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Hi Melinda - Welcome!

Do I understand correctly that you are just starting out at a tech for the

first time?

If so I was wondering why you put in specialty areas that you have experience

in. Or are these areas that you would like to become a specialist in? Just


I wsh you well and hope that you will post any study questions here. This is

what the site is mainly for! Will be there with th elights on... waiting for


Jeanetta Mastron CPhT Bs


Melinda Davies <melgdavies@...> wrote:



Pharm Tech Associations that you belong to? NONE

Officer? N/A



Registered? NO


School Program Educated? NO

Number of years/months you have been a tech or CPhT? 2 DAYS

Specialty area: Retail, IV's, Long Term care, Managed Care? RETAIL


Etc ?

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Dear Lori,

Thank you for sharing your experience. I do agree with you that education

should be mandatory. Please feel free to email me privately any time.

I do hope you find the type of work and where you want it very soon. If I can

help in any way let me know. I have a lead on some Washington jobs.



Lori <truck1997@...> wrote: dear jeanetta,

I think education should be manadatory, I think you can get more out of it,

and not just know names of drugs. I think the program I went through was a

good program. the first quarter, you were bascially just learning about

everything, then if you passed that then you got to learn more about the it,

and then we also had lab time where we praticed filling drugs, making iv's,

learning a computer system, it was kind of a mini pharmacy. then in our 3 rd

quarter, we went and did the real thing, we had 6 weeks in hospital and 6 weeks

in retail, then after that we graduated. there are only 2 programs in spokane,

1 from SCC and the other was appolo college, Applo started doing theres about

3 or 4 years after SCC, when going to hire somone, more people prefer a SCC

person, cause they provided a better schooling, at least that is what i am

told, the Applo cost more and give you less info. I think they help prepare

me. I don't live in Spokane right now, but am looking to

move back, if i

can find a job there. The one interview i went to, she said 1 applicant gets

at least 30 people have applied, where as the Seattle area, is lucky to get

half that. There is not much on the job training in Spokane, unless your

Walmart, they rather hire within the store first, before taking anyone with

experience. Anyways, thats just my 2 cents worth.

Lori CPhT

Lori <truck1997@...> wrote:

Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS Chemistry <rxjm2002@...> wrote: Name: Lori

State: Washington

Pharm Tech Associations that you belong to? none

CPhT :yes

On the Job Trained: no

School Program Educated: Spokane Community College

Number of years/months you have been a tech or CPhT? CPhT for 3 years and a

tech for 4 1/2 years

Specialty area: hospital, IV's,

Hobbies? I like to go on cruises, spend time with my family, play games,

camping, reading, taking pictures

Etc ? I am married and have 1 daughter.

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Dear Shirley,

I may have asked you before if you are an educator. If so you may be

interested in joining my site. So what have you been up to with the association

that you belong to? Is there a tech division?

Jeanetta CPhT


Shirley Ellisor <shirleyellisor@...> wrote: Hi everyone:

Name Shirley Ellisor

State New Hampshire

Pharm Tech Associations that you belong to? Officer? No Pharm Tech

association per se but sit on the board of the New Hampshire Pharmacists


CPhT? Yes; since 1998. Registered? Yes; state of New Hampshire requires


On the Job Trained? Yes

Number of years/months you have been a tech or CPhT? about 35 years

Specialty area: Retail, IV's, Long Term care, Managed Care?

Hobbies? Have worked retail, IV's and long term care; am currently working in


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Dear ,

Nice to see you still on board! :)

Are yoy going to the Las Vegas Convention?

What are you up to in Florida?

Love ya


maria stone <mariacs59@...> wrote: hello,

yes I am the same maria stone that you met a few years ago...

Jeanetta Mastron <rxjm2002@...> wrote:

Dear ,

Nice to hear from you! are you the SAME Stone that I met at NPTA a few

years back? Will you be at the Las Vegas convention this year? Good to see

that you are still on board as a member!


maria stone <mariacs59@...> wrote:

Hello to eveyone.... Stone

Clearwater, florida since November, 2004,

formerly Cape May, NJ


CPhT since November, 2002

Trained on the job in retail where I worked for

13 years

Currently working for a large mail order

company as team captain in their med room and loving

every day.

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Thank you Joe.

Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS


Joe Medina <joemedina@...> wrote:Joe Medina,

CPhT, BS Pharmacy

State: Colorado

Comment: You offer a much needed service in the offering of a forum

specifically for Pharmacy Technicians in the helping of them pass the

National Exam. As an educator, author and an individual who actually

cares, I was honored to present to you the Tech Lectures Pharmacy

Technician of the Year 2005 recipient award.

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Anne thanks for the addition of your name and stats, but you failed tomention

you are also :

TEXPERT to this site


Moderator of my educator's site!

Thank you for all you do.

And Katrina survivor!!!



InstructorCPhT@... wrote: Name: Anne LaVance, BS, CPhT

State: Louisiana

Pharm Tech Associations that you belong to: NPTA, AAPT, ASHP, APhA, PTEC

CPhT: Yes

School Program Educated: Pima Community College, Tucson, AZ 1998

Number of years/months you have been a tech or CPhT: 8 Yrs

Specialty area: IV's, Teaching / Training

Hobbies: Jewerly/beading, Sewing, Music

Etc: Program Director - Delgado Community College, New Orleans, LA; Texpert

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Dear Faye,

Here is your chance to tell everyone what state you are in and ask if there

is an opening for you; If you are looking for work that is.

So just let us know!


jaycelle faye draug <gigszone@...> wrote: name; faye turner

state: CT

organization: NPTA

CPhT: yes ,2005

current status: unemployed

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Dear SteeleMagnolia: in NC,

YOU certaily earned your nickname: Steele! my mom is going on 92 adn God

bless her she had a heart bypass 2 years ago. But your 6 takes the cake!

You are an INSPRIATION!!! Determination and preaparation are the KEYS to

passing the PTCB. And CONTINUED education is the KEY to being the best tech you

can be. You certainly do and have both.

Keep us posted on your career path and what you are up to.

YES AAPT has one of its strongest chapters in NC!!! In fact NC state chapter

WON Best Chapter two years in a row if I am not mistaken.

Get involved and let us know if you make it to the AAPT conference/convention

in summer at St Louis. Misouri.

Love ya



SteeleMagnoliaa@... wrote: Hi Jeanetta

I love working in the hospital but I'm having some difficulties right now

(not with performance..health). How Can I email you privately? I attended

Durham Tech's Pharmacy Technology Program in 1978-79. It was a 6 month

program. We

took Pharmacology classes had clinical rotations etc. One of my professors

was the Assistant Director at Duke and hired some of us before we even


school. So I worked at Duke for almost 7 years. I have been out of Pharmacy

for about 10 years, but returned this past April 2005. Decided to take the


in November. Very nervous about that, since not only did I have 10 years of

catching up to do, but to get my act together to take the test. I don't know


my score fits in Nationally but I scored an 848. I'm just glad I passed the

darn thing! I wish to become more involved professionally; I'm not sure if

NPTA has a local chapter, but AAPT has one in Greensboro NC. I am still trying


catch up on things. One thing I do know, becoming a CPhT does not make me an

expert in Pharmacy. I realize ther is so much more to learn and I want to

learn it all, well, as much as possible. I have already begum working on my


I worked hard to pass that test and plan not to lose my certification.

Hopefully, I can inspire others to do their best. One year ago I had 6 heart

bypasses. One month before the test I was back in the hospital having a stent,

since 5 of the 6 vessels had closed. I was determined to take that test!

Short of death, nothing was going to stop me. I studied hard, and I decided if


failed I'd be right back there in March !

If you something bad enough, you'll do whatever it takes to get there, no

matter the time frame.

I wish the best for every Technician!



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Dear Karla,

Glad to know you! Very happy to hear you are still learning from being a

lurker on this site. Pharmacy offers so much in the way of flexible schedules.

A great opportunity for you and your family.

What other goals for yourself?


Karla <Karla62@...> wrote: Name: Karla Benson

State: Virgina

Pharm Tech Associations that you belong to? Officer? N/A

On the Job Trained: Partially

School Program Educated: Self Study

Number of yrs/mnths you have been a tech or CPhT: CPhT for 1 1/2

yrs, tech for 4 1/2 yrs

Specialty area: Retail

Hobbies: My dogs, outdoors (when I can find time)

Etc: Working a full time job that is not pharmacy related. Have

been working in pharmacy retail part-time for 4 1/2 years to put my

kids through college. They are graduating soon, so what did I do -

went back to school to get my degree. So, free time is at a premium

and when I do find some time between the 2 jobs and school, I tend to

sleep or play with my dogs. My house is a shambles because housework

falls to the bottom of the list, and I never seem to quite make it to

the bottom. But only a few more years and I can reap the rewards.

List Status: Lurker (I really received a lot of help with questions

and studying for the exam. Now I receive the digest and skim through

to check up on current events. I am still learning.)

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Dear Darlene,

You sound like a very 'young' grandmother! I do hope that you will post your

study questions this is what this site is mainly about! Got the porch light on

for ya! Me and Motel 6!

I do hope you and yoru family survived Katrina safely and you are moving on

with your lives. If you were not too close to the huricane I am sure you

were/are just as devastated. If you need anything let me know.


dmclavy <darmc@...> wrote: Name Darlene McLavy

State Louisiana

Pharm Tech Associations that you belong to? Officer? N/A

CPhT? Studying? Registered? Studying - will be taking the March exan

On the Job Trained? starting my clinicals 1/16/06

School Program Educated? Ayers, Institute

Number of years/months you have been a tech or CPhT?

Specialty area: Retail, IV's, Long Term care, Managed Care? My

first rotation in clinicals will hospital pharmacy and the second

rotation will be long term care

Hobbies? sewing and watching the birds and squirrels play in my yard

Etc ? married - 3 grown children 2 grown step-children 7

grandchildren and 2 step-grandchildren

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Name: Dora

State:WA (state certification required)

CPHT: Yes, since 1998

OJT: Yes

Schooling: Yes, but not tech program

Memberships: WSSPA,ASHP,NPTA

Specialty Area: 797,Ambulatory Infusion, IVs, Chemo, compounding for

pain management, and anything else that comes up.

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looks like she just put in retail to me (most likely

where she works)

--- Jeanetta Mastron <rxjm2002@...> wrote: Hi

Melinda - Welcome! Do I understand correctly that

you are just starting out at a tech for the first

time? If so I was wondering why you put in specialty

areas that you have experience in. Or are these areas

that you would like to become a specialist in? Just

curious. I wsh you well and hope that you will post

any study questions here. This is what the site is

mainly for! Will be there with th elights on...

waiting for you!:)

Jeanetta Mastron CPhT Bs


Melinda Davies <melgdavies@...> wrote:



> Pharm Tech Associations that you belong to? NONE

> Officer? N/A



> Registered? NO


> AS A TECH ON 01-09-2006

> School Program Educated? NO

> Number of years/months you have been a tech or

> CPhT? 2 DAYS

> Specialty area: Retail, IV's, Long Term care,

> Managed Care? RETAIL

> Hobbies? SKYDIVING

> Etc ?






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Hi Dora!

A modest individual: she is THIS site's moderator and the BEST moderator of

any of the sites I have visited. She keeps the site clean from spam, keeps us on

topic on track and is a walking encyclopedia and resource index of knowldege.

And proud to say a close internet 'friend' in the turest sense of the word.

In addition the owner of her own tech site.

I am posting from my email and not fromt he site where I would have her site

addy handy. But check it out via the hot tech sites.

Thanks for ALL you do Dora!


doracpht <doracpht@...> wrote:

Name: Dora

State:WA (state certification required)

CPHT: Yes, since 1998

OJT: Yes

Schooling: Yes, but not tech program

Memberships: WSSPA,ASHP,NPTA

Specialty Area: 797,Ambulatory Infusion, IVs, Chemo, compounding for

pain management, and anything else that comes up.

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Hi Jeanetta and all....not sure if i will make the convention...am going to look

into it right now....have been living in florida now for 14 months....i just

love it here.....

Jeanetta Mastron <rxjm2002@...> wrote: Dear ,

Nice to see you still on board! :)

Are yoy going to the Las Vegas Convention?

What are you up to in Florida?

Love ya


maria stone <mariacs59@...> wrote: hello,

yes I am the same maria stone that you met a few years ago...

Jeanetta Mastron <rxjm2002@...> wrote:

Dear ,

Nice to hear from you! are you the SAME Stone that I met at NPTA a few

years back? Will you be at the Las Vegas convention this year? Good to see

that you are still on board as a member!


maria stone <mariacs59@...> wrote:

Hello to eveyone.... Stone

Clearwater, florida since November, 2004,

formerly Cape May, NJ


CPhT since November, 2002

Trained on the job in retail where I worked for

13 years

Currently working for a large mail order

company as team captain in their med room and loving

every day.

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Glad to hear that you love florida. No hurricanes where you are?

If I can make it, I will be there on Sunday only. My mother's health is the

only thing thta would probably stand in my way as I am hoping to run into many

online and NPTA buddies (*YOU).


maria stone <mariacs59@...> wrote:

Hi Jeanetta and all....not sure if i will make the convention...am going to

look into it right now....have been living in florida now for 14 months....i

just love it here.....

Jeanetta Mastron <rxjm2002@...> wrote: Dear ,

Nice to see you still on board! :)

Are yoy going to the Las Vegas Convention?

What are you up to in Florida?

Love ya


maria stone <mariacs59@...> wrote: hello,

yes I am the same maria stone that you met a few years ago...

Jeanetta Mastron <rxjm2002@...> wrote:

Dear ,

Nice to hear from you! are you the SAME Stone that I met at NPTA a few

years back? Will you be at the Las Vegas convention this year? Good to see

that you are still on board as a member!


maria stone <mariacs59@...> wrote:

Hello to eveyone.... Stone

Clearwater, florida since November, 2004,

formerly Cape May, NJ


CPhT since November, 2002

Trained on the job in retail where I worked for

13 years

Currently working for a large mail order

company as team captain in their med room and loving

every day.

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Pleae add your name to the roll call. In so doing tell us a bit

About yourself:


MacLachlan, CPhT


MA (relocating to Athens, AL in March)

Previous owner/operator LeadRx - a site dedicated to Lead Technicians




Yes, all the time.



On the Job Trained?

Yes- CVS

School Program Educated?


Number of years/months you have been a tech or CPhT?

6 years

Specialty area: Retail, IV's, Long Term care, Managed Care?

Well I began my career in Retail working my way up to Lead Tech but had to

leave the bench after an accident a few years - now I am working for

specialty pharmacy that deals mostly with injectable medications- - I

recently moved into Hematology and now work with our clients handling all

Hemophilia medications (iv factor and other meds including- Amicar, also

Stimate for Von Willebrands Disease), Desferal for thalassemia and sickle

cell therapy- and HIV and Hep C meds (orals and some injectables) for all of

New England. I work closely with some of the top hematologists, hemo

clinics and in home nursing companies in New England. I am a member of an

extensive healthcare team for each of my clients.


Fieros (car from the 80s) - I just retired as the President of NEFA- our

local car club but remain active in both local and national club. Then

there are our 3 cats Pita (our oldest girl), Boomer (our only male) and

Simone (our baby girl).

Thank you Jeanetta for all you do!

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Pleae add your name to the roll call. In so doing tell us a bit about

> yourself:

> Name Darlene Strickland

> State Virginia

> Pharm Tech Associations that you belong to? Officer? none

> CPhT? Studying? Registered? I am currently studing for CPht.

Unfortunately Va only requires their own test but does require an

approved course which is really only retail based.

> On the Job Trained? Yes but almost nothing in the course that

would get me ready for PTCB. However I work for the best pharmacists

and they are really encouraging me to continue studies and have

offered me any help needed.

> School Program Educated? no..just Va approved course

> Number of years/months you have been a tech or CPhT? I've been

teching at a grocery store pharmacy for 13 months and absolutely love


> Specialty area: Retail, IV's, Long Term care, Managed Care?

> Hobbies? sewing and studying

> Etc ?

I would also like to say that this is a wonderful group and wish to

thank Jeanetta for all her hard work. I have ran the ink out of my

printer with all the great study guides and information. Thank you

so much Jeanetta!

Darlene S

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> Dear All,


> Pleae add your name to the roll call. In so doing tell us a bit


> yourself:

> Name-Barbara Sowell

> State-TN

> Pharm Tech Associations that you belong to?-none at the time


> CPhT?-yes Studying?-always learning new things Registered?-state


> On the Job Trained?-yes, with Walgreens-1995

> School Program Educated?-yes, Concorde Career College-1997-1998

> Number of years/months you have been a tech or CPhT?-tech-11 years,

certified-8 years

> Specialty area: Retail, IV's, Long Term care, Managed Care?--

Pediatric Hospital, IV's

> Hobbies?--playing with my grandson

> Etc ?--as someone who was trained on the job and went to school, I

am all for mandatory schooling for techs, but the program should be

accredited. We have had students here do internships that were

really dumb and it was amazing they got through the program. I'm not

an active member but I do read the digests and am always learning

something from them. Keep up the good work!!


> If I do not get a roll call check posted from you within a week, I

> willpull your name from the membership and consider you inactive.

> Since it is a time for vacations, I will give it to the third week


> January.


> Thank you ALL for your membership this past study group 'season' and

> to the many who have continue on for so much longer. I look forward


> serving you and your educational needs in 2006 as well as to learn

> from you!


> May you all have a wonderful prosperous 2006 !


> Love to All,


> Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS

> Founder/Owner



> *************************************

> Roll Call 2006


> Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS Chemistry

> California Registered Tech since 19891994

> Certified since 1996

> Attended Cerritos College for Tech Program 1984-1989

> Pharm Tech Educator since 1995

> Pharm Tech Program Director since 1999

> Founder/Owner of this site

> Member of several tech associations, past officer (not currently an

> officer).

> Advocate of Pharm Tech Recognition and Education

> CE Author and Presenter


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Roll Call 2006


Washington Registered Tech since 1983

Certified since 2000

Attended North Seattle Community College Tech Program 1982-1983


Currenty employed part-time (by choice) in community hospital (~120 beds)

Also bill medical insurance for family orthotic/prosthetic business

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Dear Donna,

We go back along way! Goog to hear from you!

Hope all is well up your way.

Always look forward to your posts. What have you been up to?


D <cpht@...> wrote:

Roll Call 2006


Washington Registered Tech since 1983

Certified since 2000

Attended North Seattle Community College Tech Program 1982-1983


Currenty employed part-time (by choice) in community hospital (~120 beds)

Also bill medical insurance for family orthotic/prosthetic business

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