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Because I cannot afford to have my implants removed " en bloc " I am

curious to know if anyone has noticed improvements in their health

after having just the implants removed???

, thanks for your advice, I just don't remember WHO or WHAT

as far as the implant details. Like another member mentioned here, I

was carefree and careless when making my decision to implant and

didn't look back.



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I can't speak for myself. I got lucky because I didn't know what to look for. . . . But after almost ten years of being involved in the support end of this issue, it's my observation that whenever a woman has them removed, then comes to us saying that her symptoms have gotten worse, invariably, she either had an extracapsular rupture, or the implants were not removed en bloc.

A nasty example . . . If your toilet stopped up and overflowed, would you just bail it out? . . . Or would you clean EVERYTHING out?

IMHO, it's not worth the risk! . . . en bloc is the ONLY way to go.

Rogenekim <khadijashams@...> wrote:

Because I cannot afford to have my implants removed "en bloc" I am curious to know if anyone has noticed improvements in their health after having just the implants removed???, thanks for your advice, I just don't remember WHO or WHAT as far as the implant details. Like another member mentioned here, I was carefree and careless when making my decision to implant and didn't look back. Thanks. ~kim

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What is "en bloc"? I am not having any physical problems with my implants, but would like to have them removed. Is "en bloc" a procedure that's only needed if you are having problems with your implants? Thanks!Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote:

I can't speak for myself. I got lucky because I didn't know what to look for. . . . But after almost ten years of being involved in the support end of this issue, it's my observation that whenever a woman has them removed, then comes to us saying that her symptoms have gotten worse, invariably, she either had an extracapsular rupture, or the implants were not removed en bloc.

A nasty example . . . If your toilet stopped up and overflowed, would you just bail it out? . . . Or would you clean EVERYTHING out?

IMHO, it's not worth the risk! . . . en bloc is the ONLY way to go.

Rogenekim <khadijashams@...> wrote:

Because I cannot afford to have my implants removed "en bloc" I am curious to know if anyone has noticed improvements in their health after having just the implants removed???, thanks for your advice, I just don't remember WHO or WHAT as far as the implant details. Like another member mentioned here, I was carefree and careless when making my decision to implant and didn't look back. Thanks. ~kim

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Well, after reading all, this doesn't sound too promising at all.

Here I sit, deflated at the once positive prospect of being

explanted. Yes I understand about doing a job right the first time,

but if you can only afford to sweep the floor, I don't care how great

mopping it would be...if you can't afford it, you can't.

I am on Medicaid who will NOT pay for a saline implant removal.

There is a HUGE difference in cost. One is an office procedure, the

other a hospital procedure.

My implants are almost 10 yrs old. Basically, I am to understand

that removing the implants only would be " useless " and without



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I don't think it is useless. I think you will be wiser to get them out before they break and they will break, maybe around 12 years. If your positive you don't have capsular contracture, because if you do that is a medically necessary reason to have them out. Be grateful you have the money to do the surgery you do and think you found out before anything serious that they can cause problems. Is medicaid disability or welfare? I have welfare and they took mine out. The word is medically necessary, that's the differnece between them getting paid for or not. However, why wait until they're medically necessary, do it before andthing serious happens. do you have medical problems related to breast implants?

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