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hey Don - glad to see you're managing, that's Great. Are you at least

having regular follow up to keep track of the condition of your E?

That's my personal soapbox - be proactive with your health and know

what's happening to your body. Not doing anything can have bad


Welcome Back!

Happy Swallowing!

- in Va.


> I haven't posted in a long time, but I have been reading some of the

> old post tonight. This is still a great place to get good


> and support for " A " . Some of you might remember me, I am the guy


> has the redneck remedy for " A " , remember I use cokes to push my food

> down. I am still suffering with " A " but I am still getting by withut

> any surgeries by using the cokes.


> Hope all my old friends in here are doing well.


> God bless you all,


> Don


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

Good to hear from you girl.I knew you would be ok but I hate the waiting to find out how you are.What your mother did was nornal but you have no choice.You know she is in a safe place and now you have to get on with getting your health brought up to date.You did the only thing you could do.Try and get a one room place of your own then you can deal with the stress when you feel like it.We know what you are going to go through on treatment but you don't have any other option.I know how you feel hon but you have to get rid of this dragon.Once and for all so that you can have a life of your own.You need choices and clearing this disease is the only thing that is going to free you.I progressed to fast for you to ignore it.We will stick to you like glue hon.Just remember to drink that water.Good to hear from you again.


Hello to all

Hello Gang,

I have missed you all - and hello to all the newbies, as I was going through my mail trying to catch up, I can't believe how many new people have joined. I am thrilled to get to know you all, however, sorry that we have to come to know each other through hepatitis -c.

Del - I am sorry that I haven't been able to get back to you by phone. I have been in the middle of a major move back to Kansas. Leaving my Mother behind was hell, and she made sure I felt it before leaving. I am still trying to let the guilt go, and for once in my life - look after me.

Deb, Gail, De, Suzie - and I am sure that I am forgetting some - I apologize to you all also, as I know you all worry. But I also know you all understand what I have been through and how difficult a move can be.

I am finally settled now and am headed for Pratt, Ks, right out side of Wichita on Wed-7th to see the hep doc that is going to start the treatment. I am dreading it, as most of the "old timers" know that I have been through this once before, and had every side affect possible and then some... LOL I think I found some new ones. And on top of it - I have to see a Rheumitaligist for ,u RA also, as I think some of you know that RA is an auto immune disease - which my immune systems after fighting off the hep-c before never stopped fighting and has now turned on my own body - it attacks your joints first and then major organs. So doing treatment for Hep-C is only going to boost my immune system and most likely cause worse flare ups with the RA then I am already having. God willing, I will make it through TX again and them I will start another form of chemo called methotrexate for the RA once I have beat this damn dragon again.

And Gals - I have to tell you - I was suppose to start it as soon as possible and that was back in the Beginning of February - and I am going to have a very hard time doing it again. I need a HUGE push here in to gear and out of neutral. I don't feel that bad, my RA hurts me worse then the hep, and all I can think about it how bad the TX made me feel.

I need you guys now more than ever - last time I was all gung hoh on starting, and now I am fighting it every step of the way.

And I do know that it is not an option, however, sometimes it just seems easier to put it in God's hands and let her ride.

But I always have said, if it weren't for bad luck I would have no luck at all.... LOL , but true.

Ok, enough of my complaining - I am having a WONDERFUL time with my grandbabies..... Woo hoo... I get to see them everyday. However, my Daughter is going through a divorce and it is ugly, so I have been physically and mentally overworked since I have been here. The Doc in Denver told me that he thinks my stress level is what caused me to come out of remission after almost 2 years clear and also what made mine progress so quickly - I told my Daughter that I wasn't going to need chemo at this rate - she is just going to go ahead and kill my liver on off.

Funny part about the whole this was, I moved back here to be close to family and kids, and need the break from my Mother due to all the stress - and I really don't know which is worse... LOL really though...

I said I was going to quit the whinning - so now I want to hear from all of you and be caught up??????

Has anyone ever heard from Liz?? I think about her often, as I have done you all, but worry for her.

I gotta run for now, duty calls

I love you guys and have missed you more...

May God Bless you all


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Hi , Does your R A doc know about the CV? The thing is metricate is really harsh on the liver. My Dad was taking it for psoriasis & it really messed his liver up so bad the doctor took him off the stuff. Please honey, make sure your doctors are up to date with your health. I'm going for test after test - we're doing as many of the Prue-Transplant tests here as we can, then I go to Toronto for the rest. I am NOT having fun. Spike broke his rope last night & got loose so I had to run all over the neighborhood shaking a bag of his favorite treats til I found him under the shed next door. Brat. Take care of yourself sweetie, no one else will. SuZie Davies <lisamariedavies@...> wrote: Hello Gang, I have missed you all - and hello to all the newbies, as I was going through my mail trying to catch up, I can't believe

how many new people have joined. I am thrilled to get to know you all, however, sorry that we have to come to know each other through hepatitis -c. . God willing, I will make it through TX again and them I will start another form of chemo called methotrexate for the RA once I have beat this damn dragon again. Marie

Next time I'm coming back as a cat

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Hi Wayne

You and i have the same KS. I can say that I am a lucky one coz i

have my tiny balls removed by my urologist DR at hospital.

I would say to you that you have to see an urologist Dr at once. He

will tell you if you really have to have the balls or you shall have

the removed.

You dont have to have that pian every time they are going into your


Pls e-mail me and I can tell you where you will find thw KS union in

CA or USA.

Take care of youself


> My name is Wayne and I live in Canada's biggest city, Toronto,

> Ontario,Idecided to join this group because I was born with


> Syndrome and although I live in a large city in Canada, there is


> support for a guy like me so I serf the net looking for places

that an

> give me somekind of support and also hopefully some advice. The


> that I have with klinefelter's is having small testicles that


> times of the month retract up into my body. My body for some


> retracts them as if they[testicles] are trying to be fertilized,


> since I am a male that is not possible, and while they are up in


> my body I seem to have great discomfort, that is trying to lie

down in

> bed and then trying to get up again. Any advice will be


> thanks.


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You guys freaked me out! I had to look at my balls to make sure they

weren't shrinking!!! I think I'll change my name to " Hawaiian Wayne "

so I can tell the two apart!

April is passed, so I knew it wasn't THAT. Whew! and Shees!


Aloha for now,

Hawaiian Wayne

> >

> > My name is Wayne and I live in Canada's biggest city, Toronto,

> > Ontario,Idecided to join this group because I was born with

> Klinefelter

> > Syndrome and although I live in a large city in Canada, there is

> no

> > support for a guy like me so I serf the net looking for places

> that an

> > give me somekind of support and also hopefully some advice. The

> problem

> > that I have with klinefelter's is having small testicles that

> certain

> > times of the month retract up into my body. My body for some

> reason

> > retracts them as if they[testicles] are trying to be fertilized,

> but

> > since I am a male that is not possible, and while they are up in

> side

> > my body I seem to have great discomfort, that is trying to lie

> down in

> > bed and then trying to get up again. Any advice will be

> considered,

> > thanks.

> >


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Thanks so much for your concern and your support. I am so nervous for my trip tomorrow, it's 4:30 AM and I am still not asleep. Guess I will just drink lots of coffee for my trip.

Hey Gals - I got to thinking and Deb had mentioned something from before. But remember when I first found out that the hep was back? I couldn't figure out why the disease had progressed so quickly, and Deb had mentioned that my liver could heal it's self somewhat. Well, I had forgotten that at the same time I found out that I had the hep, I also got the news that I had a severe case of Mono. And then I read that mono can cause temporaily but extreme trauma to the liver and lots of inflamation. And as I look back at the time when I first found out, my liver was swollen so much that is what caused me to go in and ask that they check me.

What do you all think? I am thinking that maybe my biopsy came back so bad because I was so sick with the mono at the time, as I had the biopsy while the mono was still in full force?

I am going to tell the Doc about it tomorrow and ask that he order another liver biopsy, as all the swelling has gone down, and other than the RA - I feel as healthy as a horse.

Okay - enough on me, please up date me when you can, I am having serious trouble with my email saying I am over quota, and I have deleted everything. So if I don't receive anything from you all when I return, I am may ask you to resend, so please save if you can.

I hope and pray that you all are doing well and your spirits are high.

I still don't want to do this chemo again, and I do know that this is not an option, but I am going to need a good long hard lecture to shove me out of neutral. Deb - I think you were always pretty good at that... :)

De - I miss our talks girl, hope everything is getting better for and with your son, as I know that was big taxing issue with you the last time I talked with you...

Keep your fingers crossed for me, and I look forward to talking to you all

Anyone hear from Liz?

Love you all...

May God Bless and Keep you all and yours....


-- Re: Hello to all

Good to hear from you girl.I knew you would be ok but I hate the waiting to find out how you are.What your mother did was nornal but you have no choice.You know she is in a safe place and now you have to get on with getting your health brought up to date.You did the only thing you could do.Try and get a one room place of your own then you can deal with the stress when you feel like it.We know what you are going to go through on treatment but you don't have any other option.I know how you feel hon but you have to get rid of this dragon.Once and for all so that you can have a life of your own.You need choices and clearing this disease is the only thing that is going to free you.I progressed to fast for you to ignore it.We will stick to you like glue hon.Just remember to drink that water.Good to hear from you again.


Hello to all

Hello Gang,

I have missed you all - and hello to all the newbies, as I was going through my mail trying to catch up, I can't believe how many new people have joined. I am thrilled to get to know you all, however, sorry that we have to come to know each other through hepatitis -c.

Del - I am sorry that I haven't been able to get back to you by phone. I have been in the middle of a major move back to Kansas. Leaving my Mother behind was hell, and she made sure I felt it before leaving. I am still trying to let the guilt go, and for once in my life - look after me.

Deb, Gail, De, Suzie - and I am sure that I am forgetting some - I apologize to you all also, as I know you all worry. But I also know you all understand what I have been through and how difficult a move can be.

I am finally settled now and am headed for Pratt, Ks, right out side of Wichita on Wed-7th to see the hep doc that is going to start the treatment. I am dreading it, as most of the "old timers" know that I have been through this once before, and had every side affect possible and then some... LOL I think I found some new ones. And on top of it - I have to see a Rheumitaligist for ,u RA also, as I think some of you know that RA is an auto immune disease - which my immune systems after fighting off the hep-c before never stopped fighting and has now turned on my own body - it attacks your joints first and then major organs. So doing treatment for Hep-C is only going to boost my immune system and most likely cause worse flare ups with the RA then I am already having. God willing, I will make it through TX again and them I will start another form of chemo called methotrexate for the RA once I have beat this damn dragon again.

And Gals - I have to tell you - I was suppose to start it as soon as possible and that was back in the Beginning of February - and I am going to have a very hard time doing it again. I need a HUGE push here in to gear and out of neutral. I don't feel that bad, my RA hurts me worse then the hep, and all I can think about it how bad the TX made me feel.

I need you guys now more than ever - last time I was all gung hoh on starting, and now I am fighting it every step of the way.

And I do know that it is not an option, however, sometimes it just seems easier to put it in God's hands and let her ride.

But I always have said, if it weren't for bad luck I would have no luck at all.... LOL , but true.

Ok, enough of my complaining - I am having a WONDERFUL time with my grandbabies..... Woo hoo... I get to see them everyday. However, my Daughter is going through a divorce and it is ugly, so I have been physically and mentally overworked since I have been here. The Doc in Denver told me that he thinks my stress level is what caused me to come out of remission after almost 2 years clear and also what made mine progress so quickly - I told my Daughter that I wasn't going to need chemo at this rate - she is just going to go ahead and kill my liver on off.

Funny part about the whole this was, I moved back here to be close to family and kids, and need the break from my Mother due to all the stress - and I really don't know which is worse... LOL really though...

I said I was going to quit the whinning - so now I want to hear from all of you and be caught up??????

Has anyone ever heard from Liz?? I think about her often, as I have done you all, but worry for her.

I gotta run for now, duty calls

I love you guys and have missed you more...

May God Bless you all


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Thanks so much for your concern and your support. I am so nervous for my trip tomorrow, it's 4:30 AM and I am still not asleep. Guess I will just drink lots of coffee for my trip.

Hey Gals - I got to thinking and Deb had mentioned something from before. But remember when I first found out that the hep was back? I couldn't figure out why the disease had progressed so quickly, and Deb had mentioned that my liver could heal it's self somewhat. Well, I had forgotten that at the same time I found out that I had the hep, I also got the news that I had a severe case of Mono. And then I read that mono can cause temporaily but extreme trauma to the liver and lots of inflamation. And as I look back at the time when I first found out, my liver was swollen so much that is what caused me to go in and ask that they check me.

What do you all think? I am thinking that maybe my biopsy came back so bad because I was so sick with the mono at the time, as I had the biopsy while the mono was still in full force?

I am going to tell the Doc about it tomorrow and ask that he order another liver biopsy, as all the swelling has gone down, and other than the RA - I feel as healthy as a horse.

Okay - enough on me, please up date me when you can, I am having serious trouble with my email saying I am over quota, and I have deleted everything. So if I don't receive anything from you all when I return, I am may ask you to resend, so please save if you can.

I hope and pray that you all are doing well and your spirits are high.

I still don't want to do this chemo again, and I do know that this is not an option, but I am going to need a good long hard lecture to shove me out of neutral. Deb - I think you were always pretty good at that... :)

De - I miss our talks girl, hope everything is getting better for and with your son, as I know that was big taxing issue with you the last time I talked with you...

Keep your fingers crossed for me, and I look forward to talking to you all

Anyone hear from Liz?

Love you all...

May God Bless and Keep you all and yours....


-- Re: Hello to all

Good to hear from you girl.I knew you would be ok but I hate the waiting to find out how you are.What your mother did was nornal but you have no choice.You know she is in a safe place and now you have to get on with getting your health brought up to date.You did the only thing you could do.Try and get a one room place of your own then you can deal with the stress when you feel like it.We know what you are going to go through on treatment but you don't have any other option.I know how you feel hon but you have to get rid of this dragon.Once and for all so that you can have a life of your own.You need choices and clearing this disease is the only thing that is going to free you.I progressed to fast for you to ignore it.We will stick to you like glue hon.Just remember to drink that water.Good to hear from you again.


Hello to all

Hello Gang,

I have missed you all - and hello to all the newbies, as I was going through my mail trying to catch up, I can't believe how many new people have joined. I am thrilled to get to know you all, however, sorry that we have to come to know each other through hepatitis -c.

Del - I am sorry that I haven't been able to get back to you by phone. I have been in the middle of a major move back to Kansas. Leaving my Mother behind was hell, and she made sure I felt it before leaving. I am still trying to let the guilt go, and for once in my life - look after me.

Deb, Gail, De, Suzie - and I am sure that I am forgetting some - I apologize to you all also, as I know you all worry. But I also know you all understand what I have been through and how difficult a move can be.

I am finally settled now and am headed for Pratt, Ks, right out side of Wichita on Wed-7th to see the hep doc that is going to start the treatment. I am dreading it, as most of the "old timers" know that I have been through this once before, and had every side affect possible and then some... LOL I think I found some new ones. And on top of it - I have to see a Rheumitaligist for ,u RA also, as I think some of you know that RA is an auto immune disease - which my immune systems after fighting off the hep-c before never stopped fighting and has now turned on my own body - it attacks your joints first and then major organs. So doing treatment for Hep-C is only going to boost my immune system and most likely cause worse flare ups with the RA then I am already having. God willing, I will make it through TX again and them I will start another form of chemo called methotrexate for the RA once I have beat this damn dragon again.

And Gals - I have to tell you - I was suppose to start it as soon as possible and that was back in the Beginning of February - and I am going to have a very hard time doing it again. I need a HUGE push here in to gear and out of neutral. I don't feel that bad, my RA hurts me worse then the hep, and all I can think about it how bad the TX made me feel.

I need you guys now more than ever - last time I was all gung hoh on starting, and now I am fighting it every step of the way.

And I do know that it is not an option, however, sometimes it just seems easier to put it in God's hands and let her ride.

But I always have said, if it weren't for bad luck I would have no luck at all.... LOL , but true.

Ok, enough of my complaining - I am having a WONDERFUL time with my grandbabies..... Woo hoo... I get to see them everyday. However, my Daughter is going through a divorce and it is ugly, so I have been physically and mentally overworked since I have been here. The Doc in Denver told me that he thinks my stress level is what caused me to come out of remission after almost 2 years clear and also what made mine progress so quickly - I told my Daughter that I wasn't going to need chemo at this rate - she is just going to go ahead and kill my liver on off.

Funny part about the whole this was, I moved back here to be close to family and kids, and need the break from my Mother due to all the stress - and I really don't know which is worse... LOL really though...

I said I was going to quit the whinning - so now I want to hear from all of you and be caught up??????

Has anyone ever heard from Liz?? I think about her often, as I have done you all, but worry for her.

I gotta run for now, duty calls

I love you guys and have missed you more...

May God Bless you all


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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Good to hear from you doc. I have missed having you available for

questions. I know that is selfish, but none the less true.

I hope there are new and wonderful things coming down the pike. And

I wish the best for you personally. I joined a couple of months

after the list started and still follow it, rarely responding. I do

appreciate people posting pertinent studies, so I still read the posts.

Thanks for starting the list.

Bob Patton

On Oct 30, 2006, at 1:58 PM, Doc wrote:

> Dear List members,

> At the outset I must apologise for having not been active on the List

> for quite sometime.

> My professional work has been overwhelming me for quite a while. I am

> however happy to note that this community remais vibrant and active.


> All the best


> Dr Sharat Misra MD,DM,FACG

> List owner/moderator




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Dear Dr. Misra,

Your timing could not be better! I have some good news! My latest MRI and

endoscopy results were good enough that I no longer score enough points to be

elligible for a liver transplant! That's not well, but it's a far cry from

where I was 7 years ago, when I developed hemalytic anemia and had to suspend


Questions: On lab results, what do low protein and calcium mean I need to do to

alter my diet? Is a cholesterol level of 104, with the good stuff being

predominant, okay?

We value you and know that your patients need you. We're happy to know that YOU

are okay!

Thank you,


Hello to all


>Dear List members,

>At the outset I must apologise for having not been active on the List

>for quite sometime.

>My professional work has been overwhelming me for quite a while. I am

>however happy to note that this community remais vibrant and active.


>All the best


>Dr Sharat Misra MD,DM,FACG

>List owner/moderator






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  • 1 year later...

Welcome ,

Sorry you are in such pain. I can understand. I've

been up and down with neck pain all night long. a

couple of years back when I had nerve pain in my hand

and arm, epidural steroid injections helped alot. This

type of pain would correspond to sciatica pain caused

by lower back problems. If the pain is from the facet

joints in the back of the spine then facet joints

injections can help, but for me these did not last as

long as the epidural.

Hope this helps,




Never miss a thing. Make your home page.


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-Hi welcome to the group. Seems you are a late nite person like

myself. Most nites I am up at 3am since my pain meds wear off then. And

I noticed your NN is similar to mine also :) I am sorry to hear that

pain keeps you up lots of nites. I know what you mean about going

several nites of no sleep as I have that happen fairly often. And after

about 3-4 nites of 2hrs sleep or so I usually just pass out from

exhaustion. I hate taking sleeping meds as they make me feel yucky the

next day. There are several people in the group who have been thru

shots so I am sure you will get more answers. I had shots in my neck

years ago but they didn't help me at all. I know two other people who

had them in their back. And both of them had some luck with the first

two shots but after the third their pain returned later on. I think

honestly it all depends on each person. Everyone seems to react

differently to all different types of treatments and meds. The key is

having your dr find what works best for you. I wish you luck with your

injections and again welcome to the group. Sharon Group Owner

-- In neck pain , " "

<dark_angel_of_mine@...> wrote:


> Hi all,

> new to the group,just wanted to introduce myself not sure what to


> here.my name is and its 3am lol i cant sleep.seems since i have

> had this back problem sleep is somthing other people do.even with the

> pain meds some nights i cant get any relief.dont like to take


> aids unless im on 3nights of no sleep.im sure im not the only one.

> Question... i have an appointment for some injection in my back next

> month.alot of people have told me these dont work. have any of you


> these and did they work at all?im not looking forward to it thats for

> sure, least ill be out for it.ok enough rambling. hope to hear from

> some of you soon. bye


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Hello Will,

Welcome to the group and I'm glad you found us. Where are you from? What meds

are you on now to control the mighty dragon?

Brett WA ST.

Hello to all

Recent Activity

a.. 2New Members

Visit Your Group

Meditation and


A Yahoo! Group

to share and learn.

Yahoo! Health

Memory Loss

Are you at risk

for Alzheimers?

Cat Groups

on Yahoo! Groups

discuss everything

related to cats.


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I am currently residing in Crookston, Minnesota and the only meds that

I am on is Motrin 800, Darvocet 450, and Enbrel 50 IM

Brett wrote:


> Hello Will,

> Welcome to the group and I'm glad you found us. Where are you from?

> What meds are you on now to control the mighty dragon?


> Brett WA ST.

> Hello to all


> Recent Activity

> a.. 2New Members

> Visit Your Group

> Meditation and

> Lovingkindness


> A Yahoo! Group


> to share and learn.


> Yahoo! Health

> Memory Loss


> Are you at risk


> for Alzheimers?


> Cat Groups

> on Yahoo! Groups


> discuss everything


> related to cats.

> .




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Dear Will,

Wow, that's about all I can say - wow! I cannot even imagine if my diagnosis

would have been like that. 3 months on life-support, sure glad you lived

thru it. First time I ever heard of anyone living thru life-support for that

long! Welcome to the group and looking forward to getting to know you.

Carole from Hollywood FL

**************Need a new ride? Check out the largest site for U.S. used car

listings at AOL Autos.


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Dear Will,

Wow, that's about all I can say - wow! I cannot even imagine if my diagnosis

would have been like that. 3 months on life-support, sure glad you lived

thru it. First time I ever heard of anyone living thru life-support for that

long! Welcome to the group and looking forward to getting to know you.

Carole from Hollywood FL

**************Need a new ride? Check out the largest site for U.S. used car

listings at AOL Autos.


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Welcome Annette..........this is from Tennessee.....I have had Fibro for over 30 years when Dr.s REALLY did not know anything and still don't. I have a host of other problems; Lupus and OA for a few others. I had a stroke in 1997.


**************Looking for a car that's sporty, fun and fits in your budget? Read reviews on AOL Autos. (http://autos.aol.com/cars-BMW-128-2008/expert-review?ncid=aolaut00050000000017 )

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Hi Annette,

Welcome to the group. While I'm originally from Georgia, Nebraska has

been home for 21 years. I love both states as well as Tennessee where

my husband and I enjoy having fun and staying overnight four times a


I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia two weeks ago. I also have

osteoporosis with fractures and a broken rib, osteoarthritis, and


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Hello Annette and welcome. You've come to a wonderful place.


hello to all

hi im new and like to introduce my self my name is annette i live in PA. i was dx with fibro in 2002. im so glad to meet you all .

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am not sure how much help I can be. Today is day 3 and except for the crying fit ysterday things have been good. I am not saying everyday will be as good but so far I feel fine today too. They say that exercise, water and sleep are the three things needed to make treatment easier. I am looking forward to the weeks ahead because I have been unable to fight this past year and now I have a new strength because I know I am now in control of my body and will beat these. The most important thing to me is that I feel as good as I used too. Remember that not all people react the same to the treatment. Some have no real side effects and some only have a few. Think about what you need to do for your body. Good luck.


From: scott phillip <tokendaddt27@...>Subject: Hello to allHepatitis CSupportGroupForDummies Date: Sunday, August 17, 2008, 4:32 AM

I think I might be starting treatment soon. Had hep c since 1993 with no problem...until now. emzyme levels high, and my rna quant is close to 3 mill?? (that doesn't sound good to me!) been reading some of your messages, and I gotta say I'm scared and nervous as hell! I am a stone mason, and body builder, and am afraid I won't be neither for long, if interferon as as bad as I hear. like I said I'm scared, but I'm glad this site is here.

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thanks for the info, it makes me feel better already, knowing I exercise regularly and drink alot of water already, helps. Sleep is a different subject, I have to get up a 2:00AM, 7 days a week, I never get to bed early enough. No matter how many times I swear I will go to bed earlier, or that I will lay down as soon as I get back home, I never do! -

[Hepatitis CSupportG roupForDummies] Hello to allHepatitis CSupportGr oupForDummiesDate: Sunday, August 17, 2008, 4:32 AM

I think I might be starting treatment soon. Had hep c since 1993 with no problem...until now. emzyme levels high, and my rna quant is close to 3 mill?? (that doesn't sound good to me!) been reading some of your messages, and I gotta say I'm scared and nervous as hell! I am a stone mason, and body builder, and am afraid I won't be neither for long, if interferon as as bad as I hear. like I said I'm scared, but I'm glad this site is here.

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I was told last May that I had hep c from another lab:: After that I went to the VA HOSP & after numerous blood tests they

stated I did not have it: Never was tested before although was operated on at the VA in the 70's and a lot of new blood pumped into me :: But always have been on Diets (my own eat by color) & since the 1970's have not excersized: I am lucky if I walk::: & not overweight drink soy milk & take vitamins:

What I am asking if I should go to another Hospital or another lab for more tests????


On Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 10:11 AM, <tokendaddt27@...> wrote:

thanks for the info, it makes me feel better already, knowing I exercise regularly and drink alot of water already, helps. Sleep is a different subject, I have to get up a 2:00AM, 7 days a week, I never get to bed early enough. No matter how many times I swear I will go to bed earlier, or that I will lay down as soon as I get back home, I never do! -

[Hepatitis CSupportG roupForDummies] Hello to all

Hepatitis CSupportGr oupForDummiesDate: Sunday, August 17, 2008, 4:32 AM

I think I might be starting treatment soon. Had hep c since 1993 with no problem...until now. emzyme levels high, and my rna quant is close to 3 mill?? (that doesn't sound good to me!) been reading some of your

messages, and I gotta say I'm scared and nervous as hell! I am a stone mason, and body builder, and am afraid I won't be neither for long, if interferon as as bad as I hear. like I said I'm scared, but I'm glad

this site is here.

-- check out web page www.zip-fix.com or www.zipfix.net and my group on ZIPPER REPAIR

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