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1882 - Book Review - Standard Oil Trust Company " The Inner Circle " (New

York - 1882) On January 2, 1882, the Standard Oil Trust agreement was

signed, bringing together Rockefeller's oil empire, including the Standard

Oil Co. of Ohio, under one central management controlled by D.

Rockefeller and an " inner circle " of influential trustees. The Standard Oil

Trust became the first great monopoly in American business history, and

allowed Standard Oil to conceal ownership of important companies under the

guise of ownership by " trustees " . The Trust, with its crushing power and

vast income, then proceeded to acquire 90% of the world's oil refining

capacity until 1892, when it was ordered dissolved.


1890~1911 - Book Review - Antitrust and the Oil Monopoly. The Standard Oil

Cases, 1890-1911

Description; " [Provides] an insightful history of the failure of antitrust

legislation to deal effectively with monopolistic influences within the

domestic oil industry, and it develops a framework for a more complete

appreciation of current international petroleum industry problems. LC

78-67908. ISBN 0-313-20642-2.


1892 - Book Review - Standard Oil Trust Company " The Inner Circle " The

Trust, with its crushing power and vast income, then proceeded to acquire

90% of the world's oil refining capacity until 1892, when it was ordered

dissolved. http://web0.tiac.net/users/haley/bc-48.html

1895~1989 - Book Review - The Chairman: J. McCloy, The Making of the

American Establishment. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992. 800 pages. Bird,

Kai. McCloy (1895-1989) is the archetype of twentieth-century power and

influence; his wide-ranging activities offer ample evidence for anyone who

has ever felt that U.S. policies are designed by and for a tiny Yankee

aristocracy. A sampling of his career: assistant secretary of war (1941-

1945), high commissioner of Germany (1949-1952), president of the World Bank

(1947-1949), chairman of Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank (1953- 1960),

chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (1953-1970), chairman of the

Ford Foundation (1953-1965), disarmament advisor (1961-1974), Warren

Commission appointee, Wall Street attorney for the seven sister big oil

companies, and director of numerous corporations. It's almost redundant to

add that McCloy was also well-connected to U.S. intelligence agencies. This

first major biography of McCloy was written over a ten-year period. Special

emphasis is given to several controversies in his career: the internment of

the Japanese in WW2, the decision not to bomb Auschwitz, his clemency for

Nazi war criminals, the use of Nazis by U.S. intelligence, and the Warren

Commission (nothing new on the WC). The book is based on over a hundred

interviews (including nine with McCloy), several hundred Freedom of

Information Act requests, McCloy's private papers, and material in numerous

archives and libraries. ISBN 0-671-45415-3


1898 - Book Review - Blood, Class, and Nostalgia: Anglo-American Ironies. In

this book he shows how, ever since U.S. imperialism began in 1898, it has

been the British tail wagging the American dogs of war. In their

scholarship, language, manners, ethnicity, and taste, privileged Americans

frequently aspire to be British. This identity problem has placed American

economic and military power in the service of British efforts to maintain

some semblance of empire. ISBN 0-374-11443-9 (1990)


1900's~1950 - Book Review - A History of the World in Our Time. New York:

Tragedy and Hope is a diplomatic, military, economic, and cultural history

of the world, dealing mainly with the years from about 1900 to 1950. Quigley

was professor of history at the Foreign Service School of town

University, where he was best known for his rigorous undergraduate teaching.

His credentials as a historian were excellent, and he was well-connected

with the Washington elite. But Quigley is something of an embarrassment to

those elites, because he called it the way he saw it. The embarrassment has

to do with the fact that Quigley believed in the relevance of secret

history - the machinations of powerful personalities, the role of

international finance and banking (following the money), the importance of

covert action and diplomacy, and the collusion of Anglo- American elites.

1966. ISBN 0-945001-01-0 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/ES

1911~1976 - Book Review - The Seven Sisters. Sorts out the tangled histories

of the seven mega-corporations that dominate international oil: Exxon, Gulf,

Texaco, Mobil, Socal, BP and Shell. Their shifting allegiances, Sampson

argues, are best understood by remembering that the " sisters " are " basically

committees of engineers and accountants preoccupied ... with profit margins,

safeguarding investments, and avoiding taxation. " The interests of the

sheikhs of OPEC, media villains at the time Sampson was writing, clearly lie

in defending the world the " sisters " have created. 1976. ISBN 0-553-02887-1

http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/HT [Note: in 1998 Exxon and Mobil

announced they were merging- 1999, approved by Gov.]

1913 - Book Review - The House of : An American Banking Dynasty and

the Rise of Modern Finance. Author Ron Chernow divides this history of the

House of into three parts: the baronial age, which ended with the

death of the famous J.P. in 1913, the diplomatic age from 1913-1948

with J.P. , Jr., Lamont, Dwight Morrow, and

Leffingwell, and the postwar casino age, when was three houses in

one. (As required by the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act, it became J.P. and

Company and its bank, Guaranty Trust; Stanley, an investment

house; and Grenfell in London, an overseas securities house.) In its

golden age, the House of catered to prominent families such as the

Astors, Guggenheims, DuPonts, and Vanderbilts, and to corporations such as

U.S. Steel, GE, GM, and ATT. Despite his disapproval of the House of

's support for fascist Italy and Japan in the 1930s, and his ability

to throw around concepts such as " interlocking directorates, " There is no

mention, for example, of the 1934 -DuPont conspiracy involving Smedley

D. , to organize a military coup against lin Roosevelt. New York:

Atlantic Monthly Press, 1990. 812 pages.


1914 - Book Review - A Higher Form of Killing: The Secret Story of Chemical

and Biological Warfare. With this book, BBC reporters and

Paxman have put together the best history of CBW available. Other

books in this field tend to concentrate exclusively on CBW research in the

U.S., or the use of chemicals in Vietnam. By contrast, this book begins with

the first World War and includes the Japanese in the 1930s, the Nazi

research program, and British secret experiments with anthrax in the 1940s.

Churchill wanted to gas Germany during the war, and Britain actually

produced five million anthrax cakes at Porton Down, designed to be dropped

on Germany to infect the food chain. This may have been the world's first

mass-produced biological weapon. Today germ warfare is outlawed, but

chemical weapons are still a matter of international concern. In the

epilogue, the authors warn that genetic manipulation and synthetic viruses

have opened new prospects for biological warfare, and could someday remove

concepts such as ethnic and cross-generational warfare from the exclusive

domain of science fiction. New York: Hill and Wang, 1982. 306 pages.


1920's - Book Review - Theirs Was the Kingdom. Reader's Digest founder

DeWitt Wallace made a fortune by correctly estimating the American consumer

and offering his reprinted pablum through direct-mail campaigns. At its

peak, the Digest had a circulation of 18 million; only the Bible did better.

Not to be outdone, in 1982 the Digest even tried to market a condensed

version of the Bible. The Digest empire, particularly through its Washington

bureau, was a major outlet for Cold War propaganda and had significant

connections to the U.S. intelligence community. Office in Pleasantville, New

York beginning in the 1920s. From these offices, the empire grew to become

the world's most successful publisher of magazines, and the largest global

marketer of books. 1993. ISBN 0-393-03466-6


1921 - Book Review - Imperial Brain Trust: The Council on Foreign Relations

[CFR] and U.S. Foreign Policy. This is the first scholarly study of the CFR,

written during a time when Marxian historical sociology was respectable in

U.S. academic circles. The Council on Foreign Relations has been the most

powerful private organization in U.S. foreign policy since it began in 1921.

While priding itself on non-partisanship and on recent efforts to recruit

minorities, women, and youth (under 35), CFR's 3,400 members mainly reflect

the resources needed by the ruling class to maintain their power. Don't call

them if you want to join; they call you. And don't wait for a call unless

you have big money, national security expertise, CIA experience, a political

constituency, or clout with the media. CFR publishes the prestigious journal

" Foreign Affairs " as well as a number of books and reports. Another major

activity is to organize closed meetings for their members with assorted

world leaders. Everyone feels free to share views and information about

current world events, primarily because CFR has strict confidentiality rules

and keeps its records locked up for 25 years. ISBN 0-85345-436-1


1923~1967 - Book Review - Luce and His Empire. Henry Luce

co-founded Time magazine in 1923, and remained the autocratic owner of Time,

Life, Fortune, and Sports Illustrated until his death in 1967. His parents

were missionaries in China; when Henry was two years old, they barely

escaped the Boxer Rebellion of 1900, when over 200 missionaries and their

children, along with 30,000 Chinese converts, were killed. While Henry did

not grow up to be religious, he was stubbornly ideological, adopting the

" white man's burden " orientation of his parents. Even after the corrupt

Chinese Nationalists slaughtered 20,000 Taiwanese in order to create a base

after fleeing from Mao, Luce continued to plug Chiang Kai-shek as a hero on

many covers of Time. Clare Boothe Luce, a Congresswoman and later ambassador

to Italy, shared her husband's anti- communism. Between them, they had so

much power that even presidents such as Lyndon had to be careful.

Biographer Swanberg feels that the Luce press was somewhat responsible for

the Cold War, from Chiang through Vietnam. This may be more true than

Swanberg realizes: C.D. , who published Life for Luce, was

simultaneously a psychological warfare expert for U.S. intelligence (his

name also pops up in JFK assassination books). But the CIA connection is not

pursued by Swanberg, perhaps because this book appeared too early, before

many misdeeds were revealed in the 1970s. 1972 ISBN 0-684-12592-7


1929 - GM - DuPont - Nazi - Researchers Morton Mintz and Jerry S. Cohen, in

their book, " Power Inc., " describe the Du Pont-GM-Nazi relationship in these

terms: " . . . In 1929, [Du Pont-controlled] GM acquired the largest

automobile company in Germany, Adam Opel, A.G. This predestined the

subsidiary to become important to the Nazi war effort. Senate Subcommittee

on Antitrust and Monopoly in February 1974, Bradford C. Snell.

1932 - " Du Pont support of Hitler extended into the very heart of the Nazi

war machine as well, according to Higham, and several other researchers:

" General Motors, under the control of the Du Pont family of Delaware, played

a part in collaboration " with the Nazis. " Between 1932 and 1939, bosses of

General Motors poured $30 million into I.G. Farben plants . . . " Further,

Higham informs us that by " the mid-1930s, General Motors was committed to

full-scale production of trucks, armored cars, and tanks in Nazi Germany. "

" Power Inc., "

1933~1945 - Book Review - Hitler and His Secret Partners: Contributions,

Loot and Rewards, 1933-1945. Starts with a broad socioeconomic perspective,

and blends this in with sociopsychological and cultural observations.

Frequently historians skip the infrastructural reasons behind Hitler's

power, and opt for a specific angle instead of the broad picture. The entire

phenomenon of Nazi Germany then becomes subsumed under some variation of The

Madman Theory. Many top industrialists and financiers in Germany made huge

returns on their investment in Hitler's agenda. The spoils of various

invasions, as well as profits from slave labor and confiscation of Jewish

properties, insured their enthusiastic support. Hitler himself was far from

ascetic - he lived in extravagant luxury, subsidized by blatant corruption.

Good old greed, power, and desperation explain Nazi Germany better than

ersatz theories about the German character. Examples: the desire for

" lebensraum " was largely due to food production problems; Hitler invaded

Austria because raw materials were needed to continue rearmament; and Russia

was invaded because the German military machine was running out of oil. Pool

never tries to excuse Germany, but he does offer a fresh look at the

evidence. 1997 ISBN 0-671-76081-5 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/cV

1933 - Book Review - The House of : An American Banking Dynasty and

the Rise of Modern Finance. 1933 Glass-Steagall Act, it became J.P.

and Company and its bank, Guaranty Trust; Stanley, an

investment house; and Grenfell in London, an overseas securities

house. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1990. 812 pages.


1933 - Du Pont's anti-Semitism " matched that of Hitler " and, in 1933, the Du

Ponts " began financing native fascist groups in America . . . " one of which

Higham identifies as the American Liberty League: " a Nazi organization

whipping up hatred of blacks and Jews, " and the " love of Hitler. " Financed

.. . to the tune of $500,000 the first year, the Liberty League had a lavish

thirty-one-room office in New York, branches in twenty- six colleges, and

fifteen subsidiary organizations nationwide that distributed fifty million

copies of its Nazi pamphlets. . . .Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the

Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949.

1934 - Attempted U.S. Coup - At about the same time the Du Ponts were

serving the Nazi cause in Germany, they were involved in a Fascist plot to

overthrow the United States government. " Along with friends of the

Bank and General Motors, " in early 1934, writes Higham, " certain Du Pont

backers financed a coup d'etat that would overthrow the President with the

aid of a $3 million-funded army of terrorists . . . " The object was to force

Roosevelt " to take orders from businessmen as part of a fascist government

or face the alternative of imprisonment and execution . . . " " The Plot to

Seize the White House. "

1934 - Attempted Coup - Higham reports that " Du Pont men allegedly held an

urgent series of meetings with the s, " to choose who would lead this

" bizarre conspiracy. " " They finally settled on one of the most popular

soldiers in America, General Smedly of Pennsylvania. " was

approached by " fascist attorney " Gerald MacGuire (an official of the

American Legion), who attempted to recruit into the role of an

American Hitler. " was horrified, " but played along with MacGuire

until, a short time later, he notified the White House of the plot.

1934 - Attempted Coup - Roosevelt considered having " the leaders of the

houses of and Du Pont " arrested, but feared that " it would create an

unthinkable national crisis in the midst of a depression and perhaps another

Wall Street crash. " Roosevelt decided the best way to defuse the plot was to

expose it, and leaked the story to the press. " The Plot to Seize the White

House. "

1934 - Attempted Coup - " The newspapers ran the story of the attempted coup

on the front page, but generally ridiculed it as absurd and preposterous. "

But an investigation by the Congressional Committee on Un-American

Activities - 74th Congress, first session, House of Representatives,

Investigation of Nazi and other propaganda - was begun later that same year.

" The Plot to Seize the White House. "

1934 - Attempted Coup - " It was four years, " continues Higham, " before the

committee dared to publish its report in a white paper that was marked for

'restricted circulation.' They were forced to admit that 'certain persons

made an attempt to establish a fascist organization in this country . . .

[The] committee was able to verify all the pertinent statements made by

General .' This admission that the entire plan was deadly in intent

was not accompanied by the imprisonment of anybody. Further investigations

disclosed that over a million people had been guaranteed to join the scheme

and that the arms and munitions necessary would have been supplied by

Remington, a Du Pont subsidiary. " " The Plot to Seize the White House. "

1934 - Attempted Coup -The names of important individuals and groups

involved in the conspiracy were suppressed by the committee, but later

revealed by Seldes, Philadelphia Record reporter French, and Jules

Archer, author of the book, " The Plot to Seize the White House. " Included

were W. (attorney for the J.P. banking group),

Sterling (Wall Street broker and heir to the Singer sewing machine

fortune), Doyle (American Legion official), and the American Liberty

League (backed by executives from J.P. and Co., Rockefeller

interests, E.F. Hutton, and Du Pont-controlled General Motors).

1934 - Book Review - The House of : An American Banking Dynasty and

the Rise of Modern Finance. There is no mention, for example, of the 1934

-DuPont conspiracy involving Smedley D. , to organize a military

coup against lin Roosevelt. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1990. 812

pages. http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/aI

1935 - In a heavily documented study presented to the Senate Subcommittee on

Antitrust and Monopoly in February 1974, Bradford C. Snell, an assistant

subcommittee counsel, wrote: " 'GM's participation in Germany's preparation

for war began in 1935. That year its Opel subsidiary cooperated with the

Reich in locating a new heavy truck facility at Brandenburg, which military

officials advised would be less vulnerable to enemy air attacks. During the

succeeding years, GM supplied the Wehrmact with Opel " Blitz " trucks from the

Brandenburg complex. For these and other contributions to [the Nazis]

wartime preparations, GM's chief executive for overseas operations [

Mooney] was awarded the Order of the German Eagle (first class) by Adolf

Hitler.' "

1935 - Du Pont-GM Nazi collaboration, according to Snell, included the

participation of Standard Oil [Rockefeller]of New Jersey [now Exxon] in one,

very important arrangement. GM and Standard Oil of New Jersey formed a joint

subsidiary with the giant Nazi chemical cartel, I.G. Farben, named Ethyl

G.m.b.H. [now Ethyl, Inc.] which, according to Snell: " provided the

mechanized German armies with synthetic tetraethyl fuel [leaded gas]. Senate

Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly in February 1974, Bradford C. Snell

http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin6.cgi?_ROCKEFELLER_FOUNDATION_ [social

Network Diagram]

1935~1945 - A Law Unto Itself: The Untold Story of the Law Firm Sullivan and

Cromwell. After two years in the Princeton library, where the archives of

Dulles and Dulles are stored, the authors knew about

Sullivan and Cromwell's ten-year record of cooperation with Hitler. The

authors found a National Archives microfilm detailing the Justice Department

investigations of Dulles's wartime collaboration. After 100

years of creating power and wealth by manipulating the interface between

government and business, and with a transnational reach that considers World

Wars a mere inconvenience, the story of Sullivan and Cromwell makes it clear

that there's one set of rules for the rest of us, and no rules at all for

the ruling class. ISBN 1-55778-239-3

1936 - " The Du Ponts' fascistic behavior was seen in 1936, when Irenee du

Pont used General Motors money to finance the notorious Black Legion. This

terrorist organization had as its purpose the prevention of automobile

workers from unionizing. The members wore hoods and black robes, with skulls

and crossbones. They fire-bombed union meetings, murdered union organizers,

often by beating them to death, and dedicated their lives to destroying Jews

and communists. They linked to the Ku Klux Klan. . . . It was brought out

that at least fifty people, many of them blacks, had been butchered by the

Legion. " Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot


1936~1939 - Book Review - One Thousand Americans. Seldes (1890-1995)

covered the Spanish Civil War from Madrid for the New York Post, and from

1940 to 1950 he edited the weekly newsletter " In Fact. " A free-lance

muckraker for most of his career, Seldes retired in 1950 but was

rediscovered in the 1980s; his autobiography " Witness to a Century " was

published in 1987 and became a bestseller. With more than a dozen books to

his credit, Seldes is considered by progressives as one of the century's

leading anti-fascists. In addition to tracking the extreme Right, Seldes

also tracked corporations and big money, and their power and influence in

the American press. New York: Boni & Gaer, 1947. 312 pages.


1936~1939 - At the urgent request of Nazi officials who realized that

Germany's scarce petroleum reserves would not satisfy war demands, GM and

Exxon joined with German chemical interests in the erection of the

lead-tetraethyl plants. According to captured German records, these

facilities contributed substantially to the German war effort: 'The fact

that since the beginning of the war we could produce lead-tetraethyl is

entirely due to the circumstances that, shortly before, the Americans [Du

Pont, GM and Standard Oil] had presented us with the production plants

complete with experimental knowledge. Without lead-tetraethyl the present

method of warfare would be unthinkable.' "

1936 - JJ McCoy - At the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Hitlers observation box is

shared by J. McCloy, a lawyer in the employ of I.G. Farben. McCloy

would later be president of Rockefellers Chase Manhattan Bank, chairman of

the CFR, and serve on the Warren Commission investigating the assassination

of Kennedy. During the period following the war, McCloy pardoned 70,000

Nazis accused of war crimes. McCloy also pardoned General Walter Dornberger,

convicted at Nuremberg of collaborating to murder 6,000 prisoners, because

Von Braun refused to work for the US rocket program without him. Von Braun

was named by the author of Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal as a key

operative in the assassination of Kennedy. He was associated closely with

the Defense Industrial Security Command (DISC), the secret police agency in

the US for munitions manufacturers. Many DISC executives are reported to

have been Mafia. Von Braun was also in charge of the Security Division of

NASA. McCloy later worked in US intelligence.


1939 - Book Review - The American Pope: The Life and Times of Francis

Cardinal Spellman. Spellman laid low at first and cultivated key people in

Rome. After his friend Cardinal Pacelli became Pope Pius XII in 1939,

Spellman was appointed an archbishop. During the war, he travelled to war

zones and acted as FDR's secret agent. After the war he allied himself with

ph McCarthy and Roy Cohn, and became a kingmaker in New York City

politics. He continued to support U.S. military adventures by visiting the

troops, attending Pentagon briefings, discussing strategy with generals, and

gathering intelligence for the CIA and State Department. ISBN 0-8129-1120-2


1939 - Japan's Army General Shiro Ishii's Aide comes to NY and Rockefeller

to obtain " sample " of Yellow Fever/HBV virus. Japanese Army doctor, Dr.

Ryoichi Naito, visited the laboratory with credentials from the Japanese

military attached in Washington to obtain a sample of that strain of the

Yellow Fever virus. http://www.tdbooks.com/ebooks/lastcircle/chpt15pt1.html

1940 - Book Review - The Shadow Warriors: Donovan used the U.S. media to

play up the bogus threat of a Nazi " fifth column " in order to promote his

plans for an intelligence agency (pages 38-39). In other words, what the OSS

called " psychological warfare " when issued as foreign propaganda, was first

used on U.S. citizens. ISBN 0-465-07756-0


1940's - Book Review - American Swastika, 1985. This book concerns

noncorporate American connections to Nazis, as well as to their fifth

columnists and sympathizers among the Romanians and White Russians. Over

half of the book covers the period before and during World War II, and the

remainder covers the Cold War period. Some of the individuals discussed

include Klaus Barbie, Bullitt, Coughlin, Hamilton Fish,

Dulles, Reinhard Gehlen, ph Kennedy, etc... Higham receive

extensive help in his researches from the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los

Angeles, and utilized 28,000 pages of U.S. government documents that are now

stored in the author's collection at the University of Southern California

library. ISBN 0-385-17874-3 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/KB

1941~1945 - Book Review - OSS: The Secret History of America's First Central

Intelligence Agency. The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was the major

U.S. intelligence agency during WW2. Its research branch consisted largely

of conscientious humanities and social science liberals from Harvard and

Yale. Their sudden access to international secrets, when mixed with inbred

academic elitism, proved quite compelling. By war's end, these

opinion-makers had become converts to OSS director Donovan's vision

of a postwar agency. Despite Truman's reluctance, Donovan's old-boy network

was formalized into the CIA; the pipe-smoking liberal of the thirties became

the cold warrior of the fifties. It wasn't until the 1960s that the academic

community would begin to recover its social conscience. ISBN 0-520-04246-8


1941~1945 - MCCLOY JOHN JAY - This first major biography of McCloy was

written over a ten-year period. Special emphasis is given to several

controversies in his career: the internment of the Japanese in WW2, the

decision not to bomb Auschwitz, his clemency for Nazi war criminals, the use

of Nazis by U.S. intelligence, and the Warren Commission. ISBN 0-671-45415-3


1941~1945 - Book Review - Hitler's Secret Bankers: The Myth of Swiss

Neutrality During the Holocaust. In the early 1990s, the World Jewish

Restitution Organization and the World Jewish Congress, with help from U.S.

Senator Alfonse D'Amato, put pressure on Switzerland to compensate holocaust

victims for stolen money and property that the Nazis had deposited in Swiss

banks. Other wartime Jews opened accounts in Switzerland at the first hint

of trouble ahead, but for years Swiss bankers demanded death certificates

from surviving heirs before releasing assets, even though no such

certificates were issued at Auschwitz. This book reveals the extent of Swiss

collaboration with the Nazis. Despite its stolen gold from Belgium and

Holland, the Nazis needed foreign currency to pay for the war machine. The

happy combination of formal Swiss neutrality, along with discreet and

uninquisitive Swiss bankers, allowed the Nazis to exchange this gold for

currency. The Swiss-based Bank for International Settlements, and its

American president, McKittrick, also worked alongside Nazis to keep

international finance fluid throughout the war. After demolishing the myth

of Swiss neutrality on economic matters, the author looks at the Swiss

wartime record for accepting Jewish refugees who were fleeing the Nazis.

ISBN 1-55972-421-8 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/cC

1942~1945 - Book Review - The O.S.S. in Italy, 1942-1945. In 1942, U.S. Army

Private Max Corvo was a 21-year-old Sicilian immigrant who came up with a

plan for subversive warfare against Sicily. He wrangled a three-day pass and

an interview in Washington, and a few weeks later was transferred to the

Office of Strategic Services. For the next seven months he traveled around

the U.S. and recruited other immigrants. From 1943 to 1945, Corvo was

stationed abroad, in charge of OSS operations in Italy. After the war he

retired from intelligence work, and since 1947 has been the publisher of the

Middletown Bulletin in Connecticut. Along with other OSS veterans, Corvo

remains active in reconstructing the history of the agency from declassified

documents. There were numerous successes, as well as bureaucratic turf and

logistical support problems, for the OSS in Italy. It was the Office of

Naval Intelligence, for example, that released Mafia chief Lucky Luciano

from a U.S. prison and recruited him for their advance work in Sicily,

sidelining the OSS. (Corvo says that he made an early decision to avoid

Mafia contacts during his recruitment efforts.) After Corvo left Italy,

Angleton took over the work there, and according to other accounts,

vigorously encouraged the anti-leftist elements. More often than not, this

meant promoting those with masonic, syndicate, or fascist connections. ISBN

0-275-93333-4 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/ZW

1945~1948 - Gelhen - Blowback: America's Recruitment of Nazis and Its

Effects on the Cold War. New York: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1988. 398 pages.

Simpson, . He traces the post-World War II recruitment by the

U.S. of defeated Nazi chief of intelligence for Eastern Europe and the

Soviet Union, Reinhard Gehlen, and the increasing reliance of U.S.

intelligence on the Gehlen organization's estimates of Soviet strengths and

intentions. In the critical period from 1945 to 1948, the correct

assessments by U.S. military intelligence that the Soviet occupation forces

in Eastern Europe were worn out and posed no threat, were supplanted with

the Gehlen organization's lie that these same forces were a major military

threat posed to invade Germany. The rest is our history, known as the Cold

War. ISBN 1-55584-106-6 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/JV

1945 - Book Review - General Reinhard Gehlen: The CIA Connection. Fairfax

VA: Mason University Press, 1990. 231 pages. As Nazi Germany was

collapsing, General Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler's chief of eastern front

intelligence, buried his files and waited to be captured. He felt certain

that access to his files was an offer the Americans couldn't refuse. He was

right, of course, partly because the Cold War was already being planned, and

partly because Gehlen's scientific collection and analysis methods were very

effective. He and his staff cut a deal with the CIA and the Pentagon to

absorb his networks and his expertise. As part of the deal, Gehlen

transferred his organization (the " Gehlen Org " ) to West Germany in 1955. He

directed the BND until his retirement in 1968, and died in 1979. Ellen

Reese offers the first book about Gehlen that concentrates on the American

connection. She interviewed former CIA and Army Intelligence officers, and

received " hundreds " of documents under FOIA from various agencies. But her

claim that this is the first undistorted " full " picture, drawing on " wholly

new information, " seems unrealistic, as the CIA wouldn't cooperate with her.

We also know that PIR advisor Carl Oglesby has been trying for years to sue

for Gehlen records that the government considers too sensitive. ISBN

0-913969-30-3 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/PA

1945~1955 - Book Review - Compromised Campus: The Collaboration of

Universities with the Intelligence Community, 1945-1955. Much of this book

deals with the FBI on campus and their use of informants (including Henry

Kissinger and F. Buckley), although it breaks off before the FBI got

really nasty in the late 1960s. That still leaves two revealing chapters on

Harvard's Russian Research Center. The first scholars who specialized in

international studies were sponsored by the OSS/CIA, with funding laundered

by the Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Ford Foundations. These scholar-spooks

prostituted their prestige to rubber- stamp the Cold War. ISBN

0-19-505382-6 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/RP

1945~1990 - Book Review - The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and

Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990. As World War II was winding down in Europe,

the U.S. began looking for Nazi scientists and intelligence officers. They

didn't want them for war crimes, although some were guilty of these, but

rather to recruit them for the Cold War against the Soviets. President

Truman had directed that no Nazis be allowed to immigrate. Nevertheless at

least 1600 scientists and their dependents were brought in under Operation

Paperclip, and hundreds more under related programs. Although most of the

publicity has concerned NASA's use of rocket scientists such as Wernher von

Braun and Arthur Rudolph, Nazi scientists also conducted chemical warfare

experiments on 7000 U.S. soldiers at Edgewood Arsenal in land from

1955-1975. The CIA and Army intelligence even paid the scientists to

experiment with LSD and other psychochemicals, as the search continued for

the ultimate mind-control weapon. ISBN 0-312-05510-2


1945 - Book Review - Puppetmasters: The Political Use of Terrorism in Italy.

Italian politics since Mussolini consists of intrigues piled on top of

intrigues, mixed together with Freemasonry, the Vatican, the Italian secret

services plotting coups with right-wing generals, the Mafia, arms caches

planted by NATO's Operation Gladio, and bribery and corruption so massive

that occasionally it threatens the collapse of their banking system. And

this is only what you read in the papers. ISBN 0-09-470590-9


1945 - Book Review - The CIA, A Forgotten History: U.S. Global Interventions

Since World War 2. This is the only well-documented book on CIA history that

is arranged country by country, year by year. It describes and analyzes the

known significant interventions throughout the world since 1945 that have

been carried out through the CIA and other branches of U.S. government.

Hundreds of distinct operations were launched in more than 50 countries

using various techniques: the use of armed aggression by U.S. and/or

indigenous forces working with the U.S.; operations, successful or not, to

overthrow a government; attempts to suppress a popular rebellion or

movement; attempts to assassinate political leaders; gross interference in

elections or other flagrant manipulations of a country's political system;

the manufacture of " news " ; serious manipulation of trade unions, etc. ISBN

0-86232-480-7 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/IN

1945~1960 - Book Review - Science of Coercion: Communication Research and

Psychological Warfare, 1945-1960. Communication research is a small academic

field that evolved within the social sciences, and is reflected today in the

fields of print and broadcast journalism, public relations, and advertising.

Its early research was sponsored by government funding for psychological

warfare, which reached $1 billion annually in the early 1950s. Carnegie and

Ford, working closely with the government, were secondary sources of

funding. Behind this money was a massive U.S. intelligence bureaucracy that

was honing techniques for clandestine warfare around the globe. Soon it

became " counterinsurgency " and " special forces, " and now it is called

" low-intensity conflict. " ISBN 0-19-510292-4


1946 - Book Review - The CIA and the Marshall Plan. The covert-action arm of

the early post-war U.S. intelligence establishment was called the Office of

Policy Coordination (OPC), which was later absorbed into the CIA. The

program of U.S. aid to Europe following the war was broadly called the

Marshall Plan, one aspect of which was the appropriation under the Economic

ation Administration. ECA included secret funding for OPC activities

in Europe. This book is a behind-the- scenes look at policymaking during the

early Cold War years. Ex-OSS elites, such as those interviewed by Pisani,

played an active role in making sure that U.S. aid came with political

strings attached, often in the form of secretly-funded propaganda fronts

that pushed the correct line. We beat the Communists at their own game. But

victory came at a price: covert action in peacetime is now

institutionalized, and it won't go away. 1991. ISBN 0-7006-0502-9


1947~1949 - MCCLOY JOHN JAY - President of the World Bank. ISBN

0-671-45415-3 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/RT

1947 - Book Review - One Thousand Americans. Seldes (1890-1995) -

This 1947 book is dense with the names of major American power brokers,

including interests such as J.P. and groups such as the National

Association of Manufacturers. One 80-page section on the magazine press

deals with both the Henry Luce and empires. Throughout this book,

Seldes connects the interlocking dots between owners, directors, and their

handmaidens within the political process. " These one thousand Americans are

interested in property rights, rather than the general welfare, " and have

the power to " maintain the status quo system or to move backward. " New York:

Boni & Gaer, 1947. 312 pages. http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/ZJ

1947~1977 - Book Review - The Unknown CIA: My Three Decades with the Agency.

Foreword by Helms. Jack took a Ph.D. from Cornell, and

joined the OSS and then the CIA when it began in 1947. He was a member of

the board of national estimates (1957-62), director of current intelligence

(1962-66), and deputy director for intelligence (1966-71). From 1954-56 he

was loaned to the State Department for a tour of duty in Singapore, and from

1971-74 he was a special assistant to the ambassador in New Delhi.

Congressional oversight is part of the problem because it removes

deniability and promotes " irresponsible public debate. " In the end,

embraces the same amazing elitism that lurks behind all intelligence

professionals, which might be paraphrased as " trust us -- we're honorable,

we're better informed, and we know what's best for you. " ISBN 0-425-13136-X


1947 - Book Review - Keepers of the Keys: A History of the National Security

Council from Truman to Bush. The NSC started out in 1947 under the National

Security Act, the same bill that authorized the CIA. Truman rarely bothered

to attend its meetings, but Eisenhower created the position of national

security advisor. Kennedy strengthened the NSC when he used its staff and

his advisors to deal with the Cuban missile crisis, and gave his

advisors, Mc Bundy and Walt Rostow, major roles in Vietnam policy.

Kissinger, who was Nixon's national security advisor, exercised a monopoly

on foreign policy, making both the State Department and the NSC itself

almost superfluous. Ford tried to restore the balance, but 's advisor

Brzezinski regained much of the power that Kissinger once had. By the time

Reagan sleepwalked his way into the oval office, the NSC was able to run

with the ball in the President's name. This allowed an obscure lieutenant

colonel named Oliver North to orchestrate U.S. policy under the protection

of U.S. secrecy laws, and in the name of the American people. ISBN

0-688-07397-2 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/PH

1948 - Book Review - The Belarus Secret. In 1948 a secret section of the

State Department began recruiting Belorussian war criminals for guerrilla

warfare inside the Soviet bloc. When the operations failed, these Nazi

collaborators were allowed to settle in the U.S. As recently as 1978,

government departments were lying to Congress in an effort to cover up this

history. Loftus blew the whistle on CBS's " 60 Minutes " in May 1982, drawing

headlines across the nation. ISBN 0-394-52292-3


1948~1977 - Book Review - Britain's Secret Propaganda War. The Information

Research Department (IRD), a creation of the British intelligence community,

played a major role in Western news and cultural media from 1948-1977. As

late as 1976, when IRD's secret history first began to unravel due to the

persistence of researcher Fletcher, 92 British journalists were

still on IRD's distribution list. In earlier years, IRD's influence was even

greater. This is the first book about IRD, and with it, another piece of the

cold war media-manipulation picture is now in place. (The CIA's manipulation

of the media was equally impressive, but U.S. journalists dropped the issue

in 1978 and never looked back.) ISBN 0-7509-1668-0


1948~1986 - Book Review - Quiet Neighbors: Prosecuting Nazi War Criminals in

America. The first three chapters offer some background, from the Displaced

Persons Act of 1948 through the 30 years of INS inaction, on to the Moscow

Agreement of 1980 that gave OSI access to documents and witnesses. Other

chapters treat case histories. OSI director 's major success story is

Demjanjuk, who was finally deported in 1986. There is also a chapter

on Klaus Barbie. The dust jacket describes 's report on Barbie's

connections to U.S. intelligence as one " which received international

acclaim for its thoroughness and honesty. " Still, 's book is valuable

as a primary source for the record. ISBN 0-15-175823-9


1948 - Book Review - Puppetmasters: The Political Use of Terrorism in Italy.

Here and elsewhere the author finds significant U.S. connections, because

Italy was a linchpin in NATO's cold war strategy and a Communist electoral

victory would have been unacceptable to the CIA and State Department. In

1948, for example, the CIA bought the Italian election in their first big

covert action, and in 1970-1972, according to the Pike Committee, the U.S.

was still pumping in money ($10 million) to influence Italian politics.

ISBN 0-09-470590-9 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/UU

1948 - Book Review - America's Secret Relations with a Militant Israel. Ever

since Truman's support of the birth of Israel in 1948, U.S. relations have

favored its aggressive policies, even at the expense of U.S. interests in

the region. Much of this was encouraged in the name of a secure Jewish

homeland -- something which few U.S. politicians dared to criticize -- but

behind the public facade there existed a world where the CIA became

dependent on Mossad for intelligence, Israel's economy became dependent on

profits from arms transfers, and policy itself was exercised through proxy

wars. These include chapters on U.S. intelligence and the Zionist

underground, the 1953 aid cutoff, the Suez War of 1956, Israel's nuclear

weapons program, the Six-Day War of 1967, and the USS Liberty incident. He

concludes that were it not for U.S. policies that favored the militarists

within Israel, particularly from 1964 to 1967, the Palestinian problem might

have been solved.

ISBN 0-688-02643-5 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/MQ

1949~1952 - MCCLOY JOHN JAY - High Commissioner of Germany. ISBN

0-671-45415-3 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/RT

1949 - Klaus Barbie - Book Review - America's Secret Army: The Untold Story

of the Counter Intelligence Corps. New York: lin Watts, 1989. 400

pages. Sayer, Ian and Botting, . The U.S. Army's Counter Intelligence

Corps (CIC) served in World War I, World War II, and Korea, but the public

first heard of it in 1983. Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie was being

extradited from Bolivia to France and his picture was in the news. College

professor Erhard Dabringhaus saw the picture and dialed the local TV station

in Sarasota, Florida to tell them that he was the agent who had run Barbie

in 1949 when they were both employed by CIC in Germany. It seemed that

another window was slowly opening on secret U.S. history. Other CIC agents

during and shortly after the war included Henry Kissinger, J.D. Salinger,

and Helms. Dabringhaus has written a book of his own ( " Klaus

Barbie " , Washington: Acropolis Books, 1984). ISBN 0-531-15097-6

http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/MS [Note: also see:

http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin6.cgi?_BARBIE_KLAUS_ ]

1950 - Book Review - The American Pope: The Life and Times of Francis

Cardinal Spellman. Were it not for Spellman's early (beginning in 1950)

efforts to support Ngo Dinh Diem, South Vietnam's puppet government might

not have emerged. Ultimately the Vatican became wary of Spellman's power. So

did antiwar activists, who demonstrated against " Spellman's War " outside his

residence and cathedral. ISBN 0-8129-1120-2


1952~1978 - Book Review - The Puzzle Palace: A Report on America's Most

Secret Agency. The National Security Agency [NSA] is many times larger than

the CIA, and since 1952 has spent many billions more per year. That didn't

stop journalists from ignoring it, which suited NSA just fine. NSA is

located in Fort Meade, land in twenty buildings with a dozen acres of

underground computers. In 1978 it controlled 68,000 people to listen in on

the world's communications, analyze satellite eavesdropping systems, and

develop and break codes. Numerous listening posts are spread around the

globe, and 40 tons of classified documents are sent to the shredder each

day. Your tax dollars are hard at work. ISBN 0-395-31286-8


1952 - Book Review - Foundations: Their Power and Influence. In 1952,

Congress commissioned the Committee to investigate U.S. foundations. In

1953 it was the Reece Committee, and the author of this book was its general

counsel. He is more interested in an emerging " elite " that has control of

gigantic financial resources: " An unparalleled amount of power is

concentrated increasingly in the hands of an interlocking and

self-perpetuating group. Unlike the power of corporate management, it is

unchecked by stockholders; unlike the power of government, it is unchecked

by the people; unlike the power of churches, it is unchecked by any firmly

established canons of value. " Forty years later, it's clear that Wormser's

concerns over foundations were not misplaced; they still wield enormous

political and cultural power. It's also clear that Congress should have

worried more about the U.S. secret state than about Communism. The

connections between intelligence elites, and the international programs

funded by major foundations such as Carnegie, Ford, and Rockefeller, are

quite amazing and deserve their own book. ISBN 0-925591-28-9


1952 - Book Review - An American Company: The Tragedy of United Fruit.

McCann joined United Fruit in 1952; when he resigned in 1971 he was

vice-president in charge of public relations. United Fruit was the most

powerful economic and political force in Central America during the 1950s.

They were cozy with foreign interventionists and media owners back home,

which meant that they could make or break little countries at will. ISBN

0-517-528096 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/aL

1953~1960 - MCCLOY JOHN JAY - Chairman of Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan

Bank. ISBN 0-671-45415-3 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/RT

1953~1965 - MCCLOY JOHN JAY - Chairman of the Ford Foundation. ISBN

0-671-45415-3 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/RT

1953~1970 - MCCLOY JOHN JAY - Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations.

ISBN 0-671-45415-3 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/RT

1953 - Book Review - The Eagle and the Lion: The Tragedy of American-Iranian

Relations. Iran has oil and it borders the former Soviet Union. These were

two excellent reasons for the interest that Britain and the U.S. had in

Iranian affairs since World War II. After the CIA-sponsored coup in 1953

that installed the shah, American elites held his caviar and champagne in

high regard, not to mention their profits from arms sales. It was the job of

SAVAK, the secret police founded by the CIA and trained by Mossad, to keep

the rabble quiet. As late as September 28, 1978, several months before one

of the major revolutions of the twentieth century, the U.S. Defense

Intelligence Agency reported that the shah " is expected to remain actively

in power over the next ten years. " ISBN 0-300-04097-0 (New Haven CT: Yale

University Press, 1988. 520 pages. Bill, A. page 258)


1953~1989 - Book Review - Spy Trader. When the Berlin Wall came down in late

1989, East German attorney Wolfgang Vogel was still held in high esteem. The

West German government was considering him for a merit cross, its highest

civilian award, while in the East his associations with Stasi since 1953 had

made him rich. Vogel was best known for arranging spy swaps between East and

West. By 1993, however, a reunited Germany was considering his career

through a different lens. Vogel had negotiated the release of 33,755 former

political prisoners and 215,019 of their relatives in exchange for West

German government payments that totaled the equivalent of more than two

billion dollars from 1964 to 1989. ISBN 0-8129-2461-4


1954 - Book Review - Bitter Fruit: The Untold Story of the American Coup in

Guatemala. This is one of the more complete accounts of the CIA operation to

overthrow the democratically-elected government of o Arbenz of

Guatemala in 1954 - a textbook case of how a superpower can destroy a Third

World country at will. The propaganda which accompanied the military

campaign required the loyal cooperation of the American media, because the

world had to be convinced that Guatemala was being saved from a Soviet

takeover. In fact, the Soviet union could hardly have had less interest in

Guatemala and did not even maintain diplomatic relations with them. What

actually caused U.S. intervention was the nationalization by Arbenz of much

of the land of United Fruit Company; it turned out that United was extremely

well-connected in Washington and knew how arrange a fix. Arbenz was also

unwilling to persecute Guatemalan communists and other leftists who had not

committed any crimes. ISBN 0-385-18354-2


1954 - Book Review - An American Company: The Tragedy of United Fruit. In

1954, United Fruit and the CIA broke Guatemala. The media, having been

carefully prepped and by United Fruit's PR experts such as L. Bernays

(the " father of public relations " ), cheered from the sidelines. (Forty years

of death squads and tens of thousands of killings later, it remains very

much broken, and our media are happy to keep it buried.) Guatemala's

peasants were powerless against United Fruit, so it took a corporate raider

by the name of Eli Black to bring it down, starting in 1968. 1976. ISBN

0-517-528096 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/aL

1954~1991 - Book Review - A Personal Memoir of My Years at Lockheed. In a

hangar at the Burbank, California airport during the Cold War, Lockheed's

super-secret, windowless facility went by the name of " Skunk Works. " Ben

Rich arrived in 1954 as an engineer, succeeded Clarence " " as

director in 1975, and retired in 1991. Rich's first assignment was the CIA's

U-2 spy plane. This was followed by the SR-71 Blackbird, a plane that broke

records for speed and altitude. His crowning achievement was the F-117

stealth fighter. Essentially undetectable on enemy radar, this fighter

proved effective in laser-guided bombing runs during the Gulf War. Rich was

assisted in this autobiography by co-author Leo Janos, who also helped with

the autobiography of test pilot Chuck Yeager. ISBN 0-316-74330-5

http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/WU [Note: F-117 shot down at night

during " The Kosovo Conflict " by Serbs -1999]

1955~1975 - Book Review - The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and

Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990. Nazi scientists also conducted chemical

warfare experiments on 7000 U.S. soldiers at Edgewood Arsenal in land

from 1955-1975. ISBN 0-312-05510-2


1955~1968 - Gehlen transferred his organization (the " Gehlen Org " ) to West

Germany in 1955. He directed the BND until his retirement in 1968, and died

in 1979. ISBN 0-913969-30-3 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/PA

1956~1957 - Book Review - Ropes of Sand: America's Failure in the Middle

East. This book provides a history of Middle-East politics and the U.S.

involvement in same from post-World War One to the 1970s. Written as a

personal account, the book is very readable and contains a number of

significant revelations, such as U.S. plots to overthrow the government of

Syria in 1956 and 1957 and to assassinate President Nasser of Egypt, as well

as American involvement in several other conspiracies, alone and with the

British, to fashion the Middle East to their own specifications. There is

also material on covert Arab-Israeli relations, the CIA overthrow of the

Iranian government in 1953, and on British mole Kim Philby, with whom

Eveland spent time in Lebanon right up until Philby avoided arrest by

fleeing to the Soviet Union. ISBN 0-393-01336-7


1961 - Book Review - Bay of Pigs: The Untold Story. Two books in NameBase,

" Operation Zapata " and Wyden's " Bay of Pigs: The Untold Story, " deal

with the 1961 CIA invasion of Cuba that was inherited by President Kennedy

as soon as he took office. This was the first embarrassment for a CIA that

had come to think of itself as all- powerful. Hundreds of CIA-trained Cubans

and dozens of CIA officials blamed Kennedy after he failed to involve U.S.

forces to salvage a deteriorating situation. Some of the crucial events in

U.S. history since 1961 can be traced back to the Bay of Pigs, and to

Kennedy's subsequent desire to rein in the CIA. Wyden's book is probably the

most complete narrative of the Bay of Pigs that has been published. .

ISBN 0-671-24006-4 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/MW

1961~1963 - Book Review - JFK and Vietnam: Deception, Intrigue, and the

Struggle for Power. Drawing on his laboriously-assembled 15,000-page archive

of official documents, historian M. Newman builds his case that

President Kennedy planned to win re-election in 1964 -- and then get out of

Vietnam. Newman's Kennedy is an intelligent Tory realist, determined not to

be suckered into an Asian Bay-of-Pigs-on-the-installment-plan. Kennedy

stonewalled repeated requests from his inner circle to commit U.S. combat

troops to Laos in 1961, and to Vietnam thereafter. As a result, Newman

thinks, key insiders came to doubt Kennedy's nerve. ISBN 0-446-51678-3


1961~1974 - MCCLOY JOHN JAY - Disarmament Advisor. Warren Commission

appointee, Wall Street attorney for the seven sister big oil companies

[previously Standard Oil, Rockefeller, prior to the court ordered break up],

and director of numerous corporations. It's almost redundant to add that

McCloy was also well-connected to U.S. intelligence agencies. ISBN

0-671-45415-3 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/RT

1962 - Book Review - Britain's Secret Propaganda War. This book also quotes

a June 1962 CIA memorandum, which states that President Kennedy and Prime

Minister Macmillan, in April 1962, agreed to " liquidate President Sukarno

[indonesia], depending on the situation and available opportunities. " ISBN

0-7509-1668-0 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/cK

1962 - Book Review - CIA: The Inside Story. Written at a time when few

Americans could identify what the letters CIA stood for, much less what the

agency did, this was the first book to reveal a number of CIA adventures in

some detail. It discusses actual and possible CIA attempts at

government-making in Algeria, Guatemala, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Cuba, Laos,

Korea and the Soviet bloc, and also has sections on Nazi general Reinhard

Gehlen, and the U-2 and Francis Powers. Some espionage and

counter-espionage tales are thrown in to make what must have at the time

seemed like the " inside story, " but which now definitely comes across as

rather superficial. Tully's point of view is strictly cold-war

anti-communist, although he's not an extremist. To have put together a book

like this in 1962, he most likely had the cooperation of the CIA, which was

reeling from the Bay of Pigs fiasco and needed some publicity about agency

" successes. " In general, the book's sins are more those of omission than of

commission. http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/HV

1962~1963 - Book Review - JFK and Vietnam: Deception, Intrigue, and the

Struggle for Power. Newman documents a high-level conspiracy that doctored

the military's intelligence reports on Vietnam that Kennedy received during

much of 1962-63. But grimmer assessments reached Kennedy via the CIA and the

State Department, and Newman thinks Kennedy's real intentions in Vietnam are

signaled by an October 1963 document ordering a secret 1,000-man initial

withdrawal of U.S. advisors. (A few weeks later, President ordered

the U.S. naval raids that led to the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and so to the

war.) ISBN 0-446-51678-3 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/RO

1963 - Book Review - JFK - They've Killed the President! " Most Americans

agree, on the basis of eyewitnesses and evidence from the scene, that Oswald

did not act alone. Whether the Mafia did it, or the CIA did it, or both

(they were definitely working together to assassinate Castro), the most

troubling legacy of Dallas is not the question of who pulled the trigger. As

important as this is, it could have been a lower- echelon, renegade

operation of limited scope. More mind-boggling is the probability that for

nearly 30 years we've seen a massive cover-up. When considered along with

the Luther King and Kennedy assassinations, fundamental

questions about who really has the power in America, and whether our

democracy is a sham, cannot be avoided.New York: Bantam Books, 1975. 408



1964 - Book Review - The Invisible Government. With chapters on ...even the

Gehlen Org, this 1964 book was amazingly comprehensive about U.S. covert

activities. With all of the literature about the CIA over the past two

decades, it is easy to forget that for the first half of the Agency's

history, almost nothing was in the public domain. Washington journalist

Wise changed all of that with " The Invisible Government " in 1964. CIA

director McCone called in Wise and co-author Ross to demand

deletions on the basis of galleys the CIA had secretly obtained. When that

didn't work, the CIA formed a special group to deal with the book and tried

to secure bad reviews, even though the CIA's legal counsel had found the

book " uncannily accurate. " As the unofficial dean of intelligence

journalists, Wise is still working on future books from his Washington

office. ISBN 0-394-71993-X http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/AZ

1964 - Book Review - United States Penetration of Brazil. Jan Black was a

Peace Corp volunteer in Chile when a coup in Brazil toppled the government

of Joao Goulart in April, 1964. Her Chilean friends suggested that the coup

was supported by the CIA, but Black thought they were being paranoid. Twelve

years later, much more information about the CIA was available. Black, then

a professor at the University of New Mexico, began extensive research on

U.S. covert and overt involvement in Brazil, and put it in this book. As of

1999 Professor Black is at the Monterey Institute of International Studies

in Monterey, California, and her book endures as the best we've seen on U.S.

policy in Brazil during the 1960s. Unlike its role in Chile from 1970 to

1973, the U.S. role in Brazil in 1964 was more subtle. The U.S. Air Force

was ready with six C-135 transports and 110 tons of small arms and

ammunition, and a " fast " r Task Group was ordered to take positions

off the Brazilian coast. They weren't needed because the U.S. had been

subverting labor groups, reform-minded populists, and big media for many

months, while pumping up the police and military. The coup was almost

bloodless since everyone knew it was unstoppable; the military took over and

Goulart fled to Uruguay. Most of the blood came later -- by the time this

book appeared, Brazil had a well-deserved reputation for political

repression and torture. ISBN 0-8122-7720-1


1965 - Book Review - Britain's Secret Propaganda War. The first chapter

details British propaganda efforts against Indonesia's Sukarno in 1965,

before and after the so-called abortive " coup, " which became the excuse for

Suharto's genocide against the PKI. IRD and MI6 " black " operations were

intense before and after this alleged coup, as forged documents suggesting

PKI atrocities and Chinese intervention were combined with sophisticated

signals intelligence that monitored Sukarno's every move. ISBN 0-7509-1668-0


1965 - Book Review - Military Terror in Indonesia. " I probably have a lot of

blood on my hands, but that's not all bad. There's a time when you have to

strike hard at a decisive moment. " So said J. Martens, formerly a

political officer in the U.S. embassy in Indonesia, as he described to

reporter Kathy Kadane how U.S. diplomats and CIA officers provided up to

5,000 names to Indonesian army death squads in 1965, and checked them off as

they were killed or captured. The death toll reached a half million or so.

Kadane's article was reprinted in the San Francisco Examiner (1990-05-20)

and the Washington Post (1990-05-21), but soon the New York Times checked in

with a damage control effort by Wines (1990-07-12), which proclaimed

the end of the story. ISBN 0-85124-143-3


1965~1966 - Book Review - Subversion as Foreign Policy: The Secret

Eisenhower and Dulles Debacle in Indonesia. It stops short of the 1965 coup,

which a CIA study described as follows: " In terms of the numbers killed the

anti-PKI massacres in Indonesia rank as one of the worst mass murders of the

20th century, along with the Soviet purges of the 1930s, the Nazi mass

murders during the Second World War, and the Maoist bloodbath of the early

1950s. " To get anything else out of the CIA about Indonesia, you still need

a crowbar, even if you leave out 1965. The importance of this work is that

it exposes the covert policy of Eisenhower and the Dulles brothers in

Indonesia during the 1950s. This policy set the stage for the 1960s. The

events of 1965-1966, dismissed at the time by the world's media as an

" abortive Communist coup, " are still hotly disputed, and appear suspicious

by any reasonable standard. ISBN 1-56584-244-8


1966 - Book Review - Inside the League. The World Anti-Communist League

(WACL) was founded in 1966 as a public relations arm for Taiwan and South

Korea. WACL didn't attract much notice in the U.S. until Singlaub's

United States Council for World Freedom, the American branch of WACL, was

launched in 1981 with a loan from Taiwan and soon began raising money for

the contras. Singlaub and his supporters also operated through a network of

similar groups: Western Goals, Council for the Defense of Freedom, American

Security Council, Council for Inter-American Security, and the Conservative

Caucus. But WACL is particularly known for its international conferences

that attract " American congressmen and senators, archbishops, members of

Parliament, bank presidents, and scientists. There, they have been in the

company of Nazi collaborators, Japanese war criminals, Latin death squad

leaders, disciples of Moon's Unification Church, and fugitive Italian

terrorists. " There's even a CIA connection. Ray Cline, station chief in

Taiwan from 1958-1962 and later deputy director for intelligence, attended

conferences in 1980, 1983, and 1984. The authors believe that covert U.S.

funding played a role in the establishment of WACL, and note that Cline was

in a position to be helpful when preparatory meetings were held in 1958.

1986 ISBN 0-396-08517-2 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/HB

1966 - Book Review - Who Rules Columbia? [university Student Movement] North

American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) began in 1966 and quickly became

one of the most important research organizations to emerge out of the U.S.

student movement. Through the mid-seventies their publications concentrated

on the role of U.S. corporations and foreign policy in Latin America, with

special emphasis on U.S. universities, development policy, police training,

and CIA covert activities. Reports were well-researched, with more facts

than analysis. If you depended on major media, all you knew about Columbia

University in 1968 was that Mark Rudd, SDS, and some long-haired students

became spontaneously restless. In fact, a major study of Columbia's role in

the community and in the world was produced by these students. This is

NACLA's reprint of the original 1968 edition. " Strawberry Statement " .


1968 - Book Review - How Harvard Rules: Reason in the Service of Empire.

Several times a century, apparently, some American students take a look at

their university and are horrified to discover that they are in the belly of

the beast. It happened to Randolph Bourne at Columbia in 1917, it happened

again at Columbia in 1968 (see NACLA's reprint of " Who Rules Columbia? " in

NameBase), and it happened to me at the University of Southern California in

1969. That's when I discovered that the campus was owned by former CIA

director and future Chile-destabilizer McCone

http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin6.cgi?_MCCONE_JOHN_ALEX ]and his

multimillionaire/multinational corporate cronies, the campus fraternities

were controlled by future Watergate dirty-tricksters, and half of

Reagan's California kitchen cabinet was on the Board of Trustees. By now I'm

more amused than outraged after reading How Harvard Rules, a collection of

26 essays from assorted academics who have kept their eyes open. Some

concern rather esoteric issues, but these are offset with seven essays by

Trumpbour himself, who was a Ph.D. student in Harvard's history department.

He demonstrates an appreciation of Harvard's historical role, including its

connections to the intelligence community. ISBN 0-89608-283-0


1969~1975 - Book Review - Decent Interval: An Insider's Account of Saigon's

Indecent End Told by the CIA's Chief Strategy Analyst in Vietnam. Snepp

served in the CIA's Saigon station from 1969-1971 and 1972-1975; his duties

included strategic estimates of NVA forces, agent networks, and

interrogations of captured NVA and Vietcong. In this book his descriptions

of the CIA's performance in Vietnam, particularly during the fall of Saigon,

are stunning. Snepp was awarded the Intelligence Medal for Merit for his

service; ironically, he had joined the CIA to avoid Vietnam. Angered by the

CIA's failure to produce an after-action report on the CIA's performance

during Vietnam's fall, Snepp wrote his book shortly after resigning. The CIA

sued Snepp, forcing him to surrender his profits from the book for failing

to submit it to the CIA Publications Review Board prior to publication. ISBN

0-394-72691-X http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/AF

1969 - Book Review - Silent Coup: The Removal of a President. This

bestseller... makes the case that Haig was Deep Throat, and

reports convincing evidence (including taped interviews with officials) that

Bob Woodward knew Haig in 1969 when Woodward worked at the Pentagon, four

years before Woodward said they met. 1992. ISBN 0-312-92763-0


1969 - Book Review - Secret Agenda: Watergate, Deep Throat and the CIA.

Offers many firsts: the first to reveal that Woodward had secretly briefed

Haig while Woodward presided over the Pentagon code room of the

Chief of Naval Operations. ISBN 0-394-51428-9


1970's - Book Review - Challenging the Secret Government: The Post-Watergate

Investigations of the CIA and FBI. It may come as a surprise to viewers of

" The X Files, " but prior to the 1970s there was almost no information in the

officially-acknowledged public record to suggest that the FBI and CIA had

ever engaged in illegal or questionable activities. Then in the wake of

Watergate, reports surfaced in the press of CIA involvement in the coup in

Chile, and massive domestic spying by the CIA and FBI against war

protesters. These were followed with stories of CIA plots to kill foreign

leaders. The Church Committee in the Senate, and the Pike Committee in the

House, were formed to investigate. Congressman J. Harrington (D-MA),

and journalists such as Seymour Hersh (New York Times) and Schorr

(CBS), played a significant role in exposing this secret history. At the

time, many thought that the momentum for exposure would lead to significant

reforms. But a year later the climate had changed dramatically. Harrington

was in trouble with the House Ethics Committee for leaking information about

Chile, the Pike Committee report was suppressed by Congress, and

Schorr was fired from CBS after leaking the Pike report to the Village

Voice. The author suggests that the momentum for reform was lost when the

revelations became more than a deluded, complacent public could comfortably

bear. Chapel Hill NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1996. 255 pages.

Olmsted, S. ISBN 0-8078-4562-0


1971 - Book Review - The Higher Circles: The Governing Class in America.

Makes a convincing case that elites run foreign policy and shape social

legislation through various devices from think tanks to interlocking

directorates, while the CIA molds the public consciousness by financing

institutions, infiltrating labor unions, and buying opinion- makers. The

book is name-intensive and full of concrete examples and statistics. The

final chapter presents a solid critique of the pluralists -- the academic

mandarins whose job it was to justify the status quo during the 1960s.

Twenty years later, when it became their job to justify increasing poverty

and homelessness, they gave up on pluralism and started debating

" trickle-down " economics. Meanwhile, professors got tenure and the rich got

richer. ISBN 0-394-71671-X http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/DK

1971 - Book Review - The General Was a Spy: The Truth About General Gehlen

and His Spy Ring. Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler's chief of eastern

front intelligence. As part of the deal, Gehlen transferred his organization

(the " Gehlen Org " ) to West Germany in 1955. He directed the BND until his

retirement in 1968, and died in 1979. Hoehne and Zolling's book is based on

a series they wrote for Der Spiegel in 1971, which in turn prompted Gehlen

to write his memoirs. The authors interviewed Org members and drew on

personal papers and government documents. They include an introduction by

H.R. Trevor-Roper and a preface by Tully, who quotes Dulles on

Gehlen: " I don't know if he's a rascal; there are few archbishops in

espionage. He's on our side and that is all that matters. Besides, one

needn't ask a Gehlen to one's club. " New York: Bantam Books, 1972. 439

pages. http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/IX

1972 - Book Review - The Search for Nazis in America. Devito, an

investigator with the Immigration and Naturalization Service [iNS], was

assigned to the Hermine Braunsteiner case. These were the days when the

INS still handled Nazi war criminals, before jurisdiction shifted to the

Justice Department's Office of Special Investigations in 1979. Devito became

convinced that all the problems he encountered- disappearing files, office

break-ins, denied travel vouchers, threatening phone calls to witnesses he

had interviewed - were evidence of Odessa penetration of INS. A Jewish

organization gave him a list of 59 other Nazis living in the U.S., but

Devito was unable to interest his bosses. Devito resigned in 1973 and went

public, and this bestseller was the result. ISBN 0-449-23409-6


1973 - Book Review - The Man Who Kept the Secrets: Helms and the

CIA. When de was elected president of Chile, Nixon gave Helms,

CIA director from 1966-1972, his marching orders. " Make the economy scream, "

read Helms' notes of the September 15, 1970 meeting. Later Helms said, " If I

ever carried a marshall's baton in my knapsack out of the Oval Office, it

was that day. " In early 1973, Helms was asked by Congress whether the CIA

was involved in Chile, and he denied it. The coup in Chile happened several

months later, and it was nasty. Although the major media swallowed the

official denials for another year, cracks in the story began to appear. When

it first appeared in 1979, this book was widely regarded as one of the best

ever written about the CIA. ISBN 0-671-83654-4


1974 - Book Review - The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of

the United States and the World. " The Secret Team " is Prouty's euphemism for

those security-cleared individuals in and out of government who react with

paramilitary plans and activities, directly or through proxies, to data

provided by the CIA and NSA. " It is a bewildering collection of

semipermanent or temporarily assembled action committees and networks, "

whose power " derives from its vast intragovernmental undercover

infrastructure and its direct relationship with great private industries,

mutual funds and investment houses, universities, and the news media,

including foreign and domestic publishing houses. " New York: Ballantine

Books, 1974. 556 pages.


1974 - Book Review - The Power of the Multinational Corporations. In the

1970s it was still possible for scholars to affiliate with think tanks whose

budgets did not depend on huge corporate donations. This didn't always make

them less elitist, but in most cases it made them more honest. J.

Barnet, who has been a member of the Council on Foreign Relations for more

than ten years, was associated with the left-liberal Institute for Policy

Studies when he co-authored this book. " Global Reach " is one of the first

(and only) books to examine the transnational corporation, which was then

just emerging as a separate political and economic entity, with the

potential to subvert the historic social-welfare functions of the sovereign

state, and thereby affect billions of people. For the 1990s, this book

merely needs to change is its cover: it ought to be titled " Global Grab. "

ISBN 0-671-22104-3 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/YV

1975 - Book Review - Clearing the Air. In 1975 the CIA was investigated by

three panels: the Rockefeller Commission, the Church Committee in the

Senate, and the Pike Committee in the House. The first two issued reports

that included many revelations and also kept many secrets. When it came time

for the Pike report, Washington had grown tired of all the dirty laundry and

President Ford was able to keep it classified. But CBS reporter

Schorr had a copy from an unidentified source, and had been doing stories on

it. After trying unsuccessfully to get CBS and others to publish the report,

he gave it to the Village Voice, which published it on February 20, 1976.

Schorr was subpoenaed by the House Ethics Committee and almost cited for

contempt for refusing to name his source, and was forced to resign from CBS

in 1977. ISBN 0-425-03903-X http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/AS

1975 - Book Review - The Man Who Kept the Secrets: Helms and the

CIA. By 1975 the Church Committee was taking a closer look at [CIA's role

in] ChileISBN 0-671-83654-4 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/AI

1975 - Book Review - The CIA-Mafia Link. This book deserves credit as the

first to explore the CIA's ties to the Mafia in the context of various

assassinations. It was published in 1975, when the Church Committee -- the

Senate's select committee to study governmental operations with respect to

intelligence activities, chaired by Idaho Democrat Church -- was

preparing for hearings. Chapter includes the Rockefeller Commission

cover-up. New York: Manor Books, 1975. 234 pages.


1975 - Book Review - The Assassinations: Dallas and Beyond -- A Guide to

Cover-ups and Investigations. Wayne Chastain and Harold Weisberg weigh in on

the Luther King

assassination, and Blair Kaiser, Betsy Langman, and

Cockburn discuss Kennedy and Sirhan's gun. Gore Vidal is suspicious

of the attempt against Wallace. A final section reprints the chapter

from the 1975 Rockefeller Commission report that treated and dismissed some

of the CIA connections with the JFK assassination. 1976. ISBN 0-394-71650-7


1977 - Book Review - The Man Who Kept the Secrets: Helms and the

CIA. In 1977 Helms was allowed to plead no contest to two misdemeanor

charges for withholding information [from the Chruch Committee about CIA's

1973 involvement in Chile]. Retired CIA officers gave Helms a standing

ovation and paid his fine. His attorney said that

Helms would " wear this conviction like a badge of honor, " and Helms agreed.

ISBN 0-671-83654-4 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/AI

1977 - Book Review - A Dangerous Game: CIA and the Mass Media. During the

1970s a series of revelations about U.S. involvement in Vietnam, Watergate,

the FBI, and CIA opened up a window on the secret state. After some fresh

air passed over some dirty laundry, the window slammed shut and Reagan was

elected. Perhaps it was the revolutions in Iran and Nicaragua, or the

economy, or maybe the attention span of the media had been exceeded. Another

possibility is that the revelations were getting too close. Despite the

conducive climate, very little ink was spent on a broad discussion of the

relationship between the CIA and the mass media (one exception was a New

York Times series in late December, 1977). Apparently the media had little

desire to undermine their own credibility, so the bits and pieces of

evidence, the confessions, and the denials tended to emerge one column-inch

at a time. That left the field to the Eastern Bloc press. In this book out

of Czechoslovakia, which was translated from a Russian edition, Petrusenko

compiles evidence of the CIA-media connection. " It is based completely on

published materials from news media in the United States, Great Britain and

other countries.... The author believes this is the first attempt to gather

together a considerable body of material that originally appeared in

different monographs, magazines and newspapers. " Prague: Interpress, 1977.

190 pages. http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/CB

1976 - BORIS PASH - " Another notable Bloodstone veteran is Boris Pash, a

career intelligence officer identified in the Final Report of the U.S.

Senate's 1975-1976 investigation into U.S. intelligence activities as the

retired director of the CIA unit responsible for planning assassinations "

(*Blowback,* p. 108). *Blowback,* p. 152-153 says: " The records of Operation

Bloodstone add an important new piece of information to one of the most

explosive public issues of today: the role of the U.S. government -

specifically the CIA - in assassinations and attempted assassinations of

foreign officials. According to a 1976 Senate investigation, a key official

of Operation Bloodstone is the OPC officer who was specifically delegated

responsibility for planning the agency's assassinations, kidnappings, and

similar 'wetwork.' http://www.anomalous-images.com/text/FIRESK27.TXT

1978 - Book Review - Iran - As late as September 28, 1978, several months

before one of the major revolutions of the twentieth century, the U.S.

Defense Intelligence Agency reported that the shah " is expected to remain

actively in power over the next ten years. " (page 258). Even after the

revolution, private policymakers such as Kissinger and Rockefeller

apparently managed one last scam. The author explains how Chase Manhattan

Bank, which feared that the new Iranian government might withdraw their

funds and repudiate the shah's loans, had nothing to lose by lobbying

Washington for the admission of the shah into the U.S. This resulted in the

takeover of our embassy, the freezing of Iranian assets, and a declaration

of default by Chase that allowed them to seize those assets to offset the

loans. " In the end, the resolution of the crisis clearly benefitted the

American banking community. " (page 344) ISBN 0-300-04097-0


1979 - Book Review - The Man Who Kept the Secrets: Helms and the

CIA. [de, Chile] Powers covers much more than Helms and Chile; he

follows this quintessential career man through the entire history of the

CIA, including the Cold War spying of the 1950s, the assassination attempts

in the 1960s, the illegal surveillance of the student movement, and on

through Watergate in the 1970s. When it first appeared in 1979, this book

was widely regarded as one of the best ever written about the CIA. ISBN

0-671-83654-4 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/AI

1979 - Book Review - AIDS and the Doctors of Death: An Inquiry Into the

Origin of the AIDS Epidemic. Alan Cantwell is a Los Angeles-based

dermatologist and AIDS microbiology researcher who has published more than

thirty papers on cancer, AIDS, and other immunological diseases. In 1986,

Cantwell heard a presentation by Dr. Strecker, who argued that AIDS

originated with the hepatitis B vaccine trials in New York City in the late

1970s. Cantwell became convinced that Strecker was onto something, and began

digging into the evidence. The two books by Cantwell in NameBase, " AIDS and

the Doctors of Death " and " Queer Blood, " argue the position that the AIDS

virus was first engineered, perhaps for defensive bio-warfare purposes, and

then spread through contamination of vaccines: hepatitis B in New York City,

and the smallpox vaccine in Africa. The evidence is based on the nature of

AIDS, as well as on the circumstances surrounding early reported cases. The

strength of these books is that they debunk the popular " green monkey "

theories on the origin of AIDS, and present a credible alternative

explanation that our major media is not in a position to provide. 1988 ISBN

0-917211-25-1 and ISBN 0-917211-26-X


1980 - Moscow Agreement of 1980 that gave OSI [Office of Security and

Intell] access to Nazi documents and witnesses. ISBN 0-15-175823-9


1981~1988 - Book Review - Washington's War on Nicaragua. This is one of the

most comprehensive, well-documented treatments of U.S. policy in Nicaragua

from through the Reagan years. It includes official policies and

activities as well as those of the quasi-private cutouts and the right-wing

support network. Then there's gun and drug running, contra atrocities,

Casey and the CIA, Oliver North's enterprise, Congressional

opposition, domestic surveillance of U.S. Sandinista supporters, the psywar

media campaign, and finally the Iran- contra scandal. ISBN 0-89608-295-4


1981 - Book Review - Red Carpet. Book was mainly of interest for the other

aristocrats profiled by the author: W. Averell Harriman, Cyrus Eaton,

Kendall, and Rockefeller. Finder's point is that when big money was

involved, both the U.S. and Russia overlooked their ideological differences,

even at the height of the Cold War, and cooperated in the interests of

higher profits. The Kremlin has always given distinguished U.S. millionaires

access to the inner sanctum. From the other end, no one in Washington tells

a Rockefeller or a Harriman what they can and cannot do. ISBN 0-03-060484-2


1982-00-00 – J. Wheeler “Bloodgate: A New Theory on the Death of

”, Washington Weekly, 1/18/99 In the early 1980’s, “Friends of

Bill” devised an easy-money scheme to harvest inmate blood plasma at Cummins

[…] the profit potential was enormous and the bleed were safe from public

view, behind the prison walls. HMA already had an exclusive contract to

provide ordinary health care within the prison, approved by Clinton in his

first term as governor. The expansion into plasma harvesting got going when

he was re-elected in 1982. In the meantime, HMA’s medical care had been so

sloppy that its medical license was pulled. Yet it was awarded a new license

and a broader contract when Bill Clinton got back into office. In fact, HMA’

s license was voided three times for medical violations before it went out

of business in 1987. Each time Bill Clinton conspicuously rode to the

rescue. A new program under different owners got his approval and the scheme

continued until 1994. http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a375b2b76399a.htm

1982-07-02 – “And the Band Played On” A meeting of physicians, CDC, FDA and

leaders of the blood Industry, hemophiliac groups and gay community is held

in Washington, D.C. Donor deferral guidelines (which will target gays and

hemophiliacs) are shot down. Hemophiliacs attack the date linking immune

suppression to the contamination of Factor VII. Gays, particularly Dr.

Enlow, PR conscious and fearing for the civil rights of millions of

Americans argue persuasively that it’s too early to push for such

guidelines. (Only Dr. Dan argues it may save lives … this marks the

beginning of his loss of popularity in the gay community.) They agree to

WAIT AND SEE. Of note, however, it is at that meeting that the acronym AIDS

attaches. And this: There was something else from the meeting that also

troubled Dale Lawrence. Jim Curran and others discussed that AIDS cases were

turning up in prisons, and a commercial plasma manufacturer had admitted

that a lot of blood had been drawn in state prisons. They were a good source

of plasma, he said. Lawrence could think only, " Oh God. " Drees (Alpha

Therapeutic) also attended the meeting where he learned from the CDC that

the disease was transmitted through tainted blood and blood products, had a

mortality rate of 100% and cases were doubling every six months. After an

infant contracted AIDS from a transfusion in San Francisco, Alpha set up an

in-house task force and began to report at length to Green Cross their

findings. Alpha also suspended buying blood plasma in San Francisco, New

York, Los Angeles and Miami. Drees believed everyone knew of the risks after

the CDC’s warning. After Green Cross refused to positively address the

warnings, Drees resigned.


1983 - Book Review - Called to Serve. (Bo) Gritz is a much-decorated

Vietnam special forces veteran who continued working in covert operations

after the war. He is convinced that live POWs remain in Southeast Asia, and

went into Laos in 1983 to try and rescue some. Pentagon officials made it

clear to Gritz that the highest levels of the U.S. government preferred to

ignore the evidence. This in turn caused him to reconsider the

flag-and-motherhood politics that brought him to Vietnam in the first place.

Gritz does add new evidence of U.S. duplicity in the war on drugs by

visiting opium warlord Khun Sa in Burma. Khun Sa's perspective on the opium

trade implicates U.S. officials such as Armitage. More than once

Khun Sa offered to sell his entire crop to the U.S. government in order to

keep it off the streets, and has also asked for crop- substitution

assistance. But the U.S. showed no interest in Gritz's efforts to mediate

the issue, and continued to demonize Khun Sa. ISBN 0-916095-38-4


1988 - Book Review - The Nazi Hunters. This is one of the more comprehensive

books on Nazi hunting. Many of the others were written too early to do

justice to the topic, or are more concerned with the use of Nazis by U.S.

intelligence after the war. The authors interviewed Alois Brunner, a

notorious Nazi still at large who is protected by Syria, and give new

information on Kurt Waldheim's [uN Sec.] involvement in war crimes. The

Eichmann, Mengele, and Barbie cases are also reviewed. An appendix (pages

305-310) lists all of the open and closed cases brought against Nazis by the

U.S. through mid-1988. Chapters on the current status of Nazi hunting in

Canada, Australia, Britain, and Germany are included, as well as

descriptions of private groups such as the World Jewish Congress, the Simon

Wiesenthal Center, and the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. ISBN

0-88687-357-6 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/PV

1988 - Book Review - Foreign Intelligence Organizations [FIO]. Included are

the United Kingdom (GCHQ, SIS, MI5, DIS, Special Branch); Canada (RCMP,

CSIS, CSE, FIB); Italy (SISDE, SISMI, and the P2 problem); West Germany

(Nazis, Gehlen, BND, BfV); France (SDECE, DGSE, DST, and the Rainbow Warrior

scandal), Israel (Mossad, Aman, Shin Bet, Lakam); Japan (Naicho, PSIA,

commercial trade intelligence); and China (ILD, UFWD, MSS, MID, New China

News Agency). 1988. ISBN 0-88730-122-3


1989 - Book Review - The Last Days of the CIA. New York: He has chapters on

how the CIA dealt with the Tiananmen Square massacre, Middle East terrorism,

the fall of Eastern Europe, the Soviet breakup, the Persian Gulf War, and

Panama. is skeptical of the CIA's ability to handle a crisis, from its

failure to predict the fall of the Soviet empire to its failure to provide

adequate intelligence for Desert Storm. One of the most troubling chapters

is on CIA's assessments and handling of the 1989 pro-democracy movement in

China. Though the CIA helped rescue many of the student leaders, it failed

to predict the military crackdown. Bush is depicted as a novice in

his understanding of the CIA, despite the fact that Bush was once CIA

director. ISBN 0-688-09386-8 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/SE

1990~1997 - Book Review - Man Without a Face: The Autobiography of

Communism's Greatest Spymaster. Markus Wolf was born in Germany in 1923,

raised in the Soviet Union, and for 34 years was the head of foreign

intelligence for Stasi, East Germany's intelligence service. It took almost

twenty years before Western intelligence knew what he looked like, which

explains the title of this book. Stasi was known for its ability to

infiltrate the highest levels of the West German government. Good tradecraft

explains some of this, the longevity of iron-fisted East German bureaucrats

explains more, but finally it seems that many of Stasi's spies were

motivated by idealism -- either as Communist Party members, or simply due to

the fact that West Germany was revoltingly thick with former Nazis in high

positions. ISBN 0-8129-6394-6 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/cH

1990 - Video Review - The Panama Deception is advocacy journalism at its

most powerful. The many eyewitness accounts of the 1989 US invasion of

Panama and its aftermath presented here make a compelling case for those who

believe the US government has misled its citizens. One does not have to

agree with the program's thesis, that our invasion of Panama was in order to

abrogate the Panama Canal Treaty passed in 1979. This treaty gave the

Republic of Panama sovereignty over the famous link between the Atlantic and

the Pacific. What is not explained is why control of a somewhat obsolete

canal would be thought so important by the Bush administration as to start a

war over. http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/PanamaDeception.html

1991 - Book Review - Blank Check: The Pentagon's Black Budget. By following

the money, Weiner finds appropriations of public dollars for

highly-compartmentalized, secret research projects with no accountability to

either Congress or the Secretary of Defense. The secret budget has never

been published, a violation of Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution.

Reagan doubled the Pentagon budget between 1981 and 1985, and by 1991 Bush

had increased the " black " portion to 25 percent. Born from the Manhattan

Project, described by Weiner as a " mutant chromosome in the American body

politic, " this secret operation is now a full-blown parallel government.

Weiner shows the secret government at work in diverting funds illegally,

creating military units outside the chain of command, conducting covert

wars, and transforming Star Wars into a system for the control of space.

This book is a solidly-documented description of how the U.S. responded to

atomic weapons and the Cold War by giving birth to, nurturing, and

ultimately succumbing to a national security state. ISBN 0-446-39275-8


1991 ~ Book Review - Israel's Secret Wars: A History of Israel's

Intelligence Services. With its 4 million citizens, Israel seemingly flaunts

a higher per capita rate of official covert activity than other sovereign

countries. Meanwhile, obliging American readers are nostalgic for their own

lost glory, presenting a consistent market for books on the much-vaunted

efficiency of Israeli intelligence. Journalist Ian Black and historian Benny

both have strong sympathies for Israel and kept this book " legally

correct " -- they submitted it to Israeli military censors, and many of their

sources were required by law to keep their names out of print. It reads like

a sober academic tome, perhaps designed as a counterweight to the

sensational book by Israeli intelligence ex-patriot Victor Ostrovsky. The

authors are strong on episodes of early historical interest, for which

declassified primary sources are available, and extremely weak or absent on

essential contemporary issues: Israel's role in Iran-contra and Panama, the

extent to which Israeli intelligence is responsive to Israel's dependence on

arms sales to Third World dictators, and the question of Israeli covert

activity and surveillance in the U.S. through the use of Jewish community

groups in America.

ISBN 0-8021-1159-9 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/UW

1995 - Book Review - Covert Network: Progressives, the International Rescue

Committee, and the CIA. Armonk NY and London: M.E. Sharpe, 1995. 265 pages.

Chester, . The Cold War period in American history was

characterized by a seamless cooperation among international charities,

quasi-governmental organizations, major foundations, funding conduits, and

the CIA. Any semblance of private- sector independence was more calculated

than real - a veil that is stripped away by following the careers,

connections, and correspondence of the key players who show up on the

interlocking boards of directors. This book singles out the International

Rescue Committee, and to a lesser extent the Ford Foundation. Its impressive

original-source research makes a mockery of any historian who would pretend

that these organizations can be considered separately from the CIA's

influence and agenda, particularly during the Cold War period. ISBN

1-56324-551-5 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/YC

1995 - Book Review - Toxic Sludge Is Good For You: Lies, Damn Lies and the

Public Relations Industry. As transnationals become more powerful than many

governments, they discover that information control is the key to further

expansion. Today the shock troops of the New World Order are neither the

commandos with U.N. patches, nor the gray men from the CIA, but rather the

flacks and hacks in the public relations industry. Some academicians

estimate that about forty percent of all " news " is fed from PR firms to

newsrooms. Journalists get two versions: a slick final version, and a raw

one that they can edit. Most budget-conscious newsrooms simply present the

slick version as hard news. PR practitioners in the U.S. now outnumber

reporters, and some of the best journalism schools send more than half of

their graduates into these firms.

Along with those catchy " video news releases " that newsrooms love so much,

some PR firms offer industrial espionage, infiltration of civic and

political groups, planted stories, and phony grass-roots campaigns. Their

corporate clients call this " integrated communications. " The grass-roots

campaigns, commonly referred to as " astroturf movements, " are disguised as

concerned citizens driven by conscience to petition the government. Since

big money is available just underneath this facade, many politicians are no

doubt grateful for the cover that astroturf provides. ISBN 1-56751-060-4


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1882 - Book Review - Standard Oil Trust Company " The Inner Circle " (New

York - 1882) On January 2, 1882, the Standard Oil Trust agreement was

signed, bringing together Rockefeller's oil empire, including the Standard

Oil Co. of Ohio, under one central management controlled by D.

Rockefeller and an " inner circle " of influential trustees. The Standard Oil

Trust became the first great monopoly in American business history, and

allowed Standard Oil to conceal ownership of important companies under the

guise of ownership by " trustees " . The Trust, with its crushing power and

vast income, then proceeded to acquire 90% of the world's oil refining

capacity until 1892, when it was ordered dissolved.


1890~1911 - Book Review - Antitrust and the Oil Monopoly. The Standard Oil

Cases, 1890-1911

Description; " [Provides] an insightful history of the failure of antitrust

legislation to deal effectively with monopolistic influences within the

domestic oil industry, and it develops a framework for a more complete

appreciation of current international petroleum industry problems. LC

78-67908. ISBN 0-313-20642-2.


1892 - Book Review - Standard Oil Trust Company " The Inner Circle " The

Trust, with its crushing power and vast income, then proceeded to acquire

90% of the world's oil refining capacity until 1892, when it was ordered

dissolved. http://web0.tiac.net/users/haley/bc-48.html

1895~1989 - Book Review - The Chairman: J. McCloy, The Making of the

American Establishment. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992. 800 pages. Bird,

Kai. McCloy (1895-1989) is the archetype of twentieth-century power and

influence; his wide-ranging activities offer ample evidence for anyone who

has ever felt that U.S. policies are designed by and for a tiny Yankee

aristocracy. A sampling of his career: assistant secretary of war (1941-

1945), high commissioner of Germany (1949-1952), president of the World Bank

(1947-1949), chairman of Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan Bank (1953- 1960),

chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (1953-1970), chairman of the

Ford Foundation (1953-1965), disarmament advisor (1961-1974), Warren

Commission appointee, Wall Street attorney for the seven sister big oil

companies, and director of numerous corporations. It's almost redundant to

add that McCloy was also well-connected to U.S. intelligence agencies. This

first major biography of McCloy was written over a ten-year period. Special

emphasis is given to several controversies in his career: the internment of

the Japanese in WW2, the decision not to bomb Auschwitz, his clemency for

Nazi war criminals, the use of Nazis by U.S. intelligence, and the Warren

Commission (nothing new on the WC). The book is based on over a hundred

interviews (including nine with McCloy), several hundred Freedom of

Information Act requests, McCloy's private papers, and material in numerous

archives and libraries. ISBN 0-671-45415-3


1898 - Book Review - Blood, Class, and Nostalgia: Anglo-American Ironies. In

this book he shows how, ever since U.S. imperialism began in 1898, it has

been the British tail wagging the American dogs of war. In their

scholarship, language, manners, ethnicity, and taste, privileged Americans

frequently aspire to be British. This identity problem has placed American

economic and military power in the service of British efforts to maintain

some semblance of empire. ISBN 0-374-11443-9 (1990)


1900's~1950 - Book Review - A History of the World in Our Time. New York:

Tragedy and Hope is a diplomatic, military, economic, and cultural history

of the world, dealing mainly with the years from about 1900 to 1950. Quigley

was professor of history at the Foreign Service School of town

University, where he was best known for his rigorous undergraduate teaching.

His credentials as a historian were excellent, and he was well-connected

with the Washington elite. But Quigley is something of an embarrassment to

those elites, because he called it the way he saw it. The embarrassment has

to do with the fact that Quigley believed in the relevance of secret

history - the machinations of powerful personalities, the role of

international finance and banking (following the money), the importance of

covert action and diplomacy, and the collusion of Anglo- American elites.

1966. ISBN 0-945001-01-0 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/ES

1911~1976 - Book Review - The Seven Sisters. Sorts out the tangled histories

of the seven mega-corporations that dominate international oil: Exxon, Gulf,

Texaco, Mobil, Socal, BP and Shell. Their shifting allegiances, Sampson

argues, are best understood by remembering that the " sisters " are " basically

committees of engineers and accountants preoccupied ... with profit margins,

safeguarding investments, and avoiding taxation. " The interests of the

sheikhs of OPEC, media villains at the time Sampson was writing, clearly lie

in defending the world the " sisters " have created. 1976. ISBN 0-553-02887-1

http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/HT [Note: in 1998 Exxon and Mobil

announced they were merging- 1999, approved by Gov.]

1913 - Book Review - The House of : An American Banking Dynasty and

the Rise of Modern Finance. Author Ron Chernow divides this history of the

House of into three parts: the baronial age, which ended with the

death of the famous J.P. in 1913, the diplomatic age from 1913-1948

with J.P. , Jr., Lamont, Dwight Morrow, and

Leffingwell, and the postwar casino age, when was three houses in

one. (As required by the 1933 Glass-Steagall Act, it became J.P. and

Company and its bank, Guaranty Trust; Stanley, an investment

house; and Grenfell in London, an overseas securities house.) In its

golden age, the House of catered to prominent families such as the

Astors, Guggenheims, DuPonts, and Vanderbilts, and to corporations such as

U.S. Steel, GE, GM, and ATT. Despite his disapproval of the House of

's support for fascist Italy and Japan in the 1930s, and his ability

to throw around concepts such as " interlocking directorates, " There is no

mention, for example, of the 1934 -DuPont conspiracy involving Smedley

D. , to organize a military coup against lin Roosevelt. New York:

Atlantic Monthly Press, 1990. 812 pages.


1914 - Book Review - A Higher Form of Killing: The Secret Story of Chemical

and Biological Warfare. With this book, BBC reporters and

Paxman have put together the best history of CBW available. Other

books in this field tend to concentrate exclusively on CBW research in the

U.S., or the use of chemicals in Vietnam. By contrast, this book begins with

the first World War and includes the Japanese in the 1930s, the Nazi

research program, and British secret experiments with anthrax in the 1940s.

Churchill wanted to gas Germany during the war, and Britain actually

produced five million anthrax cakes at Porton Down, designed to be dropped

on Germany to infect the food chain. This may have been the world's first

mass-produced biological weapon. Today germ warfare is outlawed, but

chemical weapons are still a matter of international concern. In the

epilogue, the authors warn that genetic manipulation and synthetic viruses

have opened new prospects for biological warfare, and could someday remove

concepts such as ethnic and cross-generational warfare from the exclusive

domain of science fiction. New York: Hill and Wang, 1982. 306 pages.


1920's - Book Review - Theirs Was the Kingdom. Reader's Digest founder

DeWitt Wallace made a fortune by correctly estimating the American consumer

and offering his reprinted pablum through direct-mail campaigns. At its

peak, the Digest had a circulation of 18 million; only the Bible did better.

Not to be outdone, in 1982 the Digest even tried to market a condensed

version of the Bible. The Digest empire, particularly through its Washington

bureau, was a major outlet for Cold War propaganda and had significant

connections to the U.S. intelligence community. Office in Pleasantville, New

York beginning in the 1920s. From these offices, the empire grew to become

the world's most successful publisher of magazines, and the largest global

marketer of books. 1993. ISBN 0-393-03466-6


1921 - Book Review - Imperial Brain Trust: The Council on Foreign Relations

[CFR] and U.S. Foreign Policy. This is the first scholarly study of the CFR,

written during a time when Marxian historical sociology was respectable in

U.S. academic circles. The Council on Foreign Relations has been the most

powerful private organization in U.S. foreign policy since it began in 1921.

While priding itself on non-partisanship and on recent efforts to recruit

minorities, women, and youth (under 35), CFR's 3,400 members mainly reflect

the resources needed by the ruling class to maintain their power. Don't call

them if you want to join; they call you. And don't wait for a call unless

you have big money, national security expertise, CIA experience, a political

constituency, or clout with the media. CFR publishes the prestigious journal

" Foreign Affairs " as well as a number of books and reports. Another major

activity is to organize closed meetings for their members with assorted

world leaders. Everyone feels free to share views and information about

current world events, primarily because CFR has strict confidentiality rules

and keeps its records locked up for 25 years. ISBN 0-85345-436-1


1923~1967 - Book Review - Luce and His Empire. Henry Luce

co-founded Time magazine in 1923, and remained the autocratic owner of Time,

Life, Fortune, and Sports Illustrated until his death in 1967. His parents

were missionaries in China; when Henry was two years old, they barely

escaped the Boxer Rebellion of 1900, when over 200 missionaries and their

children, along with 30,000 Chinese converts, were killed. While Henry did

not grow up to be religious, he was stubbornly ideological, adopting the

" white man's burden " orientation of his parents. Even after the corrupt

Chinese Nationalists slaughtered 20,000 Taiwanese in order to create a base

after fleeing from Mao, Luce continued to plug Chiang Kai-shek as a hero on

many covers of Time. Clare Boothe Luce, a Congresswoman and later ambassador

to Italy, shared her husband's anti- communism. Between them, they had so

much power that even presidents such as Lyndon had to be careful.

Biographer Swanberg feels that the Luce press was somewhat responsible for

the Cold War, from Chiang through Vietnam. This may be more true than

Swanberg realizes: C.D. , who published Life for Luce, was

simultaneously a psychological warfare expert for U.S. intelligence (his

name also pops up in JFK assassination books). But the CIA connection is not

pursued by Swanberg, perhaps because this book appeared too early, before

many misdeeds were revealed in the 1970s. 1972 ISBN 0-684-12592-7


1929 - GM - DuPont - Nazi - Researchers Morton Mintz and Jerry S. Cohen, in

their book, " Power Inc., " describe the Du Pont-GM-Nazi relationship in these

terms: " . . . In 1929, [Du Pont-controlled] GM acquired the largest

automobile company in Germany, Adam Opel, A.G. This predestined the

subsidiary to become important to the Nazi war effort. Senate Subcommittee

on Antitrust and Monopoly in February 1974, Bradford C. Snell.

1932 - " Du Pont support of Hitler extended into the very heart of the Nazi

war machine as well, according to Higham, and several other researchers:

" General Motors, under the control of the Du Pont family of Delaware, played

a part in collaboration " with the Nazis. " Between 1932 and 1939, bosses of

General Motors poured $30 million into I.G. Farben plants . . . " Further,

Higham informs us that by " the mid-1930s, General Motors was committed to

full-scale production of trucks, armored cars, and tanks in Nazi Germany. "

" Power Inc., "

1933~1945 - Book Review - Hitler and His Secret Partners: Contributions,

Loot and Rewards, 1933-1945. Starts with a broad socioeconomic perspective,

and blends this in with sociopsychological and cultural observations.

Frequently historians skip the infrastructural reasons behind Hitler's

power, and opt for a specific angle instead of the broad picture. The entire

phenomenon of Nazi Germany then becomes subsumed under some variation of The

Madman Theory. Many top industrialists and financiers in Germany made huge

returns on their investment in Hitler's agenda. The spoils of various

invasions, as well as profits from slave labor and confiscation of Jewish

properties, insured their enthusiastic support. Hitler himself was far from

ascetic - he lived in extravagant luxury, subsidized by blatant corruption.

Good old greed, power, and desperation explain Nazi Germany better than

ersatz theories about the German character. Examples: the desire for

" lebensraum " was largely due to food production problems; Hitler invaded

Austria because raw materials were needed to continue rearmament; and Russia

was invaded because the German military machine was running out of oil. Pool

never tries to excuse Germany, but he does offer a fresh look at the

evidence. 1997 ISBN 0-671-76081-5 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/cV

1933 - Book Review - The House of : An American Banking Dynasty and

the Rise of Modern Finance. 1933 Glass-Steagall Act, it became J.P.

and Company and its bank, Guaranty Trust; Stanley, an

investment house; and Grenfell in London, an overseas securities

house. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1990. 812 pages.


1933 - Du Pont's anti-Semitism " matched that of Hitler " and, in 1933, the Du

Ponts " began financing native fascist groups in America . . . " one of which

Higham identifies as the American Liberty League: " a Nazi organization

whipping up hatred of blacks and Jews, " and the " love of Hitler. " Financed

.. . to the tune of $500,000 the first year, the Liberty League had a lavish

thirty-one-room office in New York, branches in twenty- six colleges, and

fifteen subsidiary organizations nationwide that distributed fifty million

copies of its Nazi pamphlets. . . .Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the

Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949.

1934 - Attempted U.S. Coup - At about the same time the Du Ponts were

serving the Nazi cause in Germany, they were involved in a Fascist plot to

overthrow the United States government. " Along with friends of the

Bank and General Motors, " in early 1934, writes Higham, " certain Du Pont

backers financed a coup d'etat that would overthrow the President with the

aid of a $3 million-funded army of terrorists . . . " The object was to force

Roosevelt " to take orders from businessmen as part of a fascist government

or face the alternative of imprisonment and execution . . . " " The Plot to

Seize the White House. "

1934 - Attempted Coup - Higham reports that " Du Pont men allegedly held an

urgent series of meetings with the s, " to choose who would lead this

" bizarre conspiracy. " " They finally settled on one of the most popular

soldiers in America, General Smedly of Pennsylvania. " was

approached by " fascist attorney " Gerald MacGuire (an official of the

American Legion), who attempted to recruit into the role of an

American Hitler. " was horrified, " but played along with MacGuire

until, a short time later, he notified the White House of the plot.

1934 - Attempted Coup - Roosevelt considered having " the leaders of the

houses of and Du Pont " arrested, but feared that " it would create an

unthinkable national crisis in the midst of a depression and perhaps another

Wall Street crash. " Roosevelt decided the best way to defuse the plot was to

expose it, and leaked the story to the press. " The Plot to Seize the White

House. "

1934 - Attempted Coup - " The newspapers ran the story of the attempted coup

on the front page, but generally ridiculed it as absurd and preposterous. "

But an investigation by the Congressional Committee on Un-American

Activities - 74th Congress, first session, House of Representatives,

Investigation of Nazi and other propaganda - was begun later that same year.

" The Plot to Seize the White House. "

1934 - Attempted Coup - " It was four years, " continues Higham, " before the

committee dared to publish its report in a white paper that was marked for

'restricted circulation.' They were forced to admit that 'certain persons

made an attempt to establish a fascist organization in this country . . .

[The] committee was able to verify all the pertinent statements made by

General .' This admission that the entire plan was deadly in intent

was not accompanied by the imprisonment of anybody. Further investigations

disclosed that over a million people had been guaranteed to join the scheme

and that the arms and munitions necessary would have been supplied by

Remington, a Du Pont subsidiary. " " The Plot to Seize the White House. "

1934 - Attempted Coup -The names of important individuals and groups

involved in the conspiracy were suppressed by the committee, but later

revealed by Seldes, Philadelphia Record reporter French, and Jules

Archer, author of the book, " The Plot to Seize the White House. " Included

were W. (attorney for the J.P. banking group),

Sterling (Wall Street broker and heir to the Singer sewing machine

fortune), Doyle (American Legion official), and the American Liberty

League (backed by executives from J.P. and Co., Rockefeller

interests, E.F. Hutton, and Du Pont-controlled General Motors).

1934 - Book Review - The House of : An American Banking Dynasty and

the Rise of Modern Finance. There is no mention, for example, of the 1934

-DuPont conspiracy involving Smedley D. , to organize a military

coup against lin Roosevelt. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1990. 812

pages. http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/aI

1935 - In a heavily documented study presented to the Senate Subcommittee on

Antitrust and Monopoly in February 1974, Bradford C. Snell, an assistant

subcommittee counsel, wrote: " 'GM's participation in Germany's preparation

for war began in 1935. That year its Opel subsidiary cooperated with the

Reich in locating a new heavy truck facility at Brandenburg, which military

officials advised would be less vulnerable to enemy air attacks. During the

succeeding years, GM supplied the Wehrmact with Opel " Blitz " trucks from the

Brandenburg complex. For these and other contributions to [the Nazis]

wartime preparations, GM's chief executive for overseas operations [

Mooney] was awarded the Order of the German Eagle (first class) by Adolf

Hitler.' "

1935 - Du Pont-GM Nazi collaboration, according to Snell, included the

participation of Standard Oil [Rockefeller]of New Jersey [now Exxon] in one,

very important arrangement. GM and Standard Oil of New Jersey formed a joint

subsidiary with the giant Nazi chemical cartel, I.G. Farben, named Ethyl

G.m.b.H. [now Ethyl, Inc.] which, according to Snell: " provided the

mechanized German armies with synthetic tetraethyl fuel [leaded gas]. Senate

Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monopoly in February 1974, Bradford C. Snell

http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin6.cgi?_ROCKEFELLER_FOUNDATION_ [social

Network Diagram]

1935~1945 - A Law Unto Itself: The Untold Story of the Law Firm Sullivan and

Cromwell. After two years in the Princeton library, where the archives of

Dulles and Dulles are stored, the authors knew about

Sullivan and Cromwell's ten-year record of cooperation with Hitler. The

authors found a National Archives microfilm detailing the Justice Department

investigations of Dulles's wartime collaboration. After 100

years of creating power and wealth by manipulating the interface between

government and business, and with a transnational reach that considers World

Wars a mere inconvenience, the story of Sullivan and Cromwell makes it clear

that there's one set of rules for the rest of us, and no rules at all for

the ruling class. ISBN 1-55778-239-3

1936 - " The Du Ponts' fascistic behavior was seen in 1936, when Irenee du

Pont used General Motors money to finance the notorious Black Legion. This

terrorist organization had as its purpose the prevention of automobile

workers from unionizing. The members wore hoods and black robes, with skulls

and crossbones. They fire-bombed union meetings, murdered union organizers,

often by beating them to death, and dedicated their lives to destroying Jews

and communists. They linked to the Ku Klux Klan. . . . It was brought out

that at least fifty people, many of them blacks, had been butchered by the

Legion. " Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot


1936~1939 - Book Review - One Thousand Americans. Seldes (1890-1995)

covered the Spanish Civil War from Madrid for the New York Post, and from

1940 to 1950 he edited the weekly newsletter " In Fact. " A free-lance

muckraker for most of his career, Seldes retired in 1950 but was

rediscovered in the 1980s; his autobiography " Witness to a Century " was

published in 1987 and became a bestseller. With more than a dozen books to

his credit, Seldes is considered by progressives as one of the century's

leading anti-fascists. In addition to tracking the extreme Right, Seldes

also tracked corporations and big money, and their power and influence in

the American press. New York: Boni & Gaer, 1947. 312 pages.


1936~1939 - At the urgent request of Nazi officials who realized that

Germany's scarce petroleum reserves would not satisfy war demands, GM and

Exxon joined with German chemical interests in the erection of the

lead-tetraethyl plants. According to captured German records, these

facilities contributed substantially to the German war effort: 'The fact

that since the beginning of the war we could produce lead-tetraethyl is

entirely due to the circumstances that, shortly before, the Americans [Du

Pont, GM and Standard Oil] had presented us with the production plants

complete with experimental knowledge. Without lead-tetraethyl the present

method of warfare would be unthinkable.' "

1936 - JJ McCoy - At the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Hitlers observation box is

shared by J. McCloy, a lawyer in the employ of I.G. Farben. McCloy

would later be president of Rockefellers Chase Manhattan Bank, chairman of

the CFR, and serve on the Warren Commission investigating the assassination

of Kennedy. During the period following the war, McCloy pardoned 70,000

Nazis accused of war crimes. McCloy also pardoned General Walter Dornberger,

convicted at Nuremberg of collaborating to murder 6,000 prisoners, because

Von Braun refused to work for the US rocket program without him. Von Braun

was named by the author of Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal as a key

operative in the assassination of Kennedy. He was associated closely with

the Defense Industrial Security Command (DISC), the secret police agency in

the US for munitions manufacturers. Many DISC executives are reported to

have been Mafia. Von Braun was also in charge of the Security Division of

NASA. McCloy later worked in US intelligence.


1939 - Book Review - The American Pope: The Life and Times of Francis

Cardinal Spellman. Spellman laid low at first and cultivated key people in

Rome. After his friend Cardinal Pacelli became Pope Pius XII in 1939,

Spellman was appointed an archbishop. During the war, he travelled to war

zones and acted as FDR's secret agent. After the war he allied himself with

ph McCarthy and Roy Cohn, and became a kingmaker in New York City

politics. He continued to support U.S. military adventures by visiting the

troops, attending Pentagon briefings, discussing strategy with generals, and

gathering intelligence for the CIA and State Department. ISBN 0-8129-1120-2


1939 - Japan's Army General Shiro Ishii's Aide comes to NY and Rockefeller

to obtain " sample " of Yellow Fever/HBV virus. Japanese Army doctor, Dr.

Ryoichi Naito, visited the laboratory with credentials from the Japanese

military attached in Washington to obtain a sample of that strain of the

Yellow Fever virus. http://www.tdbooks.com/ebooks/lastcircle/chpt15pt1.html

1940 - Book Review - The Shadow Warriors: Donovan used the U.S. media to

play up the bogus threat of a Nazi " fifth column " in order to promote his

plans for an intelligence agency (pages 38-39). In other words, what the OSS

called " psychological warfare " when issued as foreign propaganda, was first

used on U.S. citizens. ISBN 0-465-07756-0


1940's - Book Review - American Swastika, 1985. This book concerns

noncorporate American connections to Nazis, as well as to their fifth

columnists and sympathizers among the Romanians and White Russians. Over

half of the book covers the period before and during World War II, and the

remainder covers the Cold War period. Some of the individuals discussed

include Klaus Barbie, Bullitt, Coughlin, Hamilton Fish,

Dulles, Reinhard Gehlen, ph Kennedy, etc... Higham receive

extensive help in his researches from the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los

Angeles, and utilized 28,000 pages of U.S. government documents that are now

stored in the author's collection at the University of Southern California

library. ISBN 0-385-17874-3 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/KB

1941~1945 - Book Review - OSS: The Secret History of America's First Central

Intelligence Agency. The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) was the major

U.S. intelligence agency during WW2. Its research branch consisted largely

of conscientious humanities and social science liberals from Harvard and

Yale. Their sudden access to international secrets, when mixed with inbred

academic elitism, proved quite compelling. By war's end, these

opinion-makers had become converts to OSS director Donovan's vision

of a postwar agency. Despite Truman's reluctance, Donovan's old-boy network

was formalized into the CIA; the pipe-smoking liberal of the thirties became

the cold warrior of the fifties. It wasn't until the 1960s that the academic

community would begin to recover its social conscience. ISBN 0-520-04246-8


1941~1945 - MCCLOY JOHN JAY - This first major biography of McCloy was

written over a ten-year period. Special emphasis is given to several

controversies in his career: the internment of the Japanese in WW2, the

decision not to bomb Auschwitz, his clemency for Nazi war criminals, the use

of Nazis by U.S. intelligence, and the Warren Commission. ISBN 0-671-45415-3


1941~1945 - Book Review - Hitler's Secret Bankers: The Myth of Swiss

Neutrality During the Holocaust. In the early 1990s, the World Jewish

Restitution Organization and the World Jewish Congress, with help from U.S.

Senator Alfonse D'Amato, put pressure on Switzerland to compensate holocaust

victims for stolen money and property that the Nazis had deposited in Swiss

banks. Other wartime Jews opened accounts in Switzerland at the first hint

of trouble ahead, but for years Swiss bankers demanded death certificates

from surviving heirs before releasing assets, even though no such

certificates were issued at Auschwitz. This book reveals the extent of Swiss

collaboration with the Nazis. Despite its stolen gold from Belgium and

Holland, the Nazis needed foreign currency to pay for the war machine. The

happy combination of formal Swiss neutrality, along with discreet and

uninquisitive Swiss bankers, allowed the Nazis to exchange this gold for

currency. The Swiss-based Bank for International Settlements, and its

American president, McKittrick, also worked alongside Nazis to keep

international finance fluid throughout the war. After demolishing the myth

of Swiss neutrality on economic matters, the author looks at the Swiss

wartime record for accepting Jewish refugees who were fleeing the Nazis.

ISBN 1-55972-421-8 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/cC

1942~1945 - Book Review - The O.S.S. in Italy, 1942-1945. In 1942, U.S. Army

Private Max Corvo was a 21-year-old Sicilian immigrant who came up with a

plan for subversive warfare against Sicily. He wrangled a three-day pass and

an interview in Washington, and a few weeks later was transferred to the

Office of Strategic Services. For the next seven months he traveled around

the U.S. and recruited other immigrants. From 1943 to 1945, Corvo was

stationed abroad, in charge of OSS operations in Italy. After the war he

retired from intelligence work, and since 1947 has been the publisher of the

Middletown Bulletin in Connecticut. Along with other OSS veterans, Corvo

remains active in reconstructing the history of the agency from declassified

documents. There were numerous successes, as well as bureaucratic turf and

logistical support problems, for the OSS in Italy. It was the Office of

Naval Intelligence, for example, that released Mafia chief Lucky Luciano

from a U.S. prison and recruited him for their advance work in Sicily,

sidelining the OSS. (Corvo says that he made an early decision to avoid

Mafia contacts during his recruitment efforts.) After Corvo left Italy,

Angleton took over the work there, and according to other accounts,

vigorously encouraged the anti-leftist elements. More often than not, this

meant promoting those with masonic, syndicate, or fascist connections. ISBN

0-275-93333-4 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/ZW

1945~1948 - Gelhen - Blowback: America's Recruitment of Nazis and Its

Effects on the Cold War. New York: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1988. 398 pages.

Simpson, . He traces the post-World War II recruitment by the

U.S. of defeated Nazi chief of intelligence for Eastern Europe and the

Soviet Union, Reinhard Gehlen, and the increasing reliance of U.S.

intelligence on the Gehlen organization's estimates of Soviet strengths and

intentions. In the critical period from 1945 to 1948, the correct

assessments by U.S. military intelligence that the Soviet occupation forces

in Eastern Europe were worn out and posed no threat, were supplanted with

the Gehlen organization's lie that these same forces were a major military

threat posed to invade Germany. The rest is our history, known as the Cold

War. ISBN 1-55584-106-6 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/JV

1945 - Book Review - General Reinhard Gehlen: The CIA Connection. Fairfax

VA: Mason University Press, 1990. 231 pages. As Nazi Germany was

collapsing, General Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler's chief of eastern front

intelligence, buried his files and waited to be captured. He felt certain

that access to his files was an offer the Americans couldn't refuse. He was

right, of course, partly because the Cold War was already being planned, and

partly because Gehlen's scientific collection and analysis methods were very

effective. He and his staff cut a deal with the CIA and the Pentagon to

absorb his networks and his expertise. As part of the deal, Gehlen

transferred his organization (the " Gehlen Org " ) to West Germany in 1955. He

directed the BND until his retirement in 1968, and died in 1979. Ellen

Reese offers the first book about Gehlen that concentrates on the American

connection. She interviewed former CIA and Army Intelligence officers, and

received " hundreds " of documents under FOIA from various agencies. But her

claim that this is the first undistorted " full " picture, drawing on " wholly

new information, " seems unrealistic, as the CIA wouldn't cooperate with her.

We also know that PIR advisor Carl Oglesby has been trying for years to sue

for Gehlen records that the government considers too sensitive. ISBN

0-913969-30-3 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/PA

1945~1955 - Book Review - Compromised Campus: The Collaboration of

Universities with the Intelligence Community, 1945-1955. Much of this book

deals with the FBI on campus and their use of informants (including Henry

Kissinger and F. Buckley), although it breaks off before the FBI got

really nasty in the late 1960s. That still leaves two revealing chapters on

Harvard's Russian Research Center. The first scholars who specialized in

international studies were sponsored by the OSS/CIA, with funding laundered

by the Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Ford Foundations. These scholar-spooks

prostituted their prestige to rubber- stamp the Cold War. ISBN

0-19-505382-6 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/RP

1945~1990 - Book Review - The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and

Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990. As World War II was winding down in Europe,

the U.S. began looking for Nazi scientists and intelligence officers. They

didn't want them for war crimes, although some were guilty of these, but

rather to recruit them for the Cold War against the Soviets. President

Truman had directed that no Nazis be allowed to immigrate. Nevertheless at

least 1600 scientists and their dependents were brought in under Operation

Paperclip, and hundreds more under related programs. Although most of the

publicity has concerned NASA's use of rocket scientists such as Wernher von

Braun and Arthur Rudolph, Nazi scientists also conducted chemical warfare

experiments on 7000 U.S. soldiers at Edgewood Arsenal in land from

1955-1975. The CIA and Army intelligence even paid the scientists to

experiment with LSD and other psychochemicals, as the search continued for

the ultimate mind-control weapon. ISBN 0-312-05510-2


1945 - Book Review - Puppetmasters: The Political Use of Terrorism in Italy.

Italian politics since Mussolini consists of intrigues piled on top of

intrigues, mixed together with Freemasonry, the Vatican, the Italian secret

services plotting coups with right-wing generals, the Mafia, arms caches

planted by NATO's Operation Gladio, and bribery and corruption so massive

that occasionally it threatens the collapse of their banking system. And

this is only what you read in the papers. ISBN 0-09-470590-9


1945 - Book Review - The CIA, A Forgotten History: U.S. Global Interventions

Since World War 2. This is the only well-documented book on CIA history that

is arranged country by country, year by year. It describes and analyzes the

known significant interventions throughout the world since 1945 that have

been carried out through the CIA and other branches of U.S. government.

Hundreds of distinct operations were launched in more than 50 countries

using various techniques: the use of armed aggression by U.S. and/or

indigenous forces working with the U.S.; operations, successful or not, to

overthrow a government; attempts to suppress a popular rebellion or

movement; attempts to assassinate political leaders; gross interference in

elections or other flagrant manipulations of a country's political system;

the manufacture of " news " ; serious manipulation of trade unions, etc. ISBN

0-86232-480-7 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/IN

1945~1960 - Book Review - Science of Coercion: Communication Research and

Psychological Warfare, 1945-1960. Communication research is a small academic

field that evolved within the social sciences, and is reflected today in the

fields of print and broadcast journalism, public relations, and advertising.

Its early research was sponsored by government funding for psychological

warfare, which reached $1 billion annually in the early 1950s. Carnegie and

Ford, working closely with the government, were secondary sources of

funding. Behind this money was a massive U.S. intelligence bureaucracy that

was honing techniques for clandestine warfare around the globe. Soon it

became " counterinsurgency " and " special forces, " and now it is called

" low-intensity conflict. " ISBN 0-19-510292-4


1946 - Book Review - The CIA and the Marshall Plan. The covert-action arm of

the early post-war U.S. intelligence establishment was called the Office of

Policy Coordination (OPC), which was later absorbed into the CIA. The

program of U.S. aid to Europe following the war was broadly called the

Marshall Plan, one aspect of which was the appropriation under the Economic

ation Administration. ECA included secret funding for OPC activities

in Europe. This book is a behind-the- scenes look at policymaking during the

early Cold War years. Ex-OSS elites, such as those interviewed by Pisani,

played an active role in making sure that U.S. aid came with political

strings attached, often in the form of secretly-funded propaganda fronts

that pushed the correct line. We beat the Communists at their own game. But

victory came at a price: covert action in peacetime is now

institutionalized, and it won't go away. 1991. ISBN 0-7006-0502-9


1947~1949 - MCCLOY JOHN JAY - President of the World Bank. ISBN

0-671-45415-3 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/RT

1947 - Book Review - One Thousand Americans. Seldes (1890-1995) -

This 1947 book is dense with the names of major American power brokers,

including interests such as J.P. and groups such as the National

Association of Manufacturers. One 80-page section on the magazine press

deals with both the Henry Luce and empires. Throughout this book,

Seldes connects the interlocking dots between owners, directors, and their

handmaidens within the political process. " These one thousand Americans are

interested in property rights, rather than the general welfare, " and have

the power to " maintain the status quo system or to move backward. " New York:

Boni & Gaer, 1947. 312 pages. http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/ZJ

1947~1977 - Book Review - The Unknown CIA: My Three Decades with the Agency.

Foreword by Helms. Jack took a Ph.D. from Cornell, and

joined the OSS and then the CIA when it began in 1947. He was a member of

the board of national estimates (1957-62), director of current intelligence

(1962-66), and deputy director for intelligence (1966-71). From 1954-56 he

was loaned to the State Department for a tour of duty in Singapore, and from

1971-74 he was a special assistant to the ambassador in New Delhi.

Congressional oversight is part of the problem because it removes

deniability and promotes " irresponsible public debate. " In the end,

embraces the same amazing elitism that lurks behind all intelligence

professionals, which might be paraphrased as " trust us -- we're honorable,

we're better informed, and we know what's best for you. " ISBN 0-425-13136-X


1947 - Book Review - Keepers of the Keys: A History of the National Security

Council from Truman to Bush. The NSC started out in 1947 under the National

Security Act, the same bill that authorized the CIA. Truman rarely bothered

to attend its meetings, but Eisenhower created the position of national

security advisor. Kennedy strengthened the NSC when he used its staff and

his advisors to deal with the Cuban missile crisis, and gave his

advisors, Mc Bundy and Walt Rostow, major roles in Vietnam policy.

Kissinger, who was Nixon's national security advisor, exercised a monopoly

on foreign policy, making both the State Department and the NSC itself

almost superfluous. Ford tried to restore the balance, but 's advisor

Brzezinski regained much of the power that Kissinger once had. By the time

Reagan sleepwalked his way into the oval office, the NSC was able to run

with the ball in the President's name. This allowed an obscure lieutenant

colonel named Oliver North to orchestrate U.S. policy under the protection

of U.S. secrecy laws, and in the name of the American people. ISBN

0-688-07397-2 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/PH

1948 - Book Review - The Belarus Secret. In 1948 a secret section of the

State Department began recruiting Belorussian war criminals for guerrilla

warfare inside the Soviet bloc. When the operations failed, these Nazi

collaborators were allowed to settle in the U.S. As recently as 1978,

government departments were lying to Congress in an effort to cover up this

history. Loftus blew the whistle on CBS's " 60 Minutes " in May 1982, drawing

headlines across the nation. ISBN 0-394-52292-3


1948~1977 - Book Review - Britain's Secret Propaganda War. The Information

Research Department (IRD), a creation of the British intelligence community,

played a major role in Western news and cultural media from 1948-1977. As

late as 1976, when IRD's secret history first began to unravel due to the

persistence of researcher Fletcher, 92 British journalists were

still on IRD's distribution list. In earlier years, IRD's influence was even

greater. This is the first book about IRD, and with it, another piece of the

cold war media-manipulation picture is now in place. (The CIA's manipulation

of the media was equally impressive, but U.S. journalists dropped the issue

in 1978 and never looked back.) ISBN 0-7509-1668-0


1948~1986 - Book Review - Quiet Neighbors: Prosecuting Nazi War Criminals in

America. The first three chapters offer some background, from the Displaced

Persons Act of 1948 through the 30 years of INS inaction, on to the Moscow

Agreement of 1980 that gave OSI access to documents and witnesses. Other

chapters treat case histories. OSI director 's major success story is

Demjanjuk, who was finally deported in 1986. There is also a chapter

on Klaus Barbie. The dust jacket describes 's report on Barbie's

connections to U.S. intelligence as one " which received international

acclaim for its thoroughness and honesty. " Still, 's book is valuable

as a primary source for the record. ISBN 0-15-175823-9


1948 - Book Review - Puppetmasters: The Political Use of Terrorism in Italy.

Here and elsewhere the author finds significant U.S. connections, because

Italy was a linchpin in NATO's cold war strategy and a Communist electoral

victory would have been unacceptable to the CIA and State Department. In

1948, for example, the CIA bought the Italian election in their first big

covert action, and in 1970-1972, according to the Pike Committee, the U.S.

was still pumping in money ($10 million) to influence Italian politics.

ISBN 0-09-470590-9 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/UU

1948 - Book Review - America's Secret Relations with a Militant Israel. Ever

since Truman's support of the birth of Israel in 1948, U.S. relations have

favored its aggressive policies, even at the expense of U.S. interests in

the region. Much of this was encouraged in the name of a secure Jewish

homeland -- something which few U.S. politicians dared to criticize -- but

behind the public facade there existed a world where the CIA became

dependent on Mossad for intelligence, Israel's economy became dependent on

profits from arms transfers, and policy itself was exercised through proxy

wars. These include chapters on U.S. intelligence and the Zionist

underground, the 1953 aid cutoff, the Suez War of 1956, Israel's nuclear

weapons program, the Six-Day War of 1967, and the USS Liberty incident. He

concludes that were it not for U.S. policies that favored the militarists

within Israel, particularly from 1964 to 1967, the Palestinian problem might

have been solved.

ISBN 0-688-02643-5 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/MQ

1949~1952 - MCCLOY JOHN JAY - High Commissioner of Germany. ISBN

0-671-45415-3 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/RT

1949 - Klaus Barbie - Book Review - America's Secret Army: The Untold Story

of the Counter Intelligence Corps. New York: lin Watts, 1989. 400

pages. Sayer, Ian and Botting, . The U.S. Army's Counter Intelligence

Corps (CIC) served in World War I, World War II, and Korea, but the public

first heard of it in 1983. Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie was being

extradited from Bolivia to France and his picture was in the news. College

professor Erhard Dabringhaus saw the picture and dialed the local TV station

in Sarasota, Florida to tell them that he was the agent who had run Barbie

in 1949 when they were both employed by CIC in Germany. It seemed that

another window was slowly opening on secret U.S. history. Other CIC agents

during and shortly after the war included Henry Kissinger, J.D. Salinger,

and Helms. Dabringhaus has written a book of his own ( " Klaus

Barbie " , Washington: Acropolis Books, 1984). ISBN 0-531-15097-6

http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/MS [Note: also see:

http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin6.cgi?_BARBIE_KLAUS_ ]

1950 - Book Review - The American Pope: The Life and Times of Francis

Cardinal Spellman. Were it not for Spellman's early (beginning in 1950)

efforts to support Ngo Dinh Diem, South Vietnam's puppet government might

not have emerged. Ultimately the Vatican became wary of Spellman's power. So

did antiwar activists, who demonstrated against " Spellman's War " outside his

residence and cathedral. ISBN 0-8129-1120-2


1952~1978 - Book Review - The Puzzle Palace: A Report on America's Most

Secret Agency. The National Security Agency [NSA] is many times larger than

the CIA, and since 1952 has spent many billions more per year. That didn't

stop journalists from ignoring it, which suited NSA just fine. NSA is

located in Fort Meade, land in twenty buildings with a dozen acres of

underground computers. In 1978 it controlled 68,000 people to listen in on

the world's communications, analyze satellite eavesdropping systems, and

develop and break codes. Numerous listening posts are spread around the

globe, and 40 tons of classified documents are sent to the shredder each

day. Your tax dollars are hard at work. ISBN 0-395-31286-8


1952 - Book Review - Foundations: Their Power and Influence. In 1952,

Congress commissioned the Committee to investigate U.S. foundations. In

1953 it was the Reece Committee, and the author of this book was its general

counsel. He is more interested in an emerging " elite " that has control of

gigantic financial resources: " An unparalleled amount of power is

concentrated increasingly in the hands of an interlocking and

self-perpetuating group. Unlike the power of corporate management, it is

unchecked by stockholders; unlike the power of government, it is unchecked

by the people; unlike the power of churches, it is unchecked by any firmly

established canons of value. " Forty years later, it's clear that Wormser's

concerns over foundations were not misplaced; they still wield enormous

political and cultural power. It's also clear that Congress should have

worried more about the U.S. secret state than about Communism. The

connections between intelligence elites, and the international programs

funded by major foundations such as Carnegie, Ford, and Rockefeller, are

quite amazing and deserve their own book. ISBN 0-925591-28-9


1952 - Book Review - An American Company: The Tragedy of United Fruit.

McCann joined United Fruit in 1952; when he resigned in 1971 he was

vice-president in charge of public relations. United Fruit was the most

powerful economic and political force in Central America during the 1950s.

They were cozy with foreign interventionists and media owners back home,

which meant that they could make or break little countries at will. ISBN

0-517-528096 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/aL

1953~1960 - MCCLOY JOHN JAY - Chairman of Rockefeller's Chase Manhattan

Bank. ISBN 0-671-45415-3 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/RT

1953~1965 - MCCLOY JOHN JAY - Chairman of the Ford Foundation. ISBN

0-671-45415-3 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/RT

1953~1970 - MCCLOY JOHN JAY - Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations.

ISBN 0-671-45415-3 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/RT

1953 - Book Review - The Eagle and the Lion: The Tragedy of American-Iranian

Relations. Iran has oil and it borders the former Soviet Union. These were

two excellent reasons for the interest that Britain and the U.S. had in

Iranian affairs since World War II. After the CIA-sponsored coup in 1953

that installed the shah, American elites held his caviar and champagne in

high regard, not to mention their profits from arms sales. It was the job of

SAVAK, the secret police founded by the CIA and trained by Mossad, to keep

the rabble quiet. As late as September 28, 1978, several months before one

of the major revolutions of the twentieth century, the U.S. Defense

Intelligence Agency reported that the shah " is expected to remain actively

in power over the next ten years. " ISBN 0-300-04097-0 (New Haven CT: Yale

University Press, 1988. 520 pages. Bill, A. page 258)


1953~1989 - Book Review - Spy Trader. When the Berlin Wall came down in late

1989, East German attorney Wolfgang Vogel was still held in high esteem. The

West German government was considering him for a merit cross, its highest

civilian award, while in the East his associations with Stasi since 1953 had

made him rich. Vogel was best known for arranging spy swaps between East and

West. By 1993, however, a reunited Germany was considering his career

through a different lens. Vogel had negotiated the release of 33,755 former

political prisoners and 215,019 of their relatives in exchange for West

German government payments that totaled the equivalent of more than two

billion dollars from 1964 to 1989. ISBN 0-8129-2461-4


1954 - Book Review - Bitter Fruit: The Untold Story of the American Coup in

Guatemala. This is one of the more complete accounts of the CIA operation to

overthrow the democratically-elected government of o Arbenz of

Guatemala in 1954 - a textbook case of how a superpower can destroy a Third

World country at will. The propaganda which accompanied the military

campaign required the loyal cooperation of the American media, because the

world had to be convinced that Guatemala was being saved from a Soviet

takeover. In fact, the Soviet union could hardly have had less interest in

Guatemala and did not even maintain diplomatic relations with them. What

actually caused U.S. intervention was the nationalization by Arbenz of much

of the land of United Fruit Company; it turned out that United was extremely

well-connected in Washington and knew how arrange a fix. Arbenz was also

unwilling to persecute Guatemalan communists and other leftists who had not

committed any crimes. ISBN 0-385-18354-2


1954 - Book Review - An American Company: The Tragedy of United Fruit. In

1954, United Fruit and the CIA broke Guatemala. The media, having been

carefully prepped and by United Fruit's PR experts such as L. Bernays

(the " father of public relations " ), cheered from the sidelines. (Forty years

of death squads and tens of thousands of killings later, it remains very

much broken, and our media are happy to keep it buried.) Guatemala's

peasants were powerless against United Fruit, so it took a corporate raider

by the name of Eli Black to bring it down, starting in 1968. 1976. ISBN

0-517-528096 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/aL

1954~1991 - Book Review - A Personal Memoir of My Years at Lockheed. In a

hangar at the Burbank, California airport during the Cold War, Lockheed's

super-secret, windowless facility went by the name of " Skunk Works. " Ben

Rich arrived in 1954 as an engineer, succeeded Clarence " " as

director in 1975, and retired in 1991. Rich's first assignment was the CIA's

U-2 spy plane. This was followed by the SR-71 Blackbird, a plane that broke

records for speed and altitude. His crowning achievement was the F-117

stealth fighter. Essentially undetectable on enemy radar, this fighter

proved effective in laser-guided bombing runs during the Gulf War. Rich was

assisted in this autobiography by co-author Leo Janos, who also helped with

the autobiography of test pilot Chuck Yeager. ISBN 0-316-74330-5

http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/WU [Note: F-117 shot down at night

during " The Kosovo Conflict " by Serbs -1999]

1955~1975 - Book Review - The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and

Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990. Nazi scientists also conducted chemical

warfare experiments on 7000 U.S. soldiers at Edgewood Arsenal in land

from 1955-1975. ISBN 0-312-05510-2


1955~1968 - Gehlen transferred his organization (the " Gehlen Org " ) to West

Germany in 1955. He directed the BND until his retirement in 1968, and died

in 1979. ISBN 0-913969-30-3 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/PA

1956~1957 - Book Review - Ropes of Sand: America's Failure in the Middle

East. This book provides a history of Middle-East politics and the U.S.

involvement in same from post-World War One to the 1970s. Written as a

personal account, the book is very readable and contains a number of

significant revelations, such as U.S. plots to overthrow the government of

Syria in 1956 and 1957 and to assassinate President Nasser of Egypt, as well

as American involvement in several other conspiracies, alone and with the

British, to fashion the Middle East to their own specifications. There is

also material on covert Arab-Israeli relations, the CIA overthrow of the

Iranian government in 1953, and on British mole Kim Philby, with whom

Eveland spent time in Lebanon right up until Philby avoided arrest by

fleeing to the Soviet Union. ISBN 0-393-01336-7


1961 - Book Review - Bay of Pigs: The Untold Story. Two books in NameBase,

" Operation Zapata " and Wyden's " Bay of Pigs: The Untold Story, " deal

with the 1961 CIA invasion of Cuba that was inherited by President Kennedy

as soon as he took office. This was the first embarrassment for a CIA that

had come to think of itself as all- powerful. Hundreds of CIA-trained Cubans

and dozens of CIA officials blamed Kennedy after he failed to involve U.S.

forces to salvage a deteriorating situation. Some of the crucial events in

U.S. history since 1961 can be traced back to the Bay of Pigs, and to

Kennedy's subsequent desire to rein in the CIA. Wyden's book is probably the

most complete narrative of the Bay of Pigs that has been published. .

ISBN 0-671-24006-4 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/MW

1961~1963 - Book Review - JFK and Vietnam: Deception, Intrigue, and the

Struggle for Power. Drawing on his laboriously-assembled 15,000-page archive

of official documents, historian M. Newman builds his case that

President Kennedy planned to win re-election in 1964 -- and then get out of

Vietnam. Newman's Kennedy is an intelligent Tory realist, determined not to

be suckered into an Asian Bay-of-Pigs-on-the-installment-plan. Kennedy

stonewalled repeated requests from his inner circle to commit U.S. combat

troops to Laos in 1961, and to Vietnam thereafter. As a result, Newman

thinks, key insiders came to doubt Kennedy's nerve. ISBN 0-446-51678-3


1961~1974 - MCCLOY JOHN JAY - Disarmament Advisor. Warren Commission

appointee, Wall Street attorney for the seven sister big oil companies

[previously Standard Oil, Rockefeller, prior to the court ordered break up],

and director of numerous corporations. It's almost redundant to add that

McCloy was also well-connected to U.S. intelligence agencies. ISBN

0-671-45415-3 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/RT

1962 - Book Review - Britain's Secret Propaganda War. This book also quotes

a June 1962 CIA memorandum, which states that President Kennedy and Prime

Minister Macmillan, in April 1962, agreed to " liquidate President Sukarno

[indonesia], depending on the situation and available opportunities. " ISBN

0-7509-1668-0 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/cK

1962 - Book Review - CIA: The Inside Story. Written at a time when few

Americans could identify what the letters CIA stood for, much less what the

agency did, this was the first book to reveal a number of CIA adventures in

some detail. It discusses actual and possible CIA attempts at

government-making in Algeria, Guatemala, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Cuba, Laos,

Korea and the Soviet bloc, and also has sections on Nazi general Reinhard

Gehlen, and the U-2 and Francis Powers. Some espionage and

counter-espionage tales are thrown in to make what must have at the time

seemed like the " inside story, " but which now definitely comes across as

rather superficial. Tully's point of view is strictly cold-war

anti-communist, although he's not an extremist. To have put together a book

like this in 1962, he most likely had the cooperation of the CIA, which was

reeling from the Bay of Pigs fiasco and needed some publicity about agency

" successes. " In general, the book's sins are more those of omission than of

commission. http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/HV

1962~1963 - Book Review - JFK and Vietnam: Deception, Intrigue, and the

Struggle for Power. Newman documents a high-level conspiracy that doctored

the military's intelligence reports on Vietnam that Kennedy received during

much of 1962-63. But grimmer assessments reached Kennedy via the CIA and the

State Department, and Newman thinks Kennedy's real intentions in Vietnam are

signaled by an October 1963 document ordering a secret 1,000-man initial

withdrawal of U.S. advisors. (A few weeks later, President ordered

the U.S. naval raids that led to the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and so to the

war.) ISBN 0-446-51678-3 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/RO

1963 - Book Review - JFK - They've Killed the President! " Most Americans

agree, on the basis of eyewitnesses and evidence from the scene, that Oswald

did not act alone. Whether the Mafia did it, or the CIA did it, or both

(they were definitely working together to assassinate Castro), the most

troubling legacy of Dallas is not the question of who pulled the trigger. As

important as this is, it could have been a lower- echelon, renegade

operation of limited scope. More mind-boggling is the probability that for

nearly 30 years we've seen a massive cover-up. When considered along with

the Luther King and Kennedy assassinations, fundamental

questions about who really has the power in America, and whether our

democracy is a sham, cannot be avoided.New York: Bantam Books, 1975. 408



1964 - Book Review - The Invisible Government. With chapters on ...even the

Gehlen Org, this 1964 book was amazingly comprehensive about U.S. covert

activities. With all of the literature about the CIA over the past two

decades, it is easy to forget that for the first half of the Agency's

history, almost nothing was in the public domain. Washington journalist

Wise changed all of that with " The Invisible Government " in 1964. CIA

director McCone called in Wise and co-author Ross to demand

deletions on the basis of galleys the CIA had secretly obtained. When that

didn't work, the CIA formed a special group to deal with the book and tried

to secure bad reviews, even though the CIA's legal counsel had found the

book " uncannily accurate. " As the unofficial dean of intelligence

journalists, Wise is still working on future books from his Washington

office. ISBN 0-394-71993-X http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/AZ

1964 - Book Review - United States Penetration of Brazil. Jan Black was a

Peace Corp volunteer in Chile when a coup in Brazil toppled the government

of Joao Goulart in April, 1964. Her Chilean friends suggested that the coup

was supported by the CIA, but Black thought they were being paranoid. Twelve

years later, much more information about the CIA was available. Black, then

a professor at the University of New Mexico, began extensive research on

U.S. covert and overt involvement in Brazil, and put it in this book. As of

1999 Professor Black is at the Monterey Institute of International Studies

in Monterey, California, and her book endures as the best we've seen on U.S.

policy in Brazil during the 1960s. Unlike its role in Chile from 1970 to

1973, the U.S. role in Brazil in 1964 was more subtle. The U.S. Air Force

was ready with six C-135 transports and 110 tons of small arms and

ammunition, and a " fast " r Task Group was ordered to take positions

off the Brazilian coast. They weren't needed because the U.S. had been

subverting labor groups, reform-minded populists, and big media for many

months, while pumping up the police and military. The coup was almost

bloodless since everyone knew it was unstoppable; the military took over and

Goulart fled to Uruguay. Most of the blood came later -- by the time this

book appeared, Brazil had a well-deserved reputation for political

repression and torture. ISBN 0-8122-7720-1


1965 - Book Review - Britain's Secret Propaganda War. The first chapter

details British propaganda efforts against Indonesia's Sukarno in 1965,

before and after the so-called abortive " coup, " which became the excuse for

Suharto's genocide against the PKI. IRD and MI6 " black " operations were

intense before and after this alleged coup, as forged documents suggesting

PKI atrocities and Chinese intervention were combined with sophisticated

signals intelligence that monitored Sukarno's every move. ISBN 0-7509-1668-0


1965 - Book Review - Military Terror in Indonesia. " I probably have a lot of

blood on my hands, but that's not all bad. There's a time when you have to

strike hard at a decisive moment. " So said J. Martens, formerly a

political officer in the U.S. embassy in Indonesia, as he described to

reporter Kathy Kadane how U.S. diplomats and CIA officers provided up to

5,000 names to Indonesian army death squads in 1965, and checked them off as

they were killed or captured. The death toll reached a half million or so.

Kadane's article was reprinted in the San Francisco Examiner (1990-05-20)

and the Washington Post (1990-05-21), but soon the New York Times checked in

with a damage control effort by Wines (1990-07-12), which proclaimed

the end of the story. ISBN 0-85124-143-3


1965~1966 - Book Review - Subversion as Foreign Policy: The Secret

Eisenhower and Dulles Debacle in Indonesia. It stops short of the 1965 coup,

which a CIA study described as follows: " In terms of the numbers killed the

anti-PKI massacres in Indonesia rank as one of the worst mass murders of the

20th century, along with the Soviet purges of the 1930s, the Nazi mass

murders during the Second World War, and the Maoist bloodbath of the early

1950s. " To get anything else out of the CIA about Indonesia, you still need

a crowbar, even if you leave out 1965. The importance of this work is that

it exposes the covert policy of Eisenhower and the Dulles brothers in

Indonesia during the 1950s. This policy set the stage for the 1960s. The

events of 1965-1966, dismissed at the time by the world's media as an

" abortive Communist coup, " are still hotly disputed, and appear suspicious

by any reasonable standard. ISBN 1-56584-244-8


1966 - Book Review - Inside the League. The World Anti-Communist League

(WACL) was founded in 1966 as a public relations arm for Taiwan and South

Korea. WACL didn't attract much notice in the U.S. until Singlaub's

United States Council for World Freedom, the American branch of WACL, was

launched in 1981 with a loan from Taiwan and soon began raising money for

the contras. Singlaub and his supporters also operated through a network of

similar groups: Western Goals, Council for the Defense of Freedom, American

Security Council, Council for Inter-American Security, and the Conservative

Caucus. But WACL is particularly known for its international conferences

that attract " American congressmen and senators, archbishops, members of

Parliament, bank presidents, and scientists. There, they have been in the

company of Nazi collaborators, Japanese war criminals, Latin death squad

leaders, disciples of Moon's Unification Church, and fugitive Italian

terrorists. " There's even a CIA connection. Ray Cline, station chief in

Taiwan from 1958-1962 and later deputy director for intelligence, attended

conferences in 1980, 1983, and 1984. The authors believe that covert U.S.

funding played a role in the establishment of WACL, and note that Cline was

in a position to be helpful when preparatory meetings were held in 1958.

1986 ISBN 0-396-08517-2 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/HB

1966 - Book Review - Who Rules Columbia? [university Student Movement] North

American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) began in 1966 and quickly became

one of the most important research organizations to emerge out of the U.S.

student movement. Through the mid-seventies their publications concentrated

on the role of U.S. corporations and foreign policy in Latin America, with

special emphasis on U.S. universities, development policy, police training,

and CIA covert activities. Reports were well-researched, with more facts

than analysis. If you depended on major media, all you knew about Columbia

University in 1968 was that Mark Rudd, SDS, and some long-haired students

became spontaneously restless. In fact, a major study of Columbia's role in

the community and in the world was produced by these students. This is

NACLA's reprint of the original 1968 edition. " Strawberry Statement " .


1968 - Book Review - How Harvard Rules: Reason in the Service of Empire.

Several times a century, apparently, some American students take a look at

their university and are horrified to discover that they are in the belly of

the beast. It happened to Randolph Bourne at Columbia in 1917, it happened

again at Columbia in 1968 (see NACLA's reprint of " Who Rules Columbia? " in

NameBase), and it happened to me at the University of Southern California in

1969. That's when I discovered that the campus was owned by former CIA

director and future Chile-destabilizer McCone

http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin6.cgi?_MCCONE_JOHN_ALEX ]and his

multimillionaire/multinational corporate cronies, the campus fraternities

were controlled by future Watergate dirty-tricksters, and half of

Reagan's California kitchen cabinet was on the Board of Trustees. By now I'm

more amused than outraged after reading How Harvard Rules, a collection of

26 essays from assorted academics who have kept their eyes open. Some

concern rather esoteric issues, but these are offset with seven essays by

Trumpbour himself, who was a Ph.D. student in Harvard's history department.

He demonstrates an appreciation of Harvard's historical role, including its

connections to the intelligence community. ISBN 0-89608-283-0


1969~1975 - Book Review - Decent Interval: An Insider's Account of Saigon's

Indecent End Told by the CIA's Chief Strategy Analyst in Vietnam. Snepp

served in the CIA's Saigon station from 1969-1971 and 1972-1975; his duties

included strategic estimates of NVA forces, agent networks, and

interrogations of captured NVA and Vietcong. In this book his descriptions

of the CIA's performance in Vietnam, particularly during the fall of Saigon,

are stunning. Snepp was awarded the Intelligence Medal for Merit for his

service; ironically, he had joined the CIA to avoid Vietnam. Angered by the

CIA's failure to produce an after-action report on the CIA's performance

during Vietnam's fall, Snepp wrote his book shortly after resigning. The CIA

sued Snepp, forcing him to surrender his profits from the book for failing

to submit it to the CIA Publications Review Board prior to publication. ISBN

0-394-72691-X http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/AF

1969 - Book Review - Silent Coup: The Removal of a President. This

bestseller... makes the case that Haig was Deep Throat, and

reports convincing evidence (including taped interviews with officials) that

Bob Woodward knew Haig in 1969 when Woodward worked at the Pentagon, four

years before Woodward said they met. 1992. ISBN 0-312-92763-0


1969 - Book Review - Secret Agenda: Watergate, Deep Throat and the CIA.

Offers many firsts: the first to reveal that Woodward had secretly briefed

Haig while Woodward presided over the Pentagon code room of the

Chief of Naval Operations. ISBN 0-394-51428-9


1970's - Book Review - Challenging the Secret Government: The Post-Watergate

Investigations of the CIA and FBI. It may come as a surprise to viewers of

" The X Files, " but prior to the 1970s there was almost no information in the

officially-acknowledged public record to suggest that the FBI and CIA had

ever engaged in illegal or questionable activities. Then in the wake of

Watergate, reports surfaced in the press of CIA involvement in the coup in

Chile, and massive domestic spying by the CIA and FBI against war

protesters. These were followed with stories of CIA plots to kill foreign

leaders. The Church Committee in the Senate, and the Pike Committee in the

House, were formed to investigate. Congressman J. Harrington (D-MA),

and journalists such as Seymour Hersh (New York Times) and Schorr

(CBS), played a significant role in exposing this secret history. At the

time, many thought that the momentum for exposure would lead to significant

reforms. But a year later the climate had changed dramatically. Harrington

was in trouble with the House Ethics Committee for leaking information about

Chile, the Pike Committee report was suppressed by Congress, and

Schorr was fired from CBS after leaking the Pike report to the Village

Voice. The author suggests that the momentum for reform was lost when the

revelations became more than a deluded, complacent public could comfortably

bear. Chapel Hill NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1996. 255 pages.

Olmsted, S. ISBN 0-8078-4562-0


1971 - Book Review - The Higher Circles: The Governing Class in America.

Makes a convincing case that elites run foreign policy and shape social

legislation through various devices from think tanks to interlocking

directorates, while the CIA molds the public consciousness by financing

institutions, infiltrating labor unions, and buying opinion- makers. The

book is name-intensive and full of concrete examples and statistics. The

final chapter presents a solid critique of the pluralists -- the academic

mandarins whose job it was to justify the status quo during the 1960s.

Twenty years later, when it became their job to justify increasing poverty

and homelessness, they gave up on pluralism and started debating

" trickle-down " economics. Meanwhile, professors got tenure and the rich got

richer. ISBN 0-394-71671-X http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/DK

1971 - Book Review - The General Was a Spy: The Truth About General Gehlen

and His Spy Ring. Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler's chief of eastern

front intelligence. As part of the deal, Gehlen transferred his organization

(the " Gehlen Org " ) to West Germany in 1955. He directed the BND until his

retirement in 1968, and died in 1979. Hoehne and Zolling's book is based on

a series they wrote for Der Spiegel in 1971, which in turn prompted Gehlen

to write his memoirs. The authors interviewed Org members and drew on

personal papers and government documents. They include an introduction by

H.R. Trevor-Roper and a preface by Tully, who quotes Dulles on

Gehlen: " I don't know if he's a rascal; there are few archbishops in

espionage. He's on our side and that is all that matters. Besides, one

needn't ask a Gehlen to one's club. " New York: Bantam Books, 1972. 439

pages. http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/IX

1972 - Book Review - The Search for Nazis in America. Devito, an

investigator with the Immigration and Naturalization Service [iNS], was

assigned to the Hermine Braunsteiner case. These were the days when the

INS still handled Nazi war criminals, before jurisdiction shifted to the

Justice Department's Office of Special Investigations in 1979. Devito became

convinced that all the problems he encountered- disappearing files, office

break-ins, denied travel vouchers, threatening phone calls to witnesses he

had interviewed - were evidence of Odessa penetration of INS. A Jewish

organization gave him a list of 59 other Nazis living in the U.S., but

Devito was unable to interest his bosses. Devito resigned in 1973 and went

public, and this bestseller was the result. ISBN 0-449-23409-6


1973 - Book Review - The Man Who Kept the Secrets: Helms and the

CIA. When de was elected president of Chile, Nixon gave Helms,

CIA director from 1966-1972, his marching orders. " Make the economy scream, "

read Helms' notes of the September 15, 1970 meeting. Later Helms said, " If I

ever carried a marshall's baton in my knapsack out of the Oval Office, it

was that day. " In early 1973, Helms was asked by Congress whether the CIA

was involved in Chile, and he denied it. The coup in Chile happened several

months later, and it was nasty. Although the major media swallowed the

official denials for another year, cracks in the story began to appear. When

it first appeared in 1979, this book was widely regarded as one of the best

ever written about the CIA. ISBN 0-671-83654-4


1974 - Book Review - The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of

the United States and the World. " The Secret Team " is Prouty's euphemism for

those security-cleared individuals in and out of government who react with

paramilitary plans and activities, directly or through proxies, to data

provided by the CIA and NSA. " It is a bewildering collection of

semipermanent or temporarily assembled action committees and networks, "

whose power " derives from its vast intragovernmental undercover

infrastructure and its direct relationship with great private industries,

mutual funds and investment houses, universities, and the news media,

including foreign and domestic publishing houses. " New York: Ballantine

Books, 1974. 556 pages.


1974 - Book Review - The Power of the Multinational Corporations. In the

1970s it was still possible for scholars to affiliate with think tanks whose

budgets did not depend on huge corporate donations. This didn't always make

them less elitist, but in most cases it made them more honest. J.

Barnet, who has been a member of the Council on Foreign Relations for more

than ten years, was associated with the left-liberal Institute for Policy

Studies when he co-authored this book. " Global Reach " is one of the first

(and only) books to examine the transnational corporation, which was then

just emerging as a separate political and economic entity, with the

potential to subvert the historic social-welfare functions of the sovereign

state, and thereby affect billions of people. For the 1990s, this book

merely needs to change is its cover: it ought to be titled " Global Grab. "

ISBN 0-671-22104-3 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/YV

1975 - Book Review - Clearing the Air. In 1975 the CIA was investigated by

three panels: the Rockefeller Commission, the Church Committee in the

Senate, and the Pike Committee in the House. The first two issued reports

that included many revelations and also kept many secrets. When it came time

for the Pike report, Washington had grown tired of all the dirty laundry and

President Ford was able to keep it classified. But CBS reporter

Schorr had a copy from an unidentified source, and had been doing stories on

it. After trying unsuccessfully to get CBS and others to publish the report,

he gave it to the Village Voice, which published it on February 20, 1976.

Schorr was subpoenaed by the House Ethics Committee and almost cited for

contempt for refusing to name his source, and was forced to resign from CBS

in 1977. ISBN 0-425-03903-X http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/AS

1975 - Book Review - The Man Who Kept the Secrets: Helms and the

CIA. By 1975 the Church Committee was taking a closer look at [CIA's role

in] ChileISBN 0-671-83654-4 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/AI

1975 - Book Review - The CIA-Mafia Link. This book deserves credit as the

first to explore the CIA's ties to the Mafia in the context of various

assassinations. It was published in 1975, when the Church Committee -- the

Senate's select committee to study governmental operations with respect to

intelligence activities, chaired by Idaho Democrat Church -- was

preparing for hearings. Chapter includes the Rockefeller Commission

cover-up. New York: Manor Books, 1975. 234 pages.


1975 - Book Review - The Assassinations: Dallas and Beyond -- A Guide to

Cover-ups and Investigations. Wayne Chastain and Harold Weisberg weigh in on

the Luther King

assassination, and Blair Kaiser, Betsy Langman, and

Cockburn discuss Kennedy and Sirhan's gun. Gore Vidal is suspicious

of the attempt against Wallace. A final section reprints the chapter

from the 1975 Rockefeller Commission report that treated and dismissed some

of the CIA connections with the JFK assassination. 1976. ISBN 0-394-71650-7


1977 - Book Review - The Man Who Kept the Secrets: Helms and the

CIA. In 1977 Helms was allowed to plead no contest to two misdemeanor

charges for withholding information [from the Chruch Committee about CIA's

1973 involvement in Chile]. Retired CIA officers gave Helms a standing

ovation and paid his fine. His attorney said that

Helms would " wear this conviction like a badge of honor, " and Helms agreed.

ISBN 0-671-83654-4 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/AI

1977 - Book Review - A Dangerous Game: CIA and the Mass Media. During the

1970s a series of revelations about U.S. involvement in Vietnam, Watergate,

the FBI, and CIA opened up a window on the secret state. After some fresh

air passed over some dirty laundry, the window slammed shut and Reagan was

elected. Perhaps it was the revolutions in Iran and Nicaragua, or the

economy, or maybe the attention span of the media had been exceeded. Another

possibility is that the revelations were getting too close. Despite the

conducive climate, very little ink was spent on a broad discussion of the

relationship between the CIA and the mass media (one exception was a New

York Times series in late December, 1977). Apparently the media had little

desire to undermine their own credibility, so the bits and pieces of

evidence, the confessions, and the denials tended to emerge one column-inch

at a time. That left the field to the Eastern Bloc press. In this book out

of Czechoslovakia, which was translated from a Russian edition, Petrusenko

compiles evidence of the CIA-media connection. " It is based completely on

published materials from news media in the United States, Great Britain and

other countries.... The author believes this is the first attempt to gather

together a considerable body of material that originally appeared in

different monographs, magazines and newspapers. " Prague: Interpress, 1977.

190 pages. http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/CB

1976 - BORIS PASH - " Another notable Bloodstone veteran is Boris Pash, a

career intelligence officer identified in the Final Report of the U.S.

Senate's 1975-1976 investigation into U.S. intelligence activities as the

retired director of the CIA unit responsible for planning assassinations "

(*Blowback,* p. 108). *Blowback,* p. 152-153 says: " The records of Operation

Bloodstone add an important new piece of information to one of the most

explosive public issues of today: the role of the U.S. government -

specifically the CIA - in assassinations and attempted assassinations of

foreign officials. According to a 1976 Senate investigation, a key official

of Operation Bloodstone is the OPC officer who was specifically delegated

responsibility for planning the agency's assassinations, kidnappings, and

similar 'wetwork.' http://www.anomalous-images.com/text/FIRESK27.TXT

1978 - Book Review - Iran - As late as September 28, 1978, several months

before one of the major revolutions of the twentieth century, the U.S.

Defense Intelligence Agency reported that the shah " is expected to remain

actively in power over the next ten years. " (page 258). Even after the

revolution, private policymakers such as Kissinger and Rockefeller

apparently managed one last scam. The author explains how Chase Manhattan

Bank, which feared that the new Iranian government might withdraw their

funds and repudiate the shah's loans, had nothing to lose by lobbying

Washington for the admission of the shah into the U.S. This resulted in the

takeover of our embassy, the freezing of Iranian assets, and a declaration

of default by Chase that allowed them to seize those assets to offset the

loans. " In the end, the resolution of the crisis clearly benefitted the

American banking community. " (page 344) ISBN 0-300-04097-0


1979 - Book Review - The Man Who Kept the Secrets: Helms and the

CIA. [de, Chile] Powers covers much more than Helms and Chile; he

follows this quintessential career man through the entire history of the

CIA, including the Cold War spying of the 1950s, the assassination attempts

in the 1960s, the illegal surveillance of the student movement, and on

through Watergate in the 1970s. When it first appeared in 1979, this book

was widely regarded as one of the best ever written about the CIA. ISBN

0-671-83654-4 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/AI

1979 - Book Review - AIDS and the Doctors of Death: An Inquiry Into the

Origin of the AIDS Epidemic. Alan Cantwell is a Los Angeles-based

dermatologist and AIDS microbiology researcher who has published more than

thirty papers on cancer, AIDS, and other immunological diseases. In 1986,

Cantwell heard a presentation by Dr. Strecker, who argued that AIDS

originated with the hepatitis B vaccine trials in New York City in the late

1970s. Cantwell became convinced that Strecker was onto something, and began

digging into the evidence. The two books by Cantwell in NameBase, " AIDS and

the Doctors of Death " and " Queer Blood, " argue the position that the AIDS

virus was first engineered, perhaps for defensive bio-warfare purposes, and

then spread through contamination of vaccines: hepatitis B in New York City,

and the smallpox vaccine in Africa. The evidence is based on the nature of

AIDS, as well as on the circumstances surrounding early reported cases. The

strength of these books is that they debunk the popular " green monkey "

theories on the origin of AIDS, and present a credible alternative

explanation that our major media is not in a position to provide. 1988 ISBN

0-917211-25-1 and ISBN 0-917211-26-X


1980 - Moscow Agreement of 1980 that gave OSI [Office of Security and

Intell] access to Nazi documents and witnesses. ISBN 0-15-175823-9


1981~1988 - Book Review - Washington's War on Nicaragua. This is one of the

most comprehensive, well-documented treatments of U.S. policy in Nicaragua

from through the Reagan years. It includes official policies and

activities as well as those of the quasi-private cutouts and the right-wing

support network. Then there's gun and drug running, contra atrocities,

Casey and the CIA, Oliver North's enterprise, Congressional

opposition, domestic surveillance of U.S. Sandinista supporters, the psywar

media campaign, and finally the Iran- contra scandal. ISBN 0-89608-295-4


1981 - Book Review - Red Carpet. Book was mainly of interest for the other

aristocrats profiled by the author: W. Averell Harriman, Cyrus Eaton,

Kendall, and Rockefeller. Finder's point is that when big money was

involved, both the U.S. and Russia overlooked their ideological differences,

even at the height of the Cold War, and cooperated in the interests of

higher profits. The Kremlin has always given distinguished U.S. millionaires

access to the inner sanctum. From the other end, no one in Washington tells

a Rockefeller or a Harriman what they can and cannot do. ISBN 0-03-060484-2


1982-00-00 – J. Wheeler “Bloodgate: A New Theory on the Death of

”, Washington Weekly, 1/18/99 In the early 1980’s, “Friends of

Bill” devised an easy-money scheme to harvest inmate blood plasma at Cummins

[…] the profit potential was enormous and the bleed were safe from public

view, behind the prison walls. HMA already had an exclusive contract to

provide ordinary health care within the prison, approved by Clinton in his

first term as governor. The expansion into plasma harvesting got going when

he was re-elected in 1982. In the meantime, HMA’s medical care had been so

sloppy that its medical license was pulled. Yet it was awarded a new license

and a broader contract when Bill Clinton got back into office. In fact, HMA’

s license was voided three times for medical violations before it went out

of business in 1987. Each time Bill Clinton conspicuously rode to the

rescue. A new program under different owners got his approval and the scheme

continued until 1994. http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a375b2b76399a.htm

1982-07-02 – “And the Band Played On” A meeting of physicians, CDC, FDA and

leaders of the blood Industry, hemophiliac groups and gay community is held

in Washington, D.C. Donor deferral guidelines (which will target gays and

hemophiliacs) are shot down. Hemophiliacs attack the date linking immune

suppression to the contamination of Factor VII. Gays, particularly Dr.

Enlow, PR conscious and fearing for the civil rights of millions of

Americans argue persuasively that it’s too early to push for such

guidelines. (Only Dr. Dan argues it may save lives … this marks the

beginning of his loss of popularity in the gay community.) They agree to

WAIT AND SEE. Of note, however, it is at that meeting that the acronym AIDS

attaches. And this: There was something else from the meeting that also

troubled Dale Lawrence. Jim Curran and others discussed that AIDS cases were

turning up in prisons, and a commercial plasma manufacturer had admitted

that a lot of blood had been drawn in state prisons. They were a good source

of plasma, he said. Lawrence could think only, " Oh God. " Drees (Alpha

Therapeutic) also attended the meeting where he learned from the CDC that

the disease was transmitted through tainted blood and blood products, had a

mortality rate of 100% and cases were doubling every six months. After an

infant contracted AIDS from a transfusion in San Francisco, Alpha set up an

in-house task force and began to report at length to Green Cross their

findings. Alpha also suspended buying blood plasma in San Francisco, New

York, Los Angeles and Miami. Drees believed everyone knew of the risks after

the CDC’s warning. After Green Cross refused to positively address the

warnings, Drees resigned.


1983 - Book Review - Called to Serve. (Bo) Gritz is a much-decorated

Vietnam special forces veteran who continued working in covert operations

after the war. He is convinced that live POWs remain in Southeast Asia, and

went into Laos in 1983 to try and rescue some. Pentagon officials made it

clear to Gritz that the highest levels of the U.S. government preferred to

ignore the evidence. This in turn caused him to reconsider the

flag-and-motherhood politics that brought him to Vietnam in the first place.

Gritz does add new evidence of U.S. duplicity in the war on drugs by

visiting opium warlord Khun Sa in Burma. Khun Sa's perspective on the opium

trade implicates U.S. officials such as Armitage. More than once

Khun Sa offered to sell his entire crop to the U.S. government in order to

keep it off the streets, and has also asked for crop- substitution

assistance. But the U.S. showed no interest in Gritz's efforts to mediate

the issue, and continued to demonize Khun Sa. ISBN 0-916095-38-4


1988 - Book Review - The Nazi Hunters. This is one of the more comprehensive

books on Nazi hunting. Many of the others were written too early to do

justice to the topic, or are more concerned with the use of Nazis by U.S.

intelligence after the war. The authors interviewed Alois Brunner, a

notorious Nazi still at large who is protected by Syria, and give new

information on Kurt Waldheim's [uN Sec.] involvement in war crimes. The

Eichmann, Mengele, and Barbie cases are also reviewed. An appendix (pages

305-310) lists all of the open and closed cases brought against Nazis by the

U.S. through mid-1988. Chapters on the current status of Nazi hunting in

Canada, Australia, Britain, and Germany are included, as well as

descriptions of private groups such as the World Jewish Congress, the Simon

Wiesenthal Center, and the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. ISBN

0-88687-357-6 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/PV

1988 - Book Review - Foreign Intelligence Organizations [FIO]. Included are

the United Kingdom (GCHQ, SIS, MI5, DIS, Special Branch); Canada (RCMP,

CSIS, CSE, FIB); Italy (SISDE, SISMI, and the P2 problem); West Germany

(Nazis, Gehlen, BND, BfV); France (SDECE, DGSE, DST, and the Rainbow Warrior

scandal), Israel (Mossad, Aman, Shin Bet, Lakam); Japan (Naicho, PSIA,

commercial trade intelligence); and China (ILD, UFWD, MSS, MID, New China

News Agency). 1988. ISBN 0-88730-122-3


1989 - Book Review - The Last Days of the CIA. New York: He has chapters on

how the CIA dealt with the Tiananmen Square massacre, Middle East terrorism,

the fall of Eastern Europe, the Soviet breakup, the Persian Gulf War, and

Panama. is skeptical of the CIA's ability to handle a crisis, from its

failure to predict the fall of the Soviet empire to its failure to provide

adequate intelligence for Desert Storm. One of the most troubling chapters

is on CIA's assessments and handling of the 1989 pro-democracy movement in

China. Though the CIA helped rescue many of the student leaders, it failed

to predict the military crackdown. Bush is depicted as a novice in

his understanding of the CIA, despite the fact that Bush was once CIA

director. ISBN 0-688-09386-8 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/SE

1990~1997 - Book Review - Man Without a Face: The Autobiography of

Communism's Greatest Spymaster. Markus Wolf was born in Germany in 1923,

raised in the Soviet Union, and for 34 years was the head of foreign

intelligence for Stasi, East Germany's intelligence service. It took almost

twenty years before Western intelligence knew what he looked like, which

explains the title of this book. Stasi was known for its ability to

infiltrate the highest levels of the West German government. Good tradecraft

explains some of this, the longevity of iron-fisted East German bureaucrats

explains more, but finally it seems that many of Stasi's spies were

motivated by idealism -- either as Communist Party members, or simply due to

the fact that West Germany was revoltingly thick with former Nazis in high

positions. ISBN 0-8129-6394-6 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/cH

1990 - Video Review - The Panama Deception is advocacy journalism at its

most powerful. The many eyewitness accounts of the 1989 US invasion of

Panama and its aftermath presented here make a compelling case for those who

believe the US government has misled its citizens. One does not have to

agree with the program's thesis, that our invasion of Panama was in order to

abrogate the Panama Canal Treaty passed in 1979. This treaty gave the

Republic of Panama sovereignty over the famous link between the Atlantic and

the Pacific. What is not explained is why control of a somewhat obsolete

canal would be thought so important by the Bush administration as to start a

war over. http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/PanamaDeception.html

1991 - Book Review - Blank Check: The Pentagon's Black Budget. By following

the money, Weiner finds appropriations of public dollars for

highly-compartmentalized, secret research projects with no accountability to

either Congress or the Secretary of Defense. The secret budget has never

been published, a violation of Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution.

Reagan doubled the Pentagon budget between 1981 and 1985, and by 1991 Bush

had increased the " black " portion to 25 percent. Born from the Manhattan

Project, described by Weiner as a " mutant chromosome in the American body

politic, " this secret operation is now a full-blown parallel government.

Weiner shows the secret government at work in diverting funds illegally,

creating military units outside the chain of command, conducting covert

wars, and transforming Star Wars into a system for the control of space.

This book is a solidly-documented description of how the U.S. responded to

atomic weapons and the Cold War by giving birth to, nurturing, and

ultimately succumbing to a national security state. ISBN 0-446-39275-8


1991 ~ Book Review - Israel's Secret Wars: A History of Israel's

Intelligence Services. With its 4 million citizens, Israel seemingly flaunts

a higher per capita rate of official covert activity than other sovereign

countries. Meanwhile, obliging American readers are nostalgic for their own

lost glory, presenting a consistent market for books on the much-vaunted

efficiency of Israeli intelligence. Journalist Ian Black and historian Benny

both have strong sympathies for Israel and kept this book " legally

correct " -- they submitted it to Israeli military censors, and many of their

sources were required by law to keep their names out of print. It reads like

a sober academic tome, perhaps designed as a counterweight to the

sensational book by Israeli intelligence ex-patriot Victor Ostrovsky. The

authors are strong on episodes of early historical interest, for which

declassified primary sources are available, and extremely weak or absent on

essential contemporary issues: Israel's role in Iran-contra and Panama, the

extent to which Israeli intelligence is responsive to Israel's dependence on

arms sales to Third World dictators, and the question of Israeli covert

activity and surveillance in the U.S. through the use of Jewish community

groups in America.

ISBN 0-8021-1159-9 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/UW

1995 - Book Review - Covert Network: Progressives, the International Rescue

Committee, and the CIA. Armonk NY and London: M.E. Sharpe, 1995. 265 pages.

Chester, . The Cold War period in American history was

characterized by a seamless cooperation among international charities,

quasi-governmental organizations, major foundations, funding conduits, and

the CIA. Any semblance of private- sector independence was more calculated

than real - a veil that is stripped away by following the careers,

connections, and correspondence of the key players who show up on the

interlocking boards of directors. This book singles out the International

Rescue Committee, and to a lesser extent the Ford Foundation. Its impressive

original-source research makes a mockery of any historian who would pretend

that these organizations can be considered separately from the CIA's

influence and agenda, particularly during the Cold War period. ISBN

1-56324-551-5 http://www.pir.org/cgi-bin/nbonlin1.cgi/YC

1995 - Book Review - Toxic Sludge Is Good For You: Lies, Damn Lies and the

Public Relations Industry. As transnationals become more powerful than many

governments, they discover that information control is the key to further

expansion. Today the shock troops of the New World Order are neither the

commandos with U.N. patches, nor the gray men from the CIA, but rather the

flacks and hacks in the public relations industry. Some academicians

estimate that about forty percent of all " news " is fed from PR firms to

newsrooms. Journalists get two versions: a slick final version, and a raw

one that they can edit. Most budget-conscious newsrooms simply present the

slick version as hard news. PR practitioners in the U.S. now outnumber

reporters, and some of the best journalism schools send more than half of

their graduates into these firms.

Along with those catchy " video news releases " that newsrooms love so much,

some PR firms offer industrial espionage, infiltration of civic and

political groups, planted stories, and phony grass-roots campaigns. Their

corporate clients call this " integrated communications. " The grass-roots

campaigns, commonly referred to as " astroturf movements, " are disguised as

concerned citizens driven by conscience to petition the government. Since

big money is available just underneath this facade, many politicians are no

doubt grateful for the cover that astroturf provides. ISBN 1-56751-060-4


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