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Re: Pharmacy Technician Creed

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hello my name is Barbara and I have been posting for awhile I was just

wondering if anyone that has attended a training program for Pharmacy

Technicians if you all were pinned. We at my school have every month what is

called a pinning it is where all allied health students have completed there

coursework and are venturing out into the world to do there externships and I

noticed today that the MA's Medical Assistants have a creed that they recite

upon being pinned. I was wondering if anyone here knows of one we could use

for the Pharmacy Technicians. This month was only the second pinning for the

Pharmacy tech students and they have not coem up with a Creed for us so I was

just putting this out there to see if any other training programs have one or

if they even do the pinning I was talking about any feedback will be greatly

appreciated. I am going into my 3rd month of training I will be in Pharmacy

Operations next month I am looking forward to it because the last 2 months

has been all lectures we will be doing more hands on stuff next month

thanks again


I am going into my 3rd month of training I will be in Pharmacy Operations

next month I am looking forward to it because the last 2 months has been all

lectures we will be doing more hands on stuff next month

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Hi Barbara-

I'm not aware of a " universally accepted " oath or creed for pharmacy

technicians. I like the pharmacist's oath--though I doubt they would

ever consider " sharing " it with the techs. I've seen several 'code of

ethics' for techs---the American Assos. of Pharmacy Techs is pretty

good. (there's a copy of it on the 13th or 14th page of the White

Paper article located under the Links section)

FYI tidbit:

The pharmacist's oath which was approved by the American Association

of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) in 1983, is based upon the " Oath and

Prayer of Maimonides " . Moses Maimonides was a jewish philosopher and

physician of the middle ages. Here's a cut and paste of the oath.

Oath of a Pharmacist

At this time, I vow to devote my professional life to the service of

all humankind through the profession of pharmacy.

I will consider the welfare of humanity and relief of human suffering

my primary concerns.

I will apply my knowledge, experience and skills to the best of my

ability in serving the public and other health professionals.

I will keep abreast of developments and maintain professional

competency in my profession of pharmacy.

I will obey the laws governing the practice of pharmacy and will

support enforcement of such laws.

I will maintain the highest principles of moral and ethical conduct.

I will address the challenges and opportunities in the profession of

pharmacy and will participate in the change process.

I take these vows voluntarily with the full realization of the

responsibility with which I am entrusted by the public



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