting, seems as if there could be something to help.

Too bad about the young man missing, have they found him yet?? That is how it is around here, we, also live in a small town and everyone seems to know everyone else, especially the HS kids, when one gets hurt or killed it just effects everyone.

I am feeling some better, at least I have not coughed off my toe nails today.LOL.

Amber is sniffing and snorting, so help me God!!! The oak and grass are really high right now and it always gets her even with Zyrtec and Rhinocort. I tell her to check her PFM, to keep tabs on her asthma, you would think I was asking her to do brain surgery, it justs takes a sec, come on. Yep, she will be 17 in Oct.

April noticed your card last night and she said she will look at it today after school, last night she was so worn out from the drive and all. Helen, her trachea is inflammed go figure, leave it to my two to get the wierd stuff, well anyway, said that in a few days it will be better, it is sort of common after a bad URI and asthma flare, go figure. So, continue Biaxin for duration, increased the days on Prelone, 1 tst for 4 days the 1 tsp every other day for four days, and also to start using a PFM and keeping her own log, well last year he said he does not use PFM in young kids, but I am assuming now that she is going on 10, he is giving her more responsibility. Then in three weeks, for her routine visit, he will go over with her her data and revise her asthma action control plan.

Take care,, Friends, Marsha


Being an earth angel doesn’t always involve something major, such as saving a life.

Sometimes we’re just needed to hold a hand, whisper a word of comfort or even provide food or drink.

As one writer put it,

“If People were more like Angels, Earth would be more like Heaven.â€

Think about it during this very special week..


"Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer has kept people on their feet."



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Helen, I am glad you and Ross are feeling some better, this warm weather is good for something.

No news on the young man missing?? How sad.

So, two colts, how cute, I just love the Spring with all the new babies being born.

Amber is hanging tight with her allergies, no worst, she is not working much this week, glad, since her allergies are being nasty and also a lot of homework, April says she is 90% better, I have not heard that hack of cough since she has been home from school.

I am feeling more alive, taking my meds like a big girl. It is scarey, like the last few days have been a daze, did not realize that I was that sick.

I work the weekend, so I best hurry and finish getting well.

I have to make med run tomorow, plus I need to buy a new puter screen, something is wrong with this one, like the pic is smaller and smaller, like a tube went out or something. Take care, Friend, marsha

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will continue to pray for that family Helen-so veyr hard ot deal with..,.carol

On Thu, 11 Apr 2002 03:06:53 EDT angelbear1129@... writes:

Ross is doing better :o) The warmer weather is helping him tremendously :o) No, :o( They haven't found the young man yet :o( His family is beside themselves :o( All the creeks around here have been over their banks, plus you are talking about a lot of farm land and woods that the creek goes through... The FBI has been out here and the diving team they brought in from Toledo... Search dogs... Nothing has turned up... Around the corner from us they have two new foals :o) They are SO beautiful :o) Coal black with white marking on the face of one and only white feet on the other... Give the Girls Big Hugs from Me... Tell them I am so sorry that they are so sick all the time :o( It just isn't fair to youngun's... Glad you are doing better :o) Now Stay that way :o) Keep sending us your warm weather :o) But NOT the tornadoes... ((( Sunny Hugs ))) Helen

Helen, I am sorry that you and Ross are still hurting, seems as if there could be something to help.Too bad about the young man missing, have they found him yet?? That is how it is around here, we, also live in a small town and everyone seems to know everyone else, especially the HS kids, when one gets hurt or killed it just effects everyone.I am feeling some better, at least I have not coughed off my toe nails today.LOL.Amber is sniffing and snorting, so help me God!!! The oak and grass are really high right now and it always gets her even with Zyrtec and Rhinocort. I tell her to check her PFM, to keep tabs on her asthma, you would think I was asking her to do brain surgery, it justs takes a sec, come on. Yep, she will be 17 in Oct.April noticed your card last night and she said she will look at it today after school, last night she was so worn out from the drive and all. Helen, her trachea is inflammed go figure, leave it to my two to get the wierd stuff, well anyway, said that in a few days it will be better, it is sort of common after a bad URI and asthma flare, go figure. So, continue Biaxin for duration, increased the days on Prelone, 1 tst for 4 days the 1 tsp every other day for four days, and also to start using a PFM and keeping her own log, well last year he said he does not use PFM in young kids, but I am assuming now that she is going on 10, he is giving her more responsibility. Then in three weeks, for her routine visit, he will go over with her her data and revise her asthma action control plan.Take care,, Friends, Marsha

***************************************Being an earth angel doesn’t always involve something major, such as saving a life. Sometimes we’re just needed to hold a hand, whisper a word of comfort or even provide food or drink. As one writer put it, “If People were more like Angels, Earth would be more like Heaven.†Think about it during this very special week..***************************************"Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer has kept people on their feet." Swindoll***************************************

~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~ The Being Sick CommunityMessage Archives and Digest Attachment Pictures:-/messagesChat:- Scheduled Daily Chats at /chatBookmarks:-Add a website URL you have found useful./linksPersonal Complaints or problems:-Please contact a moderator email: -owner Subscription Details:-1) Individual email - means that every email sent to the list you receive.2) Daily Digest - sends you 25 messages in one single email for you to browse. This is an excellent option if you receive alot of email.3) Web only/No mail - means that you can pop into groups at your convenience and receive no email.To modify your subscription settings please visit:- /joinTo subscribe or unsubscribe please email:--subscribe -unsubscribe ~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~When nothing is sure, everything is possible.--- Margaret Drabble~~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~ *** ~~~~

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No, they still haven't found the young man :o( Now there is another older man missing in the river :o( Three of them were fishing today and their boat overturned :o(

None of them were wearing lifejackets, they were laying in the bottom of the boat... Two of the men made it to shore with the help of other fishermen, but one is still missing :o(

Ross has been ill now for four days :o(

Some viral I guess... He won't go to the Dr.

Bad stomach cramps and diarrhea, lots of gas... Same thing the girls were suffering from last week and this last weekend...

Is Everyone still doing OK at your home ??? We broke records high here today :o)

I'm Sweating !!! It hit 86* and normal temp is suppose to be 59*... They say we will be breaking highs tomorrow too...

Hope you ALL stay well... MOM'S are NOT allowed to be ill !!! Did you FORGET???:o)

((( Sunshine Hugs )))



Being an earth angel doesn’t always involve something major, such as saving a life.

Sometimes we’re just needed to hold a hand, whisper a word of comfort or even provide food or drink.

As one writer put it,

“If People were more like Angels, Earth would be more like Heaven.â€

Think about it during this very special week..


"Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation or cheer has kept people on their feet."



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  • 4 weeks later...
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Helen, hey there, how are you guys doing?? Any news on the court date?? We are

all doing fine, did not mean to worry you,, no storms here, just hot and dry. I

guess I just do not have much to say any more, for a change. It does feel good

to be missed, though. But, you are such a kind and caring person.

You take care, ok??? Marsha

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Thanks for answering back Marsha... I do worry about ya and your little

ones... Isn't it about time you didn't have to say that the girls are ill

again ??? Thay had One Very rough winter !!! Which means Mom, had a Very

Rough winter too !!! hope you are enjoying your yard and garden... Plant me

some cauliflower :o) Hubby just can't get it to grow in this sand :o(

((( Happy Hugs )))



Being an earth angel doesn’t always involve something major, such as saving a


Sometimes we’re just needed to hold a hand, whisper a word of comfort or even

provide food or drink.

As one writer put it,

“If People were more like Angels, Earth would be more like Heaven.â€

Think about it during this very special week..


" Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation

or cheer has kept people on their feet. "



" The first step toward change is acceptance. Once you accept yourself, you

open the door to change. That's all you have to do. Change is not something

you do, it's something you allow. " - Will

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Helen, Hey There, How are things in your neck of the woods?? We all are fine

here. Hot and dry. No rain in sight.

Twelve more days of school, hard to believe.

I know this is wierd, but the last week or two, I have just been sort of quiet,

not depressed, maybe reflecting, who knows, you ever get that way?? Where you

step back and observe things??

Oh well,,, How are the girls doing?? Friends, Marsha

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Reflecting is good :o) Twelve days, geeze this school year has gone by so

quickly... I'm So Glad that the girls are doing well... Your Hot and Dry, and

we're cold and wet...

Girls are depressed and so is Grama :o(

You hang in there and take care of yourself... Just don't forget us :o)




Being an earth angel doesn’t always involve something major, such as saving a


Sometimes we’re just needed to hold a hand, whisper a word of comfort or even

provide food or drink.

As one writer put it,

“If People were more like Angels, Earth would be more like Heaven.â€

Think about it during this very special week..


" Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation

or cheer has kept people on their feet. "



" The first step toward change is acceptance. Once you accept yourself, you

open the door to change. That's all you have to do. Change is not something

you do, it's something you allow. " - Will

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Helen, hey there, how goes it?? So, you guys are still cool and wet?? Wish we

had some of that here.

When do you see the girls again?? Big plans for Sunday??

I work the weeknd, oh well,,, April is a little upset cause Mommy has to work on

Mother's day, she says I need to take it easy, it is a special day.

We all are doing fine here.

Take care. Friends, Marsha

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You may have it as far as I'm concerned :o) I'll take the rain when it is

needed, you can have the COLD !!! They are here right now :o) No plans

really... Wanted to go to the zoo, but its suppose to rain all day Sat and

Sun... :o) Everyone of our weekends have been nasty :o(

Maybe April needs Mommy ??? When thay are young they just don't understand

that ya have to work :o( hope you get to enjoy some of the day with them :o)

You've been a Great Mommy all winter :o) Hang in there...

((( Rainy Hugs )))


> Helen, hey there, how goes it?? So, you guys are still cool and wet?? Wish

> we had some of that here.

> When do you see the girls again?? Big plans for Sunday??

> I work the weeknd, oh well,,, April is a little upset cause Mommy has to

> work on Mother's day, she says I need to take it easy, it is a special day.

> We all are doing fine here.

> Take care. Friends, Marsha


Being an earth angel doesn’t always involve something major, such as saving a


Sometimes we’re just needed to hold a hand, whisper a word of comfort or even

provide food or drink.

As one writer put it,

“If People were more like Angels, Earth would be more like Heaven.â€

Think about it during this very special week..


" Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation

or cheer has kept people on their feet. "



" The first step toward change is acceptance. Once you accept yourself, you

open the door to change. That's all you have to do. Change is not something

you do, it's something you allow. " - Will

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Helen, how are you guys doing?? So, you have the girls for the weekend?? Too bad

it is so messy, the zoo would have been a nice way to spend the day with each


No rain here for sure, now Jimmy is watering our foundation, our home is

starting to shift really bad.

Amber got her scedule for next week, only eight hours, I am so glad, she worked

way too much this past week, she has all her finals and Bio collection is due


You are so kind so say I have been a good mommy all winter. That made me feel

good all over.

Take care, have a nice weekend. Happy Mother's Day, my friend. Marsha

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We're doing... We had the girls this weekend :o) That i was very greatful


Sorry your foundation is shifting... What does watering it do ??? Maybe the

store took it in consideration of the student employees about exams and gave

them lighter hours for this week... That was nice of them...

Well Dear, you have been a Very Good Mother all winter and all year !!! You

Love your children and it shows in your writing... You take good care of them

and you fight for them when someone takes them down... You Always are on top

of their health and you make sure the Dr. knows what is going on, and

sometimes Before it is all there, Because you know !!! That's a Good, Caring,

Loving Mother !!! I hope you had a lovely Mothers Day, in spite of having to


((( Mothers Hugs )))


> Helen, how are you guys doing?? So, you have the girls for the weekend?? Too

> bad it is so messy, the zoo would have been a nice way to spend the day

> with each other.

> No rain here for sure, now Jimmy is watering our foundation, our home is

> starting to shift really bad.

> Amber got her scedule for next week, only eight hours, I am so glad, she

> worked way too much this past week, she has all her finals and Bio

> collection is due Mon.

> You are so kind so say I have been a good mommy all winter. That made me

> feel good all over.

> Take care, have a nice weekend. Happy Mother's Day, my friend. Marsha


Being an earth angel doesn’t always involve something major, such as saving a


Sometimes we’re just needed to hold a hand, whisper a word of comfort or even

provide food or drink.

As one writer put it,

“If People were more like Angels, Earth would be more like Heaven.â€

Think about it during this very special week..


" Encourage one another. Many times a word of praise or thanks or appreciation

or cheer has kept people on their feet. "



" The first step toward change is acceptance. Once you accept yourself, you

open the door to change. That's all you have to do. Change is not something

you do, it's something you allow. " - Will

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Helen, How goes it today?? How was your weeknd?? So glad you had the girls. How

are they doing? Any news on the court thing??

We all are doing fine here, turned cool and damp, wish it would last, but give

it a few days and will be pushing 90 again.

Had a nice day yesterday, spent it sleeping, cannot go worng there.LOL.

The girls got me a balloon and plant, I am really amazed that Tedlo has not

tushed it yet.

Ok, time to get the girls, take care. Friends, marsha

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It was raining here all weekend... We got a downpour... Suppose to get

another one tonight last I heard...

Bre has another cough, has had it for two weeks now... The baby still has a

black and blue eye after five weeks and a lump under the impact site... Looks

like she should have had two or three stitches in it... It will leave a


All three are very depressed... 90 is kinda warm for me, but I would love

to have it in the low 80's all the time :o) No humidity...

Glad all are doing well... It was a long winter for the girls... and you

too !!!

Girls gave me flowers and a ballon and little trinkets and things they

made... I will cherish them forever... They made me breakfast and made up

games and we played all afternoon, sinse it was too cold and rainy to go


Have a Good day today...

((( Rainbow Hugs )))


> Helen, How goes it today?? How was your weeknd?? So glad you had the girls.

> How are they doing? Any news on the court thing??

> We all are doing fine here, turned cool and damp, wish it would last, but

> give it a few days and will be pushing 90 again.

> Had a nice day yesterday, spent it sleeping, cannot go worng there.LOL.

> The girls got me a balloon and plant, I am really amazed that Tedlo has not

> tushed it yet.

> Ok, time to get the girls, take care. Friends, marsha

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Helen, how goes it?? We all are fine here, it felt so good the last two

mornings, cool and crisp, will not last but one more night then back to the

Texas heat.

Gosh, I wonder if bre has asthma, allergies?? because of the chronic cough and

all?? Will you be able to get thew girls more this Summer?? Maybe take a short

vacation or something, to cheer everyone up?? I am so glad you had a nice

Mother's Day.

Yep, the winter was a doozy for sure, I just love this time of year, their

asthma is like really controlled to the point of fooling you.

Well, take care, Friends, marsha

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Is it still cool and crisp??? Did you get all that rain that Texas was

getting today???

When Bre was little they thought she might have asthma, but then she got

better and we didn't have to give her the breathing treatments anymore... She

started in again last year real bad and you know he's mot going to do anythig

about it :o( I don't know what is going to happen this summer... We go back

to court Monday, so Prayers and Thoughts are asked to be sent our way


all the new plants blooming don't bother your girls??? People are cutting

their grass around here and that makes me have trouble breathing :o(

Have a Good weekend...

((( Super Hugs )))


> Helen, how goes it?? We all are fine here, it felt so good the last two

> mornings, cool and crisp, will not last but one more night then back to the

> Texas heat.

> Gosh, I wonder if bre has asthma, allergies?? because of the chronic cough

> and all?? Will you be able to get thew girls more this Summer?? Maybe take

> a short vacation or something, to cheer everyone up?? I am so glad you had

> a nice Mother's Day.

> Yep, the winter was a doozy for sure, I just love this time of year, their

> asthma is like really controlled to the point of fooling you.

> Well, take care, Friends, marsha

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Helen,, Good Morning, How are you and your family doing?? Bet it feels good up

there huh?? It is still cool here, the last few mornings, wish this would last

all Summer long. But, no such luck.

We all are doing fine here, Amber works this afternoon, I work tonite, Jim will

bar b q this afternoon. Did I tell you Amber got her promotion?? June 1 she

starts training for checker, more money!!! She is so happy.

April is doing quite well.

The grass and oak and stuff bothers Amber more than April,, sneezing and stuff,

even with zyrtec and rhinocort.

Poor Bre, if she was treated for asthma last year, you can beat this is the

problem. Gosh I hope things go well for you guys at court tomorow!! I will keep

my fingers and toes crossed for you all.

Well, I will let you go, have a nice day!! Friends, Marsha

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Thanks Marsha... Will take all fingers and toes crossed :o)

Tell Amber Congratulations on the Promotion :o) Its Cold here again...

We broke record low last nighht of 32* Had frost on everything :o( Have

Frost warnings out again tonight... We are in the high 40's and low 50's

again for day time highs... They are saying we might get snow or freezing

rain tonight :o(

Ross and i have had a rough day, waiting for tomorrow to get here... Haven't

seen the girls sinse Thursday... Do so miss them :o(

Take care...

((( Big Hugs )))


> Helen,, Good Morning, How are you and your family doing?? Bet it feels good

> up there huh?? It is still cool here, the last few mornings, wish this

> would last all Summer long. But, no such luck.

> We all are doing fine here, Amber works this afternoon, I work tonite, Jim

> will bar b q this afternoon. Did I tell you Amber got her promotion?? June

> 1 she starts training for checker, more money!!! She is so happy.

> April is doing quite well.

> The grass and oak and stuff bothers Amber more than April,, sneezing and

> stuff, even with zyrtec and rhinocort.

> Poor Bre, if she was treated for asthma last year, you can beat this is

> the problem. Gosh I hope things go well for you guys at court tomorow!! I

> will keep my fingers and toes crossed for you all.

> Well, I will let you go, have a nice day!! Friends, Marsha


If People were more like Angels, Earth would be more like Heaven.

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Helen, How did things go at court today?? You did meet right??

How are you and Ross feeling?? Getting any warmer?? it is here , back into the

90's by Thurs. UGG.

I have just had one of those days today, where nothing has gone right.

We all are fine which is a plus for sure. Take care, Marsha

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