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HCV - Side Effects - a listing

HCV - Associated Side Effects found in the





2000 - HCV has infected millions of people

worldwide and emerged as a global

health crisis. PMID: 10819433

2000 - HBV - Hepatitis overwhelms Africa, Asia -

More than 2 billion people

worldwide have been infected with Hepatitis B, and

350 million of them are

chronic carriers, WHO says.



2000 - Infection with (HCV) is the major cause of

non-A, non-B hepatitis

worldwide. PMID: 10895433

1999 - Reconstructing the complex evolutionary

history of hepatitis B virus.

A detailed analysis of the evolutionary history of

(HBV) was undertaken

using 39 mammalian hepadnaviruses for which

complete genome sequences were

available, including representatives of all six

human genotypes, as well as

a large sample of small S gene sequences.

Phylogenetic trees of these data

were ambiguous, supporting no single place of

origin for HBV, and depended

heavily on the underlying model of DNA

substitution. Both the pattern and

the rate of nucleotide substitution are therefore

complex phenomena in HBV

and hinder any attempt to reconstruct the past

spread of this virus. PMID:


2000 - HCV - It has been exceedingly difficult to

accurately assess the

natural history. PMID: 10895429

The family of the Flaviviridae contains genera:

hepaciviruses, to which

belongs HCV, and the flaviviruses, (emerging

world-wide) to which belongs

Yellow Fever virus (YFV).

1969 - The original hemorrhagic fever: yellow

fever. PMID: 4981419

1999 - Extensive mutagenesis of the hepatitis B

virus core gene. PMID:


1987 - Antibody to hepatitis B core antigen as a

paradoxical marker for

non-A, non-B hepatitis agents in donated blood.

PMID: 3006567

1990 - Hepatitis C virus is the major causative

agent of all non-A, non-B

hepatitis in the United States. PMID: 2170702

1999 - Dilemma of the natural history of hepatitis

C. PMID:10197486

1992 - Point Mutation - Serologically silent

hepatitis B virus along with

hepatitis C virus. HBV, ayw, an identical

single-point mutation was found in

both the donor and the recipient. These data

confirm the transmission of

conserved HBV sequences together with HCV in

posttransfusion NANBH. PMID:



2000 - HCV - 5'-NCR is more conserved than the

core region and the genotype

is the major cause of gene variation. No change in

sequences of those two

regions is found at the different points of time.

PMID: 10880160


2000 - The Protein Kinase-Interacting Domain in

the Hepatitis C Virus

Envelope Glycoprotein-2 Gene Is Highly Conserved

in Genotype 1-Infected

Patients Treated with Interferon. PMID: 10915068

2000 - Activation of Intracellular Signaling by

Hepatitis B and C Viruses:

C-Viral Core Is the Most Potent Signal Inducer.

PMID: 10915750

1999 - HCV infection has been linked with some

extrahepatic immunologic

abnormalities. PMID: 10193093

1942 - There was a group of disease, which we

called the hyperreactive

auto-allergic disorders, of which examples were to

be found in every system.

1992. PMID: 1729733

1979 - Evolution of viral diseases. latency allow

the virus repeatedly to

escape the body's immune system. The distribution

and clinical appearance of

the infections are influenced by environmental and

particularly iatrogenic*

impact. Complete extirpation of infections will

not be possible, only their

manifestations will undergo continuous change.

PMID: 93241

1998 - Hepatitis C virus and immunoglobulin gene

rearrangements: an early

step in lymphomagenesis? clonal lesions in the DNA

are related to HCV

infection and that these changes antedate the

appearance of mixed

cryoglobulinemia. PMID: 9858787

1996 - Inactivation of hepatitis C virus cDNA

transgene by hypermethylation

in transgenic mice. PMID: 8678840

1998 - Anti-hepatitis push raises ethical issues.

Mod Healthc. PMID:


1999 - likely that at least one additional

blood-borne hepatitis virus has

yet to be identified. PMID: 10572578

2000 - HCV - The source of infection for the 30%

of cases without an

identifiable risk factor remains to be clarified.

PMID: 10890316

2000 - Non-hepatological manifestations are

frequent with more than 70% of

HCV patients experiencing fatigue or at least one

extrahepatic clinical

manifestation involving primarily the joints, skin

and muscles. PMID:


2000 - Britain - [10%] women studied in Britain

have been infected with

hepatitis C, according to new research. Of these,

[66%] were previously

undiagnosed. Hepatitis C infection rates are

running at far higher levels

than previously thought, according to research

published today [July, 18].

Published in the BMA specialist journal, Gut, the

research found that women

who had their ears pierced or had tattoos were

twice as likely to be

infected with hepatitis C as those who used

intravenous drugs. The finding

that two thirds of patients in the study were

previously undiagnosed and

that three quarters [75%] had no known risk

factors for hepatitis C will

cause doctors and scientists to view the disease

in a new light. The

prevalence of hepatitis C may be even higher than

in this study. " Such a

high level of infection establishes hepatitis C as

a major healthcare

problem for the 21st century, and one that cannot

be ignored " . The babies of

pregnant women with hepatitis C are at an

increased risk of infection also.



2000 - The discovery a decade ago of the (HCV) led

to control of

post-transfusion hepatitis in many countries, but

raised a number of further

questions about the transmission and

epidemiological distribution of the

newly discovered virus. people with HCV infection

and their sexual partners

should minimize the extent of blood contact that

may occur through sexual

activity. PMID: 10921388

Iatrogenic = Induced inadvertently by the medical

treatment or procedures or

actvity of a physician. Infections acquired by the

patient during the course

of treatment.



2000 - HCV infection is one of the main hepatitis

viruses in patients with

acute hepatitis. PMID: 10880163

2000 - (HCV) is a major cause of morbidity and

mortality worldwide. The

infection becomes chronic in about 85% of infected

individuals, in the face

of a strong humoral and cellular immune response.

PMID: 10895435

2000 - Approximately 70% of patients with acute

hepatitis C develop chronic

hepatitis. Once patients develop chronic hepatitic

fibrosis of the liver, it

progresses over several decades, faster in older

patients. PMID: 10921390

2000 - The majority of patients who develop

chronic HCV infection are

asymptomatic; but 60-80% develop chronic hepatitis

as indicated by elevated

ALT; around 30% maintain normal ALT. One-third of

chronically infected

patients develop progressive liver injury,

fibrosis and cirrhosis over a

period of 20-30 years, and 15% develop

hepatocellular carcinoma. PMID:


2000 - HCV - Characterized by silent onset in most

infected individuals, a

high rate of viral persistence, and the potential

for development of

everworsening chronic liver disease, ranging from

chronic hepatitis to

cirrhosis and occasionally to hepatocellular

carcinoma. Such progression,

when it occurs, is also most commonly a silent

process that may take 20-40,

and occasionally even more, years to reach its end

point. Because of these

characteristics, it has been exceedingly difficult

to accurately assess the

natural history. PMID: 10895429

2000 - Chronic infection with (HCV) is estimated

to affect almost 170

million individuals worldwide. 20-30% of these

individuals develop cirrhosis

and its sequelae. Only 15-20% of patients with

chronic hepatitis C achieve a

sustained virological response to interferon

monotherapy. The prevalence of

anti-HCV antibodies in dialysis patients varies

between 1% and 29% in

Western Europe. PMID: 10897663

1997 - (HCV) is currently classified into at least

six major genotypes, each

of which is further divided into a number of

subtypes. It has been reported

that prevalence of each subtype varies among

different geographical regions

of the world and that severity of liver disease

and sensitivity to

interferon treatment varies with different

subtypes. PMID: 9640596

1998 - HCV shows high genomic variability. PMID:


1999 - Quasispecies - Evidence of increasing

diversification of HCV viruses.

HCV has been described as a dynamic population of

heterogeneous, closely

related variants, designated quasispecies. PMID:


2000 - HCV mixed-genotype infections are more

common than previously

estimated. PMID: 10921931

2000 - One of the most important features of HCV

is its high degree of

genetic variability, which is due to the inherent

low fidelity of the viral

replication machinery. The genetic variability of

HCV is complex and has

been classified into four hierarchical strata:

genotypes, subgenotypes,

isolates, and quasispecies. PMID: 10895435

1996 - DR. HOUGHTON (CHIRON CORP): It’s a very

serious problem. It’s the

10th leading killer in the U. S. and there’s an

estimated 150,000 new

infections each year in the U. S. - transcript of

major television network

news segment devoted to the Hepatitis C Virus

[NBC]. 8/19/96.


1999 - HCV - Up to 10,000 people in the United

States will die annually from

the disease and that number will triple by the

year 2010 (more than AIDS)

(National Institutes of Health, 1997). The primary

transmission route is

through blood. The risk to healthcare workers of

becoming infected after

exposure from a needle stick is between 1.2% to

10%, whereas for HIV it is

0.3%. Healthcare workers must shift their

self-protection focus from HIV to

hepatitis C. PMID: 10603854

1997 - The impact of HCV disease on patient

well-being and health care costs

cannot be overestimated. PMID: 9358714

1998 - Forty percent [40%] of patients have no

identifiablisk factors.

Risk factors for hepatitis C infection include

I.V. drug use (42%); history

of blood transfusion (6%); exposure to multiple

heterosexual partners (6%);

exposure to a household contact (3%); health care

employment (2%); or

hemodialysis (1%). PMID: 10029368

1996 - Potential for mercury toxicity and HCV

transmission in the HBIg

formulations currently available in the United

States. Manufacturing

modifications of HBIg may allow for improved

patient tolerance and decreased

risks. PMID: 8996763

1998 - Hepatitis B immunoglobulins - Before

screening of blood donors was

introduced in France, HBIGs may have contained

antibody to HCV (anti-HCV).

PMID: 9599192

1996 - HCV is among the most common causes of

chronic liver disease

affecting approximately 1% of the world's

population. PMID: 8781898


1999 - Available data indicate that approximately

3% of the world's

population is infected with HCV. PMID: 10847128


1999 - WHO - New HCV infections continue to occur.

PMID: 10622578

1999 - HCV has become the most significant cause

of chronic liver disease of

infectious aetiology in paediatric age. PMID:


1998 - HCV NS3 protein may exert its

hepatocarcinogenic effect in early

stage on host cells by endogenous pathway which

may bring about mutation of

p53 gene and transformation of hepatocytes. PMID:

10923485 (posted 2000)

1998 - Antibody against NS5 may reflect the

disease activity to some extent.

It appears relatively late, and is of no value in

early stage diagnosis.

PMID: 10923525 (posted 2000)

2000 - The nonstructural 5A (NS5A) protein of HCV

promotes cell growth.

PMID: 10867196

1998 - Yellow fever 5' noncoding region as a

potential element to improve

hepatitis C virus production through modification

of translational control.

PMID: 9878525

2000 - Viral persistence in chronic HBV and HCV

infection has been

attributed to an imbalance in the Th1-Th2 arms of

the immune response. PMID:


2000 - The clinical picture of acute hepatitis B

in anti-HCV-positive

patients corresponded to HBV monoinfection with

prolonged intoxication and a

more benign biochemical course. Virus interference

may be responsible for

successive alternative dominant replication of HBV

and HCV. PMID: 10867993

2000 - Approximately 5% of the world's human

population have an increased

risk for developing liver cancer and cirrhosis as

a direct consequence of

chronic infection with the hepatitis B virus

(HBV). Antiviral chemotherapy

remains the only option for controlling infection

in these individuals, for

whom the current licensed hepatitis B vaccines

provide no benefit.

Interferon (IFN)-alpha has proven benefit in a

well-defined group of those

with hepatitis B but has made little impact on the

global burden of chronic

liver disease. PMID: 10868900

2000 - HCV infection may be more prevalent among

hospitalized VA patients

(and among other US hospital populations) than

previously expected. PMID:


2000 - There is often no correlation between HCV

antigen expression and the

degree of liver cell injury, although patients

with lower levels of antigen

expression are more likely to respond to

interferon therapy. PMID: 10895434

2000 - In the health care setting, blood-borne

pathogen transmission occurs

predominantly by percutaneous or mucosal exposure

of workers to the blood or

body fluids of infected patients. PMID: 10885983

2000 - HCV infection can be self-limited or

associated with ESLD [End Stage

Liver Disease], the majority of adults have

persistent viremia without

clinically demonstrable liver disease. PMID:


2000 - In practice, it's of great importance to

identify and classify these

extra-hepatic manifestations to optimize the

treatment of chronic hepatitis

C. PMID: 10905094

2000 - The serum protein designated 90K/Mac-2BP

has been found at elevated

concentrations in the sera of patients with

various types of cancer and

viral infections. Potential of the scavenger

receptor family protein

90K/Mac-2BP as an independent predictor of disease

severity during HCV

infection. PMID: 10905755


1900~1925 - Sabin, Florence Rena (1871-1953) -

American scientist, did

important research in human embryology. Sabin

showed that blood cells and

the lymphatic system develop from buds on the

veins of an embryo. Sabin was

born in Central City, Colo. She graduated from

s Hopkins Medical School

in 1900 and taught there until 1925.


Prior to 1945 - Over 50 years ago the first

indications that hepatitis could

be transmitted from the serum or plasma of one

human to another became

evident. This was confirmed in human transfer

experiments although the agent

causing hepatitis was not known and there was no

specific test for what

eventually was presumed to be a virus. It soon

became clear that hepatitis

was a complication of blood and plasma

transfusion. 1995. PMID: 7719038

1944 - Needle biopsy of the liver, although first

performed in 1895, did not

become current until 50 years later. Nils Alwall

of Sweden performed the

first systematic aspiration needle biopsies of the

kidney in 1944. PMID:


1959 - Ducci, MD (1915-1959), Dr. Ducci

developed several laboratory

techniques, mainly liver function tests, and

proposed a practical clinical

classification of jaundice. PMID: 10752283

1966 - The human population as a laboratory for

studies of carcinogenesis.

PMID: 4957935

1967 - Speculation on future use of blood or blood

component therapy. PMID:


1968 - Radiation hepatitis: Possible prevention by

combined isotopic and

external radiation therapy. PMID: 5699627

1970 - Liability for transfusion hepatitis. PMID:


1971 - The hospital's liability for transfusions.

PMID: 5553346

1971 - Liability for post-transfusion hepatitis.

PMID: 5545384

1971 - Liability for contaminated blood. PMID:


1971 - Local hepatitis caused by irradiation.

PMID: 5095850

1973 - Should we try to prevent epidemic hepatitis

at present? PMID: 4360123

1975 - VA - The most important risk factor

responsible for the development

of hepatitis is the use of commercial blood. PMID:


1977 - Risk factors in transmission of non-A,

non-B posttransfusion

hepatitis. The role of hepatitis B antibody in

donor blood. PMID: 595112

1978 - Transfusion hepatitis: the blood label

could make you liable. PMID:


1979 - Controlling post-transfusion hepatitis: a

proposal to publicize

hepatitis rates of transfusion facilities. PMID:


1980 - Post-transfusion hepatitis B: a presently

treatable problem? PMID:


1980 - Post-transfusion hepatitis: can the

problem be solved today? PMID:


1980 - Morphological similarities between B and

non-A, non-B hepatitis

viruses. PMID: 6168643


1972 - Virus-induced chromosome damage. PMID:


1972 - Inhibition of virus-induced chromosome

damage by interferon. PMID:


1990 - Now it has been recognized that HBV has no

direct cytopathic effect

on hepatocytes and that hepatocyte necrosis is

associated with the virus

induced immunological reaction of the host. PMID:


1994 - Physicians must explain clearly to patients

that a zero-risk blood

supply is impossible to achieve; patients must

understand that all necessary

steps practicable have been taken to ensure the

safest possible supply.

PMID: 8144350

1995 - Among hepatitis A to E viruses, hepatitis

B, C, and D viruses can

cause chronic hepatitis, in both children and

adults. HBV infection is the

most prevalent and important one. PMID: 10829942

1997 - Liver diseases associated with chronic

(HBV) infection, including

hepatocellular carcinoma, account for more than 1

million deaths annually

worldwide. PMID: 9414172

1999 - Extensive mutagenesis of the hepatitis B

virus core gene. PMID:


1999 - Spontaneous negativation of serum hepatitis

C virus RNA is a rare

event in type C chronic liver diseases.


1999 - HCV becomes chronic in 85% of the infected

individuals. SOURCE: Am J

Gastroenterol 1999 Mar;94(3):668-73.

2000 - Healthy anti-HCV-positive subjects exist.

PMID: 10734027

1999 - HCV infection has been linked with some

extrahepatic immunologic

abnormalities. PMID: 10193093

2000 - Genotype 1b was more common among HCC

patients than among blood

donors. PMID: 10826899

1999 - 75% of consecutively studied patients

reveal clinically important

extrahepatic manifestations. This underlines the

" broad spectrum " action

played by the hepatitis C virus in the host

organism. PMID: 10388457

1999 - Hepatitis B virus DNA is frequently found

in liver biopsy samples

from hepatitis C virus-infected chronic hepatitis

patients. PMID: 9557290

1992 - China - Serological markers of HBV

infection were detectable

concomitantly in [85.5%]cases who were anti-HCV

positive. PMID: 1282451

1995 - liver damage and elevation of

aminotransferases occur during the

process of HBV clearance. PMID: 10829942

2000 - HGV infection is more common than HCV

infection and is frequently

found in healthy individuals. PMID: 10825044

1997 - Hepatitis G virus should be considered a

world-wide health concern.

PMID: 9347963

2000 - A striking difference was found in the

prevalence of TTV between

healthy children and patients with chronic HBV or

HCV infection. PMID:


1999 - The involvement of different genes in

various HLA subregions suggests

that anti-HCV responses are modulated by a complex

gene interplay rather

than by single alleles. PMID: 10094975

1999 - DNA based immunization is a promising

antiviral approach for the

development of therapeutic and prophylactic

vaccine against HBV and HCV.

PMID: 10516466

1998 - An in vitro system that supports the

efficient growth of HCV and

reflects its complete in vitro replication cycle

has not yet been

established. PMID: 9770428

2000 - Research on (HBV) infection in vivo has

been limited due to the

absence of a suitable animal model. PMID: 10792989

2000 - A unifying theory on the mechanisms by

which previous medical history

may increase the risk of haematolymphopoietic

malignancies is still lacking.

PMID: 10818118

2000 - WHO estimates that as many as 21 million

people a year contract a

lethal disease from unsafe needle practices. The

result is over one million

deaths annually, or one nearly every 20 seconds.

SHPI Announces Two New

Safety Needle Technologies In Bid to Meet Huge

Demand from Global Healthcare

Markets. LONDON, June 28 /PRNewswire.

2000 - France - (HCV) has spread in a silent way

by blood transfusion, then

was massively introduced in the intravenous drug

user community and is now

recognized as a potential nosocomial viral

infection. PMID: 10905090



1998 - Identification of a cDNA clone and the

genome of hepatitis C virus in

1988-1989 allowed the development of clinical

tests that are now used to

detect and quantify hepatitis C virus. This has

largely eliminated

post-transfusion hepatitis C virus infection;

however, the overall incidence

of chronic hepatitis C and its complications has

greatly increased because

of its transmission by other means, lack of a

protective vaccine, and

inadequate virucidal therapy. PMID: 10825999

1990 - HBV is the causative agent of

hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in man.

PMID: 2159110

2000 - HCC occurs more frequently in patients with

(HCV)-related chronic

liver disease than those with hepatitis B

virus-related disease. PMID:


1993 - Hepatitis B--the most important chronic

human viral infection. PMID:


1995 - It has been estimated that presently

hepatitis B kills more people

every day than AIDS kills in a year world-wide.

PMID: 10829939

1997 - Liver diseases associated with chronic

(HBV) infection, including

hepatocellular carcinoma, account for more than 1

million deaths annually

worldwide. PMID: 9414172

1998 - HBV is the most prevalent chronic

infectious disease in the world.

PMID: 9747087

1999 - More than third of world's population has

been infected with

hepatitis B virus. PMID: 10221961

2000 - Chronic (HBV) infection is a leading cause

of cirrhosis and

hepatocellular carcinoma worldwide. Its prevalence

approaches 10% in

hyperendemic areas, such as southeast Asia, China,

and Africa. PMID:


2000 - Hepatitis C is one of the world's leading

infectious diseases. PMID:


2000 - HCV infection occurs in all parts of the

world. PMID: 10592654

2000 - Until 1990, HCV infection was common in

transfused patients,

resulting in more than 200,000 cases of

posttransfusion hepatitis C in

France alone. PMID: 10864994

1991 - The main HCV strain in Japan (HCV-J 4) is

highly diverse in sequence

from the original American strain (HCV-US). PMID:


HBV and HCV are not only hepatotropic but possibly

hematotropic. PMID:


1980 - Morphological similarities between B and

non-A, non-B hepatitis

viruses. PMID: 6168643

HCV-related diseases are B cell neoplasias. PMID:


2000 - Chronic hepatitis B and C virus infections

have been characterized by

the pathophysiological features with a high

incidence of progression to

cirrhosis and development of hepatocellular

carcinoma. PMID: 10834146

2000 - Cirrhosis due to hepatitis C is now the

commonest indication for

liver transplantation in Western Europe and in the

United States. Graft

reinfection is almost universal. PMID: 10897062

RNA viruses make up about a third of all known

viruses and includes

hepatitis C, which infects hundreds of millions of

people worldwide. Team

Finds Cell Gene That Helps Viruses Multiply. Date:

4/4/2000 Source:

Science Daily

1969 - The original hemorrhagic fever: yellow

fever. PMID: 4981419

2000 - In a very preliminary study, a team of

French scientists has shown

that mosquito cells can bind and replicate the

hepatitis C virus. Dr.

Dominique Debriel of Hospital Pasteur in Paris.

Study Raises Question: Can

Mosquitoes Transmit Hepatitis C? June 1, 2000. LOS

ANGELES (Reuters Health).

1992 - s Hopkins - The most common serious

complication of blood

transfusion is post-transfusion hepatitis from

HCV. After we controlled for

the method of donor screening, the risk of

seroconversion was strongly

associated with the volume of blood transfused,

but not with the use of

particular blood components. PMID: 1320736

1999 - HCV correlated hepatitis is a pathology on

the increase, and it is

especially affecting patients above 60 years old.

PMID: 10827804

2000 - Steatosis, lymphoid aggregates or follicles

and bile duct injury on

histology are more consistently associated with

chronic hepatitis C than

chronic hepatitis B. Steatosis [66.6%], lymphoid

aggregates or follicles

[36.6%] and bile duct injury [26.6%] were noted in

cases of chronic

hepatitis B as compared to chronic hepatitis C:

Steatosis [70%], lymphoid

aggregates or follicles [33.3%] and bile duct

injury [30%]. India. PMID:


2000 - HCV infection is highly prevalent in

hemodialysis patients. PMID:


Variation of hepatitis C virus following serial

transmission: multiple

mechanisms of diversification of the hypervariable

region and evidence for

convergent genome evolution. PMID: 10092012

1994 - Significant difference in the prevalence of

anti-HCV and anti-HBc

positivity between polytransfused and occasionally

transfused patients.

PMID: 7519583

1999 - The current data suggest that HBV

co-infects frequently with HCV and

may play an important role in the development of

HCC in HCV-infected

patients. PMID: 10036965

1997 - General US population: HCV [4%] prevalence

is 40 times HIV

prevalence. PMID: 10184834

2000 - CDC - The risk that healthcare workers will

become infected with

(HCV) following an accidental needlestick is 20 to

40 times greater than

their risk of HIV infection, according to data

presented here at the

International Conference on Emerging Infectious

Disease. The meeting was

sponsored by the US Centers for Disease Control

and Prevention and the

American Society for Microbiology. ``HIV has

driven healthcare safety

initiatives for years, We need to change our

educational focus'' to address

the risk of exposure to HCV.



HCV infection is most often clinically inapparent

and rarely associated with

symptoms of acute hepatitis. Most patients,

however, fail to resolve the

acute infection and proceed to develop chronic

hepatitis with the risk

of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma

later in life. PMID:


1982 - CDC - A history of previous clinical

hepatitis and serologic markers

indicating previous hepatitis B infection were

found in patients with non-A,

non-B hepatitis more often than in the control

patients. PMID: 6806403

All the differences showed an obvious statistical

significance. Hepatitis B

coinciding with HCV infection is responsible for

the deterioration of the

disease and towards its formation of its chronic

phase as well as for the

inhibition of HBV replication. PMID: 10682522

1995 - 80.0% of cirrhotics had evidence of both

HBV and HCV infection. PMID:


1999 - Simultaneous screening for HBV DNA and HCV

RNA genomes in blood

donations using a novel TaqMan PCR assay. PMID:


1968 - 15 parameters of serum proteins in viral

hepatitis. PMID: 4915646

1994 - Pattern of HBV markers and HCV. The result

showed that 14 patterns

were found: The difference of the positive rate of

anti-HCV among various

patterns of HBV markers was significant. PMID:


1993 - HCV infection not only existed in [China]

but was also associated

with the type of HB. PMID: 8221836

1993 - Reciprocal inverse relation between HBV and

HCV replication. Patients

positive for antibody to HCV with antibodies to

HBV usually have no evidence

of HBV DNA persistence in the liver. PMID: 8224658

1999 - Occult hepatitis B infection occurs

frequently in patients with

chronic hepatitis C liver disease and may have

clinical significance. PMID:


Serologically silent hepatitis B virus along with

hepatitis C virus. HBV,

ayw, an identical single-point mutation was found

in both the donor and the

recipient. These data confirm the transmission of

conserved HBV sequences

together with HCV in posttransfusion NANBH. PMID:


1991 - PTH - HBV... seroconverted to anti-HCV

PMID: 1680985

1993 - Suppression of hepatitis B virus expression

and replication by

hepatitis C virus core protein in HuH-7 cells.

These characteristics imply

that the HCV core protein can also function as a

gene-regulatory protein.

PMID: 8396658

HCV possesses both hepatotropism and

lymphotropism. (lymph nodes, ovary,

uterus, peripheral blood mononuclear cells [PBMCs]

and serum). PMID: 9414651

A unifying theory on the mechanisms by which

previous medical history may

increase the risk of haematolymphopoietic

malignancies is still lacking.

PMID: 10818118

1997 - HCV is responsible for the majority of

cases of non-A, non-B

hepatitis. Affected patients are usually

asymptomatic when initially

infected; however, between 70% and 80% will

maintain infection and develop

chronic liver disease. Of these patients, 20% to

50% progress to cirrhosis,

and up to 15% may develop hepatocellular

carcinoma. Thus, many patients have

significant liver disease when diagnosed. PMID:


An in vitro system that supports the efficient

growth of HCV and reflects

its complete in vitro replication cycle has not

yet been established. PMID:


2000 - HMO's - Managed care plans with suitable

data on their enrollee

populations are in a key position to serve an

important public health role

in detecting asymptomatic patients who are

infected with HCV. PMID: 10847260

Hence, evidence exists that familial, non-sexual

and sexual transmission of

HCV does occur. PMID: 10760039

2000 - These findings suggest a low incidence of

interspousal transmission

of HCV; however, the risk may be cumulative and

such couples should be

educated to avoid HCV infection from their

spouses. PMID: 10824883

1995 - HCV infection in children occurs mainly in

high risk children, such

as those who received blood product or injection

using non-sterile needles,

or infants of HCV viremic mothers, etc. PMID:


2000 - HCV transmission from viremic mothers

occurred in 2.8%-4.2% of the

cases. PMID: 10825044

2000 - HGV transmission from viremic mothers

occurred in 75.0%-80.0% of the

cases. Although the rate of perinatal HGV

transmission highly exceeded that

of perinatal HCV transmission, HGV did not seem to

induce hepatitis in the

children. PMID: 10825044

Quasispecies in viral persistence and pathogenesis

of hepatitis C virus.

PMID: 10498948

Viral genotype, mutations, virus-host interaction,

expression of viral

proteins and host immune-reaction are important

factors in the pathogenesis

of HCV infection. PMID: 10757089

The amount of HCV viraemia was suggested to be a

significant factor for

determining histological outcome in patients with

chronic hepatitis C. PMID:


HCV: patients having 1 dominant strain in the

circulation may show a

relatively weaker immune response resulting in

lower ALT and higher viremia

levels, whereas patients with high degrees of

virus quasispecies diversity

have higher ALT levels and a more active immune

response causing the

selection of new genome variants and depressing

viral replication partly.

PMID: 10773739

Transient or occult superinfection with HCV of

different genotypes. PMID:


HCV causes not only liver disease but also

disorders of other organs and

tissues. PMID: 10567673

In the last ten years, numerous studies have

demonstrated that infection

with HCV is involved in the pathogenesis of most

mixed cryoglobulinemia.

2000. PMID: 10761559

2000 - The most documented extrahepatic

manifestation of (HCV) infection is

mixed cryoglobulinemia (MC). The presence of

microheterogeneity and other

new types of cryoglobulins is a novel and recent

observation. PMID: 10787003


2000 - Splenectomy may improve the glomerulopathy

of type II mixed

cryoglobulinemia. Splenectomy may be an effective

therapy for

cryoglobulinemia in patients with HCV-positive

liver cirrhosis and

pancytopenia secondary to splenomegaly. PMID:



1998 - Mixed cryoglobulinaemia [MC]: MC is a

systemic vasculitis, secondary

to the deposition in small and medium-sized blood

vessels of circulating

immune complexes, mainly the cryoglobulins, and

complement. PMID: 9643318

Recent investigations into the relationship

between the hepatitis C virus

and human cells, particularly lymphocytes, have

resulted in possible

pathophysiological interactions that may begin to

explain some of the

extrahepatic manifestations of hepatitis C virus

infection. PMID: 10803631

HCV is both a hepatotropic and a lymphotropic

virus; due to this latter

biological peculiarity, HCV may trigger a

constellation of autoimmune-

lymphoproliferative disorders. PMID: 10647955

1997 - Hepatitis G virus should be considered a

world-wide health concern.

PMID: 9347963

GB virus B (GBV-B) is closely related to (HCV).

PMID: 10756044

GBV-C/hepatitis G virus is primarily a

lymphotropic virus. PMID: 10745232

Our study shows an increasing prevalence of

hepatitis C and B, often

associated, in type 2 diabetic patients that

allows us to define them as a

group at risk for viral hepatitis. PMID: 10802152

2000 - Alcohol - The combination of chronic (HCV)

and ethanol may increase

viral replication, impair cellular immunity, and

result in severe and

progressive liver disease. High rate of chronic

HCV infection in alcoholics

may be due to ethanol's effects on antiviral

immune responses. PMID:


The Impact of Diagnosis of Hepatitis C Virus on

Quality of Life. Qol

[Quality of Life] measures were significantly

worse for HCV-seropositive

individuals aware of their serostatus compared

with those unaware. We feel

that the reduced QOL in the diagnosed group may be

partially an effect of

labeling and that the impact of the diagnostic

process per se on QOL in

individuals with HCV requires further evaluation.

PMID: 10534353

1999 - Counselling patients with hepatitis C.

After HCV infection it is

necessary to consider not only diagnostic and

therapeutic steps but also the

risk of transmission in the patient's circle and

consequences for the

patient. PMID: 10622576

1998 - Hepatitis C and depression. PMID: 9706456



2000 - Non-hepatological manifestations are

frequent with more than 70% of

HCV patients experiencing fatigue or at least one

extrahepatic clinical

manifestation involving primarily the joints, skin

and muscles. Several

immunological abnormalities are frequently

observed, including cryoglobulins

(40%),anti-nuclear antibodies (10%) and

anti-smooth muscle antibodies (7%).

In contrast severe extrahepatic manifestations are

rare, with 1% for

systemic vasculitis. PMID: 10890317

Hepatitis C may manifest as

hepatic fibrosis


hepatocellular carcinoma

lichen planus


mixed cryoglobulinemia


The hepatic damage is due both to the cytopathic

effect of the virus and the

inflammatory changes secondary to immune

activation. PMID: 10468647

HCV leads to

progressive liver damage and



encephalitis and

hemorrhagic fever.

Team Finds Cell Gene That Helps Viruses Multiply.

Date: 4/4/2000 Source:

Science Daily

Antibody-free virion titer greatly differs between

HCV genotypes.

Differences in the amount of antibody-free virion

and HVR1 sequence

variability between genotypes may have an

implication in HCV pathogenesis.

PMID: 10745230

Extrahepatic manifestations of hepatitis C.



hepatitis C virus as a mediator of autoimmunity or

of immune complex


mixed essential cryoglobulinemia,

autoimmune hepatitis,


thyroiditis, and possibly

Sjogren's syndrome.

The hepatitis C virus has also been strongly

linked to two skin disorders:

prophyria cutanea tarda and

lichen planus.

Other possible hepatitis-C-associated diseases

described in the literature


idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis,

IgA deficiency.

n's corneal ulcers,

Behcet's syndrome,


Guillain-Barre' syndrome,

idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. PMID: 8861523

Extrahepatic manifestations of chronic hepatitis





cutaneous vasculitis,

Raynaud's syndrome,

affection of the muscles and joints,

nodular periartheritis,

lesions of the lungs,


autoimmune thyroiditis,

Sjogren's syndrome,

lichen ruber planus,

porphyria cutanea tarda,

immune cytopenia,

autoimmune hemolytic anemia,

hypoplastic anemia,

monoclonal immunoglobulinopathy,

B-cell lymphoma.

rheumatic factor,


antinuclear antibodies.

mixed cryoglobulinemia and associated vasculitides

of different sites,

malignant lymphoproliferative diseases, more

frequent than in HBV-infection

involvement of the thyroid and salivary glands,

some skin lesions.


Extrahepatic disease manifestations of HCV



cryoglobulinemic leg ulcers due to

cutaneous vasculitis,

peripheral sensorimotor neuropathy, and

recurrent pulmonary infiltrates.

B-cell lymphoproliferation, diagnosed as

extranodal lymphoma on initial bone marrow


retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy, and the

presence of a Type II IgM6 monoclonal rheumatoid


which became cryoprecipitable on complexing to

IgG. PMID: 10747367

Other tissues, organs and systems.


The number of the reported in the literature

extrahepatic lesions by HCV

incessantly increases.

mixed cryoglobulinaemias,

membrano-proliferative glomerulonephritis and

porphyria cutanea tarda is confirmed.

The participation of HCV in the pathogenesis of

some diseases of the

thyroid gland,

the lymphocytic sialadenitis,

lichen planus,

diabetes mellitus,


antiphospholipid syndrome, etc., is assumed. PMID:


2000 - Behcet's disease and HCV infection. PMID:



Behcet's syndrome = A multisystem, chronic

recurrent disease characterised

by ulceration in the mouth and genitalia, iritis,

uveitis, arthritis and

thrombophlebitis. Often treated with

immunosuppressive therapy

(corticosteroids, chlorambucil).



1996 - Chronic HBV - The average heritability in

the first, second and third

degree relatives was 79.68%. The analysis of

genetic model showed that HBsAg

carrier state was corresponded to the

characteristic of multifactorial

genetic disease, excluding the possibility of

genetic disease due to single

gene. PMID: 9208511

2000 - HBV replication inversely correlates with

cell proliferation and DNA

synthesis. PMID: 10786618

1998 - HCV - Extrahepatic sites may act as a

source of continuous

reinfection of hepatocytes. PMID: 9922037

1999 - HCV replication seems to be low-level and

confined to cells of


lineage. PMID: 10502256

2000 - Alcohol consumption is an important risk

factor in the histological

and clinical progression of HCV infection and has

no relation with HCV

replication. PMID: 10869250

1999 - Clinical observations and cerebral magnetic

resonance scans provide

evidence of functional cerebral impairment in HCV

infected patients, raising

the issue of the central nervous system (CNS) as a

site for HCV replication.

PMID: 10622579

2000 - Iron enhances hepatitis C virus replication

in cultured human

hepatocytes. Iron overload in the presence of

increasing concentrations of

iron is one of the indicators of poor response to

interferon therapy in

chronic hepatitis C. PMID: 10847480

2000 - Evolutionary dynamics of the HCV

quasispecies during the acute phase

of hepatitis C predict whether the infection will

resolve or become chronic.

PMID: 10764648

2000 - Results seem to imply that genetic drift is

less dependent on immune

pressure than on the rate of evolution and that

the genetic drift of HCV is

independent of the host immune pressure. PMID:


2000 - Viral kinetics studies have shown that HCV

may replicate in less than

24 hr, generating over 10(12) copies per day and

suggesting the need for

more aggressive therapy. PMID: 10759235

1998 - HCV shows high genomic variability. It is

not clear whether these

genetic variations have a significant clinical

impact (i.e. severity of the

disease) but there is evidence that they may

influence both the efficacy of

the host immune response and the interferon

treatment response. PMID:


1998 - High rate of genetic variations during

viral replication results in

the production of mutants capable of escaping the

immune attack. HCV infects

cells of the immune system itself, which represent

a privileged site that

cannot be reached by virus-specific T cell

response. PMID: 9922037

1997 - HCV, importance of its genotypes and mutant

variants " quasi-species " ,

as well as the mechanisms of disease chronicity

and tissue injuries caused

by HCV have been discussed. HCV infects not only

hepatocytes but lymphoid

cells, thereby modulates immune functions. PMID:


1999 - Hepatitis C viral quasispecies - Analysing

significant numbers of

cDNA clones of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) from

single isolates provides

unquestionable proof that the viral genome cannot

be defined by a single

sequence, but rather by a population of variant

sequences closely related to

one another. This way of organizing the genetic

information is referred to

as quasispecies. Throughout HCV infection, the

number and composition of the

variants in the viral population keeps changing

owing to environmental

influences, resulting in a virus that is

constantly redefining itself both

genetically and phenotypically. Therefore, the

virus has often been

investigated in population terms. PMID: 10847126

2000 - Peripheral blood neutrophils from hepatitis

C virus-infected patients

are replication sites of the virus. Whether the

infection occurs at the

level of the stem cells or subsequently during

myeloid cell differentiation

is, as yet, unknown. PMID: 10756359

1998 - HCV productive infection in bone

marrow-recruited and circulating

pluripotent hematopoietic CD34+ stem cells

indicates that HCV replication

occurs in the early differentiation stages of

hematopoietic progenitors.

continuous source of virus production. PMID:


2000 - Detection of active hepatitis C virus and

hepatitis G virus/GB virus

C replication in bone marrow in human subjects.

HCV and HGV can replicate in

bone marrow; in the case of HGV, analysis of serum

may underestimate the

true prevalence of infection.PMID: 10845938

2000 - HCV replicates in epithelial cells of

patients with and without oral

lichen planus. PMID: 10869295

2000 - Bile duct epithelial cells (BDEC) as a

reservoir of (HBV) infection

that may be particularly important in the

development of post-liver

transplant recurrence of hepatitis B. PMID:



2000 - Bile duct damage and steatosis, which are

characteristic of (HCV)

infection. PMID: 10845672

2000 - HCV RNA positive-and negative-strand in

kidney, heart, pancreas, and

intestine from hepatitis C patients. PMID:


1999 - HCV replicates in myocardial tissues. These

observations suggest that

HCV infection is an important cause of a variety

of otherwise unexplained

heart diseases. PMID: 10078023

2000 - Positive-plus strands of HCV RNA were found

in the patient's

myocardium, as well as plus and minus strands in

the quadriceps muscle

specimens. PMID: 10783058

1995 - HCV-RNA was detected in matched spleen

specimens (all of whom were

also positive in PBMCs), suggesting that the

spleen is an important

extrahepatic reservoir of the virus. PMID: 7545213

1993 - Reciprocal inverse relation between HBV and

HCV replication. Patients

positive for antibody to HCV with antibodies to

HBV usually have no evidence

of HBV DNA persistence in the liver. PMID: 8224658

1993 - Suppression of hepatitis B virus expression

and replication by

hepatitis C virus core protein in HuH-7 cells.

PMID: 8396658

1990 - " Obviously, nonhepatic cells can express

HBV-like particles, even if

liver-dependent gene products like large surface

protein and core protein

are missing. " PMID: 2219725.

1990 - Both HDV and HBV could replicate in the

same hepatocyte

simultaneously. PMID: 2213954

2000 - In patients with dual infection, HBV and

HCV exert an alternative,

dominant replication. PMID: 10718938

1994 - Conserved regions HBV + HCV sequences.

HCV-RNA was reverse

transcribed to cDNA. This cDNA and DNA from HBV

were then co-amplified using

primer pairs derived from conserved regions of HBV

and HCV nucleotide

sequences. PMID: 8158116

2000 - GBV-C/HGV is a lymphotropic virus that

replicates primarily in the

spleen and bone marrow. PMID: 10745232

1994 - Detection of plus and minus strand

hepatitis C virus RNA in

peripheral blood mononuclear cells and spermatid.

But, HCV probably don't

duplicate in spermatid. PMID: 7953918

1998 - Extrahepatic and intrahepatic replication

and expression of hepatitis

C virus. The results showed that both plus-strand

and minus-strand HCVRNA

were detected in 80% of liver tissues. Plus-strand

HCVRNA could be detected

in 90% of PBMCs and bone marrow mononuclear cells,

minus-strand HCV RNA in


of PBMCs. In HCV transfected COS cells,

plus-strand HCV RNA distributed

evenly in 20% cellular nuclei and cytoplasms. No

minus-strand HCVRNA was

detected in the bone marrow mononuclear cells and

HCV transfected COS cells.

PMID: 10806813

1998 - Our results suggested that the hepatocytic

cytoplasms and PBMC

cytoplasms ere the replication sites of HCV, but

the marrow mononuclear

cells were not the replication sites of HCV

although they were infected by

HCV. HCV infection might be accounted for the

pathogenesis of chronic

hepatitis and relapse of hepatitis C after liver

transplantation. PMID:


2000 - HCV - Extrahepatic manifestations as oral

lichen planus (OLP) and

oral cancer. These results may indicate that HCV

persists and replicates in

these lesions, suggesting a pathological role for

HCV, although the

mechanisms are unclear. PMID: 10890556

2000 - Although the liver is the major target

organ, the virus may be able

to replicate in peripheral blood mononuclear

cells, lymph nodes, and

pancreas and to a more limited degree in bone

marrow cells, thyroid, adrenal

glands, and spleen. PMID: 10895434

2000 - The initial site of B cell clonal expansion

may be in the liver,

where lymphoid aggregates are abundant and RF are

produced. PMID: 10761560

1996 - HBV - DNA Methylation - Effects of a

naturally occurring mutation in

the hepatitis B virus basal core promoter on

precore gene expression and

viral replication. PMID: 8709203

1996 - HCV - Inactivation of hepatitis C virus

cDNA transgene by

hypermethylation in transgenic mice. PMID: 8678840

1998 - Yellow fever 5' noncoding region as a

potential element to improve

hepatitis C virus production through modification

of translational control.

PMID: 9878525

2000 - Accumulated findings have indicated that

(HBV) DNA integrates into

the cellular DNA of HBV-infected chronic hepatitis

tissues. Data suggest

that YY1 is involved in the joining reaction

between HBV DNA and cellular

DNA to form the virus-cell junction. PMID:


2000 - The cellular functions ascribed to HBx are

unusually diverse, and

defining the biologically important role of HBx

during HBV replication will

go some way to understanding the sequelae of

chronic HBV infection. PMID:


1998 - HBV - X-gene product (HBx). These results

clearly establish HBx as

the inducer of the Jak-STAT signaling pathway, and

at the same time,

HBx-mediated Jak-STAT activation may provide a

novel mechanism for the

pleiotropic functions of HBx, including

transformation and promiscuous

transcriptional activation. PMID: 9738022

1998 - HBx promiscuously activates Erk and JNK

responsive pathways and that

its overall effect on signalling may be influenced

by external mitogenic

stimuli. PMID: 9820149

1999 - Antibody-mediated interference with TP

[terminal protein] may now be

assessed in the context of HBV replication. PMID:


1999 - The involvement of different genes in

various HLA subregions suggests

that anti-HCV responses are modulated by a complex

gene interplay rather

than by single alleles. PMID: 10094975

2000 - HCV core protein induced apoptosis and

impaired the regulation of the

cell cycle by activating c-myc expression, whereas

the p53 and Bax pathways

play a role in the induction of apoptosis. PMID:


1993 - These characteristics imply that the HCV

core protein can also

function as a gene-regulatory protein. PMID:


2000 - HCV core protein regulates c-myc

transcription and that BCL-2 and

c-myc work together in lymphomagenesis. PMID:


2000 - Core protein can associate with lipid

droplets which are

intracellular storage sites for triacylglycerols

and cholesterol esters.

Confocal analysis of variant forms lacking regions

of core indicated that

most residues within the unique region are

necessary for association of the

protein with lipid droplets. PMID: 10900028

2000 - The mechanisms of hepatocyte damage and the

events that lead to high

rates of chronic liver disease in hepatitis C

virus (HCV) infection remain

unclear. Recent in vitro studies have suggested

that the HCV core protein

may disrupt specific signalling pathways of

apoptosis. The lower apoptotic

rate in advanced liver disease may be associated

with the high incidence of

hepatocellular dysplasia/neoplasia. PMID: 10849259

1998 - Telomerase is strongly activated in

hepatocellular carcinoma [HCC]

but not in chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis. PMID:


1999 - HCV Genome - Three different mechanisms

appear to have been involved

in generating variation of the hypervariable

region [HVR]; nucleotide

substitution, insertion/deletion of nucleotide

triplets at the E1/E2

boundary and insertion of a duplicated segment

replacing almost the entire

HVR. PMID: 10092012

1999 - Variation of hepatitis C virus following

serial transmission:

multiple mechanisms of diversification of the

hypervariable region and

evidence for convergent genome evolution. PMID:


1994 - Significant difference in the prevalence of

anti-HCV and anti-HBc

positivity between polytransfused and occasionally

transfused patients.

PMID: 7519583

2000 - It is now recognised that mixed viral

infection, or infection of an

individual with two or more distinct strains of a

single viral species,

often occurs particularly with RNA viruses. PMID:


1996 - HBV's x Region...integrated DNA which

TATAAA is removed- a template

for truncated RNA virus transcripts. PMID: 8806579

2000 - HCV - X region, of the HCV genome as a

minimal authentic template.

These results indicate that HCV NS5B initiates RNA

synthesis from a

single-stranded region closest to the 3?-end of

the X region. These results

have implications for the mechanism of HCV RNA

replication and the nature of

2000 - HCV RNA templates in the infected cells.

PMID: 10749880

2000 - 5'-NCR is more conserved than the core

region and the genotype is the

major cause of gene variation. No change in

sequences of those two regions

is found at the different points of time. PMID:


2000 - Low-level replication of (HCV) in cultured

lymphoblastoid cells

inoculated with H77 serum inoculum led to the

appearance of new virus

variants containing identical substitutions at

three sites within the viral

5' nontranslated RNA (5'NTR):


C(204)-->A, and

G(243)-->A .

These results suggest that virus with this 5'NTR

sequence may have a greater

capacity for replication in such cells, possibly

due to more efficient

cap-independent translation, since these

nucleotide substitutions reside

within the viral internal ribosome entry site

(IRES). Each of the three

substitutions was required for maximally increased

translational activity in

the lymphoblastoid cells. The 2- to 2.5-fold

increase in translation

observed with the modified IRES sequence may

facilitate the replication of

HCV, possibly accounting for differences in

quasispecies variants recovered

from liver tissue and peripheral blood mononuclear

cells of the same

patient. PMID: 10888641

2000 - HCV - NS3 Region - NS(3)-ScFv [single-chain

variable fragment]

antibody expressed by E.coli host XL(1)-Blue has

the activity and

specificity to combine different origins of HCV

NS(3) antigen. PMID:


2000 - These results suggest that the pool of

selected aptamers have

potential as anti-HCV compounds. Mutational

analysis of the G9-I aptamer

demonstrated that the sequences required for

protease inhibition are in stem

I, stem III and loop III of the aptamer. These

regions include the conserved

sequence GA(A/U)UGGGAC. PMID: 10848986

2000 - Biochemical and structural analysis of the

NS5B RNA-dependent RNA

polymerase of the hepatitis C virus. Flaviviridae

virus family. These

viruses have in common a plus-strand RNA genome

that is replicated in the

cytoplasm of the infected cell via minus-strand

RNA intermediates. Finally,

mutation analysis was performed to map the minimal

NS5B sequence required

for enzymatic activity and to identify the

'classical' polymerase motifs

important for template and NTP binding and

catalysis. PMID: 10849258

2000 - Genetic Analysis of a Poliovirus/(HCV)

Chimera: Interaction between

the Poliovirus Cloverleaf and a Sequence in the

HCV 5' Nontranslated Region

Results in a Replication Phenotype. Internal

ribosomal entry sites (IRESs)

can function in foreign viral genomes or in

artificial dicistronic mRNAs. We

describe an interaction between the wild-type

hepatitis C virus

(HCV)-specific sequence and the poliovirus (PV)

5'-terminal cloverleaf in a

PV/HCV chimeric virus (containing the HCV IRES),

resulting in a replication

phenotype. PMID: 10846111

2000 - US - Patients from the Northeast, Southeast

and Midwest had

significantly more infections with genotype 1 than

patients from the Western

and Southern regions. African-American patients

were more likely to be

infected with genotype 1 when compared with

Caucasian, Hispanic or Asian

Pacific Islanders. Patients infected with HCV

genotype 1 and mixed HCV

genotypes had significantly higher serum HCV RNA

concentrations when

compared with HCV genotypes 2 and 3. PMID:


2000 - TTV replicates in the liver via a circular

double-stranded DNA. PMID:



2000 - HBV - Covalently closed circular (ccc) HBV

DNA, the template for the

viral RNA transcription. PMID: 10869298

2000 - Indirect evidence of TTV replication in

bone marrow cells, but not in

hepatocytes, of a subacute hepatitis/ aplastic

anemia patient. The precise

replication site of TTV, however, has not been

established. TTV replication

site was in the bone marrow rather than in the

liver, and that TTV infection

was the cause of this patient's aplastic anemia.

PMID: 10745251

2000 - Chronic hepatitis B is still a matter of

concern among renal

transplantation patients and patients waiting for

a renal transplant since

it influences negatively morbidity and mortality.

Morbidity and mortality

are associated with HBV replication. PMID:


2000 - Viral persistence in chronic HBV and HCV

infection has been

attributed to an imbalance in the Th1-Th2 arms of

the immune response. PMID:


2000 - Minus-strand RNA was detected in RNA

extracted from 4/4 [100%] liver

samples and 4/8 [50%] peripheral blood mononuclear

cells (PBMC) samples

examined. Because the titer of plus-strand HCV RNA

in any sample makes a

significant contribution to false, random, and

self-priming, removal of the

plus strand in this manner results in the most

accurate method yet devised

to confirm the replication of HCV in a population

of cells. PMID: 10915746

Anatomy and/or Physiology




1964 - Behavior of the extracellular water and its

relation to the

functional status of the liver in patients with

viral hepatitis. PMID:


1992 - Detection of HCV RNA in saliva, urine,

seminal fluid, and ascites.

PMID: 1331308

1996 - Melioidosis: She presented with spontaneous

bacterial peritonitis and

hepatitis C-related liver cirrhosis with septic

shock. Burkholderia

pseudomallei (formerly Pseudomonas pseudomallei)

was isolated

from cultures of both blood and ascites fluid.

PMID: 8840761

1998 - Cryoglobulinaemia and rheumatic

manifestations. Abdominal pain. PMID:


1998 - lymphoma cells in the ascitic fluid

revealed a mature peripheral

B-cell phenotype (CD5- CD10- CD19+ CD20+ CD22+ Ig

G+ lambda+). [HIV

Co-infected] PMID: 9850179

1999 - Ascitic Mononuclear Cells [AMC's] with

Development of Distinct Viral

Quasispecies. Ascitic fluid of patients with

late-stage chronic. PMID:


2000 - HBV - Spontaneous fungal peritonitis in

patients with hepatitis B

virus-related liver disease. Spontaneous bacterial

peritoneal infections is

recognized as a very common complication of

cirrhotic ascites. Spontaneous

fungal peritonitis where the isolate was

Cryptococcus neoformans. PMID:




1965 - Hepatitis - Arthropathic manifestations and

viral hepatitis. PMID:


1971 - The pathogenesis of arthritis associated

with viral hepatitis. PMID:


1978 - HBS-antigen in synovial membrane and serum

of patients with various

joint diseases. PMID: 360667

1997 - HCV-infection is an important infectious

disease in rheumatology.

PMID: 9465381

1998 - HCV - Patients with cryoglobulinemia

exhibited varying frequency

cutaneous vasculitis, Raynaud's syndrome,

affection of the muscles and

joints. PMID: 9949448

1997 - HCV chronic infection could represent a

trigger factor for

interstitial lung fibrosis and various rheumatic

disorders. PMID: 9133969

1994 - Polyarthritis occurred associated with

chronic hepatitis C liver

disease. Synovial biopsy showed infiltration of

mononuclear cells. HCV RNA

was demonstrated in both serum and SF. These cases

suggest an aetiologic

association between arthritis and hepatitis C

antigenaemia. PMID: 7512422

1995 - HCV-associated arthritis. Synovial fluid

and the serum. PMID: 7670795

1997 - Has hepatitis C virus a specific tropism

for the synovial membrane?

PMID: 9159554

1997 - Associated with HCV-infection is a

non-erosive polyarthritis.This

synovitis often fulfills the ACR-criteria for

rheumatoid arthritis, but the

disease course is different with frequent

remissions and non-erosive joint

involvement. PMID: 9465381

1997 - Hepatitis C virus infection presenting as a

polyarthritis. Several

disease have been associated with hepatitis C

virus infections, including

rheumatologic, hematologic and neoplastic

disorders. PMID: 9609058

2000 - Correlated with HCV infection; chronic

polyarthritis, fibromyalgia.

PMID: 10647955

2000 - Polyarthritis: PMID: 10730936

1999 - HCV - There is not a single clinical

picture of arthritis in patients

with chronic HCV infection. RA, psoriatic

arthritis, systemic lupus

erythematosus, gout, chondrocalcinosis,

osteoarthritis, and tenosynovitis.

Mixed cryoglobulinemia. There is a well defined

picture of arthritis

associated with the presence of [MC] consists of

an intermittent, mono or

oligoarticular, nondestructive arthritis affecting

large and medium size

joints. PMID: 9972979

1998 - These result suggests that HCV infection

could be included as one of

the causes in patients with unexplained

rheumatological symptoms.

Cryoglobulinaemia and rheumatic manifestations.

Arthralgia/arthritis. PMID:


2000 - Studies of mixed cryoglobulins (MC) from

patients infected with (HCV)

show that the principal constituents in

cryoprecipitate are IgM rheumatoid

factors (RF), polyclonal IgG anti-HCV antibodies,



2000 - Antikeratin antibodies (AKA) is a useful

marker to differentiate

patients with RA from those with hepatitis C

arthritis. AKA were not found

in the sera of the healthy controls. PMID:


2000 - Presence of a Type II IgM6 monoclonal

rheumatoid factor which became

cryoprecipitable on complexing to IgG. PMID:


1999 - Hepatitis C virus infection: prevalence in

psoriasis and psoriatic

arthritis. Our data do not support the hypothesis

that HCV infection may

play a role in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. On

the other hand they show a

statistically significant difference between the

prevalence of HCV infection

in patients with PsA [psoriatic arthritis] and the

general population. PMID:


2000 - HCV: a common triggering factor for both

nodular vasculitis and

Sjogren's syndrome? PMID: 10819552

1999 - Chronic HCV has been linked with the

development of Sjogren's

syndrome. PMID: 10604234

2000 - Type II MC, cryoglobulins are composed of a

monoclonal rheumatoid

factor (usually, IgMkappa) against polyclonal IgG.

In type III MC, all

components are polyclonal. The presence of

microheterogeneity and other new

types of cryoglobulins is a novel and recent

observation. PMID: 10787003

2000 - Autoantibodies - Anticardiolipin

autoantibodies in serum samples and

cryoglobulins of patients with chronic hepatitis C

infection. PMID:

10834867. [note: cardiolipin=A diphosphatidyl

glycerol that is found in the

membrane of Treponema pallidum and is the antigen

detected by the Wasserman

test for syphilis.]

2000 - Rheumatologic complications of (HCV)

infection are common and include

mixed cryoglobulinemia, vasculitis, sicca

symptoms, myalgia, arthritis, and

fibromyalgia. There is no single clinical picture

of arthritis in patients

with HCV infection. There is a well-defined

picture of arthritis associated

with the presence of mixed cryoglobulinemia that

consists of an intermittent

mono- or oligoarticular, nondestructive arthritis

affecting large and

medium-size joints. Involvement of salivary and

lacrimal glands is common in

HCV-infected subjects, but HCV antigens are not

detected in affected glands.

HCV-infected subjects express a high prevalence of

a variety of

autoantibodies, usually in low titers. PMID:




1965 - Hepatitis - The effect of the severity and

type of the disease on the

differential white blood cell count in viral

hepatitis. PMID: 5831397

1967 - Speculation on future use of blood or blood

component therapy. PMID:


1971 - Reaction between leukocytes of patients

affected with acute viral

hepatitis and serum of recovered patients. PMID:


1977 - HBV - Allergic alteration of blood

neutrophils with Au-antigen and

unspecific allergens in patients with viral

hepatitis. PMID: 67715

1993 - HCV infection is the main cause of

hepatitis in hemodialysis. PMID:


1994 - PBMC - HBV - Hepatitis B virus antigens in

peripheral blood

mononuclear cells during the course of viral

infection. PMID: 8299235

1994 - PBMC - Detection of plus and minus strand

hepatitis C virus RNA in

peripheral blood mononuclear cells and spermatid.

Probably, only plus HCV

RNA exists in plasma; (2). HCV exists and probably

duplicates in PBMC. PMID:


1997 - Several disease have been associated with

hepatitis C virus

infections, including rheumatologic, hematologic

and neoplastic disorders.

PMID: 9609058

1997 - (HCV), importance of its genotypes and

mutant variants

" quasi-species " , as well as the mechanisms of

disease chronicity and tissue

injuries caused by HCV have been discussed. HCV

infects not only hepatocytes

but lymphoid cells, thereby modulates immune

functions. PMID: 9221376

1998 - Chronic HCV - autoimmune hemolytic anemia,

hypoplastic anemia,

monoclonal immunoglobulinopathy, B-cell lymphoma.

PMID: 9949448

1999 - PBMC - RNA in mononuclear cells [PBMCs].

PMID: 10470259

1998 - PBMC - HCV - In addition to hepatocytes,

HCV-RNA has been found in

both peripheral blood [PBMC's] and BM [bone

marrow] mononuclear cells. These

cells could represent a reservoir of virus and may

play a major role in

viral persistence; they also could act as

effectors of tissue injury in

various organs. 9514994

1998 - HCV shows high genomic variability. It is

not clear whether these

genetic variations have a significant clinical

impact (i.e. severity of the

disease) but there is evidence that they may

influence both the efficacy of

the host immune response and the interferon

treatment response. PMID:


1998 - In chronically infected patients, the

detection of HCV RNA in

mononuclear cells is not due to the adsorption of

circulating virions but a

significant infection. The compartmental

distribution of HCV quasispecies in

hepatocytes and mononuclear cells could be

involved in the chronicity of HCV

infection. PMID: 10923481

2000 - PBMC - HBV - Molecular Analysis of

Hepatitis B Virus DNA in Serum and

Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells From Hepatitis

B Surface Antigen-Negative

Cases. Viral DNA was transcriptionally active in

PBMC, because the

covalently closed circular (ccc) HBV DNA, the

template for the viral RNA

transcription, was detected in 47% of the samples.


PMID: 10869298

1997 - PBMC - Positive and negative strand of

hepatitis C virus RNA

sequences in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in

patients with chronic

hepatitis C. PMID: 9210035.

2000 - PBMC - HCV infects mononuclear cells and

may, like other viruses,

cause immunological disorders. PMID: 10761564

1999 - PBMC - Oxidative stress is observed in

peripheral blood mononuclear

cells from chronic hepatitis C patients. This

process might alter lymphocyte

function and facilitate the chronicity of the

infection. PMID: 10580577

2000 - Although the liver is the major target

organ, the virus may be able

to replicate in peripheral blood mononuclear cells

[PBMC's], lymph nodes,

and pancreas and to a more limited degree in bone

marrow cells, thyroid,

adrenal glands, and spleen. HCV proteins were

detected in the cytoplasm of

infected hepatocytes, often in a punctate granular

pattern in some

hepatocytes and occasionally in monocytes and

other cell types. PMID:


2000 - PBMC - Peripheral blood neutrophils from

hepatitis C virus-infected

patients are replication sites of the virus. PMID:


1999 - These findings suggest that liver and PBMC

are not the major

replication sites for GBV-C/HGV and that GBV-C/HGV

is not a primary

hepatotropic virus. PMID: 10603171


2000 - GBV-C/HGV is a lymphotropic virus that

replicates primarily in the

spleen and bone marrow. PMID: 10745232

2000 - The recent finding of HCV binding on CD81,

a surface-expressed

protein present on lymphocyte membrane, enhances

the putative role of HCV in

lymphomagenesis. PMID: 10761563

2000 - Recent investigations into the relationship

between the hepatitis C

virus and human cells, particularly lymphocytes,

have resulted in possible

pathophysiological interactions that may begin to

explain some of the

extrahepatic manifestations of hepatitis C virus

infection. PMID: 10803631

2000 - HCV binding to hepatocytes may not entirely

depend on CD81, that CD81

is an attachment receptor with poor capacity to

mediate virus entry, and

that reducing environments do not favor CD81-HCV

interaction. PMID: 10775621

2000 - CD43 antigen on the surface of most

hemopoietic cells was observed.

Peripheral blood mononuclear (PBMC) cells from 32

MDS patients and 20

healthy individuals were analyzed by flow

cytometry after labeling with an

anti-CD43 (DF-T1) monoclonal antibody. PMID:


2000 - B cell proliferation is probably enhanced

by HCV-specific properties,

however, including the ability of HCV proteins to

bind to CD81 on the B cell

surface, and to influence intracellular regulatory

functions following viral

entry into B cells. PMID: 10761560

2000 - Monoclonal B cell expansions and

lymphomatoid bone marrow infiltrates

in HCV+ patients predominantly involve

CD5-negative IgM RF B cells. Non-RF B

cells can also be expanded, including producers of

IgG1 and IgG3 that are

likely anti-HCV antibodies. PMID: 10761560

1997 - Monocytoid B-cell lymphoma was the most

common type of lymphoma found

in HCV-positive patients. The prevalence of HCV

infection was higher in

patients with B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma than in

controls. PMID: 9312998

2000 - CD43 (leukosialin, sialophorin) is a cell

surface mucin expressed at

high levels on most leukocytes and is reported to

be involved in adhesion,

anti-adhesion, and signal transduction prodders.

Regulation of its

expression is thought to take place through

methylation of the DNA in the

nonproducing cells, and the methylation inhibitor

5-azacytidine induces

expression of the sialophorin gene. PMID: 10602163

1999 - Macrophage migration inhibitory factor

(MIF) have been extensively

re-evaluated. This has been found to be protein

involved in broad-spectrum

pathophysiological states as an inflammatory

cytokine, pituitary-derived

hormone, and glucocorticoid-induced

immunomodulator. PMID: 10347118

1999 - These results suggest that

FcgammaRI-positive macrophages are

associated with confluent necrosis in CHB [HBV],

which is more common in CHB

[HBV] patients than in CHC [HCV]. PMID: 10533797

2000 - HBV - HCV - The viral persistence produced

by escape mutations from

virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL)

response may lead to

upregulation of delayed-type hypersensitivity

immune response, which causes

hepatic tissue damage through non specific

macrophage activation and CTL

response and promotes pathogenesis of hepatic

fibrosis. PMID: 10834146

2000 - HCV infection is highly prevalent in

haemodialysis patients. PMID:


1999 - Variation of hepatitis C virus following

serial transmission:

multiple mechanisms of diversification of the

hypervariable region and

evidence for convergent genome evolution. PMID:


2000 - Platelets - (HCV) infection may induce a

significant autoimmune

reaction to platelets, but the mechanism is

unknown. Many patients with

chronic hepatitis C, in fact, have high levels of


immunoglobulin G (PAIgG) and HCV-RNA is present in

the platelets of 100% of

those patients with thrombocytopenia and high

PAIgG levels. Hepatitis C

virus infection has been associated with the

development of thrombocytopenic

purpura, sometimes triggered during interferon

(IFN) therapy. PMID: 10847447

2000 - Leukocytes, also known as white blood

cells, cause reactions at the

time of transfusion, are known to transmit disease

and predispose recipients

to infection. http://www.pall.com.

2000 - PBMC - TTV appeared to infect not only the

serum and liver, but also

the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC).

PMID: 10830749

2000 - The discovery a decade ago of the (HCV) led

to control of

post-transfusion hepatitis in many countries, but

raised a number of further

questions about the transmission and

epidemiological distribution of the

newly discovered virus. PMID: 10921388

2000 - The major routes of HCV transmission in

Asia during the past few

decades have been through administration of

therapeutic blood products and

injecting drug use, similar to the pattern

observed in other parts of the

world. PMID: 10921389

Hematology Note:

White blood cell = White corpuscles in the blood.

They are spherical,

colourless and nucleated masses involved with host

defenses. Normal white

blood cell counts are variable with age and sex.

Normal adult range is 4,

500 to 11,000 cells per cubic millimetre of blood.

Slightly higher counts

are seen in children. Elevated counts can be seen

in cases of inflammation

and infection. See: leucocytes, basophils,

coelomocytes, eosinophils,

haemocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes.

Acronym: WBC

Monocytes = One of three types of white blood

cells. Monocytes are

precursors to macrophages.

Macrophages, peritoneal = Mononuclear phagocytes

derived from bone marrow

precursors but resident in the peritoneum (abdomen


Macrophage migration-inhibitory factors = Proteins

released by sensitised

lymphocytes and possibly other cells that inhibit

the migration of

macrophages away from the release site.

Monocytic leukemia = Cancer of the blood due to

proliferation of cells of

the monocyte series.

Mononuclear phagocyte = Monocytes and their

differentiated products,

macrophages. Mononuclear cells are leucocytes

other than polymorphonuclear

cells and include lymphocytes.

leucocyte = Generic term for a white blood cell.

The family consists of

polymorphonuclear neutrophil (polymorphs),

lymphocyte, eosinophil, basophil

and each functions differently.

Neutrophil = A granulocyte, a white blood cell.

Granulocyte = Leucocyte with conspicuous

cytoplasmic granules. In humans the

granulocytes are also classified as

polymorphonuclear leucocytes and are

subdivided according to the staining properties of

the granules into

eosinophils, basophils and neutrophils



1967 - Aplasia of the bone marrow after viral

hepatitis. PMID: 6063362

1967 - Hepatitis and panmyelophthisis. PMID:


1968 - Bone marrow damage in virus hepatitis.

PMID: 5704507

1968 - Syndrome of hepatitis and aplastic anemia.

PMID: 5658873

1995 - Infection with many flaviviruses [i.e,

quasispecies] is associated

with transient suppression of haematopoiesis.

PMID: 7663049 [HCV =


1997 - Aplastic anemia and viral hepatitis: a

second look. PMID: 9398021

1997 - Bone marrow aplasia and hepatitis G virus:

what relation? PMID:


1998 - Hepatitis C virus infection in acquired

aplastic anemia. PMID:


1998 - HCV productive infection in bone

marrow-recruited and circulating

pluripotent hematopoietic CD34+ stem cells

indicates that HCV replication

occurs in the early differentiation stages of

hematopoietic progenitors.

continuous source of virus production. PMID:


1999 - Bone abnormalities in gastrointestinal and

hepatic disease.

Alterations in bone metabolism can result in

decreased bone mass (osteopenia

and osteoporosis) or impaired mineralization of

the bone protein matrix

(rickets and osteomalacia). Diseases of the

alimentary tract such as celiac

disease, Inflammatory bowel diseases, gastrectomy,

cholestatic liver

diseases, liver transplantation, and hepatitis C

can affect bone

mineralization, remodeling, or bone mass. PMID:


1995 - Hypothyroidism and hypoparathyroidism in an

11 year old boy with

hemochromatosis secondary to aplastic anemia. The

early appearance of both

thyroid and parathyroid dysfunction in this

patient may have been due to the

delay of initiation of iron-chelating agents and

liver dysfunction due to

hepatitis type C. PMID: 7572161

1997 - Multiple myeloma and sarcoidosis. PMID:


1992 - Painful diffuse osteosclerosis can follow

intravenous drug abuse and

is possibly caused by parenteral transmission of a

virus that in some way

stimulates bone formation. PMID: 1329508

1998 - The biochemical markers of bone remodeling

suggest high-turnover

osteoporosis in patients with viral cirrhosis.

PMID: 9731561

1998 - Osteodystrophy associated with hepatic

cirrhosis is due to a defect

in the 1alfa-hydroxylation by the kidney rather

than a hepatic hydroxylation

defect. 1 alfa OH-D3 is very useful for treatment

for hepatic

osteodystrophy. PMID: 9648489

2000 - GBV-C/HGV is a lymphotropic virus that

replicates primarily in the

spleen and bone marrow. PMID: 10745232

1999 - These findings suggest that liver and PBMC

are not the major

replication sites for GBV-C/HGV and that GBV-C/HGV

is not a primary

hepatotropic virus. PMID: 10603171

2000 - Detection of active hepatitis C virus and

hepatitis G virus/GB virus

C replication in bone marrow in human subjects.

HCV and HGV can replicate in

bone marrow; in the case of HGV, analysis of serum

may underestimate the

true prevalence of infection.PMID: 10845938

2000 - Although the liver is the major target

organ, the virus may be able

to replicate in peripheral blood mononuclear cells

[PBMC's], lymph nodes,

and pancreas and to a more limited degree in bone

marrow cells, thyroid,

adrenal glands, and spleen. PMID: 10895434



1964 - Hepatitis - Cellular injury and

carcinogenesis. PMID: 5833387

1970 - Chromosomal aberrations in infective

hepatitis. PMID: 4249440

1975 - A case/control study of the association

between primary liver cancer

and hepatitis B infection in Senegal. PMID:


1978 - Hepatocellular carcinoma and the hepatitis

B virus. PMID: 212785

1987 - Primary hepatocellular carcinoma (PHC) was

associated with HBV

seropositivity in 80% of patients, and

postnecrotic (macronodular) cirrhosis

of the liver in 90% clearly indicating a strong

association between primary

liver cancer and HBV infections and liver

cirrhosis. PMID: 2822223

1990 - HBV is the causative agent of

hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in man.

PMID: 2159110

1996 - DNA Methylation - Clonal analysis of

hepatocellular carcinoma. PMID:


1996 - HBV - DNA Methylation - Effects of a

naturally occurring mutation in

the hepatitis B virus basal core promoter on

precore gene expression and

viral replication. PMID: 8709203

1996 - HCV - Inactivation of hepatitis C virus

cDNA transgene by

hypermethylation in transgenic mice. PMID: 8678840

1996 - Breast Cancer - In this mouse line,

induction of transgene expression

preceded hypomethylation of site B. PMID: 8840525

1999 - Close relationships between hepatocellular

carcinoma (HCC) and

hepatitis virus infection have been elucidated.

However, clinical

differences between HBV- and HCV-associated HCC

remain unclear. These

results suggest that clinical differences between

B-HCC and C-HCC may depend

upon the difference of the natural course between

HBV and HCV infection, and

B-HCC may be more resistant to treatment than

C-HCC in the advanced stage.

This also illustrates the need for early tumor

detection in B-HCC. PMID:


1997 - Several disease have been associated with

hepatitis C virus

infections, including rheumatologic, hematologic

and neoplastic disorders.

PMID: 9609058

1998 - Chronic HCV - autoimmune hemolytic anemia,

hypoplastic anemia,

monoclonal immunoglobulinopathy, B-cell lymphoma.

PMID: 9949448

2000 - HCV-related diseases are B cell neoplasias.

PMID: 10647955

2000 - Approximately 5% of the world's human

population have an increased

risk for developing liver cancer and cirrhosis as

a direct consequence of

chronic infection with (HBV). PMID: 10868900

2000 - Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fifth

most common cancer in the

world with 80% of cases occurring in developing

countries. The cancer is

rapidly fatal in almost all cases with survival

generally less than 1 year

from diagnosis. The major risk factors for this

cancer have been identified

as chronic infection with HBV and HCV viruses and

dietary exposure to

aflatoxins. PMID: 10767647

2000 - Chronic (HBV) infection is a leading cause

of cirrhosis and

hepatocellular carcinoma worldwide. Its prevalence

approaches 10% in

hyperendemic areas, such as southeast Asia, China,

and Africa. PMID:


1996 - Epidemiology of hepatocellular carcinoma.

The known etiologic

factors, such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C,

Budd-Chiari syndrome and chemical

carcinogens. PMID: 8751796

1997 - HCV - up to 15% may develop hepatocellular

carcinoma [HCC]. PMID:


1999 - The current data suggest that HBV

co-infects frequently with HCV and

may play an important role in the development of

HCC in HCV-infected

patients. PMID: 10036965

2000 - The results of this study corroborate

previous reports of frequent

detection of HBV DNA in the liver tissue of

anti-HCV positive/HBs antigen

negative patients with HCC, but do not support an

essential role of HBV in

hepatocarcinogenesis in patients with chronic

hepatitis C and occult HBV

infection. PMID: 10861423

1997 - Hepatitis C virus [core] antigen and HBx-Ag

were detected in liver

cirrhosis (LC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)

tissues. PMID: 10743066

1995 - HCV and occult HBV infections account for

the majority of cryptogenic

HCC cases in the United States. PMID: 8875608

2000 - Italy - Cumulative presence of HBV and HCV

is 75.6%: HCV alone 33.4%.

PMID: 10876975

1998 - HCV NS3 protein may exert its

hepatocarcinogenic effect in early

stage on host cells by endogenous pathway which

may bring about mutation of

p53 gene and transformation of hepatocytes. PMID:


1998 - HCV rather than HBV is associated with the

majority of non-cirrhotic

cases of HCC. It is probable that the ongoing

process of hepatocyte necrosis

and liver cell renewal coupled with inflammation,

which is characteristic of

chronic viral hepatitis, causes not only nodular

regeneration and cirrhosis

but also progressive genomic errors in hepatocytes

as well as unregulated

growth and repair mechanisms leading to hepatocyte

dysplasia and, in some

cases, hepatic carcinoma. PMID: 9795912

1998 - While HBV infection frequently accompanies

HCC, HCV infection is

present in more than 1/3 of HCC. This is generally

the case regardless of

geographical difference in HCC prevalence. PMID:


2000 - In patients with chronic HCV viremia,

persistent liver damage plays

an important role in the development of HCC. PMID:


2000 - In hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular

carcinoma (HCC), at least

20-40 years of continuous necro-inflammation is

necessary for the

hepato-carcinogenesis to occur. However, HCC in

childhood shows an unusually

short latent period and rapid progression. PMID:


2000 - Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is

increasing in many countries as a

result of an increase in (HCV) infection since

World War II. There have been

conflicting observations from different parts of

the world concerning the

frequency of HCC in patients who in the distant

past had post-transfusion

non-A, non-B hepatitis. PMID: 10728807

1942~1970 - In previous decades, infants who

received blood transfusions

shortly after birth or in utero might have been

infected at a particularly

vulnerable age by some blood-borne oncogenic

virus. Transfused between 1942

and 1970, in most cases for the prevention or

treatment of haemolytic

disease of the newborn. The incidence of

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma at 15 to 49

years of age was about twice that expected, but

the excess was not

statistically significant. 1994. PMID: 8050819

1999 - Hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with

advanced cirrhosis. PMID:


1999 - Considering that a large number of virus

has been found linked to

human cancers, our results brought us to

hypothesize that HCV could have

played an important role not only in the

development of HCC but of the

second primary malignancy too. This is likely

favoured by constitutional or

acquired biological and molecular alterations.

Tumor suppressor genes

alterations have been reported to be frequently

linked to cancers of kidney

and breast, of colorectal and skin, of prostate,

and lymphoemopoietic

tissue. The fourth patient had a Hodgkin's

lymphoma before HCC. The last and

most unlucky case, besides HCC, had a basal cell

carcinoma, a colorectal

cancer, and a bladder carcinoma. Now just these

organs are involved in our

patients in addition to the liver. Our results, if

confirmed, are of a

relevant interest, considering that world-wide HCC

is constantly increasing

for the spreading of the virus risk-factors. PMID:


2000 - The levels of AFP [alpha-fetoprotein] or

PIVKA-II [protein induced by

vitamin K absence (PIVKA-II)] increased within

three months before the

detection of HCC. Simultaneous measurements of

serum AFP and PIVKA-II levels

that are performed every 3 months are useful for

detecting a developing HCC.

PMID: 10763956

2000 - The major risk factors for this cancer

[HCC] have been identified as

chronic infection with (HBV) and (HCV) viruses and

dietary exposure to

aflatoxins. PMID: 10767647

2000 - High Serum ALT and More Rapid Recurrence of

Hepatocellular Carcinoma

in Hepatectomized Patients with HCV-Associated

Liver Cirrhosis and HCC.

Recurrence of HCC was accelerated in the high ALT

group. PMID: 10773734

2000 - Haematopoietic cancer and medical history.

Viruses and pathological

conditions (mainly involving immunosuppression)

have been shown to increase

the risk of haematolymphopoietic malignancies.

Previous findings were

confirmed concerning the association between

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL)

and lupus erythematosus, tuberculosis and

hepatitis. PMID: 10818118

2000 - A unifying theory on the mechanisms by

which previous medical history

may increase the risk of haematolymphopoietic

malignancies is still lacking.

PMID: 10818118

2000 - Genotype 1b was more common among HCC

patients than among blood

donors, but 8 of 13 genotype 1b-infected patients

were from countries where

genotype 1b is predominant. PMID: 10826899

1998 - Telomerase is strongly activated in

hepatocellular carcinoma [HCC]

but not in chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis. PMID:


2000 - HCC - Telomerase activity correlates with

cell cycle regulators in

human hepatocellular carcinoma. Mutation in cell

cycle genes is the most

common genetic change in malignant tumor cells.

Telomerase activation,

considered as essential in the immortality of

cancer cells, is found in most

cancers, where there may be an association with an

active cell cycle. The

results indicate that genetic defects in HCC

facilitate the reactivation of

telomerase activity, a process which may be

dependent on cyclin D1 with its

cyclin dependent kinase (cdk) partner defect.

PMID: 10847483

1997 - Surgical specimens (lymph nodes, ovary,

uterus, peripheral blood

mononuclear cells [PBMCs] and serum) from 3

patients with gynecological

cancer. We found relatively high HCV genome titers

in the lymph nodes, not

in the sera, irrespective of various titers in

PBMCs. These results suggest

that lymph nodes may play an important role in the

carrier state and the

persistence of HCV infection. PMID: 9414651

1999 - Detection of aberrant p16 methylation in

the plasma and serum of

liver cancer patients. PMID: 9892188

1999 - DNA hypermethylation at the D17S5 locus and

reduced HIC-1 mRNA

expression are associated with

hepatocarcinogenesis. PMID: 10051471

2000 - The rate of occurrence of HCC in the middle

segment [of liver] was

higher than that in the other segments. The

difference among the segments of

the liver in regard to the degree of damage done

by hepatitis may be related

to the differences in HCC occurrence among the

liver segments. PMID:


2000 - In a tumor, HBV-DNA was found to be

integrated into the gene encoding

Sarco/Endoplasmic Reticulum Calcium ATPase

(SERCA), which pumps calcium, an

important intracellular messenger for cell

viability and growth, from the

cytosol to the endoplasmic reticulum. The HBV X

gene promoter cis-activates

chimeric HBV X/SERCA1 transcripts, with splicing

of SERCA1 exon 11, encoding

C-terminally truncated SERCA1 proteins. Two

chimeric HBV X/SERCA1 proteins

accumulate in the tumor and form dimers. In vitro

analyses have demonstrated

that these proteins localize to the ER, determine

its calcium depletion and

induce cell death. We have also shown that these

biological effects are

related to expression of the SERCA, rather than of

the viral moiety. PMID:


2000 - Complex Formation between Hepatitis C Virus

Core Protein and

p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1. The core protein (Core) of

(HCV) has been known to play

an important role in hepatocarcinogenesis. The

distinct interaction between

Core and p21 may provide a new aspect to the

studies of HCV pathogenesis.

PMID: 10873631

2000 - Insulin Growth Factor II - IGF-II and its

receptor might play an

important role in the development of HCC. PMID:


2000 - Detection of hepatitis C virus RNA in oral

lichen planus and oral

cancer tissues. (HCV) infection not only causes

chronic liver diseases but

shows extrahepatic manifestations as oral lichen

planus (OLP) and oral

cancer. These results may indicate that HCV

persists and replicates in these

lesions, suggesting a pathological role for HCV,

although the mechanisms are

unclear. PMID: 10890556

2000 - Hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with

HCV - Screening remains the

only realistic approach for improving the

treatment of HCC patients, but its

cost-effectiveness is uncertain. PMID: 10890325

2000 - Hepatitis C Associated With High Rate of

Hepatocellular Carcinoma And

Death. The incidence of death and hepatocellular

carcinoma (HCC) related to

hepatitis C cirrhosis is higher than previously

reported. 5-year death rate

of 15.3%. " According to the authors, these results

contrast with previous

studies, which cite 5-year mortality rates of 9%,

and HCC rates of 5% or 7%.

Predictive factors for HCC included age, male sex,

and indicators of portal

hypertension, including esophageal varices and

decreased platelet counts.

Death after HCC was mainly related to smoking

habits. Gut 2000;47:131-136.

WESTPORT, Jul 10 (Reuters Health)

2000 - HCC occurs more frequently in patients with

(HCV)-related chronic

liver disease than those with hepatitis B

virus-related disease. Factors

that independently affected the development of HCC

were age, habitual heavy

drinking, and histologic staging. PMID: 10897000

2000 - TTV + HCC - TTV does not seem to contribute

to the development of HCC

from chronic liver disease and is not correlated

with severity of liver

disease. PMID: 10902976

2000 - First-degree relatives of patients with

HBV-related HCC appear to be

at increased risk of HCC and should be considered

in the formulation of

HCC-screening programs. PMID: 10904089

Central Nervous System


1971 - Neurologic complications of liver diseases.

PMID: 4256005

1980 - Hepatitis B surface antigen in spinal

fluid. PMID: 6932562

1999 - Detection and quasispecies analysis of

hepatitis C virus in the

cerebrospinal fluid of infected patients. CSF was

of plasma origin. PMID:


1999 - Clinical observations and cerebral magnetic

resonance scans provide

evidence of functional cerebral impairment in HCV

infected patients, raising

the issue of the central nervous system (CNS) as a

site for HCV replication.

PMID: 10622579

1999 - Neurologic complications associated with

hepatitis C virus infection.


1999 - Isolated central nervous system [CNS]

vasculitis associated with

hepatitis C infection. Implicated in the

pathogenesis of an increasing

number of diseases previously believed to be

primary or idiopathic. PMID:


1998 - Central nervous system involvement in

patients with HCV-related

cryoglobulinemia. brain magnetic resonance imaging

showed multiple small

hyperintensities compatible with ischemic lesions.

PMID: 9519936

2000 - The first episode of central nervous system

demyelinization and

hepatitis B virus vaccination. PMID: 10740095


1964 - Hepatitis - Hepatic encephalopathy. PMID:


1965 - Neuropsychiatric complications in virus

hepatitis. PMID: 5959810

1972 - Acute encephalopathy in the course of viral

hepatitis. PMID: 4644403

1976 - Cerebrospinal fluid examination for the

presence of HB-s antigen and

anti-HB-s antibody in patients with viral

hepatitis. PMID: 1272945

1981 - Hepatitis B surface antigen in

cerebrospinal fluid. PMID: 6110906

1999 - acute encephalitis immediately prior to

acute onset of hepatitis C

virus infection.

1999 - Hepatic minimal encephalopathy. Eisenburg

J. Hepatic encephalopathy

(HE) is

a syndrome of global cerebral dysfunction

resulting from underlying liver

disease or portal-systemic shunting. UI: 99215131

2000 - Ammonia is considered the major

pathogenetic factor of cerebral

dysfunction in hepatic failure. The correlation

between total plasma ammonia

and the severity of hepatic encephalopathy (HE),

however, is variable. UI:


1999 - Cerebral vasculitis. PMID: 10551381

1999 - Neurological manifestations of chronic

hepatitis C. Magnetic

resonance imaging of the brain showed diffuse

increased signal abnormalities

involving supra- and infratentorial white matter

suggesting cerebral

vasculitis. In patients with peripheral neuropathy

or signs of

leucencephalopathy, a HCV associated vasculitis

should be considered in the

differential diagnosis. PMID: 10431776

1999 - Detection and quasispecies analysis of

hepatitis C virus in the

cerebrospinal fluid of infected patients. PMID:



1990 - The detection of hepatitis B virus DNA in

nerve tissue. The

investigation of cerebrospinal fluid and a

temporal lobe brain tissue,

showed the unquestionable presence of viral

nucleotide sequences in the

nervous tissue (about 9 viral genomes per cell).

PMID: 2097449

1999 - Encephalitis after hepatitis B vaccination:

recurrent disseminated

encephalitis or MS? The persistent inflammatory

activity observed

clinically and on MRI in these patients is

comparable with that usually

observed in MS. Epidemiologic studies are

currently testing the hypothesis

of a triggering role of hepatitis B vaccination in

CNS demyelination. PMID:



1967 - Apropos of changes in the nervous system,

liver function and their

interrelation in children following epidemic

hepatitis. PMID: 5609671

1967 - Neurologic disorders in epidemic hepatitis.

PMID: 5619442

1999 - Viral-induced neurodegenerative disease.

PMID: 10458992

1999 - Neurological manifestations of chronic

hepatitis C. Magnetic

resonance imaging of the brain showed diffuse

increased signal abnormalities

involving supra- and infratentorial white matter

suggesting cerebral

vasculitis. In patients with peripheral neuropathy

or signs of

leucencephalopathy, a HCV associated vasculitis

should be considered in the

differential diagnosis. PMID: 10431776

1999 - Chronic sensory polyneuropathy,

multineuropathy, and encephalopathy

related to cryoglobulinemia. The

noncryoglobulinemic symptoms consisted of

an anterior optic neuropathy and a restless legs

syndrome with small-fiber

neuropathy. vasculitic episodes. PMID: 10489056

1999 - Hepatitis C virus infection of peripheral

nerves in type II

cryoglobulinaemia. HCV infection of nerves plays a

major role in

mCGII-associated neuropathy. PMID: 10394889

1998 - Paresthesia. PMID: 10070272

1998 - Peripheral nervous system involvement:

paresthesias or other symptoms

of peripheral neuropathy. urticaria or cutaneous

ulcers. arthralgias. PMID:


2000 - Peripheral sensorimotor neuropathy. PMID:


2000 - Mixed cryoglobulinemia syndrome is

characterized by the clinical

triad of purpura, arthralgia and asthenia

associated with type II or type

III MC. Such cryoglobulinemia vasculitis may

involve numerous organs,

particularly the peripheral nervous system and the

kidneys. PMID: 10761559

2000 - Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis

and demyelinating neuropathy

caused by type II mixed cryoglobulinemia

associated with HCV infection.

PMID: 10830181

1990 - The detection of hepatitis B virus DNA in

nerve tissue. The

investigation of cerebrospinal fluid and a

temporal lobe brain tissue,

showed the unquestionable presence of viral

nucleotide sequences in the

nervous tissue (about 9 viral genomes per cell).

PMID: 2097449

1998 - Chronic inflammatory demyelinating

polyneuropathy associated with

hepatitis B infection. PMID:10227761

1998 - HBV appeared to be the only selective

abdominal vagotomy affecting

the febrile responsiveness. We conclude,

therefore, that the hepatic vagus

plays an important role in the transduction of a

pyrogenic signal from the

periphery to the brain. PMID: 9688961

Connective Tissue


1970 - Subclinical hepatitis in connective-tissue

diseases. PMID: 4191969

1980 -Connective tissue metabolites and acid

hydrolases in hepatitis A and

B. PMID: 7466655

1996 - The majority of MC are secondary to

connective tissue diseases,

infectious or lymphoproliferative disorders,

hepatobiliary diseases, or

immunologically mediated glomerular diseases.

PMID: 8918748

1999 - (AECA) have been found in various

connective tissue disorders, with a


prevalence in systemic vasculitis. PMID: 10551381

1999 - Graves' disease associated with autoimmune

hepatitis and mixed

connective tissue disease. PMID: 10426583

2000 - Mixed cryoglobulins are associated with

connective-tissue disease,

malignant hematological disorder (type B

lymphoproliferation) or obvious

infectious process. PMID: 10761559



1966 - " Free " and " bound " insulin activity in the

blood of patients with

acute epidemic hepatitis. PMID: 5225081

1975 - Hepatitis B (Australia) antigen in

diabetics. PMID: 1138253

1981 - Detection of HBsAg in the pancreas.PMID:


1994 - IFN - Occurrence of IDDM [insulin-dependent

diabetes mellitus] during

interferon therapy for chronic viral hepatitis.

During and after IFN therapy

we should consider the possibility of occurrence

of IDDM as well as other

autoimmune diseases and observe the clinical

course carefully. PMID: 8013261

1998 - Association of chronic hepatitis C

infection and diabetes mellitus.

Pancreatic beta -cells might be an extrahepatic

target of HCV. PMID:


1998 - HCV infection and diabetes mellitus:

influence of the use of finger

stick devices on nosocomial transmission. An

increased prevalence of (HCV)

infection in patients with diabetes mellitus has

suggested a link between

these two conditions and the possibility of

patient-to-patient HCV

transmission during hospital admissions in

diabetes units. Our findings

indicate that these medical practices play no role

in nosocomial

transmission of HCV in diabetic patients. UI:


1999 - HAV - Hepatitis A-induced diabetes

mellitus, acute renal failure, and

liver failure. This case illustrates that

hepatitis A infection may be

severe with liver failure, acute renal failure,

and permanent diabetes

mellitus as sequale of this infection. UI:


1999 - Association of diabetes mellitus and

chronic hepatitis C virus

infection. While patients with liver disease are

known to have a higher

prevalence of glucose intolerance, preliminary

studies suggest that (HCV)

infection may be an additional risk factor for the

development of diabetes

mellitus. In the former study diabetes was

observed in 21% of HCV-infected

patients compared with 12% of HBV-infected

subjects. Data suggest a

relatively strong association between HCV

infection and diabetes, because

diabetics have an increased frequency of HCV

infection, particularly with

genotype 2a. Furthermore, it is possible that HCV

infection may serve as an

additional risk factor for the development of

diabetes, beyond that

attributable to chronic liver disease alone. PMID:


1999 - Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

[NIDDM]. Confirms an

association between HCV and NIDDM. PMID: 10498660

1999 - Extrahepatic clinical manifestations are

frequently observed in HCV

patients and involve primarily the joints,

muscles, and skin. The most

frequent immunologic abnormalities include mixed

cryoglobulins, antinuclear

antibodies, and anti-smooth muscle antibodies.


1999 - Absence of evidence of a possible

connection vaccination for

hepatitis B and the development of diabetes type

1. UI: 20060455

1999 - Type I membranoproliferative

glomerulonephritis (MPGN). Clinicians

should be aware of the possible occurrence of Type

I MPGN and

cryoglobulinemia in patients with diabetes

mellitus and HCV infection with

the appropriate history and physical findings. UI:


1999 - This case supports the hypothesis that

IFN-alpha therapy may lead to

an augmented autoimmune reaction against islet

cell antigens resulting in

the development of diabetes mellitus type 1,

especially if there are other

predisposing factors before IFN treatment. UI:


1999 - Reversible impact of alpha-interferon on

carbohydrate (CH) metabolism

was observed in patients with hepatitis C treated

with interferon between

1993 and 1997. UI: 99372081

1999 - Interferon-alpha improves glucose tolerance

in diabetic and

non-diabetic patients with HCV-induced liver

disease. This pilot study was

initiated to evaluate factors controlling glucose

tolerance in patients with

hepatitis C virus-induced liver disease before and

after therapy with

recombinant interferon-alpha (r-INF-alpha).

Therapy with recombinant

interferon-alpha is associated with an

amelioration of glucose tolerance in

non-diabetic and diabetic HCV-infected patients.

UI: 20008755

1999 - Hepatic iron overload has been reported in

various metabolic

conditions, including the insulin-resistance

syndrome (IRS) and nonalcoholic

steatohepatitis (NASH). The aim of this study was

to show that such hepatic

iron overload is part of a unique and unrecognized

entity. UI: 20005917

1999 - High prevalence of diabetes mellitus among

adult beta-thalassaemic

patients - Patients with thalassaemia and HCV

infection were diabetic more

often than thalassaemic patients without HCV

infection (45.3% versus 11.3%.

It is probable that the coexistence of

haemochromatosis makes the effect of

HCV infection on glucose metabolism clinically

evident, even in the stage of

chronic hepatitis. 99431167

1999 - Fatal liver failure after corticosteroid

treatment of a hepatitis B

virus carrier. a known carrier of (HBV) after

blood transfusion, developed

increasingly severe jaundice with high

transaminase levels after receiving

steroids in high doses. Significant preceding

conditions included chronic

obstructive pulmonary disease, coronary heart

disease, ulcerative colitis in

remission and diabetes mellitus. Steroids should

be given to known hepatitis

B carriers only if strictly indicated, because of

the danger of acute

deterioration of liver functions by reactivation

of the disease with

possibly fatal consequences. If steroids are

administered, liver functions

and serological hepatitis markers should be

closely monitored so that any

necessary treatment can be quickly initiated. UI:


2000 - HCV - Diabetes Mellitus. PMID: 10707860

2000 - Correlated with HCV infection; diabetes

mellitus. PMID: 10647955

2000 - An increasing prevalence of hepatitis C and

B, often associated, in

type 2 diabetic patients that allows us to define

them as a group at risk

for viral hepatitis. PMID: 10802152

2000 - HCV - Viral replication in pancreas. PMID:


2000 - High prevalence and adverse effect of

hepatitis C virus infection in

type II diabetic-related nephropathy. PMID:


2000 - Patients with chronic HCV infection have an

increased prevalence of

type 2 diabetes, and this prevalence is

independent of cirrhosis. PMID:


2000 - HCV-infected patients with normal glucose

tolerance are insulin and

glucose resistant. The impairment of glucose

tolerance appears to be closely

related with the severity of HCV-induced liver

damage. PMID: 10899726

2000 - There is a high prevalence of diabetes

among liver transplant

recipients infected with HCV both before and after

[liver] transplantation.

PMID: 10869293

2000 - Impact of HCV infection on development of


diabetes mellitus in renal allograft recipients.

PMID: 10812113


1965 - Trial of adrenal function tests viral

hepatitis. PMID: 5883559

1969 - The state of the pituitary-adrenal system

in patients with acute

protracted and chronic epidemic hepatitis. PMID:


1971 - Pituitary-corticoadrenal secretory tonus in

chronic hepatitis. PMID:


1994 - HBV - The DNA sequence representing HBV

infection was detected in the

tissue of liver (100%), gallbladder (85.7%),

spleen (75.0%), kidney (72.7%)

adrenal gland (66.7%), heart (55.6%), testicle

(55.6%), pancreas (54.5%)

respectively. PMID: 7956560

1996 - HCV - Prolactin-secreting pituitary

microadenoma. PMID: 8766348

1996 - Case of C-type chronic hepatitis with

manifestation of pituitary

insufficiency caused by interferon therapy. PMID:


1996 - Levels of pituitary-thyroid axis hormones

in men during the course of

chronic active hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. A

significant decline of TT3,

TT4, fT3, fT4 concentration and TT3/TT4 index in

males with liver cirrhosis

were observed. PMID: 9082343

1998 - Change of peripheral levels of pituitary

hormones and cytokines after

injection of interferon (IFN)-beta in patients

with chronic hepatitis C.

Plasma ACTH levels increased significantly. These

in vivo results are

important for investigating the relationship

between endocrine and cytokine

systems in humans. PMID: 9768684

1998 - Change of peripheral levels of pituitary

hormones and cytokines after

injection of interferon (IFN)-beta in patients

with chronic hepatitis C.

PMID: 9768684

1999 - Hepatic ischemia and hypophyseal

macroadenoma. Recurrent hepatitis

[no viral type mentioned] secondary to a pituitary

macroadenoma in a 55-year

old man. Liver ischemia is thought to be the main

consequence of episodes of

acute adrenal insufficiency. Sudden acute adrenal

insufficiency was due to

enlargement of the sella content secondary to

several microhemorrhages in

the macroadenoma. PMID: 10219616

1999 - Macrophage migration inhibitory factor

(MIF) - Pituitary-derived

hormone - (MIF) have been extensively

re-evaluated. This has been found to

be protein involved in broad-spectrum

pathophysiological states as an

glucocorticoid-induced immunomodulator. PMID:



Symptoms of Mercury Poisoning - Diabetes

Insipidus-like symptoms.



1996 - Hepatitis B Immune globulin (HBIg) -

Potential for mercury toxicity

and HCV transmission in the HBIg formulations

currently available in the

United States. Manufacturing modifications of HBIg

may allow for improved

patient tolerance and decreased risks. PMID:


Background Note:

Diabetes - (Gr. Diabetes a syphon, from dia

through + bainein to go) a

general term referring to disorders characterised

by excessive urine

excretion (polyuria), as in diabetes mellitus and

diabetes insipidus. When

used alone, the term refers to diabetes mellitus.



Diabetes Mellitus - Relative or absolute lack of

insulin leading to

uncontrolled carbohydrate metabolism. In juvenile

onset diabetes (that may

be an autoimmune response to pancreatic cells)

the insulin deficiency tends

to be almost total, whereas in adult onset

diabetes there seems to be no

immunological component but an association with




Diabetes Insipidus (DI) - Rare form of diabetes in

which the kidney tubules

do not reabsorb sufficient water. This can be

because (a) either the renal

tubules have defective receptors for antidiuretic

hormone (ADH, vasopressin)

or (B) a class of aquaporin water channel in the

collecting duct is

defective or © there is inadequate ADH

production by the pituitary,

leading to the excessive production of dilute




There are four (4) fundamentally different types

of Diabetes Insipidus (DI).

Each has a different cause and must be treated in

a different way. These

four forms are:

Neurogenic, also known as central, hypothalamic,

pituitary or

neurohypophyseal is caused by a deficiency of the

antidiuretic hormone,


Nephrogenic, also known as vasopressin-resistant

is caused by insensitivity

of the kidneys to the effect of the antidiuretic

hormone, vasopressin.

Gestagenic, also known as gestational is also

caused by a deficiency of the

antidiuretic hormone, vasopressin, that occurs

only during pregnancy.

Dipsogenic, a form of primary polydipsia is caused

by abnormal thirst and

the excessive intake of water or other liquids.




1975 - HBsAg was found in the saliva of both

children and adults, more

frequently during the first weeks after the onset

of illness. PMID: 1224534

1977 - Hepatitis B surface antigen in urine and

feces. PMID: 595147

1992 - Detection of HCV RNA in saliva, urine,

seminal fluid, and ascites.



1992 - HCV RNA is present in the saliva of

approximately half of patients

with acute and chronic hepatitis C, and the

presence of HCV RNA correlates

with HCV viremia. The efficiency of HCV

transmission is low among spouses.

PMID: 1315367

1998 - In HCV-RNA positive patients with

esophagogastric varices the

possibility of glomerulonephritis should be

considered. PMID: 9840704

1998 - Dry mouth, oral ulcer. PMID: 10070272

1998 - The gastrointestinal diseases with

rheumatologic manifestations can

be divided into two major categories: intestinal

disorders and disorders of

the liver, biliary tree, and pancreas. Although

intestinal permeability and

immune responsiveness are frequently implicated in

disorders of the

intestine, diseases of the liver, biliary tree,

and pancreas usually involve

the production of autoantibodies, cytokines, or

enzymes. PMID: 9891697

1999 - Risk of transmission of hepatitis C through

endoscopy of the

digestive tract. PMID: 10394381

1999 - Risk of transmission of HCV by biopsy

clamps during gastrointestinal

biopsy. PMID: 10651538

1999 - A case of gastrointestinal stromal tumor of

the stomach. tumor about

3 cm in diameter was detected in the upper abdomen

by abdominal ultrasound

screening during follow-up of chronic hepatitis C.

Direct invasion of the

surrounding organs, lymph node metastasis or

distant metastasis was not

observed grossly in the operation. Histologic

examination of the resected

specimen revealed proliferation of spindle cells

and oval cells in an

interlacing pattern. Immunohistochemistry for

CD34, vimentin and c-kit

protein was strongly positive. The proliferating

cell nuclear antigen index

was about 50%. From these findings, this tumor

was diagnosed as a

gastrointestinal stromal tumor of the uncommitted

type. PMID: 10819497

1999 - Oral disease: oral conditions, namely

Sjogren's syndrome and lichen

planus. PMID: 10561713

1999 - Lichen planus: LP associated with HCV was

reported to be oral LP.

PMID: 10534648

1999 - Tongue cancer. PMID: 10567673

1999 - Factors predicting the presence of

esophageal or gastric varices in

patients with advanced liver disease [ALD]. The

causes of cirrhosis (mean

age, 48 yr) included, 28% HCV /alcoholism, (25%)

HCV, (6%) HBV. PMID:


2000 - HCV RNA positive-and negative-strand in

kidney, heart, pancreas, and

intestine from hepatitis C patients. PMID:


2000 - Oral lichen planus induced by

interferon-alpha-N1 in a patient with

hepatitis C. PMID: 10836860

2000 - Direct viral factors may not be important

in the pathogenesis of OLP

in patients with chronic hepatitis C.

Immunological changes caused by IFN

may play a role in the development of OLP

associated with HCV infection.

PMID: 10846411

2000 - HCV replicates in epithelial cells. Mucosa.

PMID: 10869295

2000 - Stomach - Gastric mucosa as an additional

extrahepatic localization

of hepatitis C virus: Viral detection in gastric

low-grade lymphoma

associated with autoimmune disease and in chronic

gastritis, " Hepatology,

January 2000;31(1):182-189).

2000 - Detection of hepatitis C virus RNA in oral

lichen planus and oral

cancer tissues. (HCV) infection not only causes

chronic liver diseases but

shows extrahepatic manifestations as oral lichen

planus (OLP) and oral

cancer. These results may indicate that HCV

persists and replicates in these

lesions, suggesting a pathological role for HCV,

although the mechanisms are

unclear. PMID: 10890556

2000 - Severe and relapsing upper gastrointestinal

bleeding in a patient

with Glanzmann's thrombasthenia. From HCV-related

liver cirrhosis and H.

pylori-positive duodenal ulcer. PMID: 10749344

2000 - Adult celiac disease and

hypertransaminasemia. PMID: 10757865.

2000 - TTV - Detected in livers, kidneys, spleens,

intestines, and stomachs.

TTV can infect hepatic and ex-hepatic tissues and

may cause persistent

infection. PMID: 10880161

2000 - High prevalence of TT virus DNA in human

saliva and semen. Presence

of TTV in body fluids other than serum may affect

the routes of viral

transmission. PMID: 10835017

2000 - HBV DNA revealed by PCR in saliva and serum

of HBV-infected patients

was detected in acute period not only in serum

(84.6% of cases) but also in

saliva (46.2% of cases). The data illustrate the

diagnostic value of saliva

and point to the possible role of saliva as a

source of HBV infection. PMID:




1978 - The effect of chronic liver diseases on the

inner ear. PMID: 710357

1978 - Severe sensorineural hearing loss

associated with viral hepatitis.

PMID: 663702

1999 - Sudden hearing loss following acute

hepatitis. PMID: 10533644


1982 - Rhogam/Anti-D - Review of environmental

factors affecting hearing.

PMID: 7044773

Endocrine/Exocrine (in general)


1971 - Studies in the patients with various

endocrine disorders and hepatic

diseases. PMID: 5105082

1977 - Studies on the endocrine function of the

pancreas with special regard

to the alpha cell in subjects with various liver

diseases. PMID: 344952

1984 - Viral antigen in endocrine cells of the

pancreatic islets and adrenal

cortex of Pekin ducks infected with duck hepatitis

B virus. PMID: 6397935

1994 - HBV - The DNA sequence representing HBV

infection was detected in the

tissue of liver (100%), gallbladder (85.7%),

spleen (75.0%), kidney (72.7%)

adrenal gland (66.7%), heart (55.6%), testicle

(55.6%), pancreas (54.5%)

respectively. PMID: 7956560

2000 - Chronic HCV has been linked with the

development of Sjogren's

syndrome. PMID: 10604234

1999 - Sjogren's Syndrome (SS) is an autoimmune

disease that mainly affects

exocrine glands and usually presents as a

persistent dryness of the mouth

and eyes. The spectrum of the disease extends from

an organ-specific

autoimmune disease to a systemic process. Viral

infection has long been

suspected as a potential cause of SS because

several viruses have been

incriminated in the aetiology of this disease, and

a possible relationship

between SS and HCV was postulated in 1992. PMID:


2000 - Although the liver is the major target

organ, the virus may be able

to replicate in peripheral blood mononuclear cells

[PBMC's], lymph nodes,

and pancreas and to a more limited degree in bone

marrow cells, thyroid,

adrenal glands, and spleen. PMID: 10895434



1965 - Disorders of twilight vision in virus

hepatitis. PMID: 5862084

1965 - The pathogenesis of ocular lesions of

infectious canine hepatitis.

PMID: 4221552

1993 - Hepatitis C virus in the aqueous humor.

PMID: 8213365

1994 - Detection of HIV, HBV, and hepatitis C

virus in donor eyes using PCR.


1997 - Acquisition of hepatitis C by a

conjunctival splash. PMID: 9202821

1997 - The eye and hepatitis C. Ocular diseases

such as Sjogren's syndrome,

n's ulcer and acute retinal pigment

epitheliitis have been associated

with hepatitis C. PMID: 9296042

1998 - Hepatitis C-associated keratitis. PMID:


1998 - Dry eyes. PMID: 10070272

1999 - Signs and symptoms of interferon-associated

retinopathy in patient

with hepatitis C virus, nephropathy and diabetes

mellitus. Necessity to

assess visual system before and after therapy was

emphasised. PMID:


1999 - Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy

occurring in a patient treated

with IFN is a probable complication of the

therapy. PMID: 10516525

1999 - HBV - Hepatitis B and Pupil-Sparing

Oculomotor Nerve Paresis. PMID:


1998 - HBV - Neurovisual impairment: a frequent

complication of

alpha-interferon treatment in chronic viral

hepatitis. Subclinical

neurovisual impairment is a frequent, largely

unrecognized complication of

low-dose IFN therapy, and patients with chronic

hepatitis B and older age

appear to be most susceptible. This apparently

innocuous complication is

long lasting, possibly irreversible in some

patients, with yet undetermined

consequences on visual function. PMID: 9581701

Gall Bladder


1966 - Concentrating function of the gallbladder

in certain sequelae of

epidemic hepatitis. PMID: 5999184

1968 - The concentrating capacity of the

gallbladder in patients with

chronic hepatitis. PMID: 5680879

1968 - Is there a change in the hormonal

regulation of the mechanisms to

empty the gallbladder during icterigenous acute

hepatitis? PMID: 5745366

1971 - Hepatitis-associated antigen in human bile.

PMID: 4143627

1989 - At the early period of convalescence from

viral hepatitis 65% of

persons showed disorders of the functional state

of the bile tracts. The

frequency of involvement of the biliary system did

not depend on the

etiological form of hepatitis. PMID: 2609567

1994 - HBV - The DNA sequence representing HBV

infection was detected in the

tissue of liver (100%), gallbladder (85.7%),

spleen (75.0%), kidney (72.7%)

adrenal gland (66.7%), heart (55.6%), testicle

(55.6%), pancreas (54.5%)

respectively. PMID: 7956560

1997 - Hepatitis C virus RNA and an antigen

immunoreactive with anti-c100

protein are present in bile in a proportion of

cirrhotic patients with

chronic HCV. PMID: 9278613

1999 - Gallstones in chronic liver disease is

related to degree of liver

dysfunction. HCV infection and PiZ carriership may

further increase biliary

lithogenesis. PMID: 10576378

1999 - Steatosis and bile duct damage in chronic

hepatitis C. PMID: 10533803

2000 - Bile duct damage and steatosis, which are

characteristic of (HCV)

infection. PMID: 10845672

2000 - HBV - Bile duct epithelial cells (BDEC) as

a reservoir of (HBV)

infection that may be particularly important in

the development of

post-liver transplant recurrence of hepatitis B.

PMID: 10764033

2000 - The BDEC appear to be an important

reservoir of virus that is

relatively unaffected by antiviral treatment, and

may play an important role

in disease persistence and relapse following

cessation of therapy. PMID:


2000 - TTV - Biliary excretion of TT virus.

Replication of TTV may occur in

other organs as well as in the liver. PMID:




1943 - Transfusion-associated hepatitis was

recognized in 1943. 1996. PMID:


1965 - Serum hepatitis after open-heart

operations. PMID: 5835508

1966 - Electrocardiographic changes in infectious

hepatitis. PMID: 5991937

1967 - Electrocardiographic changes in icterogenic

viral hepatitis. PMID:


1968 - Electrocardiographic changes during viral

hepatitis. PMID: 4188430

1968 - Electrocardiographic changes in acute viral

hepatitis. PMID: 5707455

1968 - Studies on liver damage in cardiac surgery,

with special reference to

post-transfusion hepatitis following

extracorporeal circulation. PMID:


1968 - Heart - Massive transfusion. PMID: 5729864

1969 - Electrocardiographic changes in viral

hepatitis and their correlation

with the levels of serum bilirubin and

transaminases. PMID: 5783190

1970 - Posttransfusion hepatitis after open-heart

operations. Incidence

after the administration of blood from commercial

and volunteer donor

populations. PMID: 5466902

1970 - Anicteric and icteric hepatitis after

open-heart surgery. PMID:


1970 - Cardiac changes in viral hepatitis. PMID:


1970 - State of the contractile function of the

myocardium in patients with

chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. PMID:


1971 - Transfusion hepatitis following heart

surgery. PMID: 5155991

1971 - Cardiac manifestations of viral hepatitis.

PMID: 4255278

1971 - Complete heart block in a child following

infectious hepatitis.

Treatment with permanent pacing. PMID: 5144367

1971 - Myocardial involvement in infectious

hepatitis. PMID: 5138748

1972 - Heart disorders in viral hepatitis. PMID:


1973 - Jaundice following cardiopulmonary by-pass.

PMID: 4701696

1973 - Serum hepatitis after open-heart surgery.

PMID: 4731112

1973 - Heart - Human radiation hepatitis. A

morphologic study with emphasis

on the late changes. PMID: 4708001

1973 - HBV - Rheumatic fever and Australia

antigen. PMID: 4125029

1973 - Need for blood in open-heart surgery. PMID:


1973 - HBV - " Myocarditis " and hepatitis B

antigen. PMID: 4751764

1974 - HBV - Hepatitis B antigen and corresponding

antibodies following

multiple blood transfusions. PMID: 4428195

1975 - Clinical and serological analysis of


hepatitis. Of prospectively followed, multiply


open-heart-surgery patients, (11%) developed

hepatitis. The existence of

previously unrecognised human hepatitis virus(es)

is probable. PMID: 53329

1975 - Bloodless open heart surgery with

atraumatic extracorporeal

circulation. PMID: 1079162

1975 - Clinical trials of hepatitis B immune

globulin. Development of

policies and materials for the 1972-1975 studies

sponsored by the National

Heart and Lung Institute. PMID: 1178022

1976 - Post-transfusional hepatitis as a

complication of surgery using the

heart-lung-machine in childhood. PMID: 1246904

1977 - Heart - Hazards of blood transfusion. PMID:


1977 - Heart muscle involvement in viral

hepatitis. PMID: 847911

1978 - Postoperative hepatitis in cardiac and

other thoracic surgery. PMID:


1978 - Assessment of cardiovascular system in

children with viral hepatitis.

PMID: 693127

1979 - HBV - Frequency of hepatitis B after open

heart surgery. In spite of

intensive efforts to reduce the risk of hepatitis

B after heart operations,

this complication is observed in 40 % or more of

the cases. PMID: 494221

1979 - HCV - The chronic sequelae of non-A, non-B

hepatitis. Patients (6.7%)

followed prospectively after open-heart surgery

developed non-A, non-B

hepatitis. PMID: 464417

1980 - Hepatitis after cardiosurgery. Even after

exclusion of other risk

factors, the frequency of hepatitis among the

recipients of coagulation

preparations was around 60%. PMID: 6154328

1980 - Post-transfusion hepatitis: can the problem

be solved today? PMID:



1993 - HBV - The significance of complete

serological testing for hepatitis

B in heart valve banking. PMID: 8333072

1994 - Molecular biological screening of viruses

important to transfusion

medicine. viruses: cytomegalovirus (CMV),

hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis

C virus (HCV) and human immunodeficiency type 1

virus (HIV1). PMID: 9480064

1994 - HBV - The DNA sequence representing HBV

infection was detected in the

tissue of liver (100%), gallbladder (85.7%),

spleen (75.0%), kidney (72.7%)

adrenal gland (66.7%), heart (55.6%), testicle

(55.6%), pancreas (54.5%)

respectively. PMID: 7956560

1995 - HCV - Dilated cardiomyopathy [DCM]

associated with hepatitis C virus

infection. Hepatitis C virus infection is

frequently found in patients with

dilated cardiomyopathy and that hepatitis C virus

is an important causal

agent in the pathogenesis of the disease. PMID:


1996 - HBV - Transmission of hepatitis B virus to

multiple patients from a

surgeon without evidence of inadequate infection

control. PMID: 8569821

1996 - HCV - HCV infection in myocarditis and

cardiomyopathy. ischemic heart

disease. Hepatitis C virus infection is frequently

found in patients with

dilated cardiomyopathy and that hepatitis C virus

is an important causal

agent in the pathogenesis of the disease. PMID:


1996 - HCV - Detection of hepatitis C virus RNA

from the heart of patients

with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. HCV RNA was

detected in myocardial tissue.

HCV infection may play a role in the development

of hypertrophic

cardiomyopathy. In [66%] patients, HCV RNA was

detected from biopsy and

autopsy specimens of the ventricles, but not in

the serum, suggesting that

HCV may replicate in myocardial tissue and may be

relevant to ventricular

hypertrophy. PMID: 8651904

1996 - HCV - Severe type II cryoglobulinemia after

ten years of asymptomatic

(HCV) infection is reported. Laboratory data

showed hypergammaglobulinemia

with polyclonal IgG and monoclonal IgM, blood

hyperviscosity, high level of

cryocrit (60%), HCV viremia, and normal levels of

serum transaminases. Due

to cold exposure, acrocyanosis and cardiac

ischemic attack occurred. PMID:


1997 - HCV - Chronic variant of myocarditis

associated with hepatitis C

virus infection. HCV replicated in myocardial

tissue of these patients with

myocarditis. Thus, HCV infection may contribute to

the development of this

unusual form of myocarditis. PMID: 9236410

1998 - HBV - Transmission of hepatitis B virus

among heart transplant

recipients during endomyocardial biopsy

procedures. PMID: 9513854

1998 - HCV - Hepatitis C virus infection and heart

diseases. HCV infection

is an important cause of a variety of otherwise

unexplained heart diseases.

Various cardiac abnormalities were found, and

arrhythmias was the most

frequent. PMID: 9626910

1998 - HCV - IFN - Changes of 24-h Holter monitor

recordings in association

with interferon alpha therapy for chronic

hepatitis C. PMID: 9852725

1999 - HBV - Three cases of severe subfulminant

hepatitis in

heart-transplanted patients after nosocomial

transmission of a mutant

hepatitis B virus. In this study, the genetic

background of a viral strain

causing severe subfulminant outcome in

heart-transplanted patients was

studied and compared with viral hepatitis B

strains that were not linked to

severe liver disease in the same setting. PMID:


1999 - HBV - Infection chains and evolution rates

of hepatitis B virus in

cardiac transplant recipients infected

nosocomially. PMID: 10223539

1999 - HCV - Detection of hepatitis C virus RNA in

the hearts of patients

with hepatogenic cardiomyopathy. HCV genome in the

myocardium of a patient

with hepatogenic myocardosis. PMID: 10395090

1999 - HCV - Hepatitis C virus infection and

cardiomyopathy. The importance

of (HCV) infection has been recently noted in

patients with

cardiomyopathies. HCV RNAs were found in the

hearts of patients with

cardiomyopathies, and negative strands of HCV RNA

were also detected in the

hearts, suggesting that HCV replicates in

myocardial tissues. PMID:


1999 - HCV - Detection of HCV-specific sequences

in chronic myopathy with

hepatitis C: improvement with interferon-alpha 2A

therapy. PMID: 10529547

1999 - HCV - Apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

[HCM] and hepatitis C virus

infection. A high prevalence of HCV infection was

found in patients with

HCM, particularly of the apical variety,

suggesting that HCV is an important

causal agent in the pathogenesis of the disease.

The familial form of

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is attributed to

mutations in the genes

for contractile proteins, but the etiology of

non-familial form remains

unknown. Myocardial fibrosis was found in all

patients, and mild cellular

infiltration was observed in 5 patients. Type 1b

HCV RNA was present in the

sera of [56%] patients. PMID: 10406581

1999 - HBV - HCV - Study on microbial persistence

in end-stage idiopathic

dilated cardiomyopathy. Microorganisms that are

frequently associated with

heart disease, including cytomegalovirus,

hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C

virus. PMID: 10530439

1999 - A striking correlation has been found

between ACAD [Allograft

Coronary Artery Disease] and HCV and/or CMV

positivity. suggesting that such

viruses may play a role in the development of

vascular late complications in

transplanted hearts. PMID: 10901481

2000 - HCV - These results suggested that

molecular mechanism for the

development of cardiomyopathy mediated by HCV is

different between DCM

[Dilated Cardiomyopathy] and HCM [Hypertrophic

Cardiomyopathy]. PMID:


2000 - HCV - HCV RNA positive-and negative-strand

in kidney, heart,

pancreas, and intestine from hepatitis C patients.

PMID: 10712785

2000 - HCV - (HCV) infection is involved in the

etiology or pathogenesis of

cardiomyopathic disorders. Positive-plus strands

of HCV RNA were found in

the patient's myocardium, as well as plus and

minus strands in the

quadriceps muscle specimens. Interferon treatment

for dilated cardiomyopathy

and striated myopathy associated with hepatitis C

virus infection based on

serial measurements of serum concentrations of

cardiac troponin T. They have

also reported that the serum concentration of

cardiac troponin T is an

indicator of ongoing myocyte degeneration in

patients with dilated

cardiomyopathy (DCM) and hypothesized that its

serial measurement may be a

marker of therapeutic efficacy. PMID: 10783058

2000 - HCV - Necrotizing myopathy in a patient

with chronic hepatitis C

virus infection. Myopathy developed after

initiation of interferon therapy

for chronic HCV hepatitis. PMID: 10732841

2000 - HCV - Hepatitis C transmission and

infection by orthotopic heart

transplantation. PMID: 10775815

2000 - Hepatitis C virus from the hearts of

patients with myocarditis and

cardiomyopathy. The myocardium may be the target

of several types of viral

infections. The importance of (HCV) infection has

been recently noted in

patients with myocarditis and in patients with

dilated or hypertrophic

cardiomyopathy. PMID: 10908160

2000 - GBV-C/HGV - Evidence that the

GBV-C/hepatitis G virus is primarily a

lymphotropic virus. The spleen and bone marrow

biopsies were found to be

uniformly positive for both negative-and positive

strand GBV-C/HGV RNA. No

negative strand RNA was detected in heart. PMID:


2000 - TTV - Viremia and excretion of TT virus in

immunosuppressed heart

transplant recipients and in immunocompetent

individuals. PMID: 10706041

Immune - Autoimmune


1965 - The problem of immunity in chronic liver

disease. PMID: 5325610

1965 - Investigations on the immunologic mechanism

in chronic hepatitis and

postviral hepatic cirrhosis. PMID: 5860917

1965 - Transient kryoglobulinaemia. PMID: 4163228

1975 - Cell-mediated immunity in acute and chronic

hepatitis. PMID: 1079030

1975 - Transfusion of hepatitis B immune

complex-containing blood in high

HBV prevalence populations. PMID: 1235477

1977 - Acute and chronic hepatitis: multisystemic

involvement related to

immunologic disease. PMID: 320847

1979 - Lung involvement in essential mixed

cryoglobulinemia. PMID: 443251

1987 - Persistent measles virus genome in

autoimmune chronic active

hepatitis. PMID: 2885546

1993 - The humoral response to the host cellular

gene-derived epitope GOR

(anti-GOR) was reported to be associated with

chronic (HCV) infection. PMID:


2000 - Viral persistence in chronic HBV and HCV

infection has been

attributed to an imbalance in the Th1-Th2 arms of

the immune response. PMID:


1998 - HCV infection has been associated with

multiple autoimmune

manifestations. The immune response to HCV

infection encompasses the

development of autoantibodies, immune complex

formation and deposition, and

cryoglobulinemia complicated by vasculitis,

glomerulonephritis, or

neuropathy. PMID: 9606763

1995 - HBV - Naturally occurring hepatitis B virus

core gene mutations.

Mutations in the hepatitis B virus (HBV) core gene

may influence disease

activity by altering immune recognition sites or

level of virus replication.

In summary, mutations in the core gene can be

frequently detected in

patients with chronic HBV infection. These

mutations occur predominantly

around the time of HBeAg clearance when liver

disease is most active. PMID:


1997 - A number of autoantibodies are observed

during the course of HCV. Of

particular interest are liver/kidney microsomal

antibodies (LKM). PMID:


1999 - HCV infection has been linked with some

extrahepatic immunologic

abnormalities. PMID: 10193093

2000 - The most documented extrahepatic

manifestation of (HCV) infection is

mixed cryoglobulinemia (MC). The presence of

microheterogeneity and other

new types of cryoglobulins is a novel and recent

observation. PMID: 10787003

2000 - The discovery of the relation between HCV

infection and MC shows the

striking association between a viral infection and

an autoimmune disease

and, thus, a potential link between the systemic

autoimmune and

lymphoproliferative disorders. PMID: 10787003

2000 - Type II mixed cryoglobulinemia (MC) is a

systemic vasculitis

characterized by the presence in the serum of a

monoclonal cryoprecipitable

IgM with rheumatoid factor (RF) activity. (HCV)

has been recognized as its

major etiologic factor. Because MC frequently

evolves into overt B-cell

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), chronic HCV

infection is hypothesized to lead

to both benign and malignant lymphoproliferative

disease. PMID: 10861476

1997 - HCV infects not only hepatocytes but

lymphoid cells, thereby

modulates immune functions. PMID: 9221376

2000 - HBV - HCV - The viral persistence produced

by escape mutations from

virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL)

response may lead to

upregulation of delayed-type hypersensitivity

immune response, which causes

hepatic tissue damage through non specific

macrophage activation and CTL

response and promotes pathogenesis of hepatic

fibrosis. PMID: 10834146

2000 - High levels of CD30s, a glycoprotein

preferentially expressed and

released by T lymphocytes producing Th(2)-type

cytokines, were seen in the

sera of patients with chronic hepatitis C, and a

correlation with

histological activity of the disease was found.

CD30s levels could represent

a useful surrogate marker of activity in chronic

HCV infections. PMID:


2000 - HCV glycoprotein E2 binds to human cells by

interacting with the CD81

molecule, which has been proposed to be the viral

receptor. binding of E2 to

CD81 is not predictive of an infection-producing

interaction between HCV and

host cells. PMID: 10846074

1997 - Hepatitis C virus induces a number of

diseases of presumed autoimmune

background, like mixed cryoglobulinaemia,

glomerulonephritis, panarthritis,

arthritis, thyroiditis and skin lesions. Hepatitis

C -associated LKM

antibodies are more heterogeneous. PMID: 9429209

1998 - HCV infection has been associated with

antiphospholipid antibody

syndrome, RA, SLE, PM/DM, and thyroid disease.

HCV-infected patients also

have a high incidence of sicca symptoms with

sialoadenitis, and reports of

low-grade lymphoproliferative malignancies have

emerged. PMID: 9606763

2000 - Many other autoimmune manifestations have

been correlated with HCV

infection; namely, sicca syndrome, chronic


polydermatomyositis, fibromyalgia, autoimmune

thyroiditis, lung fibrosis,

and diabetes mellitus. PMID: 10647955

1999 - Strongest evidence of a viral cause for AIH

exists for hepatitis C

virus. PMID: 10548341

1999 - Autoimmune hepatitis in a genetically

susceptible patient: is it

triggered by acute viral hepatitis A? PMID:


1999 - Cryoglobulinemia. PMID: 10575191

1998 - HGV may be associated with cryoglobulins.

Since our series is small,

the pathogenetic role of hepatitis G and its

relationship to malignancy

remain to be elucidated. PMID: 9598893

1997 - The prevalence of HCV related

cryoglobulinemia at a VA hospital was

42% and was most often of the type III variety.

PMID: 9375872

2000 - 50% of the patients with chronic hepatitis

C circulated

cryoglobulins, with preference for those with a

greater impairment of liver

function, as revealed by serum cholinesterase

activity. PMID: 10760044

1999 - Type II cryoglobulinemia. PMID: 10513805

2000 - Among the several types of chronic

glomerulonephritis (GN) described

in association with (HCV) infection,

cryoglobulinemic glomerulonephritis is

by far the most frequent. It is usually associated

with type II

cryoglobulinemia with IgM k rheumatoid factor.

PMID: 10761561

2000 - More controversial is the association with

type I

non-cryoglobulinemic membranoproliferative GN,

which has been found in some

series from the USA and Japan but not in others.

PMID: 10761561

1998 - Systemic manifestations and liver disease

in patients with chronic

hepatitis C and type II or III mixed

cryoglobulinaemia. The presence and

type of cryoglobulins seem to be associated with

different clinical

manifestations and outcome. PMID: 9658371

1999 - Autoimmune hepatitis. PMID: 10566740

2000 - Mixed cryoglobulinaemia (MC) is a frequent

finding. PMID: 10706071

1999 - Mixed cryoglobulinemia in patients with

lymphoproliferative diseases.

PMID: 10091402

1998 - Hepatitis C virus infection, mixed

cryoglobulinemia, and

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: an emerging picture. PMID:


1999 - HCV-MC-associated vasculitis was noted in

patients who had at least

one of the following clinical features: peripheral


glomerulonephritis, skin purpura, cerebral

vasculitis. In HCV patients, AECA

are associated with MC-vasculitis, suggesting that

AECA may be a marker for

HCV-induced vasculitis. PMID: 10551381

1998 - Mixed cryoglobulinaemia: a cross-road

between autoimmune and

lymphoproliferative disorders. chronic hepatitis,


peripheral neuropathy, skin ulcers and diffuse

vasculitis. systemic lupus,

Sjogren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis and

systemic sclerosis.

(glomerulonephritis, thyroiditis, lung fibrosis,

autoimmune hepatitis,

porphyria cutanea tarda) and lymphoproliferative

disorders (monoclonal

gammopathies, B-cell lymphomas). PMID: 9643318

2000 - Mixed cryoglobulins are associated with

connective-tissue disease,

malignant hematological disorder (type B

lymphoproliferation) or obvious

infectious process. Mixed cryoglobulinemia

syndrome is characterized by the

clinical triad of purpura, arthralgia and asthenia

associated with type II

or type III MC. The disorder is the consequence of

an immune-complex-type

vasculitis as supported by clinical features,

analysis of the cryoglobulins,

the usually depressed level of complement during

the active phase of the

disease, and the deposition of immunoglobulins and

complement in the

lesions. PMID: 10761559

1999 - PCNA - Autoantibody to proliferating cell

nuclear antigen [anti-PCNA]

PMID: 10491362

1999 - AECA - Anti-endothelial cell

auto-antibodies in hepatitis C virus

mixed cryoglobulinemia. In HCV patients, AECA are

associated with

MC-vasculitis, suggesting that AECA may be a

marker for HCV-induced

vasculitis. PMID: 10551381

1999 - [PCT] Porphyria cutanea tarda occurring in

a patient with renal

failure, systemic lupus erythematosus and chronic

hepatitis C infection

treated with hemodialysis. PMID: 10544877

1999 - Manifestations: arthralgia, paresthesia,

myalgia, pruritus, and sicca

syndrome. Biologic abnormalities: cryoglobulins,

antinuclear antibodies, low

thyroxine level, and anti-smooth muscle

antibodies. Only vasculitis,

arterial hypertension, purpura, lichen planus,

arthralgia, and low thyroxine

level were associated with cryoglobulin

positivity. Extrahepatic clinical

manifestations are frequently observed in HCV

patients and involve primarily

the joints, muscles, and skin. PMID: 10524695

1999 - A complex case of hepatitis in a patient

with systemic lupus

erythematosus. PMID: 10524558

1999 - Hepatitis as the presenting symptom of

childhood systemic lupus

erythematosus. Each patient with a diagnosis of

autoimmune hepatitis in

childhood who exhibits abnormal HBV serology must

be evaluated for a

possible diagnosis of SLE. PMID: 10770126

1999 - Sjogren's syndrome and hepatitis C virus.

PMID: 10357112

1999 - Thyroid disease in autoimmune liver

diseases. PMID: 10483270

1999 - Graves' disease associated with autoimmune

hepatitis and mixed

connective tissue disease. Graves' disease with

adenomatous goiter. positive

antinuclear antibody (speckled type), positive

anti-ribosomal nuclear

protein antibody, and positive LE cell phenomenon.

PMID: 10426583

1999 - Autoimmune hepatitis and/or hepatitis C.

Extrahepatic manifestations

that are associated with chronic HCV infection

include: type II

cryoglobulinaemia, membranoproliferative

glomerulonephritis, porphyria

cutanea tarda, Sjogren syndrome, autoimmune

thyroiditis, lichen planus.

PMID: 10500434

1998 - Cryoglobulinaemia and rheumatic

manifestations. Clinical features of

HCV patients were as follows:

arthralgia/arthritis, cutaneous manifestation,

Raynaud's phenomenon, paresthesia, dry eyes, dry

mouth, oral ulcer, and

abdominal pain. PMID: 10070272

2000 - Studies of mixed cryoglobulins (MC) from

patients infected with (HCV)

show that the principal constituents in

cryoprecipitate are IgM rheumatoid

factors (RF), polyclonal IgG anti-HCV antibodies,



2000 - These data suggest that patients with CP

and chronic hepatitis owing

to HCV are more likely to have progressive disease

than patients without CP.

PMID: 10706566

1999 - Many patients with chronic hepatitis C

virus infection have

reactivity to an autoantigen of unknown

significance known as GOR that has

protein sequence homology with both hepatitis C

virus nucleocapsid protein

as well as HTLV-1 gag. Endogenous retroviral

protein acting as an

autoantigen in liver disease patients. PMID:


2000 - Immunologic disturbances induced by HCV or

prolonged tissue damage in

systemic organs as a result of the extrahepatic

manifestations of HCV

infection may induce the production of antibodies

to various

cardiolipin-binding proteins or phospholipids.

PMID: 10777156

2000 - Anticardiolipin autoantibodies in serum

samples and cryoglobulins of

patients with chronic hepatitis C infection. PMID:


1999 - AIH - type 2, which is defined by the

presence of type I antiliver

kidney microsome autoantibodies directed mainly

against cytochrome P450

(CYP)2D6 and by autoreactive liver infiltrating T

cells. These findings

demonstrate the potential of HCV to induce

autoreactive CD8(+) CTLs by

molecular mimicry, possibly contributing to

virus-associated autoimmunity.


2000 - The most documented extrahepatic

manifestation of (HCV) infection is

mixed cryoglobulinemia (MC). The presence of

microheterogeneity and other

new types of cryoglobulins is a novel and recent

observation. PMID: 10787003


2000 - Splenectomy may improve the glomerulopathy

of type II mixed

cryoglobulinemia. Splenectomy may be an effective

therapy for

cryoglobulinemia in patients with HCV-positive

liver cirrhosis and

pancytopenia secondary to splenomegaly. PMID:


2000 - Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis

and demyelinating neuropathy

caused by type II mixed cryoglobulinemia

associated with HCV infection.

PMID: 10830181

2000 - Birmingham vasculitis activity score,

disease extent index and

complement factor C3c reflect disease activity

best in hepatitis C

virus-associated cryoglobulinemic vasculitis.

PMID: 10895368


1994 - IFN - Diabetes - Occurrence of IDDM during

interferon therapy for

chronic viral hepatitis. During and after IFN

therapy we should consider the

possibility of occurrence of IDDM as well as other

autoimmune diseases and

observe the clinical course carefully. PMID:




1963 - Hepatitis - Clinical studies on the

kinetics of iron. PMID: 5900142

1966 - Total erythrocytic and serum iron in the

course of viral hepatitis.

PMID: 5941299

1995 - Hypothyroidism and hypoparathyroidism in an

11 year old boy with

hemochromatosis secondary to aplastic anemia. The

early appearance of both

thyroid and parathyroid dysfunction in this

patient may have been due to the

delay of initiation of iron-chelating agents and

liver dysfunction due to

hepatitis type C. PMID: 7572161

1998 - Hemochromatosis presenting as rheumatoid

arthritis. PMID: 9858446

1999 - Iron metabolism disorders in chronic

hepatitis C. PMID: 10491490

1999 - Recent studies have shown that iron

influences the response of

chronic hepatitis C to treatment and the natural

history of hepatitis C. It

is likely that therapies for chronic hepatitis C

which either remove iron or

interfere with the action of iron at the cellular

level may not only prove

useful clinically but may also elucidate further

the mechanisms of cellular

injury in this disease. PMID: 10535273

1999 - Hepatitis C and iron. The mechanisms

responsible for the effects of

iron are not clear but emerging data suggest that

the cellular location of

iron within the liver lobule and the subsequent

effects on immune function

are likely to be critical determinants for these

effects. PMID: 10535273

2000 - Patients with CH-C have evidence of

enhanced hepatic iron

accumulation and lipid peroxidation compared to

those with CH-B. These

results suggest that hepatic lipid peroxidation

and iron may potentially

play contributory roles in the pathogenesis of

CH-C. PMID: 10763957

2000 - Hemochromatosis gene mutations in chronic

hepatitis C patients with

and without liver siderosis. PMID:10568758

2000 - Iron deposition and progression of disease

in chronic hepatitis C.

Role of interface hepatitis, portal inflammation,

and HFE missense

mutations. Histologically detectable iron (HDI).

Total, sinusoidal, and

portal HDI increased with stage; grade was related

to all iron scores

because of the contribution of portal inflammation

and interface hepatitis.

HFE mutations were seen in 47% of patients with

chronic hepatitis C and in

28% of control subjects; they were related to

stage and the His63Asp

mutation to portal HDI. Interface hepatitis with

its sequelae (sinusoidal

capillarization and microshunting) represents a

major factor in iron

deposition in chronic hepatitis C and justifies

the features of HDI. PMID:


2000 - Hepatic iron concentration has consistently

been observed as being

directly correlated with the response to

interferon therapy in chronic

(HCV). Although prior phlebotomy therapy does not

improve the rate of

sustained response to interferon retreatment, it

does result in less liver

injury manifested by a decrease in serum

transaminase activity and a slight

improvement in liver histopathology. PMID:


2000 - Iron enhances hepatitis C virus replication

in cultured human

hepatocytes. PMID: 10847480

Kidney [G/U]


1965 - Hepatitis - Kidney function tests in viral

hepatitis. PMID: 5855753

1971 - HBV - Australia antigen in urine. PMID:


1973 - Hepatitis B antigen (Australia antigen) in

the urine. PMID: 4794443

1977 - Hepatitis B surface antigen in urine and

feces. PMID: 595147

1993 - A link between HCV and type I MPGN was

reported for the first time in

1993. 1996. PMID: 8918747

1994 - HBV - The DNA sequence representing HBV

infection was detected in the

tissue of liver (100%), gallbladder (85.7%),

spleen (75.0%), kidney (72.7%)

adrenal gland (66.7%), heart (55.6%), testicle

(55.6%), pancreas (54.5%)

respectively. PMID: 7956560

1995 - Cryoglobulinemic glomerulonephritis: a


glomerulonephritis induced by hepatitis C virus.

PMID: 7532915

1996 - Type I membranoproliferative

glomerulonephritis and HCV infection.

PMID: 8918747

1996 - Type II mixed cryoglobulinaemia, hepatitis

C virus infection, and

glomerulonephritis. PMID: 8918748

1997 - Essential mixed cryoglobulinaemia (EMC).

mild nephritis. PMID:


1997 - A number of autoantibodies are observed

during the course of HCV. Of

particular interest are liver/kidney microsomal

antibodies (LKM). PMID:


1997 - Well known that (HCV) represents the major

cause of chronic liver

disease in renal transplant patients. type I


glomerulonephritis (MGPN) and less frequently

membranous glomerulonephritis

(MGN). MPGN, associated or not with

cryoglobulinemia, hypocomplememtemia and

rheumatoid factor. proteinuria, nephrotic syndrome

and microhematuria. PMID:


1998 - Glomerular disease often accompanies a wide

variety of liver

diseases, including acute or chronic hepatitis. A

striking association

between HBV and glomerulonephritis particularly


glomerulonephritis has been reported. It is not

surprising, HCV infection

has been recently associated with the development

of various types of

glomerulonephritis. The principal type of

glomerulonephritis associated with

HCV infection is either cryoglobulinemic or


membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis. However,

other types of glomerular

lesions were seen in the clinical course of HCV

infection. Rapidly

progressive glomerulonephritis associated with

hepatitis C virus infection.

PMID: 9524785

1998 - In HCV-RNA positive patients with

esophagogastric varices the

possibility of glomerulonephritis should be

considered. PMID: 9840704

1998 - Abnormal urinalysis, microhematuria or

proteinuria. PMID: 9840704

1998 - Glomerulonephritis. membranoproliferative

glomerulonephritis (MPGN),

membranous nephropathy (MN), Mesangial

proliferative glomerulonephritis

(MesGN), mesangial thickening type without

proliferative mesangial cell

(MT). Abnormal urinalysis, microhematuria or

proteinuria. Esophagogastric

varices the possibility of glomerulonephritis shou

ld be considered. PMID:


1998 - The most prevalent genotype among patients

with renal

failure was 1b (78%). PMID: 9550655


1996: HCV 1b: US Population: 21% PMID: 8849147

1999: HCV 1b: Vet Population: 35% PMID: 10520862

1999 - Glomerulonephritis. PMID: 10232333

1999 - Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis.

PMID: 10575191

1999 - Urinary porphyrin excretion in hepatitis C

infection. A high

prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection in

porphyria cutanea tarda in some

populations suggests a close link between viral

hepatitis and alteration of

porphyrin metabolism. Secondary

coproporphyrinuria. PMID: 10536928

1999 - Anti-liver-kidney microsome antibodies

(anti-LKM) occur in autoimmune

hepatitis (AIH) type II and in a subset of

patients with hepatitis C. PMID:


1999 - AIH - type 2, which is defined by the

presence of type I antiliver

kidney microsome autoantibodies directed mainly

against cytochrome P450

(CYP)2D6 and by autoreactive liver infiltrating T

cells. These findings

demonstrate the potential of HCV to induce

autoreactive CD8(+) CTLs by

molecular mimicry, possibly contributing to

virus-associated autoimmunity.

PMID: 10432280

1999 - The presence of hepatitis C antibodies,

before or after

transplantation, is associated with a worse

long-term survival rate for both

the patient and the transplanted kidney in our

patients treated with

quadruple therapy. PMID: 10528672

2000 - HCV - Renal manifestations include


membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis and

membranous nephropathy. PMID:


2000 - Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis

(MPGN) and demyelinating

neuropathy caused by type II mixed

cryoglobulinemia associated with HCV

infection. MPGN possess cryoglobulinemia, which

can induce neuropathy.

Cryoglobulinemia associated with HCV infection

seemed to induce MPGN and

demyelinating neuropathy. PMID: 10830181

2000 - High prevalence and adverse effect of

hepatitis C virus infection in

type II diabetic-related nephropathy. PMID:


2000 - Mixed cryoglobulinemia syndrome is

characterized by the clinical

triad of purpura, arthralgia and asthenia

associated with type II or type

III MC. Such cryoglobulinemia vasculitis may

involve numerous organs,

particularly the peripheral nervous system and the

kidneys. PMID: 10761559

2000 - Among the several types of chronic

glomerulonephritis (GN) described

in association with (HCV)infection,

cryoglobulinemic glomerulonephritis is

by far the most frequent. It is a

membranoproliferative GN, which shows some

distinctive histologic features (intraglomerular

monocyte infiltration,

intraluminal thrombi due to massive precipitation

of cryoglobulins, renal

vasculitis), has a chronic course with acute

recurrent episodes that can be

controlled by corticosteroids more than by

antiviral therapy (interferon

alpha). PMID: 10761561

2000 - In hepatitis C virus-positive patients, the

presence of mixed

cryoglobulinemia associated with kidney

involvement seems to indicate a new

syndrome characterized by immune system

impairment, lack of progression to

kidney failure, and poor survival (hepatitis C

virus-Risk syndrome).


2000 - Poland - HCV infection in children and

adolescents with end-stage

renal disease. HCV infection was diagnosed in

(50%) dialysed and in (10%)

non-dialysed patients. PMID: 10897636

2000 - HCV infection is common in renal transplant

candidates. its clinical

significance remains unclear in this population.

HCV genotypes were la (33%)

and 1b (29%).PMID: 10798774

2000 - Chronic hepatitis B is still a matter of

concern among renal

transplantation patients and patients waiting for

a renal transplant since

it influences negatively morbidity and mortality.

Morbidity and mortality

are associated with HBV replication. PMID:


2000 - Impact of HCV infection on development of


diabetes mellitus in renal allograft recipients.

PMID: 10812113

2000 - HCV RNA positive-and negative-strand in

kidney, heart, pancreas, and

intestine from hepatitis C patients. PMID:


2000 - Urine from chronic hepatitis B virus

carriers: Implications for

infectivity. PMID: 10568757

2000 - TTV - Detected in livers, kidneys, spleens,

intestines, and stomachs.

TTV can infect hepatic and ex-hepatic tissues and

may cause persistent

infection. PMID: 10880161

2000 - A case of hepatitis C virus-associated


presenting with MPO-ANCA-positive rapidly

progressive glomerulonephritis.

PMID: 10897595

2000 - The prevalence of anti-HCV antibodies in

dialysis patients varies

between 1% and 29% in Western Europe. PMID:


2000 - Detection of HCV RNA in saliva, urine,

seminal fluid, and ascites.

PMID: 1331308



1963 - Persistent hepatitis. PMID: 5878827

1964 - The post-hepatitis syndrome. PMID: 5890168

1965 - Chronic hepatitis. PMID: 5871192

1966 - Prognosis of chronic hepatitis, with

reference to its relation to

liver cirrhosis. PMID: 6007341

1973 - Liver disease and cell-mediated immunity in


antigen (HAA) carriers. PMID: 4716503

1990 - Both HDV and HBV could replicate in the

same hepatocyte

simultaneously. PMID: 2213954

1994 - HBV - The DNA sequence representing HBV

infection was detected in the

tissue of liver (100%), gallbladder (85.7%),

spleen (75.0%), kidney (72.7%)

adrenal gland (66.7%), heart (55.6%), testicle

(55.6%), pancreas (54.5%)

respectively. PMID: 7956560

1997 - HCV is responsible for the majority of

cases of non-A, non-B

hepatitis. Affected patients are usually

asymptomatic when initially

infected; however, between 70% and 80% will

maintain infection and develop

chronic liver disease. Of these patients, 20% to

50% progress to cirrhosis,

and up to 15% may develop hepatocellular

carcinoma. Thus, many patients have

significant liver disease when diagnosed. PMID:


1997 - Hepatitis C virus [core] antigen and HBx-Ag

were detected in liver

cirrhosis (LC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)

tissues. PMID: 10743066

2000 - The mechanisms of hepatocyte damage and the

events that lead to high

rates of chronic liver disease in (HCV) infection

remain unclear. Recent in

vitro studies have suggested that the HCV core

protein may disrupt specific

signalling pathways of apoptosis. The lower

apoptotic rate in advanced liver

disease may be associated with the high incidence

of hepatocellular

dysplasia/neoplasia. PMID: 10849259

2000 - In patients with chronic HCV viremia,

persistent liver damage plays

an important role in the development of HCC. PMID:


1999 - Hepatitis B virus DNA is frequently found

in liver biopsy samples

from hepatitis C virus-infected chronic hepatitis

patients. UI: 98218043

1999 - Elevated alanine aminotransferase. PMID:


1999 - Liver cell damage. PMID: 10462362

1999 - Liver diseases, liver inflammation. PMID:


2000 - The healthy liver of adult humans has

little or no lymphocyte

component and the histological finding of

intrahepatic lymphocytes (IHL) is

evidence of liver pathology. In a liver injured by

chronic hepatitis C, the

most common chronic liver disease, most IHL are


cells, which are particularly enriched for

effectors of innate immunity

(natural killer (NK), natural T, and other NK-like

T cells). PMID: 10807508

2000 - Fas system plays an important role in liver

cell injury by HCV

infection. Possible inducers of apoptosis

inhepatitis C include cytokines,

especially tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alha),

released by inflammatory

cells, and acting through TNF and other cytokine

receptors. PMID: 10757089

1999 - Elevated transaminases, liver synthesis

function diminished, and

platelet count. PMID: 10488696

1999 - Histologically, portal inflammation,

lobular inflammation, piecemeal

necrosis, fibrosis. PMID: 10534355

2000 - HBV - HCV - The viral persistence produced

by escape mutations from

virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL)

response may lead to

upregulation of delayed-type hypersensitivity

immune response, which causes

hepatic tissue damage through non specific

macrophage activation and CTL

response and promotes pathogenesis of hepatic

fibrosis. PMID: 10834146

2000 - Serum hyaluronan (HA) levels increase

according to the degree of

liver fibrosis in patients with chronic viral

hepatitis C. PMID: 10735615

1999 - Fibrosis, inflammation, steatosis,

alcoholic hepatitis lesions, iron

overload, and large cell dysplasia. PMID: 10488711

2000 - Serum YKL-40 is increased in patients with

hepatic fibrosis. PMID:


1999 - The results of out study revealed that in

patients with alcoholic

liver cirrhosis changes in the cell immune

response were also observed and

that they were more marked in infection with HCV.

PMID: 10847145

1999 - Steatosis is a common finding in chronic

hepatitis C. PMID: 10522010

1999 - Steatosis and bile duct damage in chronic

hepatitis C. PMID: 10533803

2000 - Steatosis, lymphoid aggregates or follicles

and bile duct injury on

histology are more consistently associated with

chronic hepatitis C than

chronic hepatitis B. PMID: 10835956

2000 - Hepatocyte steatosis is a cytopathic effect

of hepatitis C virus

genotype 3. PMID: 10905593

2000 - Chronic HBV - Steatosis [66.6%], lymphoid

aggregates or follicles

[36.6%] and bile duct injury [26.6%]. PMID:


2000 - Chronic HCV - Steatosis [70%], lymphoid

aggregates or follicles

[33.3%] and bile duct injury [30%]. India. PMID:


2000 - Patients with CH-C have evidence of

enhanced hepatic iron

accumulation and lipid peroxidation compared to

those with CH-B. These

results suggest that hepatic lipid peroxidation

and iron may potentially

play contributory roles in the pathogenesis of

CH-C. PMID: 10763957

2000 - Hemochromatosis gene mutations in chronic

hepatitis C patients with

and without liver siderosis. PMID:10568758

1999 - Chronic liver disease. Cirrhosis is the

major risk factor affecting

the prognosis.... advanced age. PMID: 10580583

2000 - Although relatively insensitive, an AST:ALT

> or = 1 is highly

specific but not diagnostic for the presence of

cirrhosis in patients with

chronic HCV infection. The ratio reflects the

grade of fibrosis in these

patients. PMID: 10824882

2000 - Ammonia is considered the major

pathogenetic factor of cerebral

dysfunction in hepatic failure. The correlation

between total plasma ammonia

and the severity of hepatic encephalopathy (HE),

however, is variable. PMID:


1998 - Portal hypertension and variceal bleeding.

PMID: 9931656

1998 - HCV viral genome in a subset of primary

hepatic lymphomas. PMID:


2000 - Mixed cryoglobulins are associated with

connective-tissue disease,

malignant hematological disorder (type B

lymphoproliferation) or obvious

infectious process. MC is frequently associated

with clinical and biological

evidence of liver disease. PMID: 10761559

2000 - 50% of the patients with chronic hepatitis

C circulated

cryoglobulins, with preference for those with a

greater impairment of liver

function, as revealed by serum cholinesterase

activity. PMID: 10760044

2000 - The initial site of B cell clonal expansion

may be in the liver,

where lymphoid aggregates are abundant and RF are

produced. PMID: 10761560

1993 - The humoral response to the host cellular

gene-derived epitope GOR

(anti-GOR) was reported to be associated with

chronic (HCV) infection. 1993.

PMID: 7680364

1999 - Many patients with chronic hepatitis C

virus infection have

reactivity to an autoantigen of unknown

significance known as GOR that has

protein sequence homology with both hepatitis C

virus nucleocapsid protein

as well as HTLV-1 gag. Endogenous retroviral

protein acting as an

autoantigen in liver disease patients. PMID:


1999 - Primary hepatic diffuse large B-cell

lymphoma. PMID: 10478674

1999 - Cirrhosis. PMID: 10572312

1995 - 80.0% of cirrhotics had evidence of both

HBV and HCV infection. PMID:


2000 - Cirrhosis seems to be more frequently

observed in patients with

multiple infection. PMID: 10718938

2000 - A1AT [alpha1-antitrypsin] deficiency is

known to be associated with

emphysema and cirrhosis; deficiency of serum A1AC


has been reported to be associated with emphysema,

childhood asthma, and

cryptogenic cirrhosis. PMID: 10836296

1999 - Factors predicting the presence of

esophageal or gastric varices in

patients with advanced liver disease [ALD]. The

causes of cirrhosis (mean

age, 48 yr) included, (6%) HBV, (25%) HCV, 28% HCV

/ alcoholism. PMID:


1999 - Hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with

advanced cirrhosis. PMID:


1998 - HCV rather than HBV is associated with the

majority of non-cirrhotic

cases of HCC. PMID: 9795912

1999 - Hepatocarcinogenesis. PMID: 10516476

1987 - Primary hepatocellular carcinoma (PHC) was

associated with HBV

seropositivity in 80% of patients, and

postnecrotic (macronodular) cirrhosis

of the liver in 90% clearly indicating a strong

association between primary

liver cancer and HBV infections and liver

cirrhosis. PMID: 2822223

1996 - Natural history of liver cirrhosis in

Nigerians. HBV [70%] Cirrhotic

patients had significantly lower body temperature

onycholysis and

hyperpigmented palmo-plantar macular areas. The

mean survival time was [3]

years from onset of the initial symptoms to death.

Patients with concomitant

liver cancer were usually dead within six [6]

months after onset of the

illness. Gender did not substantially affect the

course of the disease. The

major causes of death were tumour development

(63%), gastrointestinal

bleeding (40%), haemoperitoneum (28%) and hepatic

failure (25%). PMID:


2000 - These findings suggest that the depressed

function of DC [dendritic

cells] is associated with pathogenesis of HCC with

HBV or HCV infection.

PMID: 10824889

1999 - Fulminant hepatic failure. PMID: 10486374

1999 - Fulminant Hepatitis - Usually takes a

rapidly progressive course,

terminating in death within a short period.

Experimental studies have

demonstrated that immunological mechanisms play an

important role,

especially those involving virus-specific CD8+

cytotoxic T lymphocytes and

their production of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma).

However, there are no

immunological markers for prediction of the

development of fulminant

hepatitis in man. PMID: 10551378

1999 - Viral hepatitis is the commonest cause of

FHF in children. PMID:


2000 - HBV - p53 accumulation was also observed in

some parenchymal and

ductular (oval) cells in cirrhotic livers and,

more frequently, in fulminant

hepatitis, being independent of HBx expression,

and seemingly associated

with the damage and/or regeneration of liver

parenchyma, perhaps merely

reflecting a cellular stress response. PMID:


2000 - TTV replicates in the liver via a circular

double-stranded DNA. PMID:


1998 - The result suggests that TTV may be the

cause of some cryptogenic

liver diseases. Presence of a newly described

human DNA viru (TTV) in

patients with liver disease. Lancet, 1998; 352:


1999 - Spontaneous negativation of serum hepatitis

C virus RNA is a rare

event in type C chronic liver diseases: may occur

primarily at the terminal

stage when tumors cause liver failure.


1999 - Liver involvement in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

is relatively frequent,

being found in approximately half of the

post-mortem studies. A case of

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (the recently described

T-cell-rich B-cell

lymphoma variant) is presented, where the initial

and predominant

manifestations were of hepatic origin, resembling

non-neoplastic acute liver

disease. PMID: 10430328

2000 - Data indicate that alcohol will induce and

worsen liver damage and,

in subjects with chronic liver disease who

continue to drink, adversely

affect their response to treatment. PMID: 10869251

2000 - Chronic HCV carriers should avoid excessive

alcohol intake to reduce

the acceleration of liver disease and risk of

liver cancer. PMID: 10869250

2000 - TTV - Detected in livers, kidneys, spleens,

intestines, and stomachs.

TTV can infect hepatic and ex-hepatic tissues and

may cause persistent

infection. PMID: 10880161

2000 - HCV - Although the liver is the major

target organ, the virus may be

able to replicate in peripheral blood mononuclear

cells [PBMC's], lymph

nodes, and pancreas and to a more limited degree

in bone marrow cells,

thyroid, adrenal glands, and spleen. PMID:


2000 - Liver Biopsy - Freezing of liver samples

immediately after extraction

is crucial to avoid false negative HCV-RNA

detection results, especially for

the antigenomic RNA strand. PMID: 10898323

2000 - HCV infection can be self-limited or

associated with ESLD [End Stage

Liver Disease], the majority of adults have

persistent viremia without

clinically demonstrable liver disease. PMID:


2000 - Increased Liver Decompensation Risk with

Atypical Hepatitis C Virus

Antibody Levels. anti-c100(p) and anti-c22(p)

might be valuable surrogate

markers for liver decompensation risk. PMID:


2000 - (HCV) is an emerging epidemic. Liver

specialists are managing this

disease with limited scientific information about

the underlying

pathogenesis and treatment. PMID: 10915159

Liver Transplant


1990 - Liver transplantation [OLT]. Initial

experience in the Veterans

Administration. PMID: 2188819

1998 - Pulmonary nodules in liver transplant

recipients. PMID: 9465863

1998 - In spite of universal viral recurrence,

early post-transplantation

infection generally results in indolent disease

with good graft and patient

survival, at least for the first 5-7 years,

comparable to those observed in

other patients undergoing transplantation for

non-viral end-stage liver

disease. The full consequences of HCV recurrence

are however beginning to be

delineated with development of progressive liver

failure observed with

longer follow-up in a still unknown proportion of

patients. PMID: 10726062

1999 - The estimated cumulative probability of an

adult recipient surviving

for 10 years following transplantation was .61,

and surviving for 10 years

without retransplantation was .46 with the median


survival time estimated at 9.2 years. Factors

independently associated with

patient and retransplantation-free survival among

adults were year of

transplantation, recipient age, recipient race,

recipient location awaiting

transplantation, primary liver disease, serum

creatinine and albumin levels,

hepatitis B surface antigen status, donor age,

donor anti-CMV status, warm

ischemic time, sex match, pretransplant ventilator

or inotrope use, and

recipient anti-HCV status. Pre-transplant

bilirubin level, a multi-organ

transplant procedure, and the finding of an

incidental tumor were

significantly associated with patient survival;

and donor race, ABO match,

and uncontrolled variceal bleeding were associated


retransplantation-free survival. PMID: 10503083

1999 - Liver transplantation is the only

therapeutic option for end-stage

liver disease. PMID: 10547901

1999 - A newly transplanted liver usually becomes

infected again.

Ultimately, residual HCV viremia infects the new

liver. Liver

transplantation can be painful, disabling and

extremely costly. PMID:


2000 - In posttransplant recurrent hepatitis C,

immunogenetic factors are

relevant in determining HCV infection outcome.

PMID: 10827162

1999 - Liver Transplant - U.S. Veterans undergoing

OLT: (45%) had

serological evidence of prior (HBV). 45% [OLT]had

PCR-confirmed HCV

infection. 35% = HCV 1b PMID: 10520862

2000 - After orthotopic liver transplantation

(OLT), patients with chronic

(HCV) infection show nearly universal persistence

of viremia and reinfection

of the liver. These data suggest that (1) HCV RNA

reinfection is nearly

universal after liver transplantation in patients

with chronic hepatitis C

infection, (2) molecular reinfection by HCV occurs

at a variable interval

post-OLT, with the majority of allograft livers

reinfected as early as 1

week, and (3) morphologic features of hepatitis C

are usually appreciable at

the time of " molecular " recurrence. PMID: 10757333

2000 - (HCV) reinfection after liver

transplantation is almost constant,

assessed by the persistence of HCV RNA in 90% of

cases. Acute hepatitis

appeared in 75% of patients at a median of 4

months' post-transplantation.

PMID: 10760038

1999 - Genotype 1b, age, and absence of

pretransplantation coinfection by

HBV are risk factors for recurrent HCV. PMID:


1999 - Evolution of hepatitis C quasispecies may

be one mechanism by which

fibrosing cholestatic hepatitis develops after

liver transplantation.

Quasispecies may influence disease progression in

immune suppressed

populations. PMID: 10573532

2000 - HAV - Most of our patients with end-stage

liver disease had no

serological evidence for immunity against HAV. A

significant proportion of

patients with detectable protective antibodies

before OLT lost their

antibodies at 2 years after OLT. PMID: 10719019

2000 - HBV - Bile duct epithelial cells (BDEC) as

a reservoir of (HBV)

infection that may be particularly important in

the development of

post-liver transplant recurrence of hepatitis B.

PMID: 10764033

2000 - The BDEC appear to be an important

reservoir of virus that is

relatively unaffected by antiviral treatment, and

may play an important role

in disease persistence and relapse following

cessation of therapy. PMID:


1999 - Retransplantation is a rescue operation in

orthotopic liver

transplantation. Its appropriateness has been

questioned on medical,

economical and also on ethical grounds. PMID:


1999 - LIVER - 250,000 people [in the US, each

year] are hospitalized with

liver insufficiency. More than 43,000 people die

from liver disease. Those

numbers are expected to increase with disease

progression among...people now

infected with Hepatitis C. Liver transplantation

costs over $300,000 per

procedure and typically requires lifetime

immunosuppression therapy. BW

HealthWire -Oct. 7, 1999-Organogenesis Inc.

(AMEX:ORG) 781-575-0775.

1999 - More than $300,000 a year for liver

transplant surgery. PMID:


1999 - Most transplant centers in the United

States immunize patients

awaiting liver transplantation against hepatitis B

to prevent acquisition of

hepatitis B through transplantation (de novo

hepatitis B). A recent study

showed that only 16% of patients with cirrhosis

awaiting liver

transplantation responded to single-dose

recombinant vaccine. PMID: 10555092

2000 - This observation suggests that IFN in

combination with ribavirin may

offer an effective therapeutic option for liver

transplant patients with

severe recurrent hepatitis C. PMID: 10830239

2000 - Chronic hepatic dysfunction and acute liver

failure due to viral

hepatitis represent the most frequent indications

for liver transplantation.

In hepatitis B, reinfection frequently leads to

cirrhosis with subsequent

dysfunction of the graft. Reinfection in hepatitis

C is a regular event in

all patients and has a far better prognosis than

HBV reinfection of the

graft. PMID: 10840608

2000 - There is a high prevalence of diabetes

among liver transplant

recipients infected with HCV both before and after

[liver] transplantation.

PMID: 10869293

2000 - Hepatitis B transplantation: special

conditions. Patients with HBV

and HDV are at lower risk for HBV recurrence than

are patients with HBV

alone; likewise, patients with HBV/HCV coinfection

appear to have a higher

5-year survival rate posttransplantation. PMID:


2000 - Ultimately, the most effective therapy for

the prevention of

recurrent hepatitis B after liver transplantation

will involve a combination

of HBIG with one or more of the new antiviral

agents. PMID: 10895440

2000 - Cirrhosis due to hepatitis C is now the

commonest indication for

liver transplantation in Western Europe and in the

United States. Graft

reinfection is almost universal. PMID: 10897062

2000 - Prolonged Rewarming Time During Allograft

Implantation Predisposes to

Recurrent Hepatitis C Infection After Liver

Transplantation. The majority of

patients undergoing orthotopic liver

transplantation (OLT) have end-stage

liver disease secondary to (HCV) infection.

Although OLT does not cure the

disease and recurrent virus is present in all

patients, relatively few

patients with recurrent viremia develop clinical

disease. When the disease

recurs, however, the results can be devastating.

Factors associated with

increased risk for recurrent HCV disease remain

controversial. PMID:


2000 - Detection of TT virus DNA in patients with

liver disease and

recipients of liver transplant. After liver

transplantation, the prevalence

of TTV DNA increased from 16 to 46%. TTV had

considerable genomic diversity

in the N22 region, corresponding to at least 4

genotypes. Genotype 2 was

found in [50%] patients. PMID: 10897063

2000 - HBV - Lamivudine and low-dose HBIG

treatment prevents

posttransplantation recurrence of hepatitis B and

is likely to be more

cost-effective than high-dose HBIG regimens. PMID:


2000 - Lamivudine After Hepatitis B Immune

Globulin Is Effective in

Preventing Hepatitis B Recurrence After Liver

Transplantation. The

prevention of recurrent (HBV) infection after

orthotopic liver

transplantation (OLT) with hepatitis B

immunoglobulin (HBIG) is expensive

and requires indefinite parenteral administration.

lamivudine administered

after a posttransplantation course of HBIG can

effectively prevent the

recurrence of HBV infection in patients who are

HBsAg positive and HBeAg

negative before OLT. PMID: 10915164

2000 - Pretransplantation quasispecies may be a

predictor of HCV-induced

hepatitis and graft fibrosis after liver

transplantation. PMID: 10915745

2000 - Accelerated allograft injury caused by HCV

may be predicted by viral

replication rates within the explanted liver. The

stable intrahepatic

replication rate after transplantation suggests

that elevated serum viral

loads are the result of decreased viral clearance,

possibly secondary to

immunosuppressive therapy. PMID: 10915752

2000 - Treatment for HBV infection now includes

lamivudine therapy pre and

post transplantation together with hepatitis B

immunoglobulin. Such an

approach has virtually abolished recurrence of HBV

infection following liver

transplantation. PMID: 10921402



1975 - HBV - Wart immunity, autoantibodies and

Australia antigen in

sarcoidosis. PMID: 766807

1979 - Lung involvement in essential mixed

cryoglobulinemia. PMID: 443251

1994 - This work underlines the high prevalence in

our series of PBC and

sarcoidosis in the etiology of hepatic granulomas

and the high frequency of

patients with markers of HCV or HBV in

granulomatous hepatitis. PMID:



1997 - Sarcoidosis. Hodgkin's disease and non

Hodgkin lymphoma are the

neoplasms associated frequently with sarcoid

reaction. PMID: 9424744

1998 - Nasal Infections - Staphylococcus aureus

nasal colonization in

patients with cirrhosis. PMID: 9613693

1998 - Pseudo-sarcoidotic lymphoma and nephrotic

syndrome in a hepatitis

C-carrying female patient. PMID: 9767924

1997 - HCV chronic infection could represent a

trigger factor for

interstitial lung fibrosis and various rheumatic

disorders. PMID: 9133969

1999 - Hepatitis C virus core protein enhances

NF-kappaB signal pathway

triggering by lymphotoxin-beta receptor ligand and

tumor necrosis factor

alpha. PMID: 9882379

2000 - Lung Dysfunction in an Animal Model of

Asthma. Kinetics of NF-kappaB

activity is strongly related to the course of the

disease and confirm the

relevance of NF-kappaB as a putative target in

asthma therapy. Moreover,

uncommon p65 homodimers could transactivate, in

BCs [broncial cells], a

subset of genes, such as ICAM-1[intercellular

Adhesion Molecules],

characteristic of chronic airway inflammation.

PMID: 10764329

1999 - Primary pulmonary hypertension [PPH] in

cirrhosis of liver. Both in

Child B, hepatitis B and C viruses being the

etiologies. PMID: 10531718

1999 - Remarkable were clinical signs of chronic

liver disease (cutaneous

spider naevi, palmar erythema)and signs of chronic

respiratory failure

(clubbing) with platypnea. Showed uptake over

thyroid, kidneys, liver, and

spleen suggesting an abnormal passage through the

pulmonary vascular bed.

From that we conclude that the pulmonary vascular

dilatations diminished

after liver transplantation. PMID: 10544613

2000 - Correlated with HCV infection; lung

fibrosis. PMID: 10647955

2000 - Recurrent pulmonary infiltrates. PMID:



1996 - Major histocompatibility complex class II

genes control

susceptibility to hypersensitivity pneumonitis in

the mouse. PMID: 8598166

1998 - Chronic hepatitis C. Patients with

cryoglobulinemia exhibited,

lesions of the lungs. PMID: 9949448

2000 - A1AT [alpha1-antitrypsin] deficiency is

known to be associated with

emphysema and cirrhosis; deficiency of serum A1AC


has been reported to be associated with emphysema,

childhood asthma, and

cryptogenic cirrhosis. PMID: 10836296


Sarcoidosis = Disease of unknown aetiology in

which there are chronic

inflammatory granulomatous lesions in lymph nodes

and other organs.




1970 - HBV - Cellular localisation of Australia

antigen in the liver of

patients with lymphoproliferative disorders. PMID:


1990 - HAV - Lymph node enlargement as a sign of

acute hepatitis A in

children. We describe in all the hepatitis cases

an enlargement of lymph

nodes located in the hepatic hilum, pancreatic

area and small omentum: PMID:


1991 - HBV - Hepatitis B surface antigenaemia in

patients with malignant

lymphoproliferative disorders. The results suggest

an association between

Hepatitis B surface antigenaemia and malignant


disorders. PMID: 1811350

1997 - HCV infects not only hepatocytes but

lymphoid cells, thereby

modulates immune functions. PMID: 9221376

2000 - HCV is both a hepatotropic and a

lymphotropic virus; due to this

latter biological peculiarity, HCV may trigger a

constellation of

autoimmune-lymphoproliferative disorders. PMID:


1997 - HCV possesses both hepatotropism and

lymphotropism. (lymph nodes,

ovary, uterus, peripheral blood mononuclear cells

[PBMCs] and serum). These

results suggest that lymph nodes may play an

important role in the carrier

state and the persistence of HCV infection. PMID:


2000 - A causative role of (HCV) infection has

been demonstrated in the

large majority of MC patients. PMID: 10647955

1999 - lymphoproliferative disorders. PMID:


1999 - Mixed cryoglobulinemia in patients with

lymphoproliferative diseases.

PMID: 10091402

2000 - B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. PMID:


1999 - Malignant B-cell lymphoproliferation. PMID:


2000 - HCV-related diseases are B cell neoplasias.

PMID: 10647955

1998 - HCV, mixed cryoglobulinemia, and

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: an emerging

picture. PMID: 9922037


1999 - Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma presenting as facial

swelling and nasal

obstruction in a pediatric patient. PMID: 10388894

1999 - Liver involvement in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

is relatively frequent,

being found in approximately half of the

post-mortem studies. A case of

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (the recently described

T-cell-rich B-cell

lymphoma variant) is presented, where the initial

and predominant

manifestations were of hepatic origin, resembling

non-neoplastic acute liver

disease. PMID: 10430328

1998 - Hepatitis C virus infection and

cryoglobulinaemia. striking

association between HCV infection and mixed type

II CG (usually considered

as a benign lymphoproliferative disorder) and the

occurrence of HCV

infection in patients with NHL suggest that HCV

could be involved in the

pathogenesis of some malignant lymphoproliferative

disease. PMID: 9514994

2000 - HCV is frequently associated with type II

mixed cryoglobulinemia, a

benign monoclonal lymphoproliferation which

sometimes evolves to overt

B-cell lymphoma. PMID: 10761563

2000 - lymphoproliferative diseases (LPD). Data

support the hypothesis of

HCV-associated LPD and particularly B-cell-NHL. In

France, this association

is much lower than in Italy. PMID: 10814989

2000 - B-cell lymphoproliferation, diagnosed as

extranodal lymphoma on

initial bone Marrow examination, retroperitoneal

lymphadenopathy, and the

presence of a Type II IgM6 monoclonal rheumatoid

factor which became

cryoprecipitable on complexing to IgG. PMID:


2000 - Mixed cryoglobulins are associated with

connective-tissue disease,

malignant hematological disorder (type B

lymphoproliferation) or obvious

infectious process. PMID: 10761559

2000 - HCV, is suggested to be associated with

lymphomagenesis [malignant

lymphoma]. PMID: 10741125

2000 - Type II mixed cryoglobulinemia (MC) is a

systemic vasculitis

characterized by the presence in the serum of a

monoclonal cryoprecipitable

IgM with rheumatoid factor (RF) activity. (HCV)

has been recognized as its

major etiologic factor. Because MC frequently

evolves into overt B-cell

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), chronic HCV

infection is hypothesized to lead

to both benign and malignant lymphoproliferative

disease. PMID: 10861476

1998 - Herpes virus type 8-negative primary

effusion lymphoma [PEL]

associated with PAX-5 gene rearrangement and

hepatitis C virus. PMID:


1998 - lymphoma cells in the ascitic fluid

revealed a mature peripheral

B-cell phenotype (CD5- CD10- CD19+ CD20+ CD22+ Ig

G+ lambda+). PMID: 9850179

2000 - GBV-C/hepatitis G virus is primarily a

lymphotropic virus. PMID:


2000 - Relation between HCV infection and MC shows

the striking association

between a viral infection and an autoimmune

disease and, thus, a potential

link between the systemic autoimmune and

lymphoproliferative disorders.

PMID: 10787003

2000 - Although the liver is the major target

organ, the virus may be able

to replicate in peripheral blood mononuclear cells

[PBMC's], lymph nodes,

and pancreas and to a more limited degree in bone

marrow cells, thyroid,

adrenal glands, and spleen. PMID: 10895434

2000 - One interesting finding was the observation

of four cases of

poliomyelitis among NHL patients. The putative

role of the polio virus and

of malaria are new. A unifying theory on the

mechanisms by which previous

medical history may increase the risk of

haematolymphopoietic malignancies

is still lacking. PMID: 10818118



1971 - Australia antigen and smooth-muscle

antibody in chronic active

hepatitis. PMID: 4102880

1998 - Musculoskeletal manifestations and

autoimmune markers are common in

HCV infection. Musculoskeletal manifestations and

autoantibody. Rheumatic

manifestations. arthralgias, arthritis,

cryoglobulinemia, sicca symptoms,

cutaneous vasculitis, polymyositis, and

antiphospholipid syndrome. myalgia,

and fibromyalgia. PMID: 9806371

1999 - Musculoskeletal pain and fatigue are

associated with chronic

hepatitis C: fatigue. Backache, morning stiffness,

arthralgia, myalgia, neck

pain, pain " all over " , and subjective joint

swelling. PMID: 10235218

2000 - HCV - Myositis. ...inducing muscle damage.

PMID: 10663969

2000 - Positive-plus strands of HCV RNA were found

in the patient's

myocardium, as well as plus and minus strands in

the quadriceps muscle

specimens. PMID: 10783058

2000 - Several immunological abnormalities are

frequently observed,

including anti-smooth muscle antibodies (7%).

PMID: 10890317

2000 - large number of alfa-smooth muscle

actin-positive cells and a marked

decorin expression are frequent findings in

chronic hepatitis C. PMID:




1966 - " Free " and " bound " insulin activity in the

blood of patients with

acute epidemic hepatitis. PMID: 5225081

1975 - Hepatitis B (Australia) antigen in

diabetics. PMID: 1138253

1981 - Detection of HBsAg in the pancreas.PMID:


1994 - HBV - The DNA sequence representing HBV

infection was detected in the

tissue of liver (100%), gallbladder (85.7%),

spleen (75.0%), kidney (72.7%)

adrenal gland (66.7%), heart (55.6%), testicle

(55.6%), pancreas (54.5%)

respectively. PMID: 7956560

2000 - HCV - Viral replication in pancreas. HCV

RNA positive-and

negative-strand in kidney, heart, pancreas, and

intestine from hepatitis C

patients. PMID: 10712785

2000 - HCV - Diabetes Mellitus. PMID: 10707860

2000 - Correlated with HCV infection; diabetes

mellitus. PMID: 10647955

2000 - An increasing prevalence of hepatitis C and

B, often associated, in

type 2 diabetic patients that allows us to define

them as a group at risk

for viral hepatitis. PMID: 10802152

1998 - Association of chronic hepatitis C

infection and diabetes mellitus.

Pancreatic beta -cells might be an extrahepatic

target of HCV. PMID:


1999 - Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

Confirms an association

between HCV and NIDDM. PMID: 10498660

2000 - High prevalence and adverse effect of

hepatitis C virus infection in

type II diabetic-related nephropathy. PMID:


2000 - Patients with chronic HCV infection have an

increased prevalence of

type 2 diabetes, and this prevalence is

independent of cirrhosis. PMID:


1999 - Macrophage migration inhibitory factor

(MIF) have been extensively

re-evaluated. This has been found to be protein

involved in broad-spectrum

pathophysiological states as an

glucocorticoid-induced immunomodulator.

PMID: 10347118

2000 - Impact of HCV infection on development of


diabetes mellitus in renal allograft recipients.

PMID: 10812113

2000 - There is a high prevalence of diabetes

among liver transplant

recipients infected with HCV both before and after

[liver] transplantation.

PMID: 10869293

2000 - Acute Pancreatitis Attributed to the Use of

Interferon Alfa-2b.

GASTROENTEROLOGY 2000;119:230-233

2000 - Although the liver is the major target

organ, the virus may be able

to replicate in peripheral blood mononuclear cells

[PBMC's], lymph nodes,

and pancreas and to a more limited degree in bone

marrow cells, thyroid,

adrenal glands, and spleen. PMID: 10895434


1994 - IFN - Occurrence of IDDM during interferon

therapy for chronic viral

hepatitis. During and after IFN therapy we should

consider the possibility

of occurrence of IDDM as well as other autoimmune

diseases and observe the

clinical course carefully. PMID: 8013261



1994 - The influence of hypervolemia on the

secretion of atrial natriuretic

peptide, the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone

system's activity and

concentration of vasopressin, parathormone and

calcitonin in hepatitis B

virus infected patients with chronic liver

diseases]. The results showed

that all determined patients had water-electrolyte

and hormonal disorders,

significantly increased in patients with chronic

active hepatitis. PMID:


1995 - Hypothyroidism and hypoparathyroidism in an

11 year old boy with

hemochromatosis secondary to aplastic anemia. The

early appearance of both

thyroid and parathyroid dysfunction in this

patient may have been due to the

delay of initiation of iron-chelating agents and

liver dysfunction due to

hepatitis type C. PMID: 7572161

1998 - Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 1

(APS1) is characterized by a

variable combination of disease components: (1)

mucocutaneous candidiasis;

(2) autoimmune tissue destruction; (3) ectodermal

dystrophy. Organ-specific

autoantibodies associated with hypoparathyroidism,

adrenal and gonadal

failures, IDDM, hepatitis and vitiligo are

discussed, and autoantibody

patterns in APS1 patients are compared with

autoantibodies in APS type 2

(APS2). APS2 is characterized by adult onset

adrenal failure associated with

IDDM and/or hyperthyroidism. APS2 is believed to

be polygenic, characterized

by dominant inheritance and association with HLA

DR3. PMID: 9890074

1999 - Hyperparathyroidism and increased serum

IGF-binding protein-2 levels

in hepatitis C-associated osteosclerosis. PMID:




1978 - Demonstration of pineal gland and pituitary

involution in mice

poisoned with carbon tetrachloride. There may

exist in these animals a

higher blood-level of glucocorticoids, as this has

been shown to be the case

in men suffering from cirrhosis or hepatitis.

Involution of the pineal gland

in cases of stress, as has been shown by various

authors, would result from

an entirely different mechanism, that is by

increased secretion of

corticoadrenal hormones. PMID: 150919

1990 - Molecular mimicry between a

uveitopathogenic site of S-antigen and

viral peptides. S-Antigen (S-Ag) is a well

characterized 45,000 m.w.

photoreceptor cell protein. Based on our findings

we conclude that a viral

infection may sensitize the mononuclear cells that

can cross-react with self

proteins by a mechanism termed molecular mimicry.

Tissue injury from the

resultant autoantigenic event can take place in

the absence of the

infectious virus that initiated the immune

response. PMID: 1689349

1997 - The temporal relation observed between

melatonin use and the

development of autoimmune hepatitis raises the

possibility that the drug

might be involved in the pathogenesis of this

patient's autoimmune disease.

PMID: 9412927



1965 - Trial of adrenal function tests viral

hepatitis. PMID: 5883559

1969 - The state of the pituitary-adrenal system

in patients with acute

protracted and chronic epidemic hepatitis. PMID:


1971 - Pituitary-corticoadrenal secretory tonus in

chronic hepatitis. PMID:


1994 - HBV - The DNA sequence representing HBV

infection was detected in the

tissue of liver (100%), gallbladder (85.7%),

spleen (75.0%), kidney (72.7%)

adrenal gland (66.7%), heart (55.6%), testicle

(55.6%), pancreas (54.5%)

respectively. PMID: 7956560

1996 - HCV - Prolactin-secreting pituitary

microadenoma. PMID: 8766348

1996 - Case of C-type chronic hepatitis with

manifestation of pituitary

insufficiency caused by interferon therapy. PMID:


1996 - Levels of pituitary-thyroid axis hormones

in men during the course of

chronic active hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. A

significant decline of TT3,

TT4, fT3, fT4 concentration and TT3/TT4 index in

males with liver cirrhosis

were observed. PMID: 9082343

1998 - Change of peripheral levels of pituitary

hormones and cytokines after

injection of interferon (IFN)-beta in patients

with chronic hepatitis C.

Plasma ACTH levels increased significantly. These

in vivo results are

important for investigating the relationship

between endocrine and cytokine

systems in humans. PMID: 9768684

1998 - Change of peripheral levels of pituitary

hormones and cytokines after

injection of interferon (IFN)-beta in patients

with chronic hepatitis C.

PMID: 9768684

1999 - Hepatic ischemia and hypophyseal

macroadenoma. Recurrent hepatitis

[no viral type mentioned] secondary to a pituitary

macroadenoma in a 55-year

old man. Liver ischemia is thought to be the main

consequence of episodes of

acute adrenal insufficiency. Sudden acute adrenal

insufficiency was due to

enlargement of the sella content secondary to

several microhemorrhages in

the macroadenoma. PMID: 10219616

1999 - Macrophage migration inhibitory factor

(MIF) - Pituitary-derived

hormone - (MIF) have been extensively

re-evaluated. This has been found to

be protein involved in broad-spectrum

pathophysiological states as an

glucocorticoid-induced immunomodulator. PMID:


Reproductive Organs


1966 - Aspects of ovarian function in chronic

hepatitis following epidemic

hepatitis. PMID: 5914983

1969 - Teratogenic action of some viral

infections. PID: 4912815

1969 - Histological findings in embryos, whose

mothers suffered from

virus-hepatitis during the first trimenon of

pregnancy. PMID: 5778047

1971 - HBV - Testicles - Detection of Australia

antigen in human tissue

culture preparations. PMID: 4257082

1981 - Anti-HBc, e-antigen and Anti-HBe in

menstrual blood and semen. PMID:


1987 - Hepatitis B virus in human follicular

fluid. PMID: 3622802

1987 - Transmission of hepatitis B virus by

artificial insemination. PMID:


1987 - Viral hepatitis as a major cause of

maternal mortality in Addis

Ababa, Ethiopia. PMID: 2884144

1989 - Localization of hepatitis B virus in a

primary testicular cancer.

PMID: 2679487

1989 - HAV does not seem to be transmittable from

mother to the newborn.

PMID: 2805935

1990 - HAV - Outcome of pregnancy complicated by

hepatitis A in the urban

districts of Shanghai. The average birth weight of

the new born was slightly

lower and the mortality rate was significantly

higher. PMID: 2209221

1990 - HBV (WHV): molecular virologic features of

the pancreas, kidney,

ovary, and testis. PMID: 2384922

1990 - Serum samples from 62 women, inadvertently

infected with hepatitis B

virus in an in vitro fertilization program. PMID:


1993 - Distribution of hepatitis B virus in

testicle tissue in patients with

hepatitis B infection.PMID: 8258099

1994 - HBV - Breast-feeding by mothers with

positive serum hepatitis B virus

test. There were significantly higher rate of milk

HBV transmission from

mothers with serum positive HBsAg, HBeAg and

anti-HBc or either one of them

than those with positive for anti-HBs and/or

anti-HBe. PMID: 7712869

1994 - HBV - The DNA sequence representing HBV

infection was detected in the

tissue of liver (100%), gallbladder (85.7%),

spleen (75.0%), kidney (72.7%)

adrenal gland (66.7%), heart (55.6%), testicle

(55.6%), pancreas (54.5%)

respectively. PMID: 7956560

1997 - Hepatitis C virus in pelvic lymph nodes and

female reproductive

organs. Contrary to expectation, high titers of

the HCV genome were observed

in the ovaries and the uteri, suggesting the

feasibility of mother-to-infant

and spouse-to-spouse transmissions of HCV. PMID:


1997 - Surgical specimens (lymph nodes, ovary,

uterus, peripheral blood

mononuclear cells [PBMCs] and serum) from 3

patients with gynecological

cancer. We found relatively high HCV genome titers

in the lymph nodes, not

in the sera, irrespective of various titers in

PBMCs. These results suggest

that lymph nodes may play an important role in the

carrier state and the

persistence of HCV infection. PMID: 9414651

1998 - Genetic transmission of hepatitis B on the

basis of molecular

genetics. PMID: 10322743

1992 - Detection of HCV RNA in saliva, urine,

seminal fluid, and ascites.

PMID: 1331308

1992 - Minimal hepatitis C infectivity in semen.

PMID: 1318650

1994 - Detection of plus and minus strand

hepatitis C virus RNA in

peripheral blood mononuclear cells and spermatid.

HCV exists in sperm. The

possibility of transmission of hepatitis C by

sexual intercourse is really

existent. But, HCV probably don't duplicate in

spermatid. PMID: 7953918

1996 - Risks for transmission of hepatitis C virus

during artificial

insemination. Hepatitis C virus RNA can be

detected in semen donations from

infected donors; purification of donations before

insemination significantly

reduces the amount of viral RNA in the semen

pellet. PMID: 8752631

1998 - Preliminary evidence for the presence of

HGV/GBV-C in semen. PMID:


2000 - Transmission risk of hepatitis C virus in

assisted reproductive

techniques. Possible contamination of both the

technicians and the gametes

or embryos from virus-free parents in the

laboratory. HCV RNA was detected

in 5% of the semen samples tested: in the raw

semen, in the seminal fluid

and in the cell pellet but never after Percoll

selection. PMID: 10739825

2000 - Detection of hepatitis C virus in the semen

of infected men. We

detected (HCV) RNA in the semen of one third of

HCV viraemic men. Seminal

viral loads were low, but the semen could be

infectious and the role of

sexual transmission in the spread of HCV infection

should not be

underestimated. PMID: 10892766

2000 - Lack of detection of HCV RNA in semen by

PCR- and non-PCR-dependent

techniques and support the view that viral

contamination in semen remains,

if present, at a very low level. PMID: 10902978

1998 - Mother-to-infant transmission of HCV is

possible only in the case of

HCV-RNA positive mothers. HCV transmission may

occur without evident

association with breast-feeding or vaginal

delivery. PMID: 9808375

2000 - HCV transmission from viremic mothers

occurred in 2.8%-4.2% of the

cases. PMID: 10825044

2000 - HGV transmission from viremic mothers

occurred in 75.0%-80.0% of the

cases. Although the rate of perinatal HGV

transmission highly exceeded that

of perinatal HCV transmission, HGV did not seem to

induce hepatitis in the

children. PMID: 10825044

1998 - Among asymptomatic mothers breast-feeding

seems safe. Symptomatic

women, especially with high viral loads, should

not breast-feed to avoid the

risk of viral transmission through breast-feeding.

PMID: 9722199

2000 - Detection of TT virus DNA and GB virus type

C/Hepatitis G virus RNA

in serum and breast milk. PMID: 10655378

2000 - High prevalence of TT virus DNA in human

saliva and semen. Presence

of TTV in body fluids other than serum may affect

the routes of viral

transmission. PMID: 10835017

1999 - Our results stress the low relevance of

sexual transmission in the

intrafamilial context, the importance of abortion

and/or uterine curettage,

the important role of blood transfusions in the

past, a higher prevalence of

HCV infection within a household of a HCV positive

member compared to all

other existing data in the area. PMID: 10204641

2000 - The epidemic of HCV may be facilitated by

high-risk sexual behavior.

The relatively high prevalence of HCV suggests the

need for more widespread

screening among inner-city females. PMID: 10907909



1965 - Nail changes in epidemic hepatitis. PMID:


1967 - So-called cutaneous porphyria of the adult

in a child revealed by

viral hepatitis. PMID: 6019862

1968 - On the phagocytic activity of migrating

macrophages in skin windows

in patients with viral hepatitis. PMID: 4309435

1970 - Widespread arterial spiders in a case of

latent hepatitis. PMID:


1972 - HBV - Skin sensitivity in Au-antigen

carriers. PMID: 5031230

1972 - HBV - Prodromata of hepatitis. Skin

manifestations associated with

Australia Antigen. PMID: 5078567

1975 - Hepatitis B at the premonitory stage.

Incidence of articular and

cutaneous manifestations. PMID: 1153296

2000 - HCV replicates in epithelial cells of

patients with and without oral

lichen planus. PMID: 10869295

2000 - HBV DNA can be detected from nail clippings

of HBs Ag positive

patients. PMID: 10812896

1999 - Dermatoses: lichen planus, cryoglobulinemic

vasculitis and porphyria

cutanea tarda [PCT]. Psoriasis, chronic urticaria,

chronic pruritus,

pseudo-kaposi sarcoma, necrolytic migratory

erythema and Behcet disease,have

been associated in case reports with HCV-induced

liver disease. PMID:


1999 - Several dermatologic manifestations of

(HCV) infection have been

described. Association of HCV infection, essential

mixed cryoglobulinemia

and leukocytoclastic vasculitis (LV). PMID:


1998 - Cryoglobulinaemia and rheumatic

manifestations. Cutaneous

manifestation. PMID: 10070272

1998 - Skin diseases associated with chronic

hepatitis C. palpable purpura,

urticaria, prurigo and alopecia areata, lichen

ruber planus, pruritus and

vitiligo. palpable purpura (vasculitis purpurica).

PMID: 9842236

1996 - Hepatitis C virus infection in patients

with urticaria. (HCV)

infection induces variable skin manifestations.

HCV could be a significant

cause of urticaria. Chronic urticaria associated

with HCV infection has

peculiar clinical, serologic, and biochemical

characteristics that could

make it a distinct clinical entity with an

indication for interferon

therapy. PMID: 8708019

1997 - Cutaneous vasculitic lesions in patients

with type II

cryoglobulinemia. HCV was present in the cutaneous

vasculitic lesions, most

likely in complexes with IgM and IgG formed in

situ. PMID: 9365090

1995 - Localization of hepatitis C virus antigens

in liver and skin tissues

of chronic hepatitis C virus-infected patients

with mixed cryoglobulinemia.

(Ig) G and IgM deposition in the skin showed

immunohistochemical features

comparable with those found for HCV Ag deposits.

PMID: 7843698

2000 - Many other autoimmune manifestations have

been correlated with HCV

infection; polydermatomyositis. PMID: 10647955

2000 - Lichen myxedematosus associated with

chronic hepatitis C. PMID:


2000 - Since the discovery of (HCV) in 1989, many

cutaneous disorders have

been observed in patients suffering from chronic

HCV infection. The

relationship between HCV infection and

cryoglobulinemia or porphyria cutanea

tarda (PCT) is now clearly established, but the

link between HCV and other

dermatoses is still controversial. PMID: 10761562

2000 - Anti-centromere autoantibodies (ACA) are

commonly found in the serum

of patients with a limited type of scleroderma and

other systemic autoimmune

diseases. Core antigens of (HBV) and (HCV) have

similar sequences to peptide

A and/or peptide B, but three sera containing HBV

without ACA and five sera

containing HCV without ACA were found to be

reactive to neither peptide.

Centromere localization of CENP-A is dependent on

the H3-like C-terminal

domain which is not autoantigenic, while the

antigenic N-terminal domain,

which might play unidentified functional roles,

should be an important

region for the induction of ACA. PMID: 10759786

1999 - Cutaneous sarcoid foreign body granulomas

developing in sites of

previous skin injury after systemic

interferon-alpha treatment for chronic

hepatitis C. PMID: 10233247

1999 - IFN - The neuropsychiatrical side effects

are most often and maybe

hinder of interferon therapy. Especially symptoms

disorders of central

nervous system were observed between all side

effects. Side effects: hair

loss (29%), disorder of vision (29%),

thrombocytopenia (29%), leukopenia

(16%). The neurasthenia was detected in 60%

patients with ch B and 50%

patients with ch C. Neurasthenia most often

manifested by irritable and

quickly exhaustion of strength. PMID: 10522402


2000 - Alcohol-induced diseases of the liver, such

as fatty liver, hepatitis

and cirrhosis with the potential development of

hepato-cellular carcinoma

can cause many effects on the skin. Even though

they are not caused by

excessive alcohol alone, but also by other

diseases of the liver or other

diseases of internal organs, an experienced person

will be able to carry out

specific diagnostic procedures. Skin symptoms due

to liver diseases include

1. Vascular changes, such as spider nevi,

teleangiectasias and palmar

erythema. 2. Nail changes, particularly white

nails. 3. Changes of the

mucous membranes, i.e. glossy tongue. 4. Changes

due to altered hormones,

particularly gyneco-mastia, female distribution of

hair and testicular

atrophy and 5. Changes in the color of the skin

like icterus and melanosis

cutis. Rarely pruritus and other diseases of the

skin are seen, such as

porphyria cutanea tarda, which is often caused by

an altered liver function.

In the final stages of alcoholism, the neglect of

personal hygiene

particularly of the skin is evident (cutis

vagantium). Since the exact

mechanism of the skin symptoms remains obscure, it

is difficult to evaluate

the significance. Most often they do not correlate

with the severity of the

liver disease. PMID: 10804882

2000 - Necrolytic acral erythema associated with

hepatitis C: effective

treatment with interferon alfa and zinc. PMID:



Erythema - name applied to redness of the skin

produced by congestion of the

capillaries, which may result from a variety of

causes, the aetiology or a

specific type of lesion often being indicated by a

modifying term.



1965 - Some aspects of splenopathy in chronic

hepatitis. PMID: 5860915

1995 - Spleen is an important extrahepatic

reservoir of the virus. PMID:


1999 - Massive and widely distributed splenosis.

PMID: 10551463

1999 - Hepatitis B and C infections were found to

be likely causes of human

hepatic or splenic disease. PMID: 10578634

2000 - GBV-C/HGV is a lymphotropic virus that

replicates primarily in the

spleen and bone marrow. PMID: 10745232

2000 - Splenectomy may improve the glomerulopathy

of type II mixed

cryoglobulinemia. Many patients with type II mixed

cryoglobulinemia have

been shown to be infected with hapatitis C virus

(HCV). In conclusion,

splenectomy may be an effective therapy for

cryoglobulinemia in patients

with HCV-positive liver cirrhosis and pancytopenia

secondary to

splenomegaly. PMID: 10845834

2000 - TTV - Detected in livers, kidneys, spleens,

intestines, and stomachs.

TTV can infect hepatic and ex-hepatic tissues and

may cause persistent

infection. PMID: 10880161

2000 - Although the liver is the major target

organ, the virus may be able

to replicate in peripheral blood mononuclear cells

[PBMC's], lymph nodes,

and pancreas and to a more limited degree in bone

marrow cells, thyroid,

adrenal glands, and spleen. PMID: 10895434



1971 - HBV - Inflammatory effect of Au-antibody

immune complexes. PMID:


1977 - Acute and chronic hepatitis: multisystemic

involvement related to

immunologic disease. PMID: 320847

1998 - The hepatitis C virus and systemic

diseases. PMID: 9923040

1997 - Inflammatory markers in chronic hepatitis

C. PMID: 9334839

1998 - Mixed cryoglobulinaemia [MC]: MC is a

systemic vasculitis, secondary

to the deposition in small and medium-sized blood

vessels of circulating

immune complexes, mainly the cryoglobulins, and

complement. PMID: 9643318


2000 - The most documented extrahepatic

manifestation of (HCV) infection is

mixed cryoglobulinemia (MC). The presence of

microheterogeneity and other

new types of cryoglobulins is a novel and recent

observation. The production

of different autoantibodies and circulating immune

complexes, including the

cryoglobulins, are responsible for systemic

vasculitis and various organ

damage. In a limited number of MC patients, a

malignancy, that is B-cell

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or hepatocellular

carcinoma, may also develop. PMID:


2000 - Type II mixed cryoglobulinemia (MC) is a

systemic vasculitis

characterized by the presence in the serum of a

monoclonal cryoprecipitable

IgM with rheumatoid factor (RF) activity. (HCV)

has been recognized as its

major etiologic factor. Because MC frequently

evolves into overt B-cell

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), chronic HCV

infection is hypothesized to lead

to both benign and malignant lymphoproliferative

disease. PMID: 10861476

1998 - Mycobacterium chelonei infection in a

patient with chronic active

hepatitis. PMID: 10233615

1997 - Mutant variants " quasi-species " . PMID:



2000 - Population of HCV genomes, within an

infected individual, is present

as a group of heterogeneous but closely related

sequences referred to as

quasispecies. Studies of the molecular biology of

HCV and of new vaccinal or

therapeutic strategies are hampered by the lack of

easy to use cellular

culture systems and of animal models. PMID:


1998 - Systemic manifestations and liver disease

in patients with chronic

hepatitis C and type II or III mixed

cryoglobulinaemia. The presence and

type of cryoglobulins seem to be associated with

different clinical

manifestations and outcome. PMID: 9658371

2000 - Occurrence of circulating soluble molecules

in patients with various

chronic liver diseases, likely reflecting the

involvement of several

pathogenetic mechanisms. PMID: 10737254

2000 - High prevalence of anticardiolipin

antibodies in hepatitis C virus

infection. Association between HCV infection and

antiphospholipid syndrome,

including thrombocytopenia, has been reported.

Immunologic disturbances

induced by HCV or prolonged tissue damage in

systemic organs as a result of

the extrahepatic manifestations of HCV infection

may induce the production

of antibodies to various cardiolipin-binding

proteins or phospholipids.

PMID: 10777156

2000 - Castleman disease (CD) of plasma cell type

develop. Disease worsening

is caused by HCV, though it can be reversed with

IFN-alpha. PMID: 10779037


Castleman disease = Angiofollicular lymph node

hyperplasia, benign lymphoid

hyperplasia, massively enlarged lymph nodes,

mediastinum most common; rarely

in mesentery, age less than 30 yrs, types: hyaline

vascular (90%),

asymptomatic, vascular proliferation and

hyalinization, plasma cell (10%),

fever, anaemia, increased sed rate, increased IgG

2000 - Behcet's disease and HCV infection. PMID:



Behcet's syndrome = A multisystem, chronic

recurrent disease characterised

by ulceration in the mouth and genitalia, iritis,

uveitis, arthritis and

thrombophlebitis. Often treated with

immunosuppressive therapy

(corticosteroids, chlorambucil).



1965 - Thymus gland tumor with lupoid hepatitis.

PMID: 5880241

1967 - Case of active chronic hepatitis with a

pathological condition of the

thymus gland. PMID: 5625959

1967 - Immunological studies on the development of

experimental hepatitis in

thymectomized mice. PMID: 6073627

1970 - Chronic hepatitis and the thymus. PMID:


1972 - Thymus-dependent lymphocyte function in

patients with

hepatitis-associated antigen. PMID: 4116555

1975 - Thymus-derived lymphocytes in type B acute

viral hepatitis and

healthy carriers of hepatitis B surface antigen

(HBsAg). PMID: 1093393

1996 - Thymus-derived peptides in the treatment of

viral chronic hepatitis.

Immune-active peptides including those derived

from the thymus have also

been evaluated over the past 15 years for the

treatment of viral chronic

hepatitis. PMID: 9030468

1998 - Oral thymic extract for chronic hepatitis C

in patients previously

treated with interferon. A randomized,

double-blind, placebo-controlled

trial. PMID: 9841585

1999 - Oral thymic extract to treat hepatitis C.

PMID: 10454957

1999 - Comparative inhibitory potential of

differently modified antisense

oligodeoxynucleotides on hepatitis C virus

translation. PMID: 10583429



1965 - Experimental data on the correlation

between hepatic and thyroid

functions. PMID: 5865303

1995 - Hypothyroidism and hypoparathyroidism in an

11 year old boy with

hemochromatosis secondary to aplastic anemia. The

early appearance of both

thyroid and parathyroid dysfunction in this

patient may have been due to the

delay of initiation of iron-chelating agents and

liver dysfunction due to

hepatitis type C. PMID: 7572161

1996 - Levels of pituitary-thyroid axis hormones

in men during the course of

chronic active hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. A

significant decline of TT3,

TT4, fT3, fT4 concentration and TT3/TT4 index in

males with liver cirrhosis

were observed. PMID: 9082343

1999 - Thyroid disease. PMID: 10567673

1999 - Thyroid diseases PMID: 10522298

1999 - Thyroid disease in autoimmune liver

diseases. PMID: 10483270

1999 - Thyroid autoantibodies. Hashimoto's

thyroiditis, Graves' disease.

Hyperthyroidism. Thyroid dysfunction during

interferon therapy. PMID:


2000 - Autoimmune manifestations correlated with

HCV infection; autoimmune

thyroiditis. PMID: 10647955

2000 - Although the liver is the major target

organ, the virus may be able

to replicate in peripheral blood mononuclear cells

[PBMC's], lymph nodes,

and pancreas and to a more limited degree in bone

marrow cells, thyroid,

adrenal glands, and spleen. PMID: 10895434



1970 - Pathogenesis of vascular diseases in

infectious hepatitis in

children. PMID: 5519448

1980 - Clinical association between HBV infection

and vasculitis. PMID:


1986 - Viruses - Endothelial cells could serve as

permissive cells

permitting viruses to leave the circulation and

initiate infection in

adjacent tissues, including subendothelial smooth

muscle cells. PMID:


1996 - Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is a potent

vasoconstrictor that may be involved

in the pathogenesis of splanchnic and renal

hemodynamic changes associated

with portal hypertension. 1996. PMID: 8938548

1996 - Altered endothelin homeostasis in patients

undergoing liver

transplantation. PMID: 9346677

1998 - Variceal bleeding. PMID: 9931656

1998 - Esophagogastric varices the possibility of

glomerulonephritis should

be considered. PMID: 9840704

1999 - Cryoglobulinemia in Patients with

Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis. PMID:


1999 - Systemic vasculitis. PMID: 10551381

1999 - Endothelins are peptide hormones with a

potent vasoconstrictor

activity that are also known to function as

intercellular signaling

molecules. PMID: 9933597

1999 - A striking correlation has been found

between ACAD [Allograft

Coronary Artery Disease] and HCV and/or CMV

positivity. suggesting that such

viruses may play a role in the development of

vascular late complications in

transplanted hearts. PMID: 10901481

1999 - Behcet's disease (BD), being a systemic

vasculitis of unknown

aetiology, is associated with previous HBV

infection. PMID: 10587560

1999 - AECA - Anti-endothelial cell

auto-antibodies in hepatitis C virus

mixed cryoglobulinemia. In HCV patients, AECA are

associated with

MC-vasculitis, suggesting that AECA may be a

marker for HCV-induced

vasculitis. PMID: 10551381

2000 - Vascularitis. PMID: 10723470

2000 - This observation of Horton's disease

involving large vessels in a

patient with chronic hepatitis C suggests that an

infectious factor might

trigger vascularitis. PMID: 10723470

2000 - Mixed cryoglobulinemia - Such

cryoglobulinemia vasculitis may involve

numerous organs, particularly the peripheral

nervous system and the kidneys.

PMID: 10761559

2000 - Type II mixed cryoglobulinemia (MC) is a

systemic vasculitis

characterized by the presence in the serum of a

monoclonal cryoprecipitable

IgM with rheumatoid factor (RF) activity. (HCV)

has been recognized as its

major etiologic factor. Because MC frequently

evolves into overt B-cell

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), chronic HCV

infection is hypothesized to lead

to both benign and malignant lymphoproliferative

disease. PMID: 10861476

2000 - Churg-Strauss syndrome (CSS) in patients

with HCV infection. PMID:


2000 - HBx stimulated the transcription of

vascular endothelial growth

factor (VEGF), a potent angiogenic factor, in

HBx-stable transfectants.

PMID: 10679226

2000 - The production of different autoantibodies

and circulating immune

complexes, including the cryoglobulins, are

responsible for systemic

vasculitis and various organ damage. PMID:


2000 - HCV: a common triggering factor for both

nodular vasculitis and

Sjogren's syndrome? PMID: 10819552

2000 - Birmingham vasculitis activity score,

disease extent index and

complement factor C3c reflect disease activity

best in hepatitis C

virus-associated cryoglobulinemic vasculitis.

PMID: 10895368

Mother - Child


1965 - Contribution to the study of congenital

hepatitis in infants.

Description of an aberrant form. PMID: 5854016

1966 - Fetal and neonatal hepatitis and its

consequence. PMID: 6010476

1969 - Histological findings in embryos, whose

mothers suffered from

virus-hepatitis during the first trimenon of

pregnancy. PMID: 5778047

1975 - Severe or fulminant type-B hepatitis can

develop in infants, who are

capable of completely eliminating the hepatitis-B

virus. They also suggest

that severe hepatitis can result from maternal

contamination. PMID: 47420

1978 - HBV markers were more common in mongols,

epileptics, patients with

cerebral palsy, and those of lower mental grades

and reached a peak after

5-15 years of hospitalisation. PMID: 151573

1993 - HBV, HTLV-1 and HCV can be transmitted

vertically from carrier

mothers to their offspring. PMID: 8371012

1995 - The mechanism of vertical chronic HBV

infection in human neonates may

involve changes in the T-cell response to the

virus that are induced in

utero. PMID: 7557848

1995 - HCV infection in children occurs mainly in

high risk children, such

as those who received blood product or injection

using non-sterile needles,

or infants of HCV viremic mothers, etc. PMID:


1997 - Breast Feeding - Hepatitis C virus

infection in pregnancy and the

risk of mother-to-child transmission. The risk of

vertical transmission of

HCV from infected mothers to their children during

pregnancy and delivery

was determined in 120 children born to

HCV-positive mothers. (5%) children

were perinatally infected with HCV as shown by

RT-PCR. None of the infected

children had clinical signs of hepatitis. None of

the pregnancies was

complicated by abortion, stillbirth, premature

birth, or malformation of the

child. Special concern was given to the

possibility of HCV transmission via

breast milk. In no breast milk sample obtained

from 34 HCV-infected mothers

was HCV RNA detected. These observations indicate

that HCV infection is not

necessarily a contraindication for breast-feeding.

PMID: 9105838

1997 - Is it always necessary to give anti-D

gamma-globulins in the case of

spontaneous miscarriage in Rhesus-negative

patients? PMID: 9229512

1999 - Breastfeeding and the risk of hepatitis C

virus transmission. PMID:


1999 - Mother-to-infant transmission of hepatitis

C virus (HCV) has been

reported. PMID: 10488698

1999 - Mother-to-infant transmission of hepatitis

C virus. PMID: 10575568

1999 - HCV infection, which is far more prevalent

than (HIV)-1, can lead to

cirrhosis, HCC, hepatic failure, and death. Like

HIV-1, HCV is transmitted

parenterally, sexually, and from mother to infant.

We do not believe that

current data justify universal testing, but we

believe it is time for all

obstetricians to test selectively based on risk

factors. PMID: 10576199

2000 - The risk of vertical transmission of HCV

appears to be associated

with the titre of the maternal viral load.

Vertical transmission from

nonviraemic mothers has not been demonstrated. No

postexposure prophylaxis

exists. There is a lack of association between

vertical HCV transmission and

delivery mode and no association with breast

feeding. PMID: 10833965

2000 - Rate of mother-to-infant HCV transmission

in newborns at risk.

Antibody against HCV was detected in the blood of

all [100%] newborns

immediately after birth, but dropped to low or

undetectable levels by 7

months of age. ...suggesting a very low

replication rate. Vertically

transmitted HCV was eliminated in all newborn

infants by 6 months after

delivery, with concomitant disappearance of HCV

antibodies. PMID: 10834815

2000 - HCV did not influence pregnancy

complications and outcomes. PMID:


1999 - Resolution of hepatitis caused by

HBV-related woodchuck hepatitis

virus (WHV) is followed by occult lifelong

carriage of pathogenic virus.

[WHV] mothers with occult hepadnaviral carriage

transmit pathogenic virus to

their offspring, inducing a persistent infection

invariably within the

lymphatic system but not always in the liver.

PMID: 10411550


1997 - Hepatitis C virus in pelvic lymph nodes and

female reproductive

organs. Contrary to expectation, high titers of

the HCV genome were observed

in the ovaries and the uteri, suggesting the

feasibility of mother-to-infant

and spouse-to-spouse transmissions of HCV. PMID:


2000 - Current observations indicate that mothers

who have already delivered

an HCV-infected child can be advised that this

event does not increase the

probability of infecting the second child. PMID:


1999 - The rate of mother-to-infant transmission

of HCV is approximately 5%.

PMID: 10622569

2000 - HCV transmission from viremic mothers

occurred in 2.8%-4.2% of the

cases. HGV transmission from viremic mothers

occurred in 75.0%-80.0% of the

cases. Although the rate of perinatal HGV

transmission highly exceeded that

of perinatal HCV transmission, HGV did not seem to

induce hepatitis in the

children. PMID: 10825044

2000 - The presence of transitory viremia without

seroconversion indicates

that the vertical transmission of HCV is not

important. This could be

related to the viral charge and ingestion of milk

of HCV-RNA-positive

mothers. However, to advise avoidance of maternal

breast feeding, it would

be necessary to conduct larger studies. PMID:


2000 - The frequency of mother-to-infant GBV-C/HGV

transmission is elevated

and could explain the high prevalence of GBV-C/HGV

markers (viral RNA and E2

antibody) in adults at low risk for blood-borne or

sexually transmitted

viruses, such as blood donors. PMID: 10827267

2000 - Irish women who iatrogenically received HCV

1b-contaminated Anti-D

immunoglobulin between May 1977 and November 1978.

PMID: 10827160

2000 - Italy - This rare case of inutero

mother-to-infant transmission can

be considered as a model to elucidate the HCV

quasispecies diversification

during the first stage of infection. PMID:


2000 - Hepatitis C virus in monozygotic twins. A

case of a pregnant patient

with chronic hepatitis C who gave birth to

monozygotic twins that were

infected with HCV is reported. One of the newborns

was positive 12 hours

after delivery. other... detected HCV viremia at

three months of age. The

results have led to the conclusion that one of the

twins was probably

contaminated in the intrauterine period, while the

other acquired the

infection in the perinatal period. Both were

negative at nine months of age.

PMID: 10887377

Coinfections / Multiple Infections


Cirrhosis seems to be more frequently observed in

patients with multiple

infection. PMID: 10718938

In patients with triple infection, serum HCV RNA

and markers of HBV

replication were absent in 80%, suggesting that

HDV acts as a dominant

virus. PMID: 10718938

1997 - General US population: HCV prevalence is 40

times HIV prevalence.

PMID: 10184834



1968 - Hepatitis in monkeys following inoculation

with adenovirus from

humans with viral hepatitis. PMID: 4315279

CMV - Cytomegalovirus


Cytomegalovirus hepatitis in an adult. PMID:




1970 - HBV - Australia phenomenon, hepatitis

infectious mononucleosis test

and hepatitis. PMID: 5522613

1970 - Infectious mononucleosis in the Armed

Forces. PMID: 4991194

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is detected in 37% of the

tissues of hepatocellular

carcinoma, and especially frequently in cases with

(HCV). The present

findings suggest that EBV acts as a helper virus

for HCV replication. PMID:


Viruses (such as Epstein-Barr virus) and

pathological conditions (mainly

involving immunosuppression) have been shown to

increase the risk of

haematolymphopoietic malignancies. An association

with malaria at young age

and " low grade " lymphatic malignancies is

suggested. The observation of four

cases of poliomyelitis among NHL patients. The

putative role of the polio

virus and of malaria are new. PMID: 10818118

2000 - Neurologic complications of Epstein-Barr

virus infection. PMID:




1989 - Acute hepatitis A in pregnancy: Our study

indicated that HAV does not

seem to be transmittable from mother to the

newborn. PMID: 2805935

1990 - Outcome of pregnancy complicated by

hepatitis A in the urban

districts of Shanghai. The average birth weight of

the new born was slightly

lower and the mortality rate was significantly

higher. PMID: 2209221

2000 - Shanghai - The increased mortality in

hepatitis B virus (HBV)/HAV

coinfected individuals is hypothesized to be the

result of T-cell-mediated

destruction of HBV-infected hepatocytes, enhanced

by acute HAV infection.

Following recovery from HAV there is an increase

in HBV expression and

activated cytotoxic cells and subsequent

cytolysis. Patients with chronic

HBV infection are clearly at considerable risk of

severe disease and

increased mortality in the event of HAV infection.

The period of greatest

risk is during the immunoeliminative phase of HBV

infection, which generally

occurs in early adulthood. PMID: 10870174

2000 - Patients infected with (HBV) have a higher

morbidity and mortality if

superinfected with (HAV). PMID: 10866842

2000 - Superinfection [HAV] commonly causes

markers of HBV and HCV

replication to fall to significantly lower levels.

PMID: 10866836

1990 - Lymph node enlargement as a sign of acute

hepatitis A in children. We

describe in all the hepatitis cases an enlargement

of lymph nodes located in

the hepatic hilum, pancreatic area and small

omentum: they appeared

hyperechogenic at the centre with hypoechogenic

outer layer. Such enlarged

lymph nodes were not observed in the controls.

PMID: 2159610

HAV - Autoimmune hepatitis in a genetically

susceptible patient: is it

triggered by acute viral hepatitis A? PMID:


HAV alone or in combination is responsible for

upto 50% of all FHF in

children. PMID: 10745331

Fulminant Hepatitis Associated with Hepatitis A

Virus Superinfection in

Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C.



The association of infective hepatitis type A

(HAV) and diabetes mellitus.

(DM) within 2-3 weeks of acute hepatitis A virus

(HAV) infection associated

with diabetic ketoacidosis are reported. The

ketoacidosis was considered an

index of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus most

likely precipitated by the

acute virus infection. PMID: 1295148

Picornaviruses include several important clinical

pathogens which cause

diseases varying from common cold to poliomyelitis

and hepatitis [HAV].

PMID: 10507327

1978 - Serologic evidence of hepatitis A and B

virus infections in

thalassemia patients. PMID: 664004

1993 - HAV - China - Plaque Formations - The

isolation and study of the

characteristics of a cytopathic strain of the

hepatitis A virus. (strain

MB-7). MB-7 was shown to have more homology with

HAV strains isolated in the

USA and China. PMID: 8073747

2000 - There have been conflicting reports of the

clinical outcome of acute

(HAV) infection in patients with chronic HCV

infection. The high frequency

of fulminant hepatitis in patients with HAV/HCV

coinfection contrasts with

other surveys, although a large Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention

(CDC) survey demonstrated that HAV infection in

patients with pre-existing

chronic liver disease (CLD) is associated with

increased mortality. PMID:




active hepatic cirrhosis,

fibrosing alveolitis,

pulmonary vasculitides,

chronic pneumonia,

cerebral vasculitis,

myocarditis and postmyocarditis cardiosclerosis,

necrotizing myositis,

Sjogren's syndrome,

mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis.

PMID: 9045368

1990 - Since 1965, when Blumberg discovered the

Australia antigen, the

hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), the research

on viral hepatitis has

rapidly progressed. Now it has been recognized

that HBV has no direct

cytopathic effect on hepatocytes and that

hepatocyte necrosis is associated

with the virus induced immunological reaction of

the host. PMID: 2199706

1970 - Cellular localisation of Australia antigen

in the liver of patients

with lymphoproliferative disorders. PMID: 4190180

1973 - " Myocarditis " and hepatitis B antigen.

PMID: 4751764

1975 - HBsAg was found in the saliva of both

children and adults, more

frequently during the first weeks after the onset

of illness. PMID: 1224534

1975 - Termination of HBV infection is viewed as

suppression of viral genome

rather than eradication of infected cells. PMID:


1975 - HBV Core - Patients with type B hepatitis

demonstrates the regular

occurrence of anti-HBc during the course of this

disease. PMID: 53010

1975 - Hepatitis B (Australia) antigen in

diabetics. PMID: 1138253

1975 - Determination of subtypes of HB antigen

(HBAg) according to D (ad +

y) and Y (ay +, d--) specificity. PMID: 57774

1975 - HBVayw = HCV1a? PMID: 1202956

1976 - Antibody against the hepatitis type B core

antigen. A new tool for

epidemiologic studies. PMID: 989260

1977 - Hepatitis B surface antigen in urine and

feces. PMID: 595147

1978 - HBS-antigen in synovial membrane and serum

of patients with various

joint diseases. PMID: 360667

1978 - HBV markers were more common in mongols,

epileptics, patients with

cerebral palsy, and those of lower mental grades

and reached a peak after

5-15 years of hospitalisation. PMID: 151573

1980 - Morphological similarities between B and

non-A, non-B hepatitis

viruses. PMID: 6168643

1980 - Concerning the value of hepatitis B antigen

recovery for prevention

of post-transfusion hepatitis. PMID: 7407658

1980 - Clinical association between HBV infection

and vasculitis. PMID:


1982 - First, it is important to be able to

reassure the patient with acute

viral hepatitis that the troubling symptoms which

he frequently fears are

due to rheumatoid arthritis, are self-limited, are

benign, and

will disappear. PMID: 6916753

1982 - Direct expression of hepatitis B surface

antigen in monkey cells from

an SV40 vector. PMID: 6301783

1987 - Primary hepatocellular carcinoma (PHC) was

associated with HBV

seropositivity in 80% of patients, and

postnecrotic (macronodular) cirrhosis

of the liver in 90% clearly indicating a strong

association between primary

liver cancer and HBV infections and liver

cirrhosis. PMID: 2822223

1990 - Serum samples from 62 women, inadvertently

infected with hepatitis B

virus in an in vitro fertilization program. PMID:


1992 - Serological markers of HBV infection were

detectable concomitantly in

[85.5%]cases who were anti-HCV positive. [China]

PMID: 1282451

1999 - Hepatitis B virus DNA is frequently found

in liver biopsy samples

from hepatitis C virus-infected chronic hepatitis

patients. UI: 98218043

1995 - Among hepatitis A to E viruses, hepatitis

B, C, and D viruses can

cause chronic hepatitis, in both children and

adults. HBV infection is the

most prevalent and important one. PMID: 10829942

1995 - liver damage and elevation of

aminotransferases occur during the

process of HBV clearance. PMID: 10829942

1995 - HBV - Core Mutations - Naturally occurring

hepatitis B virus core

gene mutations. Mutations in the hepatitis B virus

(HBV) core gene may

influence disease activity by altering immune

recognition sites or level of

virus replication. Most of the mutations were

clustered in the middle of the

core gene that harbor several major B- and helper

T-cell epitopes. Very few

mutations were found in the C-terminal part of the

core gene. In summary,

mutations in the core gene can be frequently

detected in patients with

chronic HBV infection. These mutations occur

predominantly around the time

of HBeAg clearance when liver disease is most

active. PMID: 7601433

2000 - HBV - HCV - The viral persistence produced

by escape mutations from

virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL)

response may lead to

upregulation of delayed-type hypersensitivity

immune response, which causes

hepatic tissue damage through non specific

macrophage activation and CTL

response and promotes pathogenesis of hepatic

fibrosis. PMID: 10834146

1999 - Extensive mutagenesis of the hepatitis B

virus core gene.


1999 - Hepatitis B Virus Mutants. Frequent

mutations detected in each of the

4 open reading frames of HBV. PMID: 10516463

1999 - 50 mV cm(-1), 50 Hz EF significantly

promotes the HBs-Ab secretion of

6B1 cells, implying that under this situation, EF

has some distinctive

effect on the outerface of 6B1 cell membrane.

(cell cycle Human

B-Lymphoblastoid) PMID: 10379556

1999 - Genetic transmission of hepatitis B on the

basis of molecular

genetics. PMID: 10322743

1976 - Down's Syndrome and HBV- genetic basis.

PMID: 139881

1996 - Chronic HBV - The average heritability in

the first, second and third

degree relatives was 79.68%. The analysis of

genetic model showed that HBsAg

carrier state was corresponded to the

characteristic of multifactorial

genetic disease, excluding the possibility of

genetic disease due to single

gene. PMID: 9208511

1999 - Factors predicting the presence of

esophageal or gastric varices in

patients with advanced liver disease [ALD]. The

causes of cirrhosis (mean

age, 48 yr) included, (6%) HBV, (25%) HCV, 28% HCV

/alcoholism. PMID:


1990 - The detection of hepatitis B virus DNA in

nerve tissue. The

investigation of cerebrospinal fluid and a

temporal lobe brain tissue,

showed the unquestionable presence of viral

nucleotide sequences in the

nervous tissue (about 9 viral genomes per cell).

Although a pathogenetic

role in the underlying neurologic disease cannot

be attributed to HBV, our

observation widens the spectrum of tissues where

HBV has been detected, and

supports the contention that there are replicative

extrahepatic foci where

the immunologic system of the host is permissive

for the virus. PMID:


1998 - Subclinical neurovisual impairment is a

frequent, largely

unrecognized complication of low-dose IFN therapy,

and patients with chronic

hepatitis B and older age appear to be most

susceptible. PMID: 9581701

1980 - Hepatitis B surface antigen in spinal

fluid. PMID: 6932562

1987 - Hepatitis B virus in human follicular

fluid. PMID: 3622802

Hepatitis B virus replication in the cerebrospinal

fluid in Guillain-Barre

syndrome. PMID: 1826782

1987 - Intra blood-cerebrospinal fluid-barrier

detection of hepatitis B

virus. PMID: 3619890

1987 - Transmission of hepatitis B virus by

artificial insemination. PMID:


1987 - Mechanical transmission from ticks to man

could occur by: (i)

contamination of a person when crushing infected

ticks; (ii) infection by

bite; (iii) contamination with coxal fluid,

especially by scratching bites.

PMID: 2979553

1987 - Role of Triatomidae [parasite] in the

transmission of infection by

hepatitis virus type B, in different clinical

forms of the disease. PMID:


1990 - HBV is the causative agent of

hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in man.

PMID: 2159110

1993 - Hepatitis B--the most important chronic

human viral infection. PMID:


1994 - Measurement of " surrogate " (HBV related)

HCV markers. PMID: 8083657

1995 - The mechanism of vertical chronic HBV

infection in human neonates may

involve changes in the T-cell response to the

virus that are induced in

utero. PMID: 7557848

1996 - HBV's x Region - DNA sequence requirements

for the activation of a

CATAAA polyadenylation signal within the hepatitis

B virus X reading frame:

rapid detection of truncated transcripts.

Integrated DNA which TATAAA is

removed- a template for truncated RNA virus

transcripts. PMID: 8806579

1998 - Chronic inflammatory demyelinating

polyneuropathy associated with

hepatitis B infection. PMID:10227761

HBV appeared to be the only selective abdominal

vagotomy affecting the

febrile responsiveness. We conclude, therefore,

that the hepatic vagus plays

an important role in the transduction of a

pyrogenic signal from the

periphery to the brain. PMID: 9688961

1999 - Hepatitis B and Pupil-Sparing Oculomotor

Nerve Paresis. PMID:


1999 - Neuropathies secondary to vasculitis,

vasculitis limited to the

peripheral nervous system and vasculitis

associated with infections such as

HIV and hepatitis B. PMID: 10528334

1999 - The current data suggest that HBV

co-infects frequently with HCV and

may play an important role in the development of

HCC in HCV-infected

patients. PMID: 10036965

Reciprocal inverse relation between HBV and HCV

replication. PMID: 8224658

In patients with dual infection, HBV and HCV exert

an alternative, dominant

replication. PMID: 10718938

2000 - The clinical picture of acute hepatitis B

in anti-HCV-positive

patients corresponded to HBV monoinfection with

prolonged intoxication and a

more benign biochemical course. Virus interference

may be responsible for

successive alternative dominant replication of HBV

and HCV. PMID: 10867993

Multiple infection [HBV and HCV] is associated

with a decrease of HCV

replication. PMID: 10718938

2000 - Patients infected with (HBV) have a higher

morbidity and mortality if

superinfected with (HAV). PMID: 10866842

2000 - HAV - Superinfection commonly causes

markers of HBV and HCV

replication to fall to significantly lower levels.

PMID: 10866836

Among patients with dual infection, HCV RNA was

present less frequently in

those with serological markers of active HBV

infection than in those without

(30% vs 79%). PMID: 10718938

Factors significantly associated with antibody to

hepatitis C virus

seropositivity included antibody to hepatitis B

core antigen, a history of

blood transfusion, and needlestick injuries. 1993.

PMID: 7694529

1998 - Screening for antibody to hepatitis B core

antigen or HBV DNA may

also detect blood donors infected with HBsAg

mutant forms of HBV. PMID:


1991 - HBV... seroconverted to anti-HCV PMID:


Anti-HCV correlated with both alanine

aminotransferase level and the

presence or absence of antibody to hepatitis B

core antigen. 1990. PMID:


Transmission of viral hepatitis, type B, by plasma

derivatives. PMID:


Occult hepatitis B infection occurs frequently in

patients with chronic

hepatitis C liver disease and may have clinical

significance. PMID: 10387938

1995 - 80.0% of cirrhotics had evidence of both

HBV and HCV infection. PMID:


HCV and occult HBV infections account for the

majority of cryptogenic HCC

cases in the United States. PMID: 8875608

DNA methylation could account for the selective

expression of HBV genes in

this hepatoma cell line. PMID: 6302693

Acute hepatitis C in patients with concurrent

chronic HBV infection is

associated with a substantial risk of fulminant

hepatitis. PMID: 10486374

(HBV and HCV) superinfection with these two

hepatitis viruses. PMID: 8396658

HBV in lymphoma cells of extrahepatic origin.

PMID: 9619601

Hepatitis B and C infections were found to be

likely causes of human hepatic

or splenic disease. PMID: 10578634

1999 - Behcet's disease (BD), being a systemic

vasculitis of unknown

aetiology, is associated with previous HBV

infection. PMID: 10587560

Reactivation of hepatitis B but not hepatitis C in

patients with malignant

lymphoma and immunosuppressive therapy. PMID:


Extrahepatic syndromes of viral hepatitis B.

rheumatoid arthritis PMID:


Lichen planus following hepatitis B vaccination.

1999. PMID: 10561062

HBV DNA can be detected from nail clippings of HBs

Ag positive patients.

PMID: 10812896

HBx stimulated the transcription of vascular

endothelial growth factor

(VEGF), a potent angiogenic factor, in HBx-stable

transfectants. 2000. PMID:


2000 - Antiviral chemotherapy for the treatment of

hepatitis B virus

infections. Approximately 5% of the world's human

population have an

increased risk for developing liver cancer and

cirrhosis as a direct

consequence of chronic infection with the

hepatitis B virus (HBV). Antiviral

chemotherapy remains the only option for

controlling infection in these

individuals, for whom the current licensed

hepatitis B vaccines provide no

benefit. Interferon (IFN)-alpha has proven benefit

in a well-defined group

of those with hepatitis B but has made little

impact on the global burden of

chronic liver disease. PMID: 10868900

2000 - Chronic (HBV) infection is a leading cause

of cirrhosis and

hepatocellular carcinoma worldwide. Its prevalence

approaches 10% in

hyperendemic areas, such as southeast Asia, China,

and Africa. PMID:


2000 - In hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular

carcinoma (HCC), at least

20-40 years of continuous necro-inflammation is

necessary for the

hepato-carcinogenesis to occur. However, HCC in

childhood shows an unusually

short latent period and rapid progression. PMID:


A synergistic effect on [HCC] risk was observed

when both hepatitis B and C

viral markers were present in peripheral blood (10

cases vs. no controls).

PMID: 2161463

2000 - These findings suggest that the depressed

function of DC [dendritic

cells] is associated with pathogenesis of HCC with

HBV or HCV infection.

PMID: 10824889

1988 - Close evolutionary relatedness of the

hepatitis B virus and murine

leukemia virus polymerase gene sequences.

Hepadnaviruses do not integrate

into cellular DNA as a necessary step in their

replication cycle. PMID:


1989 - Spliced RNA as the possible template for

the synthesis of HBV reverse

transcriptase is discussed. PMID: 2476567

1989 - These data show that the instability of

integrated hepatitis B virus

DNA would also occur in somatic cells during

replication, apart from

meiosis, which was previously reported. PMID:


1989 - At the early period of convalescence from

viral hepatitis 65% of

persons showed disorders of the functional state

of the bile tracts. The

frequency of involvement of the biliary system did

not depend on the

etiological form of hepatitis. PMID: 2609567

1991 - Hepatitis B defective virus with

rearrangements in the preS gene

during chronic HBV infection. Therefore, such

deletions would potentially

lead to an impairment in viral clearance without

affecting viral

penetration in liver cells, possibly accounting

for chronic HBV infection.

PMID: 1853561

1991 - Hepatitis B surface antigenaemia in

patients with malignant

lymphoproliferative disorders. The results suggest

an association between

Hepatitis B surface antigenaemia and malignant


disorders. PMID: 1811350

1994 - HBV - Hepatitis B virus antigens in

peripheral blood mononuclear

cells during the course of viral infection. PMID:


1994 - HBV - The DNA sequence representing HBV

infection was detected in the

tissue of liver (100%), gallbladder (85.7%),

spleen (75.0%), kidney (72.7%)

adrenal gland (66.7%), heart (55.6%), testicle

(55.6%), pancreas (54.5%)

respectively. PMID: 7956560

2000 - HBV - Core gene deletion mutants of (HBV)

have been identified in

adults. Core gene deletion mutants appeared

preferably in children acquiring

HBV by horizontal transmission. PMID: 10869299

1994 - HBV - Breast-feeding by mothers with

positive serum hepatitis B virus

test. There were significantly higher rate of milk

HBV transmission from

mothers with serum positive HBsAg, HBeAg and

anti-HBc or either one of them

than those with positive for anti-HBs and/or

anti-HBe. PMID: 7712869

1996 - The analysis of genetic model showed that

HBsAg carrier state was

corresponded to the characteristic of

multifactorial genetic disease,

excluding the possibility of genetic disease due

to single gene. PMID:


2000 - HBV in the family - a mean rate of the

infection among the virus

carrier family members of 20.70%. PMID: 10870933

1999 - Simultaneous screening for HBV DNA and HCV

RNA genomes in blood

donations using a novel TaqMan PCR assay. PMID:


1999 - Distinct Export Pathway Utilized by HBV


Regulatory Element [PRE]. The PRE of HBV is an RNA

element important for the

export of viral mRNA from the nucleus to the

cytoplasm. PMID: 10388654

1999 - Primary pulmonary hypertension [PPH] in

cirrhosis of liver. Hepatitis

B and C viruses being the etiologies. PMID:


1999 - Our results show that cross-reactive

immunity targeting homologous

sequences of viral and self proteins may partly

account for autoantibody

production in HBV infection. PMID: 9973445

1999 - Hepatitis as the presenting symptom of

childhood systemic lupus

erythematosus. Each patient with a diagnosis of

autoimmune hepatitis in

childhood who exhibits abnormal HBV serology must

be evaluated for a

possible diagnosis of SLE. PMID: 10770126

2000 - A striking difference was found in the

prevalence of TTV between

healthy children and patients with chronic HBV or

HCV infection. However,

based on these results, TTV alone or as

coinfection does not seem to cause

or exacerbate liver damage in childhood. PMID:


2000 - Urine from chronic hepatitis B virus

carriers: Implications for

infectivity. PMID: 10568757


1973 - Hepatitis B antigen (Australia antigen) in

the urine. PMID: 4794443

2000 - Research on (HBV) infection in vivo has

been limited due to the

absence of a suitable animal model. PMID: 10792989

2000 - This study confirms that ribavirin may be

considered a therapeutic

option in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B.

PMID: 10863856

2000 - Molecular mechanisms of latent hepatitis B

virus infection in

anti-HBc positive healthy individuals without

HBsAg. Previously, patients

with a positive HBV (* hepatitis B virus) core

antibody test and a negative

surface antigen test indicated past or resolved

HBV infection. Yet, it has

been observed that some liver transplant

recipients developed acute HBV

infection even when the donor was negative for

surface antigen and positive

for core antibody. " the majority of healthy

individuals positive for

anti-HBc [antibody to hepatitis B core] but

negative for HBsAg [hepatitis B

surface antigen], which had been assumed to denote

a past history of

transient HBV infection, were latently infected

with the episomal form of

HBV accompanied with ongoing viral replication and

few nucleotide mutations

in the pre-core and core regions. " Digestive

Disease Week 2000; May 21-24,

2000; San Diego, California.

2000 - Obligatory vaccination of the risk

population against virus B remains

the only prevention against this severe disease.

PMID: 10895548

2000 - HLA class II genotypes -

DRB1*0701-DQA1*0201-DQB1*02 haplotype is

associated with both chronic infection and

response to alpha-interferon.

Interestingly, the same haplotype is reportedly

associated with non-response

to hepatitis B vaccination. PMID: 10902974

1999 - Reconstructing the complex evolutionary

history of hepatitis B virus.

A detailed analysis of the evolutionary history of

(HBV) was undertaken

using 39 mammalian hepadnaviruses for which

complete genome sequences were

available, including representatives of all six

human genotypes, as well as

a large sample of small S gene sequences.

Phylogenetic trees of these data

were ambiguous, supporting no single place of

origin for HBV, and depended

heavily on the underlying model of DNA

substitution. Both the pattern and

the rate of nucleotide substitution are therefore

complex phenomena in HBV

and hinder any attempt to reconstruct the past

spread of this virus. PMID:


2000 - First-degree relatives of patients with

HBV-related HCC appear to be

at increased risk of HCC and should be considered

in the formulation of

HCC-screening programs. PMID: 10904089

2000 - Inactivation of HBx, a sequence that is

conserved in mammalian

hepadnaviruses and found in all HBV transcripts,

has potential for the

treatment of chronic HBV infection. PMID: 10905598

2000 - Chronic infection with (HBV) is endemic to

sub-Saharan Africa and

parts of Asia. PMID: 10905598

2000 - Nearly 25% of deaths between 30 and 40

years of age in Uzbekistan are

due to hepatitis B. PMID: 10908017

2000 - Factors predictive of liver cirrhosis in

patients with chronic

hepatitis B: Chronic (HBV) infection may lead to

liver cirrhosis; however,

factors associated with the development of

cirrhosis have been incompletely

studied. Patients who were elderly, male, diabetic

or had a history of

persistent and histologically severe hepatitis

were at increased risks of

liver cirrhosis. Aggressive anti-viral therapy may

be needed for these

patients and they should be closely monitored for

HBV-related late

complications. PMID: 10912490

2000 - Enhanced Replication Contributes to

Enrichment of Hepatitis B Virus

with a Deletion in the Core Gene. Accumulation in

immunosuppressed patients

of (HBV) with a deletion in the C gene is

associated with severe liver

disease. Emergence of C gene deletion variants in

vivo may be due to

enhanced replication mediated at the level of

encapsidation or reverse

transcription. If the variants constitute a small

part of the ccc DNA, they

can be fully trans-complemented by wild-type virus

which may increase the

overall virus production. PMID: 10915599

2000 - Some anti-HBe-positive patients continue to

have active liver disease

and they should be tested for HBV DNA by

hybridization assay to determine

whether the disease results from replicative

precore mutant HBV infection or

other causes of liver disease, such as

superinfection with HCV and HDV. HCV,

however, replaces HBV as the dominant cause of

chronic viral hepatitis.

PMID: 10921378

1999 - More than third of world's population has

been infected with

hepatitis B virus. PMID: 10221961



1990 - Both HDV and HBV could replicate in the

same hepatocyte

simultaneously. PMID: 2213954

1995 - Absence of HBV markers does not rule out

hepatitis D. PMID: 10829945

1997 - Chronic HDV always requires co-infection

with hepatitis B. PMID:


1997 - Another model of virus-induced autoimmunity

in man is chronic HDV

which always requires co-infection with hepatitis

B. PMID: 8781898

1998 - 33% Delta Ab-positive apparently healthy

persons tested negative for

both HBsAg and HBcAb. PMID: 10892421

In patients with multiple hepatotropic viral

infections (B and C, or B, C

and D), the reciprocal influence of each virus

remains controversial. PMID:


2000 - HDV superinfection is one of the major

causes of fulminant hepatitis

in endemic areas of (HBV) infection. Currently,

there is no effective

treatment or vaccine against HDV superinfection.

PMID: 10869296



1996 - HGV and GBV agents - discovery of 4 new

hepatitis viruses,

provisionally named HGV and GBV agents (GBV-A,

GBV-B, and GBV-C). The new

viruses are members of family Flaviviridae, and

are closely related to

(HCV). The viruses are transmitted parenterally,

similar to HCV and (HBV),

Chronic infection is common and can lead to

cirrhosis. Some chronic

hepatitis cases caused by these viruses respond to

interferon treatment. The

viruses can coinfect with HCV and/or HBV. PMID:


1996 - Preliminary studies show that the

prevalence of GBV agents and HGV

are alarmingly high in blood donors in the United

States, Europe, Africa and

Japan. PMID: 9031405

1997 - Hepatitis G virus should be considered a

world-wide health concern.

PMID: 9347963

1997 - The prevalence of HGV ranges... to 10%

among blood donors throughout

the world and is found in 1.7% of volunteer blood

donors in the United

States. PMID: 9265860

2000 - HGV infection is more common than HCV

infection and is frequently

found in healthy individuals. HGV transmission

from viremic mothers occurred

in 75.0%-80.0% of the cases. HGV did not seem to

induce hepatitis in the

children. PMID: 10825044

Concomitant GBV-C/HGV and HBV or HCV infection

does not worsen the clinical

course of illness among patients with acute

hepatitis. PMID: 10745233

GBV-C/HGV is found frequently in coinfection with

HCV. PMID: 10440807

GBV-C/hepatitis G virus is primarily a

lymphotropic virus. PMID: 10745232

HGV is unlikely to play a significant role in

liver disease in man. PMID:


Chronic C hepatitis coinfected with HGV. PMID:


HGV, Close similarity of the virus with HCV. PMID:


HGV RNA was significantly associated with

hepatitis C. PMID: 9180167

Hepatitis G and hepatitis C RNA viruses coexisting

in cryoglobulinemia.

pathogenetic role of hepatitis G and its

relationship to malignancy remain

to be elucidated. PMID: 9598893

1997 - Bone marrow aplasia and hepatitis G virus:

what relation? PMID:


The prevalence of GBV-C/HGV markers was

significantly higher in the

anti-HCV-positive group than in the sero-negative

group. PMID: 10706800

Concomitant GBV-C/HGV and HBV or HCV infection

does not worsen the clinical

course of illness among patients with acute

hepatitis. PMID: 10745233

Hepatitis BsAg was associated with HGV infection

but hepatitis C antibody

was not. PMID: 9833751

Genomic variability of hepatitis G virus/GBV-C at

the NS3 region: clinical

implications. A high degree of heterogeneity was

found for HGV existing as

quasispecies and as differences between samples.

This is of extreme

importance because of the intrinsic clinical and

pathogenic implications of

quasispecies of a virus capable of producing

disease, and is in accord with

other studies which report on the genomic

variability of the NS3 region.

PMID: 10817517

The occurrence of a bifunctional coding region in

HGV was also supported by

its extremely lower rate of synonymous nucleotide

substitutions compared to

that observed in the other gene regions of the HGV

genome. Analysis of the

amino acid sequence that was deduced from the

putative overlapping gene

revealed a high content of basic residues and the

presence of a nuclear

targeting signal; these characteristics suggest

that a core-like protein may

be expressed by this novel ORF. PMID: 10754072

2000 - Detection of active hepatitis C virus and

hepatitis G virus/GB virus

C replication in bone marrow in human subjects.

HCV and HGV can replicate in

bone marrow; in the case of HGV, analysis of serum

may underestimate the

true prevalence of infection.PMID: 10845938

1998 - HGV may be associated with cryoglobulins.

Since our series is small,

the pathogenetic role of hepatitis G and its

relationship to malignancy

remain to be elucidated. PMID: 9598893

1998 - GBV-C - China - Results showed that among

the clinical patients with

HBV, HCV, nonA-E and HCC, HGV infection rates were

9%, 10%, 17%, 0%

respectively, suggesting that HGV is a hepatitis

virus with pervasive

existence and has high superimposition infection

rate with HBV and HCV but

with little connection with HCC. PMID: 10921116

1998 - China - HGV infection in a rural

population. The anti-HGV prevalence

rate was 12.9%. The prevalence rate of HBV

infection was 64.9%. The HCV

infection rate was 15.3%. The anti-HGV positive

rate of wives with anti-HGV

positive husbands was 53.3%, significantly higher

than that of those with

anti-HGV negative husbands (7.8%). The

epidemiological characteristics of

HGV infection are different from those of HBV and

HCV. HGV is transmitted by

blood and sex, and does not seem to cause liver

damage. PMID: 10923441

2000 - Turkey - We concluded that hepatitis-G

virus does not seem to be in

association with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Medical

Oncology (2000) 17, 123-126

PMID: 10871818

2000 - Taiwan - HGV infection is common in the HCV

endemic village. HGV

clearance is frequently encountered in females.

Co-infection of HGV does not

compound hepatocellular inflammation. PMID:


HHV - Human Herpes Virus


1999 - Herpesvirus DNA is frequently detected in

liver tissue from hepatitis

C patients. PMID: 10548125



1995 - It has been estimated that presently

hepatitis B kills more people

every day than AIDS kills in a year world-wide.

PMID: 10829939

2000 - The relationship between HCV RNA increase

and HIV RNA decrease

indicates virus-virus interference. An HCV RNA

increase may cause

significant liver damage only in a minority of

patients. PMID: 10837187

2000 - Survival of deceased AIDS patients was not

affected by the presence

of HBV and HCV co-infections. The prevalence of

HCV antibodies was 13.8%.

Greece. PMID: 10841086

2000 - Combination therapy with IFN and ribavirin

is effective in 50% of

cases in clearing serum HCV RNA and may thus

provide effective means of

therapy in HIV-HCV-coinfected patients as initial

treatment or in patients

who have previously failed IFN monotherapy. PMID:


2000 - HBsAg as the antigen component of

circulating immune complexes in

HIV-infected patients. Our results suggest that

HBsAg is commonly associated

in immune complexes formed in the sera of

HIV-infected patients and that

they may simultaneously contain HIV and HBsAg in

patients coinfected with

both agents. PMID: 10840593

2000 - USA - HIV testing. (74%) were men who have

sex with men (MSM). PMID:


2000 - More severe biological and histological

parameters were observed

among HIV-HCV coinfected patients, which suggests

a need to study whether

HIV infection is associated with a worsening

course of chronic hepatitis C.

PMID: 10898321

1999 - 250,000 Americans are now suffering from

AIDS. Biomedical

Revitalization Resolution of 1999 (Introduced in

the House) 106th CONGRESS

1st Session H. RES. 89.


2000 - Prospective studies of HCWs have estimated

that the average risk for

HIV transmission after a percutaneous exposure is

approximately 0.3%, the

risk of HBV transmission is 6 to 30%, and the risk

of HCV transmission is

approximately 1.8%. PMID: 10885983



Picornaviruses include several important clinical

pathogens which cause

diseases varying from common cold to poliomyelitis

and hepatitis [HAV].

PMID: 10507327

Schistosoma Mansoni


A species of trematode worm that parasitises

humans and that (like s.

Japonicum) causes liver and gastrointestinal tract

disease. See



soma+mansoni+ & action=Searc


2000 - Inhibition of Hepatitis B Virus Replication

during Schistosoma

mansoni Infection in Transgenic Mice. Although

coinfection of (HBV) and

Schistosoma mansoni is a frequent event in humans,

little is known about the

interactions between these two pathogens. S.

mansoni infection induces T

helper cell type 2 (Th2)-type cytokines in the

liver of humans and mice. The

intrahepatic induction of nitric oxide (NO) and

Th1-type cytokines, such as

interferon (IFN)-gamma and IFN-alpha/beta,

inhibits HBV replication

noncytopathically in the liver of transgenic mice.

PMID: 10899915



Disease (bilharzia) caused by digenetic trematode

worms of the genus

Schistosoma, the adults of which live in the

urinary or mesenteric blood

vessels. Eggs shed by the female worms pass to the

outside in the urine or

faeces, but many also lodge in and obstruct the

blood flow in the liver.

Eosinophils seem to be particularly important in

the killing of the invasive

larval stage (schistosomulum). Evasion of the

host's immune response by

adult schistosomes seems to involve the

acquisition of a coat of host cell

surface material by the parasite.





1999 - TTV: a new hepatitis virus?

Transfusion-transmitted virus. PMID:


1998 - The result suggests that TTV may be the

cause of some cryptogenic

liver diseases. Lancet, 1998; 352: 195-87.

The clinical significance of TTV infection in

patients with chronic

hepatitis C has not been determined. TTV infection

was present in (27%) HCV

patients. TTV was present in (56%) in those with

HCC. 1) TTV infection is

common in patients with chronic HCV; 2) TTV

infection is more prevalent

among patients with advanced HCV-associated liver

disease (DC and HCC) than

in those with stable disease (CH and CC); and 3)

TTV infection is more

common in patients with HCV genotype 1b. PMID:


High prevalence of (TTV) in naive chimpanzees and

in hepatitis C

virus-infected humans: frequent mixed infections

and identification of new

TTV genotypes in chimpanzees. (TTV), is prevalent

in humans. In the present

study, the genetic heterogeneity of TTV was

evaluated in hepatitis C virus

(HCV)-infected patients and in chimpanzees. TTV

DNA was detected by PCR in

serum samples from all [10] HCV-infected patients

studied; at least five

major TTV genotypes, all previously identified in

humans, were recovered.

[8] patients were infected with multiple variants

of TTV. TTV DNA was

detected by PCR in serum samples from 11 (65%) of

17 naive chimpanzees bred

in captivity; a persistent infection was present

in 3 of 6 animals. PMID:


TT virus infection may not cause severe hepatitis,

such as fulminant hepatic

failure, but it may indicate a poor outcome in

such patients. PMID: 10535486

A reciprocal interaction was suggested between TTV

and HCV replication.

PMID: 10596018

TTV infection is common in patients with chronic

HCV. PMID: 10520863

TTV infection is more common in patients with HCV

genotype 1b but is

independent from genotype in predicting the stage

of HCV-associated liver

disease. PMID: 10520863

TTV infection is very common in patients with

chronic HCV infection, it has

no identifiable clinical significance. PMID:


TTV Positivity and Transfusion History in Non-B,

Non-C Hepatocellular

Carcinoma Compared with HBV- and HCV-Positive

Cases. TTV in 77.8% of

HBV-positive, 36.4% of HCV-positive, and 63.6% of

non-B, non-C cases of HCC.

The association between TTV and HCC was limited,

and the main route of

infection of TTV was not through transfusion.

PMID: 10773732

Existence of TT Virus DNA in Extracellular Body

Fluids from Normal Healthy

Japanese Subjects. TTV DNA was detected in sera

from (59.0%) normal

subjects. TTV DNA was also detected in saliva,

stool, semen and tears from

all cases with TTV-DNA-positive serum, but not in

body fluids from subjects

with TTV-DNA-negative serum. TTV DNA remained

undetected in urine and sweat

from all cases. PMID: 10773733

2000 - A striking difference was found in the

prevalence of TTV between

healthy children and patients with chronic HBV or

HCV infection. However,

based on these results, TTV alone or as

coinfection does not seem to cause

or exacerbate liver damage in childhood. PMID:


2000 - PBMC - TTV - TTV appeared to infect not

only the serum and liver, but

also the peripheral blood mononuclear cells

(PBMC). We investigated the

prevalence of TTV DNA in human hematopoietic

cells, based on 84 mononuclear

cell samples obtained from the bone marrow or

lymph nodes of patients with

hematopoietic malignancies including leukemia,

malignant lymphoma and

aplastic anemia. showed no evidence supporting the

fact that the TTV genomes

are integrated into the human hematopoietic cell

genomes, thus suggesting

their existence as episomal forms. PMID: 10830749

2000 - TTV - Detection of Transfusion transmitted

virus in hepatic and extra

hepatic tissues. (TTV) in the liver and extra

hepatic tissues. TTV DNA was

detected in livers, kidneys, spleens, intestines,

and stomachs. TTV can

infect hepatic and ex-hepatic tissues and may

cause persistent infection.

PMID: 10880161

2000 - High prevalence of TT virus DNA in human

saliva and semen. Presence

of TTV in body fluids other than serum may affect

the routes of viral

transmission. PMID: 10835017

2000 - Detection of TT Virus Infection in

HCV-Infected Blood Donors from

Southwestern China. PMID: 10895100.

2000 - China - These results show that prevalence

of TTV was high in blood

donors and hospitalized patients, and isolated TTV

infection is not related

to significant ALT elevation. PMID: 10847129

2000 - We conclude that TTV is unrelated to the

development of

hepatocellular carcinoma in Black Africans. PMID:


2000 - TTV Japan - HBV is associated with a

substantial proportion of non-B,

non-C HCC cases in Japan. The role of HBV in

hepatocarcinogenesis in such

patients needs to be clarified. PMID: 10837171

2000 - Although TTV was initially thought to be a

new hepatitis virus, it is

still unclear whether it causes hepatitis. In

cases of chronic hepatitis, no

correlation was observed between the serum TTV DNA

titres and the ALT

levels. PMID: 10879595

2000 - Detection of TT virus DNA in patients with

liver disease and

recipients of liver transplant. After liver

transplantation, the prevalence

of TTV DNA increased from 16 to 46%. TTV had

considerable genomic diversity

in the N22 region, corresponding to at least 4

genotypes. Genotype 2 was

found in [50%] patients. PMID: 10897063

2000 - TTV + HCC - TTV does not seem to contribute

to the development of HCC

from chronic liver disease and is not correlated

with severity of liver

disease. PMID: 10902976

2000 - TTV - Biliary excretion of TT virus.

Replication of TTV may occur in

other organs as well as in the liver. PMID:


2000 - TTV is a widely spread infectious agent

with a weak pathogenicity. It

raises the possibility, however, that TTV might be

implicated in a few cases

of acute and chronic non A-non G hepatitis. PMID:




2000 - There is often no correlation between HCV

antigen expression and the

degree of liver cell injury, although patients

with lower levels of antigen

expression are more likely to respond to

interferon therapy. PMID: 10895434

2000 - Patients with chronic hepatitis C infection

should be assessed by

liver biopsy prior to consideration of anti-viral

therapy. Patients with

histologically mild disease should be observed at

regular intervals and

assessed with a repeat liver biopsy after an

interval of 3-4 years. Those

with severe disease should receive early treatment

with interferon-alpha and

ribavirin. The duration of therapy is determined

by the genotype of the

infecting virus-viral genotypes 2 and 3 require

only 6 months of treatment

but other genotypes should be treated for 12

months. Approximately 35-40% of

treated patients will respond to therapy with a

permanent cessation of viral

replication and improvement in liver histology.

PMID: 10890320

2000 - Genotype and viral load as prognostic

indicators in the treatment of

hepatitis C. Interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha), either

alone or in combination

with ribavirin, is the standard treatment for

patients with hepatitis C.

However, most patients do not achieve a sustained

remission with this

treatment regimen. A number of studies have

demonstrated that genotype,

baseline viral load and/or a decrease in viral

load early after treatment

induction are the major predictive factors for

response to treatment with

IFN. Patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV)

genotype 1 are more resistant to

treatment with IFN, whereas low viral load at

baseline and a marked decline

in the HCV RNA level during the first 2-12 weeks

of IFN therapy are

associated with enhanced treatment efficacy. PMID:


2000 - HCV patients with minimally raised ALT

values (</=1.3 x ULN) weigh

less, and have lower histologic inflammatory

scores than patients with more

conventionally elevated ALT levels. Despite these

differences, these

patients have a similar sustained response to

antiviral therapy. PMID:


1998 - 2008 - A multitude of molecules aimed at

key HCV targets are in

preclinical development. Experts interviewed for

this study express

particular interest in protease inhibitors,

helicase inhibitors, polymerase

inhibitors, ribozymes, and HCV vaccines. During

our 1998-2008 forecast

period, we expect physicians to take a more

aggressive tack with patients

who have mild disease, and to offer long-term

interferon therapy to patients

in whom other options have failed. Decision

Resources Evaluates New

Developments in Treating Hepatitis C Virus


http://www.dresources.com 06/07/2000 11:50 EDT


2000 - Antiviral therapy of HBV- and HCV-induced

liver cirrhosis. Antiviral

therapy is generally indicated in patients who

have histologic evidence of

chronic hepatitis and ongoing viral replication.

The aim of treatment is to

normalize alanine aminotransferase levels and to

eliminate virus

replication. PMID: 10777179

2000 - Antiviral treatment is debated for patients

without fibrosis in

initial biopsy specimens. PMID: 10831269

2000 - Antiviral therapy of chronic hepatitis B

remains a major clinical

problem worldwide. PMID: 10788594

2000 - HBV - As no specific treatment is

available, greatest emphasis is

placed on prevention through immunization. PMID:


2000 - HBV - Famciclovir 500 mg three times daily

may offer an alternative

to alpha-interferon for treatment for chronic

hepatitis B. Anti-HBe

seroconversion in the famciclovir 500-mg tid group

suggests that 16 weeks

treatment has the potential for HBV clearance.

PMID: 10898322

2000 - IFNa - In the initial treatment of chronic

hepatitis C,

interferon-alfa (IFN-alpha) monotherapy for 24-48

weeks induces sustained

response rates of only 10-20%. Combination therapy

with IFN-alpha plus

ribavirin induces a sustained response in 40-50%

of patients. PMID: 10921396

2000 - IFN - A sustained virological response

should be checked at more than

3 months after the completion of therapy. Even

though the risk of HCC is

markedly reduced in sustained responders, it is

possible to develop HCC

several years after completion of IFN therapy.

PMID: 10921398

1999 - There are no remarkably effective

treatments for chronic hepatitis C

in general use. Interferon and antivirals have

less than a 30% response rate

and because of the residual viremia, a newly

transplanted liver usually

becomes infected again. Ultimately, residual HCV

viremia infects the new

liver. Liver transplantation can be painful,

disabling and extremely costly.

PMID: 10554539

1999 - The decision to treat chronic HCV must be

made in collaboration with

other medical experts in hepatology and antiviral

therapy, and it must be

made with knowledge and understanding of all

facets of the disease process

and adverse effects of therapy. PMID: 10865530

1999 - Current therapy for chronic (HCV) infection

is based on the

administration of interferon alpha (IFN) alone or

in combination with other

anti-viral agents. However, such therapy is

effective in only a minority of

selected patients. PMID: 10533795

2000 - Treatment of hepatitis C with interferon

and ribavirin. Hepatitis C

is a worldwide problem that frequently results in

end-stage liver disease

and its complications. Hepatitis C is now entering

the era of multidrug

antiviral therapy. Ribavirin is an orally active

synthetic guanosine

analogue with theoretical antiviral and

immunomodulatory actions. In naive

patients the combination results in improved

end-of-treatment and sustained

response rates, with an overall 41% sustained

virological response rate in

patients treated for 48 weeks. PMID: 10921409

2000 - Qualitative assessment of HCV RNA during

treatment is the strongest

predictor of sustained response during interferon

or combination therapy for

chronic hepatitis C. PMID: 10845673

2000 - Data indicate that alcohol will induce and

worsen liver damage and,

in subjects with chronic liver disease who

continue to drink, adversely

affect their response to treatment. PMID: 10869251

2000 - This observation suggests that IFN in

combination with ribavirin may

offer an effective therapeutic option for liver

transplant patients with

severe recurrent hepatitis C. PMID: 10830239

2000 - This study confirms that ribavirin may be

considered a therapeutic

option in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B.

PMID: 10863856

2000 - Interferon-alpha (IFNalpha) plays a crucial

role in the

antiproliferation and immunoregulatory activity

through the specific cell

surface receptor, interferon-alpha/beta receptor

(IFNalpha/betaR). PMID:


2000 - HLA class II genotypes associated with

chronic hepatitis C virus

infection and response to alpha-interferon

treatment in Poland. Recent

evidence suggests that spontaneous clearance of

(HCV) may be associated with

the HLA DQB1*0301 allele but there is still some

debate over the role of

other alleles and HLA haplotypes in HCV infection.

DRB1*0701-DQA1*0201-DQB1*02 haplotype is

associated with both chronic

infection and response to alpha-interferon.

Interestingly, the same

haplotype is reportedly associated with

non-response to hepatitis B

vaccination. PMID: 10902974

1999 - Elderly patient. HCV correlated hepatitis

is a pathology on the

increase, and it is especially affecting patients

above 60 years old. The

only treatment for this disease is therapy with

different types of

interferon. Even in cases where there could be a

possible higher exposure to

side-effects linked to the use of recombinant

interferon alpha, still, the

risk/benefit ratio suggests that this particular

drug should be used for

treating this pathology in elderly patients. PMID:


2000 - Combination - Five baseline factors were

found to be associated with

a sustained HCV virologic response. Those

favorable factors were female

gender (sex), age less than 40 years at the time

of HCV infection, lower

baseline HCV viral load (3.5 million copies per

milliliter or less), no or

minimal fibrosis (scarring) on liver biopsy ( " F0 "

or " F1 " fibrosis scores)

and HCV genotypes 2 or 3. Digestive Disease Week

2000. McHutchison, MD.

Harvey S. Bartnof, MD

2000 - Hemolytic Anemia Induced by Ribavirin

Therapy in Patients With

Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection: PMID:


2000 - (HCV) RNA status and HCV genotype have

become important tools in the

diagnosis and monitoring of therapy in chronic HCV

infection. PMID: 10849261

1999 - (HCV) genotyping has been shown to predict

response to interferon,

but is expensive. HCV serotyping is less expensive

and simpler, and may be

similarly useful. PMID: 10850384

1999 - Genotype does not affect pattern of HCV RNA

decrease among responders

during interferon treatment of chronic hepatitis

C. We assessed differences

in the pattern of HCV RNA decrease for HCV

genotypes 1, 2, and 3 during

interferon treatment to determine if the lower

response rates observed among

genotype 1 patients were related to a slower

decrease in HCV clearance. In

summary, both genotype and ultimate response to

treatment are determinants

of the pattern and rate of serum HCV RNA change

during interferon therapy of

chronic hepatitis C. PMID: 10850385

2000 - Comparison between three quantitative

assays in patients with chronic

hepatitis C and their relevance in the prediction

of response to therapy.

SUPERQUANT was the most sensitive assay and this

greater sensitivity was

associated with a better predictive value of

treatment response. PMID:


2000 - Pretreatment symptoms and dosing regimen

predict side-effects of

interferon therapy for hepatitis C. Patient

characteristics, including

pretreatment symptoms, gender and nationality, as

well as daily IFN dosing

are associated with the development of

debilitating adverse effects on IFN

therapy. PMID: 10849263

1999 - The involvement of different genes in

various HLA subregions suggests

that anti-HCV responses are modulated by a complex

gene interplay rather

than by single alleles. PMID: 10094975

1999 - Evolution of viral quasispecies in

interferon-treated patients with

chronic hepatitis C virus infection. These

mutations may allow hepatitis C

virus to escape antiviral effects of interferon

therapy. PMID: 10551384

1999 - Recent studies have shown that iron

influences the response of

chronic hepatitis C to treatment and the natural

history of hepatitis C. It

is likely that therapies for chronic hepatitis C

which either remove iron or

interfere with the action of iron at the cellular

level may not only prove

useful clinically but may also elucidate further

the mechanisms of cellular

injury in this disease. PMID: 10535273

2000 - Hepatic iron concentration has consistently

been observed as being

directly correlated with the response to

interferon therapy in chronic

(HCV). Although prior phlebotomy therapy does not

improve the rate of

sustained response to interferon retreatment, it

does result in less liver

injury manifested by a decrease in serum

transaminase activity and a slight

improvement in liver histopathology. PMID:


2000 - Iron enhances hepatitis C virus replication

in cultured human

hepatocytes. Iron overload in the presence of

increasing concentrations of

iron is one of the indicators of poor response to

interferon therapy in

chronic hepatitis C. PMID: 10847480

1999 - IFN alpha - These results suggest that the

presence of low-titre

auto-antibodies may be a risk factor for the

development of autoimmune

dysfunction during IFN alpha therapy for chronic

hepatitis C. Patients with

no detectable auto-antibodies have a low risk for

developing autoimmune

complications during treatment with IFN alpha.

PMID: 10355504

2000 - Marked increase in the serum concentrations

of the acute phase

complement proteins is a secondary phenomenon due

to the IFN alpha-caused

diminution of the viral load and the resulting

immune complex-induced

complement activation. PMID: 10841940

1999 - Reversible impact of alpha-interferon on

carbohydrate (CH) metabolism

was observed in patients with hepatitis C treated

with interferon between

1993 and 1997. UI: 99372081

2000 - IFNa - Rapid onset of hematotoxic effects

after interferon alpha in

hepatitis C. PMID: 10898329

2000 - IFN + Lichen Planus - Direct viral factors

may not be important in

the pathogenesis of OLP in patients with chronic

hepatitis C. Immunological

changes caused by IFN may play a role in the

development of OLP associated

with HCV infection. PMID: 10846411

1999 - Electro-Chemo-Therapy - Fundamentals of

electroporative delivery of

drugs and genes. Electrooptical and

conductometrical relaxation methods have

given a new insight in the molecular mechanisms of

the electroporative

delivery of drug-like dyes and genes (DNA) to

cells and tissues. The theory

presents further useful tools for the optimization

of the ME techniques in

biotechnology and medicine, in particular in the

new field of

electroporative delivery of drugs

(electrochemotherapy) and of DNA transfer

and gene therapy. PMID: 10228565

1999 - Lactoferrin inhibits hepatitis C virus

viremia in patients with

chronic hepatitis C. We recently found that

bovine lactoferrin, a milk

protein belonging to the iron transporter family,

effectively prevented HCV

infection in cultured human hepatocytes .


2000 - Monotherapy with human leukocyte interferon

resulted in sustained

virologic response in 36% of patients [Finland]

with chronic hepatitis C. In

those infected with a HCV genotype other than 1,

the sustained virologic

response rate was 50%. PMID: 10868459

2000 - Aptamers - These results suggest that the

pool of selected aptamers

have potential as anti-HCV compounds. RNA aptamers

were selected in vitro by

systematic evolution of ligands by exponential

enrichment (SELEX). PMID:


2000 - HCV of genotype 1 is the most resistant to

interferon (IFN) therapy.

PMID: 10823866

2000 - Infection with hepatitis C virus genotype 4

is associated with a poor

response to interferon-alpha. PMID: 10819720

2000 - Like HCV genotype 1, HCV genotype 4 seems

to have a poor response to

therapy. PMID: 10886538

1999 - Adverse effects of alpha interferon

(e.g.,fatigue, depression,

neutropenia). PMID: 10349694

1999 - IFNa - Anxiety - A case of akathisia during

interferon-alpha therapy

for chronic hepatitis type C. PMID: 10228895

[Note: Akathisia = condition

marked by motor restlessness and anxiety -


1999 - Cutaneous sarcoid foreign body granulomas

developing in sites of

previous skin injury after systemic

interferon-alpha treatment for chronic

hepatitis C. PMID: 10233247

1999 - Interferon-alpha is used by physicians to

treat numerous common

medical disorders; however, therapy is often

limited by side effects.

Pulmonary complications, such as interstitial

pneumonitis and bronchiolitis

obliterans organizing pneumonia, have been

described in patients receiving

interferon-alpha therapy. Exacerbation of asthma.


2000 - IFN - Amino acid mutations in the

interferon sensitivity determining

region (ISDR) are closely associated with the

response to interferon in

patients with hepatitis C virus genotype 1b

(HCV-1b) infection. These

results show that mutations in the ISDR do not

occur frequently, suggesting

that interferon sensitivity does not change

greatly during the natural

course of the disease in each patient. PMID:


1998 - Neurovisual impairment: a frequent

complication of alpha-interferon

treatment in chronic viral hepatitis. Subclinical

neurovisual impairment is

a frequent, largely unrecognized complication of

low-dose IFN therapy, and

patients with chronic hepatitis B and older age

appear to be most

susceptible. This apparently innocuous

complication is long lasting,

possibly irreversible in some patients, with yet

undetermined consequences

on visual function. PMID: 9581701

1999 - IFN - The neuropsychiatrical side effects

are most often and maybe

hinder of interferon therapy. Especially symptoms

disorders of central

nervous system were observed between all side

effects. Side effects: hair

loss (29%), disorder of vision (29%),

thrombocytopenia (29%), leukopenia

(16%). The neurasthenia was detected in 60%

patients with ch B and 50%

patients with ch C. Neurasthenia most often

manifested by irritable and

quickly exhaustion of strength. PMID: 10522402

Exacerbation of anaemia, erythropoietin

resistance, and malnutrition

constitute the side-effects of IFN that deserve

special attention in uraemic

subjects. PMID: 9249778

2000 - Bell's palsy during interferon therapy for

chronic hepatitis C

infection in patients with haemorrhagic disorders.

PMID: 10781198

1998 - Subclinical neurovisual impairment is a

frequent, largely

unrecognized complication of low-dose IFN therapy,

and patients with chronic

hepatitis B and older age appear to be most

susceptible. PMID: 9581701

1999 - Signs and symptoms of interferon-associated

retinopathy in patient

with hepatitis C virus, nephropathy and diabetes

mellitus. Necessity to

assess visual system before and after therapy was

emphasised. PMID:


1999 - Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy

occurring in a patient treated

with IFN is a probable complication of the

therapy. PMID: 10516525

2000 - Sleep Disturbances Found In Patients Taking

Common Hepatitis C

Treatment. Daytime sleepiness and disturbed

nocturnal sleep are common in

patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with

concomitant interferon

alpha-2b plus ribavirin, according to data

presented at the 14th Annual

Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep

Societies. DG DISPATCH - APSS:

LAS VEGAS, NV - June 19, 2000.

Combination interferon alfa-2b/ribavirin therapy

in chronic hepatitis

C-relapsed and treatment-naive patients.

Clinically significant adverse

events included anemia and depression. PMID:


1999 - One of the limitations associated with the

use of ribavirin is a

reversible anemia caused by its accumulation in

erythrocytes. PMID: 10543752

Evidence that HLA DR2 is an important additional

factor for predicting a

long term response to interferon-alpha therapy in

chronic HCV hepatitis.

PMID: 9568799

2000 - The number of IFN-gamma-producing

HCV-specific CD8+ T cells during

the first 6 months after onset of disease is

associated with eradication of

the HCV infection. PMID: 10823750

2000 - Zinc supplementation to interferon for the

patients with chronic

hepatitis C having both genotype 1b and high virus

load significantly

enhanced the effect of interferon to eradicate

HCV. This study has several

limitations. Hitoshi Tagaki, MD

Our data indicate the decisive role of the

virus-specific CD4+ T-cell

response for clearance and control of HCV, and

contribute to our

understanding of immune mechanisms by which the

host defends the HCV virus.

This is a prerequisite for the development of new

strategies to efficiently

defend the virus by manipulating or modulating the

immune response.


Expansion of peripheral blood CD5+ B cells is

associated with mild disease

in chronic hepatitis C virus infection. Recent

identification of

intra-hepatic clonal B cells capable of rheumatoid

factor production,

selective infection of B cells over T cells and of

an HCV receptor on B

lymphocytes strongly supports a central role for

these cells in the immune

response to HCV infection. PMID: 10673076

1993 - The humoral response to the host cellular

gene-derived epitope GOR

(anti-GOR) was reported to be associated with

chronic (HCV) infection. PMID:


1996 - HGV and GBV agents - (GBV-A, GBV-B, and

GBV-C). Some chronic

hepatitis cases caused by these viruses respond to

interferon treatment. The

viruses can coinfect with HCV and/or HBV. PMID:


1994 - IFN - Occurrence of IDDM during interferon

therapy for chronic viral

hepatitis. During and after IFN therapy we should

consider the possibility

of occurrence of IDDM as well as other autoimmune

diseases and observe the

clinical course carefully. PMID: 8013261

1998 - Interferon alpha-induced depression in

chronic hepatitis C patients.

A very careful selection of hepatitis C patients

is required before starting

IFN alpha therapy. PMID: 9566274

1998 - Silybum marianum (milk thistle) has been

shown to have clinical

applications in the treatment of toxic hepatitis,

fatty liver, cirrhosis,

ischemic injury, radiation toxicity, and viral

hepatitis via its

antioxidative, anti-lipid peroxidative,

antifibrotic, anti-inflammatory,

immunomodulating, and liver regenerating effects.

PMID: 9855566

1998 - When compared with Silybum, the

hepatoprotective effect of Picrorhiza

was found to be similar, or in many cases,

superior to the effect of

Silybum. PMID: 9855566

1999 - Combined ursodeoxycholic acid [uDCA] and

glycyrrhizin therapy for

chronic hepatitis C virus infection. The combined

therapy with

ursodeoxycholic acid and glycyrrhizin is safe and

effective in improving

liver-specific enzyme abnormalities, and may be an

alternative to interferon

in chronic hepatitis C virus infection, especially

for interferon-resistant

or unstable patients. PMID: 10524635 [Note:

Glycyrrhizin = main ingredient

in licorice]

2000 - These data demonstrate that UDCA improves

the response rate to

alpha-IFN. Furthermore, in 8% of IFN-UDCA patients

the response rate was

sustained and associated with HCV-RNA clearance.

PMID: 10833093


1975 - Effect of an intravenously administered

bile acid (chenodeoxycholic

acid) on rheumatoid arthritis. PMID: 1166284

1999 - The triple antioxidant combinaton of

alpha-lipoic acid, silymarin and

selenium was chosen for a conservative treatment

of hepatitis C because

these substances protect the liver from free

radical damage, increase the

levels of other fundamental antioxidants, and

interfere with viral

proliferation. One year of the triple antioxidant

therapy described in this

paper costs less than $2,000. PMID: 10554539

1999 - The hepatic flaviviridae: The extent of

sequence diversity reflects

the host's ability to control viral populations

and the response to

antiviral therapy. Interferon therapy for 3 or

preferably 6 months results

in a sustained response in about 30% of patients.

Negative serum HCV RNA and

normal AST values after 3 months of therapy

indicates that there may be a

sustained response. Whether or not to stop

treatment at that time if HCV is

still positive remains a matter of debate. The

role of interferon treatment

in preventing progression to cirrhosis and

hepatocellular cancer is still

uncertain. Ribavirin therapy alone reduces

transaminases and hepatic

histology improves. Improved results follow the

combination of ribavirin

with interferon. Ribavirin may have

immuno-modularity and anti-inflammatory

actions. PMID: 10760028

1999 - Dec - PEG - Both Schering-Plough's

PEG-Intron and Roche's version are

so- called ``pegylated'' versions of interferon,

in which polyethylene

glycol (PEG) is added to the interferon molecule.

PEG helps to ``disguise''

the drug from the body's natural immune defenses.

It then takes the immune

system longer to identify the drug as a foreign

substance and so the body

doesn't destroy it as quickly as it does

interferon alone. That helps the

drug to act longer within the body. That means

that patients using the new

version of interferons will need injections once a

week -- instead of every

day or every other day. In addition, the drugs

appear effective for more

patients, compared with existing interferons.

Bloomberg News Schering Asks

FDA to Approve New Drug for Hepatitis C.

2000 - PEG - Phase III clinical data have shown

that 39% of patients treated

with a 180 mcg once weekly dose of PEGASYS

achieved a sustained response of

undetectable levels of the hepatitis C virus.


HealthWire)--June 5, 2000.

1999 - Medical Use of Cannabis Products. The plant

Cannabis Sativa has a

long history of medical use in the treatment of

pain and spasms, the

promotion of sleep, and the suppression of nausea

and vomiting. However, in

the early 70s cannabis was classified in the

Narcotic Acts in countries all

over the world as having no therapeutic benefit;

therefore, it cannot be

prescribed by physicians or dispensed by

pharmacists. In the light of this

contradictory situation an increasing number of

patients practices a

self-prescription with cannabis products for

relieving a variety of

symptoms. The most frequently mentioned

indications for medicinal cannabis

use were depression (12.0%), multiple sclerosis

(10.8%), HIV-infection

(9.0%), migraine (6.6%), asthma (6.0%), back pain

(5.4%), hepatitis C

(4.8%). PMID: 10575286

1999 - Artificial LIVERs - Researchers may someday

grow artificial livers At

least some liver cells in adult mice are generated

from cells in the bone

marrow, a new study suggests. We can create an

artificial liver from cells

taken from the patient's own bone. " Dec 28

(Reuters Health) Hepatology


2000 - Mature liver cells generated from bone

marrow study in mice turns

embryology on its head; implications are

multifold. A new study shows that

some mature liver cells in adult mice are

generated from bone marrow cells,

altering prevailing views on cell differentiation

and stem cell potential.

Using radiation, researchers completely destroyed

the bone marrow of female

mice and replaced it with marrow from male mice.

The study, by Neil D.

Theise, M.D., Diane Krause, M.D., Ph.D.,

Hepatology 2000;31:237-242.

2000 - MEP-F - In a preliminary clinical study, a


metalloendopeptidase-F (MEP-F) has been shown to

be effective in the

treatment of patients with either chronic

hepatitis B or C infection. Oral

administration of MEP-F resulted in a significant

reduction of the serum

levels of HBs antigen and HCV RNA and improvement

in the liver function

abnormalities. However, the mechanism of action of

MEP-F is not yet well

understood. It is indicated that alpha

2-macroglobulin-MEP-F complexes may

induce macrophage/kuppfer cell activation and

proliferation through binding

their receptors on the cells and activating

signaling cascades, which

enhance both anti-viral specific and nonspecific

immune responses. alpha

2-Macroglobulin-MEP-F complexes may also augment

cellular immunity and

hepatic regeneration by neutralizing the

immunosuppressive and fibrogenic

activities of transforming growth factor-beta.

PMID: 10834146

2000 - Increased incidence of indinavir

nephrolithiasis in patients with

hepatitis B or C virus infection. We found a

significant increase of

nephrolithiasis incidence in patients co-infected

with HIV-1 and HCV or HBV,

which suggests that underlying multifactorial

hepatic damage may limit liver

catabolism of indinavir, and consequently increase

its renal excretion and

the risk of nephrolithiasis. Caution is therefore

advised when initiating

indinavir treatment in HIV patients with evidence

of HBV or HCV infect.

PMID: 10846585

2000 - IFN - Platelets - HCV-RNA is present in the

platelets of 100% of

those patients with thrombocytopenia and high

PAIgG levels. Hepatitis C

virus infection has been associated with the

development of thrombocytopenic

purpura, sometimes triggered during interferon

(IFN) therapy. PMID: 10847447


1995 - Rhogam/Anti-D - The use of anti-D to

improve post-transfusion

platelet response: PMID: 7833257

2000 - IFN 2a - Acute Pancreatitis Attributed to

the Use of Interferon

Alfa-2b. GASTROENTEROLOGY 2000;119:230-233

2000 - Kurorinone - It has recently been shown

that a Chinese traditional

medicine, kurorinone, extracted from Sophora

Flavescens Ait, possesses

antiviral properties. The results of this trial

suggest that kurorinone is

able to inhibit HBV replication and improve

disease remission in patients

with chronic hepatitis B. PMID: 10849265

1999 - Dec - HBV - Herbal Treatment - One

traditional Chinest 10-plant

combo - known as Herbal Medicine 861 - not only

normalized liver eznymes in

three-quarters of the 84 hepatitis B (HBV)

patients enrolled in Wang's six

month study, but also seemed to slow liver

scarring and in some cases even

reverse it (a feat previously though impossible),

leading to liver recovery.

Japanese traditional medicine may also work

against HBV. Lab studies found

that a boiled herb combo called Houchu-ekki-to

(TJ-41) appeared to cause

apoptosis, or inducedd cell death in liver cells

made cancerous by HBV. Poz

Magazine, 12/99, Hep Help Hurray ! by Bob Roehr.

1999 - Dec - HCV - Herbal Treatment - In a test

tube study of hepatitis C

virus (HCV) treatment, Japan's Ninjin-youmei-to

(TJ-108) prevented infection

of new cells. A study of Tokyo patients found res

ults comparable to those

of interferon therapy - roughly 25% HCV

clearance - with fewer side effects.

These Chinese and Japanese formulas are available

through some U.S.

practitioners trained in Chinese and Japanese

medicine. But a dose of

caution is called for. You can take too much of a

natural product, and some

herbs may interact badly with pharmaceuticals.

Talk with your doctor before

heading East. Poz Magazine, 12/99, Hep Help Hurray

! by Bob Roehr.

2000 - Feb - HCV - Treatment - RECOMBINANT HUMAN



reaction at the injection

site, accompanied by moderate and reversible rises

in eosinophil and

leucocyte counts. In summary, daily s.c. GM-CSF

administration is safe and

shows effects against HCV; the GM-CSF/IFNalpha2b

combination has an

additional-but transient-antiviral activity in

chronic hepatitis C. PMID:


2000 - HBV - Treatment with lamivudine for 2 years

is both well tolerated

and efficacious in patients with chronic hepatitis

B. PMID: 10889166

2000 - HBV - Adefovir Dipivoxil for the Treatment

of Lamivudine-Resistant

Hepatitis B Mutants. Lamivudine has been shown to

be an effective therapy

for chronic hepatitis B, but resistance to this

nucleoside agent is common

after prolonged use. This study provides evidence

that adefovir dipivoxil

can be an effective treatment for

lamivudine-resistant HBV mutants as well

as wild-type HBV. PMID: 10869300

2000 - Germany - Due to the large number of

patients chronically infected

with hepatitis C virus and not responding to

combination therapy with

interferon-alfa 2 and ribavirin new therapeutic

regimens are required. Early

treatment of the viral infection might improve the

response, as seen in

treatment of HIV infection, thereby preventing

progression to chronicity.

PMID: 10875149

2000 - Differences in Viral Dynamics between

Genotypes 1 and 2 of Hepatitis

C Virus. Many studies have shown that patients

infected with hepatitis C

virus (HCV) of genotype 2 have better response to

interferon (IFN)-alpha

treatment than genotype 1 patients; however, the

mechanisms responsible for

this difference are not understood. This is the

first finding of a

difference in viral dynamics between subtypes of

the same virus and

demonstrates the importance of subtype-specific


interactions. PMID: 10882578

2000 - Elderly patient who has nephrotic syndrome

caused by cryoglobulinemic

glomerulonephritis associated with HCV can be

treated safely by

cryofiltration with low doses of oral

corticosteroids. PMID: 10888213

2000 - HCV - New therapies including polyethylene

glycol, PEGylated,

interferons and combination regimes involving

amantadine are currently under

evaluation and it is hoped that improved regimes

will be developed in the

near future. PMID: 10890320

2000 - Safety of disease modifying anti-rheumatic

agents in rheumatoid

arthritis patients with chronic viral hepatitis.

Disease modifying

anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs). The use of DMARD in

RA + CVH patients is

associated with a high incidence of

hepatotoxicity. The effect is likely to

be synergistic. This includes drugs such as HCQ

[hydroxychloroquine], which

is generally believed to be less hepatotoxic.

PMID: 10895374

2000 - Future interventions may include nucleic

acid drugs (antisense and

ribozymes) and smaller pharmaceuticals that bind

to intricate structures in

HCV RNA and HCV-specific double-stranded RNA.

Infectious clones of HCV RNA

are available. These clones and other systems for

expressing HCV proteins

pave the way for vaccine development. PMID:


2000 - In practice, it's of great importance to

identify and classify these

extra-hepatic manifestations to optimize the

treatment of chronic hepatitis

C. PMID: 10905094

1998 - Merck and Company earns $900 Million in HBV

Vaccine sales. Merck's

Hepatitis B vaccine is the first in the country to

use recombinant DNA



1998 - Schering's Intron A, the world's

top-selling hepatitis drug. Usually

combined with ICN Pharmaceuticals Inc.'s ribavirin

and sold as Rebetron,

Intron A generated more than $700 million in 1998

sales. Bloomberg

News Jan 5 2000 2:11PM

1999 - Drug Trials Hide Conflicts for Doctors, May

16, 1999 NY Times, By

KURT EICHENWALD and GINA KOLATA [docs may be paid

up to $6,000 per patient

enrolled by drug company]



1999 - Aug - ICN Drug Company, In a complaint

filed in federal district

court in Los Angeles, the SEC alleged the company

did not immediately

disclose that the U.S. Food and Drug

Administration had rejected its

application to sell the drug, ribavirin. ICN

Pharmaceuticals misportrayed

drug status -SEC, WASH, Aug. 11 (Reuters)



1957 - Since their discovery in 1957, interferons

(IFNs) have been noted to

have protective effects against human viral

infections. The use and safety

of IFNs in patients with acute or chronic

hepatitis B or C infections have

evolved over the last 20 years. [1978-1998] PMID:


1959 - IFN - An overview of Wellferon (interferon

alfa-n1): the product.

Since 1959, The Wellcome Foundation Ltd. has been

involved in research to

develop interferon for practical use. A brief

historical perspective is

presented on the development and production of

interferon alfa-n1. 1986.

PMID: 3016426

1965 - The use of gamma globulin in the prevention

of serum hepatitis. PMID:


1965 - Studies on the conditions of interferon

production by cells infected

with herpesviruses. PMID: 4288422

1965 - 1st experience in the treatment of chronic

hepatitis with

6-mercaptopurine and a methylhydrazine

derivative. PMID: 5877701

1970 - Serum and leukocyte interferon in viral

hepatitis. PMID: 5505407

1971 - Fulminant hepatitis treated with serum

containing antibody to

Australia antigen. PMID: 5549839

1972 - Inhibition of virus-induced chromosome

damage by interferon. PMID:


1973 - Rhogam/Anti-D - The multiple use of RhoGAM.

PMID: 4631466

1974 - Rhogam/Anti-D - Use of anti-D (RhoGAM) to

prevent erythroblastosis

fetalis. PMID: 4131311

1974 - Ribavirin - The phosphorylation of

ribavirin by deoxyadenosine kinase

from rat liver. Differentiation between adenosine

and deoxyadenosine kinase.

PMID: 4371811

1975 - Heterologous gamma globulin as interferon

inducer: differences in the

properties of aggregated and aggregate-free gamma

globulin preparations.

PMID: 53854

1975 - Differential production of interferon and

lymphotoxin by human tonsil

lymphocytes. PMID: 1152

1976 - Ribavirin - IFN - Treatment of spontaneous

leukemia in AKR mice with

chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or interferon. PMID:


1977 - Ribavirin - Efficacy in the treatment of

murine autoimmune disease.

PMID: 299957

1977 - IFN - Hazards of human leukocyte interferon

therapy. PMID: 859523

1978 - Ribavirin - Reversible inhibition of

cellular metabolism by

ribavirin. PMID: 646339

1978 - Adenosine kinase initiates the major route

of ribavirin activation in

a cultured human cell line. PMID: 210448

1979 - The broad spectrum antiviral agent

ribavirin inhibits capping of

mRNA. PMID: 226095

1979 - Currently, the major antiviral agents in

therapeutic use are

amantadine, idoxuridine and vidarabine.

Methisazone and isoprinosine are

also used in some areas. Immunoglobulins have some

antiviral activity.

PMID: 92398

1979 - Interferon appears to be the most exciting

antiviral agent yet

discovered. However, its potential is limited by

its availability, which

remains dependent on biological method.

Significant progress has been made

recently, though, which may lead to the chemical

synthesis of interferon and

thus to an antiviral agent active against many

viruses. PMID: 92398

1979 - Therapeutic control of viral infections:

chemotherapy, interferon and

gamma globulin. PMID: 94280

1980 - Ribavirin use in humans. PMID: 7352934

1980 - Embryotoxic, teratogenic, and metabolic

effects of ribavirin in mice.

PMID: 7361317

1980 - Ribavirin - Inhibition of lymphocyte

proliferative responses by

ribavirin. PMID: 7216427

1984 - Ribavirin - Morphological alterations in

blood and bone marrow of

ribavirin-treated monkeys. PMID: 6438984

1985 - Treatment of viral myocarditis with

ribavirin in an animal

preparation. PMID: 2982522

1985 - Ribavirin - Anti-AIDS agents show varying

early results in vitro and

in vivo. PMID: 2997490

1985 - Ribavirin - Nebulised ribavirin for

adenovirus pneumonia. PMID:


1989 - Ribavirin- Inhibition of Crimean-Congo

hemorrhagic fever viral

infectivity yields in vitro by ribavirin. PMID:


1991 - Ukraine - The differentiated use of

mitigating mud therapy in the

early convalescent period of viral

hepatitis. Two new techniques of mitigatory

pelotherapy using mud

applications to paravertebral area and acupuncture

were compared for 152

viral hepatitis convalescents. The efficacy of the

treatment was shown by a

wide spectrum of hepatic functional and

immunologic reactivity indications.

PMID: 1926800

1992 - Hepatitis C: an update. Several published

trials have consistently

shown that treatment with interferon in some

patients is useful. There is

however a relapse rate of 50%. Further trials with

interferon and other

anti-viral agents like ribavirin are awaited for

more effective treatment.

PMID: 1283440

1999 - Dual or single hepatitis B and C virus

infections in childhood cancer

survivors: long-term follow-up and effect of

interferon treatment. PMID:


1999 - The role of interferon treatment in

preventing progression to

cirrhosis and hepatocellular cancer is still

uncertain. Ribavirin therapy

alone reduces transaminases and hepatic histology

improves. Improved results

follow the combination of ribavirin with

interferon. Ribavirin may have

immuno-modularity and anti-inflammatory actions.

PMID: 10760028

1999 - Interferons and Their Role In Inflammation.

Cytokines are pleiotropic

molecules showing a wide variety of biologic

functions on various cells and

tissues, and several different cytokines exert

similar and overlapping

functions on certain cells. (IFNs), among the

first cytokines identified,

play a crucial role in human disease. The IFN

cytokine family consists of

type I IFNs (IFN-a and IFN-B) and type II IFN

(IFN-g). In the first decades

of IFN research, type I IFNs were considered

primarily as viral inhibitors,

whereas type II IFN, also termed " immune IFN " , was

generally considered to

be uniquely involved in immune reactions. This

view has changed considerably

in the last years. PMID: 10526087

1999 - The importance of type I IFNs in

inflammation, immunoregulation and

T-cell responses has been identified and has

changed dramatically our

interpretation of the biological relevance of type

I and II IFNs. Recent

data suggest that IFN-a is a multifunctional

immunomodulatory cytokine with

profound effects on the cytokine cascade including

several anti-inflammatory

properties, whereas IFN-g remains a classical

proinflammatory cytokine.

These different effects on critical mediators of

inflammation may also

explain why type I and II IFNs are clinically

successful in different

diseases. These newly identified immunoregulatory

and anti-inflammatory

functions of type I IFNs may be of importance in

the treatment of diseases

such as chronic viral hepatitis or multiple

sclerosis and help to explain

some of the mechanisms of IFNs. PMID: 10526087

1999 - Ribavirin polarizes human T cell responses

towards a Type 1 cytokine

profile. The therapeutic benefit of ribavirin, a

nucleoside analog, in the

treatment of chronic HCV infection is seen even in

the absence of any

apparent direct antiviral effect. We surmised that

ribavirin may act by

eliciting altered virus-specific immune responses.

Because antiviral

immunity is predominantly mediated by cytotoxic T

cells and antiviral

cytokines, we sought to determine whether

ribavirin could promote antiviral

(Type 1) cytokine expression in human T cells.

These data support the view

that ribavirin promotes a Type 1 cytokine-mediated

immune response, a

property which may account in part for its ability

to enhance the antiviral

activity of interferon-alpha in the treatment of

chronic HCV infection.

PMID: 10190717

1999 - Nov - IFN - Signaling Pathways activated by

IFN's - IFN's are

pleiotropic cytokines that exhibit negative

regulatory effects on the growth

of normal and malignant hematopoietic cells. There

are 2 different classes

of interferons, Type I (alpha, beta, omega), Type

II (gamma) IFN. Precise

mechanisms by which these cytokines exhibit their

potent effects on

hematopoiesis remain unknown. Recent evidence

suggests that non-Stat

pathways play a critical role in the generation of

signals for both Type I

and Type II IFN and may be the primary mediators

of their growth inhibitory

effects on hematopoietic cells. PMID: 10560905

1999 - Treatment of chronic HCV infection with a

combination of interferon

and ribavirin. Recent trials have shown that

approximately 40% of patients

will clear HCV with combination treatment. PMID:


1999 - Plant may be cure for HBV. PMID: 10842866

2000 - IFN - DEPRESSION RISK - The Minnesota

Multiphasic Personality

Inventory (MMPI) is a reliable tool for

identifying the risk of depression

before and during interferon (IFN) therapy in

patients with chronic viral

liver disease, according to a report from Italian



2000 - Ribavirin - Advances in the treatment of

hepatitis C. PMID: 10635046

2000 - Combination therapy with IFN and ribavirin

is effective in 50% of

cases in clearing serum HCV RNA and may thus

provide effective means of

therapy in HIV-HCV-coinfected patients as initial

treatment or in patients

who have previously failed IFN monotherapy. PMID:


2000 - Oral lichen planus induced by

interferon-alpha-N1 in a patient with

hepatitis C. PMID: 10836860

2000 - Electroporation involves the application of

pulsed electric fields,

which causes a temporary but significant increase

in the permeability of

human cells. This enables genes to enter cells, a

key element for

successful gene therapy treatment. skin may be the

preferred target tissue

for gene delivery using electroporation,

especially for DNA vaccine

applications. http://www.genetronics.com DENVER,

June 9 /00 PRNewswire

2000 - Hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with

HCV - Screening remains the

only realistic approach for improving the

treatment of HCC patients, but its

cost-effectiveness is uncertain. PMID: 10890325

2000 - Intermittent administration of IFN

suppressed tumor recurrence after

treatment with surgery or ethanol injection in

patients with HCV-related

chronic liver disease. PMID: 10915728

2000 - Inverse Genomics - Uses a library of

randomized, hairpin-shaped

ribozymes to enhance its ability to sift through

the entire human genome and

rapidly isolate those genes that are potentially

useful as drug targets.

This approach addresses the problem of drug target

identification from the

opposite direction of traditional discovery

programs. " Inverse genomics is a

powerful technology that will take full advantage

of the information

explosion of the Human Genome Revolution. Media:

Immusol Identifies for the

First Time Human Cellular Genes Required For

Hepatitis C Virus Protein

Synthesis: Proprietary Technology Leads to

Potential Therapeutic Targets for

Hepatitis C 07/18/2000 17:54 EDT




1938 - Yellow fever vaccination with cultured

virus (17D) without immune

serum. Am. J. Trop. Med. 18: 437-468.

1947 - Rockefeller Manufactures 28 Million Doses

of the 1938 and 1942

[Yellow Fever/HBV] vaccine, by this date.



1999 - Unlicensed vaccines and bioweapon defense

in World War II. PMID:


1945-1953 - MS in Veterans - using an unusually

large cohort of MS cases and

pre-illness matched controls comprising US

veterans of World War II (WWII)

and the Korean Conflict (KC). 1997 PMID: 9008519

1975 - Hepatitis B " immune " globulin:

effectiveness in prevention of

dialysis-associated hepatitis. PMID: 1101066

1997 - Acute Myelitis after hepatitis B

vaccination. We report a case of

myelitis after plasma-derived hepatitis B

vaccination. PMID: 9250923

1997 - Musculoskeletal symptoms may occur

following various types of

immunization, and it has also been suggested that,

like infection,

immunization may act as a trigger for rheumatoid

arthritis (RA). In a small

number of susceptible individuals, immunization

may thus act as a trigger

for RA. PMID: 9133970

1986 - Since no untoward reactions were noted, it

is concluded that

hepatitis B and yellow fever vaccines can be

administered at the same time.

PMID: 2943870

1987 - A serologic follow-up of the 1942 epidemic

of post-vaccination

hepatitis in the United States Army. This outbreak

was linked to specific

lots of yellow-fever vaccine stabilized with human

serum. We conclude that

hepatitis B caused the outbreak, that about

330,000 persons may have been

infected, that the hepatitis B virus carrier state

was a rare consequence,

and that the outbreak induced hepatitis B

antibodies that appear to persist

for life. PMID: 2436048

1996 - It is hoped that universal childhood

immunisation will allow control

of HBV infections in China within a few

generations. PMID: 8786051

1996 - Complex (HBV) epidemiology makes it

difficult to evaluate and compare

effectiveness of different immunization policies.

PMID: 8626006

1996 - DDBT - Rhogam/Anti-D - The genetic basis of

a new partial D antigen:

DDBT. PMID: 8652401

1996 - SV40-Contaminated Polio Vaccines - SV40

early region and large T

antigen in human brain tumors, peripheral blood

cells, and sperm fluids from

healthy individuals. 61 % of the neoplastic

patients positive for SV40

sequences had an age excluding exposure to

SV40-contaminated polio vaccines,

suggesting a contagious transmission of SV40. The

possible role of SV40 Tag

in the etiopathogenesis of human brain tumors and

the spread of SV40 by

horizontal infection in the human population are

discussed. PMID: 8841004

1999 - When needed, the simultaneous

administration of the IRIV-HAV and YFV

[Yellow Fever] is immunogenic, safe and

well-tolerated, as volunteers

seroconverted to both antigens, with no

cross-interference. PMID: 10575170

1999 - Benefits and risks due to animal serum used

in cell culture

production. The use of contaminated cells for

vaccine production may result

in contaminated vaccines, which may lead to

seroconversion or disease in the

vaccinated animal. Contaminated serum or cell

cultures may also interfere

with the diagnosis of viral infections. PMID:


1999 - Attempts to prepare effective vaccines

against HCV are foiled by lack

of prolonged protective immunity. Plasmid vaccines

and the use of

uninfectious virus-like particles are being

developed. HCV induces a

cellular humoral immune response, but this is

inadequate to clear the virus

and the disease becomes chronic. PMID: 10760028

1999 - Immunization via hair follicles by topical

application of naked DNA

to normal skin. Topical application of plasmid

expression vectors for lacZ

and the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) to

intact skin induced

antigen-specific immune responses that displayed

TH2 features. Finally,

topical gene transfer was dependent on the

presence of normal hair

follicles. PMID: 10471927

1999 - DNA based immunization is a promising

antiviral approach for the

development of therapeutic and prophylactic

vaccine against HBV and HCV.

PMID: 10516466

1999 - Nov - Persons with chronic liver disease

who have never had hepatitis

A should be vaccinated, as there is a higher rate

of fulminant (rapid onset

of liver failure, often leading to death)

hepatitis A among persons with

chronic liver disease. Persons who are either

awaiting or have received

liver transplants also should be vaccinated.

(Source:MMWR;Prevention of

Hepatitis A Through Active or Passive Immunization

pages, 8, 22)



1999 - Nov - The cost per dose [$31] of the

school-based program was

significantly less than that of the network

HMO-based program, because in

the school program government-purchased vaccine

was available at a lower

cost and parents did not incur work-loss costs.

This cost-effectiveness

ratio remained stable when the model was simulated

with costs that were

underestimated or overestimated by 20%. In the

network HMO, the direct cost

per dose was $68 and the societal cost was $118

PMID: 10553395

2000 - DNA-based immunization is a promising

antiviral strategy to prevent

or treat persistent viral infections. PMID:



1999 - When needed, the simultaneous

administration of the IRIV-HAV

[hepatitis A] and YFV [Yellow Fever Vaccine] is

immunogenic, safe and

well-tolerated, as volunteers seroconverted to

both antigens, with no

cross-interference. PMID: 10575170


2000 - As no specific treatment is available,

greatest emphasis is placed on

prevention through immunization. PMID: 10835954

1997 - The MHC class II allele DRB1* 1301-02 is

associated with protection

from chronic hepatitis B in Caucasian patients.

PMID: 9075656

1999 - The HAV vaccine is equally efficacious in

patients with chronic HBV

infection. PMID: 10571600

1999 - Hepatitis B vaccination in patients with

chronic hepatitis C.

Hepatitis B vaccination is safe and immunogenic in

patients with chronic

hepatitis C. It did not significantly affect their

levels of HCV RNA, but

tended to lower ALT levels. PMID: 10534727

1999 - Multiple sclerosis and vaccination against

hepatitis B: analysis of

risk benefit profile. Since 1994, the hypothesis

of a potential causal

relationship between vaccination against hepatitis

B and multiple sclerosis

(and other demyelinating diseases) was brought to

the attention of the

French health authority, and to public debate.

PMID: 10470598

1998 - France became the first country to end

hepatitis B vaccination

requirements for schoolchildren after reports of

chronic arthritis, symptoms

resembling multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune

and neurological

dysfunction following hepatitis B vaccination

became so numerous that the

Health Minister of France suspended the school


http://www.909shot.com SOURCE: National Vaccine

Information Center.

1999 - Anti-hepatitis B vaccination: after the

health authorities' decision.

In 1991, the WHO proposed that the antihepatitis B

vaccine be included in

national vaccination programs. In France, it was

decided in 1994 to move on

from a selective immunization scheme aimed at

high-risk subjects to a

general vaccination policy aimed first at

adolescents in school and secondly

infants. During this period, several cases of

demyelinizing diseases after

vaccination led to court actions and were

magnified in the popular press,

interfering with this new vaccination policy.

These events lead us to raise

a certain number of questions concerning the use

of the public press in the

management of health information, the notion of

medical responsibility, and

the rationality of political decisions in public

health. PMID: 10554613

1999 - France - Lumbosacral acute demyelinating

polyneuropathy following

hepatitis B vaccination. PMID: 10520897

1999 - Currently in the U.S., public health

officials in 35 states require

children to get 3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine or

be denied entry to school.

http://www.909shot.com SOURCE: National Vaccine

Information Center.

1999 - From the Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention. Availability of

hepatitis B vaccine that does not contain

thimerosal as a preservative.

PMID: 10517412

1999 - Encephalitis after hepatitis B vaccination:

recurrent disseminated

encephalitis or MS? The persistent inflammatory

activity observed

clinically and on MRI in these patients is

comparable with that usually

observed in MS. Epidemiologic studies are

currently testing the hypothesis

of a triggering role of hepatitis B vaccination in

CNS demyelination. PMID:


1999 - Lichen planus following hepatitis B

vaccination. PMID: 10561062

1999 - Rheumatic disorders developed after

hepatitis B vaccination.

Hepatitis B vaccine might be followed by various

rheumatic conditions and

might trigger the onset of underlying inflammatory

or autoimmune rheumatic

diseases. PMID: 10534549

1993 - Although only 1-3% of acute (HBV)

infections [uS] occur in children

under 5 years of age, they account for 20-30% of

all chronic infections.

PMID: 8314488

HBV - Interestingly, the percent of serum HBV DNA+

in the individuals with

anti-HBc+ only was markedly higher than that in

the subjects with

anti-HBc+/anti-HBs+ suggesting that anti-HBs

[surface antibodies] may play a

role in the inhibition of HBV replication and

clearance of HBV virion from

blood. PMID: 1587559

HBx and Adenovirus - Cre/loxP recombination

system. The HBx protein of

hepatitis B virus is a multifunctional protein

that is implicated in the

pathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma by

regulating gene transcription,

causing cell proliferation and, as shown recently,

inducing cell death. The

significance of HBx-induced apoptosis in natural

infection is unclear, but

it may contribute to the development of hepatitis

and serve to spread

progeny virus to neighbouring cells while evading

the host immune responses.

PMID: 10567659

1996 - Immune response of immunocompromised

children with malignancies to a

recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. Our results

indicated that

immunocompromised children undergoing chemotherapy

(although less responsive

than children in complete remission and off

treatment) still preserved their

potential to produce protective titers of

anti-HBs. On this basis we

recommend (1) HB vaccination after diagnosis of

malignancy in pediatric

patients whenever a high prevalence of HB

infection exists and (2)

vaccination of patients of therapy and in complete

remission. PMID: 10897814

1997- Dec - Development of replicative and

nonreplicative hepatitis B virus

vectors. To investigate the possibility of using

hepatitis B virus (HBV) as

a vector, the tat gene from human immunodeficiency

virus type 1 (HIV-1) was

inserted into the full-length HBV genome in-frame

with the polymerase (pol)

open reading frame in the tether region and

downstream of the preS1

promoter. These studies indicate the potential of

constructing HBV as a

replicative vector. We also showed that

manipulation of a nonreplicative HBV

vector was possible. PMID: 9472557

1999 - Our host vector system may be used to clear

out the HBV from the HBV

carrier or chronic hepatitis B patients by

introducing a genetically

engineered HBV into these patients. PMID: 10462508

1999 - Immunisation of patients with systemic

lupus erythematosus: The

safety of hepatitis B vaccination in patients with

SLE is as yet

undetermined and a prospective study is required.

PMID: 10483025

2000 - Recombinant polioviruses expressing

hepatitis B virus-specific

cytotoxic T-lymphocyte epitopes. PMID: 10812231

1998 - Merck and Company earns $900 Million in HBV

Vaccine sales. Merck's

Hepatitis B vaccine is the first in the country to

use recombinant DNA



1999 - Hepatitis B vaccine. (HBV) infection is a

health problem that affects

numerous infants and children in the United

States. Approximately 4000 to

6000 new infections occur each year in children

and adolescents; most often

they become infected without obvious clinical

manifestations. Some persons

become chronically infected, and this asymptomatic

chronically infected

population serves as a reservoir for HBV.

Immunization of all newborn

infants and adolescents for HBV is a vital step

toward eradicating HBV from

the general population. Pediatric nurse

practitioners are in a strategic

position to provide education and the carry out

immunization efforts that

will dramatically decrease the morbidity

associated with HBV. PMID: 10776195

1999 - Immunogenicity and reactogenicity of two

recombinant hepatitis B

vaccines in healthy adolescents on two-dose

schedule. This is an open,

randomized study to compare the immunogenicity and

reactogenicity of two

recombinant (HBV) vaccines. The HBV-NF is a new

formulation with a new

adjuvant phenoxyethanol which replaced the

conventional adjuvant of a

commercially available recombinant HBV vaccine

(Engerix-B). The incidences

of local and general adverse reactions were from

3% to 7% without

significant difference between the two vaccines

and the reactions were all

mild and tolerable. PMID: 10910606

2000 - Obligatory vaccination of the risk

population against virus B remains

the only prevention against this severe disease.

PMID: 10895548

2000 - The first episode of central nervous system

demyelinization and

hepatitis B virus vaccination. PMID: 10740095

2000 - HLA class II genotypes -

DRB1*0701-DQA1*0201-DQB1*02 haplotype is

associated with both chronic infection [HCV] and

response to

alpha-interferon. Interestingly, the same

haplotype is reportedly associated

with non-response to hepatitis B vaccination.

PMID: 10902974


1999 - Hepatitis B vaccination is safe and

immunogenic in patients with

chronic hepatitis C. It did not significantly

affect their levels of HCV

RNA, but tended to lower ALT levels. PMID:


1995 - HCV core vaccine by excluding promiscuous

core © gene variability

as a mechanism of vaccine failure. PMID: 8745315

1998 - The variability of HCV virus has major

implications for the design of

new vaccines strategies since there is no

cross-protection between different

HCV types. PMID: 9559154

1998 - A subunit vaccine composed of recombinant

HCV proteins may protect

from infection or chronic infection by different

HCV genotypes. PMID:


1998 - Defective adenoviruses as novel vaccines

for the Flaviviridae.

Vaccines against many flaviviruses, such as

Japanese encephalitis virus

(JEV), yellow fever virus (YFV) and tick-borne

encephalitis virus (TBEV),

have been successfully used for many years. Other

diseases such as dengue

fever (DF) and hepatitis C are still major public

health problems as no

licensed vaccines are in use. PMID: 9741645

1998 - A human liver cell line exhibits efficient

translation of HCV RNAs

produced by a recombinant adenovirus expressing T7

RNA polymerase. We

constructed a replication-deficient recombinant

adenovirus. PMID: 9770428

1999 - The results suggested that vaccination with

HCV-core derived DNA

sequences could be an effective method to induce

humoral and cellular immune

responses to HCV. PMID: 10462252

1999 - The development of an effective vaccine to

HCV is presently

encumbered by the presence of multiple viral

genomic subtypes and the high

rate of spontaneous viral mutation leading to

limited efficacy of

neutralizing antibodies. PMID: 10758707

2000 - DNA vaccination was employed to study

immune responses to (HCV)

proteins. The combination of naked DNA with a

nonreplicating canarypox

booster encoding HCV polycistronic pRC/C-NS3 genes

appears to diversify and

enhance T cell responses to HCV proteins. PMID:


2000 - Evaluation of Hepatitis C Virus

Glycoprotein E2 for Vaccine Design:

an Endoplasmic Reticulum-Retained Recombinant

Protein Is Superior to

Secreted Recombinant Protein and DNA-Based Vaccine

Candidates. To elicit

antibodies aimed at blocking HCV binding to CD81

on human cells, the antigen

of choice is a mammalian cell-expressed, monomeric

E2 protein purified from

the intracellular fraction. PMID: 10888628

2000 - Infectious clones of HCV RNA are available.

These clones and other

systems for expressing HCV proteins pave the way

for vaccine development.

PMID: 10895432



Most patients with persistently normal ALT serum

levels have very mild

chronic hepatitis. However, healthy

anti-HCV-positive subjects exist. In

patients with HCV-related chronic hepatitis

associated with persistently

normal ALT levels, the grade of disease activity

does not increase over

years and progression to cirrhosis is slow or

absent. PMID: 10734027

Nosocomial transmission has been unequivocally

confirmed and underscores the

need for strict infection control practices. PMID:


Studies suggested there was a group of disease,

which we called the

hyperreactive auto-allergic disorders, of which

examples were to be found in

every system. The obverse of these we called the


immunologically deficient disorders resulting from

defects of the cell or

serum components of the immunological reactions,

of which many examples have

also been found. PMID: 1729733

1979 - Evolution of viral diseases. Biological

characteristics of viruses

determine their distribution in men and animals as

well as their means of

surviving or persisting. Taking measles as an

example, we show that we are

dealing with a recent phenomenon in evolution--as

opposed, for instance, to

those infections due to arboviruses (eg yellow

fever) common in tropical

regions. Survival rates are lower for highly

virulent viruses (myxomatosis).

Antigenmodification (influenza) or latency (herpes

virus infections) allow

the virus repeatedly to escape the body's immune

system. The distribution

and clinical appearance of the infections are

influenced by environmental

and particularly iatrogenic* impact. Complete

extirpation of infections will

not be possible, only their manifestations will

undergo continuous change.

PMID: 93241



1999 - Three ER- resident molecular chaperones,

BiP, calnexin (CNX), and

calreticulin (CRT), in Sendai virus-infected HeLa

cells. Newly synthesized F

protein undergoes rapid maturation in the ER

through a transient interaction

with CNX, whereas HN protein requires more complex

processes involving

prolonged association with BiP, CNX, and CRT for

its quality control in the

ER. PMID: 10578061

1999 - HBV - M [Middle] envelope protein needs the

assistance of the

chaperone calnexin for proper folding and

trafficking. PMID: 10223333

1998 - The role of chaperone proteins in the

assembly of envelope proteins

of hepatitis C virus. Formation of the viral

envelope is an important step

in the morphogenesis of enveloped viruses. Our

data on the formation of

(HCV) envelope indicate that endoplasmic reticulum

(ER) chaperones play a

role in the assembly of HCV envelope proteins (E1

and E2). We have shown

that these glycoproteins interact with BiP,

calreticulin and calnexin.

However, among these chaperones, only calnexin is

involved in the productive

assembly of E1E2 complex. The other two chaperones

interact with misfolded

aggregates containing E1 and E2. Folding of HCV

glycoproteins occurs in the

context of intermediate complexes involving E1, E2

and calnexin. As soon as

E1E2 heterodimers are properly folded, they

separate fr om calnexin but

don't leave the ER compartment. PMID: 10100398

2000 - HBV Polymerase Interacts Independently with

N-Terminal and C-Terminal

Fragments of Hsp90beta. Hsp90 is an abundant

chaperone protein that assists

the folding of specific proteins, such as steroid

receptors, protein

kinases, and so on, for their proper function. TP

and RT domains of HBV

polymerase have been also shown to be associated

with Hsp90. Therefore, the

identification of the binding sites within Hsp90,

responsible for forming

Hsp90/HBV Pol complex, is important for the

understanding of HBV

replication. we showed that HBV pol independently

interacts with N-terminal

and C-terminal fragments, but not the middle

fragment (327-438) of Hsp90.

PMID: 10903919



1942 - Virus hepatitis, an overview. It has now

been known for 40 years that

the particular liver disease which has been called

" icterus catarrhalis " in

former times is being caused by virus infection.

Before that, Virchow's

thesis ( " occlusion of the papilla by mucus " ), and

later on Eppinger's thesis

( " serous hepatitis due to intoxication by

unidentified protein break-down

products " ) were held to be true. Only after liver

biopsy was introduced

became it known that this particular disease is in

fact an inflammatory

process. Since neither bacteria nor protozoa could

be found, it had to be

assumed that viruses were the positive agents. It

then took another 30 years

until two viruses causing hepatitis (A and B)

could be identified. The most

important steps in this process of identification

were: (1) proof of the

oral and parental route of infection by Voegt in

Germany and by American

authors (following yellow fever vaccination in the

US Army); (2) detection

of the Australia (HBS) antigen by Blumberg; and

(3) transfer of the

infectious disease to monkeys. 1980. PMID: 7432072

1969 - The original hemorrhagic fever: yellow

fever. PMID: 4981419

2000 - In a very preliminary study, a team of

French scientists has shown

that mosquito cells can bind and replicate the

hepatitis C virus. Dr.

Dominique Debriel of Hospital Pasteur in Paris.

Study Raises Question: Can

Mosquitoes Transmit Hepatitis C? June 1, 2000. LOS

ANGELES (Reuters Health).

1992 - Studies of the immunological disorders.

While investigating serum

hepatitis affecting soldiers of the US army

following the administration of

yellow fever vaccine [1942], an antigen similar to

that later called the

Australia antigen, now hepatitis B surface

antigen, was found in the acute

phase serum and the corresponding antibody was

found in convalescence. This

finding and subsequent studies suggested there was

a group of disease, which

we called the hyperreactive auto-allergic

disorders, of which examples were

to be found in every system. The obverse of these

we called the hyporeactive

immunologically deficient disorders resulting from

defects of the cell or

serum components of the immunological reactions,

of which many examples have

also been found. PMID: 1729733

1942 - Kenney JA. - An open letter to the American

Red Cross. 1942. J Natl

Med Assoc. PMID: 9583971

1942~1970 - In previous decades, infants who

received blood transfusions

shortly after birth or in utero might have been

infected at a particularly

vulnerable age by some blood-borne oncogenic

virus. Transfused between 1942

and 1970, in most cases for the prevention or

treatment of haemolytic

disease of the newborn. The incidence of

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma at 15 to 49

years of age was about twice that expected, but

the excess was not

statistically significant. 1994. PMID: 8050819

1969~1974 - VA - Anicteric hepatitis [HCV] has

developed four times [400%]

more frequently than icteric [HBV] hepatitis, the

total incidence for all 6

years being 11.3%. Declined dramatically after

1973 with the institution of

routine screening of donor blood by

radioimmunoassay techniques, although no

change in the incidence of antigen-negative

hepatitis has occurred. There is

indirect evidence to suggest that an undefined

agent is responsible for the

majority of instances of post-transfusion

hepatitis occurring presently.

PMID: 1235478

1970 - NSDM#34 - Special Virus Program - With

respect to the development of

the HIV enzyme, Dr. Gallo (and others) isolated a

" human " RNA-Dependent DNA

Polymerase in the Special Virus program in

accordance with a primate

inoculation program conducted by Dr. A.

Manaker and Dr. A.

Kotin. " STATE ORIGIN: The Evidence of the

Laboratory Birth of AIDS " by:

Boyd E. Graves., BS, JD, Director-AIDS CONCERNS

1978-1981 - Grants, 1918-1988. Rockefeller.

American Liver Foundation,




1981 - It is well known that radiation can cause

myeloid leukemia. However,

no excess of chronic lymphocytic leukemia has been

observed. Myelomatosis,

like chronic lymphocytic leukemia, is a tumor of B

lymphocytes. The largest

relative risk appeared among persons receiving

internal doses of

alpha-particles [thorotrast], but a significant

excess was also found in

patients receiving only therapeutic or diagnostic

gamma-rays or x-rays. Most

cases occurred 15 to 25 years after exposure.

PMID: 7442744

1990~1991 - Human viral haemorrhagic fevers and

African swine fever similar

pathogenic mechanisms. An Vet Murcia

1990-91;6-7:107-14. (Spa).

1991-1994 - VA Facilities - This represents an

increase of more than 285%

during the 4-year period. Increases in HCV

antibody for the same period were

seen in all major regions of the United States and

in the specified large

metropolitan areas. 1997. PMID: 9358714

2000 - In the United States of America (1991), in

Canada (1998), in the UK

(1993, 1994) and in Germany (1999) recommendations

have been published

concerning performance of " exposure-prone

procedures " (EPP) by persons

infected with Hepatitis-B virus (HBV), Hepatitis-C

virus (HCV) or HIV. PMID:


1997 - The present veteran population is estimated

at 25.6 [26] million, as

of July 1, 1997.


1998 - Anti-hepatitis push raises ethical issues.

PMID: 10187704

1999 - Because the activity of Rockefeller

philanthropy is so vast that

almost every day we receive inquiries about

aspects of the collections that

were previously unknown to us.



2000 - Electric razors as a potential vector for

viral hepatitis. PMID:


2000 - Multidose vial transmits HCV. PMID:


2000 - Although screening of blood donors for

anti-HCV and improvements in

infection control have significantly decreased the

exposure to HCV, it is

believed that HCV is still spreading in some areas

of Asia because of the

lack of routine screening of donated blood,

injecting drug usage,

traditional medicine practices or medical

treatment under suboptimal

hygienic conditions that involve blood

contamination, and tattooing. PMID:


2000 - Sweden - Continued transmission of

hepatitis B and C viruses, but no

transmission of human immunodeficiency virus among

intravenous drug users

participating in a syringe/needle exchange

program. PMID: 10879594

2000 - Two Successive Hepatitis C Virus Infections

in an Intravenous Drug

User. PMID: 10921996

2000 - First Hepatitis-C Center in Northeast

Region Established By

Rockefeller University, New York-Presbyterian, and

Weill Cornell.



2000 - U.S. Surgeon General introduces Hepatitis C

education campaign. July

27, 2000.




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HCV - Side Effects - a listing

HCV - Associated Side Effects found in the





2000 - HCV has infected millions of people

worldwide and emerged as a global

health crisis. PMID: 10819433

2000 - HBV - Hepatitis overwhelms Africa, Asia -

More than 2 billion people

worldwide have been infected with Hepatitis B, and

350 million of them are

chronic carriers, WHO says.



2000 - Infection with (HCV) is the major cause of

non-A, non-B hepatitis

worldwide. PMID: 10895433

1999 - Reconstructing the complex evolutionary

history of hepatitis B virus.

A detailed analysis of the evolutionary history of

(HBV) was undertaken

using 39 mammalian hepadnaviruses for which

complete genome sequences were

available, including representatives of all six

human genotypes, as well as

a large sample of small S gene sequences.

Phylogenetic trees of these data

were ambiguous, supporting no single place of

origin for HBV, and depended

heavily on the underlying model of DNA

substitution. Both the pattern and

the rate of nucleotide substitution are therefore

complex phenomena in HBV

and hinder any attempt to reconstruct the past

spread of this virus. PMID:


2000 - HCV - It has been exceedingly difficult to

accurately assess the

natural history. PMID: 10895429

The family of the Flaviviridae contains genera:

hepaciviruses, to which

belongs HCV, and the flaviviruses, (emerging

world-wide) to which belongs

Yellow Fever virus (YFV).

1969 - The original hemorrhagic fever: yellow

fever. PMID: 4981419

1999 - Extensive mutagenesis of the hepatitis B

virus core gene. PMID:


1987 - Antibody to hepatitis B core antigen as a

paradoxical marker for

non-A, non-B hepatitis agents in donated blood.

PMID: 3006567

1990 - Hepatitis C virus is the major causative

agent of all non-A, non-B

hepatitis in the United States. PMID: 2170702

1999 - Dilemma of the natural history of hepatitis

C. PMID:10197486

1992 - Point Mutation - Serologically silent

hepatitis B virus along with

hepatitis C virus. HBV, ayw, an identical

single-point mutation was found in

both the donor and the recipient. These data

confirm the transmission of

conserved HBV sequences together with HCV in

posttransfusion NANBH. PMID:



2000 - HCV - 5'-NCR is more conserved than the

core region and the genotype

is the major cause of gene variation. No change in

sequences of those two

regions is found at the different points of time.

PMID: 10880160


2000 - The Protein Kinase-Interacting Domain in

the Hepatitis C Virus

Envelope Glycoprotein-2 Gene Is Highly Conserved

in Genotype 1-Infected

Patients Treated with Interferon. PMID: 10915068

2000 - Activation of Intracellular Signaling by

Hepatitis B and C Viruses:

C-Viral Core Is the Most Potent Signal Inducer.

PMID: 10915750

1999 - HCV infection has been linked with some

extrahepatic immunologic

abnormalities. PMID: 10193093

1942 - There was a group of disease, which we

called the hyperreactive

auto-allergic disorders, of which examples were to

be found in every system.

1992. PMID: 1729733

1979 - Evolution of viral diseases. latency allow

the virus repeatedly to

escape the body's immune system. The distribution

and clinical appearance of

the infections are influenced by environmental and

particularly iatrogenic*

impact. Complete extirpation of infections will

not be possible, only their

manifestations will undergo continuous change.

PMID: 93241

1998 - Hepatitis C virus and immunoglobulin gene

rearrangements: an early

step in lymphomagenesis? clonal lesions in the DNA

are related to HCV

infection and that these changes antedate the

appearance of mixed

cryoglobulinemia. PMID: 9858787

1996 - Inactivation of hepatitis C virus cDNA

transgene by hypermethylation

in transgenic mice. PMID: 8678840

1998 - Anti-hepatitis push raises ethical issues.

Mod Healthc. PMID:


1999 - likely that at least one additional

blood-borne hepatitis virus has

yet to be identified. PMID: 10572578

2000 - HCV - The source of infection for the 30%

of cases without an

identifiable risk factor remains to be clarified.

PMID: 10890316

2000 - Non-hepatological manifestations are

frequent with more than 70% of

HCV patients experiencing fatigue or at least one

extrahepatic clinical

manifestation involving primarily the joints, skin

and muscles. PMID:


2000 - Britain - [10%] women studied in Britain

have been infected with

hepatitis C, according to new research. Of these,

[66%] were previously

undiagnosed. Hepatitis C infection rates are

running at far higher levels

than previously thought, according to research

published today [July, 18].

Published in the BMA specialist journal, Gut, the

research found that women

who had their ears pierced or had tattoos were

twice as likely to be

infected with hepatitis C as those who used

intravenous drugs. The finding

that two thirds of patients in the study were

previously undiagnosed and

that three quarters [75%] had no known risk

factors for hepatitis C will

cause doctors and scientists to view the disease

in a new light. The

prevalence of hepatitis C may be even higher than

in this study. " Such a

high level of infection establishes hepatitis C as

a major healthcare

problem for the 21st century, and one that cannot

be ignored " . The babies of

pregnant women with hepatitis C are at an

increased risk of infection also.



2000 - The discovery a decade ago of the (HCV) led

to control of

post-transfusion hepatitis in many countries, but

raised a number of further

questions about the transmission and

epidemiological distribution of the

newly discovered virus. people with HCV infection

and their sexual partners

should minimize the extent of blood contact that

may occur through sexual

activity. PMID: 10921388

Iatrogenic = Induced inadvertently by the medical

treatment or procedures or

actvity of a physician. Infections acquired by the

patient during the course

of treatment.



2000 - HCV infection is one of the main hepatitis

viruses in patients with

acute hepatitis. PMID: 10880163

2000 - (HCV) is a major cause of morbidity and

mortality worldwide. The

infection becomes chronic in about 85% of infected

individuals, in the face

of a strong humoral and cellular immune response.

PMID: 10895435

2000 - Approximately 70% of patients with acute

hepatitis C develop chronic

hepatitis. Once patients develop chronic hepatitic

fibrosis of the liver, it

progresses over several decades, faster in older

patients. PMID: 10921390

2000 - The majority of patients who develop

chronic HCV infection are

asymptomatic; but 60-80% develop chronic hepatitis

as indicated by elevated

ALT; around 30% maintain normal ALT. One-third of

chronically infected

patients develop progressive liver injury,

fibrosis and cirrhosis over a

period of 20-30 years, and 15% develop

hepatocellular carcinoma. PMID:


2000 - HCV - Characterized by silent onset in most

infected individuals, a

high rate of viral persistence, and the potential

for development of

everworsening chronic liver disease, ranging from

chronic hepatitis to

cirrhosis and occasionally to hepatocellular

carcinoma. Such progression,

when it occurs, is also most commonly a silent

process that may take 20-40,

and occasionally even more, years to reach its end

point. Because of these

characteristics, it has been exceedingly difficult

to accurately assess the

natural history. PMID: 10895429

2000 - Chronic infection with (HCV) is estimated

to affect almost 170

million individuals worldwide. 20-30% of these

individuals develop cirrhosis

and its sequelae. Only 15-20% of patients with

chronic hepatitis C achieve a

sustained virological response to interferon

monotherapy. The prevalence of

anti-HCV antibodies in dialysis patients varies

between 1% and 29% in

Western Europe. PMID: 10897663

1997 - (HCV) is currently classified into at least

six major genotypes, each

of which is further divided into a number of

subtypes. It has been reported

that prevalence of each subtype varies among

different geographical regions

of the world and that severity of liver disease

and sensitivity to

interferon treatment varies with different

subtypes. PMID: 9640596

1998 - HCV shows high genomic variability. PMID:


1999 - Quasispecies - Evidence of increasing

diversification of HCV viruses.

HCV has been described as a dynamic population of

heterogeneous, closely

related variants, designated quasispecies. PMID:


2000 - HCV mixed-genotype infections are more

common than previously

estimated. PMID: 10921931

2000 - One of the most important features of HCV

is its high degree of

genetic variability, which is due to the inherent

low fidelity of the viral

replication machinery. The genetic variability of

HCV is complex and has

been classified into four hierarchical strata:

genotypes, subgenotypes,

isolates, and quasispecies. PMID: 10895435

1996 - DR. HOUGHTON (CHIRON CORP): It’s a very

serious problem. It’s the

10th leading killer in the U. S. and there’s an

estimated 150,000 new

infections each year in the U. S. - transcript of

major television network

news segment devoted to the Hepatitis C Virus

[NBC]. 8/19/96.


1999 - HCV - Up to 10,000 people in the United

States will die annually from

the disease and that number will triple by the

year 2010 (more than AIDS)

(National Institutes of Health, 1997). The primary

transmission route is

through blood. The risk to healthcare workers of

becoming infected after

exposure from a needle stick is between 1.2% to

10%, whereas for HIV it is

0.3%. Healthcare workers must shift their

self-protection focus from HIV to

hepatitis C. PMID: 10603854

1997 - The impact of HCV disease on patient

well-being and health care costs

cannot be overestimated. PMID: 9358714

1998 - Forty percent [40%] of patients have no

identifiablisk factors.

Risk factors for hepatitis C infection include

I.V. drug use (42%); history

of blood transfusion (6%); exposure to multiple

heterosexual partners (6%);

exposure to a household contact (3%); health care

employment (2%); or

hemodialysis (1%). PMID: 10029368

1996 - Potential for mercury toxicity and HCV

transmission in the HBIg

formulations currently available in the United

States. Manufacturing

modifications of HBIg may allow for improved

patient tolerance and decreased

risks. PMID: 8996763

1998 - Hepatitis B immunoglobulins - Before

screening of blood donors was

introduced in France, HBIGs may have contained

antibody to HCV (anti-HCV).

PMID: 9599192

1996 - HCV is among the most common causes of

chronic liver disease

affecting approximately 1% of the world's

population. PMID: 8781898


1999 - Available data indicate that approximately

3% of the world's

population is infected with HCV. PMID: 10847128


1999 - WHO - New HCV infections continue to occur.

PMID: 10622578

1999 - HCV has become the most significant cause

of chronic liver disease of

infectious aetiology in paediatric age. PMID:


1998 - HCV NS3 protein may exert its

hepatocarcinogenic effect in early

stage on host cells by endogenous pathway which

may bring about mutation of

p53 gene and transformation of hepatocytes. PMID:

10923485 (posted 2000)

1998 - Antibody against NS5 may reflect the

disease activity to some extent.

It appears relatively late, and is of no value in

early stage diagnosis.

PMID: 10923525 (posted 2000)

2000 - The nonstructural 5A (NS5A) protein of HCV

promotes cell growth.

PMID: 10867196

1998 - Yellow fever 5' noncoding region as a

potential element to improve

hepatitis C virus production through modification

of translational control.

PMID: 9878525

2000 - Viral persistence in chronic HBV and HCV

infection has been

attributed to an imbalance in the Th1-Th2 arms of

the immune response. PMID:


2000 - The clinical picture of acute hepatitis B

in anti-HCV-positive

patients corresponded to HBV monoinfection with

prolonged intoxication and a

more benign biochemical course. Virus interference

may be responsible for

successive alternative dominant replication of HBV

and HCV. PMID: 10867993

2000 - Approximately 5% of the world's human

population have an increased

risk for developing liver cancer and cirrhosis as

a direct consequence of

chronic infection with the hepatitis B virus

(HBV). Antiviral chemotherapy

remains the only option for controlling infection

in these individuals, for

whom the current licensed hepatitis B vaccines

provide no benefit.

Interferon (IFN)-alpha has proven benefit in a

well-defined group of those

with hepatitis B but has made little impact on the

global burden of chronic

liver disease. PMID: 10868900

2000 - HCV infection may be more prevalent among

hospitalized VA patients

(and among other US hospital populations) than

previously expected. PMID:


2000 - There is often no correlation between HCV

antigen expression and the

degree of liver cell injury, although patients

with lower levels of antigen

expression are more likely to respond to

interferon therapy. PMID: 10895434

2000 - In the health care setting, blood-borne

pathogen transmission occurs

predominantly by percutaneous or mucosal exposure

of workers to the blood or

body fluids of infected patients. PMID: 10885983

2000 - HCV infection can be self-limited or

associated with ESLD [End Stage

Liver Disease], the majority of adults have

persistent viremia without

clinically demonstrable liver disease. PMID:


2000 - In practice, it's of great importance to

identify and classify these

extra-hepatic manifestations to optimize the

treatment of chronic hepatitis

C. PMID: 10905094

2000 - The serum protein designated 90K/Mac-2BP

has been found at elevated

concentrations in the sera of patients with

various types of cancer and

viral infections. Potential of the scavenger

receptor family protein

90K/Mac-2BP as an independent predictor of disease

severity during HCV

infection. PMID: 10905755


1900~1925 - Sabin, Florence Rena (1871-1953) -

American scientist, did

important research in human embryology. Sabin

showed that blood cells and

the lymphatic system develop from buds on the

veins of an embryo. Sabin was

born in Central City, Colo. She graduated from

s Hopkins Medical School

in 1900 and taught there until 1925.


Prior to 1945 - Over 50 years ago the first

indications that hepatitis could

be transmitted from the serum or plasma of one

human to another became

evident. This was confirmed in human transfer

experiments although the agent

causing hepatitis was not known and there was no

specific test for what

eventually was presumed to be a virus. It soon

became clear that hepatitis

was a complication of blood and plasma

transfusion. 1995. PMID: 7719038

1944 - Needle biopsy of the liver, although first

performed in 1895, did not

become current until 50 years later. Nils Alwall

of Sweden performed the

first systematic aspiration needle biopsies of the

kidney in 1944. PMID:


1959 - Ducci, MD (1915-1959), Dr. Ducci

developed several laboratory

techniques, mainly liver function tests, and

proposed a practical clinical

classification of jaundice. PMID: 10752283

1966 - The human population as a laboratory for

studies of carcinogenesis.

PMID: 4957935

1967 - Speculation on future use of blood or blood

component therapy. PMID:


1968 - Radiation hepatitis: Possible prevention by

combined isotopic and

external radiation therapy. PMID: 5699627

1970 - Liability for transfusion hepatitis. PMID:


1971 - The hospital's liability for transfusions.

PMID: 5553346

1971 - Liability for post-transfusion hepatitis.

PMID: 5545384

1971 - Liability for contaminated blood. PMID:


1971 - Local hepatitis caused by irradiation.

PMID: 5095850

1973 - Should we try to prevent epidemic hepatitis

at present? PMID: 4360123

1975 - VA - The most important risk factor

responsible for the development

of hepatitis is the use of commercial blood. PMID:


1977 - Risk factors in transmission of non-A,

non-B posttransfusion

hepatitis. The role of hepatitis B antibody in

donor blood. PMID: 595112

1978 - Transfusion hepatitis: the blood label

could make you liable. PMID:


1979 - Controlling post-transfusion hepatitis: a

proposal to publicize

hepatitis rates of transfusion facilities. PMID:


1980 - Post-transfusion hepatitis B: a presently

treatable problem? PMID:


1980 - Post-transfusion hepatitis: can the

problem be solved today? PMID:


1980 - Morphological similarities between B and

non-A, non-B hepatitis

viruses. PMID: 6168643


1972 - Virus-induced chromosome damage. PMID:


1972 - Inhibition of virus-induced chromosome

damage by interferon. PMID:


1990 - Now it has been recognized that HBV has no

direct cytopathic effect

on hepatocytes and that hepatocyte necrosis is

associated with the virus

induced immunological reaction of the host. PMID:


1994 - Physicians must explain clearly to patients

that a zero-risk blood

supply is impossible to achieve; patients must

understand that all necessary

steps practicable have been taken to ensure the

safest possible supply.

PMID: 8144350

1995 - Among hepatitis A to E viruses, hepatitis

B, C, and D viruses can

cause chronic hepatitis, in both children and

adults. HBV infection is the

most prevalent and important one. PMID: 10829942

1997 - Liver diseases associated with chronic

(HBV) infection, including

hepatocellular carcinoma, account for more than 1

million deaths annually

worldwide. PMID: 9414172

1999 - Extensive mutagenesis of the hepatitis B

virus core gene. PMID:


1999 - Spontaneous negativation of serum hepatitis

C virus RNA is a rare

event in type C chronic liver diseases.


1999 - HCV becomes chronic in 85% of the infected

individuals. SOURCE: Am J

Gastroenterol 1999 Mar;94(3):668-73.

2000 - Healthy anti-HCV-positive subjects exist.

PMID: 10734027

1999 - HCV infection has been linked with some

extrahepatic immunologic

abnormalities. PMID: 10193093

2000 - Genotype 1b was more common among HCC

patients than among blood

donors. PMID: 10826899

1999 - 75% of consecutively studied patients

reveal clinically important

extrahepatic manifestations. This underlines the

" broad spectrum " action

played by the hepatitis C virus in the host

organism. PMID: 10388457

1999 - Hepatitis B virus DNA is frequently found

in liver biopsy samples

from hepatitis C virus-infected chronic hepatitis

patients. PMID: 9557290

1992 - China - Serological markers of HBV

infection were detectable

concomitantly in [85.5%]cases who were anti-HCV

positive. PMID: 1282451

1995 - liver damage and elevation of

aminotransferases occur during the

process of HBV clearance. PMID: 10829942

2000 - HGV infection is more common than HCV

infection and is frequently

found in healthy individuals. PMID: 10825044

1997 - Hepatitis G virus should be considered a

world-wide health concern.

PMID: 9347963

2000 - A striking difference was found in the

prevalence of TTV between

healthy children and patients with chronic HBV or

HCV infection. PMID:


1999 - The involvement of different genes in

various HLA subregions suggests

that anti-HCV responses are modulated by a complex

gene interplay rather

than by single alleles. PMID: 10094975

1999 - DNA based immunization is a promising

antiviral approach for the

development of therapeutic and prophylactic

vaccine against HBV and HCV.

PMID: 10516466

1998 - An in vitro system that supports the

efficient growth of HCV and

reflects its complete in vitro replication cycle

has not yet been

established. PMID: 9770428

2000 - Research on (HBV) infection in vivo has

been limited due to the

absence of a suitable animal model. PMID: 10792989

2000 - A unifying theory on the mechanisms by

which previous medical history

may increase the risk of haematolymphopoietic

malignancies is still lacking.

PMID: 10818118

2000 - WHO estimates that as many as 21 million

people a year contract a

lethal disease from unsafe needle practices. The

result is over one million

deaths annually, or one nearly every 20 seconds.

SHPI Announces Two New

Safety Needle Technologies In Bid to Meet Huge

Demand from Global Healthcare

Markets. LONDON, June 28 /PRNewswire.

2000 - France - (HCV) has spread in a silent way

by blood transfusion, then

was massively introduced in the intravenous drug

user community and is now

recognized as a potential nosocomial viral

infection. PMID: 10905090



1998 - Identification of a cDNA clone and the

genome of hepatitis C virus in

1988-1989 allowed the development of clinical

tests that are now used to

detect and quantify hepatitis C virus. This has

largely eliminated

post-transfusion hepatitis C virus infection;

however, the overall incidence

of chronic hepatitis C and its complications has

greatly increased because

of its transmission by other means, lack of a

protective vaccine, and

inadequate virucidal therapy. PMID: 10825999

1990 - HBV is the causative agent of

hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in man.

PMID: 2159110

2000 - HCC occurs more frequently in patients with

(HCV)-related chronic

liver disease than those with hepatitis B

virus-related disease. PMID:


1993 - Hepatitis B--the most important chronic

human viral infection. PMID:


1995 - It has been estimated that presently

hepatitis B kills more people

every day than AIDS kills in a year world-wide.

PMID: 10829939

1997 - Liver diseases associated with chronic

(HBV) infection, including

hepatocellular carcinoma, account for more than 1

million deaths annually

worldwide. PMID: 9414172

1998 - HBV is the most prevalent chronic

infectious disease in the world.

PMID: 9747087

1999 - More than third of world's population has

been infected with

hepatitis B virus. PMID: 10221961

2000 - Chronic (HBV) infection is a leading cause

of cirrhosis and

hepatocellular carcinoma worldwide. Its prevalence

approaches 10% in

hyperendemic areas, such as southeast Asia, China,

and Africa. PMID:


2000 - Hepatitis C is one of the world's leading

infectious diseases. PMID:


2000 - HCV infection occurs in all parts of the

world. PMID: 10592654

2000 - Until 1990, HCV infection was common in

transfused patients,

resulting in more than 200,000 cases of

posttransfusion hepatitis C in

France alone. PMID: 10864994

1991 - The main HCV strain in Japan (HCV-J 4) is

highly diverse in sequence

from the original American strain (HCV-US). PMID:


HBV and HCV are not only hepatotropic but possibly

hematotropic. PMID:


1980 - Morphological similarities between B and

non-A, non-B hepatitis

viruses. PMID: 6168643

HCV-related diseases are B cell neoplasias. PMID:


2000 - Chronic hepatitis B and C virus infections

have been characterized by

the pathophysiological features with a high

incidence of progression to

cirrhosis and development of hepatocellular

carcinoma. PMID: 10834146

2000 - Cirrhosis due to hepatitis C is now the

commonest indication for

liver transplantation in Western Europe and in the

United States. Graft

reinfection is almost universal. PMID: 10897062

RNA viruses make up about a third of all known

viruses and includes

hepatitis C, which infects hundreds of millions of

people worldwide. Team

Finds Cell Gene That Helps Viruses Multiply. Date:

4/4/2000 Source:

Science Daily

1969 - The original hemorrhagic fever: yellow

fever. PMID: 4981419

2000 - In a very preliminary study, a team of

French scientists has shown

that mosquito cells can bind and replicate the

hepatitis C virus. Dr.

Dominique Debriel of Hospital Pasteur in Paris.

Study Raises Question: Can

Mosquitoes Transmit Hepatitis C? June 1, 2000. LOS

ANGELES (Reuters Health).

1992 - s Hopkins - The most common serious

complication of blood

transfusion is post-transfusion hepatitis from

HCV. After we controlled for

the method of donor screening, the risk of

seroconversion was strongly

associated with the volume of blood transfused,

but not with the use of

particular blood components. PMID: 1320736

1999 - HCV correlated hepatitis is a pathology on

the increase, and it is

especially affecting patients above 60 years old.

PMID: 10827804

2000 - Steatosis, lymphoid aggregates or follicles

and bile duct injury on

histology are more consistently associated with

chronic hepatitis C than

chronic hepatitis B. Steatosis [66.6%], lymphoid

aggregates or follicles

[36.6%] and bile duct injury [26.6%] were noted in

cases of chronic

hepatitis B as compared to chronic hepatitis C:

Steatosis [70%], lymphoid

aggregates or follicles [33.3%] and bile duct

injury [30%]. India. PMID:


2000 - HCV infection is highly prevalent in

hemodialysis patients. PMID:


Variation of hepatitis C virus following serial

transmission: multiple

mechanisms of diversification of the hypervariable

region and evidence for

convergent genome evolution. PMID: 10092012

1994 - Significant difference in the prevalence of

anti-HCV and anti-HBc

positivity between polytransfused and occasionally

transfused patients.

PMID: 7519583

1999 - The current data suggest that HBV

co-infects frequently with HCV and

may play an important role in the development of

HCC in HCV-infected

patients. PMID: 10036965

1997 - General US population: HCV [4%] prevalence

is 40 times HIV

prevalence. PMID: 10184834

2000 - CDC - The risk that healthcare workers will

become infected with

(HCV) following an accidental needlestick is 20 to

40 times greater than

their risk of HIV infection, according to data

presented here at the

International Conference on Emerging Infectious

Disease. The meeting was

sponsored by the US Centers for Disease Control

and Prevention and the

American Society for Microbiology. ``HIV has

driven healthcare safety

initiatives for years, We need to change our

educational focus'' to address

the risk of exposure to HCV.



HCV infection is most often clinically inapparent

and rarely associated with

symptoms of acute hepatitis. Most patients,

however, fail to resolve the

acute infection and proceed to develop chronic

hepatitis with the risk

of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma

later in life. PMID:


1982 - CDC - A history of previous clinical

hepatitis and serologic markers

indicating previous hepatitis B infection were

found in patients with non-A,

non-B hepatitis more often than in the control

patients. PMID: 6806403

All the differences showed an obvious statistical

significance. Hepatitis B

coinciding with HCV infection is responsible for

the deterioration of the

disease and towards its formation of its chronic

phase as well as for the

inhibition of HBV replication. PMID: 10682522

1995 - 80.0% of cirrhotics had evidence of both

HBV and HCV infection. PMID:


1999 - Simultaneous screening for HBV DNA and HCV

RNA genomes in blood

donations using a novel TaqMan PCR assay. PMID:


1968 - 15 parameters of serum proteins in viral

hepatitis. PMID: 4915646

1994 - Pattern of HBV markers and HCV. The result

showed that 14 patterns

were found: The difference of the positive rate of

anti-HCV among various

patterns of HBV markers was significant. PMID:


1993 - HCV infection not only existed in [China]

but was also associated

with the type of HB. PMID: 8221836

1993 - Reciprocal inverse relation between HBV and

HCV replication. Patients

positive for antibody to HCV with antibodies to

HBV usually have no evidence

of HBV DNA persistence in the liver. PMID: 8224658

1999 - Occult hepatitis B infection occurs

frequently in patients with

chronic hepatitis C liver disease and may have

clinical significance. PMID:


Serologically silent hepatitis B virus along with

hepatitis C virus. HBV,

ayw, an identical single-point mutation was found

in both the donor and the

recipient. These data confirm the transmission of

conserved HBV sequences

together with HCV in posttransfusion NANBH. PMID:


1991 - PTH - HBV... seroconverted to anti-HCV

PMID: 1680985

1993 - Suppression of hepatitis B virus expression

and replication by

hepatitis C virus core protein in HuH-7 cells.

These characteristics imply

that the HCV core protein can also function as a

gene-regulatory protein.

PMID: 8396658

HCV possesses both hepatotropism and

lymphotropism. (lymph nodes, ovary,

uterus, peripheral blood mononuclear cells [PBMCs]

and serum). PMID: 9414651

A unifying theory on the mechanisms by which

previous medical history may

increase the risk of haematolymphopoietic

malignancies is still lacking.

PMID: 10818118

1997 - HCV is responsible for the majority of

cases of non-A, non-B

hepatitis. Affected patients are usually

asymptomatic when initially

infected; however, between 70% and 80% will

maintain infection and develop

chronic liver disease. Of these patients, 20% to

50% progress to cirrhosis,

and up to 15% may develop hepatocellular

carcinoma. Thus, many patients have

significant liver disease when diagnosed. PMID:


An in vitro system that supports the efficient

growth of HCV and reflects

its complete in vitro replication cycle has not

yet been established. PMID:


2000 - HMO's - Managed care plans with suitable

data on their enrollee

populations are in a key position to serve an

important public health role

in detecting asymptomatic patients who are

infected with HCV. PMID: 10847260

Hence, evidence exists that familial, non-sexual

and sexual transmission of

HCV does occur. PMID: 10760039

2000 - These findings suggest a low incidence of

interspousal transmission

of HCV; however, the risk may be cumulative and

such couples should be

educated to avoid HCV infection from their

spouses. PMID: 10824883

1995 - HCV infection in children occurs mainly in

high risk children, such

as those who received blood product or injection

using non-sterile needles,

or infants of HCV viremic mothers, etc. PMID:


2000 - HCV transmission from viremic mothers

occurred in 2.8%-4.2% of the

cases. PMID: 10825044

2000 - HGV transmission from viremic mothers

occurred in 75.0%-80.0% of the

cases. Although the rate of perinatal HGV

transmission highly exceeded that

of perinatal HCV transmission, HGV did not seem to

induce hepatitis in the

children. PMID: 10825044

Quasispecies in viral persistence and pathogenesis

of hepatitis C virus.

PMID: 10498948

Viral genotype, mutations, virus-host interaction,

expression of viral

proteins and host immune-reaction are important

factors in the pathogenesis

of HCV infection. PMID: 10757089

The amount of HCV viraemia was suggested to be a

significant factor for

determining histological outcome in patients with

chronic hepatitis C. PMID:


HCV: patients having 1 dominant strain in the

circulation may show a

relatively weaker immune response resulting in

lower ALT and higher viremia

levels, whereas patients with high degrees of

virus quasispecies diversity

have higher ALT levels and a more active immune

response causing the

selection of new genome variants and depressing

viral replication partly.

PMID: 10773739

Transient or occult superinfection with HCV of

different genotypes. PMID:


HCV causes not only liver disease but also

disorders of other organs and

tissues. PMID: 10567673

In the last ten years, numerous studies have

demonstrated that infection

with HCV is involved in the pathogenesis of most

mixed cryoglobulinemia.

2000. PMID: 10761559

2000 - The most documented extrahepatic

manifestation of (HCV) infection is

mixed cryoglobulinemia (MC). The presence of

microheterogeneity and other

new types of cryoglobulins is a novel and recent

observation. PMID: 10787003


2000 - Splenectomy may improve the glomerulopathy

of type II mixed

cryoglobulinemia. Splenectomy may be an effective

therapy for

cryoglobulinemia in patients with HCV-positive

liver cirrhosis and

pancytopenia secondary to splenomegaly. PMID:



1998 - Mixed cryoglobulinaemia [MC]: MC is a

systemic vasculitis, secondary

to the deposition in small and medium-sized blood

vessels of circulating

immune complexes, mainly the cryoglobulins, and

complement. PMID: 9643318

Recent investigations into the relationship

between the hepatitis C virus

and human cells, particularly lymphocytes, have

resulted in possible

pathophysiological interactions that may begin to

explain some of the

extrahepatic manifestations of hepatitis C virus

infection. PMID: 10803631

HCV is both a hepatotropic and a lymphotropic

virus; due to this latter

biological peculiarity, HCV may trigger a

constellation of autoimmune-

lymphoproliferative disorders. PMID: 10647955

1997 - Hepatitis G virus should be considered a

world-wide health concern.

PMID: 9347963

GB virus B (GBV-B) is closely related to (HCV).

PMID: 10756044

GBV-C/hepatitis G virus is primarily a

lymphotropic virus. PMID: 10745232

Our study shows an increasing prevalence of

hepatitis C and B, often

associated, in type 2 diabetic patients that

allows us to define them as a

group at risk for viral hepatitis. PMID: 10802152

2000 - Alcohol - The combination of chronic (HCV)

and ethanol may increase

viral replication, impair cellular immunity, and

result in severe and

progressive liver disease. High rate of chronic

HCV infection in alcoholics

may be due to ethanol's effects on antiviral

immune responses. PMID:


The Impact of Diagnosis of Hepatitis C Virus on

Quality of Life. Qol

[Quality of Life] measures were significantly

worse for HCV-seropositive

individuals aware of their serostatus compared

with those unaware. We feel

that the reduced QOL in the diagnosed group may be

partially an effect of

labeling and that the impact of the diagnostic

process per se on QOL in

individuals with HCV requires further evaluation.

PMID: 10534353

1999 - Counselling patients with hepatitis C.

After HCV infection it is

necessary to consider not only diagnostic and

therapeutic steps but also the

risk of transmission in the patient's circle and

consequences for the

patient. PMID: 10622576

1998 - Hepatitis C and depression. PMID: 9706456



2000 - Non-hepatological manifestations are

frequent with more than 70% of

HCV patients experiencing fatigue or at least one

extrahepatic clinical

manifestation involving primarily the joints, skin

and muscles. Several

immunological abnormalities are frequently

observed, including cryoglobulins

(40%),anti-nuclear antibodies (10%) and

anti-smooth muscle antibodies (7%).

In contrast severe extrahepatic manifestations are

rare, with 1% for

systemic vasculitis. PMID: 10890317

Hepatitis C may manifest as

hepatic fibrosis


hepatocellular carcinoma

lichen planus


mixed cryoglobulinemia


The hepatic damage is due both to the cytopathic

effect of the virus and the

inflammatory changes secondary to immune

activation. PMID: 10468647

HCV leads to

progressive liver damage and



encephalitis and

hemorrhagic fever.

Team Finds Cell Gene That Helps Viruses Multiply.

Date: 4/4/2000 Source:

Science Daily

Antibody-free virion titer greatly differs between

HCV genotypes.

Differences in the amount of antibody-free virion

and HVR1 sequence

variability between genotypes may have an

implication in HCV pathogenesis.

PMID: 10745230

Extrahepatic manifestations of hepatitis C.



hepatitis C virus as a mediator of autoimmunity or

of immune complex


mixed essential cryoglobulinemia,

autoimmune hepatitis,


thyroiditis, and possibly

Sjogren's syndrome.

The hepatitis C virus has also been strongly

linked to two skin disorders:

prophyria cutanea tarda and

lichen planus.

Other possible hepatitis-C-associated diseases

described in the literature


idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis,

IgA deficiency.

n's corneal ulcers,

Behcet's syndrome,


Guillain-Barre' syndrome,

idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. PMID: 8861523

Extrahepatic manifestations of chronic hepatitis





cutaneous vasculitis,

Raynaud's syndrome,

affection of the muscles and joints,

nodular periartheritis,

lesions of the lungs,


autoimmune thyroiditis,

Sjogren's syndrome,

lichen ruber planus,

porphyria cutanea tarda,

immune cytopenia,

autoimmune hemolytic anemia,

hypoplastic anemia,

monoclonal immunoglobulinopathy,

B-cell lymphoma.

rheumatic factor,


antinuclear antibodies.

mixed cryoglobulinemia and associated vasculitides

of different sites,

malignant lymphoproliferative diseases, more

frequent than in HBV-infection

involvement of the thyroid and salivary glands,

some skin lesions.


Extrahepatic disease manifestations of HCV



cryoglobulinemic leg ulcers due to

cutaneous vasculitis,

peripheral sensorimotor neuropathy, and

recurrent pulmonary infiltrates.

B-cell lymphoproliferation, diagnosed as

extranodal lymphoma on initial bone marrow


retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy, and the

presence of a Type II IgM6 monoclonal rheumatoid


which became cryoprecipitable on complexing to

IgG. PMID: 10747367

Other tissues, organs and systems.


The number of the reported in the literature

extrahepatic lesions by HCV

incessantly increases.

mixed cryoglobulinaemias,

membrano-proliferative glomerulonephritis and

porphyria cutanea tarda is confirmed.

The participation of HCV in the pathogenesis of

some diseases of the

thyroid gland,

the lymphocytic sialadenitis,

lichen planus,

diabetes mellitus,


antiphospholipid syndrome, etc., is assumed. PMID:


2000 - Behcet's disease and HCV infection. PMID:



Behcet's syndrome = A multisystem, chronic

recurrent disease characterised

by ulceration in the mouth and genitalia, iritis,

uveitis, arthritis and

thrombophlebitis. Often treated with

immunosuppressive therapy

(corticosteroids, chlorambucil).



1996 - Chronic HBV - The average heritability in

the first, second and third

degree relatives was 79.68%. The analysis of

genetic model showed that HBsAg

carrier state was corresponded to the

characteristic of multifactorial

genetic disease, excluding the possibility of

genetic disease due to single

gene. PMID: 9208511

2000 - HBV replication inversely correlates with

cell proliferation and DNA

synthesis. PMID: 10786618

1998 - HCV - Extrahepatic sites may act as a

source of continuous

reinfection of hepatocytes. PMID: 9922037

1999 - HCV replication seems to be low-level and

confined to cells of


lineage. PMID: 10502256

2000 - Alcohol consumption is an important risk

factor in the histological

and clinical progression of HCV infection and has

no relation with HCV

replication. PMID: 10869250

1999 - Clinical observations and cerebral magnetic

resonance scans provide

evidence of functional cerebral impairment in HCV

infected patients, raising

the issue of the central nervous system (CNS) as a

site for HCV replication.

PMID: 10622579

2000 - Iron enhances hepatitis C virus replication

in cultured human

hepatocytes. Iron overload in the presence of

increasing concentrations of

iron is one of the indicators of poor response to

interferon therapy in

chronic hepatitis C. PMID: 10847480

2000 - Evolutionary dynamics of the HCV

quasispecies during the acute phase

of hepatitis C predict whether the infection will

resolve or become chronic.

PMID: 10764648

2000 - Results seem to imply that genetic drift is

less dependent on immune

pressure than on the rate of evolution and that

the genetic drift of HCV is

independent of the host immune pressure. PMID:


2000 - Viral kinetics studies have shown that HCV

may replicate in less than

24 hr, generating over 10(12) copies per day and

suggesting the need for

more aggressive therapy. PMID: 10759235

1998 - HCV shows high genomic variability. It is

not clear whether these

genetic variations have a significant clinical

impact (i.e. severity of the

disease) but there is evidence that they may

influence both the efficacy of

the host immune response and the interferon

treatment response. PMID:


1998 - High rate of genetic variations during

viral replication results in

the production of mutants capable of escaping the

immune attack. HCV infects

cells of the immune system itself, which represent

a privileged site that

cannot be reached by virus-specific T cell

response. PMID: 9922037

1997 - HCV, importance of its genotypes and mutant

variants " quasi-species " ,

as well as the mechanisms of disease chronicity

and tissue injuries caused

by HCV have been discussed. HCV infects not only

hepatocytes but lymphoid

cells, thereby modulates immune functions. PMID:


1999 - Hepatitis C viral quasispecies - Analysing

significant numbers of

cDNA clones of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) from

single isolates provides

unquestionable proof that the viral genome cannot

be defined by a single

sequence, but rather by a population of variant

sequences closely related to

one another. This way of organizing the genetic

information is referred to

as quasispecies. Throughout HCV infection, the

number and composition of the

variants in the viral population keeps changing

owing to environmental

influences, resulting in a virus that is

constantly redefining itself both

genetically and phenotypically. Therefore, the

virus has often been

investigated in population terms. PMID: 10847126

2000 - Peripheral blood neutrophils from hepatitis

C virus-infected patients

are replication sites of the virus. Whether the

infection occurs at the

level of the stem cells or subsequently during

myeloid cell differentiation

is, as yet, unknown. PMID: 10756359

1998 - HCV productive infection in bone

marrow-recruited and circulating

pluripotent hematopoietic CD34+ stem cells

indicates that HCV replication

occurs in the early differentiation stages of

hematopoietic progenitors.

continuous source of virus production. PMID:


2000 - Detection of active hepatitis C virus and

hepatitis G virus/GB virus

C replication in bone marrow in human subjects.

HCV and HGV can replicate in

bone marrow; in the case of HGV, analysis of serum

may underestimate the

true prevalence of infection.PMID: 10845938

2000 - HCV replicates in epithelial cells of

patients with and without oral

lichen planus. PMID: 10869295

2000 - Bile duct epithelial cells (BDEC) as a

reservoir of (HBV) infection

that may be particularly important in the

development of post-liver

transplant recurrence of hepatitis B. PMID:



2000 - Bile duct damage and steatosis, which are

characteristic of (HCV)

infection. PMID: 10845672

2000 - HCV RNA positive-and negative-strand in

kidney, heart, pancreas, and

intestine from hepatitis C patients. PMID:


1999 - HCV replicates in myocardial tissues. These

observations suggest that

HCV infection is an important cause of a variety

of otherwise unexplained

heart diseases. PMID: 10078023

2000 - Positive-plus strands of HCV RNA were found

in the patient's

myocardium, as well as plus and minus strands in

the quadriceps muscle

specimens. PMID: 10783058

1995 - HCV-RNA was detected in matched spleen

specimens (all of whom were

also positive in PBMCs), suggesting that the

spleen is an important

extrahepatic reservoir of the virus. PMID: 7545213

1993 - Reciprocal inverse relation between HBV and

HCV replication. Patients

positive for antibody to HCV with antibodies to

HBV usually have no evidence

of HBV DNA persistence in the liver. PMID: 8224658

1993 - Suppression of hepatitis B virus expression

and replication by

hepatitis C virus core protein in HuH-7 cells.

PMID: 8396658

1990 - " Obviously, nonhepatic cells can express

HBV-like particles, even if

liver-dependent gene products like large surface

protein and core protein

are missing. " PMID: 2219725.

1990 - Both HDV and HBV could replicate in the

same hepatocyte

simultaneously. PMID: 2213954

2000 - In patients with dual infection, HBV and

HCV exert an alternative,

dominant replication. PMID: 10718938

1994 - Conserved regions HBV + HCV sequences.

HCV-RNA was reverse

transcribed to cDNA. This cDNA and DNA from HBV

were then co-amplified using

primer pairs derived from conserved regions of HBV

and HCV nucleotide

sequences. PMID: 8158116

2000 - GBV-C/HGV is a lymphotropic virus that

replicates primarily in the

spleen and bone marrow. PMID: 10745232

1994 - Detection of plus and minus strand

hepatitis C virus RNA in

peripheral blood mononuclear cells and spermatid.

But, HCV probably don't

duplicate in spermatid. PMID: 7953918

1998 - Extrahepatic and intrahepatic replication

and expression of hepatitis

C virus. The results showed that both plus-strand

and minus-strand HCVRNA

were detected in 80% of liver tissues. Plus-strand

HCVRNA could be detected

in 90% of PBMCs and bone marrow mononuclear cells,

minus-strand HCV RNA in


of PBMCs. In HCV transfected COS cells,

plus-strand HCV RNA distributed

evenly in 20% cellular nuclei and cytoplasms. No

minus-strand HCVRNA was

detected in the bone marrow mononuclear cells and

HCV transfected COS cells.

PMID: 10806813

1998 - Our results suggested that the hepatocytic

cytoplasms and PBMC

cytoplasms ere the replication sites of HCV, but

the marrow mononuclear

cells were not the replication sites of HCV

although they were infected by

HCV. HCV infection might be accounted for the

pathogenesis of chronic

hepatitis and relapse of hepatitis C after liver

transplantation. PMID:


2000 - HCV - Extrahepatic manifestations as oral

lichen planus (OLP) and

oral cancer. These results may indicate that HCV

persists and replicates in

these lesions, suggesting a pathological role for

HCV, although the

mechanisms are unclear. PMID: 10890556

2000 - Although the liver is the major target

organ, the virus may be able

to replicate in peripheral blood mononuclear

cells, lymph nodes, and

pancreas and to a more limited degree in bone

marrow cells, thyroid, adrenal

glands, and spleen. PMID: 10895434

2000 - The initial site of B cell clonal expansion

may be in the liver,

where lymphoid aggregates are abundant and RF are

produced. PMID: 10761560

1996 - HBV - DNA Methylation - Effects of a

naturally occurring mutation in

the hepatitis B virus basal core promoter on

precore gene expression and

viral replication. PMID: 8709203

1996 - HCV - Inactivation of hepatitis C virus

cDNA transgene by

hypermethylation in transgenic mice. PMID: 8678840

1998 - Yellow fever 5' noncoding region as a

potential element to improve

hepatitis C virus production through modification

of translational control.

PMID: 9878525

2000 - Accumulated findings have indicated that

(HBV) DNA integrates into

the cellular DNA of HBV-infected chronic hepatitis

tissues. Data suggest

that YY1 is involved in the joining reaction

between HBV DNA and cellular

DNA to form the virus-cell junction. PMID:


2000 - The cellular functions ascribed to HBx are

unusually diverse, and

defining the biologically important role of HBx

during HBV replication will

go some way to understanding the sequelae of

chronic HBV infection. PMID:


1998 - HBV - X-gene product (HBx). These results

clearly establish HBx as

the inducer of the Jak-STAT signaling pathway, and

at the same time,

HBx-mediated Jak-STAT activation may provide a

novel mechanism for the

pleiotropic functions of HBx, including

transformation and promiscuous

transcriptional activation. PMID: 9738022

1998 - HBx promiscuously activates Erk and JNK

responsive pathways and that

its overall effect on signalling may be influenced

by external mitogenic

stimuli. PMID: 9820149

1999 - Antibody-mediated interference with TP

[terminal protein] may now be

assessed in the context of HBV replication. PMID:


1999 - The involvement of different genes in

various HLA subregions suggests

that anti-HCV responses are modulated by a complex

gene interplay rather

than by single alleles. PMID: 10094975

2000 - HCV core protein induced apoptosis and

impaired the regulation of the

cell cycle by activating c-myc expression, whereas

the p53 and Bax pathways

play a role in the induction of apoptosis. PMID:


1993 - These characteristics imply that the HCV

core protein can also

function as a gene-regulatory protein. PMID:


2000 - HCV core protein regulates c-myc

transcription and that BCL-2 and

c-myc work together in lymphomagenesis. PMID:


2000 - Core protein can associate with lipid

droplets which are

intracellular storage sites for triacylglycerols

and cholesterol esters.

Confocal analysis of variant forms lacking regions

of core indicated that

most residues within the unique region are

necessary for association of the

protein with lipid droplets. PMID: 10900028

2000 - The mechanisms of hepatocyte damage and the

events that lead to high

rates of chronic liver disease in hepatitis C

virus (HCV) infection remain

unclear. Recent in vitro studies have suggested

that the HCV core protein

may disrupt specific signalling pathways of

apoptosis. The lower apoptotic

rate in advanced liver disease may be associated

with the high incidence of

hepatocellular dysplasia/neoplasia. PMID: 10849259

1998 - Telomerase is strongly activated in

hepatocellular carcinoma [HCC]

but not in chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis. PMID:


1999 - HCV Genome - Three different mechanisms

appear to have been involved

in generating variation of the hypervariable

region [HVR]; nucleotide

substitution, insertion/deletion of nucleotide

triplets at the E1/E2

boundary and insertion of a duplicated segment

replacing almost the entire

HVR. PMID: 10092012

1999 - Variation of hepatitis C virus following

serial transmission:

multiple mechanisms of diversification of the

hypervariable region and

evidence for convergent genome evolution. PMID:


1994 - Significant difference in the prevalence of

anti-HCV and anti-HBc

positivity between polytransfused and occasionally

transfused patients.

PMID: 7519583

2000 - It is now recognised that mixed viral

infection, or infection of an

individual with two or more distinct strains of a

single viral species,

often occurs particularly with RNA viruses. PMID:


1996 - HBV's x Region...integrated DNA which

TATAAA is removed- a template

for truncated RNA virus transcripts. PMID: 8806579

2000 - HCV - X region, of the HCV genome as a

minimal authentic template.

These results indicate that HCV NS5B initiates RNA

synthesis from a

single-stranded region closest to the 3?-end of

the X region. These results

have implications for the mechanism of HCV RNA

replication and the nature of

2000 - HCV RNA templates in the infected cells.

PMID: 10749880

2000 - 5'-NCR is more conserved than the core

region and the genotype is the

major cause of gene variation. No change in

sequences of those two regions

is found at the different points of time. PMID:


2000 - Low-level replication of (HCV) in cultured

lymphoblastoid cells

inoculated with H77 serum inoculum led to the

appearance of new virus

variants containing identical substitutions at

three sites within the viral

5' nontranslated RNA (5'NTR):


C(204)-->A, and

G(243)-->A .

These results suggest that virus with this 5'NTR

sequence may have a greater

capacity for replication in such cells, possibly

due to more efficient

cap-independent translation, since these

nucleotide substitutions reside

within the viral internal ribosome entry site

(IRES). Each of the three

substitutions was required for maximally increased

translational activity in

the lymphoblastoid cells. The 2- to 2.5-fold

increase in translation

observed with the modified IRES sequence may

facilitate the replication of

HCV, possibly accounting for differences in

quasispecies variants recovered

from liver tissue and peripheral blood mononuclear

cells of the same

patient. PMID: 10888641

2000 - HCV - NS3 Region - NS(3)-ScFv [single-chain

variable fragment]

antibody expressed by E.coli host XL(1)-Blue has

the activity and

specificity to combine different origins of HCV

NS(3) antigen. PMID:


2000 - These results suggest that the pool of

selected aptamers have

potential as anti-HCV compounds. Mutational

analysis of the G9-I aptamer

demonstrated that the sequences required for

protease inhibition are in stem

I, stem III and loop III of the aptamer. These

regions include the conserved

sequence GA(A/U)UGGGAC. PMID: 10848986

2000 - Biochemical and structural analysis of the

NS5B RNA-dependent RNA

polymerase of the hepatitis C virus. Flaviviridae

virus family. These

viruses have in common a plus-strand RNA genome

that is replicated in the

cytoplasm of the infected cell via minus-strand

RNA intermediates. Finally,

mutation analysis was performed to map the minimal

NS5B sequence required

for enzymatic activity and to identify the

'classical' polymerase motifs

important for template and NTP binding and

catalysis. PMID: 10849258

2000 - Genetic Analysis of a Poliovirus/(HCV)

Chimera: Interaction between

the Poliovirus Cloverleaf and a Sequence in the

HCV 5' Nontranslated Region

Results in a Replication Phenotype. Internal

ribosomal entry sites (IRESs)

can function in foreign viral genomes or in

artificial dicistronic mRNAs. We

describe an interaction between the wild-type

hepatitis C virus

(HCV)-specific sequence and the poliovirus (PV)

5'-terminal cloverleaf in a

PV/HCV chimeric virus (containing the HCV IRES),

resulting in a replication

phenotype. PMID: 10846111

2000 - US - Patients from the Northeast, Southeast

and Midwest had

significantly more infections with genotype 1 than

patients from the Western

and Southern regions. African-American patients

were more likely to be

infected with genotype 1 when compared with

Caucasian, Hispanic or Asian

Pacific Islanders. Patients infected with HCV

genotype 1 and mixed HCV

genotypes had significantly higher serum HCV RNA

concentrations when

compared with HCV genotypes 2 and 3. PMID:


2000 - TTV replicates in the liver via a circular

double-stranded DNA. PMID:



2000 - HBV - Covalently closed circular (ccc) HBV

DNA, the template for the

viral RNA transcription. PMID: 10869298

2000 - Indirect evidence of TTV replication in

bone marrow cells, but not in

hepatocytes, of a subacute hepatitis/ aplastic

anemia patient. The precise

replication site of TTV, however, has not been

established. TTV replication

site was in the bone marrow rather than in the

liver, and that TTV infection

was the cause of this patient's aplastic anemia.

PMID: 10745251

2000 - Chronic hepatitis B is still a matter of

concern among renal

transplantation patients and patients waiting for

a renal transplant since

it influences negatively morbidity and mortality.

Morbidity and mortality

are associated with HBV replication. PMID:


2000 - Viral persistence in chronic HBV and HCV

infection has been

attributed to an imbalance in the Th1-Th2 arms of

the immune response. PMID:


2000 - Minus-strand RNA was detected in RNA

extracted from 4/4 [100%] liver

samples and 4/8 [50%] peripheral blood mononuclear

cells (PBMC) samples

examined. Because the titer of plus-strand HCV RNA

in any sample makes a

significant contribution to false, random, and

self-priming, removal of the

plus strand in this manner results in the most

accurate method yet devised

to confirm the replication of HCV in a population

of cells. PMID: 10915746

Anatomy and/or Physiology




1964 - Behavior of the extracellular water and its

relation to the

functional status of the liver in patients with

viral hepatitis. PMID:


1992 - Detection of HCV RNA in saliva, urine,

seminal fluid, and ascites.

PMID: 1331308

1996 - Melioidosis: She presented with spontaneous

bacterial peritonitis and

hepatitis C-related liver cirrhosis with septic

shock. Burkholderia

pseudomallei (formerly Pseudomonas pseudomallei)

was isolated

from cultures of both blood and ascites fluid.

PMID: 8840761

1998 - Cryoglobulinaemia and rheumatic

manifestations. Abdominal pain. PMID:


1998 - lymphoma cells in the ascitic fluid

revealed a mature peripheral

B-cell phenotype (CD5- CD10- CD19+ CD20+ CD22+ Ig

G+ lambda+). [HIV

Co-infected] PMID: 9850179

1999 - Ascitic Mononuclear Cells [AMC's] with

Development of Distinct Viral

Quasispecies. Ascitic fluid of patients with

late-stage chronic. PMID:


2000 - HBV - Spontaneous fungal peritonitis in

patients with hepatitis B

virus-related liver disease. Spontaneous bacterial

peritoneal infections is

recognized as a very common complication of

cirrhotic ascites. Spontaneous

fungal peritonitis where the isolate was

Cryptococcus neoformans. PMID:




1965 - Hepatitis - Arthropathic manifestations and

viral hepatitis. PMID:


1971 - The pathogenesis of arthritis associated

with viral hepatitis. PMID:


1978 - HBS-antigen in synovial membrane and serum

of patients with various

joint diseases. PMID: 360667

1997 - HCV-infection is an important infectious

disease in rheumatology.

PMID: 9465381

1998 - HCV - Patients with cryoglobulinemia

exhibited varying frequency

cutaneous vasculitis, Raynaud's syndrome,

affection of the muscles and

joints. PMID: 9949448

1997 - HCV chronic infection could represent a

trigger factor for

interstitial lung fibrosis and various rheumatic

disorders. PMID: 9133969

1994 - Polyarthritis occurred associated with

chronic hepatitis C liver

disease. Synovial biopsy showed infiltration of

mononuclear cells. HCV RNA

was demonstrated in both serum and SF. These cases

suggest an aetiologic

association between arthritis and hepatitis C

antigenaemia. PMID: 7512422

1995 - HCV-associated arthritis. Synovial fluid

and the serum. PMID: 7670795

1997 - Has hepatitis C virus a specific tropism

for the synovial membrane?

PMID: 9159554

1997 - Associated with HCV-infection is a

non-erosive polyarthritis.This

synovitis often fulfills the ACR-criteria for

rheumatoid arthritis, but the

disease course is different with frequent

remissions and non-erosive joint

involvement. PMID: 9465381

1997 - Hepatitis C virus infection presenting as a

polyarthritis. Several

disease have been associated with hepatitis C

virus infections, including

rheumatologic, hematologic and neoplastic

disorders. PMID: 9609058

2000 - Correlated with HCV infection; chronic

polyarthritis, fibromyalgia.

PMID: 10647955

2000 - Polyarthritis: PMID: 10730936

1999 - HCV - There is not a single clinical

picture of arthritis in patients

with chronic HCV infection. RA, psoriatic

arthritis, systemic lupus

erythematosus, gout, chondrocalcinosis,

osteoarthritis, and tenosynovitis.

Mixed cryoglobulinemia. There is a well defined

picture of arthritis

associated with the presence of [MC] consists of

an intermittent, mono or

oligoarticular, nondestructive arthritis affecting

large and medium size

joints. PMID: 9972979

1998 - These result suggests that HCV infection

could be included as one of

the causes in patients with unexplained

rheumatological symptoms.

Cryoglobulinaemia and rheumatic manifestations.

Arthralgia/arthritis. PMID:


2000 - Studies of mixed cryoglobulins (MC) from

patients infected with (HCV)

show that the principal constituents in

cryoprecipitate are IgM rheumatoid

factors (RF), polyclonal IgG anti-HCV antibodies,



2000 - Antikeratin antibodies (AKA) is a useful

marker to differentiate

patients with RA from those with hepatitis C

arthritis. AKA were not found

in the sera of the healthy controls. PMID:


2000 - Presence of a Type II IgM6 monoclonal

rheumatoid factor which became

cryoprecipitable on complexing to IgG. PMID:


1999 - Hepatitis C virus infection: prevalence in

psoriasis and psoriatic

arthritis. Our data do not support the hypothesis

that HCV infection may

play a role in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. On

the other hand they show a

statistically significant difference between the

prevalence of HCV infection

in patients with PsA [psoriatic arthritis] and the

general population. PMID:


2000 - HCV: a common triggering factor for both

nodular vasculitis and

Sjogren's syndrome? PMID: 10819552

1999 - Chronic HCV has been linked with the

development of Sjogren's

syndrome. PMID: 10604234

2000 - Type II MC, cryoglobulins are composed of a

monoclonal rheumatoid

factor (usually, IgMkappa) against polyclonal IgG.

In type III MC, all

components are polyclonal. The presence of

microheterogeneity and other new

types of cryoglobulins is a novel and recent

observation. PMID: 10787003

2000 - Autoantibodies - Anticardiolipin

autoantibodies in serum samples and

cryoglobulins of patients with chronic hepatitis C

infection. PMID:

10834867. [note: cardiolipin=A diphosphatidyl

glycerol that is found in the

membrane of Treponema pallidum and is the antigen

detected by the Wasserman

test for syphilis.]

2000 - Rheumatologic complications of (HCV)

infection are common and include

mixed cryoglobulinemia, vasculitis, sicca

symptoms, myalgia, arthritis, and

fibromyalgia. There is no single clinical picture

of arthritis in patients

with HCV infection. There is a well-defined

picture of arthritis associated

with the presence of mixed cryoglobulinemia that

consists of an intermittent

mono- or oligoarticular, nondestructive arthritis

affecting large and

medium-size joints. Involvement of salivary and

lacrimal glands is common in

HCV-infected subjects, but HCV antigens are not

detected in affected glands.

HCV-infected subjects express a high prevalence of

a variety of

autoantibodies, usually in low titers. PMID:




1965 - Hepatitis - The effect of the severity and

type of the disease on the

differential white blood cell count in viral

hepatitis. PMID: 5831397

1967 - Speculation on future use of blood or blood

component therapy. PMID:


1971 - Reaction between leukocytes of patients

affected with acute viral

hepatitis and serum of recovered patients. PMID:


1977 - HBV - Allergic alteration of blood

neutrophils with Au-antigen and

unspecific allergens in patients with viral

hepatitis. PMID: 67715

1993 - HCV infection is the main cause of

hepatitis in hemodialysis. PMID:


1994 - PBMC - HBV - Hepatitis B virus antigens in

peripheral blood

mononuclear cells during the course of viral

infection. PMID: 8299235

1994 - PBMC - Detection of plus and minus strand

hepatitis C virus RNA in

peripheral blood mononuclear cells and spermatid.

Probably, only plus HCV

RNA exists in plasma; (2). HCV exists and probably

duplicates in PBMC. PMID:


1997 - Several disease have been associated with

hepatitis C virus

infections, including rheumatologic, hematologic

and neoplastic disorders.

PMID: 9609058

1997 - (HCV), importance of its genotypes and

mutant variants

" quasi-species " , as well as the mechanisms of

disease chronicity and tissue

injuries caused by HCV have been discussed. HCV

infects not only hepatocytes

but lymphoid cells, thereby modulates immune

functions. PMID: 9221376

1998 - Chronic HCV - autoimmune hemolytic anemia,

hypoplastic anemia,

monoclonal immunoglobulinopathy, B-cell lymphoma.

PMID: 9949448

1999 - PBMC - RNA in mononuclear cells [PBMCs].

PMID: 10470259

1998 - PBMC - HCV - In addition to hepatocytes,

HCV-RNA has been found in

both peripheral blood [PBMC's] and BM [bone

marrow] mononuclear cells. These

cells could represent a reservoir of virus and may

play a major role in

viral persistence; they also could act as

effectors of tissue injury in

various organs. 9514994

1998 - HCV shows high genomic variability. It is

not clear whether these

genetic variations have a significant clinical

impact (i.e. severity of the

disease) but there is evidence that they may

influence both the efficacy of

the host immune response and the interferon

treatment response. PMID:


1998 - In chronically infected patients, the

detection of HCV RNA in

mononuclear cells is not due to the adsorption of

circulating virions but a

significant infection. The compartmental

distribution of HCV quasispecies in

hepatocytes and mononuclear cells could be

involved in the chronicity of HCV

infection. PMID: 10923481

2000 - PBMC - HBV - Molecular Analysis of

Hepatitis B Virus DNA in Serum and

Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells From Hepatitis

B Surface Antigen-Negative

Cases. Viral DNA was transcriptionally active in

PBMC, because the

covalently closed circular (ccc) HBV DNA, the

template for the viral RNA

transcription, was detected in 47% of the samples.


PMID: 10869298

1997 - PBMC - Positive and negative strand of

hepatitis C virus RNA

sequences in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in

patients with chronic

hepatitis C. PMID: 9210035.

2000 - PBMC - HCV infects mononuclear cells and

may, like other viruses,

cause immunological disorders. PMID: 10761564

1999 - PBMC - Oxidative stress is observed in

peripheral blood mononuclear

cells from chronic hepatitis C patients. This

process might alter lymphocyte

function and facilitate the chronicity of the

infection. PMID: 10580577

2000 - Although the liver is the major target

organ, the virus may be able

to replicate in peripheral blood mononuclear cells

[PBMC's], lymph nodes,

and pancreas and to a more limited degree in bone

marrow cells, thyroid,

adrenal glands, and spleen. HCV proteins were

detected in the cytoplasm of

infected hepatocytes, often in a punctate granular

pattern in some

hepatocytes and occasionally in monocytes and

other cell types. PMID:


2000 - PBMC - Peripheral blood neutrophils from

hepatitis C virus-infected

patients are replication sites of the virus. PMID:


1999 - These findings suggest that liver and PBMC

are not the major

replication sites for GBV-C/HGV and that GBV-C/HGV

is not a primary

hepatotropic virus. PMID: 10603171


2000 - GBV-C/HGV is a lymphotropic virus that

replicates primarily in the

spleen and bone marrow. PMID: 10745232

2000 - The recent finding of HCV binding on CD81,

a surface-expressed

protein present on lymphocyte membrane, enhances

the putative role of HCV in

lymphomagenesis. PMID: 10761563

2000 - Recent investigations into the relationship

between the hepatitis C

virus and human cells, particularly lymphocytes,

have resulted in possible

pathophysiological interactions that may begin to

explain some of the

extrahepatic manifestations of hepatitis C virus

infection. PMID: 10803631

2000 - HCV binding to hepatocytes may not entirely

depend on CD81, that CD81

is an attachment receptor with poor capacity to

mediate virus entry, and

that reducing environments do not favor CD81-HCV

interaction. PMID: 10775621

2000 - CD43 antigen on the surface of most

hemopoietic cells was observed.

Peripheral blood mononuclear (PBMC) cells from 32

MDS patients and 20

healthy individuals were analyzed by flow

cytometry after labeling with an

anti-CD43 (DF-T1) monoclonal antibody. PMID:


2000 - B cell proliferation is probably enhanced

by HCV-specific properties,

however, including the ability of HCV proteins to

bind to CD81 on the B cell

surface, and to influence intracellular regulatory

functions following viral

entry into B cells. PMID: 10761560

2000 - Monoclonal B cell expansions and

lymphomatoid bone marrow infiltrates

in HCV+ patients predominantly involve

CD5-negative IgM RF B cells. Non-RF B

cells can also be expanded, including producers of

IgG1 and IgG3 that are

likely anti-HCV antibodies. PMID: 10761560

1997 - Monocytoid B-cell lymphoma was the most

common type of lymphoma found

in HCV-positive patients. The prevalence of HCV

infection was higher in

patients with B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma than in

controls. PMID: 9312998

2000 - CD43 (leukosialin, sialophorin) is a cell

surface mucin expressed at

high levels on most leukocytes and is reported to

be involved in adhesion,

anti-adhesion, and signal transduction prodders.

Regulation of its

expression is thought to take place through

methylation of the DNA in the

nonproducing cells, and the methylation inhibitor

5-azacytidine induces

expression of the sialophorin gene. PMID: 10602163

1999 - Macrophage migration inhibitory factor

(MIF) have been extensively

re-evaluated. This has been found to be protein

involved in broad-spectrum

pathophysiological states as an inflammatory

cytokine, pituitary-derived

hormone, and glucocorticoid-induced

immunomodulator. PMID: 10347118

1999 - These results suggest that

FcgammaRI-positive macrophages are

associated with confluent necrosis in CHB [HBV],

which is more common in CHB

[HBV] patients than in CHC [HCV]. PMID: 10533797

2000 - HBV - HCV - The viral persistence produced

by escape mutations from

virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL)

response may lead to

upregulation of delayed-type hypersensitivity

immune response, which causes

hepatic tissue damage through non specific

macrophage activation and CTL

response and promotes pathogenesis of hepatic

fibrosis. PMID: 10834146

2000 - HCV infection is highly prevalent in

haemodialysis patients. PMID:


1999 - Variation of hepatitis C virus following

serial transmission:

multiple mechanisms of diversification of the

hypervariable region and

evidence for convergent genome evolution. PMID:


2000 - Platelets - (HCV) infection may induce a

significant autoimmune

reaction to platelets, but the mechanism is

unknown. Many patients with

chronic hepatitis C, in fact, have high levels of


immunoglobulin G (PAIgG) and HCV-RNA is present in

the platelets of 100% of

those patients with thrombocytopenia and high

PAIgG levels. Hepatitis C

virus infection has been associated with the

development of thrombocytopenic

purpura, sometimes triggered during interferon

(IFN) therapy. PMID: 10847447

2000 - Leukocytes, also known as white blood

cells, cause reactions at the

time of transfusion, are known to transmit disease

and predispose recipients

to infection. http://www.pall.com.

2000 - PBMC - TTV appeared to infect not only the

serum and liver, but also

the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC).

PMID: 10830749

2000 - The discovery a decade ago of the (HCV) led

to control of

post-transfusion hepatitis in many countries, but

raised a number of further

questions about the transmission and

epidemiological distribution of the

newly discovered virus. PMID: 10921388

2000 - The major routes of HCV transmission in

Asia during the past few

decades have been through administration of

therapeutic blood products and

injecting drug use, similar to the pattern

observed in other parts of the

world. PMID: 10921389

Hematology Note:

White blood cell = White corpuscles in the blood.

They are spherical,

colourless and nucleated masses involved with host

defenses. Normal white

blood cell counts are variable with age and sex.

Normal adult range is 4,

500 to 11,000 cells per cubic millimetre of blood.

Slightly higher counts

are seen in children. Elevated counts can be seen

in cases of inflammation

and infection. See: leucocytes, basophils,

coelomocytes, eosinophils,

haemocytes, lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes.

Acronym: WBC

Monocytes = One of three types of white blood

cells. Monocytes are

precursors to macrophages.

Macrophages, peritoneal = Mononuclear phagocytes

derived from bone marrow

precursors but resident in the peritoneum (abdomen


Macrophage migration-inhibitory factors = Proteins

released by sensitised

lymphocytes and possibly other cells that inhibit

the migration of

macrophages away from the release site.

Monocytic leukemia = Cancer of the blood due to

proliferation of cells of

the monocyte series.

Mononuclear phagocyte = Monocytes and their

differentiated products,

macrophages. Mononuclear cells are leucocytes

other than polymorphonuclear

cells and include lymphocytes.

leucocyte = Generic term for a white blood cell.

The family consists of

polymorphonuclear neutrophil (polymorphs),

lymphocyte, eosinophil, basophil

and each functions differently.

Neutrophil = A granulocyte, a white blood cell.

Granulocyte = Leucocyte with conspicuous

cytoplasmic granules. In humans the

granulocytes are also classified as

polymorphonuclear leucocytes and are

subdivided according to the staining properties of

the granules into

eosinophils, basophils and neutrophils



1967 - Aplasia of the bone marrow after viral

hepatitis. PMID: 6063362

1967 - Hepatitis and panmyelophthisis. PMID:


1968 - Bone marrow damage in virus hepatitis.

PMID: 5704507

1968 - Syndrome of hepatitis and aplastic anemia.

PMID: 5658873

1995 - Infection with many flaviviruses [i.e,

quasispecies] is associated

with transient suppression of haematopoiesis.

PMID: 7663049 [HCV =


1997 - Aplastic anemia and viral hepatitis: a

second look. PMID: 9398021

1997 - Bone marrow aplasia and hepatitis G virus:

what relation? PMID:


1998 - Hepatitis C virus infection in acquired

aplastic anemia. PMID:


1998 - HCV productive infection in bone

marrow-recruited and circulating

pluripotent hematopoietic CD34+ stem cells

indicates that HCV replication

occurs in the early differentiation stages of

hematopoietic progenitors.

continuous source of virus production. PMID:


1999 - Bone abnormalities in gastrointestinal and

hepatic disease.

Alterations in bone metabolism can result in

decreased bone mass (osteopenia

and osteoporosis) or impaired mineralization of

the bone protein matrix

(rickets and osteomalacia). Diseases of the

alimentary tract such as celiac

disease, Inflammatory bowel diseases, gastrectomy,

cholestatic liver

diseases, liver transplantation, and hepatitis C

can affect bone

mineralization, remodeling, or bone mass. PMID:


1995 - Hypothyroidism and hypoparathyroidism in an

11 year old boy with

hemochromatosis secondary to aplastic anemia. The

early appearance of both

thyroid and parathyroid dysfunction in this

patient may have been due to the

delay of initiation of iron-chelating agents and

liver dysfunction due to

hepatitis type C. PMID: 7572161

1997 - Multiple myeloma and sarcoidosis. PMID:


1992 - Painful diffuse osteosclerosis can follow

intravenous drug abuse and

is possibly caused by parenteral transmission of a

virus that in some way

stimulates bone formation. PMID: 1329508

1998 - The biochemical markers of bone remodeling

suggest high-turnover

osteoporosis in patients with viral cirrhosis.

PMID: 9731561

1998 - Osteodystrophy associated with hepatic

cirrhosis is due to a defect

in the 1alfa-hydroxylation by the kidney rather

than a hepatic hydroxylation

defect. 1 alfa OH-D3 is very useful for treatment

for hepatic

osteodystrophy. PMID: 9648489

2000 - GBV-C/HGV is a lymphotropic virus that

replicates primarily in the

spleen and bone marrow. PMID: 10745232

1999 - These findings suggest that liver and PBMC

are not the major

replication sites for GBV-C/HGV and that GBV-C/HGV

is not a primary

hepatotropic virus. PMID: 10603171

2000 - Detection of active hepatitis C virus and

hepatitis G virus/GB virus

C replication in bone marrow in human subjects.

HCV and HGV can replicate in

bone marrow; in the case of HGV, analysis of serum

may underestimate the

true prevalence of infection.PMID: 10845938

2000 - Although the liver is the major target

organ, the virus may be able

to replicate in peripheral blood mononuclear cells

[PBMC's], lymph nodes,

and pancreas and to a more limited degree in bone

marrow cells, thyroid,

adrenal glands, and spleen. PMID: 10895434



1964 - Hepatitis - Cellular injury and

carcinogenesis. PMID: 5833387

1970 - Chromosomal aberrations in infective

hepatitis. PMID: 4249440

1975 - A case/control study of the association

between primary liver cancer

and hepatitis B infection in Senegal. PMID:


1978 - Hepatocellular carcinoma and the hepatitis

B virus. PMID: 212785

1987 - Primary hepatocellular carcinoma (PHC) was

associated with HBV

seropositivity in 80% of patients, and

postnecrotic (macronodular) cirrhosis

of the liver in 90% clearly indicating a strong

association between primary

liver cancer and HBV infections and liver

cirrhosis. PMID: 2822223

1990 - HBV is the causative agent of

hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in man.

PMID: 2159110

1996 - DNA Methylation - Clonal analysis of

hepatocellular carcinoma. PMID:


1996 - HBV - DNA Methylation - Effects of a

naturally occurring mutation in

the hepatitis B virus basal core promoter on

precore gene expression and

viral replication. PMID: 8709203

1996 - HCV - Inactivation of hepatitis C virus

cDNA transgene by

hypermethylation in transgenic mice. PMID: 8678840

1996 - Breast Cancer - In this mouse line,

induction of transgene expression

preceded hypomethylation of site B. PMID: 8840525

1999 - Close relationships between hepatocellular

carcinoma (HCC) and

hepatitis virus infection have been elucidated.

However, clinical

differences between HBV- and HCV-associated HCC

remain unclear. These

results suggest that clinical differences between

B-HCC and C-HCC may depend

upon the difference of the natural course between

HBV and HCV infection, and

B-HCC may be more resistant to treatment than

C-HCC in the advanced stage.

This also illustrates the need for early tumor

detection in B-HCC. PMID:


1997 - Several disease have been associated with

hepatitis C virus

infections, including rheumatologic, hematologic

and neoplastic disorders.

PMID: 9609058

1998 - Chronic HCV - autoimmune hemolytic anemia,

hypoplastic anemia,

monoclonal immunoglobulinopathy, B-cell lymphoma.

PMID: 9949448

2000 - HCV-related diseases are B cell neoplasias.

PMID: 10647955

2000 - Approximately 5% of the world's human

population have an increased

risk for developing liver cancer and cirrhosis as

a direct consequence of

chronic infection with (HBV). PMID: 10868900

2000 - Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fifth

most common cancer in the

world with 80% of cases occurring in developing

countries. The cancer is

rapidly fatal in almost all cases with survival

generally less than 1 year

from diagnosis. The major risk factors for this

cancer have been identified

as chronic infection with HBV and HCV viruses and

dietary exposure to

aflatoxins. PMID: 10767647

2000 - Chronic (HBV) infection is a leading cause

of cirrhosis and

hepatocellular carcinoma worldwide. Its prevalence

approaches 10% in

hyperendemic areas, such as southeast Asia, China,

and Africa. PMID:


1996 - Epidemiology of hepatocellular carcinoma.

The known etiologic

factors, such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C,

Budd-Chiari syndrome and chemical

carcinogens. PMID: 8751796

1997 - HCV - up to 15% may develop hepatocellular

carcinoma [HCC]. PMID:


1999 - The current data suggest that HBV

co-infects frequently with HCV and

may play an important role in the development of

HCC in HCV-infected

patients. PMID: 10036965

2000 - The results of this study corroborate

previous reports of frequent

detection of HBV DNA in the liver tissue of

anti-HCV positive/HBs antigen

negative patients with HCC, but do not support an

essential role of HBV in

hepatocarcinogenesis in patients with chronic

hepatitis C and occult HBV

infection. PMID: 10861423

1997 - Hepatitis C virus [core] antigen and HBx-Ag

were detected in liver

cirrhosis (LC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)

tissues. PMID: 10743066

1995 - HCV and occult HBV infections account for

the majority of cryptogenic

HCC cases in the United States. PMID: 8875608

2000 - Italy - Cumulative presence of HBV and HCV

is 75.6%: HCV alone 33.4%.

PMID: 10876975

1998 - HCV NS3 protein may exert its

hepatocarcinogenic effect in early

stage on host cells by endogenous pathway which

may bring about mutation of

p53 gene and transformation of hepatocytes. PMID:


1998 - HCV rather than HBV is associated with the

majority of non-cirrhotic

cases of HCC. It is probable that the ongoing

process of hepatocyte necrosis

and liver cell renewal coupled with inflammation,

which is characteristic of

chronic viral hepatitis, causes not only nodular

regeneration and cirrhosis

but also progressive genomic errors in hepatocytes

as well as unregulated

growth and repair mechanisms leading to hepatocyte

dysplasia and, in some

cases, hepatic carcinoma. PMID: 9795912

1998 - While HBV infection frequently accompanies

HCC, HCV infection is

present in more than 1/3 of HCC. This is generally

the case regardless of

geographical difference in HCC prevalence. PMID:


2000 - In patients with chronic HCV viremia,

persistent liver damage plays

an important role in the development of HCC. PMID:


2000 - In hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular

carcinoma (HCC), at least

20-40 years of continuous necro-inflammation is

necessary for the

hepato-carcinogenesis to occur. However, HCC in

childhood shows an unusually

short latent period and rapid progression. PMID:


2000 - Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is

increasing in many countries as a

result of an increase in (HCV) infection since

World War II. There have been

conflicting observations from different parts of

the world concerning the

frequency of HCC in patients who in the distant

past had post-transfusion

non-A, non-B hepatitis. PMID: 10728807

1942~1970 - In previous decades, infants who

received blood transfusions

shortly after birth or in utero might have been

infected at a particularly

vulnerable age by some blood-borne oncogenic

virus. Transfused between 1942

and 1970, in most cases for the prevention or

treatment of haemolytic

disease of the newborn. The incidence of

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma at 15 to 49

years of age was about twice that expected, but

the excess was not

statistically significant. 1994. PMID: 8050819

1999 - Hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with

advanced cirrhosis. PMID:


1999 - Considering that a large number of virus

has been found linked to

human cancers, our results brought us to

hypothesize that HCV could have

played an important role not only in the

development of HCC but of the

second primary malignancy too. This is likely

favoured by constitutional or

acquired biological and molecular alterations.

Tumor suppressor genes

alterations have been reported to be frequently

linked to cancers of kidney

and breast, of colorectal and skin, of prostate,

and lymphoemopoietic

tissue. The fourth patient had a Hodgkin's

lymphoma before HCC. The last and

most unlucky case, besides HCC, had a basal cell

carcinoma, a colorectal

cancer, and a bladder carcinoma. Now just these

organs are involved in our

patients in addition to the liver. Our results, if

confirmed, are of a

relevant interest, considering that world-wide HCC

is constantly increasing

for the spreading of the virus risk-factors. PMID:


2000 - The levels of AFP [alpha-fetoprotein] or

PIVKA-II [protein induced by

vitamin K absence (PIVKA-II)] increased within

three months before the

detection of HCC. Simultaneous measurements of

serum AFP and PIVKA-II levels

that are performed every 3 months are useful for

detecting a developing HCC.

PMID: 10763956

2000 - The major risk factors for this cancer

[HCC] have been identified as

chronic infection with (HBV) and (HCV) viruses and

dietary exposure to

aflatoxins. PMID: 10767647

2000 - High Serum ALT and More Rapid Recurrence of

Hepatocellular Carcinoma

in Hepatectomized Patients with HCV-Associated

Liver Cirrhosis and HCC.

Recurrence of HCC was accelerated in the high ALT

group. PMID: 10773734

2000 - Haematopoietic cancer and medical history.

Viruses and pathological

conditions (mainly involving immunosuppression)

have been shown to increase

the risk of haematolymphopoietic malignancies.

Previous findings were

confirmed concerning the association between

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL)

and lupus erythematosus, tuberculosis and

hepatitis. PMID: 10818118

2000 - A unifying theory on the mechanisms by

which previous medical history

may increase the risk of haematolymphopoietic

malignancies is still lacking.

PMID: 10818118

2000 - Genotype 1b was more common among HCC

patients than among blood

donors, but 8 of 13 genotype 1b-infected patients

were from countries where

genotype 1b is predominant. PMID: 10826899

1998 - Telomerase is strongly activated in

hepatocellular carcinoma [HCC]

but not in chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis. PMID:


2000 - HCC - Telomerase activity correlates with

cell cycle regulators in

human hepatocellular carcinoma. Mutation in cell

cycle genes is the most

common genetic change in malignant tumor cells.

Telomerase activation,

considered as essential in the immortality of

cancer cells, is found in most

cancers, where there may be an association with an

active cell cycle. The

results indicate that genetic defects in HCC

facilitate the reactivation of

telomerase activity, a process which may be

dependent on cyclin D1 with its

cyclin dependent kinase (cdk) partner defect.

PMID: 10847483

1997 - Surgical specimens (lymph nodes, ovary,

uterus, peripheral blood

mononuclear cells [PBMCs] and serum) from 3

patients with gynecological

cancer. We found relatively high HCV genome titers

in the lymph nodes, not

in the sera, irrespective of various titers in

PBMCs. These results suggest

that lymph nodes may play an important role in the

carrier state and the

persistence of HCV infection. PMID: 9414651

1999 - Detection of aberrant p16 methylation in

the plasma and serum of

liver cancer patients. PMID: 9892188

1999 - DNA hypermethylation at the D17S5 locus and

reduced HIC-1 mRNA

expression are associated with

hepatocarcinogenesis. PMID: 10051471

2000 - The rate of occurrence of HCC in the middle

segment [of liver] was

higher than that in the other segments. The

difference among the segments of

the liver in regard to the degree of damage done

by hepatitis may be related

to the differences in HCC occurrence among the

liver segments. PMID:


2000 - In a tumor, HBV-DNA was found to be

integrated into the gene encoding

Sarco/Endoplasmic Reticulum Calcium ATPase

(SERCA), which pumps calcium, an

important intracellular messenger for cell

viability and growth, from the

cytosol to the endoplasmic reticulum. The HBV X

gene promoter cis-activates

chimeric HBV X/SERCA1 transcripts, with splicing

of SERCA1 exon 11, encoding

C-terminally truncated SERCA1 proteins. Two

chimeric HBV X/SERCA1 proteins

accumulate in the tumor and form dimers. In vitro

analyses have demonstrated

that these proteins localize to the ER, determine

its calcium depletion and

induce cell death. We have also shown that these

biological effects are

related to expression of the SERCA, rather than of

the viral moiety. PMID:


2000 - Complex Formation between Hepatitis C Virus

Core Protein and

p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1. The core protein (Core) of

(HCV) has been known to play

an important role in hepatocarcinogenesis. The

distinct interaction between

Core and p21 may provide a new aspect to the

studies of HCV pathogenesis.

PMID: 10873631

2000 - Insulin Growth Factor II - IGF-II and its

receptor might play an

important role in the development of HCC. PMID:


2000 - Detection of hepatitis C virus RNA in oral

lichen planus and oral

cancer tissues. (HCV) infection not only causes

chronic liver diseases but

shows extrahepatic manifestations as oral lichen

planus (OLP) and oral

cancer. These results may indicate that HCV

persists and replicates in these

lesions, suggesting a pathological role for HCV,

although the mechanisms are

unclear. PMID: 10890556

2000 - Hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with

HCV - Screening remains the

only realistic approach for improving the

treatment of HCC patients, but its

cost-effectiveness is uncertain. PMID: 10890325

2000 - Hepatitis C Associated With High Rate of

Hepatocellular Carcinoma And

Death. The incidence of death and hepatocellular

carcinoma (HCC) related to

hepatitis C cirrhosis is higher than previously

reported. 5-year death rate

of 15.3%. " According to the authors, these results

contrast with previous

studies, which cite 5-year mortality rates of 9%,

and HCC rates of 5% or 7%.

Predictive factors for HCC included age, male sex,

and indicators of portal

hypertension, including esophageal varices and

decreased platelet counts.

Death after HCC was mainly related to smoking

habits. Gut 2000;47:131-136.

WESTPORT, Jul 10 (Reuters Health)

2000 - HCC occurs more frequently in patients with

(HCV)-related chronic

liver disease than those with hepatitis B

virus-related disease. Factors

that independently affected the development of HCC

were age, habitual heavy

drinking, and histologic staging. PMID: 10897000

2000 - TTV + HCC - TTV does not seem to contribute

to the development of HCC

from chronic liver disease and is not correlated

with severity of liver

disease. PMID: 10902976

2000 - First-degree relatives of patients with

HBV-related HCC appear to be

at increased risk of HCC and should be considered

in the formulation of

HCC-screening programs. PMID: 10904089

Central Nervous System


1971 - Neurologic complications of liver diseases.

PMID: 4256005

1980 - Hepatitis B surface antigen in spinal

fluid. PMID: 6932562

1999 - Detection and quasispecies analysis of

hepatitis C virus in the

cerebrospinal fluid of infected patients. CSF was

of plasma origin. PMID:


1999 - Clinical observations and cerebral magnetic

resonance scans provide

evidence of functional cerebral impairment in HCV

infected patients, raising

the issue of the central nervous system (CNS) as a

site for HCV replication.

PMID: 10622579

1999 - Neurologic complications associated with

hepatitis C virus infection.


1999 - Isolated central nervous system [CNS]

vasculitis associated with

hepatitis C infection. Implicated in the

pathogenesis of an increasing

number of diseases previously believed to be

primary or idiopathic. PMID:


1998 - Central nervous system involvement in

patients with HCV-related

cryoglobulinemia. brain magnetic resonance imaging

showed multiple small

hyperintensities compatible with ischemic lesions.

PMID: 9519936

2000 - The first episode of central nervous system

demyelinization and

hepatitis B virus vaccination. PMID: 10740095


1964 - Hepatitis - Hepatic encephalopathy. PMID:


1965 - Neuropsychiatric complications in virus

hepatitis. PMID: 5959810

1972 - Acute encephalopathy in the course of viral

hepatitis. PMID: 4644403

1976 - Cerebrospinal fluid examination for the

presence of HB-s antigen and

anti-HB-s antibody in patients with viral

hepatitis. PMID: 1272945

1981 - Hepatitis B surface antigen in

cerebrospinal fluid. PMID: 6110906

1999 - acute encephalitis immediately prior to

acute onset of hepatitis C

virus infection.

1999 - Hepatic minimal encephalopathy. Eisenburg

J. Hepatic encephalopathy

(HE) is

a syndrome of global cerebral dysfunction

resulting from underlying liver

disease or portal-systemic shunting. UI: 99215131

2000 - Ammonia is considered the major

pathogenetic factor of cerebral

dysfunction in hepatic failure. The correlation

between total plasma ammonia

and the severity of hepatic encephalopathy (HE),

however, is variable. UI:


1999 - Cerebral vasculitis. PMID: 10551381

1999 - Neurological manifestations of chronic

hepatitis C. Magnetic

resonance imaging of the brain showed diffuse

increased signal abnormalities

involving supra- and infratentorial white matter

suggesting cerebral

vasculitis. In patients with peripheral neuropathy

or signs of

leucencephalopathy, a HCV associated vasculitis

should be considered in the

differential diagnosis. PMID: 10431776

1999 - Detection and quasispecies analysis of

hepatitis C virus in the

cerebrospinal fluid of infected patients. PMID:



1990 - The detection of hepatitis B virus DNA in

nerve tissue. The

investigation of cerebrospinal fluid and a

temporal lobe brain tissue,

showed the unquestionable presence of viral

nucleotide sequences in the

nervous tissue (about 9 viral genomes per cell).

PMID: 2097449

1999 - Encephalitis after hepatitis B vaccination:

recurrent disseminated

encephalitis or MS? The persistent inflammatory

activity observed

clinically and on MRI in these patients is

comparable with that usually

observed in MS. Epidemiologic studies are

currently testing the hypothesis

of a triggering role of hepatitis B vaccination in

CNS demyelination. PMID:



1967 - Apropos of changes in the nervous system,

liver function and their

interrelation in children following epidemic

hepatitis. PMID: 5609671

1967 - Neurologic disorders in epidemic hepatitis.

PMID: 5619442

1999 - Viral-induced neurodegenerative disease.

PMID: 10458992

1999 - Neurological manifestations of chronic

hepatitis C. Magnetic

resonance imaging of the brain showed diffuse

increased signal abnormalities

involving supra- and infratentorial white matter

suggesting cerebral

vasculitis. In patients with peripheral neuropathy

or signs of

leucencephalopathy, a HCV associated vasculitis

should be considered in the

differential diagnosis. PMID: 10431776

1999 - Chronic sensory polyneuropathy,

multineuropathy, and encephalopathy

related to cryoglobulinemia. The

noncryoglobulinemic symptoms consisted of

an anterior optic neuropathy and a restless legs

syndrome with small-fiber

neuropathy. vasculitic episodes. PMID: 10489056

1999 - Hepatitis C virus infection of peripheral

nerves in type II

cryoglobulinaemia. HCV infection of nerves plays a

major role in

mCGII-associated neuropathy. PMID: 10394889

1998 - Paresthesia. PMID: 10070272

1998 - Peripheral nervous system involvement:

paresthesias or other symptoms

of peripheral neuropathy. urticaria or cutaneous

ulcers. arthralgias. PMID:


2000 - Peripheral sensorimotor neuropathy. PMID:


2000 - Mixed cryoglobulinemia syndrome is

characterized by the clinical

triad of purpura, arthralgia and asthenia

associated with type II or type

III MC. Such cryoglobulinemia vasculitis may

involve numerous organs,

particularly the peripheral nervous system and the

kidneys. PMID: 10761559

2000 - Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis

and demyelinating neuropathy

caused by type II mixed cryoglobulinemia

associated with HCV infection.

PMID: 10830181

1990 - The detection of hepatitis B virus DNA in

nerve tissue. The

investigation of cerebrospinal fluid and a

temporal lobe brain tissue,

showed the unquestionable presence of viral

nucleotide sequences in the

nervous tissue (about 9 viral genomes per cell).

PMID: 2097449

1998 - Chronic inflammatory demyelinating

polyneuropathy associated with

hepatitis B infection. PMID:10227761

1998 - HBV appeared to be the only selective

abdominal vagotomy affecting

the febrile responsiveness. We conclude,

therefore, that the hepatic vagus

plays an important role in the transduction of a

pyrogenic signal from the

periphery to the brain. PMID: 9688961

Connective Tissue


1970 - Subclinical hepatitis in connective-tissue

diseases. PMID: 4191969

1980 -Connective tissue metabolites and acid

hydrolases in hepatitis A and

B. PMID: 7466655

1996 - The majority of MC are secondary to

connective tissue diseases,

infectious or lymphoproliferative disorders,

hepatobiliary diseases, or

immunologically mediated glomerular diseases.

PMID: 8918748

1999 - (AECA) have been found in various

connective tissue disorders, with a


prevalence in systemic vasculitis. PMID: 10551381

1999 - Graves' disease associated with autoimmune

hepatitis and mixed

connective tissue disease. PMID: 10426583

2000 - Mixed cryoglobulins are associated with

connective-tissue disease,

malignant hematological disorder (type B

lymphoproliferation) or obvious

infectious process. PMID: 10761559



1966 - " Free " and " bound " insulin activity in the

blood of patients with

acute epidemic hepatitis. PMID: 5225081

1975 - Hepatitis B (Australia) antigen in

diabetics. PMID: 1138253

1981 - Detection of HBsAg in the pancreas.PMID:


1994 - IFN - Occurrence of IDDM [insulin-dependent

diabetes mellitus] during

interferon therapy for chronic viral hepatitis.

During and after IFN therapy

we should consider the possibility of occurrence

of IDDM as well as other

autoimmune diseases and observe the clinical

course carefully. PMID: 8013261

1998 - Association of chronic hepatitis C

infection and diabetes mellitus.

Pancreatic beta -cells might be an extrahepatic

target of HCV. PMID:


1998 - HCV infection and diabetes mellitus:

influence of the use of finger

stick devices on nosocomial transmission. An

increased prevalence of (HCV)

infection in patients with diabetes mellitus has

suggested a link between

these two conditions and the possibility of

patient-to-patient HCV

transmission during hospital admissions in

diabetes units. Our findings

indicate that these medical practices play no role

in nosocomial

transmission of HCV in diabetic patients. UI:


1999 - HAV - Hepatitis A-induced diabetes

mellitus, acute renal failure, and

liver failure. This case illustrates that

hepatitis A infection may be

severe with liver failure, acute renal failure,

and permanent diabetes

mellitus as sequale of this infection. UI:


1999 - Association of diabetes mellitus and

chronic hepatitis C virus

infection. While patients with liver disease are

known to have a higher

prevalence of glucose intolerance, preliminary

studies suggest that (HCV)

infection may be an additional risk factor for the

development of diabetes

mellitus. In the former study diabetes was

observed in 21% of HCV-infected

patients compared with 12% of HBV-infected

subjects. Data suggest a

relatively strong association between HCV

infection and diabetes, because

diabetics have an increased frequency of HCV

infection, particularly with

genotype 2a. Furthermore, it is possible that HCV

infection may serve as an

additional risk factor for the development of

diabetes, beyond that

attributable to chronic liver disease alone. PMID:


1999 - Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

[NIDDM]. Confirms an

association between HCV and NIDDM. PMID: 10498660

1999 - Extrahepatic clinical manifestations are

frequently observed in HCV

patients and involve primarily the joints,

muscles, and skin. The most

frequent immunologic abnormalities include mixed

cryoglobulins, antinuclear

antibodies, and anti-smooth muscle antibodies.


1999 - Absence of evidence of a possible

connection vaccination for

hepatitis B and the development of diabetes type

1. UI: 20060455

1999 - Type I membranoproliferative

glomerulonephritis (MPGN). Clinicians

should be aware of the possible occurrence of Type

I MPGN and

cryoglobulinemia in patients with diabetes

mellitus and HCV infection with

the appropriate history and physical findings. UI:


1999 - This case supports the hypothesis that

IFN-alpha therapy may lead to

an augmented autoimmune reaction against islet

cell antigens resulting in

the development of diabetes mellitus type 1,

especially if there are other

predisposing factors before IFN treatment. UI:


1999 - Reversible impact of alpha-interferon on

carbohydrate (CH) metabolism

was observed in patients with hepatitis C treated

with interferon between

1993 and 1997. UI: 99372081

1999 - Interferon-alpha improves glucose tolerance

in diabetic and

non-diabetic patients with HCV-induced liver

disease. This pilot study was

initiated to evaluate factors controlling glucose

tolerance in patients with

hepatitis C virus-induced liver disease before and

after therapy with

recombinant interferon-alpha (r-INF-alpha).

Therapy with recombinant

interferon-alpha is associated with an

amelioration of glucose tolerance in

non-diabetic and diabetic HCV-infected patients.

UI: 20008755

1999 - Hepatic iron overload has been reported in

various metabolic

conditions, including the insulin-resistance

syndrome (IRS) and nonalcoholic

steatohepatitis (NASH). The aim of this study was

to show that such hepatic

iron overload is part of a unique and unrecognized

entity. UI: 20005917

1999 - High prevalence of diabetes mellitus among

adult beta-thalassaemic

patients - Patients with thalassaemia and HCV

infection were diabetic more

often than thalassaemic patients without HCV

infection (45.3% versus 11.3%.

It is probable that the coexistence of

haemochromatosis makes the effect of

HCV infection on glucose metabolism clinically

evident, even in the stage of

chronic hepatitis. 99431167

1999 - Fatal liver failure after corticosteroid

treatment of a hepatitis B

virus carrier. a known carrier of (HBV) after

blood transfusion, developed

increasingly severe jaundice with high

transaminase levels after receiving

steroids in high doses. Significant preceding

conditions included chronic

obstructive pulmonary disease, coronary heart

disease, ulcerative colitis in

remission and diabetes mellitus. Steroids should

be given to known hepatitis

B carriers only if strictly indicated, because of

the danger of acute

deterioration of liver functions by reactivation

of the disease with

possibly fatal consequences. If steroids are

administered, liver functions

and serological hepatitis markers should be

closely monitored so that any

necessary treatment can be quickly initiated. UI:


2000 - HCV - Diabetes Mellitus. PMID: 10707860

2000 - Correlated with HCV infection; diabetes

mellitus. PMID: 10647955

2000 - An increasing prevalence of hepatitis C and

B, often associated, in

type 2 diabetic patients that allows us to define

them as a group at risk

for viral hepatitis. PMID: 10802152

2000 - HCV - Viral replication in pancreas. PMID:


2000 - High prevalence and adverse effect of

hepatitis C virus infection in

type II diabetic-related nephropathy. PMID:


2000 - Patients with chronic HCV infection have an

increased prevalence of

type 2 diabetes, and this prevalence is

independent of cirrhosis. PMID:


2000 - HCV-infected patients with normal glucose

tolerance are insulin and

glucose resistant. The impairment of glucose

tolerance appears to be closely

related with the severity of HCV-induced liver

damage. PMID: 10899726

2000 - There is a high prevalence of diabetes

among liver transplant

recipients infected with HCV both before and after

[liver] transplantation.

PMID: 10869293

2000 - Impact of HCV infection on development of


diabetes mellitus in renal allograft recipients.

PMID: 10812113


1965 - Trial of adrenal function tests viral

hepatitis. PMID: 5883559

1969 - The state of the pituitary-adrenal system

in patients with acute

protracted and chronic epidemic hepatitis. PMID:


1971 - Pituitary-corticoadrenal secretory tonus in

chronic hepatitis. PMID:


1994 - HBV - The DNA sequence representing HBV

infection was detected in the

tissue of liver (100%), gallbladder (85.7%),

spleen (75.0%), kidney (72.7%)

adrenal gland (66.7%), heart (55.6%), testicle

(55.6%), pancreas (54.5%)

respectively. PMID: 7956560

1996 - HCV - Prolactin-secreting pituitary

microadenoma. PMID: 8766348

1996 - Case of C-type chronic hepatitis with

manifestation of pituitary

insufficiency caused by interferon therapy. PMID:


1996 - Levels of pituitary-thyroid axis hormones

in men during the course of

chronic active hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. A

significant decline of TT3,

TT4, fT3, fT4 concentration and TT3/TT4 index in

males with liver cirrhosis

were observed. PMID: 9082343

1998 - Change of peripheral levels of pituitary

hormones and cytokines after

injection of interferon (IFN)-beta in patients

with chronic hepatitis C.

Plasma ACTH levels increased significantly. These

in vivo results are

important for investigating the relationship

between endocrine and cytokine

systems in humans. PMID: 9768684

1998 - Change of peripheral levels of pituitary

hormones and cytokines after

injection of interferon (IFN)-beta in patients

with chronic hepatitis C.

PMID: 9768684

1999 - Hepatic ischemia and hypophyseal

macroadenoma. Recurrent hepatitis

[no viral type mentioned] secondary to a pituitary

macroadenoma in a 55-year

old man. Liver ischemia is thought to be the main

consequence of episodes of

acute adrenal insufficiency. Sudden acute adrenal

insufficiency was due to

enlargement of the sella content secondary to

several microhemorrhages in

the macroadenoma. PMID: 10219616

1999 - Macrophage migration inhibitory factor

(MIF) - Pituitary-derived

hormone - (MIF) have been extensively

re-evaluated. This has been found to

be protein involved in broad-spectrum

pathophysiological states as an

glucocorticoid-induced immunomodulator. PMID:



Symptoms of Mercury Poisoning - Diabetes

Insipidus-like symptoms.



1996 - Hepatitis B Immune globulin (HBIg) -

Potential for mercury toxicity

and HCV transmission in the HBIg formulations

currently available in the

United States. Manufacturing modifications of HBIg

may allow for improved

patient tolerance and decreased risks. PMID:


Background Note:

Diabetes - (Gr. Diabetes a syphon, from dia

through + bainein to go) a

general term referring to disorders characterised

by excessive urine

excretion (polyuria), as in diabetes mellitus and

diabetes insipidus. When

used alone, the term refers to diabetes mellitus.



Diabetes Mellitus - Relative or absolute lack of

insulin leading to

uncontrolled carbohydrate metabolism. In juvenile

onset diabetes (that may

be an autoimmune response to pancreatic cells)

the insulin deficiency tends

to be almost total, whereas in adult onset

diabetes there seems to be no

immunological component but an association with




Diabetes Insipidus (DI) - Rare form of diabetes in

which the kidney tubules

do not reabsorb sufficient water. This can be

because (a) either the renal

tubules have defective receptors for antidiuretic

hormone (ADH, vasopressin)

or (B) a class of aquaporin water channel in the

collecting duct is

defective or © there is inadequate ADH

production by the pituitary,

leading to the excessive production of dilute




There are four (4) fundamentally different types

of Diabetes Insipidus (DI).

Each has a different cause and must be treated in

a different way. These

four forms are:

Neurogenic, also known as central, hypothalamic,

pituitary or

neurohypophyseal is caused by a deficiency of the

antidiuretic hormone,


Nephrogenic, also known as vasopressin-resistant

is caused by insensitivity

of the kidneys to the effect of the antidiuretic

hormone, vasopressin.

Gestagenic, also known as gestational is also

caused by a deficiency of the

antidiuretic hormone, vasopressin, that occurs

only during pregnancy.

Dipsogenic, a form of primary polydipsia is caused

by abnormal thirst and

the excessive intake of water or other liquids.




1975 - HBsAg was found in the saliva of both

children and adults, more

frequently during the first weeks after the onset

of illness. PMID: 1224534

1977 - Hepatitis B surface antigen in urine and

feces. PMID: 595147

1992 - Detection of HCV RNA in saliva, urine,

seminal fluid, and ascites.



1992 - HCV RNA is present in the saliva of

approximately half of patients

with acute and chronic hepatitis C, and the

presence of HCV RNA correlates

with HCV viremia. The efficiency of HCV

transmission is low among spouses.

PMID: 1315367

1998 - In HCV-RNA positive patients with

esophagogastric varices the

possibility of glomerulonephritis should be

considered. PMID: 9840704

1998 - Dry mouth, oral ulcer. PMID: 10070272

1998 - The gastrointestinal diseases with

rheumatologic manifestations can

be divided into two major categories: intestinal

disorders and disorders of

the liver, biliary tree, and pancreas. Although

intestinal permeability and

immune responsiveness are frequently implicated in

disorders of the

intestine, diseases of the liver, biliary tree,

and pancreas usually involve

the production of autoantibodies, cytokines, or

enzymes. PMID: 9891697

1999 - Risk of transmission of hepatitis C through

endoscopy of the

digestive tract. PMID: 10394381

1999 - Risk of transmission of HCV by biopsy

clamps during gastrointestinal

biopsy. PMID: 10651538

1999 - A case of gastrointestinal stromal tumor of

the stomach. tumor about

3 cm in diameter was detected in the upper abdomen

by abdominal ultrasound

screening during follow-up of chronic hepatitis C.

Direct invasion of the

surrounding organs, lymph node metastasis or

distant metastasis was not

observed grossly in the operation. Histologic

examination of the resected

specimen revealed proliferation of spindle cells

and oval cells in an

interlacing pattern. Immunohistochemistry for

CD34, vimentin and c-kit

protein was strongly positive. The proliferating

cell nuclear antigen index

was about 50%. From these findings, this tumor

was diagnosed as a

gastrointestinal stromal tumor of the uncommitted

type. PMID: 10819497

1999 - Oral disease: oral conditions, namely

Sjogren's syndrome and lichen

planus. PMID: 10561713

1999 - Lichen planus: LP associated with HCV was

reported to be oral LP.

PMID: 10534648

1999 - Tongue cancer. PMID: 10567673

1999 - Factors predicting the presence of

esophageal or gastric varices in

patients with advanced liver disease [ALD]. The

causes of cirrhosis (mean

age, 48 yr) included, 28% HCV /alcoholism, (25%)

HCV, (6%) HBV. PMID:


2000 - HCV RNA positive-and negative-strand in

kidney, heart, pancreas, and

intestine from hepatitis C patients. PMID:


2000 - Oral lichen planus induced by

interferon-alpha-N1 in a patient with

hepatitis C. PMID: 10836860

2000 - Direct viral factors may not be important

in the pathogenesis of OLP

in patients with chronic hepatitis C.

Immunological changes caused by IFN

may play a role in the development of OLP

associated with HCV infection.

PMID: 10846411

2000 - HCV replicates in epithelial cells. Mucosa.

PMID: 10869295

2000 - Stomach - Gastric mucosa as an additional

extrahepatic localization

of hepatitis C virus: Viral detection in gastric

low-grade lymphoma

associated with autoimmune disease and in chronic

gastritis, " Hepatology,

January 2000;31(1):182-189).

2000 - Detection of hepatitis C virus RNA in oral

lichen planus and oral

cancer tissues. (HCV) infection not only causes

chronic liver diseases but

shows extrahepatic manifestations as oral lichen

planus (OLP) and oral

cancer. These results may indicate that HCV

persists and replicates in these

lesions, suggesting a pathological role for HCV,

although the mechanisms are

unclear. PMID: 10890556

2000 - Severe and relapsing upper gastrointestinal

bleeding in a patient

with Glanzmann's thrombasthenia. From HCV-related

liver cirrhosis and H.

pylori-positive duodenal ulcer. PMID: 10749344

2000 - Adult celiac disease and

hypertransaminasemia. PMID: 10757865.

2000 - TTV - Detected in livers, kidneys, spleens,

intestines, and stomachs.

TTV can infect hepatic and ex-hepatic tissues and

may cause persistent

infection. PMID: 10880161

2000 - High prevalence of TT virus DNA in human

saliva and semen. Presence

of TTV in body fluids other than serum may affect

the routes of viral

transmission. PMID: 10835017

2000 - HBV DNA revealed by PCR in saliva and serum

of HBV-infected patients

was detected in acute period not only in serum

(84.6% of cases) but also in

saliva (46.2% of cases). The data illustrate the

diagnostic value of saliva

and point to the possible role of saliva as a

source of HBV infection. PMID:




1978 - The effect of chronic liver diseases on the

inner ear. PMID: 710357

1978 - Severe sensorineural hearing loss

associated with viral hepatitis.

PMID: 663702

1999 - Sudden hearing loss following acute

hepatitis. PMID: 10533644


1982 - Rhogam/Anti-D - Review of environmental

factors affecting hearing.

PMID: 7044773

Endocrine/Exocrine (in general)


1971 - Studies in the patients with various

endocrine disorders and hepatic

diseases. PMID: 5105082

1977 - Studies on the endocrine function of the

pancreas with special regard

to the alpha cell in subjects with various liver

diseases. PMID: 344952

1984 - Viral antigen in endocrine cells of the

pancreatic islets and adrenal

cortex of Pekin ducks infected with duck hepatitis

B virus. PMID: 6397935

1994 - HBV - The DNA sequence representing HBV

infection was detected in the

tissue of liver (100%), gallbladder (85.7%),

spleen (75.0%), kidney (72.7%)

adrenal gland (66.7%), heart (55.6%), testicle

(55.6%), pancreas (54.5%)

respectively. PMID: 7956560

2000 - Chronic HCV has been linked with the

development of Sjogren's

syndrome. PMID: 10604234

1999 - Sjogren's Syndrome (SS) is an autoimmune

disease that mainly affects

exocrine glands and usually presents as a

persistent dryness of the mouth

and eyes. The spectrum of the disease extends from

an organ-specific

autoimmune disease to a systemic process. Viral

infection has long been

suspected as a potential cause of SS because

several viruses have been

incriminated in the aetiology of this disease, and

a possible relationship

between SS and HCV was postulated in 1992. PMID:


2000 - Although the liver is the major target

organ, the virus may be able

to replicate in peripheral blood mononuclear cells

[PBMC's], lymph nodes,

and pancreas and to a more limited degree in bone

marrow cells, thyroid,

adrenal glands, and spleen. PMID: 10895434



1965 - Disorders of twilight vision in virus

hepatitis. PMID: 5862084

1965 - The pathogenesis of ocular lesions of

infectious canine hepatitis.

PMID: 4221552

1993 - Hepatitis C virus in the aqueous humor.

PMID: 8213365

1994 - Detection of HIV, HBV, and hepatitis C

virus in donor eyes using PCR.


1997 - Acquisition of hepatitis C by a

conjunctival splash. PMID: 9202821

1997 - The eye and hepatitis C. Ocular diseases

such as Sjogren's syndrome,

n's ulcer and acute retinal pigment

epitheliitis have been associated

with hepatitis C. PMID: 9296042

1998 - Hepatitis C-associated keratitis. PMID:


1998 - Dry eyes. PMID: 10070272

1999 - Signs and symptoms of interferon-associated

retinopathy in patient

with hepatitis C virus, nephropathy and diabetes

mellitus. Necessity to

assess visual system before and after therapy was

emphasised. PMID:


1999 - Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy

occurring in a patient treated

with IFN is a probable complication of the

therapy. PMID: 10516525

1999 - HBV - Hepatitis B and Pupil-Sparing

Oculomotor Nerve Paresis. PMID:


1998 - HBV - Neurovisual impairment: a frequent

complication of

alpha-interferon treatment in chronic viral

hepatitis. Subclinical

neurovisual impairment is a frequent, largely

unrecognized complication of

low-dose IFN therapy, and patients with chronic

hepatitis B and older age

appear to be most susceptible. This apparently

innocuous complication is

long lasting, possibly irreversible in some

patients, with yet undetermined

consequences on visual function. PMID: 9581701

Gall Bladder


1966 - Concentrating function of the gallbladder

in certain sequelae of

epidemic hepatitis. PMID: 5999184

1968 - The concentrating capacity of the

gallbladder in patients with

chronic hepatitis. PMID: 5680879

1968 - Is there a change in the hormonal

regulation of the mechanisms to

empty the gallbladder during icterigenous acute

hepatitis? PMID: 5745366

1971 - Hepatitis-associated antigen in human bile.

PMID: 4143627

1989 - At the early period of convalescence from

viral hepatitis 65% of

persons showed disorders of the functional state

of the bile tracts. The

frequency of involvement of the biliary system did

not depend on the

etiological form of hepatitis. PMID: 2609567

1994 - HBV - The DNA sequence representing HBV

infection was detected in the

tissue of liver (100%), gallbladder (85.7%),

spleen (75.0%), kidney (72.7%)

adrenal gland (66.7%), heart (55.6%), testicle

(55.6%), pancreas (54.5%)

respectively. PMID: 7956560

1997 - Hepatitis C virus RNA and an antigen

immunoreactive with anti-c100

protein are present in bile in a proportion of

cirrhotic patients with

chronic HCV. PMID: 9278613

1999 - Gallstones in chronic liver disease is

related to degree of liver

dysfunction. HCV infection and PiZ carriership may

further increase biliary

lithogenesis. PMID: 10576378

1999 - Steatosis and bile duct damage in chronic

hepatitis C. PMID: 10533803

2000 - Bile duct damage and steatosis, which are

characteristic of (HCV)

infection. PMID: 10845672

2000 - HBV - Bile duct epithelial cells (BDEC) as

a reservoir of (HBV)

infection that may be particularly important in

the development of

post-liver transplant recurrence of hepatitis B.

PMID: 10764033

2000 - The BDEC appear to be an important

reservoir of virus that is

relatively unaffected by antiviral treatment, and

may play an important role

in disease persistence and relapse following

cessation of therapy. PMID:


2000 - TTV - Biliary excretion of TT virus.

Replication of TTV may occur in

other organs as well as in the liver. PMID:




1943 - Transfusion-associated hepatitis was

recognized in 1943. 1996. PMID:


1965 - Serum hepatitis after open-heart

operations. PMID: 5835508

1966 - Electrocardiographic changes in infectious

hepatitis. PMID: 5991937

1967 - Electrocardiographic changes in icterogenic

viral hepatitis. PMID:


1968 - Electrocardiographic changes during viral

hepatitis. PMID: 4188430

1968 - Electrocardiographic changes in acute viral

hepatitis. PMID: 5707455

1968 - Studies on liver damage in cardiac surgery,

with special reference to

post-transfusion hepatitis following

extracorporeal circulation. PMID:


1968 - Heart - Massive transfusion. PMID: 5729864

1969 - Electrocardiographic changes in viral

hepatitis and their correlation

with the levels of serum bilirubin and

transaminases. PMID: 5783190

1970 - Posttransfusion hepatitis after open-heart

operations. Incidence

after the administration of blood from commercial

and volunteer donor

populations. PMID: 5466902

1970 - Anicteric and icteric hepatitis after

open-heart surgery. PMID:


1970 - Cardiac changes in viral hepatitis. PMID:


1970 - State of the contractile function of the

myocardium in patients with

chronic hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. PMID:


1971 - Transfusion hepatitis following heart

surgery. PMID: 5155991

1971 - Cardiac manifestations of viral hepatitis.

PMID: 4255278

1971 - Complete heart block in a child following

infectious hepatitis.

Treatment with permanent pacing. PMID: 5144367

1971 - Myocardial involvement in infectious

hepatitis. PMID: 5138748

1972 - Heart disorders in viral hepatitis. PMID:


1973 - Jaundice following cardiopulmonary by-pass.

PMID: 4701696

1973 - Serum hepatitis after open-heart surgery.

PMID: 4731112

1973 - Heart - Human radiation hepatitis. A

morphologic study with emphasis

on the late changes. PMID: 4708001

1973 - HBV - Rheumatic fever and Australia

antigen. PMID: 4125029

1973 - Need for blood in open-heart surgery. PMID:


1973 - HBV - " Myocarditis " and hepatitis B

antigen. PMID: 4751764

1974 - HBV - Hepatitis B antigen and corresponding

antibodies following

multiple blood transfusions. PMID: 4428195

1975 - Clinical and serological analysis of


hepatitis. Of prospectively followed, multiply


open-heart-surgery patients, (11%) developed

hepatitis. The existence of

previously unrecognised human hepatitis virus(es)

is probable. PMID: 53329

1975 - Bloodless open heart surgery with

atraumatic extracorporeal

circulation. PMID: 1079162

1975 - Clinical trials of hepatitis B immune

globulin. Development of

policies and materials for the 1972-1975 studies

sponsored by the National

Heart and Lung Institute. PMID: 1178022

1976 - Post-transfusional hepatitis as a

complication of surgery using the

heart-lung-machine in childhood. PMID: 1246904

1977 - Heart - Hazards of blood transfusion. PMID:


1977 - Heart muscle involvement in viral

hepatitis. PMID: 847911

1978 - Postoperative hepatitis in cardiac and

other thoracic surgery. PMID:


1978 - Assessment of cardiovascular system in

children with viral hepatitis.

PMID: 693127

1979 - HBV - Frequency of hepatitis B after open

heart surgery. In spite of

intensive efforts to reduce the risk of hepatitis

B after heart operations,

this complication is observed in 40 % or more of

the cases. PMID: 494221

1979 - HCV - The chronic sequelae of non-A, non-B

hepatitis. Patients (6.7%)

followed prospectively after open-heart surgery

developed non-A, non-B

hepatitis. PMID: 464417

1980 - Hepatitis after cardiosurgery. Even after

exclusion of other risk

factors, the frequency of hepatitis among the

recipients of coagulation

preparations was around 60%. PMID: 6154328

1980 - Post-transfusion hepatitis: can the problem

be solved today? PMID:



1993 - HBV - The significance of complete

serological testing for hepatitis

B in heart valve banking. PMID: 8333072

1994 - Molecular biological screening of viruses

important to transfusion

medicine. viruses: cytomegalovirus (CMV),

hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis

C virus (HCV) and human immunodeficiency type 1

virus (HIV1). PMID: 9480064

1994 - HBV - The DNA sequence representing HBV

infection was detected in the

tissue of liver (100%), gallbladder (85.7%),

spleen (75.0%), kidney (72.7%)

adrenal gland (66.7%), heart (55.6%), testicle

(55.6%), pancreas (54.5%)

respectively. PMID: 7956560

1995 - HCV - Dilated cardiomyopathy [DCM]

associated with hepatitis C virus

infection. Hepatitis C virus infection is

frequently found in patients with

dilated cardiomyopathy and that hepatitis C virus

is an important causal

agent in the pathogenesis of the disease. PMID:


1996 - HBV - Transmission of hepatitis B virus to

multiple patients from a

surgeon without evidence of inadequate infection

control. PMID: 8569821

1996 - HCV - HCV infection in myocarditis and

cardiomyopathy. ischemic heart

disease. Hepatitis C virus infection is frequently

found in patients with

dilated cardiomyopathy and that hepatitis C virus

is an important causal

agent in the pathogenesis of the disease. PMID:


1996 - HCV - Detection of hepatitis C virus RNA

from the heart of patients

with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. HCV RNA was

detected in myocardial tissue.

HCV infection may play a role in the development

of hypertrophic

cardiomyopathy. In [66%] patients, HCV RNA was

detected from biopsy and

autopsy specimens of the ventricles, but not in

the serum, suggesting that

HCV may replicate in myocardial tissue and may be

relevant to ventricular

hypertrophy. PMID: 8651904

1996 - HCV - Severe type II cryoglobulinemia after

ten years of asymptomatic

(HCV) infection is reported. Laboratory data

showed hypergammaglobulinemia

with polyclonal IgG and monoclonal IgM, blood

hyperviscosity, high level of

cryocrit (60%), HCV viremia, and normal levels of

serum transaminases. Due

to cold exposure, acrocyanosis and cardiac

ischemic attack occurred. PMID:


1997 - HCV - Chronic variant of myocarditis

associated with hepatitis C

virus infection. HCV replicated in myocardial

tissue of these patients with

myocarditis. Thus, HCV infection may contribute to

the development of this

unusual form of myocarditis. PMID: 9236410

1998 - HBV - Transmission of hepatitis B virus

among heart transplant

recipients during endomyocardial biopsy

procedures. PMID: 9513854

1998 - HCV - Hepatitis C virus infection and heart

diseases. HCV infection

is an important cause of a variety of otherwise

unexplained heart diseases.

Various cardiac abnormalities were found, and

arrhythmias was the most

frequent. PMID: 9626910

1998 - HCV - IFN - Changes of 24-h Holter monitor

recordings in association

with interferon alpha therapy for chronic

hepatitis C. PMID: 9852725

1999 - HBV - Three cases of severe subfulminant

hepatitis in

heart-transplanted patients after nosocomial

transmission of a mutant

hepatitis B virus. In this study, the genetic

background of a viral strain

causing severe subfulminant outcome in

heart-transplanted patients was

studied and compared with viral hepatitis B

strains that were not linked to

severe liver disease in the same setting. PMID:


1999 - HBV - Infection chains and evolution rates

of hepatitis B virus in

cardiac transplant recipients infected

nosocomially. PMID: 10223539

1999 - HCV - Detection of hepatitis C virus RNA in

the hearts of patients

with hepatogenic cardiomyopathy. HCV genome in the

myocardium of a patient

with hepatogenic myocardosis. PMID: 10395090

1999 - HCV - Hepatitis C virus infection and

cardiomyopathy. The importance

of (HCV) infection has been recently noted in

patients with

cardiomyopathies. HCV RNAs were found in the

hearts of patients with

cardiomyopathies, and negative strands of HCV RNA

were also detected in the

hearts, suggesting that HCV replicates in

myocardial tissues. PMID:


1999 - HCV - Detection of HCV-specific sequences

in chronic myopathy with

hepatitis C: improvement with interferon-alpha 2A

therapy. PMID: 10529547

1999 - HCV - Apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

[HCM] and hepatitis C virus

infection. A high prevalence of HCV infection was

found in patients with

HCM, particularly of the apical variety,

suggesting that HCV is an important

causal agent in the pathogenesis of the disease.

The familial form of

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is attributed to

mutations in the genes

for contractile proteins, but the etiology of

non-familial form remains

unknown. Myocardial fibrosis was found in all

patients, and mild cellular

infiltration was observed in 5 patients. Type 1b

HCV RNA was present in the

sera of [56%] patients. PMID: 10406581

1999 - HBV - HCV - Study on microbial persistence

in end-stage idiopathic

dilated cardiomyopathy. Microorganisms that are

frequently associated with

heart disease, including cytomegalovirus,

hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C

virus. PMID: 10530439

1999 - A striking correlation has been found

between ACAD [Allograft

Coronary Artery Disease] and HCV and/or CMV

positivity. suggesting that such

viruses may play a role in the development of

vascular late complications in

transplanted hearts. PMID: 10901481

2000 - HCV - These results suggested that

molecular mechanism for the

development of cardiomyopathy mediated by HCV is

different between DCM

[Dilated Cardiomyopathy] and HCM [Hypertrophic

Cardiomyopathy]. PMID:


2000 - HCV - HCV RNA positive-and negative-strand

in kidney, heart,

pancreas, and intestine from hepatitis C patients.

PMID: 10712785

2000 - HCV - (HCV) infection is involved in the

etiology or pathogenesis of

cardiomyopathic disorders. Positive-plus strands

of HCV RNA were found in

the patient's myocardium, as well as plus and

minus strands in the

quadriceps muscle specimens. Interferon treatment

for dilated cardiomyopathy

and striated myopathy associated with hepatitis C

virus infection based on

serial measurements of serum concentrations of

cardiac troponin T. They have

also reported that the serum concentration of

cardiac troponin T is an

indicator of ongoing myocyte degeneration in

patients with dilated

cardiomyopathy (DCM) and hypothesized that its

serial measurement may be a

marker of therapeutic efficacy. PMID: 10783058

2000 - HCV - Necrotizing myopathy in a patient

with chronic hepatitis C

virus infection. Myopathy developed after

initiation of interferon therapy

for chronic HCV hepatitis. PMID: 10732841

2000 - HCV - Hepatitis C transmission and

infection by orthotopic heart

transplantation. PMID: 10775815

2000 - Hepatitis C virus from the hearts of

patients with myocarditis and

cardiomyopathy. The myocardium may be the target

of several types of viral

infections. The importance of (HCV) infection has

been recently noted in

patients with myocarditis and in patients with

dilated or hypertrophic

cardiomyopathy. PMID: 10908160

2000 - GBV-C/HGV - Evidence that the

GBV-C/hepatitis G virus is primarily a

lymphotropic virus. The spleen and bone marrow

biopsies were found to be

uniformly positive for both negative-and positive

strand GBV-C/HGV RNA. No

negative strand RNA was detected in heart. PMID:


2000 - TTV - Viremia and excretion of TT virus in

immunosuppressed heart

transplant recipients and in immunocompetent

individuals. PMID: 10706041

Immune - Autoimmune


1965 - The problem of immunity in chronic liver

disease. PMID: 5325610

1965 - Investigations on the immunologic mechanism

in chronic hepatitis and

postviral hepatic cirrhosis. PMID: 5860917

1965 - Transient kryoglobulinaemia. PMID: 4163228

1975 - Cell-mediated immunity in acute and chronic

hepatitis. PMID: 1079030

1975 - Transfusion of hepatitis B immune

complex-containing blood in high

HBV prevalence populations. PMID: 1235477

1977 - Acute and chronic hepatitis: multisystemic

involvement related to

immunologic disease. PMID: 320847

1979 - Lung involvement in essential mixed

cryoglobulinemia. PMID: 443251

1987 - Persistent measles virus genome in

autoimmune chronic active

hepatitis. PMID: 2885546

1993 - The humoral response to the host cellular

gene-derived epitope GOR

(anti-GOR) was reported to be associated with

chronic (HCV) infection. PMID:


2000 - Viral persistence in chronic HBV and HCV

infection has been

attributed to an imbalance in the Th1-Th2 arms of

the immune response. PMID:


1998 - HCV infection has been associated with

multiple autoimmune

manifestations. The immune response to HCV

infection encompasses the

development of autoantibodies, immune complex

formation and deposition, and

cryoglobulinemia complicated by vasculitis,

glomerulonephritis, or

neuropathy. PMID: 9606763

1995 - HBV - Naturally occurring hepatitis B virus

core gene mutations.

Mutations in the hepatitis B virus (HBV) core gene

may influence disease

activity by altering immune recognition sites or

level of virus replication.

In summary, mutations in the core gene can be

frequently detected in

patients with chronic HBV infection. These

mutations occur predominantly

around the time of HBeAg clearance when liver

disease is most active. PMID:


1997 - A number of autoantibodies are observed

during the course of HCV. Of

particular interest are liver/kidney microsomal

antibodies (LKM). PMID:


1999 - HCV infection has been linked with some

extrahepatic immunologic

abnormalities. PMID: 10193093

2000 - The most documented extrahepatic

manifestation of (HCV) infection is

mixed cryoglobulinemia (MC). The presence of

microheterogeneity and other

new types of cryoglobulins is a novel and recent

observation. PMID: 10787003

2000 - The discovery of the relation between HCV

infection and MC shows the

striking association between a viral infection and

an autoimmune disease

and, thus, a potential link between the systemic

autoimmune and

lymphoproliferative disorders. PMID: 10787003

2000 - Type II mixed cryoglobulinemia (MC) is a

systemic vasculitis

characterized by the presence in the serum of a

monoclonal cryoprecipitable

IgM with rheumatoid factor (RF) activity. (HCV)

has been recognized as its

major etiologic factor. Because MC frequently

evolves into overt B-cell

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), chronic HCV

infection is hypothesized to lead

to both benign and malignant lymphoproliferative

disease. PMID: 10861476

1997 - HCV infects not only hepatocytes but

lymphoid cells, thereby

modulates immune functions. PMID: 9221376

2000 - HBV - HCV - The viral persistence produced

by escape mutations from

virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL)

response may lead to

upregulation of delayed-type hypersensitivity

immune response, which causes

hepatic tissue damage through non specific

macrophage activation and CTL

response and promotes pathogenesis of hepatic

fibrosis. PMID: 10834146

2000 - High levels of CD30s, a glycoprotein

preferentially expressed and

released by T lymphocytes producing Th(2)-type

cytokines, were seen in the

sera of patients with chronic hepatitis C, and a

correlation with

histological activity of the disease was found.

CD30s levels could represent

a useful surrogate marker of activity in chronic

HCV infections. PMID:


2000 - HCV glycoprotein E2 binds to human cells by

interacting with the CD81

molecule, which has been proposed to be the viral

receptor. binding of E2 to

CD81 is not predictive of an infection-producing

interaction between HCV and

host cells. PMID: 10846074

1997 - Hepatitis C virus induces a number of

diseases of presumed autoimmune

background, like mixed cryoglobulinaemia,

glomerulonephritis, panarthritis,

arthritis, thyroiditis and skin lesions. Hepatitis

C -associated LKM

antibodies are more heterogeneous. PMID: 9429209

1998 - HCV infection has been associated with

antiphospholipid antibody

syndrome, RA, SLE, PM/DM, and thyroid disease.

HCV-infected patients also

have a high incidence of sicca symptoms with

sialoadenitis, and reports of

low-grade lymphoproliferative malignancies have

emerged. PMID: 9606763

2000 - Many other autoimmune manifestations have

been correlated with HCV

infection; namely, sicca syndrome, chronic


polydermatomyositis, fibromyalgia, autoimmune

thyroiditis, lung fibrosis,

and diabetes mellitus. PMID: 10647955

1999 - Strongest evidence of a viral cause for AIH

exists for hepatitis C

virus. PMID: 10548341

1999 - Autoimmune hepatitis in a genetically

susceptible patient: is it

triggered by acute viral hepatitis A? PMID:


1999 - Cryoglobulinemia. PMID: 10575191

1998 - HGV may be associated with cryoglobulins.

Since our series is small,

the pathogenetic role of hepatitis G and its

relationship to malignancy

remain to be elucidated. PMID: 9598893

1997 - The prevalence of HCV related

cryoglobulinemia at a VA hospital was

42% and was most often of the type III variety.

PMID: 9375872

2000 - 50% of the patients with chronic hepatitis

C circulated

cryoglobulins, with preference for those with a

greater impairment of liver

function, as revealed by serum cholinesterase

activity. PMID: 10760044

1999 - Type II cryoglobulinemia. PMID: 10513805

2000 - Among the several types of chronic

glomerulonephritis (GN) described

in association with (HCV) infection,

cryoglobulinemic glomerulonephritis is

by far the most frequent. It is usually associated

with type II

cryoglobulinemia with IgM k rheumatoid factor.

PMID: 10761561

2000 - More controversial is the association with

type I

non-cryoglobulinemic membranoproliferative GN,

which has been found in some

series from the USA and Japan but not in others.

PMID: 10761561

1998 - Systemic manifestations and liver disease

in patients with chronic

hepatitis C and type II or III mixed

cryoglobulinaemia. The presence and

type of cryoglobulins seem to be associated with

different clinical

manifestations and outcome. PMID: 9658371

1999 - Autoimmune hepatitis. PMID: 10566740

2000 - Mixed cryoglobulinaemia (MC) is a frequent

finding. PMID: 10706071

1999 - Mixed cryoglobulinemia in patients with

lymphoproliferative diseases.

PMID: 10091402

1998 - Hepatitis C virus infection, mixed

cryoglobulinemia, and

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: an emerging picture. PMID:


1999 - HCV-MC-associated vasculitis was noted in

patients who had at least

one of the following clinical features: peripheral


glomerulonephritis, skin purpura, cerebral

vasculitis. In HCV patients, AECA

are associated with MC-vasculitis, suggesting that

AECA may be a marker for

HCV-induced vasculitis. PMID: 10551381

1998 - Mixed cryoglobulinaemia: a cross-road

between autoimmune and

lymphoproliferative disorders. chronic hepatitis,


peripheral neuropathy, skin ulcers and diffuse

vasculitis. systemic lupus,

Sjogren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis and

systemic sclerosis.

(glomerulonephritis, thyroiditis, lung fibrosis,

autoimmune hepatitis,

porphyria cutanea tarda) and lymphoproliferative

disorders (monoclonal

gammopathies, B-cell lymphomas). PMID: 9643318

2000 - Mixed cryoglobulins are associated with

connective-tissue disease,

malignant hematological disorder (type B

lymphoproliferation) or obvious

infectious process. Mixed cryoglobulinemia

syndrome is characterized by the

clinical triad of purpura, arthralgia and asthenia

associated with type II

or type III MC. The disorder is the consequence of

an immune-complex-type

vasculitis as supported by clinical features,

analysis of the cryoglobulins,

the usually depressed level of complement during

the active phase of the

disease, and the deposition of immunoglobulins and

complement in the

lesions. PMID: 10761559

1999 - PCNA - Autoantibody to proliferating cell

nuclear antigen [anti-PCNA]

PMID: 10491362

1999 - AECA - Anti-endothelial cell

auto-antibodies in hepatitis C virus

mixed cryoglobulinemia. In HCV patients, AECA are

associated with

MC-vasculitis, suggesting that AECA may be a

marker for HCV-induced

vasculitis. PMID: 10551381

1999 - [PCT] Porphyria cutanea tarda occurring in

a patient with renal

failure, systemic lupus erythematosus and chronic

hepatitis C infection

treated with hemodialysis. PMID: 10544877

1999 - Manifestations: arthralgia, paresthesia,

myalgia, pruritus, and sicca

syndrome. Biologic abnormalities: cryoglobulins,

antinuclear antibodies, low

thyroxine level, and anti-smooth muscle

antibodies. Only vasculitis,

arterial hypertension, purpura, lichen planus,

arthralgia, and low thyroxine

level were associated with cryoglobulin

positivity. Extrahepatic clinical

manifestations are frequently observed in HCV

patients and involve primarily

the joints, muscles, and skin. PMID: 10524695

1999 - A complex case of hepatitis in a patient

with systemic lupus

erythematosus. PMID: 10524558

1999 - Hepatitis as the presenting symptom of

childhood systemic lupus

erythematosus. Each patient with a diagnosis of

autoimmune hepatitis in

childhood who exhibits abnormal HBV serology must

be evaluated for a

possible diagnosis of SLE. PMID: 10770126

1999 - Sjogren's syndrome and hepatitis C virus.

PMID: 10357112

1999 - Thyroid disease in autoimmune liver

diseases. PMID: 10483270

1999 - Graves' disease associated with autoimmune

hepatitis and mixed

connective tissue disease. Graves' disease with

adenomatous goiter. positive

antinuclear antibody (speckled type), positive

anti-ribosomal nuclear

protein antibody, and positive LE cell phenomenon.

PMID: 10426583

1999 - Autoimmune hepatitis and/or hepatitis C.

Extrahepatic manifestations

that are associated with chronic HCV infection

include: type II

cryoglobulinaemia, membranoproliferative

glomerulonephritis, porphyria

cutanea tarda, Sjogren syndrome, autoimmune

thyroiditis, lichen planus.

PMID: 10500434

1998 - Cryoglobulinaemia and rheumatic

manifestations. Clinical features of

HCV patients were as follows:

arthralgia/arthritis, cutaneous manifestation,

Raynaud's phenomenon, paresthesia, dry eyes, dry

mouth, oral ulcer, and

abdominal pain. PMID: 10070272

2000 - Studies of mixed cryoglobulins (MC) from

patients infected with (HCV)

show that the principal constituents in

cryoprecipitate are IgM rheumatoid

factors (RF), polyclonal IgG anti-HCV antibodies,



2000 - These data suggest that patients with CP

and chronic hepatitis owing

to HCV are more likely to have progressive disease

than patients without CP.

PMID: 10706566

1999 - Many patients with chronic hepatitis C

virus infection have

reactivity to an autoantigen of unknown

significance known as GOR that has

protein sequence homology with both hepatitis C

virus nucleocapsid protein

as well as HTLV-1 gag. Endogenous retroviral

protein acting as an

autoantigen in liver disease patients. PMID:


2000 - Immunologic disturbances induced by HCV or

prolonged tissue damage in

systemic organs as a result of the extrahepatic

manifestations of HCV

infection may induce the production of antibodies

to various

cardiolipin-binding proteins or phospholipids.

PMID: 10777156

2000 - Anticardiolipin autoantibodies in serum

samples and cryoglobulins of

patients with chronic hepatitis C infection. PMID:


1999 - AIH - type 2, which is defined by the

presence of type I antiliver

kidney microsome autoantibodies directed mainly

against cytochrome P450

(CYP)2D6 and by autoreactive liver infiltrating T

cells. These findings

demonstrate the potential of HCV to induce

autoreactive CD8(+) CTLs by

molecular mimicry, possibly contributing to

virus-associated autoimmunity.


2000 - The most documented extrahepatic

manifestation of (HCV) infection is

mixed cryoglobulinemia (MC). The presence of

microheterogeneity and other

new types of cryoglobulins is a novel and recent

observation. PMID: 10787003


2000 - Splenectomy may improve the glomerulopathy

of type II mixed

cryoglobulinemia. Splenectomy may be an effective

therapy for

cryoglobulinemia in patients with HCV-positive

liver cirrhosis and

pancytopenia secondary to splenomegaly. PMID:


2000 - Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis

and demyelinating neuropathy

caused by type II mixed cryoglobulinemia

associated with HCV infection.

PMID: 10830181

2000 - Birmingham vasculitis activity score,

disease extent index and

complement factor C3c reflect disease activity

best in hepatitis C

virus-associated cryoglobulinemic vasculitis.

PMID: 10895368


1994 - IFN - Diabetes - Occurrence of IDDM during

interferon therapy for

chronic viral hepatitis. During and after IFN

therapy we should consider the

possibility of occurrence of IDDM as well as other

autoimmune diseases and

observe the clinical course carefully. PMID:




1963 - Hepatitis - Clinical studies on the

kinetics of iron. PMID: 5900142

1966 - Total erythrocytic and serum iron in the

course of viral hepatitis.

PMID: 5941299

1995 - Hypothyroidism and hypoparathyroidism in an

11 year old boy with

hemochromatosis secondary to aplastic anemia. The

early appearance of both

thyroid and parathyroid dysfunction in this

patient may have been due to the

delay of initiation of iron-chelating agents and

liver dysfunction due to

hepatitis type C. PMID: 7572161

1998 - Hemochromatosis presenting as rheumatoid

arthritis. PMID: 9858446

1999 - Iron metabolism disorders in chronic

hepatitis C. PMID: 10491490

1999 - Recent studies have shown that iron

influences the response of

chronic hepatitis C to treatment and the natural

history of hepatitis C. It

is likely that therapies for chronic hepatitis C

which either remove iron or

interfere with the action of iron at the cellular

level may not only prove

useful clinically but may also elucidate further

the mechanisms of cellular

injury in this disease. PMID: 10535273

1999 - Hepatitis C and iron. The mechanisms

responsible for the effects of

iron are not clear but emerging data suggest that

the cellular location of

iron within the liver lobule and the subsequent

effects on immune function

are likely to be critical determinants for these

effects. PMID: 10535273

2000 - Patients with CH-C have evidence of

enhanced hepatic iron

accumulation and lipid peroxidation compared to

those with CH-B. These

results suggest that hepatic lipid peroxidation

and iron may potentially

play contributory roles in the pathogenesis of

CH-C. PMID: 10763957

2000 - Hemochromatosis gene mutations in chronic

hepatitis C patients with

and without liver siderosis. PMID:10568758

2000 - Iron deposition and progression of disease

in chronic hepatitis C.

Role of interface hepatitis, portal inflammation,

and HFE missense

mutations. Histologically detectable iron (HDI).

Total, sinusoidal, and

portal HDI increased with stage; grade was related

to all iron scores

because of the contribution of portal inflammation

and interface hepatitis.

HFE mutations were seen in 47% of patients with

chronic hepatitis C and in

28% of control subjects; they were related to

stage and the His63Asp

mutation to portal HDI. Interface hepatitis with

its sequelae (sinusoidal

capillarization and microshunting) represents a

major factor in iron

deposition in chronic hepatitis C and justifies

the features of HDI. PMID:


2000 - Hepatic iron concentration has consistently

been observed as being

directly correlated with the response to

interferon therapy in chronic

(HCV). Although prior phlebotomy therapy does not

improve the rate of

sustained response to interferon retreatment, it

does result in less liver

injury manifested by a decrease in serum

transaminase activity and a slight

improvement in liver histopathology. PMID:


2000 - Iron enhances hepatitis C virus replication

in cultured human

hepatocytes. PMID: 10847480

Kidney [G/U]


1965 - Hepatitis - Kidney function tests in viral

hepatitis. PMID: 5855753

1971 - HBV - Australia antigen in urine. PMID:


1973 - Hepatitis B antigen (Australia antigen) in

the urine. PMID: 4794443

1977 - Hepatitis B surface antigen in urine and

feces. PMID: 595147

1993 - A link between HCV and type I MPGN was

reported for the first time in

1993. 1996. PMID: 8918747

1994 - HBV - The DNA sequence representing HBV

infection was detected in the

tissue of liver (100%), gallbladder (85.7%),

spleen (75.0%), kidney (72.7%)

adrenal gland (66.7%), heart (55.6%), testicle

(55.6%), pancreas (54.5%)

respectively. PMID: 7956560

1995 - Cryoglobulinemic glomerulonephritis: a


glomerulonephritis induced by hepatitis C virus.

PMID: 7532915

1996 - Type I membranoproliferative

glomerulonephritis and HCV infection.

PMID: 8918747

1996 - Type II mixed cryoglobulinaemia, hepatitis

C virus infection, and

glomerulonephritis. PMID: 8918748

1997 - Essential mixed cryoglobulinaemia (EMC).

mild nephritis. PMID:


1997 - A number of autoantibodies are observed

during the course of HCV. Of

particular interest are liver/kidney microsomal

antibodies (LKM). PMID:


1997 - Well known that (HCV) represents the major

cause of chronic liver

disease in renal transplant patients. type I


glomerulonephritis (MGPN) and less frequently

membranous glomerulonephritis

(MGN). MPGN, associated or not with

cryoglobulinemia, hypocomplememtemia and

rheumatoid factor. proteinuria, nephrotic syndrome

and microhematuria. PMID:


1998 - Glomerular disease often accompanies a wide

variety of liver

diseases, including acute or chronic hepatitis. A

striking association

between HBV and glomerulonephritis particularly


glomerulonephritis has been reported. It is not

surprising, HCV infection

has been recently associated with the development

of various types of

glomerulonephritis. The principal type of

glomerulonephritis associated with

HCV infection is either cryoglobulinemic or


membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis. However,

other types of glomerular

lesions were seen in the clinical course of HCV

infection. Rapidly

progressive glomerulonephritis associated with

hepatitis C virus infection.

PMID: 9524785

1998 - In HCV-RNA positive patients with

esophagogastric varices the

possibility of glomerulonephritis should be

considered. PMID: 9840704

1998 - Abnormal urinalysis, microhematuria or

proteinuria. PMID: 9840704

1998 - Glomerulonephritis. membranoproliferative

glomerulonephritis (MPGN),

membranous nephropathy (MN), Mesangial

proliferative glomerulonephritis

(MesGN), mesangial thickening type without

proliferative mesangial cell

(MT). Abnormal urinalysis, microhematuria or

proteinuria. Esophagogastric

varices the possibility of glomerulonephritis shou

ld be considered. PMID:


1998 - The most prevalent genotype among patients

with renal

failure was 1b (78%). PMID: 9550655


1996: HCV 1b: US Population: 21% PMID: 8849147

1999: HCV 1b: Vet Population: 35% PMID: 10520862

1999 - Glomerulonephritis. PMID: 10232333

1999 - Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis.

PMID: 10575191

1999 - Urinary porphyrin excretion in hepatitis C

infection. A high

prevalence of hepatitis C virus infection in

porphyria cutanea tarda in some

populations suggests a close link between viral

hepatitis and alteration of

porphyrin metabolism. Secondary

coproporphyrinuria. PMID: 10536928

1999 - Anti-liver-kidney microsome antibodies

(anti-LKM) occur in autoimmune

hepatitis (AIH) type II and in a subset of

patients with hepatitis C. PMID:


1999 - AIH - type 2, which is defined by the

presence of type I antiliver

kidney microsome autoantibodies directed mainly

against cytochrome P450

(CYP)2D6 and by autoreactive liver infiltrating T

cells. These findings

demonstrate the potential of HCV to induce

autoreactive CD8(+) CTLs by

molecular mimicry, possibly contributing to

virus-associated autoimmunity.

PMID: 10432280

1999 - The presence of hepatitis C antibodies,

before or after

transplantation, is associated with a worse

long-term survival rate for both

the patient and the transplanted kidney in our

patients treated with

quadruple therapy. PMID: 10528672

2000 - HCV - Renal manifestations include


membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis and

membranous nephropathy. PMID:


2000 - Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis

(MPGN) and demyelinating

neuropathy caused by type II mixed

cryoglobulinemia associated with HCV

infection. MPGN possess cryoglobulinemia, which

can induce neuropathy.

Cryoglobulinemia associated with HCV infection

seemed to induce MPGN and

demyelinating neuropathy. PMID: 10830181

2000 - High prevalence and adverse effect of

hepatitis C virus infection in

type II diabetic-related nephropathy. PMID:


2000 - Mixed cryoglobulinemia syndrome is

characterized by the clinical

triad of purpura, arthralgia and asthenia

associated with type II or type

III MC. Such cryoglobulinemia vasculitis may

involve numerous organs,

particularly the peripheral nervous system and the

kidneys. PMID: 10761559

2000 - Among the several types of chronic

glomerulonephritis (GN) described

in association with (HCV)infection,

cryoglobulinemic glomerulonephritis is

by far the most frequent. It is a

membranoproliferative GN, which shows some

distinctive histologic features (intraglomerular

monocyte infiltration,

intraluminal thrombi due to massive precipitation

of cryoglobulins, renal

vasculitis), has a chronic course with acute

recurrent episodes that can be

controlled by corticosteroids more than by

antiviral therapy (interferon

alpha). PMID: 10761561

2000 - In hepatitis C virus-positive patients, the

presence of mixed

cryoglobulinemia associated with kidney

involvement seems to indicate a new

syndrome characterized by immune system

impairment, lack of progression to

kidney failure, and poor survival (hepatitis C

virus-Risk syndrome).


2000 - Poland - HCV infection in children and

adolescents with end-stage

renal disease. HCV infection was diagnosed in

(50%) dialysed and in (10%)

non-dialysed patients. PMID: 10897636

2000 - HCV infection is common in renal transplant

candidates. its clinical

significance remains unclear in this population.

HCV genotypes were la (33%)

and 1b (29%).PMID: 10798774

2000 - Chronic hepatitis B is still a matter of

concern among renal

transplantation patients and patients waiting for

a renal transplant since

it influences negatively morbidity and mortality.

Morbidity and mortality

are associated with HBV replication. PMID:


2000 - Impact of HCV infection on development of


diabetes mellitus in renal allograft recipients.

PMID: 10812113

2000 - HCV RNA positive-and negative-strand in

kidney, heart, pancreas, and

intestine from hepatitis C patients. PMID:


2000 - Urine from chronic hepatitis B virus

carriers: Implications for

infectivity. PMID: 10568757

2000 - TTV - Detected in livers, kidneys, spleens,

intestines, and stomachs.

TTV can infect hepatic and ex-hepatic tissues and

may cause persistent

infection. PMID: 10880161

2000 - A case of hepatitis C virus-associated


presenting with MPO-ANCA-positive rapidly

progressive glomerulonephritis.

PMID: 10897595

2000 - The prevalence of anti-HCV antibodies in

dialysis patients varies

between 1% and 29% in Western Europe. PMID:


2000 - Detection of HCV RNA in saliva, urine,

seminal fluid, and ascites.

PMID: 1331308



1963 - Persistent hepatitis. PMID: 5878827

1964 - The post-hepatitis syndrome. PMID: 5890168

1965 - Chronic hepatitis. PMID: 5871192

1966 - Prognosis of chronic hepatitis, with

reference to its relation to

liver cirrhosis. PMID: 6007341

1973 - Liver disease and cell-mediated immunity in


antigen (HAA) carriers. PMID: 4716503

1990 - Both HDV and HBV could replicate in the

same hepatocyte

simultaneously. PMID: 2213954

1994 - HBV - The DNA sequence representing HBV

infection was detected in the

tissue of liver (100%), gallbladder (85.7%),

spleen (75.0%), kidney (72.7%)

adrenal gland (66.7%), heart (55.6%), testicle

(55.6%), pancreas (54.5%)

respectively. PMID: 7956560

1997 - HCV is responsible for the majority of

cases of non-A, non-B

hepatitis. Affected patients are usually

asymptomatic when initially

infected; however, between 70% and 80% will

maintain infection and develop

chronic liver disease. Of these patients, 20% to

50% progress to cirrhosis,

and up to 15% may develop hepatocellular

carcinoma. Thus, many patients have

significant liver disease when diagnosed. PMID:


1997 - Hepatitis C virus [core] antigen and HBx-Ag

were detected in liver

cirrhosis (LC) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)

tissues. PMID: 10743066

2000 - The mechanisms of hepatocyte damage and the

events that lead to high

rates of chronic liver disease in (HCV) infection

remain unclear. Recent in

vitro studies have suggested that the HCV core

protein may disrupt specific

signalling pathways of apoptosis. The lower

apoptotic rate in advanced liver

disease may be associated with the high incidence

of hepatocellular

dysplasia/neoplasia. PMID: 10849259

2000 - In patients with chronic HCV viremia,

persistent liver damage plays

an important role in the development of HCC. PMID:


1999 - Hepatitis B virus DNA is frequently found

in liver biopsy samples

from hepatitis C virus-infected chronic hepatitis

patients. UI: 98218043

1999 - Elevated alanine aminotransferase. PMID:


1999 - Liver cell damage. PMID: 10462362

1999 - Liver diseases, liver inflammation. PMID:


2000 - The healthy liver of adult humans has

little or no lymphocyte

component and the histological finding of

intrahepatic lymphocytes (IHL) is

evidence of liver pathology. In a liver injured by

chronic hepatitis C, the

most common chronic liver disease, most IHL are


cells, which are particularly enriched for

effectors of innate immunity

(natural killer (NK), natural T, and other NK-like

T cells). PMID: 10807508

2000 - Fas system plays an important role in liver

cell injury by HCV

infection. Possible inducers of apoptosis

inhepatitis C include cytokines,

especially tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alha),

released by inflammatory

cells, and acting through TNF and other cytokine

receptors. PMID: 10757089

1999 - Elevated transaminases, liver synthesis

function diminished, and

platelet count. PMID: 10488696

1999 - Histologically, portal inflammation,

lobular inflammation, piecemeal

necrosis, fibrosis. PMID: 10534355

2000 - HBV - HCV - The viral persistence produced

by escape mutations from

virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL)

response may lead to

upregulation of delayed-type hypersensitivity

immune response, which causes

hepatic tissue damage through non specific

macrophage activation and CTL

response and promotes pathogenesis of hepatic

fibrosis. PMID: 10834146

2000 - Serum hyaluronan (HA) levels increase

according to the degree of

liver fibrosis in patients with chronic viral

hepatitis C. PMID: 10735615

1999 - Fibrosis, inflammation, steatosis,

alcoholic hepatitis lesions, iron

overload, and large cell dysplasia. PMID: 10488711

2000 - Serum YKL-40 is increased in patients with

hepatic fibrosis. PMID:


1999 - The results of out study revealed that in

patients with alcoholic

liver cirrhosis changes in the cell immune

response were also observed and

that they were more marked in infection with HCV.

PMID: 10847145

1999 - Steatosis is a common finding in chronic

hepatitis C. PMID: 10522010

1999 - Steatosis and bile duct damage in chronic

hepatitis C. PMID: 10533803

2000 - Steatosis, lymphoid aggregates or follicles

and bile duct injury on

histology are more consistently associated with

chronic hepatitis C than

chronic hepatitis B. PMID: 10835956

2000 - Hepatocyte steatosis is a cytopathic effect

of hepatitis C virus

genotype 3. PMID: 10905593

2000 - Chronic HBV - Steatosis [66.6%], lymphoid

aggregates or follicles

[36.6%] and bile duct injury [26.6%]. PMID:


2000 - Chronic HCV - Steatosis [70%], lymphoid

aggregates or follicles

[33.3%] and bile duct injury [30%]. India. PMID:


2000 - Patients with CH-C have evidence of

enhanced hepatic iron

accumulation and lipid peroxidation compared to

those with CH-B. These

results suggest that hepatic lipid peroxidation

and iron may potentially

play contributory roles in the pathogenesis of

CH-C. PMID: 10763957

2000 - Hemochromatosis gene mutations in chronic

hepatitis C patients with

and without liver siderosis. PMID:10568758

1999 - Chronic liver disease. Cirrhosis is the

major risk factor affecting

the prognosis.... advanced age. PMID: 10580583

2000 - Although relatively insensitive, an AST:ALT

> or = 1 is highly

specific but not diagnostic for the presence of

cirrhosis in patients with

chronic HCV infection. The ratio reflects the

grade of fibrosis in these

patients. PMID: 10824882

2000 - Ammonia is considered the major

pathogenetic factor of cerebral

dysfunction in hepatic failure. The correlation

between total plasma ammonia

and the severity of hepatic encephalopathy (HE),

however, is variable. PMID:


1998 - Portal hypertension and variceal bleeding.

PMID: 9931656

1998 - HCV viral genome in a subset of primary

hepatic lymphomas. PMID:


2000 - Mixed cryoglobulins are associated with

connective-tissue disease,

malignant hematological disorder (type B

lymphoproliferation) or obvious

infectious process. MC is frequently associated

with clinical and biological

evidence of liver disease. PMID: 10761559

2000 - 50% of the patients with chronic hepatitis

C circulated

cryoglobulins, with preference for those with a

greater impairment of liver

function, as revealed by serum cholinesterase

activity. PMID: 10760044

2000 - The initial site of B cell clonal expansion

may be in the liver,

where lymphoid aggregates are abundant and RF are

produced. PMID: 10761560

1993 - The humoral response to the host cellular

gene-derived epitope GOR

(anti-GOR) was reported to be associated with

chronic (HCV) infection. 1993.

PMID: 7680364

1999 - Many patients with chronic hepatitis C

virus infection have

reactivity to an autoantigen of unknown

significance known as GOR that has

protein sequence homology with both hepatitis C

virus nucleocapsid protein

as well as HTLV-1 gag. Endogenous retroviral

protein acting as an

autoantigen in liver disease patients. PMID:


1999 - Primary hepatic diffuse large B-cell

lymphoma. PMID: 10478674

1999 - Cirrhosis. PMID: 10572312

1995 - 80.0% of cirrhotics had evidence of both

HBV and HCV infection. PMID:


2000 - Cirrhosis seems to be more frequently

observed in patients with

multiple infection. PMID: 10718938

2000 - A1AT [alpha1-antitrypsin] deficiency is

known to be associated with

emphysema and cirrhosis; deficiency of serum A1AC


has been reported to be associated with emphysema,

childhood asthma, and

cryptogenic cirrhosis. PMID: 10836296

1999 - Factors predicting the presence of

esophageal or gastric varices in

patients with advanced liver disease [ALD]. The

causes of cirrhosis (mean

age, 48 yr) included, (6%) HBV, (25%) HCV, 28% HCV

/ alcoholism. PMID:


1999 - Hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with

advanced cirrhosis. PMID:


1998 - HCV rather than HBV is associated with the

majority of non-cirrhotic

cases of HCC. PMID: 9795912

1999 - Hepatocarcinogenesis. PMID: 10516476

1987 - Primary hepatocellular carcinoma (PHC) was

associated with HBV

seropositivity in 80% of patients, and

postnecrotic (macronodular) cirrhosis

of the liver in 90% clearly indicating a strong

association between primary

liver cancer and HBV infections and liver

cirrhosis. PMID: 2822223

1996 - Natural history of liver cirrhosis in

Nigerians. HBV [70%] Cirrhotic

patients had significantly lower body temperature

onycholysis and

hyperpigmented palmo-plantar macular areas. The

mean survival time was [3]

years from onset of the initial symptoms to death.

Patients with concomitant

liver cancer were usually dead within six [6]

months after onset of the

illness. Gender did not substantially affect the

course of the disease. The

major causes of death were tumour development

(63%), gastrointestinal

bleeding (40%), haemoperitoneum (28%) and hepatic

failure (25%). PMID:


2000 - These findings suggest that the depressed

function of DC [dendritic

cells] is associated with pathogenesis of HCC with

HBV or HCV infection.

PMID: 10824889

1999 - Fulminant hepatic failure. PMID: 10486374

1999 - Fulminant Hepatitis - Usually takes a

rapidly progressive course,

terminating in death within a short period.

Experimental studies have

demonstrated that immunological mechanisms play an

important role,

especially those involving virus-specific CD8+

cytotoxic T lymphocytes and

their production of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma).

However, there are no

immunological markers for prediction of the

development of fulminant

hepatitis in man. PMID: 10551378

1999 - Viral hepatitis is the commonest cause of

FHF in children. PMID:


2000 - HBV - p53 accumulation was also observed in

some parenchymal and

ductular (oval) cells in cirrhotic livers and,

more frequently, in fulminant

hepatitis, being independent of HBx expression,

and seemingly associated

with the damage and/or regeneration of liver

parenchyma, perhaps merely

reflecting a cellular stress response. PMID:


2000 - TTV replicates in the liver via a circular

double-stranded DNA. PMID:


1998 - The result suggests that TTV may be the

cause of some cryptogenic

liver diseases. Presence of a newly described

human DNA viru (TTV) in

patients with liver disease. Lancet, 1998; 352:


1999 - Spontaneous negativation of serum hepatitis

C virus RNA is a rare

event in type C chronic liver diseases: may occur

primarily at the terminal

stage when tumors cause liver failure.


1999 - Liver involvement in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

is relatively frequent,

being found in approximately half of the

post-mortem studies. A case of

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (the recently described

T-cell-rich B-cell

lymphoma variant) is presented, where the initial

and predominant

manifestations were of hepatic origin, resembling

non-neoplastic acute liver

disease. PMID: 10430328

2000 - Data indicate that alcohol will induce and

worsen liver damage and,

in subjects with chronic liver disease who

continue to drink, adversely

affect their response to treatment. PMID: 10869251

2000 - Chronic HCV carriers should avoid excessive

alcohol intake to reduce

the acceleration of liver disease and risk of

liver cancer. PMID: 10869250

2000 - TTV - Detected in livers, kidneys, spleens,

intestines, and stomachs.

TTV can infect hepatic and ex-hepatic tissues and

may cause persistent

infection. PMID: 10880161

2000 - HCV - Although the liver is the major

target organ, the virus may be

able to replicate in peripheral blood mononuclear

cells [PBMC's], lymph

nodes, and pancreas and to a more limited degree

in bone marrow cells,

thyroid, adrenal glands, and spleen. PMID:


2000 - Liver Biopsy - Freezing of liver samples

immediately after extraction

is crucial to avoid false negative HCV-RNA

detection results, especially for

the antigenomic RNA strand. PMID: 10898323

2000 - HCV infection can be self-limited or

associated with ESLD [End Stage

Liver Disease], the majority of adults have

persistent viremia without

clinically demonstrable liver disease. PMID:


2000 - Increased Liver Decompensation Risk with

Atypical Hepatitis C Virus

Antibody Levels. anti-c100(p) and anti-c22(p)

might be valuable surrogate

markers for liver decompensation risk. PMID:


2000 - (HCV) is an emerging epidemic. Liver

specialists are managing this

disease with limited scientific information about

the underlying

pathogenesis and treatment. PMID: 10915159

Liver Transplant


1990 - Liver transplantation [OLT]. Initial

experience in the Veterans

Administration. PMID: 2188819

1998 - Pulmonary nodules in liver transplant

recipients. PMID: 9465863

1998 - In spite of universal viral recurrence,

early post-transplantation

infection generally results in indolent disease

with good graft and patient

survival, at least for the first 5-7 years,

comparable to those observed in

other patients undergoing transplantation for

non-viral end-stage liver

disease. The full consequences of HCV recurrence

are however beginning to be

delineated with development of progressive liver

failure observed with

longer follow-up in a still unknown proportion of

patients. PMID: 10726062

1999 - The estimated cumulative probability of an

adult recipient surviving

for 10 years following transplantation was .61,

and surviving for 10 years

without retransplantation was .46 with the median


survival time estimated at 9.2 years. Factors

independently associated with

patient and retransplantation-free survival among

adults were year of

transplantation, recipient age, recipient race,

recipient location awaiting

transplantation, primary liver disease, serum

creatinine and albumin levels,

hepatitis B surface antigen status, donor age,

donor anti-CMV status, warm

ischemic time, sex match, pretransplant ventilator

or inotrope use, and

recipient anti-HCV status. Pre-transplant

bilirubin level, a multi-organ

transplant procedure, and the finding of an

incidental tumor were

significantly associated with patient survival;

and donor race, ABO match,

and uncontrolled variceal bleeding were associated


retransplantation-free survival. PMID: 10503083

1999 - Liver transplantation is the only

therapeutic option for end-stage

liver disease. PMID: 10547901

1999 - A newly transplanted liver usually becomes

infected again.

Ultimately, residual HCV viremia infects the new

liver. Liver

transplantation can be painful, disabling and

extremely costly. PMID:


2000 - In posttransplant recurrent hepatitis C,

immunogenetic factors are

relevant in determining HCV infection outcome.

PMID: 10827162

1999 - Liver Transplant - U.S. Veterans undergoing

OLT: (45%) had

serological evidence of prior (HBV). 45% [OLT]had

PCR-confirmed HCV

infection. 35% = HCV 1b PMID: 10520862

2000 - After orthotopic liver transplantation

(OLT), patients with chronic

(HCV) infection show nearly universal persistence

of viremia and reinfection

of the liver. These data suggest that (1) HCV RNA

reinfection is nearly

universal after liver transplantation in patients

with chronic hepatitis C

infection, (2) molecular reinfection by HCV occurs

at a variable interval

post-OLT, with the majority of allograft livers

reinfected as early as 1

week, and (3) morphologic features of hepatitis C

are usually appreciable at

the time of " molecular " recurrence. PMID: 10757333

2000 - (HCV) reinfection after liver

transplantation is almost constant,

assessed by the persistence of HCV RNA in 90% of

cases. Acute hepatitis

appeared in 75% of patients at a median of 4

months' post-transplantation.

PMID: 10760038

1999 - Genotype 1b, age, and absence of

pretransplantation coinfection by

HBV are risk factors for recurrent HCV. PMID:


1999 - Evolution of hepatitis C quasispecies may

be one mechanism by which

fibrosing cholestatic hepatitis develops after

liver transplantation.

Quasispecies may influence disease progression in

immune suppressed

populations. PMID: 10573532

2000 - HAV - Most of our patients with end-stage

liver disease had no

serological evidence for immunity against HAV. A

significant proportion of

patients with detectable protective antibodies

before OLT lost their

antibodies at 2 years after OLT. PMID: 10719019

2000 - HBV - Bile duct epithelial cells (BDEC) as

a reservoir of (HBV)

infection that may be particularly important in

the development of

post-liver transplant recurrence of hepatitis B.

PMID: 10764033

2000 - The BDEC appear to be an important

reservoir of virus that is

relatively unaffected by antiviral treatment, and

may play an important role

in disease persistence and relapse following

cessation of therapy. PMID:


1999 - Retransplantation is a rescue operation in

orthotopic liver

transplantation. Its appropriateness has been

questioned on medical,

economical and also on ethical grounds. PMID:


1999 - LIVER - 250,000 people [in the US, each

year] are hospitalized with

liver insufficiency. More than 43,000 people die

from liver disease. Those

numbers are expected to increase with disease

progression among...people now

infected with Hepatitis C. Liver transplantation

costs over $300,000 per

procedure and typically requires lifetime

immunosuppression therapy. BW

HealthWire -Oct. 7, 1999-Organogenesis Inc.

(AMEX:ORG) 781-575-0775.

1999 - More than $300,000 a year for liver

transplant surgery. PMID:


1999 - Most transplant centers in the United

States immunize patients

awaiting liver transplantation against hepatitis B

to prevent acquisition of

hepatitis B through transplantation (de novo

hepatitis B). A recent study

showed that only 16% of patients with cirrhosis

awaiting liver

transplantation responded to single-dose

recombinant vaccine. PMID: 10555092

2000 - This observation suggests that IFN in

combination with ribavirin may

offer an effective therapeutic option for liver

transplant patients with

severe recurrent hepatitis C. PMID: 10830239

2000 - Chronic hepatic dysfunction and acute liver

failure due to viral

hepatitis represent the most frequent indications

for liver transplantation.

In hepatitis B, reinfection frequently leads to

cirrhosis with subsequent

dysfunction of the graft. Reinfection in hepatitis

C is a regular event in

all patients and has a far better prognosis than

HBV reinfection of the

graft. PMID: 10840608

2000 - There is a high prevalence of diabetes

among liver transplant

recipients infected with HCV both before and after

[liver] transplantation.

PMID: 10869293

2000 - Hepatitis B transplantation: special

conditions. Patients with HBV

and HDV are at lower risk for HBV recurrence than

are patients with HBV

alone; likewise, patients with HBV/HCV coinfection

appear to have a higher

5-year survival rate posttransplantation. PMID:


2000 - Ultimately, the most effective therapy for

the prevention of

recurrent hepatitis B after liver transplantation

will involve a combination

of HBIG with one or more of the new antiviral

agents. PMID: 10895440

2000 - Cirrhosis due to hepatitis C is now the

commonest indication for

liver transplantation in Western Europe and in the

United States. Graft

reinfection is almost universal. PMID: 10897062

2000 - Prolonged Rewarming Time During Allograft

Implantation Predisposes to

Recurrent Hepatitis C Infection After Liver

Transplantation. The majority of

patients undergoing orthotopic liver

transplantation (OLT) have end-stage

liver disease secondary to (HCV) infection.

Although OLT does not cure the

disease and recurrent virus is present in all

patients, relatively few

patients with recurrent viremia develop clinical

disease. When the disease

recurs, however, the results can be devastating.

Factors associated with

increased risk for recurrent HCV disease remain

controversial. PMID:


2000 - Detection of TT virus DNA in patients with

liver disease and

recipients of liver transplant. After liver

transplantation, the prevalence

of TTV DNA increased from 16 to 46%. TTV had

considerable genomic diversity

in the N22 region, corresponding to at least 4

genotypes. Genotype 2 was

found in [50%] patients. PMID: 10897063

2000 - HBV - Lamivudine and low-dose HBIG

treatment prevents

posttransplantation recurrence of hepatitis B and

is likely to be more

cost-effective than high-dose HBIG regimens. PMID:


2000 - Lamivudine After Hepatitis B Immune

Globulin Is Effective in

Preventing Hepatitis B Recurrence After Liver

Transplantation. The

prevention of recurrent (HBV) infection after

orthotopic liver

transplantation (OLT) with hepatitis B

immunoglobulin (HBIG) is expensive

and requires indefinite parenteral administration.

lamivudine administered

after a posttransplantation course of HBIG can

effectively prevent the

recurrence of HBV infection in patients who are

HBsAg positive and HBeAg

negative before OLT. PMID: 10915164

2000 - Pretransplantation quasispecies may be a

predictor of HCV-induced

hepatitis and graft fibrosis after liver

transplantation. PMID: 10915745

2000 - Accelerated allograft injury caused by HCV

may be predicted by viral

replication rates within the explanted liver. The

stable intrahepatic

replication rate after transplantation suggests

that elevated serum viral

loads are the result of decreased viral clearance,

possibly secondary to

immunosuppressive therapy. PMID: 10915752

2000 - Treatment for HBV infection now includes

lamivudine therapy pre and

post transplantation together with hepatitis B

immunoglobulin. Such an

approach has virtually abolished recurrence of HBV

infection following liver

transplantation. PMID: 10921402



1975 - HBV - Wart immunity, autoantibodies and

Australia antigen in

sarcoidosis. PMID: 766807

1979 - Lung involvement in essential mixed

cryoglobulinemia. PMID: 443251

1994 - This work underlines the high prevalence in

our series of PBC and

sarcoidosis in the etiology of hepatic granulomas

and the high frequency of

patients with markers of HCV or HBV in

granulomatous hepatitis. PMID:



1997 - Sarcoidosis. Hodgkin's disease and non

Hodgkin lymphoma are the

neoplasms associated frequently with sarcoid

reaction. PMID: 9424744

1998 - Nasal Infections - Staphylococcus aureus

nasal colonization in

patients with cirrhosis. PMID: 9613693

1998 - Pseudo-sarcoidotic lymphoma and nephrotic

syndrome in a hepatitis

C-carrying female patient. PMID: 9767924

1997 - HCV chronic infection could represent a

trigger factor for

interstitial lung fibrosis and various rheumatic

disorders. PMID: 9133969

1999 - Hepatitis C virus core protein enhances

NF-kappaB signal pathway

triggering by lymphotoxin-beta receptor ligand and

tumor necrosis factor

alpha. PMID: 9882379

2000 - Lung Dysfunction in an Animal Model of

Asthma. Kinetics of NF-kappaB

activity is strongly related to the course of the

disease and confirm the

relevance of NF-kappaB as a putative target in

asthma therapy. Moreover,

uncommon p65 homodimers could transactivate, in

BCs [broncial cells], a

subset of genes, such as ICAM-1[intercellular

Adhesion Molecules],

characteristic of chronic airway inflammation.

PMID: 10764329

1999 - Primary pulmonary hypertension [PPH] in

cirrhosis of liver. Both in

Child B, hepatitis B and C viruses being the

etiologies. PMID: 10531718

1999 - Remarkable were clinical signs of chronic

liver disease (cutaneous

spider naevi, palmar erythema)and signs of chronic

respiratory failure

(clubbing) with platypnea. Showed uptake over

thyroid, kidneys, liver, and

spleen suggesting an abnormal passage through the

pulmonary vascular bed.

From that we conclude that the pulmonary vascular

dilatations diminished

after liver transplantation. PMID: 10544613

2000 - Correlated with HCV infection; lung

fibrosis. PMID: 10647955

2000 - Recurrent pulmonary infiltrates. PMID:



1996 - Major histocompatibility complex class II

genes control

susceptibility to hypersensitivity pneumonitis in

the mouse. PMID: 8598166

1998 - Chronic hepatitis C. Patients with

cryoglobulinemia exhibited,

lesions of the lungs. PMID: 9949448

2000 - A1AT [alpha1-antitrypsin] deficiency is

known to be associated with

emphysema and cirrhosis; deficiency of serum A1AC


has been reported to be associated with emphysema,

childhood asthma, and

cryptogenic cirrhosis. PMID: 10836296


Sarcoidosis = Disease of unknown aetiology in

which there are chronic

inflammatory granulomatous lesions in lymph nodes

and other organs.




1970 - HBV - Cellular localisation of Australia

antigen in the liver of

patients with lymphoproliferative disorders. PMID:


1990 - HAV - Lymph node enlargement as a sign of

acute hepatitis A in

children. We describe in all the hepatitis cases

an enlargement of lymph

nodes located in the hepatic hilum, pancreatic

area and small omentum: PMID:


1991 - HBV - Hepatitis B surface antigenaemia in

patients with malignant

lymphoproliferative disorders. The results suggest

an association between

Hepatitis B surface antigenaemia and malignant


disorders. PMID: 1811350

1997 - HCV infects not only hepatocytes but

lymphoid cells, thereby

modulates immune functions. PMID: 9221376

2000 - HCV is both a hepatotropic and a

lymphotropic virus; due to this

latter biological peculiarity, HCV may trigger a

constellation of

autoimmune-lymphoproliferative disorders. PMID:


1997 - HCV possesses both hepatotropism and

lymphotropism. (lymph nodes,

ovary, uterus, peripheral blood mononuclear cells

[PBMCs] and serum). These

results suggest that lymph nodes may play an

important role in the carrier

state and the persistence of HCV infection. PMID:


2000 - A causative role of (HCV) infection has

been demonstrated in the

large majority of MC patients. PMID: 10647955

1999 - lymphoproliferative disorders. PMID:


1999 - Mixed cryoglobulinemia in patients with

lymphoproliferative diseases.

PMID: 10091402

2000 - B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. PMID:


1999 - Malignant B-cell lymphoproliferation. PMID:


2000 - HCV-related diseases are B cell neoplasias.

PMID: 10647955

1998 - HCV, mixed cryoglobulinemia, and

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma: an emerging

picture. PMID: 9922037


1999 - Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma presenting as facial

swelling and nasal

obstruction in a pediatric patient. PMID: 10388894

1999 - Liver involvement in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

is relatively frequent,

being found in approximately half of the

post-mortem studies. A case of

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (the recently described

T-cell-rich B-cell

lymphoma variant) is presented, where the initial

and predominant

manifestations were of hepatic origin, resembling

non-neoplastic acute liver

disease. PMID: 10430328

1998 - Hepatitis C virus infection and

cryoglobulinaemia. striking

association between HCV infection and mixed type

II CG (usually considered

as a benign lymphoproliferative disorder) and the

occurrence of HCV

infection in patients with NHL suggest that HCV

could be involved in the

pathogenesis of some malignant lymphoproliferative

disease. PMID: 9514994

2000 - HCV is frequently associated with type II

mixed cryoglobulinemia, a

benign monoclonal lymphoproliferation which

sometimes evolves to overt

B-cell lymphoma. PMID: 10761563

2000 - lymphoproliferative diseases (LPD). Data

support the hypothesis of

HCV-associated LPD and particularly B-cell-NHL. In

France, this association

is much lower than in Italy. PMID: 10814989

2000 - B-cell lymphoproliferation, diagnosed as

extranodal lymphoma on

initial bone Marrow examination, retroperitoneal

lymphadenopathy, and the

presence of a Type II IgM6 monoclonal rheumatoid

factor which became

cryoprecipitable on complexing to IgG. PMID:


2000 - Mixed cryoglobulins are associated with

connective-tissue disease,

malignant hematological disorder (type B

lymphoproliferation) or obvious

infectious process. PMID: 10761559

2000 - HCV, is suggested to be associated with

lymphomagenesis [malignant

lymphoma]. PMID: 10741125

2000 - Type II mixed cryoglobulinemia (MC) is a

systemic vasculitis

characterized by the presence in the serum of a

monoclonal cryoprecipitable

IgM with rheumatoid factor (RF) activity. (HCV)

has been recognized as its

major etiologic factor. Because MC frequently

evolves into overt B-cell

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), chronic HCV

infection is hypothesized to lead

to both benign and malignant lymphoproliferative

disease. PMID: 10861476

1998 - Herpes virus type 8-negative primary

effusion lymphoma [PEL]

associated with PAX-5 gene rearrangement and

hepatitis C virus. PMID:


1998 - lymphoma cells in the ascitic fluid

revealed a mature peripheral

B-cell phenotype (CD5- CD10- CD19+ CD20+ CD22+ Ig

G+ lambda+). PMID: 9850179

2000 - GBV-C/hepatitis G virus is primarily a

lymphotropic virus. PMID:


2000 - Relation between HCV infection and MC shows

the striking association

between a viral infection and an autoimmune

disease and, thus, a potential

link between the systemic autoimmune and

lymphoproliferative disorders.

PMID: 10787003

2000 - Although the liver is the major target

organ, the virus may be able

to replicate in peripheral blood mononuclear cells

[PBMC's], lymph nodes,

and pancreas and to a more limited degree in bone

marrow cells, thyroid,

adrenal glands, and spleen. PMID: 10895434

2000 - One interesting finding was the observation

of four cases of

poliomyelitis among NHL patients. The putative

role of the polio virus and

of malaria are new. A unifying theory on the

mechanisms by which previous

medical history may increase the risk of

haematolymphopoietic malignancies

is still lacking. PMID: 10818118



1971 - Australia antigen and smooth-muscle

antibody in chronic active

hepatitis. PMID: 4102880

1998 - Musculoskeletal manifestations and

autoimmune markers are common in

HCV infection. Musculoskeletal manifestations and

autoantibody. Rheumatic

manifestations. arthralgias, arthritis,

cryoglobulinemia, sicca symptoms,

cutaneous vasculitis, polymyositis, and

antiphospholipid syndrome. myalgia,

and fibromyalgia. PMID: 9806371

1999 - Musculoskeletal pain and fatigue are

associated with chronic

hepatitis C: fatigue. Backache, morning stiffness,

arthralgia, myalgia, neck

pain, pain " all over " , and subjective joint

swelling. PMID: 10235218

2000 - HCV - Myositis. ...inducing muscle damage.

PMID: 10663969

2000 - Positive-plus strands of HCV RNA were found

in the patient's

myocardium, as well as plus and minus strands in

the quadriceps muscle

specimens. PMID: 10783058

2000 - Several immunological abnormalities are

frequently observed,

including anti-smooth muscle antibodies (7%).

PMID: 10890317

2000 - large number of alfa-smooth muscle

actin-positive cells and a marked

decorin expression are frequent findings in

chronic hepatitis C. PMID:




1966 - " Free " and " bound " insulin activity in the

blood of patients with

acute epidemic hepatitis. PMID: 5225081

1975 - Hepatitis B (Australia) antigen in

diabetics. PMID: 1138253

1981 - Detection of HBsAg in the pancreas.PMID:


1994 - HBV - The DNA sequence representing HBV

infection was detected in the

tissue of liver (100%), gallbladder (85.7%),

spleen (75.0%), kidney (72.7%)

adrenal gland (66.7%), heart (55.6%), testicle

(55.6%), pancreas (54.5%)

respectively. PMID: 7956560

2000 - HCV - Viral replication in pancreas. HCV

RNA positive-and

negative-strand in kidney, heart, pancreas, and

intestine from hepatitis C

patients. PMID: 10712785

2000 - HCV - Diabetes Mellitus. PMID: 10707860

2000 - Correlated with HCV infection; diabetes

mellitus. PMID: 10647955

2000 - An increasing prevalence of hepatitis C and

B, often associated, in

type 2 diabetic patients that allows us to define

them as a group at risk

for viral hepatitis. PMID: 10802152

1998 - Association of chronic hepatitis C

infection and diabetes mellitus.

Pancreatic beta -cells might be an extrahepatic

target of HCV. PMID:


1999 - Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

Confirms an association

between HCV and NIDDM. PMID: 10498660

2000 - High prevalence and adverse effect of

hepatitis C virus infection in

type II diabetic-related nephropathy. PMID:


2000 - Patients with chronic HCV infection have an

increased prevalence of

type 2 diabetes, and this prevalence is

independent of cirrhosis. PMID:


1999 - Macrophage migration inhibitory factor

(MIF) have been extensively

re-evaluated. This has been found to be protein

involved in broad-spectrum

pathophysiological states as an

glucocorticoid-induced immunomodulator.

PMID: 10347118

2000 - Impact of HCV infection on development of


diabetes mellitus in renal allograft recipients.

PMID: 10812113

2000 - There is a high prevalence of diabetes

among liver transplant

recipients infected with HCV both before and after

[liver] transplantation.

PMID: 10869293

2000 - Acute Pancreatitis Attributed to the Use of

Interferon Alfa-2b.

GASTROENTEROLOGY 2000;119:230-233

2000 - Although the liver is the major target

organ, the virus may be able

to replicate in peripheral blood mononuclear cells

[PBMC's], lymph nodes,

and pancreas and to a more limited degree in bone

marrow cells, thyroid,

adrenal glands, and spleen. PMID: 10895434


1994 - IFN - Occurrence of IDDM during interferon

therapy for chronic viral

hepatitis. During and after IFN therapy we should

consider the possibility

of occurrence of IDDM as well as other autoimmune

diseases and observe the

clinical course carefully. PMID: 8013261



1994 - The influence of hypervolemia on the

secretion of atrial natriuretic

peptide, the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone

system's activity and

concentration of vasopressin, parathormone and

calcitonin in hepatitis B

virus infected patients with chronic liver

diseases]. The results showed

that all determined patients had water-electrolyte

and hormonal disorders,

significantly increased in patients with chronic

active hepatitis. PMID:


1995 - Hypothyroidism and hypoparathyroidism in an

11 year old boy with

hemochromatosis secondary to aplastic anemia. The

early appearance of both

thyroid and parathyroid dysfunction in this

patient may have been due to the

delay of initiation of iron-chelating agents and

liver dysfunction due to

hepatitis type C. PMID: 7572161

1998 - Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 1

(APS1) is characterized by a

variable combination of disease components: (1)

mucocutaneous candidiasis;

(2) autoimmune tissue destruction; (3) ectodermal

dystrophy. Organ-specific

autoantibodies associated with hypoparathyroidism,

adrenal and gonadal

failures, IDDM, hepatitis and vitiligo are

discussed, and autoantibody

patterns in APS1 patients are compared with

autoantibodies in APS type 2

(APS2). APS2 is characterized by adult onset

adrenal failure associated with

IDDM and/or hyperthyroidism. APS2 is believed to

be polygenic, characterized

by dominant inheritance and association with HLA

DR3. PMID: 9890074

1999 - Hyperparathyroidism and increased serum

IGF-binding protein-2 levels

in hepatitis C-associated osteosclerosis. PMID:




1978 - Demonstration of pineal gland and pituitary

involution in mice

poisoned with carbon tetrachloride. There may

exist in these animals a

higher blood-level of glucocorticoids, as this has

been shown to be the case

in men suffering from cirrhosis or hepatitis.

Involution of the pineal gland

in cases of stress, as has been shown by various

authors, would result from

an entirely different mechanism, that is by

increased secretion of

corticoadrenal hormones. PMID: 150919

1990 - Molecular mimicry between a

uveitopathogenic site of S-antigen and

viral peptides. S-Antigen (S-Ag) is a well

characterized 45,000 m.w.

photoreceptor cell protein. Based on our findings

we conclude that a viral

infection may sensitize the mononuclear cells that

can cross-react with self

proteins by a mechanism termed molecular mimicry.

Tissue injury from the

resultant autoantigenic event can take place in

the absence of the

infectious virus that initiated the immune

response. PMID: 1689349

1997 - The temporal relation observed between

melatonin use and the

development of autoimmune hepatitis raises the

possibility that the drug

might be involved in the pathogenesis of this

patient's autoimmune disease.

PMID: 9412927



1965 - Trial of adrenal function tests viral

hepatitis. PMID: 5883559

1969 - The state of the pituitary-adrenal system

in patients with acute

protracted and chronic epidemic hepatitis. PMID:


1971 - Pituitary-corticoadrenal secretory tonus in

chronic hepatitis. PMID:


1994 - HBV - The DNA sequence representing HBV

infection was detected in the

tissue of liver (100%), gallbladder (85.7%),

spleen (75.0%), kidney (72.7%)

adrenal gland (66.7%), heart (55.6%), testicle

(55.6%), pancreas (54.5%)

respectively. PMID: 7956560

1996 - HCV - Prolactin-secreting pituitary

microadenoma. PMID: 8766348

1996 - Case of C-type chronic hepatitis with

manifestation of pituitary

insufficiency caused by interferon therapy. PMID:


1996 - Levels of pituitary-thyroid axis hormones

in men during the course of

chronic active hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. A

significant decline of TT3,

TT4, fT3, fT4 concentration and TT3/TT4 index in

males with liver cirrhosis

were observed. PMID: 9082343

1998 - Change of peripheral levels of pituitary

hormones and cytokines after

injection of interferon (IFN)-beta in patients

with chronic hepatitis C.

Plasma ACTH levels increased significantly. These

in vivo results are

important for investigating the relationship

between endocrine and cytokine

systems in humans. PMID: 9768684

1998 - Change of peripheral levels of pituitary

hormones and cytokines after

injection of interferon (IFN)-beta in patients

with chronic hepatitis C.

PMID: 9768684

1999 - Hepatic ischemia and hypophyseal

macroadenoma. Recurrent hepatitis

[no viral type mentioned] secondary to a pituitary

macroadenoma in a 55-year

old man. Liver ischemia is thought to be the main

consequence of episodes of

acute adrenal insufficiency. Sudden acute adrenal

insufficiency was due to

enlargement of the sella content secondary to

several microhemorrhages in

the macroadenoma. PMID: 10219616

1999 - Macrophage migration inhibitory factor

(MIF) - Pituitary-derived

hormone - (MIF) have been extensively

re-evaluated. This has been found to

be protein involved in broad-spectrum

pathophysiological states as an

glucocorticoid-induced immunomodulator. PMID:


Reproductive Organs


1966 - Aspects of ovarian function in chronic

hepatitis following epidemic

hepatitis. PMID: 5914983

1969 - Teratogenic action of some viral

infections. PID: 4912815

1969 - Histological findings in embryos, whose

mothers suffered from

virus-hepatitis during the first trimenon of

pregnancy. PMID: 5778047

1971 - HBV - Testicles - Detection of Australia

antigen in human tissue

culture preparations. PMID: 4257082

1981 - Anti-HBc, e-antigen and Anti-HBe in

menstrual blood and semen. PMID:


1987 - Hepatitis B virus in human follicular

fluid. PMID: 3622802

1987 - Transmission of hepatitis B virus by

artificial insemination. PMID:


1987 - Viral hepatitis as a major cause of

maternal mortality in Addis

Ababa, Ethiopia. PMID: 2884144

1989 - Localization of hepatitis B virus in a

primary testicular cancer.

PMID: 2679487

1989 - HAV does not seem to be transmittable from

mother to the newborn.

PMID: 2805935

1990 - HAV - Outcome of pregnancy complicated by

hepatitis A in the urban

districts of Shanghai. The average birth weight of

the new born was slightly

lower and the mortality rate was significantly

higher. PMID: 2209221

1990 - HBV (WHV): molecular virologic features of

the pancreas, kidney,

ovary, and testis. PMID: 2384922

1990 - Serum samples from 62 women, inadvertently

infected with hepatitis B

virus in an in vitro fertilization program. PMID:


1993 - Distribution of hepatitis B virus in

testicle tissue in patients with

hepatitis B infection.PMID: 8258099

1994 - HBV - Breast-feeding by mothers with

positive serum hepatitis B virus

test. There were significantly higher rate of milk

HBV transmission from

mothers with serum positive HBsAg, HBeAg and

anti-HBc or either one of them

than those with positive for anti-HBs and/or

anti-HBe. PMID: 7712869

1994 - HBV - The DNA sequence representing HBV

infection was detected in the

tissue of liver (100%), gallbladder (85.7%),

spleen (75.0%), kidney (72.7%)

adrenal gland (66.7%), heart (55.6%), testicle

(55.6%), pancreas (54.5%)

respectively. PMID: 7956560

1997 - Hepatitis C virus in pelvic lymph nodes and

female reproductive

organs. Contrary to expectation, high titers of

the HCV genome were observed

in the ovaries and the uteri, suggesting the

feasibility of mother-to-infant

and spouse-to-spouse transmissions of HCV. PMID:


1997 - Surgical specimens (lymph nodes, ovary,

uterus, peripheral blood

mononuclear cells [PBMCs] and serum) from 3

patients with gynecological

cancer. We found relatively high HCV genome titers

in the lymph nodes, not

in the sera, irrespective of various titers in

PBMCs. These results suggest

that lymph nodes may play an important role in the

carrier state and the

persistence of HCV infection. PMID: 9414651

1998 - Genetic transmission of hepatitis B on the

basis of molecular

genetics. PMID: 10322743

1992 - Detection of HCV RNA in saliva, urine,

seminal fluid, and ascites.

PMID: 1331308

1992 - Minimal hepatitis C infectivity in semen.

PMID: 1318650

1994 - Detection of plus and minus strand

hepatitis C virus RNA in

peripheral blood mononuclear cells and spermatid.

HCV exists in sperm. The

possibility of transmission of hepatitis C by

sexual intercourse is really

existent. But, HCV probably don't duplicate in

spermatid. PMID: 7953918

1996 - Risks for transmission of hepatitis C virus

during artificial

insemination. Hepatitis C virus RNA can be

detected in semen donations from

infected donors; purification of donations before

insemination significantly

reduces the amount of viral RNA in the semen

pellet. PMID: 8752631

1998 - Preliminary evidence for the presence of

HGV/GBV-C in semen. PMID:


2000 - Transmission risk of hepatitis C virus in

assisted reproductive

techniques. Possible contamination of both the

technicians and the gametes

or embryos from virus-free parents in the

laboratory. HCV RNA was detected

in 5% of the semen samples tested: in the raw

semen, in the seminal fluid

and in the cell pellet but never after Percoll

selection. PMID: 10739825

2000 - Detection of hepatitis C virus in the semen

of infected men. We

detected (HCV) RNA in the semen of one third of

HCV viraemic men. Seminal

viral loads were low, but the semen could be

infectious and the role of

sexual transmission in the spread of HCV infection

should not be

underestimated. PMID: 10892766

2000 - Lack of detection of HCV RNA in semen by

PCR- and non-PCR-dependent

techniques and support the view that viral

contamination in semen remains,

if present, at a very low level. PMID: 10902978

1998 - Mother-to-infant transmission of HCV is

possible only in the case of

HCV-RNA positive mothers. HCV transmission may

occur without evident

association with breast-feeding or vaginal

delivery. PMID: 9808375

2000 - HCV transmission from viremic mothers

occurred in 2.8%-4.2% of the

cases. PMID: 10825044

2000 - HGV transmission from viremic mothers

occurred in 75.0%-80.0% of the

cases. Although the rate of perinatal HGV

transmission highly exceeded that

of perinatal HCV transmission, HGV did not seem to

induce hepatitis in the

children. PMID: 10825044

1998 - Among asymptomatic mothers breast-feeding

seems safe. Symptomatic

women, especially with high viral loads, should

not breast-feed to avoid the

risk of viral transmission through breast-feeding.

PMID: 9722199

2000 - Detection of TT virus DNA and GB virus type

C/Hepatitis G virus RNA

in serum and breast milk. PMID: 10655378

2000 - High prevalence of TT virus DNA in human

saliva and semen. Presence

of TTV in body fluids other than serum may affect

the routes of viral

transmission. PMID: 10835017

1999 - Our results stress the low relevance of

sexual transmission in the

intrafamilial context, the importance of abortion

and/or uterine curettage,

the important role of blood transfusions in the

past, a higher prevalence of

HCV infection within a household of a HCV positive

member compared to all

other existing data in the area. PMID: 10204641

2000 - The epidemic of HCV may be facilitated by

high-risk sexual behavior.

The relatively high prevalence of HCV suggests the

need for more widespread

screening among inner-city females. PMID: 10907909



1965 - Nail changes in epidemic hepatitis. PMID:


1967 - So-called cutaneous porphyria of the adult

in a child revealed by

viral hepatitis. PMID: 6019862

1968 - On the phagocytic activity of migrating

macrophages in skin windows

in patients with viral hepatitis. PMID: 4309435

1970 - Widespread arterial spiders in a case of

latent hepatitis. PMID:


1972 - HBV - Skin sensitivity in Au-antigen

carriers. PMID: 5031230

1972 - HBV - Prodromata of hepatitis. Skin

manifestations associated with

Australia Antigen. PMID: 5078567

1975 - Hepatitis B at the premonitory stage.

Incidence of articular and

cutaneous manifestations. PMID: 1153296

2000 - HCV replicates in epithelial cells of

patients with and without oral

lichen planus. PMID: 10869295

2000 - HBV DNA can be detected from nail clippings

of HBs Ag positive

patients. PMID: 10812896

1999 - Dermatoses: lichen planus, cryoglobulinemic

vasculitis and porphyria

cutanea tarda [PCT]. Psoriasis, chronic urticaria,

chronic pruritus,

pseudo-kaposi sarcoma, necrolytic migratory

erythema and Behcet disease,have

been associated in case reports with HCV-induced

liver disease. PMID:


1999 - Several dermatologic manifestations of

(HCV) infection have been

described. Association of HCV infection, essential

mixed cryoglobulinemia

and leukocytoclastic vasculitis (LV). PMID:


1998 - Cryoglobulinaemia and rheumatic

manifestations. Cutaneous

manifestation. PMID: 10070272

1998 - Skin diseases associated with chronic

hepatitis C. palpable purpura,

urticaria, prurigo and alopecia areata, lichen

ruber planus, pruritus and

vitiligo. palpable purpura (vasculitis purpurica).

PMID: 9842236

1996 - Hepatitis C virus infection in patients

with urticaria. (HCV)

infection induces variable skin manifestations.

HCV could be a significant

cause of urticaria. Chronic urticaria associated

with HCV infection has

peculiar clinical, serologic, and biochemical

characteristics that could

make it a distinct clinical entity with an

indication for interferon

therapy. PMID: 8708019

1997 - Cutaneous vasculitic lesions in patients

with type II

cryoglobulinemia. HCV was present in the cutaneous

vasculitic lesions, most

likely in complexes with IgM and IgG formed in

situ. PMID: 9365090

1995 - Localization of hepatitis C virus antigens

in liver and skin tissues

of chronic hepatitis C virus-infected patients

with mixed cryoglobulinemia.

(Ig) G and IgM deposition in the skin showed

immunohistochemical features

comparable with those found for HCV Ag deposits.

PMID: 7843698

2000 - Many other autoimmune manifestations have

been correlated with HCV

infection; polydermatomyositis. PMID: 10647955

2000 - Lichen myxedematosus associated with

chronic hepatitis C. PMID:


2000 - Since the discovery of (HCV) in 1989, many

cutaneous disorders have

been observed in patients suffering from chronic

HCV infection. The

relationship between HCV infection and

cryoglobulinemia or porphyria cutanea

tarda (PCT) is now clearly established, but the

link between HCV and other

dermatoses is still controversial. PMID: 10761562

2000 - Anti-centromere autoantibodies (ACA) are

commonly found in the serum

of patients with a limited type of scleroderma and

other systemic autoimmune

diseases. Core antigens of (HBV) and (HCV) have

similar sequences to peptide

A and/or peptide B, but three sera containing HBV

without ACA and five sera

containing HCV without ACA were found to be

reactive to neither peptide.

Centromere localization of CENP-A is dependent on

the H3-like C-terminal

domain which is not autoantigenic, while the

antigenic N-terminal domain,

which might play unidentified functional roles,

should be an important

region for the induction of ACA. PMID: 10759786

1999 - Cutaneous sarcoid foreign body granulomas

developing in sites of

previous skin injury after systemic

interferon-alpha treatment for chronic

hepatitis C. PMID: 10233247

1999 - IFN - The neuropsychiatrical side effects

are most often and maybe

hinder of interferon therapy. Especially symptoms

disorders of central

nervous system were observed between all side

effects. Side effects: hair

loss (29%), disorder of vision (29%),

thrombocytopenia (29%), leukopenia

(16%). The neurasthenia was detected in 60%

patients with ch B and 50%

patients with ch C. Neurasthenia most often

manifested by irritable and

quickly exhaustion of strength. PMID: 10522402


2000 - Alcohol-induced diseases of the liver, such

as fatty liver, hepatitis

and cirrhosis with the potential development of

hepato-cellular carcinoma

can cause many effects on the skin. Even though

they are not caused by

excessive alcohol alone, but also by other

diseases of the liver or other

diseases of internal organs, an experienced person

will be able to carry out

specific diagnostic procedures. Skin symptoms due

to liver diseases include

1. Vascular changes, such as spider nevi,

teleangiectasias and palmar

erythema. 2. Nail changes, particularly white

nails. 3. Changes of the

mucous membranes, i.e. glossy tongue. 4. Changes

due to altered hormones,

particularly gyneco-mastia, female distribution of

hair and testicular

atrophy and 5. Changes in the color of the skin

like icterus and melanosis

cutis. Rarely pruritus and other diseases of the

skin are seen, such as

porphyria cutanea tarda, which is often caused by

an altered liver function.

In the final stages of alcoholism, the neglect of

personal hygiene

particularly of the skin is evident (cutis

vagantium). Since the exact

mechanism of the skin symptoms remains obscure, it

is difficult to evaluate

the significance. Most often they do not correlate

with the severity of the

liver disease. PMID: 10804882

2000 - Necrolytic acral erythema associated with

hepatitis C: effective

treatment with interferon alfa and zinc. PMID:



Erythema - name applied to redness of the skin

produced by congestion of the

capillaries, which may result from a variety of

causes, the aetiology or a

specific type of lesion often being indicated by a

modifying term.



1965 - Some aspects of splenopathy in chronic

hepatitis. PMID: 5860915

1995 - Spleen is an important extrahepatic

reservoir of the virus. PMID:


1999 - Massive and widely distributed splenosis.

PMID: 10551463

1999 - Hepatitis B and C infections were found to

be likely causes of human

hepatic or splenic disease. PMID: 10578634

2000 - GBV-C/HGV is a lymphotropic virus that

replicates primarily in the

spleen and bone marrow. PMID: 10745232

2000 - Splenectomy may improve the glomerulopathy

of type II mixed

cryoglobulinemia. Many patients with type II mixed

cryoglobulinemia have

been shown to be infected with hapatitis C virus

(HCV). In conclusion,

splenectomy may be an effective therapy for

cryoglobulinemia in patients

with HCV-positive liver cirrhosis and pancytopenia

secondary to

splenomegaly. PMID: 10845834

2000 - TTV - Detected in livers, kidneys, spleens,

intestines, and stomachs.

TTV can infect hepatic and ex-hepatic tissues and

may cause persistent

infection. PMID: 10880161

2000 - Although the liver is the major target

organ, the virus may be able

to replicate in peripheral blood mononuclear cells

[PBMC's], lymph nodes,

and pancreas and to a more limited degree in bone

marrow cells, thyroid,

adrenal glands, and spleen. PMID: 10895434



1971 - HBV - Inflammatory effect of Au-antibody

immune complexes. PMID:


1977 - Acute and chronic hepatitis: multisystemic

involvement related to

immunologic disease. PMID: 320847

1998 - The hepatitis C virus and systemic

diseases. PMID: 9923040

1997 - Inflammatory markers in chronic hepatitis

C. PMID: 9334839

1998 - Mixed cryoglobulinaemia [MC]: MC is a

systemic vasculitis, secondary

to the deposition in small and medium-sized blood

vessels of circulating

immune complexes, mainly the cryoglobulins, and

complement. PMID: 9643318


2000 - The most documented extrahepatic

manifestation of (HCV) infection is

mixed cryoglobulinemia (MC). The presence of

microheterogeneity and other

new types of cryoglobulins is a novel and recent

observation. The production

of different autoantibodies and circulating immune

complexes, including the

cryoglobulins, are responsible for systemic

vasculitis and various organ

damage. In a limited number of MC patients, a

malignancy, that is B-cell

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma or hepatocellular

carcinoma, may also develop. PMID:


2000 - Type II mixed cryoglobulinemia (MC) is a

systemic vasculitis

characterized by the presence in the serum of a

monoclonal cryoprecipitable

IgM with rheumatoid factor (RF) activity. (HCV)

has been recognized as its

major etiologic factor. Because MC frequently

evolves into overt B-cell

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), chronic HCV

infection is hypothesized to lead

to both benign and malignant lymphoproliferative

disease. PMID: 10861476

1998 - Mycobacterium chelonei infection in a

patient with chronic active

hepatitis. PMID: 10233615

1997 - Mutant variants " quasi-species " . PMID:



2000 - Population of HCV genomes, within an

infected individual, is present

as a group of heterogeneous but closely related

sequences referred to as

quasispecies. Studies of the molecular biology of

HCV and of new vaccinal or

therapeutic strategies are hampered by the lack of

easy to use cellular

culture systems and of animal models. PMID:


1998 - Systemic manifestations and liver disease

in patients with chronic

hepatitis C and type II or III mixed

cryoglobulinaemia. The presence and

type of cryoglobulins seem to be associated with

different clinical

manifestations and outcome. PMID: 9658371

2000 - Occurrence of circulating soluble molecules

in patients with various

chronic liver diseases, likely reflecting the

involvement of several

pathogenetic mechanisms. PMID: 10737254

2000 - High prevalence of anticardiolipin

antibodies in hepatitis C virus

infection. Association between HCV infection and

antiphospholipid syndrome,

including thrombocytopenia, has been reported.

Immunologic disturbances

induced by HCV or prolonged tissue damage in

systemic organs as a result of

the extrahepatic manifestations of HCV infection

may induce the production

of antibodies to various cardiolipin-binding

proteins or phospholipids.

PMID: 10777156

2000 - Castleman disease (CD) of plasma cell type

develop. Disease worsening

is caused by HCV, though it can be reversed with

IFN-alpha. PMID: 10779037


Castleman disease = Angiofollicular lymph node

hyperplasia, benign lymphoid

hyperplasia, massively enlarged lymph nodes,

mediastinum most common; rarely

in mesentery, age less than 30 yrs, types: hyaline

vascular (90%),

asymptomatic, vascular proliferation and

hyalinization, plasma cell (10%),

fever, anaemia, increased sed rate, increased IgG

2000 - Behcet's disease and HCV infection. PMID:



Behcet's syndrome = A multisystem, chronic

recurrent disease characterised

by ulceration in the mouth and genitalia, iritis,

uveitis, arthritis and

thrombophlebitis. Often treated with

immunosuppressive therapy

(corticosteroids, chlorambucil).



1965 - Thymus gland tumor with lupoid hepatitis.

PMID: 5880241

1967 - Case of active chronic hepatitis with a

pathological condition of the

thymus gland. PMID: 5625959

1967 - Immunological studies on the development of

experimental hepatitis in

thymectomized mice. PMID: 6073627

1970 - Chronic hepatitis and the thymus. PMID:


1972 - Thymus-dependent lymphocyte function in

patients with

hepatitis-associated antigen. PMID: 4116555

1975 - Thymus-derived lymphocytes in type B acute

viral hepatitis and

healthy carriers of hepatitis B surface antigen

(HBsAg). PMID: 1093393

1996 - Thymus-derived peptides in the treatment of

viral chronic hepatitis.

Immune-active peptides including those derived

from the thymus have also

been evaluated over the past 15 years for the

treatment of viral chronic

hepatitis. PMID: 9030468

1998 - Oral thymic extract for chronic hepatitis C

in patients previously

treated with interferon. A randomized,

double-blind, placebo-controlled

trial. PMID: 9841585

1999 - Oral thymic extract to treat hepatitis C.

PMID: 10454957

1999 - Comparative inhibitory potential of

differently modified antisense

oligodeoxynucleotides on hepatitis C virus

translation. PMID: 10583429



1965 - Experimental data on the correlation

between hepatic and thyroid

functions. PMID: 5865303

1995 - Hypothyroidism and hypoparathyroidism in an

11 year old boy with

hemochromatosis secondary to aplastic anemia. The

early appearance of both

thyroid and parathyroid dysfunction in this

patient may have been due to the

delay of initiation of iron-chelating agents and

liver dysfunction due to

hepatitis type C. PMID: 7572161

1996 - Levels of pituitary-thyroid axis hormones

in men during the course of

chronic active hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. A

significant decline of TT3,

TT4, fT3, fT4 concentration and TT3/TT4 index in

males with liver cirrhosis

were observed. PMID: 9082343

1999 - Thyroid disease. PMID: 10567673

1999 - Thyroid diseases PMID: 10522298

1999 - Thyroid disease in autoimmune liver

diseases. PMID: 10483270

1999 - Thyroid autoantibodies. Hashimoto's

thyroiditis, Graves' disease.

Hyperthyroidism. Thyroid dysfunction during

interferon therapy. PMID:


2000 - Autoimmune manifestations correlated with

HCV infection; autoimmune

thyroiditis. PMID: 10647955

2000 - Although the liver is the major target

organ, the virus may be able

to replicate in peripheral blood mononuclear cells

[PBMC's], lymph nodes,

and pancreas and to a more limited degree in bone

marrow cells, thyroid,

adrenal glands, and spleen. PMID: 10895434



1970 - Pathogenesis of vascular diseases in

infectious hepatitis in

children. PMID: 5519448

1980 - Clinical association between HBV infection

and vasculitis. PMID:


1986 - Viruses - Endothelial cells could serve as

permissive cells

permitting viruses to leave the circulation and

initiate infection in

adjacent tissues, including subendothelial smooth

muscle cells. PMID:


1996 - Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is a potent

vasoconstrictor that may be involved

in the pathogenesis of splanchnic and renal

hemodynamic changes associated

with portal hypertension. 1996. PMID: 8938548

1996 - Altered endothelin homeostasis in patients

undergoing liver

transplantation. PMID: 9346677

1998 - Variceal bleeding. PMID: 9931656

1998 - Esophagogastric varices the possibility of

glomerulonephritis should

be considered. PMID: 9840704

1999 - Cryoglobulinemia in Patients with

Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis. PMID:


1999 - Systemic vasculitis. PMID: 10551381

1999 - Endothelins are peptide hormones with a

potent vasoconstrictor

activity that are also known to function as

intercellular signaling

molecules. PMID: 9933597

1999 - A striking correlation has been found

between ACAD [Allograft

Coronary Artery Disease] and HCV and/or CMV

positivity. suggesting that such

viruses may play a role in the development of

vascular late complications in

transplanted hearts. PMID: 10901481

1999 - Behcet's disease (BD), being a systemic

vasculitis of unknown

aetiology, is associated with previous HBV

infection. PMID: 10587560

1999 - AECA - Anti-endothelial cell

auto-antibodies in hepatitis C virus

mixed cryoglobulinemia. In HCV patients, AECA are

associated with

MC-vasculitis, suggesting that AECA may be a

marker for HCV-induced

vasculitis. PMID: 10551381

2000 - Vascularitis. PMID: 10723470

2000 - This observation of Horton's disease

involving large vessels in a

patient with chronic hepatitis C suggests that an

infectious factor might

trigger vascularitis. PMID: 10723470

2000 - Mixed cryoglobulinemia - Such

cryoglobulinemia vasculitis may involve

numerous organs, particularly the peripheral

nervous system and the kidneys.

PMID: 10761559

2000 - Type II mixed cryoglobulinemia (MC) is a

systemic vasculitis

characterized by the presence in the serum of a

monoclonal cryoprecipitable

IgM with rheumatoid factor (RF) activity. (HCV)

has been recognized as its

major etiologic factor. Because MC frequently

evolves into overt B-cell

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), chronic HCV

infection is hypothesized to lead

to both benign and malignant lymphoproliferative

disease. PMID: 10861476

2000 - Churg-Strauss syndrome (CSS) in patients

with HCV infection. PMID:


2000 - HBx stimulated the transcription of

vascular endothelial growth

factor (VEGF), a potent angiogenic factor, in

HBx-stable transfectants.

PMID: 10679226

2000 - The production of different autoantibodies

and circulating immune

complexes, including the cryoglobulins, are

responsible for systemic

vasculitis and various organ damage. PMID:


2000 - HCV: a common triggering factor for both

nodular vasculitis and

Sjogren's syndrome? PMID: 10819552

2000 - Birmingham vasculitis activity score,

disease extent index and

complement factor C3c reflect disease activity

best in hepatitis C

virus-associated cryoglobulinemic vasculitis.

PMID: 10895368

Mother - Child


1965 - Contribution to the study of congenital

hepatitis in infants.

Description of an aberrant form. PMID: 5854016

1966 - Fetal and neonatal hepatitis and its

consequence. PMID: 6010476

1969 - Histological findings in embryos, whose

mothers suffered from

virus-hepatitis during the first trimenon of

pregnancy. PMID: 5778047

1975 - Severe or fulminant type-B hepatitis can

develop in infants, who are

capable of completely eliminating the hepatitis-B

virus. They also suggest

that severe hepatitis can result from maternal

contamination. PMID: 47420

1978 - HBV markers were more common in mongols,

epileptics, patients with

cerebral palsy, and those of lower mental grades

and reached a peak after

5-15 years of hospitalisation. PMID: 151573

1993 - HBV, HTLV-1 and HCV can be transmitted

vertically from carrier

mothers to their offspring. PMID: 8371012

1995 - The mechanism of vertical chronic HBV

infection in human neonates may

involve changes in the T-cell response to the

virus that are induced in

utero. PMID: 7557848

1995 - HCV infection in children occurs mainly in

high risk children, such

as those who received blood product or injection

using non-sterile needles,

or infants of HCV viremic mothers, etc. PMID:


1997 - Breast Feeding - Hepatitis C virus

infection in pregnancy and the

risk of mother-to-child transmission. The risk of

vertical transmission of

HCV from infected mothers to their children during

pregnancy and delivery

was determined in 120 children born to

HCV-positive mothers. (5%) children

were perinatally infected with HCV as shown by

RT-PCR. None of the infected

children had clinical signs of hepatitis. None of

the pregnancies was

complicated by abortion, stillbirth, premature

birth, or malformation of the

child. Special concern was given to the

possibility of HCV transmission via

breast milk. In no breast milk sample obtained

from 34 HCV-infected mothers

was HCV RNA detected. These observations indicate

that HCV infection is not

necessarily a contraindication for breast-feeding.

PMID: 9105838

1997 - Is it always necessary to give anti-D

gamma-globulins in the case of

spontaneous miscarriage in Rhesus-negative

patients? PMID: 9229512

1999 - Breastfeeding and the risk of hepatitis C

virus transmission. PMID:


1999 - Mother-to-infant transmission of hepatitis

C virus (HCV) has been

reported. PMID: 10488698

1999 - Mother-to-infant transmission of hepatitis

C virus. PMID: 10575568

1999 - HCV infection, which is far more prevalent

than (HIV)-1, can lead to

cirrhosis, HCC, hepatic failure, and death. Like

HIV-1, HCV is transmitted

parenterally, sexually, and from mother to infant.

We do not believe that

current data justify universal testing, but we

believe it is time for all

obstetricians to test selectively based on risk

factors. PMID: 10576199

2000 - The risk of vertical transmission of HCV

appears to be associated

with the titre of the maternal viral load.

Vertical transmission from

nonviraemic mothers has not been demonstrated. No

postexposure prophylaxis

exists. There is a lack of association between

vertical HCV transmission and

delivery mode and no association with breast

feeding. PMID: 10833965

2000 - Rate of mother-to-infant HCV transmission

in newborns at risk.

Antibody against HCV was detected in the blood of

all [100%] newborns

immediately after birth, but dropped to low or

undetectable levels by 7

months of age. ...suggesting a very low

replication rate. Vertically

transmitted HCV was eliminated in all newborn

infants by 6 months after

delivery, with concomitant disappearance of HCV

antibodies. PMID: 10834815

2000 - HCV did not influence pregnancy

complications and outcomes. PMID:


1999 - Resolution of hepatitis caused by

HBV-related woodchuck hepatitis

virus (WHV) is followed by occult lifelong

carriage of pathogenic virus.

[WHV] mothers with occult hepadnaviral carriage

transmit pathogenic virus to

their offspring, inducing a persistent infection

invariably within the

lymphatic system but not always in the liver.

PMID: 10411550


1997 - Hepatitis C virus in pelvic lymph nodes and

female reproductive

organs. Contrary to expectation, high titers of

the HCV genome were observed

in the ovaries and the uteri, suggesting the

feasibility of mother-to-infant

and spouse-to-spouse transmissions of HCV. PMID:


2000 - Current observations indicate that mothers

who have already delivered

an HCV-infected child can be advised that this

event does not increase the

probability of infecting the second child. PMID:


1999 - The rate of mother-to-infant transmission

of HCV is approximately 5%.

PMID: 10622569

2000 - HCV transmission from viremic mothers

occurred in 2.8%-4.2% of the

cases. HGV transmission from viremic mothers

occurred in 75.0%-80.0% of the

cases. Although the rate of perinatal HGV

transmission highly exceeded that

of perinatal HCV transmission, HGV did not seem to

induce hepatitis in the

children. PMID: 10825044

2000 - The presence of transitory viremia without

seroconversion indicates

that the vertical transmission of HCV is not

important. This could be

related to the viral charge and ingestion of milk

of HCV-RNA-positive

mothers. However, to advise avoidance of maternal

breast feeding, it would

be necessary to conduct larger studies. PMID:


2000 - The frequency of mother-to-infant GBV-C/HGV

transmission is elevated

and could explain the high prevalence of GBV-C/HGV

markers (viral RNA and E2

antibody) in adults at low risk for blood-borne or

sexually transmitted

viruses, such as blood donors. PMID: 10827267

2000 - Irish women who iatrogenically received HCV

1b-contaminated Anti-D

immunoglobulin between May 1977 and November 1978.

PMID: 10827160

2000 - Italy - This rare case of inutero

mother-to-infant transmission can

be considered as a model to elucidate the HCV

quasispecies diversification

during the first stage of infection. PMID:


2000 - Hepatitis C virus in monozygotic twins. A

case of a pregnant patient

with chronic hepatitis C who gave birth to

monozygotic twins that were

infected with HCV is reported. One of the newborns

was positive 12 hours

after delivery. other... detected HCV viremia at

three months of age. The

results have led to the conclusion that one of the

twins was probably

contaminated in the intrauterine period, while the

other acquired the

infection in the perinatal period. Both were

negative at nine months of age.

PMID: 10887377

Coinfections / Multiple Infections


Cirrhosis seems to be more frequently observed in

patients with multiple

infection. PMID: 10718938

In patients with triple infection, serum HCV RNA

and markers of HBV

replication were absent in 80%, suggesting that

HDV acts as a dominant

virus. PMID: 10718938

1997 - General US population: HCV prevalence is 40

times HIV prevalence.

PMID: 10184834



1968 - Hepatitis in monkeys following inoculation

with adenovirus from

humans with viral hepatitis. PMID: 4315279

CMV - Cytomegalovirus


Cytomegalovirus hepatitis in an adult. PMID:




1970 - HBV - Australia phenomenon, hepatitis

infectious mononucleosis test

and hepatitis. PMID: 5522613

1970 - Infectious mononucleosis in the Armed

Forces. PMID: 4991194

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is detected in 37% of the

tissues of hepatocellular

carcinoma, and especially frequently in cases with

(HCV). The present

findings suggest that EBV acts as a helper virus

for HCV replication. PMID:


Viruses (such as Epstein-Barr virus) and

pathological conditions (mainly

involving immunosuppression) have been shown to

increase the risk of

haematolymphopoietic malignancies. An association

with malaria at young age

and " low grade " lymphatic malignancies is

suggested. The observation of four

cases of poliomyelitis among NHL patients. The

putative role of the polio

virus and of malaria are new. PMID: 10818118

2000 - Neurologic complications of Epstein-Barr

virus infection. PMID:




1989 - Acute hepatitis A in pregnancy: Our study

indicated that HAV does not

seem to be transmittable from mother to the

newborn. PMID: 2805935

1990 - Outcome of pregnancy complicated by

hepatitis A in the urban

districts of Shanghai. The average birth weight of

the new born was slightly

lower and the mortality rate was significantly

higher. PMID: 2209221

2000 - Shanghai - The increased mortality in

hepatitis B virus (HBV)/HAV

coinfected individuals is hypothesized to be the

result of T-cell-mediated

destruction of HBV-infected hepatocytes, enhanced

by acute HAV infection.

Following recovery from HAV there is an increase

in HBV expression and

activated cytotoxic cells and subsequent

cytolysis. Patients with chronic

HBV infection are clearly at considerable risk of

severe disease and

increased mortality in the event of HAV infection.

The period of greatest

risk is during the immunoeliminative phase of HBV

infection, which generally

occurs in early adulthood. PMID: 10870174

2000 - Patients infected with (HBV) have a higher

morbidity and mortality if

superinfected with (HAV). PMID: 10866842

2000 - Superinfection [HAV] commonly causes

markers of HBV and HCV

replication to fall to significantly lower levels.

PMID: 10866836

1990 - Lymph node enlargement as a sign of acute

hepatitis A in children. We

describe in all the hepatitis cases an enlargement

of lymph nodes located in

the hepatic hilum, pancreatic area and small

omentum: they appeared

hyperechogenic at the centre with hypoechogenic

outer layer. Such enlarged

lymph nodes were not observed in the controls.

PMID: 2159610

HAV - Autoimmune hepatitis in a genetically

susceptible patient: is it

triggered by acute viral hepatitis A? PMID:


HAV alone or in combination is responsible for

upto 50% of all FHF in

children. PMID: 10745331

Fulminant Hepatitis Associated with Hepatitis A

Virus Superinfection in

Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C.



The association of infective hepatitis type A

(HAV) and diabetes mellitus.

(DM) within 2-3 weeks of acute hepatitis A virus

(HAV) infection associated

with diabetic ketoacidosis are reported. The

ketoacidosis was considered an

index of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus most

likely precipitated by the

acute virus infection. PMID: 1295148

Picornaviruses include several important clinical

pathogens which cause

diseases varying from common cold to poliomyelitis

and hepatitis [HAV].

PMID: 10507327

1978 - Serologic evidence of hepatitis A and B

virus infections in

thalassemia patients. PMID: 664004

1993 - HAV - China - Plaque Formations - The

isolation and study of the

characteristics of a cytopathic strain of the

hepatitis A virus. (strain

MB-7). MB-7 was shown to have more homology with

HAV strains isolated in the

USA and China. PMID: 8073747

2000 - There have been conflicting reports of the

clinical outcome of acute

(HAV) infection in patients with chronic HCV

infection. The high frequency

of fulminant hepatitis in patients with HAV/HCV

coinfection contrasts with

other surveys, although a large Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention

(CDC) survey demonstrated that HAV infection in

patients with pre-existing

chronic liver disease (CLD) is associated with

increased mortality. PMID:




active hepatic cirrhosis,

fibrosing alveolitis,

pulmonary vasculitides,

chronic pneumonia,

cerebral vasculitis,

myocarditis and postmyocarditis cardiosclerosis,

necrotizing myositis,

Sjogren's syndrome,

mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis.

PMID: 9045368

1990 - Since 1965, when Blumberg discovered the

Australia antigen, the

hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), the research

on viral hepatitis has

rapidly progressed. Now it has been recognized

that HBV has no direct

cytopathic effect on hepatocytes and that

hepatocyte necrosis is associated

with the virus induced immunological reaction of

the host. PMID: 2199706

1970 - Cellular localisation of Australia antigen

in the liver of patients

with lymphoproliferative disorders. PMID: 4190180

1973 - " Myocarditis " and hepatitis B antigen.

PMID: 4751764

1975 - HBsAg was found in the saliva of both

children and adults, more

frequently during the first weeks after the onset

of illness. PMID: 1224534

1975 - Termination of HBV infection is viewed as

suppression of viral genome

rather than eradication of infected cells. PMID:


1975 - HBV Core - Patients with type B hepatitis

demonstrates the regular

occurrence of anti-HBc during the course of this

disease. PMID: 53010

1975 - Hepatitis B (Australia) antigen in

diabetics. PMID: 1138253

1975 - Determination of subtypes of HB antigen

(HBAg) according to D (ad +

y) and Y (ay +, d--) specificity. PMID: 57774

1975 - HBVayw = HCV1a? PMID: 1202956

1976 - Antibody against the hepatitis type B core

antigen. A new tool for

epidemiologic studies. PMID: 989260

1977 - Hepatitis B surface antigen in urine and

feces. PMID: 595147

1978 - HBS-antigen in synovial membrane and serum

of patients with various

joint diseases. PMID: 360667

1978 - HBV markers were more common in mongols,

epileptics, patients with

cerebral palsy, and those of lower mental grades

and reached a peak after

5-15 years of hospitalisation. PMID: 151573

1980 - Morphological similarities between B and

non-A, non-B hepatitis

viruses. PMID: 6168643

1980 - Concerning the value of hepatitis B antigen

recovery for prevention

of post-transfusion hepatitis. PMID: 7407658

1980 - Clinical association between HBV infection

and vasculitis. PMID:


1982 - First, it is important to be able to

reassure the patient with acute

viral hepatitis that the troubling symptoms which

he frequently fears are

due to rheumatoid arthritis, are self-limited, are

benign, and

will disappear. PMID: 6916753

1982 - Direct expression of hepatitis B surface

antigen in monkey cells from

an SV40 vector. PMID: 6301783

1987 - Primary hepatocellular carcinoma (PHC) was

associated with HBV

seropositivity in 80% of patients, and

postnecrotic (macronodular) cirrhosis

of the liver in 90% clearly indicating a strong

association between primary

liver cancer and HBV infections and liver

cirrhosis. PMID: 2822223

1990 - Serum samples from 62 women, inadvertently

infected with hepatitis B

virus in an in vitro fertilization program. PMID:


1992 - Serological markers of HBV infection were

detectable concomitantly in

[85.5%]cases who were anti-HCV positive. [China]

PMID: 1282451

1999 - Hepatitis B virus DNA is frequently found

in liver biopsy samples

from hepatitis C virus-infected chronic hepatitis

patients. UI: 98218043

1995 - Among hepatitis A to E viruses, hepatitis

B, C, and D viruses can

cause chronic hepatitis, in both children and

adults. HBV infection is the

most prevalent and important one. PMID: 10829942

1995 - liver damage and elevation of

aminotransferases occur during the

process of HBV clearance. PMID: 10829942

1995 - HBV - Core Mutations - Naturally occurring

hepatitis B virus core

gene mutations. Mutations in the hepatitis B virus

(HBV) core gene may

influence disease activity by altering immune

recognition sites or level of

virus replication. Most of the mutations were

clustered in the middle of the

core gene that harbor several major B- and helper

T-cell epitopes. Very few

mutations were found in the C-terminal part of the

core gene. In summary,

mutations in the core gene can be frequently

detected in patients with

chronic HBV infection. These mutations occur

predominantly around the time

of HBeAg clearance when liver disease is most

active. PMID: 7601433

2000 - HBV - HCV - The viral persistence produced

by escape mutations from

virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL)

response may lead to

upregulation of delayed-type hypersensitivity

immune response, which causes

hepatic tissue damage through non specific

macrophage activation and CTL

response and promotes pathogenesis of hepatic

fibrosis. PMID: 10834146

1999 - Extensive mutagenesis of the hepatitis B

virus core gene.


1999 - Hepatitis B Virus Mutants. Frequent

mutations detected in each of the

4 open reading frames of HBV. PMID: 10516463

1999 - 50 mV cm(-1), 50 Hz EF significantly

promotes the HBs-Ab secretion of

6B1 cells, implying that under this situation, EF

has some distinctive

effect on the outerface of 6B1 cell membrane.

(cell cycle Human

B-Lymphoblastoid) PMID: 10379556

1999 - Genetic transmission of hepatitis B on the

basis of molecular

genetics. PMID: 10322743

1976 - Down's Syndrome and HBV- genetic basis.

PMID: 139881

1996 - Chronic HBV - The average heritability in

the first, second and third

degree relatives was 79.68%. The analysis of

genetic model showed that HBsAg

carrier state was corresponded to the

characteristic of multifactorial

genetic disease, excluding the possibility of

genetic disease due to single

gene. PMID: 9208511

1999 - Factors predicting the presence of

esophageal or gastric varices in

patients with advanced liver disease [ALD]. The

causes of cirrhosis (mean

age, 48 yr) included, (6%) HBV, (25%) HCV, 28% HCV

/alcoholism. PMID:


1990 - The detection of hepatitis B virus DNA in

nerve tissue. The

investigation of cerebrospinal fluid and a

temporal lobe brain tissue,

showed the unquestionable presence of viral

nucleotide sequences in the

nervous tissue (about 9 viral genomes per cell).

Although a pathogenetic

role in the underlying neurologic disease cannot

be attributed to HBV, our

observation widens the spectrum of tissues where

HBV has been detected, and

supports the contention that there are replicative

extrahepatic foci where

the immunologic system of the host is permissive

for the virus. PMID:


1998 - Subclinical neurovisual impairment is a

frequent, largely

unrecognized complication of low-dose IFN therapy,

and patients with chronic

hepatitis B and older age appear to be most

susceptible. PMID: 9581701

1980 - Hepatitis B surface antigen in spinal

fluid. PMID: 6932562

1987 - Hepatitis B virus in human follicular

fluid. PMID: 3622802

Hepatitis B virus replication in the cerebrospinal

fluid in Guillain-Barre

syndrome. PMID: 1826782

1987 - Intra blood-cerebrospinal fluid-barrier

detection of hepatitis B

virus. PMID: 3619890

1987 - Transmission of hepatitis B virus by

artificial insemination. PMID:


1987 - Mechanical transmission from ticks to man

could occur by: (i)

contamination of a person when crushing infected

ticks; (ii) infection by

bite; (iii) contamination with coxal fluid,

especially by scratching bites.

PMID: 2979553

1987 - Role of Triatomidae [parasite] in the

transmission of infection by

hepatitis virus type B, in different clinical

forms of the disease. PMID:


1990 - HBV is the causative agent of

hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in man.

PMID: 2159110

1993 - Hepatitis B--the most important chronic

human viral infection. PMID:


1994 - Measurement of " surrogate " (HBV related)

HCV markers. PMID: 8083657

1995 - The mechanism of vertical chronic HBV

infection in human neonates may

involve changes in the T-cell response to the

virus that are induced in

utero. PMID: 7557848

1996 - HBV's x Region - DNA sequence requirements

for the activation of a

CATAAA polyadenylation signal within the hepatitis

B virus X reading frame:

rapid detection of truncated transcripts.

Integrated DNA which TATAAA is

removed- a template for truncated RNA virus

transcripts. PMID: 8806579

1998 - Chronic inflammatory demyelinating

polyneuropathy associated with

hepatitis B infection. PMID:10227761

HBV appeared to be the only selective abdominal

vagotomy affecting the

febrile responsiveness. We conclude, therefore,

that the hepatic vagus plays

an important role in the transduction of a

pyrogenic signal from the

periphery to the brain. PMID: 9688961

1999 - Hepatitis B and Pupil-Sparing Oculomotor

Nerve Paresis. PMID:


1999 - Neuropathies secondary to vasculitis,

vasculitis limited to the

peripheral nervous system and vasculitis

associated with infections such as

HIV and hepatitis B. PMID: 10528334

1999 - The current data suggest that HBV

co-infects frequently with HCV and

may play an important role in the development of

HCC in HCV-infected

patients. PMID: 10036965

Reciprocal inverse relation between HBV and HCV

replication. PMID: 8224658

In patients with dual infection, HBV and HCV exert

an alternative, dominant

replication. PMID: 10718938

2000 - The clinical picture of acute hepatitis B

in anti-HCV-positive

patients corresponded to HBV monoinfection with

prolonged intoxication and a

more benign biochemical course. Virus interference

may be responsible for

successive alternative dominant replication of HBV

and HCV. PMID: 10867993

Multiple infection [HBV and HCV] is associated

with a decrease of HCV

replication. PMID: 10718938

2000 - Patients infected with (HBV) have a higher

morbidity and mortality if

superinfected with (HAV). PMID: 10866842

2000 - HAV - Superinfection commonly causes

markers of HBV and HCV

replication to fall to significantly lower levels.

PMID: 10866836

Among patients with dual infection, HCV RNA was

present less frequently in

those with serological markers of active HBV

infection than in those without

(30% vs 79%). PMID: 10718938

Factors significantly associated with antibody to

hepatitis C virus

seropositivity included antibody to hepatitis B

core antigen, a history of

blood transfusion, and needlestick injuries. 1993.

PMID: 7694529

1998 - Screening for antibody to hepatitis B core

antigen or HBV DNA may

also detect blood donors infected with HBsAg

mutant forms of HBV. PMID:


1991 - HBV... seroconverted to anti-HCV PMID:


Anti-HCV correlated with both alanine

aminotransferase level and the

presence or absence of antibody to hepatitis B

core antigen. 1990. PMID:


Transmission of viral hepatitis, type B, by plasma

derivatives. PMID:


Occult hepatitis B infection occurs frequently in

patients with chronic

hepatitis C liver disease and may have clinical

significance. PMID: 10387938

1995 - 80.0% of cirrhotics had evidence of both

HBV and HCV infection. PMID:


HCV and occult HBV infections account for the

majority of cryptogenic HCC

cases in the United States. PMID: 8875608

DNA methylation could account for the selective

expression of HBV genes in

this hepatoma cell line. PMID: 6302693

Acute hepatitis C in patients with concurrent

chronic HBV infection is

associated with a substantial risk of fulminant

hepatitis. PMID: 10486374

(HBV and HCV) superinfection with these two

hepatitis viruses. PMID: 8396658

HBV in lymphoma cells of extrahepatic origin.

PMID: 9619601

Hepatitis B and C infections were found to be

likely causes of human hepatic

or splenic disease. PMID: 10578634

1999 - Behcet's disease (BD), being a systemic

vasculitis of unknown

aetiology, is associated with previous HBV

infection. PMID: 10587560

Reactivation of hepatitis B but not hepatitis C in

patients with malignant

lymphoma and immunosuppressive therapy. PMID:


Extrahepatic syndromes of viral hepatitis B.

rheumatoid arthritis PMID:


Lichen planus following hepatitis B vaccination.

1999. PMID: 10561062

HBV DNA can be detected from nail clippings of HBs

Ag positive patients.

PMID: 10812896

HBx stimulated the transcription of vascular

endothelial growth factor

(VEGF), a potent angiogenic factor, in HBx-stable

transfectants. 2000. PMID:


2000 - Antiviral chemotherapy for the treatment of

hepatitis B virus

infections. Approximately 5% of the world's human

population have an

increased risk for developing liver cancer and

cirrhosis as a direct

consequence of chronic infection with the

hepatitis B virus (HBV). Antiviral

chemotherapy remains the only option for

controlling infection in these

individuals, for whom the current licensed

hepatitis B vaccines provide no

benefit. Interferon (IFN)-alpha has proven benefit

in a well-defined group

of those with hepatitis B but has made little

impact on the global burden of

chronic liver disease. PMID: 10868900

2000 - Chronic (HBV) infection is a leading cause

of cirrhosis and

hepatocellular carcinoma worldwide. Its prevalence

approaches 10% in

hyperendemic areas, such as southeast Asia, China,

and Africa. PMID:


2000 - In hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular

carcinoma (HCC), at least

20-40 years of continuous necro-inflammation is

necessary for the

hepato-carcinogenesis to occur. However, HCC in

childhood shows an unusually

short latent period and rapid progression. PMID:


A synergistic effect on [HCC] risk was observed

when both hepatitis B and C

viral markers were present in peripheral blood (10

cases vs. no controls).

PMID: 2161463

2000 - These findings suggest that the depressed

function of DC [dendritic

cells] is associated with pathogenesis of HCC with

HBV or HCV infection.

PMID: 10824889

1988 - Close evolutionary relatedness of the

hepatitis B virus and murine

leukemia virus polymerase gene sequences.

Hepadnaviruses do not integrate

into cellular DNA as a necessary step in their

replication cycle. PMID:


1989 - Spliced RNA as the possible template for

the synthesis of HBV reverse

transcriptase is discussed. PMID: 2476567

1989 - These data show that the instability of

integrated hepatitis B virus

DNA would also occur in somatic cells during

replication, apart from

meiosis, which was previously reported. PMID:


1989 - At the early period of convalescence from

viral hepatitis 65% of

persons showed disorders of the functional state

of the bile tracts. The

frequency of involvement of the biliary system did

not depend on the

etiological form of hepatitis. PMID: 2609567

1991 - Hepatitis B defective virus with

rearrangements in the preS gene

during chronic HBV infection. Therefore, such

deletions would potentially

lead to an impairment in viral clearance without

affecting viral

penetration in liver cells, possibly accounting

for chronic HBV infection.

PMID: 1853561

1991 - Hepatitis B surface antigenaemia in

patients with malignant

lymphoproliferative disorders. The results suggest

an association between

Hepatitis B surface antigenaemia and malignant


disorders. PMID: 1811350

1994 - HBV - Hepatitis B virus antigens in

peripheral blood mononuclear

cells during the course of viral infection. PMID:


1994 - HBV - The DNA sequence representing HBV

infection was detected in the

tissue of liver (100%), gallbladder (85.7%),

spleen (75.0%), kidney (72.7%)

adrenal gland (66.7%), heart (55.6%), testicle

(55.6%), pancreas (54.5%)

respectively. PMID: 7956560

2000 - HBV - Core gene deletion mutants of (HBV)

have been identified in

adults. Core gene deletion mutants appeared

preferably in children acquiring

HBV by horizontal transmission. PMID: 10869299

1994 - HBV - Breast-feeding by mothers with

positive serum hepatitis B virus

test. There were significantly higher rate of milk

HBV transmission from

mothers with serum positive HBsAg, HBeAg and

anti-HBc or either one of them

than those with positive for anti-HBs and/or

anti-HBe. PMID: 7712869

1996 - The analysis of genetic model showed that

HBsAg carrier state was

corresponded to the characteristic of

multifactorial genetic disease,

excluding the possibility of genetic disease due

to single gene. PMID:


2000 - HBV in the family - a mean rate of the

infection among the virus

carrier family members of 20.70%. PMID: 10870933

1999 - Simultaneous screening for HBV DNA and HCV

RNA genomes in blood

donations using a novel TaqMan PCR assay. PMID:


1999 - Distinct Export Pathway Utilized by HBV


Regulatory Element [PRE]. The PRE of HBV is an RNA

element important for the

export of viral mRNA from the nucleus to the

cytoplasm. PMID: 10388654

1999 - Primary pulmonary hypertension [PPH] in

cirrhosis of liver. Hepatitis

B and C viruses being the etiologies. PMID:


1999 - Our results show that cross-reactive

immunity targeting homologous

sequences of viral and self proteins may partly

account for autoantibody

production in HBV infection. PMID: 9973445

1999 - Hepatitis as the presenting symptom of

childhood systemic lupus

erythematosus. Each patient with a diagnosis of

autoimmune hepatitis in

childhood who exhibits abnormal HBV serology must

be evaluated for a

possible diagnosis of SLE. PMID: 10770126

2000 - A striking difference was found in the

prevalence of TTV between

healthy children and patients with chronic HBV or

HCV infection. However,

based on these results, TTV alone or as

coinfection does not seem to cause

or exacerbate liver damage in childhood. PMID:


2000 - Urine from chronic hepatitis B virus

carriers: Implications for

infectivity. PMID: 10568757


1973 - Hepatitis B antigen (Australia antigen) in

the urine. PMID: 4794443

2000 - Research on (HBV) infection in vivo has

been limited due to the

absence of a suitable animal model. PMID: 10792989

2000 - This study confirms that ribavirin may be

considered a therapeutic

option in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B.

PMID: 10863856

2000 - Molecular mechanisms of latent hepatitis B

virus infection in

anti-HBc positive healthy individuals without

HBsAg. Previously, patients

with a positive HBV (* hepatitis B virus) core

antibody test and a negative

surface antigen test indicated past or resolved

HBV infection. Yet, it has

been observed that some liver transplant

recipients developed acute HBV

infection even when the donor was negative for

surface antigen and positive

for core antibody. " the majority of healthy

individuals positive for

anti-HBc [antibody to hepatitis B core] but

negative for HBsAg [hepatitis B

surface antigen], which had been assumed to denote

a past history of

transient HBV infection, were latently infected

with the episomal form of

HBV accompanied with ongoing viral replication and

few nucleotide mutations

in the pre-core and core regions. " Digestive

Disease Week 2000; May 21-24,

2000; San Diego, California.

2000 - Obligatory vaccination of the risk

population against virus B remains

the only prevention against this severe disease.

PMID: 10895548

2000 - HLA class II genotypes -

DRB1*0701-DQA1*0201-DQB1*02 haplotype is

associated with both chronic infection and

response to alpha-interferon.

Interestingly, the same haplotype is reportedly

associated with non-response

to hepatitis B vaccination. PMID: 10902974

1999 - Reconstructing the complex evolutionary

history of hepatitis B virus.

A detailed analysis of the evolutionary history of

(HBV) was undertaken

using 39 mammalian hepadnaviruses for which

complete genome sequences were

available, including representatives of all six

human genotypes, as well as

a large sample of small S gene sequences.

Phylogenetic trees of these data

were ambiguous, supporting no single place of

origin for HBV, and depended

heavily on the underlying model of DNA

substitution. Both the pattern and

the rate of nucleotide substitution are therefore

complex phenomena in HBV

and hinder any attempt to reconstruct the past

spread of this virus. PMID:


2000 - First-degree relatives of patients with

HBV-related HCC appear to be

at increased risk of HCC and should be considered

in the formulation of

HCC-screening programs. PMID: 10904089

2000 - Inactivation of HBx, a sequence that is

conserved in mammalian

hepadnaviruses and found in all HBV transcripts,

has potential for the

treatment of chronic HBV infection. PMID: 10905598

2000 - Chronic infection with (HBV) is endemic to

sub-Saharan Africa and

parts of Asia. PMID: 10905598

2000 - Nearly 25% of deaths between 30 and 40

years of age in Uzbekistan are

due to hepatitis B. PMID: 10908017

2000 - Factors predictive of liver cirrhosis in

patients with chronic

hepatitis B: Chronic (HBV) infection may lead to

liver cirrhosis; however,

factors associated with the development of

cirrhosis have been incompletely

studied. Patients who were elderly, male, diabetic

or had a history of

persistent and histologically severe hepatitis

were at increased risks of

liver cirrhosis. Aggressive anti-viral therapy may

be needed for these

patients and they should be closely monitored for

HBV-related late

complications. PMID: 10912490

2000 - Enhanced Replication Contributes to

Enrichment of Hepatitis B Virus

with a Deletion in the Core Gene. Accumulation in

immunosuppressed patients

of (HBV) with a deletion in the C gene is

associated with severe liver

disease. Emergence of C gene deletion variants in

vivo may be due to

enhanced replication mediated at the level of

encapsidation or reverse

transcription. If the variants constitute a small

part of the ccc DNA, they

can be fully trans-complemented by wild-type virus

which may increase the

overall virus production. PMID: 10915599

2000 - Some anti-HBe-positive patients continue to

have active liver disease

and they should be tested for HBV DNA by

hybridization assay to determine

whether the disease results from replicative

precore mutant HBV infection or

other causes of liver disease, such as

superinfection with HCV and HDV. HCV,

however, replaces HBV as the dominant cause of

chronic viral hepatitis.

PMID: 10921378

1999 - More than third of world's population has

been infected with

hepatitis B virus. PMID: 10221961



1990 - Both HDV and HBV could replicate in the

same hepatocyte

simultaneously. PMID: 2213954

1995 - Absence of HBV markers does not rule out

hepatitis D. PMID: 10829945

1997 - Chronic HDV always requires co-infection

with hepatitis B. PMID:


1997 - Another model of virus-induced autoimmunity

in man is chronic HDV

which always requires co-infection with hepatitis

B. PMID: 8781898

1998 - 33% Delta Ab-positive apparently healthy

persons tested negative for

both HBsAg and HBcAb. PMID: 10892421

In patients with multiple hepatotropic viral

infections (B and C, or B, C

and D), the reciprocal influence of each virus

remains controversial. PMID:


2000 - HDV superinfection is one of the major

causes of fulminant hepatitis

in endemic areas of (HBV) infection. Currently,

there is no effective

treatment or vaccine against HDV superinfection.

PMID: 10869296



1996 - HGV and GBV agents - discovery of 4 new

hepatitis viruses,

provisionally named HGV and GBV agents (GBV-A,

GBV-B, and GBV-C). The new

viruses are members of family Flaviviridae, and

are closely related to

(HCV). The viruses are transmitted parenterally,

similar to HCV and (HBV),

Chronic infection is common and can lead to

cirrhosis. Some chronic

hepatitis cases caused by these viruses respond to

interferon treatment. The

viruses can coinfect with HCV and/or HBV. PMID:


1996 - Preliminary studies show that the

prevalence of GBV agents and HGV

are alarmingly high in blood donors in the United

States, Europe, Africa and

Japan. PMID: 9031405

1997 - Hepatitis G virus should be considered a

world-wide health concern.

PMID: 9347963

1997 - The prevalence of HGV ranges... to 10%

among blood donors throughout

the world and is found in 1.7% of volunteer blood

donors in the United

States. PMID: 9265860

2000 - HGV infection is more common than HCV

infection and is frequently

found in healthy individuals. HGV transmission

from viremic mothers occurred

in 75.0%-80.0% of the cases. HGV did not seem to

induce hepatitis in the

children. PMID: 10825044

Concomitant GBV-C/HGV and HBV or HCV infection

does not worsen the clinical

course of illness among patients with acute

hepatitis. PMID: 10745233

GBV-C/HGV is found frequently in coinfection with

HCV. PMID: 10440807

GBV-C/hepatitis G virus is primarily a

lymphotropic virus. PMID: 10745232

HGV is unlikely to play a significant role in

liver disease in man. PMID:


Chronic C hepatitis coinfected with HGV. PMID:


HGV, Close similarity of the virus with HCV. PMID:


HGV RNA was significantly associated with

hepatitis C. PMID: 9180167

Hepatitis G and hepatitis C RNA viruses coexisting

in cryoglobulinemia.

pathogenetic role of hepatitis G and its

relationship to malignancy remain

to be elucidated. PMID: 9598893

1997 - Bone marrow aplasia and hepatitis G virus:

what relation? PMID:


The prevalence of GBV-C/HGV markers was

significantly higher in the

anti-HCV-positive group than in the sero-negative

group. PMID: 10706800

Concomitant GBV-C/HGV and HBV or HCV infection

does not worsen the clinical

course of illness among patients with acute

hepatitis. PMID: 10745233

Hepatitis BsAg was associated with HGV infection

but hepatitis C antibody

was not. PMID: 9833751

Genomic variability of hepatitis G virus/GBV-C at

the NS3 region: clinical

implications. A high degree of heterogeneity was

found for HGV existing as

quasispecies and as differences between samples.

This is of extreme

importance because of the intrinsic clinical and

pathogenic implications of

quasispecies of a virus capable of producing

disease, and is in accord with

other studies which report on the genomic

variability of the NS3 region.

PMID: 10817517

The occurrence of a bifunctional coding region in

HGV was also supported by

its extremely lower rate of synonymous nucleotide

substitutions compared to

that observed in the other gene regions of the HGV

genome. Analysis of the

amino acid sequence that was deduced from the

putative overlapping gene

revealed a high content of basic residues and the

presence of a nuclear

targeting signal; these characteristics suggest

that a core-like protein may

be expressed by this novel ORF. PMID: 10754072

2000 - Detection of active hepatitis C virus and

hepatitis G virus/GB virus

C replication in bone marrow in human subjects.

HCV and HGV can replicate in

bone marrow; in the case of HGV, analysis of serum

may underestimate the

true prevalence of infection.PMID: 10845938

1998 - HGV may be associated with cryoglobulins.

Since our series is small,

the pathogenetic role of hepatitis G and its

relationship to malignancy

remain to be elucidated. PMID: 9598893

1998 - GBV-C - China - Results showed that among

the clinical patients with

HBV, HCV, nonA-E and HCC, HGV infection rates were

9%, 10%, 17%, 0%

respectively, suggesting that HGV is a hepatitis

virus with pervasive

existence and has high superimposition infection

rate with HBV and HCV but

with little connection with HCC. PMID: 10921116

1998 - China - HGV infection in a rural

population. The anti-HGV prevalence

rate was 12.9%. The prevalence rate of HBV

infection was 64.9%. The HCV

infection rate was 15.3%. The anti-HGV positive

rate of wives with anti-HGV

positive husbands was 53.3%, significantly higher

than that of those with

anti-HGV negative husbands (7.8%). The

epidemiological characteristics of

HGV infection are different from those of HBV and

HCV. HGV is transmitted by

blood and sex, and does not seem to cause liver

damage. PMID: 10923441

2000 - Turkey - We concluded that hepatitis-G

virus does not seem to be in

association with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Medical

Oncology (2000) 17, 123-126

PMID: 10871818

2000 - Taiwan - HGV infection is common in the HCV

endemic village. HGV

clearance is frequently encountered in females.

Co-infection of HGV does not

compound hepatocellular inflammation. PMID:


HHV - Human Herpes Virus


1999 - Herpesvirus DNA is frequently detected in

liver tissue from hepatitis

C patients. PMID: 10548125



1995 - It has been estimated that presently

hepatitis B kills more people

every day than AIDS kills in a year world-wide.

PMID: 10829939

2000 - The relationship between HCV RNA increase

and HIV RNA decrease

indicates virus-virus interference. An HCV RNA

increase may cause

significant liver damage only in a minority of

patients. PMID: 10837187

2000 - Survival of deceased AIDS patients was not

affected by the presence

of HBV and HCV co-infections. The prevalence of

HCV antibodies was 13.8%.

Greece. PMID: 10841086

2000 - Combination therapy with IFN and ribavirin

is effective in 50% of

cases in clearing serum HCV RNA and may thus

provide effective means of

therapy in HIV-HCV-coinfected patients as initial

treatment or in patients

who have previously failed IFN monotherapy. PMID:


2000 - HBsAg as the antigen component of

circulating immune complexes in

HIV-infected patients. Our results suggest that

HBsAg is commonly associated

in immune complexes formed in the sera of

HIV-infected patients and that

they may simultaneously contain HIV and HBsAg in

patients coinfected with

both agents. PMID: 10840593

2000 - USA - HIV testing. (74%) were men who have

sex with men (MSM). PMID:


2000 - More severe biological and histological

parameters were observed

among HIV-HCV coinfected patients, which suggests

a need to study whether

HIV infection is associated with a worsening

course of chronic hepatitis C.

PMID: 10898321

1999 - 250,000 Americans are now suffering from

AIDS. Biomedical

Revitalization Resolution of 1999 (Introduced in

the House) 106th CONGRESS

1st Session H. RES. 89.


2000 - Prospective studies of HCWs have estimated

that the average risk for

HIV transmission after a percutaneous exposure is

approximately 0.3%, the

risk of HBV transmission is 6 to 30%, and the risk

of HCV transmission is

approximately 1.8%. PMID: 10885983



Picornaviruses include several important clinical

pathogens which cause

diseases varying from common cold to poliomyelitis

and hepatitis [HAV].

PMID: 10507327

Schistosoma Mansoni


A species of trematode worm that parasitises

humans and that (like s.

Japonicum) causes liver and gastrointestinal tract

disease. See



soma+mansoni+ & action=Searc


2000 - Inhibition of Hepatitis B Virus Replication

during Schistosoma

mansoni Infection in Transgenic Mice. Although

coinfection of (HBV) and

Schistosoma mansoni is a frequent event in humans,

little is known about the

interactions between these two pathogens. S.

mansoni infection induces T

helper cell type 2 (Th2)-type cytokines in the

liver of humans and mice. The

intrahepatic induction of nitric oxide (NO) and

Th1-type cytokines, such as

interferon (IFN)-gamma and IFN-alpha/beta,

inhibits HBV replication

noncytopathically in the liver of transgenic mice.

PMID: 10899915



Disease (bilharzia) caused by digenetic trematode

worms of the genus

Schistosoma, the adults of which live in the

urinary or mesenteric blood

vessels. Eggs shed by the female worms pass to the

outside in the urine or

faeces, but many also lodge in and obstruct the

blood flow in the liver.

Eosinophils seem to be particularly important in

the killing of the invasive

larval stage (schistosomulum). Evasion of the

host's immune response by

adult schistosomes seems to involve the

acquisition of a coat of host cell

surface material by the parasite.





1999 - TTV: a new hepatitis virus?

Transfusion-transmitted virus. PMID:


1998 - The result suggests that TTV may be the

cause of some cryptogenic

liver diseases. Lancet, 1998; 352: 195-87.

The clinical significance of TTV infection in

patients with chronic

hepatitis C has not been determined. TTV infection

was present in (27%) HCV

patients. TTV was present in (56%) in those with

HCC. 1) TTV infection is

common in patients with chronic HCV; 2) TTV

infection is more prevalent

among patients with advanced HCV-associated liver

disease (DC and HCC) than

in those with stable disease (CH and CC); and 3)

TTV infection is more

common in patients with HCV genotype 1b. PMID:


High prevalence of (TTV) in naive chimpanzees and

in hepatitis C

virus-infected humans: frequent mixed infections

and identification of new

TTV genotypes in chimpanzees. (TTV), is prevalent

in humans. In the present

study, the genetic heterogeneity of TTV was

evaluated in hepatitis C virus

(HCV)-infected patients and in chimpanzees. TTV

DNA was detected by PCR in

serum samples from all [10] HCV-infected patients

studied; at least five

major TTV genotypes, all previously identified in

humans, were recovered.

[8] patients were infected with multiple variants

of TTV. TTV DNA was

detected by PCR in serum samples from 11 (65%) of

17 naive chimpanzees bred

in captivity; a persistent infection was present

in 3 of 6 animals. PMID:


TT virus infection may not cause severe hepatitis,

such as fulminant hepatic

failure, but it may indicate a poor outcome in

such patients. PMID: 10535486

A reciprocal interaction was suggested between TTV

and HCV replication.

PMID: 10596018

TTV infection is common in patients with chronic

HCV. PMID: 10520863

TTV infection is more common in patients with HCV

genotype 1b but is

independent from genotype in predicting the stage

of HCV-associated liver

disease. PMID: 10520863

TTV infection is very common in patients with

chronic HCV infection, it has

no identifiable clinical significance. PMID:


TTV Positivity and Transfusion History in Non-B,

Non-C Hepatocellular

Carcinoma Compared with HBV- and HCV-Positive

Cases. TTV in 77.8% of

HBV-positive, 36.4% of HCV-positive, and 63.6% of

non-B, non-C cases of HCC.

The association between TTV and HCC was limited,

and the main route of

infection of TTV was not through transfusion.

PMID: 10773732

Existence of TT Virus DNA in Extracellular Body

Fluids from Normal Healthy

Japanese Subjects. TTV DNA was detected in sera

from (59.0%) normal

subjects. TTV DNA was also detected in saliva,

stool, semen and tears from

all cases with TTV-DNA-positive serum, but not in

body fluids from subjects

with TTV-DNA-negative serum. TTV DNA remained

undetected in urine and sweat

from all cases. PMID: 10773733

2000 - A striking difference was found in the

prevalence of TTV between

healthy children and patients with chronic HBV or

HCV infection. However,

based on these results, TTV alone or as

coinfection does not seem to cause

or exacerbate liver damage in childhood. PMID:


2000 - PBMC - TTV - TTV appeared to infect not

only the serum and liver, but

also the peripheral blood mononuclear cells

(PBMC). We investigated the

prevalence of TTV DNA in human hematopoietic

cells, based on 84 mononuclear

cell samples obtained from the bone marrow or

lymph nodes of patients with

hematopoietic malignancies including leukemia,

malignant lymphoma and

aplastic anemia. showed no evidence supporting the

fact that the TTV genomes

are integrated into the human hematopoietic cell

genomes, thus suggesting

their existence as episomal forms. PMID: 10830749

2000 - TTV - Detection of Transfusion transmitted

virus in hepatic and extra

hepatic tissues. (TTV) in the liver and extra

hepatic tissues. TTV DNA was

detected in livers, kidneys, spleens, intestines,

and stomachs. TTV can

infect hepatic and ex-hepatic tissues and may

cause persistent infection.

PMID: 10880161

2000 - High prevalence of TT virus DNA in human

saliva and semen. Presence

of TTV in body fluids other than serum may affect

the routes of viral

transmission. PMID: 10835017

2000 - Detection of TT Virus Infection in

HCV-Infected Blood Donors from

Southwestern China. PMID: 10895100.

2000 - China - These results show that prevalence

of TTV was high in blood

donors and hospitalized patients, and isolated TTV

infection is not related

to significant ALT elevation. PMID: 10847129

2000 - We conclude that TTV is unrelated to the

development of

hepatocellular carcinoma in Black Africans. PMID:


2000 - TTV Japan - HBV is associated with a

substantial proportion of non-B,

non-C HCC cases in Japan. The role of HBV in

hepatocarcinogenesis in such

patients needs to be clarified. PMID: 10837171

2000 - Although TTV was initially thought to be a

new hepatitis virus, it is

still unclear whether it causes hepatitis. In

cases of chronic hepatitis, no

correlation was observed between the serum TTV DNA

titres and the ALT

levels. PMID: 10879595

2000 - Detection of TT virus DNA in patients with

liver disease and

recipients of liver transplant. After liver

transplantation, the prevalence

of TTV DNA increased from 16 to 46%. TTV had

considerable genomic diversity

in the N22 region, corresponding to at least 4

genotypes. Genotype 2 was

found in [50%] patients. PMID: 10897063

2000 - TTV + HCC - TTV does not seem to contribute

to the development of HCC

from chronic liver disease and is not correlated

with severity of liver

disease. PMID: 10902976

2000 - TTV - Biliary excretion of TT virus.

Replication of TTV may occur in

other organs as well as in the liver. PMID:


2000 - TTV is a widely spread infectious agent

with a weak pathogenicity. It

raises the possibility, however, that TTV might be

implicated in a few cases

of acute and chronic non A-non G hepatitis. PMID:




2000 - There is often no correlation between HCV

antigen expression and the

degree of liver cell injury, although patients

with lower levels of antigen

expression are more likely to respond to

interferon therapy. PMID: 10895434

2000 - Patients with chronic hepatitis C infection

should be assessed by

liver biopsy prior to consideration of anti-viral

therapy. Patients with

histologically mild disease should be observed at

regular intervals and

assessed with a repeat liver biopsy after an

interval of 3-4 years. Those

with severe disease should receive early treatment

with interferon-alpha and

ribavirin. The duration of therapy is determined

by the genotype of the

infecting virus-viral genotypes 2 and 3 require

only 6 months of treatment

but other genotypes should be treated for 12

months. Approximately 35-40% of

treated patients will respond to therapy with a

permanent cessation of viral

replication and improvement in liver histology.

PMID: 10890320

2000 - Genotype and viral load as prognostic

indicators in the treatment of

hepatitis C. Interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha), either

alone or in combination

with ribavirin, is the standard treatment for

patients with hepatitis C.

However, most patients do not achieve a sustained

remission with this

treatment regimen. A number of studies have

demonstrated that genotype,

baseline viral load and/or a decrease in viral

load early after treatment

induction are the major predictive factors for

response to treatment with

IFN. Patients with hepatitis C virus (HCV)

genotype 1 are more resistant to

treatment with IFN, whereas low viral load at

baseline and a marked decline

in the HCV RNA level during the first 2-12 weeks

of IFN therapy are

associated with enhanced treatment efficacy. PMID:


2000 - HCV patients with minimally raised ALT

values (</=1.3 x ULN) weigh

less, and have lower histologic inflammatory

scores than patients with more

conventionally elevated ALT levels. Despite these

differences, these

patients have a similar sustained response to

antiviral therapy. PMID:


1998 - 2008 - A multitude of molecules aimed at

key HCV targets are in

preclinical development. Experts interviewed for

this study express

particular interest in protease inhibitors,

helicase inhibitors, polymerase

inhibitors, ribozymes, and HCV vaccines. During

our 1998-2008 forecast

period, we expect physicians to take a more

aggressive tack with patients

who have mild disease, and to offer long-term

interferon therapy to patients

in whom other options have failed. Decision

Resources Evaluates New

Developments in Treating Hepatitis C Virus


http://www.dresources.com 06/07/2000 11:50 EDT


2000 - Antiviral therapy of HBV- and HCV-induced

liver cirrhosis. Antiviral

therapy is generally indicated in patients who

have histologic evidence of

chronic hepatitis and ongoing viral replication.

The aim of treatment is to

normalize alanine aminotransferase levels and to

eliminate virus

replication. PMID: 10777179

2000 - Antiviral treatment is debated for patients

without fibrosis in

initial biopsy specimens. PMID: 10831269

2000 - Antiviral therapy of chronic hepatitis B

remains a major clinical

problem worldwide. PMID: 10788594

2000 - HBV - As no specific treatment is

available, greatest emphasis is

placed on prevention through immunization. PMID:


2000 - HBV - Famciclovir 500 mg three times daily

may offer an alternative

to alpha-interferon for treatment for chronic

hepatitis B. Anti-HBe

seroconversion in the famciclovir 500-mg tid group

suggests that 16 weeks

treatment has the potential for HBV clearance.

PMID: 10898322

2000 - IFNa - In the initial treatment of chronic

hepatitis C,

interferon-alfa (IFN-alpha) monotherapy for 24-48

weeks induces sustained

response rates of only 10-20%. Combination therapy

with IFN-alpha plus

ribavirin induces a sustained response in 40-50%

of patients. PMID: 10921396

2000 - IFN - A sustained virological response

should be checked at more than

3 months after the completion of therapy. Even

though the risk of HCC is

markedly reduced in sustained responders, it is

possible to develop HCC

several years after completion of IFN therapy.

PMID: 10921398

1999 - There are no remarkably effective

treatments for chronic hepatitis C

in general use. Interferon and antivirals have

less than a 30% response rate

and because of the residual viremia, a newly

transplanted liver usually

becomes infected again. Ultimately, residual HCV

viremia infects the new

liver. Liver transplantation can be painful,

disabling and extremely costly.

PMID: 10554539

1999 - The decision to treat chronic HCV must be

made in collaboration with

other medical experts in hepatology and antiviral

therapy, and it must be

made with knowledge and understanding of all

facets of the disease process

and adverse effects of therapy. PMID: 10865530

1999 - Current therapy for chronic (HCV) infection

is based on the

administration of interferon alpha (IFN) alone or

in combination with other

anti-viral agents. However, such therapy is

effective in only a minority of

selected patients. PMID: 10533795

2000 - Treatment of hepatitis C with interferon

and ribavirin. Hepatitis C

is a worldwide problem that frequently results in

end-stage liver disease

and its complications. Hepatitis C is now entering

the era of multidrug

antiviral therapy. Ribavirin is an orally active

synthetic guanosine

analogue with theoretical antiviral and

immunomodulatory actions. In naive

patients the combination results in improved

end-of-treatment and sustained

response rates, with an overall 41% sustained

virological response rate in

patients treated for 48 weeks. PMID: 10921409

2000 - Qualitative assessment of HCV RNA during

treatment is the strongest

predictor of sustained response during interferon

or combination therapy for

chronic hepatitis C. PMID: 10845673

2000 - Data indicate that alcohol will induce and

worsen liver damage and,

in subjects with chronic liver disease who

continue to drink, adversely

affect their response to treatment. PMID: 10869251

2000 - This observation suggests that IFN in

combination with ribavirin may

offer an effective therapeutic option for liver

transplant patients with

severe recurrent hepatitis C. PMID: 10830239

2000 - This study confirms that ribavirin may be

considered a therapeutic

option in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B.

PMID: 10863856

2000 - Interferon-alpha (IFNalpha) plays a crucial

role in the

antiproliferation and immunoregulatory activity

through the specific cell

surface receptor, interferon-alpha/beta receptor

(IFNalpha/betaR). PMID:


2000 - HLA class II genotypes associated with

chronic hepatitis C virus

infection and response to alpha-interferon

treatment in Poland. Recent

evidence suggests that spontaneous clearance of

(HCV) may be associated with

the HLA DQB1*0301 allele but there is still some

debate over the role of

other alleles and HLA haplotypes in HCV infection.

DRB1*0701-DQA1*0201-DQB1*02 haplotype is

associated with both chronic

infection and response to alpha-interferon.

Interestingly, the same

haplotype is reportedly associated with

non-response to hepatitis B

vaccination. PMID: 10902974

1999 - Elderly patient. HCV correlated hepatitis

is a pathology on the

increase, and it is especially affecting patients

above 60 years old. The

only treatment for this disease is therapy with

different types of

interferon. Even in cases where there could be a

possible higher exposure to

side-effects linked to the use of recombinant

interferon alpha, still, the

risk/benefit ratio suggests that this particular

drug should be used for

treating this pathology in elderly patients. PMID:


2000 - Combination - Five baseline factors were

found to be associated with

a sustained HCV virologic response. Those

favorable factors were female

gender (sex), age less than 40 years at the time

of HCV infection, lower

baseline HCV viral load (3.5 million copies per

milliliter or less), no or

minimal fibrosis (scarring) on liver biopsy ( " F0 "

or " F1 " fibrosis scores)

and HCV genotypes 2 or 3. Digestive Disease Week

2000. McHutchison, MD.

Harvey S. Bartnof, MD

2000 - Hemolytic Anemia Induced by Ribavirin

Therapy in Patients With

Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection: PMID:


2000 - (HCV) RNA status and HCV genotype have

become important tools in the

diagnosis and monitoring of therapy in chronic HCV

infection. PMID: 10849261

1999 - (HCV) genotyping has been shown to predict

response to interferon,

but is expensive. HCV serotyping is less expensive

and simpler, and may be

similarly useful. PMID: 10850384

1999 - Genotype does not affect pattern of HCV RNA

decrease among responders

during interferon treatment of chronic hepatitis

C. We assessed differences

in the pattern of HCV RNA decrease for HCV

genotypes 1, 2, and 3 during

interferon treatment to determine if the lower

response rates observed among

genotype 1 patients were related to a slower

decrease in HCV clearance. In

summary, both genotype and ultimate response to

treatment are determinants

of the pattern and rate of serum HCV RNA change

during interferon therapy of

chronic hepatitis C. PMID: 10850385

2000 - Comparison between three quantitative

assays in patients with chronic

hepatitis C and their relevance in the prediction

of response to therapy.

SUPERQUANT was the most sensitive assay and this

greater sensitivity was

associated with a better predictive value of

treatment response. PMID:


2000 - Pretreatment symptoms and dosing regimen

predict side-effects of

interferon therapy for hepatitis C. Patient

characteristics, including

pretreatment symptoms, gender and nationality, as

well as daily IFN dosing

are associated with the development of

debilitating adverse effects on IFN

therapy. PMID: 10849263

1999 - The involvement of different genes in

various HLA subregions suggests

that anti-HCV responses are modulated by a complex

gene interplay rather

than by single alleles. PMID: 10094975

1999 - Evolution of viral quasispecies in

interferon-treated patients with

chronic hepatitis C virus infection. These

mutations may allow hepatitis C

virus to escape antiviral effects of interferon

therapy. PMID: 10551384

1999 - Recent studies have shown that iron

influences the response of

chronic hepatitis C to treatment and the natural

history of hepatitis C. It

is likely that therapies for chronic hepatitis C

which either remove iron or

interfere with the action of iron at the cellular

level may not only prove

useful clinically but may also elucidate further

the mechanisms of cellular

injury in this disease. PMID: 10535273

2000 - Hepatic iron concentration has consistently

been observed as being

directly correlated with the response to

interferon therapy in chronic

(HCV). Although prior phlebotomy therapy does not

improve the rate of

sustained response to interferon retreatment, it

does result in less liver

injury manifested by a decrease in serum

transaminase activity and a slight

improvement in liver histopathology. PMID:


2000 - Iron enhances hepatitis C virus replication

in cultured human

hepatocytes. Iron overload in the presence of

increasing concentrations of

iron is one of the indicators of poor response to

interferon therapy in

chronic hepatitis C. PMID: 10847480

1999 - IFN alpha - These results suggest that the

presence of low-titre

auto-antibodies may be a risk factor for the

development of autoimmune

dysfunction during IFN alpha therapy for chronic

hepatitis C. Patients with

no detectable auto-antibodies have a low risk for

developing autoimmune

complications during treatment with IFN alpha.

PMID: 10355504

2000 - Marked increase in the serum concentrations

of the acute phase

complement proteins is a secondary phenomenon due

to the IFN alpha-caused

diminution of the viral load and the resulting

immune complex-induced

complement activation. PMID: 10841940

1999 - Reversible impact of alpha-interferon on

carbohydrate (CH) metabolism

was observed in patients with hepatitis C treated

with interferon between

1993 and 1997. UI: 99372081

2000 - IFNa - Rapid onset of hematotoxic effects

after interferon alpha in

hepatitis C. PMID: 10898329

2000 - IFN + Lichen Planus - Direct viral factors

may not be important in

the pathogenesis of OLP in patients with chronic

hepatitis C. Immunological

changes caused by IFN may play a role in the

development of OLP associated

with HCV infection. PMID: 10846411

1999 - Electro-Chemo-Therapy - Fundamentals of

electroporative delivery of

drugs and genes. Electrooptical and

conductometrical relaxation methods have

given a new insight in the molecular mechanisms of

the electroporative

delivery of drug-like dyes and genes (DNA) to

cells and tissues. The theory

presents further useful tools for the optimization

of the ME techniques in

biotechnology and medicine, in particular in the

new field of

electroporative delivery of drugs

(electrochemotherapy) and of DNA transfer

and gene therapy. PMID: 10228565

1999 - Lactoferrin inhibits hepatitis C virus

viremia in patients with

chronic hepatitis C. We recently found that

bovine lactoferrin, a milk

protein belonging to the iron transporter family,

effectively prevented HCV

infection in cultured human hepatocytes .


2000 - Monotherapy with human leukocyte interferon

resulted in sustained

virologic response in 36% of patients [Finland]

with chronic hepatitis C. In

those infected with a HCV genotype other than 1,

the sustained virologic

response rate was 50%. PMID: 10868459

2000 - Aptamers - These results suggest that the

pool of selected aptamers

have potential as anti-HCV compounds. RNA aptamers

were selected in vitro by

systematic evolution of ligands by exponential

enrichment (SELEX). PMID:


2000 - HCV of genotype 1 is the most resistant to

interferon (IFN) therapy.

PMID: 10823866

2000 - Infection with hepatitis C virus genotype 4

is associated with a poor

response to interferon-alpha. PMID: 10819720

2000 - Like HCV genotype 1, HCV genotype 4 seems

to have a poor response to

therapy. PMID: 10886538

1999 - Adverse effects of alpha interferon

(e.g.,fatigue, depression,

neutropenia). PMID: 10349694

1999 - IFNa - Anxiety - A case of akathisia during

interferon-alpha therapy

for chronic hepatitis type C. PMID: 10228895

[Note: Akathisia = condition

marked by motor restlessness and anxiety -


1999 - Cutaneous sarcoid foreign body granulomas

developing in sites of

previous skin injury after systemic

interferon-alpha treatment for chronic

hepatitis C. PMID: 10233247

1999 - Interferon-alpha is used by physicians to

treat numerous common

medical disorders; however, therapy is often

limited by side effects.

Pulmonary complications, such as interstitial

pneumonitis and bronchiolitis

obliterans organizing pneumonia, have been

described in patients receiving

interferon-alpha therapy. Exacerbation of asthma.


2000 - IFN - Amino acid mutations in the

interferon sensitivity determining

region (ISDR) are closely associated with the

response to interferon in

patients with hepatitis C virus genotype 1b

(HCV-1b) infection. These

results show that mutations in the ISDR do not

occur frequently, suggesting

that interferon sensitivity does not change

greatly during the natural

course of the disease in each patient. PMID:


1998 - Neurovisual impairment: a frequent

complication of alpha-interferon

treatment in chronic viral hepatitis. Subclinical

neurovisual impairment is

a frequent, largely unrecognized complication of

low-dose IFN therapy, and

patients with chronic hepatitis B and older age

appear to be most

susceptible. This apparently innocuous

complication is long lasting,

possibly irreversible in some patients, with yet

undetermined consequences

on visual function. PMID: 9581701

1999 - IFN - The neuropsychiatrical side effects

are most often and maybe

hinder of interferon therapy. Especially symptoms

disorders of central

nervous system were observed between all side

effects. Side effects: hair

loss (29%), disorder of vision (29%),

thrombocytopenia (29%), leukopenia

(16%). The neurasthenia was detected in 60%

patients with ch B and 50%

patients with ch C. Neurasthenia most often

manifested by irritable and

quickly exhaustion of strength. PMID: 10522402

Exacerbation of anaemia, erythropoietin

resistance, and malnutrition

constitute the side-effects of IFN that deserve

special attention in uraemic

subjects. PMID: 9249778

2000 - Bell's palsy during interferon therapy for

chronic hepatitis C

infection in patients with haemorrhagic disorders.

PMID: 10781198

1998 - Subclinical neurovisual impairment is a

frequent, largely

unrecognized complication of low-dose IFN therapy,

and patients with chronic

hepatitis B and older age appear to be most

susceptible. PMID: 9581701

1999 - Signs and symptoms of interferon-associated

retinopathy in patient

with hepatitis C virus, nephropathy and diabetes

mellitus. Necessity to

assess visual system before and after therapy was

emphasised. PMID:


1999 - Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy

occurring in a patient treated

with IFN is a probable complication of the

therapy. PMID: 10516525

2000 - Sleep Disturbances Found In Patients Taking

Common Hepatitis C

Treatment. Daytime sleepiness and disturbed

nocturnal sleep are common in

patients with chronic hepatitis C treated with

concomitant interferon

alpha-2b plus ribavirin, according to data

presented at the 14th Annual

Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep

Societies. DG DISPATCH - APSS:

LAS VEGAS, NV - June 19, 2000.

Combination interferon alfa-2b/ribavirin therapy

in chronic hepatitis

C-relapsed and treatment-naive patients.

Clinically significant adverse

events included anemia and depression. PMID:


1999 - One of the limitations associated with the

use of ribavirin is a

reversible anemia caused by its accumulation in

erythrocytes. PMID: 10543752

Evidence that HLA DR2 is an important additional

factor for predicting a

long term response to interferon-alpha therapy in

chronic HCV hepatitis.

PMID: 9568799

2000 - The number of IFN-gamma-producing

HCV-specific CD8+ T cells during

the first 6 months after onset of disease is

associated with eradication of

the HCV infection. PMID: 10823750

2000 - Zinc supplementation to interferon for the

patients with chronic

hepatitis C having both genotype 1b and high virus

load significantly

enhanced the effect of interferon to eradicate

HCV. This study has several

limitations. Hitoshi Tagaki, MD

Our data indicate the decisive role of the

virus-specific CD4+ T-cell

response for clearance and control of HCV, and

contribute to our

understanding of immune mechanisms by which the

host defends the HCV virus.

This is a prerequisite for the development of new

strategies to efficiently

defend the virus by manipulating or modulating the

immune response.


Expansion of peripheral blood CD5+ B cells is

associated with mild disease

in chronic hepatitis C virus infection. Recent

identification of

intra-hepatic clonal B cells capable of rheumatoid

factor production,

selective infection of B cells over T cells and of

an HCV receptor on B

lymphocytes strongly supports a central role for

these cells in the immune

response to HCV infection. PMID: 10673076

1993 - The humoral response to the host cellular

gene-derived epitope GOR

(anti-GOR) was reported to be associated with

chronic (HCV) infection. PMID:


1996 - HGV and GBV agents - (GBV-A, GBV-B, and

GBV-C). Some chronic

hepatitis cases caused by these viruses respond to

interferon treatment. The

viruses can coinfect with HCV and/or HBV. PMID:


1994 - IFN - Occurrence of IDDM during interferon

therapy for chronic viral

hepatitis. During and after IFN therapy we should

consider the possibility

of occurrence of IDDM as well as other autoimmune

diseases and observe the

clinical course carefully. PMID: 8013261

1998 - Interferon alpha-induced depression in

chronic hepatitis C patients.

A very careful selection of hepatitis C patients

is required before starting

IFN alpha therapy. PMID: 9566274

1998 - Silybum marianum (milk thistle) has been

shown to have clinical

applications in the treatment of toxic hepatitis,

fatty liver, cirrhosis,

ischemic injury, radiation toxicity, and viral

hepatitis via its

antioxidative, anti-lipid peroxidative,

antifibrotic, anti-inflammatory,

immunomodulating, and liver regenerating effects.

PMID: 9855566

1998 - When compared with Silybum, the

hepatoprotective effect of Picrorhiza

was found to be similar, or in many cases,

superior to the effect of

Silybum. PMID: 9855566

1999 - Combined ursodeoxycholic acid [uDCA] and

glycyrrhizin therapy for

chronic hepatitis C virus infection. The combined

therapy with

ursodeoxycholic acid and glycyrrhizin is safe and

effective in improving

liver-specific enzyme abnormalities, and may be an

alternative to interferon

in chronic hepatitis C virus infection, especially

for interferon-resistant

or unstable patients. PMID: 10524635 [Note:

Glycyrrhizin = main ingredient

in licorice]

2000 - These data demonstrate that UDCA improves

the response rate to

alpha-IFN. Furthermore, in 8% of IFN-UDCA patients

the response rate was

sustained and associated with HCV-RNA clearance.

PMID: 10833093


1975 - Effect of an intravenously administered

bile acid (chenodeoxycholic

acid) on rheumatoid arthritis. PMID: 1166284

1999 - The triple antioxidant combinaton of

alpha-lipoic acid, silymarin and

selenium was chosen for a conservative treatment

of hepatitis C because

these substances protect the liver from free

radical damage, increase the

levels of other fundamental antioxidants, and

interfere with viral

proliferation. One year of the triple antioxidant

therapy described in this

paper costs less than $2,000. PMID: 10554539

1999 - The hepatic flaviviridae: The extent of

sequence diversity reflects

the host's ability to control viral populations

and the response to

antiviral therapy. Interferon therapy for 3 or

preferably 6 months results

in a sustained response in about 30% of patients.

Negative serum HCV RNA and

normal AST values after 3 months of therapy

indicates that there may be a

sustained response. Whether or not to stop

treatment at that time if HCV is

still positive remains a matter of debate. The

role of interferon treatment

in preventing progression to cirrhosis and

hepatocellular cancer is still

uncertain. Ribavirin therapy alone reduces

transaminases and hepatic

histology improves. Improved results follow the

combination of ribavirin

with interferon. Ribavirin may have

immuno-modularity and anti-inflammatory

actions. PMID: 10760028

1999 - Dec - PEG - Both Schering-Plough's

PEG-Intron and Roche's version are

so- called ``pegylated'' versions of interferon,

in which polyethylene

glycol (PEG) is added to the interferon molecule.

PEG helps to ``disguise''

the drug from the body's natural immune defenses.

It then takes the immune

system longer to identify the drug as a foreign

substance and so the body

doesn't destroy it as quickly as it does

interferon alone. That helps the

drug to act longer within the body. That means

that patients using the new

version of interferons will need injections once a

week -- instead of every

day or every other day. In addition, the drugs

appear effective for more

patients, compared with existing interferons.

Bloomberg News Schering Asks

FDA to Approve New Drug for Hepatitis C.

2000 - PEG - Phase III clinical data have shown

that 39% of patients treated

with a 180 mcg once weekly dose of PEGASYS

achieved a sustained response of

undetectable levels of the hepatitis C virus.


HealthWire)--June 5, 2000.

1999 - Medical Use of Cannabis Products. The plant

Cannabis Sativa has a

long history of medical use in the treatment of

pain and spasms, the

promotion of sleep, and the suppression of nausea

and vomiting. However, in

the early 70s cannabis was classified in the

Narcotic Acts in countries all

over the world as having no therapeutic benefit;

therefore, it cannot be

prescribed by physicians or dispensed by

pharmacists. In the light of this

contradictory situation an increasing number of

patients practices a

self-prescription with cannabis products for

relieving a variety of

symptoms. The most frequently mentioned

indications for medicinal cannabis

use were depression (12.0%), multiple sclerosis

(10.8%), HIV-infection

(9.0%), migraine (6.6%), asthma (6.0%), back pain

(5.4%), hepatitis C

(4.8%). PMID: 10575286

1999 - Artificial LIVERs - Researchers may someday

grow artificial livers At

least some liver cells in adult mice are generated

from cells in the bone

marrow, a new study suggests. We can create an

artificial liver from cells

taken from the patient's own bone. " Dec 28

(Reuters Health) Hepatology


2000 - Mature liver cells generated from bone

marrow study in mice turns

embryology on its head; implications are

multifold. A new study shows that

some mature liver cells in adult mice are

generated from bone marrow cells,

altering prevailing views on cell differentiation

and stem cell potential.

Using radiation, researchers completely destroyed

the bone marrow of female

mice and replaced it with marrow from male mice.

The study, by Neil D.

Theise, M.D., Diane Krause, M.D., Ph.D.,

Hepatology 2000;31:237-242.

2000 - MEP-F - In a preliminary clinical study, a


metalloendopeptidase-F (MEP-F) has been shown to

be effective in the

treatment of patients with either chronic

hepatitis B or C infection. Oral

administration of MEP-F resulted in a significant

reduction of the serum

levels of HBs antigen and HCV RNA and improvement

in the liver function

abnormalities. However, the mechanism of action of

MEP-F is not yet well

understood. It is indicated that alpha

2-macroglobulin-MEP-F complexes may

induce macrophage/kuppfer cell activation and

proliferation through binding

their receptors on the cells and activating

signaling cascades, which

enhance both anti-viral specific and nonspecific

immune responses. alpha

2-Macroglobulin-MEP-F complexes may also augment

cellular immunity and

hepatic regeneration by neutralizing the

immunosuppressive and fibrogenic

activities of transforming growth factor-beta.

PMID: 10834146

2000 - Increased incidence of indinavir

nephrolithiasis in patients with

hepatitis B or C virus infection. We found a

significant increase of

nephrolithiasis incidence in patients co-infected

with HIV-1 and HCV or HBV,

which suggests that underlying multifactorial

hepatic damage may limit liver

catabolism of indinavir, and consequently increase

its renal excretion and

the risk of nephrolithiasis. Caution is therefore

advised when initiating

indinavir treatment in HIV patients with evidence

of HBV or HCV infect.

PMID: 10846585

2000 - IFN - Platelets - HCV-RNA is present in the

platelets of 100% of

those patients with thrombocytopenia and high

PAIgG levels. Hepatitis C

virus infection has been associated with the

development of thrombocytopenic

purpura, sometimes triggered during interferon

(IFN) therapy. PMID: 10847447


1995 - Rhogam/Anti-D - The use of anti-D to

improve post-transfusion

platelet response: PMID: 7833257

2000 - IFN 2a - Acute Pancreatitis Attributed to

the Use of Interferon

Alfa-2b. GASTROENTEROLOGY 2000;119:230-233

2000 - Kurorinone - It has recently been shown

that a Chinese traditional

medicine, kurorinone, extracted from Sophora

Flavescens Ait, possesses

antiviral properties. The results of this trial

suggest that kurorinone is

able to inhibit HBV replication and improve

disease remission in patients

with chronic hepatitis B. PMID: 10849265

1999 - Dec - HBV - Herbal Treatment - One

traditional Chinest 10-plant

combo - known as Herbal Medicine 861 - not only

normalized liver eznymes in

three-quarters of the 84 hepatitis B (HBV)

patients enrolled in Wang's six

month study, but also seemed to slow liver

scarring and in some cases even

reverse it (a feat previously though impossible),

leading to liver recovery.

Japanese traditional medicine may also work

against HBV. Lab studies found

that a boiled herb combo called Houchu-ekki-to

(TJ-41) appeared to cause

apoptosis, or inducedd cell death in liver cells

made cancerous by HBV. Poz

Magazine, 12/99, Hep Help Hurray ! by Bob Roehr.

1999 - Dec - HCV - Herbal Treatment - In a test

tube study of hepatitis C

virus (HCV) treatment, Japan's Ninjin-youmei-to

(TJ-108) prevented infection

of new cells. A study of Tokyo patients found res

ults comparable to those

of interferon therapy - roughly 25% HCV

clearance - with fewer side effects.

These Chinese and Japanese formulas are available

through some U.S.

practitioners trained in Chinese and Japanese

medicine. But a dose of

caution is called for. You can take too much of a

natural product, and some

herbs may interact badly with pharmaceuticals.

Talk with your doctor before

heading East. Poz Magazine, 12/99, Hep Help Hurray

! by Bob Roehr.

2000 - Feb - HCV - Treatment - RECOMBINANT HUMAN



reaction at the injection

site, accompanied by moderate and reversible rises

in eosinophil and

leucocyte counts. In summary, daily s.c. GM-CSF

administration is safe and

shows effects against HCV; the GM-CSF/IFNalpha2b

combination has an

additional-but transient-antiviral activity in

chronic hepatitis C. PMID:


2000 - HBV - Treatment with lamivudine for 2 years

is both well tolerated

and efficacious in patients with chronic hepatitis

B. PMID: 10889166

2000 - HBV - Adefovir Dipivoxil for the Treatment

of Lamivudine-Resistant

Hepatitis B Mutants. Lamivudine has been shown to

be an effective therapy

for chronic hepatitis B, but resistance to this

nucleoside agent is common

after prolonged use. This study provides evidence

that adefovir dipivoxil

can be an effective treatment for

lamivudine-resistant HBV mutants as well

as wild-type HBV. PMID: 10869300

2000 - Germany - Due to the large number of

patients chronically infected

with hepatitis C virus and not responding to

combination therapy with

interferon-alfa 2 and ribavirin new therapeutic

regimens are required. Early

treatment of the viral infection might improve the

response, as seen in

treatment of HIV infection, thereby preventing

progression to chronicity.

PMID: 10875149

2000 - Differences in Viral Dynamics between

Genotypes 1 and 2 of Hepatitis

C Virus. Many studies have shown that patients

infected with hepatitis C

virus (HCV) of genotype 2 have better response to

interferon (IFN)-alpha

treatment than genotype 1 patients; however, the

mechanisms responsible for

this difference are not understood. This is the

first finding of a

difference in viral dynamics between subtypes of

the same virus and

demonstrates the importance of subtype-specific


interactions. PMID: 10882578

2000 - Elderly patient who has nephrotic syndrome

caused by cryoglobulinemic

glomerulonephritis associated with HCV can be

treated safely by

cryofiltration with low doses of oral

corticosteroids. PMID: 10888213

2000 - HCV - New therapies including polyethylene

glycol, PEGylated,

interferons and combination regimes involving

amantadine are currently under

evaluation and it is hoped that improved regimes

will be developed in the

near future. PMID: 10890320

2000 - Safety of disease modifying anti-rheumatic

agents in rheumatoid

arthritis patients with chronic viral hepatitis.

Disease modifying

anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs). The use of DMARD in

RA + CVH patients is

associated with a high incidence of

hepatotoxicity. The effect is likely to

be synergistic. This includes drugs such as HCQ

[hydroxychloroquine], which

is generally believed to be less hepatotoxic.

PMID: 10895374

2000 - Future interventions may include nucleic

acid drugs (antisense and

ribozymes) and smaller pharmaceuticals that bind

to intricate structures in

HCV RNA and HCV-specific double-stranded RNA.

Infectious clones of HCV RNA

are available. These clones and other systems for

expressing HCV proteins

pave the way for vaccine development. PMID:


2000 - In practice, it's of great importance to

identify and classify these

extra-hepatic manifestations to optimize the

treatment of chronic hepatitis

C. PMID: 10905094

1998 - Merck and Company earns $900 Million in HBV

Vaccine sales. Merck's

Hepatitis B vaccine is the first in the country to

use recombinant DNA



1998 - Schering's Intron A, the world's

top-selling hepatitis drug. Usually

combined with ICN Pharmaceuticals Inc.'s ribavirin

and sold as Rebetron,

Intron A generated more than $700 million in 1998

sales. Bloomberg

News Jan 5 2000 2:11PM

1999 - Drug Trials Hide Conflicts for Doctors, May

16, 1999 NY Times, By

KURT EICHENWALD and GINA KOLATA [docs may be paid

up to $6,000 per patient

enrolled by drug company]



1999 - Aug - ICN Drug Company, In a complaint

filed in federal district

court in Los Angeles, the SEC alleged the company

did not immediately

disclose that the U.S. Food and Drug

Administration had rejected its

application to sell the drug, ribavirin. ICN

Pharmaceuticals misportrayed

drug status -SEC, WASH, Aug. 11 (Reuters)



1957 - Since their discovery in 1957, interferons

(IFNs) have been noted to

have protective effects against human viral

infections. The use and safety

of IFNs in patients with acute or chronic

hepatitis B or C infections have

evolved over the last 20 years. [1978-1998] PMID:


1959 - IFN - An overview of Wellferon (interferon

alfa-n1): the product.

Since 1959, The Wellcome Foundation Ltd. has been

involved in research to

develop interferon for practical use. A brief

historical perspective is

presented on the development and production of

interferon alfa-n1. 1986.

PMID: 3016426

1965 - The use of gamma globulin in the prevention

of serum hepatitis. PMID:


1965 - Studies on the conditions of interferon

production by cells infected

with herpesviruses. PMID: 4288422

1965 - 1st experience in the treatment of chronic

hepatitis with

6-mercaptopurine and a methylhydrazine

derivative. PMID: 5877701

1970 - Serum and leukocyte interferon in viral

hepatitis. PMID: 5505407

1971 - Fulminant hepatitis treated with serum

containing antibody to

Australia antigen. PMID: 5549839

1972 - Inhibition of virus-induced chromosome

damage by interferon. PMID:


1973 - Rhogam/Anti-D - The multiple use of RhoGAM.

PMID: 4631466

1974 - Rhogam/Anti-D - Use of anti-D (RhoGAM) to

prevent erythroblastosis

fetalis. PMID: 4131311

1974 - Ribavirin - The phosphorylation of

ribavirin by deoxyadenosine kinase

from rat liver. Differentiation between adenosine

and deoxyadenosine kinase.

PMID: 4371811

1975 - Heterologous gamma globulin as interferon

inducer: differences in the

properties of aggregated and aggregate-free gamma

globulin preparations.

PMID: 53854

1975 - Differential production of interferon and

lymphotoxin by human tonsil

lymphocytes. PMID: 1152

1976 - Ribavirin - IFN - Treatment of spontaneous

leukemia in AKR mice with

chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or interferon. PMID:


1977 - Ribavirin - Efficacy in the treatment of

murine autoimmune disease.

PMID: 299957

1977 - IFN - Hazards of human leukocyte interferon

therapy. PMID: 859523

1978 - Ribavirin - Reversible inhibition of

cellular metabolism by

ribavirin. PMID: 646339

1978 - Adenosine kinase initiates the major route

of ribavirin activation in

a cultured human cell line. PMID: 210448

1979 - The broad spectrum antiviral agent

ribavirin inhibits capping of

mRNA. PMID: 226095

1979 - Currently, the major antiviral agents in

therapeutic use are

amantadine, idoxuridine and vidarabine.

Methisazone and isoprinosine are

also used in some areas. Immunoglobulins have some

antiviral activity.

PMID: 92398

1979 - Interferon appears to be the most exciting

antiviral agent yet

discovered. However, its potential is limited by

its availability, which

remains dependent on biological method.

Significant progress has been made

recently, though, which may lead to the chemical

synthesis of interferon and

thus to an antiviral agent active against many

viruses. PMID: 92398

1979 - Therapeutic control of viral infections:

chemotherapy, interferon and

gamma globulin. PMID: 94280

1980 - Ribavirin use in humans. PMID: 7352934

1980 - Embryotoxic, teratogenic, and metabolic

effects of ribavirin in mice.

PMID: 7361317

1980 - Ribavirin - Inhibition of lymphocyte

proliferative responses by

ribavirin. PMID: 7216427

1984 - Ribavirin - Morphological alterations in

blood and bone marrow of

ribavirin-treated monkeys. PMID: 6438984

1985 - Treatment of viral myocarditis with

ribavirin in an animal

preparation. PMID: 2982522

1985 - Ribavirin - Anti-AIDS agents show varying

early results in vitro and

in vivo. PMID: 2997490

1985 - Ribavirin - Nebulised ribavirin for

adenovirus pneumonia. PMID:


1989 - Ribavirin- Inhibition of Crimean-Congo

hemorrhagic fever viral

infectivity yields in vitro by ribavirin. PMID:


1991 - Ukraine - The differentiated use of

mitigating mud therapy in the

early convalescent period of viral

hepatitis. Two new techniques of mitigatory

pelotherapy using mud

applications to paravertebral area and acupuncture

were compared for 152

viral hepatitis convalescents. The efficacy of the

treatment was shown by a

wide spectrum of hepatic functional and

immunologic reactivity indications.

PMID: 1926800

1992 - Hepatitis C: an update. Several published

trials have consistently

shown that treatment with interferon in some

patients is useful. There is

however a relapse rate of 50%. Further trials with

interferon and other

anti-viral agents like ribavirin are awaited for

more effective treatment.

PMID: 1283440

1999 - Dual or single hepatitis B and C virus

infections in childhood cancer

survivors: long-term follow-up and effect of

interferon treatment. PMID:


1999 - The role of interferon treatment in

preventing progression to

cirrhosis and hepatocellular cancer is still

uncertain. Ribavirin therapy

alone reduces transaminases and hepatic histology

improves. Improved results

follow the combination of ribavirin with

interferon. Ribavirin may have

immuno-modularity and anti-inflammatory actions.

PMID: 10760028

1999 - Interferons and Their Role In Inflammation.

Cytokines are pleiotropic

molecules showing a wide variety of biologic

functions on various cells and

tissues, and several different cytokines exert

similar and overlapping

functions on certain cells. (IFNs), among the

first cytokines identified,

play a crucial role in human disease. The IFN

cytokine family consists of

type I IFNs (IFN-a and IFN-B) and type II IFN

(IFN-g). In the first decades

of IFN research, type I IFNs were considered

primarily as viral inhibitors,

whereas type II IFN, also termed " immune IFN " , was

generally considered to

be uniquely involved in immune reactions. This

view has changed considerably

in the last years. PMID: 10526087

1999 - The importance of type I IFNs in

inflammation, immunoregulation and

T-cell responses has been identified and has

changed dramatically our

interpretation of the biological relevance of type

I and II IFNs. Recent

data suggest that IFN-a is a multifunctional

immunomodulatory cytokine with

profound effects on the cytokine cascade including

several anti-inflammatory

properties, whereas IFN-g remains a classical

proinflammatory cytokine.

These different effects on critical mediators of

inflammation may also

explain why type I and II IFNs are clinically

successful in different

diseases. These newly identified immunoregulatory

and anti-inflammatory

functions of type I IFNs may be of importance in

the treatment of diseases

such as chronic viral hepatitis or multiple

sclerosis and help to explain

some of the mechanisms of IFNs. PMID: 10526087

1999 - Ribavirin polarizes human T cell responses

towards a Type 1 cytokine

profile. The therapeutic benefit of ribavirin, a

nucleoside analog, in the

treatment of chronic HCV infection is seen even in

the absence of any

apparent direct antiviral effect. We surmised that

ribavirin may act by

eliciting altered virus-specific immune responses.

Because antiviral

immunity is predominantly mediated by cytotoxic T

cells and antiviral

cytokines, we sought to determine whether

ribavirin could promote antiviral

(Type 1) cytokine expression in human T cells.

These data support the view

that ribavirin promotes a Type 1 cytokine-mediated

immune response, a

property which may account in part for its ability

to enhance the antiviral

activity of interferon-alpha in the treatment of

chronic HCV infection.

PMID: 10190717

1999 - Nov - IFN - Signaling Pathways activated by

IFN's - IFN's are

pleiotropic cytokines that exhibit negative

regulatory effects on the growth

of normal and malignant hematopoietic cells. There

are 2 different classes

of interferons, Type I (alpha, beta, omega), Type

II (gamma) IFN. Precise

mechanisms by which these cytokines exhibit their

potent effects on

hematopoiesis remain unknown. Recent evidence

suggests that non-Stat

pathways play a critical role in the generation of

signals for both Type I

and Type II IFN and may be the primary mediators

of their growth inhibitory

effects on hematopoietic cells. PMID: 10560905

1999 - Treatment of chronic HCV infection with a

combination of interferon

and ribavirin. Recent trials have shown that

approximately 40% of patients

will clear HCV with combination treatment. PMID:


1999 - Plant may be cure for HBV. PMID: 10842866

2000 - IFN - DEPRESSION RISK - The Minnesota

Multiphasic Personality

Inventory (MMPI) is a reliable tool for

identifying the risk of depression

before and during interferon (IFN) therapy in

patients with chronic viral

liver disease, according to a report from Italian



2000 - Ribavirin - Advances in the treatment of

hepatitis C. PMID: 10635046

2000 - Combination therapy with IFN and ribavirin

is effective in 50% of

cases in clearing serum HCV RNA and may thus

provide effective means of

therapy in HIV-HCV-coinfected patients as initial

treatment or in patients

who have previously failed IFN monotherapy. PMID:


2000 - Oral lichen planus induced by

interferon-alpha-N1 in a patient with

hepatitis C. PMID: 10836860

2000 - Electroporation involves the application of

pulsed electric fields,

which causes a temporary but significant increase

in the permeability of

human cells. This enables genes to enter cells, a

key element for

successful gene therapy treatment. skin may be the

preferred target tissue

for gene delivery using electroporation,

especially for DNA vaccine

applications. http://www.genetronics.com DENVER,

June 9 /00 PRNewswire

2000 - Hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with

HCV - Screening remains the

only realistic approach for improving the

treatment of HCC patients, but its

cost-effectiveness is uncertain. PMID: 10890325

2000 - Intermittent administration of IFN

suppressed tumor recurrence after

treatment with surgery or ethanol injection in

patients with HCV-related

chronic liver disease. PMID: 10915728

2000 - Inverse Genomics - Uses a library of

randomized, hairpin-shaped

ribozymes to enhance its ability to sift through

the entire human genome and

rapidly isolate those genes that are potentially

useful as drug targets.

This approach addresses the problem of drug target

identification from the

opposite direction of traditional discovery

programs. " Inverse genomics is a

powerful technology that will take full advantage

of the information

explosion of the Human Genome Revolution. Media:

Immusol Identifies for the

First Time Human Cellular Genes Required For

Hepatitis C Virus Protein

Synthesis: Proprietary Technology Leads to

Potential Therapeutic Targets for

Hepatitis C 07/18/2000 17:54 EDT




1938 - Yellow fever vaccination with cultured

virus (17D) without immune

serum. Am. J. Trop. Med. 18: 437-468.

1947 - Rockefeller Manufactures 28 Million Doses

of the 1938 and 1942

[Yellow Fever/HBV] vaccine, by this date.



1999 - Unlicensed vaccines and bioweapon defense

in World War II. PMID:


1945-1953 - MS in Veterans - using an unusually

large cohort of MS cases and

pre-illness matched controls comprising US

veterans of World War II (WWII)

and the Korean Conflict (KC). 1997 PMID: 9008519

1975 - Hepatitis B " immune " globulin:

effectiveness in prevention of

dialysis-associated hepatitis. PMID: 1101066

1997 - Acute Myelitis after hepatitis B

vaccination. We report a case of

myelitis after plasma-derived hepatitis B

vaccination. PMID: 9250923

1997 - Musculoskeletal symptoms may occur

following various types of

immunization, and it has also been suggested that,

like infection,

immunization may act as a trigger for rheumatoid

arthritis (RA). In a small

number of susceptible individuals, immunization

may thus act as a trigger

for RA. PMID: 9133970

1986 - Since no untoward reactions were noted, it

is concluded that

hepatitis B and yellow fever vaccines can be

administered at the same time.

PMID: 2943870

1987 - A serologic follow-up of the 1942 epidemic

of post-vaccination

hepatitis in the United States Army. This outbreak

was linked to specific

lots of yellow-fever vaccine stabilized with human

serum. We conclude that

hepatitis B caused the outbreak, that about

330,000 persons may have been

infected, that the hepatitis B virus carrier state

was a rare consequence,

and that the outbreak induced hepatitis B

antibodies that appear to persist

for life. PMID: 2436048

1996 - It is hoped that universal childhood

immunisation will allow control

of HBV infections in China within a few

generations. PMID: 8786051

1996 - Complex (HBV) epidemiology makes it

difficult to evaluate and compare

effectiveness of different immunization policies.

PMID: 8626006

1996 - DDBT - Rhogam/Anti-D - The genetic basis of

a new partial D antigen:

DDBT. PMID: 8652401

1996 - SV40-Contaminated Polio Vaccines - SV40

early region and large T

antigen in human brain tumors, peripheral blood

cells, and sperm fluids from

healthy individuals. 61 % of the neoplastic

patients positive for SV40

sequences had an age excluding exposure to

SV40-contaminated polio vaccines,

suggesting a contagious transmission of SV40. The

possible role of SV40 Tag

in the etiopathogenesis of human brain tumors and

the spread of SV40 by

horizontal infection in the human population are

discussed. PMID: 8841004

1999 - When needed, the simultaneous

administration of the IRIV-HAV and YFV

[Yellow Fever] is immunogenic, safe and

well-tolerated, as volunteers

seroconverted to both antigens, with no

cross-interference. PMID: 10575170

1999 - Benefits and risks due to animal serum used

in cell culture

production. The use of contaminated cells for

vaccine production may result

in contaminated vaccines, which may lead to

seroconversion or disease in the

vaccinated animal. Contaminated serum or cell

cultures may also interfere

with the diagnosis of viral infections. PMID:


1999 - Attempts to prepare effective vaccines

against HCV are foiled by lack

of prolonged protective immunity. Plasmid vaccines

and the use of

uninfectious virus-like particles are being

developed. HCV induces a

cellular humoral immune response, but this is

inadequate to clear the virus

and the disease becomes chronic. PMID: 10760028

1999 - Immunization via hair follicles by topical

application of naked DNA

to normal skin. Topical application of plasmid

expression vectors for lacZ

and the hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) to

intact skin induced

antigen-specific immune responses that displayed

TH2 features. Finally,

topical gene transfer was dependent on the

presence of normal hair

follicles. PMID: 10471927

1999 - DNA based immunization is a promising

antiviral approach for the

development of therapeutic and prophylactic

vaccine against HBV and HCV.

PMID: 10516466

1999 - Nov - Persons with chronic liver disease

who have never had hepatitis

A should be vaccinated, as there is a higher rate

of fulminant (rapid onset

of liver failure, often leading to death)

hepatitis A among persons with

chronic liver disease. Persons who are either

awaiting or have received

liver transplants also should be vaccinated.

(Source:MMWR;Prevention of

Hepatitis A Through Active or Passive Immunization

pages, 8, 22)



1999 - Nov - The cost per dose [$31] of the

school-based program was

significantly less than that of the network

HMO-based program, because in

the school program government-purchased vaccine

was available at a lower

cost and parents did not incur work-loss costs.

This cost-effectiveness

ratio remained stable when the model was simulated

with costs that were

underestimated or overestimated by 20%. In the

network HMO, the direct cost

per dose was $68 and the societal cost was $118

PMID: 10553395

2000 - DNA-based immunization is a promising

antiviral strategy to prevent

or treat persistent viral infections. PMID:



1999 - When needed, the simultaneous

administration of the IRIV-HAV

[hepatitis A] and YFV [Yellow Fever Vaccine] is

immunogenic, safe and

well-tolerated, as volunteers seroconverted to

both antigens, with no

cross-interference. PMID: 10575170


2000 - As no specific treatment is available,

greatest emphasis is placed on

prevention through immunization. PMID: 10835954

1997 - The MHC class II allele DRB1* 1301-02 is

associated with protection

from chronic hepatitis B in Caucasian patients.

PMID: 9075656

1999 - The HAV vaccine is equally efficacious in

patients with chronic HBV

infection. PMID: 10571600

1999 - Hepatitis B vaccination in patients with

chronic hepatitis C.

Hepatitis B vaccination is safe and immunogenic in

patients with chronic

hepatitis C. It did not significantly affect their

levels of HCV RNA, but

tended to lower ALT levels. PMID: 10534727

1999 - Multiple sclerosis and vaccination against

hepatitis B: analysis of

risk benefit profile. Since 1994, the hypothesis

of a potential causal

relationship between vaccination against hepatitis

B and multiple sclerosis

(and other demyelinating diseases) was brought to

the attention of the

French health authority, and to public debate.

PMID: 10470598

1998 - France became the first country to end

hepatitis B vaccination

requirements for schoolchildren after reports of

chronic arthritis, symptoms

resembling multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune

and neurological

dysfunction following hepatitis B vaccination

became so numerous that the

Health Minister of France suspended the school


http://www.909shot.com SOURCE: National Vaccine

Information Center.

1999 - Anti-hepatitis B vaccination: after the

health authorities' decision.

In 1991, the WHO proposed that the antihepatitis B

vaccine be included in

national vaccination programs. In France, it was

decided in 1994 to move on

from a selective immunization scheme aimed at

high-risk subjects to a

general vaccination policy aimed first at

adolescents in school and secondly

infants. During this period, several cases of

demyelinizing diseases after

vaccination led to court actions and were

magnified in the popular press,

interfering with this new vaccination policy.

These events lead us to raise

a certain number of questions concerning the use

of the public press in the

management of health information, the notion of

medical responsibility, and

the rationality of political decisions in public

health. PMID: 10554613

1999 - France - Lumbosacral acute demyelinating

polyneuropathy following

hepatitis B vaccination. PMID: 10520897

1999 - Currently in the U.S., public health

officials in 35 states require

children to get 3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine or

be denied entry to school.

http://www.909shot.com SOURCE: National Vaccine

Information Center.

1999 - From the Centers for Disease Control and

Prevention. Availability of

hepatitis B vaccine that does not contain

thimerosal as a preservative.

PMID: 10517412

1999 - Encephalitis after hepatitis B vaccination:

recurrent disseminated

encephalitis or MS? The persistent inflammatory

activity observed

clinically and on MRI in these patients is

comparable with that usually

observed in MS. Epidemiologic studies are

currently testing the hypothesis

of a triggering role of hepatitis B vaccination in

CNS demyelination. PMID:


1999 - Lichen planus following hepatitis B

vaccination. PMID: 10561062

1999 - Rheumatic disorders developed after

hepatitis B vaccination.

Hepatitis B vaccine might be followed by various

rheumatic conditions and

might trigger the onset of underlying inflammatory

or autoimmune rheumatic

diseases. PMID: 10534549

1993 - Although only 1-3% of acute (HBV)

infections [uS] occur in children

under 5 years of age, they account for 20-30% of

all chronic infections.

PMID: 8314488

HBV - Interestingly, the percent of serum HBV DNA+

in the individuals with

anti-HBc+ only was markedly higher than that in

the subjects with

anti-HBc+/anti-HBs+ suggesting that anti-HBs

[surface antibodies] may play a

role in the inhibition of HBV replication and

clearance of HBV virion from

blood. PMID: 1587559

HBx and Adenovirus - Cre/loxP recombination

system. The HBx protein of

hepatitis B virus is a multifunctional protein

that is implicated in the

pathogenesis of hepatocellular carcinoma by

regulating gene transcription,

causing cell proliferation and, as shown recently,

inducing cell death. The

significance of HBx-induced apoptosis in natural

infection is unclear, but

it may contribute to the development of hepatitis

and serve to spread

progeny virus to neighbouring cells while evading

the host immune responses.

PMID: 10567659

1996 - Immune response of immunocompromised

children with malignancies to a

recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. Our results

indicated that

immunocompromised children undergoing chemotherapy

(although less responsive

than children in complete remission and off

treatment) still preserved their

potential to produce protective titers of

anti-HBs. On this basis we

recommend (1) HB vaccination after diagnosis of

malignancy in pediatric

patients whenever a high prevalence of HB

infection exists and (2)

vaccination of patients of therapy and in complete

remission. PMID: 10897814

1997- Dec - Development of replicative and

nonreplicative hepatitis B virus

vectors. To investigate the possibility of using

hepatitis B virus (HBV) as

a vector, the tat gene from human immunodeficiency

virus type 1 (HIV-1) was

inserted into the full-length HBV genome in-frame

with the polymerase (pol)

open reading frame in the tether region and

downstream of the preS1

promoter. These studies indicate the potential of

constructing HBV as a

replicative vector. We also showed that

manipulation of a nonreplicative HBV

vector was possible. PMID: 9472557

1999 - Our host vector system may be used to clear

out the HBV from the HBV

carrier or chronic hepatitis B patients by

introducing a genetically

engineered HBV into these patients. PMID: 10462508

1999 - Immunisation of patients with systemic

lupus erythematosus: The

safety of hepatitis B vaccination in patients with

SLE is as yet

undetermined and a prospective study is required.

PMID: 10483025

2000 - Recombinant polioviruses expressing

hepatitis B virus-specific

cytotoxic T-lymphocyte epitopes. PMID: 10812231

1998 - Merck and Company earns $900 Million in HBV

Vaccine sales. Merck's

Hepatitis B vaccine is the first in the country to

use recombinant DNA



1999 - Hepatitis B vaccine. (HBV) infection is a

health problem that affects

numerous infants and children in the United

States. Approximately 4000 to

6000 new infections occur each year in children

and adolescents; most often

they become infected without obvious clinical

manifestations. Some persons

become chronically infected, and this asymptomatic

chronically infected

population serves as a reservoir for HBV.

Immunization of all newborn

infants and adolescents for HBV is a vital step

toward eradicating HBV from

the general population. Pediatric nurse

practitioners are in a strategic

position to provide education and the carry out

immunization efforts that

will dramatically decrease the morbidity

associated with HBV. PMID: 10776195

1999 - Immunogenicity and reactogenicity of two

recombinant hepatitis B

vaccines in healthy adolescents on two-dose

schedule. This is an open,

randomized study to compare the immunogenicity and

reactogenicity of two

recombinant (HBV) vaccines. The HBV-NF is a new

formulation with a new

adjuvant phenoxyethanol which replaced the

conventional adjuvant of a

commercially available recombinant HBV vaccine

(Engerix-B). The incidences

of local and general adverse reactions were from

3% to 7% without

significant difference between the two vaccines

and the reactions were all

mild and tolerable. PMID: 10910606

2000 - Obligatory vaccination of the risk

population against virus B remains

the only prevention against this severe disease.

PMID: 10895548

2000 - The first episode of central nervous system

demyelinization and

hepatitis B virus vaccination. PMID: 10740095

2000 - HLA class II genotypes -

DRB1*0701-DQA1*0201-DQB1*02 haplotype is

associated with both chronic infection [HCV] and

response to

alpha-interferon. Interestingly, the same

haplotype is reportedly associated

with non-response to hepatitis B vaccination.

PMID: 10902974


1999 - Hepatitis B vaccination is safe and

immunogenic in patients with

chronic hepatitis C. It did not significantly

affect their levels of HCV

RNA, but tended to lower ALT levels. PMID:


1995 - HCV core vaccine by excluding promiscuous

core © gene variability

as a mechanism of vaccine failure. PMID: 8745315

1998 - The variability of HCV virus has major

implications for the design of

new vaccines strategies since there is no

cross-protection between different

HCV types. PMID: 9559154

1998 - A subunit vaccine composed of recombinant

HCV proteins may protect

from infection or chronic infection by different

HCV genotypes. PMID:


1998 - Defective adenoviruses as novel vaccines

for the Flaviviridae.

Vaccines against many flaviviruses, such as

Japanese encephalitis virus

(JEV), yellow fever virus (YFV) and tick-borne

encephalitis virus (TBEV),

have been successfully used for many years. Other

diseases such as dengue

fever (DF) and hepatitis C are still major public

health problems as no

licensed vaccines are in use. PMID: 9741645

1998 - A human liver cell line exhibits efficient

translation of HCV RNAs

produced by a recombinant adenovirus expressing T7

RNA polymerase. We

constructed a replication-deficient recombinant

adenovirus. PMID: 9770428

1999 - The results suggested that vaccination with

HCV-core derived DNA

sequences could be an effective method to induce

humoral and cellular immune

responses to HCV. PMID: 10462252

1999 - The development of an effective vaccine to

HCV is presently

encumbered by the presence of multiple viral

genomic subtypes and the high

rate of spontaneous viral mutation leading to

limited efficacy of

neutralizing antibodies. PMID: 10758707

2000 - DNA vaccination was employed to study

immune responses to (HCV)

proteins. The combination of naked DNA with a

nonreplicating canarypox

booster encoding HCV polycistronic pRC/C-NS3 genes

appears to diversify and

enhance T cell responses to HCV proteins. PMID:


2000 - Evaluation of Hepatitis C Virus

Glycoprotein E2 for Vaccine Design:

an Endoplasmic Reticulum-Retained Recombinant

Protein Is Superior to

Secreted Recombinant Protein and DNA-Based Vaccine

Candidates. To elicit

antibodies aimed at blocking HCV binding to CD81

on human cells, the antigen

of choice is a mammalian cell-expressed, monomeric

E2 protein purified from

the intracellular fraction. PMID: 10888628

2000 - Infectious clones of HCV RNA are available.

These clones and other

systems for expressing HCV proteins pave the way

for vaccine development.

PMID: 10895432



Most patients with persistently normal ALT serum

levels have very mild

chronic hepatitis. However, healthy

anti-HCV-positive subjects exist. In

patients with HCV-related chronic hepatitis

associated with persistently

normal ALT levels, the grade of disease activity

does not increase over

years and progression to cirrhosis is slow or

absent. PMID: 10734027

Nosocomial transmission has been unequivocally

confirmed and underscores the

need for strict infection control practices. PMID:


Studies suggested there was a group of disease,

which we called the

hyperreactive auto-allergic disorders, of which

examples were to be found in

every system. The obverse of these we called the


immunologically deficient disorders resulting from

defects of the cell or

serum components of the immunological reactions,

of which many examples have

also been found. PMID: 1729733

1979 - Evolution of viral diseases. Biological

characteristics of viruses

determine their distribution in men and animals as

well as their means of

surviving or persisting. Taking measles as an

example, we show that we are

dealing with a recent phenomenon in evolution--as

opposed, for instance, to

those infections due to arboviruses (eg yellow

fever) common in tropical

regions. Survival rates are lower for highly

virulent viruses (myxomatosis).

Antigenmodification (influenza) or latency (herpes

virus infections) allow

the virus repeatedly to escape the body's immune

system. The distribution

and clinical appearance of the infections are

influenced by environmental

and particularly iatrogenic* impact. Complete

extirpation of infections will

not be possible, only their manifestations will

undergo continuous change.

PMID: 93241



1999 - Three ER- resident molecular chaperones,

BiP, calnexin (CNX), and

calreticulin (CRT), in Sendai virus-infected HeLa

cells. Newly synthesized F

protein undergoes rapid maturation in the ER

through a transient interaction

with CNX, whereas HN protein requires more complex

processes involving

prolonged association with BiP, CNX, and CRT for

its quality control in the

ER. PMID: 10578061

1999 - HBV - M [Middle] envelope protein needs the

assistance of the

chaperone calnexin for proper folding and

trafficking. PMID: 10223333

1998 - The role of chaperone proteins in the

assembly of envelope proteins

of hepatitis C virus. Formation of the viral

envelope is an important step

in the morphogenesis of enveloped viruses. Our

data on the formation of

(HCV) envelope indicate that endoplasmic reticulum

(ER) chaperones play a

role in the assembly of HCV envelope proteins (E1

and E2). We have shown

that these glycoproteins interact with BiP,

calreticulin and calnexin.

However, among these chaperones, only calnexin is

involved in the productive

assembly of E1E2 complex. The other two chaperones

interact with misfolded

aggregates containing E1 and E2. Folding of HCV

glycoproteins occurs in the

context of intermediate complexes involving E1, E2

and calnexin. As soon as

E1E2 heterodimers are properly folded, they

separate fr om calnexin but

don't leave the ER compartment. PMID: 10100398

2000 - HBV Polymerase Interacts Independently with

N-Terminal and C-Terminal

Fragments of Hsp90beta. Hsp90 is an abundant

chaperone protein that assists

the folding of specific proteins, such as steroid

receptors, protein

kinases, and so on, for their proper function. TP

and RT domains of HBV

polymerase have been also shown to be associated

with Hsp90. Therefore, the

identification of the binding sites within Hsp90,

responsible for forming

Hsp90/HBV Pol complex, is important for the

understanding of HBV

replication. we showed that HBV pol independently

interacts with N-terminal

and C-terminal fragments, but not the middle

fragment (327-438) of Hsp90.

PMID: 10903919



1942 - Virus hepatitis, an overview. It has now

been known for 40 years that

the particular liver disease which has been called

" icterus catarrhalis " in

former times is being caused by virus infection.

Before that, Virchow's

thesis ( " occlusion of the papilla by mucus " ), and

later on Eppinger's thesis

( " serous hepatitis due to intoxication by

unidentified protein break-down

products " ) were held to be true. Only after liver

biopsy was introduced

became it known that this particular disease is in

fact an inflammatory

process. Since neither bacteria nor protozoa could

be found, it had to be

assumed that viruses were the positive agents. It

then took another 30 years

until two viruses causing hepatitis (A and B)

could be identified. The most

important steps in this process of identification

were: (1) proof of the

oral and parental route of infection by Voegt in

Germany and by American

authors (following yellow fever vaccination in the

US Army); (2) detection

of the Australia (HBS) antigen by Blumberg; and

(3) transfer of the

infectious disease to monkeys. 1980. PMID: 7432072

1969 - The original hemorrhagic fever: yellow

fever. PMID: 4981419

2000 - In a very preliminary study, a team of

French scientists has shown

that mosquito cells can bind and replicate the

hepatitis C virus. Dr.

Dominique Debriel of Hospital Pasteur in Paris.

Study Raises Question: Can

Mosquitoes Transmit Hepatitis C? June 1, 2000. LOS

ANGELES (Reuters Health).

1992 - Studies of the immunological disorders.

While investigating serum

hepatitis affecting soldiers of the US army

following the administration of

yellow fever vaccine [1942], an antigen similar to

that later called the

Australia antigen, now hepatitis B surface

antigen, was found in the acute

phase serum and the corresponding antibody was

found in convalescence. This

finding and subsequent studies suggested there was

a group of disease, which

we called the hyperreactive auto-allergic

disorders, of which examples were

to be found in every system. The obverse of these

we called the hyporeactive

immunologically deficient disorders resulting from

defects of the cell or

serum components of the immunological reactions,

of which many examples have

also been found. PMID: 1729733

1942 - Kenney JA. - An open letter to the American

Red Cross. 1942. J Natl

Med Assoc. PMID: 9583971

1942~1970 - In previous decades, infants who

received blood transfusions

shortly after birth or in utero might have been

infected at a particularly

vulnerable age by some blood-borne oncogenic

virus. Transfused between 1942

and 1970, in most cases for the prevention or

treatment of haemolytic

disease of the newborn. The incidence of

non-Hodgkin's lymphoma at 15 to 49

years of age was about twice that expected, but

the excess was not

statistically significant. 1994. PMID: 8050819

1969~1974 - VA - Anicteric hepatitis [HCV] has

developed four times [400%]

more frequently than icteric [HBV] hepatitis, the

total incidence for all 6

years being 11.3%. Declined dramatically after

1973 with the institution of

routine screening of donor blood by

radioimmunoassay techniques, although no

change in the incidence of antigen-negative

hepatitis has occurred. There is

indirect evidence to suggest that an undefined

agent is responsible for the

majority of instances of post-transfusion

hepatitis occurring presently.

PMID: 1235478

1970 - NSDM#34 - Special Virus Program - With

respect to the development of

the HIV enzyme, Dr. Gallo (and others) isolated a

" human " RNA-Dependent DNA

Polymerase in the Special Virus program in

accordance with a primate

inoculation program conducted by Dr. A.

Manaker and Dr. A.

Kotin. " STATE ORIGIN: The Evidence of the

Laboratory Birth of AIDS " by:

Boyd E. Graves., BS, JD, Director-AIDS CONCERNS

1978-1981 - Grants, 1918-1988. Rockefeller.

American Liver Foundation,




1981 - It is well known that radiation can cause

myeloid leukemia. However,

no excess of chronic lymphocytic leukemia has been

observed. Myelomatosis,

like chronic lymphocytic leukemia, is a tumor of B

lymphocytes. The largest

relative risk appeared among persons receiving

internal doses of

alpha-particles [thorotrast], but a significant

excess was also found in

patients receiving only therapeutic or diagnostic

gamma-rays or x-rays. Most

cases occurred 15 to 25 years after exposure.

PMID: 7442744

1990~1991 - Human viral haemorrhagic fevers and

African swine fever similar

pathogenic mechanisms. An Vet Murcia

1990-91;6-7:107-14. (Spa).

1991-1994 - VA Facilities - This represents an

increase of more than 285%

during the 4-year period. Increases in HCV

antibody for the same period were

seen in all major regions of the United States and

in the specified large

metropolitan areas. 1997. PMID: 9358714

2000 - In the United States of America (1991), in

Canada (1998), in the UK

(1993, 1994) and in Germany (1999) recommendations

have been published

concerning performance of " exposure-prone

procedures " (EPP) by persons

infected with Hepatitis-B virus (HBV), Hepatitis-C

virus (HCV) or HIV. PMID:


1997 - The present veteran population is estimated

at 25.6 [26] million, as

of July 1, 1997.


1998 - Anti-hepatitis push raises ethical issues.

PMID: 10187704

1999 - Because the activity of Rockefeller

philanthropy is so vast that

almost every day we receive inquiries about

aspects of the collections that

were previously unknown to us.



2000 - Electric razors as a potential vector for

viral hepatitis. PMID:


2000 - Multidose vial transmits HCV. PMID:


2000 - Although screening of blood donors for

anti-HCV and improvements in

infection control have significantly decreased the

exposure to HCV, it is

believed that HCV is still spreading in some areas

of Asia because of the

lack of routine screening of donated blood,

injecting drug usage,

traditional medicine practices or medical

treatment under suboptimal

hygienic conditions that involve blood

contamination, and tattooing. PMID:


2000 - Sweden - Continued transmission of

hepatitis B and C viruses, but no

transmission of human immunodeficiency virus among

intravenous drug users

participating in a syringe/needle exchange

program. PMID: 10879594

2000 - Two Successive Hepatitis C Virus Infections

in an Intravenous Drug

User. PMID: 10921996

2000 - First Hepatitis-C Center in Northeast

Region Established By

Rockefeller University, New York-Presbyterian, and

Weill Cornell.



2000 - U.S. Surgeon General introduces Hepatitis C

education campaign. July

27, 2000.




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