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Hepatitis B Vaccine: An Unmitigated Disaster

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with quotes from Belkin


October 09, 2009

Hepatitis B Vaccine: An Unmitigated Disaster By

J.B. Handley

As most readers of AoA know, the Hep B vaccine was added to the CDC’s

childhood immunization schedule in the early 1990s, requires four doses

before a child is eighteen months old, and is the only vaccine on the

CDC’s schedule that is recommended to be given on an infant’s first day

of life.

What else do we know about this vaccine? Quite a bit, actually. In no

particular order:

1) A recent study published in the journal Neurotoxicology called

“Delayed Acquisition of Neonatal Reflexes in Newborn Primates Receiving a

Thimerosal-containing Hepatitis B Vaccine: Influence of Gestational Age

and Birth Weight” found that monkeys who received a Hepatitis B vaccine

on the first day of life experienced a significant delay in survival

reflexes versus monkeys who received a placebo.

2) A recent study published in the journal the ls of Epidemiology

titled “Hepatitis B Vaccination of Male Neonates and Autism” found that

“Boys who received the hepatitis B vaccine during the first month of life

had 2.94 greater odds for ASD [autism] compared to later- or unvaccinated


3) A recent study published in the journal Neurology called “Hepatitis B

vaccine and the risk of CNS inflammatory demyelination in childhood”

found that the Engerix B vaccine for Hep B (the one my son received)

appears to increase the risk of central nervous system inflammatory


4) A recent study published in Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry

titled “Hepatitis B triple series vaccine and developmental disability in

US children aged 1-9 years” stated " the odds of receiving EIS

[special education services] were approximately nine times as great for

vaccinated boys as for unvaccinated boys after adjustment for

confounders. This study found statistically significant evidence to

suggest that boys in United States who were vaccinated with the triple

series Hepatitis B vaccine, during the time period in which vaccines were

manufactured with thimerosal, were more susceptible to developmental

disability than were unvaccinated boys. "

5) In 2002, the Institute of Medicine (which I personally believe is a

corrupt agent of the vaccine industry but many believe is the final word

on medical issues) published a study titled, “Immunization Safety Review:

Hepatitis B Vaccine and Demyelinating Neurological Disorders” in which

they reached the following non-conclusion: “Additionally, the committee

found that the epidemiological evidence favors rejection of a causal

relationship between the hepatitis B vaccine in adults and multiple

sclerosis. However, the evidence was inadequate to accept or reject a

causal relationship between the hepatitis B vaccine and all other

demyelinating conditions.” (Author’s note: If you’re a vaccine, and you

can’t get an “all clear” from the vaccine-loving IOM, you’re in big


6) Generation Rescue analyzed the vaccine schedules of 30 first-world

countries. 60%, or 18 countries, have Hep B vaccine on their schedule.

That means 12 countries, or 40% of the countries, DO NOT require the Hep

B vaccine, despite the fact that it has been readily available for 19

years. Of countries that do require Hep B vaccine, we could only find a

few Eastern European countries like Bulgaria and Latvia who also give the

shot to babies on the first day of life. Many other countries appear to

pursue a more balanced approach to Hep B vaccine, here are some direct

quotes from country vaccination schedules.

Italy: “Hepatitis B vaccine is administered at birth only to children

born to HBsAg + mothers. Otherwise immunisation starts at 3 months of

age.” Finland: “Hepatitis B vaccine is given only to infants of HbsAg carrier mothers or fathers at the age of 0, 1, 2 and 12 months.” Denmark: “Vaccination against hepatitis B is recommended to children

of HBsAg-positive mothers starting at birth with both hepatitis B

immunoglobulin and one dose of HepB.” Norway: “HepB is recommended for risk groups only.” Sweden: “HepB is only recommended to children considered high-risk

groups. Vaccination is given at birth to infants of mothers positive for

hepatitis B.” The Netherlands: “Only for children born to HBsAg positive mothers.”

The Hepatitis B vaccine addition to the U.S. vaccination schedule for

children is a wildly destructive disaster for seemingly little benefit to

public health. The science proving what a disaster it is will keep


I’d like to wrap this piece up with two remarkable statements from a very

courageous father, Belkin, who lost his infant daughter to a

Hepatitis B vaccine. And, it’s not only this dad’s command of the facts

that makes his statements remarkable, it’s also because these statements

were delivered in public, to both the Advisory Committee on Immunization

Practices, the very group that added Hep B to our schedule, and the U.S.

Congress, TEN YEARS AGO:

Statement #1:



1999) -- Atlanta Georgia

My name is Belkin. I am a father, businessman, former

quantitative strategist at Salomon Brothers, and Director of the

Hepatitis B Vaccine Project of the National Vaccine Information Center


The NVIC has studied Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data

obtained under the Freedom of Information Act covering the last nine

years on hepatitis B vaccine adverse events -- and in 1996 there were

more than three times as many reported serious adverse reactions as

reported cases of the disease in the 0 to 14 age group. Of the total

2,424 adverse event reports made between 1990 and October 1998 in

children under age 14 who only received hepatitis B vaccine, there were

1,209 serious events and 73 deaths. Thus, one half of the reports for

children under age 14 who received only hepatitis B vaccine were for

serious events that required an emergency room visit, hospitalization, or

caused life-threatening health problems or permanent


As a UC Berkeley graduate and advisor to some of the largest financial

institutions in the world, I am qualified to analyze and make conclusions

about statistics. Based on that experience, I am astonished that the

scientists on this Committee would disregard or cover up data showing the

number and severity of adverse reactions to this vaccine. Science is

observing and learning from what is observed. The assertions of the CDC

that the many reported adverse reactions to this vaccine do not exist or

are a coincidence violates the basic principle of science, which is

rooted in the observation and analysis of data.

A benefit/risk analysis of the hepatitis B vaccine for the average infant

in America, not born to infected parents, must conclude that the VAERS

data on adverse reactions shows the real-world risk of a newborn infant

dying or being injured by the hepatitis B vaccine is a greater threat

than the remote chance of contracting the primarily blood-transmitted


My 5-week old daughter, Lyla Rose, died within 16 hours of her hepatitisB

vaccination, which she received because of the universal vaccination

policy this Committee instituted in 1991. At her death, Lyla had four of

the eight highest-reported symptoms in the VAERS hepatitis B vaccine

adverse reaction data. The NY Medical Examiner observed brain swelling at

the autopsy but refused to record that or mention the hepatitis B vaccine

Lyla received in the autopsy report.

I hold each one of you who participated in the promulgation or

perpetuation of that mandated newborn vaccination policy personally

responsible for my daughter's death and the deaths and injuries of all

the other beautiful, healthy infants who are victims of the hepatitis B

vaccine. Your negligence is the proximate cause of my daughter's death

and you have failed to exercise reasonable care.

At the NVIC, we are overwhelmed following up constant new reports of

deaths, seizures and autoimmune reactions following hepatitis B

vaccination. Because the CDC refuses to acknowledge this large number of

serious adverse reactions, hospitals and doctors who have been misled

about the risks continue to administer the vaccine and then deny any

vaccine connection when children die, get ill or have seizures within

hours or days. CDC officials tell parents they have never heard of

hepatitis B vaccine reactions.

That is a lie. For this government to continue to insist that hepatitis B

vaccine adverse reaction reports do not exist is negligent, unethical --

and is a crime against the children of America.

It is a sad day for the U.S. when the nation's children need protection

from the official medical authorities who are charged with protecting

them from disease.

Thank you.

Statement #2:


My daughter Lyla Rose Belkin died on September 16, 1998 at the age of

five weeks, about 15 hours after receiving her second Hepatitis B vaccine

booster shot. Lyla was a lively, alert five-week-old baby when I last

held her in my arms. Little did I imagine as she gazed intently into my

eyes with all the innocence and wonder of a newborn child that she would

die that night. She was never ill before receiving the Hepatitis B shot

that afternoon. At her final feeding that night, she was extremely

agitated, noisy and feisty -- and then she fell asleep suddenly and

stopped breathing. The autopsy ruled out choking. The NY Medical Examiner

ruled her death Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

But the NY Medical Examiner (Dr. Persechino) neglected to mention Lyla's

swollen brain or the hepatitis B vaccine in the autopsy report. The

coroner spoke to my wife and I and our pediatrician (Dr. Zullo) the day

of the autopsy and clearly stated that her brain was swollen. The

pediatrician Dr. Zullo's notes of that conversation are " brain

swollen ... not sure cause yet ... could not see how recombinant vaccine

could cause problem. "

SIDS is a diagnosis of exclusion ..it wasn't this, it wasn't that,

everything has been ruled out and we don't know what it was. A swollen

brain is not SIDS. Through conversations with other experienced

pathologists, I subsequently discovered that brain inflammation is a

classic adverse reaction to vaccination (with any vaccine) in the medical


I set out to do an investigation of the Hepatitis B vaccine and attended

a workshop at the National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine on

" Neo-Natal Death and the Hepatitis B Vaccine, " the Advisory

Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) February meeting, and a debate

in New Hampshire between the Chairman of the ACIP, Dr. Modlin, and Dr.

Waisbren about the safety of the Hepatitis B vaccine. I also obtained the

entire Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database on

Hepatitis B vaccine adverse reactions and have investigated it


These are my conclusions, supported by the following pages of text and

analysis that are too lengthy to present in entirety in the time allotted

for this appearance. Please read the results of my investigation, as it

will help you understand the magnitude of the hepatitis B vaccine


* Newborn babies are not at risk of contracting the hepatitis B disease

unless their mother is infected.

* Hepatitis B is primarily a disease of junkies, gays, and promiscuous


* The vaccine is given to babies because health authorities couldn't get

those risk groups to take the vaccine.

* Adverse reactions out-number cases of the disease in government


* Nothing is being done to investigate those adverse reactions.

* Those adverse reactions include numerous deaths, convulsions and

arthritic conditions that occur within days after

* The CDC is misrepresenting hypothetical, estimated disease statistics

as real cases of the disease.

* The ACIP is recommending new vaccines for premature infants without

having scientific studies proving they are safe.

* The U.S. vaccine recommendation process is hopelessly compromised by

conflicts of interest with vaccine manufacturers, the American Academy of

Pediatrics and the CDC.

Conclusion: If (as with the recently-recommended rotavirus vaccine)

Hepatitis B vaccine was recommended in 1991 without scientific proof that

it was safe in a broad sample of racially and genetically diverse babies

less than 48 hours old before they established that recommendation, then

the CDC has been experimenting on babies like guinea pigs and this

Committee should suspend that universal immunization policy.

The Hepatitis B vaccine was effectively mandated in 1991 for universal

immunization of newborn babies by the Advisory Committee on Immunization

Practices (ACIP) -- an adjunct of the Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention (CDC). Paradoxically, the CDC's own Fact Sheet on the

Hepatitis B disease does not include newborn babies as a risk group for

that disease. That Fact Sheet lists the risk groups as injection drug

users, homosexual men, sexually active heterosexuals, infants/children of

immigrants from disease-endemic areas, low socio-economic level,

sexual/household contacts of infected persons, infants born to infected

mothers, health care workers and hemodialysis patients NOT NEWBORN


Question: Why then, did the ACIP establish a policy mandating that

newborn babies not at risk of the disease be automatically administered

the 3-shot Hepatitis B vaccine as their first involuntary indoctrination

into the pediatric care of America?

Answer: Here is that rationale from the original ACIP 1991

statement establishing the official vaccination policy " Hepatitis B

Virus: A Comprehensive Strategy for Eliminating Transmission in the

United States Through Universal Childhood Vaccination ... " " In

the United States, most infections occur among adults and adolescents ...

The recommended strategy for preventing these infections has been the

selective vaccination of persons with identified risk factors ...

However, this strategy has not lowered the incidence of Hepatitis B,

primarily because vaccinating persons engaged in high-risk behaviors,

life-styles, or occupations before they become infected generally has not

been feasible ... Efforts to vaccinate persons in the major risk groups

have had limited success. For example, programs directed at injecting

drug users failed to motivate them to receive three doses of vaccine ...

In the United States it has become evident that HBV transmission cannot

be prevented through vaccinating only the groups at high risk of

infection ... In the long term, universal infant vaccination would

eliminate the need for vaccinating adolescents and high-risk adults ...

Hepatitis B vaccination is recommended for all infants, regardless of the

HBsAg status of the mother ... The first dose can be administered during

the newborn period, preferably before the infant is discharged from the

hospital, but no later than when the infant is 2 months of age ... "

(emphasis added).

So in the CDC and ACIP's own words, almost every newborn U.S. baby is now

greeted on its entry into the world by a vaccine injection against a

sexually transmitted disease for which the baby is not at risk -- because

they couldn't get the junkies, prostitutes, homosexuals and promiscuous

heterosexuals to take the vaccine. That is the essence of the Hepatitis B

universal vaccination program.

Question: What are the risks and benefits for administering this

vaccine to infants?

Answer: Hepatitis B is a rare, mainly blood-transmitted disease.

In 1996, only 54 cases of the disease were reported to the CDC in the 0-1

age group. There were 3.9 million births that year, so the observed

incidence of hepatitis B in the 0-1 age group was just 0.001%. In the

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), there were 1,080 total

reports of adverse reactions from Hepatitis B vaccine in 1996 in the 0-1

age group, with 47 deaths reported. Total VAERS Hepatitis B reports for

the 0-1 age group outnumber reported cases of the disease 20 to


Question: Why don't they just screen the mother to see if she is

infected with Hepatitis B (since that's about the only way a baby is

likely to get the disease), instead of vaccinating all infants?

Answer: Selling vaccines is extremely profitable and the process

of mandating vaccines is fraught with conflicts of interest between

vaccine manufacturers, the ACIP and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

The business model of having the government mandate everyone must buy

your product is a monopolist's delight.

Question: What studies are being done on the data from the FDA's

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)?

Answer: Absolutely nothing. The 25,000 reports are going into a

drawer and being forgotten.

How many reports are enough to show a drug or vaccine is dangerous --

2,500? 25,000? 250,000? Chen of the CDC and Ellenberg of the FDA monitor

this data, write reports and deliver speeches about how VAERS Hepatitis B

adverse reaction reports show nothing out of the ordinary and show

" the relative safety of HB vaccine when given to neonates and

infants. " VAERS shows nothing of the kind. TAKE A LOOK AT THE VAERS


The health authorities continue to negligently downplay the steady stream

of serious adverse reactions to this vaccine and more infants and adults

continue to die and suffer central nervous system and liver damage after

HB vaccination.

Question: Why do the CDC, ACIP and Merck say that there are

140,000-320,000 new infections/yr (70,000-160,000 symptomatic

infections/yr) when their own CDC data shows only 10,000 reported cases


Answer: They are passing off estimated, hypothetical numbers as

actual cases. This is statistical fraud. In the financial world such

mis-representation would lead to criminal charges. If a company inflated

its earnings or revenues by 300% (as the CDC does hepatitis B disease

statistics) and foisted those figures off as official data (and not some

back-of-the-envelope guess-timate) -- that company would be investigated

by the SEC and sued by shareholders. Why doesn't that happen in the

medical world? There's no regulator to keep the CDC honest. They do not

say those figures are hypothetical estimates, they misrepresent the data.

Go try to audit those 320,000 supposed new infections/yr. You will not

find them. The whole exercise is designed to increase public hysteria

about the risk of a low-risk disease so the CDC can extend it's pervasive

influence and Merck can increase it's $900 million/year vaccine


Question: What process does the Center for Disease Control employ

to make a vaccine recommendation?

I attended the February Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices

(ACIP) meeting in Atlanta and was absolutely appalled. Every vote by the

Committee on new vaccine mandates was unanimous (except for one

dissenting vote on Rotavirus vaccine for premature infants). There was

hardly any discussion of adverse reactions, the ACIP simply

rubber-stamped every proposal on the agenda. I call it Vaccination

Without Representation. In one instance, the ACIP passed a recommendation

for Rotavirus vaccine for premature infants even though no scientific

studies had been done showing it was medically safe. Dr. Modlin,

(Chairman of the ACIP), said in a pro-Hepatitis B vaccine debate in New

Hampshire " How do we determine whether something is scientifically

valid or not? ... 1) Is the theory biologically plausible? 2) Has it been

tested by appropriate methods? 3) Is the study well concluded? 4) Are the

results statistically sound? " But at the February ACIP meeting, when

it came time for the ACIP to rubber-stamp approval of Rotavirus vaccine

for premature infants, here are Modlin's quotes from the official

transcript: " ... available data are insufficient to fully establish

the safety and efficacy of rotavirus vaccine in premature infants ...

there is a section under Adverse Events that details what little

information there actually are with respect to premature infants ... To

my knowledge we don't have data from a clinical trial specifically ...

Some bit of information from Seattle, as I recall, that had suggested

there was a slight increase in relative risk for hospitalization for

premature infants ... Obviously a situation where we have to make a

judgment in the absence of data, and with a vaccine that has not yet been

tested in the group ... " (ACIP transcript, pages 102-112) Modlin

then held a vote and the recommendation for premature infants passed nine

to one -- Modlin voted yes, Dr. Glode against. This is a clear example of

how the medical bureaucracy (led by the CDC and ACIP), is recommending

vaccines without scientific evidence that those vaccines are safe in a

broad sample of racially and genetically diverse infants.

What Should Be Done? This Committee should investigate the 1991 ACIP

recommendation establishing universal hepatitis B vaccination of newborn

babies in the hospital -- and if (as with the Rotavirus vaccine example

above) no studies were done to prove this was safe in a broad sample of

racially and genetically diverse babies less than 48 hours old before

they established that recommendation, then the CDC has been experimenting

on babies like guinea pigs and this Committee should suspend that

universal immunization policy.

VAERS ANALYSIS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System)

I studied statistics at the University Of California at Berkeley and went

on to develop sophisticated proprietary risk/reward statistical models at

Salomon Brothers from 1986-91 -- and in my subsequent, ongoing business

provide statistical economic and financial forecasts to mutual funds,

investment banks, pension funds and hedge funds.

I studied VAERS Hepatitis B vaccine data obtained by the National Vaccine

Information Center (NVIC) under the Freedom of Information Act. The data

has some flaws (incomplete fields, some multiple reports) but any

qualified, impartial quantitative analyst or statistician not affiliated

with Merck, kline, the CDC, the FDA or the AAP who examines these

reports will find a clear and undeniable pattern of central nervous

system (CNS) and liver disease striking thousands of people within 0-4

days after vaccination with Hepatitis B vaccine. These reports have been

ignored, explained away, or considered " acceptable " by the FDA,

CDC and drug companies. This Committee should launch an investigation of

the VAERS Hepatitis B data by a team of independent scientists not

beholden to vaccine manufacturers or the FDA/CDC bureaucracy. The

following is intended to be a starting point for such an investigation.

This does not profess to be a complete, exhaustive analysis -- simply an

overview, highlighting aspects of the data that may not previously have

been brought to your attention.

The total 24,775 VAERS Hepatitis B reports from July 1990 to October 31,

1998 show 439 deaths and 9673 serious reactions involving emergency room

visits, hospitalization, disablement or death. Therefore, more than one

third of total reports were serious events. 17,497 of those total reports

were for Hepatitis B vaccine only, the remainder were vaccine cocktails

where hepatitis B was administered along with DPT, HIB, IPV, OPV,


The Hepatitis-B-vaccine-only reports show a shocking cluster of reactions

in females starting in their teenage years (the male/female reporting

ratio is balanced before age 16). For ages 16-55, 77% of VAERS reports

are women -- more than three times as many women as men are reporting

adverse reactions to Hepatitis B vaccine. The median onset of adverse

event after vaccination is one day, 70% of reactions happen within four

days of vaccination. Independent scientists should investigate why

females are more disposed to have adverse reactions to Hepatitis B

vaccine and/or report them to VAERS. One possible explanation is that

nurses have to take this vaccine for their jobs and are thus more exposed

than most adults to Hepatitis B vaccine adverse reactions. Rather than

dismiss that factor as an " over-reporting bias " as Dr. Chen of

the CDC did at the February ACIP meeting, perhaps investigators might

consider that nurses are alert health care workers and ought to be

listened to with regard to the dangers of adverse events with any vaccine

(rather than ignored). Personal case studies reported to the author have

showed many teenage girls getting severe, debilitating adverse reactions

to Hepatitis B vaccine, having nothing to do with nursing. Do women have

a greater vulnerability to auto-immune reactions to Hepatitis B vaccine?

Is the government discriminating against women by administering this

vaccine without regard for genetic risk of CNS and liver disease? Those

are questions that independent scientists should investigate.

A second area of concern is the VAERS reports involving Hepatitis B

vaccine administered with other vaccines (vaccine cocktails). Health

officials are fond of dismissing those reports as being attributable to

Hepatitis B vaccine, because of the multiple other antigens present

(almost as if they wanted to cloak Hepatitis B vaccine reactions from

scrutiny). Let's avoid that controversy and focus on the extremely

disturbing VAERS data of Hepatitis B vaccine with other vaccines. These

reports amount to only one third of total reports (7,275), but account

for two thirds of total deaths (291). The median onset of those deaths

was 2 days after vaccination -- displaying a clear temporal association.

The median age of death was 0.5 years in this group. 50% of all

Hepatitis-B-vaccine-cocktail reports were serious (died, emergency room,

hospitalized, disabled). I grouped convulsive reactions together from the

Hep-B-vaccine-cocktail data and found a deeply disturbing pattern. These

were anything labeled convulsions, seizures or tremors in the VAERS

Hep-B-cocktail data. Of the 1189 such reports, fully 80% (950) were

serious (died, ER, hospitalized, disabled) median age 0.5 years, median

onset after vaccination 0 days (less than one day). Someone should do

follow-up and find out what happened to those poor infants who suffered

severe convulsions after a Hepatitis B-multi-vaccine cocktail. In the

personal reports I've taken of similar adverse reactions, the children

were left brain-damaged and developmentally disabled. Looking beyond the

debate over whether VAERS reports of vaccine cocktails can be attributed

to Hepatitis B, the data strongly suggests combining multiple vaccines

may be convenient and profitable for pediatricians -- but fatal or

debilitating for infants. Where are the scientific studies showing

Hepatitis B vaccine is safe to administer with DPT, HIB, IPV, OPV, etc.?

Did anyone doing cost/benefit analysis for those studies include data

showing the higher mortality and serious reactions present in the VAERS

data? Why not? Is there an identifiable genetic marker in those who

suffered convulsive reactions to screen out those vulnerable in the

future? These are all matters for independent scientists to


Another area that leaps out of the VAERS database is something I dubbed

arthritic reactions. These are joint pains, tingling, numbness, aching,

fatigue, etc. I found 2,400 of those reports in just a quick survey of

the first reporting column of VAERS (Hepatitis B vaccine only). Almost

one half of those are serious, involving an ER visit, hospitalization,

death or disablement. These are the type of adverse reactions reported by

many adults who are forced to take the Hepatitis B vaccine for their

jobs. In the reports of such adverse reactions I've taken, the symptoms

do not go away, most patients complain it gets worse over time.

Scientists not corrupted by drug company or CDC/FDA institutional bias

should examine the thousands of VAERS Hepatitis B arthritic reaction

reports and develop a diagnosis of their Hepatitis B vaccine-related


Anyone who doubts if Hepatitis B vaccine adverse reactions exist should

sit down and read the symptoms and text comments of a random selection of

VAERS reports. When one does so, they will find a similar but

wide-ranging list of CNS and liver reactions that occur within days of

vaccination. The Merck package insert claims " Injection site

reactions and systemic complaints were reported following 17% and 15% on

the injections, respectively. " The standard rule of thumb is only

about 10% of reactions are reported to VAERS. So the actual number and

full horror of the Hepatitis B vaccine reaction story is potentially much

larger than even VAERS suggests.

J.B. Handley is co-founder of

Generation Rescue.

in JB Handley,

Vaccines |


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with quotes from Belkin


October 09, 2009

Hepatitis B Vaccine: An Unmitigated Disaster By

J.B. Handley

As most readers of AoA know, the Hep B vaccine was added to the CDC’s

childhood immunization schedule in the early 1990s, requires four doses

before a child is eighteen months old, and is the only vaccine on the

CDC’s schedule that is recommended to be given on an infant’s first day

of life.

What else do we know about this vaccine? Quite a bit, actually. In no

particular order:

1) A recent study published in the journal Neurotoxicology called

“Delayed Acquisition of Neonatal Reflexes in Newborn Primates Receiving a

Thimerosal-containing Hepatitis B Vaccine: Influence of Gestational Age

and Birth Weight” found that monkeys who received a Hepatitis B vaccine

on the first day of life experienced a significant delay in survival

reflexes versus monkeys who received a placebo.

2) A recent study published in the journal the ls of Epidemiology

titled “Hepatitis B Vaccination of Male Neonates and Autism” found that

“Boys who received the hepatitis B vaccine during the first month of life

had 2.94 greater odds for ASD [autism] compared to later- or unvaccinated


3) A recent study published in the journal Neurology called “Hepatitis B

vaccine and the risk of CNS inflammatory demyelination in childhood”

found that the Engerix B vaccine for Hep B (the one my son received)

appears to increase the risk of central nervous system inflammatory


4) A recent study published in Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry

titled “Hepatitis B triple series vaccine and developmental disability in

US children aged 1-9 years” stated " the odds of receiving EIS

[special education services] were approximately nine times as great for

vaccinated boys as for unvaccinated boys after adjustment for

confounders. This study found statistically significant evidence to

suggest that boys in United States who were vaccinated with the triple

series Hepatitis B vaccine, during the time period in which vaccines were

manufactured with thimerosal, were more susceptible to developmental

disability than were unvaccinated boys. "

5) In 2002, the Institute of Medicine (which I personally believe is a

corrupt agent of the vaccine industry but many believe is the final word

on medical issues) published a study titled, “Immunization Safety Review:

Hepatitis B Vaccine and Demyelinating Neurological Disorders” in which

they reached the following non-conclusion: “Additionally, the committee

found that the epidemiological evidence favors rejection of a causal

relationship between the hepatitis B vaccine in adults and multiple

sclerosis. However, the evidence was inadequate to accept or reject a

causal relationship between the hepatitis B vaccine and all other

demyelinating conditions.” (Author’s note: If you’re a vaccine, and you

can’t get an “all clear” from the vaccine-loving IOM, you’re in big


6) Generation Rescue analyzed the vaccine schedules of 30 first-world

countries. 60%, or 18 countries, have Hep B vaccine on their schedule.

That means 12 countries, or 40% of the countries, DO NOT require the Hep

B vaccine, despite the fact that it has been readily available for 19

years. Of countries that do require Hep B vaccine, we could only find a

few Eastern European countries like Bulgaria and Latvia who also give the

shot to babies on the first day of life. Many other countries appear to

pursue a more balanced approach to Hep B vaccine, here are some direct

quotes from country vaccination schedules.

Italy: “Hepatitis B vaccine is administered at birth only to children

born to HBsAg + mothers. Otherwise immunisation starts at 3 months of

age.” Finland: “Hepatitis B vaccine is given only to infants of HbsAg carrier mothers or fathers at the age of 0, 1, 2 and 12 months.” Denmark: “Vaccination against hepatitis B is recommended to children

of HBsAg-positive mothers starting at birth with both hepatitis B

immunoglobulin and one dose of HepB.” Norway: “HepB is recommended for risk groups only.” Sweden: “HepB is only recommended to children considered high-risk

groups. Vaccination is given at birth to infants of mothers positive for

hepatitis B.” The Netherlands: “Only for children born to HBsAg positive mothers.”

The Hepatitis B vaccine addition to the U.S. vaccination schedule for

children is a wildly destructive disaster for seemingly little benefit to

public health. The science proving what a disaster it is will keep


I’d like to wrap this piece up with two remarkable statements from a very

courageous father, Belkin, who lost his infant daughter to a

Hepatitis B vaccine. And, it’s not only this dad’s command of the facts

that makes his statements remarkable, it’s also because these statements

were delivered in public, to both the Advisory Committee on Immunization

Practices, the very group that added Hep B to our schedule, and the U.S.

Congress, TEN YEARS AGO:

Statement #1:



1999) -- Atlanta Georgia

My name is Belkin. I am a father, businessman, former

quantitative strategist at Salomon Brothers, and Director of the

Hepatitis B Vaccine Project of the National Vaccine Information Center


The NVIC has studied Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data

obtained under the Freedom of Information Act covering the last nine

years on hepatitis B vaccine adverse events -- and in 1996 there were

more than three times as many reported serious adverse reactions as

reported cases of the disease in the 0 to 14 age group. Of the total

2,424 adverse event reports made between 1990 and October 1998 in

children under age 14 who only received hepatitis B vaccine, there were

1,209 serious events and 73 deaths. Thus, one half of the reports for

children under age 14 who received only hepatitis B vaccine were for

serious events that required an emergency room visit, hospitalization, or

caused life-threatening health problems or permanent


As a UC Berkeley graduate and advisor to some of the largest financial

institutions in the world, I am qualified to analyze and make conclusions

about statistics. Based on that experience, I am astonished that the

scientists on this Committee would disregard or cover up data showing the

number and severity of adverse reactions to this vaccine. Science is

observing and learning from what is observed. The assertions of the CDC

that the many reported adverse reactions to this vaccine do not exist or

are a coincidence violates the basic principle of science, which is

rooted in the observation and analysis of data.

A benefit/risk analysis of the hepatitis B vaccine for the average infant

in America, not born to infected parents, must conclude that the VAERS

data on adverse reactions shows the real-world risk of a newborn infant

dying or being injured by the hepatitis B vaccine is a greater threat

than the remote chance of contracting the primarily blood-transmitted


My 5-week old daughter, Lyla Rose, died within 16 hours of her hepatitisB

vaccination, which she received because of the universal vaccination

policy this Committee instituted in 1991. At her death, Lyla had four of

the eight highest-reported symptoms in the VAERS hepatitis B vaccine

adverse reaction data. The NY Medical Examiner observed brain swelling at

the autopsy but refused to record that or mention the hepatitis B vaccine

Lyla received in the autopsy report.

I hold each one of you who participated in the promulgation or

perpetuation of that mandated newborn vaccination policy personally

responsible for my daughter's death and the deaths and injuries of all

the other beautiful, healthy infants who are victims of the hepatitis B

vaccine. Your negligence is the proximate cause of my daughter's death

and you have failed to exercise reasonable care.

At the NVIC, we are overwhelmed following up constant new reports of

deaths, seizures and autoimmune reactions following hepatitis B

vaccination. Because the CDC refuses to acknowledge this large number of

serious adverse reactions, hospitals and doctors who have been misled

about the risks continue to administer the vaccine and then deny any

vaccine connection when children die, get ill or have seizures within

hours or days. CDC officials tell parents they have never heard of

hepatitis B vaccine reactions.

That is a lie. For this government to continue to insist that hepatitis B

vaccine adverse reaction reports do not exist is negligent, unethical --

and is a crime against the children of America.

It is a sad day for the U.S. when the nation's children need protection

from the official medical authorities who are charged with protecting

them from disease.

Thank you.

Statement #2:


My daughter Lyla Rose Belkin died on September 16, 1998 at the age of

five weeks, about 15 hours after receiving her second Hepatitis B vaccine

booster shot. Lyla was a lively, alert five-week-old baby when I last

held her in my arms. Little did I imagine as she gazed intently into my

eyes with all the innocence and wonder of a newborn child that she would

die that night. She was never ill before receiving the Hepatitis B shot

that afternoon. At her final feeding that night, she was extremely

agitated, noisy and feisty -- and then she fell asleep suddenly and

stopped breathing. The autopsy ruled out choking. The NY Medical Examiner

ruled her death Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

But the NY Medical Examiner (Dr. Persechino) neglected to mention Lyla's

swollen brain or the hepatitis B vaccine in the autopsy report. The

coroner spoke to my wife and I and our pediatrician (Dr. Zullo) the day

of the autopsy and clearly stated that her brain was swollen. The

pediatrician Dr. Zullo's notes of that conversation are " brain

swollen ... not sure cause yet ... could not see how recombinant vaccine

could cause problem. "

SIDS is a diagnosis of exclusion ..it wasn't this, it wasn't that,

everything has been ruled out and we don't know what it was. A swollen

brain is not SIDS. Through conversations with other experienced

pathologists, I subsequently discovered that brain inflammation is a

classic adverse reaction to vaccination (with any vaccine) in the medical


I set out to do an investigation of the Hepatitis B vaccine and attended

a workshop at the National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine on

" Neo-Natal Death and the Hepatitis B Vaccine, " the Advisory

Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) February meeting, and a debate

in New Hampshire between the Chairman of the ACIP, Dr. Modlin, and Dr.

Waisbren about the safety of the Hepatitis B vaccine. I also obtained the

entire Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database on

Hepatitis B vaccine adverse reactions and have investigated it


These are my conclusions, supported by the following pages of text and

analysis that are too lengthy to present in entirety in the time allotted

for this appearance. Please read the results of my investigation, as it

will help you understand the magnitude of the hepatitis B vaccine


* Newborn babies are not at risk of contracting the hepatitis B disease

unless their mother is infected.

* Hepatitis B is primarily a disease of junkies, gays, and promiscuous


* The vaccine is given to babies because health authorities couldn't get

those risk groups to take the vaccine.

* Adverse reactions out-number cases of the disease in government


* Nothing is being done to investigate those adverse reactions.

* Those adverse reactions include numerous deaths, convulsions and

arthritic conditions that occur within days after

* The CDC is misrepresenting hypothetical, estimated disease statistics

as real cases of the disease.

* The ACIP is recommending new vaccines for premature infants without

having scientific studies proving they are safe.

* The U.S. vaccine recommendation process is hopelessly compromised by

conflicts of interest with vaccine manufacturers, the American Academy of

Pediatrics and the CDC.

Conclusion: If (as with the recently-recommended rotavirus vaccine)

Hepatitis B vaccine was recommended in 1991 without scientific proof that

it was safe in a broad sample of racially and genetically diverse babies

less than 48 hours old before they established that recommendation, then

the CDC has been experimenting on babies like guinea pigs and this

Committee should suspend that universal immunization policy.

The Hepatitis B vaccine was effectively mandated in 1991 for universal

immunization of newborn babies by the Advisory Committee on Immunization

Practices (ACIP) -- an adjunct of the Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention (CDC). Paradoxically, the CDC's own Fact Sheet on the

Hepatitis B disease does not include newborn babies as a risk group for

that disease. That Fact Sheet lists the risk groups as injection drug

users, homosexual men, sexually active heterosexuals, infants/children of

immigrants from disease-endemic areas, low socio-economic level,

sexual/household contacts of infected persons, infants born to infected

mothers, health care workers and hemodialysis patients NOT NEWBORN


Question: Why then, did the ACIP establish a policy mandating that

newborn babies not at risk of the disease be automatically administered

the 3-shot Hepatitis B vaccine as their first involuntary indoctrination

into the pediatric care of America?

Answer: Here is that rationale from the original ACIP 1991

statement establishing the official vaccination policy " Hepatitis B

Virus: A Comprehensive Strategy for Eliminating Transmission in the

United States Through Universal Childhood Vaccination ... " " In

the United States, most infections occur among adults and adolescents ...

The recommended strategy for preventing these infections has been the

selective vaccination of persons with identified risk factors ...

However, this strategy has not lowered the incidence of Hepatitis B,

primarily because vaccinating persons engaged in high-risk behaviors,

life-styles, or occupations before they become infected generally has not

been feasible ... Efforts to vaccinate persons in the major risk groups

have had limited success. For example, programs directed at injecting

drug users failed to motivate them to receive three doses of vaccine ...

In the United States it has become evident that HBV transmission cannot

be prevented through vaccinating only the groups at high risk of

infection ... In the long term, universal infant vaccination would

eliminate the need for vaccinating adolescents and high-risk adults ...

Hepatitis B vaccination is recommended for all infants, regardless of the

HBsAg status of the mother ... The first dose can be administered during

the newborn period, preferably before the infant is discharged from the

hospital, but no later than when the infant is 2 months of age ... "

(emphasis added).

So in the CDC and ACIP's own words, almost every newborn U.S. baby is now

greeted on its entry into the world by a vaccine injection against a

sexually transmitted disease for which the baby is not at risk -- because

they couldn't get the junkies, prostitutes, homosexuals and promiscuous

heterosexuals to take the vaccine. That is the essence of the Hepatitis B

universal vaccination program.

Question: What are the risks and benefits for administering this

vaccine to infants?

Answer: Hepatitis B is a rare, mainly blood-transmitted disease.

In 1996, only 54 cases of the disease were reported to the CDC in the 0-1

age group. There were 3.9 million births that year, so the observed

incidence of hepatitis B in the 0-1 age group was just 0.001%. In the

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), there were 1,080 total

reports of adverse reactions from Hepatitis B vaccine in 1996 in the 0-1

age group, with 47 deaths reported. Total VAERS Hepatitis B reports for

the 0-1 age group outnumber reported cases of the disease 20 to


Question: Why don't they just screen the mother to see if she is

infected with Hepatitis B (since that's about the only way a baby is

likely to get the disease), instead of vaccinating all infants?

Answer: Selling vaccines is extremely profitable and the process

of mandating vaccines is fraught with conflicts of interest between

vaccine manufacturers, the ACIP and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

The business model of having the government mandate everyone must buy

your product is a monopolist's delight.

Question: What studies are being done on the data from the FDA's

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)?

Answer: Absolutely nothing. The 25,000 reports are going into a

drawer and being forgotten.

How many reports are enough to show a drug or vaccine is dangerous --

2,500? 25,000? 250,000? Chen of the CDC and Ellenberg of the FDA monitor

this data, write reports and deliver speeches about how VAERS Hepatitis B

adverse reaction reports show nothing out of the ordinary and show

" the relative safety of HB vaccine when given to neonates and

infants. " VAERS shows nothing of the kind. TAKE A LOOK AT THE VAERS


The health authorities continue to negligently downplay the steady stream

of serious adverse reactions to this vaccine and more infants and adults

continue to die and suffer central nervous system and liver damage after

HB vaccination.

Question: Why do the CDC, ACIP and Merck say that there are

140,000-320,000 new infections/yr (70,000-160,000 symptomatic

infections/yr) when their own CDC data shows only 10,000 reported cases


Answer: They are passing off estimated, hypothetical numbers as

actual cases. This is statistical fraud. In the financial world such

mis-representation would lead to criminal charges. If a company inflated

its earnings or revenues by 300% (as the CDC does hepatitis B disease

statistics) and foisted those figures off as official data (and not some

back-of-the-envelope guess-timate) -- that company would be investigated

by the SEC and sued by shareholders. Why doesn't that happen in the

medical world? There's no regulator to keep the CDC honest. They do not

say those figures are hypothetical estimates, they misrepresent the data.

Go try to audit those 320,000 supposed new infections/yr. You will not

find them. The whole exercise is designed to increase public hysteria

about the risk of a low-risk disease so the CDC can extend it's pervasive

influence and Merck can increase it's $900 million/year vaccine


Question: What process does the Center for Disease Control employ

to make a vaccine recommendation?

I attended the February Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices

(ACIP) meeting in Atlanta and was absolutely appalled. Every vote by the

Committee on new vaccine mandates was unanimous (except for one

dissenting vote on Rotavirus vaccine for premature infants). There was

hardly any discussion of adverse reactions, the ACIP simply

rubber-stamped every proposal on the agenda. I call it Vaccination

Without Representation. In one instance, the ACIP passed a recommendation

for Rotavirus vaccine for premature infants even though no scientific

studies had been done showing it was medically safe. Dr. Modlin,

(Chairman of the ACIP), said in a pro-Hepatitis B vaccine debate in New

Hampshire " How do we determine whether something is scientifically

valid or not? ... 1) Is the theory biologically plausible? 2) Has it been

tested by appropriate methods? 3) Is the study well concluded? 4) Are the

results statistically sound? " But at the February ACIP meeting, when

it came time for the ACIP to rubber-stamp approval of Rotavirus vaccine

for premature infants, here are Modlin's quotes from the official

transcript: " ... available data are insufficient to fully establish

the safety and efficacy of rotavirus vaccine in premature infants ...

there is a section under Adverse Events that details what little

information there actually are with respect to premature infants ... To

my knowledge we don't have data from a clinical trial specifically ...

Some bit of information from Seattle, as I recall, that had suggested

there was a slight increase in relative risk for hospitalization for

premature infants ... Obviously a situation where we have to make a

judgment in the absence of data, and with a vaccine that has not yet been

tested in the group ... " (ACIP transcript, pages 102-112) Modlin

then held a vote and the recommendation for premature infants passed nine

to one -- Modlin voted yes, Dr. Glode against. This is a clear example of

how the medical bureaucracy (led by the CDC and ACIP), is recommending

vaccines without scientific evidence that those vaccines are safe in a

broad sample of racially and genetically diverse infants.

What Should Be Done? This Committee should investigate the 1991 ACIP

recommendation establishing universal hepatitis B vaccination of newborn

babies in the hospital -- and if (as with the Rotavirus vaccine example

above) no studies were done to prove this was safe in a broad sample of

racially and genetically diverse babies less than 48 hours old before

they established that recommendation, then the CDC has been experimenting

on babies like guinea pigs and this Committee should suspend that

universal immunization policy.

VAERS ANALYSIS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System)

I studied statistics at the University Of California at Berkeley and went

on to develop sophisticated proprietary risk/reward statistical models at

Salomon Brothers from 1986-91 -- and in my subsequent, ongoing business

provide statistical economic and financial forecasts to mutual funds,

investment banks, pension funds and hedge funds.

I studied VAERS Hepatitis B vaccine data obtained by the National Vaccine

Information Center (NVIC) under the Freedom of Information Act. The data

has some flaws (incomplete fields, some multiple reports) but any

qualified, impartial quantitative analyst or statistician not affiliated

with Merck, kline, the CDC, the FDA or the AAP who examines these

reports will find a clear and undeniable pattern of central nervous

system (CNS) and liver disease striking thousands of people within 0-4

days after vaccination with Hepatitis B vaccine. These reports have been

ignored, explained away, or considered " acceptable " by the FDA,

CDC and drug companies. This Committee should launch an investigation of

the VAERS Hepatitis B data by a team of independent scientists not

beholden to vaccine manufacturers or the FDA/CDC bureaucracy. The

following is intended to be a starting point for such an investigation.

This does not profess to be a complete, exhaustive analysis -- simply an

overview, highlighting aspects of the data that may not previously have

been brought to your attention.

The total 24,775 VAERS Hepatitis B reports from July 1990 to October 31,

1998 show 439 deaths and 9673 serious reactions involving emergency room

visits, hospitalization, disablement or death. Therefore, more than one

third of total reports were serious events. 17,497 of those total reports

were for Hepatitis B vaccine only, the remainder were vaccine cocktails

where hepatitis B was administered along with DPT, HIB, IPV, OPV,


The Hepatitis-B-vaccine-only reports show a shocking cluster of reactions

in females starting in their teenage years (the male/female reporting

ratio is balanced before age 16). For ages 16-55, 77% of VAERS reports

are women -- more than three times as many women as men are reporting

adverse reactions to Hepatitis B vaccine. The median onset of adverse

event after vaccination is one day, 70% of reactions happen within four

days of vaccination. Independent scientists should investigate why

females are more disposed to have adverse reactions to Hepatitis B

vaccine and/or report them to VAERS. One possible explanation is that

nurses have to take this vaccine for their jobs and are thus more exposed

than most adults to Hepatitis B vaccine adverse reactions. Rather than

dismiss that factor as an " over-reporting bias " as Dr. Chen of

the CDC did at the February ACIP meeting, perhaps investigators might

consider that nurses are alert health care workers and ought to be

listened to with regard to the dangers of adverse events with any vaccine

(rather than ignored). Personal case studies reported to the author have

showed many teenage girls getting severe, debilitating adverse reactions

to Hepatitis B vaccine, having nothing to do with nursing. Do women have

a greater vulnerability to auto-immune reactions to Hepatitis B vaccine?

Is the government discriminating against women by administering this

vaccine without regard for genetic risk of CNS and liver disease? Those

are questions that independent scientists should investigate.

A second area of concern is the VAERS reports involving Hepatitis B

vaccine administered with other vaccines (vaccine cocktails). Health

officials are fond of dismissing those reports as being attributable to

Hepatitis B vaccine, because of the multiple other antigens present

(almost as if they wanted to cloak Hepatitis B vaccine reactions from

scrutiny). Let's avoid that controversy and focus on the extremely

disturbing VAERS data of Hepatitis B vaccine with other vaccines. These

reports amount to only one third of total reports (7,275), but account

for two thirds of total deaths (291). The median onset of those deaths

was 2 days after vaccination -- displaying a clear temporal association.

The median age of death was 0.5 years in this group. 50% of all

Hepatitis-B-vaccine-cocktail reports were serious (died, emergency room,

hospitalized, disabled). I grouped convulsive reactions together from the

Hep-B-vaccine-cocktail data and found a deeply disturbing pattern. These

were anything labeled convulsions, seizures or tremors in the VAERS

Hep-B-cocktail data. Of the 1189 such reports, fully 80% (950) were

serious (died, ER, hospitalized, disabled) median age 0.5 years, median

onset after vaccination 0 days (less than one day). Someone should do

follow-up and find out what happened to those poor infants who suffered

severe convulsions after a Hepatitis B-multi-vaccine cocktail. In the

personal reports I've taken of similar adverse reactions, the children

were left brain-damaged and developmentally disabled. Looking beyond the

debate over whether VAERS reports of vaccine cocktails can be attributed

to Hepatitis B, the data strongly suggests combining multiple vaccines

may be convenient and profitable for pediatricians -- but fatal or

debilitating for infants. Where are the scientific studies showing

Hepatitis B vaccine is safe to administer with DPT, HIB, IPV, OPV, etc.?

Did anyone doing cost/benefit analysis for those studies include data

showing the higher mortality and serious reactions present in the VAERS

data? Why not? Is there an identifiable genetic marker in those who

suffered convulsive reactions to screen out those vulnerable in the

future? These are all matters for independent scientists to


Another area that leaps out of the VAERS database is something I dubbed

arthritic reactions. These are joint pains, tingling, numbness, aching,

fatigue, etc. I found 2,400 of those reports in just a quick survey of

the first reporting column of VAERS (Hepatitis B vaccine only). Almost

one half of those are serious, involving an ER visit, hospitalization,

death or disablement. These are the type of adverse reactions reported by

many adults who are forced to take the Hepatitis B vaccine for their

jobs. In the reports of such adverse reactions I've taken, the symptoms

do not go away, most patients complain it gets worse over time.

Scientists not corrupted by drug company or CDC/FDA institutional bias

should examine the thousands of VAERS Hepatitis B arthritic reaction

reports and develop a diagnosis of their Hepatitis B vaccine-related


Anyone who doubts if Hepatitis B vaccine adverse reactions exist should

sit down and read the symptoms and text comments of a random selection of

VAERS reports. When one does so, they will find a similar but

wide-ranging list of CNS and liver reactions that occur within days of

vaccination. The Merck package insert claims " Injection site

reactions and systemic complaints were reported following 17% and 15% on

the injections, respectively. " The standard rule of thumb is only

about 10% of reactions are reported to VAERS. So the actual number and

full horror of the Hepatitis B vaccine reaction story is potentially much

larger than even VAERS suggests.

J.B. Handley is co-founder of

Generation Rescue.

in JB Handley,

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I'm so grateful my children missed getting this vaccine by a hair.

One comment: He's wrong about four doses being required. It's three doses. They permit four if a dose happens to be included with a combination vaccine, but the fourth is not required: (http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/recs/schedules/downloads/child/2009/09_0-6yrs_schedule_pr.pdf)

Winnie Hepatitis B Vaccine: An Unmitigated DisasterRecipient list suppressed: ;> with quotes from Belkin> > http://www.ageofautism.com/2009/10/hepatitis-b-vaccine-an-> unmitigated-disaster-.html> > > October 09, 2009> > > > > Hepatitis B Vaccine: An Unmitigated Disaster> > By J.B. Handley> > As most readers of AoA know, the Hep B vaccine was added to the > CDC's > childhood immunization schedule in the early 1990s, requires > four > doses before a child is eighteen months old, and is the only > vaccine > on the CDC's schedule that is recommended to be given on an > infant's > first day of life.> > What else do we know about this vaccine? Quite a bit, actually. > In no > particular order:> > 1) A recent study published in the journal Neurotoxicology > called > "Delayed Acquisition of Neonatal Reflexes in Newborn Primates > Receiving a Thimerosal-containing Hepatitis B Vaccine: Influence > of > Gestational Age and Birth Weight" found that monkeys who > received a > Hepatitis B vaccine on the first day of life experienced a > significant delay in survival reflexes versus monkeys who > received a placebo.> > 2) A recent study published in the journal the ls of > Epidemiology > titled "Hepatitis B Vaccination of Male Neonates and Autism" > found > that "Boys who received the hepatitis B vaccine during the first > month of life had 2.94 greater odds for ASD [autism] compared to > later- or unvaccinated boys."> > 3) A recent study published in the journal Neurology called > "Hepatitis B vaccine and the risk of CNS inflammatory > demyelination > in childhood" found that the Engerix B vaccine for Hep B (the > one my > son received) appears to increase the risk of central nervous > system > inflammatory demyelination.> > 4) A recent study published in Toxicological and Environmental > Chemistry titled "Hepatitis B triple series vaccine and > developmental > disability in US children aged 1-9 years" stated "the odds of > receiving EIS [special education services] were approximately > nine > times as great for vaccinated boys as for unvaccinated boys > after > adjustment for confounders. This study found statistically > significant evidence to suggest that boys in United States who > were > vaccinated with the triple series Hepatitis B vaccine, during > the > time period in which vaccines were manufactured with thimerosal, > were > more susceptible to developmental disability than were > unvaccinated boys."> > 5) In 2002, the Institute of Medicine (which I personally > believe is > a corrupt agent of the vaccine industry but many believe is the > final > word on medical issues) published a study titled, "Immunization > Safety Review: Hepatitis B Vaccine and Demyelinating > Neurological > Disorders" in which they reached the following non-conclusion: > "Additionally, the committee found that the epidemiological > evidence > favors rejection of a causal relationship between the hepatitis > B > vaccine in adults and multiple sclerosis. However, the evidence > was > inadequate to accept or reject a causal relationship between the > hepatitis B vaccine and all other demyelinating conditions." > (Author's note: If you're a vaccine, and you can't get an "all > clear" > from the vaccine-loving IOM, you're in big trouble.")> > 6) Generation Rescue analyzed the vaccine schedules of 30 first-> world > countries. 60%, or 18 countries, have Hep B vaccine on their > schedule. That means 12 countries, or 40% of the countries, DO > NOT > require the Hep B vaccine, despite the fact that it has been > readily > available for 19 years. Of countries that do require Hep B > vaccine, > we could only find a few Eastern European countries like > Bulgaria and > Latvia who also give the shot to babies on the first day of > life. > Many other countries appear to pursue a more balanced approach > to Hep > B vaccine, here are some direct quotes from country vaccination > schedules. * Italy: "Hepatitis B vaccine is administered at > birth only to > children born to HBsAg + mothers. Otherwise immunisation starts > at 3 > months of age."> * Finland: "Hepatitis B vaccine is given only to infants of HbsAg> * carrier mothers or fathers at the age of 0, 1, 2 and 12 months."> * Denmark: "Vaccination against hepatitis B is recommended > to > children of HBsAg-positive mothers starting at birth with both > hepatitis B immunoglobulin and one dose of HepB."> * Norway: "HepB is recommended for risk groups only."> * Sweden: "HepB is only recommended to children considered > high-risk groups. Vaccination is given at birth to infants of > mothers > positive for hepatitis B."> * The Netherlands: "Only for children born to HBsAg positive > mothers."> The Hepatitis B vaccine addition to the U.S. vaccination > schedule for > children is a wildly destructive disaster for seemingly little > benefit to public health. The science proving what a disaster it > is > will keep coming.> > I'd like to wrap this piece up with two remarkable statements > from a > very courageous father, Belkin, who lost his infant > daughter > to a Hepatitis B vaccine. And, it's not only this dad's command > of > the facts that makes his statements remarkable, it's also > because > these statements were delivered in public, to both the Advisory > Committee on Immunization Practices, the very group that added > Hep B > to our schedule, and the U.S. Congress, TEN YEARS AGO:> > Statement #1:> > TESTIMONY OF MICHAEL BELKIN BEFORE THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON > IMMUNIZATION PRACTICES -- CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND > PREVENTION > (February 17, 1999) -- Atlanta Georgia> > My name is Belkin. I am a father, businessman, former > quantitative strategist at Salomon Brothers, and Director of the > Hepatitis B Vaccine Project of the National Vaccine Information > Center (NVIC).> > The NVIC has studied Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System > (VAERS) > data obtained under the Freedom of Information Act covering the > last > nine years on hepatitis B vaccine adverse events -- and in 1996 > there > were more than three times as many reported serious adverse > reactions > as reported cases of the disease in the 0 to 14 age group. Of > the > total 2,424 adverse event reports made between 1990 and October > 1998 > in children under age 14 who only received hepatitis B vaccine, > there > were 1,209 serious events and 73 deaths. Thus, one half of the > reports for children under age 14 who received only hepatitis B > vaccine were for serious events that required an emergency room > visit, hospitalization, or caused life-threatening health > problems or > permanent disabilities.> > As a UC Berkeley graduate and advisor to some of the largest > financial institutions in the world, I am qualified to analyze > and > make conclusions about statistics. Based on that experience, I > am > astonished that the scientists on this Committee would disregard > or > cover up data showing the number and severity of adverse > reactions to > this vaccine. Science is observing and learning from what is > observed. The assertions of the CDC that the many reported > adverse > reactions to this vaccine do not exist or are a coincidence > violates > the basic principle of science, which is rooted in the > observation > and analysis of data.> A benefit/risk analysis of the hepatitis B vaccine for the > average > infant in America, not born to infected parents, must conclude > that > the VAERS data on adverse reactions shows the real-world risk of > a > newborn infant dying or being injured by the hepatitis B vaccine > is a > greater threat than the remote chance of contracting the > primarily > blood-transmitted disease.> > My 5-week old daughter, Lyla Rose, died within 16 hours of her > hepatitisB vaccination, which she received because of the > universal > vaccination policy this Committee instituted in 1991. At her > death, > Lyla had four of the eight highest-reported symptoms in the > VAERS > hepatitis B vaccine adverse reaction data. The NY Medical > Examiner > observed brain swelling at the autopsy but refused to record > that or > mention the hepatitis B vaccine Lyla received in the autopsy report.> > I hold each one of you who participated in the promulgation or > perpetuation of that mandated newborn vaccination policy > personally > responsible for my daughter's death and the deaths and injuries > of > all the other beautiful, healthy infants who are victims of the > hepatitis B vaccine. Your negligence is the proximate cause of > my > daughter's death and you have failed to exercise reasonable care.> > At the NVIC, we are overwhelmed following up constant new > reports of > deaths, seizures and autoimmune reactions following hepatitis B > vaccination. Because the CDC refuses to acknowledge this large > number > of serious adverse reactions, hospitals and doctors who have > been > misled about the risks continue to administer the vaccine and > then > deny any vaccine connection when children die, get ill or have > seizures within hours or days. CDC officials tell parents they > have > never heard of hepatitis B vaccine reactions.> > That is a lie. For this government to continue to insist that > hepatitis B vaccine adverse reaction reports do not exist is > negligent, unethical -- and is a crime against the children of > America.> It is a sad day for the U.S. when the nation's children need > protection from the official medical authorities who are charged > with > protecting them from disease.> Thank you.> > Statement #2:> > MICHAEL BELKIN TESTIMONY TO U.S. CONGRESS (Tuesday May 18, 1999)> > My daughter Lyla Rose Belkin died on September 16, 1998 at the > age of > five weeks, about 15 hours after receiving her second Hepatitis > B > vaccine booster shot. Lyla was a lively, alert five-week-old > baby > when I last held her in my arms. Little did I imagine as she > gazed > intently into my eyes with all the innocence and wonder of a > newborn > child that she would die that night. She was never ill before > receiving the Hepatitis B shot that afternoon. At her final > feeding > that night, she was extremely agitated, noisy and feisty -- and > then > she fell asleep suddenly and stopped breathing. The autopsy > ruled out > choking. The NY Medical Examiner ruled her death Sudden Infant > Death > Syndrome (SIDS).> > But the NY Medical Examiner (Dr. Persechino) neglected to > mention > Lyla's swollen brain or the hepatitis B vaccine in the autopsy > report. The coroner spoke to my wife and I and our pediatrician > (Dr. > Zullo) the day of the autopsy and clearly stated that her brain > was > swollen. The pediatrician Dr. Zullo's notes of that conversation > are > "brain swollen ... not sure cause yet ... could not see how > recombinant vaccine could cause problem."> > SIDS is a diagnosis of exclusion ..it wasn't this, it wasn't > that, > everything has been ruled out and we don't know what it was. A > swollen brain is not SIDS. Through conversations with other > experienced pathologists, I subsequently discovered that brain > inflammation is a classic adverse reaction to vaccination (with > any > vaccine) in the medical literature.> I set out to do an investigation of the Hepatitis B vaccine and > attended a workshop at the National Academy of Sciences, > Institute of > Medicine on "Neo-Natal Death and the Hepatitis B Vaccine," the > Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) February > meeting, > and a debate in New Hampshire between the Chairman of the ACIP, > Dr. > Modlin, and Dr. Waisbren about the safety of the Hepatitis B > vaccine. > I also obtained the entire Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting > System > (VAERS) database on Hepatitis B vaccine adverse reactions and > have > investigated it thoroughly.> > These are my conclusions, supported by the following pages of > text > and analysis that are too lengthy to present in entirety in the > time > allotted for this appearance. Please read the results of my > investigation, as it will help you understand the magnitude of > the > hepatitis B vaccine issue.> > * Newborn babies are not at risk of contracting the hepatitis B > disease unless their mother is infected.> > * Hepatitis B is primarily a disease of junkies, gays, and > promiscuous heterosexuals.> > * The vaccine is given to babies because health authorities > couldn't > get those risk groups to take the vaccine.> > * Adverse reactions out-number cases of the disease in > government statistics.> > * Nothing is being done to investigate those adverse reactions.> > * Those adverse reactions include numerous deaths, convulsions > and > arthritic conditions that occur within days after> > * The CDC is misrepresenting hypothetical, estimated disease > statistics as real cases of the disease.> > * The ACIP is recommending new vaccines for premature infants > without > having scientific studies proving they are safe.> > * The U.S. vaccine recommendation process is hopelessly > compromised > by conflicts of interest with vaccine manufacturers, the > American > Academy of Pediatrics and the CDC.> Conclusion: If (as with the recently-recommended rotavirus > vaccine) > Hepatitis B vaccine was recommended in 1991 without scientific > proof > that it was safe in a broad sample of racially and genetically > diverse babies less than 48 hours old before they established > that > recommendation, then the CDC has been experimenting on babies > like > guinea pigs and this Committee should suspend that universal > immunization policy.> > The Hepatitis B vaccine was effectively mandated in 1991 for > universal immunization of newborn babies by the Advisory > Committee on > Immunization Practices (ACIP) -- an adjunct of the Centers for > Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Paradoxically, the CDC's > own > Fact Sheet on the Hepatitis B disease does not include newborn > babies > as a risk group for that disease. That Fact Sheet lists the risk > groups as injection drug users, homosexual men, sexually active > heterosexuals, infants/children of immigrants from disease-> endemic > areas, low socio-economic level, sexual/household contacts of > infected persons, infants born to infected mothers, health care > workers and hemodialysis patients NOT NEWBORN BABIES.> > Question: Why then, did the ACIP establish a policy mandating > that > newborn babies not at risk of the disease be automatically > administered the 3-shot Hepatitis B vaccine as their first > involuntary indoctrination into the pediatric care of America?> > Answer: Here is that rationale from the original ACIP 1991 > statement > establishing the official vaccination policy "Hepatitis B Virus: > A > Comprehensive Strategy for Eliminating Transmission in the > United > States Through Universal Childhood Vaccination ..." "In the > United > States, most infections occur among adults and adolescents ... > The > recommended strategy for preventing these infections has been > the > selective vaccination of persons with identified risk factors > ... > However, this strategy has not lowered the incidence of > Hepatitis B, > primarily because vaccinating persons engaged in high-risk > behaviors, > life-styles, or occupations before they become infected > generally has > not been feasible ... Efforts to vaccinate persons in the major > risk > groups have had limited success. For example, programs directed > at > injecting drug users failed to motivate them to receive three > doses > of vaccine ... In the United States it has become evident that > HBV > transmission cannot be prevented through vaccinating only the > groups > at high risk of infection ... In the long term, universal infant > vaccination would eliminate the need for vaccinating adolescents > and > high-risk adults ... Hepatitis B vaccination is recommended for > all > infants, regardless of the HBsAg status of the mother ... The > first > dose can be administered during the newborn period, preferably > before > the infant is discharged from the hospital, but no later than > when > the infant is 2 months of age ..." (emphasis added).> > So in the CDC and ACIP's own words, almost every newborn U.S. > baby is > now greeted on its entry into the world by a vaccine injection > against a sexually transmitted disease for which the baby is not > at > risk -- because they couldn't get the junkies, prostitutes, > homosexuals and promiscuous heterosexuals to take the vaccine. > That > is the essence of the Hepatitis B universal vaccination program.> > Question: What are the risks and benefits for administering this > vaccine to infants?> > Answer: Hepatitis B is a rare, mainly blood-transmitted disease. > In > 1996, only 54 cases of the disease were reported to the CDC in > the > 0-1 age group. There were 3.9 million births that year, so the > observed incidence of hepatitis B in the 0-1 age group was just > 0.001%. In the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), > there > were 1,080 total reports of adverse reactions from Hepatitis B > vaccine in 1996 in the 0-1 age group, with 47 deaths reported. > Total > VAERS Hepatitis B reports for the 0-1 age group outnumber > reported > cases of the disease 20 to 1.> > Question: Why don't they just screen the mother to see if she is > infected with Hepatitis B (since that's about the only way a > baby is > likely to get the disease), instead of vaccinating all infants?> > Answer: Selling vaccines is extremely profitable and the process > of > mandating vaccines is fraught with conflicts of interest between > vaccine manufacturers, the ACIP and the American Academy of > Pediatrics. The business model of having the government mandate > everyone must buy your product is a monopolist's delight.> > Question: What studies are being done on the data from the FDA's > Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)?> > Answer: Absolutely nothing. The 25,000 reports are going into a > drawer and being forgotten.> > How many reports are enough to show a drug or vaccine is > dangerous -- > 2,500? 25,000? 250,000? Chen of the CDC and Ellenberg of the FDA > monitor this data, write reports and deliver speeches about how > VAERS > Hepatitis B adverse reaction reports show nothing out of the > ordinary > and show "the relative safety of HB vaccine when given to > neonates > and infants." VAERS shows nothing of the kind. TAKE A LOOK AT > THE > VAERS DATA YOURSELF.> > The health authorities continue to negligently downplay the > steady > stream of serious adverse reactions to this vaccine and more > infants > and adults continue to die and suffer central nervous system and > liver damage after HB vaccination.> > Question: Why do the CDC, ACIP and Merck say that there are > 140,000-320,000 new infections/yr (70,000-160,000 symptomatic > infections/yr) when their own CDC data shows only 10,000 > reported cases year?> > Answer: They are passing off estimated, hypothetical numbers as > actual cases. This is statistical fraud. In the financial world > such > mis-representation would lead to criminal charges. If a company > inflated its earnings or revenues by 300% (as the CDC does > hepatitis > B disease statistics) and foisted those figures off as official > data > (and not some back-of-the-envelope guess-timate) -- that company > would be investigated by the SEC and sued by shareholders. Why > doesn't that happen in the medical world? There's no regulator > to > keep the CDC honest. They do not say those figures are > hypothetical > estimates, they misrepresent the data. Go try to audit those > 320,000 > supposed new infections/yr. You will not find them. The whole > exercise is designed to increase public hysteria about the risk > of a > low-risk disease so the CDC can extend it's pervasive influence > and > Merck can increase it's $900 million/year vaccine revenues.> > Question: What process does the Center for Disease Control > employ to > make a vaccine recommendation?> > I attended the February Advisory Committee on Immunization > Practices > (ACIP) meeting in Atlanta and was absolutely appalled. Every > vote by > the Committee on new vaccine mandates was unanimous (except for > one > dissenting vote on Rotavirus vaccine for premature infants). > There > was hardly any discussion of adverse reactions, the ACIP simply > rubber-stamped every proposal on the agenda. I call it > Vaccination > Without Representation. In one instance, the ACIP passed a > recommendation for Rotavirus vaccine for premature infants even > though no scientific studies had been done showing it was > medically > safe. Dr. Modlin, (Chairman of the ACIP), said in a pro-> Hepatitis B > vaccine debate in New Hampshire "How do we determine whether > something is scientifically valid or not? ... 1) Is the theory > biologically plausible? 2) Has it been tested by appropriate > methods? > 3) Is the study well concluded? 4) Are the results statistically > sound?" But at the February ACIP meeting, when it came time for > the > ACIP to rubber-stamp approval of Rotavirus vaccine for premature > infants, here are Modlin's quotes from the official transcript: > "... > available data are insufficient to fully establish the safety > and > efficacy of rotavirus vaccine in premature infants ... there is > a > section under Adverse Events that details what little > information > there actually are with respect to premature infants ... To my > knowledge we don't have data from a clinical trial specifically > ... > Some bit of information from Seattle, as I recall, that had > suggested > there was a slight increase in relative risk for hospitalization > for > premature infants ... Obviously a situation where we have to > make a > judgment in the absence of data, and with a vaccine that has not > yet > been tested in the group ..." (ACIP transcript, pages 102-112) > Modlin > then held a vote and the recommendation for premature infants > passed > nine to one -- Modlin voted yes, Dr. Glode against. This is a > clear > example of how the medical bureaucracy (led by the CDC and > ACIP), is > recommending vaccines without scientific evidence that those > vaccines > are safe in a broad sample of racially and genetically diverse > infants.> What Should Be Done? This Committee should investigate the 1991 > ACIP > recommendation establishing universal hepatitis B vaccination of > newborn babies in the hospital -- and if (as with the Rotavirus > vaccine example above) no studies were done to prove this was > safe in > a broad sample of racially and genetically diverse babies less > than > 48 hours old before they established that recommendation, then > the > CDC has been experimenting on babies like guinea pigs and this > Committee should suspend that universal immunization policy.> VAERS ANALYSIS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System)> > I studied statistics at the University Of California at Berkeley > and > went on to develop sophisticated proprietary risk/reward > statistical > models at Salomon Brothers from 1986-91 -- and in my subsequent, > ongoing business provide statistical economic and financial > forecasts > to mutual funds, investment banks, pension funds and hedge funds.> > I studied VAERS Hepatitis B vaccine data obtained by the > National > Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) under the Freedom of > Information > Act. The data has some flaws (incomplete fields, some multiple > reports) but any qualified, impartial quantitative analyst or > statistician not affiliated with Merck, kline, the CDC, the > FDA > or the AAP who examines these reports will find a clear and > undeniable pattern of central nervous system (CNS) and liver > disease > striking thousands of people within 0-4 days after vaccination > with > Hepatitis B vaccine. These reports have been ignored, explained > away, > or considered "acceptable" by the FDA, CDC and drug companies. > This > Committee should launch an investigation of the VAERS Hepatitis > B > data by a team of independent scientists not beholden to vaccine > manufacturers or the FDA/CDC bureaucracy. The following is > intended > to be a starting point for such an investigation. This does not > profess to be a complete, exhaustive analysis -- simply an > overview, > highlighting aspects of the data that may not previously have > been > brought to your attention.> > The total 24,775 VAERS Hepatitis B reports from July 1990 to > October > 31, 1998 show 439 deaths and 9673 serious reactions involving > emergency room visits, hospitalization, disablement or death. > Therefore, more than one third of total reports were serious > events. > 17,497 of those total reports were for Hepatitis B vaccine only, > the > remainder were vaccine cocktails where hepatitis B was > administered > along with DPT, HIB, IPV, OPV, etc.> > The Hepatitis-B-vaccine-only reports show a shocking cluster of > reactions in females starting in their teenage years (the > male/female > reporting ratio is balanced before age 16). For ages 16-55, 77% > of > VAERS reports are women -- more than three times as many women > as men > are reporting adverse reactions to Hepatitis B vaccine. The > median > onset of adverse event after vaccination is one day, 70% of > reactions > happen within four days of vaccination. Independent scientists > should > investigate why females are more disposed to have adverse > reactions > to Hepatitis B vaccine and/or report them to VAERS. One possible > explanation is that nurses have to take this vaccine for their > jobs > and are thus more exposed than most adults to Hepatitis B > vaccine > adverse reactions. Rather than dismiss that factor as an > "over-reporting bias" as Dr. Chen of the CDC did at the February > ACIP > meeting, perhaps investigators might consider that nurses are > alert > health care workers and ought to be listened to with regard to > the > dangers of adverse events with any vaccine (rather than > ignored). > Personal case studies reported to the author have showed many > teenage > girls getting severe, debilitating adverse reactions to > Hepatitis B > vaccine, having nothing to do with nursing. Do women have a > greater > vulnerability to auto-immune reactions to Hepatitis B vaccine? > Is the > government discriminating against women by administering this > vaccine > without regard for genetic risk of CNS and liver disease? Those > are > questions that independent scientists should investigate.> > A second area of concern is the VAERS reports involving > Hepatitis B > vaccine administered with other vaccines (vaccine cocktails). > Health > officials are fond of dismissing those reports as being > attributable > to Hepatitis B vaccine, because of the multiple other antigens > present (almost as if they wanted to cloak Hepatitis B vaccine > reactions from scrutiny). Let's avoid that controversy and focus > on > the extremely disturbing VAERS data of Hepatitis B vaccine with > other > vaccines. These reports amount to only one third of total > reports > (7,275), but account for two thirds of total deaths (291). The > median > onset of those deaths was 2 days after vaccination -- displaying > a > clear temporal association. The median age of death was 0.5 > years in > this group. 50% of all Hepatitis-B-vaccine-cocktail reports were > serious (died, emergency room, hospitalized, disabled). I > grouped > convulsive reactions together from the Hep-B-vaccine-cocktail > data > and found a deeply disturbing pattern. These were anything > labeled > convulsions, seizures or tremors in the VAERS Hep-B-cocktail > data. Of > the 1189 such reports, fully 80% (950) were serious (died, ER, > hospitalized, disabled) median age 0.5 years, median onset after > vaccination 0 days (less than one day). Someone should do follow-> up > and find out what happened to those poor infants who suffered > severe > convulsions after a Hepatitis B-multi-vaccine cocktail. In the > personal reports I've taken of similar adverse reactions, the > children were left brain-damaged and developmentally disabled. > Looking beyond the debate over whether VAERS reports of vaccine > cocktails can be attributed to Hepatitis B, the data strongly > suggests combining multiple vaccines may be convenient and > profitable > for pediatricians -- but fatal or debilitating for infants. > Where are > the scientific studies showing Hepatitis B vaccine is safe to > administer with DPT, HIB, IPV, OPV, etc.? Did anyone doing > cost/benefit analysis for those studies include data showing the > higher mortality and serious reactions present in the VAERS > data? Why > not? Is there an identifiable genetic marker in those who > suffered > convulsive reactions to screen out those vulnerable in the > future? > These are all matters for independent scientists to audit.> > Another area that leaps out of the VAERS database is something I > dubbed arthritic reactions. These are joint pains, tingling, > numbness, aching, fatigue, etc. I found 2,400 of those reports > in > just a quick survey of the first reporting column of VAERS > (Hepatitis > B vaccine only). Almost one half of those are serious, involving > an > ER visit, hospitalization, death or disablement. These are the > type > of adverse reactions reported by many adults who are forced to > take > the Hepatitis B vaccine for their jobs. In the reports of such > adverse reactions I've taken, the symptoms do not go away, most > patients complain it gets worse over time. Scientists not > corrupted > by drug company or CDC/FDA institutional bias should examine the > thousands of VAERS Hepatitis B arthritic reaction reports and > develop > a diagnosis of their Hepatitis B vaccine-related illness.> > Anyone who doubts if Hepatitis B vaccine adverse reactions exist > should sit down and read the symptoms and text comments of a > random > selection of VAERS reports. When one does so, they will find a > similar but wide-ranging list of CNS and liver reactions that > occur > within days of vaccination. The Merck package insert claims > "Injection site reactions and systemic complaints were reported > following 17% and 15% on the injections, respectively." The > standard > rule of thumb is only about 10% of reactions are reported to > VAERS. > So the actual number and full horror of the Hepatitis B vaccine > reaction story is potentially much larger than even VAERS suggests.> > J.B. Handley is co-founder of > Generation Rescue.> > in JB Handley, > Vaccines | > > unmitigated-disaster-.html>Permalink > > > Technorati > Tags: Adverse > Reactions, Autism, > Hepatitis B > Vaccine, J.B. Handley, > Belkin, > NVIC, > Safety> Digg > This | Save to del.icio.us> > > TrackBack> > TrackBack URL for this entry:> http://www.typepad.com/services/trackback/6a00d8357f3f2969e20120a5d031ee970b> > Listed below are links to weblogs that reference > > unmitigated-disaster-.html>Hepatitis > B Vaccine: An Unmitigated Disaster :> > > Sheri Nakken, R.N., MA, Hahnemannian Homeopath> Vaccination Information & Choice Network, Washington State, USA> Vaccines - http://www.nccn.net/~wwithin/vaccine.htm or > http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccine.htm> Vaccine Dangers, Childhood Disease Classes & Homeopathy > Online/email > courses - next classes start October 28 & 29> http://www.wellwithin1.com/vaccineclass.htm or > http://www.wellwithin1.com/homeo.htm >

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