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Welcome back! Best wishes for continued recovery. I was implanted 2

weeks ago, and it gets better and better day by day. Rest, relax and

pamper yourself. Smiles!!

Implanted 9/02/05

Activation 9/21/05


> Hello Gang. I just want you all to know that my surgery on Tuesday

went OK. We arrived at the

> hospital at 9:15 AN, and by 10:00, the IV was going. Dr. Maw cam in

and asked if I had any

> questions. Since I couldn't think of any, I said, " Did you brong

your drill " / She smilled and

> said yes. At about 10:4o, they took me into the OR. I was then given

a mask whtc I was told was

> oxygen and to breath it in. After 2 breaths, the next thing I

remember was waking up in the

> recovery area which was rather empty except for the nurse at my

bedside. I was feeling pretty good

> with just a little pain. Dr. Maw eventually stopped by, and I asked

if she got full insertion.

> She gave me the thumbs up sign. We got back to my daughter,s house

about 5:30 PM. Day 1,

> Wednesday, I felt pretty good. Thursday, I was a bit nauseas and a

bit dizzy, but nothing serious.

> Pain has never been a problem, and I still have my taste buds in

tact. To be honest, the one

> problem I did have was never brought up in these lists. It is a

problem with the bladder and not

> being able to pass water. It sometines happens with people my age,

and yesterday I had to be

> catherized(T think that's the term) and will have to carry around a

bag for about 2 weeks.

> Tonight, my daughter removed the bandage, and bpth she and my sister

were amazed at how clean it

> looked. I finally took a shave and shower, and feel like a real

person again. I am still usimg the

> recliner, and other than the bothersome bag, I feel tired but pretty

good. At The moment, I have

> over 225 posts to go through, and don't intend to do it any time

soon. I will try to keep in

> touch. Thanks again everyone for your encouragement and good wishes

The knowledge I gained from

> these lists made everything a whole lot easier.


> Irv in Ca.


> Implanted - 9/13/2005

> Scheduled activation - 10/7/2005

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