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RE : Re: RE : Re: Re:Problem in left ear

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you too tacke care mate. mouradMunadil Fahad <munadilfahad@...> a écrit : Dear Brother Mourad & all, Happy new year 2007! I hope and pray that Almighty will show His enough mercy upon me. I had to take ear surgery in right ear on October '2004 due to sudden perforation in that ear and its condition is now ok, all praise belongs to God. Though right ear had no ringing problem but in left ear I have been facing ringing as well as progressive hearing loss. The one of the most important organ to communicate is the ear. Its problem is so troublesome that could not be expressed in words. All of your well wishes is needed for my well recovery. Hope the best for all. Fahad mourad mazouz <algerianbrokers@...> wrote: Munadil Fahad <munadilfahad > a écrit : Hi kevin tyagi HELLO FAHAD I GOT MY NEPHEW 13 YEARS OLD HAS DONE YESTERDAY HIS SURGERY IN HIS RIGHT EAR AND HE IS OK.BUT I WISH TO TELL YOU THAT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS NOT THE SURGERY ITSELF BECAUSE IAM QUIET SURE IT IS GOING TO BE OK.BUT YOU NEED TO BE CAREFULL FOR THE FOLLOWING SURGERY TIME .MEAN YOU HAVE TO WACTH WITH YOUR DOCTOR REGURLARLY YOUR EAR .MY NEPHEW HAD DONE 2 YEARS AGO IN LEFT EAR SURGERY BUT HAS FAILED IN THE BEGINNING BECAUSE OF LACK IN WATCHING THE EAR HE HAD HAD TO DO SURGERY IN SECOND TIME BUT WITH

VERY GOOD FOLLOW UP AFTER SURGERY NOW HE IS COMPLETLY CURED NOW ONLY LEFT THE RIGHT EAR. DO CONTACT ME AFTER YOUR SURGERY I WILL GIVE YOU USEFULL INFORMATIONS GOOD LUCK MATE MOURAD Many many thanks for your reply. I don't have discharge problem now but continuous ringing and low hearing are so bothering that I could not tolerate them at all. So, i am decided to have surgery. Pray for me. Fahadkevin tyagi <kevintyagi (DOT) co.in> wrote: Hi Fahad' I've had a similar problem but almost from the age of four! (Pss-sst! I'm 50 now!). Foul discharge and huge darned holes in both ears. The holes or perforations were so large that when the doc said "My God! They're so big" there was an echo,"so big! so

big! so big!" I saw a good ENT in Mumbai, India a few months ago and Holy of Holies! he had me repaired with antibiotics. The perforations were patched up. I do have a retracted ear drum but that's it. No discharge definitely. No Myringoplasty or tympanoplasty was conducted. However, my hearing levels are still stubbornly at the same low levels. But, I have started using h earing aids, bilaterally and all's well with the world. No longer do I hear the word "risky?" as "whisky?". I would suggest you take another opinion before you go under the knife. I wish you luck and do let me know if you wish any further info. I've been at this - most intensively - for the past several months and have gleaned one helluva lot of knowledge not only from otologists and audis but also from several terrific forums like this one. kevin tyagi (all the way from Mumbai, India) Send

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