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Guest guest

Thanks Jim. This guy certainly gets to the point. Love it.



> Message



> http://www.newswithviews.com/Ellison/shane25.htm





> Shane Ellison M. Sc.

> The People's Chemist

> May 23, 2007

> NewsWithViews.com


> Imagine a lobotomy...A saw cracking your skull, followed by a

surgical knife slicing and dicing a large portion of your brain - the

portion responsible for helping you cope with all the nastiness in the

world. You know, things like the exorbitant income tax which makes you

work four months out of every year just to pay Uncle Sam. Or that

invisible tax called inflation that ensures a lifetime of capitalistic

slavery for you and your children. Or, the millions of helpless

infants who are stabbed with vaccines and subsequently suffer from



> Without the ability to cope, a lobotomy would surely open the doors

to all kinds of craziness from the nastiness in the

world....depression, suicide, and murder become a reality...And this

is exactly what an SSRI (antidepressant) can potentially do at the

molecular level - remove that portion of your brain that helps you

cope...Maybe that is what happened to 81 year old Jordan Stone.


> Thirteen days after taking the SSRI Prozac, on April 28, 2003,

Jordan's wife of 56 years, Kathy, found his lifeless body hanging from

a beam in a back room of their shop. Not depressed at the time of his

appointment, Jordan was given a free sample of the antidepressant for

" chest pains! " Apparently, a pretty drug rep convinced Jordan's doctor

that Prozac could be used for these types of " off-label " purposes. By

FDA standards, this is totally illegal. But those standards are never

enforced by the consumer watch dog turned Big Pharma lap dog.

Regardless of what they are prescribed for, a chemical lobotomy is a

real and present danger to SSRI users.


> SSRI's strive to increase the levels of a " coping " molecule known as

serotonin in the brain. It helps us FIND happiness when it's covered

in an avalanche of nastiness. SSRI's attempt to boost serotonin by

" selectively " stopping the " reuptake " of it among brain cells. This is

where the whole SSRI acronym came from - " selective serotonin reuptake

inhibitor. " It's a slick name that seems to hypnotize medical doctors

into prescribing submission, but its a really stupid idea.


> Nothing is selective in the body. While trying to block the reuptake

of serotonin, SSRI's can also prevent its release. The areas of the

brain responsible for release and reuptake are so damn similar (after

all, they work on the same molecule) that an SSRI isn't smart enough

to understand which one it is supposed to work on. So it does what any

dumb drug would do, it blocks both. The end result: no coping

molecules in the brain. Deep sadness, fear or anger can set in. This

was observed in the early studies performed on SSRI's, but test

subjects were allowed to drop out or mask the pain that comes with a

chemical lobotomy using pain killers and/or muscle relaxants. This

served as an easy way for Big Pharma to hide the detrimental effects

of SSRI's - FDA approval ensued, and so has the ripple effect of suicide.


> Truth doesn't stay hidden forever. FDA is proposing a " black box "

warning to outline the risk of suicide among all antidepressant's such

as Lexapro, Paxil, Prozac and Zoloft. If it were a nutritional

supplement, jail time would result for manufacturers...But not for Big

Pharma, they just get a " black box " warning on their products...Watch

dog turned lap dog.


> SSRI's block another coping molecule in the brain, dopamine. It's

the molecule that lets you FEEL happiness. When you make love to your

wife, win a marathon, or tell your micro-managing boss at work to

shove it, dopamine yields the feelings of love, accomplishment and

victory. It's also the molecule that keeps you protected from

Parkinson's disease. Aside from being a zombie, the Harvard School of

Public Health recently warned that due to lack of dopamine, people

taking antidepressants are nearly twice as likely to suffer from

Parkinson's compared to those not taking them.


> By removing serotonin and dopamine from the brain, users can't FIND

or FEEL happiness courtesy of a lobotomy - minus the saw and surgical

knife. Instead, they become buried in the avalanche of nastiness...And

if you can't find or feel happiness in life, what's the point? What's

gonna stop you from snapping your neck or spraying bullets on your



> Thanks to pretty drug reps, off-label drug pushing and the FDA

approval of antidepressants, chemical lobotomy and its ripple effect

is here, but not here to stay... if the People's Chemist has anything

to say about it. Use Mother Nature in place of dangerous drugs.




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Guest guest

Thanks Jim. This guy certainly gets to the point. Love it.



> Message



> http://www.newswithviews.com/Ellison/shane25.htm





> Shane Ellison M. Sc.

> The People's Chemist

> May 23, 2007

> NewsWithViews.com


> Imagine a lobotomy...A saw cracking your skull, followed by a

surgical knife slicing and dicing a large portion of your brain - the

portion responsible for helping you cope with all the nastiness in the

world. You know, things like the exorbitant income tax which makes you

work four months out of every year just to pay Uncle Sam. Or that

invisible tax called inflation that ensures a lifetime of capitalistic

slavery for you and your children. Or, the millions of helpless

infants who are stabbed with vaccines and subsequently suffer from



> Without the ability to cope, a lobotomy would surely open the doors

to all kinds of craziness from the nastiness in the

world....depression, suicide, and murder become a reality...And this

is exactly what an SSRI (antidepressant) can potentially do at the

molecular level - remove that portion of your brain that helps you

cope...Maybe that is what happened to 81 year old Jordan Stone.


> Thirteen days after taking the SSRI Prozac, on April 28, 2003,

Jordan's wife of 56 years, Kathy, found his lifeless body hanging from

a beam in a back room of their shop. Not depressed at the time of his

appointment, Jordan was given a free sample of the antidepressant for

" chest pains! " Apparently, a pretty drug rep convinced Jordan's doctor

that Prozac could be used for these types of " off-label " purposes. By

FDA standards, this is totally illegal. But those standards are never

enforced by the consumer watch dog turned Big Pharma lap dog.

Regardless of what they are prescribed for, a chemical lobotomy is a

real and present danger to SSRI users.


> SSRI's strive to increase the levels of a " coping " molecule known as

serotonin in the brain. It helps us FIND happiness when it's covered

in an avalanche of nastiness. SSRI's attempt to boost serotonin by

" selectively " stopping the " reuptake " of it among brain cells. This is

where the whole SSRI acronym came from - " selective serotonin reuptake

inhibitor. " It's a slick name that seems to hypnotize medical doctors

into prescribing submission, but its a really stupid idea.


> Nothing is selective in the body. While trying to block the reuptake

of serotonin, SSRI's can also prevent its release. The areas of the

brain responsible for release and reuptake are so damn similar (after

all, they work on the same molecule) that an SSRI isn't smart enough

to understand which one it is supposed to work on. So it does what any

dumb drug would do, it blocks both. The end result: no coping

molecules in the brain. Deep sadness, fear or anger can set in. This

was observed in the early studies performed on SSRI's, but test

subjects were allowed to drop out or mask the pain that comes with a

chemical lobotomy using pain killers and/or muscle relaxants. This

served as an easy way for Big Pharma to hide the detrimental effects

of SSRI's - FDA approval ensued, and so has the ripple effect of suicide.


> Truth doesn't stay hidden forever. FDA is proposing a " black box "

warning to outline the risk of suicide among all antidepressant's such

as Lexapro, Paxil, Prozac and Zoloft. If it were a nutritional

supplement, jail time would result for manufacturers...But not for Big

Pharma, they just get a " black box " warning on their products...Watch

dog turned lap dog.


> SSRI's block another coping molecule in the brain, dopamine. It's

the molecule that lets you FEEL happiness. When you make love to your

wife, win a marathon, or tell your micro-managing boss at work to

shove it, dopamine yields the feelings of love, accomplishment and

victory. It's also the molecule that keeps you protected from

Parkinson's disease. Aside from being a zombie, the Harvard School of

Public Health recently warned that due to lack of dopamine, people

taking antidepressants are nearly twice as likely to suffer from

Parkinson's compared to those not taking them.


> By removing serotonin and dopamine from the brain, users can't FIND

or FEEL happiness courtesy of a lobotomy - minus the saw and surgical

knife. Instead, they become buried in the avalanche of nastiness...And

if you can't find or feel happiness in life, what's the point? What's

gonna stop you from snapping your neck or spraying bullets on your



> Thanks to pretty drug reps, off-label drug pushing and the FDA

approval of antidepressants, chemical lobotomy and its ripple effect

is here, but not here to stay... if the People's Chemist has anything

to say about it. Use Mother Nature in place of dangerous drugs.




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Guest guest

Thanks Jim. This guy certainly gets to the point. Love it.



> Message



> http://www.newswithviews.com/Ellison/shane25.htm





> Shane Ellison M. Sc.

> The People's Chemist

> May 23, 2007

> NewsWithViews.com


> Imagine a lobotomy...A saw cracking your skull, followed by a

surgical knife slicing and dicing a large portion of your brain - the

portion responsible for helping you cope with all the nastiness in the

world. You know, things like the exorbitant income tax which makes you

work four months out of every year just to pay Uncle Sam. Or that

invisible tax called inflation that ensures a lifetime of capitalistic

slavery for you and your children. Or, the millions of helpless

infants who are stabbed with vaccines and subsequently suffer from



> Without the ability to cope, a lobotomy would surely open the doors

to all kinds of craziness from the nastiness in the

world....depression, suicide, and murder become a reality...And this

is exactly what an SSRI (antidepressant) can potentially do at the

molecular level - remove that portion of your brain that helps you

cope...Maybe that is what happened to 81 year old Jordan Stone.


> Thirteen days after taking the SSRI Prozac, on April 28, 2003,

Jordan's wife of 56 years, Kathy, found his lifeless body hanging from

a beam in a back room of their shop. Not depressed at the time of his

appointment, Jordan was given a free sample of the antidepressant for

" chest pains! " Apparently, a pretty drug rep convinced Jordan's doctor

that Prozac could be used for these types of " off-label " purposes. By

FDA standards, this is totally illegal. But those standards are never

enforced by the consumer watch dog turned Big Pharma lap dog.

Regardless of what they are prescribed for, a chemical lobotomy is a

real and present danger to SSRI users.


> SSRI's strive to increase the levels of a " coping " molecule known as

serotonin in the brain. It helps us FIND happiness when it's covered

in an avalanche of nastiness. SSRI's attempt to boost serotonin by

" selectively " stopping the " reuptake " of it among brain cells. This is

where the whole SSRI acronym came from - " selective serotonin reuptake

inhibitor. " It's a slick name that seems to hypnotize medical doctors

into prescribing submission, but its a really stupid idea.


> Nothing is selective in the body. While trying to block the reuptake

of serotonin, SSRI's can also prevent its release. The areas of the

brain responsible for release and reuptake are so damn similar (after

all, they work on the same molecule) that an SSRI isn't smart enough

to understand which one it is supposed to work on. So it does what any

dumb drug would do, it blocks both. The end result: no coping

molecules in the brain. Deep sadness, fear or anger can set in. This

was observed in the early studies performed on SSRI's, but test

subjects were allowed to drop out or mask the pain that comes with a

chemical lobotomy using pain killers and/or muscle relaxants. This

served as an easy way for Big Pharma to hide the detrimental effects

of SSRI's - FDA approval ensued, and so has the ripple effect of suicide.


> Truth doesn't stay hidden forever. FDA is proposing a " black box "

warning to outline the risk of suicide among all antidepressant's such

as Lexapro, Paxil, Prozac and Zoloft. If it were a nutritional

supplement, jail time would result for manufacturers...But not for Big

Pharma, they just get a " black box " warning on their products...Watch

dog turned lap dog.


> SSRI's block another coping molecule in the brain, dopamine. It's

the molecule that lets you FEEL happiness. When you make love to your

wife, win a marathon, or tell your micro-managing boss at work to

shove it, dopamine yields the feelings of love, accomplishment and

victory. It's also the molecule that keeps you protected from

Parkinson's disease. Aside from being a zombie, the Harvard School of

Public Health recently warned that due to lack of dopamine, people

taking antidepressants are nearly twice as likely to suffer from

Parkinson's compared to those not taking them.


> By removing serotonin and dopamine from the brain, users can't FIND

or FEEL happiness courtesy of a lobotomy - minus the saw and surgical

knife. Instead, they become buried in the avalanche of nastiness...And

if you can't find or feel happiness in life, what's the point? What's

gonna stop you from snapping your neck or spraying bullets on your



> Thanks to pretty drug reps, off-label drug pushing and the FDA

approval of antidepressants, chemical lobotomy and its ripple effect

is here, but not here to stay... if the People's Chemist has anything

to say about it. Use Mother Nature in place of dangerous drugs.




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Guest guest

Thanks Jim. This guy certainly gets to the point. Love it.



> Message



> http://www.newswithviews.com/Ellison/shane25.htm





> Shane Ellison M. Sc.

> The People's Chemist

> May 23, 2007

> NewsWithViews.com


> Imagine a lobotomy...A saw cracking your skull, followed by a

surgical knife slicing and dicing a large portion of your brain - the

portion responsible for helping you cope with all the nastiness in the

world. You know, things like the exorbitant income tax which makes you

work four months out of every year just to pay Uncle Sam. Or that

invisible tax called inflation that ensures a lifetime of capitalistic

slavery for you and your children. Or, the millions of helpless

infants who are stabbed with vaccines and subsequently suffer from



> Without the ability to cope, a lobotomy would surely open the doors

to all kinds of craziness from the nastiness in the

world....depression, suicide, and murder become a reality...And this

is exactly what an SSRI (antidepressant) can potentially do at the

molecular level - remove that portion of your brain that helps you

cope...Maybe that is what happened to 81 year old Jordan Stone.


> Thirteen days after taking the SSRI Prozac, on April 28, 2003,

Jordan's wife of 56 years, Kathy, found his lifeless body hanging from

a beam in a back room of their shop. Not depressed at the time of his

appointment, Jordan was given a free sample of the antidepressant for

" chest pains! " Apparently, a pretty drug rep convinced Jordan's doctor

that Prozac could be used for these types of " off-label " purposes. By

FDA standards, this is totally illegal. But those standards are never

enforced by the consumer watch dog turned Big Pharma lap dog.

Regardless of what they are prescribed for, a chemical lobotomy is a

real and present danger to SSRI users.


> SSRI's strive to increase the levels of a " coping " molecule known as

serotonin in the brain. It helps us FIND happiness when it's covered

in an avalanche of nastiness. SSRI's attempt to boost serotonin by

" selectively " stopping the " reuptake " of it among brain cells. This is

where the whole SSRI acronym came from - " selective serotonin reuptake

inhibitor. " It's a slick name that seems to hypnotize medical doctors

into prescribing submission, but its a really stupid idea.


> Nothing is selective in the body. While trying to block the reuptake

of serotonin, SSRI's can also prevent its release. The areas of the

brain responsible for release and reuptake are so damn similar (after

all, they work on the same molecule) that an SSRI isn't smart enough

to understand which one it is supposed to work on. So it does what any

dumb drug would do, it blocks both. The end result: no coping

molecules in the brain. Deep sadness, fear or anger can set in. This

was observed in the early studies performed on SSRI's, but test

subjects were allowed to drop out or mask the pain that comes with a

chemical lobotomy using pain killers and/or muscle relaxants. This

served as an easy way for Big Pharma to hide the detrimental effects

of SSRI's - FDA approval ensued, and so has the ripple effect of suicide.


> Truth doesn't stay hidden forever. FDA is proposing a " black box "

warning to outline the risk of suicide among all antidepressant's such

as Lexapro, Paxil, Prozac and Zoloft. If it were a nutritional

supplement, jail time would result for manufacturers...But not for Big

Pharma, they just get a " black box " warning on their products...Watch

dog turned lap dog.


> SSRI's block another coping molecule in the brain, dopamine. It's

the molecule that lets you FEEL happiness. When you make love to your

wife, win a marathon, or tell your micro-managing boss at work to

shove it, dopamine yields the feelings of love, accomplishment and

victory. It's also the molecule that keeps you protected from

Parkinson's disease. Aside from being a zombie, the Harvard School of

Public Health recently warned that due to lack of dopamine, people

taking antidepressants are nearly twice as likely to suffer from

Parkinson's compared to those not taking them.


> By removing serotonin and dopamine from the brain, users can't FIND

or FEEL happiness courtesy of a lobotomy - minus the saw and surgical

knife. Instead, they become buried in the avalanche of nastiness...And

if you can't find or feel happiness in life, what's the point? What's

gonna stop you from snapping your neck or spraying bullets on your



> Thanks to pretty drug reps, off-label drug pushing and the FDA

approval of antidepressants, chemical lobotomy and its ripple effect

is here, but not here to stay... if the People's Chemist has anything

to say about it. Use Mother Nature in place of dangerous drugs.




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Guest guest

A 31 year old man goes to his doctor for insomnia/anxiety about being deployed

for the second time in less than two years (and he is only a National

Guardsman). His doctor sends him home with a two week sample pack of Zoloft,

which is swithched to celexa because of insurance purposes. Two months later,

after a change to the worse for the sleep, the man decides to quit the

medication cold turkey, the result, two days later, is non stop ruminating

thougths of killing those closest to him. The most important person in his

life, who he would, without question, give his life for. He believes that the

withdrawal from the medication is what caused this, so he resumes the

medication, hoping to level out, and withdrawal slowly, which he does a few

months later. One year and six months later, he is still suffering the

rumintating thoughts. \

How can I live with this? I know I could never hurt my wife, but how can I

ever trust myself again? How, when do I get back to normal? I continuously

look back through my life, at all the dark times, and somehow question is this

just me, if so, it isn't worth living. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? WHERE DO I


Jim <mofunnow@...> wrote:




Shane Ellison M. Sc.

The People's Chemist

May 23, 2007


Imagine a lobotomy...A saw cracking your skull, followed by a surgical knife

slicing and dicing a large portion of your brain - the portion responsible for

helping you cope with all the nastiness in the world. You know, things like the

exorbitant income tax which makes you work four months out of every year just to

pay Uncle Sam. Or that invisible tax called inflation that ensures a lifetime of

capitalistic slavery for you and your children. Or, the millions of helpless

infants who are stabbed with vaccines and subsequently suffer from autism.

Without the ability to cope, a lobotomy would surely open the doors to all kinds

of craziness from the nastiness in the world....depression, suicide, and murder

become a reality...And this is exactly what an SSRI (antidepressant) can

potentially do at the molecular level - remove that portion of your brain that

helps you cope...Maybe that is what happened to 81 year old Jordan Stone.

Thirteen days after taking the SSRI Prozac, on April 28, 2003, Jordan's wife of

56 years, Kathy, found his lifeless body hanging from a beam in a back room of

their shop. Not depressed at the time of his appointment, Jordan was given a

free sample of the antidepressant for " chest pains! " Apparently, a pretty drug

rep convinced Jordan's doctor that Prozac could be used for these types of

" off-label " purposes. By FDA standards, this is totally illegal. But those

standards are never enforced by the consumer watch dog turned Big Pharma lap

dog. Regardless of what they are prescribed for, a chemical lobotomy is a real

and present danger to SSRI users.

SSRI's strive to increase the levels of a " coping " molecule known as serotonin

in the brain. It helps us FIND happiness when it's covered in an avalanche of

nastiness. SSRI's attempt to boost serotonin by " selectively " stopping the

" reuptake " of it among brain cells. This is where the whole SSRI acronym came

from - " selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. " It's a slick name that seems to

hypnotize medical doctors into prescribing submission, but its a really stupid


Nothing is selective in the body. While trying to block the reuptake of

serotonin, SSRI's can also prevent its release. The areas of the brain

responsible for release and reuptake are so damn similar (after all, they work

on the same molecule) that an SSRI isn't smart enough to understand which one it

is supposed to work on. So it does what any dumb drug would do, it blocks both.

The end result: no coping molecules in the brain. Deep sadness, fear or anger

can set in. This was observed in the early studies performed on SSRI's, but test

subjects were allowed to drop out or mask the pain that comes with a chemical

lobotomy using pain killers and/or muscle relaxants. This served as an easy way

for Big Pharma to hide the detrimental effects of SSRI's - FDA approval ensued,

and so has the ripple effect of suicide.

Truth doesn't stay hidden forever. FDA is proposing a " black box " warning to

outline the risk of suicide among all antidepressant's such as Lexapro, Paxil,

Prozac and Zoloft. If it were a nutritional supplement, jail time would result

for manufacturers...But not for Big Pharma, they just get a " black box " warning

on their products...Watch dog turned lap dog.

SSRI's block another coping molecule in the brain, dopamine. It's the molecule

that lets you FEEL happiness. When you make love to your wife, win a marathon,

or tell your micro-managing boss at work to shove it, dopamine yields the

feelings of love, accomplishment and victory. It's also the molecule that keeps

you protected from Parkinson's disease. Aside from being a zombie, the Harvard

School of Public Health recently warned that due to lack of dopamine, people

taking antidepressants are nearly twice as likely to suffer from Parkinson's

compared to those not taking them.

By removing serotonin and dopamine from the brain, users can't FIND or FEEL

happiness courtesy of a lobotomy - minus the saw and surgical knife. Instead,

they become buried in the avalanche of nastiness...And if you can't find or feel

happiness in life, what's the point? What's gonna stop you from snapping your

neck or spraying bullets on your classmates?

Thanks to pretty drug reps, off-label drug pushing and the FDA approval of

antidepressants, chemical lobotomy and its ripple effect is here, but not here

to stay... if the People's Chemist has anything to say about it. Use Mother

Nature in place of dangerous drugs.

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Guest guest

A 31 year old man goes to his doctor for insomnia/anxiety about being deployed

for the second time in less than two years (and he is only a National

Guardsman). His doctor sends him home with a two week sample pack of Zoloft,

which is swithched to celexa because of insurance purposes. Two months later,

after a change to the worse for the sleep, the man decides to quit the

medication cold turkey, the result, two days later, is non stop ruminating

thougths of killing those closest to him. The most important person in his

life, who he would, without question, give his life for. He believes that the

withdrawal from the medication is what caused this, so he resumes the

medication, hoping to level out, and withdrawal slowly, which he does a few

months later. One year and six months later, he is still suffering the

rumintating thoughts. \

How can I live with this? I know I could never hurt my wife, but how can I

ever trust myself again? How, when do I get back to normal? I continuously

look back through my life, at all the dark times, and somehow question is this

just me, if so, it isn't worth living. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? WHERE DO I


Jim <mofunnow@...> wrote:




Shane Ellison M. Sc.

The People's Chemist

May 23, 2007


Imagine a lobotomy...A saw cracking your skull, followed by a surgical knife

slicing and dicing a large portion of your brain - the portion responsible for

helping you cope with all the nastiness in the world. You know, things like the

exorbitant income tax which makes you work four months out of every year just to

pay Uncle Sam. Or that invisible tax called inflation that ensures a lifetime of

capitalistic slavery for you and your children. Or, the millions of helpless

infants who are stabbed with vaccines and subsequently suffer from autism.

Without the ability to cope, a lobotomy would surely open the doors to all kinds

of craziness from the nastiness in the world....depression, suicide, and murder

become a reality...And this is exactly what an SSRI (antidepressant) can

potentially do at the molecular level - remove that portion of your brain that

helps you cope...Maybe that is what happened to 81 year old Jordan Stone.

Thirteen days after taking the SSRI Prozac, on April 28, 2003, Jordan's wife of

56 years, Kathy, found his lifeless body hanging from a beam in a back room of

their shop. Not depressed at the time of his appointment, Jordan was given a

free sample of the antidepressant for " chest pains! " Apparently, a pretty drug

rep convinced Jordan's doctor that Prozac could be used for these types of

" off-label " purposes. By FDA standards, this is totally illegal. But those

standards are never enforced by the consumer watch dog turned Big Pharma lap

dog. Regardless of what they are prescribed for, a chemical lobotomy is a real

and present danger to SSRI users.

SSRI's strive to increase the levels of a " coping " molecule known as serotonin

in the brain. It helps us FIND happiness when it's covered in an avalanche of

nastiness. SSRI's attempt to boost serotonin by " selectively " stopping the

" reuptake " of it among brain cells. This is where the whole SSRI acronym came

from - " selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. " It's a slick name that seems to

hypnotize medical doctors into prescribing submission, but its a really stupid


Nothing is selective in the body. While trying to block the reuptake of

serotonin, SSRI's can also prevent its release. The areas of the brain

responsible for release and reuptake are so damn similar (after all, they work

on the same molecule) that an SSRI isn't smart enough to understand which one it

is supposed to work on. So it does what any dumb drug would do, it blocks both.

The end result: no coping molecules in the brain. Deep sadness, fear or anger

can set in. This was observed in the early studies performed on SSRI's, but test

subjects were allowed to drop out or mask the pain that comes with a chemical

lobotomy using pain killers and/or muscle relaxants. This served as an easy way

for Big Pharma to hide the detrimental effects of SSRI's - FDA approval ensued,

and so has the ripple effect of suicide.

Truth doesn't stay hidden forever. FDA is proposing a " black box " warning to

outline the risk of suicide among all antidepressant's such as Lexapro, Paxil,

Prozac and Zoloft. If it were a nutritional supplement, jail time would result

for manufacturers...But not for Big Pharma, they just get a " black box " warning

on their products...Watch dog turned lap dog.

SSRI's block another coping molecule in the brain, dopamine. It's the molecule

that lets you FEEL happiness. When you make love to your wife, win a marathon,

or tell your micro-managing boss at work to shove it, dopamine yields the

feelings of love, accomplishment and victory. It's also the molecule that keeps

you protected from Parkinson's disease. Aside from being a zombie, the Harvard

School of Public Health recently warned that due to lack of dopamine, people

taking antidepressants are nearly twice as likely to suffer from Parkinson's

compared to those not taking them.

By removing serotonin and dopamine from the brain, users can't FIND or FEEL

happiness courtesy of a lobotomy - minus the saw and surgical knife. Instead,

they become buried in the avalanche of nastiness...And if you can't find or feel

happiness in life, what's the point? What's gonna stop you from snapping your

neck or spraying bullets on your classmates?

Thanks to pretty drug reps, off-label drug pushing and the FDA approval of

antidepressants, chemical lobotomy and its ripple effect is here, but not here

to stay... if the People's Chemist has anything to say about it. Use Mother

Nature in place of dangerous drugs.

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Guest guest

A 31 year old man goes to his doctor for insomnia/anxiety about being deployed

for the second time in less than two years (and he is only a National

Guardsman). His doctor sends him home with a two week sample pack of Zoloft,

which is swithched to celexa because of insurance purposes. Two months later,

after a change to the worse for the sleep, the man decides to quit the

medication cold turkey, the result, two days later, is non stop ruminating

thougths of killing those closest to him. The most important person in his

life, who he would, without question, give his life for. He believes that the

withdrawal from the medication is what caused this, so he resumes the

medication, hoping to level out, and withdrawal slowly, which he does a few

months later. One year and six months later, he is still suffering the

rumintating thoughts. \

How can I live with this? I know I could never hurt my wife, but how can I

ever trust myself again? How, when do I get back to normal? I continuously

look back through my life, at all the dark times, and somehow question is this

just me, if so, it isn't worth living. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? WHERE DO I


Jim <mofunnow@...> wrote:




Shane Ellison M. Sc.

The People's Chemist

May 23, 2007


Imagine a lobotomy...A saw cracking your skull, followed by a surgical knife

slicing and dicing a large portion of your brain - the portion responsible for

helping you cope with all the nastiness in the world. You know, things like the

exorbitant income tax which makes you work four months out of every year just to

pay Uncle Sam. Or that invisible tax called inflation that ensures a lifetime of

capitalistic slavery for you and your children. Or, the millions of helpless

infants who are stabbed with vaccines and subsequently suffer from autism.

Without the ability to cope, a lobotomy would surely open the doors to all kinds

of craziness from the nastiness in the world....depression, suicide, and murder

become a reality...And this is exactly what an SSRI (antidepressant) can

potentially do at the molecular level - remove that portion of your brain that

helps you cope...Maybe that is what happened to 81 year old Jordan Stone.

Thirteen days after taking the SSRI Prozac, on April 28, 2003, Jordan's wife of

56 years, Kathy, found his lifeless body hanging from a beam in a back room of

their shop. Not depressed at the time of his appointment, Jordan was given a

free sample of the antidepressant for " chest pains! " Apparently, a pretty drug

rep convinced Jordan's doctor that Prozac could be used for these types of

" off-label " purposes. By FDA standards, this is totally illegal. But those

standards are never enforced by the consumer watch dog turned Big Pharma lap

dog. Regardless of what they are prescribed for, a chemical lobotomy is a real

and present danger to SSRI users.

SSRI's strive to increase the levels of a " coping " molecule known as serotonin

in the brain. It helps us FIND happiness when it's covered in an avalanche of

nastiness. SSRI's attempt to boost serotonin by " selectively " stopping the

" reuptake " of it among brain cells. This is where the whole SSRI acronym came

from - " selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. " It's a slick name that seems to

hypnotize medical doctors into prescribing submission, but its a really stupid


Nothing is selective in the body. While trying to block the reuptake of

serotonin, SSRI's can also prevent its release. The areas of the brain

responsible for release and reuptake are so damn similar (after all, they work

on the same molecule) that an SSRI isn't smart enough to understand which one it

is supposed to work on. So it does what any dumb drug would do, it blocks both.

The end result: no coping molecules in the brain. Deep sadness, fear or anger

can set in. This was observed in the early studies performed on SSRI's, but test

subjects were allowed to drop out or mask the pain that comes with a chemical

lobotomy using pain killers and/or muscle relaxants. This served as an easy way

for Big Pharma to hide the detrimental effects of SSRI's - FDA approval ensued,

and so has the ripple effect of suicide.

Truth doesn't stay hidden forever. FDA is proposing a " black box " warning to

outline the risk of suicide among all antidepressant's such as Lexapro, Paxil,

Prozac and Zoloft. If it were a nutritional supplement, jail time would result

for manufacturers...But not for Big Pharma, they just get a " black box " warning

on their products...Watch dog turned lap dog.

SSRI's block another coping molecule in the brain, dopamine. It's the molecule

that lets you FEEL happiness. When you make love to your wife, win a marathon,

or tell your micro-managing boss at work to shove it, dopamine yields the

feelings of love, accomplishment and victory. It's also the molecule that keeps

you protected from Parkinson's disease. Aside from being a zombie, the Harvard

School of Public Health recently warned that due to lack of dopamine, people

taking antidepressants are nearly twice as likely to suffer from Parkinson's

compared to those not taking them.

By removing serotonin and dopamine from the brain, users can't FIND or FEEL

happiness courtesy of a lobotomy - minus the saw and surgical knife. Instead,

they become buried in the avalanche of nastiness...And if you can't find or feel

happiness in life, what's the point? What's gonna stop you from snapping your

neck or spraying bullets on your classmates?

Thanks to pretty drug reps, off-label drug pushing and the FDA approval of

antidepressants, chemical lobotomy and its ripple effect is here, but not here

to stay... if the People's Chemist has anything to say about it. Use Mother

Nature in place of dangerous drugs.

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A 31 year old man goes to his doctor for insomnia/anxiety about being deployed

for the second time in less than two years (and he is only a National

Guardsman). His doctor sends him home with a two week sample pack of Zoloft,

which is swithched to celexa because of insurance purposes. Two months later,

after a change to the worse for the sleep, the man decides to quit the

medication cold turkey, the result, two days later, is non stop ruminating

thougths of killing those closest to him. The most important person in his

life, who he would, without question, give his life for. He believes that the

withdrawal from the medication is what caused this, so he resumes the

medication, hoping to level out, and withdrawal slowly, which he does a few

months later. One year and six months later, he is still suffering the

rumintating thoughts. \

How can I live with this? I know I could never hurt my wife, but how can I

ever trust myself again? How, when do I get back to normal? I continuously

look back through my life, at all the dark times, and somehow question is this

just me, if so, it isn't worth living. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO? WHERE DO I


Jim <mofunnow@...> wrote:




Shane Ellison M. Sc.

The People's Chemist

May 23, 2007


Imagine a lobotomy...A saw cracking your skull, followed by a surgical knife

slicing and dicing a large portion of your brain - the portion responsible for

helping you cope with all the nastiness in the world. You know, things like the

exorbitant income tax which makes you work four months out of every year just to

pay Uncle Sam. Or that invisible tax called inflation that ensures a lifetime of

capitalistic slavery for you and your children. Or, the millions of helpless

infants who are stabbed with vaccines and subsequently suffer from autism.

Without the ability to cope, a lobotomy would surely open the doors to all kinds

of craziness from the nastiness in the world....depression, suicide, and murder

become a reality...And this is exactly what an SSRI (antidepressant) can

potentially do at the molecular level - remove that portion of your brain that

helps you cope...Maybe that is what happened to 81 year old Jordan Stone.

Thirteen days after taking the SSRI Prozac, on April 28, 2003, Jordan's wife of

56 years, Kathy, found his lifeless body hanging from a beam in a back room of

their shop. Not depressed at the time of his appointment, Jordan was given a

free sample of the antidepressant for " chest pains! " Apparently, a pretty drug

rep convinced Jordan's doctor that Prozac could be used for these types of

" off-label " purposes. By FDA standards, this is totally illegal. But those

standards are never enforced by the consumer watch dog turned Big Pharma lap

dog. Regardless of what they are prescribed for, a chemical lobotomy is a real

and present danger to SSRI users.

SSRI's strive to increase the levels of a " coping " molecule known as serotonin

in the brain. It helps us FIND happiness when it's covered in an avalanche of

nastiness. SSRI's attempt to boost serotonin by " selectively " stopping the

" reuptake " of it among brain cells. This is where the whole SSRI acronym came

from - " selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor. " It's a slick name that seems to

hypnotize medical doctors into prescribing submission, but its a really stupid


Nothing is selective in the body. While trying to block the reuptake of

serotonin, SSRI's can also prevent its release. The areas of the brain

responsible for release and reuptake are so damn similar (after all, they work

on the same molecule) that an SSRI isn't smart enough to understand which one it

is supposed to work on. So it does what any dumb drug would do, it blocks both.

The end result: no coping molecules in the brain. Deep sadness, fear or anger

can set in. This was observed in the early studies performed on SSRI's, but test

subjects were allowed to drop out or mask the pain that comes with a chemical

lobotomy using pain killers and/or muscle relaxants. This served as an easy way

for Big Pharma to hide the detrimental effects of SSRI's - FDA approval ensued,

and so has the ripple effect of suicide.

Truth doesn't stay hidden forever. FDA is proposing a " black box " warning to

outline the risk of suicide among all antidepressant's such as Lexapro, Paxil,

Prozac and Zoloft. If it were a nutritional supplement, jail time would result

for manufacturers...But not for Big Pharma, they just get a " black box " warning

on their products...Watch dog turned lap dog.

SSRI's block another coping molecule in the brain, dopamine. It's the molecule

that lets you FEEL happiness. When you make love to your wife, win a marathon,

or tell your micro-managing boss at work to shove it, dopamine yields the

feelings of love, accomplishment and victory. It's also the molecule that keeps

you protected from Parkinson's disease. Aside from being a zombie, the Harvard

School of Public Health recently warned that due to lack of dopamine, people

taking antidepressants are nearly twice as likely to suffer from Parkinson's

compared to those not taking them.

By removing serotonin and dopamine from the brain, users can't FIND or FEEL

happiness courtesy of a lobotomy - minus the saw and surgical knife. Instead,

they become buried in the avalanche of nastiness...And if you can't find or feel

happiness in life, what's the point? What's gonna stop you from snapping your

neck or spraying bullets on your classmates?

Thanks to pretty drug reps, off-label drug pushing and the FDA approval of

antidepressants, chemical lobotomy and its ripple effect is here, but not here

to stay... if the People's Chemist has anything to say about it. Use Mother

Nature in place of dangerous drugs.

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a better description is more like cooked well done


Playing with people's brain chemicals is assault! If it left bruises,

there would be jail time.

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Guest guest

a better description is more like cooked well done


Playing with people's brain chemicals is assault! If it left bruises,

there would be jail time.

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Guest guest

a better description is more like cooked well done


Playing with people's brain chemicals is assault! If it left bruises,

there would be jail time.

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Guest guest

a better description is more like cooked well done


Playing with people's brain chemicals is assault! If it left bruises,

there would be jail time.

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Antony, gave you some good advice on Withdrawal and Recovery.

You are raging about the injustice of what happened to you (which we

can all understand), but in order to heal you will need to try to come

to terms with this and put in place a treatment protocol. This is the

only way you will stop the thoughts that are plaguing you. If you have

questions about that or feel you need help, please ask and we'll be

glad to do anything we can.



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Antony, gave you some good advice on Withdrawal and Recovery.

You are raging about the injustice of what happened to you (which we

can all understand), but in order to heal you will need to try to come

to terms with this and put in place a treatment protocol. This is the

only way you will stop the thoughts that are plaguing you. If you have

questions about that or feel you need help, please ask and we'll be

glad to do anything we can.



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Antony, gave you some good advice on Withdrawal and Recovery.

You are raging about the injustice of what happened to you (which we

can all understand), but in order to heal you will need to try to come

to terms with this and put in place a treatment protocol. This is the

only way you will stop the thoughts that are plaguing you. If you have

questions about that or feel you need help, please ask and we'll be

glad to do anything we can.



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Antony, gave you some good advice on Withdrawal and Recovery.

You are raging about the injustice of what happened to you (which we

can all understand), but in order to heal you will need to try to come

to terms with this and put in place a treatment protocol. This is the

only way you will stop the thoughts that are plaguing you. If you have

questions about that or feel you need help, please ask and we'll be

glad to do anything we can.



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I have been following what said. Sitting next to me is a bottle of

whit chestnut. I am not sure if it is placebo or from the herb, but it spins

me up. Hell yes I am pissed off. I do get a little rage (never before did I

ever do that) but it is controlled. The ruminating thoughts, and the

inability to be happy or feel love, and or joy is what is the worst. Is life

even worth living if you don't feel those things?

<linda@...> wrote: Antony, gave you some good

advice on Withdrawal and Recovery.

You are raging about the injustice of what happened to you (which we

can all understand), but in order to heal you will need to try to come

to terms with this and put in place a treatment protocol. This is the

only way you will stop the thoughts that are plaguing you. If you have

questions about that or feel you need help, please ask and we'll be

glad to do anything we can.



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I have been following what said. Sitting next to me is a bottle of

whit chestnut. I am not sure if it is placebo or from the herb, but it spins

me up. Hell yes I am pissed off. I do get a little rage (never before did I

ever do that) but it is controlled. The ruminating thoughts, and the

inability to be happy or feel love, and or joy is what is the worst. Is life

even worth living if you don't feel those things?

<linda@...> wrote: Antony, gave you some good

advice on Withdrawal and Recovery.

You are raging about the injustice of what happened to you (which we

can all understand), but in order to heal you will need to try to come

to terms with this and put in place a treatment protocol. This is the

only way you will stop the thoughts that are plaguing you. If you have

questions about that or feel you need help, please ask and we'll be

glad to do anything we can.



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I have been following what said. Sitting next to me is a bottle of

whit chestnut. I am not sure if it is placebo or from the herb, but it spins

me up. Hell yes I am pissed off. I do get a little rage (never before did I

ever do that) but it is controlled. The ruminating thoughts, and the

inability to be happy or feel love, and or joy is what is the worst. Is life

even worth living if you don't feel those things?

<linda@...> wrote: Antony, gave you some good

advice on Withdrawal and Recovery.

You are raging about the injustice of what happened to you (which we

can all understand), but in order to heal you will need to try to come

to terms with this and put in place a treatment protocol. This is the

only way you will stop the thoughts that are plaguing you. If you have

questions about that or feel you need help, please ask and we'll be

glad to do anything we can.



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I have been following what said. Sitting next to me is a bottle of

whit chestnut. I am not sure if it is placebo or from the herb, but it spins

me up. Hell yes I am pissed off. I do get a little rage (never before did I

ever do that) but it is controlled. The ruminating thoughts, and the

inability to be happy or feel love, and or joy is what is the worst. Is life

even worth living if you don't feel those things?

<linda@...> wrote: Antony, gave you some good

advice on Withdrawal and Recovery.

You are raging about the injustice of what happened to you (which we

can all understand), but in order to heal you will need to try to come

to terms with this and put in place a treatment protocol. This is the

only way you will stop the thoughts that are plaguing you. If you have

questions about that or feel you need help, please ask and we'll be

glad to do anything we can.



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The ruminating thoughts, and the inability to be happy or feel love,

and or joy is what is the worst. Is life even worth living if you

don't feel those things?

Everyone can can heal to an extent from this kind of damage. True,

many of us end up with lingering problems, but I've met many people

on the W & R list who cope with this, lead new lives, and are even

thankful for what they went through because of what they learned and

how they grew. Try looking up some of Kim 's posts. I don't

think you've met her yet, she's been busy these past several months,

but she said she was planning to come back and talk when she has the

time again. You could also look up her story of recovery (as well as

other peoples') in the files there. I found that helpful when I was

just starting out and needed hope myself.

How are you doing with diet and supplements? The Bach remedies can

help with immediately problematic symptoms. Diet and supplements are

what do the long-term healing.

There are people on these lists whose lives were utterly wrecked by

the drugs. Many of them are making remarkable recoveries. Why not

talk to some of them and ask them about what they've been doing? If

the W & R list is quiet you are welcome to come to Social W & R, your

posts will show up there without needing approval.

Best wishes,


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