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The chickenpox virus lives in the nervous system forever, so once you've

had it, you can get it again. As an adult, it may manifest as shingles,

which erupts usually on the back (I think it has to do with the virus living

at the base of the spinal cord). Therefore, having had it or not,

having had the vaccine or not, makes no difference, except that some feel

that if you have it as a kid any future outbreak will be less severe, although

some say the opposite is also true. I guess it depends on the individual's


Peace HomoFreakian wrote:

I'm a bit confused about shingles. The only person I've ever known who

had them got them at sixteen on her back. At the time she told me that

she'd never had chicken pox, and that she'd Been told that this was why

she was susceptible to shingles. Also, when the big Strep A scare first

started, I remember news reports stating that you didn't have to worry

about it if you'd ever had impetigo, something about that Being related

to chicken pox and that immunity was conferred by either or both. Were

both of these statements just compleatly wrong, or have I lost my mind?

Everything I see now that the chicken pox vaccine has come out says that

*getting* chicken pox leaves one *susceptible* to both these things! (I

don't think that's a valid argument for the vaccine. I think the benefits

of getting the pox outweigh the risks of the vaccine any day, but I do

want to have my facts straight when people ask me about my viewpoints.)

TIA. Be...Peace..............................



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So... the claim that getting the chicken pox vaccine will prevent one getting shingles and all the other things they claim it protects against is pure falsehood? That would explain the flip-flopping, as it's convenient now to the medical industry to make that claim and just say, "Well, vaccines don't *always* work" when someone gets these things anyway, is that right? Thanks again... :->


Peace........................... :->

From: Phyllis

Shingles is a herpes virus. The virus hides in the spinal column at the base of the brain until the immune system is lowered due to stress of a hormone fluctuation, antibiotics, steroids, emotional distress, malnutrition,, etc. Homeopathy is the only method that I have seen that successfully breaks this cycle of chronic immune deficiency. I would not call it a cure, but it does boost the system in order to clear the miasm that feeds this virus.

----- Original Message -----

From: Levy

The chickenpox virus lives in the nervous system forever, so once you've had it, you can get it again. As an adult, it may manifest as shingles, which erupts usually on the back (I think it has to do with the virus living at the base of the spinal cord). Therefore, having had it or not, having had the vaccine or not, makes no difference, except that some feel that if you have it as a kid any future outbreak will be less severe, although some say the opposite is also true. I guess it depends on the individual's health. Peace HomoFreakian wrote:

I'm a bit confused about shingles. The only person I've ever known who had them got them at sixteen on her back. At the time she told me that she'd never had chicken pox, and that she'd Been told that this was why she was susceptible to shingles. Also, when the big Strep A scare first started, I remember news reports stating that you didn't have to worry about it if you'd ever had impetigo, something about that Being related to chicken pox and that immunity was conferred by either or both. Were both of these statements just compleatly wrong, or have I lost my mind? Everything I see now that the chicken pox vaccine has come out says that *getting* chicken pox leaves one *susceptible* to both these things! (I don't think that's a valid argument for the vaccine. I think the benefits of getting the pox outweigh the risks of the vaccine any day, but I do want to have my facts straight when people ask me about my viewpoints.) TIA. Be...Peace.............................. :->http://www.momentsofawareness.com/peace_b_untiu@...ville, NC

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Phyllis wrote:


is a herpes virus.

Actually it's not a herpes

virus, it just acts similar to it. Shingles is caused by the varicella

zoster virus (VZV). From Medical Microbiology (Mims et al


"During primary infection

(ie, chickenpox), VZV in mucocutaneous lesions enters sensory nerve endings

and establishes latent infection in sensory neurones in dorsal root ganglia.

Later in life reactivation can occur to cause zoster (ie, shingles) in

the dermatome at the site of the reactivation. Thoracic dermatomes

are most commonly involved because the original varicella lesions are commonest

here...Zoster...originates from insde the body and is not directly acquired

from varicella or zoster in other individuals. During reactivation

in sensory neurones, there is paresthesia and pain. Pain may be severe

and precedes the development of erythematous rash in which virus-rich vesicles

appear by several days...Fever and malaise may accompany the rash.

"Conditions that predispose

to zoster include:

* Increasing


* Immunocompromise...

* Fractures

or tumors affecting the brain or spinal cord."

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  • 6 months later...
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At 08:56 AM 04/02/2001 -0400, you wrote:

>I'm wondering if anyone here has recently had shingles and what they

>found most helpful at treating them?


>My father had them about 10-15 years ago, but although he *remembers*

>them well enough, the treatment probably consisted of calamine lotion

>and that was about it. I'm sure there are other ideas than just that.

My father was cured immediately with acupuncture once he went.

He suffered for months and months and wouldn't go to my acupuncturist about

20 years ago. Finally after months he went and it was literally

immediately. The pain stopped and his energy returned - he had been

totally debilitated.

Didn't know much about homeopathy then, but know that homeoapthy cures it too.


>The only one he learned about recently that he didn't know back then was

>to avoid coffee & chocolat (which I gather have...argenine...??? in

>them) and to take I think l-tyrosine (is that it?), as the herpes virus

>has a hard time living in the presence of l-tyrosine (hope I got it

>right) but will thrive on the argenine.

This will not cure it -justsuppress.


>My uncle came down with them, and I was wanting to send off a

>care-package of get-well message from me plus some nifty ideas for him

>to try, over the e-mail so, any BTDT's would be greatly appreciated.

Nothing will cure like acupuncture or homeopathy


Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA

Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Nevada City CA & UK

530-478-1242 Voicemail


" All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men ( &

women) do nothing " ...Edmund Burke



Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours


International Tours, Homestudy Courses, ANTHRAX & OTHER Vaccine Dangers

Education, Homeopathic Education

CEU's for nurses, Books & Multi-Pure Water Filters

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  • 3 years later...
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I'm a 2X scratcher. same place both times, right side of my head and in my ear.

Nasty stuff, 12 times I can't imagine.


ldob63 <loridobbins@...> wrote:

Hi, Just wondering how many out there have suffered with shingles.

I am now experiencing my 12th time!!! My doc gives me Favmir I

think it's called. At least I know what it feels like as it is

starting and can get on the anti-viral medicine quickly. My worse

case was before I was dx with CLL. I broke out really bad that time.

Take care everyone,


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Like you I had my first bad outbreak with shingles about four months before I

was diagnoised with CLL. I'm currently ungoing treatment with FCR3, only two

rounds left to go. My doctor has me taking 500mg of Valtrex per day, so far no

more outbreaks of shingles.

ldob63 <loridobbins@...> wrote:

Hi, Just wondering how many out there have suffered with shingles.

I am now experiencing my 12th time!!! My doc gives me Favmir I

think it's called. At least I know what it feels like as it is

starting and can get on the anti-viral medicine quickly. My worse

case was before I was dx with CLL. I broke out really bad that time.

Take care everyone,


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I can't imagine having shingles 12x!

I, too, had shingles before I was diagnosed. It was about a year

before my diagnosis. Since I have no other symptoms of CLL other than

a high white blood count, we don't know how long I've had CLL.

My shingles were on the left side of my body just below my breast and

extended around the back. I took three rounds of Famvir but was still

in bed for 5 weeks and in pain for another 6 months.

On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 04:19:29 -0800 (PST), Tipton

<dcdtip44@...> wrote:


> Lori,

> Like you I had my first bad outbreak with shingles about four months before I

was diagnoised with CLL. I'm currently ungoing treatment with FCR3, only two

rounds left to go. My doctor has me taking 500mg of Valtrex per day, so far no

more outbreaks of shingles.


> ldob63 <loridobbins@...> wrote:


> Hi, Just wondering how many out there have suffered with shingles.

> I am now experiencing my 12th time!!! My doc gives me Favmir I

> think it's called. At least I know what it feels like as it is

> starting and can get on the anti-viral medicine quickly. My worse

> case was before I was dx with CLL. I broke out really bad that time.

> Take care everyone,

> Lori



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About Shingles, I take one Valtrex capsule every other day, constantly, all

the time. That is the only thing that has kept them under control for me.

Apparently you don't build up an immunity to Valtrex and it always works to keep

the virus under control, at least for me.

Good luck with it, Kurt


> Hi, Just wondering how many out there have suffered with shingles.

> I am now experiencing my 12th time!!! My doc gives me Favmir I

> think it's called. At least I know what it feels like as it is

> starting and can get on the anti-viral medicine quickly. My worse

> case was before I was dx with CLL. I broke out really bad that time.

> Take care everyone,

> Lori


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Hi , Kurt and . Thanks for responding to my post. Seems you all

have suffered this dreaded thing too! I heard that shingles were very common

with leukemia and lymphoma patients. My first ones were like 's on the

left side and wrapped around to under my breast too. This time it is under my

right arm and started to wrap around to my back. But, I caught them before they

traveled too much. I did have them on my head once! That was awful. What is

the difference between Famvir and Valtrex? My co-pay for Famvir is $40.00!

High. Guess there is no generic.

Well, thanks again.


Re: shingles


Like you I had my first bad outbreak with shingles about four months before I

was diagnoised with CLL. I'm currently ungoing treatment with FCR3, only two

rounds left to go. My doctor has me taking 500mg of Valtrex per day, so far no

more outbreaks of shingles.

ldob63 <loridobbins@...> wrote:

Hi, Just wondering how many out there have suffered with shingles.

I am now experiencing my 12th time!!! My doc gives me Favmir I

think it's called. At least I know what it feels like as it is

starting and can get on the anti-viral medicine quickly. My worse

case was before I was dx with CLL. I broke out really bad that time.

Take care everyone,


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Hi Lori,

I don't know about Famvir, the Valtex worked for me from the beginning when I

first took it when I had terrible shingles. So I have stayed there with Valtrex

thus far. Perhaps someone can explain the difference and/or you can go to

Google and put both in and check them out on the many medical cites that come up

there. Thats what I always do when I want to know about meds.

Good luck, Kurt

Re: shingles


Like you I had my first bad outbreak with shingles about four months before

I was diagnoised with CLL. I'm currently ungoing treatment with FCR3, only two

rounds left to go. My doctor has me taking 500mg of Valtrex per day, so far no

more outbreaks of shingles.

ldob63 <loridobbins@...> wrote:

Hi, Just wondering how many out there have suffered with shingles.

I am now experiencing my 12th time!!! My doc gives me Favmir I

think it's called. At least I know what it feels like as it is

starting and can get on the anti-viral medicine quickly. My worse

case was before I was dx with CLL. I broke out really bad that time.

Take care everyone,


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  • 3 years later...
Guest guest

Oh Louise hon

I am so sorry to hear that, I had them around my chest and back before

Christmas it was a nightmare and so painful. I needed very strong pain

killers and calamine lotion and waiting it out, along with the

antivirals you are taking. (I took echinacia too to try and get my

immune system to kick it out). The antivirals tend to just save you

from the afterpain 'neuralgia' and slightly shorten the event if you

started them quickly enough. It is a horrible illness and run down

people do tend to get it, especially hypothyroid run down people.

All I can really say hon is to rest, and try to soothe it and kill the

pain as much as poss. I do hope you get better quickly :( poor you.

lotsa luv


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> Oh Louise hon


> I am so sorry to hear that, I had them around my chest and back before

> Christmas it was a nightmare and so painful. I needed very strong pain

> killers and calamine lotion and waiting it out, along with the

> antivirals you are taking. (I took echinacia too to try and get my

> immune system to kick it out). The antivirals tend to just save you

> from the afterpain 'neuralgia' and slightly shorten the event if you

> started them quickly enough. It is a horrible illness and run down

> people do tend to get it, especially hypothyroid run down people.

> All I can really say hon is to rest, and try to soothe it and kill the

> pain as much as poss. I do hope you get better quickly :( poor you.


> lotsa luv

> Dawnx

>Thank you Dawn,

I'm sure you are right, its just rest that I need, I think I did too

much yesterday, just because I felt better, but am paying the price

today, I started the medications Wednesday evening, three days after

the rash appeared, so hopefully I shall be feeling better soon,

echinacia, is what I shall buy, when I can get out. thanks again. Love


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  • 3 months later...

If he has shingle isolated to one area, then he is most likely not

shedding virus. But, most importantly, if you have had chicken pox,

you are protected. Is your husband on medication?

Rick Furman, MD


> Hi,

> It looks like my husband has shingles. I know this arises from the

> dormant chicken pox virus within his systmem, but I am wondering if

> there are any precautions I should take since he is shedding a live


> Thanks for your help,

> Randolph


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I am sorry to hear of your husband's problem with shingles. You ask what

precautions you can take - well there is very little you can do except

to avoid contact with open blisters your husband might have.

I suffered the best part of 10 years from regular shingles outbreaks

till Prof. Terry Hamblin recommended me to take as a prophylactic twice

daily 200 mg of Aciclovir which did the trick. Since one and a half

years I had no more shingles outbreaks.

Maybe this will also help your husband. If he is protected from further

outbreaks you are also protected and do not have to worry.

If your husband is now in the middle of an outbreak he should ask his

GP to prescribe a full course of anti-virals such as Aciclovir, Valtrex,

etc. and when the current outbreak subsides then he should switch to the

above mentioned prophylactic mode.

All the best

Manfred Horst Ogermann London UK


> Hi,

> It looks like my husband has shingles. I know this arises from the

> dormant chicken pox virus within his systmem, but I am wondering if

> there are any precautions I should take since he is shedding a live


> Thanks for your help,

> Randolph


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> >

> > Hi,

> > It looks like my husband has shingles. I know this arises from the

> > dormant chicken pox virus within his systmem, but I am wondering if

> > there are any precautions I should take since he is shedding a live

> virus.

> > Thanks for your help,

> > Randolph

> >

>Dr. Furman,

Thanks for your reply. I did have chicken pox as a child. He is not on

meds and will see his MD this week. It is just today that it became

appartent that he has shingles as he developed the neuralgia symptoms.

He has had what he thought was a rash for 6 days. Does it make sense

for him to still take the anti-virals?


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I have been taking Aciclovir for about two years as a prophylactic medication first due to treament with fluradabine and then due to Campath treatment, I was talking to the chair person of the shingles association in the UK at one work shop/conference I attended some months ago and she was telling me that taking Aviclovir had no long term side effects and it was he best prevention you could have.



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Adding to Chonette, I've taken Valtrex for about 8 yrs to prevent

shingles, cold sores, herpes outbreaks that I started to get shortly

before & after dx'd in 1998. My dosage was cut from 1000 mg/day to

500/day 3 years ago and I think once had to double the dose for 2 days

when I began to get something. No cumulative side effects reported

anywhere so far.


On Nov 23, 2008, at 8:43 AM, Chonette wrote:

> I have been taking Aciclovir for about two years as a prophylactic

> medication first due to treament with fluradabine and then due to

> Campath treatment, I was talking to the chair person of the shingles

> association in the UK at one work shop/conference I attended some

> months ago and she was telling me that taking Aviclovir had no long

> term side effects and it was he best prevention you could have.

> regards

> Chonette




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There are several medications that can be taken to prevent shingles:




I put all of my patients on them once they start chemotherapy. They

are well tolerated and should have no adverse effects.

Rick Furamn, MD


> I have been taking Aciclovir for about two years as a prophylactic

medication first due to treament with fluradabine and then due to

Campath treatment, I was talking to the chair person of the shingles

association in the UK at one work shop/conference I attended some

months ago and she was telling me that taking Aviclovir had no long

term side effects and it was he best prevention you could have.

> regards

> Chonette


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Yes, immunosuppressed patients may have a very protracted case and

should be started on antivirals. It is also important to start the

antivirals as soon as possible to lessen the chance of post-herpetic


Rick Furman, MD

> > >

> > > Hi,

> > > It looks like my husband has shingles. I know this arises from


> > > dormant chicken pox virus within his systmem, but I am

wondering if

> > > there are any precautions I should take since he is shedding a


> > virus.

> > > Thanks for your help,

> > > Randolph

> > >

> >Dr. Furman,

> Thanks for your reply. I did have chicken pox as a child. He is not


> meds and will see his MD this week. It is just today that it became

> appartent that he has shingles as he developed the neuralgia


> He has had what he thought was a rash for 6 days. Does it make sense

> for him to still take the anti-virals?

> Randolph


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> > > >

> > > > Hi,

> > > > It looks like my husband has shingles. I know this arises from

> the

> > > > dormant chicken pox virus within his systmem, but I am

> wondering if

> > > > there are any precautions I should take since he is shedding a

> live

> > > virus.

> > > > Thanks for your help,

> > > > Randolph

> > > >

> > >Dr. Furman,

> > Thanks for your reply. I did have chicken pox as a child. He is not

> on

> > meds and will see his MD this week. It is just today that it became

> > appartent that he has shingles as he developed the neuralgia

> symptoms.

> > He has had what he thought was a rash for 6 days. Does it make sense

> > for him to still take the anti-virals?

> > Randolph

> >


I am sorry for the confusion, but I am the the one with CLL and it is

my husband who has shingles. I am doing great in stage 0, W & W. I was

questioning if it made any sense for him to start the meds since he

has had the mild rash for 6 days and doing OK. My concern with him

taking the anti-virals was to protect me. I had chicken pox as a

child. Sometimes following these email threads is confusing for the


From all I have learned, I am probably OK because we took precautions

from the start, his lesions did not ooze or crust. and he always kept

his torso covered with a shirt.


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Sorry about the confusion. I am easily confused though.

You are probably at almost no risk as the vast majority of cases are

reactivations. Your husband could benefit from starting Valtrex or

one of the others in order to help limit the infection and prevent

post-herpetic neuralgia. If they are already crusting, it might not

be necessary, but could not hurt.

Rick Furman, MD

> > > > >

> > > > > Hi,

> > > > > It looks like my husband has shingles. I know this arises


> > the

> > > > > dormant chicken pox virus within his systmem, but I am

> > wondering if

> > > > > there are any precautions I should take since he is

shedding a

> > live

> > > > virus.

> > > > > Thanks for your help,

> > > > > Randolph

> > > > >

> > > >Dr. Furman,

> > > Thanks for your reply. I did have chicken pox as a child. He is


> > on

> > > meds and will see his MD this week. It is just today that it


> > > appartent that he has shingles as he developed the neuralgia

> > symptoms.

> > > He has had what he thought was a rash for 6 days. Does it make


> > > for him to still take the anti-virals?

> > > Randolph

> > >

> >

> I am sorry for the confusion, but I am the the one with CLL and it


> my husband who has shingles. I am doing great in stage 0, W & W. I was

> questioning if it made any sense for him to start the meds since he

> has had the mild rash for 6 days and doing OK. My concern with him

> taking the anti-virals was to protect me. I had chicken pox as a

> child. Sometimes following these email threads is confusing for the

> reader.


> From all I have learned, I am probably OK because we took


> from the start, his lesions did not ooze or crust. and he always


> his torso covered with a shirt.

> Randolph


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> > > > > >

> > > > > > Hi,

> > > > > > It looks like my husband has shingles. I know this arises

> from

> > > the

> > > > > > dormant chicken pox virus within his systmem, but I am

> > > wondering if

> > > > > > there are any precautions I should take since he is

> shedding a

> > > live

> > > > > virus.

> > > > > > Thanks for your help,

> > > > > > Randolph

> > > > > >

> > > > >Dr. Furman,

> > > > Thanks for your reply. I did have chicken pox as a child. He is

> not

> > > on

> > > > meds and will see his MD this week. It is just today that it

> became

> > > > appartent that he has shingles as he developed the neuralgia

> > > symptoms.

> > > > He has had what he thought was a rash for 6 days. Does it make

> sense

> > > > for him to still take the anti-virals?

> > > > Randolph

> > > >

> > >

> > I am sorry for the confusion, but I am the the one with CLL and it

> is

> > my husband who has shingles. I am doing great in stage 0, W & W. I was

> > questioning if it made any sense for him to start the meds since he

> > has had the mild rash for 6 days and doing OK. My concern with him

> > taking the anti-virals was to protect me. I had chicken pox as a

> > child. Sometimes following these email threads is confusing for the

> > reader.

> >

> > From all I have learned, I am probably OK because we took

> precautions

> > from the start, his lesions did not ooze or crust. and he always

> kept

> > his torso covered with a shirt.

> > Randolph

> >


Dr. Furman,

Thanks for the final reply and re-assuring me.


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  • 11 months later...

A friend of mine was just dxed with shingles yesterday, same day I saw post from

someone here who thought it might be iodine related. My friend has been taking

12.5 mg Iodoral daily for about 3 months. Three or four days ago he doubled it

to 25 mg and the same day he broke out with red welts on his forehead. He and I

both believe it was the doubling of the Iodoral that caused it. Yes, the virus

had to be dormant in him, but the detoxing was too much for his system and that

caused the virus to become active. I told him to skip a day of Iodoral and cut

back to his former dose and be sure to salt load (which he does faithfully) and

drink water and taking his supplements to support detox pathways.

He also took TBSP of VCO (which he thought tasted gross but I have no problems

with it) and daubed forehead with hydrogen peroxide/water mix. He sees doctor


Just wanted to let that other person know - sorry, forgot name - that it could

very well have been caused by her taking Iodoral.



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My thought would be that the Iodine may have taken the virus out of dormancy,

this may have to happen in order to rid the body of the dormant/latent virus.

When virus are dormant they still do harm. There just arent any or many symptoms

outwardly. Some virus are very adept at hiding themselves. And when faced with

threat, such as iodine would pose, they might go into hyper drive trying to save

themselves, hyper immune response (similar to what vaccines do), which might

cause the auto immune reaction.

Personally, i would cover the lesions with iodine and increase, not decrease, my

iodine and get rid of the virus. It is harder to do when its painful tho, so he

has to do what he can tolerate.

I'm not sure what VCO is. But if not wanting to try iodine, Tea Tree Oil applied

to the lesions might help, it is especially good for viral and bacterial

infestations on the skin. Taking OLE - olive leaf extract might be good, too.



> A friend of mine was just dxed with shingles yesterday, same day I saw post

from someone here who thought it might be iodine related. My friend has been

taking 12.5 mg Iodoral daily for about 3 months. Three or four days ago he

doubled it to 25 mg and the same day he broke out with red welts on his

forehead. He and I both believe it was the doubling of the Iodoral that caused

it. Yes, the virus had to be dormant in him, but the detoxing was too much for

his system and that caused the virus to become active. I told him to skip a day

of Iodoral and cut back to his former dose and be sure to salt load (which he

does faithfully) and drink water and taking his supplements to support detox



> He also took TBSP of VCO (which he thought tasted gross but I have no problems

with it) and daubed forehead with hydrogen peroxide/water mix. He sees doctor



> Just wanted to let that other person know - sorry, forgot name - that it could

very well have been caused by her taking Iodoral.


> Best,


> Connie


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