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One month post-op

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I went in for my one month post-op appointment and

FINALLY got some answers regarding how big of a

shovel he used, etc.

First of all, I was experiencing vertigo quite a

bit prior to surgery. The doc was worried it had

invaded my inner ear. If so, he said he would

probably have to remove it.

When I woke up from surgery, the first thing I

did was tap the bandages - I could still hear in

that ear (a very little bit), which meant I still

had my inner ear - whoo ha! But all the doc told

me was he removed part of the incus(sp?).

When I went in for my one week post-op appointment,

I complained that the vertigo hadn't gotten any

better and it was becoming bothersome. Again, all

he told me was he removed the incus bone.

He was so rushed and preoccupied that any question

I asked him was pretty much evaded or passed off

to someone who didn't know the answer.

Well, today, I went in and he actually sat and

talked with me and answered my questions. This

was after I told him the vertigo FINALLY went

away. It's sure good to be free of that, at last!

The c-toma had eroded away most of the incus.

What was left of it was attached to the drum to

hopefully restore some hearing. The facial nerve

was exposed and the c-toma had invaded the inner

ear BUT the protective membrain was still intact,

so he used some cartilage and graphed it over

where the bone into the inner ear had eroded away.

There was another section, I'm not sure where he

was talking about because I didn't understand, but

another area of bone was 'paper thin' so he had to

do some graphing there too.

So, it sounds to me that I was lucky that I finally

pushed the doctors for some answers regarding my

ear infections! If I had waited any longer, the

outcome could have been much worse.

Other than the surgical scar still feeling itchy,

some pressure discomfort, and the occasional zap of

pain - things are going fine. Here's hoping it

stays that way.



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  • 4 years later...

I had reconstructive surgery this summer along witht the C-toma removed. I have to say my hearing has gotten a little better in the infected ear..I think. But the tone is a bit different. The ear that was operated on seems to pick up sound better but it is more "Tinney" than the other ear. Kind of like the differnce between AM and FM radio. But I think it has gotten better..even though am still constantly saying, "Pardon Me" or "Excuse Me" because I still have a hard time with conversation level souinds.


From: redduke93 <redduke36@...>Subject: One month post-opcholesteatoma Date: Saturday, September 24, 2011, 1:07 AM

Greetings to all,I am now one month since my surgery and learning to adjust to my new reality. Most of my balance has come back and some days are better than others. The discharge has just about stopped and I go next week to have the packing cleaned out. My tinnitus is really pronounced but it was before my surgery and I have learned to ignore it. I am anxious to know how much hearing will be left in that ear because I am already thinking about re-constructive surgery to restore hearing. Would like to hear from anyone who had it done and their results and feelings about it. I am not enamored with the idea of wearing a hearing aid the rest of my life but will do what it takes. Right now my hearing in my right ear is so good that it is difficult to be in a noisy room as all the sounds get jumbled together and funneled in and it drives me nuts.------------------------------------This

Cholesteatoma support group offers and provides information of a general nature about cholesteatoma as well as members personal experiences with this disease. The information provided is not intended to replace surgical or medical advice or recommendations. Any information in the messages, postings or articles on the web site should not be considered a substitute for consultation with a medical professional to address individual medical needs. Individuals' particular facts and circumstances will determine the treatment which is most appropriate.

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I had a surgery one month ago also to remove c.toma and to reconsract the ear drum and support the ossicles with a skin taken from behind my ear. One week after the surgery I began to hear better and it lasted for about 5-6 days. Then my hearing slowly deteriorated to the same level it was before surgery . I hope it wouldn't continue to deteriorate. I have used an ear conduction H.A. in this ear. I can't hear in my other ear.

I wonder if anyone had the experience of hearing better after surgery, then loosing the hearing. And if there it a chance that the hearing will improve again.


From: Bradford Burt <bradford_burt08@...>cholesteatoma Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2011 6:49 PMSubject: Re: One month post-op

I had reconstructive surgery this summer along witht the C-toma removed. I have to say my hearing has gotten a little better in the infected ear..I think. But the tone is a bit different. The ear that was operated on seems to pick up sound better but it is more "Tinney" than the other ear. Kind of like the differnce between AM and FM radio. But I think it has gotten better..even though am still constantly saying, "Pardon Me" or "Excuse Me" because I still have a hard time with conversation level souinds.


From: redduke93 <redduke36@...>Subject: One month post-opcholesteatoma Date: Saturday, September 24, 2011, 1:07 AM

Greetings to all,I am now one month since my surgery and learning to adjust to my new reality. Most of my balance has come back and some days are better than others. The discharge has just about stopped and I go next week to have the packing cleaned out. My tinnitus is really pronounced but it was before my surgery and I have learned to ignore it. I am anxious to know how much hearing will be left in that ear because I am already thinking about re-constructive surgery to restore hearing. Would like to hear from anyone who had it done and their results and feelings about it. I am not enamored with the idea of wearing a hearing aid the rest of my life but will do what it takes. Right now my hearing in my right ear is so good that it is difficult to be in a noisy room as all the sounds get jumbled together and funneled in and it drives me


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