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RE: Dr. Chi's Heavy Metal detox

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> The reason that the Vein Lite and Asparagus Extract are

> also recommended in severe cases is because Vein Lite helps

> remove toxins from the blood stream

I like the sound of the Vein Lite, so I just ordered a bottle

to try out. I have no difficulty at all in mobilizing toxins

into my bloodstream (I have several EMF devices which do that

almost immediately)... it's getting them out of my body that's

the big problem!


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Metal Flush mentions " no side effects " .

I haven't seen a single product that is able to remove mercury without any

symptoms, despite many products claiming that they completely encapsulate

and remove mercury without redistribution. I don't believe there ever will

be a product with no side effects, just by the nature of mercury.

The product looks interesting & will checkout further.


----Original Message Follows----

From: McAfee <amcafeerr@...>


Subject: Dr. Chi's Heavy Metal detox

Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 11:18:41 -0500

I have talked to a couple more people about the Q2 and the

aquachimachine for detox and they say if feels great to use them. They

say the major difference is that these machines increase your energy in

order to release the metals vs. the chelators drain you.

I don't have that much experience with chelators and I understand it

can feel pretty bad to kick the mercury up into the system.

I just got an add from herbal healer on another metal flush detox

product. Has anyone tried it?


METAL FLUSH - This is an oral chelating supplement, with NO

side effects. Chelates the heavy metals WITHOUT stripping

essential trace elements. Can safely be used long term and

on children over 5 and the elderly. This is a major

breakthrough for heavy metal chelation. I have been doing

hair analysis for over 18 years now and I can tell you that

heavy metals are a serious problem in children and adults.

Heavy Metal toxicity goes undiagnosed by conventional

medical doctors and is a key contributor to metal

instability, ADD, memory loss, behavior disorders, bipolar,

nerve related illnesses, tremors, chronic rashes,

neuromuscular response, asthma, and much more... Many

people are taking drugs to mask the symptoms and are living

with terrible health conditions when a natural safe

solution is readily available. For instance, high levels

of cadmium (which can be absorbed through the skin from

handling nickel/cadmium rechargeable batteries) can cause

asthma and emphysema because the cadmium is antagonistic to

the enzymes in the main lung alveoli. Now I happen to know

first hand that the cadmium battery link is a fact. My

husband never had asthma in his life. We bought my son a

remote controlled car that used rechargeable nickel/cadmium

batteries. Within 6 months he began wheezing. I had a

hair analysis done and both my son and my husband who had

been handling the batteries on a regular basis had cadmium

poisoning. When this was detoxed, the asthmatic problem

was gone.

Another example is high Copper which is associated with

mental disorders, headaches and premature hair loss. I

want to report here also, that in my 18 years doing hair

analysis, I have found that in over 90% of the breast cancer

patients I have done a hair analysis on, the report has

shown high copper. I do not have any proof at this point

as to where the copper is coming from, but I am suspecting

hair dyes and make-up. A known cause of cooper poisoning

is from using soft water running through copper pipes.

I am very alarmed by the increase in the amount of Aluminum

poisonings that I am now seeing in adults and children.

Six out of ten hair analysis' that I am doing are showing

this. Aluminum is found extensively in the environment

and has also been found to be ubiquitous in air pollution.

Aluminum poisoning is also contracted from long use of

aluminum pots and pans, aluminum can soft drinks, aluminum

in the under arm deodorants and also in the baking soda!

This has been associated extensively with poor mental

function, memory loss, mental depression, and guess what

else? It also weakens the bone matrix! Now, as you can

see by these three examples, not addressing the heavy metal

toxicity issue in the total health picture, is a big

mistake by all healthcare providers regardless of

mainstream allopathic medicine or alternative modalities.

Other heavy metals of great concern are lead (batteries,

paint), mercury (found in fillings), barium (air pollution),

tellurium (additive in gasoline).

With a hair analysis the lab is testing for high levels

and low levels of 35 minerals and toxic metals.

Deficiencies in minerals can also cause serious health

issues, so it is important to know if minerals are lacking.

You can read about the hair analysis here:



1992 - 110 patients from Tenjin vocational hospital in

China with lead poisoning were given the Chinese herbal

medicine on an empty stomach for four weeks. After 28 days,

107 patients showed a remarkable reduction and a 97.3%

effectiveness rate. 1991 Children's Study - Study was

conducted at Guangdong Weiliang Yuanse Kexue on 68 children

ranging from 3 to 12. In the study, the lead content was

0.24 ug/mL. Normally, it should not exceed .1 ug/mL. At

this level, children start to experience one or more

symptoms associated with lead poisoning such as loss of

appetite, hyperactivity, irregular sleeping habits, and

irritability. After just two weeks treatment with

traditional Chinese herbal formula, their average lead

content had dropped to .12 ug/mL.

Another study was done on 50 patients from a thermometer

company who suffered mercury poisoning. Average amount of

mercury was initially .428 umol/L and after only four weeks

the average level had decreased to .230 umol/L. I will

send copies of these and other studies done out with every

bottle of Metal Flush.

Since this product is so safe, it can be recommended for

people that have not actually been diagnosed with heavy

metal toxicity. Daily exposure to heavy metals in the

environment can cause them to slowly build up in the body.

You see that is the problem with heavy metals. They don't

go through the body, they accumulate over time. In my

opinion, it is important to chelate the heavy metals at

least once a year and with this product that is very easy.

Here are two testimonials sent to us by Dr. Chi on the

Metal Flush product.

G. S, - DC from CA, reports on an 80 year old female

patient who had memory loss and dementia. Her hair

analysis revealed aluminum level 14 ppm (normal <8). She

took Metal Flush, Vein Lite and Asparagus Extract. Three

months aluminum levels dropped below 8.

A.B., 50 year old female with extremely high levels of metal

in system. She had 20 EDTA IV and 20 DMPS IV treatments

with no improvement and terrible side effects. She took

Metal Flush, Vein Lite and Asparagus Extract. After 5

months aluminum levels fell from 140 to 59, arsenic from

92 to 50, cadmium from 2.4 to 1.7, mercury from 13 to 1.5,

nickel from 61 to 7.5.

The reason that the Vein Lite and Asparagus Extract are

also recommended in severe cases is because Vein Lite helps

remove toxins from the blood stream and the Asparagus

Extract helps the kidneys flush them out quickly. So the

three work very well together. This is not necessary

unless heavy metal toxicity is known to be very high.

Difference between Metal Flush and HHA Formula One with Edta.

Our Formula One with Edta is very strong and it will pull

out essential minerals, that is why we always recommend the

Colloidal Minerals be taken in the evening when using this

product. HHA Formula One with Edta is invaluable with its

ability to not only reduce most heavy metals, but it also

reduces arterial plaque, which is a major contributor to

heart attacks in this country. Metal Flush is for detoxing

metals only and there is no need to use a mineral supplement

with this product. As you can see by the cases above Metal

Flush seems to work very fast, so two months should be a

good time line in most cases.

METAL FLUSH: Ingredients: Glechoma longituba Kupr, Smilax

glabra Roxb, Allium salivum L, Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch,

Chaenomeles lagenaria koidz, Rheum palmatum L., Sargassum

jusitorme Setch. No animal products, no preservatives, no

yeast - all natural. Adult Dose: 3 capsules 3 times a day.

For smaller children and elderly dose must be reduced by

weight. If you have any questions you can e-mail Ask The

Naturopath on Wed. METAL FLUSH - Cost - 120 capsules -

$40.00 - Buy 3 at $36.00 each. - Buy 6 at $32.00 each.

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> I haven't seen a single product that is able to remove mercury without

> any symptoms

I've tried a few which haven't been so bad -- CLNZ is pretty tolerable,

as is Seagreens.



Seagreens has the added benefit of improving my ES symptoms while

taking it.

But as with most things, they aren't so bad as long as you



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Hi Marc,

How successful have these products been in reducing your mercury


Also re your earlier message about getting it out of the body, have

you tried saunas or steam rooms? I hear that mercury is largely

excreted through sweat. I definitely noticed a big improvement in

brain symptoms when I used both on one occasion about a year ago.

Unfortunately I thought I was 'better' and then went out and took an

ecstasy pill which was very stupid. That aside, I really did feel the

sweating got rid of a lot of brain toxicity.


> > I haven't seen a single product that is able to remove mercury


> > any symptoms


> I've tried a few which haven't been so bad -- CLNZ is pretty


> as is Seagreens.


> http://www.systemicformulas.com/challeg.html#clnz

> http://www.sea-health.com/nfh.htm


> Seagreens has the added benefit of improving my ES symptoms while

> taking it.


> But as with most things, they aren't so bad as long as you



> Marc

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> How successful have these products been in reducing your mercury

> levels?

Well, I haven't done a whole lot of blood/urine/hair analyses,

so I can't give you any conclusive numbers. I can say that

I'm *much* healthier than I was when I started this 3 years

ago. And according to my nutritionist, who tests me with

homeopathic vials of mercury to tell where and how much

mercury is left, it's only a problem in my thyroid and

brain right now.

Personally, I really like Seagreens, and probably would be

taking it daily if it wasn't for the fact that my nutritionist

keeps insisting that I don't need it.

I also think that the Springlife Polarizers are giving me

enough energy to detox this stuff out on an everyday basis,

although the problem with energetic-based solutions is that

they seem to be good at mobilizing toxins from your cells,

but in the end your liver and kidneys have to be able to

handle and process what's coming out into the bloodstream.

And you can only do that so fast. That's why I'm interested

in foods and supplements that will bind to toxins in the

bloodstream, but not mobilize anything stored away in the


> Also re your earlier message about getting it out of the body, have

> you tried saunas or steam rooms?

All I've noticed is that they clear up my allergies, make

my skin temporarily look better, and warm me up. Nothing more.

But yes, I do use these on a regular basis, but I had mostly

recovered from brain problems before I started. (and I took a

LOT of NDF prior to this, which specifically targets brain mercury)


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Thanks Marc,

I believe liver and kidney cleanses help get metals out of the

system. I did a 2 week kidney cleanse a few months back and

definitely noticed an improvement. I used the herbs s Moritz

recommends for kidney cleansing....he says they help a bit to get

metals out. Overall though the diet needs to be alkaline.

I'm going to order an slimline OM pendant next week so will let you

know how I get on! Townsend said my bioenergy stage was

4/3....how does she work that out?! Intuition? I've sent an e-mail

asking her, but no reply yet.


> > How successful have these products been in reducing your mercury

> > levels?


> Well, I haven't done a whole lot of blood/urine/hair analyses,

> so I can't give you any conclusive numbers. I can say that

> I'm *much* healthier than I was when I started this 3 years

> ago. And according to my nutritionist, who tests me with

> homeopathic vials of mercury to tell where and how much

> mercury is left, it's only a problem in my thyroid and

> brain right now.


> Personally, I really like Seagreens, and probably would be

> taking it daily if it wasn't for the fact that my nutritionist

> keeps insisting that I don't need it.


> I also think that the Springlife Polarizers are giving me

> enough energy to detox this stuff out on an everyday basis,

> although the problem with energetic-based solutions is that

> they seem to be good at mobilizing toxins from your cells,

> but in the end your liver and kidneys have to be able to

> handle and process what's coming out into the bloodstream.

> And you can only do that so fast. That's why I'm interested

> in foods and supplements that will bind to toxins in the

> bloodstream, but not mobilize anything stored away in the

> cells.


> > Also re your earlier message about getting it out of the body,


> > you tried saunas or steam rooms?


> All I've noticed is that they clear up my allergies, make

> my skin temporarily look better, and warm me up. Nothing more.

> But yes, I do use these on a regular basis, but I had mostly

> recovered from brain problems before I started. (and I took a

> LOT of NDF prior to this, which specifically targets brain mercury)


> Marc

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> I believe liver and kidney cleanses help get metals out of the

> system.

Yes, I did some of those cleanses years ago, and they did seem

to help a little, but of course they're not going to help

brain & thyroid mercury!

> I'm going to order an slimline OM pendant next week so will let you

> know how I get on! Townsend said my bioenergy stage was

> 4/3....how does she work that out?! Intuition?

There are a lot of alternative medicine/healing disciplines which

can be done " remotely " . Reiki, for example. I assume that she

has some way of testing remotely as well. When I first enountered

, she said that I was about as bad as anyone she'd ever tested

(stage 5 phase C). Apparently, my EMF solutions prior to the

Springlife Polarizers were merely suppressing my healing mechanisms,

so that I wouldn't feel bad from the detox.


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Hi Marc,

What I meant was combining chelators (which will help move mercury

out of the brain and other organs) into the lymph, then blood with

strong liver, kidney and colon support (which will help get mercury

out of the body). I've not tried this myself though as I've never

taken a proper chelator apart from recently with the supplement with

ALA in it. That was to help with memory, I didn't know the ALA would


Interesting about using remote diagnosis, I'm not sure I

believe in that, but I'm open-minded! I'm looking forward to my

slimline OM pendant arriving :)

BTW do you happen to know if the waves from personal CD stereos

(either through the mains or batteries) can be harmful (through the




> > I believe liver and kidney cleanses help get metals out of the

> > system.


> Yes, I did some of those cleanses years ago, and they did seem

> to help a little, but of course they're not going to help

> brain & thyroid mercury!


> > I'm going to order an slimline OM pendant next week so will let


> > know how I get on! Townsend said my bioenergy stage was

> > 4/3....how does she work that out?! Intuition?


> There are a lot of alternative medicine/healing disciplines which

> can be done " remotely " . Reiki, for example. I assume that she

> has some way of testing remotely as well. When I first enountered

> , she said that I was about as bad as anyone she'd ever tested

> (stage 5 phase C). Apparently, my EMF solutions prior to the

> Springlife Polarizers were merely suppressing my healing mechanisms,

> so that I wouldn't feel bad from the detox.


> Marc

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> What I meant was combining chelators (which will help move mercury

> out of the brain and other organs) into the lymph, then blood with

> strong liver, kidney and colon support (which will help get mercury

> out of the body).

Yes, you certainly can combine chelation with organ support, but

the combination & dosage can be tricky, so you may need to get

someone else's help in figuring things out (e.g, EAV testing,

muscle testing). I have found that my own research and rational

mind has failed me in figuring such things out.

Also, I'm a believer in taking multiple chelators ONE AT A TIME.

I think each chelator has its strong points, in that they

are good at getting rid of certain toxins from certain parts

of the body. So variety would help get rid of more stuff

overall in the end.

> BTW do you happen to know if the waves from personal CD stereos

> (either through the mains or batteries) can be harmful (through the

> headphones)?

I get sharp pains in my head when using headphones, so I would

think that this could be harmful to folks. Although this

only has been in the past several years -- I used to listen

to headphones a lot without problems...


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Thanks Marc :)

Yes I would think it is *very* tricky to get the dosage right in

doing all that, and perhaps not worth the risk. Also I'm not even

totally sure I totally trust muscle testing/kinesiologists as I've

had both good and bad experiences of them. Maybe EAV would be better.

That's a shame about the headphones, a friend has just sent me some

great tapes to relax or focus to and you're supposed to listen with a

headset.....though I don't get headaches, my thinking gets a little

muddled. I wasn't sure whether it was the headset or not, or if I was

imagining it and wanted to see if anyone else has had -ve effects

from these.


> > What I meant was combining chelators (which will help move


> > out of the brain and other organs) into the lymph, then blood


> > strong liver, kidney and colon support (which will help get


> > out of the body).


> Yes, you certainly can combine chelation with organ support, but

> the combination & dosage can be tricky, so you may need to get

> someone else's help in figuring things out (e.g, EAV testing,

> muscle testing). I have found that my own research and rational

> mind has failed me in figuring such things out.


> Also, I'm a believer in taking multiple chelators ONE AT A TIME.

> I think each chelator has its strong points, in that they

> are good at getting rid of certain toxins from certain parts

> of the body. So variety would help get rid of more stuff

> overall in the end.


> > BTW do you happen to know if the waves from personal CD stereos

> > (either through the mains or batteries) can be harmful (through


> > headphones)?


> I get sharp pains in my head when using headphones, so I would

> think that this could be harmful to folks. Although this

> only has been in the past several years -- I used to listen

> to headphones a lot without problems...


> Marc

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RE: Headphones causing head pain, one thing I've noticed & read about is

that symtoms of ES and/or mercury poisoning can cause hypersensitivity to

many things. From smells, substances, noises, etc.. So you may be having a

hypersensitive reaction to the headphones, which may go away as you get to

know your ES better & adjust your life (diet, supplements, therapies, etc.).

That has been my experience in the hypersensitivities I had to smells and

noise, which I am no longer sensitive after 6 months of discovery &




----Original Message Follows----

From: " Anne " <gill_annie@...>


Subject: Re: Dr. Chi's Heavy Metal detox

Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2004 20:53:46 -0000

Thanks Marc :)

Yes I would think it is *very* tricky to get the dosage right in

doing all that, and perhaps not worth the risk. Also I'm not even

totally sure I totally trust muscle testing/kinesiologists as I've

had both good and bad experiences of them. Maybe EAV would be better.

That's a shame about the headphones, a friend has just sent me some

great tapes to relax or focus to and you're supposed to listen with a

headset.....though I don't get headaches, my thinking gets a little

muddled. I wasn't sure whether it was the headset or not, or if I was

imagining it and wanted to see if anyone else has had -ve effects

from these.


> > What I meant was combining chelators (which will help move


> > out of the brain and other organs) into the lymph, then blood


> > strong liver, kidney and colon support (which will help get


> > out of the body).


> Yes, you certainly can combine chelation with organ support, but

> the combination & dosage can be tricky, so you may need to get

> someone else's help in figuring things out (e.g, EAV testing,

> muscle testing). I have found that my own research and rational

> mind has failed me in figuring such things out.


> Also, I'm a believer in taking multiple chelators ONE AT A TIME.

> I think each chelator has its strong points, in that they

> are good at getting rid of certain toxins from certain parts

> of the body. So variety would help get rid of more stuff

> overall in the end.


> > BTW do you happen to know if the waves from personal CD stereos

> > (either through the mains or batteries) can be harmful (through


> > headphones)?


> I get sharp pains in my head when using headphones, so I would

> think that this could be harmful to folks. Although this

> only has been in the past several years -- I used to listen

> to headphones a lot without problems...


> Marc

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