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Thanks Marsha, Just dragging here. Haven't felt good in a while and hurt so much :o( Down in the dumps so I'm just Peachy Kean :o) Take care of you! Have you made your appointment yet ???

{{{ Sunshine Hugs }}}


Helen, I just knew something was wrong, because I had not heard too much from you. You best get yourslf checked out at the dr. And get some antibiotic, this has gone on way too long. After a week, you know it needs attention, you need to take care of yourself, ok?? I do care. Talk to you soon. Marsha

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Good Morning, Helen, I am so sorry that you feel so Peachy Kean. You take care of yourself, ok??

We all are fine here, just so very warm and muggy, feels yucky.

Three more weeks of PT, then I will call and make my appointment, I promise, I have not forgotten. Keep reminding me, ok.LOL.

You should get the girls tonite, give them a hug for me. Hope you have a great visit. Talk to you soon, Marsha

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Helen, yep, half way through, they are increasing her therapy, doing more things, like on trampoline, stepper and some kind of leg deal. It takes at least an hour twice a day to do the therapy here at home. She gets pretty frustrated, but she knows it is for the best. Can you imagine, that just because of that dumb a@# Dr. She is like this.

Glad you saw the girls tonite, hope they are feeling better. Talk to you soon./ Marsha

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I'll keep reminding ya as long as I remember :o) Three more weeks is half way, right? Wasn't too bad here today. Needed coats, but the wind wasn't blowing and that makes a big difference. Seen the girls tonight. They were all very cranky. We made a November calender to finish out this month. Glad all are OK!!!

{{{ Sunny Hugs }}}

...· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- -:():-

-:¦:- (( °º¤

«::(¨`v´¨)::» °..··..*.. ·· ..°

*..·°-:¦::- `v´*Helen *-:¦:- °·..*

* °.. ·· ..*.. ·· ..° *..

Good Morning, Helen, I am so sorry that you feel so Peachy Kean. You take care of yourself, ok??

We all are fine here, just so very warm and muggy, feels yucky.

Three more weeks of PT, then I will call and make my appointment, I promise, I have not forgotten. Keep reminding me, ok.LOL.

You should get the girls tonite, give them a hug for me. Hope you have a great visit. Talk to you soon, Marsha

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Therapy does take its toll, but it is worth it in the end :o) But that is hard to explain to a little one !!! Yes, have had many misdiagnosis over the years...Puts ya behind in treatmenst :o( I Pray she will be fine when all is said and done :o)

{{{ Therapy Hugs }}}

...· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- -:():-

-:¦:- (( °º¤

«::(¨`v´¨)::» °..··..*.. ·· ..°

*..·°-:¦::- `v´*Helen *-:¦:- °·..*

* °.. ·· ..*.. ·· ..° *..

Helen, yep, half way through, they are increasing her therapy, doing more things, like on trampoline, stepper and some kind of leg deal. It takes at least an hour twice a day to do the therapy here at home. She gets pretty frustrated, but she knows it is for the best. Can you imagine, that just because of that dumb a@# Dr. She is like this.

Glad you saw the girls tonite, hope they are feeling better. Talk to you soon./ Marsha

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I'm breathing better :o) All stuffy though... Still have sore throat... Take care... {{{ Special Hugs }}}

..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- -:():-

-:¦:- (( °º¤

«::(¨`v´¨)::» °..··..*.. ·· ..°

*..·°-:¦::- `v´*Helen *-:¦:- °·..*

* °.. ·· ..*.. ·· ..° *..

Helen, How are you feeling today?? Geting over your URI?? Things are quiet on the home front here.

Take care, marsha A A

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I'm feeling better today :o) Thank-You for asking ! Glad April is about done with PT... She must be also :o) Glad the tornadoes weren't by you... I think we have another on here from texas, don't we ??? Have Fun this weekend... I'm sorting Christmas lights and changing bulbs :o) Hurts the hands something fierce though ... Take Care !!!

..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:-

¸.·´ .·´¨¨))

((¸¸.·´ ..·´ -:¦:- -:():-

-:¦:- (( °º¤

«::(¨`v´¨)::» °..··..*.. ·· ..°

*..·°-:¦:- `v´*Helen *-:¦:- °·..*

* °.. ·· ..*.. ·· ..° *..

Helen, yep , it rained cats and dogs here for two days. But, we did not have any tornadoes, boy I was glad. Thaye can keep that bad weather. Scares me.

April's ankle is feeling pretty good. They are increasing her Pt, working on the machines more now, she has two more weeks, four visits. She sees the Pedi Ortho Dec.5.

We all are fine otherwise.

Hope you guys have a nice weekend and start feeling better soon. marsha

"Always remember that you are not the only one who has ever felt rejected, unloved and lonely at sometime. Reach out and help someone else in trouble, and you could be amazed at the changes in yourself and your life."- Anonymous

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Marsha !!! We are all right. Ross put a screw driver through his finger

Thursday, then yesterday he smashed the same one with a hammer :o( He had

gloves on and it was saturated in blood :o( He of course won't go to the Dr.

I think he broke the bone in it... All the blood was from the wound the day

before that he smashed open when he hit it :o(

Ross's Mom is in the hospital again :o( Something is wrong with her liver

:o( She went in Wens. Is still there... They haven't found exactly what is

wrong yet... They have her on antibiotics IV push, what ever that

means...They have several theories, but all tests are not back yet... She

isn't in very good shape... I am hoping for Ross's sake she makes it through

the Holidays...

Sorry April is acting up again :o( Is PT all done now ??? Yes, it is

nice when you have Dr's. working with you !!!

We are heading for cold weather now. My brother lives up in the upper

peninsula of Michigan and they have 18 " 's of snow on the ground !!! We

haven't had snow like that in a while...

Take care of you and yours !!!

{{{ Sunny Hugs }}}



Helen, Good Morning!!!! How are you?? And your family??It sure has been cold

here, the last few days, but it will be warming right onup, near 70 tomorow.

We might have had a snow or sleet flurry two nights ago,you could see it in

he eves of the houses. Sure was pretty.Your poor babies, I just wish he would

get them to the Dr.The coach did have the note from the Dr. but could not

figure out how a spraincould take this long in getting well, well, if it were

only a sprain.April is pooney, asthma flaring, runny nose, sore throat, back

on treaments. She sees her PP Wed. Not soon enough for me.April's PT is going

to give me a list of questions to ask the Pedi Ortho onTues, sure is nice to

have someone on our side. it is about time after all theidiot Dr.'s she has

had.Amber is well, but most likely for a short while. LOL.Talk to you soon.


" Always remember that you are not the only one who has ever felt rejected,

unloved and lonely at sometime. Reach out and help someone else in trouble,

and you could be amazed at the changes in yourself and your life. " - Anonymous

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Peachy Kean...We're doing...I have been ill all day, my stomach doesn't like me anymore...I feel like a mack truck ran over me, other than that alright. We are getting to 64* Wens. unbelievable !!! Then 30* on Sat. with snow flurries !!! Wonder why we have colds !!!

Hope All are feeling a little bit better by now... Take care of them sweethearts and Yourself !!!

((( Loving Hugs )))


Good Morning, Helen, How are things in your neck of the woods?? Good Ross's

finger is feeling better and the scope is behind for MIL.

The weather is really yucky here, foggy, drippy, warm.

I took April to GP yesterday, put her on Zpack for possiable sinus

infection, just to hold her over for her visit with her PP tomorow. I also

called her PP yesterday morning and we started the Prelone, she slept better

last night, which meant i slept better. I felt so sick last night, guess it

was from a lack of sleep, ect. April is sounding better, less of a bark.LOL.

April is at school this morning, wiil pick her up at 11:AM for her Pedi

Ortho visit, after lunch. Will let you kow how we come out.

I will give her the card when she gets home today. Thanks, you are soooo

sweet and caring. Marsha

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Peachy Kean...We're doing...I have been ill all day, my stomach doesn't like me anymore...I feel like a mack truck ran over me, other than that alright. We are getting to 64* Wens. unbelievable !!! Then 30* on Sat. with snow flurries !!! Wonder why we have colds !!!

Hope All are feeling a little bit better by now... Take care of them sweethearts and Yourself !!!

((( Loving Hugs )))


Good Morning, Helen, How are things in your neck of the woods?? Good Ross's

finger is feeling better and the scope is behind for MIL.

The weather is really yucky here, foggy, drippy, warm.

I took April to GP yesterday, put her on Zpack for possiable sinus

infection, just to hold her over for her visit with her PP tomorow. I also

called her PP yesterday morning and we started the Prelone, she slept better

last night, which meant i slept better. I felt so sick last night, guess it

was from a lack of sleep, ect. April is sounding better, less of a bark.LOL.

April is at school this morning, wiil pick her up at 11:AM for her Pedi

Ortho visit, after lunch. Will let you kow how we come out.

I will give her the card when she gets home today. Thanks, you are soooo

sweet and caring. Marsha

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Helen, how are you, hubby and in laws?? I am so sorry to hear about all your unhappiness, I wish I could do something to make it better.

We got the Dr. vsit behind us, at least for April. Jan. is my turn.

Man, the weather stinks here, hot, humid, muggy.

April is feeling some better, got a good report at the PP, continue the Prelone until Fri evening, plus the Zpack, for two weeks every other day for sinus.

Now Amber has a scratchy throat, mannnnn.

You take care and get some rest. Marsha

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Hi Marsha Im sorry you are feeling so bad lately and I hope it passes for you soon. This time of year can really get to you. I know really bad weather does it to me too. It has been unbelievably nice here and it has totally picked up my mood. So keep thoughts of spring in your head and Im with you in the count down til its really here :-)

Hugs Colleen

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Hi Marsha, Glad April is doing better !!! You take care !!!

{{{ Special Hugs }}}


Helen, how are you, hubby and in laws?? I am so sorry to hear about all your unhappiness, I wish I could do something to make it better.

We got the Dr. vsit behind us, at least for April. Jan. is my turn.

Man, the weather stinks here, hot, humid, muggy.

April is feeling some better, got a good report at the PP, continue the Prelone until Fri evening, plus the Zpack, for two weeks every other day for sinus.

Now Amber has a scratchy throat, mannnnn.

You take care and get some rest. Marsha

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{{{{{ BIG HUGS }}}}}


Good Morning, Helen, ho are things there?? Hope all are feeling better.

Things are going this morning, girls are in school, April is getting better.

Me, I am very sad his morning, like really over whelmed by all the stuff, sometimes it just gets to be too much, know what i mean.

The weather is still horriable here, sure be glad when that norther blows in.

I best get a moveon, take it easy. Marsha

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good Evening Marsha :o) tree is out of here, but not soon enough... :o( Now I have a nasty sinus cold :o( I have one all year long, but something like this sets it off :o( The cough is terrible :o(

I have to think Positive !!! They need to come home... They still cry to come home... And they want to be home for Christmas !!!

Have fun getting ready for Christmas !

{{{{{ Christmas Hugs }}}}}


Good Morning, Helen,,, How are you guys doing?? You better and hurry and get rid of that tree, before it really gets you more sick. We have a fake tree.

So, how are the girls and MIL doing??

Will not be much longer until the court date, just keep busy and think positive.

It is clear today and cool, it rained all weekend, what a pain .

The girls are well, Amber is out for Christmas, April has two more days.

I am doing fine, fixing to get busy for the holidays.

Well, you have fun with the girls Tues night. Take care, Marsha

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Helen, that is why we have a fake tree, needless to say to avoid the mess. I hope you start feeling better in the nose and head. It sucks to feel sick.

What is new with the girls?? The court date should be very soon. Let me know.

All is well here, went shopping today, took the girls, went to Old Navey, ran into a sale, you guessed it, bought them more junk. I cannot resist a sale.

April had to use her inhaler in the book store, all those perfumes the folks use, well, if a little smells good, well, lets put on a whole bottle, she just cannot handle it. She is fine, now, though.

Talk to you soon. Marsha

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Hi Marsha,

Dun worry about buying junk in a sale, hehe...... this is a VERY common practice in my family too.

Hope April is much better! Please do send my regards to her.

hugs, Ling

Re: Re:Marsha

Helen, that is why we have a fake tree, needless to say to avoid the mess. I hope you start feeling better in the nose and head. It sucks to feel sick.

What is new with the girls?? The court date should be very soon. Let me know.

All is well here, went shopping today, took the girls, went to Old Navey, ran into a sale, you guessed it, bought them more junk. I cannot resist a sale.

April had to use her inhaler in the book store, all those perfumes the folks use, well, if a little smells good, well, lets put on a whole bottle, she just cannot handle it. She is fine, now, though.

Talk to you soon. Marsha

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Thanks for understanding marsha--I know I am far from the only one with these types of troubles and every family is pretty dysfunctional! I called my step grandpa who understands and he really helped me to chill out and air some of my complaints

Have a good holiday!!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs Colleen

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I Do Not like fake trees, but it can't be helped :o( I have the terrible cough now that sticks with ya all the time :o( stuffiness, eyes watery, sore throat, you get the picture:o(

All three girls are sick as usual with colds :o( The baby real bad, has been for the entire week, she kept holding her head saying it hurt...Her little nose is so raw its bleeding. Kept Vaseline on it all weekend...We get them at 3pm on Christmas Day...They are Happy about that and so are we...

Glad April is Feeling better...

{{{ Christmas Hugs }}}


Helen, that is why we have a fake tree, needless to say to avoid the mess. I hope you start feeling better in the nose and head. It sucks to feel sick.

What is new with the girls?? The court date should be very soon. Let me know.

All is well here, went shopping today, took the girls, went to Old Navey, ran into a sale, you guessed it, bought them more junk. I cannot resist a sale.

April had to use her inhaler in the book store, all those perfumes the folks use, well, if a little smells good, well, lets put on a whole bottle, she just cannot handle it. She is fine, now, though.

Talk to you soon. Marsha

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M I L is doing Great !!! Puppy Love, that has been sooooo long ago :o) Have a Great Family Christmas !!!

{{{ Christmas Hugs }}}


Helen, Merry Christmas, yep, I am getting ready for tomorow, Amber says her "boyfriend" will be able to come, she is on Cloud Nine oh, Puppy Love.

We all are fine here.

How is MIL doing??

Well, you have fun tomorow with your girls. marsha

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes, it is cold enough here !!! Are you going to get that next storm coming through ??? We were told to keep an ear to the weather this weekend, as they don't know what it is going to do to us yet...

It was just Saedi out in the cold with no coat on or hat or gloves...He just doen't care...We got there today to get the girls and he was wearing shorts !!! It was 26* out With a wind chill of 18* !!!

Yes I would love to see the whales in the ocean too... I have seen Dolphins in the gulf when we were in Fl. 25 years ago...Seen Shamu and Dolphins at Sea World of Ohio when they were still here two years ago... They were beautiful !!!I added three pics.

you take care, don't freeze :o)

((( Warming Hugs )))


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Good Morning, Helen, How goes it?? Still cold there I assume?? It was not as cold this morning, low 30 compared to yesterday at 27 or so. It is sunny and chilly out now.

The girls are well, at least for now, they went back to school yesterday. April said there are two sick boys in her class, coughing their heads off, they sit on each side of her in the afternoon, she is going to ask the teacher to move her today, she just cannot put up with it, makes her nervous knowing that she will get it, they do not cover their mouths and she asked them to more than once, GRRR, why can'nt parents leave their kids home if they are sooo sick. Amber says it is no better at HS.

I work the weeknd, imagine it will be the same there, too.

Jim and I went to Sea World, too and saw the whales and other dolphins, so awesome, now, to get into the ocean.

Have a god one. Marsha


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Hi Marsha, Sorry for the late reply...Last week when you wrote this, we were still very cold... This week we actually have been above average temps... We actually got up to 54* yesterday !!! A heat wave !!! But they said we will pay for it... In about ten days there is a Siberian Express heading our way :o( Those things are C O L D !!!

Are the girls still well this week ???

{{{ Warmest Hugs }}}


Good Morning, Helen, How goes it?? Still cold there I assume?? It was not as cold this morning, low 30 compared to yesterday at 27 or so. It is sunny and chilly out now.

The girls are well, at least for now, they went back to school yesterday. April said there are two sick boys in her class, coughing their heads off, they sit on each side of her in the afternoon, she is going to ask the teacher to move her today, she just cannot put up with it, makes her nervous knowing that she will get it, they do not cover their mouths and she asked them to more than once, GRRR, why can'nt parents leave their kids home if they are sooo sick. Amber says it is no better at HS.

I work the weeknd, imagine it will be the same there, too.

Jim and I went to Sea World, too and saw the whales and other dolphins, so awesome, now, to get into the ocean.

Have a god one. Marsha

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Hey There, Helen, How are you and your family doing today?? How is the weather?? It is sunny nd cool here, nice.

I worked last night and so lazy today, the girls thinks oit gives them a reason not to get their stuff done, because I am not doing anything,,, GGRRR.

When will you see your girls again??

well, you take care and keep in touch. Marsha

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