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Pat, loss is one of the hardest things we have to go though. Grief has different steps or stages. Maybe it would be a good ideal to type in the key word "grief" and see what the web comes up with. Maybe join a support group on the computer?

I found that in my loss it helped me to know other people where out there feeling the same as I do. Your loss is fresh and it hurts real bad, but then the way I look at it this real LOVE. It is great to had someone to LOVE you and share their lives with you, now that love will help you for the rest of your days. You are blessed to have your children close to you. Sometimes it just helps to talk with someone and we are here to listen or for you to yell at.

In my way or our beliefs we have a year to grief our family, that mean if we want to cry we cry anytime. We believe each person must grieve in their own way. At the end of the year we have a dinner and put away the thing of our relatives, wipe our tears and become a part of the living again. I wish there was an easy way to get though the pain but pain only means that you LOVE and our LOVED. LaDonna

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Audry, I had my gallbladder out too and Dr. Rutledge told me that I will have

to take the Actigall regardless. It makes me nauseous too. It helps if I

take it with a full tummy. I am glad to hear you are doing so well. I tried

tomatoes last night and it wasn't pretty. They passed right through me.

Maybe it was too soon. What have you tried? I went to clinic on August 20.

Maybe we local littermates can meet again at our 3 month clinic and have

lunch together. Let's try! Keep up the good work. I have lost 28 lbs. as

of this morning. I have been walking a lot on my treadmill. I hope I will

learn to love exercise! Blessings, Alisha

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I was complaining too, the actigall makes me sick. Did you call Dana? She

told me the purpose of the medicine it to thin the bile ducts of the

gallbladder, so no stones form. If you do not have one....why take it?

Call Dana and I'm sure she'll give you some answers. I personally wish I

didn't have to take them...they make me really sick too, not to mention a

wave of pain in the gall bladder itself.

post op



From: " Audrey Greenwell " <agreenwell@...>


< >

Subject: Hello

Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 12:12:13 -0400

Hi everybody, I'm new to the group, I had my surgery 7-31-02. I've lost

21 lbs and already feel so much better! The medication that I take for

the gallbladder makes me sick, I have already had my gallbladder removed

so do I have to continue taking it? Any suggestions would be

appreciated. I'm going for my 1 month check-up on Sept. 3 and to

clinic, hope to see some of you all there! Well, I write again later.



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The actigall helps a lot more than just your gallbladder. I have had liver

surgery and the actigall will keep your bile flowing freely through the bile

ducts. If Dr. R says for you to take it you should. It would have saved me

a lot of trouble and pain had I taken it after my gallbladder was removed.

My liver counts are still not what they should be and I take the actigall

every day. Always take it with food. That will help. All I can say is that

at this point after three surgeries the actigall is a life saver.

in Georgia

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Hi Alisha, I've been eating tomatoes and cucumbers from my garden and do

very well with them, I have to remember to chew the cucumbers very well.

I started walking this week. I love to walk but had quit pre-op due to

the pain in my back and joints, I walked 2 miles M, T, and Wed and had

no pain. It is amazing to me since I've lost just 23 lbs. but I guess

every pound makes a difference. Talk to you later, Audry P.S. It would

be good to get together at our 3 month check. I'm going next Tuesday

for my one month, don't know if I'll see any of our littermates!

>>> marcnalisha@... 08/28/02 07:27AM >>>

Audry, I had my gallbladder out too and Dr. Rutledge told me that I

will have

to take the Actigall regardless. It makes me nauseous too. It helps

if I

take it with a full tummy. I am glad to hear you are doing so well. I


tomatoes last night and it wasn't pretty. They passed right through


Maybe it was too soon. What have you tried? I went to clinic on August


Maybe we local littermates can meet again at our 3 month clinic and


lunch together. Let's try! Keep up the good work. I have lost 28

lbs. as

of this morning. I have been walking a lot on my treadmill. I hope I


learn to love exercise! Blessings, Alisha

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Thanks , I'll continue taking it!! Audry

>>> Dschil1015@... 08/28/02 07:37PM >>>


The actigall helps a lot more than just your gallbladder. I have had


surgery and the actigall will keep your bile flowing freely through the


ducts. If Dr. R says for you to take it you should. It would have

saved me

a lot of trouble and pain had I taken it after my gallbladder was


My liver counts are still not what they should be and I take the


every day. Always take it with food. That will help. All I can say

is that

at this point after three surgeries the actigall is a life saver.

in Georgia

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  • 3 weeks later...

I live approximately 30 kilometres from the Bay of Fundy. Here in the

Maritime Canada it's cold and damp throughout the summer and fall.

When the dampness increases so do my aches and pains. Cold, damp and

foggy weather is about the worse for aches and pains. I pray for nice

frigid weather or hot dry weather to drive the dampness away.

If I didn't love it around here I think I would move to a nice dry

and warm place.


Your friendly neighbourhood moderator...

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re: scoliosis caused by injury

I think, in your case, that it's very possible. the pelvis could have been

shifted or your leg problems could have caused a difference in leg length or

support and caused a scoliosis.

I hope you find a good solution for your pain!


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When I was a little younger than 14 (back in the dark ages) I had an

accident, landed on the ground and, it turns out, broke my back. It went

untreated. I developed severe scoliosis and still have it, although I had

Harrington rod surgery at 57. I have been turned away by those doing studies

on people with ideopathic scoliosis, because I do not " fit the mold " . Many

things can cause scoliosis. Sometimes people react to disc pain by twisting

awkwardly; they (I believe) are the ones the chiropracters claim to cure.

The curves are there, but are not necessarily permanent. You may get lots of

answers to your question! Why not see a doctor for help with your pain?

There should be help out there for you, too, you know.


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I was going to be a wise guy and say " Heavy drugs " ... but that's not

far off from true.

Basically I choose this place just after my last surgery. I knew that

sooner or later I would be disabled and since my family was from

here... from 1630 and 1690 (mother's side and father's side)My

parents live on the other side of the province. it's hard not to

think of it as home. I was living in Toronto at the time. The company

I worked for wanted an office here and I opened it up, ran it and

then went on permanent disability in 1996. It took my wife a bit of

getting use to living in the middle of nowhere but she loves it now.

So here I am in the Maritimes not far from the old family homestead

of the 17th century.

Basically I just cope with the days by not thinking too much about

them. I have lots of things to keep my mind off the weather inside. I

do genealogical and historical research, reading tons of books,

collect stamps, do model railroad stuff in wood from scratch, play on

the computer, play with an assortment of amateur radio equipment, and

try not to think about pain. Actually I have to shuffle through

things a little at a time with rest in between. So I don't actually

get a lot done in a day but it keeps me happy at least.

I also use duragesic patches for pain which help a lot. I used to

take MS Contin but the patches work much better.

When I worked in Saint , NB I used to just dread the cold, dark,

damp foggy days. The darkness is more to deal with sometimes than the

pain that results. However relief comes in the winter when the

temperature drops because when it's really cold it's dry.

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Hi Cyndy,

How neat to be living in Hawaii. Just wanted to tell you that I live in

northern Italy in the Po Valley area. (The " Don Camillo " books by Giovanni

Guareschi give a perfect picture of the area - they've been translated into

English and are lots of fun - I recommend them to everybody on the list) -

the weather here is hot and humid in the summer and damp, foggy and cold in

the winter. So basically its humid most of the time and more humid some of

the time. And I DO feel it, and like , have to take extra medication

when it's particularly bad. Also, my back tells me when the weather is

going to change - if it's turning bad, my back will start hurting about 12

hours in advance. The rare days that are dry really make a difference to my


As for an accident causing a scoliosis - it certainly seems logical (I'm

not a doctor) that if you were walking around with your back out of

alignment and using your hip in the " wrong " way for a long time, swinging

your leg about, there would be repercussions on your spine. I hope you find

a good doctor who will listen to you and give you the help you need.

Welcome to the group and don't worry about not having a " big " curve... if

it hurts, it hurts. Good luck and all the best.

from Italy

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Hi, ,

Does it seem to you that those of us who have gotten the most relief are the

ones who use Duragesic patches? I, too, use them (100 for 72 hrs.) and my

physician will not hear of a change. He says the patch just brings me up to

where other people are on a normal day. You certainly do stay busy, which is

what we all want, right? I've noticed my husband's cooking is getting better

and better (he tries so hard to give me relief!). All the best to you.


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Hi Cyndy...

It's impossible for any of us to tell why you have pain. If your curves

were measured correctly, it's unlikely that they're the cause. Who

meaured your curves? If you saw an MD, did s/he order additional tests?


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   I was hit by a car when I was 14 and broke my femur and pelvis.

..........The weather here is constantly hot and

humid and I wonder if it has anything to do with my increased pain.


I think scoliosis can be caused by injury if the injury caused structural

changes- If you broke your femur and pelvis, it might have something to do with

it. This is just my opinion..

I live in Florida and before this I lived in Ottawa, Canada. The hotter and more

humid it is, the happier my back is- Ottawa is also very hot and humid in the

summer and very cold and dry in the winter. I found that the hot humid summers

were wonderful on my back and that's one of the reasons why we moved here. My

physical therapist explained why the humidity is good for my back- I guess it is

the same as having a 24hr moist heat pack on your back. And that's grreat!



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  • 2 weeks later...

ta: Good Luck--it seems like you have had some mile stones and it's

great to see what you have already been through and accomplished. Keep us

up-to-date on how you are doing and let any of us know if you need any help

with anything. Char

Charleen A. CphT

Technician Representative

Spokane Pharmacy Association


Pharmacy Technician/Trainer

Sixth Avenue Pharmacy

W. 508 6th Avenue

Spokane, WA 99204

(509) 455-9345 wk.

(509) 953-9308 cell.

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Dear al and All,

Here is the answer to the second question:

The second one is question #123.

" How much 1:1,000 stock solution is required to

prepare 500 ml of a 1:4,000 solution "

1. 125 ml.

2. 230 ml.

3. 500 ml.

4. 2,000 ml. "

I really would like to know how to work these


What I like to do is an allegation problem. But to show you how to do

this you need to use my tutorials, because the text gets distorted on

posts. First I change the ratio strengths to percentages. Recall that

in pharmacy most percentages are grams over 100 ml. Some solid

dissolved in some solution:

Next we use or apply the V1C1 = V2 C2 formula.

above submitted by: RD bdoug44@...

Let me know if you need more help. Please see my tutorial for

another way of doing this problem using allegations once you know the


1:1000 =


---------- = ----------


1 x 100

---------- = X = 0.1 grams


0.1 grams in 100 ml of solution means 0.1 over 100 mean 0.1%

1:4000 =

1:1000 =


---------- = ----------


1 x 100

---------- = X = 0.025 grams


0.025grams in 100 ml of solution means 0.025 over 100 mean 0.025%

V1 x C1 = V2 x C2

V1 x C1 = V2 x C2

V1 x 0.1% = 500ml x 0.025%

---------500ml x 0.025%

V1 = ----------------


V1 = 125 ml

Answer is #1 (here are 4 ways to say the same thing)

It takes 125 ml of 1:1,000 stock solution to

prepare 500 ml of a 1:4,000 solution


It takes 125 ml of 1:1000 solution to make 500 ml of 1:4000


Or 125 ml of 1:1000 stock solution is required to prepare 500ml of

1: 4000 solution.


It takes 125 ml of 0.1% stock solution to prepare/make 500ml of

0.025% solution.

Let me know if there is any distortion.

Not sure if this should go on the discussion tutorials or not. Do you

think so?


Jeanetta Mastron CPhT BS Chemistry

Founder/Owner of this site.

> Hi, I found about the class online; I am taking the

> class at Vernon College in Wichita Falls, Texas. I

> have a class tonight and then one more October 29.

> Our teacher gave us a copy of the PTCB Practice Test

> to work on and we will turn them in tonight. I have a

> couple of problems that I can't figure out. The first

> is question #117.

> " Which of the following formulas will produce a 1000

> ml solution of 3.5% amino acid in 15% dextrose?

> 1. Amino acid 10% 500 ml + dextrose 30% 500 ml.

> 2. Amino acid 10% 300 ml + dextrose 30% 700 ml.

> 3. Amino acid 7% 500 ml + dextrose 30% 500 ml.

> 4. Amino acid 7% 400 ml + dextrose 30% 600 ml. "

> The second one is question #123.

> " How much 1:1,000 stock solution is required to

> prepare 500 ml of a 1:4,000 solution "

> 1. 125 ml.

> 2. 230 ml.

> 3. 500 ml.

> 4. 2,000 ml. "

> I really would like to know how to work these

> problems.


> As far as the cancer, they did catch it in its early

> stages and hopefully all I have left from it is the

> medical bills. My doctor told me the last time I went

> in for a checkup that I was " one tough lady, and a

> survivor. " I am also a diabetic, have high blood

> pressure, and gouty arthritis. This means I have alot

> of medicine to buy. Also, it explains one of the

> reasons that I got interested in medicine.


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Reading you loud and clear. Welcom to the other side!

-Ginny Ivanoff

> Hi all! Well, I'm finally on the post-op side and on the post-op

mail group! Just wanted to send a " test " mail to see if it works. How

is everyone doing? How about my friends from 10/23/02? Doing great


> Bye for now,

> Stacey Raimundo

> 10/23/02

> 232/212!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest


I'm so glad you posted and it's nice to have you join

us as you are beginning the process toward getting a

cochlear implant. It's quite a journey and we are

really are a big family which is here to support you

all the way.

After 20 years with a hearing aid..you are going to

really be surprised at the technology. Ask all the

questions that come to mind and we will be very happy

to try to answer them.

Welcome to the list.


--- bbskity <brcats@...> wrote:

> Hello to Everyone, I am a new member of the CI

> Group. I am

> currently in the process of a future CI.

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Guest guest

Hi Barry,

Welcome to ; nice to meet you. I also realized that I was at

the point of no return. It was get the CI or stop having a life

entirely! This was the best thing I have ever done. Looking forward to

hearing abut your CI journey. I have a journal to share of everything

that I went through. Let me know if you would like to receive it!

Nuked 9/28/00

Hooked 10/26/00

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Hi,I'm a new member of this group as well.I got my CI a year ago and its

great to be able to hear.Still learning what the sounds are.Just think of it

as an adventure.


> Hello to Everyone, I am a new member of the CI Group. I am

> currently in the process of a future CI. My next appointment is

> April 15 for my CAT Scan & Team Meeting. I have been wearing a

> Hearing Aid for over 20 years. Of couse the hearing has

> progressed now to where this is the road for me to take. Looking

> forward to messages, etc. for support, friendship & just for all of

> us to be one Big Family! Have a Great Weekend!


> Barry

> bbskity

> brcats@...




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Guest guest

Hello Barry,

As a very recent member also of this group, I can wish you welcome

and the very best of luck on your upcoming CI. I, too, am looking

into a CI for my left, deaf ear. Your having a good experience helps

me to believe that in time, I may also. I wear a hearing aid too,

the most powerful one I could get at the time, and with it I am

somewhat functional out of the right, poor overworked ear! Again, the

best to you and enjoy the coming day. ---Art

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Hi Barry

My name is Kim Brownen and I have had a Clarion for the past ten

years. I now work for Advanced Bionics and will be happy to share

more with you in regards to our device.

If you would like I can send you literature on our device along with

our latest video.

I can also have other Clarion users share with you in regards to our

newest technology the Clarion CII Bionic Ear and the Hi Resolution

processing strategy



> Hello to Everyone, I am a new member of the CI Group. I am

> currently in the process of a future CI. My next appointment is

> April 15 for my CAT Scan & Team Meeting. I have been wearing a

> Hearing Aid for over 20 years. Of couse the hearing has

> progressed now to where this is the road for me to take. Looking

> forward to messages, etc. for support, friendship & just for all of

> us to be one Big Family! Have a Great Weekend!


> Barry

> bbskity

> brcats@s...

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Guest guest

Hi Barry

Welcome to the forum.I wore hearing aids for 30 years as well as had other ear

surgeries before becoming deaf in 1986.I was profoundly deaf for 10 years before

I received my first implant ,,an N22.I now am bilateral ...i received my N24C 2

years ago.I am hearing very well..can use the telephone ,,enjoy music,and hear

the beautiful voices of my Grandkids.I wish for the same for you!!

Love Dora


Hello to Everyone, I am a new member of the CI Group. I am

currently in the process of a future CI. My next appointment is

April 15 for my CAT Scan & Team Meeting. I have been wearing a

Hearing Aid for over 20 years. Of couse the hearing has

progressed now to where this is the road for me to take. Looking

forward to messages, etc. for support, friendship & just for all of

us to be one Big Family! Have a Great Weekend!




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