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Do you know what brand it is?

>From: " pearly221 " <PEARLY2@...>



>Subject: Candida

>Date: Thu, 03 Jul 2003 22:17:13 -0000


>It is homeopathic and called Candicide/







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Pearl, I have taken both of those!!Who prescribed those to you? I was given

them by a naturopath, although I dont know why they call them homeopathic.

ND arent usually trained in homeopathy to the extent that actual Homeopath

is, a classical homeopath doesnt use these sort of things. I personaaly

didnt notice an improvement while taking these like I do when I take a

homeopathic remedy. Have you noticed anything? I hope you can get better

soon, it is so horrible to have those attacks!! Good luck!!


>I am taking Candicid by Ortho Molecular Products. Also I take Arteriozyme

>by Energique. Both homeopathic.






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Pearl and everyone,

Let's not forget something about our bodies, Yahweh made them extremely

resilient. Given care when extremely ill or whatever, our bodies can bounce back

and become healthy. It's almost as if getting ill sometimes builds us up. I

know that sounds weird.

When I was just in the hospital extremely ill from jaundice and infection, I

had to take modern-day medicine to reach a certain point in my care. Shortly

after receiving a very strong antibiotic through my IV, plus numerous amounts

of pain meds, my infection completely stopped. No more fever after that. My

temp remained normal. After one and a half days in the hospital, my jaundice

completely stopped. My body was bouncing back and fighting. From having two

surgeries two days in a row, it was easy on me. I never had any problem coming

out of the anesthesia. My body was fighting and remaining normal. Even my

vitals were normal and more normal than when I'm not ill. I was the one who

woke up in recovery first wide-eyed and bushy-tailed ready to leave. The

recovery nurse talked about it two days in row.

What I'm trying to say is that even medicine has its benefits. And the fact

that our bodies are really stronger than we give them credit for speaks

volumns. Even throughout my childhood, I had times of sickness and rebounded


that even included times of taking meds. Be it mumps, chickenpox, measles, flu,

etc., I always came through it. Actually if you're never exposed to

anything, you may indeed be a weak person because your immunity hasn't had time


build itself up. Sickness is a normal part of life.

So in Pearl's case, I think that she needs to try bile salts, give them a

try. Maybe stay on a liver-cleansing-type diet of some kind like I'm sure she's

doing. From all the people I've talked to on this board for several years

now, Pearl has the same case as many who've had their GBs removed. They needed

cleanses and bile salts.

I'm just saying that everyone knocks medicine on this board even though it

can be a benefit if used in times of extreme sickness. There's nothing wrong

with it at all. So I guess that I'm different, I feel that natural treatment as

well as meds can help us. Guess it's the best of both worlds!!! I'm not

narrow-minded on this. I'm thankful that the meds did save my life at certain

times in my life. Even surgery saved my life when I was 18. I had a bowel

obstruction that couldn't be corrected without surgery. My bowel was in a loop

and had to be unlooped. Luckily I didn't need it cut. But I would have

definitely died without this surgery probably within two days. So I see

benefits to

modern-day medicine and surgery when needed.

In my last surgical procedures, it was needed--definitely!!!


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Pearl, I know how you feel, I have constipation problems also, this is why

they say I have IBS, because I alternate between D and C. I think it is

thier way of saying they dont know what is wrong. I think I took the

Arteriozyme for month, and the candicid I took for a few weeks, then found

out I was pregnant and had to stop. Personally I find more relief from the

homeopathic remedies, not these supplements they call homeopathics. I also

was drinking this liver tea that helped me alot, it is called Love Your

Liver, I get it from an herb store by my house, thier website is

presentmoment.com . you can order off thier website and they have very

reasonable prices. If you are having GB problems then you are definetly

having liver problems and this is what was recommended by my homeopath. With

homeopathics the soul purpose is to strenghthen your vital force so your

body can heal itself. A classical homeopath see these supplements as

suppressive in a way because they are treating a diagnosis not the symptoms.

Kind of like taking aspirin for a headache. It hard to explain. I also didnt

notice anything when I did the Candida cleanse, just a waste of money. Do

you feel better? What is the liver cleanse? Happy 4th!!!


>I got them from a Hoeopathic Dr. He wants me on then for 4 weeks then

>call him. I ony got through 1.5 weeks then started having the GB

>attacks. I am costantly constipated also. This is a swtich , since I

>usually have colitis. So now I am off of these and on a liver cleanse he

>gave me for the next 3 weeks. Still constipated!Please tell me how you

>did your candida? Did you take the products for a omnth? Then what? I am

>also on the candida diet at this time.





>.··-.¸.-··. (`´·.¸(`´·.¸

>¸.·´´)¸.·´´) .··-.¸.-··.

>`·. .·´ «´¨`·..* Pearl *..·´¨`» `·. .·`

> `·´ (¸.·´´(¸.·´´

>`´·.¸)`´·.¸) `·´




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Susie, I do agree with you. I dont always knock western medicine, It is just

very sad when a person goes to the Dr for every problem and ends up taking

more and more medicines and not even fising the problem, only supressing it.

I always refused medicines, except for IVs for my jaundice and pancreatitis.

Most of all pain meds. There are times when we need medical treatment to

save us. You just need to know when it is actually necisary and when the Dr

wants it done, because these can be 2 different things, espcially with GB

surgery. I would love to try bile salts, this is the first time I have heard

of them even on this group, the DR sure didnt mention it. Is the Biotics

Research the only company that makes them? Do you use them? What difference

have you noticed?Thanks!!

>From: Tishri7@...



>Subject: Re: CANDIDA

>Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2003 21:44:18 EDT


>Pearl and everyone,

>Let's not forget something about our bodies, Yahweh made them extremely

>resilient. Given care when extremely ill or whatever, our bodies can bounce


>and become healthy. It's almost as if getting ill sometimes builds us up.


>know that sounds weird.


>When I was just in the hospital extremely ill from jaundice and infection,


>had to take modern-day medicine to reach a certain point in my care.


>after receiving a very strong antibiotic through my IV, plus numerous


>of pain meds, my infection completely stopped. No more fever after that.


>temp remained normal. After one and a half days in the hospital, my


>completely stopped. My body was bouncing back and fighting. From having


>surgeries two days in a row, it was easy on me. I never had any problem


>out of the anesthesia. My body was fighting and remaining normal. Even my

>vitals were normal and more normal than when I'm not ill. I was the one


>woke up in recovery first wide-eyed and bushy-tailed ready to leave. The

>recovery nurse talked about it two days in row.


>What I'm trying to say is that even medicine has its benefits. And the


>that our bodies are really stronger than we give them credit for speaks

>volumns. Even throughout my childhood, I had times of sickness and

>rebounded and

>that even included times of taking meds. Be it mumps, chickenpox, measles,


>etc., I always came through it. Actually if you're never exposed to

>anything, you may indeed be a weak person because your immunity hasn't had

>time to

>build itself up. Sickness is a normal part of life.


>So in Pearl's case, I think that she needs to try bile salts, give them a

>try. Maybe stay on a liver-cleansing-type diet of some kind like I'm sure


>doing. From all the people I've talked to on this board for several years

>now, Pearl has the same case as many who've had their GBs removed. They


>cleanses and bile salts.


>I'm just saying that everyone knocks medicine on this board even though it

>can be a benefit if used in times of extreme sickness. There's nothing


>with it at all. So I guess that I'm different, I feel that natural

>treatment as

>well as meds can help us. Guess it's the best of both worlds!!! I'm not

>narrow-minded on this. I'm thankful that the meds did save my life at


>times in my life. Even surgery saved my life when I was 18. I had a bowel

>obstruction that couldn't be corrected without surgery. My bowel was in a


>and had to be unlooped. Luckily I didn't need it cut. But I would have

>definitely died without this surgery probably within two days. So I see

>benefits to

>modern-day medicine and surgery when needed.


>In my last surgical procedures, it was needed--definitely!!!








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Before my surgery they started me on a IV antibiotic, after awhile my head

started to itch and burn so I had my boyfriend run and get the surgeon. By

the time they got the Benadryl I was starting to not be able to breath and

was trying to grab on the to DR cause I was so scared. So they wanted to

sedate me I guess cause this nurse snuck up on me and jabbed this huge

needle in my arm and I dont remember much after that. They said they didnt

know if I was allergic to the antibiotic because I might have been having a

panic attack, I think that is absurd so I always say I am allergic to it.

Also, as for your body bouncing back after being sick, I have to say that

ever since I was poisoned in 1999 I have never gotten better, and I believe

this is what caused my gallstones as well.

>From: PEARLY2@...



>Subject: CANDIDA

>Date: Fri, 4 Jul 2003 23:10:26 -0400 (EDT)


>Before my surgery, I had a long discussion with my surgeon. We talked

>about what drugs I felt comfortable with. We discussed what antibiotics

>I would be getting via the IV etc. So I knew exactly what to expect.

>This made me feel more comfortable. I was so glad he was open minded in

>that area and no ego. I have many drug related allergies and I was

>horrified at the thought of surgery.



>.··-.¸.-··. (`´·.¸(`´·.¸

>¸.·´´)¸.·´´) .··-.¸.-··.

>`·. .·´ «´¨`·..* Pearl *..·´¨`» `·. .·`

> `·´ (¸.·´´(¸.·´´

>`´·.¸)`´·.¸) `·´




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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Connie,

You may want to join this list also:


This is s group for people to learn and share about natural solutions

for candida- the list owner is someone I know from my own lists and she

is VERY knowledgeable.

Sandy is the owner.

Whole Life Essentials.

Outstanding Organic Essential Oils & Products


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  • 3 months later...

I would get it under control first but if you wish to eat some bread once in awhile then sprouted grain bread... Elliott <eliz3378@...> wrote:

does that mean any kind of bread, or can i consume sprouted grain bread products?

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  • 10 months later...
Guest guest

SV wrote:

> Okay, Don - maybe I'd better get a better explanation of " symptoms " of

> candida before I determine if I have it or not..............


> A BEAUTIFUL morning here in the northwest. I walked in shorts and

> t-shirt which is highly unusual at 5 a.m. around here! The doors and

> windows are open and it smells wonderful. I can smell my sweetpeas

> around the corner from the back door and the grass that was cut last

> night. Ahh, and I just came from a 6 a.m. AA meeting. Oh and did I

> mention I have about 10# of blueberries next to me! All is right with

> the world.


> Sunny Thursday to all - Shari


Well you do have candida, everyone does. It is one of nature's symbiotes

that helps us to help our bodies to maintain homeostasis. Now whether

you have it overrunning your body or not is the question. No symptoms

pretty much tells me it is not overrunning your body.

Candida can manifest in so many ways. If you have overrun then you would

most likely be ill or suffering from something.

Glad you are having a beautiful Thursday morning and I truly hope it

lasts all day for you and everyone else. Ten pounds of blueberries would

be truly a wonderful culinary experience.


Peace be with you, Shari.

Don " Quai " Eitner

" Spirit sleeps in the mineral, breathes in the vegetable, dreams in the animal

and wakes in man. "

Nearly all men die of their remedies, and not of their illnesses. ~Jean

Baptiste Molière, Le Malade Imaginaire

The obstacle is the path. ~Zen Proverb

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