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The ruminating thoughts, and the inability to be happy or feel love,

and or joy is what is the worst. Is life even worth living if you

don't feel those things?

Everyone can can heal to an extent from this kind of damage. True,

many of us end up with lingering problems, but I've met many people

on the W & R list who cope with this, lead new lives, and are even

thankful for what they went through because of what they learned and

how they grew. Try looking up some of Kim 's posts. I don't

think you've met her yet, she's been busy these past several months,

but she said she was planning to come back and talk when she has the

time again. You could also look up her story of recovery (as well as

other peoples') in the files there. I found that helpful when I was

just starting out and needed hope myself.

How are you doing with diet and supplements? The Bach remedies can

help with immediately problematic symptoms. Diet and supplements are

what do the long-term healing.

There are people on these lists whose lives were utterly wrecked by

the drugs. Many of them are making remarkable recoveries. Why not

talk to some of them and ask them about what they've been doing? If

the W & R list is quiet you are welcome to come to Social W & R, your

posts will show up there without needing approval.

Best wishes,


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Guest guest

The ruminating thoughts, and the inability to be happy or feel love,

and or joy is what is the worst. Is life even worth living if you

don't feel those things?

Everyone can can heal to an extent from this kind of damage. True,

many of us end up with lingering problems, but I've met many people

on the W & R list who cope with this, lead new lives, and are even

thankful for what they went through because of what they learned and

how they grew. Try looking up some of Kim 's posts. I don't

think you've met her yet, she's been busy these past several months,

but she said she was planning to come back and talk when she has the

time again. You could also look up her story of recovery (as well as

other peoples') in the files there. I found that helpful when I was

just starting out and needed hope myself.

How are you doing with diet and supplements? The Bach remedies can

help with immediately problematic symptoms. Diet and supplements are

what do the long-term healing.

There are people on these lists whose lives were utterly wrecked by

the drugs. Many of them are making remarkable recoveries. Why not

talk to some of them and ask them about what they've been doing? If

the W & R list is quiet you are welcome to come to Social W & R, your

posts will show up there without needing approval.

Best wishes,


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Guest guest

The ruminating thoughts, and the inability to be happy or feel love,

and or joy is what is the worst. Is life even worth living if you

don't feel those things?

Everyone can can heal to an extent from this kind of damage. True,

many of us end up with lingering problems, but I've met many people

on the W & R list who cope with this, lead new lives, and are even

thankful for what they went through because of what they learned and

how they grew. Try looking up some of Kim 's posts. I don't

think you've met her yet, she's been busy these past several months,

but she said she was planning to come back and talk when she has the

time again. You could also look up her story of recovery (as well as

other peoples') in the files there. I found that helpful when I was

just starting out and needed hope myself.

How are you doing with diet and supplements? The Bach remedies can

help with immediately problematic symptoms. Diet and supplements are

what do the long-term healing.

There are people on these lists whose lives were utterly wrecked by

the drugs. Many of them are making remarkable recoveries. Why not

talk to some of them and ask them about what they've been doing? If

the W & R list is quiet you are welcome to come to Social W & R, your

posts will show up there without needing approval.

Best wishes,


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Guest guest

Oh I am getting sick to my stomach thinking about these damned pills that the

shrinks prescribe, telling us that they will help!!

The reason for my nausea is this!!!!

My son was put on these drugs, at first when he was merely a little boy in the

3rd grade!!! and as recently as 2001/2!!

My hearts wrenches within my body!!!!!!!!! I noticed the changes in him, and

that those nasty vile drugs were not only " NOT " helping him,, they were making

him worse!!!!!! Oh my God!!!!!! And then the other thing is that when I would

try to refill his prescriptions the stupid clinic and the pharmacies would fight

over who was supposed to get clearance for these drugs from the state!!! ( We

have the medical cards)!!! In the meantime my sons' scripts would run out and

so he would be going cold-turkey off of them!!! Oh Lordy!!!!!!!!!! Talk about

having to deal with problems!!! And one of those drugs I think almost did my

son in!! But do you think the clinic pros or the psychiatrist gave a damn??

Nope!! Or the courts?? (we were having to go to court because the school had

charged me with Educational neglect) reason being that my son was either coming

in late or missing school!! Never mind that this medicine was making him so ill

that he couldn't function and he

would look so awful and frightening to see!! He would hardly be able to get up,

and he would be ashen grey, with a death-like look in his eyes, his eyes....they

would roll back in his head..and his head would just loll around like he didn't

have the strength to even hold it up! he would get sick and throw up, then his

face would be so pale, his skin clammy! And around his lips would be blue!! This

drug that was prescribed was " Strattera! " !!!!!!!!! A teeny little pill that

disolves on the tongue..to be given at night 1 hour before bedtime...and I..his

mother..was the administrator of it!!!!! aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

they also put him on " Prozac " syrup, and later things like " Zoloft " , and

" Depacote " , and oh God!!! I don't remember


WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MY SON???? I love him and yet,, dammit to hell...yeah.. I

feel guilty!!!! Why did I allow these people to talk me into doing this?? Why

did I listen to this 3rd grade teacher who claimed that she though my son had

ADHD just because he was slow at doing his work??? This was a catholic

school..not that it matters much.. and they were the creepiest people I've ever

been around!!! Probably because we weren't well off like them, having fancy

houses, and fancy cars, clothes, jobs, and donating their fancy money to church


Nope..my son and I didn't have the life those people have...we did put money

in at church but it was meager. we lived in apartments, and I worked at a

nursing home,, had to get a divorce, and then try to raise my son on my own,, no

help from family.. nor any caring other family members...

My son is not on any drugs because I took him off those horrible things a

couple of years ago..Thank God I did.

But what are the long-term effects??? I know that they have damaged my sweet

child!! Who's gonna pay the price for that?? he is.. and me.. for doing as I

was bid to do..and betrayed by my blind trust in those who said they know what's

best for my child!!!

This evilness needs to stop I tell you!!!!!! When will people see what's

happening??? Our nation is being killed off systematically by these " legal "

drug warlords!!!

" Into each life a little rain will fall,but if you have a friend,

you can bear it all,for a friend is an umbrella,to hold above your head,

and help you think about,the sunny days instead. "




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Oh I am getting sick to my stomach thinking about these damned pills that the

shrinks prescribe, telling us that they will help!!

The reason for my nausea is this!!!!

My son was put on these drugs, at first when he was merely a little boy in the

3rd grade!!! and as recently as 2001/2!!

My hearts wrenches within my body!!!!!!!!! I noticed the changes in him, and

that those nasty vile drugs were not only " NOT " helping him,, they were making

him worse!!!!!! Oh my God!!!!!! And then the other thing is that when I would

try to refill his prescriptions the stupid clinic and the pharmacies would fight

over who was supposed to get clearance for these drugs from the state!!! ( We

have the medical cards)!!! In the meantime my sons' scripts would run out and

so he would be going cold-turkey off of them!!! Oh Lordy!!!!!!!!!! Talk about

having to deal with problems!!! And one of those drugs I think almost did my

son in!! But do you think the clinic pros or the psychiatrist gave a damn??

Nope!! Or the courts?? (we were having to go to court because the school had

charged me with Educational neglect) reason being that my son was either coming

in late or missing school!! Never mind that this medicine was making him so ill

that he couldn't function and he

would look so awful and frightening to see!! He would hardly be able to get up,

and he would be ashen grey, with a death-like look in his eyes, his eyes....they

would roll back in his head..and his head would just loll around like he didn't

have the strength to even hold it up! he would get sick and throw up, then his

face would be so pale, his skin clammy! And around his lips would be blue!! This

drug that was prescribed was " Strattera! " !!!!!!!!! A teeny little pill that

disolves on the tongue..to be given at night 1 hour before bedtime...and I..his

mother..was the administrator of it!!!!! aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

they also put him on " Prozac " syrup, and later things like " Zoloft " , and

" Depacote " , and oh God!!! I don't remember


WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MY SON???? I love him and yet,, dammit to hell...yeah.. I

feel guilty!!!! Why did I allow these people to talk me into doing this?? Why

did I listen to this 3rd grade teacher who claimed that she though my son had

ADHD just because he was slow at doing his work??? This was a catholic

school..not that it matters much.. and they were the creepiest people I've ever

been around!!! Probably because we weren't well off like them, having fancy

houses, and fancy cars, clothes, jobs, and donating their fancy money to church


Nope..my son and I didn't have the life those people have...we did put money

in at church but it was meager. we lived in apartments, and I worked at a

nursing home,, had to get a divorce, and then try to raise my son on my own,, no

help from family.. nor any caring other family members...

My son is not on any drugs because I took him off those horrible things a

couple of years ago..Thank God I did.

But what are the long-term effects??? I know that they have damaged my sweet

child!! Who's gonna pay the price for that?? he is.. and me.. for doing as I

was bid to do..and betrayed by my blind trust in those who said they know what's

best for my child!!!

This evilness needs to stop I tell you!!!!!! When will people see what's

happening??? Our nation is being killed off systematically by these " legal "

drug warlords!!!

" Into each life a little rain will fall,but if you have a friend,

you can bear it all,for a friend is an umbrella,to hold above your head,

and help you think about,the sunny days instead. "




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Guest guest

Oh I am getting sick to my stomach thinking about these damned pills that the

shrinks prescribe, telling us that they will help!!

The reason for my nausea is this!!!!

My son was put on these drugs, at first when he was merely a little boy in the

3rd grade!!! and as recently as 2001/2!!

My hearts wrenches within my body!!!!!!!!! I noticed the changes in him, and

that those nasty vile drugs were not only " NOT " helping him,, they were making

him worse!!!!!! Oh my God!!!!!! And then the other thing is that when I would

try to refill his prescriptions the stupid clinic and the pharmacies would fight

over who was supposed to get clearance for these drugs from the state!!! ( We

have the medical cards)!!! In the meantime my sons' scripts would run out and

so he would be going cold-turkey off of them!!! Oh Lordy!!!!!!!!!! Talk about

having to deal with problems!!! And one of those drugs I think almost did my

son in!! But do you think the clinic pros or the psychiatrist gave a damn??

Nope!! Or the courts?? (we were having to go to court because the school had

charged me with Educational neglect) reason being that my son was either coming

in late or missing school!! Never mind that this medicine was making him so ill

that he couldn't function and he

would look so awful and frightening to see!! He would hardly be able to get up,

and he would be ashen grey, with a death-like look in his eyes, his eyes....they

would roll back in his head..and his head would just loll around like he didn't

have the strength to even hold it up! he would get sick and throw up, then his

face would be so pale, his skin clammy! And around his lips would be blue!! This

drug that was prescribed was " Strattera! " !!!!!!!!! A teeny little pill that

disolves on the tongue..to be given at night 1 hour before bedtime...and I..his

mother..was the administrator of it!!!!! aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

they also put him on " Prozac " syrup, and later things like " Zoloft " , and

" Depacote " , and oh God!!! I don't remember


WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MY SON???? I love him and yet,, dammit to hell...yeah.. I

feel guilty!!!! Why did I allow these people to talk me into doing this?? Why

did I listen to this 3rd grade teacher who claimed that she though my son had

ADHD just because he was slow at doing his work??? This was a catholic

school..not that it matters much.. and they were the creepiest people I've ever

been around!!! Probably because we weren't well off like them, having fancy

houses, and fancy cars, clothes, jobs, and donating their fancy money to church


Nope..my son and I didn't have the life those people have...we did put money

in at church but it was meager. we lived in apartments, and I worked at a

nursing home,, had to get a divorce, and then try to raise my son on my own,, no

help from family.. nor any caring other family members...

My son is not on any drugs because I took him off those horrible things a

couple of years ago..Thank God I did.

But what are the long-term effects??? I know that they have damaged my sweet

child!! Who's gonna pay the price for that?? he is.. and me.. for doing as I

was bid to do..and betrayed by my blind trust in those who said they know what's

best for my child!!!

This evilness needs to stop I tell you!!!!!! When will people see what's

happening??? Our nation is being killed off systematically by these " legal "

drug warlords!!!

" Into each life a little rain will fall,but if you have a friend,

you can bear it all,for a friend is an umbrella,to hold above your head,

and help you think about,the sunny days instead. "




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Guest guest

Oh I am getting sick to my stomach thinking about these damned pills that the

shrinks prescribe, telling us that they will help!!

The reason for my nausea is this!!!!

My son was put on these drugs, at first when he was merely a little boy in the

3rd grade!!! and as recently as 2001/2!!

My hearts wrenches within my body!!!!!!!!! I noticed the changes in him, and

that those nasty vile drugs were not only " NOT " helping him,, they were making

him worse!!!!!! Oh my God!!!!!! And then the other thing is that when I would

try to refill his prescriptions the stupid clinic and the pharmacies would fight

over who was supposed to get clearance for these drugs from the state!!! ( We

have the medical cards)!!! In the meantime my sons' scripts would run out and

so he would be going cold-turkey off of them!!! Oh Lordy!!!!!!!!!! Talk about

having to deal with problems!!! And one of those drugs I think almost did my

son in!! But do you think the clinic pros or the psychiatrist gave a damn??

Nope!! Or the courts?? (we were having to go to court because the school had

charged me with Educational neglect) reason being that my son was either coming

in late or missing school!! Never mind that this medicine was making him so ill

that he couldn't function and he

would look so awful and frightening to see!! He would hardly be able to get up,

and he would be ashen grey, with a death-like look in his eyes, his eyes....they

would roll back in his head..and his head would just loll around like he didn't

have the strength to even hold it up! he would get sick and throw up, then his

face would be so pale, his skin clammy! And around his lips would be blue!! This

drug that was prescribed was " Strattera! " !!!!!!!!! A teeny little pill that

disolves on the tongue..to be given at night 1 hour before bedtime...and I..his

mother..was the administrator of it!!!!! aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

they also put him on " Prozac " syrup, and later things like " Zoloft " , and

" Depacote " , and oh God!!! I don't remember


WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MY SON???? I love him and yet,, dammit to hell...yeah.. I

feel guilty!!!! Why did I allow these people to talk me into doing this?? Why

did I listen to this 3rd grade teacher who claimed that she though my son had

ADHD just because he was slow at doing his work??? This was a catholic

school..not that it matters much.. and they were the creepiest people I've ever

been around!!! Probably because we weren't well off like them, having fancy

houses, and fancy cars, clothes, jobs, and donating their fancy money to church


Nope..my son and I didn't have the life those people have...we did put money

in at church but it was meager. we lived in apartments, and I worked at a

nursing home,, had to get a divorce, and then try to raise my son on my own,, no

help from family.. nor any caring other family members...

My son is not on any drugs because I took him off those horrible things a

couple of years ago..Thank God I did.

But what are the long-term effects??? I know that they have damaged my sweet

child!! Who's gonna pay the price for that?? he is.. and me.. for doing as I

was bid to do..and betrayed by my blind trust in those who said they know what's

best for my child!!!

This evilness needs to stop I tell you!!!!!! When will people see what's

happening??? Our nation is being killed off systematically by these " legal "

drug warlords!!!

" Into each life a little rain will fall,but if you have a friend,

you can bear it all,for a friend is an umbrella,to hold above your head,

and help you think about,the sunny days instead. "




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Guest guest

Tell your legislators, walk in and tell each and everyone of them. If your

son is doing fine then I bet he will be fine!

Feed him good food and he will respond. The human body is extremely

resilient if fed clean food and clean water.

Your not alone but unlike many I have seen you can face what's really

happening and you SAVED your son. Most can't see it

ever or until it's too late.

Save your neighbor's children too :)


Oh I am getting sick to my stomach thinking about these damned pills that

the shrinks prescribe, telling us that they will help!!

The reason for my nausea is this!!!!

My son was put on these drugs, at first when he was merely a little boy in

the 3rd grade!!! and as recently as 2001/2!!

My hearts wrenches within my body!!!!!!!!! I noticed the changes in him,

and that those nasty vile drugs were not only " NOT " helping him,, they were

making him worse!!!!!! Oh my God!!!!!! And then the other thing is that

when I would try to refill his prescriptions the stupid clinic and the

pharmacies would fight over who was supposed to get clearance for these

drugs from the state!!! ( We have the medical cards)!!! In the meantime my

sons' scripts would run out and so he would be going cold-turkey off of

them!!! Oh Lordy!!!!!!!!!! Talk about having to deal with problems!!!

And one of those drugs I think almost did my son in!! But do you think the

clinic pros or the psychiatrist gave a damn?? Nope!! Or the courts?? (we

were having to go to court because the school had charged me with

Educational neglect) reason being that my son was either coming in late or

missing school!! Never mind that this medicine was making him so ill that he

couldn't function and he

would look so awful and frightening to see!! He would hardly be able to get

up, and he would be ashen grey, with a death-like look in his eyes, his

eyes....they would roll back in his head..and his head would just loll

around like he didn't have the strength to even hold it up! he would get

sick and throw up, then his face would be so pale, his skin clammy! And

around his lips would be blue!! This drug that was prescribed was

" Strattera! " !!!!!!!!! A teeny little pill that disolves on the tongue..to

be given at night 1 hour before bedtime...and I..his mother..was the

administrator of it!!!!! aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

they also put him on " Prozac " syrup, and later things like " Zoloft " , and

" Depacote " , and oh God!!! I don't remember


WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MY SON???? I love him and yet,, dammit to

hell...yeah.. I feel guilty!!!! Why did I allow these people to talk me

into doing this?? Why did I listen to this 3rd grade teacher who claimed

that she though my son had ADHD just because he was slow at doing his

work??? This was a catholic school..not that it matters much.. and they were

the creepiest people I've ever been around!!! Probably because we weren't

well off like them, having fancy houses, and fancy cars, clothes, jobs, and

donating their fancy money to church etc!!!

Nope..my son and I didn't have the life those people have...we did put

money in at church but it was meager. we lived in apartments, and I worked

at a nursing home,, had to get a divorce, and then try to raise my son on my

own,, no help from family.. nor any caring other family members...

My son is not on any drugs because I took him off those horrible things a

couple of years ago..Thank God I did.

But what are the long-term effects??? I know that they have damaged my

sweet child!! Who's gonna pay the price for that?? he is.. and me.. for

doing as I was bid to do..and betrayed by my blind trust in those who said

they know what's best for my child!!!

This evilness needs to stop I tell you!!!!!! When will people see what's

happening??? Our nation is being killed off systematically by these " legal "

drug warlords!!!

" Into each life a little rain will fall,but if you have a friend,

you can bear it all,for a friend is an umbrella,to hold above your head,

and help you think about,the sunny days instead. "




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Guest guest

Tell your legislators, walk in and tell each and everyone of them. If your

son is doing fine then I bet he will be fine!

Feed him good food and he will respond. The human body is extremely

resilient if fed clean food and clean water.

Your not alone but unlike many I have seen you can face what's really

happening and you SAVED your son. Most can't see it

ever or until it's too late.

Save your neighbor's children too :)


Oh I am getting sick to my stomach thinking about these damned pills that

the shrinks prescribe, telling us that they will help!!

The reason for my nausea is this!!!!

My son was put on these drugs, at first when he was merely a little boy in

the 3rd grade!!! and as recently as 2001/2!!

My hearts wrenches within my body!!!!!!!!! I noticed the changes in him,

and that those nasty vile drugs were not only " NOT " helping him,, they were

making him worse!!!!!! Oh my God!!!!!! And then the other thing is that

when I would try to refill his prescriptions the stupid clinic and the

pharmacies would fight over who was supposed to get clearance for these

drugs from the state!!! ( We have the medical cards)!!! In the meantime my

sons' scripts would run out and so he would be going cold-turkey off of

them!!! Oh Lordy!!!!!!!!!! Talk about having to deal with problems!!!

And one of those drugs I think almost did my son in!! But do you think the

clinic pros or the psychiatrist gave a damn?? Nope!! Or the courts?? (we

were having to go to court because the school had charged me with

Educational neglect) reason being that my son was either coming in late or

missing school!! Never mind that this medicine was making him so ill that he

couldn't function and he

would look so awful and frightening to see!! He would hardly be able to get

up, and he would be ashen grey, with a death-like look in his eyes, his

eyes....they would roll back in his head..and his head would just loll

around like he didn't have the strength to even hold it up! he would get

sick and throw up, then his face would be so pale, his skin clammy! And

around his lips would be blue!! This drug that was prescribed was

" Strattera! " !!!!!!!!! A teeny little pill that disolves on the tongue..to

be given at night 1 hour before bedtime...and I..his mother..was the

administrator of it!!!!! aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

they also put him on " Prozac " syrup, and later things like " Zoloft " , and

" Depacote " , and oh God!!! I don't remember


WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MY SON???? I love him and yet,, dammit to

hell...yeah.. I feel guilty!!!! Why did I allow these people to talk me

into doing this?? Why did I listen to this 3rd grade teacher who claimed

that she though my son had ADHD just because he was slow at doing his

work??? This was a catholic school..not that it matters much.. and they were

the creepiest people I've ever been around!!! Probably because we weren't

well off like them, having fancy houses, and fancy cars, clothes, jobs, and

donating their fancy money to church etc!!!

Nope..my son and I didn't have the life those people have...we did put

money in at church but it was meager. we lived in apartments, and I worked

at a nursing home,, had to get a divorce, and then try to raise my son on my

own,, no help from family.. nor any caring other family members...

My son is not on any drugs because I took him off those horrible things a

couple of years ago..Thank God I did.

But what are the long-term effects??? I know that they have damaged my

sweet child!! Who's gonna pay the price for that?? he is.. and me.. for

doing as I was bid to do..and betrayed by my blind trust in those who said

they know what's best for my child!!!

This evilness needs to stop I tell you!!!!!! When will people see what's

happening??? Our nation is being killed off systematically by these " legal "

drug warlords!!!

" Into each life a little rain will fall,but if you have a friend,

you can bear it all,for a friend is an umbrella,to hold above your head,

and help you think about,the sunny days instead. "




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Guest guest

Tell your legislators, walk in and tell each and everyone of them. If your

son is doing fine then I bet he will be fine!

Feed him good food and he will respond. The human body is extremely

resilient if fed clean food and clean water.

Your not alone but unlike many I have seen you can face what's really

happening and you SAVED your son. Most can't see it

ever or until it's too late.

Save your neighbor's children too :)


Oh I am getting sick to my stomach thinking about these damned pills that

the shrinks prescribe, telling us that they will help!!

The reason for my nausea is this!!!!

My son was put on these drugs, at first when he was merely a little boy in

the 3rd grade!!! and as recently as 2001/2!!

My hearts wrenches within my body!!!!!!!!! I noticed the changes in him,

and that those nasty vile drugs were not only " NOT " helping him,, they were

making him worse!!!!!! Oh my God!!!!!! And then the other thing is that

when I would try to refill his prescriptions the stupid clinic and the

pharmacies would fight over who was supposed to get clearance for these

drugs from the state!!! ( We have the medical cards)!!! In the meantime my

sons' scripts would run out and so he would be going cold-turkey off of

them!!! Oh Lordy!!!!!!!!!! Talk about having to deal with problems!!!

And one of those drugs I think almost did my son in!! But do you think the

clinic pros or the psychiatrist gave a damn?? Nope!! Or the courts?? (we

were having to go to court because the school had charged me with

Educational neglect) reason being that my son was either coming in late or

missing school!! Never mind that this medicine was making him so ill that he

couldn't function and he

would look so awful and frightening to see!! He would hardly be able to get

up, and he would be ashen grey, with a death-like look in his eyes, his

eyes....they would roll back in his head..and his head would just loll

around like he didn't have the strength to even hold it up! he would get

sick and throw up, then his face would be so pale, his skin clammy! And

around his lips would be blue!! This drug that was prescribed was

" Strattera! " !!!!!!!!! A teeny little pill that disolves on the tongue..to

be given at night 1 hour before bedtime...and I..his mother..was the

administrator of it!!!!! aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

they also put him on " Prozac " syrup, and later things like " Zoloft " , and

" Depacote " , and oh God!!! I don't remember


WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MY SON???? I love him and yet,, dammit to

hell...yeah.. I feel guilty!!!! Why did I allow these people to talk me

into doing this?? Why did I listen to this 3rd grade teacher who claimed

that she though my son had ADHD just because he was slow at doing his

work??? This was a catholic school..not that it matters much.. and they were

the creepiest people I've ever been around!!! Probably because we weren't

well off like them, having fancy houses, and fancy cars, clothes, jobs, and

donating their fancy money to church etc!!!

Nope..my son and I didn't have the life those people have...we did put

money in at church but it was meager. we lived in apartments, and I worked

at a nursing home,, had to get a divorce, and then try to raise my son on my

own,, no help from family.. nor any caring other family members...

My son is not on any drugs because I took him off those horrible things a

couple of years ago..Thank God I did.

But what are the long-term effects??? I know that they have damaged my

sweet child!! Who's gonna pay the price for that?? he is.. and me.. for

doing as I was bid to do..and betrayed by my blind trust in those who said

they know what's best for my child!!!

This evilness needs to stop I tell you!!!!!! When will people see what's

happening??? Our nation is being killed off systematically by these " legal "

drug warlords!!!

" Into each life a little rain will fall,but if you have a friend,

you can bear it all,for a friend is an umbrella,to hold above your head,

and help you think about,the sunny days instead. "




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Tell your legislators, walk in and tell each and everyone of them. If your

son is doing fine then I bet he will be fine!

Feed him good food and he will respond. The human body is extremely

resilient if fed clean food and clean water.

Your not alone but unlike many I have seen you can face what's really

happening and you SAVED your son. Most can't see it

ever or until it's too late.

Save your neighbor's children too :)


Oh I am getting sick to my stomach thinking about these damned pills that

the shrinks prescribe, telling us that they will help!!

The reason for my nausea is this!!!!

My son was put on these drugs, at first when he was merely a little boy in

the 3rd grade!!! and as recently as 2001/2!!

My hearts wrenches within my body!!!!!!!!! I noticed the changes in him,

and that those nasty vile drugs were not only " NOT " helping him,, they were

making him worse!!!!!! Oh my God!!!!!! And then the other thing is that

when I would try to refill his prescriptions the stupid clinic and the

pharmacies would fight over who was supposed to get clearance for these

drugs from the state!!! ( We have the medical cards)!!! In the meantime my

sons' scripts would run out and so he would be going cold-turkey off of

them!!! Oh Lordy!!!!!!!!!! Talk about having to deal with problems!!!

And one of those drugs I think almost did my son in!! But do you think the

clinic pros or the psychiatrist gave a damn?? Nope!! Or the courts?? (we

were having to go to court because the school had charged me with

Educational neglect) reason being that my son was either coming in late or

missing school!! Never mind that this medicine was making him so ill that he

couldn't function and he

would look so awful and frightening to see!! He would hardly be able to get

up, and he would be ashen grey, with a death-like look in his eyes, his

eyes....they would roll back in his head..and his head would just loll

around like he didn't have the strength to even hold it up! he would get

sick and throw up, then his face would be so pale, his skin clammy! And

around his lips would be blue!! This drug that was prescribed was

" Strattera! " !!!!!!!!! A teeny little pill that disolves on the tongue..to

be given at night 1 hour before bedtime...and I..his mother..was the

administrator of it!!!!! aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

they also put him on " Prozac " syrup, and later things like " Zoloft " , and

" Depacote " , and oh God!!! I don't remember


WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MY SON???? I love him and yet,, dammit to

hell...yeah.. I feel guilty!!!! Why did I allow these people to talk me

into doing this?? Why did I listen to this 3rd grade teacher who claimed

that she though my son had ADHD just because he was slow at doing his

work??? This was a catholic school..not that it matters much.. and they were

the creepiest people I've ever been around!!! Probably because we weren't

well off like them, having fancy houses, and fancy cars, clothes, jobs, and

donating their fancy money to church etc!!!

Nope..my son and I didn't have the life those people have...we did put

money in at church but it was meager. we lived in apartments, and I worked

at a nursing home,, had to get a divorce, and then try to raise my son on my

own,, no help from family.. nor any caring other family members...

My son is not on any drugs because I took him off those horrible things a

couple of years ago..Thank God I did.

But what are the long-term effects??? I know that they have damaged my

sweet child!! Who's gonna pay the price for that?? he is.. and me.. for

doing as I was bid to do..and betrayed by my blind trust in those who said

they know what's best for my child!!!

This evilness needs to stop I tell you!!!!!! When will people see what's

happening??? Our nation is being killed off systematically by these " legal "

drug warlords!!!

" Into each life a little rain will fall,but if you have a friend,

you can bear it all,for a friend is an umbrella,to hold above your head,

and help you think about,the sunny days instead. "




Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows.

Answers - Check it out.

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Guest guest

Oh Jeannie, your post breaks my heart..

Oh God how I understand your pain and guilt.

But your little boy is alive Jeannie. There is hope.

He'll improve.You made the right decision to take him off that poison.

Take care.



> Oh I am getting sick to my stomach thinking about these damned pills

that the shrinks prescribe, telling us that they will help!!


> The reason for my nausea is this!!!!


> My son was put on these drugs, at first when he was merely a

little boy in the 3rd grade!!! and as recently as 2001/2!!


> My hearts wrenches within my body!!!!!!!!! I noticed the changes

in him, and that those nasty vile drugs were not only " NOT " helping

him,, they were making him worse!!!!!! Oh my God!!!!!! And then the

other thing is that when I would try to refill his prescriptions the

stupid clinic and the pharmacies would fight over who was supposed to

get clearance for these drugs from the state!!! ( We have the medical

cards)!!! In the meantime my sons' scripts would run out and so he

would be going cold-turkey off of them!!! Oh Lordy!!!!!!!!!! Talk

about having to deal with problems!!! And one of those drugs I think

almost did my son in!! But do you think the clinic pros or the

psychiatrist gave a damn?? Nope!! Or the courts?? (we were having to

go to court because the school had charged me with Educational

neglect) reason being that my son was either coming in late or missing

school!! Never mind that this medicine was making him so ill that he

couldn't function and he

> would look so awful and frightening to see!! He would hardly be

able to get up, and he would be ashen grey, with a death-like look in

his eyes, his eyes....they would roll back in his head..and his head

would just loll around like he didn't have the strength to even hold

it up! he would get sick and throw up, then his face would be so pale,

his skin clammy! And around his lips would be blue!! This drug that

was prescribed was " Strattera! " !!!!!!!!! A teeny little pill that

disolves on the tongue..to be given at night 1 hour before

bedtime...and I..his mother..was the administrator of it!!!!!



> they also put him on " Prozac " syrup, and later things like

" Zoloft " , and " Depacote " , and oh God!!! I don't remember

> some!!!!!!


> WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MY SON???? I love him and yet,, dammit to

hell...yeah.. I feel guilty!!!! Why did I allow these people to talk

me into doing this?? Why did I listen to this 3rd grade teacher who

claimed that she though my son had ADHD just because he was slow at

doing his work??? This was a catholic school..not that it matters

much.. and they were the creepiest people I've ever been around!!!

Probably because we weren't well off like them, having fancy houses,

and fancy cars, clothes, jobs, and donating their fancy money to

church etc!!!


> Nope..my son and I didn't have the life those people have...we did

put money in at church but it was meager. we lived in apartments, and

I worked at a nursing home,, had to get a divorce, and then try to

raise my son on my own,, no help from family.. nor any caring other

family members...


> My son is not on any drugs because I took him off those horrible

things a couple of years ago..Thank God I did.


> But what are the long-term effects??? I know that they have

damaged my sweet child!! Who's gonna pay the price for that?? he

is.. and me.. for doing as I was bid to do..and betrayed by my blind

trust in those who said they know what's best for my child!!!


> This evilness needs to stop I tell you!!!!!! When will people see

what's happening??? Our nation is being killed off systematically by

these " legal " drug warlords!!!



> " Into each life a little rain will fall,but if you have a friend,

> you can bear it all,for a friend is an umbrella,to hold above your head,

> and help you think about,the sunny days instead. "


> Sincerely,

> Jeanie


> ---------------------------------

> Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who


> Answers - Check it out.



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Guest guest

Oh Jeannie, your post breaks my heart..

Oh God how I understand your pain and guilt.

But your little boy is alive Jeannie. There is hope.

He'll improve.You made the right decision to take him off that poison.

Take care.



> Oh I am getting sick to my stomach thinking about these damned pills

that the shrinks prescribe, telling us that they will help!!


> The reason for my nausea is this!!!!


> My son was put on these drugs, at first when he was merely a

little boy in the 3rd grade!!! and as recently as 2001/2!!


> My hearts wrenches within my body!!!!!!!!! I noticed the changes

in him, and that those nasty vile drugs were not only " NOT " helping

him,, they were making him worse!!!!!! Oh my God!!!!!! And then the

other thing is that when I would try to refill his prescriptions the

stupid clinic and the pharmacies would fight over who was supposed to

get clearance for these drugs from the state!!! ( We have the medical

cards)!!! In the meantime my sons' scripts would run out and so he

would be going cold-turkey off of them!!! Oh Lordy!!!!!!!!!! Talk

about having to deal with problems!!! And one of those drugs I think

almost did my son in!! But do you think the clinic pros or the

psychiatrist gave a damn?? Nope!! Or the courts?? (we were having to

go to court because the school had charged me with Educational

neglect) reason being that my son was either coming in late or missing

school!! Never mind that this medicine was making him so ill that he

couldn't function and he

> would look so awful and frightening to see!! He would hardly be

able to get up, and he would be ashen grey, with a death-like look in

his eyes, his eyes....they would roll back in his head..and his head

would just loll around like he didn't have the strength to even hold

it up! he would get sick and throw up, then his face would be so pale,

his skin clammy! And around his lips would be blue!! This drug that

was prescribed was " Strattera! " !!!!!!!!! A teeny little pill that

disolves on the tongue..to be given at night 1 hour before

bedtime...and I..his mother..was the administrator of it!!!!!



> they also put him on " Prozac " syrup, and later things like

" Zoloft " , and " Depacote " , and oh God!!! I don't remember

> some!!!!!!


> WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MY SON???? I love him and yet,, dammit to

hell...yeah.. I feel guilty!!!! Why did I allow these people to talk

me into doing this?? Why did I listen to this 3rd grade teacher who

claimed that she though my son had ADHD just because he was slow at

doing his work??? This was a catholic school..not that it matters

much.. and they were the creepiest people I've ever been around!!!

Probably because we weren't well off like them, having fancy houses,

and fancy cars, clothes, jobs, and donating their fancy money to

church etc!!!


> Nope..my son and I didn't have the life those people have...we did

put money in at church but it was meager. we lived in apartments, and

I worked at a nursing home,, had to get a divorce, and then try to

raise my son on my own,, no help from family.. nor any caring other

family members...


> My son is not on any drugs because I took him off those horrible

things a couple of years ago..Thank God I did.


> But what are the long-term effects??? I know that they have

damaged my sweet child!! Who's gonna pay the price for that?? he

is.. and me.. for doing as I was bid to do..and betrayed by my blind

trust in those who said they know what's best for my child!!!


> This evilness needs to stop I tell you!!!!!! When will people see

what's happening??? Our nation is being killed off systematically by

these " legal " drug warlords!!!



> " Into each life a little rain will fall,but if you have a friend,

> you can bear it all,for a friend is an umbrella,to hold above your head,

> and help you think about,the sunny days instead. "


> Sincerely,

> Jeanie


> ---------------------------------

> Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who


> Answers - Check it out.



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Guest guest

Oh Jeannie, your post breaks my heart..

Oh God how I understand your pain and guilt.

But your little boy is alive Jeannie. There is hope.

He'll improve.You made the right decision to take him off that poison.

Take care.



> Oh I am getting sick to my stomach thinking about these damned pills

that the shrinks prescribe, telling us that they will help!!


> The reason for my nausea is this!!!!


> My son was put on these drugs, at first when he was merely a

little boy in the 3rd grade!!! and as recently as 2001/2!!


> My hearts wrenches within my body!!!!!!!!! I noticed the changes

in him, and that those nasty vile drugs were not only " NOT " helping

him,, they were making him worse!!!!!! Oh my God!!!!!! And then the

other thing is that when I would try to refill his prescriptions the

stupid clinic and the pharmacies would fight over who was supposed to

get clearance for these drugs from the state!!! ( We have the medical

cards)!!! In the meantime my sons' scripts would run out and so he

would be going cold-turkey off of them!!! Oh Lordy!!!!!!!!!! Talk

about having to deal with problems!!! And one of those drugs I think

almost did my son in!! But do you think the clinic pros or the

psychiatrist gave a damn?? Nope!! Or the courts?? (we were having to

go to court because the school had charged me with Educational

neglect) reason being that my son was either coming in late or missing

school!! Never mind that this medicine was making him so ill that he

couldn't function and he

> would look so awful and frightening to see!! He would hardly be

able to get up, and he would be ashen grey, with a death-like look in

his eyes, his eyes....they would roll back in his head..and his head

would just loll around like he didn't have the strength to even hold

it up! he would get sick and throw up, then his face would be so pale,

his skin clammy! And around his lips would be blue!! This drug that

was prescribed was " Strattera! " !!!!!!!!! A teeny little pill that

disolves on the tongue..to be given at night 1 hour before

bedtime...and I..his mother..was the administrator of it!!!!!



> they also put him on " Prozac " syrup, and later things like

" Zoloft " , and " Depacote " , and oh God!!! I don't remember

> some!!!!!!


> WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MY SON???? I love him and yet,, dammit to

hell...yeah.. I feel guilty!!!! Why did I allow these people to talk

me into doing this?? Why did I listen to this 3rd grade teacher who

claimed that she though my son had ADHD just because he was slow at

doing his work??? This was a catholic school..not that it matters

much.. and they were the creepiest people I've ever been around!!!

Probably because we weren't well off like them, having fancy houses,

and fancy cars, clothes, jobs, and donating their fancy money to

church etc!!!


> Nope..my son and I didn't have the life those people have...we did

put money in at church but it was meager. we lived in apartments, and

I worked at a nursing home,, had to get a divorce, and then try to

raise my son on my own,, no help from family.. nor any caring other

family members...


> My son is not on any drugs because I took him off those horrible

things a couple of years ago..Thank God I did.


> But what are the long-term effects??? I know that they have

damaged my sweet child!! Who's gonna pay the price for that?? he

is.. and me.. for doing as I was bid to do..and betrayed by my blind

trust in those who said they know what's best for my child!!!


> This evilness needs to stop I tell you!!!!!! When will people see

what's happening??? Our nation is being killed off systematically by

these " legal " drug warlords!!!



> " Into each life a little rain will fall,but if you have a friend,

> you can bear it all,for a friend is an umbrella,to hold above your head,

> and help you think about,the sunny days instead. "


> Sincerely,

> Jeanie


> ---------------------------------

> Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who


> Answers - Check it out.



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Guest guest

Oh Jeannie, your post breaks my heart..

Oh God how I understand your pain and guilt.

But your little boy is alive Jeannie. There is hope.

He'll improve.You made the right decision to take him off that poison.

Take care.



> Oh I am getting sick to my stomach thinking about these damned pills

that the shrinks prescribe, telling us that they will help!!


> The reason for my nausea is this!!!!


> My son was put on these drugs, at first when he was merely a

little boy in the 3rd grade!!! and as recently as 2001/2!!


> My hearts wrenches within my body!!!!!!!!! I noticed the changes

in him, and that those nasty vile drugs were not only " NOT " helping

him,, they were making him worse!!!!!! Oh my God!!!!!! And then the

other thing is that when I would try to refill his prescriptions the

stupid clinic and the pharmacies would fight over who was supposed to

get clearance for these drugs from the state!!! ( We have the medical

cards)!!! In the meantime my sons' scripts would run out and so he

would be going cold-turkey off of them!!! Oh Lordy!!!!!!!!!! Talk

about having to deal with problems!!! And one of those drugs I think

almost did my son in!! But do you think the clinic pros or the

psychiatrist gave a damn?? Nope!! Or the courts?? (we were having to

go to court because the school had charged me with Educational

neglect) reason being that my son was either coming in late or missing

school!! Never mind that this medicine was making him so ill that he

couldn't function and he

> would look so awful and frightening to see!! He would hardly be

able to get up, and he would be ashen grey, with a death-like look in

his eyes, his eyes....they would roll back in his head..and his head

would just loll around like he didn't have the strength to even hold

it up! he would get sick and throw up, then his face would be so pale,

his skin clammy! And around his lips would be blue!! This drug that

was prescribed was " Strattera! " !!!!!!!!! A teeny little pill that

disolves on the tongue..to be given at night 1 hour before

bedtime...and I..his mother..was the administrator of it!!!!!



> they also put him on " Prozac " syrup, and later things like

" Zoloft " , and " Depacote " , and oh God!!! I don't remember

> some!!!!!!


> WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MY SON???? I love him and yet,, dammit to

hell...yeah.. I feel guilty!!!! Why did I allow these people to talk

me into doing this?? Why did I listen to this 3rd grade teacher who

claimed that she though my son had ADHD just because he was slow at

doing his work??? This was a catholic school..not that it matters

much.. and they were the creepiest people I've ever been around!!!

Probably because we weren't well off like them, having fancy houses,

and fancy cars, clothes, jobs, and donating their fancy money to

church etc!!!


> Nope..my son and I didn't have the life those people have...we did

put money in at church but it was meager. we lived in apartments, and

I worked at a nursing home,, had to get a divorce, and then try to

raise my son on my own,, no help from family.. nor any caring other

family members...


> My son is not on any drugs because I took him off those horrible

things a couple of years ago..Thank God I did.


> But what are the long-term effects??? I know that they have

damaged my sweet child!! Who's gonna pay the price for that?? he

is.. and me.. for doing as I was bid to do..and betrayed by my blind

trust in those who said they know what's best for my child!!!


> This evilness needs to stop I tell you!!!!!! When will people see

what's happening??? Our nation is being killed off systematically by

these " legal " drug warlords!!!



> " Into each life a little rain will fall,but if you have a friend,

> you can bear it all,for a friend is an umbrella,to hold above your head,

> and help you think about,the sunny days instead. "


> Sincerely,

> Jeanie


> ---------------------------------

> Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who


> Answers - Check it out.



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Guest guest


I think it's wonderful you took your boy off these drugs. I can understand the

guilt, but you did a wonderful thing by taking your son off the drugs. The good

that you did far outweighs the bad, and I can't really say what you did was bad.

I would tend to say you were duped, manipulated by people you thought you could


Now that you know better and are doing things to make things right, and now

telling your story, that is a very GOOD thing.

I know the guilt can be overwhelming, but it's what you do with those guilty

feelings, that's what's going to make a difference.

Melinda and Jayme her Silver Winged Companion


Oh I am getting sick to my stomach thinking about these damned pills that the

shrinks prescribe, telling us that they will help!!

The reason for my nausea is this!!!!

My son was put on these drugs, at first when he was merely a little boy in the

3rd grade!!! and as recently as 2001/2!!

My hearts wrenches within my body!!!!!!!!! I noticed the changes in him, and

that those nasty vile drugs were not only " NOT " helping him,, they were making

him worse!!!!!! Oh my God!!!!!! And then the other thing is that when I would

try to refill his prescriptions the stupid clinic and the pharmacies would fight

over who was supposed to get clearance for these drugs from the state!!! ( We

have the medical cards)!!! In the meantime my sons' scripts would run out and so

he would be going cold-turkey off of them!!! Oh Lordy!!!!!!!!!! Talk about

having to deal with problems!!! And one of those drugs I think almost did my son

in!! But do you think the clinic pros or the psychiatrist gave a damn?? Nope!!

Or the courts?? (we were having to go to court because the school had charged me

with Educational neglect) reason being that my son was either coming in late or

missing school!! Never mind that this medicine was making him so ill that he

couldn't function and he

would look so awful and frightening to see!! He would hardly be able to get

up, and he would be ashen grey, with a death-like look in his eyes, his

eyes....they would roll back in his head..and his head would just loll around

like he didn't have the strength to even hold it up! he would get sick and throw

up, then his face would be so pale, his skin clammy! And around his lips would

be blue!! This drug that was prescribed was " Strattera! " !!!!!!!!! A teeny little

pill that disolves on the tongue..to be given at night 1 hour before

bedtime...and I..his mother..was the administrator of it!!!!!


they also put him on " Prozac " syrup, and later things like " Zoloft " , and

" Depacote " , and oh God!!! I don't remember


WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MY SON???? I love him and yet,, dammit to hell...yeah.. I

feel guilty!!!! Why did I allow these people to talk me into doing this?? Why

did I listen to this 3rd grade teacher who claimed that she though my son had

ADHD just because he was slow at doing his work??? This was a catholic

school..not that it matters much.. and they were the creepiest people I've ever

been around!!! Probably because we weren't well off like them, having fancy

houses, and fancy cars, clothes, jobs, and donating their fancy money to church


Nope..my son and I didn't have the life those people have...we did put money

in at church but it was meager. we lived in apartments, and I worked at a

nursing home,, had to get a divorce, and then try to raise my son on my own,, no

help from family.. nor any caring other family members...

My son is not on any drugs because I took him off those horrible things a

couple of years ago..Thank God I did.

But what are the long-term effects??? I know that they have damaged my sweet

child!! Who's gonna pay the price for that?? he is.. and me.. for doing as I was

bid to do..and betrayed by my blind trust in those who said they know what's

best for my child!!!

This evilness needs to stop I tell you!!!!!! When will people see what's

happening??? Our nation is being killed off systematically by these " legal " drug


" Into each life a little rain will fall,but if you have a friend,

you can bear it all,for a friend is an umbrella,to hold above your head,

and help you think about,the sunny days instead. "




Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows.

Answers - Check it out.

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Guest guest


I think it's wonderful you took your boy off these drugs. I can understand the

guilt, but you did a wonderful thing by taking your son off the drugs. The good

that you did far outweighs the bad, and I can't really say what you did was bad.

I would tend to say you were duped, manipulated by people you thought you could


Now that you know better and are doing things to make things right, and now

telling your story, that is a very GOOD thing.

I know the guilt can be overwhelming, but it's what you do with those guilty

feelings, that's what's going to make a difference.

Melinda and Jayme her Silver Winged Companion


Oh I am getting sick to my stomach thinking about these damned pills that the

shrinks prescribe, telling us that they will help!!

The reason for my nausea is this!!!!

My son was put on these drugs, at first when he was merely a little boy in the

3rd grade!!! and as recently as 2001/2!!

My hearts wrenches within my body!!!!!!!!! I noticed the changes in him, and

that those nasty vile drugs were not only " NOT " helping him,, they were making

him worse!!!!!! Oh my God!!!!!! And then the other thing is that when I would

try to refill his prescriptions the stupid clinic and the pharmacies would fight

over who was supposed to get clearance for these drugs from the state!!! ( We

have the medical cards)!!! In the meantime my sons' scripts would run out and so

he would be going cold-turkey off of them!!! Oh Lordy!!!!!!!!!! Talk about

having to deal with problems!!! And one of those drugs I think almost did my son

in!! But do you think the clinic pros or the psychiatrist gave a damn?? Nope!!

Or the courts?? (we were having to go to court because the school had charged me

with Educational neglect) reason being that my son was either coming in late or

missing school!! Never mind that this medicine was making him so ill that he

couldn't function and he

would look so awful and frightening to see!! He would hardly be able to get

up, and he would be ashen grey, with a death-like look in his eyes, his

eyes....they would roll back in his head..and his head would just loll around

like he didn't have the strength to even hold it up! he would get sick and throw

up, then his face would be so pale, his skin clammy! And around his lips would

be blue!! This drug that was prescribed was " Strattera! " !!!!!!!!! A teeny little

pill that disolves on the tongue..to be given at night 1 hour before

bedtime...and I..his mother..was the administrator of it!!!!!


they also put him on " Prozac " syrup, and later things like " Zoloft " , and

" Depacote " , and oh God!!! I don't remember


WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MY SON???? I love him and yet,, dammit to hell...yeah.. I

feel guilty!!!! Why did I allow these people to talk me into doing this?? Why

did I listen to this 3rd grade teacher who claimed that she though my son had

ADHD just because he was slow at doing his work??? This was a catholic

school..not that it matters much.. and they were the creepiest people I've ever

been around!!! Probably because we weren't well off like them, having fancy

houses, and fancy cars, clothes, jobs, and donating their fancy money to church


Nope..my son and I didn't have the life those people have...we did put money

in at church but it was meager. we lived in apartments, and I worked at a

nursing home,, had to get a divorce, and then try to raise my son on my own,, no

help from family.. nor any caring other family members...

My son is not on any drugs because I took him off those horrible things a

couple of years ago..Thank God I did.

But what are the long-term effects??? I know that they have damaged my sweet

child!! Who's gonna pay the price for that?? he is.. and me.. for doing as I was

bid to do..and betrayed by my blind trust in those who said they know what's

best for my child!!!

This evilness needs to stop I tell you!!!!!! When will people see what's

happening??? Our nation is being killed off systematically by these " legal " drug


" Into each life a little rain will fall,but if you have a friend,

you can bear it all,for a friend is an umbrella,to hold above your head,

and help you think about,the sunny days instead. "




Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers from someone who knows.

Answers - Check it out.

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Guest guest


I think it's wonderful you took your boy off these drugs. I can understand the

guilt, but you did a wonderful thing by taking your son off the drugs. The good

that you did far outweighs the bad, and I can't really say what you did was bad.

I would tend to say you were duped, manipulated by people you thought you could


Now that you know better and are doing things to make things right, and now

telling your story, that is a very GOOD thing.

I know the guilt can be overwhelming, but it's what you do with those guilty

feelings, that's what's going to make a difference.

Melinda and Jayme her Silver Winged Companion


Oh I am getting sick to my stomach thinking about these damned pills that the

shrinks prescribe, telling us that they will help!!

The reason for my nausea is this!!!!

My son was put on these drugs, at first when he was merely a little boy in the

3rd grade!!! and as recently as 2001/2!!

My hearts wrenches within my body!!!!!!!!! I noticed the changes in him, and

that those nasty vile drugs were not only " NOT " helping him,, they were making

him worse!!!!!! Oh my God!!!!!! And then the other thing is that when I would

try to refill his prescriptions the stupid clinic and the pharmacies would fight

over who was supposed to get clearance for these drugs from the state!!! ( We

have the medical cards)!!! In the meantime my sons' scripts would run out and so

he would be going cold-turkey off of them!!! Oh Lordy!!!!!!!!!! Talk about

having to deal with problems!!! And one of those drugs I think almost did my son

in!! But do you think the clinic pros or the psychiatrist gave a damn?? Nope!!

Or the courts?? (we were having to go to court because the school had charged me

with Educational neglect) reason being that my son was either coming in late or

missing school!! Never mind that this medicine was making him so ill that he

couldn't function and he

would look so awful and frightening to see!! He would hardly be able to get

up, and he would be ashen grey, with a death-like look in his eyes, his

eyes....they would roll back in his head..and his head would just loll around

like he didn't have the strength to even hold it up! he would get sick and throw

up, then his face would be so pale, his skin clammy! And around his lips would

be blue!! This drug that was prescribed was " Strattera! " !!!!!!!!! A teeny little

pill that disolves on the tongue..to be given at night 1 hour before

bedtime...and I..his mother..was the administrator of it!!!!!


they also put him on " Prozac " syrup, and later things like " Zoloft " , and

" Depacote " , and oh God!!! I don't remember


WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MY SON???? I love him and yet,, dammit to hell...yeah.. I

feel guilty!!!! Why did I allow these people to talk me into doing this?? Why

did I listen to this 3rd grade teacher who claimed that she though my son had

ADHD just because he was slow at doing his work??? This was a catholic

school..not that it matters much.. and they were the creepiest people I've ever

been around!!! Probably because we weren't well off like them, having fancy

houses, and fancy cars, clothes, jobs, and donating their fancy money to church


Nope..my son and I didn't have the life those people have...we did put money

in at church but it was meager. we lived in apartments, and I worked at a

nursing home,, had to get a divorce, and then try to raise my son on my own,, no

help from family.. nor any caring other family members...

My son is not on any drugs because I took him off those horrible things a

couple of years ago..Thank God I did.

But what are the long-term effects??? I know that they have damaged my sweet

child!! Who's gonna pay the price for that?? he is.. and me.. for doing as I was

bid to do..and betrayed by my blind trust in those who said they know what's

best for my child!!!

This evilness needs to stop I tell you!!!!!! When will people see what's

happening??? Our nation is being killed off systematically by these " legal " drug


" Into each life a little rain will fall,but if you have a friend,

you can bear it all,for a friend is an umbrella,to hold above your head,

and help you think about,the sunny days instead. "




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I think it's wonderful you took your boy off these drugs. I can understand the

guilt, but you did a wonderful thing by taking your son off the drugs. The good

that you did far outweighs the bad, and I can't really say what you did was bad.

I would tend to say you were duped, manipulated by people you thought you could


Now that you know better and are doing things to make things right, and now

telling your story, that is a very GOOD thing.

I know the guilt can be overwhelming, but it's what you do with those guilty

feelings, that's what's going to make a difference.

Melinda and Jayme her Silver Winged Companion


Oh I am getting sick to my stomach thinking about these damned pills that the

shrinks prescribe, telling us that they will help!!

The reason for my nausea is this!!!!

My son was put on these drugs, at first when he was merely a little boy in the

3rd grade!!! and as recently as 2001/2!!

My hearts wrenches within my body!!!!!!!!! I noticed the changes in him, and

that those nasty vile drugs were not only " NOT " helping him,, they were making

him worse!!!!!! Oh my God!!!!!! And then the other thing is that when I would

try to refill his prescriptions the stupid clinic and the pharmacies would fight

over who was supposed to get clearance for these drugs from the state!!! ( We

have the medical cards)!!! In the meantime my sons' scripts would run out and so

he would be going cold-turkey off of them!!! Oh Lordy!!!!!!!!!! Talk about

having to deal with problems!!! And one of those drugs I think almost did my son

in!! But do you think the clinic pros or the psychiatrist gave a damn?? Nope!!

Or the courts?? (we were having to go to court because the school had charged me

with Educational neglect) reason being that my son was either coming in late or

missing school!! Never mind that this medicine was making him so ill that he

couldn't function and he

would look so awful and frightening to see!! He would hardly be able to get

up, and he would be ashen grey, with a death-like look in his eyes, his

eyes....they would roll back in his head..and his head would just loll around

like he didn't have the strength to even hold it up! he would get sick and throw

up, then his face would be so pale, his skin clammy! And around his lips would

be blue!! This drug that was prescribed was " Strattera! " !!!!!!!!! A teeny little

pill that disolves on the tongue..to be given at night 1 hour before

bedtime...and I..his mother..was the administrator of it!!!!!


they also put him on " Prozac " syrup, and later things like " Zoloft " , and

" Depacote " , and oh God!!! I don't remember


WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MY SON???? I love him and yet,, dammit to hell...yeah.. I

feel guilty!!!! Why did I allow these people to talk me into doing this?? Why

did I listen to this 3rd grade teacher who claimed that she though my son had

ADHD just because he was slow at doing his work??? This was a catholic

school..not that it matters much.. and they were the creepiest people I've ever

been around!!! Probably because we weren't well off like them, having fancy

houses, and fancy cars, clothes, jobs, and donating their fancy money to church


Nope..my son and I didn't have the life those people have...we did put money

in at church but it was meager. we lived in apartments, and I worked at a

nursing home,, had to get a divorce, and then try to raise my son on my own,, no

help from family.. nor any caring other family members...

My son is not on any drugs because I took him off those horrible things a

couple of years ago..Thank God I did.

But what are the long-term effects??? I know that they have damaged my sweet

child!! Who's gonna pay the price for that?? he is.. and me.. for doing as I was

bid to do..and betrayed by my blind trust in those who said they know what's

best for my child!!!

This evilness needs to stop I tell you!!!!!! When will people see what's

happening??? Our nation is being killed off systematically by these " legal " drug


" Into each life a little rain will fall,but if you have a friend,

you can bear it all,for a friend is an umbrella,to hold above your head,

and help you think about,the sunny days instead. "




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Beautifully said, Steph and Melinda (Jayme too!)

Take that nasty bump in life and turn it to good!



I think it's wonderful you took your boy off these drugs. I can understand

the guilt, but you did a wonderful thing by taking your son off the drugs.

The good that you did far outweighs the bad, and I can't really say what you

did was bad. I would tend to say you were duped, manipulated by people you

thought you could trust.

Now that you know better and are doing things to make things right, and now

telling your story, that is a very GOOD thing.

I know the guilt can be overwhelming, but it's what you do with those guilty

feelings, that's what's going to make a difference.

Melinda and Jayme her Silver Winged Companion


Oh I am getting sick to my stomach thinking about these damned pills that

the shrinks prescribe, telling us that they will help!!

The reason for my nausea is this!!!!

My son was put on these drugs, at first when he was merely a little boy in

the 3rd grade!!! and as recently as 2001/2!!

My hearts wrenches within my body!!!!!!!!! I noticed the changes in him,

and that those nasty vile drugs were not only " NOT " helping him,, they were

making him worse!!!!!! Oh my God!!!!!! And then the other thing is that when

I would try to refill his prescriptions the stupid clinic and the pharmacies

would fight over who was supposed to get clearance for these drugs from the

state!!! ( We have the medical cards)!!! In the meantime my sons' scripts

would run out and so he would be going cold-turkey off of them!!! Oh

Lordy!!!!!!!!!! Talk about having to deal with problems!!! And one of those

drugs I think almost did my son in!! But do you think the clinic pros or the

psychiatrist gave a damn?? Nope!! Or the courts?? (we were having to go to

court because the school had charged me with Educational neglect) reason

being that my son was either coming in late or missing school!! Never mind

that this medicine was making him so ill that he couldn't function and he

would look so awful and frightening to see!! He would hardly be able to

get up, and he would be ashen grey, with a death-like look in his eyes, his

eyes....they would roll back in his head..and his head would just loll

around like he didn't have the strength to even hold it up! he would get

sick and throw up, then his face would be so pale, his skin clammy! And

around his lips would be blue!! This drug that was prescribed was

" Strattera! " !!!!!!!!! A teeny little pill that disolves on the tongue..to be

given at night 1 hour before bedtime...and I..his mother..was the

administrator of it!!!!! aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

they also put him on " Prozac " syrup, and later things like " Zoloft " , and

" Depacote " , and oh God!!! I don't remember


WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MY SON???? I love him and yet,, dammit to

hell...yeah.. I feel guilty!!!! Why did I allow these people to talk me into

doing this?? Why did I listen to this 3rd grade teacher who claimed that she

though my son had ADHD just because he was slow at doing his work??? This

was a catholic school..not that it matters much.. and they were the

creepiest people I've ever been around!!! Probably because we weren't well

off like them, having fancy houses, and fancy cars, clothes, jobs, and

donating their fancy money to church etc!!!

Nope..my son and I didn't have the life those people have...we did put

money in at church but it was meager. we lived in apartments, and I worked

at a nursing home,, had to get a divorce, and then try to raise my son on my

own,, no help from family.. nor any caring other family members...

My son is not on any drugs because I took him off those horrible things a

couple of years ago..Thank God I did.

But what are the long-term effects??? I know that they have damaged my

sweet child!! Who's gonna pay the price for that?? he is.. and me.. for

doing as I was bid to do..and betrayed by my blind trust in those who said

they know what's best for my child!!!

This evilness needs to stop I tell you!!!!!! When will people see what's

happening??? Our nation is being killed off systematically by these " legal "

drug warlords!!!

" Into each life a little rain will fall,but if you have a friend,

you can bear it all,for a friend is an umbrella,to hold above your head,

and help you think about,the sunny days instead. "




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Guest guest

Beautifully said, Steph and Melinda (Jayme too!)

Take that nasty bump in life and turn it to good!



I think it's wonderful you took your boy off these drugs. I can understand

the guilt, but you did a wonderful thing by taking your son off the drugs.

The good that you did far outweighs the bad, and I can't really say what you

did was bad. I would tend to say you were duped, manipulated by people you

thought you could trust.

Now that you know better and are doing things to make things right, and now

telling your story, that is a very GOOD thing.

I know the guilt can be overwhelming, but it's what you do with those guilty

feelings, that's what's going to make a difference.

Melinda and Jayme her Silver Winged Companion


Oh I am getting sick to my stomach thinking about these damned pills that

the shrinks prescribe, telling us that they will help!!

The reason for my nausea is this!!!!

My son was put on these drugs, at first when he was merely a little boy in

the 3rd grade!!! and as recently as 2001/2!!

My hearts wrenches within my body!!!!!!!!! I noticed the changes in him,

and that those nasty vile drugs were not only " NOT " helping him,, they were

making him worse!!!!!! Oh my God!!!!!! And then the other thing is that when

I would try to refill his prescriptions the stupid clinic and the pharmacies

would fight over who was supposed to get clearance for these drugs from the

state!!! ( We have the medical cards)!!! In the meantime my sons' scripts

would run out and so he would be going cold-turkey off of them!!! Oh

Lordy!!!!!!!!!! Talk about having to deal with problems!!! And one of those

drugs I think almost did my son in!! But do you think the clinic pros or the

psychiatrist gave a damn?? Nope!! Or the courts?? (we were having to go to

court because the school had charged me with Educational neglect) reason

being that my son was either coming in late or missing school!! Never mind

that this medicine was making him so ill that he couldn't function and he

would look so awful and frightening to see!! He would hardly be able to

get up, and he would be ashen grey, with a death-like look in his eyes, his

eyes....they would roll back in his head..and his head would just loll

around like he didn't have the strength to even hold it up! he would get

sick and throw up, then his face would be so pale, his skin clammy! And

around his lips would be blue!! This drug that was prescribed was

" Strattera! " !!!!!!!!! A teeny little pill that disolves on the tongue..to be

given at night 1 hour before bedtime...and I..his mother..was the

administrator of it!!!!! aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

they also put him on " Prozac " syrup, and later things like " Zoloft " , and

" Depacote " , and oh God!!! I don't remember


WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MY SON???? I love him and yet,, dammit to

hell...yeah.. I feel guilty!!!! Why did I allow these people to talk me into

doing this?? Why did I listen to this 3rd grade teacher who claimed that she

though my son had ADHD just because he was slow at doing his work??? This

was a catholic school..not that it matters much.. and they were the

creepiest people I've ever been around!!! Probably because we weren't well

off like them, having fancy houses, and fancy cars, clothes, jobs, and

donating their fancy money to church etc!!!

Nope..my son and I didn't have the life those people have...we did put

money in at church but it was meager. we lived in apartments, and I worked

at a nursing home,, had to get a divorce, and then try to raise my son on my

own,, no help from family.. nor any caring other family members...

My son is not on any drugs because I took him off those horrible things a

couple of years ago..Thank God I did.

But what are the long-term effects??? I know that they have damaged my

sweet child!! Who's gonna pay the price for that?? he is.. and me.. for

doing as I was bid to do..and betrayed by my blind trust in those who said

they know what's best for my child!!!

This evilness needs to stop I tell you!!!!!! When will people see what's

happening??? Our nation is being killed off systematically by these " legal "

drug warlords!!!

" Into each life a little rain will fall,but if you have a friend,

you can bear it all,for a friend is an umbrella,to hold above your head,

and help you think about,the sunny days instead. "




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Guest guest

Beautifully said, Steph and Melinda (Jayme too!)

Take that nasty bump in life and turn it to good!



I think it's wonderful you took your boy off these drugs. I can understand

the guilt, but you did a wonderful thing by taking your son off the drugs.

The good that you did far outweighs the bad, and I can't really say what you

did was bad. I would tend to say you were duped, manipulated by people you

thought you could trust.

Now that you know better and are doing things to make things right, and now

telling your story, that is a very GOOD thing.

I know the guilt can be overwhelming, but it's what you do with those guilty

feelings, that's what's going to make a difference.

Melinda and Jayme her Silver Winged Companion


Oh I am getting sick to my stomach thinking about these damned pills that

the shrinks prescribe, telling us that they will help!!

The reason for my nausea is this!!!!

My son was put on these drugs, at first when he was merely a little boy in

the 3rd grade!!! and as recently as 2001/2!!

My hearts wrenches within my body!!!!!!!!! I noticed the changes in him,

and that those nasty vile drugs were not only " NOT " helping him,, they were

making him worse!!!!!! Oh my God!!!!!! And then the other thing is that when

I would try to refill his prescriptions the stupid clinic and the pharmacies

would fight over who was supposed to get clearance for these drugs from the

state!!! ( We have the medical cards)!!! In the meantime my sons' scripts

would run out and so he would be going cold-turkey off of them!!! Oh

Lordy!!!!!!!!!! Talk about having to deal with problems!!! And one of those

drugs I think almost did my son in!! But do you think the clinic pros or the

psychiatrist gave a damn?? Nope!! Or the courts?? (we were having to go to

court because the school had charged me with Educational neglect) reason

being that my son was either coming in late or missing school!! Never mind

that this medicine was making him so ill that he couldn't function and he

would look so awful and frightening to see!! He would hardly be able to

get up, and he would be ashen grey, with a death-like look in his eyes, his

eyes....they would roll back in his head..and his head would just loll

around like he didn't have the strength to even hold it up! he would get

sick and throw up, then his face would be so pale, his skin clammy! And

around his lips would be blue!! This drug that was prescribed was

" Strattera! " !!!!!!!!! A teeny little pill that disolves on the tongue..to be

given at night 1 hour before bedtime...and I..his mother..was the

administrator of it!!!!! aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

they also put him on " Prozac " syrup, and later things like " Zoloft " , and

" Depacote " , and oh God!!! I don't remember


WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MY SON???? I love him and yet,, dammit to

hell...yeah.. I feel guilty!!!! Why did I allow these people to talk me into

doing this?? Why did I listen to this 3rd grade teacher who claimed that she

though my son had ADHD just because he was slow at doing his work??? This

was a catholic school..not that it matters much.. and they were the

creepiest people I've ever been around!!! Probably because we weren't well

off like them, having fancy houses, and fancy cars, clothes, jobs, and

donating their fancy money to church etc!!!

Nope..my son and I didn't have the life those people have...we did put

money in at church but it was meager. we lived in apartments, and I worked

at a nursing home,, had to get a divorce, and then try to raise my son on my

own,, no help from family.. nor any caring other family members...

My son is not on any drugs because I took him off those horrible things a

couple of years ago..Thank God I did.

But what are the long-term effects??? I know that they have damaged my

sweet child!! Who's gonna pay the price for that?? he is.. and me.. for

doing as I was bid to do..and betrayed by my blind trust in those who said

they know what's best for my child!!!

This evilness needs to stop I tell you!!!!!! When will people see what's

happening??? Our nation is being killed off systematically by these " legal "

drug warlords!!!

" Into each life a little rain will fall,but if you have a friend,

you can bear it all,for a friend is an umbrella,to hold above your head,

and help you think about,the sunny days instead. "




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Beautifully said, Steph and Melinda (Jayme too!)

Take that nasty bump in life and turn it to good!



I think it's wonderful you took your boy off these drugs. I can understand

the guilt, but you did a wonderful thing by taking your son off the drugs.

The good that you did far outweighs the bad, and I can't really say what you

did was bad. I would tend to say you were duped, manipulated by people you

thought you could trust.

Now that you know better and are doing things to make things right, and now

telling your story, that is a very GOOD thing.

I know the guilt can be overwhelming, but it's what you do with those guilty

feelings, that's what's going to make a difference.

Melinda and Jayme her Silver Winged Companion


Oh I am getting sick to my stomach thinking about these damned pills that

the shrinks prescribe, telling us that they will help!!

The reason for my nausea is this!!!!

My son was put on these drugs, at first when he was merely a little boy in

the 3rd grade!!! and as recently as 2001/2!!

My hearts wrenches within my body!!!!!!!!! I noticed the changes in him,

and that those nasty vile drugs were not only " NOT " helping him,, they were

making him worse!!!!!! Oh my God!!!!!! And then the other thing is that when

I would try to refill his prescriptions the stupid clinic and the pharmacies

would fight over who was supposed to get clearance for these drugs from the

state!!! ( We have the medical cards)!!! In the meantime my sons' scripts

would run out and so he would be going cold-turkey off of them!!! Oh

Lordy!!!!!!!!!! Talk about having to deal with problems!!! And one of those

drugs I think almost did my son in!! But do you think the clinic pros or the

psychiatrist gave a damn?? Nope!! Or the courts?? (we were having to go to

court because the school had charged me with Educational neglect) reason

being that my son was either coming in late or missing school!! Never mind

that this medicine was making him so ill that he couldn't function and he

would look so awful and frightening to see!! He would hardly be able to

get up, and he would be ashen grey, with a death-like look in his eyes, his

eyes....they would roll back in his head..and his head would just loll

around like he didn't have the strength to even hold it up! he would get

sick and throw up, then his face would be so pale, his skin clammy! And

around his lips would be blue!! This drug that was prescribed was

" Strattera! " !!!!!!!!! A teeny little pill that disolves on the tongue..to be

given at night 1 hour before bedtime...and I..his mother..was the

administrator of it!!!!! aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

they also put him on " Prozac " syrup, and later things like " Zoloft " , and

" Depacote " , and oh God!!! I don't remember


WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MY SON???? I love him and yet,, dammit to

hell...yeah.. I feel guilty!!!! Why did I allow these people to talk me into

doing this?? Why did I listen to this 3rd grade teacher who claimed that she

though my son had ADHD just because he was slow at doing his work??? This

was a catholic school..not that it matters much.. and they were the

creepiest people I've ever been around!!! Probably because we weren't well

off like them, having fancy houses, and fancy cars, clothes, jobs, and

donating their fancy money to church etc!!!

Nope..my son and I didn't have the life those people have...we did put

money in at church but it was meager. we lived in apartments, and I worked

at a nursing home,, had to get a divorce, and then try to raise my son on my

own,, no help from family.. nor any caring other family members...

My son is not on any drugs because I took him off those horrible things a

couple of years ago..Thank God I did.

But what are the long-term effects??? I know that they have damaged my

sweet child!! Who's gonna pay the price for that?? he is.. and me.. for

doing as I was bid to do..and betrayed by my blind trust in those who said

they know what's best for my child!!!

This evilness needs to stop I tell you!!!!!! When will people see what's

happening??? Our nation is being killed off systematically by these " legal "

drug warlords!!!

" Into each life a little rain will fall,but if you have a friend,

you can bear it all,for a friend is an umbrella,to hold above your head,

and help you think about,the sunny days instead. "




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I know how you feel. We fell for the lies to Jeanie. That was 5 years

ago. Since then i've became one of Jehovah's Witnesses and have found

real help from God. I was dealing with having turned my baby (who is

now 23) over to the quacks and then dealing with all the effects. It

was traumatic to say the least. And for 4 years i tried to deal with

it all myself, but now i have Jehovah to help me get from one day to

the next. You know, there is no greater pain than having to live with

what you and i did and having to watch them suffer. I remember when

we changed his medicine and my baby was standing in the kitchen and

his tongue came out of his mouth like 6 inches or so. Effects from

their trash they call medicine. I thought i would die. Over and over

something was happening to him, that i thought i would surly die

from. And now even today i live with knowing that folks with his

disorder will die 25 years before their time. There is no greater

pain my dear friend than watch one of your children suffer. Only help

from God himself can sustain a morthers pain such as you and i have

experienced. I've found a true source of relief and i'm here for all

those who would like to tap into what i've discovered.

My heart goes out to you and your child.


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Guest guest


I know how you feel. We fell for the lies to Jeanie. That was 5 years

ago. Since then i've became one of Jehovah's Witnesses and have found

real help from God. I was dealing with having turned my baby (who is

now 23) over to the quacks and then dealing with all the effects. It

was traumatic to say the least. And for 4 years i tried to deal with

it all myself, but now i have Jehovah to help me get from one day to

the next. You know, there is no greater pain than having to live with

what you and i did and having to watch them suffer. I remember when

we changed his medicine and my baby was standing in the kitchen and

his tongue came out of his mouth like 6 inches or so. Effects from

their trash they call medicine. I thought i would die. Over and over

something was happening to him, that i thought i would surly die

from. And now even today i live with knowing that folks with his

disorder will die 25 years before their time. There is no greater

pain my dear friend than watch one of your children suffer. Only help

from God himself can sustain a morthers pain such as you and i have

experienced. I've found a true source of relief and i'm here for all

those who would like to tap into what i've discovered.

My heart goes out to you and your child.


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