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Treatment of CANCER

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Guest Chandramouliswar

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Guest Chandramouliswar

hello Sirs,

Is there any natural (from using Herbs and sherbs etc.)treatment for CANCER, Ulcerc,and Gas problems in Ayurveda.Are there any Ayurveda shops maintained by the Web site. If available is it possibe to give places where they re situated

Chandramouliswar Ghatty

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  • 1 month later...
Guest laurahill

Olive oil is good way to control cancer..Regular consumption of olive oil helps to control cancer cell.Olive oil has good anti-oxidant ,anti-inflammatory property which is very helpful to control cancer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dont know about Cancer as even science is not sure about the possible causes. However other problems that you have mentioned can be treated with natural herbs and supplements. I would suggest that you try something with extracts rather than just pure herbs as their efficacy and benefits outweigh those of just simple plain herbs. I dont think there are any ayurvedic shops maintained by this website. I am sure a google search shall get you the desired results. Share with us what you took and how it helped you.

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  • 4 months later...
Guest seeker91074

Go see a very good, highly-recommended vaidya in your area. There are many cures for cancer (depending on the stage) and other diseases that you will never hear about from allopaths because they don't believe it. I know because I had a tumor since I was a small child, it was not life-threatening, but thanks to my Vaidya it was stopped from growing for last 5 years. In an even worse case I know some lady who had pancreatic cancer and was given 6 months to live, she took Ayurvedic medicines from a reputer doctor of course, and that was in 1988. She is still alive. Please go consult them before going through allopathy-but make sure it is not a quack.

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