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In a message dated 6/1/1999 7:30:29 PM Central Daylight Time,

JSUENICK@... writes:

<< Would you be able to give me any tips to help my 3 year old sons eczema? >>

We were fortunate in that the cause of my sons eczema was largely due to his

allergies. (soy, egg, peanut, garlic and barley) He was 6 months old and his

face looked like two large open wounds - it was terrible. I fed him homemade

babyfood of tofu, banana and peanut butter and it resulted in a trip to the

hospital. His entire face and neck swelled up - so much so that his lips

curled outward! He was immediately allergy tested. Once we eliminated the

offending foods from his diet - the eczema became a minor skin problem. He

is 5 1/2 now and doing well.

We moisturize regularly now and give both of my boys lavendar baths which is

good for the skin. I have read that blood cleansing tea infusions are great

- but we could never get Brodny to drink the tea as its mostly comprised of

bitter roots. Comfry is another herb that does well in the bath water - but

clean out the tub right away or it will stain the ceramic.

I have been studying herbology for a short while now and am learning what I

can from several wonderful books and a correspondance course with Rosemary

Gladstar (who created the " Medicinal Teas " line). Unfortunately its very

slow going. Three kids (one of them a new baby) and a new house is keeping

me fairly busy! :)

Wish I could help more.

Bright Blessings


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Would you be able to give me any tips to help my 3 year old sons eczema?

Are you seeing a specialist for the herbs or do you do that on your own?

Thank you,

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Thank you so much for your reply.

I am going to give the lavendar baths a try. My son is a extra hard

case. He has immediate reactions to many foods, and delayed reactions to

many more. Besides that he has severe dust mite and hayfever. Through

testing we found out that EFA's are good. I think his VERY dry skin is

due to his Candida overgrowth and antihistamine use. (I would love to

find a alternative to that, its just hat if we dont use them he will

scratch himself bloody.)

I am on a eczma list and its really sad hearing the adults who have

suffered since childhood. I Know I can someday cure my son or make him

alot better. I am not going to give up!

Thanks again,

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  • 1 year later...
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Hi Folks,

I am a chiropractor with a holistic approach and a special interest in

cancer. I have been watching your conversations for a while and would like to

throw in suggestions once in a while. I believe when it comes to eczema and

stones one thing that has to be considered is essential fatty acids. The

calcium cannot get into the tissues it is supposed to without it. It is more

important than Vit D- which can become toxic, it is rarely needed especially

if you are exposed to the sun for just a few minutes a day.


Dr K

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Marie...I repeat what I tried to emphasize to

you...It's not just calcium...but the proper

ratio of it to magnesium, phosphorus,etc., and

vitamin D (unless you're getting at least

an hour of sunlight several times a week).. Just

look on the supplement shelf of any health

food store and you'll find these combo's offered.

But you need to read or research " The Calcium Factor " to understand

how essential

this is to balanced health. Do it.. Best, JR

Hi J.R. what you say about calcium and kidney stones is interesting.

But you will be surprised to know that just before I began to have

kidney stones, from my teenage years till about 30 years old I was

drinking 3 litres of milk per day ( like 3 quarts). My first

kidney stone, was enormous & off white. I have been told that the

stone was from too much calcium. But now that I avoid milk

completely, I do believe that I may be a good candidate for

osteoporosis. What do you suggest I do next? I am truly lost,

as my bones do ache quite a bit.

To Dr. K: I am not very knowledgeable about fatty acids. Do you

mean like the Omega 3 from fish??

Bye for now, Marie


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JR; I know that you are a very learned physician and wise person, but do

you really want to judge this " Indian Chiropractor " book by its cover? I

think that he is just offering a suggestion in an effort to get his feet

" wet " in our little cures for cancer pool - - - I guess that he wants to come in

and play with the rest of us. I agree with you that the calcium comment is

incomplete, and needs more info.

As you, I know a few really good physicians and a lot of lousy ones, just

as I know a few really good wholistic healers and a lot of lousy ones, so I

generally try to lead folks toward the ones I know to be really good (and

pray for the rest, and their practices) and try not to criticize the rest.

You know, JR, the best physicians I've ever known always tried to use the

most natural forms of medication (as opposed to chemical products) in the

treatment of their patients (they must think that God in all His wisdom

Knows better than man!?). My own personal family physician died a short

while back in his late eighties and was a brillient physician who, ten years

after graduating from Duke medical school, saw there was much more needed

than just chemistry and anatomy to effectively treat the myriad of diseases

and disorders that his patients brought to him, so he took another two years

of study and became a chiropractor and naturopath as well (actually I think

his whole life after that was a study of NATURAL treatments and remedies and

medications). He was so effective with his patients that he was legendary

in our little corner of the world; I've often wondered if his assistants (2

or 3 younger doctors) ever kept records of all his treatments - - - what a

wealth that would be. He was a chiropractor, but he was a lot more besides

(he was a HEALER !!!), and he will be missed here by a lot of people for a

long time to come.

So I guess that the old saying is true (at least in this Chiropractor's

case) that you can't judge a book by its cover (not that we're supposed to

Judge anyway). Some books have priceless things in them that we could never

know by looking at the outside cover, so we need to look inside first before

making a judgement.

Anyway, JR, happy Father's Day to you and our Heavenly Father and all

fathers everywhere! May God be with you and in your thoughts and actions

always. Cody.

Re: RE: Eczema

> Don't get carried away by the " Dr. " title of

> this Indian chiropractor. He is partly right

> about calcium and Vit. D.. but a little knowledge

> is dangerous. Get ahold of Robt. Barefoot's

> " The Calcium Factor " to put it all together. Most

> of the foundational work was done by now

> deceased Dr. Carl Reisch, MD. and proven many times over until Reisch

> lost his license

> after 30 years of successfully treating too many

> of his patients. Best, JR





> Get HUGE info at http://www.cures for cancer.ws, and post your own links there.

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I didn't argue with what you said,simply stating

it wasn't enough. You just added Magnesium and ess. fatty acids.. that

makes my point. Of

course you may call yourself what you wish.

Are you Californian ? Why not use your own

name. It may appear to some that you are

hiding behind some " Bagwans " reputation when

yours alone should be sufficient. Very sorry

to hear about your mother. During a 3 year fight she must had many

recommendations from you. Yes, an open mind is essential

in your profession. Unfortunately too many

physicians have financial reasons to remain

otherwise. Peace, JR

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

My sister has had eczema all of her life, worsening as an adult. One of the

ways that she has found to keep it under control is using goatsmilk soap

with no scent, and emu oil with lavender eo mixed in. She's been using it

for over a year now, and says that her skin is almost smooth in areas that

haven't been smooth in over 40 years.



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wight & Blackburn " <black@...>

Subject: RE: eczema

<My sister has had eczema all of her life, worsening as an adult. One of the

<ways that she has found to keep it under control is using goatsmilk soap

<with no scent, and emu oil with lavender eo mixed in. She's been using it

<for over a year now, and says that her skin is almost smooth in areas that

<haven't been smooth in over 40 years.



With my daughter's eczema, the lotion I make is also emu with lavender and I

am experimenting with other things. I use the lotion as a preventative

because I really find that once the eczema is bad (primarily due to

scratching) I really need to get on it fast with the prescription cortisone.

I try and limit the cortisone to 3 days or less because it really wrecks her

skin (thins it and bleaches it and then she has white blotches).

I love the emu oil & lavender but it seems that after swimming everyday

(which is what caused our more recent bout) it is not enough on its own. Our

doctor said that my daughter's eczema really is a moisture thing (she never

got it in her diaper area which of course had plenty of moisture).

I am experimenting with a night time concoction made out of Vaseline, emu

oil, rose hip oil, Helichrysum Italicum, and neem. We hate the Vaseline, but

I really need something that seals in moisture. So far this is working

really well for the healing stage.

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In a message dated 10/10/00 10:00:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

colourpro@... writes:

<< My daughter has a patch over her ear.

She is also asthmatic and when she has been hospitalized I am

always asked who has the excema in the family as the 2 are related. >>

Hiya fellow eczema sufferers...

I have eczema, and until recently, my son had anaphylactic reactions to eggs

and egg products. This is a life threatening allergic reaction. He was

treated for this at s Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, land. While he

was hospitalized for a week of testing, I read through VOLUMES of research

provided by his doctor, who is a pediatric immunologist. Both of us also

have asthma. Eczema and anaphylaxis are both allergic responses. They are

both best treated by avoiding the allergen. Treating the symptom (eczema) is

second best. In my son's case, avoidance was literally a matter of life and

death. Thankfully, he finally outgrew it, but ONLY after several years of no

contact with egg products. Each time you have contact with the allergen, you

prolong the allergy. It's NOT easy, trust me. Ever see a 5 or 6 year old

child refuse birthday cake? My son did... he was literally afraid to eat,

until several years after his allergies were diagnosed. It was a long, hard

haul... but we made it.

Again, treating the symptom is comforting, but treating the actual problem,

the allergy, is the only way to truly make this condition improve


Good luck!

Lynne in Vermont

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You do NOT get calcium from milk. Although it has a high calcium content.A

Scientific study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

1981;34:2178-2186 showed that the higher the intake of protein from dairy

from 50 to 110 mg/day the GREATER the calcim excreted in the urine for a NET

CALCIUM LOSS. At 110 mg intake net Calcium Balance Intake minus excretion

was Minus 42 mg/day. Whereas for 50 mg intake it was a NET loss of 31


The dairy industry does everything it can to obscure this study and keep it

from wider distribution.

You can and should get your calcium from dark leafy green vegetables such as

spinach, swiss chard,collards,kale,etc ALSO broccoli.And you will also get

all those other essential phytonutrients.

Arnold Gore

Consumers Health Freedom Coalition

Re: Eczema

> Hi J.R. what you say about calcium and kidney stones is interesting.

> But you will be surprised to know that just before I began to have

> kidney stones, from my teenage years till about 30 years old I was

> drinking 3 litres of milk per day ( like 3 quarts). My first

> kidney stone, was enormous & off white. I have been told that the

> stone was from too much calcium. But now that I avoid milk

> completely, I do believe that I may be a good candidate for

> osteoporosis. What do you suggest I do next? I am truly lost,

> as my bones do ache quite a bit.


> To Dr. K: I am not very knowledgeable about fatty acids. Do you

> mean like the Omega 3 from fish??


> Bye for now, Marie





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I have osteoperosis, I`m 30 and I have been told over and over that

osteoperosis does not hurt. I didn`t believe this before because I had alot

of pain in my bones.

Come to find out my cancer is in my bones and this is what is causing my pain.

I don`t mean to alarm you ,I`m just telling you this so you don`t think the

acheing is due to osetoperosis. Also I agree with arnold. The best sorse of

calcium is thruogh your vegtables and leafy greens. The fat in the milk

prohibits any absorbtion there my be if any calcium does exist.

Although I may include that osteo arthritis is painful. This is merely what

I`ve been told by my specailist Maybe the dr on the list can verify.

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  • 6 months later...
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Can I get this stuff at GNC? Thanks for this info, it is in my Crista file.

Re: Eczema

My daughter is also suffering from eczema and she is 19 months old. She was

put on steroids (that's how bad it got) but now she is much better.

Although she still itches on and off, from researching, I am now using the

following on her:

Calendula Oil (infused in Sunflower Oil)

Wheatgerm Oil (for its Vit. A, D, E, B1, B2 etc.)

Ess.oil of Lavender (equal drops ie. 10 drops) DO NOT USE LAVENDER 40/42 ON

BABIES. I use Lavender Bulgaria.

Ess oil of Tea tree (equal drops ie. 10 drops)

The essential oils have an antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungus

effects. ( Before using Chamomille, make sure she is not allergic to

ragweed.) I place it in a bottle with sprayer and use it when she itches.

Also make sure that she wears only 100% Cotton. I also used Colloidal

Oatmeal (blend to a fine powder some rolled oats) as her last bath

wash/splash to soothe her skin.

This is just what works for me. Hope this helps and good luck.

> I am looking for something for eczema. My 9 year old daughter is on

prednisone at this time, also 2.5 cortisone topically and westcort. I am at

present using cetaphil on her skin and Crisco to moisturize. I have tried

every lotion on the market, is their something I can prepare at home to

soothe her skin and not cause her to scream in pain?


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Thanks so much

Re: Eczema



> My daughter is also suffering from eczema and she is 19 months old. She


> put on steroids (that's how bad it got) but now she is much better.

> Although she still itches on and off, from researching, I am now using


> following on her:


> Calendula Oil (infused in Sunflower Oil)

> Wheatgerm Oil (for its Vit. A, D, E, B1, B2 etc.)

> Ess.oil of Lavender (equal drops ie. 10 drops) DO NOT USE LAVENDER

40/42 ON

> BABIES. I use Lavender Bulgaria.

> Ess oil of Tea tree (equal drops ie. 10 drops)


> The essential oils have an antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral,


> effects. ( Before using Chamomille, make sure she is not allergic to

> ragweed.) I place it in a bottle with sprayer and use it when she



> Also make sure that she wears only 100% Cotton. I also used Colloidal

> Oatmeal (blend to a fine powder some rolled oats) as her last bath

> wash/splash to soothe her skin.


> This is just what works for me. Hope this helps and good luck.



> > I am looking for something for eczema. My 9 year old daughter is on

> prednisone at this time, also 2.5 cortisone topically and westcort. I

am at

> present using cetaphil on her skin and Crisco to moisturize. I have


> every lotion on the market, is their something I can prepare at home to

> soothe her skin and not cause her to scream in pain?

> >





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My daughter is also suffering from eczema and she is 19 months old. She was

put on steroids (that's how bad it got) but now she is much better.

Although she still itches on and off, from researching, I am now using the

following on her:

Calendula Oil (infused in Sunflower Oil)

Wheatgerm Oil (for its Vit. A, D, E, B1, B2 etc.)

Ess.oil of Lavender (equal drops ie. 10 drops) DO NOT USE LAVENDER 40/42 ON

BABIES. I use Lavender Bulgaria.

Ess oil of Tea tree (equal drops ie. 10 drops)

The essential oils have an antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungus

effects. ( Before using Chamomille, make sure she is not allergic to

ragweed.) I place it in a bottle with sprayer and use it when she itches.

Also make sure that she wears only 100% Cotton. I also used Colloidal

Oatmeal (blend to a fine powder some rolled oats) as her last bath

wash/splash to soothe her skin.

This is just what works for me. Hope this helps and good luck.

> I am looking for something for eczema. My 9 year old daughter is on

prednisone at this time, also 2.5 cortisone topically and westcort. I am at

present using cetaphil on her skin and Crisco to moisturize. I have tried

every lotion on the market, is their something I can prepare at home to

soothe her skin and not cause her to scream in pain?


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I have not been to a GNC for years. I buy them wholesale. I will email you

personally as to where I get them OK?


Re: Eczema



> My daughter is also suffering from eczema and she is 19 months old. She


> put on steroids (that's how bad it got) but now she is much better.

> Although she still itches on and off, from researching, I am now using


> following on her:


> Calendula Oil (infused in Sunflower Oil)

> Wheatgerm Oil (for its Vit. A, D, E, B1, B2 etc.)

> Ess.oil of Lavender (equal drops ie. 10 drops) DO NOT USE LAVENDER

40/42 ON

> BABIES. I use Lavender Bulgaria.

> Ess oil of Tea tree (equal drops ie. 10 drops)


> The essential oils have an antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral,


> effects. ( Before using Chamomille, make sure she is not allergic to

> ragweed.) I place it in a bottle with sprayer and use it when she



> Also make sure that she wears only 100% Cotton. I also used Colloidal

> Oatmeal (blend to a fine powder some rolled oats) as her last bath

> wash/splash to soothe her skin.


> This is just what works for me. Hope this helps and good luck.



> > I am looking for something for eczema. My 9 year old daughter is on

> prednisone at this time, also 2.5 cortisone topically and westcort. I

am at

> present using cetaphil on her skin and Crisco to moisturize. I have


> every lotion on the market, is their something I can prepare at home to

> soothe her skin and not cause her to scream in pain?

> >





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How about straight shea butter. That's what we use, no fuss, no muss and

great healing, no pain and it works. You might try a supplement of flaxseed

oil daily as well.


> > I am looking for something for eczema. My 9 year old daughter is on

> prednisone at this time, also 2.5 cortisone topically and westcort. I

am at

> present using cetaphil on her skin and Crisco to moisturize. I have


> every lotion on the market, is their something I can prepare at home to

> soothe her skin and not cause her to scream in pain?

> >

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Thank you

Re: Eczema

How about straight shea butter. That's what we use, no fuss, no muss and

great healing, no pain and it works. You might try a supplement of flaxseed

oil daily as well.


> > I am looking for something for eczema. My 9 year old daughter is on

> prednisone at this time, also 2.5 cortisone topically and westcort. I

am at

> present using cetaphil on her skin and Crisco to moisturize. I have


> every lotion on the market, is their something I can prepare at home to

> soothe her skin and not cause her to scream in pain?

> >

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  • 1 month later...
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I have heard that Chickweed ointment or salve works for eczema.I am

going to try making some this summer.

Donna Chagnon wrote:


> I could have sworn that someone had provided a recipe for a salve or lotion

for eczema but am unable to find it in the archives. Maybe I saw it on a

different list. I have been using Vit. E oil lately because I didn't like the

idea of using something with steroids any longer. I am wondering if anyone out

there in cyber-world has a recipe for a salve or lotion/cream for eczema relief.


> Rather than clog up the list with my many thanks, (all those extra e-mails

makes people on the digest wild!!) I thank you all here for your help.

> Donna

> Go to your destiny!



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Hi Donmna:

I found that a mixture of roughly half aloe vera gel (the commericial stuff

is fine, just be sure to get unscented) and half vitamin E (squeezed right

from the capsule) and applied frequently to the patches really helps it

clear up fast.


> I could have sworn that someone had provided a recipe for a salve or

lotion for eczema but am unable to find it in the archives. Maybe I saw it

on a different list. I have been using Vit. E oil lately because I didn't

like the idea of using something with steroids any longer. I am wondering

if anyone out there in cyber-world has a recipe for a salve or lotion/cream

for eczema relief.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

BREASTMILK! It may sound silly to the uninitiated,

but it works! Also works well for conjunctivitis

(pinkeye) ear infections, skin abrasions, and there

was a link on this list about a Maori woman whose

grandmother (?) used it to treat measles (?) I'm not

sure, access the old files. I know of women who have

expressed milk for cancerous adults - I know I just

blew my credibility, but IT DOES WORK!! I will try to

copy the link to that article below. (Wish me luck -

I'm not good at these things! :)

a in MA

From a Maori native woman in New Zealand

Smallpox and Breast Milk


About half way down the page

--- Terzi@... wrote:

> Anybody know of any treatment for Eczema on babies?

> My friends little one

> has it on his forehead. Most likely an allergic

> response - but they are big

> on treating symptoms! I gave her some florasome

> cream - any other ideas?


> Thanks a lot....

> Terzi

> Mom to Hannah Leigh 3 1/2 (no vax!)

> and baby on the way due 4/2/02



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