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((( HUGS TO YOU )))

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Hey, Ling, How are you doing???

Yep, there is friction between mom and I, has been for three years and even prior to that, she is not what you call a loving , compasionate mother, she treats outsiders with more love and compassion. My Daddy died in 91 we were very close.

Three years ago mom was struck with macular degeneration while taking care of my girls after my hyst, and bso and she was not able to get to the eye Dr fast enough, no one knew she was having a problem, she claims she told Amber, well, she was a kid, 13, what was she to do and I was fresh post op, well, ever since then she has taken it out on my whole family, not calling me on BDay, ect, being mean to April, but being all so nice to outsiders.

Just like yesterday, came by here in a hurry, wanting to find a street address for a "friend", makes no mention how I am, after biopsy, nothing, well, I sent Amber and April to lead her there and on way home they were in accident, they are ok, miniamal damage to van, but still, then she came back by, all sucking up, little to late, told her about the wreck, she said it was her fault, never should have come by, well, duh, I think the same thing, well, anyway, my story, what a heck of a week around here. Very sorry top hear of your loss with your mom. You take care, Marsha

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  • 1 month later...
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Awwweeee why do children have to suffer so much :o( I would take it from her if I could... I already sent her a site to go to when she is up to it...It might get a small smile :o) Is the crazy weather have anything to do with it??? Glad April and the rest of you are holding up :o) That helps... Hang in there MOM !!! You will survive too :o) Tell Amber I send my Love and hope she is feeling better real soon :o)

((((((( Healthy Hugs Your Way )))))))


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Helen, this crazy mail is really messing things up, unsure when you will get this.

We learn something new every day,huh?? LOL.

Well, Amber is sick again, she has only been well about six days out of this last month and going into this month, she is ob Augmentin for 21 days for sinus infection, prednisone taper, upped her Advair to 500/50 1X2 for a month, I just cannot get her well. She was suppose to work tonite, she called the boss yesterday to give her notice she was too sick to work, boss got pissy about it, I called her and asked fro fax number so PP could fax her a note, which the PP's sec did.

Ths for April is well. So are the rest of us.

Hope you guys are doing fine. marsha

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Hey Helen, How are you guys doing?? I read where your MIL came home, is her bladder infection better??

April is getting sneezy, and has a little cough, no tightness yet, man,,,

Amber is getting a little color back in her face now, both are at school.

The weather is warming up here again, in the 70's by the end of the week.

Take care and thanks for caring. How are your girls doing?? I read where they are sick again, poor darlings. Marsha

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Hi Marsha, Sorry april is starting in too :o( You sure do keep your hands busy there...

Yes, MIL was sent home... We have no idea what is going on... They don't know if it is cleared up or not, they are waiting for the Dr. to tell them...Knowing them they will wait forever... When the antibiotic was finished, her reg. Dr. came in an sent her home... The Urologist is the one that put her in and said that she was close to gangreen if something wasn't done... Unless they can get a culture from the bag that they had hooked up to her, they did not take another one... So we are very puzzled as to what is going on... She looks better than she did... But the last day there the bag was full of blood and no one would tell us why... Do you have any idea why??? Something doesn't seem kosher here...

Yes all three girls now have colds again... :o( Bre and Saedi are vomitting also... They have shut down two schools in our area, because of a flu like virus going on... This might be what two of them have... Bre and Casey have ear aches also, but of course nothing is being done for them... :o(

Warm weather here too !!!! 67* by Saturday and 27* by Sunday :o( And ya wonder why we hurt around here so much :ol Take Care...

((( Keep Well Hugs )))


Hey Helen, How are you guys doing?? I read where your MIL came home, is her bladder infection better??

April is getting sneezy, and has a little cough, no tightness yet, man,,,

Amber is getting a little color back in her face now, both are at school.

The weather is warming up here again, in the 70's by the end of the week.

Take care and thanks for caring. How are your girls doing?? I read where they are sick again, poor darlings. Marsha

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Feeling the same :o( At least it isn't any worse... Getting use to it now... I know my hands hurt real bad from all the sewing I have been doing... In two and a half weeks, I have made :

Baby tie back quilt

Christening Dress with Hat-

Diaper cover -lace topped


Two long dolly dresses like

christening one and two


Ole bears vest and pants

MIL's six sweathirts making the sleeve's dyalisis capable with velcro and still working on my cross stitch square for the WTC quilt... I've been trying to keep myself busy, so I don't think about the pain, and also my girls... I don't like to take pain meds, so keeping busy is the best med for me :o)

Yes the snow stopped last night...

We ended up with 10.7 inches of snow and 1/4 inch of ice... The sun was shinning and Beautiful today shinning off the snow... No wind and temp was 32* :o)

Sorry April got sick from Daddy :o( Daddy really didn't mean too Mom... Its a shame you can't be with Hubby and girls on Easter...

I sent a couple of links about fingernails... See if that tells what you need to know... If not I will try again... Have a Happy Easter, if I don't get to hear from ya again before then...

((( Easter Hugs )))


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Helen, How are you and Ross feeling tonite?? Hope some better. So, the snow has stopped, it must have been so pretty and peaceful looking out over it.

Thanks for the sites about the nails, I read about low thyroid causing the nail beds to lift, next time I take Amber in to the Dr. I will show it to her and ask about it.

You must really love to sew, so does Amber, that is what she wants to do when she grows up, clothes designer.

Well, I am now sick as well, sniff, snort, scratchy throat, and coughing, man, I did call the PP and they called in Prelone and Biaxin for the long weekend, in case if all you know what breaks loose with April, she is holding her own, day 2.

They are off until Tues, perfect timing I guess.

Friends, Marsha .

Happy Easter to all of you as well.


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Hi Helen,

It is good that you choose to do all that stuff to ignore the pain, but don't overwork!

{{{ Concerned Hugs }}}}}



Feeling the same :o( At least it isn't any worse... Getting use to it now... I know my hands hurt real bad from all the sewing I have been doing... In two and a half weeks, I have made :Baby tie back quiltChristening Dress with Hat- Diaper cover -lace topped socksTwo long dolly dresses like christening one and two bonnetsOle bears vest and pantsMIL's six sweathirts making the sleeve's dyalisis capable with velcro and still working on my cross stitch square for the WTC quilt... I've been trying to keep myself busy, so I don't think about the pain, and also my girls... I don't like to take pain meds, so keeping busy is the best med for me :o) Yes the snow stopped last night...We ended up with 10.7 inches of snow and 1/4 inch of ice... The sun was shinning and Beautiful today shinning off the snow... No wind and temp was 32* :o) Sorry April got sick from Daddy :o( Daddy really didn't mean too Mom... Its a shame you can't be with Hubby and girls on Easter... I sent a couple of links about fingernails... See if that tells what you need to know... If not I will try again... Have a Happy Easter, if I don't get to hear from ya again before then... ((( Easter Hugs ))) Helen

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Yes the snow was beautiful :o) All melted over the weekend... Had a Lovely day on Sunday :o) Snow, 1 - 2 inches coming in tonight...

How are your girls doing now??? And You??? Hubby???

((( Sunny Hugs )))


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Hey Helen, How are you guys doing?? I am glad you had a nice Easter?? Did you have the girls??

So, more snow tonite??

We all are getting better here, at last April is turning the corner, feeling more alive, she only stayed a couple of hours at school today, felt too weak, tight and sinus pain, so she came home and slept several hours, gong to try and make it all day tomorow, which I think she will. It is to turn a little cool the next couple of days.

Did not do anything over the weekend, spent it sleeping, tired of working every Easter, oh well,,,

Take care, Marsha

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Sorry April is ill :o( Hope she is better soon... Ross and I still very painful :o( Unkie has even started complaining of a lot of aches...

Oue weather I think is the culprit for those two... Sorry you had to work youir Eater weekend :o(

((( Family hugs )))


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Sorry April is ill :o( Hope she is better soon... Ross and I still very painful :o( Unkie has even started complaining of a lot of aches...

Oue weather I think is the culprit for those two... Sorry you had to work youir Eater weekend :o(

((( Family hugs )))


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Helen, Good Morning, How are you guys doing??? Things are about the same around here, April and I both have seemed to re catch or get relapse, what ever,the weather changed , got cooller and that is when hell all broke loose, April is now on Steroid taper for asthma, Albuterol tx continue in addition Biaxin, I have come to the conclusion that I think I have the flu, and a super cough. Fixing to call in sick for tonite. And will be heading to the dr if I do not perk up from this bad cough.

Take care, Marsha

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Helen, April only came home early on Tues, at 10:30 AM and slept for two hours then Wed all hell broke loose with her asthma, but she did go in to school Thurs and Fri, she hates to miss out and I trust her teachers, she is able to do her breathing tx at noon, too. Now her PE coach, that is a different story, he insists that she still needs to walk the lap instead of run it, I sent two notes and it is on her asthma school plan and he chooses to ignore it. Idiot, I am fixing to let him have it. She has strted barking again since her daddy cut the grass, just little things like that can get her going, especially that her airways are so very fragile right now.

I did take off work tonite, feel really fluey, if that is a word, mild though, no fever, just achy, coughing. fixing to crash as soon as Amber gets in from her job. Hope April and I can get some sleep tonite.

Yep, it has been a very hard winter for us, just cannot keep my girls well. They just cannot catch a normal "cold" and go on.

Hope you and Ross are not hurting as bad.

Friends, Marsha

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Oh Marsha, You guys sure have had it rough this winter :o( Let us know what the doc says tomorrow, alright ??? Is April home from school also??? REST and take care...

((( Healthy Hugs )))


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That's good that the teacher helps her through her bad days... Have Aprils Dr. fax the school herself and give the gym teacher a once over !!! that might help a lot... Mowing grass would hurt her :o( It gets me going and I don't have asthma... Summer is almost here... Hopefully that will help a lot :o)

My Prayers are with your household for wellness :o) You Rest now and sleep ALL night !!! April Too !!! :o)

((( Get Well Hugs )))


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Marsha-sure hope that you and your daughter feel much better soon. carol

On Fri, 5 Apr 2002 22:04:22 -0000 "Marsha Machacek" <marsha@...> writes:

Helen, April only came home early on Tues, at 10:30 AM and slept for two hours then Wed all hell broke loose with her asthma, but she did go in to school Thurs and Fri, she hates to miss out and I trust her teachers, she is able to do her breathing tx at noon, too. Now her PE coach, that is a different story, he insists that she still needs to walk the lap instead of run it, I sent two notes and it is on her asthma school plan and he chooses to ignore it. Idiot, I am fixing to let him have it. She has strted barking again since her daddy cut the grass, just little things like that can get her going, especially that her airways are so very fragile right now.

I did take off work tonite, feel really fluey, if that is a word, mild though, no fever, just achy, coughing. fixing to crash as soon as Amber gets in from her job. Hope April and I can get some sleep tonite.

Yep, it has been a very hard winter for us, just cannot keep my girls well. They just cannot catch a normal "cold" and go on.

Hope you and Ross are not hurting as bad.

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Carol, thnks for thinking of us, we are still kicking. UGGG. April says if no better asthma wise by Mon off to Corpus Christi we go to see her PP. She has had enough. Have a good one. Marsha

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Helen, Hey There. How goes it?? How are you and Ross feeling?? Any big weeknd plans?? have the girls??

Not much has changed here, I still feel like poop, April is still tight, but less cough and sinuses are feeling some better. Amber is working, rainy here today, Jim took a rain slicker to her in case she carries out, suprisinly, she kept it.LOL. Marsha

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Now you know that children ambers age are Always surprising their parents :o) Hope April starts to feel better real soon... You Too !!!

Ross and I are aching real bad still :o( The pain index here is a 2 with 10 being the best... Hang in there... Things Have Got to get Better :o)

((( Healthy Hugs )))



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Anne, at least the summer is better in the respect that there are very few bugs floating around, but the Texas heat does get to April and she spends alot of time in doors, asthma wise, it just takes her breath away when she steps out, it does not seem to bother Amber.

What do you take for your allergies?? It must be scarey living next to all those chemical plants. Do you leave your home closed at all times? Do you run a HEPA filter??

Amber and April both take Zyrtec and Rhinocort as allergy controllers. We also have a HEPA fitler and special AC/heater filters.


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Helen, how are you this lazy Sun?? It seems like I have been behind all day with this time change.

It is rainy and cool here today.

Wish I could repeort we were better, but I would be lying if I did. And now Amber is pooney and was unable to work, not to sure what is going on there.

Hope you and Ross start hurting less. Friends, Marsha

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Hi Jessi, Glad to see you back home safely. I know you had a wonderful time with the kids. You sounded so happy in your posts. Get some rest now.



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Hi Jessi, I am so weak and tired. I wish I knew what is causing me to feel this way. I guess I will have to do more resting. Sometimes I feel like I need to try harder to keep my strength up, but it is so hard to do anything. Now I am so scared that I will fall again, so I'm moving very slowly and carefully. How can you take care of so many animals? Don't some of them cause your breathing problems? Take care



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Hey Marsha I'm SO behind on emails just got back home today. How is April doing?! :'o( Her and Amber sure have had a bad winter!!! :o( Please tell her HI for me and that I hope she feels better soon!!!


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<<Hi Jessi, Glad to see you back home safely. I know you had a wonderful time with the kids. You sounded so happy in your posts. Get some rest now.<<

Hi Carolyn :o) Yeah I had a WONDERFUL time with the kids feels good to be home though :o) I missed Nana a lot and the animals!! how are you?


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