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Hello! I'm back home and back at work ... the pampering is all

over! But, it was fun while it lasted. My ear is doing great! It

is itching like crazy! I can't wait to get the packing out in three

more weeks!

I'm so excited to see so many people joing the group. You've started

something very special here that will help a lot of people. Way to

go Kim!

Have you heard from Louise yet? I'm also very worried about her. I

hope she doesn't try to get on the plane. OUCH! Maybe she got some

good care and they have her on medication getting all better! I hope

reads the e-mail and writes Michele back soon!

Take Care,

> Just thought I would send you a message to see how you are doing?

> How is the ear healing? I'm sure you are still getting alot of

> pampering, you must being enjoying it immensely. Anyways the group


> really starting to grow wahooo!!!

> Michele and I are really worried about Louise. As you might have

> read she had to rush to the hospital and we haven't heard nothing

> back from her yet. Michele emailed so hopefully we hear

> something back soon.

> Anyways I hope things are good with you & talk to you soon.

> Kim

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  • 2 weeks later...

we are all here phyllis...... go ahead and shed those 3 pounds and

shout away!!!


S in VA

> Hi everyone: Can't believe I finally got on here. I had just

about given

> up. Is anyone on at this hour or just me. I thought I was going

to reach

> the 100 pound loss group and noone would be there to hear me


> Phyllis

> MGB 11-29-2000

> 97 pounds gone




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> Hi everyone: Can't believe I finally got on here. I had just

about given

> up. Is anyone on at this hour or just me. I thought I was going

to reach

> the 100 pound loss group and noone would be there to hear me


> Phyllis

> MGB 11-29-2000

> 97 pounds gone




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Hi Phyllis, I'm here!


Re: Hello

> Hi everyone: Can't believe I finally got on here. I had just

about given

> up. Is anyone on at this hour or just me. I thought I was going

to reach

> the 100 pound loss group and noone would be there to hear me


> Phyllis

> MGB 11-29-2000

> 97 pounds gone




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hAPPy 4 yOU.



Hi everyone: Can't believe I finally got on here. I had just about given

up. Is anyone on at this hour or just me. I thought I was going to reach

the 100 pound loss group and noone would be there to hear me shout.


MGB 11-29-2000

97 pounds gone

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I hear you Phyllis!! You go girl, I am so proud of you!!! You have lost

a small person, I know you feel great!!!

On Fri, 17 Aug 2001 23:25:51 EDT Skinnywannabe@... writes:

> Hi everyone: Can't believe I finally got on here. I had just about

> given

> up. Is anyone on at this hour or just me. I thought I was going to

> reach

> the 100 pound loss group and noone would be there to hear me shout.


> Phyllis

> MGB 11-29-2000

> 97 pounds gone




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  • 2 weeks later...

I understand what you mean, but don't let life's downs get the best of you.

I know many people say that its what inside that counts but its what's

outside that can turn people away. So to make up for this differences you

have to present yourself better that the average person. That way people

will see past your differences and like you for who you are. I know it is

not fair but life stinks sometimes.

you can live life to the fullest .


> I've been feeling bombarded lately by the inserge of dwarfs in the media


> on television. It seems that they are all very positive people and seem

> perfectly content with their bodies. As a young small person I have a

> constant struggle with acepting my body and my life. I daily feel


> and very angry at trying to fuction in a world not made for me. Most


> my age are marying and having babies and I just don't ever see that

> happening for me because of this body that I have. Just wondering if I am

> the only one who would do anything to be of normal stature and who doesn't

> think that being this short is cool.


> _________________________________________________________________

> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp




> ===


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You're right and very good advice. I always compensated by going to

college, getting a good job, being perkier and funnier and kinder than most

people. Now, I don't know if I compensated unconsiously or consciously, but

whatever I did it worked/s. But, there will be people in particular who very

narrow minded people who will never change their belief system about anything

so these people don't matter. Not even average size people are going to be

accepted by everyone, but the beauty is, it doesn't matter. You can learn to

love yourself. It is possible, but sometimes can be a long, difficult

journey. It takes work, work, and more work; to some it comes easier.

If you find you cannot do it alone, seek help through a therapist, read

books, but embrace your uniqueness and believe that you are here for a

purpose. Find your purpose and pursue it. Eventually (probably as you get

older) it will click and you'll know when it happens. All I can say is that

life is the hardest thing I've ever done, but nothing good comes w/out

working for it unless you're one of the few lucky people who just seem to

have everything fall into their lap- but these people are rare. I'm in my

30s and I still am working on growing and making myself better and reaching

my " higher consciousness " or whatever you want to call it. Read a lot, find

a hobby, get a pet, if you have a loving family, let them know you love them

and they will be there for you. Just remember we are only " dancing on this

earth for a very short while " , so start doing these things now and I promise

you life will get better.

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>I've been feeling bombarded lately by the inserge of dwarfs in the media >and

on television. It seems that they are all very positive people and seem

>perfectly content with their bodies. As a young small person I have a

>constant struggle with acepting my body and my life. I daily feel frustrated

>and very angry at trying to fuction in a world not made for me. Most people

>my age are marying and having babies and I just don't ever see that

>happening for me because of this body that I have. Just wondering if I am

>the only one who would do anything to be of normal stature and who >doesn't

think that being this short is cool.

Dear Mavis:

Of course being a dwarf can suck - but only about 5% of the time. The other 95%

of the time, I just enjoy my life and live and play as hard as I can. I imagine

some of the people you're seeing do seem impossibly positive. They kind of

annoy me too because they're not being totally honest with themselves or the

world and they perpetuate this myth that dwarves are always happy or brave or

special. We're not, we're just human people who have the same flaws, dreams,

hopes, abilities, needs and capacity to contribute as everyone else. You didn't

say how old you were. I think there is a time in every dwarf's life that they

would do anything to be tall, but most of us outgrow that desire. I wouldn't

want to change myself, being a dwarf is what has made me what I am and there are

too many good things about it that outweigh the few bad things. Yes, people are

awful sometimes and I know it may seem that being married, etc. is out of reach.

It's not. But this is true, listen closely YOU MUST LOVE AND BE CONTENT WITH


My rule has been to never accept the limitations that OTHERS have wanted to

place on me, I set my own standards, thank you.

I wanted to be married - I am

I wanted to be gainfully employed - I am

I wanted to have lots of friends - I am

I wanted to be happy with WHO I am - I am, but there's always room for

improvement- don't ever stop growing as a person.

Being short didn't keep any of that from happening

Giving up on myself would have made all of that impossible.

Take care, hold on and good luck.


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Trying this again!

In a message dated 9/1/01 12:43:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time, StvDaDrgn writes:

<< Hi Mavis,

My wife is a little person and subscribes to this list-serve, but

suggested that I read and respond to your post rather than she. I am not

officially a little person... just kind of a small sized " average person. "

I am 41 years old and stand 4'10 " tall. I was 4'10 " when I was in junior

high and damned if I'm not still right there...

I'd always thought that my height was holding me back in life. I could

never date the really attractive girls in high school or college because they

didn't want to be seen with me. After a while I decided that I was okay with

that because I was better inside than they were, and that someday I would

find someone that could appreciate that. It took me a very long time to find

that person, but I did. And ironically she is smaller than I am. I went

through some heavy irony when I was trying to decide if I could date a short

person... :)

Your image of dwarfs in the media being all happy and fun is only one

aspect of their existence. They are real people with their good days and

their bad. They aren't the cartoon characters in Snow White that don't

realize the real world is out there around them... they live every day in the

real world. The media lately has been showing examples of these people being

very successful in their chosen professions and lifestyles, and that is good.

But the secret, I believe, to their success is that they are REAL people.

They do everything they can to take advantage of their strengths and minimize

the effect of their weaknesses.

I was a strong and comfortable person before I met Martha, but now

after seeing how she and her friends attack life head-on like they do, I am

inspired to be an even stronger and more comfortable person. I've gone back

to college to finish my degree after 20 years thanks to her encouragement and


It isn't that being short is suddenly " cool. " It's not. It's a pain

in the ass. But if you can survive getting past what you perceive as the

world's judgment of your worth and develop your own, then you will be on the

road to find yourself and in turn find happiness. There is no instant

cure... Just know yourself, appreciate what you have to offer, and let the

world come to you... That's how I found my lovely wife... :)

Take care,



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The best way to get directions is to go to www.mapquest.com or one of

the other " map " sites on the internet. You can enter your address and

then the address of the hotel (300 Meredith Drive, Durham, NC) and get

specific instructions from your house to there. If someone else gives

you directions you have a better possibility of getting lost. You can

do the same with the park which is Falls Lake Park (Sandling Beach).

Hope this helps.


Hey fellow MGB'ers,

I hope all is well with everyone. I know I have not posted much or

responded a whole lot,but I want to thank those of you who responded

to my weight loss of 145 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I apologies for

not e-mailing as much. Life has been pretty tuff for us for the last

5 months. I feel bad because each and every one of you are my FAMILY

and I have neglected you for too long. There is not much to report

on this end. My brother is out of the hospital and doing better. I

have a severe sinus infection and am out of school for the rest of

the week. My mother has gone off the deep end yet again and she is

on a rampage and it has my name written all over it. For those of

you who do not know, my mother and I do not get along. I have done

everything and I do mean EVERYTHING in my power to bridge the gap

between us. I am the only one out of the two of us who is wiling

therefore I am making no progress. My mother was there for my

surgery and I was very grateful for that, but the day after surgery

she made my life a living HELL until I came home after my staples

were removed. I pray daily for our relationship, and because my

mother is an athiest it is very hard. I am not making that up, she

told me herself to my face that she was ( I almost had a heartattack

my own mother does not believe in God and yet she goes to Church and

to church functions) anyway, sorry for rambling. I am getting ready

to send you your money Gloria for Danny to eat. I cannot afford an

$11.00 meal for me that I will barely eat, and does not like

barbecue. I also am getting ready to send money to you and my

order. I love you all and we will see ya at the picnic or the Friday

dinner if we make it in time. Has the place for dinner or the get

together been made yet? Also, PLEASE I need directions to the

Hawthorne Suites and the picninc shelter.


Lara Akin

November 8, 2000

145 pounds gone FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!

178 pounds gone since the beggining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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That relationship sounds like my mom and I!!! She also came to my

surgery, but later admitted it was only because my brother told her to

(she is crazy about my brother). My mother has been going off the deep

end with me for many, many years and she just told me she hates and

despises me, I told her I love her and she told me to " shut up " and she

" did not want to hear it " ... I pray for her and our relationship daily as

well. She is a sick woman who seems to get worse as I try to improve

myself. God will take care of everything, and I cannot deal with this

any longer, I have turned it over to Him to handle. Strangely enough,

after she told me how she felt I was able to let go and stop trying so

hard to get her approval. Poor thing, she is totally unable to meet any

of my emotional needs as far as nurturing or being maternal. I now

understand the pressure I placed on her repeated trying to make her feel

what she could not and say what she did not feel. Whew what a load off,

I can get on with my life and stop spitting into the wind!!!

Take care and God Bless!!

On Thu, 06 Sep 2001 19:08:34 -0000 BlueEyedDaisy2000@... writes:

> Hey fellow MGB'ers,

> I hope all is well with everyone. I know I have not posted much or


> responded a whole lot,but I want to thank those of you who responded


> to my weight loss of 145 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I apologies for


> not e-mailing as much. Life has been pretty tuff for us for the last


> 5 months. I feel bad because each and every one of you are my


> and I have neglected you for too long. There is not much to report


> on this end. My brother is out of the hospital and doing better. I


> have a severe sinus infection and am out of school for the rest of

> the week. My mother has gone off the deep end yet again and she is


> on a rampage and it has my name written all over it. For those of

> you who do not know, my mother and I do not get along. I have done


> everything and I do mean EVERYTHING in my power to bridge the gap

> between us. I am the only one out of the two of us who is wiling

> therefore I am making no progress. My mother was there for my

> surgery and I was very grateful for that, but the day after surgery


> she made my life a living HELL until I came home after my staples

> were removed. I pray daily for our relationship, and because my

> mother is an athiest it is very hard. I am not making that up, she


> told me herself to my face that she was ( I almost had a heartattack


> my own mother does not believe in God and yet she goes to Church and


> to church functions) anyway, sorry for rambling. I am getting ready


> to send you your money Gloria for Danny to eat. I cannot afford an


> $11.00 meal for me that I will barely eat, and does not like

> barbecue. I also am getting ready to send money to you and my


> order. I love you all and we will see ya at the picnic or the

> Friday

> dinner if we make it in time. Has the place for dinner or the get

> together been made yet? Also, PLEASE I need directions to the

> Hawthorne Suites and the picninc shelter.

> Love,

> Lara Akin

> November 8, 2000

> 145 pounds gone FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!

> 178 pounds gone since the beggining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




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I'm sorry, but I care for everyone this affected; everyone. It has

affected the whole world in some form or another. There is not one day since

9/11/01 that I have not shed a tear for such senseless killings. I care that

everyday you walk outside or stare into the Manhatten skyline that a part

will be missing. I believe we all feel that void. I am thankful you are

alive. I'm just sad for the many who are not b/c of this.

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Karla, this is Debi Hoggan in Utah. I think I may be

able to answer your email. I know why I did not

respond. I was, and still am, very numb, and today is

the first day I have even been able to write an email.

I have told your story to so many people, and so

grateful you never made it to work. I am thrilled you

were so blessed, and your guardian angel was looking

out for you. However, I bet there were many guardian

angels looking over 1000s of others on that day of

death and tragedy, but they had no time to react.

Hatred never makes sense, and no matter how much

anyone tried to save their own lives or others, evil

was much stronger on September 11th.

I send you may heart-felt love and happiness that you

were not one of the fallen angels that day. May your

life continue to be as protected as it was on

September 11th. People do care!

With love to someone I do not believe I know,

Debi Hoggan

--- Keastburg2@... wrote:

> Excuse me, but did anyone get my post yesterday,

> " WTC - I was almost there " ?

> I am a little person and I worked at the World Trade

> Center. Only one person

> responded to my email. You act like you do not care

> what happened to me.

> Maybe it's because you do not know me yet. I do not

> write to the list but I

> do subscribe to it and I read your posts and I am

> concerned about what

> happens to you. I was counting on you to be like

> family but I guess I made a

> mistake.


> Can someone please tell us more about the little

> person who was on one of the

> planes that crashed? Who was she before the plane

> crashed? How horrible it

> must have been for her.


> Karla



Terrorist Attacks on U.S. - How can you help?

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At 10:54 AM -0400 9/14/01, Keastburg2@... wrote:

>Excuse me, but did anyone get my post yesterday, " WTC - I was almost there " ?

>I am a little person and I worked at the World Trade Center. Only one person

>responded to my email. You act like you do not care what happened to me.

>Maybe it's because you do not know me yet. I do not write to the list but I

>do subscribe to it and I read your posts and I am concerned about what

>happens to you. I was counting on you to be like family but I guess I made a



>Can someone please tell us more about the little person who was on one of the

>planes that crashed? Who was she before the plane crashed? How horrible it

>must have been for her.



Karla, what a blessing that you are with us. Sorry if during the

crunch of mail that you got lost.



** ><}}> ** ><}}> ** ><}}> *Ý* <{{>< ** <{{>< ** <{{>< **


In God's Love & PeaceÝ

This is a Day of New Beginnings!

Ginny Sargent




Sand Dollar Bay Designs

Live one day at a time and make it a masterpiece!

" Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the

artist does the better. " Andre Gide

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Sometimes when one has read a very touching post,all one does is

sigh.Sometimes words are at a loss.


Re: hello

At 10:54 AM -0400 9/14/01, Keastburg2@... wrote:

>Excuse me, but did anyone get my post yesterday, " WTC - I was almost

there " ?

>I am a little person and I worked at the World Trade Center. Only one


>responded to my email. You act like you do not care what happened to me.

>Maybe it's because you do not know me yet. I do not write to the list but


>do subscribe to it and I read your posts and I am concerned about what

>happens to you. I was counting on you to be like family but I guess I made




>Can someone please tell us more about the little person who was on one of


>planes that crashed? Who was she before the plane crashed? How horrible


>must have been for her.



Karla, what a blessing that you are with us. Sorry if during the

crunch of mail that you got lost.




** ><}}> ** ><}}> ** ><}}> *Ý* <{{>< ** <{{>< ** <{{>< **



In God's Love & PeaceÝ

This is a Day of New Beginnings!

Ginny Sargent




Sand Dollar Bay Designs

Live one day at a time and make it a masterpiece!

" Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the

artist does the better. " Andre Gide


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  • 1 month later...

In a message dated 11/4/01 4:15:05 PM Eastern Standard Time,

terebrito@... writes:

> With the policies of those other lists I would have been deleted from here

> long time ago because I do not post often either...


I don't post often either. I like to lurk and read the posts. I think I got

deleted from the one list, but honestly, I didn't like theri attitude anyway.

Sharon (Ontario) Canada

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Me too, Tina.

p.s. I was ousted from another low-carb club

because i didn't check in each and every week.

What a bummer, but i got over that with more supportive clubs

like this one.


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Hello Tina and all Os. I share your thoughts and I am so glad we have Steve as

our moderator and as our advisor and Axel as our stress reducer and Lilla

and , Crystal, , , CB, , Noel, Jerry, Ann, Bonny, Juni,

Elize... and all the beautiful people that make this list so interesting and

caring. With the policies of those other lists I would have been deleted from

here long time ago because I do not post often either...

Have a happy and healthy week!

Austin, TX


Hello all,

I don't post much, but I sure love to read others and the advise

here is great. I just found your site and definately plan to

start ordering from you instead of Dr. D's site....much cheaper!!

Thank yo to all of you with allof your wisdom. I have been on the

diet and have read both books, ER/LR and use the cookbook for about 8

months now and do absolutely LOVE it!!

Thanks to all,


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Thank you Tina.

Keep up the good work.


Hello all,

I don't post much, but I sure love to read others and the advise

here is great. I just found your site and definately plan to

start ordering from you instead of Dr. D's site....much cheaper!!

Thank yo to all of you with allof your wisdom. I have been on the

diet and have read both books, ER/LR and use the cookbook for about 8

months now and do absolutely LOVE it!!

Thanks to all,


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I know this is going on and on, but I, too, was unsubscribed for

daring to give a differing opinion. <sheesh> This list is much

better, as everyone is whole-heartedly agreeing! Thanks, thanks,


, I also live in Ausin, southwest part. Maybe we'll run into

each other some time. <g> Not at the bar, though. Sorry, Axel!

E Long in Austin TX

> Hello Tina and all Os. I share your thoughts and I am so glad we

have Steve as our moderator and as our advisor and Axel as our

stress reducer and Lilla and , Crystal, , , CB,

, Noel, Jerry, Ann, Bonny, Juni, Elize... and all the

beautiful people that make this list so interesting and caring. With

the policies of those other lists I would have been deleted from here

long time ago because I do not post often either...

> Have a happy and healthy week!


> Austin, TX

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Hi E. Long! I'd love to talk to you sometime. I live near Far West Blvd.


Please write me a note!

Re: Hello

I know this is going on and on, but I, too, was unsubscribed for

daring to give a differing opinion. <sheesh> This list is much

better, as everyone is whole-heartedly agreeing! Thanks, thanks,


, I also live in Ausin, southwest part. Maybe we'll run into

each other some time. <g> Not at the bar, though. Sorry, Axel!

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Hi Bonny, good to see you,



HI Everyone,

I just joined up - I'm from the LR group. I'm an O-ns and am


forward to participating in your group. I recognize a lot of


names so this feels like home.


--- Lilla Luoma

--- lillabell@...

Mitakuye oyasin....We Are All Related

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