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Flaxseed oil

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I would comment that I had been taking flaxseed oil for at least a couple of

years because of psoriasis prior to my diagnosis of breast cancer. Was dismayed

that the docs were not even intrested in any of the supplements I was taking,

but that is another story. Not sure if it was this site or another, but did

read an interesting post that not everyone has the enzymes necessary to utilize

flaxseed oil. Little known info too about flaxseed is the association with it

and progesterone. I read countless health benefits of using it, I am leary

though. Hope only the best for your son. Donna

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> Are there any dangers associated with the use of Flax/CC protocol?



Yes, IMO, there is definitely a danger.

Polyunsaturated fat (Flax) Vs. Mono-unsaturated fat (Olive Oil,

Avacado) vs. Saturated fat (Cottage Cheese, yogurt & other milk


Poly-unsaturated Fats

Although much healthier than saturated fat, poly-unsaturated fat is

considered to be less healthy than mono-unsaturated fat. This is

because research indicates it may reduce the protective high-density

lipoproteins (HDLs) as well as the harmful low-density lipoproteins

(LDLs). However, within the polyunsaturated fats group are two very

important essential fatty acids (EFAs):

Omega 6 Fatty Acids (e.g. linoleic acid)

Found in unrefined safflower, corn, sesame and sunflower oils

Omega 3 Fatty Acids (e.g. alpha-linolenic acid)

Found in oily fish, linseed or flax oil, hemp oil, soybean oil,

pumpkin seeds, walnuts, dark green vegetables

Both these essential fatty acids are vital for good health. They

regulate mental health, growth and vitality and are believed to

assist the transport and uptake of oxygen throughout the body. EFA

deficiency is associated with cardiovascular disease, cancer,

diabetes, multiple sclerosis and other degenerative conditions.

Balance between Omega 6 and Omega 3

The optimum balance between these two EFAs in our diet is considered

to be three omega 6 to one omega 3. This contrasts with the current

balance in the average Western diet of 10 or 20-1 in favor of omega

6. i.e. eat more omega 3.

*** The balnce in flaxseed oil is just the opposite of the ideal. It

is about 3.5 Omega 3 to one Omega 6. Plus it is 4:1 Polyunsaturated

to Monounsaturated. This means it's robbing your system of good

cholesterol (HDL) while reducing bad cholesterol (LDL)



Saturated fats are simply fats that contain mostly saturated fatty

acids. Saturated fatty acids are found mainly animal fats (including

dairy products). Only two vegetable fats are saturated: palm and

coconut oil. These fats are not essential to health - in fact, if

consumed in excess, they can be difficult to metabolise (causing

weight gain) and may lead to narrowing of the arteries (causing heart


Typically, we get the greatest proportion of our saturated fat intake

from 'invisible' fats in prepared or processed foods, like: sausages,

bacon, salami, cakes, cookies, pastries, chocolate and cheese.

Why is Saturated Fat Harmful?

In simple terms, saturated fat is a major risk factor for heart

attacks and strokes. It's worth remembering that the body can

manufacture its own saturated fat so we don't actually need to

include ANY saturated fat in our diet.




Monounsaturated fat is considered to be probably the healthiest type

of general fat. It has none of the adverse effects associated with

saturated fats, trans-fats or omega-6 polyunsaturated vegetable oils.

Monounsaturated oils for cooking

Oils high in monounsaturates are better oils for cooking. Olive oil

is the best as it has the highest oxidation threshold: i.e. it

remains stable at higher temperatures and does not easily become

hydrogenated or saturated.

Sources of monounsaturated fat

Olive oil (73 per cent) rapeseed oil (60 per cent) hazelnuts (50 per

cent) almonds (35 per cent) Brazil nuts (26 per cent) cashews (28 per

cent) avocado (12 per cent) sesame seeds (20 per cent) pumpkin seeds

(16 per cent).

Health benefits of monounsaturated fat

The high consumption of olive oil in Mediterranean countries is

considered to be one of the reasons why these countries have lower

levels of heart disease.

Monounsaturated fat is believed to lower cholesterol and may assist

in reducing heart disease. Like polyunsaturated fat it provides

essential fatty acids for healthy skin and the development of body


Monounsaturated fat is also believed to offer protection against

certain cancers, like breast cancer and colon cancer.

Monounsaturated fats are typically high in Vitamin E, the anti-

oxidant vitamin which is usually in short supply in many Western


Cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, if not over-heated, provides a

range of phyto-chemicals and phenols which help to boost immunity and

maintain good health.

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At 01:56 PM 03/06/05, you wrote:


> >

> > Are there any dangers associated with the use of Flax/CC protocol?

Flax seed oil and cottage cheese are foods that help correct a very common

imbalance in the modern diet.

If you look hard enough you will find serious-sounding people who will tell

you that even water is dangerous.

Well, maybe it should be controlled. It is a near perfect biological

solvent for dispersing toxins throughout your body. Water causes cells to

swell and maybe even burst. Millions of people have drowned in the liquid

-- either accidentally or through homicide -- as compared to the paltry few

who have died because of lack of it.

In its most natural state (as found in unguarded oceans) freely drinking it

can kill within a day. In its refined state water is deceptively

refreshing, but it is a bane for the unwary and the ignorant as it contains

no redeeming vitamins or minerals and will even leach them from your body.

Lastly, every known alcoholic started off drinking water as a child. Those

who drink water and are not yet alcoholics, it is only a matter of

time. Any scientist can tell you that all water drinkers will die of water

abuse and alcoholism unless something else mercifully kills them

first. Access to water should be limited to licensed and trained farmers,

physicians, and the military.

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Hi ,

I just love your style and sense of humor. Sorry to waste bandwidth with

such an obvious observation ...


Re: [ ] Re: Flaxseed Oil


> At 01:56 PM 03/06/05, you wrote:


> >

> > >

> > > Are there any dangers associated with the use of Flax/CC protocol?


> Flax seed oil and cottage cheese are foods that help correct a very common

> imbalance in the modern diet.


> If you look hard enough you will find serious-sounding people who will


> you that even water is dangerous.

> Well, maybe it should be controlled. It is a near perfect biological

> solvent for dispersing toxins throughout your body. Water causes cells to

> swell and maybe even burst. Millions of people have drowned in the liquid

> -- either accidentally or through homicide -- as compared to the paltry


> who have died because of lack of it.


> In its most natural state (as found in unguarded oceans) freely drinking


> can kill within a day. In its refined state water is deceptively

> refreshing, but it is a bane for the unwary and the ignorant as it


> no redeeming vitamins or minerals and will even leach them from your body.


> Lastly, every known alcoholic started off drinking water as a child.


> who drink water and are not yet alcoholics, it is only a matter of

> time. Any scientist can tell you that all water drinkers will die of


> abuse and alcoholism unless something else mercifully kills them

> first. Access to water should be limited to licensed and trained farmers,

> physicians, and the military.




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Gammill said: Flax seed oil and cottage cheese are foods

that help correct a very common imbalance in the modern diet.

What imbalance is that, ? What is it about FO + CC together

corrects an imbalance that FO or CC, separately consumed, will not?

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At 11:49 PM 03/06/05, you wrote:

> Gammill said: Flax seed oil and cottage cheese are foods

>that help correct a very common imbalance in the modern diet.


>What imbalance is that, ? What is it about FO + CC together

>corrects an imbalance that FO or CC, separately consumed, will not?

FSO steers the omega 3 to omega 6 ratio toward encouraging a cellular

immune response as opposed to a humoral response. This is important in

fighting cancer. There may be other effects too.

There is a sulfurated amino acid rationale behind using CC or qwark with

the FSO. This rationale may have merit, I don't know. It might be the

emulsification. Theories are a dime a dozen. What it does have is 150

years of successful tradition. FSO/Kwark was in regional use long before

J. Budwig popularized it internationally. Resign yourself to the fact that

inexpensive cancer strategies will never be researched such that we will

have in-depth understanding. Perhaps the best we can do is to network

among ourselves, report clinical patterns, and honestly analyze

failures. This can be intimidating when packs of special interests are

sneaking up on the alternative herd looking for the weak. My hat goes off

to Cliff Beckwith. He deserves a cyber medal.

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Thanks to for a simple explanation of the possible reason for

combining the FO/CC and for the information that this protocol has been in

use before JB.

I certainly want to know the rationale and this helped.

However it is JB that has awakened people so she deserves the honorable

mention she gets daily.

Joe C.

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I am new to the group. I noticed this post about Flaxseed oil. Would someone

mind explaining the benefits. I am not sure about FO/CC, I don't know what

these intials stand for nor the benefical concept behind using flaxseed oil.



JCASTRON <jcastron@...> wrote:

Thanks to for a simple explanation of the possible reason for

combining the FO/CC and for the information that this protocol has been in

use before JB.

I certainly want to know the rationale and this helped.

However it is JB that has awakened people so she deserves the honorable

mention she gets daily.

Joe C.

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" immune response as opposed to a humoral response "

, can you please explain the difference between the two in several

words, to

the average trying-to-understand person?



-- Re: [ ] Re: Flaxseed Oil

At 11:49 PM 03/06/05, you wrote:

> Gammill said: Flax seed oil and cottage cheese are foods

>that help correct a very common imbalance in the modern diet.


>What imbalance is that, ? What is it about FO + CC together

>corrects an imbalance that FO or CC, separately consumed, will not?

FSO steers the omega 3 to omega 6 ratio toward encouraging a cellular

immune response as opposed to a humoral response. This is important in

fighting cancer. There may be other effects too.

There is a sulfurated amino acid rationale behind using CC or qwark with

the FSO. This rationale may have merit, I don't know. It might be the

emulsification. Theories are a dime a dozen. What it does have is 150

years of successful tradition. FSO/Kwark was in regional use long before

J. Budwig popularized it internationally. Resign yourself to the fact that

inexpensive cancer strategies will never be researched such that we will

have in-depth understanding. Perhaps the best we can do is to network

among ourselves, report clinical patterns, and honestly analyze

failures. This can be intimidating when packs of special interests are

sneaking up on the alternative herd looking for the weak. My hat goes off

to Cliff Beckwith. He deserves a cyber medal.

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I am taking FO with MSM due to a dairy allergy. I thought because it was a

" sulphur " compound it might work instead...?

Also, please explain the difference between H2O2 and oxygenation through ozone


As always, I am thankful for such a resource,


Re: [ ] Re: Flaxseed Oil

At 11:49 PM 03/06/05, you wrote:

> Gammill said: Flax seed oil and cottage cheese are foods

>that help correct a very common imbalance in the modern diet.


>What imbalance is that, ? What is it about FO + CC together

>corrects an imbalance that FO or CC, separately consumed, will not?

FSO steers the omega 3 to omega 6 ratio toward encouraging a cellular

immune response as opposed to a humoral response. This is important in

fighting cancer. There may be other effects too.

There is a sulfurated amino acid rationale behind using CC or qwark with

the FSO. This rationale may have merit, I don't know. It might be the

emulsification. Theories are a dime a dozen. What it does have is 150

years of successful tradition. FSO/Kwark was in regional use long before

J. Budwig popularized it internationally. Resign yourself to the fact that

inexpensive cancer strategies will never be researched such that we will

have in-depth understanding. Perhaps the best we can do is to network

among ourselves, report clinical patterns, and honestly analyze

failures. This can be intimidating when packs of special interests are

sneaking up on the alternative herd looking for the weak. My hat goes off

to Cliff Beckwith. He deserves a cyber medal.

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At 10:34 AM 03/07/05, Iris wrote:

> " cellular immune response as opposed to a humoral response "


>, can you please explain the difference between the two in several

>words, to the average trying-to-understand person?


For " cellular response " think " T-Cell "

For " humoral response " think " antibody "

Tumors can be packed with shiftless antibodies doing little more than

whistlin' Dixie. About the only time this is useful is when you are using

monoclonal antibodies for a targeted therapy. What you really want is a

robust cellular response.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

In a message dated 3/2/05 2:25:30 PM Eastern Standard Time,

rresmith@... writes:

> Do not get the high lignan. It is better to get the lignans from grinding

> the seed daily.

Is there something to worry about if I have the high lignans in my frig?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

I have called around to my local health food stores but only one of them sells

refrigerated flax seed oil. The others say to refrigerate it after opening.

Should I purchase only refrigerated oil or is it okay at room temperature until


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I saw on Dr. Mercola's site that he suggested Barleans. So...that's what I've

been using for several years...and at my health food store it is kept in the

refrigerated section.

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I purchase only refrigerated flaxseed oil. I belong to the

FlaxseedOil2 group and I haven't heard of anyone who does not keep their

oil cold. I recall someone saying that they had spoken with

the people at Barleans who had said that it's ok to ship it without

refrigeration, but I wouldn't want to be taking flaxseed oil that hasn't

been kept cold over time. Also, notice the expiration date on the

container. It doesn't last a long time. The oil actually has electrons

that are good for the body, according to Dr. Budwig's research. Just

as raw foods have enzymes that help to give the body what it needs to

function better, the flaxseed oil is able to do something similar as

does ground flax seeds. Sustaining enzymes, vitamins, electrons, etc. in

fruits, vegetables and flaxseed oil is one of the reasons for

refrigerating them. The cold helps to slow the aging and loss of

healthful content. [However, tomatoes shouldn't be refrigerated or

they won't taste as good.]

" Kay " <bhsbk@e...> wrote:

>> Should I purchase only refrigerated oil or is it okay at room

temperature until opening?

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  • 10 months later...


> does this do any sort of detox of heavy metals?


Flaxseed oil contains omega 3 oil. Omega 3 oils are essential

components of our membranes, but are severely deficient in our diets

and are even more deficient when mercury poisoned. We need them for

healing. Flaxseed oil is one way to supplement. The form of omega 3

in flax oil has to be converted by enzymes in our body to the form

that we need. The form that we need is in fish or cod liver oil, so

these might be better for some people. Often people supplement both.


> janey


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Thanks for your comments on Budwig diet. I have a book with some references on

flaxseed oil but this is one reference from Dr Mercola about the perishability

of the oil and rather to use flaxseeds. I dont think you know when the oil is

rancid unless it is extremely rancid. I read you only have a few days to use.

I am in Australia so cant get the brands you mention. It seems that every

therapy or food you look at there is good and bad. For instance Beck

and also my naturopath here rubbish garlic for its interfering with the brain

and thinking. And yet it has some very beneficial components as we all know. I

find it so frustrating trying to

work out what's what.


Will add more later.



Toni, don't worry, no one will shoot you. I'm glad you mentioned your

concern about flaxseed oil becoming rancid quickly. The flax oil that

is used by Budwig diet followers is liquid rather than in capsules

and comes in a thick dark container so that it is not exposed to

light or air. It is cold-pressed when made and is kept refrigerated.

It will last for about 5 or 6 months when refrigerated. I have used

it everyday for several years and have never had it become rancid.

There is an expiration date on the container. I buy the Barlean's

oil. Some people prefer Spectrum. The value of the flaxoil is that it

has essential fatty acids that everyone needs but few people get

enough of. The truly are essential to the health of the cells of the

body. That is one of the reasons that people begin to heal so rapidly

on the Budwig diet. Not only do they get the essential fatty acids

that they need, but also raw fruits and vegetables as well as

vegetable juices. It's a very well balanced, healthy diet.

Regarding your friend having hot flushes, that could have been a

healing reaction. When the body begins to go through major changes,

various symptoms can occur. That doesn't mean that the healing diet

isn't working.

You can click on the Files section in the menu on the homepage of this

group and read the details of the diet in a folder there.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

This is Budwig's protocol for cancer (oils and protein for immune). Are you

taking this for liver/gallbladder? The protocol is flax with cottage cheese

(mixed). Add whatever you like within healthful reason. -Dave

----- Original Message -----

From: youngjaem<mailto:youngjaem@...>

gallstones <mailto:gallstones >

Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 4:22 PM

Subject: flaxseed oil

Is there a wrong way to flaxseed oil? I'm thinking about taking the

flaxseed oil with cottage cheese but I'm not sure how I will react to

the cottage cheese? Is it best to take flaxseed oil on an empty

stomach or with a meal?

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I want it to use it for both liver/gallbladder problems and weak

immunity. I want to absorb as much as possible and I read that

cottage cheese and flax oil is the best way to absorb the oil.. But

Isn't is contradictory to eat dairy when trying to clean your liver

and gallbladder


> This is Budwig's protocol for cancer (oils and protein for

immune). Are you taking this for liver/gallbladder? The protocol

is flax with cottage cheese (mixed). Add whatever you like within

healthful reason. -Dave

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: youngjaem<mailto:youngjaem@...>

> To:

gallstones <mailto:gallstones >

> Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 4:22 PM

> Subject: flaxseed oil



> Is there a wrong way to flaxseed oil? I'm thinking about taking


> flaxseed oil with cottage cheese but I'm not sure how I will

react to

> the cottage cheese? Is it best to take flaxseed oil on an empty

> stomach or with a meal?







> Learn more from our experience, over 7.000 liver flush stories:

> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?


> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?


> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?


> http://curezone.com/forums/fd50.asp?



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  • 3 months later...

Did you know? Flaxseed oil may have anti-inflammatory and anti-thrombotic activities. Development of atherosclerosis has been reduced by up to 69% in some studies using diets enriched with flaxseed. Flaxseed has been recommended by some for hyperlipidemia, to decrease platelet aggregation, and to help prevent heart attack and stroke. It may have some ability to lower blood pressure and to have anti-inflammatory effects in persons with arthritis, as well as assist in fighting breast cancer. Suzi What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. health/ http://suziesgoats.wholefoodfarmacy.com/ http://360./suziesgoats

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