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Welcome. I was banded 11/18/08. Down 46.5 so far. I exercise 5-6 days a week and

feel better than I have in a very long time!!




From: zealotess <zealotess@...>

Sent: Tuesday, April 28, 2009 4:00:44 AM

Subject: Hi all

Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Mecca. I was banded in June of 2003.

I started out at 515 and have been at about 295 for the past three years. I'm

looking to get things started again, with your help. Happy to meet you!

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Hi, Mecca - welcome!!

Lots of new information has come up in the last couple years of band progression

and increasing knowledge. When you can, go thru the files and links at the left

of this message page.

These are the basic things for someone wanting to get back on track and resume


1. see your band surgeon and get a fluoro and evaluation. We need them yearly to

be sure all is well, and small problems are starting up/

2. Review all the basic band needs - food choices, eating techniques, fluid

needs (80-100 oz a day minimum) , protein/fiber/good carb needs, medication

safety - most of these are found in the Band Guide in the files.

3. get serious about exercise

4. get serious about counselling to understand why we chose to overeat so badly

we hurt our health. Then we can learn better ways of meeting these needs without

excess food.

5. Cosider using the Bandster success Guided Imagery CD's. They work on many

bandster issues that we have to learn and overcome to do well lomgterm.

6. Get vitamin testing - this is an area that has come up recently - many of us

are deficient going into band surgery, and become more so as time goes on. It is

no longter true that bandsters don't need supplementation.

7. Go over the " Vitamin " document in the files and that all new people are sent.

I strongly urge getting onto the special Bandster vitamins. They have the

ingredients and amounts of things proven that WE need - much different than the

standard over the counter junk like Centrums and Viactiv.

8. We all need extra D - 2000-5000 iu a day - far more than in any vitamin. i

recommend the Carlson D-drops - look online - very cheap - like $12 for a year's


9. see your doc's nutritionist, assuming she is very knowledgeable about BAND

needs. many are not. Make up food plans, meeting the bandster needs

Stay in touch here and ask any questions you have. The band is pretty forgiving,

and we can do well a second or third time - but it takes the same committment

and dedication.

Glad you're with us!



> Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Mecca. I was banded in June of

2003. I started out at 515 and have been at about 295 for the past three years.

I'm looking to get things started again, with your help. Happy to meet you!


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Actually, most professional trainers and similar experienced people

will say that, like God, you need one day a week to rest. Really.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 10:58:05 AM, you wrote:

> exercise daily (never miss)


" It's OK to be a little broken, everybody's broken in this life " Jon Bon Jovi

Dan Lester, Boise, Idaho, USA www.riverofdata.com/lapband

Banded 4/27/03, Dr. Ortiz, Tijuana

Started at 355, at goal in the 210-220 range for almost 4 years

Ultimate goal of 195 Tummytuck in Boise and SmartLipo in Tijuana

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Hi again!

Thanks Kim, Beth, Sandy, and everyone for the warm welcome and great advice..

I've been keeping up pretty well with my check-ups (although i do need to have

my annual for this year), and so i think everything is in place with my band.

what i'm lacking in right now is motivation. I'm a PhD student, and just

finished my comp exams. Not an excuse for not exercising, but it is an

explanation. Plus, I'm recovering from a pretty big heartbreak :( so motivation

is low, low, low.... counseling has been a great help, but as with anything, the

real work is up to us, right? I'll definitely check out the guided imagery

CD's-- sounds like something that could help a lot, not just with weight loss,

but with mindfulness in general.

I do believe that I'll be able to work the band again, as soon as I can motivate

myself to do so. I'm proud of all the weight I've lost so far-- about 220lbs--

and that i've been able to keep it off for five years of grad school. Now it's

time for me to rev things up again. Thanks again for all of your great tips!


From: moonshadow.sandy <moonshadow.sandy@...>

Subject: Re: Hi all

Date: Tuesday, April 28, 2009, 1:26 PM

Hi, Mecca - welcome!!

Lots of new information has come up in the last couple years of band progression

and increasing knowledge. When you can, go thru the files and links at the left

of this message page.

These are the basic things for someone wanting to get back on track and resume


1. see your band surgeon and get a fluoro and evaluation. We need them yearly to

be sure all is well, and small problems are starting up/

2. Review all the basic band needs - food choices, eating techniques, fluid

needs (80-100 oz a day minimum) , protein/fiber/ good carb needs, medication

safety - most of these are found in the Band Guide in the files.

3. get serious about exercise

4. get serious about counselling to understand why we chose to overeat so badly

we hurt our health. Then we can learn better ways of meeting these needs without

excess food.

5. Cosider using the Bandster success Guided Imagery CD's. They work on many

bandster issues that we have to learn and overcome to do well lomgterm..

6. Get vitamin testing - this is an area that has come up recently - many of us

are deficient going into band surgery, and become more so as time goes on. It is

no longter true that bandsters don't need supplementation.

7. Go over the " Vitamin " document in the files and that all new people are sent.

I strongly urge getting onto the special Bandster vitamins. They have the

ingredients and amounts of things proven that WE need - much different than the

standard over the counter junk like Centrums and Viactiv.

8. We all need extra D - 2000-5000 iu a day - far more than in any vitamin. i

recommend the Carlson D-drops - look online - very cheap - like $12 for a year's


9. see your doc's nutritionist, assuming she is very knowledgeable about BAND

needs. many are not. Make up food plans, meeting the bandster needs

Stay in touch here and ask any questions you have. The band is pretty forgiving,

and we can do well a second or third time - but it takes the same committment

and dedication.

Glad you're with us!



> Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Mecca. I was banded in June of

2003. I started out at 515 and have been at about 295 for the past three years.

I'm looking to get things started again, with your help. Happy to meet you!


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Mecca, I think it's just great that you have done so well - and with a lot of

tough things going on, too. That is a wonderful success already.

One of the great things about the band is that there is no " window of

opportunity " as there is with the bypass. With the band, it is maybe a bit

easier sometimes to lose at first , when we have extra motivation, etc - but the

band is ALWAYS there to help us, even years later, if we have taken a break.

So glad you're here, and re-committing to doing even better!



> >


> > Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Mecca. I was banded in June of

2003. I started out at 515 and have been at about 295 for the past three years.

I'm looking to get things started again, with your help. Happy to meet you!


> >

































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  • 1 month later...
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Trudy, Glad your're doing well under FCR.

Did you detect any physical symptoms before the Cat Scan showed a node impacting

your kidney?


evelyn *SCLL,dx 2000, W & W


> Just registered. I'm being treated in Southern CA for SLL- B cell,

> indolent, stage IV. Been on watch and wait for 2 yrs. Several nodes

> were found to be getting larger - one was in danger of impacting a

> tube to my kidney, so the decision to start treatment. FCR - started

> in April - intended to complete in Sept. Doing well, when last

> checked, my immune system is ok - white cells ok,etc. (I guess,

> meaning acceptable - not great) Almost no hair loss, but some weight

> loss initially - now that seems to have leveled off. CT Scan in late

> May showed all nodes measurably decreased in size. I have had trouble

> with diverticulosis acting up - once in Apr. and again in June - I

> was treated both times w/Cipro and Flagyl and the problem cleared up

> - but, in 3 months, no other side effects, really.


> I have been reading all of your postings, and, needless to say, I'm

> impressed w/ your collective knowledge and expertise. But, I can't

> help but be a bit anxious about my chances after reading about a few

> of your experiences. E.g., even though my nodes seem to be decreasing

> rapidly, it sounds like I could experience a recurrance in as little

> as 6 mos.(?) - not necessarily the 7-8 yrs (avg.) touted by the

> study (touted as well as my dr.) Prior to the treatment

> decision (FCR) I had been quite interested in possibly entering a

> clinical study, but, my dr. never told me about any available, and,

> in fact, sort of discouraged me about the idea when I brought it up -

> saying that most of them were just studying varying combinations of

> chemo w/Rituximab, or other antibodies. And, I was told that a trial

> for Oftumamab was already full - though I had never been told about

> it nor had I ever seen that one listed on the sites I visited

> regularly(?) But recently I heard that it may be at UC San Diego -

> perhaps led by Dr. Kipps, or one of his colleagues there (?)

> Oftumamab does sound encouraging - in that anything I've read about

> this antibody(?) sounds like it's better than Rituximab. Any

> comments? Anybody in this trial? or anyone have any knowledge about

> where it is and how it's going?


> My other concern is about CT Scans. So far this yr., I've had one in

> Feb., again in Apr. (in the ER - due to my divertic flare up), and

> again in late May/early June. And, I've just been told I should have

> another one at the end of July. Is it just me, or does this sound

> like too many in in a 6 mo. span? Or, are they more necessary and

> unavoidable while you're going through chemo treatment? Any advice on

> that front would be greatly appreciated. What kind of flexibility, if

> any, do I really have here?


> I have had the pleasure of meeting , but, I'm thinking that I may

> have met some of the rest of you already back in NY at the last LRF

> conference there (Oct., 2007, I think), or at the one in SF last

> Fall ?? Anyone attend either of those events? I was newly diagnosed

> (Apr., 2007) and on Watch and Wait at both conf.s., so I was the one

> doing a lot of listening back then! I 'm tentatively planning to

> attend the one in NY this coming Fall as well. I'll see how

> everything goes after my treatment, etc.


> Well, any help and/or advice, or questions any of you can throw my

> way will be appreciated. And, as I go along and get more informed, I

> hope I may be able to assist some of you in any way I can in the future.


> Thanks for listening. Trudy


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Trudy (Trudy, Trudy), let's go back to square one - your original posting.

1.) Diverticula

1.1) Unless otherwise advised, I take it that you've since addressed your colon

problem, diverticulosis (not other diverticular diseases), by including fiber

in your diet (?).

1.1) Does your hem/onc know that you were taking prescribed metronidazole

(Brand: Flagyl)and ciprofloxacin (Brand: Cipro) for the related bacteria? Moreso

the former rather than the latter.

2.) Decision Regret

2.1) You appear to be expressing what is known in decision making as " regret " ,

normally you can just go back to the decision analysis, where it's procedurally

addressed, in dealing with this, id est, the regrets that may stem from making a

non-optimal decision. However, it seems as if your hem/onc made that decision

for you and you now realize regret post-decision. Some erroneously refer to this

as second guessing, but this implies " guessing " from the get-go - rather than

making an informed calculated decision, which may be what your doctor probably

did - follow the NCCN decision guidelines. So no apparent need to worry, as

there's a variable cornucopia of documented published papers in support of an

FCR regimen. I would suggest that you walk through the NCCN Practice Guidelines

anytime you get a feeling of post-decision " regret " .

2.2) Have your dosages been for regular FCR (Keating et al & Wierda et al

versions) or FCR lite (Foon, et al)?

3.) Your CLL/SLL Profile

3.1) You stated being Stage IV. Am I correct that you're referring to Ann Arbor

Stage IV? That you have nodal only presentation of SLL?

3.2) What have your chemistry screen & urine tests shown? What's your beta-2


3.3) Historically, what have your peripheral blood tests indicated?

3.4) What were your phenotyping results (CDs)? Have you had a bone marrow biopsy

& if so, your cytogenetics? Were you tested for IgVH, ZAP-70, if so, what were

the results & by what lab(s)? IF you've been tested for ZAP-70, do the results

mention anything of, say, a conjugated antibody clone, for example, something

like 2F3.2 or 1E7.2 or ALEXA-488, & so forth?

4.) CT Scans

4.1) Radiation exposure(s) considerations/ramifications have already been very

nicely addressed (Dr. Furman, Post 8552 of 07-03-09), link to referenced article

provided & followed already by two " scan risk " related Q & A postings.

4.2) Utility value(s) of Computed Tomography for CLL may be rather de minimis as

supported by four (4) references (Post 8561 of 07-03-09 by this writer).

4.3) De facto of 4.2, there may be no " bang-for-the-buck " to evaluate the

efficacy of CT scans of the kidney. Maybe there's something I'm missing here.

Any one with documented studied indications?

4.4) Why is your doctor ordering all the CT Scans?

5.) Future Courses of Action

5.1) Already succinctly addressed by (Post 8526 of 07-01-09).

5.2) You really can't plot a normative course of action until you have more

information for decision making. You can do some exploratory plotting - but - as

said don't drive yourself crazy. I would suggest you focus right now on

your current FCR treatment regimen, its eventual outcomes and integrate it with

your profile.

6.) Treament Miscellany

6.1) Trudy, also out of curiosity, what type of medical coverage do you have?

6.2) What treatment center & doctor?


> Refer to Post 8522 of 06-30-09


> Thanks for listening. Trudy

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Stu - oh, what wonderful news!!!  I'm so glad you are keeping us up to date on

your progress.  I will continue to pray for positive results for you!  You

deserve it after all you've been through.



From: " stuart.murray@... " <pompeyster@...>

Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 7:09:24 PM

Subject: Hi All


At long last and many Opearations later I have Cochlear Implant in November I go

in for 4 or 5 days....and then wait a further 8 to 10 weeks for switch

on...hoooooray this has been long journey, cant do left ear, its well damaged

after many Operations, and this is 30% will work and 70% it wont, Its

complicated, nothing new with me...

Now I get a chance, thats good enough for me.


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Oh, Stu - I am totally THRILLEd for you! Congratulations on having the

strength and courage to persevere to get to this point! Prayers for it all to

work well for you. Jackie :o)

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  • 5 months later...

and iwuvs her. she is sooo smart.. I like smart people. lol karens1

> From: bookie0415 <bookie0415@...>

> Subject: Hi all


> Date: Thursday, January 14, 2010, 11:23 PM


























> Hi all... I'm writing this message

> for our wonderful friend Carlene.  Carlene has given me

> permission to send my regards to all of you and to let you

> know that she's doing okay.  Carlene and I

> have been friends for as long as we've been in this

> group and I miss her terribly, as she misses all of

> you.  Carlene apologizes for having left the group so

> abruptly, but something unexpectantly

> occured, that Carlene could not have controlled. 

> Just know that Carlene would never have left without saying

> so herself, but again it was unexpected.  Carlene wants

> to tell you all that she misses and loves all of you and she

> will continue to ask how you all are.  She has

> come to love you guys and is concerned over the health

> issues of some and sends well wishes your way.

> I will certainly try to answer questions as best

> I can, but wanted to make sure you all received this

> letter.  Be well, love to all.  Your friend,

> Carlene thru /FL
























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---Good morning All ! I knew that once morning light came, it would be another beautiful day. kim is going tohave surgery. her boyfriend was making her crazy. now her blood sugar is 531. just another day.

---So thank you all for keeping me off the edge. I am calm and look forward to a peaceful day! She is going to fight for her life . like always. I was so confused .and 1/2 asleep.lol


From: /LA <karens.special1@...>Subject: Re: Hi all Date: Friday, January 15, 2010, 10:02 AM

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  • 1 year later...

I seem to be better. I am so glad for that. I have some itching and my

incision looked a pretty purple when I was in the shower, but things finally

seem to be settling down and moving forward. I think I may have just been overly

freaked out. I guess the thought of having a knee issue and having it removed

and replaced with, oh I don't know, maybe a flower pot, kind of had me on edge.

I went to kneel on my bed last night and it was a very strange feeling. I

guess that takes getting used to. I will now work on that.

Thanks, Michele

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